Unit Title To Everything There Is A Season


Unit Title To Everything There Is A Season

Grade Level: Kindergarten


* CWBAT (Children Will Be Able To) know that there are 4 seasons

* CWBAT know that specific things happen during the seasons

- In winter it snows

- In winter animals hibernate

- In spring things get planted

- In spring things grow

- In spring it starts to rain again

- In summer it gets hot

- In summer you have to wear sunscreen

- In fall the leaves turn colors

- In fall you harvest things

* CWBAT understand patterns better

* CWBAT understand the life cycle of plants

* CWBAT understand more vocabulary related to seasons

- Spring, Fall, Summer, Winter, Hibernation. Growth, Rain, Leaves

*CWBAT understand that in different places around the world the seasons are experienced differently (Multi-cultural Aspect)

*CWBAT know different songs for each seasons

*CWBAT know different activities pertaining to each season

Post and Pre-tests:

We will assess students by doing the KWL. The pre-test will be the K (what they know) and the W (what they want to learn). The post-test will be the L (what they learned). This will allow us to direct the learning to what the students want to know and not repeat what they already know. We will also add the words that children know to our word wall.

Two Week Overview:





Focus on Fall


Holidays in Fall

Fun things to do in fall


Focus on





Dressing for



Focus on



Spring Planting




Focus on



Summer Fun

Summer Safety




Note from the Teachers Desk!

Dear Parents and Caregivers!

Here is some information for some of our upcoming activities!

The children are getting excited for our new topics of study for the next two weeks! We are going to be focusing on changes through the seasons. We have

many fun activities that pertain to changes such as learning new words that pertain to the different seasons and planting our own flowers. The children will be learning about hibernation, and the life cycle of flowers. During this unit we will also be taking a trip to the apple orchard.

Important Info

A field trip to the apple orchard on Oct. 19 th o Cost: $10 per student – lunch and craft included o Transportation: School Bus; we will be leaving at 9am and will be returning at 1pm.

o Chaperones are still needed! Please send back permission slip with your child and mark if you are free to join us on our exciting trip! o The children should bundle up warm in case it’s cold! o Activities will include making apple cider and caramel apples.

Language Arts

Use the books “Reasons for Seasons” by Gail Gibbons and “Cloudy

Wit h a Chance of Meatballs” by Judith Barrett to teach seasons and their climate.


1. To introduce students to the four seasons.

2. Introduce new vocabulary words: Fall, Winter, Spring, and


3. Students will be able to recognize the climate associated with each season.


–> Books “Reasons for Seasons” and “Cloudy With a Chance of


–> white construction paper

–> colored pencils, crayons, markers, paints


1. Read the book “Reasons for Seasons”.

2. Talk about the seasons of the year and the weather you see outside windows where you live. List activities you like to do at each time of the year.

–> How do you stay warm in cold weather?

–> How do you stay cool in warm weather?

–> What does the weather look like in the Fall? Winter? Spring?


3. Give each student a piece of white construction paper. Fold each paper in half and in half again so there are four sections. Each section will represent a season. Label each section. Have the students draw a picture of what they would see out their window in that season.

4. As a group, share what the students saw out their windows.

5. Conclude with the book “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs”.

Assessment/Check for Understanding:

1. Observe the students during the discussion period to find out what they know.

2. Evaluate their drawings.

3. Listen for what the students share during group time.


–> when working with younger children have the white paper folded and labeled before class

–> have all materials accessible to every child

–> be prepared to answer questions


–> Was every student able to participate?

–> Can the students name the four seasons?

–> Can the students match the climate with the season?


Barrett, Judith.(1982). Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.

New York: Simon and Schuster Children’s.

Gibbons, Gail.(1996). The Reasons for Seasons.

New York: Holiday House Inc.


Name: Seeds


-CWBAT sing “Seeds”

-CWBAT understand that seeds need water and sun to grow

-CWBAT dramatize the process of seeds growing

-This lesson targets the fluency literacy skill

Length: This lesson would be an ongoing morning meeting activity, so about 10 minutes a day for a week.

Learning Areas: Literacy, Fine Arts, Science


The method of assessment for this song is observation. I will note if all the children are singing and acting during the song.

