Beeston Market Report Week Ending 4th April 2014 MARKET HEADLINES DAIRY CATTLE SALES BEESTON CASTLE AUCTION The UK’s Number One Calf Market Tuesday 15th April @ 11.00 am 401 Calves 129 Continentals including BB x Bulls to £410, BB x Heifers to £340. AA x Bulls to £370, Here x Bulls to £255 Black & White Bulls to £175, Averaging £63.35. Weanlings to £740 BB St 10 mo Cull Cows to 194p or £1,493.80 Averaging 110.5p or £701.10 Black & White Cows to 138p or £1,018.00 Native Breed Cows 180p or £1,026.00 Continental Breed Cows 194p or £1,493.80 Bulls to 135.0p or £1,248.75 Beef Cattle: Steers to 198.0p or £1,312.50 Heifers to 188p or £1,221.75. Store Cattle: Steers to £1,340 or 272p Heifers to £1,240 or 236p, Bulls to £650 or 196p Collective Coloured Dairy Breed Sale At Beeston Castle Auction Friday 25th April @ 11.00 am Focus Milk Sale of Pedigree Dairy Cattle @ Beeston Castle Auction EQUINE SALES Sale of Horses & Ponies @ 11.00 am Wednesday 9th & Saturday 19th April Sale of Tack @ 10.00 am Wednesday 9th & Saturday 19th April ANTIQUE & GENERAL SALES Antique & General Sale: Thursday 10th April @ 10.30 am Viewing: Wed. 9th April 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Antique & General Sale: Thursday 24th April @ 10.30 am Viewing: Wed 23rd April 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Beeston Collective Machinery Sale Beeston Castle Auction Next Sale: Wednesday 7th May @ 9.30 am Wednesday 3rd June @ 9.30 am Entries invited to Alastair on 01829 262 170 WEANLING SALE @ 1.30 PM Sale of Weanlings: Friday 2nd May @ 1.30 pm FRIDAY MARKET Horticultural, Fur & Feather Sale Beeston Castle Auction Saturday 19th April 2014 @ 10.30 am Enquiries to 01829 262 120 Sale of Calves @ 8.30 am, Continentals @ approx 11.15 am, Weaned Calves @ 1.30 pm following Continentals, Cull Cows @ 10.00 am followed by Beef @ 12 Noon & Store Cattle @ approx 12.30 pm, Produce @ 12.15 pm EASTER WEEKEND Wright Manley, Beeston Castle Auction, Whitchurch Road, Beeston, Tarporley, Cheshire CW6 9NZ. Tel: 01829 262 100 1 Good Friday 18th April OPEN AS USUAL Please contact the Auctioneers for details on trade 401 CALVES Auctioneers: Calves: Jonny Dymond and Jonty Cliffe Weanlings: Andrew Wallace Sale Times: Native Breeds 8.30 am Continentals at approx 11.15 am Weaned Calves 2 – 8 Months approx 1.30 pm Continental Heifer averages: 43 British Blue x to £340, averaging £221.93. 5 Simmentals x to £258, averaging £227.60. 14 Limousin x to £268, averaging £174.29. 401 Calves Our Top Nine Heifers £340 BB x – R.G. & D.J. Frith £320 BB x – J.A. & M.H. Wright £315 BB x – Claytons Partnership £310 BB x – Claytons Partnership £288 BB x – C. & S. Fitton & Son £285 BB x – Claytons Partnership £285 BB x – R. Wilkinson & Son £285 BB x – A.P. & L. M. Johnson Buyers and Sellers –Thank you for supporting us. 114 Native Beef Breeds Friday 11th April 2014 the 42 day old calf will have been born on the 1st March 2014. 58 Native Cross Bred Bulls – Overall average £161.43. ATTENTION CALF VENDORS Orange Entry Cards must be filled in each week! WE PAY ON THE DAY. 17 Hereford x Bulls to £255, averaging £150.47. 38 Aberdeen Angus x to £370, averaging £171.89. 3 Shorthorn x to £125, averaging £91.00. A good entry of just over 400 sold to a strong trade. Top call £410 with quality calves consistently over £350, but a gap to the second quality today. Heifers topped at £340 with young quality sorts to £320. Angus to £370. Friesians a super trade to average mid sixties with only a few best forward. Thank you Vendors. A grand trade for quality with Herefords to £308 for G.E. Wright and Aberdeen Angus £305 for David Morris. Plenty of Angus trading from £230 to £260 with Buyers consistently in that price range. A very pleasing number forward again. Many thanks Vendors. 