Curriculum Vitae of Jeremy Fantl Home Address Sabbatical Address, Winter, 2010 Department of Philosophy University of Calgary 2500 University Drive NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Canada (403) 220-5022 AOS: Epistemology 47 Mac Arthur Road Wellesley, MA 02482 USA (781) 235-3092 AOC: Ethics Metaphysics Early Modern British Philosophy Additional Teaching Experience: Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Law Education: Ph.D. in Philosophy, Brown University, 2000. Dissertation: “Revisability and the A Priori” Committee: Ernest Sosa (advisor), James Van Cleve, Felicia Ackerman M.A. in Philosophy, Brown University, 1996. Ph.D. program in Philosophy, SUNY Buffalo, 1992-1993. B.A. in Philosophy, Brandeis University, 1992. Academic Positions: Assistant Professor, University of Calgary Department of Philosophy, 2006-present. Visiting Assistant Professor, Haverford College Department of Philosophy, 2004-2006. Preceptor, Harvard University Expository Writing Program, 2000-2004. Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Arizona Department of Philosophy, 1999-2000. Publications: Books: Knowledge in an Uncertain World, with Matthew McGrath, co-author, Oxford University Press, 2009. Epistemology: An Anthology, 2nd edition, with Ernest Sosa, Jaegwon Kim, and Matthew McGrath, co-editors, Blackwell Publishing, 2008. Publications continue on next page Publications, cont.: Blind Refereed Articles: “On Pragmatic Encroachment in Epistemology,” with Matthew McGrath, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75:3, 2007: 558-89. “Is Metaethics Morally Neutral?” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 87:1, 2006: 24-44. “An Analysis of the A Priori and A Posteriori,” Acta Analytica 18:30/31, 2003: 43-69. “Modest Infinitism,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33:4, 2003: 537-62. “Sensations, Swatches, and Speckled Hens,” with Robert Howell, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 84:4, 2003: 371-83. “Evidence, Pragmatics, and Justification,” with Matthew McGrath, The Philosophical Review 111:1, 2002: 67-94 (reprinted in Sosa, Kim, Fantl, McGrath, eds., Epistemology: An Anthology, 2nd ed., Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2008: 742-59). “How We Should Teach Plantinga’s Possible Persons,” Teaching Philosophy 23:4, 2000: 329-42. Invited Articles: “DeRose on Contextualism,” with Matthew McGrath, contribution to symposium on Keith DeRose’s The Case for Contextualism, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, in progress. “Epistemic Norms,” with Matthew McGrath, in Epistemic Norms: New Essays on Action, Belief, and Assertion, Clayton Littlejohn and John Turri, eds., in progress. “Truth and Its Place in Epistemology,” with Matthew McGrath, in Contemporary Philosophers in Focus: Ernest Sosa, John Turri, ed., Cambridge University Press, in progress. “Pragmatic Encroachment,” with Matthew McGrath, in Routledge Companion to Epistemology, Sven Bernecker and Duncan Pritchard, eds., forthcoming, 2011. “Advice for Fallibilists: Put Knowledge to Work,” with Matthew McGrath, Philosophical Studies 142, 2009: 55-66. “Critical Study of John Hawthorne’s Knowledge and Lotteries and Jason Stanley’s Knowledge and Practical Interests,” with Matthew McGrath, Noûs 43:1, 2009: 178-92. “Knowing-How and Knowing-That,” Philosophy Compass 3:3, 2008: 451-70. Reviews, Critical Notices, and Miscellaneous: Bibliography for General Epistemology, with Matthew McGrath and Ernest Sosa, Oxford Bibliographies Online, forthcoming. Critical Notice of Jay F. Rosenberg, Thinking About Knowing, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76:1, 2008: 228-31. Review of Stephen Hetherington, ed., Aspects of Knowing: Epistemological Essays, The Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85:4, 2007: 684-87. Review of Arda Denkel, Object and Property, Canadian Philosophical Reviews (now Philosophy in Review) 17:3, 1997. Review of D. M. Armstrong, C. B. Martin, U. T. Place, Dispositions: A Debate, Canadian Philosophical Reviews (now Philosophy in Review) 17:2, 1997: 80-82. Professional Academic Presentations: Invited Talks: TBA, Perspectives on Pragmatic Encroachment: the Second Annual USA Philosophy Workshop, Orange Beach, AL, 2010. “Knowledge and Reasons,” with Matthew McGrath, Fordham Workshop on Epistemic Normativity, 2010. “A Defense of Dogmatism,” University of British Columbia, scheduled, 2009. “Epistemic Pragmatism,” with Matthew McGrath, Arché Workshop on Epistemic Contextualism, University of St. Andrews, 2009. (I didn’t attend; McGrath represented the two of us.) “The Role of Knowledge in Justification,” based on material co-written with Matthew McGrath, University of Manitoba, 2009. “Conspiracy Theories, the Death Penalty, Magic Shows, and the Precautionary Principle: Why It’s Awful to be a Person,” The Apeiron Society, Calgary, 2007. “Reid’s Alternative to the British Empiricists,” Swarthmore College, 2006. “Metaethical