10-30 TECHNICAL NOTES: (March 2013) Site Preparation, Clearing and Grubbing: A. Please refer to Item 203.3 (General Site Preparation) of the N.C.T.C.O.G. Specifications. B. This item shall consist of the removal and disposal of trees, stumps, brush, roots, vegetation, logs, rubbish and other objectionable matter from the designated area. C. Fence removal and replacement, if any, shall be covered under this Bid Item and shall be new material of equal or better quality than existing except where specified under separate Bid Items. Note: All barb wire fencing shall be 4-strand and 5-strand barb wire with steel posts except where noted otherwise. D. Remove and reinstall all street signs in good condition as specified. E. Relocate existing mailboxes in good condition if in conflict with construction. F. Remove all trees within the drainage easement and right-of-way of each street unless directed otherwise. Any trees to be removed due to this construction beyond the limits of the easement or R.O.W. and are not specified on the plans, must be approved by the Engineer. Tree removal shall only take place where in conflict with construction. Any tree burning under this project shall be pre-approved by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ), The City of Grand Prairie Environmental Services Department and the Fire Department. G. Remove steel railing where applicable. H. Remove and dispose offsite storm drain pipes, culverts, inlets, headwalls, toe walls, aprons, riprap, etc. in a legal manner. I. Remove and dispose off-site the existing sanitary sewer main, services with appurtenances, clean outs, and manholes as specified in the plans in a legal manner. J. Remove and dispose off-site the gate valves and water main specified to be removed or abandoned in a legal manner. K. Remove all items specified on the plans or as needed to facilitate the proposed improvements. L. Temporary access to properties along the proposed improvements shall be provided under this bid item and shall consist of 3” asphalt cold mix. M. Power pole bracing where necessary shall be covered under this bid item unless specified otherwise. N. Contractor shall confine his/her work inside existing City right of way and/or easements, any work beyond these limits shall be pre-arranged between the contractor and the 1 affected property owner. O. Payment for this item shall be full compensation for all labor, material and other incidentals to satisfactorily prepare the project site for the proposed improvements. Construction Staking: A. The Contractor shall be responsible for all construction staking and the "Lines and Grades" as per Section 9 Item 2.05 of the "General Conditions of Agreement". Also, the Contractor will do all construction staking with a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Texas. B. The Contractor is responsible for protecting all iron rods designating surveyed property corners and if removed during construction, the Contractor is responsible for resetting them to their prior location under the direct supervision of a surveyor registered with the State of Texas. As-Built Survey: A. The Contractor shall have a Registered Professional Land Surveyor (RPLS) tie “as-built” locations of all valves, blowoffs, manholes, inlets, bends, tees, crosses, headwalls, air release valves, P.C.’s, P.T.’s, and at every five hundred (500) feet along straight lines and curves on proposed mains based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System. Horizontal and vertical data must be collected for each tie. Ties shall be made at the top of pipe and all control points and bench marks used in the survey shall be consistent with the plans and reported. Such work will be performed prior to backfill and the results furnished to the City. The points shall be recorded and reviewed monthly on the “as-built” drawings required by Section 9-3.01 of these specifications. The Contractor shall also provide an ASCII file containing point number, northing coordinate, easting coordinate, elevation, and point description for each tie and control point used in the survey. The ASCII file shall be submitted with the “as-built” drawings in electronic format on a Digital Video Disc (DVD) accompanied with a hard copy print of the file. Condition Survey: A. This shall be accomplished prior to the initiation and after the completion of construction activities. The work includes thorough visual inspection of all permanent residential structures in the proximity of the construction. A report shall be prepared for each inspection, including apparent or actual site conditions at each structure and defects observed. A field survey of the each structure shall be made and the structure shall be referenced to existing features and benchmarks; coordinates and elevations shall be provided prior to and after construction at the exact same locations by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the state of Texas. Photographs and videos of the permanent residential structures shall be obtained and included with the reports. B. Vibration Monitoring: These activities involve establishment of a background vibration level at each permanent residential structure location prior to the initiation of construction activities at the location along the channel where construction is occurring and monitoring 2 of ground vibrations at the residential structures during construction activities. A continuous record of peak particle velocity shall be obtained during each monitoring period using a battery-powered, electronic recorder and a remote transducer (geophone), or equivalent equipment. This work shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of a professional Geotechnical Engineer registered in the state of Texas. C. The coordination and analysis of all work performed under this Bid Item shall be performed by a Professional Geotechnical Engineer licensed in the state of Texas, and submitted to the City as part of one complete report. D. Payment for Condition Survey shall be made on a lump sum basis. Barricading and Traffic Control (Design and Implementation): A. The Contractor shall provide barricades as per the Traffic Control Plan and as per guidelines in Appendix “A”, Temporary Traffic Control Guidelines in this Bid Book. B. Barricading shall conform to the "Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices", Latest Revision. C. Traffic control plan shall be prepared by a Licensed Engineer or Certified Traffic Technician in the State of Texas. D. Prior to beginning construction, the successful bidder shall implement the traffic control plan. E. Removal of existing and temporary pavement markings & markers is subsidiary to this bid Item. F. Installation & removal of temporary corrugated metal pipes (CMP’s) or RCP’s, ditch grading, & pavement repair shall be subsidiary to Barricade & Traffic Control Bid Items. G. Please note that the cost of temporary HMAC detour roads including temporary drainage facilities, roadway repairs and other incidental items as specified or implied in the Traffic control plan shall be subsidiary to the bid item for Barricading and Traffic control. H. All existing signs, Barricades, etc. removed or disturbed during construction shall be placed back in equal or better shape as directed by the engineer. Joint SWPPP (Design and Implementation): The following work shall be performed under this Bid Item: A. The work under this item shall be as specified on the plans and as per N.C.T.C.O.G. Items 201 (Temporary Erosion, Sedimentation, and Water Pollution Prevention and Control) and 203.8 (Dust Control). B. The contractor shall provide a Joint Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. An Erosion 3 Control Plan shall be prepared by a Licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Texas. Contractor shall prepare on behalf of all primary operators the Notice of Intent (NOI) and file Notice of Intent (NOI) to the appropriate authorities prior to beginning construction (if required by EPA or TCEQ.) The City shall be copied on all NOI’s and Construction Site Notices required by the General Permit. C. This pay item is intended to include all materials, labor, and maintenance necessary to complete and file with the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ) a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), inspect the project in accordance with the SWPPP and TCEQ General Permit and maintain the SWPPP document current during the construction until the site is stabilized D. The contractor shall post copies of the NOI’s for all Primary Operators and copy of the construction site notice as required by the General Permit and maintain all erosion and Storm Water Pollution Prevention appurtenances during the duration of the project. E. The contractor shall file the proper notice of completion with the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality when the project nears completion. F. Contractor shall conform activities to the SWPPP and to the approved erosion control plan included in the plans, including installing, maintaining inspections of pollution controls, conducting and documenting inspections of pollution controls, sprinkling for dust control, maintaining spill response equipment on-site, and “good housekeeping”. Pollution controls include silt fences (or erosion control mats), stabilized construction entrance, establishing grass, sprinkling for dust control. G. Contractor shall be solely responsible for any and all damage which might be occasioned by the Contractor’s failure to follow the SWPPP and “good housekeeping” practices. H. Locations without specific SWPPP, shall adopt the same procedures as shown on the SWPPP sheets, or as follows (if no SWPPP sheet) silt fence installation around project’s perimeter, inlet protection and rock filter berms at inlets and/or entrance to channels, creeks, etc… and as required and directed by the Engineer. I. Silt Fence: The following work shall be performed under this item: Refer to NCTCOG Standard Drawings 1060A and 1060B and the detail sheets. J. Inlet Protection: The following work shall be performed under this item: Refer to NCTCOG Standard Drawings 1120, 1130, 1140, and 1150 and the detail sheets. K. Rock Berm: The following work shall be performed under this item: Refer to NCTCOG Standard Drawing 1060A and 1060B and the detail sheets. L. Construction Entrance: The following work shall be performed under this item: Refer to NCTCOG Standard Drawing 1070A and 1070B and the detail sheets. M. All erosion control devices shown on the approved plans shall be installed in accordance with the plan sequencing prior to commencing any earth disturbing activities. Failure to 4 install the approved erosion control devices before starting the earth disturbing activities may result in sanctions including but not limited to withholding of payment, inspections and approvals, suspension of construction activities and citations until the approved erosion control devices are installed and maintained in compliance with the approved plans, city storm water ordinance and/or SWPPP and General Permit. Erosion Control (if SWPPP not required): A. The work under this item shall be as specified on the plans and as per N.C.T.C.O.G. Items 201 (Temporary Erosion, Sedimentation, and Water Pollution Prevention and Control) and 203.8 (Dust Control). B. An Erosion control plan shall be prepared by a Licensed Civil Engineer in the State of Texas. C. This pay item is intended to include all materials, labor, and maintenance necessary to complete and file with the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, inspect the erosion control devices for effectiveness and maintain the erosion control devices in good working order in compliance with the plans and specifications during the construction until the site is stabilized and then to remove the erosion control devices from the site. D. The contractor shall maintain all erosion and Storm Water Pollution Prevention appurtenances during the duration of the project. E. The contractor shall file the proper notice of completion with the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality when the project nears completion. F. Contractor shall conform activities to the SWPPP included in the plans, including installing, maintaining inspections of pollution controls, conducting and documenting inspections of pollution controls, sprinkling for dust control, maintaining spill response equipment on-site, and “good housekeeping”. Pollution controls may include silt fences (or erosion control mats), rock filter dams, stabilized construction entrance, establishing grass, sprinkling for dust control. G. Contractor shall be solely responsible for any and all damage which might be occasioned by the Contractor’s failure to follow the erosion control plans, project plans and specifications and “good housekeeping” practices. H. Locations without specific erosion control, shall adopt the same procedures as shown on the erosion control plans and construction details sheets, or as follows (if no erosion control plan sheet) silt fence installation around project’s perimeter, inlet protection or rock filter dams at inlets and/or entrance to channels, creeks, etc… and as required and directed by the Engineer. I. Silt Fence: The following work shall be performed under this item: Refer to NCTCOG Standard Drawings 1060A and 1060B and the detail sheets. 5 J. Inlet Protection: The following work shall be performed under this item: Refer to NCTCOG Standard Drawings 1120, 1130, 1140, and 1150 and the detail sheets. K. Rock Berm: The following work shall be performed under this item: Refer to NCTCOG Standard Drawing 1060A and 1060B and the detail sheets. L. Construction Entrance: The following work shall be performed under this item: Refer to NCTCOG Standard Drawing 1070A and 1070B and the detail sheets. M. All erosion control devices shown on the approved plans shall be installed in accordance with the plan sequencing prior to commencing any earth disturbing activities. Failure to install the approved erosion control devices before starting the earth disturbing activities may result in sanctions including but not limited to withholding of payment, inspections and approvals, suspension of construction activities and citations until the approved erosion control devices are installed and maintained in compliance with the approved plans, city storm water ordinance and/or SWPPP and General Permit. Unclassified Channel Excavation A. This item shall consist of excavation, removal, and grading of soil, excluding structural backfill and trench backfill, for the channel and constructing it according to the lines and grades shown on the engineering plans. B. If temporary stockpile locations are needed during construction, such locations shall have prior City approval and shall not be within the drip lines of any trees to remain at the project site or within the floodplain. C. Calculation of quantities shall be conducted using the average end area method with channel cross sections with no adjustment factors for expansion/contraction. Payment shall be made only for the lines and grades shown on the plans and there will be no pay for any excavation the Contractor conducts outside the lines and grades shown on the plans. Additional excavation or fill that the Contractor deems necessary to complete the project is subsidiary to the work. There shall be no compensation for any quantities in addition to what is provided in the Bid documents unless the lines and grades are changed by the Engineer. D. The unit price for this item shall consist of all materials, equipment, labor, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. E. This item shall be per performed in accordance with Item 203.5 (Unclassified Channel Excavation) of the NCTCOG standard Specifications. F. Please also refer to Geotechnical Report (if supplied in the appendix of Bid Book). Unclassified Excavation: A. This item consists of the unclassified street excavation required to grade the streets, parkways, and adjacent property outside the limits of the right-of-way to the proposed 6 grades including compaction as per city specifications. Excavation shall be to the lines and grades shown on the plans and in accordance with City of Grand Prairie and N.C.T.C.O.G. standards for excavation. B. Please refer to NCTCOG Specifications Item No. 203.4 (Unclassified Street Excavation). C. Saw cut, remove, and dispose off-site the existing asphalt pavement (unless covered under the item for asphalt milling), sidewalks and driveways, etc... D. The Contractor shall provide a full depth saw cut joint at the limits of the pavement removal. E. Excess material suitable for use as fill material or topsoil shall be placed within the areas where fill material is required for this project. Surplus material and material unsuitable for use as fill shall be disposed off-site by the Contractor. F. The Contractor shall be required to maintain continuous erosion control for all disturbed areas (See SWPPP Bid Item). G. Calculation of quantities shall be conducted using the average end area methods with channel cross sections with no adjustment factors for expansion/contraction. Payment shall be only for the lines and grades shown on the plans and there will be no pay for any excavation the Contractor conducts outside the lines and grades shown on the plans. Additional excavation or fill that the Contractor deems necessary to complete the projects is subsidiary to the work. H. Measurement and payment for this bid item shall be made on the basis of the unit price of unclassified excavation in place to the limits of construction as shown on the plans and the cross-section provided with the Bid documents. There shall be no compensation for any quantities in addition to what is provided in the Bid documents unless the lines and grades are changed by the Engineer. I. The Contactor shall be satisfied as to the amount of work involved prior to submitting the bid. J. Please also refer to Geotechnical Report (if supplied in the appendix of Bid Book). K. When hauling dirt, the contractor shall use truck-approved routes. L. Proof rolling: This item shall govern for furnishing and operating heavy pneumatic tire compaction equipment for locating unstable areas of earthwork and base as per item 216 of the TXDOT standard specification, latest edition. Compacted Fill and Channel Fill: A. This item shall consist of placing, compacting, and grading of soil for the roadway and channel work and constructing it according to the lines and grades shown on the engineering plans and as per NCTCOG specifications item No.203.7 (Embankment). 