Document - Freepages

1. ____ Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1695, in Kusel of,Rhenish Province,Bavaria,Germany.
NAME: The Name of Hittel or Hittle is derived from the German name Huttler which means a "Maker
of huts or man who lives in a small house." Other variations of the name Hittel are: Hittle, Hutte,
Huttle, Huttelein, Huttler, Huttle, Hittler, Hitler, Hitle. In America, most persons of this family are now
named Hittle, and a few are named Hittel. In the early 18th century, when the first of the family arrived,
the name was spelled: Hittel, Huettle, Hittler, Huettler, Hettler, Hiddle, and one time spelled Hylttel.
Often the person writing down the name did not know how it was spelled so he wrote it the way it
sounded. Although the name Hitler is included in the variations of the name Hittel, the tyrant Hitler
known around the world, is no relation to the family of Huttler. He was the illegitimate son of Maria
Schicklgruber and Johan George Hiedler, and changed his name to Hitler. Hiedler is a completely
different family. A look in a dictionary of surnames will show you that Huttel, Hutter, Huttner, Hutten,
Huttel, Hittel, were one who came from a Hutten (small House) in Germany; dweller in a small cottage;
and that Hittler, Hitler was one who supervised saltworks.
It appears that two brothers of the Hittel family came to America, George Michael and Johann Peter
Hittel, both settling near each other in Northampton County (that part now Lehigh County),
ANCESTRAL HITTLE IN GERMANY: In memoriam: Theodore Henry Hittell: born April 5,
BOOKS) Fourth Series Vol. VIII, No. 1, pp. 1-25, pi. 1 June 17, 1918 .....It was on April 5, in this year
of 1830, that Theodore H. Hittell was born, in Marietta, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. As would
naturally be expected of one of his strong and versatile character, his ancestors were sturdy, thrifty and
solid people. His paternal great grandfather, Peter Hittel, was a Protestant, brought up in Rhenish
Bavaria, and driven into exile by religious persecution. He, with a brother, escaped into Holland, thence
coming to America in 1720, and settled down in Upper Milford Township, in Lehigh County,
Pennsylvania, where he passed the remainder of his life as a farmer. He was successful, progressive and
energetic, and was a forceful, and useful member of the community. .....Peter's son, Nicholas Hittel, the
grandfather of Theodore, remained on the farm in Upper Milford Township. He was a man of prodigious
physical strength, and was an industrious and successful farmer, and, it is said, came to be regarded by
his neighbors as a sage. He married Susanna de Vesqueau, or Wesco, as the family name was later
called. Her father, Francis de Vesqueau, was a French Huguenot, and was driven by religious
persecution from his home in Alsace, and came by way of Holland to Pennsylvania. He and his two sons
served in the American Revolution, Francis being in the Second Battalion, Second Company of
Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Nicholas Hittel also served in the American Revolution in the
Northampton County Militia, from 1778 to 1782. The family of Nicholas and Susanna consisted of
eleven children.
Children of Hittle (HITTEL) and ____ ____:
George Michael (Jurg Michell) Hittle (HITTEL), born 14 Dec 1714, in Kusel
of,Rhenish Province,Bavaria,Germany, died 16 Jan 1786, in Salisbury
Johann Peter (Peter) Hittle (HITTEL), born 2 Feb 1720, in Kusel of,Rhenish
Province,Bavaria,Germany, died about 7 Jan 1764, in Upper Saucon
2. George Michael (Jurg Michell) Hittle (HITTEL) (Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 14 Dec 1714, in Kusel
of,Rhenish Province,Bavaria,Germany, died 16 Jan 1786, in Salisbury Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
buried in Salisbury Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania. He married Ann Mary (Anna Maria) about 1740, in
,Northampton of,Pennsylvania. Ann Mary (Anna Maria) was born about 1720, in ,,Germany of, died
1806, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
IMMIGRATION: Jurg Michell HITTEL arrived in Philadelphia on the Winter Galley on September 5,
1738. The ship, commanded by Edward Paynter, started from Rotterdam and carried a cargo of 252
men, women, and children. Lists: Jurg Michl HITTEL age 23..
BAPTISM: PENNSYLVANIA, Montgomery County, Red Hill, St. Pauls Lutheran Church. George and
Anna Maria Hittel, dau Anna Maria born March 16, 1742, baptized June 7, 1742. Sponsors George and
Anna Maria Stoltz.
LINKS: George Stoltz died Aug 1766 in Plainfield, Northampton County, PA. First wife Anna Maria,
second wife married 8 Sep 1758 in St. Pauls Church, Upper Saucon, Northampton County, PA to Anna
Elizabeth Roth. George immigrated to Philadelphia 25 Oct 1738 on ship DAVY, same boat as Simon
Stoltz, and 1 month after George Michael Hittel arrived.
MILITARY: During the French and Indian War which lasted from 1754 to 1758, Michael Hittel (listed
as Hutler) of Salisbury township participated. "History of Lehigh County, PA" 1914 by Charles Rhodes
Roberts, Vol 1.
LAND: George Michael Hittle was issued a tract of land (171 acres and 90 perces) in Salisbury
township, Northampton county on 30 Jan 1760. The land warrant was issued by Thomas Penn and
Richard Penn under the hand of their Lieutenant Governor James Hamilton, for a tract of land in
Northampton County (Patent Book A-19, page 396, Pennsylvania Land Office). The land adjoined
lands of late Henry Rader, late Mattis Shaap, Adam Sheafer, Sebasian Knouse, Lewis Klotz and Daniel
RESIDENCE: 1762 census of Salisbury lists Michael.
PROBATE: The will of Michael Hittel, Sr is recorded in Northampton county, dated 15 Nov 1783 and
probated January 26, 1786. Will mentions: wife, Anny Mary, and children: George Michael(eldest
son), Barbara (eldest daughter, married John HARTZEL, deceased, and she has since married again),
John Adam, Frederick, Catherine (married George KNAPPENBERGER), Margaret (married Jacob
MARKEL), George, , Elizabeth (married William EVANS), Bartholomew, Magdalene (married
Leonard RISHEL), Christina (married Michael EHRHARD), and Jacob.
BURIAL: Records of Western Salisbury Lutheran Church, Salisbury township, page 240. Burial
Records in Jeruselehem Cemetery state -- HITTLE, GEORGE M. born December 14, 1714 and died
December 16, 1786, age 72 years and 2 days.
1786. Photo taken by Joe Hiitle <> March 2006. QUESTION-DEATH: Since his
will was probated 26 Jan 1786, and he died before that date, the date of 16 Dec 1786 is incorrect.
Perhaps the date was supposed to have been 16 Dec 1785??
LINKS: One son, perhaps Jacob, married about 1785 to either Maria Magdalena, Elizabeth, or Maria
Agata Miller, daughter of Christopher and Ottila Miller. Christopher died 1788 in Macungie Township,
Northampton Co, Pa, with granddaughter Catherine Hettler.
RESEARCHER: (1970) Mrs. Josephine GREGORY (wife of Rulon W.), 233 S. Lafayette Park Place,
Los Angelas, CA 90057; descent from Samuel Llewellyn SPAID, son of John SPAID (1805), son of
Sallie HITTLE, daughter of Bartholomew HITTLE (1753); supplied much information on the HITTLE,
SPAID, and RITTER family.
RESEARCHER-EMAIL: (1999) Birt Hittle <>.
PROBATE: The following is the will of Michael Hittel, Sr recorded in Northampton county,
Pennsylvania, dated November 15, 1783 and probated January 26, 1786. WILL OF MICHAEL
HITTEL, SR In the Name of God Amen! Whereas I Michael Hittel Senr. of Salisbury township the
County of Northampton and State of Pennsylvania, Cordwainer Do find myself very Sick and weak in
Body but of Perfect & Sound Mind and Memory Thank be unto God. And having called to Mind the
Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die so do I Make and ordain
and publish this my last Will & Testament in Manner following viz: Principally and first of all I
recommend my Soul unto the Hands of Almighty God who gave it. And my Body I recommend to the
Earth to be buried in a decent and Christian like Manner at the Direction of my hereunto named
Executors nothing doubting but at the universal Resurrection I shall receive the Same again by the
mighty Power of God. And as touching and Concerning my worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased
God to bless me in this Life I give devise dispose and bequeath the same in Manner and Term as
followeth. To with: First I give and bequeath to my present well beloved Wife Anny Mary the Sum of
One Hundred Pounds good and Lawful Money of Pennsylvania (and that in Gold or Silver at the present
usual Rate viz half a Joe at the Rate of Three Pounds and a (.....) milled Dollar at the Rate of Seven
Shillings & Six Pense and so all other Gold and Silver in Proportion) Which said Sum of one Hundred
Pounds Money aforesaid Shall be paid unto her my said Wife out and from the first Sum of Money
which Shall be got for Plantation when sold, by my said Executors after my Decease as herein after shall
be directed. And if my said Wife should come in Necessity by Sickness or otherwise so that the above
bequeathed One hundred Pounds Should not be Sufficient for her Maintenance Then it is my Will That
the last one hundred & fifty Pounds which are to be paid for the said Plantation Shall Stand and remain
on that said Plantation for the Use of my Wife namely She Shall receive the annual Lawful Interest from
the said One hundred & Fifty Pounds after they are due and payable But if also the said Interest Should
not be Sufficient for her then it is my Will that my said Executors Shall take as much of the Principal of
the said One hundred & Fifty Pounds as Shall be sufficient for her, and the Overplus if any, shall after
her decease be equally divided among all my Children herein after named Share & Share alike. Further
I give and bequeath unto my said Wife Fifteen Bushels of Wheat & fifteen Bushel of Rye together thirty
Bushels if so much there shall be or else the Money out of my Estate as would buy so much, and the said
Grain Shall be well Cleaned which also Shall be delivered unto her by my said Executors soon after my
Decease. Further I give & bequeath to my said Wife one Milk Cow which she Choseth. Further I give
unto her the Iron Stove which at present is in my Stove Room Consisting of ten Plates with the Pipes
and other Appurtences thereunto belonging. Further I give and bequeath unto my said Wife my Bed and
Bed Stead and all the Linen belonging to the Same. Further I give and bequeath to my said Wife my
Chest with Drawers Standing at present in the Chamber. Further I give & bequeath to my said Wife her
Saddle one Spinning Wheel & one Church. Further I give & bequeath to my said Wife all my Flax
which I shall have at the Time of my Decease further I give to her one of my Iron Pots which She
pleaseth to take as also two Pewter Dishes half a dozen Pewter Plates. One Pewter Tankard, a half
dozen pewter Spoons, one Skimmer, two water pails, two chairs. Further I give & bequeath unto my said
Wife all the Wool which shall be in the Possession at the Time of my Decease As likewise all her
clothes and the linen and wools too. All the above mentioned Articles Shall be truly delivered to my
said Wife by my said Executors as long as She remains my Widow. But if she should incline to marry
again then she shall have nothing of all the above mentioned Articles. Further I give and bequeath unto
my eldest Son George Michael Hittel the Sum of Eight Pounds Lawful Money of Pennsylvania for his
Right of being my eldest Son which said Sum of Eight Pounds he has received Gold & Silver by a Bond
which I paid for him and in his name to Henry Ritter about the twenty seventh Day of November One
thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy Nine. Further it is my Will that all my real and personal Estate as
Lands Tenements and all other the moveable Effects what is not given or bequeathed herein before shall
be sold by my said Executors as Soon as possible after my Decease by public Vendor or Auction to the
highest Bidder, and the Money thereof (what is not bequeathed herein before) shall be divided amongst
all my Lawful Children of my Body in even like & equal Shares [Except the Sum of Ten Pounds Lawful
Money aforesaid to be first deducted out of my whole Estate for my son John Adam and the Sum of
three pounds Money aforesaid for my Son Frederick, because all my other Sons have each of them
received the Sum of one hundred Pounds in Continental Money] That is to say one equal Twelfth part
thereof to my son George Michael Hittel further to my daughter Catherine, non intermarried with
George Knappenberger, one other equal twelfth Part thereof further to my Daughter Margaret non
intermarried with Jacob Markel, one other equal twelfth Part thereof Further to my Son George Hittel,
one other equal twelfth Part thereof further to my Daughter Elizabeth non intermarried with William
Evans one other equal twelfth Part further to my Son Bartholomew Hittel one other equal twelfth Part
further to my daughter Magdalene non intermarried with Leonard Rishel one other equal twelfth part
further to my Daughter Christina non intermarried with Michael Ehrhard one other equal twelfth Part
further to my Son Jacob Hittel one other equal twelfth Part and further to my Son Frederick Hittel one
other equal Twelfth Part thereof. And whereas my eldest Daughter Barbara was intermarried with a
certain John Hartzel who being now deceased and left five Children viz. Elizabeth, George Adam
Hartzel, Mary, Susannah, and Leah, and whereas my said daughter is since married again, therefore I
give and bequeath her Share and equal Twelfth Part as aforesaid unto her said five Children being my
Grand Children to be divided amongst them Shara and Share alike. And I do hereby nominate Constitute
and appoint my beloved Son-in-Law the above named George Knappenberger and my beloved son John
Adam Hittel to be the Sole and only Executors of this my last Will and Testament whom I also do
hereby empower and Authorized to Sign, Seal, Deliver and acknowledge a good & Lawful Deed of
Conveyance to the Purchaser of my said Plantation (Containing about one hundred and Seventy acres of
land) as if I myself had done it. And I do hereby disannul and revoke all former Wills & Testaments by
me heretofore make IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal Dated the Fifteenth
Day of November in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty three. MICHAEL
(x) HITTEL (His mark) Signed Sealed, published and declared by the said Michael Hittel Senr to be his
last will and Testament in the Presence of us who have hereunto Subscribed of the Testator. George
Lautenschlager (signature) Elias Wever (signature) (Sworn Executors)
PROBATE: Will Book 4, page 236; dated 26 Jan 1803 and probated 14 Apr 1806. She is recorded as
conveying land on 28 Apr 1806 to Abraham Rinkler (Deed Book B3, page 150). Abstract of Will of
Anna Maria Hittle "Annamaria Hittle of the Town of Northampton , Northampton Co. Penn. Widow of
the Late Michael Hittle of Salisbury Twp." Northampton Co. Deceased. Annamaria "being considerably
advanced in years". "I . . . appoint my two sons, Adam Hittle & George Hittle, Executors. . . ."
Executors are to sell "my house & lot . . . in the said town of Northampton." "Also it is my will that my
said executors shall turn all my personal property into money & colect my little outstandings and pay &
discharge my just debts & funeral expenses. The clear over pluse or residue I will order & direct shall
under the exceptions here in after named or mentioned be equally devided among those of my children
or their legal representatives, who are not herein after excepted, that is to say my son Jacob shall have
no share . . ." "the share which should have gone to the represantives of my daughter Magdelene who
was intermarried with Leonard Rishel, shall go . . . to her two youngest children (being twins). . ." "that
share of my daughter Christina who had been intermarried with William Evans, but latly seperated, shall
on no pretence whatever be paid to him as her husband but to her in person if she survives me otherwise
to her children only" Dated 26 January 1803. .......the mark of
Annamaria X Hittle Witnesses:
George Rhoads, Peter Rhoads Probated: 14 April 1806
RELIGION: The family belonged to the Lutheran Church, and confirmation and baptismal records
(including birth dates) of the children are found in the records of Western Salisbury Union Church and
St Paul's Blue Church (Upper Saucon township)
Western Salisbury Union (and Lutheran) Church, Salisbury Township, Northampton (now Lehigh)
County: Page 206 Confirmation by Daniel Schumacker -----1760 - Michael Hittel, Ann Barbara Hittler,
and Catherine Hittler -----1766 - Adam Hittler -----Page 118 HITTLER, Jacob, son of Jurg Michell
Hittler and wife, Anna Maria, baptized 24 Aug 1760. Sponsors - Parents. -----Page 119 HITTLE, Juerg
Frederic, son of Juerg Michael HITTLE and wife Ann Cath., baptized 22 Mar 1762. Sponsors Lorentz
Schupp and wife Margaret. -----Page 240 Burial Records in Jeruselehem cemetery -- HITTLE, George
M. born December 14, 1714 and died December 16, 1786, age 72 years and 2 days.
------------------------------------------ Baptismal records of Rev. Daniel Schumacher, transcription by G.
Arthur Schumann (Lutheran): -----HITTEL, Jurg Friedrich baptized March 25, 1762, son of Jurg
Michell HITTEL and Anna Maria -----another source: Bapt. 25 Mar 1762 – HITTEL, Jurg Friedr.;
Jurg. Michell H. & An. Cath.; born Schmaltzgass; Sp. Jurg Schnepp & Margaretta. Child 3 weeks 2 days
------------------------------------------- Records of St. Paul's Blue Church, Upper Saucon Township,
Northampton County -----John George born 4 Sep 1751 and was baptized 20 Oct 1751. Unknown
source--Christenings by Rev Schaeffer, Northampton County -----(John Adam born 21 Jul 1748)
Children of George Michael (Jurg Michell) Hittle (HITTEL) and Ann Mary (Anna Maria):
George Michael (Michael) HITTLE, born about 1742, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Nov 1828, in Mt Pleasant
Anna Barbara (Barbara) Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1744, in
Catherine Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1746, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
died about Feb 1829, in Catawissa Twp,Columbia,Pennsylvania.
John Adam (Adam) Hittle (HITTEL), born 21 Jul 1748, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 19 Aug 1834, in
Margaret Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1750, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died
in ,Bucks of,Pennsylvania.
John George (George) Hittle (HITTEL), born 4 Sep 1751, in Upper
Saucon,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Feb 1826, in South
Elizabeth Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1752, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
Bartholomew (Bartel) HITTLE, born 1753, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died
15 Nov 1823, in ,Seneca,New York.
Magdalene Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1756, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died ABT 1802/1803, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania.
Christina Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1758, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died in ,,Pennsylvania.
Jacob HITTLE, born 1760, in Salisbury Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died
about Oct 1836, in ,Rappahannock,Virginia.
George Frederick (Frederick) HITTLE, born 2 Mar 1762, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Jan 1829, in Catawissa
3. Johann Peter (Peter) Hittle (HITTEL) (Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 2 Feb 1720, in Kusel of,Rhenish
Province,Bavaria,Germany, died about 7 Jan 1764, in Upper Saucon Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
buried in Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth Margaret (Magdalena)
FLORES about 1745, in ,Northampton of,Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of Conrad FLORES and
Maria Barbara. Elizabeth Margaret (Magdalena) FLORES was born about 1720, in ,,Germany, died after
RELIGION: Peter Hittel was a Protestant. He was supposedly driven into exile by his religious
IMMIGRATION: Peter and his brother (apparently indicating George Michael HITTEL) escaped into
Holland, thence coming to America in 1720 (the date is much too early); "Lamb's Biographical
Dictionary of the United States" 1901 under biography of Theodore Henry Hittell, great grandson of
RESIDENCE: In 1753 he bought 62 acres and 143 parces in Upper Milford twp, Northampton co, PA.
He secured a patent on April 4, 1762, obtained from Thomas and Richard Penn under the hand of the
Secretary Governor James Hamilton, originally contained one of 120 acres and 92 perches, and another
of 62 acres plus (the 1753 purchase). In 1757 when he donated one acre of his land to the Lutheran
Congregation at Zionsville and in 1758 the first church was built of logs.
NATURALIZATION: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County. 8 April 1755 Peter Hittle. SOURCE:
"Persons Naturalized in Pennsylvania 1740-1773, List of Persons, Page 43 (found at, Pennsylvania Colonial Records). NATURALIZED 8 APR 1755 in Bucks
County: Peter Hittle of Northampton County. ALSO NATURALIZED SAME DAY, AND ALSO
FROM NORTHAMPTON COUNTY WERE: Michael Floras, Isaac Dalep, Henry Wilhelm.
RESIDENCE: From: Hocker, Edward W., Genealogy relating to the German Settlers of Pennsylvania
and Adjacent Territory From Advertisements in German Newspapers Published in Philadelphia and
Germantown, 1743-1800 (Balt: Gen. Publishing Co., Inc. 1989) page 62 (found in Hittle Genealogy
Sympsium on Internet): Sower's Newspaper, May 14, 1757: "Peter Hittel, Upper Milford Township,
Northampton County, seeks Johannes Linn, whose wife is named Maria Margretha."
PROBATE: Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; Will number 50, Register of Wills; Will dated Jan 4,
1764 and probated Feb 1, 1764; Peter Hittel of Upper Milford, County of Northampton. Mentions wife
Elizabeth Margaret who survived him, eldest son Nicholas; written in original German; executors trusty
friends Philip Hertzog and Peter Kell; Witnesses Mathias Ox and Frank Kern. signed Peter HITTEL.
BURIAL: The records of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Upper Saucon twp, Northampton Co,
Pa say he (Johann Peter HITTEL) was buried Jan 7, 1764 in Upper Milford, aged 43 years, 11 months,
and 5 days.
RESEARCHER: (1970) Byron L. RAY, 1516 Frances Drive, Anaheim, CA 92801; born 1905; son of
Edwin L. RAY, son of Mary Margaret HITTLE, daughter of John HITTLE, son of Nicholas HITTEL
(1748); supplied much information on the Nicholas HITTEL family.
LINKS: Philadelphia County, PA Will Abstracts. Stanse, Baltas, Northern Liberties, co of
Philadelphia. Signed May 2, 1782. Children Catherine (wife of John Hittzell).
PROBATE: Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; Will number 50, Register of Wills; Will dated Jan 4,
1764 and probated Feb 1, 1764; Mentions wife Elizabeth Margaret who survived him, eldest son
Nicholas; written in original German; executors trusty friends Philip Hertzop and Peter Kell; signed
PROBATE: The Will of Peter HITTEL was made in original German and is translated as follows:
WILL OF PETER HITTEL In the name of God, Amen. I, Peter HITTEL, of the township of Upper
Milford, county of Northampton, and Province of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, being weak in body but of
sound memory Blessed be God, do this day, January the Fourth, One Thousand Seven Hundred and
Sixty Four, make and publish this, my last will and testament, in the manner following: That is to say,
first, I give to my dear wife, Elizabeth Margaret, one third part of all my moveable goods in my custody,
likewise that tract of land as was formerly in the possession of Jacob Rumfold, containing about fifteen
or sixteen acres, as it at present does lie and stand with the house, clear land meadowing, and all
whatsoever, for the time as she remains widow and no longer. Also, I give to her my dear wife her
clothes and bed, and bedstead so as it presents and her sidesaddle and the choice among the cows, that is
to say, one. Also, it is my will that all my children shall have equal shares one with the other, excepting
my eldest son, Nicholas, shall have sixty pounds more than any of the others. Else all the children shall
be equal with one another. And I make my trusty friends, Philip Hertzog and Peter Kell, executors of all
my estate and to see that this my last will and testament be performed after my decease, according to my
true intent and meaning. In witness whereof, I the said Peter HITTEL, have to this my last will and
testament set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. PETER HITTEL (Signature)
Philadelphia: 1st February 1764. There personally appeared Mathias Ox and Frederick Kern, the
witnesses to the foregoing will, and on oath did declare they saw and heard Peter HITTEL, the Testator
therein named, signed, sealed and published and declared the same will for and as his last will and
testament and that the doing thereof he was of sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of
their knowledge. Coram William PLUMSTEAD (Signature) Register General
HITTLE GEN FORUM ON INTERNET: Posted by: Ronald Flores Date: September 26, 2004 EMAIL:
<> .....Peter Hittel married [Elizabeth] Margaret [surname unknown] (b. 1720?d. after 1764) about 1745, according to the Hittel site. We know that Michael Flores sister Elisabeth
Margarethe was married to Peter Hidel, at the time of their father Johan Conrad FLORES death in 1762.
.....We also know that Peter Hittel and Elisabeth Margarethe were baptism sponsors of Michaels
daughter Elisabetha Margaretha in Nov. of 1752 in Dillingersville. We also know that the birth of Peter
and Margarets son Adam Hittel (23 Mar.1754) was recorded at the First Evangelical Lutheran
Congregation in Upper Milford Township. .....There is little doubt that Peter Hittel and Peter Hidel are
the same person and that Elizabeth Margaret Flores, Michaels sister, is his wife. .....Michael Flores,
Peter Kittle or Hittle; Henry Wilhelm; and Isaac Dalef, all of Upper Milford. were naturalized on April
8, 1755. .....It seems certain that Peter Hittel was a early member of the First Evangelical Lutheran
Congregation in Upper Milford Township, but a careful reading of The Schoolhouse Near the Old
Spring shows no record of his communing with the group. However, no records existed until 1749 and
we know that by 1756 many of the congregation were dissatisfied with their pastor and broke from the
group. Peter Hittel, one of the leaders of the splinter group, donated an acre of ground for church
purposes at a location two miles to the north of the Upper Milford building and in 1758 the discontented
faction erected their own log building in the vicinity of present day Zionsville. Peter and Margaret
Flores son Adam HITTEL, we noted, was baptized at First Lutheran in 1754. .....We know that Michael
FLORES and his family were among the founding members of this new congregation. The baptism
registry of the Zion Lutheran Congregation, Zionsville, Upper Milford Township, begins in 1757. Five
of Michael and Elizabeths children were baptized at the First Lutheran Church and two: Johann Jacob
(1758) and Maria Magdalena (1763) at Zion Lutheran.
From World we get the following (from family record of Conrad Flores: .....Conrad
appears on the same ship list as Michael, Walter Flores has "ship list 72A, his age is given at 49 years,
that of his sons Leonard 29, and Michael at 25." A Conrad Flores appears on a list of founders of
Springfield Township, Bucks Co., PA, in 1743. Research is now underway to confirm this information
[May 2001]. Bucks Co PA History and Genealogy. .....List 72 A appears on page 264 of Strassburger
and Hinke: On page 265 is Conrade Floweres 49; Mich Floweres 25. Sworn by William Vettery, in
Phila. 3 Sept 1739. A Lenhard Flowers 29 is listed on the same page (265).
.....Source: ml "Springfield was
organized in 1743. The earliest purchase of land that has met our notice, although there were settlers
there several years before, was made in 1737, when the tract on which Houpt's mill stands was surveyed
to Hohn Hughes, but it was patented to William Bryan in 1758." ....."Names of families living there in
1743, German and English, namely: James Green, Stephen Twining, William Crooks, Brien Conniulin,
Hugh Orton, Joseph Blair, Richard Jonston, Jacob Mason, Jacob Abel, Samuel Hillborn, John Leister,
Christian Levy, Conrad Fahr, Peter Lester, John McCoy, Thomas Folly, Thomas Adamson, Joseph
Bond, Joseph Unthank, Conrad Flores, James Williams, Peter Ashton, Christian Shock, Michael Dort,
Peter Ademose, Thomas Blair, Michael Gold, Thomas, Lloyd, Michael Dillard, Christian Spug, Peter
leatherman, Simon carey, John Greasley, George Hazeley, Daniel Stout, Stephen Acorman, Henry
Hornel, Philip Roup, Jacob Maure, Jacob Huber and Michael Gould." ....."The Ship Friendship (1739)
had three passengers who, at first glance, might appear related. They are: Conrad Florans, Michael
Floris, Leonhart Floor. It is assumed that John Valentine Floor was also on the ship but too young to be
listed (i.e. under 16). Conrad and Michael settled in Bucks County, PA while Leonard and Valentine
settled in York County, PA. ....."The proof to me on the connection among the three comes from a land
patent in Bucks County. Conrad took out a warrant on 155 acres of land on Sept. 9, 1741 (Richland
Township, Bucks County). Michael Flores received a return patent (AA5/579) May 16, 1764. The text
of the patent states: Conrad Flores died intestate leaving a widow Maria Barbara and 5 children:
Michael, Elizabeth Margaret (married Peter Hidel), Sophia (married Chirstian Fisher), Elizabeth
(married Michael Fols), and Sibella (married George Reinard). To me, that shows that Conrad had one
son, Michael, and that neither Leonard or Valentine belonged to Conrad for they were both alive when
Conrad died. There is always the possibility that Conrad disowned both Leonard and Valentine but I
think that might be a stretch. " ....."Lois has done extensive research into the other two people on the
Ship Friendship who have similar names: Conrad Florans and Michael Floris. She has established that
they were father and son through land deed records and such. Through a patent, she has traced the wife
and children of Conrad. She has also traced a wife and the children of Michael. Michael was in Upper
Milford Township, Lehigh County. Conrad died in Richland Township, Bucks County. I mention this
because one Flohr researcher thinks Conrad was the father of Leonard as well as Michael. Through
detailed research, Lois has ruled out that possibility." .....Children Michael FLORES b: ABT 1714 in
Wittemberg?, [Germany] Leonard? FLORES b: 1710 in old Wittemberg?, [Germany] Elizabeth
Margaret FLORES Sophia FLORES married Christian Fisher Elizabeth FLORES married Michael Fols
Sibella FLORES (married George Reinard) .....2. Michael FLORES was born ABT 1714 in
Wittemberg?, [Germany], and died AFT 11 MAR 1773 in Upper Milford, Northampton [now Lehigh]
Co. PA. He married Maria Elisabeth. She was born <1730, and died 1785. Children of Michael
FLORES and Maria Elisabeth are: i. Johan Michael FLORES was born 14 MAR 1757 in Lehigh Co.,
and died 14 MAR 1799. ii. Maria Sophia FLORES was born 3 FEB 1746 in Lehigh Co.. She married
Martin RING. iii. Elisabetha Margaret FLORES was born 11 NOV 1752. She married William KERN.
iv. Anna Barbara FLORES was born 3 AUG 1754 in Lehigh Co.. She married Stephen ACKERMAN.
v. Johann Jacob FLORES was born 1758 in Lehigh Co., and died BEF 1785. vi. Maria Magdalena
FLORES was born 6 SEP 1760 in Lehigh Co., and died 8 NOV 1784. vii. Maria Margaretha FLORES
was born 24 MAR 1763 in Lehigh Co., and died BEF 1773.
Children of Johann Peter (Peter) Hittle (HITTEL) and Elizabeth Margaret (Magdalena) FLORES:
Sophia Margaret (Magdalena) Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1746, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died after 1830, in ,Davidson,North Carolina.
Nicholas Hittle (HITTEL), born 22 Jan 1748, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 10 May 1825, in Upper
Catherine Hittle (HITTEL), born 13 Dec 1748, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
died 18 Aug 1832, in ,Westmoreland,Pennsylvania.
Adam Hittle (HITTEL), born 23 Mar 1754, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1776/1779, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Phillip Hittle (HITTEL), born 1758/1759, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Nov 1813, in
4. Other HITTLE (Hittle (HITTEL) ).
Children of Other HITTLE and ____ ____:
Nicholas HITTLE, born about 1740, in Wurtemburg,,Germany, died Jan 1816, in
Upper Tulpehocken Township,Berks,Pennsylvania.
HITTLE, born about 1780, in ,,Pennsylvania. He married Helena. Helena was born
1784/1785, in ,,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Montour County, Madison Gideon Laubach
24 Margaret Bete " 25 Helena Hittle 65 PA
John HITTLE, born about 1785, in ,,Pennsylvania.
John HITTLE, born 1792/1793, in ,,Pennsylvania, died after 1860, in ,Elkhart
of,Indiana. He married Catherine. Catherine was born 1802/1803, in
CENSUS: 1860 INDIANA, Elkhart County, Osola Township John Hittle 67 PA
Catharina 57 PA Jacob Nagle 17 PA
From: MSN NicknameJosephAHittle (Original Message) Sent: 7/18/2007 1:52 AM
I am looking for ANYTHING on the John Hittle who was enumerated in Osolo
Township, Elkhart County, Indiana in the 1860 census.
Household 293 / Family 296 John Hittle - 67 - M - Farm Labor - POB = Pa
(Pennsylvania) Catharine Hittle - 57 - F - House Keeper - POB = Pa Jacob Nagle 17 - M - POB = Pa
The story, as I have heard it so far is that this is at least the 2nd marriage for both
John and Catharine. Catharine apparently was a Whitenight girl who first married a
Nagle back in Columbia County, Pa. I got this from a distant relative on the
Whitenight side of things. However, this source had no documentation to back her
story, but that's not surprising in that evidently the church where the Whitenights,
Nagles and Hittles attended burned with all records lost back in the 1840's.
I made it to the courthouse in Goshen last October, and there is no probate record
for this John Hittle. What I'm hoping is that someone might stumble across
something, anything, out of Elkhart County that would give me a clue as to which
John Hittle this might be.
I suspect, and heavily emphasize "suspect" at this point, that this John is the older
brother of my 2nd great grandfather (Joseph who made it to Marshall County,
Indiana). In fact, other than land surveys which list "John Hittel" as a next door
neighbor to Joseph Hittle's grandfather's land, I don't have any other record of this
John Hittle at all.
Family legend has long been that Joseph Hittle was the oldest son of David and
Hannah Hittle (who came to Marshall County, Indiana in the 1840's with David
dying there intestate in 1846). However, if the 1800 census for David is correct,
and an 1801 birthdate for Joseph is correct, David had at least one son older than
Joseph. Of course, that raises the question, "did that son survive into adulthood?"
I'm to the point where I'd be VERY surprised to establish any other connection to
the family at large other than that John was David and Hannah's eldest son. On the
other hand, I also have NO documentation currently to establish my suspicion.
There is a John Hittle in the 1830 and 1840 Census in Columbia County, Pa of the
same age profile that the 1860 John in Elkhart County, Indiana fits. I don't find him
at all in the 1850 Census.
It appears that Catherine married again in Niles, Michigan about 1863, so I'm
guessing that John died sometime between this census and that remarriage date.
Where? When? Is there a probate record anyplace?
I'll take any help I can get on this one!
Joe (Hittle)
I suspect that he died there in Elkhart County shortly after the 1860 census was
taken, or at least between there and about 1863 when it appears that his wife
remarried in Southern Michigan.
CENSUS: 1850 INDIANA, Wabash County, Pleasant Township Jacob Nagle 42
PA Catherine 35 PA Mary Ann 14 PA Jacob 12 PA James Ayres 35 PA 2 houses
from Abel Nagle 26 PA Priscilla 23 OH Marth aJ. 4 IND Thomas 2 IND.
5. George Michael (Michael) HITTLE (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born
about 1742, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Nov 1828, in Mt Pleasant Twp,Columbia,Pennsylvania.
He married Christina HARTZELL about 1768, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of
Hans Jacob HARTZELL and Barbara RITTER. Christina HARTZELL was born 5 Sep 1750, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened in Tohicken Church,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died ABT
1810/1820, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania.
RESIDENCE: Michael and Christina baptized their children in Lower Nazareth township, Northampton
County, from 1772 until 1787 and also in Moore township from 1782 to 1788.
RESIDENCE: Northampton County Deed Book E1, page 130; Jan 24, 1783 Michael bought land in
Plainfield and Moore townships, Northampton County.
RESIDENCE: Northampton County Deed Book F1, page 305; Apr 26, 1788 they sold the land to
George Gross.
RESIDENCE: In 1788 or 1789 moved to Mount Pleasant Township, Northumberland County. On June
20, 1792 they bought 110 acres and 30 perches in Mount Pleasant township, adjoining his other lands
(Patent Book H, Vol 21, page 443, PA Land Office). His land was known as Michaelsburg (see
Columbia Co PA Deed Book 97, page 52).
MILITARY: Revolutionary War. Michael served in 1781 up until 1782 on Apr 18 he served under
Captain Jacob Heller, as a Sergeant in 3rd Company, 2nd Battalion. On April 24, he enrolled under
Captain John Ritter, 2nd Class, 5th Company, 3rd Battalion, commanded by Lt. Col. Nickolus Karns.
PROBATE: George Michael's will is record in Columbia County, dated May 27, 1825 and probated
Nov 2 1825.
Dryland Church, Hecktown, Lower Nazareth Township, Northampton County -----Page 113 David
HUTELER, born 2 Jun 1772, baptized 9 Aug 1772, son of Michael Huteler and Christina. Sponsors
John Hertzel and Barbara <Hittel>. - ----Page 117 George Huttel, born 8 Jul 1774, baptized 31 Jul 1774,
son of George Michael and Christina Huttel. Sponsors Jonas Hertzel and Catherine <Santee>. -----Page
21 Michael Hickel, born 28 Apr 1776, baptized 26 May 1776, son of Michael Hickel and Christina.
Sponsors Michael Hickel and A. Maria. -----Page 25 George Adam Hittel, born 19 Mar 1778, baptized
19 Apr 1778, son of Michael Hittel and Christina. Sponsors G.A. <George Adam> Ritter and A. Maria
Becker -----Page 33 Jacob Hickel, born 3 May 1781, baptized 3 Jun 1781, son of Michael Hickel and
Christina. Sponsors Jonas Hertzel and Catherine Santee. - ----Page 51 Barbara Huttler, born 21 Feb
1787, baptized 25 Feb 1787, daughter of Michael Huttler and Christina. Sponsors parents.
----------------------------------------------------- Salem's Reformed Church, Moore Township, Northampton
County, PA. -----Page 12 Isaac Hittler, born 22 Jul 1782, baptized 15 Sep 1782, son of Michael Hittler.
Sponsors Isaac Hartzel and Barbara Nachter or Wachter. -----Page 18 Elisabetha Hittel, born 25 Jul
1788, baptized 21 Sep 1788, daughter of Michael Hittel and Christina. Sponsors Henrick Jorg and
CENSUS: 1790 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County; Michael Hittle Males 1 16-up, 4 under
16, Females 5.
CENSUS: 1800 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Bloom Township; Michael Hittle Males
2 16-26 (Michael not recorded here, maybe with brother Frederick in Catawissa), Females 1 0-10, 2
16-26, 1 45-up.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Bloom Township; Mich. Huckle males 1
45-up, 1 26-45, females 1 45-up, 1 16-26.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Mount Pleasant Township; Michael
Hittel Males 1 45-up, 1 0-10 (son of Rachel Taylor), females 1 26-45 (Rachel), 1 0-10, (daughter of
PLACE: Mount Pleasant Township formed 1818 from parts of Greenwood, Fishing Creek and possibly
Bloom townships.
RESEARCHER: (1970) Mrs. Prudence E. GOFF MICHAEL, born about 1900/1920; 644472 U.S. 31,
Lakeville, Indiana 46536; daughter of Alice SMITH, daughter of George W. SMITH, son of Catherine
HITTLE, daughter of Joseph HITTLE, son of David HITTLE (1772), son of George Michael Hittle;
supplied much information on the Joseph Hittle (1801) family, and descendants.
QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not positive that Christina, wife of George Michael Hittel was a Hartzel, but
very likely.
LINKS-BAPTISM: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Hecktown. Dryland Union Lutheran
Church. ...Maria Catherina Neuhard, born 1 Apr 1764, bapt 3 Jun 1764, dau of Georg Neuhard and Anna
Catherina. Sponsors: Peter Kocher and Christina Hertzel.
Christina, dtr., b 5 Sep 1750. A cousin of hers, also named Christina was confirmed at Tohickon
Reformed in 1766.
LINKS-BAPTISM: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Hecktown. Dryland Union Lutheran
Church. ...Johan Wilhelm Anderson, born 21 Jun 1767, bapt 23 Aug 1767, son of Wilhelm and
Margretha. Sponsors: Heinrich Schad and Christina Hertzel.
PLACE: She lived in that part of Northumberland County which became Columbia County in 1813.
LINKS: ...George Michael Hittel (1742-1828) very likely married Christina Hartzel about 1767.
...Christina Hartzel was born 5 sep 1750 in Northampton County, and confirmed 1766 in Tohicken
Reformed Church, daughter of Hans Jacob Hartzel and Barbara Ritter. Most of the witnesses at the
baptisms of George Michael's children are related to this Christina Hartzel. The key link would be
George Adam Ritter, who would not be related to the Hittel family, except if George Michael Hittel
were married to Christina Hartzel. ...In the early 1700's, the parents would normally name their first two
sons and first two daughters after the grandparents. The children of George Michael and Christina are
named after his parents, but not her parents. The parents are named in later children. This is evidence
against the Hittel - Hartzel relationship.
I have made substantial breakthoughs in connecting families simply through witnesses/sponsors at
baptisms of children. Quite often they are relatives. Using this strategy, we can analyze the witnesses at
the baptisms of the children of George Michael and Christina ______. 1772: John Hartzel and Barbara
Hittel (sister of George Michael [and first cousin of Christina Hartzel]). 1774: Jonas Hartzel and
Catharine Santee (oldest brother of Christina Hartzel) 1776: Michael and Anna Maria Hickel (parents of
George Michel Hittel) 1778: George Adam Ritter and Anna Maria Becker (George Adam, first cousin
of Christina Hartzel, son of Martin Ritter, who was brother of Barbara Ritter, mother of Christina).
1782: Isaac Hartzel and Barbara Nachter (Isaac, nephew of Christina Hartzel [son of Jonas]). 1788:
Henrich Jorg and Elizabetha (UNKNOWN).
I have analyzed over 48 Christina's in Northampton County:
Children of George Michael (Michael) HITTLE and Christina HARTZELL:
Mary HITTLE, born about 1768, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died in
,Columbia of,Pennsylvania.
Susanna HITTLE, born about 1769, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
Christina HITTLE, born about 1771, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
David HITTLE, born 2 Jun 1772, in Lower Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
died 1846, in ,Marshall,Indiana.
George HITTLE, born 8 Jul 1774, in Lower Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
died 13 Feb 1842, in Hittle Grove,Tazewell,Illinois.
Michael HITTLE, born 28 Apr 1776, in Lower
Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 31 Jul 1855, in Union
George Adam HITTLE, born 19 Mar 1778, in Lower
Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 19 Apr 1778, in Lower
Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died before 1790.
Jacob HITTLE, born 3 May 1781, in Lower Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
christened 3 Jun 1781, in Lower Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died before
Isaac HITTLE, born 22 Jul 1782, in Moore Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died
about Feb 1866, in ,Rush,Indiana.
Mary Ann (Molly) HITTLE, born 1785, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
Barbara HITTLE, born 21 Feb 1787, in Lower
Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died before May 1825, in ,,Pennsylvania.
NOTE: Married, had at least three children, and died before May 27, 1825 (will of
also that John and Barbara reared three children: One son and two daughters.
Elizabetha (Betsy) HITTLE, born 25 Jul 1788, in Moore
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died in ,,Ohio.
Rachel HITTLE, born 10 Jan 1792, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 15
Mar 1860, in Knox Township,Jay,Indiana.
6. Anna Barbara (Barbara) Hittle (HITTEL) (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ),
born about 1744, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. She married (1) John Johannes HARTZELL about
1763, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. He was the son of Hans George HARTZELL and Catharine. John
Johannes HARTZELL was born 29 Sep 1741, in Lower Saucon,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1777,
in Allen Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
MARRIAGE: Will of father, George Michael HITTEL, in 1786, mentions that Barbara had since
remarried. Names her five children.
NOTES: John, son, b 29 Sep 1741 and d before 24 Jun 1779. John m Barbara Hittel. John was
confirmed at Pentecost, 1757 at "Lohr Sacconheim" according to the records of the Tohickon Union
Church, Bedminster township, Bucks, Pennsylvania. He was a shoemaker, and moved after the sale of
his father's plantation to Salisbury Township where he was assessed 1772 "for the land he lives on". He
died intestate. ......The six children of John and Barbara were Elizabeth, George Adam, Maria Leah,
Mary, Susanna, and John Philip, born about 1764 through 1776. The only baptismal records are for
Maria Leah at the Lower Saucon Reformed, and John Philip at the Dryland Lutheran. On 24 Jun 1779
Adam Edelman was named guardian for the children except for Elizabeth, then over fourteen.
June 24, 1779: Adam Edelman was named guardian for the surviving children under 14 of John and
Barbara Hittel Hertzel: George Hertzel, Mary Hertzel, Susanna Hertzel and John Philip Hertzel.
PARENTS: Hans George HARTZELL and Catherine Schmetzer.
BIRTH: The published records of Old Williams--Williams Township--give his birth as 27 Feb, baptized
19 Oct 1740, sponsors Rudolph Illick and wife, Magdalena, Melchoir Strecher and wife, Christina),
confirmed at "Lohr Sacconheim (Lower Saucon)" at Pentacost 1757, according to Tohickon records.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Salisbury Township, Jerusalem Lutheran
Church. Susanna R. Hartzel, dau of Johannes and Barbara, born June 23, 1771 and bapt Jun 30, 1771.
Sp. Geo. Rader and wife Barbara.
DEATH: Papers relating to John HERTZELL are in Northampton County administration Docket #743:
NAME: Also known as Hartzell, Hertzel.
Children of Anna Barbara (Barbara) Hittle (HITTEL) and John Johannes HARTZELL:
Elizabeth HARTZELL, born about 1764, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
She was 12 years old when her father died, her uncle Mathias Koenig was
appointed her guardian.
George Adam (Adam) HARTZELL, born 1767, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
died after 1830, in ,Montgomery,Ohio. He married Margaret. Margaret was born
about 1770, in ,,Pennsylvania.
DEATH: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Hecktown. Dryland Union
Lutheran Church. ...Carl Hartzell born 13 Jul 1799 and died 5 Dec 1799 Father
George Adam Hartzell and mother Margaret.
CENSUS: 1800 PENNSYLVANIA, Westmoreland County, Unity Township,
Males 1 0-10, 3 16-26, 1 26-45, females 2 0-10, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Westmoreland County, Mount Pleasant
Township, Males 3 0-10, 1 26-45, females 2 0-10, 1 16-26 (wife not mentioned).
CENSUS: 1820 OHIO, Montgomery County, Jefferson Township, Males 1 10-16,
2 18-26, 1 45-up, Females 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1830 OHIO, Montgomery County, Jefferson Township, Males 2 30-40,
1 60-70, Females 1 60-70.
QUESTION: His wife may have died between 1805 and 1810. He was apparently
remarried by 1830.
Mary Leah HARTZELL, born 12 Mar 1769, in Lower
Saucon,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 2 Apr 1769, in Lower
Saucon,Northampton,Pennsylvania,Christ Union Ch.
Mary HARTZELL, born 1770, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
Susannah R. HARTZELL, born 23 Jun 1771, in Salisbury
John Phillip HARTZELL, born 26 Dec 1776, in
Hecktown,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 30 Mar 1777, in
Hecktown,Northampton,Pennsylvania,Dryland Church, died 24 Jun 1779, in
7. Catherine Hittle (HITTEL) (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about 1746,
in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died about Feb 1829, in Catawissa Twp,Columbia,Pennsylvania. She
married George KNAPPENBERGER ABT 1765/1780, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. George
KNAPPENBERGER was born ABT 1740/1750, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died about Mar 1819,
in Catawissa,Columbia,Pennsylvania.
PROBATE: Northumberland County, Will dated Dec 20, 1824, probated Feb 9, 1829 in Catawissa.
Mentions grandson George Knappenberger Waters.
RESIDENCE: 1780 Hereford Township, Berks County, PA, where he is an innholder.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War, attaining top rank of Captain, in charge of 2nd Company, second
Battalion, Pennsylvania. Earlier, in 1783, he was second class in John Miller's Company, Hereford
RESIDENCE: 1786 Hereford Township, Berks County, PA, but sold some land of his in Salisbury
Township, Northampton County to George Kriebel (Northampton County Deed Book F1, page 129 -dated 1 Apr 1786).
LAND: Northumberland County, PA; Deed Book D, page 489; 4 May 1790; acquired land in Catawissa
Township from William Hughes.
CENSUS: 1790 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Catawissa Township, Males 1 45-up,
Females 2 0-10, 1 45-up.
CENSUS: 1800 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Catawissa Township, Males 1 45-up,
females 2 0-10, 1 45 up.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Catawissa Township, Males 1 45-up,
Females 1 16-26, 1 45-up.
PROBATE: Will of George Knappenberger in 1818 shows that he bequeathed money to George
Knappenberger Waters, son of Catherine Waters (intermarried with Samuel Waters). Will dated Apr 6,
1818 and probated March 17, 1819.
Children of Catherine Hittle (HITTEL) and George KNAPPENBERGER:
Catherine KNAPPENBERGER, born about 1791, in ,,Pennsylvania. She married
Samuel WATERS before 1810, in ,,Pennsylvania. Samuel WATERS was born
about 1790, in ,,Pennsylvania of.
8. John Adam (Adam) Hittle (HITTEL) (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 21
Jul 1748, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 19 Aug 1834, in
McEwensville,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, buried in McEwensville Cem,Delaware
Twp,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth FISHER about 1775, in ,Montgomery
of,Pennsylvania. Elizabeth FISHER was born 4 Sep 1748, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 4 May 1838, in
DEATH: Adam died one mile south of McEwensville, in Delaware township (DAR Lineage of Helen
Wagner Scarborough).
MILITARY: Revolutionary War, 1781 to 1782 as a Private in Captain Jacob Witz's Company, Hanover
Township, Philadelphia County (that part now Montgomery County), Pennsylvania.
RESIDENCE: 1779 and 1780 Upper Hanover Township, Montgomery County, PA. In 1781 he owned
a tavern in Richmond Township, Berks County. In 1786 and 1788 he lived in Salisbury Township,
Northampton County.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Salisbury Township, Jerusalem Lutheran
Church. Daniel Hittel, son of Adam and Elisabeth Hittel, born Oct 7, 1788, bapt Jan 4, 1789. Sp George
Seider and wife Elisabeth.
CENSUS: 1790 PENNSYLVANIA, Montgomery County, Upper Hanover Township, Males 1 16-up, 3
0-16, Females 4.
LINKS-BAPTISM: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford. ...Jonathan Fischer, born
7 Apr 1796, bapt 5 Jun 1796, son of Jacob and Polly Fischer. Sponsors: Adam and Elizabeth Huettel.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Montgomery County, Upper Hanover Township, Males 1 26-45, 1
45-up, females 2 0-10, 2 16-26, 1 45-up.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Montgomery County, Upper Hanover Township, Males 1 80-90,
Females 1 80-90.
PROBATE: Will of Adam Hittel of Upper Hanover Township is recorded in Will book 7, page 373,
probated Oct 27, 1834, lists his children.
PARENTS: William Fisher and Deborah ROBERTS.
Children of John Adam (Adam) Hittle (HITTEL) and Elizabeth FISHER:
Anna Maria Hittle (HITTEL), born 7 Mar 1776, in Upper
CHRISTENING- New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church, Upper Hanover
Township, with sponsors Ben Sell and wife.
Maria Magdalena Hittle (HITTEL), born 9 May 1778, in Upper
Hanover,Montgomery,Pennsylvania. She married George WEBBER about 1810, in
,Schuylkill of,Pennsylvania. George WEBBER was born about 1780, in
Johannes (John) HITTLE, born 1 Dec 1782, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 7 Sep 1836/1846, in
McEwensville,Delaware Township,Northumberland,Pennsylvania.
Jacob Hittle (HITTEL), born 16 Apr 1785, in Upper
Hanover,Montgomery,Pennsylvania, died 13 Apr 1795, in New Hanover
Twp,Montgomery,Pennsylvania, buried in Gosenhoppen Chur,New Hanover
Susanna Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1786, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 7 Aug 1824,
in Shanesville,Tuscarawas,Ohio. She married Daniel CHRISTMAN Apr 1806, in
,Montgomery,Pennsylvania. Daniel CHRISTMAN was born 15 Feb 1782, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 28 Sep 1872, in ,Holmes,Pennsylvania.
PARENTS: John George CHRISTMAN and Anna Catherine KANTZ.
Daniel Hittle (HITTEL), born 7 Oct 1788, in
WesternSalisbury,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 22 Mar 1848, in Upper
Hanover,Montgomery,Pennsylvania. He married Maria Magdalena WILLAUER
about 1811, in ,Montgomery,Pennsylvania. Maria Magdalena WILLAUER was
born 3 Jun 1790, in Lower Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 18 Mar 1879,
in Upper Hanover,Montgomery,Pennsylvania.
PROBATE: Montgomery County Administration Book 8, page 137 dated April
11, 1848 for Daniel Hittel, deceased of Upper Hanover Township--John Hittel and
John Fox, administrators.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Montgomery County, Upper Hanover
Township, MALES 1 0-5, 1 10-15, 1 40-50, FEMALES 3 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1
PARENTS: Peter Willauer and Rebecca Gery.
Catherine Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1794, in ,,Pennsylvania, died about 1834,
in ,Montgomery,Pennsylvania. She married John JACOBS about 1816, in
,,Pennsylvania. John JACOBS was born 1791/1792, in ,,Pennsylvania.
QUESTION-Not sure if she is daughter of Adam Hittel or not (not listed in will of
father), but geographic location fits. Catherine not listed on 1850 census, so maybe
she died around late 1834?
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Montgomery County, Upper Hanover
Township, MALES 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 30-40, FEMALES 1 0-5, 1 10-15, 2 30-40, 1
80-90 (mother of John).
MARRIAGE: Source from "Schwenkfelder Families" book, seen at Seattle Public
9. Margaret Hittle (HITTEL) (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about 1750,
in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died in ,Bucks of,Pennsylvania. She married Jacob Merkle Or MARKEL
about 1775, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Jacob Merkle Or MARKEL was born about 1750, in
,,Pennsylvania of, died in ,Bucks of,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1790 PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Salisbury Township, MALES 1 16-up, 3
0-16, FEMALES 4.
RESIDENCE: Assessed for property in Salisbury Township, Northampton county in 1781, had his
children baptized at Allentown, Northampton county in 1779 and 1787, and other children baptized in
Salisbury Church in 1776 and 1777. In 1785, 1786, and 1788 they were assessed in Salisbury Township.
Must have moved about 1791(?) when they are found in Quakertown, Bucks County, PA (place of birth
of son, William).
Western Salisbury Lutheran Church, Salisbury Township, Northampton County. -----Johana Merckel,
baptized Apr 27, 1777, sponsors Johan N. Miller and wife--parents Jacob Merckel and wife Margarett,
born 3 Feb 1777. -----Anna M. Moerckel, baptized Aug 2, 1778 to Jacob and Margarett Moerckel;
sponsors Johanna Ritter, Adam Stenberger, and Christina Hattlerin), born 17 May 1776.
------------------------------------------------- Allentown Zion Reformed Church, Allentown, Northampton
County -----Jacob Mergel, baptized Sep 26, 1779, and born Aug 27, 1779 to Jacob and Margaret Mergel;
sponsors Jacob and Margaret Gangewehlr. -----Sarah Mergel, baptized Apr 8, 1787 and born March 9,
1787 to Jacob and Margaret Mergel; sponsors Nicholas and Elizabeth Meyer.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War, on May 1780 he was a Sergeant under Captain Felix Good, 7th
Company, 4th Battalion, Pennsylvania, and Sergeant 1781, under Captain George Shriver.
Children of Margaret Hittle (HITTEL) and Jacob Merkle Or MARKEL:
Anna M. MERKLE, born 17 May 1776, in Salisbury
Johana MERKLE, born 3 Feb 1777, in Salisbury
Jacob MERKLE, born 27 Aug 1779, in Allentown,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
MERKLE, born about 1781, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
MERKLE, born about 1785, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
Sarah MERKLE, born 9 Mar 1787, in Allentown,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
William MERKLE, born about 1793, in Quakertown,Bucks,Pennsylvania, died
about 1872. He married Elizabeth UBEROTH about 1815, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth UBEROTH was born about 1794, in ,,Pennsylvania.
RESIDENCE: He moved to Salisbury township about 1813.
NOTES: Genealogy found in "History of Lehigh County, PA" 1914 by Charles R.
Roberts; seen at Seattle Public Library.
10. John George (George) Hittle (HITTEL) (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ),
born 4 Sep 1751, in Upper Saucon,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 20 Oct 1751, in Upper
Saucon,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Feb 1826, in South Whitehall,Lehigh,Pennsylvania. He
married Friederica (Fridi) ABT 1772/1782, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Friederica (Fridi) was born
about 1755, in ,,Germany or PA, died about 1800, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
SERVANT: 1772 "Emigrants to Pennsylvania 1641-1819"; Edited by Michael Tepper; Genealogical
Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD; 1977; Page 203, 26 Jan 1773, Frederica Regina Hubner, a servant
assigned by John William Hoffman to George Hidle of Philadelphia; page 188 14 Dec 1772 Frederica
Regina Hubner last from Rotterdam, servant to John Willima Hoffman, of Philadelphia.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War
RESIDENCE: 1783 and 1786 Salisbury Township, Northampton County, PA.
RESIDENCE: 1789 Macungie Township, Northampton County.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Salisbury Township, Jerusalem Lutheran
Church. Fridirig Hittel, son of George Hittel and wife Fridi, born Nov 8, 1783, bapt Dec 14, 1783. Sp
Fridirig Martin and wife Maria.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Lower Saucon Township. ...John
Jacob Hadler, born 26 Sep 1785, bapt 6 Nov 1785, son of John George and Elisabeth Hadler. Sp:
Edward Sheimer and Rosina Sheimer.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Trexlerton Union Church. ...Elisabetha
Hettler, born 12 Jun 1788, bapt 24 Aug 1788, dau of Georg and Elisabetha Hettler. Sp: Michael and
Margaretha Hisge. ...John George Huttel, born 2 Nov 1789, bapt 17 Dec 1789. Father: George. Mother:
Friederica. Sp: Leonhard Ruschel and wf Magdalena. ...Sara Hettler, bapt 3 Jan 1790, dau of Georg and
Elisabetha Hettler. Sp: Johannes Biery and Maria Gorri, both sponsors single. ...Georg Hettler, born
Dec 1791, bapt 25 Mar 1792, son of Georg and Elisabeth Hettler. Sp: Joh. Nicholaus and Margaretha
CENSUS: 1790 PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Macungie Township (George Hetler),
MALES 1 16-up, 1 0-16, FEMALES 1.
CENSUS: 1800 PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Allen Township, MALES 1 0-10, 1 10-16, 1
16-26, 1 45-up, FEMALES 1 0-10, 1 16-26.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Whitehall Township, MALES 2 0-10, 1
10-16, 2 16-26, 1 26-45, 1 45-up, FEMALES 3 0-10, 2 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Allen Township, MALES 1 0-10, 1 10-16, 1
16-26, 1 26-45, 1 45-up, FEMALES 1 0-10, 1 26-45.
PROBATE: Lehigh County; Orphans Court Docket File #978; South Whitehall Township; Petition of
Frederick Hittel, administrator for estate of George Hittel, late of S. Whitehall township, died in same in
Feb 1826--left children, Frederick, George, Elizabeth, Elizabeth (intermarried with John Troxell), Jacob
(deceased, and had son Jonathan, under age 14), and Catherine (married Jacob Hartman and had two
children, Tilghman and Louisianna, both minors).
ERROR: Note probate mentions Elizabeth twice. Need to recheck the Orphans docket to verify if
another children was missread.
NAME: Very likely Frederica Martin.
LINKS: At the baptism of their (first?) child was Fridirig and Maria Martin. Apparently someone has
found a baptism record of Frederica Martin born 12 Sep 1759 in Northampton County, PA. If so, and
Fridirig Martin was father, brother, uncle, or cousin, then I would say that Friederica's last name was
most assuredly Marten. Fredericka is a somewhat uncommon. name.
LINKS-BAD: I originally assumed her last name to be Hubner, based on Fredericka Hubner being a
servant to George Hittle in 1772. This appears to be incorrect.
Children of John George (George) Hittle (HITTEL) and Friederica (Fridi):
Frederick Or Fridirig HITTLE, born 8 Nov 1783, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1840/1850, in ,,Pennsylvania.
John Jacob (Jacob) Hittle (HITTEL), born 26 Sep 1785, in Lower Saucon
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1826, in South
Elizabeth Hittle (HITTEL), born 20 Dec 1785, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
died 25 Dec 1856, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania, buried in Jordan
Reformed,Lehigh,Pennsylvania. She married John TROXELL 29 Dec 1805, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania. John TROXELL was born 9 Aug 1784, in Whitehall
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 18 Sep 1868, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania,
buried in Jordan Reformed,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
PARENTS: Peter TROXELL and Helena Catherine SCHOENER.
RESIDENCE: Homestead near the Iron Bridge.
CHRISTENING-CHILDREN: They had ten children, all except Elias were
baptized in Jordan Reformed Church.
John George (George) Hittle (HITTEL), born 2 Nov 1789, in Macungie
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1860, in South
Whitehall,Northampton,Pennsylvania. He married Maria WETZEL ABT
1805/1808, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Maria WETZEL was born 1790/1794,
in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1873, in ,Berks of,Pennsylvania.
Whitehall. Jordan Reformed Church. ...Manasseh Huettel, born 17 Dec 1815, bapt
31 Dec 1815, dau of George and Maria Huettel. Sp: Jacob Huettel and Rachel
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Greenwich Township,
MALES 3 0-10, 1 26-up, FEMALES 2 10-16, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Greenwich Township,
MALES 2 0-5, 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50, FEMALES 2 0-5, 1 10-15, 1
15-20, 1 30-40.
PROBATE: Lehigh County, 1860; George Hittel will, written in German, dated
1859 and probated Nov 1, 1860 (Book 3, page 141). He names children, but I
cannot tell what their names are; however, it is legible for a person of German
language knowledge.
post-office Greenville, was born July 20, 18Z6, in Berks County, Penn. His parents,
George and Mary (Wetzel) Hittle, were natives of Lehigh County, Penn., where
they were married, and moved soon after to Berks County, from where they came
to this county in 1833 by teams. They finally bought 100 acres, and settled in a log
cabin on the farm where our subject now lives. The father died here about 1849,
and his widow died in 1873; they had twelve children: Catharine, married Peter
Wageman; Anna, married James Reichard; George; Caroline, married Jonathan
Moyer; Elmira, married Joseph Stoyer; Peter, William, John; the others died small.
The parents were Lutherans, and helped to build the little church near by. Peter
Hittle received a common-school education. Aside from farming, he worked at
shoemaking for over thirty years. He also worked at stone masonry. He was
married in 1855 to Mary Haas, a daughter of John and Sarah Haas, the parents of
Charles, Eliza, John, Stephen, Thomas, Henry, Mary, Sarah and Daniel. Her
parents are dead, and were Lutherans. Mr. little settled at marriage on his present
farm, which is now in a state of good improvement. He is the possessor of over 200
acres of arable land, of which he is the artificer. Near his residence there are six
springs, all on less than one acre. He has dealt considerable in horses. His union
blessed him with twelve children: Edwin, Eliza, Elias, Sarah, Daniel, Ellen,
George, John, Reuben, Louesa, Charles and James M. Mr. little has served as
school director twelve years, treasurer of that board for three years, auditor three
years, assessor and assistant assessor each three terms, and treasurer of the Farmers'
Mutual Fire Insurance Company for ten years. His property is worth about $20,000,
including twelve acres of a sandstone quarry. He is a member of the Lutheran
Church, and is a Democrat.
COURT: Lehigh County 11 Sep 1814 Petition of Maria Hittel, late Maria wetzel,
daughter of Henry Wetzel of South Whitehall.
Sara HITTLE, born about Feb 1790, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
George HITTLE, born Dec 1791, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
Catherine Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1792, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. She
married Jacob HARTMAN about 1809, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Jacob
HARTMAN was born about 1790, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1826/1833, in
11. Elizabeth Hittle (HITTEL) (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about 1752,
in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. She married William EVANS about 1775, in ,Northampton
of,Pennsylvania. William EVANS was born about 1750, in ,,Pennsylvania of.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Salisbury Township, Jerusalem Lutheran
Church. Soloman Evens, son of William Evens and Elisabeth, born Sept 2, 1778, bapt Sep 27, 1778. Sp
Michael Hittler and wife Maria. Margareth Evans, dau of William and Elisabeth Evans, born Sept 3,
1780 and bapt Oct 21, 1780. Sp. Bartel Hittler and Elisabeth.
MARRIAGE: Separated about 1800 (listed as recently separated in will of mother) see mothers will.
Children of Elizabeth Hittle (HITTEL) and William EVANS:
Solomon EVANS, born 2 Sep 1778, in Salisbury Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
Margaret EVANS, born 2 Sep 1780, in Salisbury
CHRISTENING: Margaret Evans, born 2 Sep 1780 and baptized Oct 21, 1780 in
Western Salisbury Lutheran Church; sponsors Bartel HITTLER and wife Elizabeth.
12. Bartholomew (Bartel) HITTLE (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 1753,
in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 15 Nov 1823, in ,Seneca,New York, buried in Christ
Reformed,Fayette Township,Seneca,New York. He married Elizabeth about 1779, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Elizabeth was born 1759, in ,,Pennsylvania of, died 1838, in ,Seneca,New
York, buried in Christ Reformed,Fayette Township,Seneca,New York.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War; An ensign under Captain Felix Good, 7th Company, 4th Battalion, in
May 1780.
RESIDENCE: 1781 Tavern Keeper in Allentown, Northampton County. In 1785 he is recorded in
Salisbury township, Northampton County. He moved to Seneca County, New York about 1804/1805.
He owned a tavern in Fayette Township, Seneca County for many years.
PROBATE: Seneca County Surrogate's Court at Waterloo Nov 1823.
CENSUS: 1800 PENNSYLVANIA, Cumberland County, Toloyne Township; MALES 1 0-10, 1 45-up,
FEMALES 1 10-16, 1 45-up.
CENSUS: 1810 NEW YORK, Seneca County, Fayette Township; MALES 1 10-15, 1 45-up,
FEMALES 2 0-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-25, 1 45-up.
CENSUS: 1820 NEW YORK, Seneca County, Fayette Township; MALES 1 18-26, 1 45-up,
FEMALES 3 16-26, 1 45-up.
Children of Bartholomew (Bartel) HITTLE and Elizabeth:
George HITTLE, born 15 Oct 1781, in Allentown,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
died before 1823.
CHRISTENING: Baptized 25 Nov 1781 in Zion Reformed Church, Allentown,
Northampton County, PA, with sponsor George Staudt.
DEATH: Died early, as not in Bartholomew's will.
Sarah (Sallie) HITTLE, born about 1784, in ,,Pennsylvania. She married John
SPAID about 1804, in ,Cumberland of,Pennsylvania. John SPAID was born about
1780, in ,,Pennsylvania of.
COMMENT: Death certificate of son John Spaid Jr. shows father and mother John
SPAID and Sallie HITTLE.
RESIDENCE: Lived 1805 in Carlisle, Cumberland County, PA.
Susan HITTLE, born about 1795, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 18 May 1869, in Fayette
Twp,Seneca,New York, buried in Burg Cemetery,Fayette Township,Seneca,New
York. She married George Michael (Michael) RITTER about 1820, in ,Seneca
of,New York. George Michael (Michael) RITTER was born about 1790, in
,,Pennsylvania of, died in Fayette Twp,Seneca,New York.
John S. HITTLE, born 1800, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 30 May 1877, in
,Seneca,New York. He married Sophia about 1820, in ,,New York of. Sophia was
born 1799/1800, in ,,England, died in ,Seneca,New York.
RESIDENCE: Lived in Fayette Township, Seneca County, NY all their lives.
HITTLE, born about 1801, in ,,Pennsylvania.
MARRIAGE: To Abraham ------ (in will of Bartholomew Hittle).
13. Magdalene Hittle (HITTEL) (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about
1756, in Salisbury Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died ABT 1802/1803, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania. She
married Leonard RISHEL about 1775, in Salisbury Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Leonard RISHEL
was born 27 Dec 1753, in ,,Pennsylvania of, died 20 Mar 1838, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania, buried in St
Johns Church,Hamburg,Berks,Pennsylvania.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Salisbury Township, Jerusalem Lutheran
Church. Magdalena Rischel, dau of Lenert and Magdalena, born Nov 6, 1776, bapt Nov 24, 1776 Sp
Jacob Merkel and wife. Solomon Roeschel, son of Lenart and Magdalene, born Aug 10, 1779 bapt Aug
29, Elizabeth Roeschel, dau of Lenort and Magdalena, born Feb 5, 1778 bapt March 15, 1778, Sp
Christian Gabel and Christina Hattin. 1779. Sp: Jacob Herman and wife Anna M. Catherine Rischel,
dau of Lenerd and Magdalena, born June 7, 1782, bapt Jul 28, 1782, sp Heinrich Bauer and wife.
DEATH: Died between May 27, 1802 and April 14, 1803 (Deeds Berks county name wives of Leonard
MARRIAGE: Married (2) about 1805/1810 Berks County, PA to Elizabeth Dorothea.
NAME: Rishel, Rischel, Rushell, Rueschell, and Rishell.
LINKS: Brothers Martin Luther Rishel and Michael Rishel.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War; Private in 7th Company, 1st Battalion, Northampton County (page 60,
Vol 8, 5th Series, PA Archives), entering on August 17, 1781.
RESIDENCE: From 1776 to 1782 they had children baptized at Salisbury Lutheran Church,
Northampton County.
RESIDENCE: 1781 Tax List of Upper Macungie Township, Northampton County.
LAND: Berks County, Maxatany Township, 17 Jun 1789; bought 90 acres.
CENSUS: 1790 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Maxatawney Township; MALES 1 16-up, 3 0-16,
LAND: Berks County Deed Book 30, page 426; 27 May 1802; for Frederick Hittle of Cattawissa
Cownship, Northumberland County, an Innkeeper to Philip Mayer of Maxatany township, a piece of
land lying inbetween Jacob Wiltrout and Leonard Rishel and wife Magdalena, recorded 29 Jul 1820.
LAND: Berks County Deed Book 30, page 422; 14 Apr 1803; Leonard Rishel and wife Dorothea of
Brunswig Township to Philip Mayer of Maxatawney township recorded 29 Jul 1820.
CENSUS: 1800 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Brunswig Township; MALES 3 0-10, 2 10-16, 1
45-up, FEMALES 1 16-26, 1 0-10, 1 45-up.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Brunswig Township; MALES 3 0-10, 2 10-16, 1
45-up, FEMALES 3 0-10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Brunswig Township; MALES 1 10-16, 1 16-26, 4
26-45, 1 45-up, FEMALES 2 0-10, 3 16-26.
PLACE: Brunswig Township changed from Berks County to Schuylkill County between 1820 and
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Schuylkill County, Brunswig Township; MALES 1 10-15, 1
20-30, 1 70-80, FEMALES 1 15-20, 1 60-70.
CHILDREN-OTHER: Leonard and Elizabeth Doroda, his second wife, had the following children:
Henry (?), David (? probably born about 1800-1810 and married Hannah Moll 24 Dec 1826), Samuel
(born about 1805), Rebecca (born about 1800-1810, married Thomas A. SIMPSON), and Christina
(married Joseph Kimmel.
CEMETERY: St Johns Church, Hamburg, Berks County; died 20 March 1838, age 84 years, 2 months,
and 21 days.
PROBATE: Berks County, Will mentions all his children.
Children of Magdalene Hittle (HITTEL) and Leonard RISHEL:
Magdalena RISHEL, born 24 Nov 1776, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died before 1838.
Elizabeth RISHEL, born 5 Feb 1778, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 2 Nov 1867, in ,Schuylkill,Pennsylvania,
buried in St Paul Lutheran,Orwigsburg,Schuylkill,Pennsylvania. She married John
WILTROUT about 1799, in ,,Pennsylvania. John WILTROUT was born
1770/1774, in Kutztown,Berks,Pennsylvania, died 23 Dec 1849, in
,Schuylkill,Pennsylvania, buried in St Paul
CHRISTENING: Salisbury Lutheran Church, Northampton County, Elizabeth
born Feb 5, 1778.
CEMETERY: St Paul's Lutheran Church, Orwigsburg gives the birth of Elizabeth
Wiltrout, maiden name Rishel, as Nov 19, 1775.
CONFLICT-BIRTH: Christening gives birth date of 5 Feb 1778 and Cemetery
gives birth date of 19 Nov 1775.
RESIDENCE: Around 1810 he came to Port Clinton, in Schuylkill County, where
a time he kept a hotel and then removed to a farm near Orwigsburg.
DEATH: Tombstone says he was born 19 May 17774 and died 23 Dec 1849.
Another source says died 1845.
Solomon RISHEL, born 10 Aug 1779, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died before 1795, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Anna Maria (Maria) RISHEL, born 11 Mar 1781, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania. She married Phillip KEENER about 1800, in
,,Pennsylvania. Phillip KEENER was born about 1780, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Catherine RISHEL, born 7 Jun 1782, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Apr 1855, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania, buried in
Bellman's Cem,Center Township,Berks,Pennsylvania. She married Henry
GESCHWIND about 1806, in ,,Pennsylvania. Henry GESCHWIND was born
about 1780, in ,,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Upper Bern Township;
MALES 2 0-10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45, FEMALES 2 0-10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45.
PARENTS: John GESCHWIND and Elizabeth -----.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Upper Bern Township.
Jacob RISHEL, born 12 May 1784, in Greenwich Twp,Berks,Pennsylvania, died
20 May 1818, in Orwigsburg,Schuylkill,Pennsylvania, buried in Red
Church,Orwigsburg,Schuylkill,Pennsylvania. He married Catherine MENGAL 2
Jul 1808, in Brunswig Twp,Berks,Pennsylvania. Catherine MENGAL was born
about 1790, in ,,Pennsylvania.
QUESTION: Catherine Mengal may have died and Jacob married 1814 to Sophia
Sourapple of Bethel.
Leonard RISHEL, born 18 Sep 1787, in Tulpehocken Twp,Berks,Pennsylvania,
died 30 Mar 1839, in West Brunswick,Berks,Pennsylvania. He married Christina B.
HOOPER ABT 1810/1815, in ,,Pennsylvania. Christina B. HOOPER was born
about 1790, in ,,Pennsylvania.
John Daniel (Daniel) RISHEL, born 1788, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania. He married
Elizabeth WAGNER ABT 1815/1820, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania. Elizabeth
WAGNER was born 11 Jul 1793, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 20 Jun 1844, in
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Upper Tulpehocken Township;
MALES 1 5-10, 1 40-50; FEMALES 1 10-15, 1 30-40.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Tulpehocken Township.
Mary Magdalena RISHEL, born 16 Apr 1789, in Tulpehocken
Twp,Berks,Pennsylvania. She married Frederick HOSSLER about 1825, in
,Berks,Pennsylvania. Frederick HOSSLER was born 1791/1792, in ,,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Upper Tulpehocken Township.
QUESTION: Name Mary, and also perhaps middle name Magdalena.
Hannah RISHEL, born about 1790, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania.
MARRIAGE: Maybe she married (1) 4 Oct 1806 in Upper Bern Township, Berks
County to George HUBER?
Susanna RISHEL, born 1790/1792, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania. She married Conrad
MENGLE about 1813, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania. Conrad MENGLE was born
1789/1790, in ,,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Brunswig Township; MALES
1 0-10, 1 26-45, FEMALES 3 0-10, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Brunswig Township; MALES
1 0-5, 2 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 30-40, FEMALES 2 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 30-40.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, West Brunswig Township.
Jonas RISHEL, born ABT 1792/1793, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania, died in ,Sandusky
of,Ohio. He married Elizabeth about 1815, in ,,Pennsylvania. Elizabeth was born
1798/1799, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 18 Dec 1818, in
LAND: Jonas purchased 100 acres in Schuylkill county 21 Jan 1831.
RESIDENCE: In 1846 he lived in Sandusky County, Ohio.
DEATH: "Reading Adler" newspaper; Dec 29, 1818, says died 18 Dec 1818 in her
19th year.
Lea RISHEL, born 28 Jan 1794, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania, died 1874, in
,Berks,Pennsylvania, buried in Bellman's Cem,Center
Township,Berks,Pennsylvania. She married John SCHLAPPICK about 12 May
1813, in Bern Township,Berks,Pennsylvania. John SCHLAPPICK was born 3 Aug
1795, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 17 Jul 1865, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania, buried in
Bellman's Cem,Center Township,Berks,Pennsylvania.
MARRIAGE: "Reading Adler" newspaper; 1 Jun 1813; says 12 May 1813 in Bern
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Upper Bern Township.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Upper Bern Township.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Centre Township.
Solomon RISHEL, born 1794/1795, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth
about 1815, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania. Elizabeth was born 1790/1791, in
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Schuylkill County, Brunswig Township;
MALES 1 0-10, 1 16-26, FEMALES 1 0-10, 1 16-26, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1840 PENNSYLVANIA, Schuylkill County, Wayne Township;
MALES 2 10-15, 1 40-50, FEMALES 1 5-10, 1 30-40.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Schuylkill County, Wayne Township.
