Detection of Ethanol in Water and Air Using the zNose Edward J. Staples, Electronic Sensor Technology Electronic Noses Conventional electronic noses (eNoses) produce a recognizable response pattern using an array of dissimilar but not specific chemical sensors. Electronic noses have interested developers of neural networks and artificial intelligence algorithms for some time, yet physical sensors have limited performance because of overlapping responses and physical instability. ENoses cannot separate or quantify the chemistry of aromas. A new type of electronic nose, called the zNose, is based upon ultra-fast gas chromatography, simulates an almost unlimited number of specific virtual chemical sensors, and can produce high-resolution two-dimensional olfactory images based upon aroma chemistry. The zNose is able to perform analytical measurements of volatile organic vapors and odors in near real time with part-per-trillion sensitivity. Separation and quantification of the individual chemicals within an odor is performed in seconds. Using a patented solid-state mass-sensitive detector, picogram sensitivity, universal nonpolar selectivity, and electronically variable sensitivity is achieved. An integrated vapor preconcentrator coupled with the electronically variable detector, allow the instrument to measure vapor concentrations spanning 6+ orders of magnitude. In this paper a portable zNose, shown in Figure 1, is shown to be a useful tool for quantifying the concentration of ethanol in air and water samples. Figure 1- Portable zNose technology incorporated into a handheld instrument 1 How the zNose™ Quantifies the Chemistry of Aromas A simplified diagram of the zNose™ system shown in Figure 2 consists of two sections. One section uses helium gas, a capillary tube (GC column) and a solid-state detector. The other section consists of a heated inlet and pump, which samples ambient air. Linking the two sections is a “loop” trap, which acts as a preconcentrator when placed in the air section (sample position) and as an injector when placed in the helium section (inject position). Operation is a two step process. Ambient air (aroma) is first sampled and organic vapors collected (preconcentrated) on the trap. After sampling the trap is switched into the helium section where the collected organic compounds are injected into the helium gas. The organic compounds pass through a capillary column with different velocities and thus individual chemicals exit the column at characteristic times. As they exit the column they are detected and quantified by a solid state detector. An internal high-speed gate array miFigure 2- Simplified diagram of the zNose™ croprocessor controls the taking of sensor showing an air section on the right and a hedata which is transferred to a user interface lium section on the left. A loop trap preconor computer using an RS-232 or USB concentrates organics from ambient air in the nection. Aroma chemistry, shown in Figsample position and injects them into the heure 3, can be displayed as a sensor spectrum lium section when in the inject position. or a polar olfactory image of odor intensity vs retention time. Calibration is accomplished using a single n-alkane vapor standard. A library of retention times of known chemicals indexed to the n-alkane response (Kovats indices) allows for machine independent measurement and compound identification. Figure 3- Sensor response to n-alkane vapor standard, here C6-C14, can be displayed as sensor output vs time or its polar equivalent olfactory image. 2 Chemical Analysis (Chromatography) The time derivative of the sensor spectrum (Figure 3) yields the spectrum of column flux, commonly referred to as a chromatogram. The chromatogram response (Figure 4) of n-alkane vapors (C6 to C14) provides a set of reference retention times. Graphically defined regions, shown as red bands, provide a method dependent reference time base against which subsequent chemical responses can be compared and indexed. As an example, a response midway between C10 and C11 would have a retention time index of 1050. Figure 4 - Chromatogram of n-alkane vapors C6 to C14). Properties of Ethanol Physical properties of ethanol are shown in Figure 5. Although it is relatively volatile it also is very soluble in water which accounts for the low Henry’s constant e.g. at room temperature, only 0.0206% partitions into the air from water as headspace vapor. Figure 5-Physical properties of Ethanol. 