Materials and Resources:

Wiggle, Giggle, and Shake Page 58

-The words to the song “Seeds” written on chart paper

Seeds (Tune: The Itsy Bitsy Spider)

The itsy bitsy seed

Lies deep within the ground

First comes the rain

Feel it falling down

Then out comes the sun

And dries up all the rain

And the itsy bitsy seed

Can start to grow again

- The book The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle


Make sure all children can see the song clearly

-Change the key of the song to hold children’s attention, also speed up or slow down

-Make sure each child has their own space

-Use pictures to go along with the words

Instructional Procedures: a.

Focusing Event

- Explain about seeds and how they are dormant in the winter and then in the spring they come to life.

-Read Eric Carle’s Book The Tiny Seed b.


- Read the words of the song to the children

- Sing the song repetitively until children seem to have it

- Ask children if they can come up with actions to the song c.

Evidence of Learning

The children will all sing the song and do the motions to the best of their abilities d.

Closure and Independent Practice

- Move into the science activity of planting seeds

Learning Area(s): Spelling

Lesson Title: Jump to Spell Est. Lesson Length: 15min.


Objectives/Learner Outcomes (specific and measurable).

“At the completion of this lesson, learners will be able to…” (LWBAT…)

Children will know how to spell spring related words by using teacher made letters


Assessment Plan.

How will you know that the learners met the objectives? What will you be able to observe or measure? Incorporate this plan into the Input section of the lesson.

We will know how the learners met the objectives by observing how they spell out the words when they jump on the letters.

We will also know by how they spell the words on the paper after they spell them by jumping on the letters.


Materials and Resources Needed to Teach the Lesson/Activity.

Include technology when appropriate, handouts, extra supplies

Teacher made laminated letters on flower shapes

Paper and pencil for the children to write down the words after they spell them.



For Learners who have difficulty and for ELL/ESL/LEP, gifted, etc.

Have the teacher spell out the letters of the word


If the child can’t jump, allow them to just point to the letters to make the words


Teaching or Instructional Procedures


Focusing Event/Anticipatory Set/Warm-up


Get the children’s attention by demonstrating what they are going to do.


Input – This part of the Teaching Procedure may include – modeling the

Learning – Check for Understanding – Guided Practice

During the activity walk around the room and make sure the children are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Ask them what words they have spelt.


Evidence of Learning: How will you know if the learners have met the outcome?

I will know if the learners have met the outcome by asking them what words they have spelt


Closure and Independent Practice for transfer of learning

Children can use the words that they spelt in their writing assignments throughout the day. They can also share with each other the different words they made so they have a larger variety of words to use.

Name: Watching Our Beans Grow


- CWBAT record how their plant is growing

- CWBAT follow oral instructions in how to plant their bean seed

- CWBAT follow written instructions in how to take care of their plant, so it grows

- CWBAT follow a simplified version of the scientific method

-This lesson targets the comprehension literacy skill and writing literacy skill

Length: This lesson will take place over the course of the two week unit. The initial planting and teaching taking about 45 minutes.

Learning Areas: Science, Literacy, and Math

Assessment Plan: The children will be assessed through observation and also through looking at their journal on how a bean grows.

Materials and Resources Needed to Teach the Lesson:

- Bean Seeds

- Dirt

- Plastic Bags

- Sunlight

- Water

- Paper for Journal

- Jack and the Beanstalk

- Rulers


Give children plenty of time to think of answers

- Give instructions in multiple methods (oral, written, pictures)

Instructional Procedures: a.

Focusing Event

- Read Jack and the Beanstalk

- Guess what kind of seeds we are planting b.


- Tell children how to plant their seeds

1. Get one seed, one plastic bag, and one cup of dirt

2. Place dirt in plastic bag.

3. Push the seed into the middle of the dirt in the bag.

4. Put a little water in your bag.

5. Put your name on the bag with marker.

6. Put bag in front of window.

- Have children create a journal for keeping track of how their bean is growing

- Have children write and draw what they did with their bean and what their bean looks like.

- Hand out written directions for the care of bean.

1. Make sure the soil is moist, if not add some water.

2. Make sure bean is getting air.

3. Make sure the bean is getting sunlight.

- Read through directions and check for understanding c.

Evidence of learning

- The children will be able to tell you about how beans grow.

