Meghan Magill Abstract Two papers regarding modeling in contaminant transport were examined. Numerical modeling of immiscible organic transport at the Hyde Park Landfill (Osborne and Sykes, 1986) utilized numerical modeling to estimate NAPL migration. A two-dimensional finite element model was developed to simulate immiscible organic transport in groundwater. The model used coupled, second-order, nonlinear partial differential equations documented in petroleum industry literature. The model was verified by a onedimensional finite difference two-phase flow simulator and ground-truthed through a field study of the Hyde Park Landfill in New York. The model was found to consistently underestimate the extent of NAPL migration. The second paper, Dissolution of dense chlorinated solvents into groundwater. 3. Modeling contaminant plumes from fingers and pools of solvent (Anderson et al., 1992) utilized analytical modeling to estimate chlorinated hydrocarbon (CHC) transport and dissolution. Two analytical solutions to the three-dimensional advection-dispersion equation, along with lab-determined mass transfer rates, were used to model dispersion and concentrations of CHC in different configurations of fingers and pools. The study concluded that fingers of CHC dissolve and move through the system fairly quickly, while pools of CHC are a source of longterm contamination. Anderson, M.R., Johnson, R.L., and Pankow, J.F., 1992, Dissolution of dense chlorinated solvents into groundwater. 3. Modeling contaminant plumes from fingers and pools of solvent: Environmental Science Technology, v. 26, p.901-908. Osborne, M. and Sykes, J., 1986, Numerical modeling of immiscible organic transport at the Hyde Park Landfill: Water Resources Research, v. 22, p. 25-33. Wenming Nie Vrugt J.A., Stauffer P.H., Wohling Th., Robinson B.A., and Vesselinvo V.V. 2008 Inverse modeling of subsurface flow and transport properties: A Review with new developments. Vadose Zone J. 7: 843-864. Inverse modeling is the only method to derive some soil hydraulic properties in groundwater flow and transport at relatively large scales, which can not be directly measured by laboratory experiments. Inverse modeling refers to the process of parameter iterative adjusting, in order to minimize the error of model approximation relative to the responding observation under study during a period of time. The inverse modeling method used to estimate parameters in unsaturated flow and transport processes has been reviewed, including how the inverse modeling works, the historical research background, and numerical solution used to deal with the property estimation problems. Three case studies are provided to illustrate recent developed methods, including “multi-method global optimization, parallel computing, and sequential data assimilation”, which are used to enhance efficiency of property estimation and output assessment. The first case study is a “global optimization of a three dimensional soil vapor extraction model” used to estimate content of subsurface volatile organic compounds close to the “Los Alamos National Laboratory”. In the second case study, field measuring tesionmetric pressure data in New Zealand are utilized to calibrate unsaturated soil hydraulic parameters by “multiobjective calibration” method. In the third case study, data collected from a “multitracer experiment” at Yucca Mountain, NV, are used for soil hydraulic property and state estimation in “a groundwater solute mixture model” at relatively large scale. Achyut Adhikari Reference Paper: Sharda, V.N., R.S. Kurothe, D.R. Sena, V.C. Pande and S.P. Tiwari, 2006 Estimation of groundwater recharge from water storage structures in semi-arid climate of India. Journal of Hydrology 329, 224-243 Groundwater is an important source of irrigation in India accounting for more than half of the net irrigated area in the country which also contribute 70-80% of the total agriculture production. Ground water exploitation beyond recharge capacity is the major reason behind the sharp decline of water table. Analysis of water table fluctuations (WTF) is useful tool for determining the magnitude of both short and long term changes in groundwater recharge and has been widely applied under varying climatic conditions. Groundwater recharge from water storage structure under semi-arid conditions of western India has been estimated by employing water table fluctuation and chloride mass balance (CMB) methods. An attempt has been made to analyze the multidisciplinary perspective of ground water-surface water interaction in the context of water storage structures in two adjacent micro-watersheds. Average recharge per annum was found to be similar while using both methods in the same area. A diagnostic relationship correlating the rainfall to the potential recharge from water storage structures has been developed to explain the characteristics of the storage structures for a given geographical location. The study has revealed that a minimum of 104.3 mm cumulative rainfall is required to generate 1mm of recharge from the water storage structures. Further, critical appraisal of this relationship indicated that individual storage structure in the watershed has a limiting capacity to induce a maximum recharge irrespective of the amount of rainfall. The maximum potential recharge from a structure can be achieved at a rainfall lower than the existing average rainfall in a given area. This findings is expected to be helpful on designing the storage structure more efficiently for inducing ground water recharge and can serve as a parameter to compare the water harvesting structures in a given agroecological situation. The Chloride mass balance (CBM) method was used to assess its efficiency in estimating the annual recharge in comparison to WTF method. Both methods were found to yield comparable results for estimation of actual groundwater recharge. The storativity estimated by the water balance approach was in conformity with the recharge estimates of CMB method and can be used as a weighted parameter representing the whole watershed. An