EPD General Permit Brochure - Mississippi Department of

The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) recognized certain types
of activities that consistently resulted in the issuance of similar environmental permits.
Therefore, the Mississippi Environmental Quality Permit Board issued a series of State
Wide General Permits, each of which address environmental concerns for specific types
of businesses or business operations. Thus providing a simplified application and
permitting process for coverage under the applicable General Permit. This brochure
provides a discussion of each type of General Permit currently available through the
Storm Water General Permits
Small Construction General Permit
The Small Construction General Permit applies to the discharge of storm water from
construction operations involving the disturbance of one (1) acre or more but less than
five (5) acres of soils. This acreage amount includes the total land area disturbed over the
full length of the project. Routine maintenance conducted to maintain the original line
and grade of existing access roads, ditches, and channels do not require coverage under a
storm water permit. The Small Construction Notice of Intent (SCNOI) is the form used
to apply for coverage under the State Wide General Permit. Upon completing this form
and the required Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), the business does not
have to submit the forms to MDEQ but must retain the SCNOI and the SWPPP at the
business site. The business must be able to produce the forms upon demand by
Construction General Permit
The Construction General Permit, also known as the Large Construction General Permit,
applies to the discharge of storm water from construction operations involving the
disturbance of five (5) acres or more of soils. The clearing, grading and/or excavation of
lands is included in this General Permit and the acreage amount includes the total land
area disturbed over the full length of the project. The Construction Notice of Intent
(CNOI) is the form used to apply for coverage under the State Wide General Permit. The
CNOI and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan must be submitted to the MDEQ at
least thirty (30) days prior to beginning construction activities. MDEQ staff will
review the submitted information, determine if the technical requirements for coverage
issuance have been met and make a decision regarding the issuance of the coverage. The
business can not begin the construction activity until they have received written
approval for their request from of MDEQ.
Baseline General Permit
The Baseline General Permit applies to the discharge of storm water associated with
certain industrial business operations not addressed by any other storm water discharge
permit but are subject to the applicable regulations. Industrial business operations
include but are not limited to paper products, vehicle maintenance and fueling, furniture
and fixture manufacturing and farm product warehousing (see the Baseline General
Permit for a detailed description of activities covered). The Baseline Notice of Intent
(BNOI) is the form used to apply for coverage under the State Wide General Permit. The
BNOI and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan must be submitted at least sixty (60)
days prior to beginning the proposed business/industrial operations. Storm water
from the business/industrial operations cannot be released from the property until the
business has received written notification from the MDEQ.
Mining General Permit
The Mining General Permit applies to the discharge of storm water from surface mining
operations permitted by the Office of Geology. The Mining Notice of Intent (MNOI) is
the form used to apply for coverage under this general permit. The MNOI and Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Plan must be submitted thirty (30) days prior to beginning
mining operations. The coverage will only be issued after the Mississippi
Environmental Quality Permit Board has issued the surface mining permit. For more
information regarding a surface mining permit, please contact Ken McCarley of the
Office of Geology, Mining and Reclamation Division, at 601-961-5515.
Land Disposal General Permit
The Land Disposal General Permit applies to the discharge of non-contact storm water
from waste disposal operations that receive waste from industrial business operations.
Non-contact storm water is storm water that has not touched or come into contact with
waste or materials that may contaminate the storm water in any way, shape or form. The
Land Disposal Notice of Intent (LNOI) is the form used to apply for coverage under this
general permit. The LNOI and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan must be submitted
sixty (60) days prior to beginning waste disposal operations. Normally, the LNOI is
submitted with the solid waste disposal facility application.
Wood Treater General Permit
The Wood Treater General Permit applies to the discharge of storm water from
businesses engaged in the preservative treatment of lumber using chemicals such as CCA
(chromated copper arsenate). The Wood Treater General Permit requires the testing of
storm water for certain chemical pollutants and sets a limit for those same chemical
pollutants. The Wood Treater Notice of Intent (WNOI) is the form used to apply for
coverage under the Wood Treater General Permit. The WNOI and Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan must be submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to beginning
treatment operations. Treatment operations cannot begin until the business has
received written approval from the MDEQ.
Wastewater General Permits
Underground Storage Tank Groundwater Remediation General Permit
The Underground Storage Tank Groundwater Remediation General Permit (USTGR
General Permit) applies to businesses that have confirmed groundwater contamination
resulting from leaking underground storage tanks. The USTGR General Permit allows
the discharge of treated groundwater to surface waters or to publicly owned treatment
works ( city waste water systems). The USTGR General Permit includes testing and
reporting requirements for pollutants associated with leaking underground storage tanks
and limits for those same pollutants. The Underground Storage Tank Groundwater
Remediation Notice of Intent (USTNOI) is the form used to apply for coverage under this
general permit. The USTNOI and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan should be
submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to beginning groundwater treatment. For
more information regarding the Underground Storage Tank program, please contact
Walter Huff of the Groundwater Assessment and Remediation Division at 601-961-5142
or Harry Wilson of the Service and Miscellaneous Industries Branch at 601-961-5190.