George RISHEL, born ABT 1795/1797, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania.
Sarah RISHEL, born 1797/1798, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania. She married William
SHOMO ABT 1825/1830. William SHOMO was born about 1796, in
Reading,Berks,Pennsylvania, died 18 Dec 1842, in ,,Pennsylvania.
14. Christina Hittle (HITTEL) (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about 1758,
in Salisbury Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died in ,,Pennsylvania. She married Michael EHRHARD
about 1778, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Michael EHRHARD was born about 1755, in ,,Pennsylvania
MILITARY: Revolutionary War; Seventh Class under Captain George Shriver, 3rd Company, 4th
Battalion, Northampton County, PA.
RESIDENCE: 1786 and 1788 Northampton Town (now Allentown), Northampton County,
CENSUS: 1790 PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Salisbury Township; MALES 1 16-Up, 5
0-16, FEMALES 2.
LAND: Northampton County; Deeds Book G1, page 305; 30 Mar 1790; Michael and wife Christina
sold their land in Northampton Town (Allentown) to Henning G. SHROETER.
QUESTION: It is hard to tell where he moved to. The Michael EHRHARD of Westmoreland County
did not have enough sons in 1800 to be accounted for.
NAME: Also Spelled Earhart, Ehrhard, Erhard, etc.
Children of Christina Hittle (HITTEL) and Michael EHRHARD:
EHRHARD, born about 1780, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
EHRHARD, born about 1781, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
EHRHARD, born about 1783, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
SEX: Male.
EHRHARD, born about 1785, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
EHRHARD, born about 1787, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
EHRHARD, born about 1789, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
15. Jacob HITTLE (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 1760, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 24 Aug 1760, in Salisbury Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania,
died about Oct 1836, in ,Rappahannock,Virginia. He married (1) Mary about 1780, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Mary was born about 1762, in ,,Pennsylvania of, died ABT 1810/1820, in
,Rappahannock,Virginia. He married (2) Susanna about 1818, in ,Culpepper,Virginia. Susanna was born
ABT 1790/1794, in ,,Pennsylvania of, died ABT 1830/1834, in ,Culpepper,Virginia. He married (3)
Rachel about 1832, in ,Culpepper,Virginia. Rachel was born about 1770, in ,,Pennsylvania of.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War; enrolled as a Private in Capt John Wagener's Company, 4th Battalion,
Northampton County Militia, where he substituted for George Hittel, Company return dtd 18 Aug 1781.
Muster roll dated 20 Sep 1781 says he served same county 20 Jul - 22 Sep 1781 as Private, 7th class.
QUESTION: 1830 census says Jacob of Virginia was born 1740-1750, and another source says born
1740. Thus, he would not be the same Jacob, son of George Michael Hittel. This would make Jacob
about 40 years old at first marriage, and about 90 when his last child was born. Gary Morris believes
there is an error here, perhaps people exaggerated his age.
OCCUPATION: Jacob Hittle had a tavern and mill located on Hittles' Mill Stream north of Flint Hill,
BIOGRAPHY: "History of Monona County, Iowa 1890", Chicago National Publishing Company, page
414 (BIOGRAPHY OF GRANDSON JOHN R. MC INTYRE) ---"Jacob Hittle, the maternal
grandfather of Mr. McIntyre, was born in Pennsylvania of German ancestry, and during the
Revolutionary War was a soldier in the Continental Army, and fought under General Washington in
several battles. At the close of the conflict he removed to North Carolina, where he was married, and
thence to Virginia, where he died in 1835, at the age of 95 years."
LAND: Culpepper County, Deed Book X, page 284; 3 Jul 1802; Jacob Hittle bought a lot from Edmund
Pendleton, which was apparently where Jacob was living, as he called it "Hittle Lot".
LAND: Culpepper County; Deed Book EE, page 307; 12 Apr 1806; Jacob and wife Mary.
CENSUS: 1810 VIRGINIA, Culpepper County; MALES 2 0-10, 2 10-16, 2 16-26, 1 45-up; FEMALES
2 0-10, 2 10-16, 4 16-26, 2 26-45, 1 45-up.
CENSUS: 1820 VIRGINIA, Culpepper County; MALES 2 0-10, 2 10-16, 2 16-26, 1 26-45 (probably
son Jacob), FEMALES 2 0-10, 2 10-16, 4 16-26, 2 26-45 ALSO::::::: MALES 1 10-16, 1 16-26, 1
45-up, FEMALES 1 0-10, 1 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 26-45.
LAND: Culpepper County; Deed Book VV, page 16; 27 Oct 1828; Jacob and wife Rachel.
CENSUS: 1830 VIRGINIA, Culpepper County; MALES 2 0-5, 1 5-10, 1 80-90, FEMALES 1 0-5, 1
10-15, 1 20-30, 1 30-40.
PLACE: Culpepper County was split in 1831 into Culpepper and Rappanahock County.
LAND: Rappahannock County, Virginia; Deed Book B, 8 May 1834; Jacob and wife Rachel.
PROBATE: Rappahannock County, Virginia; Will Book 1 page 159; Dated 21 Nov 1835 and probated
10 Oct 1836; lists children.
RESEARCHER: (1997) Dan Lee Hittle 916 South Cain, Liberal, Kansas 67901
CENSUS: 1850 VIRGINIA, Rappahannock County; Rachel HITTLE age 70, born VA, was living in a
Children of Jacob HITTLE and Mary:
HITTLE, born about 1782, in ,,Pennsylvania.
HITTLE, born about 1784, in ,,Pennsylvania.
HITTLE, born about 1785, in ,,Pennsylvania.
HITTLE, born about 1787, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Solomon HITTLE, born about 1788, in ,,Virginia, died about 1825, in
HITTLE, born about 1789, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Frederick HITTLE, born 1790/1791, in ,,Pennsylvania, died before 1860, in ,St
Louis of,Missouri. He married Paulina (Polly) EDMONDS 2 Oct 1819, in
,Blount,Tennessee. Paulina (Polly) EDMONDS was born 1799/1800, in ,,Virginia.
MARRIAGE: Blount County, Tennessee marriage records.
CENSUS: 1850 MISSOURI, Saint Louis County, BonHonme Township. Frederick
Hiddel 59 PA Paulina 50 VA All others born VA Jacob 27 Elisabeth 21 Rebecca
20 Willy 19 George 14 Maria A. Williamson 9 VA Elisabeth Williamson 2 VA
Noah K. Williamson 5 VA.
MARRIAGE: Did he marry (2) by 1860 to Mary -----, born 1797/1798, in North
Carolina. Perhaps Polly/Paulina is a nickname for Mary?
Elizabeth (Betsy) HITTLE, born 1792/1793, in ,,Virginia, died in ,Bond
of,Illinois. She married John JETT about 1810, in ,Fauquier of,Virginia. John JETT
was born 1786/1787, in ,,Virginia, died 31 Oct 1867, in ,Bond,Illinois.
RESEARCHER: 2008 EMAIL: Suzette Long <>
BIOGRAPHY: "History of Bond and Montgomery County, Illinois" 1882 Perrin,
page 74-75 in biographical sketch of his grandson; " (John Jett) moved (about
1815) to Green County, Tennessee, afterward to Knox County. He was a farmer,
yet a mason by trade, which he followed when convenience was consulted. In thee
fall of 1829, he, with trowell in hand, walked from Tennessee to Bon County,
Illinois to look out a home for his family. He selected a place on Section 4,
Township 6, Range 3, and moved his family out in the fall of 1831. Here he
settled, and remained until his death which took place October 31, 1867."
Rebecca HITTLE, born about 1794, in ,,Virginia, died in ,Warren of,Virginia. She
married SNIDER about 1815, in ,,Virginia. SNIDER was born about 1790, in
RESIDENCE: 1839 Warren County, Virginia.
Mary (Polly) HITTLE, born about 1796, in ,,Virginia. She married WINTZ about
1820, in ,,Virginia of. WINTZ was born about 1795, in ,,Virginia of.
HITTLE, born about 1798, in ,,Virginia.
Adam HITTLE, born 1798/1799, in ,Culpepper of,Virginia, died in ,Muskingham
of,Ohio. He married Mildred MENEFEE 21 Feb 1829, in ,Culpepper,Virginia.
Mildred MENEFEE was born 1811/1812, in ,,Virginia.
MARRIAGE: Culpepper County marriage records.
CENSUS: 1840 OHIO, Muskingum County, Washington Township.
CENSUS: 1850 OHIO, Muskingum County, Washington Township.
CENSUS: 1860 OHIO, Muskingum County, Washington Township.
HITTLE, born about 1801, in ,Culpepper,Virginia.
Lydia HITTLE, born ABT 1801/1802, in ,Culpepper,Virginia, died in ,Bond
of,Illinois. She married (1) David MCINTYRE 7 Jul 1816, in ,Frederick,Virginia.
David MCINTYRE was born 17 Aug 1794, in Crieff,Perth,Scotland, died
1826/1827, in ,,Virginia. She married (2) Jacob MILLER 31 Jul 1828, in
,Culpepper,Virginia. Jacob MILLER was born about 1795, in ,,Virginia of.
MARRIAGE: Frederick County, Virginia marriage records.
Jacob HITTLE, born 8 Aug 1808, in ,Culpepper,Virginia, died 1 Apr 1884, in
LaGrange Twp,Bond,Illinois, buried in Laws Cemetery,LaGrange
Twp,Bond,Illinois. He married Mary America (America) THACKER about 1835.
Mary America (America) THACKER was born 11 Apr 1820, in ,,Kentucky, died
11 Dec 1870, in LaGrange Twp,Bond,Illinois, buried in Laws Cemetery,LaGrange
CENSUS: 1840 ILLINOIS, Bond County, LaGrange Township.
CENSUS: 1850 ILLINOIS, Bond County, LaGrange Township.
CENSUS: 1860 ILLINOIS, Bond County, LaGrange Township.
CENSUS: 1870 ILLINOIS, Bond County, LaGrange Township.
CENSUS: 1880 ILLINOIS, Bond County, LaGrange Township.
Soloma HITTLE, born 1808/1809, in ,Culpepper,Virginia, died 1850, in Union
Township,Lewis,Missouri, buried in Dover Cemetery,Union
Township,Lewis,Missouri. She married William KIDWELL 27 Nov 1829, in
,Culpepper,Virginia. William KIDWELL was born about 1805, in ,,Virginia.
CEMETERY: MISSOURI, Lewis County, Union Township. Dover Cemetery.
Soloma Hittle 1803-1850, wife of William Kidwell. William Kidwell 1773 - 6 May
PARENTS: William KIDWELL and Susanna JETT.
Children of Jacob HITTLE and Susanna:
Leah HITTLE, born about 1819, in ,Culpepper,Virginia.
QUESTION: Perhaps married David Haly, who lived 1850 Bond County, Illinois.
HITTLE, born about 1822, in ,Culpepper,Virginia.
HITTLE, born about 1825, in ,Culpepper,Virginia.
Sarah (Sally) HITTLE, born about 1827, in ,Culpepper,Virginia.
HITTLE, born about 1829, in ,Culpepper,Virginia.
SEX: Male.
16. George Frederick (Frederick) HITTLE (George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born
2 Mar 1762, in Salisbury Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 22 Mar 1762, in Salisbury
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Jan 1829, in Catawissa Twp,Columbia,Pennsylvania. He married
(1) Maria (Mary) about 1787, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Maria (Mary) was born ABT 1765/1775,
in ,,Pennsylvania of, died ABT 1813/1815, in Catawissa Twp,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. He
married (2) Elizabeth about 1820, in Catawissa Twp,Columbia,Pennsylvania. Elizabeth was born ABT
1780/1790, in ,,Pennsylvania of.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War; Fredk Hittel enrolled as a Private in Capt John Wagener's Company,
4th Battalion, Northampton County Militia, substituted for Michael Ehrhard, Company return Aug 18,
LAND: Berks County, Pennsylvania; Deed Book 18, page 217; 18 Jun 1789; Frederick and Maria
bought 21 acres in Maxatawney township from Leonard Rishel, and on 16 Apr 1796 they sold one acre
of their land to George Kister. This is probably when they moved to Catawissa Township,
Northumberland County (that part now in Columbia County), Pennsylvania. He sold the rest of his land
on 27 May 1802 to Philip Mayer, that land lying in Maxatawney township, lying in between Jacob
Wiltrout and Leonard Rishel and his wife Magdalena (Berks County Deed Book 30, page 426).
LAND: Northumberland County, Pennsylvania; Deed Book S, page 110; 8 Feb 1793; Bought land in
Catawissa Township from William S. Brady.
CENSUS: 1800 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Catawissa Township; MALES 2 45-up,
FEMALES 3 0-10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Catawissa Township; MALES 2 0-10, 2
10-16, 1 26-45, FEMALES 3 0-10, 1 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Catawissa Township; (Elizabeth); MALES 1
20-30, FEMALES 2 5-10, 2 15-20, 2 20-30, 1 40-50.
PROBATE: Columbia County, Pennsylvania; will dated 23 Jun 1828 and probated 23 Jan 1829. He
owned land in Mifflin Township, also in Columbia County. He lived in Catawissa Township. He was
an innkeeper and a farmer. In his will he names the following children: Lydia BENNER, Elizabeth
GEARHART, Jonas, Sarah, Catherine; not of age -- Christian, Abigail, Peggy (married to Isaac Snyder),
Mary, and Levi; also grandson John Markle (not of age).
COURT: Columbia County, Pennsylvania; Orphan's Court Book 2, page 104; 8 Apr 1829; petition of
Mary and Christian Hittle, children of Frederick Hittle, Joseph Brobst appointed guardian.
RESEARCHER: (1970) Mrs. Doris GUTHRIE (husband James) 11 Day Street, Groton, Connecticut
06340; Descent from son Levi George Hittle.
Children of George Frederick (Frederick) HITTLE and Maria (Mary):
Lydia HITTLE, born about 1788, in ,,Pennsylvania. She married BRENNER
before 1810, in ,,Pennsylvania. BRENNER was born about 1785, in ,,Pennsylvania
Elizabeth HITTLE, born 5 Mar 1790, in Tulpehocken Twp,Berks,Pennsylvania.
She married GEARHEART before 1810, in ,,Pennsylvania. GEARHEART was
born about 1790, in ,,Pennsylvania of.
CHRISTENING: Evangelical Lutheran Church, Tulpehocken Township, Berks
County, PA.
HITTLE, born about 1792, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania.
HITTLE, born about 1794, in ,Berks,Pennsylvania.
HITTLE, born about 1796, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Abigail HITTLE, born 1797/1798, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. She married
Eli THORNTON. Eli THORNTON was born about 1785, in ,,Pennsylvania of.
QUESTIONABLE LINK: Abigail listed as not of age in fathers will (being born
after 1807), but sister Mary also listed, but born in 1802. Abigail perhaps dau of
David Hittle of Columbia County.
The 1850 census in Hemlock Township, Columbia County, Pennsylvania has Eli
and Abigail Thornton(Abigail age 52 in 1850).
ELI MARRIED (1) RACHEL WILLETT (D. 1816-1820 Columbia Co, PA
PARENTS: Probably James Thornton.
Sarah HITTLE, born about 1798, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Jonas HITTLE, born about 1801, in ,,Pennsylvania. He married Margaret about
1829, in ,Mifflin of,Pennsylvania. Margaret was born 1807/1808, in ,,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Catawissa Township;
James Hittle (MAYBE JONAS???? - NO), MALES 1 0-5, 1 5-10, 1 30-40,
FEMALES 1 0-5, 2 5-10, 1 20-30.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Union Township, Mifflin County, PA Jonas
Hartsler 1M 20-30, 1F 15-20 (ages fit with Jonas Hittle later) (Jonas lived in
Juniata County, which was formed 1831 from Mifflin county)
CENSUS: 1840 PENNSYLVANIA, Mifflintown, Juniata County, PA Jonas Hittle
1M 0-5, 1M 30-40, 1F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 1F 20-30
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Walker Township, Juniata County, PA Jonas
Hittle 81PA Margaret 38 PA Sarah 28 PA Thomas 15 PA William 8 PA Elizabeth
6 PA Susan 2 PA Maria 20 PA
Elizabeth J. Hittle (dau of Jonas) born 29 Aug 1843 died 16 Oct 1898 md. W.
Wilson Kepner (16 May 1840 - 27 Mar 1896) Both buried Old Church Hill Cem,
Juniata Co, PA (Internet site)
Thomas Hittle (son of Jonas) married Lavina _____ (born 1837/8 PA). Juniata Co
in 1860.
Mary Catherine (Catherine) HITTLE, born 1802, in Catawissa
Twp,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. She married Samuel H. AREGOOD about
1825, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania. Samuel H. AREGOOD was born 1800, in
Catawissa Twp,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 1861, in Hanover
RESIDENCE: Moved to Hanover Township, Luzerne County, from Columbia
county abt 1846.
Rebecca (Peggy) HITTLE, born about 1805, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania.
She married Isaac SNYDER about 1828, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania. Isaac
SNYDER was born about 1800, in ,,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Catawissa Township;
MALES 1 20-30, FEMALES 1 0-5, 1 20-30.
HITTLE, born about 1807, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania.
Levi George HITTLE, born 27 Jul 1808, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died
23 Sep 1881, in Fayette Twp,Fulton,Ohio.
HITTLE, born about 1810, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania.
Children of George Frederick (Frederick) HITTLE and Elizabeth:
Christian HITTLE, born ABT 1820/1829, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania.
Mary HITTLE, born ABT 1820/1829, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania.
17. Sophia Margaret (Magdalena) Hittle (HITTEL) (Johann Peter (Peter) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born
about 1746, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died after 1830, in ,Davidson,North Carolina. She married
Michael SHULER about 1768, in ,Philadelphia of,Pennsylvania. Michael SHULER was born about
1745, in ,,Pennsylvania of, died about Jan 1830, in Salisbury Twp,Rowan,North Carolina.
LAND: On 22 Jan 1784 Sophia Shuler sold her share of her father's land to Jacob Miller of Upper
Milford Township, Northampton County, PA, and Miller on 29 Jan 1785 sold it to Peter's eldest son,
Nicholas. Michael and Sophia then moved to North Carolina.
CENSUS: 1790 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County, Salisbury District; MALES 2 16-up, 4 0-16,
CENSUS: 1800 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County; MALES 2 10-15, 1 16-26, 1 45-up, FEMALES
1 45-up.
CENSUS: 1810 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County; MALES 1 45-up, FEMALES 1 45-up.
PROBATE: Rowan County; Will Book ----, page 29; dated 14 Jul 1812 and probated Feb 1830; "In the
name of God, Amen. I Michael Shuler of Rowan County, North Carolina, do make this my last will &
Testament revoking all others made by me heretofore. First I order all my just debts to be paid and also
funeral expenses. Secondly, I give to my dear and loving wife Sophia all my notes, debts, books and
accounts for her benefit & sole use during her natural life. I likewise give her all my household goods
and furniture and everything that appurtaineth to me at present to my said wife Sophia. If any of the
above willed property should be left after the death of my wife Sophia I order it to be divided amongst
my surviving children share and share alike. I her nominate and appoint my son Peter Shuler and Jacob
Thacker as executors of this my last will as witness my hand and seal -- July 14, 1812." Michael
SHULER (Signature).
Children of Sophia Margaret (Magdalena) Hittle (HITTEL) and Michael SHULER:
Michael SHULER, born about 1769, in ,Philadelphia of,Pennsylvania.
RESEARCHER-EMAIL: 2000 Phyllis O'Connell <>
Descent from Abraham Shuler, son of Michael Shuler Jr, son of Michael Shuler, Sr.
NOTES: (from Phyllis O'Connell) Family Bible record (copy in possession of
Phyllis) has Michael Jr. born March 1758 and died 23 Feb 1869. Abraham born 25
Dec 1822 and died 9 July 1897 and is buried in Grayson County, Virginia. She
also has copies of tombstones, etc. This Bible also says Michael's (JR) wife was
"Charity" and she was born 1769 and died 17 Dec 1856.
Catherine SHULER, born about 1770, in Philadelphia,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.
Peter SHULER, born about 1772, in ,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, died about 1843,
in ,Davidson,North Carolina. He married Mary about 1789. Mary was born about
1770, in ,,Pennsylvania of.
CENSUS: 1790 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County, Salisbury District.
CENSUS: 1800 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County, Salsibury District.
CENSUS: 1810 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County, Salsibury District.
CENSUS: 1820 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County, Salsibury District.
PROBATE: Davidson County, North Carolina, Page 44, Book 1, Division of
Estates; Division of his lands--to David Yokely, Jacob Myers, Daniel Myers, David
and Amelia SHULER, and Samuel YOKELY. Probably all were his children and
Sophia SHULER, born about 1776, in ,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. She married
Joseph BALL 18 Nov 1813, in ,Rowan,North Carolina. Joseph BALL was born
about 1775, in ,,North Carolina.
Adam SHULER, born about 1778, in ,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1800 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County.
CENSUS: 1810 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County.
Abraham SHULER, born 23 Jul 1780, in ,Rowan,North Carolina.
CENSUS: 1810 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County.
CENSUS: 1820 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County.
SHULER, born about 1780, in ,Rowan,North Carolina. She married David
THACKER. David THACKER was born about 1780, in ,,NorthCarolina of.
SHULER, born about 1782, in ,Rowan,North Carolina.
SEX: Male.
Daniel SHULER, born about 1786, in ,Rowan,North Carolina, died 1840/1850, in
,Rowan,North Carolina. He married Eleanor (Nelly) GORDON about 1805, in
,Rowan,North Carolina. Eleanor (Nelly) GORDON was born 1786, in
,Rowan,North Carolina.
CENSUS: 1810 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County.
CENSUS: 1820 NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan County.
Andreas (Andrew) SHULER, born 1789, in ,Rowan,North Carolina, died 1809, in
,Rowan,North Carolina, buried in Bethany Church,Rowan,North Carolina.
DEATH: Died in 1809, age 20 years, 4 months, and 5 days.
18. Nicholas Hittle (HITTEL) (Johann Peter (Peter) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 22 Jan 1748, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 10 May 1825, in Upper Milford,Lehigh,Pennsylvania, buried
in Old Zionsville,Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania. He married Susanna WESCOE about
1770, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Susanna WESCOE was born 3 Sep 1753, in ,Northampton
of,Pennsylvania, died 6 Jul 1834, in Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, buried in Old
Zionsville,Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War; 1777 to 1782 in the First Battalion, second Regiment, Northampton
County Militia. He also served as a fourth class in fifth company, First Battalion, under Captain Peter
BIOGRAPHY: He remained on the farm of his fathers. He was a man of prodigious physical strength
and was an industrious and successful farmer, and, it is said, came to be regarded by his neighbors as a
LINKS-BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford: Catharine
Barbara Meyer, bapt 18 Dec 1768, dau of Barbara Meyer (no father mentioned). Sponsors Nicholas
Hitel and Barbara Federman, single.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford: ...John Henry
Huettel, born 28 Aug 1775, son of Nicholas and Susanna Huettel. Sponsors: Matthias Westgo and Anna
Maria Lahr. ...John Hittel, born 22 Jun 1783, bapt 10 Aug 1783, son of Nicholas and Susanna Wescoe
Hittel. Sponsors David and Gertrude Heimbach. ...Magdalene Huettel, born 6 Oct 1785, bapt 18 Dec
1785, dau of Nicholas and Susanna Huettel. Sp: Matthew and Susanna Wesgo. ...George Huettel, born
26 Feb 1788, bapt 5 Apr 1788, son of Nicholas and Susanna Huettel. Sp: Philip and Margaret Wesgo.
CEMETERY: Tombstone says Nicholas HITTEL 22 Jan 1748 - 10 May 1825.
CEMETERY: "Burial Records of Zion Evangelical Luther Church (Upper Milford Township), now
Lehigh County, PA 1758-1902, on Internet USGENWEB: Hittel, Nicholas Jan 22, 1748 - May 10,
1825. Mrs. Susanna Hittel Sep 3, 1753 - July 6, 1834.
PARENTS: Francois WESCOE and Esther FAIST.
LINKS: Susanna was probably named after her aunt, Susanna Vesqueau, who married (1) Matthias
Heimbach and (2) Philip Henry Yaple. Philip had married first to Barbara Hold and had son Johann
Henry Yaple or Yebel, father of Lydia Yaple who married Michael Hittle, son of George Michael and
Christina Hittel of Fishing Creek Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.
CEMETERY: Tombstone says: Mrs. Susanna HITTEL 3 Sep 1753 - 6 Jul 1834.
Children of Nicholas Hittle (HITTEL) and Susanna WESCOE:
Peter HITTLE, born 1772, in Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died in
Wheatfield of,Niagara,New York.
John Henry (Henry) HITTLE, born 28 Aug 1775, in Upper
Elizabeth Hittle (HITTEL), born 18 Jan 1777, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania. She married George Good Or GUTH Sep
1799, in Allentown,Northampton,Pennsylvania. George Good Or GUTH was born
1776/1777, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
LINKS-BAPTISM: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford.
...Carolus Guth, born 30 Dec 1798, bapt 24 Apr 1799, dau of Daniel Guth and
Elizabeth. Sponsors Peter Huettel and Magdalene Guth, single.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford
Susanna Hittle (HITTEL), born 14 Feb 1779, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. She
married Phillip SOURBIER about 1802, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Phillip
SOURBIER was born about 1775, in ,,Pennsylvania.
LINKS-BAPTISM: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford.
...Lydia Larrasch, bapt 5 Jun 1797, dau of Rudolph and Susanna Larrasch.
Sponsors: Adam Sarbe and Susanna Huettel (single).
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Lower Macungie Township.
She was then living with Daniel and Sarah REMS.
Phillip HITTLE, born 20 Feb 1781, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Sep
1861, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania. He married Hannah EISENHARD about 1812, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Hannah EISENHARD was born about 1789, in
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Upper Milford Township.
CENSUS: 1840 PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Upper Milford Township.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Upper Milford Township.
John William? HITTLE, born 22 Jun 1783, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Nov 1833, in Walnut
Mary Magdalene (Magdalene) Hittle (HITTEL), born 6 Oct 1785, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1828. She married John Christian
(Christian) STAHLER 8 Sep 1805, in Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
John Christian (Christian) STAHLER was born 14 Nov 1782, in ,Northampton
of,Pennsylvania, died 1834.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford
PARENTS: Ludwin STAHLER and Catherine -----.
George Frederick HITTLE, born 26 Feb 1788, in Upper
DEATH: Must have died early, never married??
William Hittle (HITTEL), born 17 Mar 1790, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 13 Feb 1866, in Macungie
James Or Daniel HITTLE, born 7 Jul 1794, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died about May 1815, in Upper
Jacob Hittle (HITTELL), born 25 Jun 1797, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died
1878, in Upper Milford,Lehigh,Pennsylvania. He married Catherine SHERTZER 4
May 1820, in Annville,Lebanon,Pennsylvania. Catherine SHERTZER was born
about 1798, in Annville,Lebanon,Pennsylvania, died 1886, in Upper
RESIDENCE: Moved in 1839 to Hamilton, Fairfield Township, Butler County,
Ohio, and in 1873 back to Upper Milford Township, Lehigh County, PA.
CENSUS: 1860 OHIO, Butler County, Hamilton (Town) Jacob Hittle 63 PA
Physician Catherine 63 PA Amelia 35 PA.
19. Catherine Hittle (HITTEL) (Johann Peter (Peter) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 13 Dec 1748, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 18 Aug 1832, in ,Westmoreland,Pennsylvania. She married John
Jacob (Jacob) MECHLING about 1770, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. John Jacob (Jacob)
MECHLING was born 28 Feb 1746/1747, in Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 8 Nov
1824, in Hempfield Twp,Westmoreland,Pennsylvania.
RESIDENCE: Moved to Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County, PA.
PARENTS: Theobold and Anna Elizabeth (LAUER) MECHLING.
Children of Catherine Hittle (HITTEL) and John Jacob (Jacob) MECHLING:
Jacob MECHLING, born 8 Dec 1770, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. He married
Mary Magdalena DRUM about 1795, in ,,Pennsylvania. Mary Magdalena DRUM
was born about 1770, in ,Northampton of,Pennsylvania.
20. Adam Hittle (HITTEL) (Johann Peter (Peter) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 23 Mar 1754, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1776/1779, in ,,Pennsylvania. He married Mary Elizabeth
(Elisabetha). Mary Elizabeth (Elisabetha) was born about 1755, in ,,Pennsylvania.
NOTE: No other record, so perhaps died early???
QUESTIONABLE LINK: Elizabeth, wife of Adam, was probably the same Mary Elizabeth who
married about 1780 to Jacob Kettner.
LINKS: A Mary Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Hittle, born about 1762, married abt 1780 to Jacob Kettner.
Sponsors Nov 1782 at baptism of Catherine Elizabeth Heim, daughter of Paulus and Maria Heim.
Children: Johannes,b 20 Oct 1783, bpt 3 Nov 1783, sp. Paul Heim and wife Catharina; Catherine b. 7
Jan 1785, bpt 13 Feb 1785, sp. Valentine Truckenmiller and Salome. SOURCE: Zion Red Church,
Brunswick Township, then Berks, now Schuylkill Co, PA, INTERNET, USGENWEB, Pennsylvania.
Children of Adam Hittle (HITTEL) and Mary Elizabeth (Elisabetha):
Maria M. Hittle (HITTEL), born 9 May 1778, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened in Zion Lutheran,Upper
21. Phillip Hittle (HITTEL) (Johann Peter (Peter) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 1758/1759, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Nov 1813, in Philadelphia,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, buried
in German Lutheran,Philadelphia,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. He married Eve SELLERS about 1780, in
Upper Milford of,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Eve SELLERS was born 1763/1764, in ,,Pennsylvania,
died 15 Sep 1846, in Philadelphia,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, buried in German
MILITARY: Revolutionary War; Sixth Class, in the fifth Company, commanded by Captain Peter
Kooken, First Battalion, Northampton County, Militia.
LAND: On 12 Apr 1781 Phillip sold his share of his father's land in Upper Milford to his brother,
Nicholas for 150 pounds.
RESIDENCE: 1782 and 1783 Tax List, Douglass Township, Philadelphia County. In 1783 he is
recorded as being a skinner of hides.
CENSUS: 1790 PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia County, Philadelphia, Germantown, MALES 1 0-16,
1 26-45, FEMALES 1.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia County, East Northern Liberties Township, MALES
1 16-26.
RESIDENCE: 1810 Directory of Philadelphia; lived on 254 North Front Street, his occupation was that
of a shingle dresser.
RESIDENCE: 1820 Eve recorded as a widow living on Hinkle Court Street.
COMMENT: A daughter of son, Sellers Hittle, says that Phillip left Eve with hardly anything as he was
a poor man.
Children of Phillip Hittle (HITTEL) and Eve SELLERS:
Peter HITTLE, born 12 Sep 1781, in Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
BAPTISM: Says son of Philip and Eva.
Catherine HITTLE, born about 1784, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania. She married Andreas MAURER 14 Apr 1805,
in Philadelphia,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. Andreas MAURER was born about
1780, in ,,Pennsylvania.
NAME: Listed as Mawerer, but probably Maurer.
Samuel Hittle (HITTEL), born 1788/1789, in
Germantown,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, died 24 Mar 1819, in
Philadelphia,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, buried in German
Sellers HITTLE, born 28 Jan 1805, in Philadelphia,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,
died after 1850, in ,Wayne of,Michigan. He married (1) Jane P. TAYLOR about
1826, in ,,Pennsylvania. Jane P. TAYLOR was born 1 Oct 1806, in ,,Pennsylvania,
died 10 Feb 1844. He married (2) Mary Ann RINEDOLLAR about 1846, in
,,Pennsylvania. Mary Ann RINEDOLLAR was born 5 Feb 1826, in ,,Pennsylvania,
died 14 Mar 1870/1900, in ,Wayne of,Michigan.
OCCUPATION: Owned a silk hat factory in or about 1840 in Philadelphia.
CENSUS: 1850 MICHIGAN, Wayne County, Detroit, 27th District.
SOURCE: Much family information is from the Sellers Family Bible recorded at
Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia. Viewed by Gary Morris in 1977.
Phillip HITTLE, born 1808/1809, in ,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, died 8 Jul 1859,
in Philadelphia,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, buried in Laurel Hill
QUESTION: Not sure if he is son of Phillip, but probable based on location.
Solome Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1810, in ,Philadelphia of,Pennsylvania. She
married Daniel REMS. Daniel REMS was born about 1800, in ,,Pennsylvania.
QUESTION: Not sure if she is daughter of Phillip, but probable, based on location.
Daniel Rems may have married also to Solome's cousin, Sarah Sourbier.
22. Nicholas HITTLE (Other , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about 1740, in Wurtemburg,,Germany, died Jan
1816, in Upper Tulpehocken Township,Berks,Pennsylvania. He married (2) Eva Catherine
SCHNEIDER. Eva Catherine SCHNEIDER was born 1744.
Children of Nicholas HITTLE and ____ ____:
Johannes Adam HITTLE, born 17 Jan 1766, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1807.
Catherine HITTLE, born 12 Jul 1767, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Maria Elizabeth HITTLE, born 6 Feb 1771, in ,,Pennsylvania.
John Nicholas (Nicholas) HITTLE, born 6 Sep 1772, in Upper Tulpehocken
Township,Berks,Pennsylvania, died Jun 1846, in Liberty Township,Darke,Ohio.
23. John HITTLE (Other , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about 1785, in ,,Pennsylvania. He married
Magdalena KLINE. Magdalena KLINE was born 1789/1790, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Children of John HITTLE and Magdalena KLINE:
Michael HITTLE, born 1812/1817, in ,Columbia of,Pennsylvania, died after 1860,
in ,Columbia of,Pennsylvania. He married Mary. Mary was born 1799/1800, in
,,Pennsylvania, died 2 Mar 1876, in Orange Township,Columbia,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Hemlock township
Michael Hittle 33 Mary 37 Sylvester 12 Mary M. 12 Sarah 7 Thomas J. 3 Phoebe
1/12 CENSUS: 1860 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Mt Pleasant Michael
Hittle 47 PA Mary 50 Sylvester 23 Mary 19 George W 15 Thomas 14 Phoebe 10
George W HITTLE, born 1826, in ,,Pennsylvania, died after 1870, in Hemlock
Township,Columbia,Pennsylvania. He married (1) Rebecca OHL. Rebecca OHL
was born 1824, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania, died 1854, in near
Buckhorn,,Pennsylvania. He married (2) Annie about 1856, in
,Columbia,Pennsylvania. Annie was born 1832/1833, in ,,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Hemlock Township
George W. Hittle 24 PA Rebecca 26 PA
CENSUS: 1860 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Hemlock Township
George H. Hittle 28 PA Anna 26 PA Hugh 3? Magdalena Hittle 70 PA
CENSUS: 1870 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Hemlock Township
George Hittle 44 PA Annie 37 PA Hugh 18 George 6
SAMUEL OHL, farmer, P. O. Buckhorn, is a grandson of Henry OHL, who came
to this country from Germany many years ago and settled in Berks County, where
his son, also named Henry, the father of Samuel, was born. Henry, with his
brother, John, bought a tract of 300 acres, a part of which is the farm now occupied
by our subject. This land was then mostly in timber but he cleared the greater part
of it, and it is now a fine farm. Henry married Catherine, daughter of Daniel
MERICLE of Madison Township, and eleven children were born to them, viz.:
Elizabeth, widow of George SMITH, now living in Bloomsburg with her son; Eli,
married to Joanna STOUFFER, and living on a part of the homestead; Henry,
living in Michigan; Catherine, widow of Daniel SMITH, living near Buckhorn;
Mary, wife of Seth SHOEMAKER, living in Buckhorn; Sallie Ann, who was
married to Esau SHOEMAKER of Buckhorn and died leaving two children: Jesse,
who had resided in the West, came home on a visit and died at his brother's house;
Rebecca, who was married to Geo. HITTLE, and died near Buckhorn, leaving one
child; an unnamed infant, and a son who died when a child. Samuel is the second
child and was born January 29, 1820, in a house which stood near the site of his
present residence. He has never lived off the farm on which he was born. He
married, December 25, 1845, Marie B. STRAUB, daughter of Adam STRAUB of
this township, who was born December 30, 1826. To this union eleven children
have been born, three of whom died in infancy and Harriet L. when fourteen years
old. The living are: Thomas J., who married Sarah, daughter of John BETZ, of this
township, and now residing in Pittsburgh; Eli J., who is married to Amanda
MUSGRAVE, of Greenwood Township, resides in this township; Margaret, wife of
Hugh APPLEMAN, living in Hemlock Township; Amos, single and living in
Pittsburgh; Sarah S., single and living with her parents; Anna E., also living at
home, and S. Howard, who is married to Miss Mary YOCUM of this township, and
works for his father. Mr. OHL has applied himself closely too his farming pursuits,
refusing to accept any office. He and family are members of the Grange; he is a
member of Van Camp Lodge, No. 140 of Bloomsburg, and, with his wife and
family, a member of the Lutheran Church, in which he has been an elder for
several year.(History of Columbia and Montour Counties Pennsylvania, Battle,
1887, pg. 485)
Catherine HITTLE, born about 1820, in ,,Pennsylvania, died in Hemlock
Township,Columbia,Pennsylvania. She married Jesse WALTER 9 Apr 1846, in
Madison Township,Columbia,Pennsylvania. Jesse WALTER was born about 1820.
24. Mary HITTLE (George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ),
born about 1768, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died in ,Columbia of,Pennsylvania. She married (1)
Leonard BUCK about 1795, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. Leonard BUCK was born Nov 1757, in
,Berks,Pennsylvania, died 4 Sep 1823, in Hemlock Twp,Columbia,Pennsylvania. She married (2)
Richard KERLING about 1825, in ,Columbia of,Pennsylvania. Richard KERLING was born about
1760, in ,,Pennsylvania.
MILITARY: Revolutionary War; dated Aug 1776 in Rockland Township, Berks County, PA; company
of Capt James Moore, 2nd PA Battalion. He was wounded, but returned to service in Brandy Wine.