7 B. The Bid Item consists of all fill, mechanical compaction under Item 10-25 of the Special Conditions of this Agreement, testing, and incidental work required to complete the grading work. C. All roadway compaction testing as specified in the plans and bid documents, including Item 10-18 of the Special Conditions of this Agreement, shall be conducted by an independent laboratory and is incidental to the work under this bid item. D. All compacted fill work required in preparation for the sub-grade stabilization shall be incidental to this item. E. The quantities listed are theoretically calculated based on the existing topography. Calculation of quantities shall be conducted using the average end area method form the cross section provided in the Bid documents with no adjustment factors for expansion/contraction. Payment shall be only for the lines and grades shown on the plans and there will be no pay for any excavation the Contractor conducts outside the lines and grades shown on the plans. Additional excavation or fill that the Contractor deems necessary to complete the project is subsidiary to the work. F. The unit bid price for this item shall consist of all materials, equipment, labor, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. There shall be no compensation for any quantities in addition to what is provided in the Bid documents unless the lines and grades are changed by the Engineer. G. The Contractor shall provide and place fill material from excess select on-site roadway excavation suitable and non-objectionable material as required matching the proposed grades. H. The Contractor shall be satisfied as to the amount of work involved prior to submitting his bid. I. If temporary stockpile locations are needed during construction, such locations shall have prior city approval and shall not be within the drip line of any trees to remain at the project site or within the flood plain. J. Channel fill shall be compacted to 95 percent Standard Proctor Density within 3 percent of optimum moisture per NCTCOG Item 203.7 (Embankment) unless otherwise stated on the plans or geotechnical report (if supplied). K. Soils for channel fill shall be tested for compaction for every 5,000 square feet per lift placed or a minimum of one per lift. Soil and compaction testing are subsidiary to this item. L. All grading of ditches, channels, etc. shall be covered under this and other earthwork items such as unclassified excavation and channel excavation. M. Please refer to Geotechnical Report (if supplied in the appendix of Bid Book). 8 Saw cut and remove Concrete Pavement: A. Saw-cut, remove, and dispose off-site the existing reinforced concrete pavement including concrete driveways. B. Full depth saw cut all joints to facilitate connection to new pavement. C. The cost of concrete pavement headers shall be covered under this bid item. Undercutting Excavation and Backfill: A. Undercutting Excavation shall consist of excavation and removal of soft or otherwise unsuitable soil from the pavement sub-grade areas, to the limits approved by the Engineer. The sides of undercutting excavation shall be no steeper than 1 horizontal to 1 vertical (1H:1V) to accommodate bonding of the undercutting backfill as described below. The base of the undercutting excavation shall be a relatively uniform depth that will accommodate placement of the undercutting backfill in essentially uniform lifts. Asphalt Pavement Milling: A. This work shall be performed as per TX DOT item 340.2 (b) Reclaimed asphalt pavement. B. The milled asphalt material shall be delivered and stock piled at 1821 West Freeway Grand Prairie Texas 75050. Please contact Mr. Ronnie Bates at 972-237-8526 prior to delivery. Drain Pond: A. This item shall consist of draining the existing pond by draining the pond dry. B. Water levels in the pond may vary with the weather. C. Areas close to the pond shall be undercut to a depth of three (3) feet. This shall be followed by installation of a geo-grid under the excavated surface. The geo-grid shall be in accordance with Geo-grid Type GB350. Once geo-grid is installed, earth fill placement can begin as per specifications. Any proposed paving areas including sidewalks closer than twenty feet from the pond shall be undercut as described. D. All necessary means incorporated in draining the pond such as pumps, temporary drain pipes, diversion berms, and other appurtenances shall be covered under this bid item. Subgrade Stabilization (Lime Treated): A. Subgrade shall be proof rolled, deficient, soft areas corrected, graded to proposed grade with no more than 0.5 inch deviation within 16 feet of distance before lime work may begin. B. The Contractor shall lime stabilize the soils below the proposed pavement and transitions 9 for a minimum depth of eight (8”) inches at an application rate of 36 pounds per square yards, using slurry placement method, as per N.C.T.C.O.G. Item 301.2 (Lime Treatment) applicable specifications, to extend one (1) foot beyond the proposed back of curbs and edge of pavement transitions. C. The Contractor shall add lime to the sub grade after clearing and grubbing, rough grade cut/fill, proof rolling and grading to proposed grade. D. Approval of the final mixing operations shall be based on gradation tests with 100% passing the 1-3/4 inch sieve and at least 60 percent on a dry weight basis of the stabilized soil passing the No. 4 sieve at moisture content near optimum. E. The lime stabilized sub grade shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of ASTM D 698 (Standard Proctor) density at moisture content between the optimum and four (4) percentage points above the Optimum at the time of compaction unless otherwise stated on the plans or geotechnical report (if supplied). The required moisture content and density of the completed subgrade section must be maintained until the paving is complete. F. The Contractor shall not use any sand beneath the proposed pavement areas. G. Only lime stabilized soil will be allowed for fine grading. H. After fine grading each area in preparation for paving, the sub grade shall be lightly moistened, as needed, and re-compacted to obtain a tight non-yielding sub grade. I. The sub grade moisture content and density must be maintained until paving is completed by the application of an asphalt seal coat. J. Please also refer to Geotechnical Report (if supplied in the appendix of Bid Book). K. All sub-grade irregularities of more than ½ inch (12.5 mm), as shown by straightedge or template shall be corrected. L. Proof rolling: This item shall govern for furnishing and operating heavy pneumatic tire compaction equipment for locating unstable areas of earthwork and base as per item 216 of the TXDOT standard specification, latest edition. Hydrated Lime A. Refer to Item No. 301.2.1.1 (Hydrated Lime (Slurry)) of N.C.T.C.O.G. Specifications. B. Payment shall be made for the dry hydrated lime prior to mixing with water, to achieve an application rate of 36 pounds per square yard for a depth of eight (8”) inches. C. Please also refer to Geotechnical Report (if supply in the appendix of Bid Book). 10 Sub-grade Stabilization (Cement Treated for Lime/cement stabilization). A. The Contractor shall cement stabilize the previously treated sub-grade below the proposed pavement and transitions for a minimum depth of eight (8) inches at an application rate of 41 pounds per square yard, as per N.C.T.C.O.G. Item 301.3 (Portland Cement Treatment) applicable specifications, to extend one (1) foot beyond the proposed back of curbs and edge of pavement transitions. B. Lime stabilized sub-grade shall be installed per Sub-grade Stabilization (Lime Treated). Lime stabilized sub-grade shall be left to cure for a minimum of 24 hours prior to cement treatment. During the curing period, the sub-grade shall be kept at least two percent (2%) above it optimum moisture content. C. Density testing of the lime stabilized sub-grade is not required. D. Prior to beginning any cement stabilization, the previously lime treated sub-grade shall be scarified to full depth and width of modification. Full depth will extend to the underlying untreated material but must not extend into the underlying untreated material. Sub-grade Stabilization (Cement Treated): A. The Contractor shall cement stabilize the soils below the proposed pavement and transitions for a minimum depth of eight (8”) inches, as per N.C.T.C.O.G. Item 301.3 (Portland Cement Treatment) applicable specifications, to extend one (1) foot beyond the proposed back of curbs and edge of pavement transitions. B. The Contractor shall add cement to the sub grade after clearing and grubbing and rough grade cut/fill. C. The lime stabilized sub grade shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of ASTM D 698 (Standard Proctor) density at moisture content between the optimum and four (4) percentage points above the Optimum at the time of compaction unless otherwise stated on the plans or geotechnical report (if supplied). The required moisture content and density of the completed subgrade section must be maintained until the paving is complete. D. The Contractor shall not use any sand beneath the proposed pavement areas. E. Only cement stabilized soil will be allowed for fine grading. F. After fine grading each area in preparation for paving, the sub grade shall be lightly moistened, as needed, and re-compacted to obtain a tight non-yielding sub grade. G. The sub grade moisture content and density must be maintained until paving is completed 11 by the application of an asphalt seal coat. H. All sub-grade irregularities of more than ½ inch (12.5 mm), as shown by straightedge or template shall be corrected. I. Please also refer to Geotechnical Report (if supplied in the appendix of the Bid Book). Cement Type I for Subgrade: D. Refer to Item No. 303.2.2 (Portland cement) of N.C.T.C.O.G. Specifications. E. Payment shall be made for the dry cement prior to mixing with water, to achieve an application rate of 36 pounds per square yard for a depth of eight (8) inches. F. Please also refer to Geotechnical Report (if supply in the appendix of Bid Book). G. All sub-grade irregularities of more than ½ inch (12.5 mm), as shown by straightedge or template shall be corrected. Unbounded Permeable Base A. The Contractor may not drive heavy equipment such as concrete trucks on unbonded permeable base. Concrete Pavement with Monolithic Curb: A. Concrete shall have a minimum 5.5-sack/cubic yard of cement content and have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 PSI when tested at 28 days. (Note: Hand-poured concrete shall have a minimum 4500 PSI, 6.5-sack of cement per cubic yard) Concrete pavement shall be reinforced with #4 steel bars on 24-inch centers, each way. The Contractor may substitute cement with up to 20 percent Class "C" fly ash in accordance with applicable NCTCOG Specifications. Desired slump for the concrete mix shall be 3-inches with a maximum of 5-inches allowed. All work shall be completed in accordance with plans and details and per NCTCOG Specification Item 303 (Portland Cement Concrete Pavement). Crushed stone aggregate shall be used in the mix. B. The Contractor shall pay close attention to NCTCOG Specification Item 303.5.4.3 (Contraction Joints). All saw cutting of concrete pavement "shall be completed within 5 to 12 hours after the concrete slab is poured". Failure to comply will subject the slab to rejection. All joints shall be spaced a maximum of 18 feet apart. Joints shall be sealed according to NCTCOG Specification Item 303.5.4.7 (Joint Sealing) and the plans and details, prior to opening to traffic. C. The cost of all expansion and construction joins shall be subsidiary to this Bid Item. D. Please refer to the "PC Paving Standards" detail sheet. 12 E. The Contractor shall provide and maintain a temporary 3" cold mix asphalt surface material for driveway and street crossings per Item No. 330 Cold Mix Limestone Rock Asphalt Pavement (Class A) Type "B" of the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Latest Edition Standard Specifications for the Construction Highways, Street and Bridges", to be placed over the trench areas at driveways and street crossings, as per the engineer's specifications, until the final permanent repairs are made, at not extra pay. F. All tie-ins between proposed and existing pavement shall be subsidiary to these bid items. G. Tolerance limits: Please refer to section 303. of the NCTCOG: While the concrete is still workable, it shall be tested for irregularities with a 10-ft. (3m) straight edge placed parallel to the centerline of the pavement so as to bridge depressions and to touch all high spots. Ordinates measured from the face of the straightedge to the surface of the pavement shall at no place exceed 1/16 inch-per-foot (1-mm-per-20-cm) from the nearest point of contact. In no case shall the maximum ordinate to a 10-ft. (3m) straightedge be greater than 1/8-in. (3mm). Any surface not within the tolerance limits shall be reworked and refinished. H. Edging: please refer to item 303. of the NCTCOG. The edges of slabs and all joints requiring edging shall be carefully tooled with an edger of the radius required by the plans at the time the concrete begins to take it “set” and becomes non-workable. All such work shall be left smooth and true to lines. I. Hand finish: Please refer to section 303.5.6.2 of the NCTCOG Hand. Hand finishing shall be permitted only in intersections and areas inaccessible to a finishing machine. The addition of extra one-sack of cement per cubic-yard shall be required for all hand finish concrete. J. When the hand method of striking off and consolidating is permitted, the concrete, as soon as placed, shall be approximately leveled and then struck off and screeded to such elevation above grade that, when consolidated and finished, the surface of the pavement shall be at the grade elevation shown on the plans. The entire surface shall then be tamped and the concrete consolidated so as to insure maximum compaction and minimum of voids. For the strike off and consolidation, both a strike template and tamping template shall be provided on the work. In operation the strike template shall be moved forward with a combined longitudinal and transverse motion and so manipulated that neither end of the template is raised from the forms during the striking-off process. A slight excess of material shall be kept in front of the cutting edge at all time. K. The straightedge and joint finishing shall be a hereinabove prescribed. L. Forms: please refer to item 