- The children will be able to take care of beans with little or no instruction from the teacher. d.

Closure and independent practice

- Children will take care of their bean seed and record in the journal in an allotted time without verbal instruction from you.

Social Studies Lesson

“Different Countries, Different Seasons, Different Clothes”


Objectives a.

Kids will know and understand what clothing we wear for different seasons in the United States.


Kids will know and understand that in other countries people wear different things for the same seasons.


Assessment Plan a.

Ask the kids questions related to the weather and what is appropriate to wear. b.

Look at their pictures to see if they understand fully which seasons are cooler and need more clothing and which are warmer and need less.


Materials Needed a.

Pictures of seasonal clothing in other countries.


Some seasonal clothing from other countries (can be placed in the dramatic play center after lesson).




Coloring utensils.


Accommodations For Learners a.

Use gestures to describe the temperature of each season.


Use pictures to illustrate what we are talking about.


Teaching Procedure


Have printed pictures or books of people from other countries wearing clothing specific to their culture. Also have some clothes available for the children to volunteer to try on and to have in dramatic play area after the lesson.


Ask the kids to name the four seasons that we have been talking about (summer, fall, winter, spring). Ask them if they can name some of the things that we wear in the United States for each season. Make a list on a piece of tag board. c.

Talk and show pictures of how other countries wear their clothes in each season. If possible, have some available for the kids to volunteer and try on for the class. Make sure that the kids know that these things will be available later for each of them to try on. d.

After talking about these things with the class, hand each child a piece of paper and have them draw what their favorite piece of seasonal apparel is and display them in the classroom next to the list of US seasonal apparel.



Learning Area: Math

Lesson Title: Plant Life Cycle sequencing cards Est. Lesson Length: 10 min.


Objectives/Learner Outcomes

To first teach the plant life cycle to the children so they understand what happens to a seed and how it turns into a plant/flower and what things it needs to survive.

To be able to understand the plant life cycle and what comes first, next, and last.

To color and cut out the life cycle.

To be able to sequence the cards and put the plant life cycle in the right order and to be able to write the number on each card. There should be six numbers.


Assessment Plan

 I will know that the learners meet the outcome by how they follow the directions that I give them.

 I will know by the way they put the pieces together and if they are in the right

 spot.

If I model it the right way and show them the way that it goes then they should be able to do it by themselves and get it right.


Materials and Resources needed to teach the lesson/activity

 Crayons, markers


Piece of paper with the plant life cycle

IV. Accommodations

 If children are having difficulty with this activity I will go around and help the children put the cards in the right order for them and so children might need help cutting out the pieces of the life cycle as well.


Teaching or Instructional Procedures

A. Focusing Event/ Warm-up

 I will read the children a book called From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons. This book will explain what a seed is and how it will grow into a plant someday. It will also talk about what kinds of things it needs in order for it to grow. I will also talk to the children about the parts of a plant which include: seed, roots, stem, leaves, bud and the flower/fruit. All of these things will be included in the plant life cycle activity that we will be doing.

Learning Area: Math

Lesson Title: Color Leaf Sorting Est. Lesson Length: 10 min.


Objectives/Learner Outcomes

B. Input

 During this time I will model the activity to the children. I will give them all a plant life cycle sheet and will talk about each part again and which order it needs to be in. Next I will show them my colored picture and how a seed should be brown or green and how the root should be green and the leaves are green as well.

After that I will show them how to cut on the line and then how to sequence them in the right order. I will also write the number on each card so the children know which one comes first. Then they can start doing their activity and be able to do it right because I just modeled it for them.

To identify the color of leaves.

To understand that leaves change colors during the fall time.

To be able to sort the color of leaves in the right category.


Assessment Plan

I will know if the learners meet my outcome by how I modeled my activity and how well they know there colors and if they know how to sort.


Materials/Resources needed to teach the lesson/activity

Colored leaf cut-outs like green, orange, yellow and red or real leaves



If children are having difficulty I could write the color on the leaf or tell them the color so they will be able to sort them in the right order.


Teaching or Instructional Procedures


Focusing Event/Warm-up

 I will read Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert. This book will talk about how leaves turn colors in the fall and how they fall off the trees.

