2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 Project IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group <http://ieee802.org/16> Title RBIR MLD PHY Abstraction for HARQ IR/CC Date Submitted 2007-11-12 Source(s) Hongming Zheng, Intel Corporation hongming.zheng@intel.com may.wu@intel.com yang-seok.choi@intel.com jingbao.zhang@intel.com May Wu, Intel Corporation Yang-seok Choi, Intel Corporation Jingbao Zhang, Intel Corporation Re: IEEE 802.16m-07/031 – Call for Comments on Draft 802.16m Evaluation Methodology Document Abstract This contribution provides a link abstraction methodology for HARQ IR with the symbol-level ML receiver. Purpose For discussion and approval by TGm Notice Release Patent Policy This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: <http://standards.ieee.org/guides/bylaws/sect6-7.html#6> and <http://standards.ieee.org/guides/opman/sect6.html#6.3>. Further information is located at <http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-material.html> and <http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat>. RBIR MLD PHY Abstraction for HARQ IR/CC Hongming Zheng, May Wu, Yang-seok Choi, Jingbao Zhang, Intel Corporation 1.0 Purpose This contribution provides a detailed description of a link evaluation methodology for MIMO Maximum 1 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 likelihood (ML) receivers when the HARQ IR/CC is used during the retransmission. The proposed phy abstraction can be worked under the different HARQ cases, for example, full/partial IR and also with Chase combining scheme when the receiver is used with ML detection in symbol-level. 2.0 Introduction The more accurate phy abstraction mapping for HARQ IR/CC is important for the .16m performance evaluation because there is no real decoding in the system-level simulation which can decide whether the decoding is correct or not. So firstly we should guarantee our phy abstraction closer to the practical system which can provide more accurate evaluation in system-level. The current EVM document (section 4.7.3) on HARQ part includes IR and CC just defined the application over SISO when the combining of retransmissions is considered for the calculation of phy metric. For MIMO configuration the provided formula will not still be valid, for example, equation (92). The combined phy abstraction metric over the repeated information bits between transmission and retransmission of HARQ IR/CC should be defined more detail even if currently it is for general detection, for example, MMSE detection on HARQ MIMO with multiple streams. So based on above problem we proposed out the detailed definition for the combined phy metric between the transmission and retransmission where the symbol-level ML receiver is used as the example to show how the combined phy metric is calculated for MIMO HARQ IR/CC scheme over the repetition information part. Also we presented the simulation result to show the accuracy on our combined RBIR metric. Finally we have proposed the text to complement the shortcoming of current EVM definition on HARQ phy abstraction part. 3.0 PHY Abstraction Modelling for HARQ IR/CC In this section we will give out the detailed phy abstraction calculation under the different HARQ combining model. 3.1 Full IR (Incremental Redundancy) As you know the Full IR will have the non-overlapped bits between the transmission and retransmission on the systematic and redundant bits. It is the same case as without repetition of coded bits between the transmission and retransmission as in current EVM document. With no repetition of coded bits, the performance of the decoder at each stage is that corresponding to a binary code with the modified equivalent code rate and code size as illustrated in Figure 1 for MI based approaches. 2 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 X Information Bits First Transmission M I1 Second Retransmission M I2 q-th Retransmission M Iq C2 Code Bits Cq Code Bits C1 Code Bits Figure 1: MI-based parameter update after transmission The required input parameters for AWGN mapping function are given below Reff = X C = C CM C q i 1 Leff i q i 1 (1) i q M I IR ,q i 1 i q i 1 where Reff , Leff Ii i and M I IR ,q are the effective code rate, block size and mutual information after q retransmissions, respectively. So it is easy to figure out the phy abstraction modelling for this IR model. We can easily use the equation below to get the whole IR metric no matter it is MMSE or MLD detection because here there is no combining happened for the repetition information bits. We can then compute the updated mutual information metric after this retransmission as follows M Inew N pre M Iold N NR I b N pre N NR (2) Where the averaged mutual information per bit from previous transmissions is M Iold . The averaged mutual information per bit in this re-transmissions is I b . In addition here we consider a retransmission including a set of N NR new coded bits and there are N pre coded bits that are not re-transmitted in this re-transmission. 