2580 Page 1 of 8 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL SOUTHWESTERN REGION (REGION 3) ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO FSM 2500 – WATERSHED AND AIR MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2580 – AIR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Supplement No.: 2500-2005-1 Effective Date: June 30, 2005 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: Abel M Camarena (For) Regional Forester Date Approved: 06/13/2005 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 2500-94-1. New Document(s): 2580 8 Pages Superseded Document(s) (Amendment Number and Effective Date) 2500-94-1 dated 10/11/1994 8 Pages Digest: 2580.1 Revises authority for Regional air resource management. 2580.3 Updates Regional policy for air quality management. 2580.4 Establishes air resource management responsibility for the Regional Forester; the Director for Ecosystem Analysis and Planning – Watershed and Air Management; and Forest Supervisors. R3 SUPPLEMENT 2500-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/30/3005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2580 Page 2 of 8 FSM 2500 – WATERSHED AND AIR MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2580 – AIR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2580.1- Authority The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is directed to implement the Clean Air Act (CAA), Public Law 101-549 as amended, through EPA-approved State Implementation Plans (SIPs) or through Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) in the absence of an approved SIP. In New Mexico, the Environmental Improvement Board is the state air pollution control agency (except for Bernalillo County), and air quality programs are administered under the authority of the New Mexico Environment Department. The Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board has responsibility for air quality control in Bernalillo County, and the program is administered through the City of Albuquerque Environmental Health Department. In Arizona, the Air Quality Rules are adopted and implemented through the Department of Environmental Quality except that air quality authority was also delegated by EPA to Maricopa, Pima and Pinal Counties and Yavapai Apache Tribe. Permits for air emissions on tribal lands in New Mexico are authorized by EPA Region 6, and by EPA Region 9 for tribal lands in Arizona. State and local air quality regulations that affect certain management activities in the Southwestern Region include: 1. New Mexico Air Quality Control Act (Sections 74-2-1 to 74-2-17 NMSA 1978). NM Environmental Improvement Board, Santa Fe. 2. New Mexico Ambient Air Quality Standards and Air Quality Control Regulations. NM Environmental Improvement Board, Santa Fe. 3. Arizona Air Pollution Rules (ARS 49.501; Title 18, Environmental Quality, Chapter 2, Air Pollution Control), Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, Phoenix. 4. Ambient Air Quality Standards and Air Quality Control Regulations for Albuquerque/Bernalillo County, Dec. 1991. Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board, Albuquerque. 2580.3 - Policy Air is a basic National Forest System resource to be protected. In the management of this resource the Region shall cooperate with other Federal, state and local regulatory agencies, as well as the public and private land managers to: 1. Minimize the impact of the Region's management activities on air quality and comply with requirements of Federal, state and local air regulatory authorities. 2. Affirmatively protect Air Quality Related Values (AQRV) within the Region's Class I wilderness areas (2580.5 - Exhibit 01). R3 SUPPLEMENT 2500-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/30/3005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2580 Page 3 of 8 FSM 2500 – WATERSHED AND AIR MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2580 – AIR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 3. Protect Resource Values Affected by Air Pollution (RVAAP) on all National Forest System Lands. 4. Maintain or improve air quality within Class I airsheds (2580.5 - Exhibit 02.) 2580.4 - Responsibility 2580.43 – Regional Foresters The Regional Forester is responsible for accomplishing all objectives of the Forest Service air resource management program and in meeting the requirements of the CAA and state and local air pollution control rules, regulations and standards within the Region. Program coordination and technical guidance is the responsibility of the Director of Watershed and Air Management. 1. Director, Watershed and Air Management. The Director of Ecosystem Analysis and Planning - Watershed and Air Management shall: a. Serve as principal contact for air resource management and AQRV issues, including Regional Planning Organizations (i.e, Western Regional Air Partnership). Develop and present the Forest Service position on these issues. b. Provide leadership in the inventory, monitoring, and evaluation of AQRV and air pollution effects on National Forests and National Grasslands. c. Evaluate programs and plans to ensure compliance with procedural and substantive requirements of the CAA. d. Coordinate air quality management with Regional Staff Directors that have program management responsibilities that may be affected by air quality, air quality standards, or provisions of the CAA. This includes Recreation, Forest Pest Management, Wildlife, Range, and Fire and Aviation Management. e. Provide technical guidance, consistency and training to Forests for meeting air resource management objectives, including: Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit screening analysis; recommendations for approval, modification or denial of PSD permit applications; and review and preparation of recommendations for SIPs. f. Maintain contacts with others, including: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Federal agencies managing Class I areas in the Region (National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service); state, county, and municipal air regulatory agencies; and the Rocky Mountain Research Station. R3 SUPPLEMENT 2500-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/30/3005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2580 Page 4 of 8 FSM 2500 – WATERSHED AND AIR MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2580 – AIR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT g. Develop program direction and budget for air resource management on National Forest System lands. 