Virginia Woolf - Universidad de Zaragoza

by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
(English woman of letters, modernist writer and forerunner of feminist
criticism, b. at High Park Gate as Adeline Virginia Stephen, daughter of
Leslie Stephen and Julia Duckworth; l Bloomsbury 1904-, nucleus of the
"Bloomsbury Group" of intellectuals and artists; contributor toTLS; m.
Leonard Woolf 1912; leading modernist novelist and critic; loving
friendship with V. Sackville-West; frequent mental disturbances; committed
suicide by drowning in the Ouse, Sussex)
Woolf, Virginia. "The Feminine Note in Fiction." Rev. of W. L.
Courtney's The Feminine Note in Fiction. London: Chapman and
Hall, 1904. Guardian 25 January 1905. Rpt. in Woolf, A
Woman's Essays. 3-4.
_____. "The Decay of Essay-Writing." Academy and Literature 25
February 1905. Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 5-7.
_____. "The American Woman." Rev. of Elizabeth McCracken's The
Women of America. Macmillan, 1904. Guardian 31 May 1905.
Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 8-10.
_____. The Voyage Out. Novel. 1915.
_____. The Voyage Out. Ed. Lorna Sage. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. The Voyage Out. Ed. Elizabeth Heine. London: Vintage.
_____. The Voyage Out. Ed. C. Ruth Miller and Lawrence Miller.
(Shakespeare Head Press Editions of Virginia Woolf). Oxford:
Blackwell, 1996.
_____. La Traversée des apparences. Paris: Flammarion, 1977. (1st
_____. "Women Novelists." Rev. of R. Brimley Johnson's The Women
Novelists. Collins, 1918. TLS 17 October 1918. Rpt. in Woolf, A
Woman's Essays. 11-14.
_____. "Kew Gardens." Story. 1919. In Woolf, A Haunted House and
Other Short Stories. New York: Harcourt, 1972. 28-36.
_____. "Kew Gardens." In Reading Narrative Fiction. By Seymour
Chatman with Brian Attebery. New York: Macmillan, 1993.*
_____. "The Tunnel." Review of Dorothy Richardson's The Tunnel.
Duckworth, 1919. TLS 13 February 1919. Rpt. in Woolf, A
Woman's Essays. 15-17.
_____. Reading notes for "Modern Novels," Times Literary
Supplement, April 10, 1919. Rpt. in Scott 1990: 642-5.
_____. "Modern Fiction." 1919. In Woolf, The Common Reader, 1st.
series. 184-95.*
_____. "Modern Fiction." In Woolf, The Common Reader. New York:
Harcourt, 1953.
_____. "Modern Fiction." In English Critical Essays: Twentieth
Century. 1st. series. Ed. Phyllis M. Jones. London: Oxford UP,
1933. 388-99.*
_____. "Modern Fiction". Rpt. in Woolf, Collected Essays. London:
Hogarth Press, 1966. Vol. 2.*
_____. "Modern Fiction." In 20th Century Literary Criticism: A
Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1972. 86-91.*
_____. "Modern Fiction." In Theory of the Novel: A Historical
Approach. Ed. Michael McKeon. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP,
2000. 739-44.*
_____. "Modern Fiction." Essay. 1925. In The Norton Anthology of
English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen
Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2148-53.*
_____. Night and Day. Novel. 1919. London: Granada, 1978.
_____. Night and Day. London: Vintage.
_____. Night and Day. Ed. Suzanne Raitt. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. "An Unwritten Novel." Short story. 1920. In Woolf, Monday or