3.2 Partial IR (Incremental Redundancy) In practice, due to finite granularity in IR implementation, partial repetition of coded bits is possible. Depending on the rate matching algorithm used, every H-ARQ transmission could have a set of new parity bits and other bits that are repeated. Accumulating the mutual information is appropriate as long as new parity bits are transmitted in every symbol. Otherwise, the receiver combines the demodulation symbols or, more typically, the 3 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 LLRs. In this section, we consider a rate-matching approach that does pure IR transmissions and involves coded bit repetitions once all the coded bits from a base code rate are exhausted. To handle this general case, we consider a retransmission including a set of N NR new coded bits and a set of N R coded bits repeated from pervious transmissions. Further, we assume that there are N pre coded bits that are not re-transmitted in this re-transmission. The averaged mutual information per bit from previous transmissions is M Iold . The averaged mutual information per bit in this re-transmissions is I b . We can then compute an updated mutual information metric after this retransmission as follows M Inew N pre M Iold N NR I b N R I comb N pre N NR N R (3) where I comb is the average mutual information per bit in this re-transmission after the IR combining. The detailed definition for I comb will be described in section 4.0 and it can not be written simply as I comb f1 f11 M Iold f11 Ib which is defined in the current EVM document. 3.3 CC (Chase Combining) Due to the repetition bit for the all transmission/retransmission duration there will need all combining on the phy abstraction metric for the retransmission. So the average mutual information per bit in the retransmission after the combining is as follows. (4) M Inew I comb In the next section we will figure out the detailed combining phy metric for the different retransmission under the symbol-level ML receiver as example. 4.0 RBIR MLD Metric Definition for HARQ IR/CC 4.1 PHY Abstraction Definition for HARQ IR/CC Figure 2 shows the general structure for the HARQ IR/CC scheme, and each of the retransmission can contain the systematic bits S(x) and redundant bits R(x). There will have the corresponding definition for the different HARQ retransmission mode as example below. 1) Chase Combining (CC): when S1=S2=…=Sq and R1=R2=…=Rq 2) Partial IR: when S1=S2=…=Sq and R1 R2 … Rq 3) Full IR: when S2=…=Sq=0 and R1 R2 … Rq From the above definition corresponding to the different definition it is easily to see that Partial IR has the most general representation for the different HARQ mode. So in the following we can study the phy abstraction 4 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 model based on this HARQ mode. X Information Bits S1 R1 M Iold First Transmission S2 R2 Sq Ib Second Retransmission Rq q-th Retransmission Combining Length for the different information R1 I comb N pre S2 NR R2 N NR Figure 2 PHY Abstraction Model for HARQ IR/CC As defined in the previous section for partial IR the updated mutual information metric after the retransmission can be gotten as M Inew N pre M Iold N NR I b N R I comb N pre N NR N R (5) where I comb is the average mutual information per bit in this re-transmission after the IR combining. M I old is the mutual information in last transmission but this part has not retransmitted in this retransmission; and I b is the mutual information in this retransmission over the new coded bits. M I old and I b can be easily be reached because they are not repeated between the transmission and retransmission whose phy abstraction calculation is the same as the new information frame. The question here is how to calculate the combined phy abstraction metric between the transmission and retransmission for the repetitive information bits which is our focus for next section. In this section we will focus the detailed derivation of the combined phy metric RBIRharq or I comb . In addition it can not be written simply as I comb f1 f11 M Iold f11 Ib which is defined in the current EVM document. This contribution we use the symbol-level MLD receiver as the example to figure out the detailed combining phy abstraction metric for HARQ IR/CC. All other phy abstraction under other receiver detection for HARQ IR/CC can easily be derived like from the example demo. 4.2 Derivation of the PHY Abstraction with the IR/CC Combining when SL-MLD used In the following all text related to ‘combined’ means the repetition information bits between the transmission and retransmission. 