2. Forest Supervisors. The Federal Land Manager’s affirmative responsibility to protect Class I wilderness areas from air pollution is redelegated to the Forest Supervisors. This responsibility is defined in the CAA, i.e., take affirmative action to protect Class I area resources from adverse impacts that may result from air pollution. Responsibilities are as follows: a. Using Forest Service screening criteria, review and evaluate PSD permit applications that have the potential to affect National Forest Class I areas. (1) Ensure that states and EPA notify the USDA Forest Service of all permits for the FLM to assess whether each permit application has a potential to impact AQRV. (2) Review PSD permits for completeness and where appropriate, transmit a response to recommend that the permitting authority not declare an application complete until AQRV are adequately addressed. (3) Transmit a response to recommend to the permitting authority that PSD permit applications that have the potential to affect Class I areas be either issued, modified, or denied. (4) Where appropriate, also transmit a response to recommend pre- and postconstruction monitoring by the PSD permit applicant to assess AQRV impacts. (5) Evaluate ability of the proposed PSD air pollution control technology to protect AQRV, and where appropriate, transmit recommendations on control technology for consideration by the permitting authority. b. Review SIPs and transmit written comments to the permitting authority. c. Inventory AQRV and other resource values affected by air pollution to determine baseline and/or existing condition. Monitor selected indicators of these values in Class I areas and priority Class II areas. Make such information available to the Environmental Protection Agency and the State, City or County permitting authority upon request or when resource conditions are impaired due to air quality. d. Acquire necessary air pollution permits and conduct prescribed burning in compliance with air regulatory agency statutes and guidelines. Control prescribed burning activities to minimize visibility reduction and adverse smoke effects on Class I areas, public facilities, private lands, and other smoke-sensitive areas. e. Conduct conformity determinations as required by EPA rule pursuant to Clean Air Act Section 176(c). R3 SUPPLEMENT 2500-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/30/3005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2580 Page 5 of 8 FSM 2500 – WATERSHED AND AIR MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2580 – AIR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT f. Consult with State and local air quality regulatory authorities on pollution impacts to National Forests. Document written or verbal complaints from Class I area visitors regarding visibility or other AQRV impairment. Forward comments to the permitting authority and recommend actions needed to protect these resources. g. Transmit recommendations for approval or denial of variances requested of the permitting authority. h. Develop and integrate a Forest Air Resource Management Program into the Forest planning and budgeting process. 2580.5 - Definitions 1. Current Condition of Air Quality Related Values. The condition as first monitored after August 1977, or as can be reasonably established using data before and after that date. 2. Screening Criteria. Quantitative measures for evaluating PSD permit applications. Includes limits of acceptable change, i.e., changes in the physical, chemical, biological and cultural condition of a wilderness component that can occur without causing a loss of wilderness character. Any predicted or measured change at or beyond the screening criteria may define an adverse impact to an Air Quality Related Value. Use guidelines within Federal Land Managers' Air Quality Related Values Workgroup Phase I Report, December 2000. 3. Sensitive Receptor. A wilderness component that is sensitive to air pollution and serves as an early indicator of AQRV condition. R3 SUPPLEMENT 2500-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/30/3005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2580 Page 6 of 8 FSM 2500 – WATERSHED AND AIR MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2580 – AIR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2580.5 - Exhibit 1 CLASS I WILDERNESS AREAS IN REGION 3 WILDERNESS ACRES (1990) LEAD FOREST ARIZONA STATE CHIRICAHUA GALIURO MAZATZAL MT. BALDY PINE MOUNTAIN SIERRA ANCHA SUPERSTITION SYCAMORE CANYON ARIZONA TOTAL 87,700 76,317 252,016 6,975 20,061 20,850 159,780 55,937 679,636 Coronado Coronado Tonto Apache-Sitgreaves Prescott Tonto Tonto Coconino NEW MEXICO STATE GILA WHITE MTN. PECOS SAN PEDRO PARKS WHEELER PEAK NEW MEXICO TOTAL Regional Total 558,065 48,873 223,333 41,132 19,663 891,066 1,570,702 Other Class I Areas: New Mexico Arizona Bandelier NM Bosque del Apache Carlsbad Caverns NP Salt Creek Wilderness Chiricahua NM Petrified Forest NP Saguaro NM Grand Canyon NP Gila Lincoln Santa Fe Santa Fe Carson R3 SUPPLEMENT 2500-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/30/3005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed FSM 2500 – WATERSHED AND AIR MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2580 – AIR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2580.5 - Exhibit 2 AIRSHEDS OF ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO A. Key to Arizona Airsheds. Unit 1: Colorado River Unit 2: Upper Colorado River Unit 3: Little Colorado River Unit 4: Colorado River/Mexico Unit 5: Verde River Unit 6: Lower Salt River Unit 7: Upper Gila River Unit 8: Mexico Drainage Unit 9: Gila River Unit 10: Gila River Basin Unit 11: Lower Colorado B. List of New Mexico Airsheds/Watersheds. San Juan River Basin Upper Rio Grande Basin Middle Rio Grande Basin Lower Rio Grande Basin Arkansas White-Red River Texas Gulf Basin Pecos River Basin Central Closed Basins 2580 Page 7 of 8 R3 SUPPLEMENT 2500-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/30/3005 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed FSM 2500 – WATERSHED AND AIR MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2580 – AIR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT South-western Closed Basins Lower Colorado River Basin Western Closed Basins 2580 Page 8 of 8