Tuesday. 1921. London: Hesperus, 2003. 27-40.*
_____. "A Haunted House." In Woolf, Monday or Tuesday. 1921.
London: Hesperus, 2003. 3-6.*
_____. "A Society." Short story. In Woolf, Monday or Tuesday. 1921.
London: Hesperus, 2003. 7-24.*
_____. "The String Quartet." In Woolf, Monday or Tuesday. 1921.
London: Hesperus, 2003. 41-46.*
_____. "Blue & Greeen." Short story. In Woolf, Monday or Tuesday.
1921. London: Hesperus, 2003. 47-48.*
_____. "The Mark on the Wall." Story. In Woolf, Monday or Tuesday.
1921. London: Hesperus, 2003. 59-68.*
_____. "The Mark on the Wall." In Women, Men, and the Great War:
An Anthology of Stories. Ed. Trudi Tate. Manchester:
Manchester UP, 1995. 160-66.*
_____. "The Mark on the Wall." In The Norton Anthology of English
Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et
al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2143-48.*
_____. "The Mark on the Wall." In Online literature
_____. "Kew Gardens." Story. In Woolf, Monday or Tuesday. 1921.
London: Hesperus, 2003. 49-58.*
_____. "Men and Women." Rev. of Léonie Villard's La Femme
anglaise au XIXe siècle et son évolution d'après le roman
anglais contemporary. Paris: Didier, 1920. TLS 18 March 1920.
Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 18-20.
_____. "Freudian Fiction." Review of J. D. Beresford's An Imperfect
Mother. London: Collins, 1920. TLS 25 March 1920. Rpt. in
Woolf, A Woman's Essays. London: Penguin, 1992. 21-3.*
_____. "An Imperfect Lady." Rev. of Constance Hill's Mary Russell
Mitford and her Surroundings. London: John Lane, 1920. TLS 6
May 1920. Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 24-6.
_____. "The Plumage Bill." Woman's Leader 23 July 1920. Rpt. in
Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 27-9.
_____. Letters on "The Intellectual Status of Women." On Arnold
Bennett's Our Women: Chapters on the Sex-Discord and
Desmond McCarthy's reviw in New Stateman 2 October 1920.
New Statesman 9 and 16 October 1920. Rpt. in Woolf, A
Woman's Essays. 30-9.
_____. Monday or Tuesday. Short stories. 1921.
_____. Monday or Tuesday. Foreword by Scarlett Thomas. (100
pages). London: Hesperus, 2003.*
_____. "An Unwritten Novel." 1921.
_____. "The Modern Essay." Review of Modern English Essays: 18701920. 5 vols. Ed. Ernest Rhys. London: Dent, 1922. TLS 20
November 1992. Rev. version in Woolf, The Common Reader.
Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 40-9.
_____. Jacob's Room. Novel. 1922. London: Hogarth, 1976.
_____. Jacob's Room. The Waves. New York: Harcourt, 1959.
_____. Jacob's Room. Ed. Kate Flint. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. Jacob's Room. London: Vintage.
_____. Jacob's Room. Ed. Edward Bishop. (Shakespeare Head Press
Editions of Virginia Woolf). Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.
_____. Flush. Biography.
_____. Flush. Ed. Elizabeth Steele. (Shakespeare Head Press Editions
of Virginia Woolf). Oxford: Blackwell,1998.
_____. Flush. Ed. Kate Flint. (Oxford Paperbacks). Oxford: Oxford
UP, 1998.
_____. Roger Fry. Biography.
_____. Roger Fry. Ed. Diane Gillespie. (Shakespeare Head Press
Editions of Virginia Woolf). Oxford: Blackwell, 1995.
_____. "Romance and the Heart." Rev. of The Grand Tour by Romer
Wilson (Methuen, 1923) and Revolving Lights by Dorothy
Richardson. (Duckworth, 1923). Nation and Athenaeum 19 May
1923. Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 50-2.
_____. "The Compromise." Review of Janet Penrose Trevelyan's The
Life of Mrs Humphry Ward. Constable, 1923. Nation and
Athenaeum 29 September 1923. Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's
Essays. 53-6.
_____. "Montaigne." Review of Charles Cotton's trans. of the Essays of
Montaigne (Navarre Society, 5 vols., 1923). TLS 31 January
1924. Rev. version in Woolf, The Common Reader 84-97. Rpt.
in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 56-64.
