Scientific Knowledge The nature of knowledge is a subject contemplated by philosophers for a very long time. The main difference between scientific and other types of knowledge is that scientific knowledge must be testable both logically and experimentally. Studies of knowledge in science indicate that knowledge may be classified into two major categories—empirical (observable) or theoretical (non-observable). Table 1: Characteristics of Empirical and Theoretical Knowledge Scientific Knowledge Characteristics Empirical based on observations and experiment used to describe and predict phenomenon communicated by qualitative and quantitative descriptions, empirical hypotheses, empirical definitions, generalizations and scientific laws* Theoretical based on ideas/concepts of the unseen used to describe, predict and explain phenomenon communicated by qualitative and quantitative descriptions, theoretical hypotheses, theoretical definitions, and theories* * Some branches of science, like biology, sometimes use laws and theories in a different way. This is discussed in more detail in the sections about empirical and theoretical processes. In general, the methodology of any branch of science can be described as the collection and analysis of observations to find valid empirical concepts, and the development and testing of theories to explain this empirical knowledge. Except for a few modern examples, the empirical work generally starts first and the theoretical work follows at some later time. Some examples from the history of chemistry are provided in Table 2. The dates in Table 2 come from Asimov’s Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology and Brock’s The Chemical Tree. Table 2: Some Empirical and Theoretical Concepts in the History of Chemistry Empirical Concept conservation of mass (Lavoisier, 1770s) conservation of momentum (Wallis, 1668) gas laws (Boyle, 1662 & Charles, 1787) Faraday’s laws (Faraday, 1832) periodic law (Mendeleev, 1869) stoichiometry (Richter, 1792) definite composition (Proust, 1799) multiple proportions (Berthollet, 1799+) rate of reactions (van’t Hoff, 1884) 116107424 Theoretical Concept conservation of atoms (Dalton, 1805) particle repulsion (Van der Waals, 1873) kinetic molecular theory (Maxwell, ~1860) electrochemical theory (Debye, 1923) Bohr model of atom (1913) mole ratio (after Avogadro, >1856) atomic theory (Dalton, 1805) valence theory (Pauling, 1928+) particle kinetics (Hughes & Ingold, 1933) 2/13/2016 1/2 equilibrium (Berthollet, 1798) Le Chatelier’s principle (1888) neutralization (Ostwald, 1877) electricity (Franklin, 1752) line spectra (Kirchoff, 1859; Balmer, 1885) law of gravitation (Newton, 1666 & 1687) equilibrium (Gibbs, 1890s) equilibrium & kinetics (Gibbs, 1890s) H+(aq) of Arrhenius (1884) electron flow (Thomson, 1897) quantization of energy (Bohr, 1913) theory of gravitation (still coming) Note that the concepts listed in Table 2 are created by different scientists. One could describe the scientists who created the empirical concepts as empiricists (experimental scientists who emphasize laboratory work). The scientists who create theoretical knowledge may be called theoreticians. However, classification schemes like this are created by human beings to help organize our knowledge—it is not likely that any one scientist can be classified as either/or, just having a different degree of empiricism at any point in time in his/her work. Empirical and Theoretical Ways of Knowing Scientific ways of knowing may also be classified as empirical and theoretical. An empirical way of knowing is characterized by a dependence on experience and experiment, while a theoretical way of knowing is characterized by thinking about entities and actions that are not visible to the human eye. The history of science can be seen as involving parallel streams of work—empirical and theoretical. Every situation is unique, for example, the empirical study of a phenomenon may be decades, centuries or millennia ahead of theoretical work or the empirical and theoretical work may be feeding off one another on an ongoing basis—each making advances in knowledge that is communicated to the other. Modern scientific work is increasingly teamwork, with empiricists and theoreticians working closely together, along with their counterparts from related disciplines (e.g., chemistry, physics and biology). Table 3: Empirical and Theoretical Scientific Work Empirical stream of work (typically ahead) empirical descriptions based on observations and communicated as evidence tables graphs empirical concepts (from the evidence) empirical definitions empirical hypotheses empirical generalizations empirical models scientific laws 116107424 Theoretical stream of work (typical behind, in time) theoretical concepts based on ideas about the invisible (to explain the evidence) theoretical definitions theoretical hypotheses theoretical generalizations theoretical models theoretical descriptions (from the concepts) , for example, according to the Bohr model of the atom, a carbon atom has four valence electrons 2/13/2016 2/2