129 CONTINENTALS 67 Continental Bulls, Overall average £267.66. A very pleasing trade considering the quality forward. The best sold very well. There just was not enough of them available. J.L.R. & M. Balls Blue topped at £410. R.J. & J. Blockley Simmentals to £402 and Limousins to £356. Anything from £250 to £290 looked well sold. Smalls £200 plus. Very Smalls £140 plus. Continental Bull Averages: 46 British Blue x to £410, averaging £257.98. 9 Simmental x to £402, averaging £309.11. 11 Limousin x to £356, averaging £272.64. 1 Blonde D’Aquitaine x £285.00. Our Top Nine Bulls £410 BB x – J.L.R. & M. Ball £405 BB x – C. & S. Fitton & Son £402 Sim x – R.J. & J. Blockley £380 BB x – M.J. Richardson & Partners £380 BB x – R.G. & S.K. Evans £372 BB x – A. Wrench £370 BB x – P.B. Overy £370 BB x – R.G. Woolley £360 Sim x – A.C. & J. Robinson 62 Continental Heifers, Overall average £211.63. Our Top Five Bulls: £370 AA x – W.A. Davies & Son £352 AA x – W.A. Davies & Son £292 AA x – W.A. Davies & Son £278 AA x – W. Parkes & Partners £270 AA x – J.G. Williams 56 Native x Bred Heifers: Overall average £97.55 A similar story to the Bulls. Top call for Angus to £202 for C.J. & S. Lister. Herefords to £180 for W.J. Lewis & Co. Angus could look well bought. Are you after a batch! Native Cross Bred Heifer averages: 41 Aberdeen Angus x to £202, averaging £90.14. 15 Hereford x to £180, averaging £117.80 Our Top Five £202 AA x – C.J. & S. Lister £180 Her x – W.J. Davies & Co £165 AA x – J.R. & F.J. Hocknell £165 AA x – W.A. Davies & Son £160 Her x – P.B. Overy VENDORS: Please present your Native Calves promptly for the 8.30 am start. Buyers Lorries are prepared to leave the market at 11.15 am with these calves and late arrivals could suffer from decreased buying power! 124 Black and White Bulls to average £63.35. NOT FOR EXPORT Real Cow makers in short supply. R.G. & D.J. Friths’ cracking Blue made £340 and J.A. & M. H. Wright’s was next on £320. Limousins made to £268 for O. Bennion. Simmentals sold to £258 for J.M. & J.K. Cliffe & Son. Seconds sold very, well Blues especially £220 plus! Mediums £150 plus. Very Small £100. 2 A much improved trade considering the quality. Top £175 for G.E. Oakes and £140 for C.B. Davies. Far less Calves for Processing today. Very few £40. The Black and Whites WERE DEAR TODAY. Top Six Black and White Bulls £175 – G.E. Oakes £140 – C.B. Davies & Partners £135 – Brookside Farm Ltd £125 – David Harris £118 – C.B. Davies & Partners £100 – T.W. Darlington “Correct To Breed” Fit to Breed Heifers to £220 for Archer Farming Company. Friday 2nd May @ 1.30pm “Monthly Catalogued Sale of Weanlings” Several consignments already in the pipeline: 10 Hereford Bulls & Heifers 5mo, 14 Sim Steers & Heifers 6mo, 20 BB 4mo, 10 Friesian Steers 4mo. Maximise your returns! For further details or a free on farm inspection call Jonny Dymond 01829 262100 or 07703 676227 Weanlings @ 1.30 pm Approx 93 Weanlings Sensational Trade at First Monthly Weanling Sale Top Steers £740 & Heifers £630 The addition of the Catalogued Monthly Weanling Sale was warmly greeted by Vendors and Purchasers alike with a high quality show of stock selling on an Excellent trade. EASTER GOOD FRIDAY at BEESTON OPEN AS USUAL Please call the Auctioneers for an update on the Trade Easter Monday – Market Closed