Solutions to Chapter 8 Exercises SOLVED EXERCISES S1. False. A player’s equilibrium mixture is devised in order to keep her opponent indifferent among all of her (the opponent’s) possible mixed strategies; thus, a player’s equilibrium mixture yields the opponent the same expected payoff against each of the player’s pure strategies. Note that the statement will be true for zero-sum games, because when your opponent is indifferent in such a game, it must also be true that you are indifferent as well. S2. Sally’s expected payoff from choosing Starbucks when Harry is using his p-mix is p; her expected payoff from choosing Local Latte when Harry is mixing is 2 – 2p. Similarly, Harry’s expected payoff from choosing Starbucks when Sally is using his q-mix is 2q; his expected payoff from choosing Local Latte when Sally is mixing is 1 – q. These expected payoffs are graphed below. Sally’s best response to Harry’s p-mix is to choose Local Latte for values of p below 2/3 and to choose Starbucks for values of p above 2/3. Sally is indifferent between her two choices when p = 2/3. Similarly, Harry’s best response to Sally’s q-mix is to choose Local Latte for values of q below 1/3 and to choose Starbucks for values of q above 1/3. He is indifferent between his two choices when q = 1/3. The mixed-strategy equilibrium occurs when Harry chooses Starbucks two-thirds of the time and Local Latte one-third of the time (p = 2/3) and when Sally chooses Starbucks one-third of the time and Local Latte two-thirds of the time (q = 1/3). Best-response curves are shown below. Expected payoffs for Sally and Harry are 2/3 each. Both players would prefer either of the purestrategy Nash equilibria. If they can coordinate their randomization in some way so as to alternate Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 1 of 17 between the two pure-strategy Nash equilibria, they can achieve an expected payoff of 1.5 rather than the 2/3 that they achieve in the mixed-strategy equilibrium. S3. (a) Nash equilibria occur where the best-response curves intersect. In this game, the pure-strategy Nash equilibria occur at points, (0, 0) and (1, 1). The mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium occurs at point (1/3, 1/3). (b) Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 2 of 17 In this game, the pure-strategy Nash equilibria occur at points (0, 0) and (1, 1). There are no mixed-strategy Nash equilibria. S4. (a) Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 3 of 17 (b) Navratilova wants to minimize Evert’s success rate, which—as seen from the upper envelope of the graph—will be 70% in equilibrium. The graph also illustrates that Navratilova can use many mixtures of q in equilibrium: any q-mix between 1/3 and 5/7 (inclusive) will work in a mixedstrategy equilibrium (while Evert plays Lob). There are then an infinite number of mixed-strategy equilibria of the form (Lob; q DL + (1 – q) CC), where 1/3 ≤ q ≤ 5/7. (c) (d) Using this characterization of Evert’s p-mix then, we see that Navratilova’s expected payoff is 50p1 + 10p2 + 34(1 – p1 – p2) when playing DL and 20p1 + 80p2 + 44(1 – p1 – p2) when playing CC. Thus, Navratilova is indifferent when: 50p1 + 10p2 + 34(1 – p1 – p2) = 20p1 + 80p2 + 44(1 – p1 – p2) 40p1 = 60p2 + 10 p1 = 3/2p2 + 1/4 Since they are probabilities, neither p1 nor p2 may be less than 0 or greater than 1. Since p2 0, it must be true that p1 1/4. Similarly, since p1≤ 1, it must be true that p2≤ 1/2. In equilibrium, Evert may play DL with any p1 [1/4, 1], CC with any probability p2 [0, 1/2] , provided that p1 + p2 ≤ 1. She will of course play Lob with probability 1 – p1 – p2. Since there are many possible choices of p1 and p2, this game has