(Breslaujos g. 3, LT-44403 Kaunas, įmonės kodas 111955219, PVM LT119552113,
__ Direktoriaus pavaduotojas
_____ Petras Poligarijus Ūdras
(Vardas ir pavardė)
Pirkimo kodai (pagal BVPŽ): 48461000-7, 48462000-4, 48460000-0
psl. 1 iš 11
Supaprastinto atviro konkurso sąlygų
4 priedas (Vertimas)
Perkamos prekės aprašymas ir reikalavimai
Scale+KENO3D or
similar software
This software can be used for criticality estimation of complex geometry
discribed in 3D system applying Monte Carlo method. This software
to perform the criticality analysis of spent fuel configurations by
coupling the depletion and criticality aspects;
computes the sensitivity of keff to cross-section data for systems that
can be modeled in 1-D or 3D systems;
to provide an automatic search for maximum keff of a nuclear
system, or for minimum critical mass in a nuclear system;
to perform two-dimensional (2-D) transport and depletion
to prepare a problem-specific cross-section library;
to calculate neutron and photon fluxes to geometry regions and to
point detectors outside the geometry.
The software Keno3D or equivalent one, which could be used for 3-D
visualization of (KENO V.a and KENO-VI) geometry models on Windows
(or the equivalent) operating system.
License type and quantity: 1 standard license
MCNP or similar
A general-purpose Monte Carlo particle transport code that can be used
for neutron, photon, electron, or coupled neutron/photon/electron
transport, including the capability to calculate eigenvalues for critical
systems. The requirements to software:
The code shall treat an arbitrary three-dimensional configuration
of materials in geometric cells bounded by first- and seconddegree surfaces and fourth-degree elliptical tori.
Use dot element cross-section. For neutrons, all reactions given
in a particular cross-section evaluation (such as ENDF/B-VI) shall
be accounted for.
Thermal neutrons shall be described by both the free gas and
S(α,β) models.
For photons, the code shall account for incoherent and coherent
scattering, the possibility of fluorescent emission after
photoelectric absorption, and absorption in electron-positron pair
Electron/positron transport processes shall account for angular
deflection through multiple Coulomb scattering, collisional energy
loss with optional straggling, and the production of secondary
particles including K x-rays, knock-on and Auger electrons,
bremsstrahlung, and annihilation gamma rays from positron
annihilation at rest.
Photonuclear interaction shall be available for at least some
number of isotopes.
Shall have description of ordinary source, criticality source and
surface source. Software shall graphically present geometry and
calculation results; modes for dispersion minimization, flexible
presentation of the results and cross-section libraries.
License type and quantity: 1 simple license
psl. 2 iš 11
MORITZ or similar
The software shall provide:
Interactive (point & click) Surface, Solid Body, and Cell creation &
modification, including assignment of cell properties
2D and 3D Views
Interactive 3D graphics - rotate, zoom, & pan with mouse/keys
Rapid processing of models for 3D display.
Reads & Writes MCNP(X) & its accept input files.
Read all or part of additional MCNP input files with auto
renumbering of cells & surfaces.
Display & animation of particle tracks in 3D & 2D.
Plotting of Mesh Tally data from mdata files.
Static & animated 3D exploded views.
Library for MCNP material definitions.
License type and quantity: 1 simple license
similar software
The software shall provide:
Visualization of 3-dimensional geometries in which Monte Carlo
codes simulate the transport of radiation.
Ray tracing is the primary method for generating images.
The user can trade off resolution of the ray traced image for
speed of rendering.
Possibility for geometry error checking, display the tracks of
simulated particles, and translate solid body geometry
descriptions to Monte Carlo surface geometry.
License type and quantity: 1 simple license
similar software
The software shall include:
Generation of human anthropomorphic phantoms of arbitrary
age, from infant through adult.
Possibility to choose phantom's sex, as well as which organs to
include in the model.
Control of selections and operation of the program by graphical
user interface.
Output is in the form of input files for the Monte Carlo N-Particle
License type and quantity: 1 simple license
similar software
Software should be a comprehensive, maintain the integrated data
analysis, graphics, database management, and custom application
development system featuring a wide selection of basic and advanced
analytic procedures.
