FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Further Submission on Proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan Submitter ID: File No: Form 6: Further Submissions in support of, or in opposition to, submission on a Publicly Notified Proposed Policy Statement or Regional Plan under Clause 8 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 Return your signed further submission by 5.00pm Wednesday 14 Freepost 1201 Proposed Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan Environment Canterbury P O Box 345 Christchurch 8140 November 2012 to: Full Name: Matt Hoggard Phone (Hm): Organisation*: Kaikoura District Council Phone (Wk): 03 319 5026 * the organisation that this further submission is made on behalf of Postal Address: PO Box 6, Kaikoura Phone (Cell): Postcode: 7340 Email: Fax: 03 319 5308 Contact name and postal address for service of person making further submission (if different from above): Only certain people can make further submissions. Please tick the option that applies to you: I am a person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; or I am a person who has an interest in the proposal that is greater than the interest the general public has (for example, I am affected by the content of a submission); or I am the local authority for the relevant area. I do not wish to be heard in support of my further submission; or I do wish to be heard in support of my further submission; and if so, I would be prepared to consider presenting your further submission in a joint case with others making a similar submission at any hearing Service of your further submission: Please note: any person making a further submission must serve a copy of that submission on the original submitter no later than five working days after the submission has been provided to Environment Canterbury. If you have made a further submission on a number of original submissions, then copies of your further submission will need to be served with each original submitter. Please note that often the term “Support Oppose” has been used. This term has been used where the submission point seeks multiple changes of which some are supported and other are opposed. Signature: Date: (Signature of person making submission or person authorised to sign on behalf of person making the submission) Please note: (1) all information contained in a submission under the Resource Management Act 1991, including names and addresses for service, becomes public information. (1) I support or oppose the submission of: (2) The particular parts of the submission I support or oppose are: (3) The reasons for my support or opposition are: (4) Support or oppose Name & postal address of original submission Submission point reference number i.e. 4.23 Provide reason for support or opposition Note support or oppose 93. 93.34 As stated in KDC submission paragraph 7 page 5 Support “The LWRP definitions of Community Drinking Water Supply and Group Community and Public Health CHCH Drinking water Supply are too limiting. Neither definition includes community drinking water supplies that provide for fewer than 25 people, of which there are several examples within the District (including Kekerengu, Rakautara, Mt Fyffe, Omihi). Nor are all of the important community uses of water adequately recognised. In addition these terms are used in an inconsistent manner throughout the provisions. The Plan is inconsistent with the priority given for community water in both the RPS and the CWMS. Working with the Medical Officer of Health before setting any distances for the application of a Vertebrate Toxic Agent which may pose a risk to public health, will help protect a number of our districts small water supplies which would not necessary be protected by rule 5.21 in its current form. 94. 94.3 Current definition of earthworks is too restrictive and the proposed amendments goes some way in helping reduce KDC concerns in the impact of the earthwork rules Support 94.10 Current definition of vegetation clearance does not provide for common farming practices such as clearing of fence lines, and removal of exotic pest plant species. Support is given to approach suggested by Waimakariri DC Support 106.70 Adding the words “unless part of the stormwater treatment system” is appropriate when addressing the ponding of stormwater. Some systems are specifically designed to provide for ponding and the rule should reflect this. Support Waimakariri DC 94. Waimakariri DC 106. Christchurch City Council This change is necessary so that the rule can be implemented in a sensible manner that promotes the sustainable management of natural and physical resources 120. Director General of Conservation 120.271 Support is given to including the Clarence River in table 2. However given the length of the river, multiple minimum flow points are suggested. Detailed scientific data should support the minimum flows set for the Clarence. The zero allocation block of the Clarence River is not supported. A number of existing farming operations currently have consented watertakes from Support and Oppose the lower sections of the river. These existing takes appear to be operating with no adverse impact on that section of the Clarence River. 120. 