MILITARY-PENSION: Columbia County Pension Rolls of 1835: Leonard Buck, Pvt. Penn Cont. Line
age 67. Died 4 Sep 1823. Place on Roll 2 Oct 1822. Commencement of Pension 6 Jun 1818. Pension
gives birth date and place. Leonard was a resident of Hemlock Township, Columbia county for 36 years
<about 1782>.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Bloom Township; with one daughter.
CONFLICT-NAME: Some sources say Sterling, others Kerling.
Children of Mary HITTLE and Leonard BUCK:
Elizabeth BUCK, born 1797/1798, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. She married
Jacob KELCHNER about 1820, in ,Columbia of,Pennsylvania. Jacob KELCHNER
was born 1795/1796, in ,,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Mifflin Township.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Mifflin Township.
25. David HITTLE (George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ),
born 2 Jun 1772, in Lower Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 9 Aug 1772, in Lower
Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1846, in ,Marshall,Indiana. He married (1) Hannah JONES
about 1795, in Bloom Twp of,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. Hannah JONES was born 1775, in ,,New
Jersey, died 1851, in ,Marshall,Indiana. He married (2) Mary 1838/1850, in ,Rush of,Indiana. Mary was
born about 1789, in ,,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1800 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Bloom Township; Males 1 0-10, 1 26-45,
Females 1 0-10, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Bloom Township; Males 2 0-10, 1 26-45,
Females 1 0-10, 2 16-26.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Mount Pleasant Township; Males 1 0-10, 2
10-16, 1 16-26, 1 45-up, Females 2 0-10, 1 10-16, 2 16-26, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Mount Pleasant Township; Males 2 15-20, 1
60-70, Females 1 15-20, 1 50-60.
CENSUS: 1840 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township.
RESIDENCE: Lived for a short time about 1844 in Henry County, Indiana. Moved 1846 to Marshall
County, Indiana.
************************************************ Family Bible written by Joseph W. French
(See at Hittle Genealogy Symposium on Internet) (See daughter Mary Hittle) Jacob French born 1801 in
New Jersey died 1869 ----.(My Father) Married Mary Hittle born 1804 in Pennsylvania died 1867 (my
mother). Signed Joseph W. French Grandfather Hittle born 1768 died 1846. Married a Jones born 1775
in Pennsylvania died 1851. Both died in Marshall County, Indiana. Signed Joseph W. French
From the family Bible of one of David and Hannah's grandsons we find that "Grandfather Hittle
married a Jones We do know that the 1800 census has David's household with him and a wife, and 4
children. _.....We do know that a Whitehead Jones had land in Columbia County, Pennsylvania within a
mile and a half of David's father's land. We also know that Jonestown, Pennsylvania is less than 10
miles from David's father's land. Joe Hittle <>
Children of David HITTLE and Hannah JONES:
Susanna HITTLE, born ABT 1794/1795, in Bloom
Township,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died about 1852, in ,Marshall,Indiana.
She married Joseph LAKE about 1821, in ,Columbia of,Pennsylvania. Joseph
LAKE was born 20 Apr 1795, in ,Mason,West Virginia, died about Apr 1870, in
CENSUS: 1840 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township; Males 2 0-5, 1 5-10, 1
10-15, 1 15-20, 1 40-50, Females 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 30-40.
RESIDENCE: In 1846 went to Henry County, and then to Marshall County,
CENSUS: 1850 Marshall County, Indiana Joseph Lake 57 NJ Susana 5<7> PA
Arkey 26 Mary 19 Elizabeth 16 John 10 IND Ann 6 IND, next to Elish Lake 27
PA. 3 doors from brother Joseph Hittle (1798 PA) and wife Mary.
MARRIAGE: He had married first to ----. Married (3) Mrs. Cynthia WALKER 24
Mar 1853 in Marshall County, Indiana.
PROBATE: Joseph Lake Sr. died in Apr-May 1870 in Marshall County, Indiana,
and his will lists his twelve children.
HITTLE, born about 1798, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Joseph HITTLE, born 15 Oct 1801, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 6 Feb
1868, in Green Township,Marshall,Indiana. He married Mary Elizabeth
BAUGHER about 1826, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania. Mary Elizabeth BAUGHER
was born 1808/1809, in ,,Pennsylvania, died in ,Marshall,Indiana.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Mount Pleasant Township;
Males 1 15-20, 1 --- Females 1 0-5, 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 ---.
CENSUS: 1850 INDIANA, Marshall County
CENSUS: 1860 INDIANA, Marshall County, Greene Township
PROBATE: Will of Joseph Hittle, of Green Township, Marshall County, Indiana;
mentions wife Mary and sons John Wesley and John.
Mary HITTLE, born 1804, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania, died 1867, in
Argos,Marshall,Indiana. She married Jacob FRENCH about 1824, in
,,Pennsylvania. Jacob FRENCH was born 26 Dec 1798, in ,Morris,New Jersey,
died 14 Aug 1869, in ,Marshall,Indiana.
also her mother's name as Mary Jones.
A household headed by Jacob French is listed in the 1830 census of Moreland
Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.
Listed in Jacob's household are 1 free white male under 5 years of age; 1 free white
male between 20 and 30 years of age; 2 free white females under 5 years of age;
and 1 free white female between 20 and 30 years of age.
Assuming that Jacob is the free white male listed in the 1830 census as being
between 20 and 30 years of age, he would have been born between 1800 and 1810,
according to the 1830 census.
Assuming that the other persons in Jacob's household are children of John and/or
his wife, those children would have consisted of one son (which son would have
been born between 1825 and 1830, according to the 1830 census) and two
daughters (which daughter would have been born between 1825 and 1830,
according to the 1830 census).
CENSUS: 1860 INDIANA, Marshall County, Greene Township Jacob French 59
NJ Mary 56 PA Bengal 20 IND Leroy 5 Ind living next to Joseph W. French 36 PA
and Elisha Lake, and 3 doors from Joseph Hittle 59 and wife Lucinda 51 PA.
************************************************ FAMILY BIBLE
written by Joseph W. French (See at Hittle Genealogy Symposium on Internet)
<Jacob French born 1801 in New Jersey died 1869 (my father) married Mary Hittle
born 1804 in Pennsylvania, died 1867. My mother and father">
...........................John (Conklin?) French born 177(0) in New Jersey, a tall man,
----------married a Morris born New York (English) (My grandmother). Joseph(?)
French. Jacob French born 1801 in New Jersey died 1869 ----.(My Father)
Married Mary Hittle born 1804 in Pennsylvania died 1867 (my mother). Signed
Joseph W. French ..........................Grandfather Hittle born 1768 died 1846.
Married a Jones born 1775 in Pennsylvania died 1851. Both died in Marshall
County, Indiana. Signed Joseph W. French .........................Leroy W. French a son
of Joseph W. and Alma Loc-ba French. ------- Dec 22, 1859 in Marshall County,
Indiana. Became a married man on July 20, 1899 at that time was in the
Hunting(?) business in Phillabius(?) Kansas and in February 20th, 1889 at that was
in the Hunting(?) business in Phallep(ebia?) Kansas and in later years interred into
manufacturing business was the inventor and ------ of the 48 Cyt(--)on Filter in
Topeka, Kansas and later in Bloomington, Illinois. Departed this life 2:00 P.M.
March 5, 1947 (St Joseph Hospital) Burial Park Hill Cemetery, Bloomington,
Illinois. ......................Joseph W. French was born in Lycoming County, Penn Feb
11, 1826, departed this life February 28, 1902 ......................Alma Lac(a)ba Norris
west(?) French, his wife, borned in Erie County, NY, borned Oct 17, 1825 at time
of marriage the French family and Norris Family were living in Marshall county,
Indiana and near East --- or end of Lake Maxin Kuokor(?). Their family children
were borned in this county. In later years in the 1870 the family home was in
Loganport and (Tioga) borgof(?) home is there. .....................Raymond E. French
son of Leroy W. Fench born 11/08/18(8)7 Phillipsburg? Kansas. Married Irene
Fl(emindson?) daughter of Hugh David Fl------ and Sarah --- Murphy, both of
Union County, Arkansas born in Union county Arkansas July 27, 1888. Children:
Joseph Leroy French born Fort Worth, Texas March 6, 19(2)8 Susan French born
Bloomington, Oct 1, 1936 Raymond (S.) French died 12 Nov 1972 in Bloomington,
Illinois buried Park Hill Cemetery, in Bloomington(?) Ione(?) F. French died 5 Oct
1995 in Bloomington Illinois buried Park Hill Cemetery. ....................William
(Harrison?) Wirt born May 30, 1849 Sarah Lorain Wirt born April 3, 1851 Alice
Saloma French born August 26, 1853 died Feb 12, 1929 Malinda Jane French born
August 25, 185(3?) Ela Alma French born Oct 17, 1857 ....................Leroy
(------???) French born Dec 22, 1859 Covel B. French born Dec 27, 1861 Marion
Wirthay(?) French born August 31, 1863 Miranda French (known as Got?) born
June 28, 1866 died Jan 3, 1944 Alma F. French born Oct 17, 18(0)5 J. W. Fench
born -- -- 1826 ..................George Wirt and Alma Lucebo(?) Clark married Sep 24,
1848 William H. Knipple and Alice Saloma French married March? 7, 1871 John
Young Wirt? married (Mali)nda) J. French Dec 24, 187(2?) Joseph Wesley French
and Alma Luceba Wirt married Aug 8, 18(5)2 (1851?) Joseph Wesley French and
Elizabeth Ann Julian? married July 4, 1883 Lottie Miranda French and Jacob S.
Rizor married July 12, 1886, passed away January 3, 1944 Coral B. French and
Bonnie B. Schooner(?) married March 17, 1888 LeRoy W. French and Julia Etta
Hahnanknott married February 20, 1889 ...............William Wirt departed this life
Oct 16, 1852 Ella Alma French departed this life March 15, 1859 Marion Wirthy(?)
French departed this life Jan 28, 1864 Sarah Lorain Wirt departed this life Nov 17,
1871 Alma Luceba French departed this life February 11, 1882 age 56 years three
months 24 days Born Oct 17, 1825 Malinda B. Young daughter of J.W. French and
wife --- young departed this life Nov 5th, 1883 Henry H. Knipple - son of Alice
French Knipple died 4-27-1958 Sherman, Texas, buried 4-30-58 Warsaw, Indiana.
Joseph Wesley French born Feb 11, 1825 departed this life Feb 28, 1902 aged 76
years 17 days Alice Saloma French Knipple departed this life February 12th, 1929
Julia Etta Hahnenknott French wife of Leroy W. French borned in Beford, Iowa
July 19, 1868 departed this life Dec 6th 1932 her burial home Park Hill Cemetery,
Bloomington, Illinois. Our date of marriage Feb 20th, 1889 on farm 2 miles east
and 1 mile north of ---- home, daughter of Sarah and John Hahnenknott. Raymond
E. French son of Leroy W. and J. Etta French borned in Phillips County,
Chillipsburg?? Kansas Nov 9th, 1897
PARENTS: John Congleton French and Martha Morris.
Catherine HITTLE, born 1804/1805, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. She
married Jacob SAINE 18 Dec 1839, in ,Rush,Indiana. Jacob SAINE was born
1798/1799, in ,,North Carolina.
QUESTION: Not sure if she is daughter of David Hittle or not. She lived in same
place as David at time of her marriage.
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana marriage records.
CENSUS: 1850 INDIANA, Grant County, Greene Township. Jacob Saine 51 NC
Catharine 45 PA Anna 9 Ind Margaret J. 7 John 5 Jacob 4 Oliver 3 Elizabeth C. A.
1 Frederick 19 IND Elizabeth 21 NC Frederick 76 NC.
Jacob HITTLE, born 8 May 1807, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 4 Feb
1877, in ,Lee,Illinois. He married Nancy CULP 9 Aug 1835. Nancy CULP was
born 11 Sep 1811, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 1882, in ,Lee,Illinois.
RESIDENCE: Moved west to Union township, Rush County, Indiana in 1840 and
to Nachusa Township, Lee County, Illinois in 1842.
Isaac HITTLE, born about 1811, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 16 Mar
1881, in Mackinaw,Tazewell,Illinois. He married Catherine ROGERS about 1835,
in ,,Pennsylvania. Catherine ROGERS was born 1819/1820, in ,,Pennsylvania.
QUESTION: Not completely positive that he is son of David.
RESIDENCE: Came to Illinois about 1840 and settled in Mackinaw township,
Tazewell County, Illinois.
HITTLE, born about 1812, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth HITTLE, born about 1812, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. She
married George RUGGLES about 1829. George RUGGLES was born about 1810,
in ,,Pennsylvania of.
HITTLE, born about 1814, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania.
Rebecca Ann HITTLE, born 1818, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania, died 14 Nov 1818,
in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania.
QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not sure where death date comes from. If she lived on
then she probably married Jackson Purky.
Posted by "Tim Hittle" on Thu May 15 '03 at 00:56:48 on the forum " " at Follow this hyperlink to
reply on the forum --- Hannah Hittle(widow of David, son of George Michael Jr.
son of George Michael Sr) lived with Jackson and Rebecca Purky according to the
1850 Indiana Marshall County census, ( Purky is household 908 in the census.)
Joseph Hittle (Hannah's son) is also listed on the census as household 916. Why
was Hannah at Purky's house instead of Joseph's? According to Indiana State
library Genealogy Division's "Indiana MarriagesThrough 1850 H-I-J-K" Rebecca
Ann Hittle married Jackson Perkey in Henry County 7-7-1839. A list of David
and Hannah's children that is on the Web has a daughter named Rebecca born in
1815 and Rush County Census report (1830) of David's household supports that
approximate date of birth. It appears to me that Mom (Hannah) was living with
daughter (Rebecca) in Marshall county Indiana at the 1850 census.. This works
fairly well but Hannah is listed at 85 and Rebecca is listed at 30 .This makes
Hannah older than previous census reports would have her be in 1850 and the 1815
birth date for Rebecca would make her 35 in 1850. Also the names are not spelled
exactly the same: Purky in the census and Perky in the marriage list. Also, this is
the only place that i have seen it documented that Hannah was born in N.J. I still
have found nothing to connect her to the name Voreis as is suggested on some
pages. Also, I have seen nothing to support the idea that this David was married to
a Mary.
HITTLE, born about 1815, in ,,Pennsylvania.
26. George HITTLE (George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ),
born 8 Jul 1774, in Lower Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 31 Jul 1774, in Lower
Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 13 Feb 1842, in Hittle Grove,Tazewell,Illinois, buried in
Hittle Grove Cem,Hittle Grove,Tazewell,Illinois. He married (1) Mary Espy Or ASPY about 1797, in
,Greene of,Ohio. Mary Espy Or ASPY was born 20 Oct 1774, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 10 Sep 1829, in
Hittle Grove,Tazewell,Illinois, buried in Hittle Grove Cem,Hittle Grove,Tazewell,Illinois. He married
(2) Nancy Ellen HATFIELD 13 Oct 1830, in ,Tazewell,Illinois. Nancy Ellen HATFIELD was born 8
Nov 1772, in ,Kent,Delaware, died 27 Feb 1851, in Hittle Grove,Tazewell,Illinois, buried in Hittle
RESIDENCE: George HITTLE lived in Beaver Creek township, Greene County, Ohio and stayed there
until 1825. In 1817 he visited Illinois, and on 28 Nov 1820 George and Mary bought some land in Rush
County, Indiana, but did not settle ("Early Land owners of Rush County, Indiana"). In 1825 he moved
to Sangamon County, Illinois where he remained only 4 months, when he moved to (now) Hittle
township, Tazewell county, Illinois, which was christened Hittle's Grove, in honor of the Elder Hittle
(all from ATLAS OF HITTLE TOWNSHIP -- Tazewell County, Illinois, page 10).
MILITARY: He served in the War of 1812 there, under Captain Zachary Ferguson's Company.
CEMETERY: Hittle Grove Cemetery " George HITTLE died Feb 13, 1842. Born Northumberland Co,
PA July 8, 1774/ He made the first settlement in this grove February 20, 1826"
SPOUSE-DEED: Northumberland County, PA Deed Book N, page 365/366 recorded 18 Aug 1806
where George Hittle of Green County, Ohio and Mary, his wife, late Mary ESPY, daughter and heiress
of George ESPY, late of Bloom township, Northumberland County, PA, appeal for property.
MARRIAGE: About 1790, either in Northumberland County, PA or Ohio.
MARRIAGE: Tazewell County, Marriage records 13 Oct 1830.
Children of George HITTLE and Mary Espy Or ASPY:
Hannah HITTLE, born 8 Mar 1798, in ,Greene,Ohio, died 1863, in
,Tazewell,Illinois. She married Jacob PUTERBAUGH 26 Mar 1816, in
,Greene,Ohio. Jacob PUTERBAUGH was born 28 Feb 1795, in ,,Maryland, died
28 May 1858, in ,Tazewell,Illinois.
MARRIAGE: Greene County, Ohio marriage records.
PROBATE: Tazewell County, Illinois; Will in Box 48; says died 28 May 1858.
CENSUS: 1840 OHIO, Darke County, Neave Township; MALES 1 0-5, 3 5-10, 1
10-15, 1 40-50, females 2 0-5, 1 10-15, 1 20-30.
Christina HITTLE, born 5 Sep 1799, in ,Greene,Ohio, died 18 Jan 1844, in Hittle
Township,Tazewell,Illinois. She married John Wheatley JUDY 1818/1819, in
,Greene,Ohio. John Wheatley JUDY was born about 1800, in ,,Kentucky of, died
about 21 Jul 1861, in Hittle Township,Tazewell,Illinois.
CONFLICT-MARRIAGE: Greene County, Ohio marriage records; 9 Aug 1819;
another source says 9 Aug 1818.
MARRIAGE: Married (2) 12 Mar 1851 Illinois to Amy BENNET, widow of
COMMENT: Family history in book "Genealogy of the Judy, Judah, Tchudy,
Tschudin, Tchudi, Schudi Family" by Marion P. CARLOCK; see at Seattle PL.
DEATH: Died 21 or 22 Jul 1861.
Catherine HITTLE, born about 1800, in ,Greene,Ohio, died 1820/1830. She
married John JUDY 9 Aug 1816, in ,Greene,Ohio. John JUDY was born 14 Mar
1791, in Flemingsburg,Fleming,Kentucky, died 31 Dec 1873, in ,Lawrence,Illinois,
buried in Sumner,Lawrence,Illinois.
QUESTION: Probably no record of her as being daughter of George because she
died so early and left one son.
MARRIAGE: Greene County, Ohio marriage records.
MARRIAGE: Married (2) 1830/1840 Lydia HULL. Married (3) 1840/1860 Ann
MILITARY: War of 1812, Private.
BIOGRAPHY: He built the first brick house in Tazewell County and owned and
operated "Black Horse Tavern", the first hotel in Harmony township. He sold his
acreage in Ohio in 1856 and moved to Lawrence County, Illinois.
CEMETERY: Sumner died 31 Dec 1873, age 82 years, 9 months, and 17 days.
Elizabeth HITTLE, born 29 Mar 1803, in ,Greene,Ohio. She married (1) Samuel
GREEN ABT 1820/1821, in ,Fayette of,Indiana of. Samuel GREEN was born 5
Feb 1797, in ,,Tennessee. She married (2) Henry LANTIS 28 Jun 1827/1828, in
,Tazewell,Illinois. Henry LANTIS was born 1803/1804, in ,,Ohio or Pa.
MARRIAGE: Tazewell county, Illinois marriage records; check source again;
have 1827 and 1828.
COMMENT: Family history recorded in book "Albaugh, Leatherwood,
Longnecker Families" by Nancy Leatherwood; seen at Seattle Public Library.
Jonas H. HITTLE, born 21 Mar 1806, in ,Greene,Ohio, died 7 Sep 1852, in
,,Illinois, buried in Mackinaw,Tazewell,Illinois. He married (1) Annie SARGENT
14 Oct 1824, in ,Rush,Indiana. Annie SARGENT was born about 1805, in ,,Ohio
of. He married (2) Sopharre TEAFORD 30 Apr 1843, in ,Tazewell,Illinois.
Sopharre TEAFORD was born 15 Dec 1810, in ,,Virginia, died 12 Mar 1893.
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana marriage records 14 Oct 1824.
MARRIAGE: Tazewell County, Illinois marriage records 30 Apr 1843.
MARRIAGE: Married (1) about 1825/1835 Mr. Flesher.
Michael HITTLE, born 29 Nov 1808, in ,Greene,Ohio, died 13 Sep 1888, in
Mackinaw,Tazewell,Illinois. He married (1) Mary EWING 24 Jul 1828, in
,Tazewell,Illinois. Mary EWING was born 6 Aug 1809, in ,Logan,Illinois, died 15
Sep 1869, in ,,Illinois. He married (2) Agnes 16 Jul 1870, in ,Tazewell,Illinois.
Agnes was born about 1810, in ,,Ohio of.
RESIDENCE: Moved to Mackinaw township, Tazewell County, Illinois in 1830.
MILITARY: Black Hawk War; Capt. Adams' Company; participated in Battle of
Stillmans Run.
MARRIAGE: Tazewell County, Illinois marriage records.
MARRIAGE: Married (1) Mr. BOYD.
John A. HITTLE, born 8 Jun 1811, in ,Greene,Ohio, died 1 Sep 1827, in
,Tazewell,Illinois, buried in Hittle Grove Cem,Hittle Grove,Tazewell,Illinois.
Hartzel H. HITTLE, born 16 Mar 1813, in ,Greene,Ohio. He married (1) Louisa
MILLER 14 Feb 1833, in ,Tazewell,Illinois. Louisa MILLER was born about 1816,
in ,,Ohio. He married (2) Lucinda Catherine Susan HIGGINS 17 Jun 1839, in
,Tazewell,Illinois. Lucinda Catherine Susan HIGGINS was born 29 Nov 1821, in
MARRIAGE: Tazewell County, Illinois marriage records. Note: No children?? by
Louisa Miller.
OCCUPATION: Carpenter.
27. Michael HITTLE (George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ),
born 28 Apr 1776, in Lower Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 26 May 1776, in Lower
Nazareth,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 31 Jul 1855, in Union Twp,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Osborn
Cemetery,Union Township,Monroe,Iowa. He married (2) Lydia YAPLE ABT 1812/1813, in
FishingCreek Twp,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of Johann Henry (Henry)
YAPLE and Anna Maria (Mary) SAUERWEIN. Lydia YAPLE was born 6 Oct 1789, in ,,Pennsylvania,
died ABT 1850/1860, in Union Twp,Monroe,Iowa.
COMMENT: Fishing Creek is now in Columbia County, created 1813 from Northumberland County
CEMETERY: Osborn Cemetery, Union township: Michael HITTLE died July 31, 1855, age 81 years,
3 months, and 6 days < from this data, birth would be 25 Apr 1774, which is incorrect>.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Bloom Township (that part now in
Columbia County; Males 2 0-10, 1 26-45, Females 1 0-10, 2 16-26.
RESIDENCE: About 1820 they moved to Greene County, Ohio; "Greene County Pioneers" 1803-1840.
LAND: "Early Landowners of Rush County, Indiana"; 8 Sep 1821 purchased land in Rush County.
CENSUS: 1830 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township; Males 1 0-5, 2 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 50-60,
Females 1 5-10, 1 15-20, 1 30-40.
CENSUS: 1840 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township; Males 1 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 60-70, Females 1
5-10, 1 15-20, 1 40-50.
LAND: Rush County, Indiana Deeds; 13 Oct 1846 Michael and Lydia Hittle sold Section 24, Township
14, range 10 land to John and James Gray.
LAND: Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa Land Grant, signed by President James K. POLK; 1 Jul 1848,
40 acres.
CENSUS: 1850 IOWA, Monroe County; Michael HITTLE 80, PA (blind), Lydia 55 PA, Phillip 22 IN,
John 19 IN, Isaac 24 IN, Abolena 16 IN.
OCCUPATION: Blacksmith (1850 census).
RESEARCHER: (1970) Leroy M. HITTLE, Olympia, WA; supplied original information on the
ancestry of Isaac HITTLE (1824- ); Leroy died in Nov 1993; He was son of Thomas Jefferson Hittle,
grandson of Jacob Hittle (1820).
RESEARCHER-EMAIL: (1999) Claire (Robinson) Miller (Mrs. Michael Miller 4621 So. 3750 West
Roy, Utah 84067; born about 1940-1950, granddaughter of Jackson Gofarth, who was grandson of
Henry Hittle (1818). EMAIL (Corresponded in 1970 also).
RESEARCHER: (1970) Thelma E. HITTLE POLEN, 540 N.E. 47th Place, Des Moines, Iowa 50313;
born 1920; daughter of William Manley HITTLE, grandson of Jacob Hittle (1820).
RESEARCHER: (1970) John W. WESTLAKE 27 South Downey Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219; born
about 1904, son of Anna P. HITTLE, daughter of John H. HITTLE, son of George HITTLE, son of
Nicholas HITTLE (1804); supplied information on descendants of George HITTLE (1833).
RESEARCHER: (1970) Marian BUCHANAN CROTHERS 7509 77th Ave S.W., Tacoma, WA 98498;
daughter of Nellie BUCHANAN, son of Thomas BUCHANAN, son of Catherine HITTLE (1806);
supplied much information on the Buchanan family of Washington, including stories relayed down from
Catherine HITTLE, herself.
TO-DO: There is indications that son of first wife, George Hittle, had middle name of Pernell. If so,
this would indicate most likely an ancestor with last name of Pernell. Check PA records for near
occurence of Pernell, possibly first wife of Michael (1776) Hittle.
NAME: Lydia's last name was YEAPLE or APPLE (grandchild and child records). Name Yeaple from
"Monona County, Iowa History" 1890, where grandson Michael Hittle states his father Jacob Hittle was
"son of Michael Hittle and Lydia Yeaple, and great grandson of G>F> Hittle, coming from Prussia at an
early age." Name Apple from marriage record of son Isaac in 1891; son of Michael and Lydia Apple
CONFLICT: Lydia married Michael Hittle about 1810-1813 in Pennsylvania. The closest association
with a Yeaple/Apple family is that of Henry Yaple of Fishing Creek Township, Northumberland (that
place changed to Columbia County in 1813). There is a book on the Yaple Family (see Henry Yaple for
source), which has an entry that says Lydia married Jacob Pealer. Source is "History of Sullivan
County, Pennsylvania" by Thomas J. INGHAM, 1899, Chicago, The Lewis Publishing Company (At
Library of Congress - Call # F157.S67 I4). Includes information on the Pealer family. On page 224 of
the book, under a biography of D.W. PEALER, is the source for their marriage: Jacob Pealer...married
Miss Yapil in Columbia County. That Jacob Pealer married Miss Yapil does not indicate that he married
Lydia Yaple, and thus, the authors of "The Yaple Family in America" Book have assumed that Lydia
was the one she married. The book further states that several daughters may have been born between
1781 and 1788, of which they have no information on. That Henry Yaple was very familiar with the
Hittel family, is evidenced by a Yaple in the book who married Susannah Wescoe, who had married first
to Nicholas Hittel of Upper Milford Township, Northampton County. Much stronger evidence is found
on page 76 of the book <extracted from Pension Record>, when Henry Yapel of Fishing Creek, in 1818
or 1821 lists that he is indebted to the following persons (about 6 listed): Michael HITTEL $7.00
<Note: this probably is George Michael Hittel, born 1742, as Michael Hittel, who married Lydia, had
left county about 1816>.
CONFLICT-SOURCE: World Family Tree Disk #10, Family Tree Maker, says Paul Pealer (Bealer) and
Charlotte Spiegelmoyer of Bucks County, PA, had daughter Mary Bealer born 1779 who married Jacob
Yaple. Also had son Jacob born 1784 who married Ellen Bright.
Children of Michael HITTLE and ____ ____:
George Pernell HITTLE, born 12 Feb 1800, in Fishing
Creek,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died after 1880, in ,Fayette of,Indiana.
Nicholas HITTLE, born about Jun 1804, in Fishing
Creek,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 24 Aug 1867, in Union
Catharine HITTLE, born 11 Nov 1806, in Fishing
Creek,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 23 Jul 1885, in
Children of Michael HITTLE and Lydia YAPLE:
Elizabeth HITTLE, born 1813/1814, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania.
Michael HITTLE, born 11 Jul 1815/1816, in Bloom Twp,Columbia,Pennsylvania,
died 15 May 1878, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
Henry Or Harvey HITTLE, born 15 Jan 1818, in ,Greene,Ohio, died 14 Aug
1897, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
Jacob HITTLE, born 6 Jun 1820, in ,Greene,Ohio, died 13 Feb 1905, in
Mary Ann HITTLE, born about 1823, in ,Rush of,Indiana.
Isaac HITTLE, born 7 Dec 1824, in Rushville,Rush,Indiana, died 10 Sep 1904, in
Marysville Twp,Miami,Kansas.
Hartzell Phillip (Phillip) HITTLE, born 1827/1828, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 14 Jun
1894, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
John H. HITTLE, born 30 Jun 1830, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 1 Jul 1895, in
,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Woodlawn Cem,Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. He married
Caroline ASHTON 11 Apr 1858, in ,Monona,Iowa. Caroline ASHTON was born
1841/1842, in ,,Illinois.
DEATH: Monroe County, Iowa death records.
RESIDENCE: Came to Monroe County, Iowa in 1847 (census 1856). He was
Sherriff in Monona County, Iowa from Oct 1858 till 1866. He lived in the village
of Ashton and ran a grocery store.
CENSUS: 1860 IOWA, Monona County, Ashton Township, Onawa City P.O.
John A. Hittle 29 INDD Sheriff, Caroline 18 Iowa, I. ___ Hittle 1 Iowa.
CENSUS: 1880 IOWA, Monroe County, Lovilia.
MILITARY: Civil War; Company D., 22nd Iowa Infantry (on tombstone).
Abolina Mary HITTLE, born 30 Jun 1834, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 17 May 1917,
in ,Pottawattomie,Iowa.
28. Isaac HITTLE (George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ),
born 22 Jul 1782, in Moore Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 15 Sep 1782, in Moore
Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died about Feb 1866, in ,Rush,Indiana. He married Margaret Emma
ARON about 1818, in ,,Pennsylvania. Margaret Emma ARON was born 1782/1788, in ,,Pennsylvania,
died in Union Twp of,Rush,Indiana.
PROBATE: Rush County, Indiana Will Book 3, page 62, dated 5 Sep 1861 and probated 4 Feb 1866;
lists wife Margaret and three sons Michael, John and Joseph.
RESIDENCE: In 1819 he acquired land in Sugar Creek township, Greene County, Ohio ("Greene
county, Ohio Pioneers 1803-1840") and bought land May 23, 1821 in Rush County, Indiana ("Early
landowners Rush County, Indiana 1820-1832"). They lived in Union township, Rush County the rest of
their lives.
NAME: Originally listed for years (probably over 30 years), as PARRISH. But I never saw any
documentation on this. The name ARON comes from a biography on their son, and seems to be much
closer to documentation.
Children of Isaac HITTLE and Margaret Emma ARON:
Joseph HITTLE, born 26 Oct 1819, in ,,Ohio or Pa, died 1 Oct 1892, in Franklin
Twp,Mairon,Indiana. He married Sarah A. MAZE 18 May 1848, in ,Rush,Indiana.
Sarah A. MAZE was born 7 Apr 1825, in ,,Indiana, died 15 May 1910, in ,,Indiana.
DEATH: Mairon County, Indiana Death records.
BIOGRAPHY: Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana Originally Published in
1893 by Goodspeed Brothers Joseph Hittle, deceased. The name which is here
given was for many years counted as among the leading farmers of Marion County,
Indiana, and although he has now passed from earth's activities is but just and
satisfactory that his life's narrative be recounted among those who have done
excellent service in subduing the wilderness and bring it into its present splendid
condition physically, morally and socially. Born in Ohio on October 26, 1819, he
was brought to Rush County, Indiana, when seven years of age, the names of his
father and mother being Isaac and Margaret (Aron) Hittle. The father was a native
of the Keystone State and there grew to manhood, learning the miller's trade in
youth. After reaching mature years he immigrated to the Buckeye State and was
there married to Miss Aron. About 1826 he and his estimable wife moved to Rush
County, Indiana, and he there entered 160 acres of land on which he resided until
his death in 1861. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and a man highly esteemed
in the community in which he lived for his many estimable qualities. Of the five
children born to his marriage, three grew to mature years, as follows: Joseph, died
October 1892; Michael, who lives on the old homestead in Rush County, married
Miss Rebecca Carson, who bore him two children, only one now living, William.
His second union was with Miss Eliza Monroe and they had seven children:
Margaret, John Homer, Joseph, Alice, Ocie and Arthur. John Hittle, the third child
born to our subject, resides in Wabash County, Indiana. His first wife was Adeline
Kindel by whom he had six children, one only surviving, Margaret. His second
marriage was with Miss Emma Nixon, who died without issue. He was the third
time married. Our subject's early scholastic advantages did not amount to much, for
as soon as able he was put to work on the farm, 160 acres, which his father had
entered in Rush County. On this farm he remained until twenty-eight years of age,
and then, on May 18, 1848, he was married to Miss Sarah A. Maze, daughter of
Maze, a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1780. After his marriage our subject
remained on his father's farm engaged in milling and blacksmithing until 1856,
when he and his family came to Marion County, Indiana. He bought 120 acres and
of this about twelve acres had been partially cleared. Here began their struggle for a
home and for some time they lived in a log cabin. But only until Mr. Hittle could
erect a frame, one-story house of three rooms. In this the enterprising young couple
made their home until about 1875 when a house of seven rooms was erected. There
Mr. Hittle died in 1892, and there his widow now resides with her daughter, Mary
E., who married Andrew Toon. Mr. Hittle never belonged to any secret
organization, nor to any church, though his parents were Presbyterians. His career
impressed upon his children and his many friends the example of a noble and
honorable life, which, although it was fraught with hard labor and patient industry,
was a model of the sterling qualities that characterized a man who lived nearer to
nature in its purity than to the artifices of society. His death was the occasion of
universal sorrow, for all felt the loss sustained by the departure of such a man. He
was a Democrat in politics, although he never took an active part except to vote his
ticket. His marriage was blessed by the birth of two children. Isaac, his son, was
married first in 1869 to Miss Emma Parrish, daughter of King Parrish of Hancock
County, Indiana, and by her became the father of four children: Carrie E., Oscar L.,
Claudie O. and John G. Isaac Hittle's first wife died in 1880, and his second wife
was Miss Lucy E. Brown, daughter of Samuel Brown. Three children were born to
this union: Della M., Charles J. and Chester A. Our subject's second child, Mary E.,
married Andrew Toon, son of Lewis Toon, and they have one son, Joseph R. John
Maze, father of Mrs. Hittle, was born January 1, 1780, in Pennsylvania, and in 1792
moved to the Blue Grass State. From there he moved to Ohio, thence to Indiana,
then to Arkansas and then back to Indiana, dying in Marion County May 1, 1855.
He married Hannah Harvey and they had twelve children, eleven of whom grew to
mature years. (See sketch of Willis Smither).
Michael HITTLE, born 1819/1820, in ,Greene,Ohio. He married (1) Rebecca
CARSON 8 Jan 1852, in ,Rush,Indiana. Rebecca CARSON was born 1833/1834, in
,,Indiana. He married (2) Eliza A. MONROE 11 Aug 1862, in ,Mairon,Indiana.
Eliza A. MONROE was born 1835/1836, in ,,Kentucky.
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana marriage records 8 Jan 1852.
MARRIAGE: Mairon County, Indiana marriage records 11 Aug 1862.
Jonathan (John) HITTLE, born 19 Dec 1824, in ,Rush,Indiana. He married
Elizabeth Jane PROCTOR 8 Apr 1847, in ,Rush,Indiana. Elizabeth Jane
PROCTOR was born 12 Jan 1825, in ,,Indiana.
29. Mary Ann (Molly) HITTLE (George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born 1785, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. She married Michael RANS about 1817, in
,Columbia,Pennsylvania. Michael RANS was born 1798, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1852.
PARENTS: Michael RANS and Anna Sarah DIETRICH.
Children of Mary Ann (Molly) HITTLE and Michael RANS:
Michael RANS, born about 1818, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania.
John RANS, born about 1820, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania.
Abraham RANS, born 7 Jul 1822, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania, died 9 Jan 1893. He
married (1) Mary Ann HEDRICK 6 Aug 1841, in Gibson Township,Mercer,Ohio.
Mary Ann HEDRICK was born about 1820, in ,,Ohio or Pa. He married (2) Abigail
JONES 1875. Abigail JONES was born about 1820, in ,,Ohio or Pa.
30. Elizabetha (Betsy) HITTLE (George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born 25 Jul 1788, in Moore Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 21 Sep 1788, in
Moore Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died in ,,Ohio. She married (1) John RANTZ about 1808, in
,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. John RANTZ was born about 1780, in ,,Pennsylvania of, died 22 Mar
1823, in Jackson Twp,Columbia,Pennsylvania, buried in Jackson Twp,Columbia,Pennsylvania. She
married (2) Joseph H. ROBBINS 1833, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania. Joseph H. ROBBINS was born
about 1780, in ,,Pennsylvania of, died in ,,Ohio.
CENSUS: 1810 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Orangeville.
RESIDENCE: About 1812 moved to Rohrsburg, thence came to Jackson township, Columbia County,
RESIDENCE: In 1836 she moved to Ohio and there Joseph and Elizabeth died.
Elizabeth had 5 sons by John Rantz.
CONFLICT: Elizabeth married second to Joseph Hagerman, and they moved to Mercer Co, Ohio -----but I also have listed Joseph Robbins???
CEMETERY: Lower Jackson or Derr's Baptist Church, Jackson Township.
Children of Elizabetha (Betsy) HITTLE and John RANTZ:
John RANTZ, born 3 May 1811, in Orangeville near,Columbia,Pennsylvania, died
31 Jan 1890, in Jackson Township,Columbia,Pennsylvania, buried in Jackson
Township,Columbia,Pennsylvania. He married Mary CHRISTIAN 22 Oct 1843, in
,,Pennsylvania. Mary CHRISTIAN was born 1 Jun 1823, in ,,Pennsylvania of, died
13 Apr 1904, in Jackson Township,Columbia,Pennsylvania, buried in Jackson
RESIDENCE: After the family moved to Ohio in 1836, he returned in 1838.