_____. "Romance and the Heart." 1923. In Woolf, Contemporary
Writers. London, 1965.
_____. "The Patron and the Crocus." (Writing). Nation and Athenaeum
12 April 1924. Rev. version in The Common Reader. Rpt. in
Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 65-8.
_____. "Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown." Nation and Athenaeum 1
December 1923. Rev. version: "Character in Fiction." Criterion
July 1924.
_____. Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown. Rev. version as a separate
pamphlet. London: Hogarth, 1924. Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's
Essays. 69-87.*
_____. "Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown." In Woolf, Collected Essays.
London: Hogarth, 1966. 1.319-37.
_____. "Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown." In Essentials of the Theory of
Fiction. Ed. Michael J. Hoffman and Patrick D. Murphy.
Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1988. 24-39.*
_____. "Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown." In Theory of the Novel: A
Historical Approach. Ed. Michael McKeon. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins UP, 2000. 745-58.*
_____. "Indiscretions." (Writers' personal life).Vogue November 1924.
Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 88-92.*
_____. Mrs. Dalloway. Novel. London: Hogarth, 1925.
_____. Mrs. Dalloway. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1953.
_____. Mrs Dalloway. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969. 1973.
_____. Mrs. Dalloway. London: Grafton, 1976.
_____. Mrs Dalloway. Ed. G. Patton Wright. London: Vintage.
_____ . Mrs Dalloway. Ed. Claire Tomalin. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.
_____. Mrs Dalloway. Trans. S. David. Paris: Livre de Poche, n. d.
_____. Mrs Dalloway. Ed. Morris Beja. (Shakespeare Head Press
Editions of Virginia Woolf). Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.
_____. From Mrs. Dalloway. In The Arnold Anthology of British and
Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and Thomas Healy.
London: Arnold, 1997. 1321-31.*
_____. Mrs Dalloway. French trans. in Œuvre romanesque. Stock.
_____. La señora Dalloway. Ed. María Lozano. Trans. Mariano
Baselga. Madrid: Cátedra, 1993.
_____. La señora Dalloway. Trans. Andrés Bosch. Barcelona: Lumen,
_____. "Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights." In Woolf, The Common
Reader 1.196-204.
_____. "The Common Reader." In Woolf, The Common Reader 11-12.
_____. "The Pastons and Chaucer." In Woolf, The Common Reader.
1925. London: Hogarth, 1929. 13-38.*
_____. "On not Knowing Greek." In Woolf, The Common Reader 3958. Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 93-106.
_____. "The Elizabethan Lumber Room." In Woolf, The Common
Reader 60-71.
_____. "El desván elisabetano." In Ensayistas ingleses. Ed. Ricardo
Baeza. Barcelona: Exito, 1968. 459-67.*
_____. "Notes on an Elizabethan Play." In Woolf, The Common
Reader. 1925. London: Hogarth, 1929. 72-83.*
_____. "The Duchess of Newcastle." In Woolf, The Common Reader
98-109. Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 107-14.