3 Ethanol Standards A stock solution of pure (neat) ethanol can be used to produce vapor and water standards. A vapor standard is produced by injecting a measured amount of pure ethanol into a tedlar bag filled with 1 liter of air. Water standards using headspace measurements can be created by injecting pure ethanol into 20 milliliters of water in a sealed 40-milliliter vial. Figure 6- Vapor and water ethanol calibration standards using tedlar bags and 40-milliliter septa-sealed vials. System Settings for Ethanol Due to its low molecular weight and high volatility, ethanol is at the lower limit of detectable compounds which can be analyzed by the zNose. Sensitivity is determined by the loop trap’s ability to concentrate ethanol from air samples and the ability of the SAW sensor to condense and detect it as it elutes from the GC column. To optimize the trapping efficiency of the loop trap system temperatures are necessarily low. Maximum SAW sensitivity is achieved by using a crystal temperature of 10oC or 0oC. A valve temperature of 70oC and an inlet temperature of 50oC are recommended. Because the loop trap contains only 1 mg of Tenax®, the breakthrough volume is relatively low and sampling Figure 7- Detected counts vs sample time for two different times greater than 5 seconds are inefsystem temperatures. fective. The effects of system temperatures and sample time are shown in Figure 5. 4 Use of Pre-filter with the zNose® The zNose® is a very sensitive gas chromatograph designed to detect vapors covering a range of approximately C4 to C24 n-alkanes. Particles, liquids, and high molecular weight compounds with high boiling points if ingested can contaminate and in some cases damage the instrument. To prevent this from occurring care should be taken to insure that direct injections of liquid standards do not contain high molecular weight compounds and are less than 1 microliter. Similarly when sampling air in dusty environments a prefilter should be used to prevent particles from entering the inlet of the instrument. Sampling headspace vapors above liquid samples should be done with great care so as to avoid sucking liquids or droplets into the instrument. Vapors from water samples heated to approximately 40oC normally do not cause any significant problem other than perhaps a higher detector temperature and a 1-2 second wait state before firing the trap. However, heating of water samples above this can produce very high concentrations of condensable water vapor leading to the formation of droplets in the relatively cool sampling needle and loop trap. For example, water at 60oC produces a vapor concentration of 130 micrograms/milliliter and preconcentration of even 1 milliliter of vapor will form droplets within the sampling needle and loop trap. When the sample is transferred to the helium section and the trap rapidly heated to 250oC during injection, the water vaporizes and expands more than 1000X. This in turn creates a very high-pressure burst of super heated steam when passes through the column and strikes the surface of the SAW detector. Often this destroys the electrodes on the surface of the crystal and the detector must be replaced. To prevent high concentrations of water vapor and particles from entering the instrument an inert PTFE pre-filter, shown in Figure 8, is recommended. The filter shown comes in a plastic housing with luer fittings and is easily attached to the inlet of the instrument with a simple luer adaptor. Because the filter housing is plastic inlet temperatures should always be less than 70oC. Figure 8- Pre-filters using inert PTFE. 5 Detecting Ethanol in Ambient Air To calibrate the instrument for detecting ethanol in air, standard vapors are first created by injecting known amounts of ethanol into a known volume of air in a tedlar bag. For example injecting 1 L of pure ethanol into 1000 mL of air will produce 415.3-ppmv of ethanol vapor (789 nanogram/milliliter). Using a side-ported sampling needle and a PTFE pre-filter attached to the inlet of the zNose (Figure 9), standard vapors are then sampled to determine linear response factors, method detection limits (mdl), and calibrate the instrument. Calibration settings, which are method dependent, allow the instrument to display air concentrations as ppmv values. As an example, the ethanol response using a 415 ppmv Figure 9- Ethanol Vapor Standard vapor standard is compared to that of n-alkane vapors (C6-C10) using a 1ps3a1b method in Figure 10. The system software correctly displays the Kovats index of ethanol as 552 and concentration as 415 ppm The zNose® system response is linear over a wide range of vapor concentrations. This is clearly shown by the N-point responses obtained from a series of 1-liter tedlar bags injected with increasing amounts of ethanol as shown in Figure 11. Figure 10- Calibrated system response to 415 ppm vapor standard. Alkane response C6-c10 is shown overlaid in Red. Figure 11-N-point calibration results using 10o detector, 70o valve, 50o inlet, and 1ps3a1b method. 