OCCUPATION: Stone mason and plasterer.
CEMETERY: Lower Jackson or Derr's Church, Jackson Township, Columbia
CEMETERY: Lower Jackson, died 13 Apr 1904, age 80 years, 10 months, 12
Michael RANTZ. He married Living ____.
31. Rachel HITTLE (George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ),
born 10 Jan 1792, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 15 Mar 1860, in Knox Township,Jay,Indiana,
buried in Winters Cem,Knox Township,Jay,Indiana. She married John TAYLOR ABT 1807/1809, in
,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. John TAYLOR was born Dec 1779, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 17 Oct
1855, in Knox Township,Jay,Indiana, buried in Winters Cem,Knox Township,Jay,Indiana.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Mount Pleasant Township, MALES 3 0-10, 1
26-45, females 1 0-10, 1 10-16, 1 26-45.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Columbia County, Shenango Township, MALES 1 15-20, 1 40-50,
females 1 0-5, 1 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 40-50.
MIGRATION: Moved 1839 from Licking Co, Ohio to Jay County, Indiana.
CENSUS: 1850 INDIANA, Jay County, Green Township.
NOTES: Death certificate of son Philip lists name as James Taylor mother as Rachel Hittle. Census for
1850 on farm located next to Philip as a John Taylor and Rachel Taylor
LAND: "From a transcript of the original tract book on file in the office of the county auditor it is noted
that the following persons had entered land here prior to and including the year 1836, the year in which
Jay county was organized. Though many of these no doubt were mere land speculators who entered the
lands with a view to disposing of them presently at a profit, the majority, as the familiar names indicate,
were settlers." John Taylor... " Source: Milton T. Jay, M.D., History of Jay County Indiana, Historical
Publishing Co., Indpls. 1922, Vol. I, pp.164-166. A reprint of M.W. Montgomerys History of Jay
County, 1864.
CONFLICT: The Biographies of Columbia County says that Barbara, not Rachel married John Taylor.
This is in error.
Children of Rachel HITTLE and John TAYLOR:
Christina TAYLOR, born about 1810, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania. She married
Samuel REICHARD about 1832, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania. Samuel REICHARD
was born about 1810, in ,,Pennsylvania.
RESIDENCE: Remained in Columbia County.
Philip TAYLOR, born 23 Jun 1817, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. He married
Mary A. COGAN. Mary A. COGAN was born 4 Jul 1822, in ,Tuscarawas,Ohio.
32. Johannes (John) HITTLE (John Adam (Adam) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ),
born 1 Dec 1782, in Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 7 Sep 1836/1846, in
McEwensville,Delaware Township,Northumberland,Pennsylvania. He married Anna Marie (Maria)
TRUCKENMILLER about 1807, in Upper Milford Township,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Anna Marie
(Maria) TRUCKENMILLER was born 7 Oct 1787, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 23 Sep 1873, in
McEwensville,Delaware Township,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, buried in Union Cemetery,Delaware
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford. ...Elizabeth
Huettel, born 26 Mar 1808, bapt 26 May 1808, dau of John and Maria Huettel. Sponsors: Jacob and
Maria Trockenmiller.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Turbolt Township.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Delaware Township Maria Hittle 63 PA
John 30 Pa Elizabeth 33 PA Mary 29 Sarah 26 Leah 19 Ellen 19 Samuel Smith 14
CENSUS: 1860 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Delaware Township Mary Hittle 70 Mary
40 John 35 Betsey 42 Sally 32 Leah 25
CENSUS: 1870 PENNSYLVANIA, Northumberland County, Delaware Township John Hettle 56 PA
Elizabeth 60 Mary 58 Sarah 54 Ellen 42 Leah 41 Mary 83
MARRIAGE: In Faulkner Swamp Church, New Hanover.
Children of Johannes (John) HITTLE and Anna Marie (Maria) TRUCKENMILLER:
Elizabeth HITTLE, born 26 Mar 1808, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1871.
Mary HITTLE, born 1810, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1891.
George HITTLE, born 25 Jul 1812, in ,Montgomery,Pennsylvania, died 10 Mar
1901, in Prairie City,McDonough,Illinois. He married Sarah LEINBACH 8 Feb
1838. Sarah LEINBACH was born 3 Dec 1820, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania,
died 25 Nov 1908, in Prairie City,McDonough,Illinois.
John HITTLE, born 1814, in ,Montgomery,Pennsylvania, died 1887.
Sarah HITTLE, born 1817, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1877.
Jacob HITTLE, born 1819, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1846.
Anna HITTLE, born 1822, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1892. She married Franklin A.
DONEHOWER. Franklin A. DONEHOWER was born 1822, died 1895.
Susanna (Sally) HITTLE, born 1825, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1910. She married
Jediah KEISER. Jediah KEISER was born 1821, died 1893.
Leah HITTLE, born 1829, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 1912. She
married (1) Joshia BAKER. Joshia BAKER was born about 1829. She married (2)
George F. WAGNER. George F. WAGNER was born 1834, died 1914.
Ellen HITTLE, born 1829, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 1886. She
married VONEDIA. VONEDIA was born about 1829.
33. Frederick Or Fridirig HITTLE (John George (George) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born 8 Nov 1783, in Salisbury Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1840/1850, in
,,Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth about 1810, in ,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Elizabeth was born
1787/1788, in ,,Pennsylvania, died after 1850, in ,Lehigh of,Pennsylvania.
CHRISTENING: Western Salisbury Lutheran Church, Salisbury Township, Northampton
County--Fridirig Hittel, born Nov 8, 1783, baptized Dec 14, 1783 to George Hittel and wife Fridi;
sponsors Fridirig Martin and wife Maria.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, South Whitehall. Jordan Reformed
Church. ...Mathilda Huettel, born 21 Apr 1815, bapt 21 May 1815, dau of Frederick and Elizabeth
CHILDREN: Also had son George Frederick born 6 Aug 1811 in Lehigh County.
LAND: Weisenberg Township, Lehigh County, PA; purchased Dec 16, 1834.
CENSUS: 1840 PENNSYLVANIA, Mercer County, Salem Twp. Frederick Hittle. M 1 10-15, 1
50-60; FEM 1 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 20-30, 1 40-50.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Weisenberg Township. Frederich Hittle 39 PA
Tailer Catharina 39 Catharina 16 Elisabeth Hittle 62 PA.
NOTES: EMAIL 2003. ...My great, great, great grandfather Frederick Hittle is the one listed in the
1840 Mercer Census. I know his wife to be Elizabeth according to his will probated in Mercer County.
Are we talking about the same Frederick? ...I have found some of Frederick and Elizabeth Hittle's
children listed in the church records of New Bethel or Zion Grimsville, Greenwich Twp. Berks Co. Pa.
They start in the year 1818. According to his will he had a child Matilda who could very possibly be the
Mathilda Huettel born April 1815 that you list baptized in Northampton Co. George and Maria Hittel
was a sponsor for a child baptism. Also a Margareta Wetzel was a sponsor for a child of George and
Marie Hittel. I thnk there is a great possibly we are talking about the same family. great, great, great
grandfather Frederick Hittle Mary Dvorak
Children of Frederick Or Fridirig HITTLE and Elizabeth:
George Frederick (Frederick) HITTLE, born 6 Aug 1811, in ,,Pennsylvania,
died 10 Jun 1883, in Weisenberg Township,Lehigh,Pennsylvania, buried in Ziegel
Church,Weisenberg Township,Lehigh,Pennsylvania. He married Catharina
SIEGRIED. Catharina SIEGRIED was born 13 May 1811, in Weisenberg
Matilda HITTLE, born 21 Apr 1815, in South Whitehall
34. John Jacob (Jacob) Hittle (HITTEL) (John George (George) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) ,
Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 26 Sep 1785, in Lower Saucon Twp,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1826, in
South Whitehall,Northampton,Pennsylvania.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Berks County, Greenwich Township.
CHILDREN: Son, Jonathan named in Orphans Court Docket of father George HITTEL.
Children of John Jacob (Jacob) Hittle (HITTEL) and ____ ____:
Jonathan Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1815, in ,,Pennsylvania.
35. Solomon HITTLE (Jacob , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about 1788,
in ,,Virginia, died about 1825, in ,Butler,Ohio. He married (1) Elizabeth PATTERSON 10 Jul 1807, in
,Butler,Ohio. Elizabeth PATTERSON was born about 1790, in ,,South Carolina, died about 1821, in
,Butler,Ohio. He married (2) Sarah BENNETT 1821, in ,Butler,Ohio. Sarah BENNETT was born about
QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not positive that Solomon of Ohio is the same son of Jacob Hittle, born
about 1788, but seems to fit. Son of Solomon, Benjamin states that father born Virginia. Benjamin born
1808 Ohio. Solomon was first one in Ohio.
TAX LIST: 1809 Butler County, Ohio -- Solomon Hittle
CENSUS: 1820 OHIO, Butler County, Milford Township Solomon Hittle Males 3 0-10, 1 10-16, 1
26-45 Females 1 10-15, 1 26-45. Living next to Andrew Smith, Robert Scott, Jacob Gard, William
Martin, Job Conorore, Thomas Martin
From: "Michele Cokl Naylor" < <>> _Subject:
[HITTLE-L] Solomon, Perry, Squire _Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 22:56:29 -0700 ...........I have a Solomon
Hittle who was married twice in Hamilton County, Ohio and died there before 1825._...........I think three
of his sons were:_............Squire HITTLE - _............John P. HITTLE - b. 15 Dec 1812 Butler County, OH,
d. 30 Nov 1889, m._Elizabeth SEFTON 4 May 1848 Decatur County, IN_..........Perry HITTLE - b. abt.
1815, d. 1877, m. Priscilla ARONS_..........I have found Perry HITTLE in Preble County, OH owning a
business and buyingand selling land. Also on the census._............I found the family again in Indiana the
head of the household was named_Henry, same wife and children._............I know that there has been a lot
of work sorting out the various HITTLEs in_southwest Ohio, but I never find anything about Solomon,
Squire, John P._and Perry._............Does anyone have any information?...........Thanks, Michele Cokl
Naylor <>
Children of Solomon HITTLE and Elizabeth PATTERSON:
Benjamin F. HITTLE, born 6 Feb 1808, in ,Butler of,Ohio, died 26 Jul 1882, in
Mount Pleasant Township,Delaware,Indiana, buried in Mount Pleasant
Township,Delaware,Indiana. He married Catherine. Catherine was born 27 Jan
1805, in ,,Vermont, died 23 Apr 1881, in Mount Pleasant
CENSUS: 1840 INDIANA, Bartholomew County, Haw Creek Township Benj
Hottle Males 1 0-5, 1 5-10, 1 20-30, Females 1 30-40
CENSUS: 1850 INDIANA, Delaware County, Liberty Township Benjamin Hittle
44 OH Catherine 45 Vermont Julia Cunningham 27 PA
CENSUS: 1860 INDIANA, Delaware County, Mt Pleasant Township Benjamin F.
Hittle (Physician) 50 VA Catherine 53 VT Franklin P. 8 OH
CENSUS: 1860 INDIANA, Delaware County, Mt Pleasant Township Benjamin F.
Hittle 62 OH Catherine 64 Mass
CENSUS: 1880 INDIANA, Delaware county, Mt Pleasant Township B F Hittle 72
OH VA SC Doctor Catherine 75 VT MASS MASS
CEMETERY: 1880 INDIANA, Delaware county, Mt Pleasant Township
Benjamin F. Hittle died 7/26/1882 age 74y 5m 20 days Catherine Hittle 4/23/1881
age 76y, 2m 27d wife of Benjamin f. Hittle
John P. HITTLE, born 15 Dec 1812, in ,Butler,Ohio, died 30 Nov 1889. He
married Elizabeth SEFTON 4 May 1848, in ,Decatur,Indiana. Elizabeth SEFTON
was born about 1815.
CENSUS: 1870 INDIANA, Decatur County, Washington Township
Perry HITTLE, born 1814/1815, in ,,Ohio, died 1877, in ,Jennings of,Indiana. He
married Priscilla ARONS. Priscilla ARONS was born 1813/1814, in ,,New Jersey.
QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not sure if Perry and Squire L. Hittle are sons of
Solomon or not.
CENSUS: 1840 OHIO, Hamilton County, CIncinnati Perry Hittle
CENSUS: 1850 OHIO, Preble County Henry Hittle
CENSUS: 1860 INDIANA, Shelly County, Hanover Township Perry Hittle 45 OH
Priscilla 46 NJ Sarah E. 17 OH Squire 15 Mary L. 10 Hiram 8 Ann L. 5 Lettie C. 3
Sarah Arons 54 NJ Franklin Hittle 6 OH
CENSUS: 1870 INDIANA, Jennings County, Columbia Perry Hittle.
Squire L. HITTLE, born 1816/1817, in ,,Ohio, died Apr 1875, in
Richmond,Wayne,Indiana. He married Anna Catherine BYERS about 1843, in
,,Pennsylvania. Anna Catherine BYERS was born 1823/1824, in
QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not sure that Squire and Perry Hittle are sons of
CENSUS: 1850 INDIANA, Wayne County, Wayne Township Squire L. Hittle 32
OH Anna C. 26 PA Rebecca E. 5 PA Mary A. 1 IND Squire Walton 18 IND
CENSUS: 1860 INDIANA, Wayne County, Richmond Township Squire Hittle 43
OH Anna C. 36 PA Mary 12 IND Ella 9 Omar 6 Sarah Creek? 42 IND
CENSUS: 1870 INDIANA, Wayne County, Richmond
36. Levi George HITTLE (George Frederick (Frederick) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born 27 Jul 1808, in ,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 23 Sep 1881, in Fayette
Twp,Fulton,Ohio, buried in Fayette Twp,Fulton,Ohio. He married Margaret STAMBACH Aug 1837, in
,,Pennsylvania. Margaret STAMBACH was born 9 Dec 1814, in ,,Pennsylvania of, died 7 Jan 1861,
buried in Fayette Twp,Fulton,Ohio.
RESIDENCE: 1845 Lycoming County, PA and in 1880 in Franklin Township, Fulton County, Ohio.
Children of Levi George HITTLE and Margaret STAMBACH:
Sabina HITTLE, born 1842/1843, died 1932, in Tacoma,Pierce,Washington. She
married Ulysses Or Alvin N. PERSING. Ulysses Or Alvin N. PERSING was born
about 1840.
37. Peter HITTLE (Nicholas , Johann Peter (Peter) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 1772, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, christened 1 Aug 1772, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died in Wheatfield of,Niagara,New York. He married Mary
Magdalene (Magdelene) STAHLER about 1803, in ,,Pennsylvania. Mary Magdalene (Magdelene)
STAHLER was born about 1772, in ,,Pennsylvania, died about 1870, in Wheatfield of,Niagara,New
York, buried in Wheatfield,Niagara,New York.
LINKS-BAPTISM: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford. ...Carolus Guth, born 30
Dec 1798, bapt 24 Apr 1799, dau of Daniel Guth and Elizabeth. Sponsors Peter Huettel and Magdalene
Guth, single.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford. ...Maria Huettel,
born 20 Mar 1804, bapt 20 May 1804, dau of Peter and Magdalene Huettel. Sponsors Nicholas and
Susanna Huettel. ...Lydia Huettel, born 17 Jul 1805 bapt 8 Sep 1805, dau of Peter and Magdalene
Huettel. Sponsors Christian Staehler and Magdalene.
RESIDENCE: Moved to Wheatfield Township, Niagara County, NY between 1820 and 1830.
CENSUS: 1830 NEW YORK, Niagara County, Wheatfield Township.
CENSUS: 1840 NEW YORK, Niagara County, Wheatfield Township.
CENSUS: 1850 NEW YORK, Niagara County, Wheatfield Township.
Children of Peter HITTLE and Mary Magdalene (Magdelene) STAHLER:
Maria HITTLE, born 20 Mar 1804, in Upper Milford,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
Lydia HITTLE, born 17 Jul 1805, in Upper Milford,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
38. John Henry (Henry) HITTLE (Nicholas , Johann Peter (Peter) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 28 Aug
1775, in Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania. He married Sarah SOURBIER 5 Jul 1803, in Upper
Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Sarah SOURBIER was born about 1780, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 1817.
MARRIAGE: PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Hilffrich Pastoral Records 1790-1810 Heinrich
Huttel and Sarah Sarber 5 Jul 1803 at Home.
BAPTISM-CHILDREN: PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Upper Milford. ...Sarah Huettel,
born 11 Jul 1807 bapt 4 Oct 1807, dau of Henry and Sarah Huettel. sponsors Nicholas and Susana
Huettel. ...Henry Hidel, born 2 Jul 1809, bapt 10 Sep 1809, son of Henry and Sarah Hidel. Sponsors:
John Hidel and Maria Kehler.
QUESTION: Possibly Maria Sara SORBER, born 3 Oct 1782, daughter of Adam and Susanna
PROBATE: Lehigh County, PA, Orphans Court File #37, dated 1818, Sarah HITTLE, deceased, late of
Macungie Township, had Anna, Samuel, Polly, Sarah, and Henry.
Children of John Henry (Henry) HITTLE and Sarah SOURBIER:
Sarah HITTLE, born 11 Jul 1807, in Upper Milford,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
Henry HITTLE, born 2 Jul 1809, in Upper Milford,Lehigh,Pennsylvania, died
1880, in ,Wayne,Indiana. He married Catherine. Catherine was born 1809/1810, in
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Macungie Township Henry
Hittle 2 20-30, F 1 0-5, 1 20-30
CENSUS: 1850 INDIANA, Wayne County, Germantown Henry Hittle 40 PA
Catherine 40 Germany Sarah 19 PA Catherine 17 OH John 14 Ohio Eliza 12 OH
henry 10 OH Lydia 7 OH Benjamin F. IND William 1 IND
LINKS: Transcribed from A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written and
compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical
Society, Topeka. [Revised ed.] Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1919, c1918. 5 v.
(xlviii, 2530 p., [155] leaves of plates): ill., maps (some fold.), ports.; 27 cm.
Jacob W. Boughner
JACOB W. BOUGHNER went out to Western Kansas forty years ago. It is the men
of forty years experience who have done most for that section of the state, since
nearly all the counties were then just in process of formation and settlement. Mr.
Boughner has been through hard times and good times, but there is no question
about his prosperity, since he has acquired large holdings of rich and productive
lands, and has long been a well known banker in Osborne County.
Mr. Boughner came to Western Kansas with the family before he reached his
majority. He was born at MARRIAGE: PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County,
Hilffrich Pastoral Records 1790-1810 Heinrich Huttel and Sarah Sarber 5 Jul 1803
at Home.
Milford. ...Sarah Huettel, born 11 Jul 1807 bapt 4 Oct 1807, dau of Henry and
Sarah Huettel. sponsors Nicholas and Susana Huettel. ...Henry Hidel, born 2 Jul
1809, bapt 10 Sep 1809, son of Henry and Sarah Hidel. Sponsors: John Hidel and
Maria Kehler.Centerville, Iowa, November 19, 1859. His remote ancestors came
from Germany, three Boughner brothers coming to this country in colonial times,
one of them locating in Canada and two in New Jersey, and they fought in the
Revolutionary war. Of the noteworthy ancestors of Mr. Boughner one was his
great-great-grandmother, the sister of Captain Hull of the Frigate "Constitution."
The story is told of how she was one of a party of schoolgirls who with song and
flowers welcomed General Washington after his return from a victorious campaign.
Mr. Boughner's grandfather, Richard Boughner, was born in New Jersey in 1794.
He lived for a number of years in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, where he was a
farmer and stock raiser. In 1844 he moved to Wayne County, Indiana, but late in
life retired to Dayton, Ohio, where he died in 1884, at the age of ninety years. His
youngest son, William, was killed while a soldier in the Civil war. Mr. Boughner's
maternal grandfather was Henry Hittle. He was born in Darke County, Ohio, in
1809, and was an early settler in Wayne County, Indiana, where he tendered a
valuable service to the community as a blacksmith and wagonmaker. He was
fifty-two years old when the Civil war broke out, but in spite of that age enlisted
and served all through that struggle. He died honored and esteemed in Wayne
County in 1880.
Martin Boughner, father of Jacob W., was born in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania,
in 1826. He was about eighteen years old when his parents moved to Cambridge,
Wayne County, Indiana, where he grew up and married. He was a carpenter and
builder in early years. In 1855 he moved out to Centerville, Iowa, bought a farm
and also followed his trade part of the time. In April, 1878, he arrived in Osborne
County, Kansas, and homesteaded 160 acres at Round Mound. Eventually he
acquired 600 acres of good farm land, and was a noted stock raiser and wheat
farmer for many years. He finally retired to Natoma, and died there in 1911. He
served as justice of the peace and at one time was postmaster of Round Mound. He
was a republican aud a Methodist, being very regular and active in his church
Martin Boughner married Catherine Hittle. She was born in Darke County, Ohio, in
1834, and died at Centerville, Iowa, in 1916. Of her three children Jacob W. is the
youngest. Viola married Samuel Conger, a retired farmer at Centerville, Iowa.
Henry Boughner lives at Downs in Osborne County, and is a farmer, specializing in
pure bred Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle.
The opportunities Jacob W. Boughner had to attend school were in the country
district near Centerville, Iowa. He was nineteen years old when he came to Kansas
with his parents in 1878, and first assisted his father on the homestead, but after
reaching his majority he too took up a homestead of 160 acres and also a timber
claim of like amount. He still owns both those claims, but in addition has increased
his holdings to 1,500 acres in Osborne County, and uses this large tract for stock
raising and wheat growing. His home for many years has been at Natoma, where he
built a large modern residence in 1910. Besides farming Mr. Boughner has always
been interested in other business affairs. In 1909 he helped establish the First
National Bank of Natoma, and was its president until January, 1918. He is now
chairman of its board of directors. The president is George S. Welling, the vice
president, E. G. Boughner, and the cashier Otto F. Borden. This is a highly
prosperous institution, having n capital of $50,000 and surplus and profits of
$8,500. Mr. Boughner also established the Citizens State Bank of Republic,
Kansas, and was its president two years, then selling his interests. In 1889 he and
his father established a store at Natoma, conducting it three years, until 1892. He
also opened a store in 1892 at Plainville, and was a factor in its management until
1896, when he sold out. He owned another store at Republic, Kansas, for nine
years, and on disposing of his mercantile properties he invested in his present
ranch. Mr. Boughner is also chairman of the board of the National Loan Company,
capitalized at $25,000.
For over twenty years Mr. Boughner was a member of the school boards of
Natoma, Plainville and Republic, and has also been a member of the city council.
He is a republican, and is a very active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
being chairman of the board of trustees and superintendent of the Sunday school.
He is affiliated with Natoma Camp of the Modern Woodmen of America.
In 1881, at Osborne, Mr. Boughner married Miss Julia Edmisten, daughter of James
and Mary (McMannis) Edmisten. Her mother is deceased and her father, a retired
farmer lives with Mr. and Mrs. Boughner. The latter have good reason to be proud
of the record of their three children. The oldest, Grace, is the wife of William
Musselman. She is a graduate of the Republic High School. The Musselman family
reside at Fort Sam Houston, near San Antonio, Texas. William Musselman is a
captain and adjutant in the United States army, being with the Third Field Artillery
and the Three Hundred and Forty-Third Field Artillery during the war period. In
1918 he was on the firing line in France, at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest and Verdun
and on to Coblenz, Germany.
Elbert Grant Boughner, the oldest son of Mr. Boughner, graduated from the
Republic High School, attended Salina University, and is now vice president of the
First National Bank of Natoma. He was born in Osborne County June 25, 1886. He
is also secretary and treasurer of the National Loan Company above mentioned. He
is a republican, is treasurer of the Natoma School Board, and a member of Natoma
Lodge No. 390, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and Salina, Kansas,
Consistory No. 3 of the Scottish Rite. He and his family occupy a fine modern
residence built in 1911. In that year, at Kansas City, he married Miss Elsie
Goodman, daughter of C. H. and Dora Goodman, the former a well known
stockman at Plainville, Kansas. Her mother is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Boughner have one daughter, Marjorie, born June 8, 1912, and one son, E. G. Jr.,
born January 23, 1919.
Philip E. Boughner, the youngest of the children, is a very talented musician. After
graduating from the Natoma High School he entered Bethany College at Lindsborg,
Kansas, graduated in the musical department of that well known institution, later
studied for a year in the Chicago Conservatory of Music, and finished his education
in New York City under Dr. Arthur Freidheim. He is now in the service of his
country as lieutenant in the Three Hundred and Fortieth Field Artillery, hand
master of the regimental band. Several months in 1918 he was on the firing line in
France, was with the Eighty-Ninth Division at St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest and went
into Coblenz as part of the Army of Occupation.
39. John William? HITTLE (Nicholas , Johann Peter (Peter) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 22 Jun 1783,
in Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died Nov 1833, in Walnut Township,Pickaway,Ohio,
buried in Walnut Township,Pickaway,Ohio. He married (1) Anna Maria KEHLER? about 1812, in
,,Pennsylvania. Anna Maria KEHLER? was born 17 Nov 1790. He married (2) Lydia KERN about
1815, in ,,Pennsylvania. Lydia KERN was born 1797/1798, in ,,Pennsylvania, died about 27 Jul 1860, in
Circleville,Pickaway,Ohio, buried in Flora PetersFarm,Circleville,Pickaway,Ohio.
LAND: On 2 Apr 1832 John sold his land in Lehigh County and moved to Walnut Township, Pickaway
County, Ohio.
PARENTS: Solomon KERN and Eve -----.
MARRIAGE: After John died, Lydia Married (2) 4 Dec 1839 in Pickaway County to Benjamin
Children of John William? HITTLE and Anna Maria KEHLER?:
Hetty HITTLE, born about 1811, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 3 Mar 1877, in Allen
Benjamin HITTLE, born 3 May 1813, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania, died 12 May
1885, in Allen Township,Darke,Ohio, buried in Zerbe Cemetery,Allen
Township,Darke,Ohio. He married Anna Mary RIEGEL 29 Jan 1839, in
,Darke,Ohio. Anna Mary RIEGEL was born 4 Sep 1822, in
,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 14 Jun 1890, in Allen Township,Darke,Ohio,
buried in Zerbe Cemetery,Allen Township,Darke,Ohio.
PARENTS: George Riegel and Anna Maria Lesher.
Alvina HITTLE, born about 1814, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania. She married (1)
CALDWELL. CALDWELL was born about 1810. She married (2) WILDER.
WILDER was born about 1810.
Children of John William? HITTLE and Lydia KERN:
Eliza HITTLE, born 13 Jan 1816, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania, died 2 Jun 1892, in
Circleville,Pickaway,Ohio. She married Henry GEORGE. Henry GEORGE was
born 1792, died 1871.
Mary Ann HITTLE, born 10 Dec 1819, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania. She married
David RIEGEL? 10 Jul 1838, in ,Pickaway,Ohio. David RIEGEL? was born about
Lydia HITTLE, born 10 Nov 1821, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania, died 16 Apr 1910, in
Circleville,Pickaway,Ohio. She married Isaac Eyer DREISBACH 9 Feb 1841, in
,Pickaway,Ohio. Isaac Eyer DREISBACH was born 28 Mar 1819, in
,Union,Pennsylvania, died 27 Mar 1897, in ,Pickaway,Ohio.
Caroline HITTLE, born about 1822, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
Mary (Molly) HITTLE, born about 1825.
Sarah Ann HITTLE, born about 1826, died after 1880, in Atkinson,,Nebraska.
She married Lewis TOBIAS. Lewis TOBIAS was born 1822, died 10 Jun 1902, in
William HITTLE, born about 1828, died in Lincoln,,Illinois. He married Mary A.
WILLIAMS 2 Oct 1853. Mary A. WILLIAMS was born about 1830.
Mary Margaret HITTLE, born 4 Apr 1830, died 17 Mar 1904, in
Elpaso,Woodford,Illinois. She married Elias S. RAY 20 Feb 1855. Elias S. RAY
was born 1825, died 1902.
Elizabeth HITTLE, born 1832, died in Williamsport,,Pennsylvania. She married
Simon P. DUNKLE 14 Oct 1852. Simon P. DUNKLE was born 1831.
40. William Hittle (HITTEL) (Nicholas , Johann Peter (Peter) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 17 Mar 1790,
in Upper Milford,Northampton,Pennsylvania, died 13 Feb 1866, in Macungie
Twp,Lehigh,Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth EISENHART about 1815, in
,Northampton,Pennsylvania. Elizabeth EISENHART was born 19 Nov 1798, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 19
Apr 1887, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
PROBATE: Lehigh County Will Book 3, page 353, probated 23 Feb 1866. Names sons David,
William, Charles, Joseph, and B.F.
CENSUS: 1820 PENNSYLVANIA, Northampton County, Macungie Township.
CENSUS: 1830 PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Upper Milford Township.
CENSUS: 1840 PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Upper Milford Township.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Lehigh County, Upper Milford Township.
PARENTS: Johan Jacob Eisenhart and Rosina Knappenberger.
Children of William Hittle (HITTEL) and Elizabeth EISENHART:
Joseph Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1822, in ,,Pennsylvania.
David Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1830, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
Daniel Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1835, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
John Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1839, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
Benjamin Hittle (HITTEL), born about 1840, in ,Lehigh,Pennsylvania.
QUESTIONABLE LINK: Name B. most likely Benjamin
41. Johannes Adam HITTLE (Nicholas , Other , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 17 Jan 1766, in
,,Pennsylvania, died 1807. He married Magdalena. Magdalena was born about 1775.
Children of Johannes Adam HITTLE and Magdalena:
David HITTLE, born 1790/1794, in ,,Pennsylvania.
John Adam (Adam) HITTLE, born 1795/1796, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1880, in
,Schuyllkill of,Pennsylvania.
Salome HITTLE, born 9 Jan 1798, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 15 Aug 1860, in Wayne
Township,Schuylkill,Pennsylvania. She married David HATCH. David HATCH
was born about 1795.
John HITTLE, born 1803. He married Elizabeth MACHAMER. Elizabeth
MACHAMER was born 22 Jun 1806, died 4 Apr 1873.
42. John Nicholas (Nicholas) HITTLE (Nicholas , Other , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 6 Sep 1772, in
Upper Tulpehocken Township,Berks,Pennsylvania, died Jun 1846, in Liberty Township,Darke,Ohio,
buried in Clark Station Cemetery,Liberty Township,Darke,Ohio. He married (1) Eva Ann BOYER
1795. Eva Ann BOYER was born Jun 1779, in Pinegrove Township,Berks,Pennsylvania, died 11 Jun
1842, in ,Darke,Ohio, buried in Clark Station Cemetery,Liberty Township,Darke,Ohio. He married (2)
Elizabeth (Frishman) SMITH 11 Jan 1843, in ,Darke,Ohio. Elizabeth (Frishman) SMITH was born
about 1780.
PARENTS: Johann Assimus BOYER and Maria Elizabeth SPIELER.
Children of John Nicholas (Nicholas) HITTLE and Eva Ann BOYER:
Sarah HITTLE, born about 1797, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1846. She married
Nicholas DICKSON 19 Sep 1816, in ,Miami,Ohio. Nicholas DICKSON was born
about 1795, in ,,Pennsylvania of.
Barbara HITTLE, born about 1798, in ,,Pennsylvania. She married Solomon
FOUST 7 Apr 1831, in ,Miami,Ohio. Solomon FOUST was born 1796, in
,,Pennsylvania, died 1861, in Cynthian Township,Shelby,Ohio, buried in Oran
Cemetery,Cynthian Township,Shelby,Ohio.
Eva Ann HITTLE, born about 1799, in ,,Pennsylvania. She married Daniel
BURNS. Daniel BURNS was born 1792, died 1864.
PARENTS; Henry BURNS and Magdalena SHOCKEY.
Catherine HITTLE, born 31 Jan 1801, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1865. She married
David WELLBAUM 2 Apr 1821, in ,Miami,Ohio. David WELLBAUM was born 5
Dec 1800, in Huntington,,Pennsylvania.
PARENTS: Karl Ludwig WELLBAUM and Mary Magdalena KNESILEY.
John HITTLE, born 28 Apr 1803, in ,Bucks,Pennsylvania, died 2 Nov 1861, in
,Miami,Ohio. He married Mary KESLER 18 Feb 1825, in ,Miami,Ohio. Mary
KESLER was born 27 Aug 1810, in ,,Ohio, died 10 Oct 1844, in ,Miami,Ohio.
Susanah HITTLE, born 19 Jun 1805, in ,Lancaster,Pennsylvania, died 14 Jun
1856, in ,Lancaster,Pennsylvania. She married (1) Joseph BURKETT 16 Jul 1822,
in ,Miami,Ohio. Joseph BURKETT was born about 1793, in ,,North Carolina, died
4 Mar 1851, in ,Darke,Ohio. She married (2) William MORROW 23 Oct 1853.
William MORROW was born about 1795.
PARENTS: Joseph Burkett and Mary Hoover
Rebecca (Peggy) HITTLE, born 1807, in ,,Pennsylvania. She married Abraham
WELLBAUM 2 Sep 1824, in ,Miami,Ohio. Abraham WELLBAUM was born 12
Mar 1803, in Bedford,Huntington,Pennsylvania, died 24 Sep 1863, in Monroe
SON OF Karl Ludwig WELLBAUM and Mary Magdalena KNEISLEY
Nicholas HITTLE, born 1810, in ,,Pennsylvania. He married (1) Catherine about
1833. Catherine was born about 1810. He married (2) Leah LANDIS. Leah
LANDIS was born 1814, in ,,Ohio.
PARENTS: Jacob Landis
David HITTLE, born 1810/1820. He married Rachel DICKSON 25 Mar 1839, in
,Darke,Ohio. Rachel DICKSON was born about 1820.
Ann HITTLE, born about 1813. She married Christopher LEHMAN 12 May
1832, in ,Miami,Ohio. Christopher LEHMAN was born about 1810, died 21 Sep
Adam HITTLE, born about 1815. He married (1) Rebecca BURKETT about
1838. Rebecca BURKETT was born 1818, in ,Miami,Ohio, died 1840. He married
(2) Catherine FOCKLER about 1842, in ,Darke,Ohio. Catherine FOCKLER was
born 1816, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Lydia HITTLE, born about 1822, in Newton Township,Miami,Ohio, died in
Greenville,Darke,Ohio. She married John CASSEL 12 Jan 1840, in ,Miami,Ohio.
John CASSEL was born 1810, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1849, in ,,Illiniois.
Joseph HITTLE, born 8 Feb 1823, in ,Miami,Ohio. He married Christina
RICKER 14 Sep 1843, in ,Darke,Ohio. Christina RICKER was born 1825, in
,,Germany, died 1903.
Children of John Nicholas (Nicholas) HITTLE and Elizabeth (Frishman) SMITH:
Caroline HITTLE, born 25 Dec 1843, in Newton Township,Miami,Ohio.
Cely Ann HITTLE, born about 1847, in Newton Township,Miami,Ohio. She
married Allen NOGGLE 25 May 1863, in ,Darke,Ohio. Allen NOGGLE was born
about 1845.
43. George Pernell HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) ,
Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 12 Feb 1800, in Fishing Creek,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died after 1880,
in ,Fayette of,Indiana. He married (1) Mary MORGAN about Apr 1824, in ,Greene,Ohio. Mary
MORGAN was born about 1801, in ,,Kentucky, died 1850/1853, in ,Rush,Indiana. He married (2) Sarah
about 1854, in ,Rush of,Indiana. Sarah was born 1799/1800, in ,,Indiana.
CONFLICT-MARRIAGE: Greene County, Ohio marriage records; I believe marriage record says 27
March 1824, but I also have 1 Apr 1824.
RESIDENCE: He lived in Indiana until about 1836 when he moved to Iowa and back again to Indiana
about 1839.
OCCUPATION: Merchant and farmer.
CENSUS: 1830 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township; Males 1 5-10, 1 20-30, Females 2 0-5, 1
CENSUS: 1840 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township; Males 1 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 40-50, Females 1
0-5, 1 5-10, 2 10-15, 1 15-20, 1 30-40.
CENSUS: 1850 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township.
CENSUS: 1860 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township.
CENSUS: 1880 INDIANA, Fayette County, Harrison Township; with son Jonathan.
NAME: Middle name Pernell comes from Thomas R. Hogle (2000) <>. If Pernell
is indeed his middle name, then this name seems to indiate an ancestor named Pernell.
Children of George Pernell HITTLE and Mary MORGAN:
Jonathan HITTLE, born 1825, in ,,Indiana, died in ,Fayette of,Indiana. He
married (1) Elizabeth J. SMITH 31 Aug 1856, in ,Rush,Indiana. Elizabeth J.
SMITH was born 12 Jan 1825, in ,,Indiana. He married (2) Mary PIKE 22 Dec
1865, in ,Rush,Indiana. Mary PIKE was born 20 Dec 1828, in ,,Indiana.
MARRIAGE: Rush County Marriage Records; 31 Aug 1856.
MARRIAGE: Rush County Marriage Records; 22 Dec 1865.
CENSUS: 1880 INDIANA, Fayette County, Harrison Township; with father.
MARRIAGE: Married first to Henry Hawk, deceased by May 1865 Rush County,
and had George, Ann, Amanda C. John, Sarah B. and Josephine Hawk.
HITTLE, born 1825/1826, in ,,Indiana.
QUESTION: Perhaps, Elizabeth who married 22 Jun 1845 in Rush County
<marriage record> to John. R. MITCHELL; John born 1817/1818 Kentucky;
Lived 1850 Union Township, Rush County, Indiana; Children George R.
(1846/1847 IN), Mary C. (1848/1849 IN).
Mary Ann HITTLE, born about 1827, in ,Rush of,Indiana.
NOTES: born 29 March 1838, married 24 Sep 1857 Rush County, Indiana to
Thomas Jefferson Nelson. From Thomas R. Hogle.
RESEARCH-EMAIL: (2000) Thomas R. Hogle <>
Margaret HITTLE, born 1828/1829, in ,,Indiana.
MARRIAGE: Single in 1880 with father.
HITTLE, born about 1830, in ,,Indiana.
