Symposium Agenda

Helping K-12 and Postsecondary Students with Learning Disabilities in
an Era of the Common Core State Standards
Purpose of Symposium
The National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (NJCLD) is dedicated to promoting
the education and welfare of individuals with learning disabilities. The purpose of this
symposium is to provide an interdisciplinary forum to discuss the opportunities and
challenges of implementing the CCSS with students with learning disabilities. The presentations
will offer a brief overview of the CCSS, implications for students with learning disabilities,
interconnections with Response to Intervention (RTI) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL),
and practical examples of interventions, strategies, and curriculum tied to the CCSS.
Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Deborah Adamczyk Dixon, Director of School Services, American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association, NJCLD Representative
Mary Beth Klotz, Director of IDEA Projects and Technical Assistance,
National Association of School Psychologists, NJCLD Chair
Mark Griffin, CCSS in Context: Can It Work for Children with Learning Disabilities?
Educational Consultant, NCLD representative to the NJCLD
Beth Poss, Common Core State Standards and Learning Disabilities: Supporting Students
Through a Universally Designed for Learning Curriculum
Curriculum Specialist, UDL, Montgomery County Maryland Public Schools
Barbara A. Marinak, Humanizing RTI: Nurturing Expertise and Collaboration at the Table,
Associate Professor of Reading, Mount St. Mary's University, IRA representative to the
Moderated Audience Discussion and Questions
Mary Beth Klotz
Closing Remarks, Refreshments, Informal Networking, Exhibit Tables
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