Software should include not only general purpose statistical, graphical,
and analytic data management procedures, but also comprehensive
implementations of specialized methods for data analysis (e.g., data
mining, industrial or engineering applications). All analytic tools offered in
the software should be available to user as part of an integrated package.
These tools should be controlled through a selection of alternative user
interfaces and a comprehensive, industry standard (Visual Basic-based)
programming language. Interactive user interfaces should be easily
customized and the language should have ability be used to automate
tasks of any complexity, from simple macros recorded to automate a
routine operation, to advanced, large scale development projects.
The software should have the following features:
 the breadth of selection and comprehensiveness of
implementation of analytical procedures,
 the statistical analysis selection, quality, and customizability of
graphics integrated seamlessly with every computational
psl. 3 iš 11
a wide selection of advanced software technologies that are
responsiveness), and application options.
Software should be fully integrated and controlled by the comprehensive
syntax of Microsoft Visual Basic.
Software should have the efficient and user-friendly user interface.
License of software package should also include a prepaid period for
technical support.
License of software package should also include user manual and
License type and quantity: Software and related services should be
provided as one package for at least 5 users.
MathCad or similar
The required software should be as engineering calculation software that
drives innovation and offers significant personal and process productivity
advantages for product development and engineering design projects.
Unlike proprietary calculating tools and spreadsheets, software should let
engineers design and document engineering calculations simultaneously
with comprehensive applied math models functionality and dynamic, unitaware calculations.
Software should be an integrated environment for performing and
communicating maths-related work. It should combine a powerful
computational engine, accessed through conventional maths notation,
with a full-featured word processor and graphing tools. Software should
automate many tasks, including unit balancing and recalculation, saving
time and reducing errors. Expert documentation, sample applications and
context-sensitive Help should ensure complete projects quickly and
communicate the results effectively.
Software should let document, format and present work while applying
comprehensive mathematical functionality and dynamic, unit-aware
Software should have these features:
Comprehensive mathematical functionality including dynamic,
unit-aware calculations and hundreds of built-in functions
Instant recalculation whenever you change a variable
Easy to use help features plus guided tutorials for all operations
Comprehensive document formatting and security features
Software should have these compatibility features:
Easy integration with other applications, including Pro/ENGINEER
and PTC’s Product Development System, VisSim, MATLAB and
Open architecture supporting .NET and native XML format
Software should have interface which integrate standard mathematical
notation, text and graphs in a single worksheet, making software ideal for
knowledge capture, calculation reuse and collaboration.
Software should have an intuitive, whiteboard interface that lets you
simultaneously design, solve and document engineering calculations
License of software package should also include at least one year prepaid
period for technical support/maintenance.
License of software package should also include user manual, samples
and advanced payment/credits for users training (for at least 5 users).
License type and quantyti: Software and related services should be
provided as one package for at least 5 users.
psl. 4 iš 11
@Risk or similar
Software should perform risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation to
show many possible outcomes and how likely they are to occur. Using
this means user should have ability to judge which risks to take and
which ones to avoid, allowing for the best decision making under
Software should be a valuable tool for those working in the area of
modelling uncertain situations using spreadsheets. It should be flexible,
comprehensive and ease of use. Software should be suitable for serious
business use as well as academic demonstration. Some of the output
intended for an advanced or academic user may look intimidating to a
beginning user; for example, kurtosis or sensitivity analysis using
regression. However, the support provided should be sufficient for any
non-expert who appreciates the need for risk analysis to make headway
Software should have capability analyze risk and uncertainty in a wide
variety of industries. One of its applications should be in energy sector. It
should include exploration and design, energy reserves estimation, capital
project estimation, pricing, regulation compliance.
Software should be a true add-in to Microsoft Excel (or similar),
integrating completely with spreadsheet. All software functions should be
Excel (or equivalent) functions.
Software must incorporate advanced graphical user interfaces, which
helps to control the calculations during real time simulations, and analyze
the results of the calculations.
License of software package should also include at least one year prepaid
period for technical support.