Julia A. HITTLE, born 1830/1831, in ,,Indiana. She married Reason KELLUM 21
Sep 1852, in ,Rush,Indiana. Reason KELLUM was born about 1830, in ,,Indiana
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana Marriage Records, 21 Sep 1852.
Michael A. HITTLE, born 2 Mar 1835, in ,Rush,Indiana. He married Elizabeth R.
BISHOP 20 Nov 1855, in ,Rush,Indiana. Elizabeth R. BISHOP was born
1837/1838, in ,,Indiana.
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana Marriage Records; 20 Nov 1855.
Sarah HITTLE, born 13 Nov 1841, in Union Township,Rush,Indiana.
George W. HITTLE, born 7 Jul 1843, in ,Rush,Indiana, died Feb 1865, in
,Rush,Indiana. He married Amanda SHIPLEY 22 Oct 1861, in ,Rush,Indiana.
Amanda SHIPLEY was born about 1845, in ,,Indiana of.
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana marriage records, 22 Oct 1861.
PROBATE: Rush County Order Book 9, page 277; 20 Feb 1865; George W.
Hittle, Deceased -- Jonathan Hittle Administrator.
Lafayette HITTLE, born 20 May 1847, in ,Rush,Indiana.
Children of George Pernell HITTLE and Sarah:
Rewally HITTLE, born 13 Nov 1841, in ,Rush,Indiana.
44. Nicholas HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born about Jun 1804, in Fishing Creek,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 24 Aug 1867, in
Union Twp,Rush,Indiana, buried in Ben Davies Cem,Union Township,Rush,Indiana. He married
Susanna MORGAN 2 Dec 1824, in ,Rush,Indiana. Susanna MORGAN was born 1804/1805, in
,,Kentucky, died about Jun 1875, in ,Rush,Indiana, buried in ,Rush,Indiana.
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana marriage Records; 2 Dec 1824.
OCCUPATION: Farmer and Stock dealer.
CENSUS: 1830 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township; Males 1 0-5, 1 20-30, Females 1 0-5, 1
CENSUS: 1840 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township; Males 2 0-5, 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 20-30,
Females 1 5-10, 1 10-15, 1 20-30.
CENSUS: 1850 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township.
PROBATE: Rush County, Indiana; Will dated 8 Jul 1871, probated 19 Jun 1875; mentions
grandchildren William T. Hittle and Marshall N. Hittle.
Children of Nicholas HITTLE and Susanna MORGAN:
HITTLE, born about 1826, in ,Rush,Indiana.
HITTLE, born about 1828, in ,Rush,Indiana.
Elizabeth HITTLE, born 1831/1832, in ,Rush,Indiana.
MARRIAGE: Single in 1871 (will of mother).
George HITTLE, born 30 Dec 1833, in ,Rush,Indiana, died Jul 1904, in New
Palestine,Hancock,Indiana. He married Elizabeth BRIGGS 1860, in ,,Indiana.
Elizabeth BRIGGS was born Mar 1832, in ,,Kentucky.
BIOGRAPHY: On October 19, 1871 he purchased the farm in Sugar Creek
Township, Hancock County, Indiana which he made his home until early
1890/1900. He moved to New Palestine, Hancock County in Oct 1901 where he
died in Jul 1904 (from "Biographical Memoirs of Hancock County, Indiana").
COUNTY, INDIANA, PART 7 GEORGE HITTLE. ....................Prominent among
the older citizens of Sugar Creek township is George Hittle, for many years an
enterprising farmer and an intelligent, progressive man of affairs. An Indianian by
birth, he first saw the lightof day in Rush county, December 20, 1833, and is the
son of Nicholas and Susan (MorÂ-gan) Hittle, natives of Pennsylvania and
Kentucky respectively. His father was a farmer and. stock dealer and for many
years carried on the latter business quite extenÂ-sively in Rush county,
accumulating a large and valuable property there and elsewhere. .................George
Hittle was reared on a farm, reÂ-ceived his educational training in the old
fashioned country schools and when a young man earned his first money as a farm
laÂ-borer at monthly wages. After continuing thus for two years he began
agriculture upon his own responsibility, to which vocation lie has since devoted his
time and attention with encouraging financial results. OctoÂ-ber 19, 1871, lie
purchased the farm in Sugar Creek township which lie made his home until
recently and from that time to the present year lie prosecuted his labors with the
energy and success characteristic of the progressive American agriculturist.
..................Mr. Hittle in 186o entered into the marÂ-riage relation with Miss
Elizabeth Briggs, daughter of Andrew and Martha Briggs, of 'Kentucky, and is the
father of the following children : Omer N., John H. and Alma E., wife of Albert E.
Parish. In all matters of public import Mr. Hittle has ever manifested a
commendable interest and in him are comÂ-bined the essential qualities of true
manÂ-hood and a high order of citizenship. Quiet in demeanor and conservative in
his views, political and religious, lie is nevertheless a forceful factor in the
community, and by a life of honesty and integrity exerts a wholeÂ-some moral
influence among his neighbors and fellow citizens. By deeds rather than by words
has his career been characterized, and all who know him honor and respect him for
his many sterling qualities of mind and heart—qualities that have made his name
sacred and preserved his reputation from adverse criticism. He has borne well his
part thus far and the future awaits him with abundant rewards for duty faithfully
and uncomplainingly performed. He is now living- a life of retirement in New
Palestine, to which place he removed in October, 1901. Mr. Hittle's father died in
Rush county at the age of sixty-five. Besides the subject there are two other
children of Nicholas Hittle now living, namely : Almira, wife of Thomas Keaton,
and Elizabeth Hittle. .....................John H. Hittle, son of George and ElizaÂ-beth
Hittle, was born in Rush county, IndiÂ-ana, September 15, 1863. In his youth and
early manhood he attended the district schools, where by diligent application he
made substantial progress in the various branches taught. In a large sense, however,
he is self-educated, his knowledge of men and affairs being the result of close and
inÂ-telligent observation, although he has alÂ-ways been a reader and keeps
himself well informed upon the leading questions and isÂ-sues of the day. Reared a
farmer, he has always followed agricultural pursuits and for some years has ranked
with the sucÂ-cessful men of the township of Sugar Creek. He was married in 1885
to Miss Alice RawlÂ-ings, who died on the 23d of July, 1892, leaving one child,
Anna. Mr. Hittle's secÂ-ond marriage took place on the 29th day of November,
1893, when, Norah, daughter of John Fritz, became his wife. ..................Mr. Hittle
is a Republican in politics, but not a very active partisan. Well posted upon the
issues dividing the two great parÂ-ties, he forms his conclusions after intelliÂ-gent
consideration and casts his ballot fromconscientious motives rather than at the
beÂ-hest of party leaders. He is a member of New Palestine Lodge, F. & A. M.,
also the Eastern Star, and his name is found on the records of the local Pythian
lodge and the Court of Honor. He is a gentleman of pleasing address, enjoys good
health, and his career has been marked by integrity, perÂ-severance and the
exercise of those social virtues which make him beloved in the home circle and
popular with all who know' him. Genial and affable in manner, courteous in all
relations with his fellow men, we have in him one who is honored and esteemed
and most eminently a representative man of the township in which lie lives and
PARENTS: Andrew BRIGGS and Martha -----.
Mitchel HITTLE, born 1837/1838, in ,Rush,Indiana.
William HITTLE, born 1838/1839, in ,Rush,Indiana.
Susanna HITTLE, born 1843/1844, in ,Rush,Indiana. She married William
NELSON 8 Jun 1864, in ,Rush,Indiana. William NELSON was born about 1840, in
,,Indiana of.
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana Marriage Records; 8 Jun 1864.
Almira HITTLE, born 1845/1846, in ,Rush,Indiana. She married Thomas R.
KEATON 21 Jan 1868, in ,Rush,Indiana. Thomas R. KEATON was born about
1845, in ,,Indiana of.
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana Marriage Records; 21 Jan 1868.
HITTLE, born about 1850, in ,Rush,Indiana.
45. Catharine HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born 11 Nov 1806, in Fishing Creek,Northumberland,Pennsylvania, died 23 Jul 1885, in
Chehalis,Lewis,Washington, buried in Mountainview Cem,Centralia,Lewis,Washington. She married
George Washington BUCHANAN about Oct 1822, in ,Rush,Indiana. George Washington BUCHANAN
was born 8 May 1801, in ,,Indiana, died Sep 1884, in Centralia,Lewis,Washington, buried in
Mountainview Cem,Centralia,Lewis,Washington.
STORY-BIRTH: Catharine was born "on Little Fishing Creek where it flows into Big Fishing Creek
before it flows into the Susquehana"; as told by Catharine, herself, to Arminda Vliet, because she was
married to the youngest son, and they lived with Catharine and George for some time; Arminda told this
story over and over to her granddaughter, Marion Frances BUCHANAN CROTHERS; correspondence
to Gary J. Morris 21 Mar 1977.
CEMETERY: Mountainview Cemetery is 1 mile west of Centralia; Tombstone records birth and death
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana marriage records; 7 Oct 1822.
CONFLICT-MARRIAGE: I have also a date of 7 Nov 1822.
RESEARCHER-EMAIL: (1999) Michelle a. DAY <>.
RESIDENCE: They lived in Henderson County, Illinois from about 1830 to 1845, and lived in Toulon,
Stark County, Illinois from about 1845 to 1853. On march 30, 1854 together which a company of
friends and relative (5 sons, 2 daughters) started across the plains with an ox team. They arrived in the
Oregon Territory on 15 Sep 1853 and settled in Boisfort (BawFaw), Lewis County, Washington on 15
Oct 1853.
CEMETERY: Tombstone records birth and death dates.
Children of Catharine HITTLE and George Washington BUCHANAN:
Elizabeth BUCHANAN, born 14 Aug 1823, in ,,Indiana, died 12 Nov 1909, in
James BUCHANAN, born 23 May 1824, in ,,Indiana, died 17 Dec 1865, in
Michael BUCHANAN, born 26 Nov 1826, in ,Henderson,Illinois, died 6 Jun 1905,
in Chehalis,Lewis,Washington.
John M. BUCHANAN, born 20 Oct 1831/1832, in ,Henderson,Illinois, died 15
May 1908, in Centralia,Lewis,Washington. He married (1) Emmaline BEERS 5
Feb 1859, in Toulon,Stark,Illinois. Emmaline BEERS was born 28 Oct 1832, in
,,Illinois of, died 3 Mar 1891. He married (2) Mary BEERS 7 Oct 1891, in
,Lewis,Washington. Mary BEERS was born ABT 1833/1834, in ,,Illinois of, died
25 Sep 1895. He married (3) Elizabeth ABT 1900/1905. Elizabeth was born about
1830, in ,,Illinois of.
RESIDENCE: In 1860 he moved to Ford's Prairie about 5 miles west of Centralia.
In 1870 he bought the Van Wormer donation claim from John Faron and
established himself as the proprietor of the Halfway House. In 1884 John had
moved to Centralia.
MARRIAGE: Elizabeth marriage first to Mr. CANBY.
Mary BUCHANAN, born about 20 Dec 1834, in Toulon,Stark,Illinois, died 17
Apr 1903, in ,Lewis,Washington.
George Ripley BUCHANAN, born 7 Jan 1839, in ,,Illinois, died 7 Sep 1919, in
DEATH: San Francisco/Oakland area.
Catherine BUCHANAN, born 30 Apr 1841, in ,,Illinois, died 3 Jan 1928, in
Henry BUCHANAN, born 15 Jan 1844, in ,Henderson,Illinois, died 16 Jun 1933,
in Olympia,Thurston,Washington.
Winfield Scott Zachary BUCHANAN, born 11 Mar 1847, in ,,Illinois.
Thomas Filmore BUCHANAN, born 10 Sep 1850, in Toulon,Stark,Illinois, died
Nov 1925, in Tacoma,Pierce,Washington.
46. Elizabeth HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born 1813/1814, in ,Columbia,Pennsylvania. She married (1) Wyatt BROWNLEE 4 Aug
1833, in ,Rush,Indiana. Wyatt BROWNLEE was born 1810/1811, in ,Fairfield,Ohio, died 1860/1865, in
Albia,Monroe,Iowa. She married (2) FINDLEY before 1855. FINDLEY was born about 1810, in
,,Pennsylvania of.
CENSUS: 1840 INDIANA, Parke County; Males 1 20-30, Females 2 0-5, 1 5-10, 1 20-30.
CENSUS: 1860 KANSAS, Franklin County. W. Brownlee 49 O, E. 46 PA, J. 12 ILL, W. 6 Iowa, C. 4
CENSUS: 1860 KANSAS, Franklin County, Centropolis Township. Wyatt Brownlee.
Children of Elizabeth HITTLE and Wyatt BROWNLEE:
J. BROWNLEE, born 1847/1848, in ,,Illinois.
William BROWNLEE, born 1853/1854, in ,,Iowa.
Caroline BROWNLEE, born 1855/1856, in ,,Iowa.
47. Michael HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born 11 Jul 1815/1816, in Bloom Twp,Columbia,Pennsylvania, died 15 May 1878, in
Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. He married (2) Margaret MAHAN 17 Apr 1855,
in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. Margaret MAHAN was born 1826/1827, in ,,Kentucky.
CEMETERY: Died May 15, 1878, age 61 years, 10 months, 4 days (making birth = 11 Jul 1816).
CENSUS: 1856 IOWA, Monroe County, Union Township.M. Hittle 49 PA. Margaret M. 28 KY
William H. 13 IL, Sarah Jane 12 Iowa, Mary Ann 10 Iowa.
CENSUS: 1860 IOWA, Monroe County, Union Township.
CENSUS: 1880 IOWA, Monroe County, Union Township.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County Marriage Records; 17 Apr 1855.
RESIDENCE: Came to Iowa in 1844.
Children of Michael HITTLE and ____ ____:
William Henry HITTLE, born 1842/1843, in ,,Illinois.
Sarah Jane HITTLE, born 1845/1846, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. She married
Henry DARNELL 26 Jun 1862, in ,Marion,Iowa. Henry DARNELL was born
about 1845, in ,,Iowa of.
MARRIAGE: Marion County, Iowa marriage records.
Mary Ann HITTLE, born 1846/1847, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. She married
Lawrence R. PARKER 9 Apr 1868, in Albia,Monroe,Iowa. Lawrence R. PARKER
was born about 1845, in ,,Iowa.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County, Iowa marriage records.
Harvey HITTLE, born about 1848, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
QUESTION: Is he the son of Michael HITTLE??? Perhaps married 14 Jun 1867
in Mahaska County, Iowa (mr) to Jane LEWIS.
Children of Michael HITTLE and Margaret MAHAN:
Ida B. HITTLE, born 1855/1856, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. She married Edgar G.
SIKES 17 Jan 1891, in Albia,Monroe,Iowa. Edgar G. SIKES was born 1857/1858,
in ,,Illinois.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County, Iowa Marriage records; 17 Jan 1891.
PARENTS: Ambrose SIKES and Hannah CONYERS.
George M. HITTLE, born 1856/1857, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 16 Oct 1913,
in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. He married (1) Josephine Hicks Or HAWKS about 1880,
in ,,Iowa. Josephine Hicks Or HAWKS was born about 1860, in ,,Iowa of. He
married (2) Alva M. HUGHEY about 1890. Alva M. HUGHEY was born
1863/1864, in ,,Illinois.
DEATH: Monroe County, Iowa death records.
48. Henry Or Harvey HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg
Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 15 Jan 1818, in ,Greene,Ohio, died 14 Aug 1897, in
Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Woodlawn Cem,Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. He married Mary (Polly)
BUSSELL 23 Apr 1840, in ,Rush,Indiana. Mary (Polly) BUSSELL was born 14 Sep 1818, in
Dayton,Greene,Ohio, died 8 Feb 1901, in Goff,Nemaha,Kansas, buried in Woodlawn
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana marriage records; says Harvey.
CENSUS: 1840 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township.
CENSUS: 1850 IOWA, Monroe County, Union Township.
CENSUS: 1860 IOWA, Monroe County, Union Township.
CENSUS: 1880 IOWA, Monroe County, Union Township.
RESIDENCE: They moved to Iowa in 1848 (from census 1856).
Children of Henry Or Harvey HITTLE and Mary (Polly) BUSSELL:
Sarah Fern HITTLE, born 13 Nov 1841, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 2 Dec 1841, in
William HITTLE, born 4 Sep 1842, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 7 Nov 1842, in
Hestir Ann HITTLE, born 12 Oct 1843, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 23 Nov 1909. She
married Thomas BERRY 23 Jul 1863, in ,Monroe,Iowa. Thomas BERRY was born
about 1840, in ,,Indiana of.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County, Iowa marriage records.
Harvey HITTLE, born 14 Apr 1845, in Rushville,Rush,Indiana, died 30 Jun 1932,
in Goff,Nemaha,Kansas. He married Sarah Jane GANO 30 Apr 1878, in
Hiawatha,Brown,Kansas. Sarah Jane GANO was born 12 Dec 1863, in
,Marshall,Iowa, died 23 Oct 1959, in Goff,Nemaha,Kansas.
QUESTION-MARRIAGE: Believe Harvey was married once before in Mahaska
County, Iowa on 14 June 1867 to Jane Lewis (see also Harvey, son of Michael
RESIDENCE: Migrated to Western Iowa in 1868; to Kansas in 1876. Farmed 5
years in Doniphan county, Kansas, then took timber claim in Rawlings County. In
1881 he bought 80 acres in Reilly township, Nemaha County, Kansas where he
lived for many years.
PARENTS: Nicholas M. GANO and Elizabeth WILKIE.
Elizabeth M. HITTLE, born 4 Sep 1846, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 11 Oct 1851, in
Lena HITTLE, born 6 Feb 1848, in ,Rush,Indiana, died Jun 1922.
Lydia M. HITTLE, born 3 May 1849, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
Aletha Jane HITTLE, born 20 Jun 1850, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 16 Dec
1919, in Sandpoint,Bonner,Idaho. She married George Albert GOFARTH about
1879, in Leona,,Kansas. George Albert GOFARTH was born 1850, in Sault Ste
Marie,Chippewa,Michigan, died 1923, in Emo,,Ontario.
Mary Catherine HITTLE, born 4 Apr 1852, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 6 Mar
1932, buried in Woodlawn Cem,Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
MARRIAGE: Unmarried.
Susan Parline HITTLE, born 15 Dec 1853, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died Feb
Frances Aboline HITTLE, born 20 Nov 1854, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 26
Apr 1939, in Chehalis,Lewis,Washington.
John Samuel HITTLE, born 18 Feb 1856, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 12 Jul
1938, in ,,Illinois, buried in Woodlawn Cem,Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. He married
Melissa J. CARSON 23 Nov 1882, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. Melissa J. CARSON
was born 27 Oct 1866, in ,,Iowa, died 22 Nov 1913, buried in Woodlawn
MARRIAGE: Monroe County Marriage records.
PARENTS: William F. CARSON and Malinda MORGAN.
HITTLE, born 4 Sep 1857, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
SEX: Unknown.
Nancy Lillian HITTLE, born 23 Oct 1858, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. She married
John LOCKMAN 5 Oct 1876, in Albia,Monroe,Iowa. John LOCKMAN was born
1851/1852, in ,,Indiana.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County Marriage Records.
Henry Elwood HITTLE, born 14 Apr 1860, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 26 Jul
1860, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
49. Jacob HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born 6 Jun 1820, in ,Greene,Ohio, died 13 Feb 1905, in Castana,Monona,Iowa, buried in
Castana,Monona,Iowa. He married Hulda Jane AMBERS 1 Jun 1840, in ,Rush,Indiana. Hulda Jane
AMBERS was born 20 Mar 1820, in ,,Kentucky.
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana Marriage Records.
MILITARY: Civil War.
CENSUS: 1840 INDIANA, Rush County, Union Township.
RESIDENCE: In 1848 his family moved to Iowa and settled in Lovilia, Monroe County, Iowa (info
from 1856 census).
OCCUPATION: Carpenter and farmer.
NAME: Name probably AMBER, and not AMBERS.
Children of Jacob HITTLE and Hulda Jane AMBERS:
Michael HITTLE, born 4 Apr 1841, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 21 Mar 1900, in
,Monona,Iowa, buried in Grant Township,Monona,Iowa. He married Deborah
BARNARD 30 Dec 1860, in ,Monroe,Iowa. Deborah BARNARD was born 26
May 1843, in ,Putnam,Indiana, died 25 Sep 1913, in ,Monona,Iowa, buried in Grant
MARRIAGE: Monroe County, Iowa marriage records.
MILITARY: Civil War.
RESIDENCE: Came to Monona County, Iowa in Apr 1880 in Kennebec
CHILDREN: Andrew Michael, Alice Ludy, Albert Newton, William Abner,
Thomas Jefferson, Jacob E., Clara Ann, and Elizabeth Jane Hittle.
PARENTS: Thomas BARNARD and Elizabeth EVERMAN.
John F. HITTLE, born 20 Feb 1843, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 18 Sep 1851, in
,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Osborn Cemetery,Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
CEMETERY: Died 18 Sep 1851, age 8 years, 6 months, 29 days.
Sarah Ann HITTLE, born 14 Oct 1844, in ,Rush,Indiana. She married
Christopher C. ROSS 12 Apr 1867, in Albia,Monroe,Iowa. Christopher C. ROSS
was born 1840/1841, in ,,Iowa.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County Marriage Records.
Hartzel Philip HITTLE, born 4 Nov 1848, in ,Monroe,Iowa. He married Rebecca
Ann CARNES 12 Jun 1869, in Albia,Monroe,Iowa. Rebecca Ann CARNES was
born 1847/1848, in ,,Ohio.
CENSUS: 1880 Center Township, Monona County, Iowa.
Luvago HITTLE, born 1849/1850, in ,Monroe,Iowa, died about 1868, in
,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Osborn Cemetery,Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
DEATH: He was thrown from a horse and died just before he was to marry.
CEMETERY: Tombstone says he was age 18.
Mary Sovilla HITTLE, born 20 Nov 1852, in ,Monroe,Iowa, died 11 Dec 1904, in
Russell,,Iowa, buried in Russell Cemetery,Russell,Iowa. She married Andrew
Jackson EGBERT 22 May 1873, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. Andrew Jackson
EGBERT was born 13 Dec 1834, in Pleasant,Seneca,Ohio, died 19 Jan 1908, in
MILITARY: Civil War; Company B, 6th Iowa Infantry 1861 to 1865.
HITTLE, born about 1853, in ,Monroe,Iowa, died 15 Jan 1855, in ,Monroe,Iowa,
buried in Osborn Cemetery,Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
SEX: Unknown.
George W. HITTLE, born Dec 1859, in ,Monroe,Iowa, died 11 Jan 1865, in
,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Osborn Cemetery,Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
CEMETERY: died 11 Jan 1865, age 5 years and 1 month.
Silas Mcclure HITTLE, born 9 Oct 1859, in Hamilton,Monroe,Iowa, died 23 Mar
1926, in ,,Iowa. He married Minerva J. COLLINS 24 Dec 1879, in Union
Township,Monroe,Iowa. Minerva J. COLLINS was born 19 Aug 1860, in ,,Iowa,
died 26 May 1935.
50. Mary Ann HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born about 1823, in ,Rush of,Indiana. She married Samuel KINTON 23 Aug 1846, in
,Rush,Indiana. Samuel KINTON was born about 1820, in ,,Indiana of.
MARRIAGE: Rush County, Indiana marriage records.
RESIDENCE: Came to Iowa in 1846 (census 1856).
Children of Mary Ann HITTLE and Samuel KINTON:
Samuel KINTON, born 1846/1847, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
DEATH: May have died by 1860.
James P. KINTON, born 1848/1849, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
William H. KINTON, born 1850/1851, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
Elytha E. KINTON, born 1852/1853, in ,,Indiana.
Matilda M. KINTON, born 1858/1859, in ,,Iowa.
51. Isaac HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle
(HITTEL) ), born 7 Dec 1824, in Rushville,Rush,Indiana, died 10 Sep 1904, in Marysville
Twp,Miami,Kansas, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. He married (1) Alethia Alice THOMPSON 31
Jul 1849, in Albia,Monroe,Iowa. She was the daughter of Samuel Mcnairy THOMPSON and Cynthia
MCCORRY. Alethia Alice THOMPSON was born 13 Feb 1832, in ,Sangamon,Illinois, died 4 Dec
1882, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. He married (2) Sinnia Seabury
SULLIVAN 15 Feb 1891, in ,Monroe,Iowa. She was the daughter of Ephaphreditus SULLIVAN and
Obedience Lee (Biddy) STROUD. Sinnia Seabury SULLIVAN was born 4 Dec 1850, in
Atlanta,Logan,Illinois, died 25 Feb 1944, in Elsa,Hidalgo,Texas.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County marriage records 31 Jul 1849.
RESIDENCE: About 1858 Isaac moved with wife and four children to Hillsdale, Kansas and resided
there until his death. About 1880 they visited Iowa for a few years.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County, Iowa 15 Feb 1891; Isaac Hittle, of Hamilton, Iowa, age 65 was born in
Rushville, Indiana, son of Michael HITTLE and Lydia APPLE, Sinnia SULLIVAN, daughter of E.P.
SULLIVAN and Obedience STROND.
DEATH: Miami County, Kansas Death records.
RESEARCHER: (1970) Sidney Wayne (Wayne) HITTLE, Spring Hill, Kansas 66083; born 1896; son
of Samuel Arkie Hittle (1857); supplied much information on descendants of Samuel Arkie.
RESEARCHER: (1970) Mrs. Nola HITTLE TRIPP, Route 2, Box 31a, FairGrove, MO 65648; born
about 1899; daughter of James Orlander HITTLE (1871); supplied much information on the Isaac Hittle
CEMETERY: Alethia Hittle born Feb 13, 1833 and died Dec 4, 1882. New grave marker has Alethia
Hittle 1833 1882.
CONFLICT-BIRTH: Cemetery says 1833.
Children of Isaac HITTLE and Alethia Alice THOMPSON:
Cynthia Ellen HITTLE, born 5 Feb 1851, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 4 Feb
1931, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
Clarissa Anne (Clara) HITTLE, born 15 May 1853, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa,
died 3 Feb 1935, in Fontana,Miami,Kansas.
William Henry HITTLE, born about 7 Jul 1855, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 12
May 1928, in Drexel,Cass,Missouri.
Samuel Arkie (Arkie) HITTLE, born 11 Oct 1857, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died
1 Apr 1934, in Spring Hill,Johnson,Kansas.
HITTLE, born 1 Feb 1860, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died STILLBORN.
Lydia Margaret HITTLE, born 19 Feb 1861, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 14
Feb 1938.
Sabina Frances (Binnie) HITTLE, born 26 Jun 1864, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas,
died Nov 1897/1898, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
Mary Alice (Mollie) HITTLE, born 27 Nov 1866, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas,
died 23 Sep 1946, in Sedro Woolley,Skagit,Washington.
Oliver Isaac HITTLE, born 19 Nov 1868, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 9 Jul
James Orlander HITTLE, born 26 May 1871/1872, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas,
died 27 May 1965, in Canon City,Fremont,Colorado.
Rosa Idelia HITTLE, born 19 Nov 1874/1875, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died
1930/1939, in Los Angelas,Los Angelas,California.
Children of Isaac HITTLE and Sinnia Seabury SULLIVAN:
Myrtle Obedience HITTLE, born 18 Jul 1892, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
52. Hartzell Phillip (Phillip) HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg
Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 1827/1828, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 14 Jun 1894, in ,Monroe,Iowa,
buried in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. He married Martha Jane COLLINS 30 Aug 1859, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
Martha Jane COLLINS was born 9 May 1841, in ,,Indiana, died 1 Jun 1918, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa,
buried in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
RESIDENCE: Came to Lovilia, Monroe County, Iowa in 1847 (census 1856).
MARRIAGE: Monroe County, Iowa Marriage Records.
DEATH: Monroe County, Iowa Death Records.
CHILDREN: Adopted daughter Mary Ann.
Children of Hartzell Phillip (Phillip) HITTLE and Martha Jane COLLINS:
Margaret Jane HITTLE, born 1859/1860, in ,Monroe,Iowa. She married William
H. BRYAN 30 Aug 1877, in Union Township,Monroe,Iowa. William H. BRYAN
was born 1856/1857, in ,,Iowa of.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County, Iowa marriage records.
John William HITTLE, born 1862/1863, in ,Monroe,Iowa, died 19 Sep 1939, in
Shearicton HITTLE, born 1865/1866, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
Isadora HITTLE, born 1868/1869, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
Dora HITTLE, born 1869/1870, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. She married W. H.
THOMAS 21 Mar 1897, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. W. H. THOMAS was born
1871/1872, in Rock Island,Rock Island,Illinois.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County, Iowa marriage records.
Robert Edward (Ed) HITTLE, born 1873/1874, in Union
Township,Monroe,Iowa, died 1954, in ,Monroe,Iowa, buried in
Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. He married Elizabeth Jane MCFALL 1 May 1901, in Union
Township,Monroe,Iowa. Elizabeth Jane MCFALL was born 18 Jun 1883, in
,Mahaska,Iowa, died 9 Jan 1949, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, buried in
PARENTS: Charles F. MC FALL and Kathy MC GEE.
Huffy Lee HITTLE, born 14 Mar 1880, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 1 Apr 1956,
in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Woodlawn Cem,Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. He
married Dessie MCFALL about 1919, in ,Monroe,Iowa. Dessie MCFALL was born
about 1880, in ,Mahaska of,Iowa.
DEATH: Monroe County, Iowa death records.
Jess Roland HITTLE, born 4 Nov 1884, in ,Monroe,Iowa, died 20 Jul 1948, in
,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Osborn Cemetery,Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa.
53. Abolina Mary HITTLE (Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) ,
Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 30 Jun 1834, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 17 May 1917, in ,Pottawattomie,Iowa. She
married (1) George SAPPINFIELD 20 Jul 1851, in Union Twp,Monroe,Iowa. George SAPPINFIELD
was born 1833/1834, in ,,Indiana. She married (2) Charles Monroe UTTERBACK 14 Nov 1900, in
Onawa,Monona,Iowa. Charles Monroe UTTERBACK was born 7 Apr 1822, in ,Woodford,Kentucky,
died 26 Jun 1905, in Whiting,Monona,Iowa.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County, Iowa marriage records.
CENSUS: 1860 IOWA, Monroe County, Union Township.
CENSUS: 1880 IOWA, Monroe County, Union Township.
Children of Abolina Mary HITTLE and George SAPPINFIELD:
Mary Ellen SAPPINFIELD, born 1852/1853, in ,Monroe,Iowa, died 1857/1859,
in ,Monroe,Iowa.
DEATH: On 1856 Census, but not on 1860.
Abolina SAPPINFIELD, born 1856/1857, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
William F. SAPPINFIELD, born 1857/1858, in Union Township,Monroe,Iowa,
died 31 Jul 1880, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
BIRTH: Monroe County, Iowa birth records.
DEATH: Monroe County, Iowa death records; single.
Lewis C. SAPPINFIELD, born May 1860, in Union Township,Monroe,Iowa.
Emerson SAPPINFIELD, born 1865/1866, in Union Township,Monroe,Iowa.
Albert SAPPINFIELD, born 1868/1869, in Union Township,Monroe,Iowa.
Martha A. SAPPINFIELD, born 1873/1874, in Union Township,Monroe,Iowa.
Charles SAPPINFIELD, born 1876/1877, in Union Township,Monroe,Iowa.
54. John Adam (Adam) HITTLE (Johannes Adam , Nicholas , Other , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born
1795/1796, in ,,Pennsylvania, died 1880, in ,Schuyllkill of,Pennsylvania. He married Magdalena
NEUGANG about 1820.
CENSUS: 1850 PENNSYLVANIA, Schuylkill Co, Wayne Township Adam Hittle 55 PA Elizabeth 46
Elizabeth 20
CENSUS: 1860 PENNSYLVANIA, Schuylkill Co, Washington twp John Adam Hittle 64 PA
Elisabeth 54 PA John Shafer 10
From: Carolyn Wittrup <>Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 Looking for Hittle/Smith
connections in Schuylkill County, Pine Grove twp area to confirm or provide clues to back up family
letters and obits on the following: Peter Smith 1796-1868 & Katherine 1791-1864, daughter Machmer
1808-1874, married John Adam Hittle 1795-1880; John Adam and Machmer had daughter Elizabeth
Hittle, b. 1829 who married Benjamin Smith. Family notes say Peter Smith. a farmer, and Katherine.
also had Peter, Daniel, John, Joseph, William, Elizabeth, Benjamin, Katherine, Hannah, & infant died.
Benjamin and Elizabeth Hittle Smith, married Oct. 20, 1856, and had Caroline, born Jan. 20, 1850;
Lewis, born Aug. 16, 1857 near Dow; Rebecca b. April 23, 1862. Burt Wittrup in El Paso, TX
Children of John Adam (Adam) HITTLE and Magdalena NEUGANG:
Maria Magdalena HITTLE, born 16 Jul 1821, in ,,Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth HITTLE, born about 1830, in ,,Pennsylvania.
John HITTLE, born about 1838, in ,,Pennsylvania.
55. Elizabeth BUCHANAN (Catharine HITTLE , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George
Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 14 Aug 1823, in ,,Indiana, died 12 Nov 1909, in
Boisfort,Lewis,Washington, buried in Harris Cemetery,Boisfort,Lewis,Washington. She married Charles
F. WHITE 8 Sep 1842, in ,Henderson,Illinois. Charles F. WHITE was born 9 Jul 1815, in
Hillsboro,Hillsborough,New Hampshire, died 23 Aug 1882, in Boisfort,Lewis,Washington, buried in
Harris Cemetery,Boisfort,Lewis,Washington.
MARRIAGE: Henderson County, Illinois Marriage Records, 8 Sep 1842.
BIOGRAPHY: Mr. and Mrs. White and son Jasper, also James and Mike Buchanan left Peoria, Illinois
in Apr 1851. They crossed the plains in covered wagons and ox teams reaching Portland, Oregon on
Oct 6, 1851, a period of about six months. After staying there for the winter, in the spring of 1852 they
left Portland by boat for Monticello, now Longview, and by Indian trail continued to Boistfort Prairie,
where they took up a land claim, the first white settlers on the Prairie. Later Charles became postmaster
at Boistfort, and was one of the highly respected farmers of that section. He was also a member of the
territorial legislature.
Children of Elizabeth BUCHANAN and Charles F. WHITE:
Sylvanus Jasper (Jasper) WHITE, born 1845/1846, in ,,Ilinois. He married Rose
MCKUEHN. Rose MCKUEHN was born about 1850, in ,,Illinois of.
RESIDENCE: Went to Linn County, Oregon.
Cyrus F. P. WHITE, born about 20 Dec 1853, in Boistfort,Lewis,Washington. He
married Eliza J. WILSON 29 Nov 1877, in ,Lewis,Washington. Eliza J. WILSON
was born 8 Aug 1860, in Princeton,Mercer,Missouri.
RESIDENCE: Later moved to Redlands, Calfiornia.
CONFLICT-BIRTH: born 20 or 22 Dec 1853.
PARENTS: George WILSON and Sylvia Jane -----.
Mary Alice WHITE, born 26 Feb 1856, in Boistfort,Lewis,Washington, died Mar
1937, in Olympia,Thurston,Washington. She married Charles Warren MAYNARD
30 Mar 1876, in Boistfort,Lewis,Washington. Charles Warren MAYNARD was
born about 1850, in Rockford,Winnebago,Illinois, died Nov 1940, in
RESIDENCE: In 1901 they moved to Olympia.
OCCUPATION: In 1899 he was elected as Washington State Treasurer. Before
that he was Mayor and City Treasurer of Chehalis.
Arthur James WHITE, born 1860, in Boistfort,Lewis,Washington, died 2 Jun, in
Chehalis,Lewis,Washington. He married (1) Lucy C. (Lou) ADAMS 21 Apr 1884.
Lucy C. (Lou) ADAMS was born 5 Apr 1857, in ,,Illinois of, died 2 Oct 1906. He
married (2) Maude MUSTARD 1915. Maude MUSTARD was born about 1860, in
,,Illinois of.
56. James BUCHANAN (Catharine HITTLE , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael
(Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 23 May 1824, in ,,Indiana, died 17 Dec 1865, in ,,Oregon,
buried in I.O.O.F. Cem,Corvalis,Benton,Oregon. He married Lucretia A. POWELL Aug 1852, in
,Stark,Illinois. Lucretia A. POWELL was born 7 Jan 1831, in ,,Indiana or Ohio, died 12 May 1916,
buried in Corvalis,Benton,Oregon.
CENSUS: 1870 OREGON, Benton County, Corvalis.
CENSUS: 1880 OREGON, Benton County, Corvalis.
MARRIAGE: Married (2)Mr. MALONE.
Children of James BUCHANAN and Lucretia A. POWELL:
Mary J. BUCHANAN, born 12 Nov 1852, in ,,Oregon, died 26 Aug 1872, in
Henry BUCHANAN, born 1854/1855, in ,,Oregon.
Catherine BUCHANAN, born 1856/1857, in ,,Oregon.
George F. BUCHANAN, born 4 May 1860, in ,,Oregon, died 25 Feb 1936.
James E. BUCHANAN, born 1861/1862, in ,,Oregon.
Charles W. BUCHANAN, born Jan 1864, in ,,Oregon, died 19 Nov 1865.
William Grant BUCHANAN, born 1865/1866, in ,,Oregon.
57. Michael BUCHANAN (Catharine HITTLE , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George
Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 26 Nov 1826, in ,Henderson,Illinois, died 6 Jun 1905,
in Chehalis,Lewis,Washington, buried in Greenwood Pioneer Cemetery,Chehalis,Lewis,Washington. He
married (1) Elizabeth Wells Or WILLIS ABT 24 Sep 1855/1860, in ,Lewis,Washington. Elizabeth
Wells Or WILLIS was born about 1825, in ,Henderson,Ilinois. He married (2) Frances Aboline HITTLE
1888. She was the daughter of Henry Or Harvey HITTLE and Mary (Polly) BUSSELL. Frances Aboline
HITTLE was born 20 Nov 1854, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 26 Apr 1939, in
Chehalis,Lewis,Washington, buried in Fern Hill Cemetery,Chehalis,Lewis,Washington.
