CORRECTIONS TO BOOK: "FIBRE BRAGG GRATINGS" 2nd. 2009, By Raman Kashyap Chapter 3 reference 153 M. Gagne, J. Bartschke and R. Kashyap, “Strong gratings written in nonhydrogen loaded optical fibers with a 213nm wavelength Qswitched laser radiation”, Submitted to Optics Lett. Page 227, 2nd. Last para “…11 x 0.182mm long gratings, each separated by 1.555mm.” Page 230, 2nd. Last line “Figure 6.13 shows……..and a refractive index modulation of 2 x 104.” Page 231, 2nd para 387, line 16 388, Figure 8.38 caption 388, last line before Section 8.9.3 389, Figure 8.39 390, Figure 8.40 391, Figure 8.41 391, line 1 392, Figure 8.42 392, line 3 392, Figure 8.44 393, line 5 393, line 5 393, 2nd Paragraph, 3rd. last line 394, Figure 8.45 Figure 6.11a caption “….gap of 5mm in the cente.” [17] (From reference [16]) [13] (From reference [19]) (From reference [22]) (From reference [23]) [24] (From reference [29]) [30] (From reference [31]) [30] [30] [33] (From reference [40]) Fig. 6.11a. The reflectivity spectrum of a super-structure grating with 9 222 micron grating sections separated by 1mm gaps. Edition, Academic Press M. Gagne and R. Kashyap, “Strong gratings written in hydrogen-free optical fibers with 213nm wavelength Q-switched laser radiation”, In preparation for publication. “…10 x 0.2mm long gratings, each separated by 1 mm optical length.” Figure 6.13 shows the transmission characteristics of a FP filter with two gratings, each 0.5mm long with a physical gap of 2.5mm and a refractive index modulation of 2 x 10-4. “…gap of 2.5mm in the center.” [156] (From reference [155]) [152] (From reference [158]) (From reference [161]) (From reference [162]) [163] (From reference [168]) [169] (From reference [170]) [169] [169] [172] (From reference [179]) Fig. 6.11a. The reflectivity spectrum of a super-structure grating with 10 200 microns long grating sections, each separated by gaps of 1mm optical length. Figure 6.11b caption Figure 6.9 caption Figure 6.13 caption Refractive index modulation amplitude is 10-3. The refractive index modulation amplitude is 10-3. Figure 6.11b. The transmission spectrum of the grating shown in Fig. 6.11a. Also shown is the transmission spectrum of a single section of the grating of 0.181 microns long. The envelope has been normalized to fit the super-structure spectra. Figure 6.9. A 20 /2 phase-step grating bandpass filter. Each band pass has an extinction of >30dB, but with some side-lobe structure at 15dB. Ghosts appear inbetween the main passbands as a result of the super-structure of phase-steps at -30dB transmission. Figure 6.11b. The transmission spectrum of the grating shown in Fig. 6.11a with the 9 stitches. Also shown is the transmission spectrum of a single section of the grating of 0.2 mm long. The envelope has been normalized to fit the super-structure spectra. Figure 6.13. A FP filter with a 5mm gap. Grating lengths are 0.5mm with index modulation of 2e-4. The arrows show where WDM channels may be placed within the band-pass filter for soliton Figure 6.9. A 9 /2 phase-step grating bandpass filter. Each band pass has an extinction of >30dB, but with some side-lobe structure at 15dB. Ghosts appear inbetween the main passbands as a result of the super-structure of phasesteps at -30dB transmission. nmod = 2 x 10-3. Figure 6.13. A FP filter with a 2.5mm physical gap. Grating lengths are 0.5mm with index modulation of 2e4. The arrows show where WDM channels may be placed within the band-pass filter for soliton guiding. guiding. Figure 6.14 caption Figure 6.14. A 4mm long grating FP filter with a 5mm gap and a n of 5e4. Figure 6.22 Legend on graph Figure 6.14. A 4mm long grating FP filter with a 2.5mm optical gap and a n of 5e-4. Swap square and triangle markers in legend box. i.e. triangle for (pi phase diff) and square for (0 phase diff) Figure 6.23 caption Figure 6.23. The reflectivity and bandpass spectrum of the asymmetric Michelson interferometer. The one way path imbalance is 0.667mm