License of software package should also include user manual, samples
and advanced payment/credits for users training (for not less than 3
Licence type and quantyti: 3 standard licences
WindPro or similar
Software capabilities should include:
Uploading and statistical analysis of wind measurement data
(Weibull distribution and wind rose) as well as wind speed
distribution report;
Wind resource map generation based on wind measurement
Calculation of the energy production of a wind farm including
array losses and wind farm induced turbulence;
Calculation, visualization and documentation of the noise impact
to nearest inhabitants from a wind turbine or wind farm;
Calculation, visualization and documentation of flickering effects
in terms of hours per year during which a neighbour or an area
would be exposed to flickering from nearby WTG rotors;
Modelling and documentation of wind turbine visibility and
cumulative visual impact of wind farms;
Optimization of a wind farm layout with regard to energy
Calculation of the financial feasibility of a project with one or
more wind turbines.
Licence type and quantyti: 1 standard licence
ArcView 9 arba
Vertimo nėra
Ši programinė įranga turi numatyti:
Geografinių duomenų (“.shp” formato) vizualizaciją ir tvarkymą;
Geografinių duomenų sluoksnių kūrimą, tvarkymą ir analizę;
Interaktyvių geografinių duomenų žemėlapių kūrimą;
CAD ir palydovinių duomenų vaizdavimą;
psl. 5 iš 11
Ataskaitų ir diagramų generavimą;
Žemėlapių saugojimas, spausdinimą, bylų formato suderinamumą
su kitomis grafinių bylų apdorojimui skirtomis programomis.
Licencijos tipas ir kiekis: 1 paprasta licencija
Petrasim or similar
The graphical interface (an interactive pre-processor and post-processor)
intended for software package with simulation capabilities involving fluid
flow and heat transfer in porous and fractured media.
Key Features:
Data preparation (development of computational grids, array of
multiphase-fluid and heat-transport parameters, material
properties, boundary conditions and initial conditions), as well as
visualization of modeling results.
Complete interactive 3D model creation and results display;
Integrated results visualization (time history, iso-surface, vector,
and contour plots);
Optimized TOUGH2 executable and modules.
Type and amount of licenses: 1 network license
MicroSkyshine or
similar software
Software shall:
calculate the photon dose from sky scattered gamma ray
radiation. Typical application shall be to determine scattering
from BWR, PWR and other type reactors’ turbine buildings,
radwaste storage facilities, and radwaste disposal sites and etc.
be suitable for evaluation of conformance with US nuclear
regulation commission (NRC): 10CFR50, Appendix I of ALARA
requirements; 40CFR190 fuel cycle exposure criteria (or
equivalent EU criteria).
Software's technical features shall be:
 Analytical method of solution shall be based on the use of
“beam functions” for a point source; i.e. the method
developed for NUREG/CR-0781 (US NRC) or the equivalent
EU standard;
 A variety of silo and wall geometries. Software shall accept
dimensional data in meters, centimeters, feet, or inches;
 The scattering medium shall be air, and the Berger method
shall be used for calculating buildup in an overhead shield.
Any one of several materials may be selected for this
 Library data for radionuclides, attenuation, and buildup shall
be included;
 Source decay may be calculated and daughters generated;
 As many as twenty energy groups (with an energy range of
100 keV–10 MeV) may be created; total concentration entries
shall be automatically converted to curies;
 All calculations performed by software shall assume that the
silo wall or vertical wall is a perfect shield; that is, radiation
through the walls shall not be calculated.
Geometries shall include:
 Point Source In A Silo;
 Vertical Line Source In A Silo;
 Vertical Cylinder Source In A Silo;
 Point Source Behind A Wall;
 Horizontal Line Source Behind A Wall;
 Horizontal Rectangular Area Source Behind A Wall;
 Horizontal Circular Area Source Behind A Wall;
 Vertical Line Source Behind A Wall;
 Vertical Rectangular Area Source Behind A Wall;
 Vertical Circular Area Source Behind A Wall;
psl. 6 iš 11
Rectangular Volume Source Behind A Wall;
Vertical Cylindrical Volume Source Behind A Wall;
Horizontal Cylindrical Source Behind A Wall;
Point Source In A Rectangular Enclosure.