303.4.4 of the NCTCOG; Also, when forms settle over 1/8 inch (3mm) under finishing operations, paving operations shall be stopped, the forms reset to line and grade and the pavement then brought to the required section and thickness. Prior to pouring pavement, contractor shall verify form grades and shall provide certification by licensed surveyor for compliance with lines and grades as specified on the plans. M. Machine and hand poured classes of concrete shall be consolidated with approved 13 mechanical vibrators designed to vibrate and consolidate the concrete internally. GEOCOMPOSITE EDGE DRAIN A. The cost of adaptors, flap installations and connections into inlets and drain pipe from geocomposite drain shall be subsidiary to this Bid Item. B. The sizing of the Geocomposite edge drains shall be as recommended by the manufacturer to accommodate runoff to edge drains as specified in the plans. C. The cost of sand backfill shall be included under this Bid Item. D. Measurement and payment for this Bid Item shall be made on the unit price of geocomposite edge drain and sand backfill installed, including all labor, material and equipment. PVC Perforated Pipe for under Pavement Drain: A. The cost of flap installations at all inlets shall be subsidiary for this bid item. B. The proposed smooth walled 6" perforated pipe shall be connected to the proposed storm drain inlets by field connections (no jackhammering at inlets shall be allowed). The cost of the connection shall be incidental to this bid item. C. The pipe shall have 3/8" diameter holes to allow water to flow into the pipe every 10 to 12 linear inches with the holes places 1/3 of the diameter from the flow line of the pipe. D. The cost of all fittings, such as bends and plugs, shall be covered under these bid items. E. Crushed stone embedment and backfill for the perforated edge drains shall be ASTM 448 No. 57 1/2"-No. 8. F. All pipe installation shall be performed as recommended by the manufacturer. G. Measurement and payment for this item shall be made on the unit price of pipe and crushed stone installed, including all labor, material and equipment. Concrete Drives: A. These Items shall be constructed per the plans and related details and in accordance with NCTCOG specification Item 305.2 (Concrete Sidewalks, Driveway Approaches, and Barrier Free Ramps). B. All concrete for driveway approaches and driveways, and sidewalks shall have a minimum 6-sack/cubic yard of cement content and have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 PSI when tested at 28 days and #4 bars. Test results shall be provided to verify strength prior to opening the roadway to traffic. Any existing driveways to be reconstructed, which 14 have exposed aggregate finish, shall be reconstructed to match existing finish. No extra pay will be made for this finish. C. A smooth saw-cut joint with the existing steel extending a minimum of 12-inches beyond the joint shall be provided where proposed reinforced concrete matches existing concrete or a #3 by 24-inch dowel bar shall be epoxy-grouted 12-inches into the existing concrete. Expansion joint material shall be furnished and installed in accordance with the "P.C. Concrete Paving Standards" detail sheet. D. The additional concrete driveway shall be used in the event field conditions are different than what is shown on the plans, as per the specifications stated above, to make a smooth transition to the existing driveway, as shown on the plans, and only if required. E. The Contractor shall provide and maintain a temporary 3" cold mix asphalt surface material for driveway and street crossings per Item No. 330 Cold Mix Limestone Rock Asphalt Pavement (Class A) Type "B" of the Texas Department of Highways, Streets and Bridges, to be placed over the trench areas at driveways and street crossings, as per the Engineer's specifications, until the final permanent repairs are made, at no extra pay. F. The Contractor shall roll the proposed driveway approach into the existing driveway in order to insure a smooth transition. No sharp ridges shall be allowed between proposed and existing driveways. G. Measurement and payment for these items shall be made on the basis of the unit price per NCTCOG Specification Item 305.2.4 (Concrete Driveway Approaches, Measurement and Payment), complete in place. Payment shall be included the reinforcing steel, expansion joint material, sand cushion, excavation, and other incidentals necessary to complete the work. H. All tie-ins between proposed and existing pavement shall be subsidiary to these bid items Driveway Brick/Stones: A. These Items shall be constructed per the plans and related details and in accordance with NCTCOG specification Item 305.2 (Concrete Sidewalks, Driveway Approaches, and Barrier Free Ramps). B. Remove and replace brick or stones along driveways or sidewalks to provide a smooth driving or walking surface. C. Contractor may reuse the existing brick/stones. brick/stones from damage. Contractor shall protect existing D. Measurement and payment for these items shall be made on the basis of the price bid per square yard, complete in place. Payment shall be included the brick/stone removal and replacement, sand cushion, excavation, and other incidentals necessary to complete the work... 15 Asphalt Pavement: A. Hot mix asphaltic pavement (HMAC) shall be 6-inches thick consisting of a 2-inch course of type “D” HMAC placed over a 4-inch course of Type “B” HMAC on top of 8” flexible base or 8” lime stabilized sub-grade (36 Lb./Sy). HMAC Pavement shall be constructed in accordance with NCTCOG specification Item 302.9 (Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement). B. Measurements and payment shall be per NCTCOG Item 302.10 (Asphalt Pavement, Measurement and Payment) and shall be made on the basis of the price bid per square yard (or as specified by the engineer) for 6” thick HMAC paving installed at the locations, width and/or length specified or directed by the Engineer. C. Tack coat edges and joints as per NCTCOG item 302.8.2.2 D. Prime coat surface of sub-grade with 0.25Gal/SYof MC 90 or MSI item 302.7 of the NCTCOG specifications. E. Sub-grade requirements shall be as per item 301 of the NCTCOG. Temporary asphalt detours and transitions: A. Hot mix asphaltic pavement (HMAC) shall be 6-inches thick consisting of a 2-inch course of type “D” HMAC placed over a 4-inch course of Type “B” HMAC on top of 8” flexible base or 8” lime stabilized sub-grade (36 Lb./SY). HMAC Pavement shall be constructed in accordance with NCTCOG specification Item 302.9 (Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement). B. Tack coat edges and joints as per NCTCOG item 302.8.2.2 C. Prime coat surface of sub-grade with 0.25Gal/SYof MC 90 or MSI item 302.7 of the NCTCOG specifications. D. Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of temporary asphalt pavement detours and transitions and shall repair them as required throughout the construction period. Potholes and other structural or superficial failures shall be repaired within 24 hours of notification. E. Sub-grade requirements shall be as per item 301.2 or 301.5 of the NCTCOG. F. Contractor shall provide adequate drainage means for this installation as to prevent from ponding; temporary drainage ditches shall be provided throughout the construction period. G. The cost of installation and removal of temporary HMAC detour roads including temporary drainage facilities, roadway repairs and other incidental items as specified or implied in the plans shall be subsidiary to this item of work. Compensation for this item shall be made on 16 the basis of the price bid per square yard. Owner may withhold up to 25% of this bid item if this item is not maintained as noted above. 6” Flexible Base A. The Contractor shall place 6-inch thick flex-base material for gravel driveway repairs and for sub-grades as specified, and as required by the Engineer, as per NCTCOG Specification Item 301.5 (Flexible Subbase or Base (Crushed Stone/Concrete) unless specified otherwise. The cost for clearing, grubbing, and grading required, is incidental to this Bid Item. B. Measurement and payment shall be made on the basis of the unit price of material actually placed during construction. Invoices for this material will be required for payment. 4” Concrete Median, Island and 12” Median Nose A. Please refer to “Concrete Paving Standard Details for Divided Thoroughfare and Left Turn Lane” standard detail sheet. B. All concrete joints shall be sealed with hot-poured rubber as per C.O.G. Specifications No. 303. (Joint Sealing). C. The Contractor shall provide and maintain a temporary 3” cold mix asphalt surface material for driveway and street crossings per Item No. 330 Cold Mix Limestone Rock Asphalt Pavement (Class A) Type “B” of the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Latest Edition Standard Specifications for the Construction Highways, Streets and Bridges, to be placed over the trench areas at driveways and street crossings, as per the Engineer’s specifications, until the final permanent repairs are made at no extra pay Retaining Wall: A. Retaining walls shall be as specified by the Engineer and shown on the engineering plans. Please refer to NCTCOG Item 802.2 (Concrete Retaining Walls) and TxDot Details and Specifications for retaining walls. B. Walls shall be with variable lengths per plans. C. The ground surrounding retaining walls shall be graded for positive drainage. D. Grading and excavation are incidental to the work. E. Work and materials shall be conducted per NCTCOG Items 701.2 ((Structural Excavation), 702 (Concrete Structures), and 802.2 (Concrete Retaining Walls) except as specified on the plans. 17 F. Work shall include structural excavation and compacted backfill. G. Contractor shall field verify existing water, sewer and other facilities for conflicts prior to constructing retaining walls. H. The unit bid price for this item shall consist of all materials, equipment, labor, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Concrete Retaining Wall alongside sidewalk: A. This Item is for reinforced concrete retaining wall construction alongside proposed sidewalks as seen in the “Sidewalk and Handicap/Curb Ramps” standard details sheet. B. The Contractor shall protect the existing retaining walls from being damaged, especially when working in close proximity to them. C. Field adjustments of proposed retaining walls such as tapering at driveway, etc. – may be necessary and shall be performed as requested by the engineer. D. The unit price for this item shall consist of all materials, equipment, labor, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work for the duration of the project. Sidewalk Steps: A. Please refer to the “Sidewalk and Handicap/Curb Ramps Standards” detail sheet. B. The Contractor shall only install or replace sections of sidewalk steps shown on the plans. C. No sidewalk steps shall be removed unless specified on the plans or directed by the Engineer. D. The Contractor shall protect the existing sidewalk steps from being damaged, especially when working at close proximity to it. E. The height of the step rise shall be adjusted to best fit and tie to the existing sidewalk lead walls on private property. All step rises shall be 8” or less and they shall be consistent within a set of steps. F. Payment for this bid item shall be for each linear foot of sidewalk steps measured along the centerline in plan view (ie. the length of the run). Sidewalk (Temporary): A. Please refer to the “Sidewalk and Handicap/Curb Ramps Standards” detail sheet for general information. This item is for temporary 2” Thick Type D Asphalt (4’ Wide) along the Parkway and tied to lead walks as needed to provide access to residences. B. Sidewalk shall be constructed to meet ASD and TAS requirements and be kept clean. It should allow citizens access to their homes without having to walk through water or 18 construction debris. C. There is no extra pay for constructing the sidewalk more than once. It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to protect and maintain the sidewalk. Sidewalk: A. Please refer to the “Sidewalk and Barrier Free Ramps Standard Details” detail sheet. B. The Contractor shall only install or replace sections of sidewalk shown on the plans. C. No sidewalk shall be removed unless specified on the plans or directed by the Engineer. D. The Contractor shall protect the existing sidewalk from being damaged, especially when working at close proximity to it. E. Sidewalk passing areas shall be 5’x5’ and shall be provided at 200’ spacing or as shown on the plans. The requirement only applies where driveway spacing exceeds 200’. F. Concrete sidewalks shall have a minimum 5-sack/cubic yard of cement content and have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 PSI when tested at 28 days and #4 bars. Barrier Free Ramps: A. Please refer to the “Sidewalks and Barrier Free Ramps Standard Details” detail sheet. Measurement and payment shall be per each basis. B. Staining of curb ramps shall comply with TAS 4.7.4(2). Color shall significantly contrast with the adjoining pedestrian route and shall be pre-approved by the City. Inlet Structure: A. Please refer to plan sheet details. B. This item shall include tie-in to proposed culverts, joints, supporting and protecting existing utilities, and connection to adjacent structures necessary for complete installation. C. Work and materials shall be conducted per TXDOT Item 466, except as specified on the plans. D. The unit price bid for this item shall be complete payment for all materials, labor, equipment, and other incidentals necessary to complete this item. E. Geo-textile for use in areas labeled “Drainage” in inlet structure details shall meet the requirements of NCTCOG Item 201.15.2 (Inlet Protection, Materials) for drainage conditions, unprotected applications, and EOS greater than a #50 sieve and permeability 19 equal to soil (normal application). F. Drainage layers behind all sloped concrete structures shall be used and shall consist of filter fabric and 6” layer of granular material. Weep holes shall be 4” in diameter and shall each have 1 cubic foot of washed rock wrapped in filter fabric. Vertical Extension of Headwall Curb: A. Extension of headwall curb for the inlet structure shall be as shown on the plans and as per TxDot “extended Curb Details”. Extension of headwall curb for the multiple box culverts shall be constructed according to the “Box Culvert Extended Headwall and Apron Details” shown on the Detail Sheets of the plans. B. Work shall include excavation and compacted backfill. C. This item shall include tie-in to proposed culverts, joints, supporting and protecting existing utilities, and connection to adjacent structures necessary for complete installation. D. Work and materials shall be conducted per TXDOT Item 466, except as specified on the plans. E. The unit price bid for this item shall be complete payment for all materials, labor, equipment, and other incidentals necessary to complete this item. Parallel Wing walls: A. Parallel wing walls shall be constructed according to TX Dot’s “Parallel Wings” Standard details sheet. B. This bid item shall also include the construction of a toe wall and extended apron section as shown on the plans. C. The unit price bid for this item shall be complete payment for all materials, labor, equipment, and other incidentals such as structural excavation necessary to complete this item. Grouted and Non-Grouted Rock Riprap with Geotextile: A. Grouted Rock riprap shall be Type ‘‘A” as per NCTCOG item 803.3 (Slope and Channel Protection, Riprap). B. Rock for riprap shall be durable and of a quality to insure permanence in the structure. It shall be free from cracks, seams and other defects that would tend to increase deterioration. Rock shall be reasonably well-graded between the following prescribed limits: 12” Rock Riprap – 18” Thick 20 Sieve Size – Square Mesh % Passing 15” 100% 12” 70-100% 8” 45-75% 3” 10-30% 1½” 0-10% 18” Rock Riprap – 27” Thick Sieve Size – Square Mesh % Passing 21” 100% 18” 65-100% 12” 35-65% 8” 15-40% 6” 5-25% 4” 0-15% 24” Rock Riprap – 36” Thick Sieve Size – Square Mesh % Passing 30” 100% 24” 65-100% 18” 45-75% 12” 25-50% 8” 10-30% 6” 0-15% Bedding Sieve Size – Square Mesh % Passing 3” 100% 1½” 55-100% 3/4” 25-60% 3/8” 5-30% No. 4 0-10% C. The weight of rock shall be 155-lbs per solid cubic foot (minimum) calculated from the bulk specific gravity (saturated surface dry). D. Rock for riprap shall be placed on the geotextile in such a manner as to produce a reasonably well-graded mass