_____. "Rambling Round Evelyn." In Woolf, The Common Reader.
1925. London: Hogarth, 1929. 110-20.*
_____. "Defoe." In Woolf, The Common Reader 121-31.*
_____. "Addison." In Woolf, The Common Reader. 1925. London:
Hogarth, 1929. 132-45.*
_____. "Lives of the Obscure: Taylors and Edgeworths." In Woolf, The
Common Reader 146-59.*
_____. "Lives of the Obscure: Laetitia Pilkington." In Woolf, The
Common Reader 160-7.*
_____. "Jane Austen." In Woolf, The Common Reader. 1925. London:
Hogarth, 1929. 168-83.*
_____. "Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights." In Woolf, The Common
Reader 196-204.*
_____. "George Eliot." In Woolf, The Common Reader 205-18.*
_____. "The Russian Point of View." In Woolf, The Common Reader
_____. "Miss Mitford." In Woolf, The Common Reader. 1925. London:
Hogarth, 1929. 232-40.*
_____. "Bentley." In Woolf, The Common Reader. 1925. London:
Hogarth, 1929. 241-8.*
_____. "Lady Dorothy Nevill." In Woolf, The Common Reader. 1925.
London: Hogarth, 1929. 248-53.*
_____. "Archbishop Thomson." In Woolf, The Common Reader 25460.*
_____. "The Patron and the Crocus." (Patronage). In Woolf, The
Common Reader 261-7.*
_____. "The Modern Essay." In Woolf, The Common Reader 267-81.*
_____."Joseph Conrad." In Woolf, The Common Reader. 1925.
London: Hogarth, 1929. 282-91.*
_____. "How it Strikes a Contemporary." (Criticism). In Woolf, The
Common Reader 292-305.*
_____. The Common Reader. [1st. series.] 1925. London: Hogarth,
_____. The Common Reader: First Series. New York: Harcourt, 1953.
_____. The Common Reader, First Series. Ed. Andrew McNeillie.
London: Hogarth, 198-?
_____. "An Essay in Criticism." New York Herald Tribune Books 4
Oct. 1927: 1, 8. Rpt. in Ernest Hemingway: The Critical
Reception. Ed. Robert O. Stephens. New York: Franklin, 1977.
_____. To the Lighthouse. Fiction. 1927. London: Hogarth Press, 1960.
_____. To the Lighthouse. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1927.
_____. To the Lighthouse. Introd. D. M. Hoare. London: Dent, 1948.
_____. To the Lighthouse. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.*
_____. To the Lighthouse. London: Everyman, 1971.
_____. To the Lighthouse. London: Granada, 1977.
_____. To the Lighthouse. London: Vintage.
_____. To the Lighthouse. Ed. Margaret Drabble. Oxford: Oxford UP,
_____. To the Lighthouse. Ed. and introd. Sandra Kemp. London:
Routledge, 1994.
_____. To the Lighthouse. Ware: Wordsworth.
_____. Al faro. Madrid: Debate, 1995
_____. "Two Women." Rev. of the Letters of Lady Augusta Stanley, ed.
the Dean of Windsor and Hector Bolitho, Gerald Howe, 1927,
and Lady Barbara Stephen's Emily Davies and Girton College,
Constable, 1927. Nation and Athenaeum 23 April 1927. Rpt. in
Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 115-20.
_____. "The Art of Fiction." Review of E. M. Forster's Aspects of the
Novel. Nation and Athenaeum 12 Nov. 1927. Rpt. in Woolf, A
Woman's Essays. 121-5.
_____. "L'Art du roman." Le Figaro Littéraire (November 1962).
_____. Orlando: A Biography. Novel. 1928. London: Vintage, 1992.
_____. Orlando: A Biography. London: Hogarth, 1928.
_____. Orlando. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1942.
_____. Orlando: A Biography. New York: Harcourt Brace.
_____. Orlando: A Biography. Introd. Quentin Bell. London: Hogarth,
_____. Orlando: A Biography. Introd. Quentin Bell. London: Vintage,
_____. Orlando. Ed. Rachel Bowlby. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. "Dorothy Osborne's Letters." Rev. of The letters of Dorothy
Osborne to William Temple. Clarendon, 1928. New Republic 24
October 1928. Rev. version in The Common Reader: Second
Series. 1932. Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 126-32.
_____. A Room of One's Own. New York: Harcourt, 1929. 1957.
_____. A Room of One's Own. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1945.
_____. A Room of One's Own. London: Triad-Grafton, 1977.
_____. A Room of One's Own. Rpt. with a foreword by Mary Gordon.
New York: Harcourt, 1989.
_____. A Room of One's Own. 1929. In The Norton Anthology of
English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen
Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2153-2214.*
_____. From A Room of One's Own. In The Norton Anthology of
Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York:
Norton, 2001.*
_____. "In Search of a Room of One's Own." Ch. 3 of A Room of One's
Own. In The Norton Reader. 8th ed. New York: Norton, 1992.