5 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 1) Distribution of the IR/CC Combined LLR (Theory Derivation) From the link-level view the principle of HARQ combination is actually to do the combination over the soft output bits (LLR) between the transmission and retransmission. The accumulated LLR on the i-th symbol over the IR retransmission is to have LLRi N HARQ k 1 (6) LLRik As we have derived in our previous contribution (C802.16m-07/182r2) the LLR output for each transmission/retransmission from symbol-level MLD can be approximated as Gaussian distribution. (7) LLRik ~ N ( AVEik ,VARik ) Thus the combined LLRi will have the distribution as N HARQ LLRi ~ N ( k 1 N HARQ AVEik , VAR k 1 ik (8) ) We can easily testify the above distribution because of the sum of independent guassian variable can have the new Gaussian distribution with the average of the sum of original average and the variance of the sum of original variance. 2) HARQ IR/CC Combined LLR distribution (Simulation Results) Taking transmitted symbol and one retransmitted symbol for example, we have simulated the combined LLR distribution for the HARQ IR/CC over the repetition information part. 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 Prob 0.6 1st trans retrans combined Gaussian for 1st trans Gaussian for retrans Gaussian for combined SNR=5dB 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 SNR Figure 3 LLR distribution for 1st transmission/retransmission/combined (SISO, QPSK ½ Code Rate) 6 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 0.35 1st trans retrans combined Gaussian for 1st trans Gaussian for retrans Gaussian for combined 0.3 SNR=5dB 2nd stream 0.25 Prob 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 SNR Figure 4 LLR distribution for 1st transmission/retransmission/combined (2x2 MIMO, QPSK ½ Code Rate) Figure 3 and 4 show the relationship of the combined LLR between simulation and theory derivation. In these figures dash-line curve is from simulation and solid-line curve is from theory. ‘1st transmission’ mean the LLR distribution from 1st transmission; ‘retransmission’ mean the LLR distribution from the retransmission but without the combined with 1st transmission; ‘combined’ mean the LLR distribution from the retransmission with the combined with 1st transmission. From these figure we can see that SISO and 2x2 MIMO can have the small gap between the simulation and theory. 3) Combined RBIR MLD PHY for HARQ IR/CC (Repetition Bits Parts) As defined in the section and the average mutual information over the ML receiver can be calculated from the equation (45) and (50) in the EVM document as below. SI harq ,i 1 M M m 1 LLRm ,i p LLRm ,i log 2 M dLLRm ,i 1 exp( LLRm ,i ) (9) Where SI harq ,i is the mutual information of the i-th symbol in the transmission or retransmission frame and m denotes the constellation point index. Then the whole RBIR can be gotten from the division of total SI over the total bits within the symbols. Average mutual information for HARQ IR/CC can be averaged over the bit-level between the transmission and retransmission on the corresponding IR/CC rate matching mode or position. In addition the mutual information on the corresponding IR/CC bits can be gotten from the symbol-level RBIR on the corresponding symbol which is the IR bit from. 7 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 From the section 4.1 we know the key problem for HARQ IR/CC is to calculate the combined phy metric on the repetition information bit between the transmission and retransmission for MIMO system. So in the following we will give out the detailed combined phy metric for HARQ IR/CC based on symbol-level ML detection for MIMO system. So the bit-level mutual information for the combined RBIR metric over repetition bits on HARQ IR/CC can be converted to system-level RBIR due to the fixed rate match mode in the real system which can guarantee the one-to-one mapping between the bit and symbol. The detailed formula for average mutual information for HARQ IR/CC is shown as equation (92) in current EVM document but the combined metric I comb over the repetition bits between the transmission and retransmission is derived as below for symbol-level ML detection. As derived and shown in the section of, the LLR distribution of the i-th symbol from symbol-level MLD can be assumed as Gaussian distribution (10) p LLRi N ( AVEi ,VARi ) Thus SI i p LLR log i 2 LLRi M dLLRi 1 exp( LLRi ) (11) where for LLR distribution and SI calculation is based on one