an infinite number of mixed-strategy equilibria. S5. (a) Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 4 of 17 (b) Zeppo, Harpo, and Groucho appear on the upper envelope of the graph. Zeppo is Karl’s best response when 0 ≤ q ≤ 4/7, Harpo is his best response when 4/7 ≤ q ≤ 2/3, and Groucho is his best response when 2/3 ≤ q ≤ 1. (c) Chico and Gummo are never a best response because they are dominated. Gummo is dominated by Zeppo, and Chico is dominated by either a mixture of Zeppo and Groucho or a mixture of Zeppo and Harpo. (d) The equilibrium q-mix of this zero-sum game will be the one that minimizes the upper envelope of Karl’s of payoffs. This occurs at the intersection of Zeppo and Harpo, that is, when the payoff from Zeppo is equal to the payoff from Harpo: 9 – 5q = 5 + 2q q = 4/7 To find Karl’s p-mix, look at the remaining subgame when only Zeppo and Harpo are played: KARL Harpo Zeppo Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises OLLISTAN Laurel 7 4 Hardy 5 9 5 of 17 Let p be the probability that Karl plays Harpo. Then Ollistan is indifferent when: –7p – 4(1 – p) = –5p – 9(1 – p) S6. p = 5/7. (a) (b) Revolver yields a higher expected payoff than Knife when: 1 + 2p > 4 – 6p (c) Revolver yields a higher expected payoff than Wrench when: 1 + 2p > 0 + 6p (d) p > 3/8. p < 1/4. Professor Plum will use only Knife and Wrench in his equilibrium mixture, because Revolver is dominated by a mixture of those two strategies. He can always get a higher payoff from either Knife or Wrench. (e) Eliminating Revolver from consideration, we get the two-by-two table: MRS. Conservatory Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises PROFESSOR PLUM Wrench Knife 2, –2 0, 6 6 of 17 PEACOCK Ballroom 1, 4 5, 0 Let q be the probability that Professor Plum plays Knife. The mixed strategy Nash equilibrium occurs where: –2p + 4(1 – p) = 6p + 0(1 – p) p = 1/3 2q + 0(1 – q) = 1q + 5(1 – q) q = 5/6 Mrs. Peacock plays 1/3(Conservatory) +2/3(Ballroom), and Professor Plum plays 5/6(Knife) + 1/6(Wrench). S7. For Roman, strategy B is a dominated by strategy A. For Greek, strategy δ is dominated by strategy β. The game table then reduces to: ROMAN A C GREEK 6, -6 -1, 1 3, -3 7, -7 5, -5 4, -4 Best response analysis shows that there are no pure-strategy equilibria. Now that the game is 2 by 3, the easiest way to see which strategies Greek will play in equilibrium is to graph Greek’s payoffs given Roman’s p, where p is the probability that Roman plays A: Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 7 of 17 Roman’s equilibrium value of p is the one that minimizes Greek’s upper envelope of payoffs. This occurs where the α line intersects the β line: –3 – 3p = – 7 + 8p p = 4/11 The graph illustrates that is dominated by and ; Greek will not play Let q be the probability that Greek plays α. The value of q that will keep Roman indifferent between playing A and C is given by: 6q – 1(1 – q) = 3q + 7(1 – q) q = 8/11 This game has one mixed-strategy equilibrium, where: Roman plays (4/11 A + 7/11 C) Greek plays (8/11 α +3/11 ) S8. As in Exercise S7, strategies B and δ are dominated and can be eliminated. The reduced game table is: ROMAN A C Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises GREEK 6, –6 –1, 1 3, –3 7, –7 3, –3 4, –4 8 of 17 Best response analysis shows that there are no pure-strategy equilibria. Graphing the payoffs from Greek’s strategies given Roman’s p, where p is the probability that Roman plays A: Roman’s equilibrium value of p is the one that minimizes Greek’s upper envelope of payoffs. This occurs where the α line intersects the line: –3 – 3p = – 4 + 1p p = 1/4 Though β is a best response for some values of p, it is not a best response