_____. A Room of One's Own. Chapter 6. In Literary Criticism and
Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989.
_____. ["That Freedom of the Mind"]. 1929. In Oroonoko: An
Authoritative Text / Historical Backgrounds / Criticism. Ed.
Joanna Lipking. (Northwestern U). (Norton Critical Editions).
New York: Norton, 1997. 197-98.*
_____. "Women and Fiction." 1929. In Woolf, Collected Essays vol. 3.
_____. "Women and Fiction." In Woolf,Women and Writing. 43-52.
_____. "Women and Fiction." In The Feminist Critique of Language: A
Reader. Ed. Deborah Cameron. 2nd ed. London: Routledge,
1998. 1999. 47-53.*
_____. "Women and Fiction." In The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism
and Theory 1900-2000. Ed. Dorothy J. Hale. Blackwell, 2006.
_____. "Memories of a Working Women's Guild." Yale Review Sept.
1930. Diff. version in Life as We Have Known It. By Co-
Operative Working Women. Ed. margaret Llewelyn-Davies.
Hogarth Press, 1921. Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 133-47.
_____. "Professions for Women." 1931, pub. 1942.
_____. "Professions for Women." 1942. In Woolf, Collected Essays.
London, 1966-7. Vol. 2.
_____. "Professions for Women." 1942. Rpt. in Virginia Woolf:
Women and Writing. Ed. Michele Barrett. New York: Harcourt,
1979. 57-63.
_____. "Professions for Women." 1942. In The Norton Anthology of
English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen
Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2214-18.*
_____. The Waves. Novel. 1931. London: Hogarth, 1963.
_____. The Waves. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1964.
_____. The Waves. London: Grafton, 1990.
_____. The Waves. London: Vintage.
_____. The Waves. Ed. Gillian Beer. (World's Classics). Oxford:
Oxford UP, 1992. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford
UP, 1998.*
_____. Las olas. Ed. María Lozano. Trans. Dámaso López. Madrid:
Cátedra, 1994.
_____. The Common Reader: Second Series. London: Hogarth, 1932.
_____. The Second Common Reader. New York: Harcourt, 1960.
_____. The Common Reader. 2 vols. Ed. Andrew McNeillie. London:
_____. "How Should One Read a Book?" The Common Reader second
series (1932). Excerpt in The Norton Reader. 8th ed. New York:
Norton, 1992. 278-80.*
_____. "Leslie Stephen, the Philosopher at Home: A Daughter's
Memories." London Times 28 nov. 1932. Rpt. as "My Father:
Leslie Stephen." In The Norton Reader. 8th ed. New York:
Norton, 1992. 70-5.
_____. Flush. Narrative. 1933. (Biography of E. B. Browning's dog).
_____. Flush. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1933.
_____. "Why?" (Women and lit.). Lysistrata (Oxford, 1934). Rpt. in
Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 148-53.
_____. "Royalty." Rev. of The Story of My Life. By Marie, Queen of
Romania. Time and Tide 1 December 1934. Rpt. in Woolf, A
Woman's Essays. 154-8.
_____. The Years. Novel. 1937.
_____. The Years. London: Vintage.
_____. The Years. Ed. Hermione Lee. Notes Sue Asbee. Oxford:
Oxford UP.
_____. Three Guineas. New York: Harcourt, 1938. Sequel to A Room
of One's Own.
_____. Three Guineas. London: Hogarth Press, 1938. 1943. 1947.
1952. 1953.*
_____. Three Guineas. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.
_____. Three Guineas. Introd. Hermione Lee. London: Hogarth.
_____. Tres Guineas. Trans. Andrés Bosch. Barcelona: Lumen, 1980.
_____. Three Guineas. Ed. Naomi Black. (Shakespeare Head Press
Editions of Virginia Woolf). Oxford: Blackwell, 2001.