and the apodised gratings are nmod -3 of 1 x 10 [42]. Figure 6.24 caption Figure 6.24. The apodised reflection(dashed line) and band-pass (continuous line) of the asymmetric Michelson interferometer, with a path difference of 2.67mm. The output is sinusoidal as is the case of a low finesse FP interferometer. Figure 6.11a caption Fig. 6.11a. The reflectivity spectrum of a super-structure grating with 9 222 micron grating Figure 6.23. The reflectivity and band-pass spectrum of the asymmetric Michelson interferometer. The one-way path imbalance is 1mm and the apodised gratings are 2mm long with a Dnmod of 1.5 x 10-3 [42]. Figure 6.24. The apodised reflection (dashed line) and band-pass (continuous line) of the asymmetric Michelson interferometer, with a path difference of 4mm. The output is sinusoidal as is the case of a low finesse FP interferometer. The Bragg wavelength is 1552nm. Fig. 6.11a. The reflectivity spectrum of a super-structure grating with 10 200 microns long grating sections, each Figure 6.11b caption Figure 6.9 caption Figure 6.13 caption sections separated by 1mm gaps. Refractive index modulation amplitude is 10-3. separated by gaps of 1mm optical length. The refractive index modulation amplitude is 10-3. Figure 6.11b. The transmission spectrum of the grating shown in Fig. 6.11a. Also shown is the transmission spectrum of a single section of the grating of 0.181 microns long. The envelope has been normalized to fit the super-structure spectra. Figure 6.9. A 20 /2 phase-step grating bandpass filter. Each band pass has an extinction of >30dB, but with some side-lobe structure at 15dB. Ghosts appear inbetween the main passbands as a result of the super-structure of phase-steps at -30dB transmission. Figure 6.11b. The transmission spectrum of the grating shown in Fig. 6.11a with the 9 stitches. Also shown is the transmission spectrum of a single section of the grating of 0.2 mm long. The envelope has been normalized to fit the super-structure spectra. Figure 6.13. A FP filter with a 5mm gap. Grating lengths are 0.5mm with index modulation of 2e-4. The arrows show where WDM channels may be placed within Figure 6.9. A 9 /2 phase-step grating bandpass filter. Each band pass has an extinction of >30dB, but with some side-lobe structure at 15dB. Ghosts appear inbetween the main passbands as a result of the super-structure of phasesteps at -30dB transmission. nmod = 2 x 10-3. Figure 6.13. A FP filter with a 2.5mm physical gap. Grating lengths are 0.5mm with index modulation of 2e4. The arrows show where WDM channels may be placed within the band-pass filter for soliton guiding. the band-pass filter for soliton guiding. Figure 6.14 caption Figure 6.14. A 4mm long grating FP filter with a 5mm gap and a n of 5e4. Figure 6.22 Legend on graph Swap square and triangle markers in legend box. i.e. triangle for (pi phase diff) and square for (0 phase diff) Figure 6.23 caption Figure 6.23. The reflectivity and bandpass spectrum of the asymmetric Michelson interferometer. The one way path imbalance is 0.667mm and the apodised gratings are nmod -3 of 1 x 10 [42]. Figure 6.24 caption Figure 6.24. The apodised reflection(dashed line) and band-pass (continuous line) of the asymmetric Michelson interferometer, with a path difference of 2.67mm. The output is sinusoidal as is the case of a low finesse FP interferometer. Figure 6.28 and 6.29. Figure 6.14. A 4mm long grating FP filter with a 2.5mm optical gap and a n of 5e-4. Figure 6.23. The reflectivity and band-pass spectrum of the asymmetric Michelson interferometer. The one way path imbalance is 1mm and the apodised gratings are 2mm long with a Dnmod of 1.5 x 10-3 [42]. Figure 6.24. The apodised reflection (dashed line) and band-pass (continuous line) of the asymmetric Michelson interferometer, with a path difference of 4mm. The output is sinusoidal as is the case of a low finesse FP interferometer. The Bragg wavelength is 1552nm. Swap graphs only, not captions.