Top Ten - Universidad de Zaragoza

by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Top Ten
Top Ten
Abercrombie, Nicholas, Stephen Hill and Bryan S. Turner. The
Penguin Dictionary of Sociology. 2nd ed. Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1988.*
Aron, Raymond. Main Currents in Sociological Thought. Trans.
Richard Howard and Helen Weaver. New York: Basic, 1967.
Bourdieu, Pierre. In Other Words: Essays towards a Reflexive
Sociology. Trans. M. Adamson. Cambridge: Polity, 1990.
Durkheim, Émile. Sociology and Philosophy. Trans. D. F. Pocock.
Glencoe (IL): Free Press, 1953.
Giddens, Anthony. Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press, n.d.*
Mannheim, Karl. Essays on Sociology and Social Psychology.
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Mills, C. Wright. La imaginación sociológica. México: FCE, 1961.
Parsons, Talcott. Sociological Theory and Modern Society. New
York: Free Press, 1967.
Ritzer, George. Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.*
Weber, Max. Essays in Sociology. Ed. and trans. H. H. Garth and C.
Wright Mills. New York: Oxford, 1964.
Alexander, Jeffrey C. Twenty Lectures. New York: Columbia UP,
_____. Las teorías sociológicas desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial:
Análisis multidimensional. Barcelona: Gedisa, 1990. Trans. of
Twenty Lectures.
Aron, Raymond. Main Currents in Sociological Thought. Trans.
Richard Howard and Helen Weaver. New York: Basic, 1967.
Baker, Keith Michael. Condorcet: From Natural Philosophy to Social
Mathematics. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1975.
Barash, David P. Sociology and Behavior. New York: Elsevier, 1977.
Bauman, Zygmunt. "Sociological Responses to Postmodernity." In
Bauman, Intimations of Postmodernity. London: Routledge,
1992. 26-67.*
_____. "The Changing Discursive Formation of Sociology." In
Bauman, Intimations of Postmodernity. London: Routledge,
1992. 68-93.*
_____. "Is There a Postmodern Sociology?" In Bauman, Intimations
of Postmodernity. London: Routledge, 1992. 93-113.*
_____. "Philosophical Affinities of Postmodern Sociology." In
Bauman, Intimations of Postmodernity. London: Routledge,
1992. 114-48.*
_____. "A Sociological Theory of Postmodernity." In Bauman,
Intimations of Postmodernity. London: Routledge, 1992. 187204.*
Benedicto, Jorge, and María Luz Morán, eds. Sociedad y política:
Temas de sociología política. (Alianza Universidad textos).
Madrid: Alianza, 1995.
Berger, Peter. Invitation to Sociology 1962.
_____. "Sociology." Society 30.1 (1992): 12-18.
Bertaux, D. "From the Life-History Approach to the Transformation
of Sociological Practice." In Biography and Society. Ed. D.
Bertaux. Beverly Hills (CA): Sage, 1981.
Birnbaum, Norman. "An End of Sociology." Social Research 42.3
(Autumn 1975).
Blumer, Herbert. "Sociological Analysis and the 'Variable'." In
Blumer, Symbolic Interactionism. 1969. Berkeley: U of
California P, 1986. 127-39.*
_____. "What Is Wrong with Social Theory?" In Blumer, Symbolic
Interactionism. 1969. Berkeley: U of California P, 1986. 14052.*
_____. Interaccionismo simbólico. Hora, S. A., 1982.
Bourdieu, Pierre. In Other Words: Essays towards a Reflexive
Sociology. Trans. M. Adamson. Cambridge: Polity, 1990.
_____. Sociology in Question. 1990.
_____. El sentido práctico. Sociology. Madrid: Taurus, 1991.
_____. An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. 1992.
_____. Réponses. Paris: Seuil, 1992.
Bowler, Peter J. Biology and Social Thought, 1850-1914. Berkeley
(CA), 1993.
Braman, Donald, James Grimmelmann, and Dan M. Kahan.
