User's guide to Extended_EVEPlus rev. 860626-rhs Operating System/version: VAX/VMS V4.3 Table of contents Introduction VT200 keypad diagram Extended_EVE macros PCE_CC_LINE PCE_CENTER_LINE ............................. PCE_CHANGE_CASE ............................. PCE_DCL_WINDOW .............................. PCE_DELETE_CHARACTER ........................ PCE_DELETE_LINE ............................. PCE_UNDELETE_LAST_ITEM_DELETED .............. PCE_ERASE_BOL ............................... PCE_ERASE_EOL ............................... PCE_ERASE_TO_END_OF_BUFFER .................. PCE_ERASE_TO_START_OF_BUFFER ................ PCE_GKI ..................................... PCE_GOTO_LINE_NUMBER ........................ PCE_HELP .................................... PCE_ONE_WINDOW .............................. PCE_QUIT .................................... PCE_RECORD_LENGTH ........................... PCE_REG_WINDOW .............................. PCE_SHOW_COLUMNS ............................ PCE$STANDARD_KEYS ........................... PCE_TOGGLE_BETWN_BUFRS ...................... PCE_TRANSLATE_CONTROLS ...................... PCE_TWO_FILES ............................... PCE_TYPE_ALL ............................... PCE$VT100_KEYS .............................. PCE$VT200_KEYS .............................. PCE_WIDE_WINDOW ............................. USER$TAB_CONVERSION ......................... Installation instructions ........................ ii 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4a 2-4a 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 A-1 Introduction ii This manual is an attempt to explain the various functions of the Extended_EVE procedures and keypad as implemented at the Arkansas Department of Pollution Control & Ecology. To get an overview of the EVEPlus commands and features see the "User's Guide to EVEPlus". Please note that all features/macros/procedures as described in this and any other documentation are presented "as is". They have been tested as completely as possible but be advised that NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS CONVEYED WITH THIS SOFTWARE. THIS SOFTWARE WAS WRITTEN AND SHOULD REMAIN IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN; ALTHOUGH A MODEST REPRODUCTION FEE MAY BE CHARGED. The author (thats me) will attempt to answer all questions concerning this package and will attempt to correct all "bugs" found in my code. This means I will not attempt to correct problems arising from modified versions of this software. But if the modifications are sent to me I will be happy to include them in future releases. Please debug your submissions first before sending them. The author (again thats me) can be reached at the following: Rick Stacks Senior Programmer Analyst Arkansas Department of Pollution Control & Ecology 8001 National Dr. / POB 9583 Little Rock, AR. 72219 (501) 562-7444 Extended_EVE macros (procedures) 2-2 On this and the following pages are descriptions of the macros contained in the Extended_EVE package as written and implemented by the Ark. Dept. of Pollution Control & Ecology. When used in conjunction with the vt200 keypad definition file, LOCAL_INIT.TPU, included with this package the following macros will function as defined. PCE_CC_LINE Changes the case of every character on the line the cursor is currently positioned on (current_line). For example, let's suppose you are positioned on the following line: tHIS iS a tEST! tRY iT yOU'LL lIKE iT. test TEST test ... Press <PF1><KP9> ("SHIFT KP9"/"GOLD KP9") The line now appears as: This Is A Test! Try It You'll Like It. TEST test TEST ... PCE_CENTER_LINE By pressing <PF1><KP4> you will center the current line between the left and right margins. This command is dependant upon the settings of the left and right margins. See SET MARGIN command in the VAXTPU manual. PCE_CHANGE_CASE Pressing the <KP9> key you will invert the case of the current character and the cursor will be moved to the next character on the line. If you are currently positioned at the end of a line then the cursor will move to the beginning of the following line. PCE_DCL_WINDOW 2-3 This procedure functions just like the VPW DCL window. It is quite a bit more functional than the VAXTPU DCL command. PCE_DELETE_CHARACTER Pressing the <PERIOD> key will delete the current character from the buffer causing the next character to the right to become the current character. If you are postioned at the end of the current line then the following line will be concatenated with the current line, i.e. this command includes a line wrap feature. PCE_DELETE_LINE Pressing the <SHIFT><PERIOD> keys will delete the current line. PCE_ERASE_BOL 2-4 Pressing <F17> causes all characters from the current character to the beginning of the line to be erased (deleted) from the buffer. The current character becomes the new beginning of the line (position 1). PCE_ERASE_EOL Pressing <F18> causes all of the characters from the current character to the end of the line, inclusive, to be deleted from the buffer. This procedure does not delete the EOL marker, i.e. no line wrap occurs. PCE_ERASE_TO_END_OF_BUFFER This procedure is not latched to any key, therefore to execute it press the <DO> key and type TPU PCE_ERASE_TO_END_OF_BUFFER. This causes everything from the current character position to the end of the current buffer to be deleted. BE CAREFUL. There is NO way to recover from the action of this procedure. PCE_ERASE_TO_START_OF_BUFFER This procedure is not latched to any key, therefore to execute it press the <DO> key and type TPU