RUTLAND HIGH SYLLABUS Program Concentration: Business & Computer Science Career Pathways: Computing Course Title: Beginning Programming Instructor Contact Information: Name: Mrs. April Wade Email: Room: 4 Phone: (478) 779-3100 Office Hours: W & Th, 2:45 – 3:30 (Further assistance available upon request) *Student Grades/Absences/Discipline: Parents can track their student’s grades, absences and disciplinary actions by visiting Parent Portal (formerly Parent Connect) on the Bibb County BOE website. Course Description: The major goal of this course is for students to develop the computer science skills of algorithm development, problem solving, and programming. While the emphasis of the course will be on programming, students will also be introduced to other important topics, such as careers, the limits of computing and the difference between interpreters and compilers. Career Opportunities: Computer Programmer, Graphic Designer, Network Administrator, Web Designer, Hardware Specialist, Software Engineer, Game Developer, Teacher, Researcher Additional information on career opportunities can be found at the following web sites. BLS Career Information - Occupational Outlook Handbook - Career & Industries Profiles - Prerequisite: Computing in the Modern World Course Content: *Computing Careers *Hardware & Software Components *Problem Solving *Programming *Data Structures*Limits of Computing Textbooks: There are a few textbooks will be using as resources for this class, but students will not be assigned textbooks. They will remain in the classroom. However, a student may check out a book as needed. "Computer Programming for Teens", Mary Farrell "Starting Out with Java: Early Objects", Tony Gaddis "Introduction to Computing & Programming with Java", Mark Guzdial & Barbara Ericson "Introduction to Computing & Programming in Python", Mark Guzdial & Barbara Ericson Internet Use: Internet use in all business courses is at the discretion of the teacher. Students will receive the privilege of using the computer resources in support of academic activities. A user and his/her parent/guardian are required to sign an Acceptable Use Contract prior to use of the networks. Internet privileges can be suspended for inappropriate use. Suggested Materials: *Notebook/binder *Notebook Paper *Pens/Pencils Grading: The grade weights reflect the grade calculation prior to the Final Exam/EOCT. Daily Assignments: 40% Tests/Quizzes: 30% Projects: 30% Grades will be updated regularly. I will keep graded work in a folder in the classroom. This will serve as a reminder of student progress throughout the semester and a record of student work. After these grades are calculated, they will be 85% of the final grade and the final exam with be 15% of the final grade. Attendance and Make-Up Policy: Students will be required to attend class on a daily basis. Students must turn in all work on the assigned due date. Late work will only be accepted for full credit if the student has an excused absence. When absences are incurred, you are expected to make up missed work within five days. Otherwise, you will receive “0” for work or tests missed. Unexcused absences will result in a “0” for any missed work. Students may then make-up assignments for a reduced grade - the highest being a 70. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with all assignments whether absences are excused or unexcused. The school will not deny the student the right to the information missed for an unexcused absence. Hall Passes: Students will be allowed hall passes at the discretion of the teacher. Only one student may leave the room at a time and must have the teacher's hall pass signed before leaving. They must also sign in and out in the log book when leaving and upon return. Students are not allowed to leave class the first 20 minutes or the last 20 minutes of class. Tardy Policy: If you are late to 1st block, you must go get a pass from the office before entering. You will not be admitted without a pass after the bell rings – no excuses, no exceptions. For all other classes, tardies will be entered by the teacher and parents will be contacted followed by an administrative referral for excessive tardies. If you are late because another teacher held you or you were in the office, you must have a pass from them as well. If you miss more than 45 minutes of class, you are absent, not tardy. Class Expectations: Be on time for class. Bring materials and be prepared for class. You need a writing utensil, paper and your notebook each class period. Respect the teacher, classmates, and equipment. Follow computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy No food or drinks in class. If you bring a bottled drink or food to class, it needs to be kept on the floor or out of sight – not on the desk. Be responsible for your own actions. Stay awake in class. Any electronic devices used in class will be at the discretion of the teacher. Detention will be administered as necessary for certain offenses. It must be served before or after school. Failure to serve a detention within 5 days will result in a referral to administration. