Sampling Scenarios Municipal Water SAMPLE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Routine RAW & DISTRIBUTION samples collected on a routine basis with designated or alternate site #’s or addresses. These designated areas are issued directly from the IEPA Replacement Samples collected to replace a sample that was: received past the 30 hr hold time, previously or currently frozen, received in a broken bottle, received w/out the dates & times collected, received but suffered a laboratory accident Samples taken because of low water main pressure (below 20 PSI) or the EPA issued your facility a boil order Boil Order New Construction Need New Construction Permit # Samples collected for new water main construction, water tower construction & new well construction. New hydrants & hydrant replacements are NOT considered new construction Other/Checks Samples collected for situations not listed on the COC such as well/tower repairs, customer requests, any hydrant work, service line work, well pump work, etc. Repeat & Finished Samples ROUTINE & Finished samples that confirm POSITIVE for coliform Can only have one sample per month. If you take 40 samples or more then you can have up to 5 % of your samples bad Ex. 5% of 40 = 2/month (Upon receipt of a resample, because the previous routine sample was positive for coliform, the REPEAT box MUST be checked on the COC followed w/ the previous POSITIVE lab sample #) PLEASE CHECK W/ LABORATORY PERSONNEL WHEN DROPPING OFF A REPEAT SAMPLE TO INSURE THE PAPERWORK IS FILLED OUT PROPERLY W/ THE CORRECT SAMPLE NUMBER FROM THE PREVIOUS POSITIVE DAY !! Invalid Sample Replacements ROUTINE samples collected that have >200 colonies but confirms NEGATIVE for coliform (Upon receipt of a replacement, because the previous routine sample was invalid, the INVALID box MUST be checked on the COC followed w/ the previous INVALID lab sample #) SAMPLING / RESAMPLING PROCEDURES For samples that confirm POSITIVE for coliform SEE the REPEAT category. For samples that have GREATER than 200 colonies but confirm NEGATIVE for coliform SEE the INVALID REPLACEMENT category Only ONE replacement sample is required if needed. The sample must be taken from the same site or address that the first sample was taken from For a chlorinated system take ONE set of samples & for an unchlorinated system take TWO sets. If the boil order is a system wide order then the set should consist of 5 DISTRIBUTION samples. If it is a partial system order then 1 distribution sample for every 1200 ft. of water main affected should be collected. Samples CAN have < 200 colonies but must confirm NEGATIVE for coliform Samples are collected as follows: 1 set of samples is taken after main chlorination. Zero colonies = done. Each site that has colonies must be resampled twice a minimum of 24 hrs apart. Each sample MUST have 0 colonies to PASS. Each site must be resampled until 2 consecutive samples pass from each site sampled. Need NC # If samples confirm positive for coliform or are invalid because of >200 colonies a follow-up sample should be collected. This follow-up sample will also be marked OTHER on the COC. If a ROUTINE RAW sample is POSITIVE for coliform only 1 sample must be collected from the same site until it passes. If a ROUTINE DISTRIBUTION sample is POSITIVE for coliform, 3 REPEAT samples should be collected for each sample that is POSITIVE. 1 of the 3 is collected from the same site. The 2nd is collected upstream & the 3rd is collected downstream each w/in 5 service connections. If a Finished is positive collect the same site and 2 downstream. If you collect ONLY 1 distribution sample per month then you will need to collect 4 REPEAT samples. For supplies collecting < 5 dist./month, then the following month they need a total of 5 distributions and the normal raw samples they collect. One replacement sample must be collected. Samples must be collected until a good sample result is achieved. However, if the invalid replacement sample has < 200 colonies & confirms POSITIVE for Coliform NOW it must be treated as a POSITIVE ROUTINE sample – SEE REPEAT sampling procedure