"Modeling Cultural Cognition." Social Justice Research 18.3
(Sept. 2005). Online at SSRN 20 July 2007.*
Brown, Richard Harvey. "Métaphore et méthode: De la logique et de
la decouverte en sociologie." Trans. Alain Kihm. Cahiers
Internationaux de Sociologie 62 (January-June 1977).
_____. "Theories of Rhetoric and the Rhetorics of Theory: Toward a
Political Phenomenology of Sociological Truth." Social
Research 50.1 (Spring 1983).
_____. "Social Science and Society as Discourse: Toward a
Sociology for Civic Competence." In Postmodernism and
Social Theory: The Debate over General Theory. Ed. Steven
Seidman and David G. Wagner. Cambridge (MA): Blackwell,
1992. 223-43.*
Bryson, G. Man and Society: The Scottish Enquiry of the Eighteenth
Century. Princeton (NJ), 1945.
Bulmer, Martin, ed. Questionnaires. 4 vols. (SAGE Benchmarks in
Social Research Methods series). London: SAGE, 2003.
Bunge, Mario. Sociology-Philosophy Connection. Piscataway (NJ):
Transaction, 1999.
Burke, Peter. Sociología e historia. Madrid: Alianza.
Cahill, Spencer E. "Toward a Sociology of the Person." In Erving
Goffman. Ed. Gary Alan Fine and Gregory W. H. Smith. 4 vols.
(SAGE Masters in Modern Social Thought). London: SAGE,
Calhoun, Craig. "Culture, History, and the Problem of Specificity in
Social Theory." In Postmodernism and Social Theory: The
Debate over General Theory. Ed. Steven Seidman and David
G. Wagner. Cambridge (MA): Blackwell, 1992. 244-88.*
Caplow, Theodore. La investigación sociológica. Ediciones de
Charon, Joel M. "The Perspective of Social Science." In Charon,
Symbolic Interactionism An Introduction, an Interpretation, an
Integration. Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice-Hall; 7th ed.
2001. 13-26.* (Sociology, psychology, social psychology).
Coleman, James S. Foundations of Social Theory. Cambridge (MA):
Harvard UP-Belknap P, 1990.
Collins, Randall. "Erving Goffman and the Development of Modern
Social Theory." In Erving Goffman. Ed. Gary Alan Fine and
Gregory W. H. Smith. 4 vols. (SAGE Masters in Modern Social
Thought). London: SAGE, 2000.
Cooley, Charles H. Social Organization: a Study of the Larger Mind.
New York: Scribner's, 1909.
_____. "Reflections Upon the Sociology of Herbert Spencer."
American Journal of Sociology 26 (1921): 129-45.
_____. "The Roots of Social Knowledge." American Journal of
Sociology 32 (1926): 59-79.
_____. Life and the Student. New York: Scribner's, 1927.
_____. Sociological Theory and Social Research. New York: Henry
Holt, 1930.
_____. "The Development of Sociology at Michigan." In Sociological
Theory and Research, being Selected papers of Charles Horton
Cooley. Ed. Robert Cooley Angell. New York: Henry Holt,
1930. 3-14.
Corrigan, Philip and Paul Willis. "Dichotomy is Contradiction: On
'Society' as Constraint and Construction. Remarks on the
Doctrine of the Two 'Sociologies'." Sociological Review 23.2
(May 1975).
Collins, Randall. "The Confusion of the Modes of Sociology." In
Postmodernism and Social Theory: The Debate over General
Theory. Ed. Steven Seidman and David G. Wagner. Cambridge
(MA): Blackwell, 1992. 179-98.*
Cooley, Charles H., Robert C. Angell and Lowell J. Carr.
Introductory Sociology. New York: Charles Scribner's, 1933.
Davis, Murray S. "Georg Simmel and Erving Goffman: Legitimators
of the Sociological Investigation of Human Experience." In
Erving Goffman. Ed. Gary Alan Fine and Gregory W. H. Smith.
