2/12/16 BIOLOGY 207 - Dr.Locke Lecture#3 – Genes, Biochemical Pathways, and 1 gene : 1 enzyme Required readings and problems: Reading: Open Genetics, Chapter 1 Problems: Chapter 1 Optional Griffiths et al. (2008) 9th Edition: Reading: pp 230-235 Problems: 9th Ed. Ch. 6: 1-7, 25, 28, 50 Campbell (2008) 8th Ed. Readings: Concept 17.1 Concepts: How are genes, proteins, and biochemical pathways related? 1. A mutation in a gene -> changes in a protein -> changes in a phenotype. Leads to -> one gene - one enzyme Hypothesis 2. Work of Beadle and Tatum 3. Mutation in different genes can be identified by location and phenotype. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#3 Fall'11 page 1 2/12/16 Central Dogma Classic: DNA -> Protein DNA sequence specify the structure of proteins Expanded: Normal (wild type) situation. Gene-> protein-> function -> phenotype Mutant (changed DNA sequence) Gene-> protein-> function -> phenotype Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#3 Fall'11 page 2 2/12/16 How did we arrive at this point? Archibald Garrod - early in last century – 1902 - human hereditary defects were due to defects in basic body biochemistry -> now called "inborn errors in metabolism" Focused attention on the metabolic control by genes genes -> enzymes -> metabolism - ultimately led to the idea called: 1-gene:1-enzyme hypothesis Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#3 Fall'11 page 3 2/12/16 Biosynthetic pathways – basic principles - Macro molecules are synthesized in a series of steps - Each step catalyzed by an enzyme Each enzyme is encoded by a gene. Substrate Product/ Product/ Substrate Substrate Product 1 ------------------> 2 --------------> 3 -----------------> 4 Enzyme A B Gene a+ b+ Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#3 C c+ Fall'11 page 4 2/12/16 Suppose: If we inactivate (mutate) one gene - say b - in one strain of organism - in that strain no B enzyme - cannot carry out 2 -> 3 conversion Therefore no product 3 or 4 is produced -> if product 4 is needed for growth-> no growth (providing this is the only pathway) What if -> we add back 4 -> growth occurs What if -> add back missing compound (3) -> then it can convert 3 -> 4 (grow again) But - if add either 1 or 2 -> no growth Compound: Growth: Block: Biol207 Dr. Locke section 1 No before Lecture#3 2 No before 3 Yes after 4 Yes after Fall'11 page 5 2/12/16 Experiments Beadle & Tatum (1941) - Nobel Prize Neurospora - a fungus with a haploid genome. Series of steps in their experiments Fig. 1 - irradiated wildtype Neurospora -> produce mutations 2 - crossed with wild type of opposite mating type -> go through fruity body stage -> single haploid spores 3 - collect individual ascospores from fruiting body Result: each spore is a potentially different mutant 4 - culture each single spore in tube with "complete medium" (contains all the compounds needed to grow) 5 - grow up 100's -> 1000's of different spores 6 - test each culture to see if it could grow on "minimal medium" (contains only those compounds needed for growth and reproduction of wildtype strains - usually contains only salts and a carbon source - no AA or vitamins) Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#3 Fall'11 page 6 2/12/16 Beadle & Tatum found: 1- Many mutant strains that were unable to grow on the minimal medium (MM) (although they grew fine on complete medium (CM)) -> called auxotrophs - a strain that can't grow on MM but can on CM prototrophs - grow on MM (and CM, of course) 2- They did a test to examine the inheritance pattern - inherited as 1:1 ratio when crossed to wildtype (haploid) 1 mutant: 1 wildtype -> they concluded each was a simple mutation in a single gene (see meiosis section later) 3- They did a test with MM supplemented with amino acids or vitamins - test each amino acid individually - collect many Arg- auxotrophic mutations - each an independently produced mutation. Identified many arg- mutants -> strains that needed arginine added to the Minimal Medium in order to grow. Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#3 Fall'11 page 7 2/12/16 Arg mutants provided the focus for Beadle & Tatum's further work Beadle & Tatum found the many arg mutants mapped to only 3 different locations, on separate chromosomes -> therefore there were 3 different genes Genes called arg-1, arg-2, arg-3 All mutations, in each gene, were Auxotrophic for arginine Also found that these auxotrophic mutations in the three genes differed in their response to two chemicals related to arginine Compound able to rescue mutants? Mutant ornithine citrulline arg-1 yes yes arg-2 no yes arg-3 no no Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#3 arginine yes yes yes Fall'11 page 8 2/12/16 B & T - Knew that cellular enzymes often inter-converted related compounds - proposed biochemical model for Neurospora precursor----------> ornithine ---------> citrulline ------>arginine Enzyme A B C Gene + + arg-1 arg-2 + arg-3 Assume: 1. that a mutation in a particular gene interferes with the production of a single enzyme 2. defective enzyme creates a block in the biosynthetic pathway 3. the block can be circumvented by adding the compound that comes after the block Note: - the entire model was inferred from the properties of the mutants (phenotype) - later the presence of defective enzymes was demonstrated by independent biochemical analysis History: B&T 1941 - first insight into the function of genes and how they worked Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#3 Fall'11 page 9 2/12/16 (remember it wasn't until 1944 that DNA was shown to be the genetic material) Mutation in different genes can be identified by location and phenotype. Phenotype – different response to precursors -> different genes (likely, but not definitive) Location – different locations indicate different genes Biol207 Dr. Locke section Lecture#3 Fall'11 page 10