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA): Students are encouraged to join Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). FBLA is a co-curricular program (will be taught in the classroom) built to enrich the learning of the student and to transfer knowledge learned in the classroom to knowledge that can be used in the “Real World of Career and Life”. Students are encouraged to participate in meetings and conferences related to FBLA. There are scholarship opportunities available to students who actively participate. FBLA membership dues are $25 ($40 to join FBLA and DECA). Students will receive a 100 test grade if they join FBLA. If they do not join, students must complete a research paper about FBLA to receive credit for the FBLA test grade. All students in class will complete FBLA class activities for part of their grade whether they join or not. Articulation Bibb County School System has an articulation agreement with Central Georgia Technical College that has aligned the class standards of specific high school courses with the standards of the related college course. After taking this class and Intermediate Programming, students may choose to take the final exam for the CGTC class CIS 105 Program Design and Development. If the student passes with a 75 or better, he/she will be given college credit for that class. There is no charge for taking the exam. Beginning Programming Tentative Course Calendar Date(s) Content Jan 9-13 Syllabus FBLA Emphasis Unit 1 - Careers Jan 17-27 Unit 2 - Hardware and Software Components Jan 30 - Feb 3 Unit 3 - Problem Solving Feb 6 - Mar 16 Unit 4 - Programming Mar 19 - May 11 Unit 5 - Data Structures May 14-18 Unit 6 - Limits of Computing May 21-25 Review and Final Exam The course syllabus is a general plan for the course; all information contained in the course syllabus/calendar is subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class and a revised syllabus distributed to students to be shared with their parents/guardians. CTAE Foundational Skills Beginning Programming GPS CTAE-FS-1 Technical Skills: Learners achieve technical content skills necessary to pursue the full range of careers for all pathways in the program concentration. CTAE-FS-2 Academic Foundations: Learners achieve state academic standards at or above grade level. CTAE-FS-3 Communications: Learners use various communication skills in expressing and interpreting information. CTAE-FS-4 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Learners define and solve problems, and use problem-solving and improvement methods and tools. CTAE-FS-5 Information Technology Applications: Learners use multiple information technology devices to access, organize, process, transmit, and communicate information. CTAE-FS-6 Systems: Learners understand a variety of organizational structures and functions. CTAE-FS-7 Safety, Health and Environment: Learners employ safety, health and environmental management systems in corporations and comprehend their importance to organizational performance and regulatory compliance. CTAE-FS-8 Leadership and Teamwork: Learners apply leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating with others to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. CTAE-FS-9 Ethics and Legal Responsibilities: Learners commit to work ethics, behavior, and legal responsibilities in the workplace. CTAE-FS-10 Career Development: Learners plan and manage academic-career plans and employment relations. CTAE-FS-11 Entrepreneurship: Learners demonstrate understanding of concepts, processes, and behaviors associated with successful entrepreneurial performance. BCS-BP-1 Students will explore careers in computing. BCS-BP-2 Students will describe the major parts of a processor and how the processor handles execution of a machine language program. BCS-BP-3 Students will explain the process that turns a high-level language program into something a computer can execute. BCS-BP-4 Students will explore different representations of images and music in a computer. BCS-BP-5 Students will design algorithms and programming solutions for a variety of computational problems. BCS-BP-6 Students will design solutions for simple programs using basic programming techniques and constructs. BCS-BP-7 Students will use and develop algorithms to solve simple problems. BCS-BP-8 Students will demonstrate knowledge of the relationships between classes. BCS-BP-9 Students will write programs that process one-dimensional arrays. BCS-BP-10 Students will write programs that process two-dimensional arrays. BCS-BP-11 Students will write programs that process lists. BCS-BP-12 Students will demonstrate knowledge of the basics of stacks and queues. BCS-BP-13 Students will discuss limits on computing as a result of programming complexity. BCS-BP-14 Students will identify time-related limits to computing.