4 vols. (SAGE Masters in Modern Social Thought). London:
SAGE, 2000.
de Vaus, David. Social Surveys. 4 vols. (SAGE Benchmarks in Social
Research Methods series). London: SAGE, 2002.
Dean, Mitchell. Critical and Effective Histories: Foucault's Methods
and Historical Sociology. London: Routledge, 1995.
Degler, Carl N. In Search of Human Nature: The Decline and Revival
of Darwinism in American Social Thought. New York: Oxford
UP, 1991.
Diaconide, E. Étude critique sur la sociologie de Herbert Spencer.
Diggins, John P. Bard of Savagery: Thorstein Veblen and Modern
Social Theory. New York Seabury Press, 1978.
Dilthey, Wilhelm. Introduction to the Human Sciences: An Attempt to
Lay the Foundations for the Study of Sociology and History.
Trans. with an introductory essay by Ramon J. Betanzos.
Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1988.
Durkheim, Émile. Sociologie et philosophie. 1924. In Durkheim,
Selected Writings. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1972.
_____. Sociology and Philosophy. Trans. D. F. Pocock. Glencoe (IL):
Free Press, 1953.
_____. Sociología y filosofía. Madrid: Miño y Dávila, 2000.
_____. The Rules of Sociological Method. New York: Free Press,
_____. Las reglas del método sociológico y otros escritos sobre
filosofía de las ciencias sociales. Madrid: Alianza.
_____. Selected Writings. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1972.
Frank, André Gunder. Sociología del desarrollo y subdesarrollo de la
sociología. (Cuadernos Anagrama 16). Barcelona: Anagrama.
Fribourg, Jeanine. "Sur l'application des méthodes ethnologiques
dans l'étude des sociétés modernes." In Suma de Estudios en
homenaje al Ilustrísimo Doctor Ángel Canellas López.
Zaragoza: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de
Zaragoza, 1969. 421-33.*
Friedrichs, Robert W. A Sociology of Sociology. New York: Free
Press, 1970.
García Canclini, N. "La sociología de la cultura de Pierre Bourdieu."
Giddens, Anthony. New Rules of Sociological Method: A Positive
Critique of Interpretative Sociologies. New York: Basic
Books, 1976.
_____. "Sociology: Problems and Perspectives." In Giddens,
Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press, n.d. 7-26.*
_____. "Working with Sociology: Methods of Research." In Giddens,
Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press, n.d. 659-89.*
_____. "The Development of Sociological Theory." In Giddens,
Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press, n.d. 690-718.*
_____. Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press, n.d.*
Giner, Salvador. Sociología. Ediciones de Bolsillo.
Goffman, Erving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.
Edinburgh: Social Sciences Research Centre, U of Edinburgh,
_____. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Rev. ed. Garden
City (NY): Doubleday-Anchor, 1959.*
_____. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1959.
_____. La presentación de la persona en la vida cotidiana.
(Biblioteca de sociología) Madrid: Murguía; Buenos Aires:
Amorrortu, 1987.
Gouldner, A. W. The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology. New
York: Basic Books, 1970.
_____. "Other Symptoms of the Crisis: Goffman's Dramaturgy and
Other New Theories." In Erving Goffman. Ed. Gary Alan Fine
and Gregory W. H. Smith. 4 vols. (SAGE Masters in Modern
Social Thought). London: SAGE, 2000.
Guillaumin, Colette. "Femmes et théories de la société: remarques sur
les effets théoriques de la colère des opprimées." Sociologie et
Sociétés 13.2 (Presses Universitaires de Montréal, 1981).
Hammersley, Martyn. The Dilemma of Qualitative Method: Herbert
Blumer and the Chicago Tradition. Routledge, 1991.
Heller, Agnés. A mindennapi éllet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó,
1970. (Sociology of Everyday Life).
_____. Sociología de la vida cotidiana. Trans. José Francisco Ivars
and Enric Pérez Nadal. (Historia, Ciencia, Sociedad).
Barcelona: Península, 1977.