_____. "An Essay in Criticism." In Woolf, Granite and Rainbow.
_____. Freshwater: A Comedy. Drama. Ed. Lucio P. Ruotolo.
_____. "White's Selborne." New Statesman and Nation 30 Sept. 1939:
_____. From A Sketch of the Past. [Moments of Being and Non-Being].
1939-40, pub. 1978. In The Norton Anthology of English
Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et
al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2218-26.*
_____. "The Leaning Tower." (Writing). Folios of New Writing
(Autumn 1940). Rpt. in Woolf, A Woman's Essays. 159-78.
_____. Between the Acts. Experimental novel. 1941.
_____. Between the Acts. Ed. Frank Kermode. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. Between the Acts. London: Vintage.
_____. Between the Acts. Ed. Susan Dick and Mary Millar.
(Shakespeare Head Press Editions of Virginia Woolf). Oxford:
Blackwell, 2002.
_____. Entre les actes. In Woolf, in Œuvre romanesque II. Stock.
_____. The Death of the Moth. Essays. London: Hogarth, 1942.
_____. The Death of the Moth. Harvest, 1974.
_____. La muerte de la polilla y otros escritos. Foreword by Gloria
Fortún. Capitán Swing Libros, 2010.
_____. "The Death of the Moth." From The Death of the Moth and
Other Essays. 1942. In The Norton Reader. 8th ed. New York:
Norton, 1992. 738-41.* (Death).
_____. "An Unwritten Novel." In Woolf, A Haunted House and Other
Short Stories. London: Grafton, 1982.
_____. A Haunted House. Short stories. 1943.
_____. The Moment and Other Essays. 1948. Harvest, 1974.
_____. Contemporary Writers. Essays.
_____. The Captain's Deathbed and Other Essays. Ed. Leonard Woolf.
London: Hogarth; New York: Harcourt, 1950.
_____. Granite and Rainbow. Essays. London, 1958. Harvest, 1975.
_____. Granite and Rainbow. 1958. Harvest, 1975.
_____. Books and Portraits. Ed. Mary Lyon.
_____. Virginia Woolf and Lytton Strachey: Letters. Ed. Leonard
Woolf and James Strachey.
_____. A Writer's Diary. Ed. Leonard Woolf. London: Hogarth Press,
1954. 1959.
_____. A Writer's Diary. St Albans: Triad-Panther, 1978.
_____. "The Mark on the Wall." Story. In The Arnold Anthology of
British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and
Thomas Healy. London: Arnold, 1997. 36.*
_____. "On Being Ill."
_____. "Solid Objects." In The Oxford Book of English Short Stories.
Ed. A. S. Byatt. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998. 1999. 204-9.*
_____. Contemporary Writers. With a preface by Jean Guiguet.
London: Hogarth, 1965.
_____. Collected Essays. Ed. Leonard Woolf. London: Hogarth Press,
_____. A Haunted House and Other Short Stories. New York:
Harcourt, 1972.
_____. A Haunted House and Other Short Stories. London: Grafton,
_____. The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Ed. Nigel Nicolson and J.
Trautmann. 6 vols. London: Hogarth, 1975-81.
The Flight of the Mind: The Letters of Virginia Woolf, vol. 1
1888-1912. Ed. Nigel Nicolson.
The Question of Things Happening. The Letters of Virginia
Woolf, vol. 2 1919-1922. Ed. Nigel Nicolson.
A Change of Perspective. The Letters of Virginia Woolf vol. 3
1923-1928. Ed. Nigel Nicolson.
The Letters of Virginia Woolf V. Ed. Nigel Nicolson. London:
Hogarth, 1994.
_____. Moments of Being. Memoirs. Ed. Jeanne Schulkind. London,
_____. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell and A.
McNeillie. 5 vols. London: Hogarth Press, 1977-84.
_____. The Diary of Virginia Woolf 1915-1919. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell.
_____. The Diary of Virginia Woolf II. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell.
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978.
_____. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol. III, 1925-1930. Ed. Anne
Olivier Bell. New York: Harcourt, 1980.