120.272 The zero allocation block of the Clarence River is not supported. A number of existing farming operations currently have consented watertakes from the lower sections of the river. These existing takes appear to be operating with no adverse impact on that section of the Clarence River. Oppose 120.316 Support is given for the inclusion of a more detailed Schedule 17 which more accurately reflects actual salmon and inanga spawning sites within the region. The Kaikoura District Council submission (125.48) specifically seeks that Schedule 17 is updated to reflect all known inanga spawning sites within the Canterbury Region. Table 1 of the Director General of Conservation submission does not list any Kaikoura rivers or streams. This may be because Kaikoura is located within the Marlborough Conservancy. Support is given on the basis that this matter is corrected and Kaikoura river and streams with inanga spawning areas are included. It is noted that Table 3 of the Director General’s submission includes a number of “inanga” species which are within Kaikoura rivers and streams and this could be the basis for identifying Kaikoura inanga spawning streams. Supports 148.14 It is not always possible for structures to be perpendicular to the channel or a river. Support 148.15 The need for a change in this rule is supported. Support in part Director General of Conservation 120. Director General of Conservation 148. MainPower (RMG) 148. The wording suggested by MainPower’s submission is not supported. The suggestion results in only the owners of the structure being able to undertake works. The installation, extension, use, maintenance or removal of bridges and culverts, in particular their use should not be limited to only the owners of the structures. Additional details are outlined in Kaikoura District Council submission 125.29 MainPower (RMG) 160. 160.9 Kaikoura District Council has a telemetry system for its town water supply this however is not linked directly to the CRC or its nominated agent. If CRC seek data associated with the implementation of any consent then this can be forwarded upon request. There is no need to duplicate existing telemetry systems. Support 160.22 The summary of decisions requested by Kaikoura District Council contains a typographical error referring to 20120 rather than 2012. This submission seeks same relief but has the correct year and is supported. Refer KDC submission point 125.19. Support 161.29 The submission deleting the definition removes potential confusion and lack of clarity that will exist with the current definition. Support Timaru District Council 160. Timaru District Council 161. Mackenzie District Council The change sought in the submission will promote the sustainable management of natural physical resources. The change is needed to ensure that this plan gives effect to the Regional Policy Statement. 167. 167.6 Exclusion of drinking water supplies which service less than 25 person results potential health risks. Supplies of few than 25 persons are not monitored by Community Public Health or Territorial Authorities. Excluding these water supplies provides for permitted and controlled activities to occur which may have a direct impact on these small water supplies. Users of supplies will have no way of knowing what is occur up stream and the effect of such activities on their water supply. Within the Kaikoura District the schemes of few than 25 persons are often supplied from crown or a private land with no formal supply agreements in place, or agreements under dispute. Oppose 167.12 Provide certainty as to Seasonally High Water Table Level, the policy could benefit from more specific dates. Support 167.19 Support is provided for amendments (a), (b) and (c) it is noted that Kaikoura District Council does not support the telemetry requirement for the CRC or its nominated agent Support in part 167.24 The Kaikoura District Council supports Support in part Canterbury Regional Council 167. Canterbury Regional Council 167. Canterbury Regional Council 167. Canterbury Regional Council 1. Adding the word “domestic” after “on-site” in the first line; 2. Deleting condition 5 (“Septic Tank Suitability Area”) When addressing the third point it is suggested that either the term “hazardous waste” is struck out, as it is not possible to have a system which will remove all bacteria. The definition of hazardous waste states: means waste that contains: 1. a hazardous substance; or 2. an infectious substance, or material known or reasonably expected to contain pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, parasites, fungi or recombinant microorganisms (hybrid or mutant) that are known, or reasonably expected, to cause infectious disease in humans and animals that are exposed to them; or 3. radioactive material that meets the definition in Section 2 of the Radiation Protection Act 1965. Kaikoura District Council opposes point 3: Adding two additional conditions: The discharge shall not contain hazardous substances or hazardous waste; The discharge shall not result in wastewater being visible on the ground surface. In particular the use of the term “Hazardous Substances” Alternatively for the current CRC submission to be affective condition 2. could be amended to read: 2. an infectious substance, or material known or reasonably expected to contain pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, parasites, fungi or recombinant microorganisms (hybrid or mutant) that are known, or and reasonably expected, to cause infectious disease in humans and animals that are exposed to them; or A separate definition could be provided outlining acceptable values for discharge. 167. 