Enhanced software features shall be:
 Microsoft Windows graphical interface;
 Fully interactive input processing and input error checking;
 The main menu allowing to create, save, load, erase, and run
many cases. Possibility to change one data entry without
having to pass through the entire input sequence;
 Batch Processing – Multiple cases may be run in Batch mode;
 Sensitivity Runs – Several parameters may be examined to
determine the resulting dose rate;
 Results may be saved in text, HTML, Microsoft Word, and
Excel formats.
Type and amount of licenses: 2 simple licenses
similar software
Software (or software package) shall contain:
A general-purpose Monte Carlo particle transport code that can
be used for neutron, photon, electron, or coupled
neutron/photon/electron transport, including the capability to
calculate eigenvalues for critical systems.
The code shall treat an arbitrary three-dimensional configuration
of materials in geometric cells bounded by first- and seconddegree surfaces and fourth-degree elliptical tori;
For neutrons, all reactions given in a particular cross-section
evaluation (such as ENDF/B-VI) shall be accounted for. Thermal
neutrons shall be described by both the free gas and S(α,β)
For photons, the code shall account for incoherent and coherent
scattering, the possibility of fluorescent emission after
photoelectric absorption, and absorption in electron-positron pair
Electron/positron transport processes shall account for angular
deflection through multiple Coulomb scattering, collisional energy
loss with optional straggling, and the production of secondary
particles including K x-rays, knock-on and Auger electrons,
bremsstrahlung, and annihilation gamma rays from positron
annihilation at rest;
Photonuclear interaction shall be available for at least some
number of isotopes.
Geometry and output tally plotters;
A rich collection of variance reduction techniques;
A flexible tally structure;
An extensive collection of cross-section data.
A general purpose Monte Carlo radiation transport code that
tracks many particles in wide energy ranges. This code shall be
the same code as above or a separate code that models the
interaction of radiation with matter and:
 Shall have the depletion/burnup capability. The depletion
shall be a linked process involving steady-state flux
calculations and nuclide depletion calculations;
 Shall include transport processes for heavy ions, light ions,
protons, pions, muons, and kaons together with delayedparticle emission, muon capture and charged ions production
from neutron capture;
 Shall contain many tally, source and variance-reduction
 The ‘mesh’ and ‘radiography’ tallies shall be implemented for
2 and 3-dimensional imaging purposes.
psl. 7 iš 11
Standard features of the code shall include:
 Criticality source convergence acceleration;
 Energy-time weight windows;
 Spherical mesh weight windows;
 Tallies termination at desired precision;
 A collection of suitable cross-section data.
The related cross-section data libraries that are developed for use
with this particular code (codes). These data libraries shall be
distributed in ASCII (or Type 1) format with possibility to convert
them to binary (or Type 2) format. They shall include at least
such libraries:
 Continuous-energy Neutron Data Libraries;
 Discrete Neutron Libraries;
 Photoatomic Data Libraries;
 Multigroup Data Libraries;
 Photonuclear Data Libraries;
 Thermal Neutron Data Libraries;
 Electron Data Libraries;
 Dosimetry Data Libraries;
 Proton Data Libraries;
 Pions, muons and kaons Data Libraries;
 Light ions Data Libraries;
 Heavy ions Data Libraries.
Software (or software package) shall be extensively validated and
verificated. It shall run under Unix, Linux, and Windows (or the
equivalent) operating systems and shall be implementable on
various 32-bit and 64-bit workstations and personal computers.
The code (codes) shall have a possibility to be run in parallel.
Visual Editor for interactive construction & visualization of the
code (codes) geometry shall also be supplied.
Type and amount of licenses: 2 simple licenses
SCALE or similar
Computer code shall be worldwide known and applied in various
countries for the evaluation of nuclear fuel facility and package designs
and for nuclear and radiation safety analysis of the systems containing
nuclear or radioactive materials. Computer code shall be capable to
perform the following tasks:
Criticality analysis;
Shielding analysis;
Modelling of radiation source term;
Modelling of spent fuel depletion/decay;
Modelling of reactor physics;
Sensitivity/uncertainty analysis.