Top call came for Steve and Susan Becks 9mth Blue Steer which flew to £740, with pen mates at £660. Heifers from the same good home saw strong bidding to £630. A pair Simmental Bulls from J Wainwright and Sons reached £580 at 6mths, while 4 month old Blues from MJ & MC Thomasson sold to £520 x 4 and a pair of Hereford bulls from the same home realised £455. Cow Making heifers were the order of the day with an absolute corker from G S & A Sheard at just over 5mths realising £610, 7 mth sorts from R M & E Jones £570. An even bunch of 5 Simmentals from J Wainwright and Sons exceeded expectations at £530 while sweet 4 month old Blue heifers from Thomassons made £468. Angus Heifers to £400 With current trends in the Black and Whites from the meat processors very negative, trade for these bulls was suppressed. However the younger they were the better sold with 5 4mths to £240. The next catalogued weanling sale will take place on the 2nd May, please do not hesitate to contact Jonny Dymond 07703 676227 with your entries, or for a free on site inspection. Here for Everyone! Beeston is a Non Export Calf Market, whatever the terms of your Milk Contract we do comply. Sell at Beeston with Confidence. TB Testing If calves are pre-movement tested we need a copy of the Test sheet for each calf. Your co-operation is appreciated. Food Chain Declarations If any stock has been treated, it is vital that we know what with and when the withdrawal will end. Please fill in any details on the White Food chain Declaration Form. Twin Heifer Calves Buyers are giving significant premiums for heifers to Suckler cows these premiums are based on trust please declare ALL TWIN heifers on your entry card Sire Awareness ATTENTION ALL SUPERMARKET WISEMAN PRODUCERS Tesco, Sainsbury, Co-op Beeston is 100% non export Market and guarantees your calves will stay on the Mainland compliant with your contract terms. Sell at Beeston with confidence! 3 Sire ID and traceability is becoming more and more important! Maximise your returns!! Native Bred Calves achieve premium prices when the Sire’s Number is printed by B.C.M.S. onto the PASSPORT and the name written on by Hand, Do it!! Contact Details All calf enquiries to Jonny 07703 676227 Andrew 07850 250641 The Office 01829 262132 CULL COW RED MARKET Open to all Wednesday 16th April @ 2.30pm At Beeston Castle Auction This also includes everyone under TB Restriction or the six day standstill. Enquiries to Paul on 01829 262 103. 125 CULL COWS & OTM Direct Telephone number 01829 262103 Every Friday at approximately 10.00 am Topping at 194.0p or £1,493.80 Averaging 110.5p or £701.10 128 Numbers picking up each week along with prices. VENDORS PLEASE COMPLETE AN ENTRY CARD FOR ALL SECTIONS - WITH FULL DETAILS AND IT IS IMPERATIVE TO HAVE YOUR CORRECT DETAILS REGARDING TB (PARISHES & TESTING DATES) AND YOU HAVE COMPLETED AN ENTRY CARD ESPECIALLY REGARDING YOUR FARM ASSURANCE STATUS. YOU MAY LOSE OUT ON PRICE IF YOU DO NOT SUPPLY THE RIGHT INFORMATION IMPORTANT NOTICE FARM ASSURANCE Due to the Farm assurance body unable to give us a real time database or actual up to date information on your assurance status we rely on YOU the producers to give us the correct information. Therefore if you present your cattle as farm assured when they are not this is a misdescription and you are representing your cattle fraudulently. When the animal gets to the abattoir they have specific outlets for these animals and often don’t for nonfarm assured stock so they deduct massively. This is due to the time and