Program Policies Signature Required

Pipestone Arrow Volleyball
Program Polices
1. Attend all classes. Work hard and complete all assignments to achieve high marks.
2. Communicate and arrange assignments with your teachers PRIOR to absences.
3. Use good time management so you will be able to give adequate time to your schoolwork and
your team.
Personal Conduct
1. Commit to the program and fulfill all of your responsibilities, including off-season activities and
 Summer training will be the responsibility of each athlete.
 During the season each player will have a unique roll on the team. Playing time will not be
equal but know your role and work hard to fill it.
 During practices and games focus on the game of volleyball. Keep outside talk off the
2. Attend ALL practices, games, fundraisers and events.
 You must clear all absences in advance.
 If unable to attend due to an emergency, contact your coach immediately. Do not tell
another player to tell the coach.
 If you are absent from school due to illness you will not be permitted to attend practice or
the match. However, you are still responsible for notifying your coach.
3. Be on time for all scheduled events and practices.
 Arrive at least 15 minutes before the event to allow time to be dress, warm-up and be ready
to go before start time.
 Tardy Policies - 1st Tardy – Warning
- 2nd Tardy – Coaches consequence
- 3rd Tardy – Miss next game
- 4th Tardy – Miss a week of games
 If at any time an athlete needs to be late for academic reasons please notify the coach and
tend to the academics. (Ex. Making up a test or other homework.)
4. Absences
 You must attend at least four class periods to play in a game or attend practice.
 Excused Absences
1. If you are ill and do not attend school you will be excused. If you attend school you are
expected to be at practices and matches.
2. If you clear an absence with your coach for a school related function it will be excused.
 Unexcused Absences 1st - Suspended for the next match
Player must attend practices and match
2nd – Suspended for a week
Player must attend practices and matches
3rd – Removal from the team
5. Game Day Expectations
 Be supportive of all teams in the program.
 To promote unity and professionalism in the program, players will wear team shirts or
dress as decided by the seniors. All teams will dress alike. If we decide to dress–up please
follow School Dress guidelines.
 After their game, girls will return to their warm-ups or dress uniform and, hopefully,
watch the remaining games with their team. All members of our program are encouraged
to watch all matches.
 Demonstrate the highest amount of sportsmanship at all times.
 Never challenge an official.
 Respect your opponents for their efforts and treat them with respect by not taunting them
or using trash talk.
6. Travel
 Be on time.
 Everyone travels with the team, unless previously arranged with coaches. You are not
allowed to leave an away game with anyone other than your parents and must be cleared
beforehand. No permission over phone.
 Locker rooms, busses and other areas will be left clean.
 Always act in a way that will bring respect to our program.
7. Breaking any rule of Pipestone Area High School or this program will not be tolerated. Any
violation will be handled according to school policy.
If you or your family choose to break any rule or not abide by the program polices there will be
consequences. The coaching staff will review the incident and determine the appropriate course of
action. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, extra conditioning, community service,
match suspensions or removal from the team.
Team Dinners
Team dinners are a way for the girls to bond and see how/where each other live. There is no pressure to
host a team dinner and it is purely voluntary. The girls will come over after practice, eat, and then head
home. Keep dinners simple. Some examples might be tacos, pizza, spaghetti, chef salad, sandwiches,
Team Communication
1. Always be respectful when speaking to team members.
2. Disagreement is okay. Respect others’ perspectives and opinions.
3. If you have a conflict with another player, deal directly with that person. Keep conflicts and
confrontations private.
4. Identify the problem and then focus on solutions. What can you do to help resolve the conflict?
5. Keep control of your emotions and be aware of your body language.
6. Only the coaches coach. You are a player, not a coach.
Parental Questions and Concerns
1. The player needs to take the question or concern to her coach. That will make the coach aware of
the situation so he/she can help find solutions.
2. If this does not solve the problem, set up an appointment with the coaching staff. Never approach
a coach on a game day with a complaint. Please remember that your player is not the only player
on the team.
3. If there is a need for further action, an appointment with the Athletic Director will be arranged.
4. It is EXTREMELY important to follow these guidelines and not to skip steps in dealing with
5. Remember that the coaching staff will be making decisions that they feel are in the best interest of
your daughter and the team as a whole. Nothing is harder on an athlete than a parent who is
negative towards a team or a coach.
The success of Pipestone Volleyball will depend on players, parents and coaches all doing their
part. We are looking forward to a great year.
Your comments and concerns are welcome. Please contact us at:
Jamie Juhl
Dave Dulas
Jen Evans
Stacy Popma
Sam Bloemendaal
Arrow Volleyball
Player name: _____________________________________ Grade: _____________
Parent Contract
I have read the parent packet and agree to follow all polices and procedures. I understand
that any unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. I also agree to support my daughter in
her efforts as a team member of the Arrow Volleyball Program, including, but not limited to,
fundraising, travel needs, team dinners, and supporting the volleyball program. I understand
that all playing time decisions will be left up to the team coach.
Parent Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________
Parent Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________
Player Contract
I have read the Polices and Procedures and agree to follow all rules and expectations. I
also understand that if I choose to break any rule or not fulfill any expectation that there will be
serious consequences or even dismissal from the team.
Player Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________