Medicines Management Topic - Patient Safety Federation


Medicines Management Topics for which Pharmacy should have an Educational Role

1. Methods of Administering Medicines (CQC)

Medicines Management Topic e-learning available

Epidural medicines, wrong route including Vinca alkaloids (NPSA,

DH never event)

Injectable medicines, correct preparation or route of administration (NPSA, DH never event); general advice on safe practice when administering medicines IM/SC/IV; syringe drivers, safe use (NPSA); IV compatibility.

Nil by mouth, managing patients in this situation

Oral medicines, including wrong route (DH never event); administration and measurement of liquid oral medicines (NPSA); and crushing tablets/ opening capsules/ the need for liquid medicines

Patients taking their own medicines in hospital (DH)

2. Issuing and Storing Medicines

Medicines Management Topic

Controlled drugs (NPC, CQC, Medicines Act). If poss include community as well as hospitals

Discharge planning and medicines

Dispensing and supply of medicines (RPS, Medicines Act)

Handling medicines safely and securely, including temperature stability and fridge storage (CQC, Duthie)

Patient group directions – a generic introduction e-learning available


3. Patient Safety and Wellbeing

Medicines Management Topic e-learning available

Adverse events reporting, including side effects via yellow card scheme (MHRA, CQC)

Allergy recording

Calculation of drug doses (common source of error)

Compliance (NICE, RPS)

Doses omitted or delayed (NPSA)

Falls, assessing medica tion’s role in causing (NICE)

Loading doses, preventing fatalities (NPSA)

Patient information about medicines and counselling (Picker reports, CQC)

4. Prescribing, Information, and Decision-making

Medicines Management Topic

Critical evaluation skills (NPC)

Information sources recommended for clinical staff (CQC)

Prescribing safely (CQC)

Prescribing controlled drugs

Transfer of care

Engaging clinicians

Problem-solving in clinical practice

Reconciliation and drug history taking (NICE)

5. Medicines in Special Circumstances

Medicines Management Topic

Clinical trials involving medicines

Unlicensed and off-label medicines (MHRA)

Note RPS work on this

Julia Wright’s SCSHA pack


Denise Farmer doing this e-learning available e-learning available


6. Specific Medicines and Clinical Topics

Medicines Management Topic

Antibiotics, safe and appropriate prescribing

Anticoagulants, making therapy safer

Bowel cleansing solutions, reducing risks (NPSA)

Chemotherapy, oral, wrong dose (NPSA)

Chemotherapy, wrong route (NPSA, DH never event)

Fluid management in children (inc risks of hyponatraemia with IV infusions )

Gentamicin, safe use in neonates (NPSA)

Heparin IV flush solutions, safe use (NPSA)

Insulin, safe administration (NPSA, DH never event) and surgery in patients with diabetes

Lithium, safe use (NPSA)

Low molecular weight heparins, reducing dose errors (NPSA)

Medical gases and prescribing of oxygen

Methotrexate, weekly administration (NPSA, DH never event)

Midazolam, iatrogenic overdose (NPSA, DH never event)

Nutrition, safe prescribing and monitoring of TPN (NICE)

Opioids, iatrogenic overdoses (NPSA, DH never event)

Potassium IV, maladministration (NPSA, DH never event)

Smoking cessation strategies (DH, NICE)

Venous thromboembolism, assessing and reducing the risk

(NICE) e-learning available

Simon Wills & Mark Pepperrell

Pharmacy, Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust

May 2011