loss of animal to the batch that was bought for a specific job. They cannot be returned from an abattoir therefore you are in their hands. The deduction could be £150. PLEASE GIVE US THE CORRECT INFORMATION Wright Manley Beeston Castle Auction Tel: 01829 262 100 However as the poorer quality prime cattle move closer to the price of the best cows some product substitution could be made which may result in the cow trade easing. Please contact Simon for his predictions on the forth coming trade and when to market your cows to their best ability. Top prices achieved Dairy Bred Cows 134.0p 760kg HF 129.0p 790kg HO 128.0p 665kg HF 126.0p 790kg HF 126.0p 970kg HO 125.0p 725kg BF 124.0p 710kg HF 123.0p 795kg HO 122.0p 850kg HO 122.0p 755kg HF J.H. & R. Morris Showell Farms J.G. Williams D. & P. Nicholas D.J. Willis & Partners V. Williamson & Sons V. Williamson & Sons Showell Farms V. Williamson & Sons D.S. & R.E. Symms Dairy Bred Steers & Heifers (Under 48mo) 148.0p 695kg HF 33 mo D. Clowes 148.0p 670kg HF 28 mo P. Studley & Sons 141.0p 650kg HF 27 mo P. Studley & Sons 138.0p 605kg HF 31 mo P. Jeffs & Son 138.0p 710lg HF 37 mo D. Clowes 136.0p 535kg HF 31 mo W.J. Lewis & Co Continental Breeds 194.0p 770kg LIM 192.0p 635kg LIM 167.0p 890kg LIM 145.0p 470kg SIM 141.0p 641kg SIM 29 mo 33 mo 49 mo 46 mo 46 mo P. Studley & Sons D. Clowes M. Abell M. Beeston M. Beeston Native Breeds & Others 180.0p 570kg AAX 140.0p 605kg HEX 125.0p 625kg SHO 111.0p 665kg SHO 86.0p 480kg SHO 28 mo 37 mo 31 mo 96 mo 44 mo R.E. Studley M. Wilson P.J. & S. Cheers Ithell Bros Ithell Bros Bulls: 135.0p 925kg 35 mo W.E. Platt HE All enquiries to 01829 262 103 4 BEEF CATTLE EVERY FRIDAY AT approximately 12noon STORE CATTLE Every Friday (To commence after the sale of the beef approximately 12.30pm) Prices peaked at 198p or £1,312.50 Low numbers again as vendors choose to sell their cattle in the store section. These seem to be better sold in this section (due to them not being completely finished). This week top price realised £1312.50 at 750kg for a Aberdeen Angus Steer in the Store cattle section top price realised £1340 at 670kg for a Limousin Steer. There is more demand at the moment for stores than the beef section and maybe it would be more profitable for many to stop feeding your cattle and let someone else do it. This is mainly driven by the deadweight processors insisting on contracting quotas to their customers and blaming supermarkets poor sales on red meat as it has been a mild spring. If you have some cattle to market prices at Beeston are in line with every other local outlet even if it is a Friday!! For further details please do not hesitate to contact Alastair Brown 07831 395167 who will be pleased to assist you market your cattle to their best ability. REMEMBER PAYMENT IS MADE ON THE DAY within minutes after the sale of your cattle. Auctioneer: Alastair Brown 07831 395 167 Top Prices achieved Steers 198p BB 620kg 195p SD 645kg 191p BB 575kg 191p BB 635kg 190p CHX 585kg 187p SIM 615kg 182p SIM 665kg 29 mo 22 mo 29 mo 29 mo 19 mo 26 mo 26 mo T.L. Warburton & Co A.T. Williamson J.K. & T. Rigby T.L. Warburton & Co A.T. Williamson T.L. Warburton & Co P. & D.E. Jones Heifers 188p 182p 181p 177p 167p 165p 165p 132p 27 mo 25 mo 29 mo 25 mo 26 mo 23 mo 22 mo 11mo T.L. Warburton & Co T.L. Warburton & Co T.L. Warburton & Co J.H. Noden & Son J.H. Noden & Son J.L. Benson & Son J.L. Benson & Son D.P. Mounfield BB SIM CHX LIM SIM SIM AAX HEX 545kg 610kg 675kg 510kg 635kg 605kg 565kg 435kg We offer FREE pre sale advertising Alastair or Simon would be pleased to be invited to any pre sale inspections. 