when p = 1/4, so Greek only plays α and in equilibrium.Let q be the probability that Greek plays α. The value of q that will keep Roman indifferent between playing A and C is given by: 6q +3(1 – q) = 3q + 4(1 – q) q = 1/4 This game has one mixed-strategy equilibrium, where: Roman plays (1/4 A + 3/4 C) Greek plays (1/4 α +3/4 ) S9. (a) To find Player 1’s equilibrium mix, set Player 2’s payoffs from each of her pure strategies, against Player 1’s p-mix, equal to one another. In her p-mix, Player 1 will play Rock with Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 9 of 17 probability p1, Scissors with probability p2, and Paper with probability 1 – p1 – p2. Player 2’s payoff from Rock against this p-mix is 10p2 – 10(1– p1 – p2); her payoff from Scissors against the p-mix is –10p1 + 10(1 – p1 – p2); and her payoff from Paper against the p-mix is 10p1 – 10p2. Equating the last two of these payoffs yields –10p1 + 10(1 – p1 – p2) = 10p1 – 10p2, which simplifies to –20p1 – 10p2 + 10 = 10p1 – 10p2, or 10 = 30p1 or p1 = 1/3. Then equating the first two payoffs yields 10p2 – 10(1 – p1 – p2) = –10p1 + 10(1 – p1 – p2) or –10 + 20p2 + 10p1 = –20p1 – 10p2 + 10. Rearranging and substituting 1/3 for p1 yields 30p2 = 10, or p2 = 1/3 also. Then we get 1 – p1 – p2 = 1/3 as well. Player 1’s equilibrium mix entails playing each strategy 1/3 of the time or with probability 33 1/3. The symmetry of the game guarantees that Player 2’s equilibrium mix is the same. (b) Check Player 1’s payoffs from each of her pure strategies against Player 2’s mix. payoff from Rock: (0)(0.4) + (10)(0.3) + (–10)(0.3) = 0 payoff from Scissors: (–10)(0.4) + (0)(0.3) + (10)(0.3) = –1 payoff from Paper: (10)(0.4) + (–10)(0.3) + (0)(0.3) = 1 Player 1’s expected payoff from using the pure strategy Paper exceeds her expected payoffs from her other two strategies. She should play only Paper when Player 2 uses the mix described. Presumably, Player 2 has chosen a nonequilibrium mix, so Player 1 is not indifferent among her available pure strategies. S10. (a) Let p and q be the probabilities that Harry and Sally (respectively) play Pasta, so that they play Sandwich with probabilities (1 – p) and (1 – q). The equilibrium values of p and q will be: p = 5(1 – p) p = 5/6 5q = 1 – q q = 1/6 The equilibrium when Harry and Sally both mix over only Pasta and Sandwich is: Harry plays 5/6(Pasta) + 1/6(Sandwich) Sally plays 1/6(Pasta) + 5/6(Sandwich) Harry’s expected payoff is 5q + 0(1 – q) = 5(1/6) = 5/6. Sally’s expected payoff is 1p + 0(1 – p) = 5/6. (b) Again, let p and q be the probabilities that Harry and Sally (respectively) play Pasta, but now they play Buffet with probabilities (1 – p) and (1 – q). The equilibrium values of p and q will be: p = 2(1 – p) p = 2/3 Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 10 of 17 5q = 2(1 – q) q = 2/7 The equilibrium when Harry and Sally both mix over only Pasta and Buffet is: Harry plays 2/3(Pasta) + 1/3(Buffet) Sally plays 2/7(Pasta) + 5/7(Buffet) Harry’s expected payoff is 5q + 0(1 – q) = 5(2/7) = 10/7. Sally’s expected payoff is 1p + 0(1 – p) = 2/3. When Harry plays this mixed strategy, Sally’s payoff from playing Sandwich is 0, whereas her expected payoff from playing either Pasta or Buffet is 2/3. Thus Sally will never choose to play Sandwich when she thinks Harry is playing his equilibrium strategy for this mixed-strategy equilibrium. (c) Now let p and q be the probabilities that Harry and Sally (respectively) play Sandwich, so that they play Buffet with probabilities (1 – p) and (1 – q). The equilibrium values of p and q will be: 5p = 2(1 – p) p = 2/7 q = 2(1 – q) q = 2/3 The equilibrium when Harry and Sally both mix over only Sandwich and Buffet