U-5 Game Variations

U-5 Game Variations
Dribble ball in from where it went out of play.
Place ball at different points on the field. Player with possession behind ball and opponent 5yds away. Decrease space to 2-3 yds of
separation, as they get better.
(NOTE: 1st half roll ball with hands, 2nd half – pass with feet)
1) Roll ball to offensive player at different points on field (not always in middle).
2) Roll ball near player, but not to their feet.
Warm-up game (5-10 min): Secret Number: Form two teams and give each player from each team a number (e.g., 1 thru 4. Place each team on
separate sidelines (10 yds in a row). Coaches are both standing beside the goal with all of the balls. A coach will pass the ball in between the players
while calling out a number. Players with that number will try to get the ball and dribble towards the coach and score a goal.
GAME Variations
1) Pass ball behind player.
2) Have player turn around with back to ball. Call for them to turn around while you’re passing the ball to them. Don’t always pass it to their
feet; vary the location of the pass.
Warm-up Game (5-10 min): 1v1 Wars – Form two lines, one on each side of the goal. Coach will pass ball out of goal area and one player from
each line will run after the ball. The players will try to bring the ball back and score on the goal. After each player has participated and understands,
add 2nd ball. Pass one ball, while two players are competing for that ball, pass a second ball in the opposite direction for two more players to try and
GAME Variations
1) Pass ball to touch line, have them stop it (sole trap i.e. parking brake) then dribble (turn) to their goal.
2) Bouncing ball near player (throw ball in with hands).
Warm-up Game (5-10 min): Balls Galore: Place all balls in center of field with players standing by their teams goal. One player for each team run
to balls, pull them back and dribble to their goal. First player to place all balls in their goal wins. Variation: After everyone has done it at least once,
have them do it in pairs or trios.
GAME Variations
1) Have players run to a target (goal, sideline, empty chair, etc.) and back. Pass them the ball while they are moving. The opposing player will
touch a different target then try to recover and steal the ball.
2) Have players close their eyes. Call for them to open their eyes when you pass the ball.
Warm-up Game (5-10 min): Sharks and Minnows: (1 shark – player) without ball; all others have a ball and dribble inside the game field while
trying to keep the shark from kicking their ball outside the game area. If ball goes outside area have player get their ball and re-enter. After they have
played for a while change sharks. Variation: When ball goes out of bounds, they become a shark also (multiple sharks).
GAME Variations
1) Defensive player kicks to offensive player to start play. Have them try to get the ball back while the offensive player tries to score.
2) Roll ball to player, they should fake (exaggerated move), cut, then turn the ball away from the opposing player.
Warm-up Game (5-10 min): Space Invaders – Have all players in line up on a goal line with their ball. Upon coaches command have them dribble
to the other line while the coach (in middle of field) tries to kick their ball away. Encourage them to dribble around you while staying in bounds. If
you kick the player’s ball away, then they join the coach (holding hands) while the players line up and start again from the opposite side line. Each
time you knock a ball out of play those players will join the coach (holding hands) forming a human chain.
GAME Variations
1) Draw – Both players stand by the ball. When coach says draw they both use the sole of their foot to pull the ball back, turn and dribble
towards their goal.
2) Place on corner and have players pull back with sole of their foot from out of bounds. Stagger distance or time for when the opponent can
pressure the ball.
3) Players stand together in middle of field or sideline and compete for different type of served ball .