5 Prices Peaked at £1,340 or 272.1p 169 A bumper entry this week with all sorts and types on offer though a lack of Holstein Friesian cattle was noticeable in the shed. Best prices excelled the beef prices once again this week with top price to £1340 for the Heath family for the second time in 7days. Heifers topped at £1240 for a couple of Blue x Special Entry: Store Cattle: Friday 11th April: 7 Aberdeen Angus x Heifers 10-14 Mths old 17 In-calf Beef Suckler Cows, 10 Beef Bred Maiden Heifers – AA with Named Sires & 6 Simmentals. (Catalogues on our Website). Enquiries to Alastair on 07831 395 167. Steers £1,340 £1,320 £1,310 £1,290 £1,260 £1,180 LIM LIM HEX BAX LIM MOX 670kg 670kg 625kg 635kg 600kg 680kg 23 mo 23 mo 25 mo 27 mo 24 mo 24 mo R.W. & W.M. Heath R.W. & W.M. Heath D.J. Willis & Partners R.W. & W.M. Heath H.M. Heath H.M. Heath 272p 272p 265p 251p 251p 246p LIM LIM LIM SIM SIM AAX 305kg 305kg 350kg 255kg 255kg 225kg 9 mo 10 mo 10 mo 12 mo 12 mo 9 mo Reynold Roberts Reynold Roberts Reynold Roberts J.J. & A.S. Nicholas J.J. & A.S. Nicholas John Cooke Heifers £1,240 £1,040 £1,035 £990 £985 £985 LIM AAX LIM LIM BB LIM 540kg 520kg 545kg 565kg 570kg 500kg 23 mo 24 mo 21 mo 20 mo 29 mo 24 mo D.P. Mounfield W. Shone & Sons P.J. & S. Cheers P.J. & S. Cheers R.W. Walker P.J. & S. Cheers 236p 229p 223p 216p 214p CHX LIM LIM CHX CHX 330kg 540kg 305kg 375kg 345kg 13 mo 22 mo 10 mo 13 mo 13 mo J.A. & O.J. Piggott D.P. Mounfield D. Mort J.A. & O.J. Piggott J.A. & O.J. Pighott Bulls: £650 £580 £575 LIM LIM LIM 360kg 305kg 315kg 13 mo 8 mo 13 mo E.A. & J.D. Mossford E.A. & J.D. Mossford E.A. & J.D. Mossford 196p 190p 182p LIM LIM LIM 270kg 305kg 315kg 8 mo 8 mo 13 mo E.A. & J.D. Mossford E.A. & J.D. Mossford E.A. & J.D. Mossford More are required each week For all enquiries call Alastair or Simon on 01829 262 103 PRODUCE Every Friday @ 12.15 pm Approx If you are looking for some Straw, Hay, Silage, give Andrew Wallace a ring and I will try and ensure some is available under the hammer or for a Private Sale direct from the Farm. Furniture & Fine Art Department Antique & General Sale: Thurs 10th April @ 10.30 am Viewing: Wed 9th April 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Antique & General Sale: Thursday 24th April @ 10.30 am Viewing: Wed 23rd April 10.00 am – 5.00 pm FODDER FOR SALE & WANTED 2012 Haylage For Sale: 100 Square Bales £12 per Bale. Enquiries to 01948 663735 27 Round Bales 2013 For Sale. Enquiries to Beeston on 01829 262 132. Ref: RH Antique & General Sale: Thursday 8th May @ 10.30 am Viewing: Wednesday 7th May 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Antique & General Sale: Thursday 22nd May @ 10.30 am Viewing: Wednesday 21st May 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Antique & General Sale: Thursday 26th June @ 10.30 am Viewing: Wednesday 25th June 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Antique & General Sale: Thursday 10th July @ 10.30 am Viewing: Wed 9th July 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Antique & General Sale: Thursday 24th July @ 10.30 am Viewing: Wed 23rd July 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Approx 100 Round Bales of Haylage. Can Load. Winsford Area. £24 per Bale. Enquiries 01606 592380 Enquiries to Ian Woodward or Lillian Rogerson Tel: 01829 262 151 Summer Fine Art Sale: Enquiries to William Witter on 01829 262 153. 