is: Harry plays 2/7(Sandwich) + 5/7(Buffet) Sally plays 2/3(Sandwich) + 1/3(Buffet) Harry’s expected payoff is 1q + 0(1 – q) = 2/3. Sally’s expected payoff is 5p + 0(1 – p) = 5(2/7) = 10/7. Harry’s expected payoff from playing Pasta when Sally mixes over only Sandwich and Buffet is 0, so he would rather play either Sandwich or Buffet. (d) Let pP be the probability that Harry plays Pasta and pS be the probability that he plays Sandwich. Then he will play Buffet with probability 1 – pP – pS. Similarly, let qP be the probability that Sally plays Pasta and qS be the probability that she plays Sandwich. Then she will play Buffet with probability 1 – qP – qS. Sally is indifferent between her strategies when: 1pP + 0pS + 0(1 – pP – pS) = 0pP + 5pS + 0(1 – pP – pS) = 0pP + 0pS + 2(1 – pP – pS) pP = 5pS = 2(1 – pP – pS) Substituting for pP, we have: 5pS = 2(1 – 5pS – pS) pS = 2/17. Therefore, pP = 10/17 and (1 – pP – pS) = 5/17. Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 11 of 17 Harry is indifferent between his strategies when: 5qP + 0qS + 0(1 – qP – qS) = 0qP + 1qS + 0(1 – qP – qS) = 0qP + 0qS + 2(1 – qP – qS) 5qP = 1qS = 2(1 – qP – qS) Substituting for qS, we have: 5qP = 2(1 – qP – 5qP) qP = 2/17. Therefore, qS = 10/17 and (1 – qP – qS) = 5/17. The mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium where Harry and Sally each play all three of their strategies is: Harry plays 10/17(Pasta) + 2/17(Sandwich) + 5/17(Buffet) Sally plays 2/17(Pasta) + 10/17(Sandwich) + 5/17(Buffet) Harry’s expected payoff is 5(2/17) + 10/17 + 2(5/17) = 30/17. Sally’s expected payoff is 10/17 + 5(2/17) + 2(5/17) = 30/17. (e) Note that the expected payoffs for Harry and Sally from the various mixed-strategy equilibria are all less than 2, while the pure-strategy Nash equilibrium where they both choose Buffet gives them each a payoff of 2. In that sense, Buffet seems more focal than any of the mixed-strategy Nash equilibria. For their part, the pure-strategy equilibria of Pasta or Sandwich are probably not focal, since Harry and Sally may worry about second-guessing each other and ending up going to the wrong place. Again, mixing between Pasta and Sandwich yields a lower expected payoff to each than the pure-strategy Buffet equilibrium. Unless there are other circumstances of which we are not aware (for example, they both remember that they ate pasta the last time they were out together and usually alternate between pasta and sandwiches), having both choose Buffet seems to be the best candidate for a focal equilibrium out of the seven. S11. (a) Vendor 2 Vendor 1 A B C D E A 85, 85 100, 170 125, 195 150, 200 160, 160 B 170, 100 110, 110 150, 170 175, 175 200, 150 C 195, 125 170, 150 120, 120 170, 150 195, 125 Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 12 of 17 D 200, 150 175, 175 150, 170 110, 110 170, 100 E 160, 160 150, 200 125, 195 100, 170 85, 85 (b) For both vendors, locations A and E are dominated. Thus, for a fully mixed equilibrium, we need only consider each vendor’s choice among locations B, C, and D. Let Vendor 1’s mixture probabilities be pB, pC, and (1 – pB – pC). Similarly, let Vendor 2’s mixture probabilities be qB, qC, and (1 – qB – qC). After simplifying, the p-mix and q-mix payoffs are as shown below. Vendor 2 B C D B 110, 110 150, 170 175, 175 C 170, 150 120, 120 170, 150 D 17, 175 150, 170 110, 110 175 – 65pB – 5pC, 150 – 30pC, 110 + 65pB + 60pC, 175 – 65pB – 25pC 170 – 50pC 110 + 65pB + 40pC Vendor 1 p-mix (c) q-mix 175 – 65qB – 25qC, 175 – 65qB – 5qC 170 – 50qC, 150 – 30qC 110 + 65qB + 40qC, 110 + 65qB + 60qC To find the equilibrium p, set vendor 2’s payoffs equal: 175 – 65pB – 25pC = 170 – 50pC = 110 + 65pB + 40pC 65pB – 25pC = 