CMDI E-Learning Guidelines NOTE: Please read and understand the guidelines very carefully before starting with the lessons. Thank you! I Enrolment 1. The first batch of 20 E-E-learners shall enroll from January 11-31, 2010. Two weeks after the prior batch shall be the enrolment of the succeeding batch. 2. All enrolling E-learners shall pay in FULL through wire transfer. Payment information shall be provided to all applicants via manual billing (according to CARD practice) or e-mail. 3. For the course fee, please go to at CONTACT US tab and send a message through the inquiry field. 4. After a student has paid in full, the administrator shall create the user account and s/he will receive an auto mail bearing the username and password as well as the enrolment confirmation. 5. It is not necessary that all the E-learners in a batch say Batch A, will start at the same time. Once the auto mail has been received by the E-learners, they may start with the lessons right away. 6. All batches will have their own batch names, to be assigned by CMDI ELearning Team. 7. All inquiries can be sent through the “Contact Us” feature of or via e-mail at Local elearners may also call CMDI office at (049) 573-0031 II Getting Started 1. The eTutorial is composed of ten lessons. Each lesson may be taken in a self-paced manner, thus E-learners in a batch may vary in the length of time taking the entire module. All ten lessons shall be finished in a period of one (1) month, with all requirements i.e., essays from the field exposures and visits, submitted accordingly. Should extensions be made, a maximum of two weeks shall be allowed or depending upon the approval of the concerned instructor. 2. While taking the lessons, the E-learners may consult with the mentors/experts in three modes: send message (offline mode); chat (online mode); and forum (either online or offline). In so doing, the Elearners shall visit the eConsultancy component where they can see the consultation hours/availability of the mentors/experts. In selecting the expert to consult with, the learner should click on their names and look for the link corresponding to their consulting options e.g., send message, chat, forum. 3. Non-E-learners (those who are not enrolled in the program) may also consult with the experts. All they have to do is leave a message at the inquiry field inside “Contact Us”. All received messages shall be answered accordingly. 4. In participating with the forums and chats, conversations should remain tactful and respectful. Violating E-learners shall be cut from the program immediately. III Lesson Components 1. All ten lessons are locked. It means that E-learners should complete one segment before advancing to another. Each lesson is mainly composed of the following major components: Introduction - Serves as the briefer of what an E-learner can expect in every lesson. Refresher Quiz/Self Review - Refresher Quiz and Self Review are basically the pre-test and posttest respectively. After the introduction, the E-learner is required to take the brief Refresher Quiz, or else s/he cannot proceed to the other components of the lesson. - Towards the end of the lesson is the Self Review which can be taken twice. If in the first take the student failed the exam, s/he will be redirected to the Self Review clicking on the finish button or the link "Retake Quiz". If the student failed on the second time, the finish button or the "Review Lesson" link will bring him/her to the start of the lesson s/he is taking. In designing the lessons, CMDI employed the “mastery learning” model. This requires an E-learner to answer correctly all exam questions after the discussions. Until the E-learners have mastered the lesson, they are repeatedly directed to the discussions. - After passing the Self Review, the E-learners may then proceed to the next lesson. - The quiz results are saved to a database and made viewable so that mentors and web administrator/s can monitor progress. - Refresher Quiz and Self Review are tools measuring the student’s existing knowledge on the topic prior to taking the lessons and the student’s acquired knowledge after the lessons respectively. They are also one of the tools in assessing if the lesson objectives are met. Reflection Hub - Serves as the venue of free thoughts for the users. Certain questions are provided which normally gets the perception of how a student plans to apply the learnings. Mentors and other users can also view the reflection corner. This component falls under the “forums” feature of the facility. Discussion Notes - This compose the largest percentage among the eTutorial components. It contains the comprehensive discussion of the topic/s being presented. - The lessons contain breakers such as trivia, web links and short quizzes to increase interest among E-learners. - At the end of the entire discussion is “Value Me” or “Think of Me” containing some thoughts and values for the E-learners to think about. Learning Activities - Contains various tasks related to the lessons. E-learners are asked to do field visits and exposures to CARD branches or other Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), whichever is near them and/or upon the requirements of the learning activity. The tasks include interviews and observations which E-learners will compose into essays or whatever outputs are asked. Guidelines are provided in the lessons. - To assure the officialdom of visits, a letter of permission to be given to heads of concerned institutions shall be requested by the learners. After a learner has decided which MFI to visit, s/he must send the complete contact details of the addressee i.e., complete name, position, company name and address, as well as the date the letter is intended to be sent. The request can be sent through the Contact Us field or through e-mail at addressed to the ELearning Coordinator. In case of rejection or refusal from the target institution, E-learners may try another. - It should be noted that even if E-learners have passed all the Self Reviews, they are not considered ‘finishers’ unless they have passed all Learning Activity outputs. 2. On average, a lesson can be completed in one hour. IV Other Post-Learning Activities 1. After the E-learners have finished the lessons, they are required to answer the program evaluation form. To download the form, a link is provided at the end of the lesson. The E-learners may also download the form from the “Forms and Guidelines” tab at the home page. All E-learners are required to submit completed evaluation form to receive a Certificate of Completion. 2. A Certificate of Completion shall be given to all E-learners who have finished and submitted requirements of the ten lessons. A short program shall be held at CARD-MRI Development Institute (CMDI), Bgry. Tranca, Bay, Laguna on a specified date. This will be the chance for all E-learners and mentors to meet and have personal interactions as well as participate in a guided tour to a unit and observation of borrower member’s meeting. However, the personal interaction is optional. We realize that NOT everybody especially foreign E-learners can come to CMDI. Thank you very much and we hope to see you in our VIRTUAL CLASSROOM! ***