empirical linear relationship was found to reasonably correlate the changes in chloride concentration with water table rise or fall in the study area. Jeremy Koonce ABSTRACT Groundwater flow and contaminant transport through the vadose zone is important to agricultural water management and the environment. Due to the complexity of flow through the unsaturated zone, numerical models are used extensively to determine hydraulic properties. In this paper, hydraulic parameters were obtained from upward flow experiments by combining numerical flow models and parameter estimation. The flow experiment was conducted using inverse modeling to determine the hydraulic properties of a silty clay in a 4 m long, 2 m wide, and 3 m deep weighing lysimeter combined with parameter optimization (parameter uniqueness) using the Hydrus model and sensitivity analysis (van Genuchten-Mualem). Hypothetical flow variables from the Hydrus 1D model, including pressure head, volumetric water content, and upward flow, were most sensitive to pore-size distribution index and least sensitive to residual volumetric water content and pore-connectivity. Holding residual volumetric water content and pore-connectivity in the Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear minimization method (inverse model procedure in Hydrus 1D) provided the best optimization. The results were then applied to the groundwater table lysimeter. Volumetric water content from capacitance sensors and multiple initial parameter estimates were used to determine hydraulic properties for two locations in the lysimeter. Volumetric water content values, both calculated and measured, correlated well; however, rates at which water content increased were generally overestimated. These results can be used to study capillary rise from the groundwater table. Joseph Asante Article: Zume, J., and Tarhule, A., (2008), Simulating the impacts of groundwater pumping on stream-aquifer dynamics in semiarid northwestern Oklahoma, USA: Journal of Hydrogeology, v.16, p.797-810 Abstract MODFLOW, the numerical modeling technique was used to evaluate the impacts of the anthropogenic withdrawals of groundwater on streamflow in the Alluvium and Terrace (A/T) aquifer of the Beaver-North Canadian River (BNCR) in northwestern Oklahoma, USA. Specifically, the simulation was used to estimate pumping induced streamflow depletion resulting from reduced baseflow and increased stream leakage. Simulating the A/T aquifer-streamflow interaction was necessary because the A/T aquifer and surface water face competing uses from agricultural, industrial, aquatic and wetland ecosystems. The model was developed from the geologic information and hydrologic information including well completion reports and logs. Leakages into neighboring basins as well as spring discharges were simulated using drain package. Stream—aquifer interaction was also simulated with streamflow routing package (SFR1). Model was calibrated to both quasi-steady state and transient state by matching simulated and measured groundwater levels and flows. Calibrated parameters are the hydraulic conductivity, recharge, specific storage, streambed and drain conductances, and mannings roughness coefficient. The simulated results show that the baseflow contributes 56 % of the total the streamflow, while the stream leakage also contributes 30% of total aquifer recharge. The model results are important for evaluating alternative decisions to ensure sustainable use and management of water stressed semiarid regions. Jeevan Jayakody Coupled surface and ground water models for investigating hydrological processes Abstract This paper describes about coupled surface and groundwater models to simulate rainfall – runoff process in Shihmen reservoir watershed, Taiwan. The watershed model is composed of several modules to integrate overland flow, stream flow, unsaturated and saturated flows in unconfined aquifers and saturated flow in confined aquifers. Percolation, infiltration, surface runoff, groundwater flow and evaporation are mathematically simulated in the model. The model parameters were determined from calibration and several case studies. In general, hydrographs of simulated and observed runoff values are in a good agreement for both short-duration (few days) and long duration (few weeks) simulations but there are significant differences in peak values. Original Paper: Coupled surface and ground water models for investigating hydrological processes Ray-Shyan Wu, Dong-Sin Shih, Ming-Hsu Li and Chia-Ching Niu Hydrological Process. 22, 1216–1229 (2008) Yiping Li Impacts of the Yangtze River water transfer on the restoration of Lake Taihu, China Weiping Hua,∗, Shuijing Zhaia,b, Zecong Zhua,b, Hongjuan Hana,b a State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 73 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, China b Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Abstract: Lake Taihu is the third largest freshwater lake in China, with a water surface area of 2338km2. With the economic and social development and the population increase, more pollutants have been discharged into Lake Taihu, resulting in water pollution and eutrophication in the lake. In order to improve the water quality and to abate the jeopardy of water bloom in Lake Taihu, China, two experimental water transfers from the Yangtze River to Lake Taihu were conducted in winter–spring 2002 and in summer–autumn 2003. The water transfer route is shown in Fig. 1. In this study, an ecological model (EcoTaihu) was introduced to assess their environmental effects. First, the model was re-calibrated and reverified for the periods of the water transfer, then numerical calculations with and without the water transfer were carried out. The percentage of the area where water quality was improved by the water transfer was calculated in seven sub-zones of the lake. The results show that the experimental water transfers in both of the periods have notable positive effects on debasing the concentration of phytoplankton, total nitrogen and dissolved oxygen in some sub-areas. The