of rock with the minimum percentage of voids and shall be constructed within the specified tolerance to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. The intent of these specifications is to require the placement of riprap to the thickness shown and to allow isolated stones to extend as much as six (6) inches above grade. Riprap shall be placed to its full course thickness at one operation and in such a manner as to avoid displacing the geo-textile. The larger rocks shall be well distributed and the entire mass of rocks in their final position shall conform to the gradation specified hereinbefore. The finished riprap shall be free from objectionable pockets of small rocks and clusters of larger rocks and it shall then be filled with grout to attain 40% rock exposure; grout shall have minimum 5-sack 2,000 psi compressive strength per NCTCOG specification item 702 (Concrete Structures) and 803.3 (Riprap). The desired 21 distribution of the various sizes of rocks throughout the mass shall be obtained by successive loading of the material at the quarry or other source, by controlled dumping of successive loads during final placing, or by methods of placement that will produce the specified results. Rearranging of individual rocks by mechanical equipment and by hand is necessary to obtain a reasonably well-graded mass with minimum voids. The Contractor shall maintain the riprap protection until the Owner accepts the project. Any material displaced by any cause, including erosion, shall be replaced to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. E. Geotextile for use beneath the riprap shall meet the requirements of NCTCOG Item 803.4 (Geotextiles Used in Drainage and Stabilization Applications) for drainage conditions, unprotected applications, and EOS greater than a #50 sieves and permeability equal to soil (normal application). F. The geotextile shall be placed in such a manner and at the locations shown on the drawings. At the time of installation, the geo-textile shall be rejected if it has defects, rips, holes, flaws, deterioration or damage incurred during manufacture, transportation or storage. The surface to receive the geo-textile shall be prepared to a relatively smooth condition free of obstructions, depressions, debris and soft or low density pockets of material. Erosion features such as rills, gullies, etc. must be graded out of the surface before geo-textile placement. The geo-textile shall be placed with the long dimension perpendicular to the centerline of the channel and laid smooth and free of tension, stress, folds, wrinkles, or creases. The strips shall be placed to provide a minimum width of 24inches of overlap for each joint. Temporary pinning of the geo-textile will be required to help hold it in place until the rock riprap is placed. The temporary pins shall be removed as the riprap is placed to relieve high tensile stress that may occur during placement of material on the geo-textile. The specified placement procedure requires that the length of the geo-textile be greater than the actual slope length. The Contractor shall adjust the actual length of the geo-textile used based on initial installation experience. The geotextile shall be protected at all times during construction from contamination by surface runoff and any geo-textile so contaminated shall be removed and replaced with uncontaminated geo-textile. Any geo-textile damaged during installation or during placement of riprap shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. The work shall be scheduled so that the covering of the geo-textile with a layer of the specified material is accomplished within seven (7) calendar days after placement of the geo-textile. Failure to comply shall require replacement of geo-textile. The geo-textile shall be protected from damage prior to and during placement of the rock riprap. Before placement of rock, the Contractor shall demonstrate that the placement technique will prevent damage to the geo-textile. In no case shall any type of equipment be allowed on the unprotected geotextile. G. Excavation, geotextile, and grout are included in the cost of rock riprap. Trench Safety Requirements: A. In addition to personnel safety, the Trench Safety Program, developed by the Contractor, must provide for sheeting and shoring procedures capable of providing support of the trenches or boring pits giving due consideration to the proximity of existing structures and 22 other facilities along the proposed pipelines. B. Section 10 Item 10-15 of the "Special Conditions of Agreement" has additional requirements for this bid item. C. The cost of dewatering, if necessary, shall be covered under this Bid Item. D. Please refer to the geotechnical report in this Bid Book (if one was prepared.) E. The contractor shall be paid under this Item based on the unit price using open-cut trench method only. F. The Contractor shall provide necessary shoring and/or bracing to adequately provide a safe trench situation for storm drainage and utility construction meeting the requirements of the United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration. G. Work shall be performed in accordance with NCTCOG Specification Item 1.24.3. The Contractor shall have a trench safety plan prepared, signed, and sealed by a licensed professional engineer in the State of Texas prior to beginning construction of the proposed storm drain and utility mains. H. Trench Safety shall be provided for open-cut trench method. Class III and IV Reinforced Concrete Storm Drain, ASTM C-76 AND Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts C-1433: A. Please refer to Item No. 508 (Open Cut – Storm Water Conduit Installation) of the N.C.T.C.O.G. specifications. B. Please refer to the “Storm Sewer Embedment” details. The cost of trench excavation, embedment, and backfill is incidental to this Bid Item. C. All proposed storm sewer connections shall be pre-fabricated. Field connections can be used for connections to existing lines. See plan details for RCP-RCB connections. D. Pipe collars shall be installed at all pipe sizes and grade changes. E. The cost of fittings, plugs and pipe collars shall be incidental to the unit cost of pipe unless specified otherwise. F. All ditch lines shall be mechanically tamped as per Item No. 10-25 of the “Special Conditions of Agreement” in this Bid Book, with the cost incidental to this Bid Item. G. Contractor shall seal all joints with “Omni-Flex, T & G Joint Seal” or equal, at no extra pay. H. All storm sewer bends shall be prefabricated. 23 I. TXDOT specifications shall be used for the concrete box culvert. J. Contractor may use pre-cast or cast in place concrete box culverts. K. This item shall include temporary and permanent plugging of lines, tapping, collars, fittings, Wyes, supporting and protecting utilities and connection to adjacent structures necessary for completing the installation. L. Measurement and payment shall be made on the basis of the unit price of pipe installed at all depths, including all excavations, embedment and backfill in accordance with NCTCOG 508.6 (Measurement and Payment for Storm Water Conduit Installation) and 508.6.2 (Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Measurement and Payment). Assembly of concrete pipe joints: A. All pipe and storm conduit installation shall be performed as recommended by the manufacturer. Preparation and jointing: A. Carefully clean all dirt and foreign substances from the joining surfaces of the bell or groove end of pipe. B. Lubricate bell jointing surface liberally. Use a brush, cloth, sponge or gloves to cover entire surface. Only approved lubricant should be used. C. Carefully clean spigot or tongue end of pipe, including the gasket recess. D. Lubricate the spigot or tongue end of the pipe, including the gasket recess. E. Fit the gasket carefully. Equalize the rubber gasket stretch by running a smooth, round object, insert between gasket and spigot, around the entire circumference several times. F. Align bell and spigot of pipes to be joined. Before homing the joint, check that the gasket is in contact with the entry taper around the entire circumference. Make sure pipe is aligned. G. If the above guidelines are in conflict with the manufacturer’s recommendations, then the manufacturer’s recommendations shall take precedence over these guidelines. Jointing procedures: A. Small Pipe. Wedge bar against a wood block placed horizontally across the bell end of the pipe. Pressure on the bar pushes the pipe into the home position. B. Medium Pipe. Mechanical pipe pullers or come along devices are anchored to an installed pipe section several sections back and connected by a cross beam to the section to be installed. By mechanical force, the joint is brought into the home position. 24 C. Large Pipe. Joint by placing a dead man blocking inside the installed pipe several sections back from the last installed section. This is connected to a wooden cross beam placed across the bell end of the pipe section being installed by a chain or cable and mechanical pipe puller. By mechanical force, the joint is brought into position. D. If the above guidelines are in conflict with the manufacturer’s recommendations, then the manufacturer’s recommendations shall take precedence over these guidelines. Connect Pipe to Existing Storm Drain Structures and RCP: A. Please refer to the “Storm Drain and Inlet” Detail Sheet and NCTCOG 508 (Storm Water Conduit Installation). B. Concrete collars shall be used to connect to existing facilities. At Storm Drain Structures, the concrete collar shall be tied into the existing steel reinforcement. C. Measurement and payment shall be made on the basis of the unit price including all fittings, collars, excavations, embedment and backfill, and other miscellaneous items of work. 5’, 10’ 15’ and 20’ Recessed Curb Inlets: A. The Contractor shall construct the proposed curb inlets as per the details as shown on the “Storm Sewer Embedment & Inlet Standards” detail sheet standards and specifications as shown on the plans. Where applicable, the depth shall be adjusted as per the plan elevations. Existing curb removal and replacement where applicable is incidental to this bid item. B. Potential conflicts with proposed inlets shall be field verified prior to construction of inlets. C. The cost of connecting adjacent structures shall be subsidiary. Modified combination recessed Curb and Grate Inlet A. Please refer to the “modified combination recessed curb inlet” and Grate combination curb inlet details detail sheets. B. The cost of connecting adjacent structures shall be subsidiary. Table top “Y” Inlets: A. Drop Inlets shall be constructed as per the standards details and specifications and as shown on the plans. The cost of connecting adjacent structures shall be subsidiary. Type “M” Storm Drain Manholes: A. Please refer to TXDOT’s Manhole type “M” (Junction Box with Access). The cost of 25 connecting adjacent structures shall be subsidiary. Type “B” Storm Drain Manholes: A. Type “B” Storm Sewer Manholes shall be constructed as per the “Storm Drain Manhole” standards detail sheet and as shown on the plans. The cost of connecting adjacent structures shall be subsidiary. Adjust Sanitary Sewer cleanout: A. This Bid Item shall cover the cost of adjusting sanitary sewer cleanout in conflict with the proposed construction when directed by the Engineer and shall include all incidentals such as 4” PVC pipe and other miscellaneous items as per City standards. Pavement Repairs (Utility Work) – Concrete: A. Please refer to the Detail Sheets for Concrete Pavement Repairs and the "PC Paving Standards" detail sheet. B. The CONTRACTOR shall Sawcut (full depth) the existing pavement and shall not use a drop hammer when breaking up the existing pavement. C. The CONTRACTOR shall dowel reinforcements into the existing pavement when repairing concrete pavement. D. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain a temporary three (3) inch cold mix asphalt surface material, for driveway and street crossings as per Item No. 330, “Cold Mix Limestone Rock Asphalt Pavement (Class A) Type “B” of the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Latest Edition Standard Specification for the Construction of Highways, Streets, and Bridges”, to be placed over the trench areas at driveways and street crossings, as per the Engineer’s Specifications, until the Final Permanent Pavement Repairs are made, at no extra pay. E. There shall be no extra pay for exceeding the dimensions called for on the plans and detail sheet. F. Concrete shall have a minimum 6.5-sack/cubic yard of cement content and have a minimum compressive strength of 4,500 PSI when tested at 28 days. Concrete pavement shall be reinforced with #4 steel bars on 24-inch centers, each way unless specified otherwise. The Contractor may substitute cement with up to 20 percent, Class "C" fly ash in accordance with applicable NCTCOG Specifications. Desired slump for the concrete mix shall be 3inches with a maximum of 5-inches allowed. All work shall be completed in accordance with plans and details and per NCTCOG Specification Items 2.1, 2.2, and 5.8. Crushed stone aggregate shall be used in the mix. G. The Contractor shall pay close attention to NCTCOG Specification Item 5.8.2(e)(2) 26 "Contraction Joints." All saw cutting of concrete pavement "shall be completed within 5 to 12 hours after the concrete slab is poured". Failure to comply will subject the slab to rejection. All joints shall be spaced a maximum of 15 feet apart. Joints shall be sealed according to NCTCOG Specification Item 2.2.10 and the plans and details, prior to opening to traffic. H. The cost of all expansion and construction joints and tie-ins to existing pavement including concrete headers and asphalt transition tie-ins shall be subsidiary to this Bid Item. I. For areas where an asphalt overlay has been placed over a concrete street, the pavement shall be repaired to match the existing paving cross section and payment shall be based on the asphalt bid quantity. Manhole Adjustments: A. This bid item is for adjusting sanitary sewer manholes by either lowering or raising them B. No grade rings greater than 12” in height shall be used. All grade rings shall have a silicon seal and be grouted in place. C. Use bell and spigot for pre-cast manholes and a concrete collar for cast in-place manholes. D. For cast in place manholes cut off cone, repair and dowel in existing wall. Adjust Water gate valves to finished grade: A. Contractor shall adjust Gate valves and valve boxes to finished grade. B. Replacing any and all parts such as bypass valves, stems, valve boxes, and concrete apron shall be included under these bid items. C. Bypass valve adjustments shall be subsidiary to their corresponding main valves. D. Please refer to the “Water service Standards” detail sheet. E. Measurement and payment for these items shall be made based on the unit price including labor, equipment and material related to these adjustments. Air and Vacuum Release valve: A. Refer to combination air and vacuum release valve and box detail sheet. B. This bid item shall cover the cost of extra length pipe and 2’x2’x4”, concrete pad, meter box and connection to existing fittings at the water main, C. When relocating Air release valve, contractor may utilize existing flanged outlet. 27 Iron Blow-off assembly: A. Refer to Iron Blow-Off and Assembly Standards detail sheet. B. This bid item shall cover all other related items including the cost of 2’x2’x4”, concrete pad, extra length of pipe and new valve and connection to existing or new fittings at the water main. Metal Beam Guard rail Fence: A. Please refer to the “Metal beam guard rail fence” (MBFG) detail sheet. B. The cost of end treatment shall be covered under this item. C. Extra length posts shall be subsidiary to this bid item. Combination Steel Rail: A. Please refer to “Combination Rail” Steel, Standard detail sheet. B. This item shall cover the cost of end treatment and all incidentals. C. Parapet Wall and steel railing shall be primed and painted with premium quality paint. Steel shall be epoxy coated. Contractor shall submit color samples when shop drawings are submitted. Chain Link, Wood and brick Fences: A. Please refer to Chain Link Fence and Gate details. B. The Contractor shall replace the fence with equal or better quality fence. C. The cost of replacing gates, where applicable, shall be covered under these Bid Items. D. The shape of wood fence panels shall match existing. E. These Bid Items shall cover the cost of temporary fence installation as required for this project. F. Brick wall (fence) shall be 12” thick with 12” x12” continuous footings or drilled piers as specified on the plans. Tapping Sleeve, Valve & Box: A. The Contractor shall install the tapping sleeve, valve and box, as per the manufacturer’s specifications and the “Water Service Standards” detail sheet. B. The Contractor shall use an alignment lip when installing tapping sleeve and valve. 