Children of Michael BUCHANAN and Frances Aboline HITTLE:
Henry George Michael BUCHANAN, born 11 Feb 1892, in
58. Mary BUCHANAN (Catharine HITTLE , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael
(Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about 20 Dec 1834, in Toulon,Stark,Illinois, died 17 Apr 1903,
in ,Lewis,Washington, buried in Claqueto Cem,Chehalis,Lewis,Washington. She married Thompson
Ward NEWLAND 27 Mar 1853, in Toulon,Stark,Illinois. Thompson Ward NEWLAND was born 21
Jun 1828, in College Corner,,Indiana, died 6 Jan 1918, in Tacoma,Pierce,Washington, buried in
Claqueto Cem,Chehalis,Lewis,Washington.
OCCUPATION: Lewis County's first Superintendant of Schools in 1854-1856.
Children of Mary BUCHANAN and Thompson Ward NEWLAND:
George Thompson NEWLAND, born 2 Nov 1860, in
Boistfort,Lewis,Washington, died 8 Jun 1864, buried in Claqueto
Katherine Maude NEWLAND, born 15 Sep 1870, in
Boistfort,Lewis,Washington. She married William RIEFLIN. William RIEFLIN
was born about 1870, in ,,Washington of.
Fred Abner NEWLAND, born 14 Jan 1873, in Boistfort,Lewis,Washington. He
married (1) Grace DANIELS. Grace DANIELS was born about 1875, in
,,Washington of, died 9 Dec 1903.
59. Catherine BUCHANAN (Catharine HITTLE , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George
Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 30 Apr 1841, in ,,Illinois, died 3 Jan 1928, in
Tacoma,Pierce,Washington. She married Amos TULLIS about 1857, in ,,Washington. Amos TULLIS
was born 6 Jun 1830, in ,Rush,Indiana, died 17 May 1900, in Tacoma,Pierce,Washington.
OCCUPATION: Merchant and farmer. Pierce County Commissioner in 1890.
RESIDENCE: Amos came to Washington on Sep 27, 1852. Moved to Tacoma in 1884.
Children of Catherine BUCHANAN and Amos TULLIS:
Harley Henry TULLIS, born 19 Apr 1858, in ,Lewis,Washington, died 3 Jun
Clarence TULLIS, born about 1860, in ,Lewis,Washington.
Arie TULLIS, born about 1864, in ,Lewis,Washington. She married
BIRMINGHAM. BIRMINGHAM was born about 1860, in ,,Washington of.
60. Henry BUCHANAN (Catharine HITTLE , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael
(Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 15 Jan 1844, in ,Henderson,Illinois, died 16 Jun 1933, in
Olympia,Thurston,Washington. He married Sarah CASE 26 Sep 1867, in ,Thurston,Washington. Sarah
CASE was born 12 Aug 1851, in Chicago,Cook,Illinois.
Children of Henry BUCHANAN and Sarah CASE:
William B. BUCHANAN, born 9 Aug 1868, in ,Lewis,Washington.
George Washington BUCHANAN, born 19 Jan 1870, in ,Lewis,Washington, died
1940/1949, in ,,Alaska.
Catherine BUCHANAN, born 23 Sep 1878, in ,Lewis,Washington. She married
William Henry BRACKETT 22 Sep 1898, in Tacoma,Pierce,Washington. William
Henry BRACKETT was born 10 Apr 1869, in Sioux City,Woodbury,Iowa, died 2
Feb 1942, in Olympia,Thurston,Washington.
BUCHANAN, born 13 Oct 1881, in ,Lewis,Washington.
61. Winfield Scott Zachary BUCHANAN (Catharine HITTLE , Michael , George Michael (Michael) ,
George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 11 Mar 1847, in ,,Illinois. He married (1) Mary
Jane DIXON 14 Nov 1865/1869. Mary Jane DIXON was born about 1848, in ,,Illinois of. He married
(2) Mary A. RHODES 22 Nov 1876, in ,Lewis,Washington. Mary A. RHODES was born about 1845, in
,,Illinois of.
MARRIAGE-CHILDREN: Married (3) Mrs. REED, and had one daughter, Cecila.
Children of Winfield Scott Zachary BUCHANAN and Mary A. RHODES:
Volney A. BUCHANAN, born 1877, in ,Lewis,Washington.
Elsie M. BUCHANAN, born 11 Jun 1880, in Boisfort,Lewis,Washington, died 2
May 1956, in Gervais,Marion,Oregon. She married (1) William SNYDER 7 Jun
1900, in Hubbard,,Oregon. William SNYDER was born 2 Jan 1870, in
Peoria,,Illinois, died 7 Oct 1934, in ,Marion,Oregon. She married (2) KILLIN.
ELSIE HAD TWO CHILDREN: Agnes and Chester Frank (born 25 Oct 1903 and
died 25 Nov 1913, buried Gervais, OR).
PARENTS: Michael SNYDER and Catherine MILLER.
Lonnie E. BUCHANAN, born 14 Nov 1885, in ,Lewis,Washington, died 7 Oct
Sadie BUCHANAN, born 1887, in ,Lewis,Washington.
62. Thomas Filmore BUCHANAN (Catharine HITTLE , Michael , George Michael (Michael) ,
George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 10 Sep 1850, in Toulon,Stark,Illinois, died
Nov 1925, in Tacoma,Pierce,Washington. He married Arminda VLIET 5 Oct 1876. Arminda VLIET
was born 13 Mar 1860, in Glide,Douglas,Oregon, died Nov 1948.
Children of Thomas Filmore BUCHANAN and Arminda VLIET:
Frederick Fillmore BUCHANAN, born 11 Jul 1877, in ,Lewis,Washington, died
May 1948. He married Grace Adella TEMPLE 1 Jul 1901, in ,Lewis,Washington.
Grace Adella TEMPLE was born 16 Nov 1879, in ,,Washington of, died Dec 1938.
RESEARCHER: (1970) Marion Frances BUCHANAN, born Oct 21, 1902,
married Perry Hall CROTHERS; she was daughter of Frederick F. BUCHANAN;
ADDRESS 7509 77th Ave SW, Tacoma, WA 98498; supplied information on birth
location of Catharine HITTLE BUCHANAN.
Nellie BUCHANAN, born 9 Jul 1886, in ,Lewis,Washington. She married Jack
BLASER. Jack BLASER was born about 1885, in ,,Washington of.
MARRIAGE: Married (2) Nathaniel Adlin H-----.
63. William Henry HITTLE (Michael , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg
Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 1842/1843, in ,,Illinois. He married (1) Sarah Eshom Or ISHAM 12
Apr 1867, in Albia,Monroe,Iowa. Sarah Eshom Or ISHAM was born 1852/1853, in ,,Indiana. He
married (2) Cora Maud TILLMAN 24 Feb 1892, in ,Mills,Iowa. Cora Maud TILLMAN was born
1861/1862, in ,,Iowa of.
MARRIAGE: Monroe County Marriage records.
CENSUS: 1880 Anderson, Mills County, Iowa.
MARRIAGE: Married (1) ______ Hanchette or Tillman.
NAME: Maiden name either Hanchette or Tillman.
Children of William Henry HITTLE and Sarah Eshom Or ISHAM:
John W. HITTLE, born 1869/1870, died 22 Jan 1945, in Sedro
64. Frances Aboline HITTLE (Henry Or Harvey , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George
Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 20 Nov 1854, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 26 Apr
1939, in Chehalis,Lewis,Washington, buried in Fern Hill Cemetery,Chehalis,Lewis,Washington. She
married Michael BUCHANAN 1888. He was the son of George Washington BUCHANAN and
Catharine HITTLE. Michael BUCHANAN was born 26 Nov 1826, in ,Henderson,Illinois, died 6 Jun
1905, in Chehalis,Lewis,Washington, buried in Greenwood Pioneer
Children of Frances Aboline HITTLE and Michael BUCHANAN:
Henry George Michael BUCHANAN, born 11 Feb 1892, in
65. Cynthia Ellen HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg
Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 5 Feb 1851, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 4 Feb 1931, in
Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, buried in Old Hillsdale Cemetery,Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. She married (1)
John H. BLAKELY 17 Feb 1868, in Harrisonville,Cass,Missouri. John H. BLAKELY was born 31 Oct
1843, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 29 Jan 1890, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, buried in Old Hillsdale
Cemetery,Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. She married (2) Henry Barker JONES 22 Oct 1893, in
,Miami,Kansas. Henry Barker JONES was born 15 Oct 1861, in ,,Kansas, died 30 Sep 1936, in ,Miami
of,Kansas, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
MARRIAGE: "History of Early Settlers of Sangamon County, Ill", under biography of Samuel M.
Thompson"; 15 Feb 1865 to John H. BLAKELY.
RESIDENCE: About 1870 they resided near Williamsburg, Franklin County, Kansas.
CENSUS: 1880 Ness County, Kansas David Harbison 25 MO TN TN Clarissa A. 26 IA IND Marion 3
KS Dora A. 1 KS J. H. Blakley 36 Cynthia E. 29
CENSUS: 1895 Marysville, Miami Co, KS S. A. Hittle 37 IA M. P. 3_ KS Bertie 13 J. W. 1 Henry B.
Jones 34 ILL A. E. Jones 45 MO Aletha Blakely 15 KS
MARRIAGE: Miami County, Kansas marriage records; 22 Oct 1893; to Henry Barker JONES; NOTE:
marriage record says her third marriage.
QUESTION: Marriage record in 1893 says her third marriage. There is only two marriages listed in
this report.
CEMETERY: Died 4 Feb 1931.
CENSUS: 1900 KANSAS, Miami County, Marysville Township.
CEMETERY: Hillsdale, Oct 31, 1843 - Jan 29, 1890.
Children of Cynthia Ellen HITTLE and John H. BLAKELY:
Aletha Ellen BLAKELY, born 7 Aug 1882, in Utica,Ness,Kansas, died 26 Mar
1946, in Spring Hill,Johnson,Kansas. She married Homer Sibley GRUVER 22 Nov
1899, in Spring Hill,Johnson,Kansas. Homer Sibley GRUVER was born 5 Feb
1873, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 22 Jul 1964, in Cameron,,Missouri, buried
in Old Hillsdale Cemetery,Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
OBITUARY: - From the Miami Republican Newspaper, Miami Co., Kansas
ALETHA ELLEN BLAKELY GRUVER .....Mrs. Homer S. Gruver died very
unexpectedly at her home two miles southwest of Spring Hill Tuesday, March 26,
1946. She had spent the day redecorating a cottage in Spring Hill where they
planned to move in a few days. After returning to her farm home in the evening,
she complained of a severe headache which accompanied a stroke. She became
unconscious very soon and died about midnight. .....Aletha Ellen Blakely, daughter
of John and Cynthia Ellen (Hittle) Blakely was born at Utica, Kansas on August 7,
1882. November 22, 1899 she was married to Homer Sibley Gruver in the same
home in which she died. She is survived by her husband of the home; four
daughters, Mrs. Geneva Baeumel of Colton, California, Mrs. Odessa Warner of
Kansas City, Kansas, Mrs. Opal Fridell of St. Joseph, Missouri, and Mrs. Martha
Laura Perry of Hollywood, California. Three sons Wilbur H. Gruver of Tucson,
Arizona, John B. Gruver Warrant Officer in the U.S. Navy stationed in the
Phillipines, Vernon Gruver of the home; thirteen grandchildren, and one great
grandchild. One son Isaac Henry died in infancy. .....Mrs. Gruver was a devoted
wife and mother, a faithful Christian and kind to all who passed her way. She had
lived in the Spring Hill vicinity 31 years where she was always interested and
helpful in all community affairs. Rev. Neiswander of Lawrence will officiate at the
funeral services which will be held at the Hillsdale Presbyterian Church this
afternoon. "Sometime We'll Understand" and "The End of The Road" will be sung
by Mrs. C. A. Frazier, Mrs. John Collins, Mrs. B. C. Lewellyn, Mrs. C. William
Litchfield, Mrs. Winifred Young, Ray Sullivan and Roy Sullivan accompanied by
Mrs. Lula Young. The honorary pallbearers will be Charles Englehart, Cal Beldin,
C. William Litchfield, E. F. Bryant, John Collins, Charles Saint, Dave Morris, B. C.
Lewellyn, Tom Mayes and C. C. Eaton. The following will serve as active
body-bearers: Ray Wax, Earl Conn, Dell Smith, Arthur Hall, Floyd Bowers, and
Wilbur Dillon. Burial will be in the Hillsdale Cemetery.
CHILDREN: 1. Geneva Ellen Gruver b. 30 Aug 1900 in Spring Hill, Johnson
County, Kansas 2. Odessa Gruver b. 16 Oct 1903 in Spring Hill, Miami County,
Kansas 3. Maymie Opal Gruver b. 21 Sep 1905 in Paola, Miami County, Kansas 4.
Wilbur Homer Gruver, Sr. b. 9 Mar 1908 in Spring Hill, Johnson County, Kansas 5.
John Blakely Gruver b. 13 Feb 1912 in Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas 6. Isaac
Henry Gruver b. 12 Jul 1913 in Hillsdale, Miami County, Kansas 7. Martha Laura
Gruver b. 29 Apr 1915 in Pomona, Franklin County, Kansas 8. Vernon Leroy
He married (2) 2 Aug 1946 Hillsdale to Nellie May Beets, and (3) 16 Jul 1948
Spring Hill to Laura Belle Turner.
66. Clarissa Anne (Clara) HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael
(Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 15 May 1853, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 3 Feb 1935, in
Fontana,Miami,Kansas, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. She married David HARBISON 12 Aug
1875, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. David HARBISON was born Apr 1856, in ,,Kansas, died 3 Feb 1927,
buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
CENSUS: 1880 Ness County, Kansas David Harbison 25 MO TN TN Clarissa A. 26 IA IND Marion 3
KS Dora A. 1 KS J. H. Blakley 36 Cynthia E. 29
PARENTS: Hampton HARBISON and Martha A. -----.
OCCUPATION: Farmer and carpenter. He hunted for buffalo in Western Kansas.
RESIDENCE: In 1902 the family moved from Eastern to Western Kansas, on a farm ten miles west of
Anthony, in Harper County. They later settled on a homestead near the town of Ness City, Ness County.
RELIGION: Raised Baptist, but came into the Christian Church. He was a deacon in the church for
Children of Clarissa Anne (Clara) HITTLE and David HARBISON:
Mairon HARBISON, born 30 Aug 1876, in Eureka,Glenwood,Kansas, died 3 Feb
Dora H. HARBISON, born 9 Sep 1878, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 20 Feb
Pearl HARBISON, born 9 Dec 1880, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died May 1982,
in LaCygne,Linn,Kansas. She married (1) HOOVER about 1900, in ,,Kansas.
HOOVER was born about 1880, in ,,Kansas of. She married (2) MILLER ABT
1900/1930, in ,,Kansas of. MILLER was born about 1880, in ,,Kansas of.
RESIDENCE: (1970) LaCyne, Linn County, Kansas.
Carl HARBISON, born Apr 1881, in ,,Kansas.
CONFLICT: Note birth date does not coincide with child #3.
Arthur HARBISON, born 26 Dec 1882, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 1 Mar
CHILDREN: Three children.
Eli HARBISON, born 28 Jun 1886, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 12 Nov 1968,
in Paola,Miami,Kansas.
Nettie HARBISON, born 27 Oct 1887, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 3 Nov
1926, in Anthony,Harper,Kansas.
Florence Amanda HARBISON, born 19 Oct 1890, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas,
died 8 Apr 1980, in ,Kern,California.
Flossie HARBISON, born 15 May 1897, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
67. William Henry HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg
Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about 7 Jul 1855, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 12 May 1928, in
Drexel,Cass,Missouri, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. He married Flora Jane BEETS 10 Jul 1877, in
Paola,Miami,Kansas. Flora Jane BEETS was born 14 Sep 1856, in Harrisonville,Cass,Missouri, died 10
Jul 1936/1937, in Drexel,Cass,Missouri, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
Children of William Henry HITTLE and Flora Jane BEETS:
Daisy HITTLE, born about 1879, in ,,Kansas.
Thomas E. HITTLE, born Sep 1880, in ,,Kansas.
Lothie John HITTLE, born Aug 1883, in ,,Kansas.
Edith HITTLE, born Feb 1886, in ,,Kansas.
Troy William HITTLE, born 2 Jan 1895, in Drexel,Bates,Missouri, died Oct
1979, in Drexel,Bates,Missouri.
Theodore R. (Bud) HITTLE, born Dec 1896, in ,,Missouri of. He married Living
Hallie Bennett HITTLE, born 21 Feb 1903, in ,,Missouri of, died 26 Jun 1954, in
MARRIAGE: Unmarried.
68. Samuel Arkie (Arkie) HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael
(Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 11 Oct 1857, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, died 1 Apr 1934, in
Spring Hill,Johnson,Kansas, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. He married (1) Tennie WILLIAMS 16
May 1881, in Spring Hill,Johnson,Kansas. Tennie WILLIAMS was born 1861, in ,,Iowa of, died 1885,
buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. He married (2) Martha Patience MCDANIEL 11 Feb 1889, in
Paola,Miami,Kansas. Martha Patience MCDANIEL was born 14 Feb 1864, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas,
died 14 Oct 1935, in Spring Hill,Johnson,Kansas, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
MARRIAGE: Johnson County marriage records, 16 May 1881.
CENSUS: 1895 Marysville, Miami Co, KS S. A. Hittle 37 IA M. P. 3_ KS Bertie 13 J. W. 1 Henry B.
Jones 34 ILL A. E. Jones 45 MO Aletha Blakely 15 KS
PARENTS: Jesse Green MC DANIEL and Anna BEETS.
Children of Samuel Arkie (Arkie) HITTLE and Tennie WILLIAMS:
Beatrice HITTLE, born 26 Mar 1882, in Spring Hill,Johnson,Kansas, died Feb
1980, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. She married (1) Marshall E. HOOVER. Marshall
E. HOOVER was born 1872, in ,,Kansas of, died 1926, buried in
Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. She married (2) Hamilton BLUNK. Hamilton BLUNK
was born 1861, in ,,Kansas of, died 1937, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
OCCUPATION: Street Car motorman.
Aletha HITTLE, born 1884, in Spring Hill,Johnson,Kansas, died 1885, buried in
Children of Samuel Arkie (Arkie) HITTLE and Martha Patience MCDANIEL:
Julia May HITTLE, born 13 Oct 1893, in Spring Hill,Johnson,Kansas, died 19
May 1919.
Sidney Wayne (Wayne) HITTLE, born 12 Jan 1896, in Spring
69. Lydia Margaret HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg
Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 19 Feb 1861, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 14 Feb 1938, buried in
Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. She married Criss FLANDERS 16 Nov 1886, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. Criss
FLANDERS was born about 1838, in ,,Ohio.
MARRIAGE: This was Criss' second marriage.
Children of Lydia Margaret HITTLE and Criss FLANDERS:
Retus D. FLANDERS, born about 1889, in ,,Kansas, died about Apr 1919, buried
in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
Leroy FLANDERS, born 14 Oct 1891, in ,,Kansas of, died 27 Jun 1971, buried in
70. Sabina Frances (Binnie) HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael
(Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 26 Jun 1864, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died Nov 1897/1898,
in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. She married John William HITTLE 1 Mar
1886, in ,Monroe,Iowa. He was the son of Hartzell Phillip (Phillip) HITTLE and Martha Jane COLLINS.
John William HITTLE was born 1862/1863, in ,Monroe,Iowa, died 19 Sep 1939, in ,Miami,Kansas,
buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
DEATH: Monroe County, Iowa death records.
Children of Sabina Frances (Binnie) HITTLE and John William HITTLE:
Dora HITTLE, born about 1889, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
Ira HITTLE, born about 1890, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
Phillip W. HITTLE, born about 1892, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
71. Mary Alice (Mollie) HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael
(Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 27 Nov 1866, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 23 Sep 1946, in
Sedro Woolley,Skagit,Washington, buried in Seattle,King,Washington. She married (1) Samuel
Americus Vespucious LOVEJOY 19 Jan 1888, in Paola,Miami,Kansas. He was the son of Thornton F.
LOVEJOY and Fannie (Frances) MCFARLAND. Samuel Americus Vespucious LOVEJOY was born
25 Dec 1858, in ,Kanawha,West Virginia, died 1 Jun 1940, in Seattle,King,Washington, buried in
Acacia Cemetery,Seattle,King,Washington. They were divorced. She married (2) Hiram M. GEORGE
1913/1915, in ,,Washington. Hiram M. GEORGE was born 1872/1873, in Salem,Marion,Oregon, died
14 Jul 1945, in Bremerton,Kitsap,Washington.
DEATH: Cremated at Greenwood Funeral Home, Seattle, King, WA.
CENSUS: 1920 WASHINGTON, Clark County, Columbia West H. M. George 47 OR IND ILL
Laborer Paper Mill Mary A 53 KS IND ILL Lowell M. Lovejoy 20 KS WV KS (stepson)
CENSUS: 1930 OREGON, Umatilla County, Pendleton. Hiram M. George 56 (md first at age 41) OR
ILL ILL Mary A. 62 (married first at age 21) KANSAS IND ILL.
CENSUS: 1900 KANSAS, Miami County, Osage Township Samuel Lovejoy born Dec 1861 WV VA
VA Carpenter Md 12 years Mary Nov 1866 KS IN IL 2 children, both living Lowell M. Jul 1889 KS
WV KS At School Oren A. Jun 1891 KS WV KS At School
CENSUS: 1910 WASHINGTON, King County, Seattle Samuel A. Lovejoy 48 WV WV WV (md 22
years) Mary A. 43 Kansas IND ILL Lowell M. 20 Kansas Loren A. 19 Kansas.
DIVORCE: Divorced about 1911/1912.
CENSUS: 1920 WASHINGTON, King County, Seattle Samuel Lovejoy 63 WV WV WV Carpenter
CENSUS: 1930 WASHINGTON, King County, Seattle. Samuel A. Lovejoy 71 WV WV WV General
STORY: Sam cut a picture of a Rattlesnake on a tree on the east side of Upland, Mason County, near
Fraziers Bottom, Putnam County, West Virginia, and the tree finally died about 1940-1970 (info from
Mervin DEAL, grandson of Fannie McFarland by second marriage). Sam and a partner had a large
amount of counterfeit money, and were just about to get caught by the law, when they left the county
(probably around 1885) (information from son Loren LOVEJOY, and also Millie DOSS, sister of
Mervin DEAL <she was raised by Fannie Ballanger till her death>). When a young man he moved to
Kansas, settling in Hillsdale, Miami County. He invented the Tripp Hammer on a Self Feeder Threshing
Machine. It was bought by Nicholson and Shepard. They gave him a machine for the rights to the
invention. His son, Loren, said he stole a horse in Kansas, so moved west. He left Kansas and came to
Seattle in June 1901 where he resided until his death.
LETTER: (Letter from Mervin Deal, grandson of Fannie Lovejoy and Addison M. Ballenger, by their
daughter, either Roxie or Millie Ballenger).
Fraziers Bottom, W.Va.
Nov 26, 1971 Dear Mr.
Morris I don't know who Thornton and Fannie Lovejoy's parents were. They are originally from
Sissonville. That is back of Charleston, W.Va. Samuel Lovejoy left W.Va. at a young age. He cut a
picture of a Rattlesnake on a tree on this side of Upland, W.Va. and the tree finally died. He was in some
kind of trouble and left here and he went to Kansas and went to threshing and then went to Seattle, WA.
Only received one letter from him after he left here. The Lovejoys got a small pamphlet and he had 2
boys and one of the boys was a telegraph operator and was on a ship. He signaled it by a flashlight.
They said when it sank, this Lovejoy boy got on a piece of timber and made it to safety. Fannie Lovejoy
had 6 children: one small infant James (dead), Genis Lovejoy, Robert Lovejoy, Agnes Lovejoy, Charley
Lovejoy, and Samuel Lovejoy. All of these are dead except one of Genis' daughters was living about 4
years ago when we were there and her name was Dora (Lovejoy) Francis and she lived out back of
Pomeroy, Ohio. Far as I know, Fannie and Jim Lovejoy were buried at Evergreen cemetery, and there
are no monuments. Agnes married a Jiminson. Charley died when he was about 91 years. He stayed
with me. Charley stayed with his mother till she passed away, then he came and stayed with me until he
died. So Robert and Charley. My grandmother didn't talk much about her first husband. I am pretty
sure he was killed in the Army. And then she married Add Ballanger. He was also killed in the Army.
She had 2 children by Ballanger. My mother had a younger sister that had never seen her Dad. Sorry we
waited so long to answer. If you want to know any more I will let you know if I can find out anymore.
Would like to have one the books, history of Samuel A. Lovejoy. If you would like to visit us we would
show you around the best we could. YOURS TRULY
1913 Washington State Legislature SENATE JOURNAL page 21 (Google Books on Internet)
.....Samuel A. Lovejoy—Sentenced from King county, September 25, 1913, to pay a fine of $500.00
and costs of the prosecution for the crime of assault in the first degree. Remission of unpaid portion of
fine and costs, amounting to $200.00, granted October 30 1913. on recommendation of the trial judge
and prosecuting attorney.
DEATH: Cremated in Greenwood Funeral Home, Seattle, King County, WA.
Children of Mary Alice (Mollie) HITTLE and Samuel Americus Vespucious LOVEJOY:
Lowell Mont LOVEJOY, born 22 Jul 1889, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 6 Jul
1954, in Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington, buried in Lopez Island,San
Juan,Washington. He married Gertrude Norma HODGSON 8 Oct 1920, in
Seattle,King,Washington. She was the daughter of Norman Peter HODGSON and
Charlotte Lillian (Lottie) SCHMALING. Gertrude Norma HODGSON was born 7
Jul 1899, in Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington, died 29 Mar 1988, in
Stanwood,Snohomish,Washington, buried in Lopez Island,San Juan,Washington.
Loren Archibald LOVEJOY, born 27 Jun 1891, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died
23 Sep 1977, in Seattle,King,Washington, buried in Olympic Coast,,Washington.
He married Mildred R. NOT MARRIED. Mildred R. was born about 1895, in
,,Washington of, died 19 Feb 1969, in Seattle,King,Washington, buried in
MARRIAGE: Never married. Mother of his son was Mildred R. ----, who later
married Lloyd WHITE. She died 19 Feb 1969 in Swedish Hospital, Seattle, and
buried by Greenlake Funeral Home of Seattle. Their son was killed early in life.
MILITARY: WWI in England.
CENSUS: 1920 NEW YORK, Kings County, Brooklyn. Mates aboard SS West
Eldora. L. A. Lovejoy 28 KS KS KS.
OCCUPATION: Early in life, he was a wireless operator; he flew airplanes about
1910, and is considered a spark plug ancestor; later he was a constable (sheriff) in
DEATH: Ashes scattered off the Olympic Coast, but a headstone was placed next
to his father at Acacia Cemetery, Seattle.
RELIGION: Raised a Protestant.
POPULAR MECHANICS, April 1929, page 651 (Google Books on Internet)
.....ARTICLE: “SIGNING OFF – HEROES OF SOS― .....It was Adolph J.
Swenson who, with his chief Loren A. Lovejoy, rigged up an auxiliary set as soon
as the water ran off the storage batteries at another lurch of the sinking "Hanalei."
When the wireless cabin was swept overboard, he assisted the chief in sending
signals to the nearby Pacific shore with a flashlight. In spite of the fact that men on
land could see the signals, it was almost impossible, due to the storm and terrain,
for them to effect a rescue. When only wreckage remained of the "Hanalei," Loren
Lovejoy was picked up from the piece of driftwood to which lie was clinging by a
passing ship. Adolph Svenson was added to that band who died on duty. .....MY
NOTE: Sailing from Eureka, California, with 62 persons on board and a cargo of
lumber, live cattle, sheep and hogs, Hanalei was lost on November 23, 1914, as she
neared the Golden Gate, San Francisco. The schooner ran aground on Duxbury
Reef opposite of the Marconi Wireless Station in Bolinas around noon on Monday,
November 23. Thick fog obscured the water, and the steamer struck the rocks
without warning, tearing off the rudder. Stuck on the rocks, Hanalei remained in the
surf for 18 hours as rescuers, alerted by the ship's wireless SOS, gathered on shore.
Efforts to rig a breeches buoy failed, and as night fell, would-be rescuers lit
bonfires on the beach to wait for morning. When Hanalei disintegrated, passengers
and crew were thrown into the surf. The battering of wreckage and the loose
lumber cargo, as well as the choking effect of the ship's diesel fuel on the water
took a deadly toll; 23 passengers and crew members died as they struggled to reach
the shore. A number persons were saved when the lifesaving steamer McCulloch's
crew plucked them from the water; others washed alive to the beach after several
hours in the water, buoyed by floating wreckage.
72. Oliver Isaac HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg
Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 19 Nov 1868, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 9 Jul 1955, buried in
Firndale,,Oregon or Washin. He married Emma Henrietta STEVENS 8 Dec 1901, in Milton
Freewater,Umatilla,Oregon. Emma Henrietta STEVENS was born 12 Sep 1877, in
Oakland,Douglas,Oregon, died 11 Sep 1967, in Walla Walla,Walla Walla,Washington, buried in Milton
CENSUS: 1930 OREGON, Umatilla County, Precinct #2 Oliver I. Hittle 60 (md 1st age 32) KANSAS
IND ILL Emma H. 52 (md 1st 24) OREGON PA GERM Addie A. 19 WA Oliver G. 21 WA Inez M. 1
WA Freda L. Ullery (Niece) 12 Montana WASH OREGON
Children of Oliver Isaac HITTLE and Emma Henrietta STEVENS:
73. James Orlander HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg
Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 26 May 1871/1872, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 27 May 1965, in
Canon City,Fremont,Colorado. He married Minnie GRUVER 18 Jan 1897, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas.
Minnie GRUVER was born Feb 1876, in ,,Kansas.
CENSUS: 1910 KANSAS, Reno County, Grove Township James O. Hittle 37 KS IA IA (md 13 years),
Minnie B. 35 KS ILL ILL (6 children, 4 living), Irvie O. 7 KS, Clifford M. 5, Nola F. 3, Lola E. 1 7/12
(census Apr 1910).
RESIDENCE: Moved to Canon City, Colorado in 1920.
CENSUS: 1930 COLORADO, Cheyenne County, Cheyenne Wells James A. Hittle 58 (md 1st 24) KS
IN ILL Minnie B. 55 (md 1st 22) KS ILL ILL (Adjacent) Clifford M. 25 KANSAS KS KS Lillian E. 22
NEB GERM GERM Carrol M. 1 6/12 Colorado (son)
PARENTS: Isaac GRUVER and Martha -----.
Children of James Orlander HITTLE and Minnie GRUVER:
74. Rosa Idelia HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg
Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 19 Nov 1874/1875, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 1930/1939, in
Los Angelas,Los Angelas,California. She married John H. WADE 1900/1901, in ,,Kansas. John H.
WADE was born 1862/1863, in ,,Alabama.
RESIDENCE: Moved to California about 1903.
CENSUS: 1910 CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles Township #78. John H. Wade 47
Alabama US US (md 2 times, married this time 9 years), Della 34 KS IND ILL (3 children, all living),
Omer 8 KS, Channey (son) 5 CA, Thelma 1 11/12 CA (census Apr 1910).
Children of Rosa Idelia HITTLE and John H. WADE:
Omer Raulin WADE, born 14 Apr 1902, in ,,Kansas, died 9 Feb 1957, in ,San
CENSUS: 1930 CALIFORNIA, San Francisco County, San Francisco Chauncey
Wade 28 (md 1st age 22) KANSAS KANSAS KANSAS Rowena 22 (md 1st 18)
Chauncey Egbert WADE, born 9 Jun 1904, in ,,California, died 30 Sep 1959, in
,Los Angeles,California.
CENSUS: 1930 CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles County, Pomona James Jones 23
(md 1st 21) Kansas Ill Kansas Thelma 21 (md 1st 20) CA ALABAMA Kansas
Chauncey Wade (bro in law) 25 (md 1st 21) CA ALAB KANSAS Wilma Wade
(sis in law) (single) 19 CA ALABAMA KANSAS
Thelma WADE, born 13 Apr 1908, in ,Los Angeles,California, died 8 Aug 1963,
in ,Tehama,California. She married (1) Living ____. She married (2) Living ____.
CENSUS: 1930 CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles County, Pomona James Jones 23
(md 1st 21) Kansas Ill Kansas Thelma 21 (md 1st 20) CA ALABAMA Kansas
Chauncey Wade (bro in law) 25 (md 1st 21) CA ALAB KANSAS Wilma Wade
(sis in law) (single) 19 CA ALABAMA KANSAS
Living ____.
75. Myrtle Obedience HITTLE (Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg
Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 18 Jul 1892, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. She married (1) Jasper Levi
WHEELER 29 May 1912, in ,Johnson,Missouri. Jasper Levi WHEELER was born 23 Aug 1889, in
,Cleburne,Alabama, died 10 Nov 1967, in Weslaco,Hidalgo,Texas. She married (2) George Walter
MILLS 15 Jun 1920, in ,,Kansas. George Walter MILLS was born about 1890, in ,,Kansas of.
Children of Myrtle Obedience HITTLE and Jasper Levi WHEELER:
76. John William HITTLE (Hartzell Phillip (Phillip) , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George
Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 1862/1863, in ,Monroe,Iowa, died 19 Sep 1939, in
,Miami,Kansas, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. He married (1) Sabina Frances (Binnie) HITTLE 1
Mar 1886, in ,Monroe,Iowa. She was the daughter of Isaac HITTLE and Alethia Alice THOMPSON.
Sabina Frances (Binnie) HITTLE was born 26 Jun 1864, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died Nov
1897/1898, in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa, buried in Lovilia,Monroe,Iowa. He married (2) Nettie ABT
1900/1920, in ,,Kansas. Nettie was born 1875/1876, in ,,Iowa of, died 1931, in ,Miami,Kansas, buried in
DEATH: Miami County, Kansas Death records.
CHILDREN: John and Sabina had Dora and Ira, and perhaps also Thelma and Phillip.
MARRIAGE-CONFLICT: Monroe County Marriage records, 1 Mar 1886; another source says 26 Feb
Children of John William HITTLE and Sabina Frances (Binnie) HITTLE:
Dora HITTLE, born about 1889, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
Ira HITTLE, born about 1890, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
Phillip W. HITTLE, born about 1892, in ,Monroe,Iowa.
77. Mairon HARBISON (Clarissa Anne (Clara) HITTLE , Isaac , Michael , George Michael
(Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 30 Aug 1876, in
Eureka,Glenwood,Kansas, died 3 Feb 1960, buried in Anthony,Harper,Kansas.
78. Dora H. HARBISON (Clarissa Anne (Clara) HITTLE , Isaac , Michael , George Michael
(Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 9 Sep 1878, in
Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 20 Feb 1952, buried in Fontana,,Kansas. She married William PALMER
about 1897, in ,,Kansas. William PALMER was born about 1875, in ,,Kansas of.
Children of Dora H. HARBISON and William PALMER:
Hildred PALMER, born about 1898, in ,,Kansas. She married Living ____.
ADDRESS: (1970) 1407 Shanklin Ave, Evansville 13, Indiana.
Fanchon Christion PALMER, born 11 May 1901, in ,,Kansas, died Feb 1977, in
Living ____.
79. Eli HARBISON (Clarissa Anne (Clara) HITTLE , Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) ,
George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 28 Jun 1886, in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died
12 Nov 1968, in Paola,Miami,Kansas. He married June MCDANIEL 3 Dec 1924, in
Paola,Miami,Kansas. June MCDANIEL was born about 1890, in ,,Kansas of.
80. Florence Amanda HARBISON (Clarissa Anne (Clara) HITTLE , Isaac , Michael , George
Michael (Michael) , George Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 19 Oct 1890, in
Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas, died 8 Apr 1980, in ,Kern,California. She married Harry FOSTER about 1910,
in ,,Kansas. Harry FOSTER was born about 1890, in ,,Kansas of.
ADDRESS: (1970) 415 Jeffrey Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305.
RESEARCHER: Supplied much of the information on the Harbison Family.
Children of Florence Amanda HARBISON and Harry FOSTER:
Living ____.
Living ____.
81. Daisy HITTLE (William Henry , Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael
(Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born about 1879, in ,,Kansas. She married J. L. KERN about 1900, in
,,Kansas. J. L. KERN was born about 1875, in ,,Kansas of.
Children of Daisy HITTLE and J. L. KERN:
Lena KERN, born 20 Jan 1902, in ,,Kansas, died 7 May 1993, in
RESIDENCE: (1970) Louisburg, Kansas.
82. Thomas E. HITTLE (William Henry , Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George
Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born Sep 1880, in ,,Kansas. He married Angie PASKARD
16 Mar 1904, in ,Miami,Kansas. Angie PASKARD was born about 1880, in ,,Kansas of.
Children of Thomas E. HITTLE and Angie PASKARD:
Living ____. She married Living ____.
83. Lothie John HITTLE (William Henry , Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George
Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born Aug 1883, in ,,Kansas. He married Emma STOKER 24
Dec 1902, in ,,Kansas. Emma STOKER was born about 1885, in ,,Kansas of.
Children of Lothie John HITTLE and Emma STOKER:
Lestir HITTLE, born 15 Jul 1903, in ,,Kansas, died Sep 1966, in
Living ____. She married Living ____.
84. Edith HITTLE (William Henry , Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George Michael
(Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born Feb 1886, in ,,Kansas. She married R. L. HARDY about 1910,
in ,,Kansas. R. L. HARDY was born about 1885, in ,,Kansas of.
Children of Edith HITTLE and R. L. HARDY:
Living ____.
85. Troy William HITTLE (William Henry , Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George
Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 2 Jan 1895, in Drexel,Bates,Missouri, died Oct 1979,
in Drexel,Bates,Missouri. He married Lillie May WILSON 6 Jan 1914, in ,Cass,Missouri. Lillie May
WILSON was born 13 Aug 1895, in Trading Post,,Missouri, died 23 Oct 1991, in ,,Missouri.
RESEARCHER: Troy supplied much of the William Henry Hittle family genealogy, correspondence
about 1970 with Gary J. Morris.
Children of Troy William HITTLE and Lillie May WILSON:
Living ____. She married Living ____.
Living ____. She married Living ____.