specific constellation point for phy abstraction. Hence, we can skip the subscript m. For HARQ repetition combining (IR repetition part is the same as Chase Combining on the calculation of SI metric on ML receiver) the combined LLR between the transmission and retransmission also can be approximated as Gaussian but the combined average is equal to the sum of original average and the combined variance is equal to the sum of original variance. pharq ( LLRi ) N ( N HARQ k 1 N HARQ AVEik , VAR k 1 ik ) (12) where N HARQ is the HARQ combining number between the transmission and retransmission. So the average combined SI phy metric between the transmission and retransmission over the repetition bits is derived as N HARQ ( LLRi LLRi 2 1 2 e N HARQ AVEik )2 k 1 N HARQ SI harq ,i VARik k 1 log 2 VAR k 1 M dLLRi 1 e LLRi (13) ik If the channel will not change a lot due to the coherent time during these HARQ frames, then pharq ( LLRi ) N ( N HARQ AVEi1 , N HARQVARi1 ) Where N HARQ is the maximum retransmission number for HARQ IR/CC. Thus the combined RBIR phy metric on ML receiver can be calculated as SI harq I comb RBIRharq Nbits 8 (14) 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 1 Nbits N symbols i 1 LLRi 1 2 N HARQVARi1 ( LLRi N HARQ AVEi1 )2 2 N HARQVARi1 e log 2 M dLLRi 1 e LLRi (15) Here RBIRharq is equal to the average mutual information I comb per bit in the retransmission after the IR combining in the equation (92) in the latter IR section; and N symbols is the symbol number per one block over the IR combining, N bits is the bit number within the N symbols symbols. 4) Whole RBIR MLD PHY for HARQ IR/CC (Repetition Bits Parts + New Coded Bits + No Retrs Bits) After getting the RBIR MLD phy metric for the repetition information bits part we can use the general partial IR formula for the average whole RBIR value between the different transmission and retransmission as N pre M Iold N NR I b N R I comb (16) M Inew N pre N NR N R Where I comb is equal to RBIRharq ,i defined in the previous section for repetition information part. 5) RBIR MLD PHY Abstraction Parameter Seaching for HARQ IR/CC Different HARQ mode including IR/CC over the different transmission /retransmission can be seen as the different increased MCS sets. Integrated with the combined phy metric defined as the above section we can use the same procedure as defined in section for the increase MCS sets from the HARQ IR/CC. In summary HARQ IR/CC will add two additional tasks: 1) increased MCS sets that means we need more MCS to be dealt with; 2) need to define the combined phy metric for the retransmission repetition information part which is also our focus in this contribution. 5.0 Conclusions In this contribution we proposed out the detailed definition for the combined phy metric between the transmission and retransmission where the symbol-level ML receiver is used as the example to show how the combined phy metric is calculated for HARQ IR/CC scheme over the repetition information part. HARQ IR can be seen as the increased code rate due to the rate matching mode over the different retransmission except the current defined MCS level in WiMAX I system. So the phy abstraction metric for each transmission/retransmission over HARQ IR can be regarded as the phy abstraction calculation over the new MCS (modulation and code rate). The increased effort over HARQ IR will have two additional working: optimization parameter searching and the calculation of combined phy metric. The first working on optimization parameter search is already defined in the contribution of C802.16m-07/182r2; the second one is detailed introduced in this contribution. This contribution also has considered the many HARQ mode over phy abstraction calculation which can also applied in the different receiver implementation. 9 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 Reference [1] Intel, Link Performance Abstraction for ML Receivers based on RBIR Metrics, IEEE C802.16m-07/187r2 [2] Draft IEEE 802.16m Evaluation Methodology, IEEE 802.16m-07/037 [3] Ericsson, “System-level Evaluation of OFDM – Further Considerations”, R1-031303 [4] Lei Wan, “A Fading-Insensitive Performance Metric Unified Link Quality Model”, VTC paper, 2006 [5] Mot, “Link Performance Abstraction for ML Receivers based on MMIB Metrics”, IEEE C802.16m-07/142 [6] Mot, “”Link Performance Abstraction based on Mean Mutual Information per Bit (MMIB) of the LLR Channel”, IEEE C802.16m-07/097 Proposed Text 1) Modify the line 9-14 page 84 of the document C80216m-07_037.doc as below -----------------------------Begin Proposed Text ---------------------------------------------------------------------- M Inew N pre M Iold N NR I b N R I comb N pre N NR N R where I comb