28 C. All tapping fittings shall be cast iron or ductile iron with poly-wrap, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Adjust Water Meter & Box: A. The Contractor shall adjust and reinstall all water meters and boxes to finished grade only if the water meter is in good condition at no extra pay. B. Replace water meter boxes, as per the “Water Service Standards” detail sheet of plans. C. This item shall include the relocation of water meters and the installation of a new meter box and/or sprinkler box at finished grade to maintain accessible and readable meters. D. If water meter is in bad condition, the City shall provide a new water meter at no cost to the contractor for the contractor to install under this bid item. E. Measurement and payment for these bid items shall be made based on the unit price including, contractor provided meter box, relocating existing water meter, installing new (city provided water meter), labor, equipment and material related to these relocations. Adjust Water Services (if needed): A. Please refer to the City Water Standard Detail Sheet. B. The cost of all pipe and fittings required for water service adjustments, new water services, and water meter relocation shall be covered under this bid item. C. This bid item shall cover the cost of adjusting water services in conflict with the proposed sanitary sewer main only when directed by the Engineer and shall include all incidentals as per City Standards. D. When splicing existing water services, the CONTRACTOR shall use Mueller H15400 three part union copper to copper or equal. E. The smallest service installed under this Contract shall be ¾”. Where water meters are smaller than ¾”, the Contractor shall use necessary fittings at the meter at no extra pay when tying new service to meter. F. All relocated water meters shall have nine (10) to eleven (12) inches of clearance between the meter box to the top of the water meter. G. There shall be no splicing of new services under paved areas. C.I. or D.I. Fittings: 29 A. The Contractor may use cast iron or ductile iron fittings, complete with poly-wrap on this project. B. The Contractor shall use flanged tees on all fire hydrant leads. C. All bends and plugs shall be blocked with 2,000 PSI concrete as per the “Water Service Standards” detail sheet specifications. Also, all bends shall include retainer glands. D. All cast iron and ductile fittings shall be manufactured in the United States and be mechanical joint with flanged outlet unless otherwise specified. Fire Hydrant Assembly A. The Contractor shall keep the existing fire hydrants in service until the proposed fire hydrants are in place and operational. B. All new fire hydrant assemblies shall be installed a minimum distance of 3 feet from the back of curb in residential and 4’ off in industrial unless specified otherwise. C. The unit price bid for furnishing and installing the Fire Hydrant Assembly shall be complete payment for all materials, gate valve (unless specified otherwise), bends, lead line, type II blue pavement marker, concrete splash pad, labor, equipment, and other incidentals necessary to complete this item. F.H. Removal A. All fire hydrants designated to be salvaged shall be delivered to the City of Grand Prairie’s Utility Administration building at 620 Small Street (N.W. corner of N.E. 8th Street and Small Hill). Telephone Number 972-237-8413. B. The cost of removal and disposal of existing fire hydrant shall be covered under this Bid Item. C. The location for the disposal of construction material shall be approved by the City of Grand Prairie’s Engineering Division prior to the start of construction. Cut and Plug Water main: A. If the Contractor is unable to cut and plug the existing water main within one (1) hour, the city of Grand Prairie’s Water Division will plug the water main with the Contractor supplying the required parts. Please note that these situations shall be reported to the Water Division immediately. B. The Contractor shall notify property owners 24 hours prior to shutting off the water. C. Should city forces cut and plug the water main, the Contractor will not be paid for labor costs under this item. The contractor shall furnish plugs under these Bid Items. 30 D. All bends and plugs shall be blocked with 2,000 PSI concrete as per the “Water Service Standards” detail sheet specifications. Adjust Water Mains: A. Water pipe installation shall be as per N.C.T.C.O. G., Item 506 (Open Cut – Water Conduit Installation). B. Waterline adjustments shall only take place where pre-approved by the engineer. The engineer shall be given the opportunity to make field adjustments to proposed utilities prior to authorizing waterline adjustments. C. Waterline adjustments for lines 16”-24” in diameter may be reinforced concrete cylinder pipe (RCCP), ductile iron pipe or PVC pipe as specified in this section (10) item “Water Pipes” and shall be CL51 ductile iron pipe for lines 12” and smaller in diameter. D. Please refer to the “Water Service” standard detail sheet. E. All pipes shall be kept free of trash and dirt. The Contractor, prior to installing additional pipe, will clean existing pipe stubbed out to tie into. The ditchline shall be kept filled and compacted at the end of each day’s work. All work on water main adjustments shall be completed between 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. F. Contractor shall notify the owner (CITY) at least 3 days prior to commencing work and notify all affected residents at least 48 hours prior to shut-off of water service. In no case shall service be shut-off overnight. Also, the contractor shall be willing to schedule these adjustments with minimum disruptions to the residents. The engineer may require Water shut-offs and connections to be performed at any time or day including night hours as he/she deems necessary at no extra cost to the City. G. Changes in the alignment of the waterlines are not contemplated; however, if necessary, the Owner reserves the right to make changes. Any changes in alignment will be compensated for at the unit prices bid for materials actually installed. H. All bends (horizontal and vertical), tees and plugs shall be blocked with 2,000 PSI concrete, including reinforcement, where applicable. I. The Contractor shall pull pipe where specified on the plans as per the manufacturer's recommendations at no extra pay. If it is necessary to deflect the pipe greater than the recommended amount, the Contractor shall provide the required fittings or specials as required, at no extra pay. J. All ditch lines shall be mechanically tamped as specified in Item 10-25 of the special Conditions of Agreement in this Bid book, with the cost incidental to this Bid Item. K. All proposed water mains shall be cleaned under these Bid Items. L. The cost of additional thickness of crushed stone required in areas where excavation of 31 weak and spongy soils, where deemed necessary, shall be covered under this Bid Item. M. The maximum deflection of pipe joints shall not exceed that recommended by the pipe manufacturer. If it is necessary to deflect the pipe (greater than the recommended amount) to avoid utilities, poles, trees or structures, the Contractor shall provide fittings or specials. N. All pipes shall be kept free of trash and dirt. Existing pipe, stubbed to tie into, will be cleaned by the Contractor prior to installing additional pipe. At the end of each day, the pipe shall be sealed. The ditch line shall be kept filled and compacted at the end of each days work. O. Changes in the alignment of the waterlines are not contemplated; however, if necessary, the Owner reserves the right to make changes. Any changes in alignment will be compensated for only if it results in extra length of pipe at the unit prices bid for materials actually installed. P. The cost of all concrete blocking, including anchor blocking, shall be subsidiary to this Bid Item. Q. It is recommended that the Contractor verify all points of potential conflicts with proposed water mains, i.e., gas, sewer, storm sewer pipe, etc... prior to the new water main installation. R. Newly adjusted water mains shall have a minimum of two (2’) feet clearance if under proposed facility or (6”) six inches if above. S. Cutting and plugging water main for waterline adjustments shall be covered under these Bid items. T. Measurement and payment of this Item shall be made on the basis of the price bid per each waterline adjustment and includes all pipes, fittings, excavation, equipment, materials, labor, and incidentals required for the completion of this work. U. Pipe length shall be as required to clear conflict with a proposed facility such as: curb inlet, pipe, etc. Water Main A. Water pipe installation shall be as per N.C.T.C.O. G., Item 506 (Open Cut – Water Conduit Installation). B. Changes in the alignment of the waterlines are not contemplated; however, if necessary, the Owner reserves the right to make changes. Any changes in alignment will be compensated for at the unit prices bid for materials actually installed. C. All bends (horizontal and vertical), tees and plugs shall be blocked with 2,000 PSI concrete, including reinforcement, where applicable. Please see details for blocking dimensions, including anchor blocking. D. The Contractor shall pull pipe where specified on the plans as per the manufacturer's 32 recommendations at no extra pay. If it is necessary to deflect the pipe greater than the recommended amount, the Contractor shall provide the required fittings or specials as required, at no extra pay. E. All ditch lines shall be mechanically tamped as specified in Item 10-25 of the special Conditions of Agreement in this Bid book, with the cost incidental to this Bid Item. F. The Contractor must purge all proposed water mains, shall be poly-pigged method, as per Item 506.7 (Purging and Disinfection of Water Conduit) of NCTCOG Specifications. The Contractor must furnish all equipment, material and labor for purging the water mains. This shall also include fittings and joints required to prevent back flow of purged water into the mains. The Owner will furnish the water needed for purging. All work, as per this paragraph, shall be fully performed with the cost incidental to this Bid Item. G. The cost of additional thickness of crushed stone required in areas where excavation of weak and spongy soils, where deemed necessary, shall be covered under this Bid Item. H. Welding of joint and bends shall be as specified by the pipe manufacturer. All bends for RCCP main and two joints each side of bends, tees and valves at stub-outs shall be fully welded. I. Pipe furnished for this type installation shall have joints trimmed or prepared for joint welding, as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. II. Before laying the pipe, bell and spigot rings shall be thoroughly cleaned for welding by wire brushing and wiping. III. In placing the pipe, the sections shall be fitted together with care being taken to secure true alignment and grade, as show on the plans. IV. Welded beads shall be continuous about the periphery of the pipe joint and shall be watertight at design pressure. Slag shall be removed from each welded joint and visually inspected for blow holes prior to application of grout. I. The maximum deflection of pipe joints shall not exceed that recommended by the pipe manufacturer. If it is necessary to deflect the pipe (greater than the recommended amount) to avoid utilities, poles, trees or structures, the Contractor shall provide fittings or specials. J. All pipes shall be kept free of trash and dirt. Existing pipe, stubbed to tie into, will be cleaned by the Contractor prior to installing additional pipe. At the end of each day, the pipe shall be sealed. The ditch line shall be kept filled and compacted at the end of each days work. K. The cost of all concrete blocking, including anchor blocking, shall be subsidiary to this Bid Item. L. It is recommended that the Contractor verify all points of potential conflicts with proposed water mains, i.e., gas, sewer, storm sewer pipe, etc... Prior to the new water main installation. 33 M. All fittings, 16" and larger, such as: horizontal bends, vertical bends, flanged tees, flanged outlets, plugs, and reducers, etc., shall be included in the cost of pipe per linear foot. N. The following pipe material may be used for waterlines 16”-24”in diameter: 1. DR18 C905 (235 PSI) PVC pipe. 2. Class 150 (C303) reinforced concrete cylinder pipe. 3. Ductile Iron Pipe Pressure Class 150 with poly-wrap coating and cement-mortar lining (AWWA C104). 4. All fittings for pipes 16" and larger shall be included in the cost of pipe per linear foot. O. 30” diameter through 42” diameter, water mains: Construction requirements in addition to and differing from the requirements shown above shall also be as follows. Contractor shall assume the most stringent requirement be utilized if there is a conflict and the Owner will make the final decision. 1. Allowable Pipe Materials: a. Bar-Wrapped Concrete Cylinder Pipe, AWWA C303 Class 150. b. Mortar-Coated and Lined Steel Pipe, AWWA C200 Class 150. c. Ductile Iron Pipe, AWWA C200 Class 150. 2. All excavation and backfill requirements shall be per the standard details. 3. Cathodic Protection shall be required. 4. Contractor is responsible for installing flowable fill around the pipe in areas specified on the construction plans as instructed by the engineer. The flowable fill shall be a 2:27 mix and will be considered subsidiary to the cost of the pipe construction. 5. The existing top-of-ground grades shown on the plans are approximate, and there will be no compensation if the depth of pipe is proved to be otherwise. 6. In placing the pipe, the sections shall be fitted together with care taken to secure true alignment and grade, as shown on the plans. 7. Restrained joints and concrete thrust blocking for all bends, plugs, tees, and valves shall be included in the cost of the pipe. 8. Payment for Water Pipe complete with linings, coatings and fittings, adaptors, appurtenances and backfill shall be per linear foot of installed pipe. Assembly of pipe with gasketed joints: A. All pipe installation shall be performed as recommended by the manufacturer. The 34 spigot end of the pipe is marked by the manufacturer to indicate the proper depth of insertion. Gasketed joints four inches and smaller can usually be assembled using only manual force. Larger joints, however, may require mechanical assistance to apply enough insertion force. The bar and block method is recommended as a workman is able to feel the amount of force being used and whether the joint goes together smoothly. Special jointing methods, such as the use of ratchets, jacks or backhoes, are available if desired. Care must be taken to insure that the spigot is not over-inserted and that previously assembled pipe joints are not disturbed. B. If the above guidelines are in conflict with the manufacturer’s recommendations, then the manufacturer’s recommendations shall take precedence over these guidelines. Water Pipe Embedment (4”-12” Pipe): A. Sand embedment shall be installed per Water Standard Detail sheet. B. Contractor shall provide paid invoices to City Inspector prior to submittal of their partial (monthly) pay estimates. C. The amount of sand under this bid item is based on measured quantities per trench width as determined by City Standard Detail sheet, plus compaction factors. D. Contractor shall be satisfied as to the quantity under this bid item and shall not be compensated for extra quantity unless the Engineer changes lines and grades of proposed facility. E. Extra embedment costs resulting from wider trenches than specified under City Standards shall be covered by the contractor at no extra expense to the City. Crushed Stone Pipe Embedment A. Crushed stone pipe embedment shall be installed per Water Standard Detail sheet. B. Contractor shall provide paid invoices to City Inspector prior to submittal of their partial (monthly) pay estimates. C. The amount of crushed stone pipe embedment under this bid item is based on measured quantities as determined by trench widths per City Standard Detail Sheets. D. Contractor shall be satisfied as to the quantity under this bid item and shall not be compensated for extra quantity unless the Engineer changes lines and grades of proposed facility. E. Extra embedment costs resulting from wider trenches than specified under City Standards shall be covered by the contractor at no extra expense to the City. Welded Steel Casing Pipe by Other Than Open Cut: 35 A. This Bid Item includes the cost of the casing pipe, grouting, and all incidental labor and materials necessary for a complete installation in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. B. Casing pipe shall be new steel conforming to ANSI B36.10 and the following: C. Field Strength: 36,000 psi minimum. D. Wall thickness: 0.375 in. minimum. E. Diameter: As shown on the drawings (minimum size requirements). F. Joints: Continuous circumferential weld in accordance with AWS D1.1. G. Please refer to Item 503 (Trenchless Installation) of the NCTCOG Specifications. H. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to verify all existing utilities (location and depth) prior to commencing installation of pipe by other than open cut. The Contractor shall not be compensated for any additional attempts needed to perform boring operations or for removing obstacles necessary to complete the pipe installation by other than open cut. I. The Contractor shall be paid only for the length of pipe by other than open cut indicated on the Plans. However, the length of pipe by other than open cut may vary between one Contractor and another; therefore, any allowance for additional length shall be included in the unit price bid for water or sanitary sewer pipe by other than open cut. J. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to prevent damage to streets, driveways, walkways, and other structures during and after pipe installation by other than open cut. Contractor shall repair any such damage at no extra pay. K. Pressure grouting is required between the outside of the pipe and soil after completion of pipe installation by other than open cut, at no extra pay. L. The Contractor shall install “RACI” (or equal) plastic spacers (Skids) as per the manufacturer’s specifications, with the cost incidental to this Bid Item. M. Direct PVC pipe bores 6” to 12” in diameter shall be DR 14 C900. N. “Other than street” bores shall include trees, driveways, inlets and other structures not in street areas. Gate Valves: A. Gate Valves shall conform to NCTCOG Item No. 502.6 (Valves) and 502.6.2 (ResilientSeated Gate Valves for Ordinary Waterworks Service). 36 B. Please refer to the “Water Standard” detail sheet. C. All gate valves shall be vertical unless specified otherwise. D. All gate valves shall be poly-wrapped and shall have the same type of embedment used for the water pipe. NOTE: The depth of bedding material for the gate valves shall equal the pipe outside diameter. E. The Contractor shall remove all abandoned valves, boxes and stacks down to the main on newly abandoned water mains and repair area according to city standards at no extra cost. F. The complete valve assembly shall include the box, lid, backfill, embedment, concrete apron and other miscellaneous items of work. Sleeve Connection: A. The cost of all connections, including all labor and required fittings shall be covered under this item. Water Service and Sprinkler box Relocations and/or Adjustments: A. This item shall include the relocation of water meters and the installation of a new meter box and/or sprinkler box” at finished grade to maintain accessible and readable meters. B. Please refer to the “Water Service Standards” detail sheet. C. When splicing existing water services the Contractor shall use Mueller H15400 three part Services. D. Where water meters are smaller than ¾”, the Contractor shall use necessary fittings at the meter at no extra pay. E. The smallest service installed under this Contract shall be ¾”. F. The cost of restoring areas around meter boxes and water services, i.e., grass, sod & pavement, shall be covered under these Bid Items. G. The following fees will be required from the contractor for obtaining a new water meter where specified in this project: 5/8”x ¾”= $150, 1”=$200, 1 1/2”= $350.00, 2”= $450 Concrete Encasement or Cap for Sanitary Sewer or Water Lines: A. Concrete encasement shall be installed in accordance with NCTCOG Specifications 504.5.2.13 (Open Cut – Backfill, Class “G” Embedment) with the exception that the minimum dimension of concrete around the pipe shall be 6-inches. Concrete for encasement shall be Type “B” – 2,000 psi compressive strength at 28 days. B. Payment for “Concrete Encasement or Cap of Sanitary sewer or Water Lines” shall 37 include supporting pipe and furnishing and installing concrete. Butterfly Valve: A. All 16” valves and larger under this project shall be butterfly valves. B. Butterfly valves shall conform to AWWA C504 Standards latest revision. C. This bid item shall cover all costs related to the installation of butterfly valves and boxes including all necessary gears, actuators, extension stems, insulation kits, by-pass valves and fittings etc. D. All butterfly valves shall have the same type and twice the depth of embedment as for the proposed water pipe. E. All butterfly valves shall be poly-wrapped. F. Butterfly valves shall be MUELLER LINESEAL III, CLOW, PRATT or M&H. G. Please refer to the “Water Standard” detail sheet H. The complete valve assembly shall include box and lid. I. Shop Drawings of valves shall be submitted for review by the engineer prior to installation. Combination Air Release Valve and Meter Box A. Air Release Valves shall be installed in accordance with NCTCOG Specifications Item 502. B. Please refer to the “Water Air Release Valve Details” sheet. C. Cathodic protection is required. D. Payment for Air Release Valve shall include valve, underground piping, meter box, vent piping and support, isolation valve, pea gravel, flanged outlet with drilled and tapped blind flange, and all appurtenances shall be included with this bid item. E. Vent piping shall be installed at a location agreed upon by the City. Connect to Existing 24 and 36-inch Water A. Connections to existing water mains shall be governed by the following: a. Connections to the existing water mains shall be made using a tapping sleeve and valve. b. The Contractor shall submit a schedule to the Engineer, for his specific approval, which indicates the time and duration of the connection and shutdown if required to the existing main. c. The work shall be performed with stringent built-in safeguards (such as adequate back-up equipment, labor and materials available) to insure that the time schedule is met without failure and subsequent setback. 38 d. Every effort shall be made to accomplish as much work as possible before actual tiein is made to the existing main. This is necessary to provide proper restraint of the pipe when the main is returned to full service. e. Connection shall be made only after the new main has been satisfactorily disinfected and the Engineer has authorized the connection. f. The Contractor will be required to plug and block lines, crosses, tees, or other fittings installed in the new main to permit testing and chlorination prior to the making of the connection. Such plugs and blocking shall be adequate to withstand a test pressure of 150 psi. g. In the case where blow-off connections or fire hydrants are not provided for flushing, the Contractor will be required to leave one end of the new main open for flushing and then plug and block the end for chlorination and testing. B. Excavation to locate pipe shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. C. Payment for “Connection to Existing 24-inch and 36-inch Water Line” shall include locating pipe, dewatering as necessary and disposing of water, providing the tapping sleeve and tapping valve and concrete blocking. Steel Casing Pipe by Open Cut A. This Bid Item includes the cost of the casing pipe, grouting, and all incidental labor and materials necessary for a complete installation in accordance with the Plans. B. Pipeline Excavation and Backfill shall be per the details. C. All steel encasement pipes shall be of new material and shall have smooth walls. No corrugated pipe shall be permitted. D. Proposed steel encasement pipe shall be installed at various depths as indicated on the Plans. Any compensation for extra depth shall be covered under this Bid Item. E. Steel casing pipe installation shall be performed as recommended by the manufacturer. F. The cost of concrete plugs at the upper and lower ends of the encasement pipe, including appurtenances, shall be covered under this Bid Item. Cathodic Protection for Water Mains A. This pay item is intended to include all items of cost required for the installation of the cathodic protection as per the specifications and plans. B. Payment shall be on a lump sum basis. TV Wastewater Mains A. Contractor shall TV the existing and proposed wastewater mains before and after construction. B. Digital Video Disks (DVD) of the existing main shall be given to the engineering 39 inspector 14 days prior to start of construction for review. DVD’s of the new main shall be given to the engineering inspector 14 days after completion of the work at that location. C. Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning main, bypass pumping, temporary repairs, determining low points locations, service locations, and general condition of the main. D. Measurement and payment shall be per the unit price and shall include all work necessary to TV the main and supply the DVD to the Owner. PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe (SDR 35, Open-Cut Method): A. Sanitary sewer pipe 12-inches in diameter and smaller shall be PVC SDR-35. B. Sanitary sewer pipe larger than 12-inches in diameter shall be one of the following, unless otherwise noted on the plans: ASTM Designation F-794 “PVC Ribbed Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings based on Controlled Inside Diameter” ASTM Designation F-949 “PVC Corrugated Sewer Pipe with Smooth Interior and Fittings” ASTM Designation F-679 Type 1A for pipe installed to greater than 20 feet depth and Type 2B for pipe installed to less than 20 feet depth. C. Should the existing sanitary sewer main be disrupted, the Contractor shall use bypass sewage pumping to avoid disrupting sewer flow during construction of the new sewer main. D. The cost of sewage pumping shall be covered under these Bid Items. There will be no separate pay for sewage pumping. E. The Contractor shall have pumps on the job site capable of handling the flow. F. Refer to “Wastewater Standard Detail Sheet”. G. All excavated ditchlines shall be mechanically tamped to a minimum of 90% density and a maximum of 95% density of ASTM-D698 (Standard Proctor procedures) at a moisture content ranging from optimum minus one (-1) to plus three (3) percent, to be placed in 6”8” lifts (not to exceed 12”) by the end of each day’s work. Densities shall be taken every one (1) lift at staggered hundred feet increments (see Item No. 10-25 of the “Special Conditions of Agreement” in this bid book). H. The cost of removing the existing sanitary sewer line, where specified or where necessary, shall be covered under these Bid Items unless specified otherwise. 40 I. The existing top of ground grades shown on the plans are approximate and there will no compensation if the depth of pipe is proved to be otherwise. J. Please refer to Item No. 6.7.2. of the COG Specifications. K. The CONTRACTOR shall field verify the location and depth of all existing sewer mains prior to beginning construction. Assembly of pipe with gasketed joints: A. All pipe conduit installation shall be performed as recommended by the manufacturer. The spigot end of the pipe is marked by the manufacturer to indicate the proper depth of insertion. Gasketed joints four inches and smaller can usually be assembled using only manual force. Larger joints, however, may require mechanical assistance to apply enough insertion force. The bar and block method is recommended as a workman is able to feel the amount of force being used and whether the joint goes together smoothly. Special jointing methods, such as the use of ratchets, jacks or backhoes, are available if desired. Care must be taken to insure that the spigot is not over-inserted and that previously assembled pipe joints are not disturbed. B. If the above guidelines are in conflict with the manufacturer’s recommendations, then the manufacturer’s recommendations shall take precedence over these guidelines. Sewer Pipe (Trenchless Method, upsizing by “Pipe Bursting” Method): A. GENERAL: 1. Description: This specification includes requirements to rehabilitate existing sanitary sewers by the Pipe Bursting method. This system includes splitting or bursting the existing pipe to install a new polyethylene pipe and reconnect existing sewer service connections. 2. Methods: This section specifies the approved system method or process to include all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to provide for the complete rehabilitation of deteriorated gravity sewer lines by the Pipe Bursting/Crushing systems. Approved methods include: the PIM Corporation (PIM System), Piscata Way, New Jersey and Trenchless Replacement Systems, (TRS System), Calgary, Canada. 3. Definition: The Pipe Bursting Method is defined as the reconstruction of gravity sewer pipe by installing an approved pipe material, by means of one of the pre-approved methods set forth in Section A.2 of this specification. The process involves the use of a static, hydraulic or pneumatic hammer "moling" device, suitably sized to break out the old pipe or using modified boring "knife" with a flared plug that implodes and crushes the existing sewer pipe. Forward progress of the "mole" or the "knife" may be aided by the use of hydraulic equipment or other apparatus, as specified in the approved methods. The replacement pipe is either pulled or pushed into the bore. The method allows for replacement of pipe sizes from 8" through 21" and/or upsizing in varying increments up to 21". This specification is based on the precedent that the Pipe Bursting Method used has been pre-approved by the City Engineering Division. 41 4. Quality Assurance: a. The Contractor shall be certified by the particular Pipe Bursting Method manufacturer that such firm is a licensed installer of their system. No other Pipe Bursting Method system other than those listed in Section A.2. of these specifications is acceptable. b. Personnel directly involved with installing the new pipe shall receive training in the proper methods for joint fusing, handling, and installing the polyethylene pipe. Training shall be performed by a qualified representative as determined by the pipe manufacturer. c. Personnel directly involved with installing the new pipe shall receive training in the proper methods for joint fusing, handling, and installing the polyethylene pipe. Training shall be performed by a qualified representative as determined by the pipe manufacturer. 5. Submittals: Submit for review and acceptance, the following Contractor's Work Plan and Drawings to the ENGINEER: a. Shop drawings, catalog data, and manufacturer's technical data showing complete information on material composition, physical properties, and dimensions of new pipe and fittings. Include manufacturer's recommendation for handling, storage, and repair of pipe and fittings if damaged. b. Location and number of insertion or access pits shall be planned by Contractor and submitted in writing prior to excavation for approval by the City. c. Method of construction and restoration of existing sewer service connections. This shall include: 1) Detail drawings and written description of the entire construction procedure to install pipe, bypass sewage flow and reconnection of sewer service connections. 2) Working drawings for information only showing sewage flow bypass, and maintenance of traffic. Contractor shall provide for continuous sewerage flow. Dewatering shall be the Contractor's responsibility. 3) Certification of workmen training for installing pipe. 4) TV inspection reports and videos made after new pipe installation. 6. Delivery, Storage, and Handling: a. Transport, handle, and store pipe and fittings as recommended by manufacturer. b. If new pipe and fittings become damaged before or during installation, it shall be repaired as recommended by the manufacturer or replaced as required by the Project Manager at the Contractor's expense, before proceeding further. 42 c. Deliver, store and handle other materials as required to prevent damage. 