William Hershell HITTLE, born 21 Oct 1923, in Drexel,Bates,Missouri, died 1
Feb 1930.
Living ____. She married Living ____.
86. Julia May HITTLE (Samuel Arkie (Arkie) , Isaac , Michael , George Michael (Michael) , George
Michael (Jurg Michell) , Hittle (HITTEL) ), born 13 Oct 1893, in Spring Hill,Johnson,Kansas, died 19
May 1919, buried in Hillsdale,Miami,Kansas. She married Harry Raymond WHITNEY 6 Jan 1914, in
Gardner,Johnson,Kansas. Harry Raymond WHITNEY was born about 1890, in Spring
Index of Names
Lucy C. (Lou) (5 Apr 1857 - 2 Oct 1906), 96
Hulda Jane (20 Mar 1820 - ), 89
Samuel H. (1800 - 1861), 40
Margaret Emma (1782/1788 - ), 62
Priscilla (1813/1814 - ), 70
Caroline (1841/1842 - ), 61
Joshia (about 1829 - ), 67
Joseph (about 1775 - ), 42
Deborah (26 May 1843 - 25 Sep 1913), 90
Mary Elizabeth (1808/1809 - ), 52
Emmaline (28 Oct 1832 - 3 Mar 1891), 85
Mary (ABT 1833/1834 - 25 Sep 1895), 85
Flora Jane (14 Sep 1856 - 10 Jul 1936/1937), 104
Sarah (about 1790 - ), 69
Thomas (about 1840 - ), 88
(about 1860 - ), 98
Elizabeth R. (1837/1838 - ), 81
Aletha Ellen (7 Aug 1882 - 26 Mar 1946), 101
John H. (31 Oct 1843 - 29 Jan 1890), 101
Jack (about 1885 - ), 100
Hamilton (1861 - 1937), 105
Eva Ann (Jun 1779 - 11 Jun 1842), 78
William Henry (10 Apr 1869 - 2 Feb 1942), 99
(about 1785 - ), 39
Elizabeth (Mar 1832 - ), 82
Caroline (1855/1856 - ), 86
J. (1847/1848 - ), 86
William (1853/1854 - ), 86
Wyatt (1810/1811 - 1860/1865), 85
William H. (1856/1857 - ), 93
(13 Oct 1881 - ), 99
Catherine (23 Sep 1878 - ), 99
Catherine (30 Apr 1841 - 3 Jan 1928), 85, 98
Catherine (1856/1857 - ), 97
Charles W. (Jan 1864 - 19 Nov 1865), 97
Elizabeth (14 Aug 1823 - 12 Nov 1909), 85, 95
Elsie M. (11 Jun 1880 - 2 May 1956), 99
Frederick Fillmore (11 Jul 1877 - May 1948), 100
George F. (4 May 1860 - 25 Feb 1936), 97
George Ripley (7 Jan 1839 - 7 Sep 1919), 85
George Washington (8 May 1801 - Sep 1884), 84, 100
George Washington (19 Jan 1870 - 1940/1949), 99
Henry (1854/1855 - ), 97
Henry (15 Jan 1844 - 16 Jun 1933), 85, 98
Henry George Michael (11 Feb 1892 - ), 97, 101
James (23 May 1824 - 17 Dec 1865), 85, 97
James E. (1861/1862 - ), 97
John M. (20 Oct 1831/1832 - 15 May 1908), 85
Lonnie E. (14 Nov 1885 - 7 Oct 1906), 99
Mary (about 20 Dec 1834 - 17 Apr 1903), 85, 98
Mary J. (12 Nov 1852 - 26 Aug 1872), 97
Michael (26 Nov 1826 - 6 Jun 1905), 85, 97, 100
Nellie (9 Jul 1886 - ), 100
Sadie (1887 - ), 99
Thomas Filmore (10 Sep 1850 - Nov 1925), 85, 99
Volney A. (1877 - ), 99
William B. (9 Aug 1868 - ), 99
William Grant (1865/1866 - ), 97
Winfield Scott Zachary (11 Mar 1847 - ), 85, 99
Elizabeth (1797/1798 - ), 50
Leonard (Nov 1757 - 4 Sep 1823), 49
Joseph (about 1793 - 4 Mar 1851), 78
Rebecca (1818 - 1840), 79
Daniel (1792 - 1864), 78
Mary (Polly) (14 Sep 1818 - 8 Feb 1901), 87, 97
Index of Names
Anna Catherine (1823/1824 - ), 70
(about 1810 - ), 76
Rebecca Ann (1847/1848 - ), 90
Melissa J. (27 Oct 1866 - 22 Nov 1913), 89
Rebecca (1833/1834 - ), 64
Sarah (12 Aug 1851 - ), 98
John (1810 - 1849), 79
Mary (1 Jun 1823 - 13 Apr 1904), 65
Daniel (15 Feb 1782 - 28 Sep 1872), 21
Mary A. (4 Jul 1822 - ), 66
Mary Kay (14 Feb 1949 - 14 Apr 1955), 115
Martha Jane (9 May 1841 - 1 Jun 1918), 93, 105
Minerva J. (19 Aug 1860 - 26 May 1935), 91
Nancy (11 Sep 1811 - 1882), 54
Grace (about 1875 - 9 Dec 1903), 98
Henry (about 1845 - ), 86
Nicholas (about 1795 - ), 78
Rachel (about 1820 - ), 79
Mary Jane (about 1848 - ), 99
Franklin A. (1822 - 1895), 67
Isaac Eyer (28 Mar 1819 - 27 Mar 1897), 76
Mary Magdalena (about 1770 - ), 45
Simon P. (1831 - ), 77
Paulina (Polly) (1799/1800 - ), 35
Andrew Jackson (13 Dec 1834 - 19 Jan 1908), 91
(about 1780 - ), 34
(about 1781 - ), 34
(about 1783 - ), 34
(about 1785 - ), 34
(about 1787 - ), 34
(about 1789 - ), 34
Michael (about 1755 - ), 33
Hannah (about 1789 - ), 44
Elizabeth (19 Nov 1798 - 19 Apr 1887), 77
Eshom Or ISHAM
Sarah (1852/1853 - ), 100
Espy Or ASPY
Mary (20 Oct 1774 - 10 Sep 1829), 56
Margaret (2 Sep 1780 - ), 27
Solomon (2 Sep 1778 - ), 27
William (about 1750 - ), 27
Mary (6 Aug 1809 - 15 Sep 1869), 58
(about 1810 - ), 86
Elizabeth (4 Sep 1748 - 4 May 1838), 20
Criss (about 1838 - ), 105
Leroy (14 Oct 1891 - 27 Jun 1971), 105
Retus D. (about 1889 - about Apr 1919), 105
Conrad (1692/1693 - ), 8
Elizabeth Margaret (Magdalena) (about 1720 - after 1764), 8
Catherine (1816 - ), 79
Harry (about 1890 - ), 112
Solomon (1796 - 1861), 78
Jacob (26 Dec 1798 - 14 Aug 1869), 52
Sarah Jane (12 Dec 1863 - 23 Oct 1959), 88
(about 1790 - ), 39
Henry (1792 - 1871), 76
Hiram M. (1872/1873 - 14 Jul 1945), 106
Henry (about 1780 - ), 31
George Albert (1850 - 1923), 88
Good Or GUTH
George (1776/1777 - ), 43
Eleanor (Nelly) (1786 - ), 42
Index of Names
Samuel (5 Feb 1797 - ), 57
Homer Sibley (5 Feb 1873 - 22 Jul 1964), 101
Minnie (Feb 1876 - ), 109
Arthur (26 Dec 1882 - 1 Mar 1932), 103
Carl (Apr 1881 - ), 103
David (Apr 1856 - 3 Feb 1927), 103
Dora H. (9 Sep 1878 - 20 Feb 1952), 103, 112
Eli (28 Jun 1886 - 12 Nov 1968), 103, 112
Florence Amanda (19 Oct 1890 - 8 Apr 1980), 104, 112
Flossie (15 May 1897 - ), 104
Mairon (30 Aug 1876 - 3 Feb 1960), 103, 112
Nettie (27 Oct 1887 - 3 Nov 1926), 103
Pearl (9 Dec 1880 - May 1982), 103
R. L. (about 1885 - ), 113
Jacob (about 1790 - 1826/1833), 26
Christina (5 Sep 1750 - ABT 1810/1820), 13
Elizabeth (about 1764 - ), 18
George Adam (Adam) (1767 - after 1830), 18
Hans George (8 Jul 1714 - 21 Jan 1762), 17
Hans Jacob (29 Feb 1716 - 1 Feb 1781), 13
John Johannes (29 Sep 1741 - 1777), 17
John Phillip (26 Dec 1776 - 24 Jun 1779), 19
Mary (1770 - ), 18
Mary Leah (12 Mar 1769 - ), 18
Susannah R. (23 Jun 1771 - ), 19
David (about 1795 - ), 77
Nancy Ellen (8 Nov 1772 - 27 Feb 1851), 56
Mary Ann (about 1820 - ), 64
Hicks Or HAWKS
Josephine (about 1860 - ), 87
Lucinda Catherine Susan (29 Nov 1821 - ), 58
(1 Feb 1860 - STILLBORN), 92
(about 1798 - ), 52
(about 1814 - ), 55
(1825/1826 - ), 80
(about 1830 - ), 81
(about 1826 - ), 82
(about 1828 - ), 82
(about 1850 - ), 84
(4 Sep 1857 - ), 89
(about 1853 - 15 Jan 1855), 91
(about 1801 - ), 28
(about 1782 - ), 35
(about 1784 - ), 35
(about 1785 - ), 35
(about 1787 - ), 35
(about 1789 - ), 35
(about 1798 - ), 36
(about 1801 - ), 36
(about 1822 - ), 37
(about 1825 - ), 37
(about 1829 - ), 37
(about 1792 - ), 39
(about 1794 - ), 39
(about 1796 - ), 39
(about 1807 - ), 40
(about 1810 - ), 40
(about 1780 - ), 11
(about 1812 - ), 55
(about 1815 - ), 55
Abigail (1797/1798 - ), 39
Abolina Mary (30 Jun 1834 - 17 May 1917), 62, 94
Adam (1798/1799 - ), 36
Adam (about 1815 - ), 79
Aletha (1884 - 1885), 105
Aletha Jane (20 Jun 1850 - 16 Dec 1919), 88
Almira (1845/1846 - ), 84
Alvina (about 1814 - ), 76
Ann (about 1813 - ), 79
Anna (1822 - 1892), 67
Barbara (21 Feb 1787 - before May 1825), 17
Barbara (about 1798 - ), 78
Bartholomew (Bartel) (1753 - 15 Nov 1823), 7, 27
Beatrice (26 Mar 1882 - Feb 1980), 105
Benjamin (3 May 1813 - 12 May 1885), 76
Benjamin F. (6 Feb 1808 - 26 Jul 1882), 69
Beulah Vest (16 Sep 1902 - 4 Feb 1988), 109
Caroline (25 Dec 1843 - ), 79
Caroline (about 1822 - ), 76
Catharine (11 Nov 1806 - 23 Jul 1885), 61, 84, 100
Catherine (12 Jul 1767 - ), 48
Catherine (1804/1805 - ), 54
Catherine (about 1800 - 1820/1830), 57
Catherine (about 1784 - ), 47
Catherine (31 Jan 1801 - 1865), 78
Catherine (about 1820 - ), 49
Cely Ann (about 1847 - ), 79
Christian (ABT 1820/1829 - ), 40
Christina (about 1771 - ), 16
Christina (5 Sep 1799 - 18 Jan 1844), 57
Clarissa Anne (Clara) (15 May 1853 - 3 Feb 1935), 92, 103
Cynthia Ellen (5 Feb 1851 - 4 Feb 1931), 92, 101
Index of Names
HITTLE (continued)
Daisy (about 1879 - ), 104, 113
David (2 Jun 1772 - 1846), 16, 50
David (1810/1820 - ), 79
David (1790/1794 - ), 77
Dora (1869/1870 - ), 93
Dora (about 1889 - ), 106, 111
Edith (Feb 1886 - ), 104, 113
Eliza (13 Jan 1816 - 2 Jun 1892), 76
Elizabeth (1813/1814 - ), 61, 85
Elizabeth (about 1812 - ), 55
Elizabeth (29 Mar 1803 - ), 57
Elizabeth (1831/1832 - ), 82
Elizabeth (5 Mar 1790 - ), 39
Elizabeth (26 Mar 1808 - 1871), 67
Elizabeth (about 1830 - ), 95
Elizabeth (1832 - ), 77
Elizabeth (Betsy) (1792/1793 - ), 36
Elizabeth M. (4 Sep 1846 - 11 Oct 1851), 88
Elizabetha (Betsy) (25 Jul 1788 - ), 17, 64
Ellen (1829 - 1886), 67
Eva Ann (about 1799 - ), 78
Frances Aboline (20 Nov 1854 - 26 Apr 1939), 89, 97, 100
Frederick (1790/1791 - before 1860), 35
Frederick Or Fridirig (8 Nov 1783 - 1840/1850), 25, 67
George (8 Jul 1774 - 13 Feb 1842), 16, 55
George (30 Dec 1833 - Jul 1904), 82
George (15 Oct 1781 - before 1823), 28
George (25 Jul 1812 - 10 Mar 1901), 67
George (Dec 1791 - ), 26
George Adam (19 Mar 1778 - before 1790), 16
George Frederick (26 Feb 1788 - ), 45
George Frederick (Frederick) (2 Mar 1762 - Jan 1829), 7, 38
George Frederick (Frederick) (6 Aug 1811 - 10 Jun 1883), 68
George M. (1856/1857 - 16 Oct 1913), 87
George Michael (Michael) (about 1742 - Nov 1828), 7, 13
George Pernell (12 Feb 1800 - after 1880), 61, 79
George W (1826 - after 1870), 48
George W. (7 Jul 1843 - Feb 1865), 81
George W. (Dec 1859 - 11 Jan 1865), 91
Hallie Bennett (21 Feb 1903 - 26 Jun 1954), 104
Hannah (8 Mar 1798 - 1863), 56
Hartzel H. (16 Mar 1813 - ), 58
Hartzel Philip (4 Nov 1848 - ), 90
Hartzell Phillip (Phillip) (1827/1828 - 14 Jun 1894), 61, 93, 105
Harvey (14 Apr 1845 - 30 Jun 1932), 88
Harvey (about 1848 - ), 87
Henry (2 Jul 1809 - 1880), 72
Henry Elwood (14 Apr 1860 - 26 Jul 1860), 89
Henry Or Harvey (15 Jan 1818 - 14 Aug 1897), 61, 87, 97
Hestir Ann (12 Oct 1843 - 23 Nov 1909), 88
Hetty (about 1811 - 3 Mar 1877), 76
Huffy Lee (14 Mar 1880 - 1 Apr 1956), 94
Ida B. (1855/1856 - ), 87
Ira (about 1890 - ), 106, 111
Isaac (7 Dec 1824 - 10 Sep 1904), 61, 91, 111
Isaac (22 Jul 1782 - about Feb 1866), 17, 62
Isaac (about 1811 - 16 Mar 1881), 54
Isadora (1868/1869 - ), 93
Jacob (1760 - about Oct 1836), 7, 34
Jacob (6 Jun 1820 - 13 Feb 1905), 61, 89
Jacob (3 May 1781 - before 1790), 16
Jacob (8 May 1807 - 4 Feb 1877), 54
Jacob (8 Aug 1808 - 1 Apr 1884), 37
Jacob (1819 - 1846), 67
James Or Daniel (7 Jul 1794 - about May 1815), 45
James Orlander (26 May 1871/1872 - 27 May 1965), 93, 109
Jess Roland (4 Nov 1884 - 20 Jul 1948), 94
Johannes (John) (1 Dec 1782 - 7 Sep 1836/1846), 21, 66
Johannes Adam (17 Jan 1766 - 1807), 48, 77
John (about 1785 - ), 12, 48
John (28 Apr 1803 - 2 Nov 1861), 78
John (1803 - ), 78
John (about 1838 - ), 95
John (1814 - 1887), 67
John (1792/1793 - after 1860), 12
John A. (8 Jun 1811 - 1 Sep 1827), 58
John Adam (Adam) (1795/1796 - 1880), 77, 95
John F. (20 Feb 1843 - 18 Sep 1851), 90
John H. (30 Jun 1830 - 1 Jul 1895), 61
John Henry (Henry) (28 Aug 1775 - ), 43, 72
John Nicholas (Nicholas) (6 Sep 1772 - Jun 1846), 48, 78
John P. (15 Dec 1812 - 30 Nov 1889), 70
John S. (1800 - 30 May 1877), 28
John Samuel (18 Feb 1856 - 12 Jul 1938), 89
John W. (1869/1870 - 22 Jan 1945), 100
John William (1862/1863 - 19 Sep 1939), 93, 105, 111
John William? (22 Jun 1783 - Nov 1833), 44, 75
Jonas (about 1801 - ), 39
Jonas H. (21 Mar 1806 - 7 Sep 1852), 58
Jonathan (1825 - ), 80
Jonathan (John) (19 Dec 1824 - ), 64
Joseph (15 Oct 1801 - 6 Feb 1868), 52
Joseph (26 Oct 1819 - 1 Oct 1892), 62
Joseph (8 Feb 1823 - ), 79
Julia A. (1830/1831 - ), 81
Julia May (13 Oct 1893 - 19 May 1919), 105, 114
Lafayette (20 May 1847 - ), 81
Leah (about 1819 - ), 37
Leah (1829 - 1912), 67
Lena (6 Feb 1848 - Jun 1922), 88
Lestir (15 Jul 1903 - Sep 1966), 113
Letha (Sep 1897 - before 1910), 110
Index of Names
HITTLE (continued)
Levi George (27 Jul 1808 - 23 Sep 1881), 40, 71
Lothie John (Aug 1883 - ), 104, 113
Luvago (1849/1850 - about 1868), 90
Lydia (ABT 1801/1802 - ), 36
Lydia (about 1788 - ), 39
Lydia (about 1822 - ), 79
Lydia (10 Nov 1821 - 16 Apr 1910), 76
Lydia (17 Jul 1805 - ), 72
Lydia M. (3 May 1849 - ), 88
Lydia Margaret (19 Feb 1861 - 14 Feb 1938), 93, 105
Margaret (1828/1829 - ), 81
Margaret Jane (1859/1860 - ), 93
Maria (20 Mar 1804 - ), 72
Maria Elizabeth (6 Feb 1771 - ), 48
Maria Magdalena (16 Jul 1821 - ), 95
Mary (about 1768 - ), 16, 49
Mary (1804 - 1867), 52
Mary (ABT 1820/1829 - ), 40
Mary (1810 - 1891), 67
Mary (Molly) (about 1825 - ), 76
Mary (Polly) (about 1796 - ), 36
Mary Alice (Mollie) (27 Nov 1866 - 23 Sep 1946), 93, 106
Mary Ann (about 1823 - ), 61, 91
Mary Ann (about 1827 - ), 80
Mary Ann (1846/1847 - ), 87
Mary Ann (10 Dec 1819 - ), 76
Mary Ann (Molly) (1785 - ), 17, 64
Mary Catherine (4 Apr 1852 - 6 Mar 1932), 88
Mary Catherine (Catherine) (1802 - ), 40
Mary Margaret (4 Apr 1830 - 17 Mar 1904), 76
Mary Sovilla (20 Nov 1852 - 11 Dec 1904), 91
Matilda (21 Apr 1815 - ), 68
Michael (28 Apr 1776 - 31 Jul 1855), 16, 59
Michael (11 Jul 1815/1816 - 15 May 1878), 61, 86
Michael (29 Nov 1808 - 13 Sep 1888), 58
Michael (4 Apr 1841 - 21 Mar 1900), 90
Michael (1819/1820 - ), 64
Michael (1812/1817 - after 1860), 48
Michael A. (2 Mar 1835 - ), 81
Mitchel (1837/1838 - ), 84
Myrtle Obedience (18 Jul 1892 - ), 93, 111
Nancy Lillian (23 Oct 1858 - ), 89
Nicholas (about Jun 1804 - 24 Aug 1867), 61, 81
Nicholas (about 1740 - Jan 1816), 11, 48
Nicholas (1810 - ), 79
Oliver Isaac (19 Nov 1868 - 9 Jul 1955), 93, 109
Other, 3, 11
Perry (1814/1815 - 1877), 70
Peter (1772 - ), 43, 71
Peter (12 Sep 1781 - ), 47
Phillip (20 Feb 1781 - Sep 1861), 44
Phillip (1808/1809 - 8 Jul 1859), 47
Phillip W. (about 1892 - ), 106, 112
Rachel (10 Jan 1792 - 15 Mar 1860), 17, 65
Rebecca (about 1794 - ), 36
Rebecca (Peggy) (about 1805 - ), 40
Rebecca (Peggy) (1807 - ), 79
Rebecca Ann (1818 - 14 Nov 1818), 55
Rewally (13 Nov 1841 - ), 81
Robert Edward (Ed) (1873/1874 - 1954), 94
Rosa Idelia (19 Nov 1874/1875 - 1930/1939), 93, 110
Sabina (1842/1843 - 1932), 71
Sabina Frances (Binnie) (26 Jun 1864 - Nov 1897/1898), 93, 105, 111
Salome (9 Jan 1798 - 15 Aug 1860), 77
Samuel Arkie (Arkie) (11 Oct 1857 - 1 Apr 1934), 92, 104
Sara (about Feb 1790 - ), 26
Sarah (13 Nov 1841 - ), 81
Sarah (about 1798 - ), 39
Sarah (about 1797 - 1846), 78
Sarah (1817 - 1877), 67
Sarah (11 Jul 1807 - ), 72
Sarah (Sallie) (about 1784 - ), 28
Sarah (Sally) (about 1827 - ), 37
Sarah Ann (14 Oct 1844 - ), 90
Sarah Ann (about 1826 - after 1880), 76
Sarah Fern (13 Nov 1841 - 2 Dec 1841), 88
Sarah Jane (1845/1846 - ), 86
Sellers (28 Jan 1805 - after 1850), 47
Shearicton (1865/1866 - ), 93
Sidney Wayne (Wayne) (12 Jan 1896 - ), 105, 114
Silas Mcclure (9 Oct 1859 - 23 Mar 1926), 91
Soloma (1808/1809 - 1850), 37
Solomon (about 1788 - about 1825), 35, 69
Squire L. (1816/1817 - Apr 1875), 70
Susan (about 1795 - 18 May 1869), 28
Susan Parline (15 Dec 1853 - Feb 1907), 89
Susanah (19 Jun 1805 - 14 Jun 1856), 78
Susanna (about 1769 - ), 16
Susanna (ABT 1794/1795 - about 1852), 51
Susanna (1843/1844 - ), 84
Susanna (Sally) (1825 - 1910), 67
Theodore R. (Bud) (Dec 1896 - ), 104
Thomas E. (Sep 1880 - ), 104, 113
Troy William (2 Jan 1895 - Oct 1979), 104, 114
William (1838/1839 - ), 84
William (4 Sep 1842 - 7 Nov 1842), 88
William (about 1828 - ), 76
William Henry (about 7 Jul 1855 - 12 May 1928), 92, 104
William Henry (1842/1843 - ), 86, 100
William Hershell (21 Oct 1923 - 1 Feb 1930), 114
Hittle (HITTEL)
(about 1695 - ), 2
Index of Names
Hittle (HITTEL) (continued)
Adam (23 Mar 1754 - 1776/1779), 11, 46
Anna Barbara (Barbara) (about 1744 - ), 7, 17
Anna Maria (7 Mar 1776 - ), 21
Benjamin (about 1840 - ), 77
Catherine (about 1746 - about Feb 1829), 7, 19
Catherine (about 1794 - about 1834), 21
Catherine (about 1792 - ), 26
Catherine (13 Dec 1748 - 18 Aug 1832), 11, 45
Christina (about 1758 - ), 7, 33
Daniel (7 Oct 1788 - 22 Mar 1848), 21
Daniel (about 1835 - ), 77
David (about 1830 - ), 77
Elizabeth (about 1752 - ), 7, 27
Elizabeth (20 Dec 1785 - 25 Dec 1856), 25
Elizabeth (18 Jan 1777 - ), 43
George Michael (Jurg Michell) (14 Dec 1714 - 16 Jan 1786), 2, 3
Jacob (16 Apr 1785 - 13 Apr 1795), 21
Johann Peter (Peter) (2 Feb 1720 - about 7 Jan 1764), 3, 7
John (about 1839 - ), 77
John Adam (Adam) (21 Jul 1748 - 19 Aug 1834), 7, 20
John George (George) (4 Sep 1751 - Feb 1826), 7, 23
John George (George) (2 Nov 1789 - 1860), 25
John Jacob (Jacob) (26 Sep 1785 - 1826), 25, 68
Jonathan (about 1815 - ), 68
Joseph (about 1822 - ), 77
Magdalene (about 1756 - ABT 1802/1803), 7, 28
Margaret (about 1750 - ), 7, 22
Maria M. (9 May 1778 - ), 46
Maria Magdalena (9 May 1778 - ), 21
Mary Magdalene (Magdalene) (6 Oct 1785 - 1828), 44
Nicholas (22 Jan 1748 - 10 May 1825), 11, 42
Phillip (1758/1759 - Nov 1813), 11, 46
Samuel (1788/1789 - 24 Mar 1819), 47
Solome (about 1810 - ), 48
Sophia Margaret (Magdalena) (about 1746 - after 1830), 11, 40
Susanna (about 1786 - 7 Aug 1824), 21
Susanna (14 Feb 1779 - ), 44
William (17 Mar 1790 - 13 Feb 1866), 45, 77
Hittle (HITTELL)
Jacob (25 Jun 1797 - 1878), 45
Gertrude Norma (7 Jul 1899 - 29 Mar 1988), 107
Norman Peter (28 Sep 1867 - 3 Oct 1934), 108
Christina B. (about 1790 - ), 31
(about 1880 - ), 103
Marshall E. (1872 - 1926), 105
Frederick (1791/1792 - ), 31
Alva M. (1863/1864 - ), 87
John (1791/1792 - ), 21
John (1786/1787 - 31 Oct 1867), 36
Abigail (about 1820 - ), 64
Hannah (1775 - 1851), 50
Henry Barker (15 Oct 1861 - 30 Sep 1936), 101
John (14 Mar 1791 - 31 Dec 1873), 57
John Wheatley (about 1800 - about 21 Jul 1861), 57
Thomas R. (about 1845 - ), 84
Phillip (about 1780 - ), 31
Anna Maria (17 Nov 1790 - ), 75
Jediah (1821 - 1893), 67
Jacob (1795/1796 - ), 50
Reason (about 1830 - ), 81
Milton Wright (about 1900 - 12 Sep 1948), 109
Richard (about 1760 - ), 50
J. L. (about 1875 - ), 113
Lena (20 Jan 1902 - 7 May 1993), 113
Lydia (1797/1798 - about 27 Jul 1860), 75
Mary (27 Aug 1810 - 10 Oct 1844), 78
William (about 1805 - ), 37
, 99
Elytha E. (1852/1853 - ), 91
James P. (1848/1849 - ), 91
Matilda M. (1858/1859 - ), 91
Samuel (about 1820 - ), 91
Samuel (1846/1847 - ), 91
William H. (1850/1851 - ), 91
Magdalena (1789/1790 - ), 48
Catherine (about 1791 - ), 20
George (ABT 1740/1750 - about Mar 1819), 19
Index of Names
Joseph (20 Apr 1795 - about Apr 1870), 51
Leah (1814 - ), 79
Henry (1803/1804 - ), 57
Christopher (about 1810 - 21 Sep 1852), 79
Sarah (3 Dec 1820 - 25 Nov 1908), 67
John (1851/1852 - ), 89
Loren Archibald (27 Jun 1891 - 23 Sep 1977), 108
Lowell Mont (22 Jul 1889 - 6 Jul 1954), 107
Samuel Americus Vespucious (25 Dec 1858 - 1 Jun 1940), 106
Thornton F. (1825 - 1868/1870), 106
Elizabeth (22 Jun 1806 - 4 Apr 1873), 78
Margaret (1826/1827 - ), 86
Andreas (about 1780 - ), 47
Charles Warren (about 1850 - Nov 1940), 96
Sarah A. (7 Apr 1825 - 15 May 1910), 62
Cynthia (about 1812 - 1 Nov 1842/1843), 92
June (about 1890 - ), 112
Martha Patience (14 Feb 1864 - 14 Oct 1935), 104
Dessie (about 1880 - ), 94
Elizabeth Jane (18 Jun 1883 - 9 Jan 1949), 94
Fannie (Frances) (Mar 1839 - about Nov 1920), 106
David (17 Aug 1794 - 1826/1827), 36
Rose (about 1850 - ), 96
Jacob (8 Dec 1770 - ), 45
John Jacob (Jacob) (28 Feb 1746/1747 - 8 Nov 1824), 45
Mildred (1811/1812 - ), 36
Catherine (about 1790 - ), 31
Conrad (1789/1790 - ), 32
(about 1781 - ), 23
(about 1785 - ), 23
Anna M. (17 May 1776 - ), 22
Jacob (27 Aug 1779 - ), 23
Johana (3 Feb 1777 - ), 23
Sarah (9 Mar 1787 - ), 23
William (about 1793 - about 1872), 23
Merkle Or MARKEL
Jacob (about 1750 - ), 22
(about 1880 - ), 103
Jacob (about 1795 - ), 36
Louisa (about 1816 - ), 58
George Walter (about 1890 - ), 111
Eliza A. (1835/1836 - ), 64
Mary (about 1801 - 1850/1853), 79
Susanna (1804/1805 - about Jun 1875), 81
William (about 1795 - ), 78
Maude (about 1860 - ), 96
William (about 1840 - ), 84
Magdalena, 95
Fred Abner (14 Jan 1873 - ), 98
George Thompson (2 Nov 1860 - 8 Jun 1864), 98
Katherine Maude (15 Sep 1870 - ), 98
Thompson Ward (21 Jun 1828 - 6 Jan 1918), 98
Allen (about 1845 - ), 79
Rebecca (1824 - 1854), 48
Fanchon Christion (11 May 1901 - Feb 1977), 112
Hildred (about 1898 - ), 112
William (about 1875 - ), 112
Lawrence R. (about 1845 - ), 87
Angie (about 1880 - ), 113
Elizabeth (about 1790 - about 1821), 69
Ulysses Or Alvin N. (about 1840 - ), 71
Mary (20 Dec 1828 - ), 80
Index of Names
Lucretia A. (7 Jan 1831 - 12 May 1916), 97
Elizabeth Jane (12 Jan 1825 - ), 64
Jacob (28 Feb 1795 - 28 May 1858), 56
Abraham (7 Jul 1822 - 9 Jan 1893), 64
John (about 1820 - ), 64
Michael (about 1818 - ), 64
Michael (1798 - 1852), 64
John (about 1780 - 22 Mar 1823), 64
John (3 May 1811 - 31 Jan 1890), 65
Michael, 65
Elias S. (1825 - 1902), 76
Samuel (about 1810 - ), 66
Daniel (about 1800 - ), 48
Mary A. (about 1845 - ), 99
Christina (1825 - 1903), 79
William (about 1870 - ), 98
Anna Mary (4 Sep 1822 - 14 Jun 1890), 76
David (about 1815 - ), 76
Mary Ann (5 Feb 1826 - 14 Mar 1870/1900), 47
Anna Maria (Maria) (11 Mar 1781 - ), 31
Catherine (7 Jun 1782 - Apr 1855), 31
Elizabeth (5 Feb 1778 - 2 Nov 1867), 30
George (ABT 1795/1797 - ), 33
Hannah (about 1790 - ), 32
Jacob (12 May 1784 - 20 May 1818), 31
John Daniel (Daniel) (1788 - ), 31
Jonas (ABT 1792/1793 - ), 32
Lea (28 Jan 1794 - 1874), 32
Leonard (27 Dec 1753 - 20 Mar 1838), 28
Leonard (18 Sep 1787 - 30 Mar 1839), 31
Magdalena (24 Nov 1776 - before 1838), 30
Mary Magdalena (16 Apr 1789 - ), 31
Sarah (1797/1798 - ), 33
Solomon (10 Aug 1779 - before 1795), 31
Solomon (1794/1795 - ), 33
Susanna (1790/1792 - ), 32
Barbara (26 Apr 1721 - 7 Dec 1807), 13
George Michael (Michael) (about 1790 - ), 28
Joseph H. (about 1780 - ), 64
Catherine (1819/1820 - ), 55
Christopher C. (1840/1841 - ), 90
George (about 1810 - ), 55
Jacob (1798/1799 - ), 54
Abolina (1856/1857 - ), 94
Albert (1868/1869 - ), 95
Charles (1876/1877 - ), 95
Emerson (1865/1866 - ), 95
George (1833/1834 - ), 94
Lewis C. (May 1860 - ), 95
Martha A. (1873/1874 - ), 95
Mary Ellen (1852/1853 - 1857/1859), 94
William F. (1857/1858 - 31 Jul 1880), 95
Annie (about 1805 - ), 58
Anna Maria (Mary) (27 Nov 1758 - 11 Sep 1854), 59
John (3 Aug 1795 - 17 Jul 1865), 32
Charlotte Lillian (Lottie), 108
Eva Catherine (1744 - ), 48
Elizabeth (about 1815 - ), 70
Eve (1763/1764 - 15 Sep 1846), 46
Catherine (about 1798 - 1886), 45
Amanda (about 1845 - ), 81
William (about 1796 - 18 Dec 1842), 33
(about 1780 - ), 42
(about 1782 - ), 42
Abraham (23 Jul 1780 - ), 42
Adam (about 1778 - ), 42
Andreas (Andrew) (1789 - 1809), 42
Catherine (about 1770 - ), 41
Daniel (about 1786 - 1840/1850), 42
Michael (about 1745 - about Jan 1830), 40
Index of Names
SHULER (continued)
Michael (about 1769 - ), 41
Peter (about 1772 - about 1843), 41
Sophia (about 1776 - ), 42
Catharina (13 May 1811 - ), 68
Edgar G. (1857/1858 - ), 87
Elizabeth (Frishman) (about 1780 - ), 78
Elizabeth J. (12 Jan 1825 - ), 80
(about 1790 - ), 36
Isaac (about 1800 - ), 40
William (2 Jan 1870 - 7 Oct 1934), 99
Phillip (about 1775 - ), 44
Sarah (about 1780 - 1817), 72
John (about 1780 - ), 28
John Christian (Christian) (14 Nov 1782 - 1834), 44
Mary Magdalene (Magdelene) (about 1772 - about 1870), 71
Margaret (9 Dec 1814 - 7 Jan 1861), 71
Emma Henrietta (12 Sep 1877 - 11 Sep 1967), 109
Emma (about 1885 - ), 113
Obedience Lee (Biddy) (29 Dec 1817 - 6 Aug 1894), 92
Ephaphreditus (about 1815 - ), 92
Sinnia Seabury (4 Dec 1850 - 25 Feb 1944), 92
Christina (about 1810 - ), 66
Jane P. (1 Oct 1806 - 10 Feb 1844), 47
John (Dec 1779 - 17 Oct 1855), 65
Philip (23 Jun 1817 - ), 66
Sopharre (15 Dec 1810 - 12 Mar 1893), 58
Grace Adella (16 Nov 1879 - Dec 1938), 100
David (about 1780 - ), 42
Mary America (America) (11 Apr 1820 - 11 Dec 1870), 37
W. H. (1871/1872 - ), 93
Alethia Alice (13 Feb 1832 - 4 Dec 1882), 91, 111
Samuel Mcnairy (12 Feb 1801 - 27 Jan 1888), 92
Eli (about 1785 - ), 39
Cora Maud (1861/1862 - ), 100
Lewis (1822 - 10 Jun 1902), 76
John (9 Aug 1784 - 18 Sep 1868), 25
Anna Marie (Maria) (7 Oct 1787 - 23 Sep 1873), 66
Amos (6 Jun 1830 - 17 May 1900), 98
Arie (about 1864 - ), 98
Clarence (about 1860 - ), 98
Harley Henry (19 Apr 1858 - 3 Jun 1900), 98
Elizabeth (about 1794 - ), 23
Charles Monroe (7 Apr 1822 - 26 Jun 1905), 94
Arminda (13 Mar 1860 - Nov 1948), 99
(about 1829 - ), 67
Chauncey Egbert (9 Jun 1904 - 30 Sep 1959), 110
John H. (1862/1863 - ), 110
Omer Raulin (14 Apr 1902 - 9 Feb 1957), 110
Thelma (13 Apr 1908 - 8 Aug 1963), 111
Elizabeth (11 Jul 1793 - 20 Jun 1844), 31
George F. (1834 - 1914), 67
Jesse (about 1820 - ), 49
Samuel (about 1790 - ), 20
George (about 1780 - ), 21
Abraham (12 Mar 1803 - 24 Sep 1863), 79
David (5 Dec 1800 - ), 78
Elizabeth (about 1825 - ), 97
Susanna (3 Sep 1753 - 6 Jul 1834), 42
Maria (1790/1794 - 1873), 25
Jasper Levi (23 Aug 1889 - 10 Nov 1967), 111
Arthur James (1860 - 2 Jun), 96
Charles F. (9 Jul 1815 - 23 Aug 1882), 95
Index of Names
WHITE (continued)
Cyrus F. P. (about 20 Dec 1853 - ), 96
Mary Alice (26 Feb 1856 - Mar 1937), 96
Sylvanus Jasper (Jasper) (1845/1846 - ), 96
Harry Raymond (about 1890 - ), 114
Ula Muril (18 Mar 1915 - 17 Sep 1947), 114
(about 1810 - ), 76
Maria Magdalena (3 Jun 1790 - 18 Mar 1879), 21
Mary A. (about 1830 - ), 76
Tennie (1861 - 1885), 104
Eliza J. (8 Aug 1860 - ), 96
Lillie May (13 Aug 1895 - 23 Oct 1991), 114
John (1770/1774 - 23 Dec 1849), 30
(about 1795 - ), 36
Johann Henry (Henry) (22 Jun 1756 - 30 Dec 1831), 59
Lydia (6 Oct 1789 - ABT 1850/1860), 59
Charles Russell (about 1910 - 7 Apr 1965), 109