Spanish Concentration FOREIGN LANGUAGE MAJOR Effective Fall 2014 All students admitted as of fall 2008, MUST complete 2 Experiential Learning (EXL) courses: __________ I. General Education and School Requirements __________ 57-64 credits Freshman Experience ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 credit FLL 10300 Worldviews English Composition ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 - 10 credits ENGL 10000 (4 cr.) -AND/ORENGL 10400 -ORENGL 10800 (Accelerated First -Year Composition) -AND- ENGL 10500 Speech Communication ..................................................................................................................................................................3 credits COM 11400 Foreign Language (French or Spanish: 12 hour sequence) ...........................................................................................................12 credits 10100 10200 20100 20200 Mathematics/Statistics, Science and Computer Utilization ..........................................................................................................12 credits Mathematics or Statistics Lab science Mathematics/Statistics/Science/Computer Science/Logic Mathematics/Statistics/Science/Computer Science/Logic (CIS 20400 is recommended) Humanities and Social Sciences ...................................................................................................................................................24 credits Psychology 12000 Philosophy (not Logic) History Political Science Literature Sociology 10000 or Anthropology Economics 10100 Aesthetics (A&D 25500/MUS 25000/ENGL 31900 ENGL 28600/ PHIL 10600/COM 34300/THTR 20100) II. Foreign Language Major Requirements All Spanish requirements Must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. ____ SPAN 36500 ____ SPAN 26100 ____ SPAN 46500 ____ SPAN 46100 (or SPAN 31300) (or SPAN 31400) (or 51100) (or 51500) ____SPAN 30400 ____SPAN 30600 ____SPAN 30700 ____ SPAN LIT 1 (Spain, L/A, Latino) 36 credits ____ SPAN *CULT/*CIV 1 (Latin America) ____ SPAN *CULT/*CIV 1 (Spain) ____ SPAN Elective 1 ____ SPAN Elective 1 * Study abroad, if possible. 1 300 level or above Note: Students should have at least one culture or civilization course in Spain and another in Latin America III. Electives (Highly recommended: Students should focus on a minor OR courses with an international focus i.e. second foreign language) 24 credits _______ _______ _______ _______ GRADUATION CHECKLIST 32 CR HRS at 300 level or higher _______ _______ _______ _______ Total Hours Required for Graduation 2.0 G.P.A. 120 CREDITS