positive effects fluctuated with the duration of the water transfer, and were different for different water quality parameters and in different sub-zones. Among the five water quality parameters considered, chlorophyll a achieved the most significant improvement. There are no notable positive effects on the total phosphorus in any sub-zones. Meiliang Bay, Gonghu Bay and Northwest Zone had more positive effects than the east epigeal zone and Dongtaihu Bay. As the water transfer results in net input of nitrogen and phosphorus to Lake Taihu, it can only be used as an emergency measure to abate the jeopardy resulting from water bloom. Otherwise, the water transfer would increase the risk of eutrophication in Lake Taihu if the concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen in the influent water was not cut down to a reasonable level. Keywords: Water transfers,Restoration,EcoTaihu model,Yangtze River,Lake Taihu Lisa Hancock ARGE-SCALE, PROCESS-BASED GROUNDWATER FLOW MODELS VRS SMALL-SCALE, PHYSICALLY-BASED MODELS; MAKING BOTH WORK WHEN DETERMING INTERACTION BETWEEN GROUND AND SURFACE WATERS. Groundwater models have revolutionized how we look at water resource management. Yet no one model that can do it all; interaction between local (small-scale) and regional (large-scale) and their integration with the hydrogeologic cycle. Different groundwater models deal with different scales; large-complex integrated models for regional systems and process-based/finite-difference models for local systems. Attempts have been made to take regional size systems and integrate them with small-scale numerical models; once such attempt was with the Upper Danube Basin, which is in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. It is a mountainous catchment (water supplier) with a hilly foreland (water consumer) ranging in elevation from 300 to 3600 meters above sea level. The Ammer subcatchment was also used due to it having typical hydrogeometric characteristics similar to the Upper Danube. The Ammer subcatchment is located at the transition zone of the Alps and their foreland. A complex model with high temporal resolution (coarsely discretized 1000 x 1000m grid size) was run for the Upper Danube while two numerical models (finely discretized 100 x 100m and coarsely discretized 1000 x 1000m) of the alluvial aquifers in the Ammer subcatchment were developed. A model was also run that incorporate the 100 x 100 meter cell of the Ammer model into the 1000 x 1000m cell of the Upper Danube model. The main focus of the models was the aspects relevant to the discretization of the alluvial aquifers in both catchments and to compare the finely discretized model with the coarsely discretized one. Although considered unconfined by the models, a minimum thickness of the alluvial aquifers was defined in order to prevent grid cells from falling dry. The alluvial aquifers were small in comparison to the coarse 1000 x 1000m grid size. This problem was solved by adding cells to the grid so that a closed-system for groundwater flow using a finite-difference scheme could be achieved. A neighboring cell was added to each aquifer cell in the direction of groundwater flow. The Hydrogeologic Catchment Drainage Analysis was applied to the models to ensure hydraulic conductivity (Collins 1975, Fairfield 1991). This analysis changes land surface such that every cell has a defined flow direction, which results in the surface water being routed to a catchment’s lowest point. This also fixes any aquifer bottom “peaks” that might have popped up. A land surface analysis was then completed by using the TOPAZ model (Garbrecht and Martz 1995). After each model was run, they were compared to one another. Twenty different zones within the Ammer subcatchment were used to perform a steady-state simulation for the finely descretized model. These results were then used as initial conditions for transient model runs. MODFLOW calculated the groundwater flux from aquifers to rivers, which was used as the base flow component in the corresponding hydrological catchment models that use routing algorithms for discharge modeling in the rivers. Calibration ensures a good fit between the model results and the mean values of observed data. Using the power of averaging, the coarsely discretized Ammer model showed the best fit of computed groundwater levels compared to measured data. Groundwater discharge in the Ammer catchment from groundwater to rivers was evaluated; for the 100-m model exfiltration was 12.7 m3/s and for the 1000-m model exfiltration was 13.1 m3/s. Groundwater components contributes approximately 60% to discharge. A comparison between the fine and coarse model show a small discrepancy (0.4 m3/s), which confirms the applicability of the coarse model for this application. Xiang Long Modeling coupled water flow, solute transport and geochemical reactions affecting heavy metal migration in a podzol soil D. Jacques, J. Šimůnek, D. Mallants and M.Th. van Genuchten Coupled models are useful to understand the impact of natural processes and antropogenic activities on soil evolution based on Process-based models which integrate these various processes, such as water flow, multicomponent solute transport, heat transport and biogeochemical processes and reactions. In this paper, HYDRUS-1D and PHREEQC-2 were weak coupled and designed to address multicomponent geochemical transport processes in the vadose zone. 30 years’ transient flow and heavy metal movement in soil profile were simulated by linking the transport of solute and major cation exchange. The results show water moisture and water fluxes can significantly control the mobility and availability of heavy metals. Near the soil surface, decreasing water moisture made the PH low and new ion exchange equilibrium. Higher aqueous Cd concentration was found near the surface because the upward transport and accumulation of Cd-Cl was driven by increased evapotranspiration. Coupled (HP) model can simulate the complex interaction between soil physical and biogeochemical processes and the approaches are available.