100 Quadrant Bales of Haylage at Bickley. £22 per Bale ex Farm. Enquiries to 07718 833 900. EQUINE SECTION Horses & Ponies at 11am Approx 30 Net Wrapped 2013 Round Bales of Hay. Vendor can load. Ref: AKW/RE. Marbury Wednesday 9th & Saturday 19th April Wednesday 14th & Saturday 31st May Tack at 10am, Saddles 12noon & Vehicles at 1pm 100 Round Bales of top quality June 2013 Hay (No Rain) (4 to the tonne). Can deliver local to Farm. £25 per Bale Ex Farm. Ref: AKW/GY Wright Manley Beeston Castle Auction Tel: 01829 262 100 6 Wednesday 9th & Saturday 19th April Wednesday 14th & Saturday 31st May For further enquiries regarding the equine sections please contact the Equine Department on 01829 262170. email: FINE ART SALE REPORT Fur & Feather and Horticultural Sale Saturday 19th April @ 10.30 am At Beeston Castle Auction Entries invited on 01829 262 120 or 07960 167513. SMALLHOLDERS DISPERSAL SALE WEDNESDAY 30th APRIL * 6.00 PM * AT KENNELWOOD HOUSE, COMBERMERE WHITCHURCH, SHROPSHIRE SY13 4AL Briefly comprising: 1954 Ferguson TEF20; McCormick International B414; 1989 Mercedes 300GD M4 (G.Wagon); Poultry Equipment; Garden Equipment; Stone Troughs; Implement & Effects. Enquiries to Simon Lamb on 07815 188125 SMALLHOLDERS SALE SATURDAY, 17th MAY A CATALOGUED SALE OF Poultry, Waterfowl, Caged& Aviary Birds, Hatching Eggs and a wide assortment of Poultry Equipment. Rabbits, Guinea Pigs etc. Rare Breed Animals including Cattle, Pig, Sheep, Donkeys and Ponies. Entries now being taken. Late entries accepted on the day. For further information please call Stuart Hassall 07960 167513 or Tony Icke 07764 320679 AUCTIONEERS CONTACT DETAILS Auctioneers Section Clive Norbury FLAA Dairy Cattle Mobile: 07831 485590 Direct Line: 01829 262121 Andrew Wallace Calves, Weanlings. BSc. MRICS FAAV FLAA S.F.P., Land Sales, & Rural Mobile: 07850 250641 Property Valuations, Direct Line: 01829 262118 Compensation Claims Jonny Dymond BSc(Hons) ALAA Calves, Single Farm. Mobile: 07703 676 227 Payment, Entry Direct Line: 01829 262 112 Level Stewardship Alastair Brown FdSc FLAA Cull Cows, Beef Cattle, Mobile: 07831 395167 Store Cattle, Equine, Direct Line: 01829 262170 Machinery Sales Etc Stuart Hassall FDSC HND FLAA Dairy Cattle & Direct Line:01829 262 115 Calves Mobile: 07960 167 513 Simon Lamb ALAA All Cattle Sections, Mobile: 07815 188125 Tack & Saddles Direct Line: 01829 262123 Paul Narloch Cull Cows, Accounts Direct Line: 01829 262103 Mobile: 07774 239357 7 A FINE JAPANESE SHODANA CABINET, MEIJI PERIOD CIRCA 1870 TOPS THE TWO DAY FINE ART AND ANTIQUES AUCTION AT BEESTON CASTLE SALEROOMS FOR £9,200, discovered in the hallway of a semi-detached house not far from Whitchurch, the pediment was carved with a cockerel amongst flowering leaves and had numerous sliding panels and cupboards decorated with gilt enclosing wooden panels inset with bronze panels depicting insects, blooms, birds including a heron, which is symbolic for longevity and good luck, also insects, snails and dragons. Bill Witter auctioneer couldn’t help thinking the heron certainly brought the owner good luck. The cabinet stood 240cms just under 8’ tall, we had six telephone bids and live internet bidding from all over the world including Russia, China and Japan, selling to a Northern collector. Also on day one a 2.1ct ring sold for £5,000, a Rene Lalique vase moulded with parakeets on leafy branches 24cms high sold for £2,000, a fine 18th century pocket watch by Henry Fish and engraved to Charles Manning by his late Majesty King William IV sold for £1,200. Fine antique oak and mahogany furniture was very much in demand, a choice George III inlaid