_____. The Diary of Virginia Woolf IV. Ed. Anne Olivier Bell.
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982.
_____ The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume V: 1936-1941. Ed. Anne
Olivier Bell. 1984.
_____. Diarios. 1925-1930. Madrid, 1993.
_____. Diario íntimo. Barcelona: Grijalbo-Mondadori, 1994.
_____. Diario íntimo II (1924-1931). Barcelona, 1993.
_____. Diario íntimo III (1932-1941). Barcelona, 1994.
_____. A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas. Ed. Morag Shiach.
Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. Women and Writing. Ed. Michèle Barrett. London: Women's
Press, 1979.
_____, Women and Writing. Ed. Michele Barrett. New York: Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, 1979. 1980.
_____. Mrs Dalloway's Party. Ed. Stella McNichol. Short stories.
_____. The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia Woolf. Ed. Susan
Dick. London: Hogarth, 1985.
_____. Virginia Woolf: The Complete Shorter Fiction. Ed. Susan Dick.
London, 1987.
_____. Relatos completos. Ed. Susan Dick. Trans. Catalina Martínez
Muñoz. Madrid: Alianza, 1994.
_____. The Essays of Virginia Woolf I. Ed. Andrew McNeillie.
London: Hogarth, 1986.
_____. The Essays of Virginia Woolf II. Ed. Andrew McNeillie.
London: Hogarth, 1987.
_____. The Essays of Virginia Woolf III. Ed. Andrew McNeillie.
London: Hogarth, 1988.
_____. The Essays of Virginia Woolf IV. Ed. Andrew McNeillie.
London: Hogarth, 1994.
_____. A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals of Virginia Woolf
1897-1909. Ed. Mitchell Leaska. London: Hogarth, 1990.
_____. A Woman's Essays: Selected Essays: Volume One. Ed. Rachel
Bowlby. London: Penguin, 1992.*
_____. The Selected Essays of Virginia Woolf II. Ed. Rachel Bowlby.
London: Penguin, 1992.
_____. Four Great Novels: Jacob's Room, Mrs Dalloway, To the
Lighthouse, The Waves. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. Killing the Angel in the House. Harmondsworth: Penguin,
_____. "The Legacy." Story. In The Norton Anthology of English
Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et
al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2226-30.*
_____. "The Legacy." In The Oxford Book of English Love Stories. Ed.
John Sutherland. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997. 216-22.* (Lovers,
_____. "The New Dress." In Literature and Gender. Ed. Lizbeth
Goodman. London: Routledge / Open U, 1996. 2001. 296-301.*
_____. In The Green Studies Reader: From Romanticism to
Ecocriticism. Ed. Laurence Coupe. London: Routledge, 2000.
_____. Œuvre romanesque. Stock.
_____. Œuvre romanesque II. Stock.
Alexander, Peter. Leonard and Virginia Woolf: A Literary Partnership.
Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.
Bell, Quentin. Virginia Woolf: A Biography. London: Granada, 1976.
Gibert Maceda, María Teresa. "Virginia Woolf y sus biógrafos." In
Biografías Literarias (1975-1997). Ed. José Romera Castillo and
Francisco Gutiérrez Carbajo. Madrid: Visor Libros, 1998. 42534.
Hancock, Nuala. Charleston and Monk's House: The Intimate House
Museums of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell. Edinburgh:
Edinburgh UP, 2012.
Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. London: Chatto and Windus, 1996.*
_____. Virginia Woolf ou l'aventure intérieure. London: Éditions
Autrement, 2000.
Lehmann, John. Virginia Woolf. London: Thames and Hudson, 1975.*
Nicolson, Nigel. Portrait of a Marriage. 1973. London: Weidenfeld
and Nicolson, 1990.
_____. Portrait of a Marriage. New York: Bantam.
Raitt, Suzanne. Vita and Virginia: The Work and Friendship of V.
Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf. Oxford: Oxford UP.