_____. Sociología de la vida cotidiana. (Ediciones de Bolsillo,
Biblioteca Agnés Heller, 98 – 1). Barcelona: Península, 2002.*
Heritage, J. Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity,
Hine, Christine, ed. Virtual Methods: Issues in Social Research on
the Internet. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2005.
Hofstadter, Richard. Social Darwinism in American Thought.
Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1945.
Ibáñez, Jesús. Por una sociología de la vida cotidiana. Madrid: Siglo
XXI, 1994.
Iglesias, María del Carmen, Julio R. Aramberri and Luis R. Zúñiga.
Los orígenes de la teoría sociológica: Montesquieu, Rousseau,
Hegel, Saint-Simon, Tocqueville, Comte, Marx, Spencer.
Madrid: Akal, 1980.
Kant, Immanuel. Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals. 1785.
_____. Foundation of the Metaphysics of Morals. Trans. Lewis White
Beck. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1978.
_____. The Metaphysics of Morals. Ed. Mary Gregor. Introd. Roger
Sullivan. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.
_____. Métaphysique des mœurs. (GF 715, 716). Paris: GarnierFlammarion.
Kaufmann, Jean-Claude. Ego: Pour une sociologie de l'individu.
Nathan, 2001.
Kecskemeti, Paul, ed. Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge.
London: Routledge, 1952.
Kendon, Adam. "Some Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of
the Use of Film in the Study of Social Interaction." In
Emerging Strategies in Social Psychological Research. Ed.
Gerald P. Ginsburg. New York: Wiley, 1979. 67-92.
Küsters, Ivonne. "Narrationen als Repräsantationen sozialer Prozesse.
Erzählungen als empirische Daten in der Soziologie." In
Narrativität als Begriff. Ed. Matthias Aumuller. Berlin: Walter
de Gruyter, 2012. 259-79.*
Lamo de Espinosa, Emilio, and José Enrique Rodríguez Ibáñez, eds.
Problemas de teoría social contemporánea. Madrid: Centro de
Investigaciones Sociológicas, 1993.
Lamo de Espinosa, Emilio, José María González García and Cristóbal
Torres Albero. La sociología del conocimiento y de la ciencia.
Madrid: Alianza Universidad, 1994.
Lapassade, Georges. Las claves de la sociología. Ediciones de
Lengermann, Patricia Madoo, and Jill Niebrugge-Brantley.
"Contemporary Feminist Theory." In George Ritzer,
Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992. 308-57.*
Lepenies, Wolf. Las tres culturas: La sociología entre la literatura y
la ciencia. México, FCE, 1994.
Lofland, John. "Erving Goffman's Sociological Legacies." In Erving
Goffman. Ed. Gary Alan Fine and Gregory W. H. Smith. 4 vols.
(SAGE Masters in Modern Social Thought). London: SAGE,
Ludz, P. C., ed. Soziologie und Sozialgeschichte. (Kölner Zeitschrift
für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Sonderheft 16).
Opladen: Westdeutscher, 1972.
Maffesoli, M. El conocimiento ordinario. Compendio de sociología.
Madrid: FCE, 1994.
Mannheim, Karl. Essays on Sociology and Social Psychology.
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
_____. Essays on Sociology of Culture. London: Routledge and
Kegan Paul.
Marsal, Juan F. La crisis de la sociología norteamericana. Barcelona:
Península, 1977.
Marx, Karl. Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Psychology.
Ed. T. B. Bottomore and Maximilien Rubel. Penguin.
Mauss, Marcel. Essays in Sociology and Psychology. 1938. London:
Routledge, 1979.
_____. Sociologie et anthropologie. Introd. Claude Lévi-Strauss.
Paris: PUF, 1950.
_____. Essais de sociologie. (Points). Paris: Seuil.
McCarthy, George E. Objectivity and the Silence of Reason: Weber,
Habermas, and the Methodological Disputes in German
Sociology. Piscataway (NJ): Transaction, 2000. (Kant, Rickert,
Schopenhauer, Nietzsche).
Meek, Ronald L. Turgot on Progress, Sociology and Economics.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1973.