Neutrality and Observer-Dependence,” Colgate University, 2005. “Conspiracy Theories and the Challenge of Belief,” The Universe Bar, Haverford, 2004. “Refactualizing the A Priori,” The Syracuse Workshop on the A Priori, 2004. “A Look at Two ‘Anti-Evidentialist’ Constraints on Knowledge,” with Matthew McGrath, The First Kline Chair Workshop, University of Missouri, 2003. “How to Analyze the A Priori,” University of Arizona, 2000. Refereed Talks: “The Importance of Knowledge,” with Matthew McGrath, International Conference on the Value of Knowledge (organized by the Knowledge, Belief, and Normativity project), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2007. (McGrath didn’t attend; I represented the two of us.) “A Case for Pragmatic Encroachment (or for Semi-Skepticism),” with Matthew McGrath, APA Pacific Division, Symposium Session, 2007. “Observer-Dependence in Ethics and Epistemology,” APA Pacific Division, 2006. Comments: on Juan Comesaña, “Epistemic Pragmatism: An Argument Against Moderation,” APA Pacific Division Meeting, scheduled, 2009. on James Bednar, “Prudent Inquiry and Non-Evidential Considerations,” APA Pacific Division Meeting, 2008. on Leo Iacono, “Pragmatics and Epistemic Justification,” w/ Matthew McGrath, Central States Philosophical Association Meeting, 2003. on Thomas D. Bontly, “Yablo on Proportionality, Causation, and Exclusion,” APA Central Division Meeting, 2003. Pedagogy: Introductory Courses Expository Writing. Inquiry: Critical Reasoning and Writing for Pre-Meds. Personal Morality. Problems of Philosophy. Mind, Matter, and God. Philosophy in Film. Philosophical Perspectives on the Individual. Intermediate Courses Mind and World: Writing-Intensive Tutorial for 2nd Year Majors. Early Modern British Philosophy. Ethics and the Law. Evidence. Philosophy of Religion. Advanced Courses Directed Reading: The Epistemology of Scientific Testimony. Directed Reading: The Epistemology of Testimony. Directed Reading: Internalism and Externalism in Epistemology. Issues in Epistemology. Senior Seminar. Skepticism. Testimony and Trust. Graduate Courses A Priori Intuition and Experimental Philosophy. Directed Reading: The Problem of Memory Knowledge. The Role of Context in Contemporary Epistemology. Thesis Supervision: Supervisor, MA Thesis of Tyler McGraw, University of Calgary, 2009-present. Supervisor, Ph.D. Thesis of Masashi Kasaki, University of Calgary, 2007-present. Supervisor, MA Thesis of Julianne Chung, University of Calgary, MA conferred 2009. Supervisor, Honors Thesis of Lauren Hardy, University of Calgary, 2008-2009. Supervisor, MA Thesis of Elske Straver, University of Calgary, MA conferred 2008. First Reader, Senior Thesis of Benjamin Herman, Haverford College, 2005-2006. Second Reader, Senior Theses of Matt Mullarkey, Michael Crawford, Perry Gorgen, and Constantinos Vassiliou, Haverford College, 2005-2006. Professional and Academic Activities and Service: Mini-Conference Organizer, “Experimental Philosophy and Philosophical Methodology,” speakers: Janet Levin, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Weinberg, University of Calgary, scheduled 2009. Timetable Committee, Chair, 2008-present. PhD Preliminary Exam Committee, Metaphysics and Epistemology, University of Calgary, 2007-2009 (Chair, 2008-2009). Undergraduate Studies Committee, Curriculum & Academic Review, University of Calgary, 2007-2008. Speakers Committee, University of Calgary, 2007-2008. Mini-Conference Organizer, “The Epistemology of Disagreement,” speakers: Richard Feldman, Jennifer Lackey, and Peter van Inwagen, University of Calgary, 2007. Book Referee: Blackwell Publishing, Broadview Press, MIT Press, Oxford University Press. Journal Referee: Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Dialectica, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, Erkenntnis, Mind, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Noûs, Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Synthese. Conference Referee: 2008 Western Canadian Philosophical Association Conference, 2007 and 2008 Canadian Philosophical Association Congresses, 2007 Episteme Conference, 1998 World Congress of Philosophy, 1997 and 1998 Brown Graduate Student Philosophy Conferences. Graduate Student Teaching Liaison, the Brown University Sheridan Center for the Advancement of College Teaching, 1997-1998. Assistant to the Editor, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1996. Academic Honors, Grants, and Fellowships: University of Calgary Starter Grant, A Priori Intuition and Experimental Philosophy, 2008. Killam Resident Fellowship, Things to Do With Knowledge, 2008. University of Calgary Start-up Grant, 2006. Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University, seven from 2000-2004. Dyer Fellowship, Brown University, 1998. Brown University Teaching Fellowship, Brown University, 1997. Brown University Dissertation Fellowship, Brown University, 1996. Brown University Fellowship, Brown University, 1993-1994.