Rose, Phyllis. Woman of Letters: A Life of Virginia Woolf. London,
Trautmann, Joanne. The Jessamy Brides: The Friendship of Virginia
Woolf and V. Sackville-West. Pennsylvania, 1973.
Woolf, Leonard. Autobiography. 5 vols. 1960-69.
"Virginia Woolf-Biografía." La Kbzuhela 16 Feb. 2010.
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mujer eunuco. Alice Schwarzer: La pequeña diferencia." In
Zschirnt, Libros: Todo lo que hay que leer. Madrid: SantillanaTaurus, 2004. 143-56.*
_____. "10. Modernos: Virginia Woolf: La señora Dalloway. T. S.
Eliot: Tierra baldía. Thomas Mann: La montaña mágica. Franz
Kafka: El proceso. Alfred Döblin: Berlin Alexanderplatz. Robert
Musil: El hombre sin atributos. Samuel Beckett: Esperando a
Godot." In Zschirnt, Libros: Todo lo que hay que leer. Madrid:
Santillana-Taurus, 2004. 215-36.*
Freixas, Laura. "Virginia Woolf: Huerto, jardín y campo de batalla."
Lecture at Fundación Juan March 9 May 2013.
Kirkpatrick, B. J. Virginia Woolf: A Bibliography. 1957.
The Hours. Dir. Stephen Daldry. Screenplay by David Hare, based on
the novel by Michael Cunningham. Cast: Meryl Streep, Julianne
Moore, Nicole Kidman, Ed Harris, Toni Collette, Claire Danes,
Jeff Daniels, Stephen Dillane, Allison Janney, John C. Reilly,
Miranda Richardson. Music by Philip Glass. Costume des. Ann
Roth. Ed. Peter Boyle. Prod. des. Maria Djurkovic. Photog.
Seamus McGarvey. Exec prod. Mark Huffam. Prod. Scott rudin
and Robert Fox. USA: Paramount / Miramax, 2002.*
"Mrs Dalloway." Dir. Marleen Gorris. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 15
Dec. 2012.*
García Landa, José Ángel. "AT the Lighthouse." Photograph. In García
Landa, Vanity Fea 26 Sept. 2011.*
Internet resources
Virginia Woolf on women and fiction
Virginia Woolf Web.
Virginia Woolf Web.
(December 1996).
The Virginia Woolf Miscellany 43 (1994). Sonoma State University,
The Hours. Based on Michael Cunningham's novel. Cast: Nicole
Kidman, Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore. USA, 2002.
Mrs. Dalloway. Dir. Marleen Gorris. With Vanessa Redgrave. 1997.
Orlando. Written and dir. Sally Potter. Cast: Tilda Swinton, Billy Zane,
Lothaire Bluteau, John Wood, Charlotte Valandrey, Heathcote
Williams, Quentin Crisp, Peter Eyre, Ned Sherrin, Jimmy
Somerville. UK, 1993.*
To the Lighthouse. Dir. Colin Gregg.
Carter, Angela. Orlando: or, The Enigma of the Sexes. Libretto. 1980.
In Carter, The Curious Room: Plays, Film Scripts and an Opera.
London: Chatto and Windus, 1996. 155-82.*
Cunningham, Michael. The Hours. Novel. 1998. London: Fourth
Estate, 1999.* (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 1999, Pen/Faulkner
Award 1999).
Glass, Philip. The Hours: Music from the Motion Picture. CD.
Miramax / Nonesuch, 2002.*
_____. The Hours Soundtrack. Online at YouTube:
Related works
García Landa, José Ángel. "To the Lighthouse." In García Landa,
Vanity Fea 17 July 2007.
(Shakespeare Head Press Editions of Virginia Woolf). Oxford:
Blackwell, c. 1996.
Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain. Stephen Barkway, Chairman;
Stuart N Clarke, Membership Secretary (
"Virginia Woolf Documentary." ("Skan productions – Famous
Authors). YouTube 18 April 2012.*