5 and 60 – 90pC = 65pB 60 – 90pC – 25pC = 5 Then pC = 55/115 = 11/23, pB = (25pC + 5)/65 = (275/23 + 115/23)/65 = (390/23)65 = 6/23, and pD = (1 – pB – pC) = 1 – 11/23 – 6/23 = 6/23. Similarly, qB = 6/23, qC = 11/23, and qD = 6/23. One way to explain why A and E are unused in the equilibrium is to point out that they are (as noted above) dominated. This also implies that A and E are unused because they result in a payoff against the opponent’s equilibrium mixture that is lower than produced by choices B, C, and D. Specifically, when Vendor 2 uses the equilibrium mixture probabilities of (6/23, 11/23, 6/23), Vendor 1’s payoff from choosing A is 100(6/23) + 125(11/23) + 150(6/23) = 2,875/23. B is 110(6/23) + 150(11/23) + 175(6/23) = 3,360/23. C is 170(6/23) + 120(11/23) + 170(6/23) = 3,360/23. Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 13 of 17 D is 175(6/23) + 150(11/23) + 110(6/23) = 3,360/23. E is 150(6/23) + 125(11/23) + 100(6/23) = 2,875/23. Clearly, A and E are inferior choices. An alternative possibility is a partially mixed equilibrium in which one player plays pure C and the other player mixes using strategies B and D with probabilities 1/13 = 0.076 and 12/13 = 0.923, respectively. The expected payoff to the player using only C (the pure player) is 170; the expected payoff to the player using a mixture of B and D (the mixer) is 150. The equilibrium can arise in the following way: If Vendor 2 is playing pure C, then Vendor 1 gets equal highest payoffs from B and D, and therefore is willing to mix between them in any proportions. Suppose Vendor 1 chooses B with probability p and D with probability (1 – p). To make this an equilibrium, pure C should be Vendor 2’s best response to this mixture. A and E are clearly bad for Vendor 2, as we established above. Vendor 2 does not switch to B if 110p + 175(1 – p) = 170, or 5 = 65p, or p = 1/13 = 0.07692. Similarly, Vendor 2 does not switch to D if 175p + 110(1 – p) = 170, or 65p = 60, or p = 12/13 = 0.9231. Thus there is really a whole continuum of mixed-strategy equilibria, in which Vendor 2 plays pure C and Vendor 1 mixes between B and D in any proportions between 1/13 and 12/13. The answer just above describes the equilibrium that results at the extreme points of this range. S12. (a) The kicker’s expected payoffs playing against the goalie’s mixed strategy of L 42.2%, R 42.2%, and C 15.6% are as follows: (b) HL 42.2(0.50) + 15.6(0.85) + 42.2(0.85) = 70.23 LL 42.2(0.40) + 15.6(0.95) + 42.2(0.95) = 71.79 HC 42.2(0.85) + 15.6(0) + 42.2(0.85) = 71.74 LC 42.2(0.70) + 15.6(0) + 42.2(0.70) = 59.08 HR 42.2(0.85) + 15.6(0.85) + 42.2(0.50) = 70.23 LR 42.2(0.95) + 15.6(0.95) + 42.2(0.40) = 71.79 Thus, the kicker should be using low, side shots (LL and LR) and high, centered shots (HC) because these strategies give him the highest expected payoff given the goalie’s mix. (c) For the goalie playing against the kicker using LL 37.8%, HC 24.4%, and LR 37.8% of the time, payoffs from each of his possible strategies are L .378(0.40) + .244(0.85) +.378(0.95) Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises = 71.77 14 of 17 C .378(0.95) + .244(0) +.378(0.95) = 71.82 R .378(0.95) + .244(0.85) +.378(0.40) = 71.77 (d) Thus, the goalie should play center (C) because this strategy gives him the highest expected payoff given the kicker’s mix. Nonetheless, all three strategies give almost the same expected payoff, so the goalie could play all of them effectively. These mixed strategies are Nash equilibria, because each player’s strategy is a best (e) response given the other player’s strategy. S13. (f) The equilibrium payoff to the kicker is 71.77. (a) Using the multiplication rule, the probability that