Mendras, Henri. Elementos de sociología. Ediciones de Bolsillo.
Merton, Robert K. Social Theory and Social Structure. Glencoe (IL):
Free Press, 1957.
Mills, C. Wright. "The Professional Ideology of Social Pathologists."
1943. In Mills, Power, Politics, and People. Oxford UP, 1963.
_____. La imaginación sociológica. México: FCE, 1961.
Mitchell, G. Duncan. Historia de la sociología. 2 vols. Barcelona:
Morin, Edgar. Sociologie. Paris: Fayard, 1984.
_____. Sociologie. (Points, Essais, 276). Paris: Seuil, 1994.
Mulkay, Michael. The Word and the World: Explorations in the Form
of Sociological Analysis. Winchester (MA): Allen and Unwin,
Nielsen, François. "Sociobiology and Sociology." Annual Review of
Sociology 20 (1994): 267-303.
Nisbet, Robert. Sociology as an Art Form. New York: Oxford UP,
Noble, T. Social Theory and Social Change. Hampshire: Palgrave,
Parsons, Talcott. Essays in Sociological Theory. New York:
Macmillan, 1949.
_____. Essays in Sociological Theory. Rev. ed. New York: CollierMacmillan, 1954.
_____. Sociological Theory and Modern Society. New York: Free
Press, 1967.
_____. Essays in Sociology, Pure and Applied. Rev. ed. Glencoe (IL):
Free Press, 1954.
Pateman, C., and E. Cross, eds. Feminist Challenges: Social and
Political Theory. Boston: Northeastern UP, 1986.
Ritzer, George. Sociology: A Multiple Paradigm Science. 1975. 1980.
_____. Toward an Integrated Sociological Paradigm. 1981.
_____. "A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Early
Years." In Ritzer, Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992. 3-47.* (Social evolution;
Enlightenment, sociology, Marxism).
_____. "A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Early
Years." In Ritzer, Classical Sociological Theory. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992. 1-37.*
_____. "A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Later
Years." In Ritzer, Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992. 48-88.* (US sociology,
Chicago School, Structural Functionalism, Marxism, C. Wright
Mills, Conflict Theory, Exchange Theoryl, Erving Goffman,
Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Integration and
_____. "A Historical Sketch of Sociological Theory: The Later
Years." In Ritzer, Classical Sociological Theory. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992. 38-78.*
_____. "Structural Functionalism and the Conflict-Theory
Alternative." In Ritzer, Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd
ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992. 91-134.* (Structural
functionalism, conflict-theory alternative; Talcott Parsons,
Robert Merton, Ralf Dahrendorf).
_____. "Varieties of Neo-Marxian Sociological Theory." In Ritzer,
Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992. 135-86.* (Hegelian Marxism: Lukács,
Gramsci; Critical Theory: Habermas; Structural Marxism:
Althusser, Poulantzas; Fordism; historical marxism).
_____. "Symbolic Interactionism." In Ritzer, Contemporary
Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
187-231.* (G. H. Mead; Interaction, Choice, Groups, Self,
Blumer, Method).
_____. "Phenomenological Sociology and Ethnomethodology." In
Ritzer, Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992. 232-74.* (Schutz, Berger and Luckmann,
_____. "Exchange Theory and Behavioral Sociology." In Ritzer,
Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992. 275-307.* (Skinner, behaviorism,
Homans's exchange theory).
_____. "Structural Sociological Theories." In Ritzer, Contemporary
Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
358-94.* (Structuralism, post-structuralism, antistructuralism,
sociological variants- Goffman, network theory).
_____. "Micro-Macro Integration." In Ritzer, Contemporary
Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
397-426.* (George Ritzer, Jeffrey Alexander, Norbert Wiley,
James Coleman, Randall Collins).
_____. "Agency-Structure Integration." In Ritzer, Contemporary
Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.*
(Anthony Giddens, Margaret Archer, Pierre Bourdieu, Jürgen
_____. "Syntheses in Sociological Theory—I." In Ritzer,
Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992. 457-83.* (Neofunctionalism, conflict
theory, Neo-Marxian theory, Symbolic interactionism,
Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology).