mahogany serpentine serving table with a gilt brass gallery with Adam classical urn finials sold for £2,400, a fine George II style mahogany display cabinet circa 1900 sold for £1,900, a rare George II walnut and herringbone cross banded escritoire or writing cabinet sold for £1,800, a fine George III oak and mahogany chest on stand £1,750, a George III mahogany long case clock signed John Fewller, Liverpool with subsidiary seconds, dial, eight day movement £1,600. Lot 197 a rectangular silver and horn wooden cigar box sold for £1,100, a Chinese Famille Verte porcelain bowl 18th century, despite being restored and part of the rim missing sold for £1,000. A rare and unusual ivory okimono carved as a skull, the details realistically rendered as a snake curled around a skull, with a toad to one side, circa 1870 sold for £950. An impressive Victorian mahogany inverted break front wardrobe sold for £850. Lot 117 a silver Mappin and Webb limited edition clock commemorating the marriage of the Prince of Wales to Lady Diana Spencer sold for £840. A rare James II oak blanket chest dated 1695 and carved with initials W V sold for £950. We are now accepting entries for our Fine Two Day Summer Antiques and Collectable Auction with a strong emphasis on oak furniture. Please telephone Bill Witter on 01829 262150 or email Wright Manley Pedigree & Commercial Dairy Cattle Department Tel: 01829 262 120 SALES TUESDAY 15th APRIL @ 11.00 am Beeston Castle Auction SPRING COLLECTIVE SALE 152 COLOURED BREED DAIRY CATTLE 17 DAIRY SHORTHORNS; 84 AYRSHIRE and RED & WHITES; 43 JERSEYS & Brown Swiss Comprising 24 Calved Cows, 65 Calved Heifers, 43 In-calf Heifers and 19 Maiden Heifers and 1 Jersey Bull. This is a wonderful entry of Coloured Breed Dairy Cattle representing many top herds and include: 26 Fresh Calved and late Spring Calving Heifers from the noted TROUTBECK Ayrshire herd of Messrs Mattinson, Cumbria; 16 Ped. and Unregistered Ayrshire Heifers from Mark Partington, Prestwich; 10 Fresh Red & White Heifers from the MORWICK herd of Michael Howie, Northumberland including a 7 gen dtr of Crackholm Secure Red from the well known Tiara family and whose maternal sister sold for 3300 gns as a calf at the Morwick Sale last year. 13 Fresh and In-calf Ayrshire Heifers from the KEYSMOUNT herd of MessrsHalliwell, Carlisle and 14 Cows and Heifers and 4 In-calf Heifers from the RAVENFIELD herd of Pedigree Jerseys, the property of Ravenfield Jerseys, Hull, who are dispersing and are selling the entire Showteam!! - these include several incredible individuals and feature the VG872yr Gannon dtr who won 1st Heifers in-milk and Junior Champion Gt.Yorks 2012 and a fresh 2 nd calf Sultan who won 1st Heifer in-milk and Junior Champion Lincs.2013. 12 Shorthorn and Ayrshire Cows & Heifers from RA Guntripp, Uttoxeter; 5 pedigree Ayrshires from the Gwynnog herd of GR Thomas, Llanelli. The Sale opens with two cracking Shorthorn cows from Rob Boote, Kelsall including the Supreme Champion All Breeds, All Britain Calf Show who is now VG88 and fresh with her third and there are also 8 outstanding Shorthorn Bulling Heifers from the DEE Herd of E. Price-Jones, Overton on Dee. ALL animals Pre-movement Tested for TB including All 4 year Testing Parishes. An Agricultural Farm Dispersal Sale Saturday 26th April 2014 10.30am Ashwood Farm, Ash Parva, Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 4DX Briefly Comprising: 2011 NEW HOLLAND T6090 Tractor, 2007 NEW HOLLAND TL100A Tractor & Loader, A fantastic range of nearly NEW Machinery & Agricultural Effects Also on this day inserted by kind permission Mueller Europa DX 10,000 litre bulk tank Fabdec Icemaker, Heat Time System, AG 175 Sand Dispenser, Parmiter SGS 350, 3 Ram Shear Grab Penrite Cattle Galvanised Weigh Crush with Scales Wopa Foot Trimming Crush. 