is the average mutual information per bit in this re-transmission after the IR combining over the repetition information bits. M I old is the mutual information in last transmission but this part has not retransmitted in this retransmission; and I b is the mutual information in this retransmission over the new coded bits. M I old and I b can be easily be reached because they are not repeated between the transmission and retransmission whose phy abstraction calculation is the same as the new information bits. 1 0 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 2) Include Section HARQ Combined RBIR PHY Metric Calculation based on ML Detection -----------------------------Begin Proposed Text --------------------------------------------------------------------- HARQ Combined RBIR PHY Metric Calculation based on ML Detection As defined in the section and the average mutual information per symbol (SI) over the ML receiver can be calculated from the equation (45) and (50) in the EVM document as below. SI harq ,i 1 M M m 1 LLRm ,i p LLRm ,i log 2 M dLLRm ,i 1 exp( LLRm ,i ) Where SI harq ,i is the mutual information of the i-th symbol in the transmission or retransmission frame and m denotes the constellation point index. Then the whole RBIR can be gotten from the division of total SI over the total bits within the symbols. Average mutual information for HARQ IR/CC can be averaged over the bit-level between the transmission and retransmission on the corresponding IR/CC rate matching mode or position. In addition the mutual information on the corresponding IR/CC bits can be gotten from the symbol-level RBIR on the corresponding symbol which is the IR bit from. Here the key problem for HARQ IR/CC is to calculate the combined phy metric on the repetition information bit between the transmission and retransmission for MIMO system. So in the following we will give out the detailed combined phy metric for HARQ IR/CC based on symbol-level ML detection for MIMO system. So the bit-level mutual information for the combined RBIR metric over repetition bits on HARQ IR/CC can be converted to system-level RBIR due to the fixed rate match mode in the real system which can guarantee the one-to-one mapping between the bit and symbol. The detailed formula for average mutual information for HARQ IR/CC is shown as equation (92) in current EVM document but the combined metric I comb over the repetition bits between the transmission and retransmission is derived as below for symbol-level ML detection. As derived in the section of of current EVM document, the LLR distribution of the i-th symbol from symbol-level MLD satisfied the Gaussian distribution as p LLRi N ( AVEi ,VARi ) Thus SI i p LLR log i LLRi 2 M dLLRi 1 exp( LLRi ) Here for LLR distribution and RBIR calculation is based on one specific constellation point for phy abstraction so we can skip the subscript m. For HARQ repetition combining (IR repetition part is the same as Chase Combining on the calculation of RBIR metric on ML receiver) the combined LLR between the transmission and retransmission also can be approximated as Gaussian but the combined average is equal to the sum of original average and the combined variance is equal to the sum of original variance. 1 1 2007-11-12 IEEE C802.16m-07/309 pharq ( LLRi ) N ( N HARQ k 1 N HARQ AVEik , VAR ik k 1 ) where N HARQ is the HARQ combining number between the transmission and retransmission. So the average combined SI phy metric between the transmission and retransmission over the repetition bits is derived as N HARQ ( LLRi 2 1 SI harq ,i LLRi 2 AVEik )2 VARik k 1 e N HARQ k 1 N HARQ log 2 VAR M dLLRi 1 e LLRi ik k 1 If the channel will not change a lot due to the coherent time during these HARQ frames, then pharq ( LLRi ) N ( N HARQ AVEi1 , N HARQVARi1 ) Where N HARQ is the maximum retransmission number for HARQ IR/CC. Thus the combined RBIR phy metric on ML receiver can be calculated as SI harq I comb RBIRharq Nbits 1 Nbits N symbols i 1 LLRi 1 2 N HARQVARi1 ( LLRi N HARQ AVEi1 )2 e 2 N HARQVARi1 log 2 M dLLRi 1 e LLRi Here RBIRharq is equal to the average mutual information I comb per bit in the retransmission after the IR combining in the equation (92) in the latter IR section; and N symbols is the symbol number per one block over the IR combining, N bits is the bit number within the N symbols symbols. After getting the RBIR MLD phy metric for the repetition information bits part we can use the general partial IR formula for the average whole RBIR value between the different transmission and retransmission as N pre M Iold N NR I b N R I comb M Inew N pre N NR N R Where I comb is equal to RBIRharq ,i defined in the previous section for repetition information part. 1 2