_____. "Syntheses in Sociological Theory—II." In Ritzer,
Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992. 484-510.* (Exchange theory, Network
theory, Rational choice theory, feminist sociology,
postmodernism, Post-Marxism).
_____. "Sociological Metatheorizing and a Metatheoretical Schema
for Analyzing Sociological Theory." In Ritzer, Contemporary
Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
511-35.* (Kuhn, paradigms, metatheory).
Metatheoretical Schema for Analyzing Sociological Theory."
In Ritzer, Classical Sociological Theory. New York: McGrawHill, 1992. 367-90.*
_____. Contemporary Sociological Theory. New York: Knopf, 1983.
2nd ed. 1988.
_____. Contemporary Sociological Theory. 3rd ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1992.* (With a chapter on feminist sociology by
Patricia Madoo Lengermann and Jill Niebrugge-Brantley).
_____. Teoría sociológica contemporánea. McGraw-Hill /
Interamericana de España, 1993.
_____. Teoría sociológica moderna. Mc.Graw-Hill/Interamericana de
España, 2001.
_____. Metatheorizing in Sociology. Free Press, 1991.
_____. Classical Sociological Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill,
_____. Teoría sociológica clásica. McGraw-Hill / Interamericana de
España, 1993. 2001.
_____. The McDonaldization of Society. Newbury Park (CA): Pine
Forge Press, 1993.* (Social structure, US society,
postmodernism, consumer society, postindustrial society,
consumerism, standardization, alienation, control).
Rosenberg, Alexander. The Philosophy of Social Science. Oxford:
Oxford UP, 1988.
_____. Philosophy of Social Science. Boulder (CO) Westview Press,
1988. 2nd ed. 1995.
Rudner, Richard S. Filosofía de la ciencia social. Madrid: Alianza
Universidad, 1973.
Rumney, J. Herbert Spencer's Sociology. 1934.
_____. La sociología de Herbert Spencer. 1944.
Shils, Edward. Center and Periphery: Essays in Macrosociology.
Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1975.
Simmel, Georg. The Sociology of Georg Simmel. Ed. and trans. Kurt
Wolff. Glencoe (IL): Free Press, 1950; Collier-Macmillan,
Sklair, L. Sociology of the Global System. New York: Harvester
Wheatsheaf, 1995.
Smith, Gregory W. H. "Snapshots 'Sub Specie Aeternitatis': Simmel,
Goffman and Formal Sociology." In Erving Goffman. Ed. Gary
Alan Fine and Gregory W. H. Smith. 4 vols. (SAGE Masters in
Modern Social Thought). London: SAGE, 2000.
Smith, Philip, ed. The New American Cultural Sociology. Cambridge
UP, 1998.
Sorokin, Pitirim A. Sociedad, cultura y personalidad: Su estructura y
su dinámica. Sistema de sociología general. Madrid, Aguilar,
Spencer, Herbert. Social Statics: Or, the Conditions Essential to
Human Happiness Specified, and the First of Them Developed.
London, 1850.
_____. Social Statics Abridged and Revised; Together with The Man
versus the State. London: Williams and Norgate, 1892.
_____. The Principles of Sociology. 1876-1896.
_____. Principios de sociología. Abbreviated ed. Madrid, 1947.
_____. The Study of Sociology. London, 1873.
_____. "The Study of Sociology. XIV.—Preparation in Biology."
1873. Selection in The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources
and Documents. Ed. Josephine Guy. London: Routledge, 1998.
Pbk. 2002. 278-88.*
Swingewood, A. A Short History of Sociological Thought.
Hampshire: Palgrave, 2000.
Tajfel, Henri, and Colin Fraser, eds. Introducing Social Psychology.
Tihanov, Galin. "Voloshinov, Ideology and Language: The Birth of
Marxist Sociology from the Spirit of Lebensphilosophie Lev
Vygotsky." In Mikhail Bakhtin. Ed. Michael E. Gardiner.