88 IAE Super Comfort Cubicles with heavy duty head rail clamp assembly. 24 galvanised back to back sectional free standing calf pens For further information please view our website or contact Beeston for catalogue requests Auctioneer in charge: Alastair Brown 07831 395167 LAND ACCOMMODATION LAND At Tarporley By Pass, Tarporley A two Acre Grass Paddock located between the By-Pass and The Golf Driving Range, idealy for Hobby Farmers or Equestrian Enthusiasts. Mains Water. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY Guide Price: £40,000 - £50,000. Enquiries to Beeston on 01829 262 132. FRIDAY 25th APRIL Beeston Castle Auction Focus Milk Monthly Show & Sale of Holsteins including Bulls Entries close for Cataloguing: Monday next 14th April. FRIDAY 2nd MAY 4th Annual Sale of Pedigree Montbeliarde Dairy Cattle on Behalf of Members of Montbeliarde UK Entries close: 8th April. All Enquiries to 01829 262 120 8 ACCOMMODATION LAND FOR SALE COOLE LANE, NANTWICH, CW5 8AY A 3.35 Acre Paddock with good road access onto a quiet lane and Planning Consent for keeping of Horses for Private, Recreational use and the erection of Stables. Metered Water supply on site, and Electricity can be easily arranged if required. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY Guide Price: £80,000. Ref: AKW/Jean. Tel: 01829 262 132. AGRICULTURAL: Valuations, Sales, Rent Reviews, Expert Witness Reports, Arbitration, Milk Quota and Tenancies, Pipeline and Compulsory Purchase Claims, Grazing Agreements. Tel: 01829 262 132. PROPERTY AUCTIONS: Regular Sales of Farms, Accommodation Land, Farm Buildings for conversion, Cottages, Country Property, Building Land and Plots. Tel: 01829 262 132. VALUATIONS AND SURVEYS: For Purchase, Mortgage, Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Tenant Right, Probate including Furniture, Deed of Gift, Divorce and Insurance, House Buyers Reports, Structural Reports and Valuations, Schedules of Dilapidation and Conditions. Tel: 01829 262 132. SINGLE FARM PAYMENT: Assistance with R.P.A. Single Farm Payment Claim Forms, Entitlements, Entry Level Stewardship Scheme and advice on Nitrate Vulnerable Zones. Tel: 01829 262 132. FURNITURE AND FINE ART DEPARTMENT: Twice Monthly Sales of Household Effects, Quarterly Fine Art and Antique Sales. Contact William Witter on 01829 262 150. COMMERCIAL AND PEDIGREE LIVESTOCK SALES: Beeston Castle Auction in Cheshire with a Specialist Pedigree Department representing a number of Breed Societies and Undertaking Sales on a National Basis. On Farm or in our extensive Market Premises. Contact: 01829 262 120. Fax: 01829 262 129. PRIVATE CATTLE SALES: Farm to Farm Trading via Wright Manley Direct. Contact Clive Norbury on 07831 485590 or Stuart Hassall on 07960 167 513 or the Pedigree Department on 01829 261 120. WEDNESDAY MARKET: Regular Sales of Implements and Machinery (1st Wednesday in the Month), Horses (One Wednesday and one Saturday in the Month), Saddlery and Tack (the same) never the First Wednesday in each month). FRIDAY LIVESTOCK MARKET: Native Breed Calves 8.30 am, Continental Calves 11.15 am, Cull Cows 10.00 am, Prime Cattle 12 Noon, Store Cattle 12.30 pm. Wright Manley, Beeston Castle Auction, Whitchurch Road, Beeston, Tarporley, Cheshire CW6 9NZ. Tel: 01829 262 100. 9