B. Input

 After I read the story I will show children the different colored leaves and how to sort them into four piles: yellow, green, orange and red. Then I will have the children show me what I just did. They can do this activity with one other child.

Accommodations for disabled and ESL/LEP readers


Have index cards for the children by the activity that gives them directions on what to do.


Have a special education teacher help them with their activities.


To have illustrations/pictures in a book so if they can not read the book they can see the pictures and be able to understand the book a little bit better.


If a child is handicapped then I would put this child at the end of a table so he/she can get out easier.


For children who can not read have words on cards for them and practice these words with them individually.


To model how to do the activity before they do it and help them every step of the way. They will probably not be able to do it by themselves.


Extra time to complete work or special seating arrangements- might not need Special Education.


More stimulating, varied and responsive experiences


Therapeutic equipment-huge medium balls, tumble tubs and balance beams.


Environment free from clutter, slippery floors, or rugs.


Teacher-structured activities-one-to-one tutorials throughout the day.


Children with limited vision need to know where certain things are found –don’t move them around.


Structured classroom.


Labels on various things about the room: chair, blocks, sink, easel.


Teacher aid or parent assistants for children who speak a second language or don’t speak English.

Decoding/Sight Word Recognition

On the plant life cycle sequencing cards, the number will be printed at the top of each card for the kids to use that to put them in order. In the math leaf sorting game, the color of the leaf will be written on each leaf so that kids can use that as a way to sort as well. During the language arts lesson, the teacher will make a list of activities that people do in each season.


After the children have begun their planting, they will journal what is going on with their seed. They will show through their journals that they understand the different life cycles of a plant. The children will draw a picture of what they see out their window in each different season to show that they understand what it is like outside in each season.

Vocabulary Acquisition

The plant life cycle will teach the children new vocabulary that they will use when they are putting their cards in sequence.


The children will write their names on the bag that they will be putting their seed in when doing the science activity. The kids will journal what is going on during their planting. During the jump to spell activity, the kids will be learning how to spell the words they have been talking about.

Fluency Development

The children will be reading several books in each lesson. They will also be singing The Itsy Bitsy Seed which is to the tune of The Itsy Bitsy Spider .

Site Name/Title

Spring Activities

Primary Games

Learning Page.com



ABC School House

Sample Themes

Site Address http://www.learningpage.com/ http://www.starfall.com/

Brief summary of contents

This website contains all kinds of worksheets related to different units and themes. It contains all kinds of beginning writing worksheets.

This contains an interactive garden shop that could be used as an additional resource for our unit. http://www.crayola.com/ This website contains lots of ideas for the teacher related to a broad range of topics. It also contains activities for children. http://www.abcschoolhouse.com/ We used this website to get handouts for our math activity. http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/ docs/kindergarten/index.html

This website has good sample themes and we found some things that we can use for our unit. http://www.geocities.com/He artland/Valley/8966/spring.html

This website has a lot fun spring ideas on it. http://www.primarygames.com/ This website has games and coloring sheets and

Enchanted Learning http://www.enchanted/learning.com

A to Z Teacher Stuff

Jump Spell http://atozteacherstuff.com/ http://eduref.org/Virtual/Lessons/


lots of other fun things that we can correspond with our unit.

This website has worksheets that could be related into our unit.

This website has a bunch of activities for children and lessons that could be used in our unit.

This website was used to get our lesson for physical education.

SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 Bibliography

Barrett, Judith.(1982). Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.

New York: Simon and Schuster Children’s.

Carle, Eric.(1991). The Tiny Seed.

New York: Simon and Schuster Children’s.

De Paola, Tommie.(1993). Four Stories for Four Seasons.

New York: Simon and Schuster Children’s.

Ehlert, Lois.(1991). Red Leaf Yellow Leaf.

Chicago, IL: Harcourt Brace and Company.

Gibbons, Gail.(1993). From Seed to Plant.

New York: Holiday House Inc.

Gibbons, Gail.(1996). The Reasons for Seasons.

New York: Holiday House Inc.

Walker, Richard.(1999). Jack and the Beanstalk.

Cambridge, MA: Barefoot Books.

Pica, Rae.(2001). Giggle Wiggle and Shake

Beltsville, Maryland: Gryphon House Inc.
