Candidate Attitudes Rubric In addition to high academic performance in their coursework, we expect candidates to develop as “collaborative professionals.” To assist with this development, we ask that collaborating teachers and supervisors rate candidates’ professional attitudes using the following rubric. To successfully complete the program, candidates must score in the overall target range. Candidates also complete a professional attitudes self-assessment. Level 1: UNSATISFACTORY Dispositions of a First Year Teacher Evidence shows that the teacher candidate has little or no understanding of the concept or of the relationship between the concept and P-12 learning. Acquisition of the disposition will require substantial preparation to advance beyond this level. An action/remediation plan or additional coursework is essential to ameliorate dispositions. Level 2: BASIC/LIMITED Dispositions of a First Year Teacher Teacher candidate demonstrates awareness and importance of the concept but needs development/improvement. Application to the P-12 setting is lacking or is superficial, inconsistent or constrained. An action/remediation plan OR additional coursework is advised to ameliorate dispositions. Level 3: APPROACHING Dispositions of a First Year Teacher Teacher candidate shows a developing knowledge base of the concept and exhibits the disposition to expand that knowledge base. Further development requires targeted time, opportunities, or special assignments. Ability to apply the concept with consistency and to the degree expected needs prompting (assistance) and practice. Potential for development is evident. Level 4: TARGET Dispositions of a First Year Teacher Teacher candidate demonstrates the disposition consistently enough to be successful independently. Additional experiences or mentoring may be recommended for further development but additional university supervision or structured field experiences are not warranted. Level 5: EXCEEDING Dispositions of a First Year Teacher Teacher candidate shows autonomy of thinking and responsibility for this disposition. Candidate exceeds the disposition at target level by drawing upon a rich knowledge base of understanding incorporated into innovative teaching or professional practice. Intentionally seeks ways to enrich understanding or minimize noted gaps. Critical and Creative Thinking Demonstrates creativity, curiosity, critical thinking, commitment to higher-order thinking and learning, invention, scholarly mindset 1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Reflective Practices Demonstrates accurate self-assessment and realistic critique; evident meta-awareness 1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Equity and Fair-mindedness Demonstrates equity, democracy, cultural sensitivity and responsiveness; demonstrates respect for and value in individual difference and an asset-model of understanding 1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Professional Responsibility Demonstrates punctuality, positive demeanor, appropriate appearance, dependability, reliability, and professional preparation 1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Effective Communication Adheres to professional conventions and expectations in face-to-face, written, and digital communication; demonstrates expertise in Standard American English; meets expectations communicating with students, peers, colleagues, administrators, parents, and the public 1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Initiative Anticipates, identifies, and solves problems; meets professional needs and expectations 1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Is this candidate making satisfactory progress? ____ Yes, candidate is displaying appropriate dispositions. ____ No, administrative follow-up recommended for dispositions issues indicated above.