Bernardo plays Yes and Carlos plays No is q*(1 – r). (b) There are four possible outcomes when Arturo plays Yes: Bernardo plays Yes and Carlos plays Yes, Bernardo plays No and Carlos plays Yes, Bernardo plays Yes and Carlos plays No, and Bernardo plays No when Carlos plays No. Arturo’s expected payoff from playing Yes is the weighted average of these payoffs, where the weights are the probabilities that each respective outcome is reached: 2qr + 2(1 – q)r + 2q(1 – r) + 2(1 – q)(1 – r) = 2(qr + r – qr + q – qr + 1 – q – r + qr) = 2 (c) Arturo is indifferent when his expected payoff from playing Yes is equal to his expected payoff from playing No: 2 = 5qr + 5(1 – q)r + 5q(1 – r) + 0(1 – q)(1 – r) (d) 2 = 5(q + r – qr) We find the indifference equations for Bernardo and Carlos the same way we found Arturo’s. Bernardo is indifferent between playing Yes and No when 2 = 5(p + r – pr), and Carlos is indifferent between his two strategies when 2 = 5(p + q – pq). (e) The indifference equations from parts (c) and (d) can be rewritten as: r 2 5q 5q p 2 5r 5r q 25p 5 p Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 15 of 17 To solve for p, use the first equation to write r in terms of q, use the second equation to write q in terms of p, and solve the second equation: 25p 2 5 5 p 25 25p 5 5 p 10 2 p 10 25 p 5 p 25 25 5 p 2 5 p 2 5 23 p 5 p 23 2 5 p p 5 p 10 2 p 10 25 p 23 p 25p 5 2 5 5 p 23 5 p 5 5 25 5 p 2 5 p 25p 5 5 p 5 p So p = r. Similarly, we can see that p = q = r. This means that the mixed-strategy equilibrium is symmetric; that is, in the mixed-strategy equilibrium all three brothers play Yes with the same probability. Continuing to solve for p, we have: p 25p 5 p p2 – 10p + 2 = 0 Using the quadratic formula, we find two possible values of p: 5 + 23 and 5 – 23 (or ≈ 9.796 and ≈ 0.204). Since p is a probability, it must be no less than 0 and no greater than 1, so the second value is the one we’re looking for. The mixed-strategy equilibrium of this game has each of the three brothers playing Yes with probabity 5 – 23 (≈ 0.204) and No with probability 23 – 4 (≈ 0.796). S14. (a) Consider any one of the young men. If he chooses to go after a brunette, he gets a guaranteed payoff of 5. If he chooses to go after the blonde, he gets 10 if none of the other (n – 1) men choose Blonde, and 0 otherwise. Since each of the other (n – 1) chooses Blonde with probability p, and they are choosing independently, the probability that none of them choose Blonde is (1 – p)n – 1. Therefore the expected payoff to any one man from choosing Blonde is 10(1 – p)n – 1 + 0[1 – (1 – p) – 1] = 10(1 – P)n – 1. Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 16 of 17 In the mixed-strategy equilibrium, this man must be indifferent between his two pure strategies. Therefore, it must be true that 10(1 – p)n – 1 = 5, (b) or (1 – p)n – 1 = 1/2 = 2–1, so p = 1 – 2–1/(n – 1). The same logic can be applied to the m young men who are choosing Blonde, so Q = 1 – 21/(n – 1). Consider any one of the (n – m) choosing Brunette. If he switched to Blonde, his payoff will be 10 if all the m mixers happen to choose Brunette, and 0 otherwise. Therefore his expected payoff is 10(1 – Q)m. So this pure Brunette chooser does not want to switch to a pure Blonde strategy if 10(1 – Q)m < 5. For this Brunette chooser, the payoff from any mixture will be an average between the two sides of this inequality, so the same inequality also rules out his wanting to switch to any mixed strategy. But we already have the condition of the mixed-strategy equilibrium: 10(1 – Q)m – 1 = 5. Therefore, 10(1 – Q)m = 10(1 – Q)m – 1(1 – Q) = 5(1 – Q) < 5. So the condition holds. Solutions to Chapter 8 Solved Exercises 17 of 17