THE WILLOWS NEWSLETTER NOTICE TO PATIENTS The Willows Medical Practice works as part of the Westcliffe Group in that there are formal ties within the partnerships of these practices linking them together. This allows for the sharing of clinical and nonclinical staff and therefore expertise across a group of practices as well as joined up strategic planning for service delivery. Other practices that are part of the Westcliffe Group are Westcliffe Medical Practice, Cowgill Surgery (Clayton) and Thornton & Denholme Medical Practice. APPOINTMENTS BOOKED AND HOW MANY DID NOT ATTEND Appointments Doctors Did not attend Hours wasted December 2014 2066 58 10hours 20mins January 2015 1923 41 7 hours February 2015 1961 50 8hours 45 mins Nurse Did not attend Hours wasted 829 63 15hours 20mins 987 58 13hours 15mins 939 56 15hours 30mins Other clinics Did not attend Hours wasted 232 48 28hours 212 16 5hours 25mins 215 32 9hours 25mins Additional GP Service Rapid Access Doctors Ring backs December 2014 January 2015 February 2015 436 148 419 126 326 125 March 2015 March 2015 IF YOU CANNOT MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT, PLEASE LET THE SURGERY KNOW ROB DAW - ADVANCED NURSE PRACTITIONER We would like to welcome Rob Daw – Advanced Nurse Practitioner, to the surgery. He is a RN Adult BNurs (Hon), PG Dip COPD, Non medical prescriber, PG Dip Advanced Nurse Practitioner. Rob is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, a highly experienced nurse who has completed extended training in order to diagnose and manage a wide range of conditions. Rob is able to prescribe medications and refer to hospitals where appropriate. Rob’s specialist area of interest is chronic lung conditions such as COPD and asthma. CARERS’ RESOURCE A carer is someone who, without payment, provides help and support to a friend, neighbour or relative who could not manage otherwise because of frailty, illness or disability. They may even be juggling paid work with caring responsibilities at home. Carers have a tough job – it can mean unrelenting pressure, little chance to relax and a lot of worry. The system is complicated, and the issue is hidden. 2015 The Carers’ Resource provides support for carers, no matter what their age, race, religion or needs. Follow the links to discover what support we can offer you as a carer, or as someone who might work with carers. PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP Did you know the Willows have a Patient Participation Group (PPG)? The PPG is a group of patients who meet with the surgery staff to give comments and suggestions to the Willows on nonmedical topics, the sort of things which patients may be finding niggling or frustrating. The surgery is keen to listen to patients and where possible improve your experience of using the surgery. In February the PPG members will be assisting whenever possible with the Annual Patient Survey, please take some time to complete a survey if you visit the surgery, they are available at the reception desk, your views do count! Please complete the enclosed slip below if you would like to become a member of the PPG. PATIENTS OUT OF THE AREA As from 5th January 2015 practices may accept a patient outside of their Practice Boundary. This means that as a patient you will be able to register with the practice of your choice. However, if you live outside the practice boundary you will not be entitled to a home visit and will have to find an alternative Doctor to visit you at home should you need to. PHARMACY FIRST Go straight to the pharmacist for expert advice and treatment. Every year, millions of us visit our GP with minor health problems that our local pharmacist could resolve. It is estimated that every year, 50 million visits to the GP are made for minor ailments such as coughs and colds, mild eczema and athlete's foot. But by visiting your pharmacy instead, you could save yourself time and trouble. Instead of booking and waiting for a GP appointment, you can visit your local pharmacist any time – just walk in. All pharmacists can recognise many common health complaints. They can give advice or, where appropriate, medicines that will help clear up the problem. If your problem is more serious and needs the attention of a GP, your pharmacist will recognise this and advise you to see your GP instead. What's more, many pharmacies are open in the evenings and on the weekends. If everybody went to a pharmacist with common health problems, more time would be freed up for our GPs. This might make it easier to get a convenient appointment with your GP next time you need one. So, if you have a common health problem, a trip to your local pharmacy is an option. 2015 Your pharmacist may be able to help with: skin conditions, such as mild acne and mild eczema coughs and colds, including nasal congestion and sore throat minor cuts and bruises constipation and haemorrhoids (piles) hay fever and allergies aches and pains, such as headaches, earache and back pain indigestion, diarrhoea and threadworms period pain and thrush warts and verrucas, mouth ulcers and cold sores athlete's foot nappy rash and teething WHAT IS THE NHS FRIENDS AND FAMILY TESTS The NHS wants to ensure that you have the best possible experience of care. The NHS Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback about your experience so we can make improvement to our services. Please complete the attached feedback form on reception. Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think about our service – what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately you’re helping us to make changes that will improve our services. You don’t have to give your name or contact details, nut you can do so if you chose and we might get in touch to find out a little bit more about your feedback. If you need support when completing the question then a volunteer may be available to help you. WE DO NOT ISSUE PRESCRIPTIONS OVER THE TELEPHONE We DO NOT issue prescriptions over the telephone. The only time we would do this, is if the GP has confirmed the patient is Housebound. BY ON-LINE BY FAX 01274 818447 BACK OF SCRIPT - Please complete the counterfoil on the back of the prescription issued AT RECEPTION Completing the white requisition form on reception desk IMPORTANT - We cannot respond to any queries sent to our email and website, because it is a secure site. We will respond by letter or by telephone. PLEASE ALLOW 48 HOURS FOR BEFORE YOU COLLECT THE PRESCRIPTION FROM THE SURGERY OR TO THE DESIGNATED PHARMACY OF YOUR CHOICE BANK HOLIDAYS 2015 Good Friday April 2015 Bank Holiday Monday 31st August 2015 th Easter Monday 6 April 2015 Christmas Day Friday 25th December 2015 May Day Monday 4th May 2015 Bank Holiday Monday 28th December 2015 3rd 2015 Spring Bank Monday 25th May 2015 SURGERY CLOSED FOR TRAINING IN 2015 Thursday 16th April 2015 Thursday 17th September 2015 Thursday 21st May 2015 Thursday 15th October 2015 th Thursday 18 June 2015 Thursday 19th November 2015 Thursday 16th July 2015 Thursday 17th December 2015 th Thursday 20 August 2015 When the surgery is closed, our telephone system will direct you to the Out of Hours service. If you need medical help fast, but it’s not a 999 emergency, please ring NHS 111 telephone number. Call 999 in an emergency e g: Chest pains and / or shortness of breath 2015