7. All pipe installation shall be performed as recommended by the manufacturer. B. MATERIALS: 1. Polyethylene Piping Material: The pipe and fitting material shall be high density, extra molecular weight (EHMW) polyethylene pipe material conforming to ASTM D1248, Type III, Class C, Category 5, Grade P34, and have a PPI (Plastic Pipe Institute) recommended designation of PE3408 and cell classification 345434C per ASTM D3350. The molecular weight category shall be extra high (250,000 to 1,500,000) as per the Gel Permeation Chromatography determination procedure with a typical value of 330,000. a. The interior of the pipe shall be a light reflective color to facilitate closed circuit TV inspection. b. The pipe material shall be listed by the Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI) in PPI TR-4. The pipe material shall have as hydrostatic design basis of 1600 psi at 73 F and 800 psi at 140 F. c. The manufacturer's certification shall state that the pipe was manufactured from one specific resin and shall state the resin used and its source. All pipe shall be made of virgin material. No rework, except that obtained from the manufacturer's own production of the same formulation, shall be used. d. Pipe supplied under this specification shall have a nominal Ductile Iron Pipe Size inside diameter. The Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) and minimum pressure rating of the pipe shall be SDR 17 - 100 psi. 2. Tests: The Contractor shall be required to send submittals to the City of Grand Prairie on the production material. a. The pipe manufacturer shall provide certification that samples of the production product meets these specifications. The certification will state that production product has been tested in accordance with ASTM D2837, and validated in accordance with the latest revision of PPI TR-3. b. The pipe manufacturer shall provide certification that stress regression testing has been performed on the specific product. Certification shall include a stress life curve per ASTM D2837 and testing shall have been performed in accordance with ASTM D2837. c. Rejection: Polyethylene plastic pipe and fittings may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements of this specification. C. SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS: 1. Sewer Service Connections: Sewer service connections shall be connected to the new pipe by mechanical or fusion methods. Once the saddle is secured, a hole shall be drilled in the pipe the full inside diameter of saddle outlet. 43 2. Pipe Saddles: Mechanical saddles shall be made of polyethylene pipe compound that meets the requirements of ASTM D1248, Class C, have stainless steel straps and fasteners, neoprene gasket and backup plate. Mechanical saddles shall be Strap-on-Saddle Type as manufactured by Driscopipe or Tapping Saddle manufactured by DuPont, or approved equal. Fusion saddles shall be electrofusion branch saddles as manufactured by Central Plastics Company, or approved equal. 3. Connection to Existing Service: Connections to the existing sewer service connections pipe shall be made using flexible couplings. All flexible couplings shall conform to ASTM C425 and shall be as manufactured by Fernco Joint Sealer Co., DFW Plastics, Inc. or approved equal. Backfill at service connections shall be cement stabilized sand (2 sacks per cubic yard) to a point 12 inches above the service lateral to trench intersection and shall be in accordance with these specifications. 4. The Contractor shall, upon request, permit the Engineer to take elevations on both the existing and new portions of the service connection pole to determine final grade and invert elevations. Elevation changes greater than 0.10 feet from the house lateral piping and shall be reconnected as directed by the Engineer. 5. Service Interruptions: Service interruptions to homes shall not exceed 18 hours. D. PREPARATION: 1. Bypassing Sewage: a. The Contractor shall bypass the sewage around the section or sections of sewer to be rehabilitated. The bypass shall be made by plugging existing upstream manhole and pumping the sewage into a downstream manhole or adjacent system or other method as may be approved by the Engineer. The pump and bypass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow without sewage backup occurring to facilities connected to the sewer. b. The Contractor shall be responsible for continuity of sanitary sewer service to each facility connected to the section of sewer during the execution of the work. If sewage backup occurs and enters buildings, the Contractor shall be responsible for clean-up, repair, property damage costs and claims. 2. Line Obstructions: If pre-installation (TV) inspection reveals an obstruction in the existing sewer (heavy solids, dropped joints, protruding service taps or collapsed pipe) which will prevent completion of the pipe bursting/crushing process, and cannot be removed by conventional sewer cleaning equipment, then an obstruction removal shall be made by the Contractor, with the approval of the Engineer. 3. Sags in Sewer Line: ALL SAGS AND GRADE PROBLEMS IN EXISTING SEWER LINES SHALL BE CORRECTED AS PART OF THIS CONTRACT. If the preconstruction TV inspection reveals a sag in the sewer line, the Contractor shall be responsible 44 for bringing the proposed sewer pipe to an acceptable grade without a sag. A sag is defined as any sewer line segment more than 3 feet in length which ponds water in the absence of sewage flow. The contractor shall take the necessary measures to eliminate the sag by the method of: pipe replacement, digging a sag elimination pit and bringing the bottom of the pipe trench to a uniform grade in line with the existing pipe invert or by other measures that shall be acceptable to the Engineer and the City. a. Identification of Sags: Sags shall be identified by TV inspection in the absence of sewage flow. If available, the Contractor shall be furnished TV tapes from the City identifying the sag location. Flow shall be blocked at an upstream manhole and diverted to another sewer line or downstream manhole below the segment of pipe to be inspected. TV inspection shall be performed in accordance with TV inspection of sanitary sewer lines. Video tapes shall be submitted to the City for review. b. Correction of Sags: Sags shall be corrected by open cut and by adding additional bedding material to bring the sag back to grade where access is available. For pipe enlargement methods, all sags identified on the pre-construction video tapes shall be corrected prior to commencing with pipe enlargement. c. In instances where sags are located under existing structures, the existing sewer line may be relocated using open cut or boring methods. The City shall specifically review potential relocation’s and evaluate the constructability, economics and engineering feasibility prior to construction work. d. Measurement and Payment: When authorized by the City, measurement and payment to correct sags shall be per linear foot of pipe construction to correct the sag. For pipe bursting methods, open-cut or bore construction, the applicable bid prices in the proposal section shall apply. 4. TV Inspection: Inspection of the pipelines shall be performed by experienced personnel trained in locating breaks, obstacles and service connections by closed circuit color Television. TV inspection shall be in accordance with the specifications contained herewith for "Pre- and Post-Construction TV Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Lines". E. PIPE ENLARGEMENT SYSTEM AND PIPE INSTALLATION: 1. Site Organization: a. Insertion or access pits shall be located such that their total number shall be minimized and the length of replacement pipe installed in a single pull shall be maximized. b. Existing manholes shall be utilized wherever practical. Manhole inverts and bottoms may be removed to permit access for installation equipment. c. Equipment used to perform the work shall be located away from buildings so as not to create a noise impact. Provide silencers or other devises to reduce machine noise as needed to meet requirements. 45 d. The actual pipe enlargement procedure shall commence prior to 11:00 AM in order to afford the contractor ample time to complete all related work within the allotted workday, which is defined as the hours between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, so as not to impose on the peace and comfort of persons in the immediate vicinity. No actual pipebursting work shall be started after 11:00 AM; all actual pipebursting activity shall cease at 6:00 PM. Other activities other than the actual pipebursting may continue after 6:00 PM. 2. Finished Pipe: The installed replacement pipe shall be continuous over the entire length of each pipe segment from manhole to manhole and shall be free from visual defects such as foreign inclusions, concentrated ridges, discoloration, pitting, varying wall thickness, pipe separation, and other deformities. Replacement pipe with gashes, nicks, abrasions, or any such physical damage which may have occurred during storage and/or handling, which are larger/deeper than 10% of the wall thickness shall not be used and shall be removed from the construction site. The replacement pipe passing through or terminating in a manhole shall be carefully cut out in a shape and manner approved by the Engineer. The invert and benches shall be streamlined and improved for smooth flow. The installed pipe shall meet the leakage requirements of the pressure test specified later. 3. Pipe Jointing: a. Sections of polyethylene replacement pipe shall be assembled and joined on the job site above the ground. Jointing shall be accomplished by the heating and butt-fusion system in strict conformance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. b. The butt-fusion system for pipe jointing shall be carried out in the field by operators with prior experience in fusing polyethylene pipe with similar equipment using proper jigs and tools per standard procedures outlined by the pipe manufacturer. These joints shall have a smooth, uniform, double rolled back bead made while applying the proper melt, pressure, and alignment. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to provide an acceptable butt-fusion joint. All joints shall be made available for inspection by the Engineer before insertion. The replacement pipe shall be joined on the site in appropriate working lengths near the insertion pit. The maximum length of continuous replacement pipe which shall be assembled above ground and pulled on the job site at any one time shall be 600 linear feet. c. For situations where the replacement pipe is not pulled all the way to the manhole or if it is impossible to pull the missle all the way through, the following shall apply: At the direction of the Engineer, a 12”-18” full circle steel clamp shall be utilized to connect segments of the HDPE pipe. 4. New Pipe Installation: a. Thread winch cable or chain and associated lines through sewer section to be rehabilitated. Keep lines away from pedestrian and vehicular traffic. b. Existing manholes may be used for launch and receiving access. Remove manhole invert and bottom as required. Pull winch chain through sewer section and attach to cutter and machine head. Lower into launching manhole, apply winch tension pulling the cutter and 46 head into the sewer until the rear of the machine is flush with the manhole wall. Attach steel starter pipe and advance assembly until the rear of the steel starter pipe is flush with the manhole wall. Lower hydraulic jack into the manhole and align. Insert new pipe by simultaneous operation of the jack and winching the cutter and head forward. 5. Anchoring New Pipe and Sealing Manholes: a. After the new pipe has been installed in the entire length of the sewer section, anchor the pipe at manholes. The new pipe shall protrude in the manholes for enough distance to allow sealing and trimming. b. Sealing the new pipe at manholes shall not begin for a minimum of ten (10) hours after installation. Provide a flexible gasket connector in the manhole wall at the end of the new pipe, centered in the existing manhole wall. Grout flexible connector in the manhole, filling all voids the full thickness of the manhole wall. c. Restore manhole bottom and invert. 6. Field Testing: a. Low Pressure Air Test of Replacement Pipe: After a manhole-to-manhole section of sanitary sewer main has been pipe burst/crushed and prior to any service lines being connected to the replacement pipe, the pipe shall be plugged at each manhole with pneumatic plugs. The design of the plugs shall be such that they will hold against the test pressure without requiring external blocking or bracing. One of the plugs shall have three air hose connections; one for the inflation of the plug, one for reading the air pressure in the sealed line, and one for introducing air into the sealed line. Low pressure air shall then be introduced into the sealed line until the internal air pressure reaches 4.0 psig greater than the average back pressure resulting from any ground water that may be over the pipe. At least two minutes shall elapse to allow the pressure to stabilize. The time required for the internal pressure to decrease from 3.5 to 2.5 psig greater than the average back pressure resulting from any ground water that may be over the pipe, shall not be less than the time shown for a given pipe diameter in the following table: Carrier Pipe Diameter (inches) 8 10 12 15 Minimum Elapsed Time (minutes) 4 5 6 7 b. Post-Construction TV Inspection of New Pipe: Refer to Special Condition for PostConstruction TV Inspection of Sanitary Sewer. F. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: 1. Pipe Installation: Pipe installation will be measured for payment by the linear foot of pipe actually installed in the various diameters of sewers measured along the centerline of the 47 sewer from centerline to centerline of manholes. Payment will be made for the quantities measured at the unit price per linear foot for the various sewer diameters listed. 2. Sewer Cleaning by Bucket Machine: Heavy cleaning requiring more than hydraulic jet cleaning shall be performed by bucket machines. The payment for such cleaning shall be included in the bid item for Pre-Construction TV Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Lines. 3. By-pass Pumping: The Contractor shall provide diversion for the flow of sewage around the section or sections of pipe designated for rehabilitation. The pumps and by-pass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle all flows. All costs for by-pass pumping required during installation of the pipe shall be subsidiary to pipe enlargement. 4. Subsidiary Work: Any damage to utilities and property, resulting repairs, temporary service costs, etc. shall be borne by Contractor. Repair and/or replacement of fences, sprinkler system piping and other such restoration work resulting from Contractor activities shall be considered subsidiary to the cost of the project and no additional payment will be allowed. 