167.25 Canterbury Regional Council 167. I am uncertain if scope exists for either of these changes as all submission have not been reviewed. However, the inclusion of “or” is potentially confusing, the use of “and” avoids this confusion. If no submission exists this appears to be a matter which can be dealt with as a minor correction under Section 16(2) of the RMA. Changes suggested to points 5.9.1, 5.9.2, 5.9.3(b) and 5.9.6 are supported. The change to 5.9.7 is not supported for the reasons discussed in 167.24 above. Support & Oppose 167.26 Provides greater certainty on ground water expectations Support 167.27 Provides greater certainty on ground water expectations Support 167.28 Provides greater certainty on ground water expectations Support 167.49 Support is given to points 2 and 4 which add the words other than for use of maintenance of a structure. This submission heads in the general direction of Kaikoura District Council submission 125.29. Support Canterbury Regional Council 167. Canterbury Regional Council 167. Canterbury Regional Council 167. Canterbury Regional Council Support is also given for the correction of the typographical error address in point 6. 167. 167.51 Limiting to only artificial watercourses results in additional consents being required for most bridge maintenance operations, this will result in Oppose Canterbury Regional Council 167. additional costs with no environmental benefits. 167.52 Limiting to only artificial watercourses results in additional consents being required for most bridge maintenance operations, this will result in additional costs with no environmental benefits. Oppose 167.57 KDC supports reducing wetland losses Support 167.59 Weed removal appropriate Support 167.60 Comments on LH1 areas can be found in Kaikoura District Council submissions 125.33 and 125.50. Kaikoura District Council supports most of the changes to the mapped soil erosion risk areas. Support Oppose Canterbury Regional Council 167. Canterbury Regional Council 167. Canterbury Regional Council 167. Canterbury Regional Council The Canterbury Regional Council submission seeks to include the term “high soil erosion risk”. Submission point 167.99 results in the “LH2” being replaced with “high soil erosion risk” as outlined as a map which show “Land >20 slope and subject to deep seated forms of erosion” (submission point 167.99). Kaikoura District Council is concerned with the content of the amended map, for example parts of the recently created lifestyle living area “Ocean Ridge Comprehensive Living Zone” are included. Kaikoura District Council has detailed geotechnical reports produeced by URS on the suitability of the area. It is requested that Kaikoura’s zoned residential areas including Ocean Ridge are removed from the “high soil erosion risk” as outlined in KDC submission 125.33. Kaikoura District Council opposes the inclusion of any urban areas within the high soil erosion risk area including the Ocean Ridge Comprehensive Living Zone. 167. 167.79 See submission point 167.6 above Support Oppose 169.110 The comments in NZTA’s submission are supported KDC also has responsibility for bridges and structure outside of the state highway network. Support 169.111 See comments made for 169.110 above. Support 187.22 The addition to the policy sought by the submitter being “(d) all communities greater than 200 residents shall have reticulated wastewater treatment systems by 2030” is not necessary in order to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on the environment and is not necessary to Oppose Canterbury Regional Council 169. New Zealand Transport Agency 169 New Zealand Transport Agency 187 Synlait Milk Limited promote sustainable management of natural and physical resources. 309 309.1 The Kaikoura District Council is also concerned about the inclusion of the LH2 areas. Details of concern are outlined in submission points; 125.33 and 125.50 Support 315.12 The addition to the policy sought by the submitter being “(d) all communities greater than 200 residents shall have reticulated wastewater treatment systems by 2020” is not necessary in order to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on the environment and is not necessary to promote sustainable management of natural and physical resources Oppose 324.2 Kaikoura District Council supports greater collaboration between both Canterbury Regional Council and Marlborough District Council to determine appropriate allocation limits for the Clarence. Support in part 358.9 The controlled activity status is opposed for rule 5.7 and consequential amendments for rule 5.8. Refer submission point 125.25, a number of effects based options exists which can avoid additional consenting costs to communities without generating adverse effects. Such an approach has been confirmed in past decisions on the NRRP. Support in part Federated Farmers of New Zealand Inc Banks Peninsula Bracnch 315 Dairy NZ incorporated 324 Marlborough District Council 358. Nga Runanga of Canterbury & Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu The amendment 5.7(5) is supported to the degree that certain types of soil and sand may allow for different separation distances from ground water. Support including of condition 6 to ensure that any discharge “into land that is culturally significant” is seen as discretionary. 358. 358.24 Increasing separation distances provides for precautionary approach to pest control. Support 358.25 This submission helps to protect water supplies for domestic use with are not seen as group or community drinking water supplies, ie those supplies which serve fewer than 25 persons. Support Nga Runanga of Canterbury & Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu 358. Nga Runanga of Canterbury & Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu Add further pages as required – please initial any additional pages.