Hydrostatic Test General Permit
The Hydrostatic Test General Permit applies to the discharge of wastewater from new
and used pipelines, storage tanks and/or flowlines used for the transport of gas, oil or
other fuel types. Additionally, the Hydrostatic Test General Permit allows the discharge
of storm water associated with equipment construction, including but not limited to
pipelines and storage tanks. The Hydrostatic Test General Permit established a list of
pollutants that require sampling and testing and sets numerical limits for those same
pollutants. The Hydrostatic Test Notice of Intent (HTNOI) is the form used to apply for
coverage under the general permit. The HTNOI and Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to beginning hydrostatic testing.
Multimedia General Permits
Multimedia Ready-Mix Concrete Facility General Permit
The Ready-Mix Concrete Facility General Permit includes construction and operating
requirements for ready-mix concrete facilities related to air emissions, wastewater
discharges and storm water discharges associated with the production of ready-mix
concrete. The Ready-Mix Concrete Facility General Permit sets limits for air emissions,
wastewater discharge from mixer and truck washouts, equipment cleanup and chute rinse
off, and the discharge of non-contact storm water from the facility. The Ready-Mix
Concrete Facility Notice of Intent (RMCNOI) and all other required information must be
submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to beginning operations. Only ready-mix
concrete businesses defined as a true minor or synthetic minor source can apply for this
type of coverage.
Facility Multimedia Pollution Control General Permit for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities
The Facility Multimedia Pollution Control General Permit for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities
applies to hot mix asphalt plants, either drum or batch mixed. This general permit has
conditions and limitations for air emissions, storm water discharges from the industrial
activity and storm water discharges from construction activities disturbing five (5) acres
or more of land. The Hot Mix Asphalt Notice of Intent (HMANOI) and other required
information must be submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to beginning operations.
The hot mix plant must be considered a true minor or synthetic minor air emissions
source by the MDEQ to apply for coverage under this general permit.
Multimedia General Pollution Control Permit for Dry Litter Poultry Concentrated Animal
Feeding Operations
The Multimedia General Pollution Control Permit for Dry Litter Poultry Concentrated
Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) applies to the operation of an animal feeding
operation where animals, specifically poultry, will be stabled or confined and fed or
maintained for a total of forty-five (45) days or more in any twelve (12) month
timeframe. The General Permit establishes conditions and limitations for incinerator
operations, storm water discharges, poultry production areas, and land application areas.
The Notice of Intent form for this type of poultry operation and other associated
documents must be submitted at least forty five (45) days prior to beginning
Solid Waste Management General Permits
Class I Rubbish Disposal General Permit
The Class I Rubbish Disposal General Permit applies to operations that accept
construction and demolition debris, plastics, wood, metal, cardboard boxes, glass,
furniture, among other similar waste types for disposal by land filling. The Class I
Rubbish Disposal General Permits establishes the operating requirements for this type of
disposal operation. The Rubbish Disposal Application or Notice of Intent must be
submitted to and approved by the MDEQ prior to beginning any type of disposal
Class II Rubbish Disposal General Permit
The Class II Rubbish Disposal General Permit applies to operations that accept natural
vegetation such as tree limbs, stumps and leaves, as well as brick, mortar, concrete, stone
and asphalt for disposal by land filling. The Class II Rubbish Disposal General Permits
establishes the operating requirements for this type of disposal operation. The Rubbish
Disposal Application or Notice of Intent and all other required documents must be
submitted to and approved by the MDEQ prior to beginning any type of disposal
Transfer Station General Permit
The Transfer Station General Permit applies to businesses that manage the transfer of
waste from one vehicle to another vehicle, at a fixed location, for transportation to a
permitted disposal facility. This general permit establishes the operating requirements for
the transfer station, including both direct dump and tipping floor operations. The
application and all other required documents must be submitted to and approved by the
MDEQ prior to beginning any type of disposal operations.
Yard Waste and Rubbish Composting Facilities General Permit
The Yard Waste and Rubbish Composting Facilities General Permit applies to business
that accept yard waste and other non-odorous rubbish waste for composting operations.
A composting facility is defined as a business that produces compost, except for backyard
composting and normal farming operations. Compost is defined as a material that has
decomposed, biologically, and is beneficial to plant growth and is used as a soil
amendment or other similar additive. The composting general permit establishes the
construction and operating requirements for this type of solid waste management facility.
The application and all other required documents must be submitted to and approved by
the MDEQ prior to beginning any type of disposal operations.
The previous discussions of the many types of general permit established by the MDEQ
is only a brief and broad description of the intent of the general permit discussed. On a
case-by-case basis, the MDEQ may determine that an individual permit may be more
protective of human health and the environment. If the MDEQ does make that
determination, the business must apply for an individual permit.
If you have any questions regarding the applicability of a general permit discussed here to
your business, please contact Michelle Vinson at 601-961-5040 or by e-mail at
Michelle_Vinson@deq.state.ms.us or Jim Morris of the General Permits Branch at 601-9615151 or by e-mail at Jim_Morris@deq.state.ms.us.