5. Testing: All cost for testing the replacement pipe by a pressure method will be incidental to pipe installation. Ductile Iron Sanitary Sewer Pipe A. All ductile iron pipe shall be Class 50, and conform to the requirements of the latest edition of A.W.W.A. C151 (ANSI A21.51) specifications. B. All ductile iron pipe joints shall be “Push On” type and shall conform to the latest edition of A.W.W.A. C111 (ANSI A21.11) specifications. Gaskets to be neoprene or equal, resistant to hydrogen sulfide. C. Ductile iron fittings shall conform to the requirements of A.W.W.A. C110-82 (ANSI A21.10-1982) specifications designed for a working pressure of not less than 150 psi. D. All ductile iron pipe and fittings for sanitary sewer service shall be internally lined with a virgin polyethylene coating complying with ANSI/ASTM D1248 specifications. Lining in pipe and fittings shall be 40 mil nominal thickness with a minimum of 30 mils thickness at any point. E. All pipe bells shall extend 2’-0” from the proposed pier centerline. F. All buried sections of the pipe shall be polyethylene wrapped as per Item No. 2.9.5. of N.C.T.C.O.G. specifications. G. All ditch lines within the buried sections of the pipe shall be mechanically tamped as per Item No. 10-25 of the Special Conditions of Agreement in this Bid Book. 48 H. Changes in alignment are not contemplated, however, if necessary, the Owner reserves the right to make any changes. Any changes in alignment will be compensated for at the unit prices bid for at the unit prices bid for the materials actually installed. I. All pipe installation shall be performed as recommended by the manufacturer. Sanitary Sewer Point Repairs A. This Bid Item shall only be used with Trenchless Method of Installing the main. B. The cost of all incidental items related to point repairs such as: excavation, new pipe section, embedment, backfill, pavement repair or sod and other miscellaneous items shall be covered under this bid item. Sanitary Sewer Manholes A. All new manholes under this Item shall have 6” crushed stone embedment. B. Please refer to the City Wastewater Standard Detail Sheet. C. The cost of all manhole tie-ins (coring) and point repairs such as: excavation, new pipe section, embedment backfill, and other miscellaneous items are subsidiary to the Bid Item unless when specified otherwise. D. All sewerage pumping, if necessary, during manhole construction shall be covered under this Bid Item. E. These Bid Items shall include new manhole construction at existing mains and/or new mains. F. Contractor shall locate existing main prior to constructing new manholes. G. Use 2,000 PSI Concrete when plugging sewer main at manholes or where required. The CONTRACTOR shall not obstruct flow inside existing manholes during or after plugging such manholes. The cost of cutting and plugging sewer main shall be subsidiary to the sanitary sewer manholes. H. The cost of sod or pavement repair shall be by separate bid item. Sanitary Sewer Manhole Extra Depth A. Please refer to the City Wastewater Standard Detail Sheet. B. This bid item is to cover only the extra depth (depth in excess of six (6) vertical feet) in vertical feet needed for the Sanitary Sewer Manhole. Manhole Rehabilitation 49 A. Manhole Rehabilitation Methods are: 1. Strong-Seal 2. Quadex – QM – IS Reliner 3. Or Approved Equal 800-982-8009 888-831-1650 B. If the CONTRACTOR plans on bidding material for an approved equal, the following documents must be submitted to the City Engineer no later than the pre-bidders meeting date. 1. Laboratory Test 2. ASTM Specifications 3. A list of not less than three references, where similar materials were installed (preferably municipalities). The CONTRACTOR will be notified in writing if submitted material is acceptable. C. The cost of cleaning and point repairing such as: excavation, new pipe section, embedment backfill, pavement repair and other miscellaneous items the manhole in preparation for rehabilitation is covered under this bid item. The cost for sod replacement shall be a separate pay item. D. Manhole Rehabilitation shall be performed as per the manufacturer’s specifications. Minimum thickness of strong seal or quadex shall be 0.50 inches. E. The CONTRACTOR shall adhere to all OSHA Safety Requirements when entering or working inside a manhole or any confined space and shall take extra measures to insure the workers’ safety. F. All Manhole Rehabilitation shall be performed without any excavation unless directed by the Engineer. Sanitary Sewer Manhole Removal A. The CONTRACTOR shall remove manhole with minimal disturbance to the surrounding area, especially street traffic. B. The CONTRACTOR shall dispose of manholes in a legal manner. Replace Ring and Cover with Water Tight Ring and Cover A. Contractor shall remove the top portion of the Manhole, place a grade ring (silicon seal), and grout the ring in place. B. All work should take place prior to rehabilitating manhole. C. No grade rings greater than 12” in height shall be used. All grade rings shall have a silicon seal and be grouted in place. D. Use bell and spigot for pre-cast manholes and a concrete collar for cast in-place manholes. 50 E. For cast in place manholes cut off cone, repair and dowel in existing wall. F. Water tight cover shall be bolted down. Sanitary Sewer Services and Reconnections: A. This Bid Item shall include the necessary length of PVC SDR 35 Service Line between the main and the property or easement line with four (4) inch minimum size. B. When connecting or reconnecting existing services to the new main, the CONTRACTOR shall coordinate the work with the property owners and at their convenience. C. All service locations must be verified by the CONTRACTOR in the field. D. The CONTRACTOR shall locate sanitary sewer lateral connections by using video camera and the cost shall be covered by separate bid item. E. When sanitary sewer services are reinstated or reconnected, the CONTRACTOR shall use all necessary fittings as specified by the City Wastewater Standard Detail Specifications. F. Sanitary Sewer Laterals shall have crushed stone embedment as per the City Wastewater Standard Detail Specifications. G. Please refer to the City Wastewater Standard Detail Specifications. H. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain a temporary three (3) inch cold mix asphalt surface material, for driveway and street crossings as per Item No. 330, “Cold Mix Limestone Rock Asphalt Pavement (Class A) Type “B” of the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Latest Edition Standard Specification for the Construction of Highways, Streets, and Bridges”, to be placed over the trench areas at driveways and street crossings, as per the Engineer’s Specifications, until the Final Permanent Pavement Repairs are made, at no extra pay. I. The cost of tie-ins, trench safety, excavation, embedment backfill, pavement repairs, sod, hardscape, landscape, and other miscellaneous items are subsidiary to the Bid Item unless when specified otherwise. It is the CONTRACTOR’S responsibility to prevent damage to driveways and walkways during and after the installation of pipe and the CONTRACTOR shall repair any such damage at no extra pay. Sanitary Sewer Cleanout (Remove and Replace) A. Please refer to the City Wastewater Standard Detail Sheet. B. Service Cleanouts shall be installed one (1) foot inside the City Right-of-Way unless specified otherwise by the Engineer. C. The cost of surface repairs (grass, hardscape, landscape, or pavement) at the cleanout area 51 shall be covered under this bid item. The cost of removing sanitary sewer cleanouts on the main shall be subsidiary to the sewer main. Power Pole Bracing (if needed): A. The Contractor shall brace power poles when in close proximity to proposed construction as specified on plans or as deemed necessary and directed by the Engineer. B. Contractor shall notify power pole owner, i.e., Oncor Electric Company, ATT, prior to bracing power poles. C. A wood or fiberglass distribution pole should be braced or supported when excavation is with three (3) feet of the pole in any direction. The backfill of the excavation within three (3) feet of the pole should be thoroughly compacted to a density equal to 95% of the soil density surrounding the foundation. Relocate Sign: A. This item shall be paid at the price bid per each. B. Sign shall be relocated to a spot determined by the owner outside City right of way and as permitted by building inspection department. Grass Sod and Hydro mulch seeding. A. Please refer to Section 10-26 “Special Conditions of Agreement” in this Bid book. B. These Bid Items shall only cover grass areas disturbed during construction including 4” top soil. C. The Contractor shall use a high velocity biodegradable fiber mat with hydro mulch seeding of areas included in steeper than 4:1 as well as all areas lying inside drainage easements. D. Sprinkler heads exist throughout the construction area. The cost of any repairs related to sprinkler heads or system shall be subsidiary to the total cost of this project. E. Payment for the sod/seeding shall be based on the unit price of installed material within the limits called for on the plans. No extra pay for sod/seeding outside the plan limits. F. Contractor shall water the sodded areas as needed until vegetation is established and final acceptance by the owner of the entire project at no extra pay. G. For Wastewater Work payment for Sod shall be only in areas of Proposed Manholes, Open Cut Wastewater Mains or as called for by the engineer. Sod is subsidiary to Rehabilitation of MH, Trenchless Wastewater Main, Services, and as listed in the technical notes and bid items. Excess sod damage shall be replaced by the contractor at no cost to the Owner and is subsidiary to the project and not a payable item. For paving work, sod shall be placed in medians and along parkways for the area disturbed. 52 Streetscaping/Irrigation Allowance: A. Please refer to N.C.T.C.O.G., Item 202 (Landscaping) and all other specifications. B. The project shall have a lump sum amount of funding to allow the contractor to replace streetscaping, irrigation, landscaping, and other miscellaneous items. C. Contractor shall submit a schedule of items with unit cost to the engineer for review. If approved, these shall be installed where needed to restore the private property landscape. D. The lump sum amount will only be paid to the contractor based on actual install landscaping per the schedule of items. This item does not relieve the contractor from adhering to the specifications in the other bid items. This item may or may not be needed and is included to handle unknown items that may arise during construction at this site. 3” Caliper Trees: a. Please refer to N.C.T.C.O.G., Item 202 (Landscaping). b. All trees shall be placed 4’ off the edge of sidewalk and 8’ off the edge of pavement. Contractor shall contact property owner to verify that he wants the tree prior to ordering trees. If property owner does not want tree, then it shall be deleted from the project (no paid). c. The tree holes shall be a minimum of three (3) inches larger than the diameter of the tree’s unwrapped root ball. The hole shall be dug to a depth such that the top of the root ball is three (3) inches above the surface grade and shall be backfilled with excavated material and compacted by hand. The disturbed area around each installed tree shall be sodded or restored to its original condition. d. Measurement and payment for this Item shall be made on the basis of the unit price of installed trees, including excavation, backfilling, trimming, reshaping/re-grading the disturbed soil around the tree, watering to establish growth, and all incidentals required to complete this work. Shrub: A. Please refer to N.C.T.C.O.G., Item 202 (Landscaping). B. The shrub holes shall be a minimum of three (3) inches larger than the diameter of the shrub’s unwrapped root ball. The hole shall be dug to a depth such that the top of the root ball is three (3) inches above the surface grade and shall be backfilled with excavated material and compacted by hand. The disturbed area around each installed shrub shall be sodded or restored to its original condition. C. Measurement and payment for this Item shall be made on the basis of the unit price of installed shrub, including excavation, backfilling, trimming, reshaping/re-grading the disturbed soil around the shrub, and all incidentals required to complete this work. Watering of shrub shall be a separate bid item. 53 Water Parkway (non-pay item): A. Please refer to Section 10-26 “Special Conditions of Agreement” in this Bid book. Please refer to N.C.T.C.O.G., Item 202 (Landscaping). B. Contractor shall provide 20 gallon gator bag for each tree and fill each bag daily for the first 8 days after tree is planted. The Treegator Bag or equal (Treegater.Com) shall be filled weekly for the remaining weeks in the project. The gator bags shall remain the property of the City of Grand Prairie and be picked up after one year by Special Projects. C. Contractor shall provide water for sod daily for the first 8 days and weekly for the remaining weeks in the project. D. Contractor shall provide water for shrubs (20 gallons) daily for the first 8 days and weekly for the remaining weeks in the project. E. The limits of parkway watering include all disturbed vegetated areas on private and public property. The contractor shall provide the watering schedule to the City prior to planting trees, shrubs and sod. F. The contractor shall be responsible for replacing vegetation that is in poor health. Fence: A. Please refer N.C.T.C.O.G. Item 801 (Barriers, Warning and Detour Signs, and Fences). B. Contractor shall visit site prior to bidding to inspect different types of fencing called for replacement and prepare his bid to replace with new material the existing fence. C. The Contractor shall replace the fence with new equal or better quality fence. D. The cost of replacing gates, where applicable, shall be covered under these Bid Items. E. The shape of wood fence panels shall match existing. F. Fence Post shall be embedded in concrete to a minimum of 48” in depth. G. All front yard (along ROW) fencing shall be 36” maximum height if solid or 48” maximum height if transparent. Match existing fence height unless it exceeds the maximum allowed. Temporary Fence: A. The contractor shall be responsible for providing a temporary fence in areas where an existing fence must be removed to facilitate construction. The temporary fence shall be required to keep children, pets, and livestock within their respective areas and out of the construction site. B. The temporary fence and gate may be the existing fence provided it is not damaged during removal. Otherwise, the temporary fence shall be 4’ Chain Link. 54 C. All front (along ROW) yard fencing shall be 36” maximum height if solid or 48” maximum height if transparent. Match existing fence height unless it exceeds the maximum allowed. Relocate Street Sign (Stop/Street Names): A. This item shall be paid at the price bid per each. B. Sign shall be relocated to a spot determined by the Transportation Department. C. This bid item includes the temporary relocation during construction, as well as, placing the sign permanently upon completion of the project. Project Sign (non-pay item): A. Please refer to the Project Sign Detail in the Bid Book. One (1) Project sign shall be require for each project location. TRA Requirements (non-pay item): A. Contractor shall contact TRA at least 72 hours prior to construction when working around and connecting to their facilities. If the TRA is not notified, the contractor shall be required to excavate the work for inspection at no cost to TRA or the City of Grand Prairie. All inspections on TRA Facilities shall be performed by TRA on-site personnel only. B. TRA may be contacted at 972.262.5186. Traffic signal loop detectors: A. Contractor shall replace and reconnect any traffic signal loops if damaged during construction to the standards set forth by the City of Grand Prairie and as seen in the plans and specifications. B. Refer to the ‘Loop Detector installation details’ standards detail sheet. C. There shall be no splicing of detector loop wires. D. Contractor shall notify the City Traffic Engineer prior to any work within 500’ of existing traffic signals. Flowable Fill (Refer to N.C.T.C.O.G. item 504.2.3.4): A. Flowable backfill shall consist of a mixture of native soils or manufactured materials, cement and/or fly ash, and water which produces a material with unconfined compressive strength of between 250-psi and 450-psi (18 to 32-kg/cm2) after 28 days. Any materials used shall be primarily granular, with a plasticity index of <12 and with 100% passing a ¾ in. sieve. The flowable mixture shall be mixed in a pug mil, concrete mixer, or transit 55 mixer and shall have a minimum slump of 5 in. (13 cm). The flowable mixture must be allowed to set prior to the placement of any overlying material. Refer to N.C.T.C.O.G. item 504.2.3.4 for additional information. Modified Flowable Fill (Refer to N.C.T.C.O.G. item 504.2.3.5): B. Modified flowable backfill in areas of possible future excavation such as utility installations shall consist of a mixture of native soils or manufactured materials, cement and/or fly ash, air-entraining material, and water which produces a material with unconfined compressive strength of between 50-psi and 150-psi (4 to 11-kg/cm2) after 28 days. Modified flowable backfill in pavement areas such as abandoned pipe closures, abutments and embankments shall contain similar materials and shall have an unconfined compressive strength of greater than 150-psi (11-kg/cm2) after 28 days. Any materials used shall be primarily granular with a plasticity index of <12 and with 100% passing a ¾ in. sieve. The flowable mixture shall be mixed in a pug mil, concrete mixer, or transit mixer and shall have a minimum slump of 5 in. (13 cm). The flowable mixture must be allowed to set prior to the placement of any overlying material. Refer to N.C.T.C.O.G. item 504.2.3.5 for additional information. 56