CSI 662 / PHYS 660 Spring 2012 Introduction to Space Weather Homework Assignment - Solution Homework assignment #3 Assignment Date: Feb. 16, 2012 Due Date: Feb. 23, 2012 1. Plasma β. (1) What is the definition of plasma β? You need to write down the formula, and explain the terms. (2) Calculate the β value for solar photosphere? (3) Calculate the β value for solar corona? (4) Calculate the β value for the solar wind in the near-Earth space? (5) Discuss how the plasma β change from the photosphere, to corona, and into the solar wind? What are the implications of the plasma β on the physical properties in these regions? Note: To find the characteristic values of density, temperature and magnetic field in these regions, you are free to use any resources, e.g., books, papers and online resources? Answer: (1) Pg PB where Pg is the plasma gas pressure (nKT) due to the thermal effect, and PB is the plasma magnetic pressure ( B2 B2 in SI unit, and in CGS unit). 2 0 8 Plasma β indicates the relative importance between the gas thermal pressure and the magnetic pressure in determining the dynamics and magnetic structure of a plasma. In a high-β regime, the thermal pressure dominates. The behavior of the plasma is mainly determined by the thermal pressure, for instance, in the solar wind and in the convection zone of the sun. The magnetic field just passively follows the velocity field, because of the frozen-in effect. On the other hand, in a low-β regime, the magnetic pressure dominates. The magnetic structure controls the flow of plasma, which are limited to only along magnetic field lines, for instance, in the corona and in the magnetosphere. (2) In the photosphere, in particular, in a sunspot, the parameters can be chosen as n 1019 cm -3 10 25 m -3 T 6000 K B 3000 G 3 10 -1 T (since 1 T 10 4 Gauss, or 1 G 10 -4 T) Using SI or MKS unit nkT (10 25 ) 1.38 10 23 6000 2 23.1 PB B (3 10 1 ) 2 2 0 2 (4 10 7 ) Pg (3) In the corona, the parameters can be chosen as n 10 9 cm -3 1015 m -3 T 10 6 K B 100 G 1 10 -2 T Pg PB nkT (1015 ) 1.38 10 23 10 6 3.47 10 -4 2 2 2 B (1 10 ) 2 0 2 (4 10 7 ) (4) in the solar wind in the near-Earth space, the parameters can be chosen as n 1 cm -3 10 6 m -3 T 10 5 K B 10 -5 G 10 -9 T Pg PB nkT (10 6 ) 1.38 10 23 10 5 3.47 B2 (1 10 9 ) 2 2 0 2 (4 10 7 ) (5) Apparently, the plasma β undergoes a dramatic change, from a large value in the photosphere (thanks to the large density), to an extremely small value in the corona (thanks to the low density), and return to a large value in the solar wind (thanks to the extremely low magnetic field). Therefore, plasma flows, driven by the thermal pressure, dominates the magnetic behavior in the photosphere and solar wind. On the other hand, the magnetic field structure determines the behavior of the corona, which explains why the corona has highly distinct features from one region to the other region. 2. Plasma properties. In a solar active region, the characteristic values are of temperature T=3 x 106 K, density n = 1015 m-3, magnetic field B = 1000 Gauss, length scale L=104 km, velocity V = 10 km/s (1) Calculate the thermal energy density in the active region? (2) Calculate the magnetic energy density in the active region? (3) Calculate the diffusivity in the active region? Then calculate the electric conductivity? (4) Calculate the magnetic Reynolds number? (5) Calculate the diffusive time in the active region? Note: The magnetic diffusivity η of plasma can be calculated by the following formula: 1/ 2 c 2 e 2 me (kT ) 3 / 2 ln 3/ 2 3(2 ) 0 1 ln 22.8 ln T ln n 2 Answer: (1) 3 2 3 th 1015 1.38 10 23 3 10 6 6.21 10 2 J m -3 2 th nkT (2) B2 B 2 0 (1000 10 4 ) 2 B 3.98 10 3 J m -3 7 2 (4 10 ) Therefore, in the corona, the magnetic energy density is much higher than the thermal energy density (3) 1 ln 22.8 ln T ln n 2 1 ln 22.8 ln( 3 10 6 ) ln( 1015 ) 20.44 2 1 / 2 c 2 e 2 me (kT ) 3 / 2 ln 3(2 ) 3 / 2 0 (3.0 108 ) 2 (1.602 10 19 ) 2 (9.109 10 31 )1 / 2 3 (2 3.14) 3 / 2 8.854 10 12 (1.38110 23 3 10 6 ) 3 / 2 20.44 0.404 m 2 s -1 1 0 :the relationsh ip between diffisivit y and conductivt y 1 0 1 4 10 0.404 7 1.97 10 6 Siemens m -1 (4) Magnetic Reynolds Number Rm UL (10 10 3 ) (10 4 10 3 ) 2.475 1011 0.404 This numer is dimensionl ess Rm (4) Magnetic Diffusion Time L2 (10 4 10 3 ) 2 2.475 1014 second 0.404 7.85 10 6 yrs, or about eight millions years Therefore, the nature dissipatio n of active region magnetic field through t he process of classical diffusivit y is extremely large. Flare must be caused by some non - classical process