6 Detector Sensitivity vs Temperature System sensitivity is controlled by sample preconcentration time and detector temperature. Detector sensitivity is an exponential function of detector temperature as shown in Figure 12 and maximum sensitivity is achieved with a minimum detector temperature of 0oC. At very high water vapor concentrations in the sampled air the detector may experience overloading at the lowest temperature settings. Figure 12- Sensitivity is an exponential function of detector temperature. Ethanol Minimum Detection Limit A measurement detection limit is defined by replicate measurements at the lowest quantifiable level. Statistically this is defined for 7 replicate measurements as 3.14 x standard deviation. Using a 1ps2a1b method, 70oC valve, 50oC inlet, and 10oC detector temperatures, 7-replicate measurements at 100 and 13-ppm ethanol concentrations yield MDLs of 14.1 and 5.2 ppm respectively as shown in Figure 13. . Figure 13- Method Detection Limits for ethanol. 7 Detection of Ethanol in Water Headspace vapors from water standards (20 mL water in a 40 mL vial) were sampled directly using a sideported sample needle and PTFE filter attached to the inlet of the zNose as shown in Figure 14. The concentration of ethanol in headspace vapors from water at room temperature is very low because ethanol is very soluble in water. Heating the water sample using a two-zone (top and bottom) vial heater can greatly increase headspace concentration. For example a 300-ppm water standard at 40oC had a response of 284 Figure 14- Direct headspace sampling of heated water counts or 104 ppmv. Increasing the water temperature to 65oC increased the response to 957 (353 ppmv), an increase of more than 300%. Replicate direct sample measurements (offset in x and y-directions) are shown in Figure 15 for a 100-ppm water standard at 65oC. The high degree of reproducibility at this level is shown in the inset showing a standard deviation of approximately 6% for 15 replicate measurements. Figure 15- Replicate runs on 100 ppm water sample at 65oC. 8 Ethanol headspace measurements were linear over a wide range of water concentrations as evidenced by N-point calibration curves shown in Figure 16. In this case a series of water standards at 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 ppm were measured in triplicate with 10oC and 20oC detector settings, a 1ps3a1b method, 70oC valve, and 50oC inlet. Each data point is the average of three triplicate measurements. The averaged data points and linear response factor (counts/ppm) for each case is shown as insets in the figure. Figure 16- N-point calibration curves for water standards at 65oC. 9 Summary Detecting ethanol in air and water is fast and easy using the zNose electronic nose or portable gas chromatograph. Even though ethanol is at the lower limit of detectable compounds, concentrations well into the low part-per-million range can be quantified with good precision and accuracy. Because ethanol is very soluble in water, headspace measurements are best performed with water samples elevated to at least 40oC. Use of a PTFE inlet filter is recommended to prevent water droplets from forming, entering the instrument, and possibly damaging the sensitive vapor detector. A summary chart of ethanol MDL amounts is shown in Table I. Table I - Ethanol Method Detection Limits Method MDL Direct Sampling in Air <5 ppmV Water headspace Sampling <5 ppm For good sensitivity to very volatile organic compounds (VVOC), a valve temperature of 70oC and an inlet temperature of 50oC works well. Although the column can be operated isothermally, better chromatography is achieved with at least a 1oC/second temperature ramping of the column. Sample times longer than 5 seconds are ineffective due to ethanol breakthrough in the tenax filled loop trap. Detector sensitivity is an exponential function of temperature and a minimum detector temperature setting of 0oC results in maximum sensitivity. A linear response is achieved from 0 to over 3000 ppmv of ethanol. Ambient air measurements take less than 15 seconds and can be repeated at one minute intervals. 10