PCE_ERASE_TO_START_OF_BUFFER. This causes everything from the beginning of the current buffer to the current character position to be deleted. BE CAREFUL. There is NO way to recover from the action of this procedure. PCE_GKI This procedure will return information about the key the user requests information on, including the definition and comments associated with that key. If the key is undefined then that information will be displayed. Use <KP7> to execute this function. PCE_GOTO_LINE_NUMBER After pressing <PF3> the user will be prompted for the line number to go to. The user may enter any positive number from 1 thru ???. Any number entered that will cause the cursor to be positioned beyond the end of the current buffer will be ignored and the cursor will be positioned to the end of the current buffer. PCE_HELP 2-5 This will display the keypad diagram shown on page 2-1 of this guide. <KP3> performs this function. PCE_ONE_WINDOW <SHIFT><KP8> causes the screen to go from split screen editing, invoked by using <KP8> (see pce_two_files), to one full screen. The buffer displayed after performing this procedure will be the one in which the cursor is currently positioned. PCE_QUIT Does just what is says... QUITs. If any buffer currently in use in the editing session has been modified the user will be prompted to see if he/she really wants to quit. PCE_RECORD_LENGTH Returns the length, in characters, of the current line that the cursor is positioned upon. PCE_REG_WINDOW Sets the screen width to 80 columns. Use <KP1>. PCE_SHOW_COLUMNS Toggles the status line to show column numbers for either 80 or 132 column mode. PCE_STANDARD_KEYS 2-6 This procedure defines the keys necessary for use by the 'tab' routines. The user need not use this routine unless he/she redefines the <MINUS> or <COMMA> keys for some strange and unusual reason. If this package is set up according to the instructions in Appendix A then the user will probably never need to worry about this procedure. PCE_TOGGLE_BETWN_BUFRS Key <F19> will, when the user is in split screen mode, (see pce_two_files) toggle the position of the cursor between the top and bottom windows. PCE_TRANSLATE_CONTROLS Should you have a file that contains control and/or non-printing characters, this procedure can be run to translate and display the file in a readable manner. PCE_TWO_FILES The user will be prompted for the name of the file to use for the second (top) window/buffer after pressing <KP8>. To exit at this time (abort) type CTRL-Z, otherwise enter the name of the file use wish to use OR enter a <RETURN> and the top buffer will default to the same file you are currently editing. PCE_TYPE_ALL 2-7 This procedure will search for all occurances of a string and display each line in the message buffer. PCE_UNDELETE_LAST_ITEM_DELETED Pressing the <ENTER> key will cause the editor to "undelete" the last item deleted. NOTE: This will only undelete the last item deleted, whether it was a character or a line. See pce_delete_line and pce_delete_character above. PCE_VT100_KEY_DEFINITIONS Standard PC&E VT100 & Rainbow key definitions. PCE_VT200_KEY_DEFINITIONS Standard PC&E VT200 key definitions. PCE_WIDE_WINDOW Pressing <SHIFT><KP1> puts the editor into 132 column mode. USER$TAB_CONVERSION This routine is normally 'invisible' to the user. This function is set-up by using the section file defined in Appendix A and is used in conjunction with the <MINUS> and <COMMA> keys. When the user presses either one of the above keys to set tabs AT (NOT every) then the tab key is interpreted as spaces/blanks and not as a TAB character. When the tabs are set using set tabs EVERY then the tab key is interpreted as a TAB character. Appendix A The instructions below should help in installing this software as well as show where you can make modifications, include your own macros, etc.. Start by copying the DEC-supplied file, EVESECINI.TPU, located in SYS$LIBRARY: to your directory (from here on I am assuming that you are logged in the SYSTEM or similar account and have access to placing the files you create on some public directory, one that all users have at least read and execute privilege to). Now edit the EVESECINI.TPU file and insert the following line before the ENDPROCEDURE statement in the EVE_SET_TABS_AT procedure: PCE_TAB_SETTING := "SPACES"; and add the following line before the ENDPROCEDURE statement in the EVE_SET_TABS_EVERY procedure: PCE_TAB_SETTING := "TABS"; Next in the procedure TPU$LOCAL_INIT insert the following lines: PCE_TAB_SETTING := "TABS"; PCE_DISPLAY_COLUMNS := 0; PCE_LAST_ITEM_DELETED := ""; Following the TPU$LOCAL_INIT procedure and before any remaining lines of code insert the file EXTENDED_EVE.TPU and modify the SAVE command to suit your fancy (a suggested file name is "your_full_directory_specs:EXTENDED_EVE.GBL"). Now you are ready to compile the Extended_EVE commands and add the EVEPlus commands. Type the following lines, at the DCL $ prompt: $ EDIT/TPU/NOSECTION/COMMAND=your_full_directory_specs:EXTENDED_EVE When you get the $ prompt back type: $ ASSIGN your_full_directory_specs TPU$EVEPLUS $ EDIT/TPU/SECTION=TPU$EVEPLUS:EXTENDED_EVE$_/COMMAND=TPU$EVEPLUS:EVEPLUS_BUILD EVEPLUS_INPUT.TPU Now copy the files EXTENDED_EVEPLUS.GBL and LOCAL_INIT.TPU to the public accessible directory and the file EVE_PCE_HELP.HLB to SYS$HELP: and put the following into your LOGIN.COM or SYLOGIN.COM file: EVE :== EDIT/TPU/SECTION=public_dir:EXTENDED_EVEPLUS- /COMMAND=public_dir:LOCAL_INIT You should now be able to take advantage of the full features of EXTENDED_EVEPLUS. Good luck and good editing.