LACES Knights and Ladies Contract 2012

LACES Knights and Ladies Contract 2012
Sponsor: Caprice Roberts
Administrative Advisor: Carol Lockett
We are the role models for the student body. By violating any of the below you betray the community oriented
goal for which you signed up for. All members of this club must adhere to this contract. There are no
exceptions. If you feel you cannot live up to the following expectations please withdraw from Knights and
Directions: Please review this document with your guardians. To indicate that you agree to the following,
please sign both copies and return the sponsor copy to Ms. Roberts during Nutrition or Lunch.
When a student is caught s/he is entitled to be heard and defended. If the evidence is conclusive that the rules
were broken intentionally, the following actions will be taken in accordance with the severity of the
First Violation: Suspension from one hall duty, paper pick-up, and a phone call home.
Second Violation: A parent conference and removal from the Knights and Ladies club for the rest
of the school year.
Contract Items:
I will follow all school wide policies regarding attendance.
I will never ditch any class, under any circumstances.
I will not be tardy to class.
I will leave class five minutes early ONLY when it my shift for hall duties. This will be allowed only the
module before lunch.
I will attend Knights and Ladies Homeroom meetings only after I have checked in with my Homeroom teacher
I will complete two shifts per semester.
In All Classrooms:
I will never engage in any unethical classroom behavior, as listed in the LACES Academic Integrity Policy
(cheating, plagiarism, copying, etc.)
I will always display proper classroom decorum that includes; no signs of defiance (“attitude”) towards the
teacher and a failure to follow the class rules or procedures.
I will not receive U’s in cooperation.
(Continued on back.)
Campus Wide:
I will all the campus wide rules itemized on the LACES Code of Conduct (dress code, electronics policy, drug
policy, the presence of an I. D. card, and the respecting of other, the school and personal property.)
I will not wander the halls and disrupt any club or class.
When I am duty I will wear my badge.
I will be supportive of the club officers.
I will never gossip or back stab.
I will never use my Knights and Ladies powers to show favoritism to friends.
I will maintain a 2.5 grade point average.
I will not fail any of my classes (a fail in any class will result in a temporary withdrawal from the club until the
grade rises).
Student Copy: LACES Knights and Ladies Contract 2012
I ________________________________ agree to follow all of the above items and receive all of the above
consequences in order to be an honorable member of the Knights and Ladies club.
Student’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________
I _______________________________ agree to help my son/daughter follow all of the above items and
understand all of the consequences that will occur if the above items are violated.
Guardian’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________
Sponsor Copy: LACES Knights and Ladies Contract 2012
HR: _____________
I ________________________________ agree to follow all of the above items and receive all of the above
consequences in order to be an honorable member of the Knights and Ladies club.
Student’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________________
I _______________________________ agree to help my son/daughter follow all of the above items and
understand all of the consequences that will occur if the above items are violated.
Guardian’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________
Guardian’s Contact Information: ____________________________________