London: SAGE, 2002. Vol. 1.
Tollemache, L., and B. Tollemache. Safe Studies. Rice, 1905. (Social
philosophy, etc.).
Touraine, Alain. Pour la sociologie. Paris: Seuil (Points).
Turner, Stephen. "The Strange Life and Hard Times of the Concept of
General Theory in Sociology: A Short History of Hope." In
Postmodernism and Social Theory: The Debate over General
Theory. Ed. Steven Seidman and David G. Wagner. Cambridge
(MA): Blackwell, 1992. 101-34.*
Vallier, Ivan, ed. Comparative Methods in Sociology. Berkeley: U of
California P, 1971.
Vester, Heinz-Günter. "Erving Goffman's Sociology as a Semiotics of
Postmodern Culture." In Erving Goffman. Ed. Gary Alan Fine
and Gregory W. H. Smith. 4 vols. (SAGE Masters in Modern
Social Thought). London: SAGE, 2000.
Vincent, Jean-Marie. La metodología de Max Weber. Max Weber.
Fundamentos metodológicos de la sociología. (Cuadernos
Anagrama 29). Barcelona: Anagrama.
Wagner, P. Soziologie der Moderne. Frankfurt: Campus, 1995.
Wallace, Walter L. Principles of Scientific Sociology. Hawthorne
(NY): Aldine de Gruyter, 1983.
Ward. Pure Sociology. New York, 1903.
Watson, Peter. "32. Nuevas ideas acerca del orden humano. Los
orígenes de las ciencias sociales y la estadística." In Watson,
Ideas: Historia intelectual de la Humanidad. Barcelona:
Crítica, 2006. 1027-48.* (Sociology, utopian socialism,
Weber, Max. Essays in Sociology. Trans. H. H. Garth and C. Wright
Mills. New York, 1946.
_____. The Theory of Social and Economic Organizations. Trans. A.
B. Henderson and Talcott Parsons. New York: Hodge, 1947.
_____. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Ed. and trans. H. H.
Garth and C. Wright Mills. New York: Oxford, 1964.
Wiese, L. V. Die Grundlegung der Gesellschaftslehre: Eine kritische
Ausenaindersetzung mit H. Spencers System der synthetischen
Philosophie. 1906.
Wilson, E. O. "Comparative Social Theory." The Tanner Lectures on
Human Values, vol. 1. Salt Lake City: U of Utah P, 1980. 4973.
_____. "5. Man: From Sociobiology to Sociology." 1975. In
Evolution, Literature and Film: A Reader. Ed. Brian Boyd,
Joseph Carroll and Jonathan Gottschall. New York: Columbia
UP, 2010. 79-82.*
Wilson, Thomas P. "Normative and Interpretive Paradigms in
Sociology." In Understanding Everyday Life. Ed. Jack D.
Douglas. Chicago: Aldine, 1970. 57-79.
Woods, P., ed. Pupils' Strategies: Explorations in the Sociology of
the School. London: Croom Helm, 1980.
Wrong, Dennis H. "The Over-socialized Conception of Man in
Modern Sociology." American Sociological Review (April
Young, T. R. "The Politics of Sociology: Gouldner, Goffman and
Garfinkel." In Erving Goffman. Ed. Gary Alan Fine and
Gregory W. H. Smith. 4 vols. (SAGE Masters in Modern Social
Thought). London: SAGE, 2000.
Abercrombie, Nicholas, Stephen Hill and Bryan S. Turner. Dictionary
of Sociology. London: Allen Lane, Harmondsworth: Penguin,
_____. The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology. 2nd ed.
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.*
Internet resources
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas
Artículos sociológicos. Website. (Carlos Manzano, Zaragoza)
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New School for Social Research
65 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Tel 212-229-5776
Fax 212-229-545476
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Sociological Review 23 (1975).
Cambridge: Cambridge UP/British Sociological Association.
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Sociology and Social Research 47 (1962).
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Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 7.3 (1938).
Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (formerly
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See also Social life and relationships; Society; Social structure;