Computer code shall have the following features:
Calculation of the neutron multiplication factor for 1-D and 3-D
system models using Monte Carlo method;
3-D burnup credit analysis for criticality safety;
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for criticality safety;
2-D and 3-D spent fuel depletion analysis;
Shielding analysis for 1-D and 3-D system models using either
discrete ordinates or Monte Carlo methods;
Data libraries of the cross sections shall be based on ENDF/B;
Graphical user interface (GUI) for visualization of the model
geometry and modelling results;
Code is capable to run under Unix, Linux, Intel Mac OS X and
Windows XP/Vista (or equivalent) operating systems.
Type and amount of licenses: 2 simple licenses
GAMS software
Software for mathematical problems formulation and optimization must
psl. 8 iš 11
package or similar
satisfy following minimal requirements:
The software must be designed for modelling of mathematical
problems (for example the functioning and development of the
energy system) as well as for modifying, editing and solving
created models.
The formulation of mathematical problems must be performed
using methods similar to commonly used programming languages
(C++, etc.).
Data for models should be entered in familiar forms: lists and
The software must be applicable for modelling and solving largescale, complex mathematical problems.
The user should be able quickly and easily modify and change
the formulation of the mathematical problem, it should be
possible to use different optimization solvers and to use different
optimization methods (linear / nonlinear).
The software should have the integrated development
environment for mathematical models development.
The software should have integrated data browser and charting
engine and the examples of possible models.
The software must allow to model linear, nonlinear and mixed
integer optimization problems.
The mathematical modelling software must be fully compatible
with ILOG CPLEX optimization package. The optimization package
itself should not be included.
The software should operate fast, reliably and stable.
The created model/problem should be possible to view and edit
using commonly used text editors (Notepad, Textpad, MS Word,
The software supplier/producer should provide support, upgrades
and maintenance of the software (at least for one year period).
The software should run on Windows XP, Windows Vista and
Windows 7 (or the equivalent) operating systems (32 and 64
License type and quantity: small MUD (Multi User/Departmental) license
up to 5 users.
AMBER software
package or similar
Flexible graphical-user interface based software tool that allows users to
build their own dynamic compartmental models to represent the
migration, degradation and fate of contaminants (radionuclides) in
environmental and engineered systems. The software should have the
following features:
A powerful, user-friendly graphical interface and also allows textbased editing and reviewing of case files;
Fast and accurate Laplace-transform and numerical time-stepping
Complex time-varying source terms, environmental properties
and transfer processes, which may be linear or non-linear;
The import/export of data with external files to facilitate its
integrated use with other software tools;
Availability of the copying and pasting of parameters and
structures between models;
Built-in parameter checking and 'units awareness' that minimise
the chance of inconsistencies within a model;
Full probabilistic capabilities, allowing full or partial Monte Carlo
or Latin Hypercube sampling and includes a wide range of
available probability density functions;
Any number of contaminants, compartments and transfers to be
Full support for contaminant degradation, decay and in-growth;
psl. 9 iš 11
Availability to define complex algorithms and data sets to
describe the system being modelled, the transfers and the
endpoints of interest;
Built-in graphing as well as Excel export capabilities;
Tutorials and technical supporting documentation.
Safety assessment of near-surface and deep geological
radioactive waste disposal facilities;
Biosphere assessment;
Assessment of routine and accidental releases for radionuclides
into the atmosphere and their subsequent behaviour in
agricultural food-chains;
Assessment of radionuclide releases to both freshwater and
marine aquatic environments;
Assessment of contaminant behaviour following leakage into
ventilation systems;
Assessment of the environmental fate of organic pesticides
applied to farmed land;
Modelling of contaminant transport in saturated and unsaturated
conditions via diffusive and advective processes in porous and
fractured systems
Type and amount of licenses: 1 network license
similar software
Modeling capabilities:
Phase change;
Variety of inlet and outlet b.c.;
Steady-state flow;
Transient flow;
2-D flow - dedicated solver option;
2-D flow - using thin 3-D segment;
3-D flow;
Time-dependent boundary conditions;
Incompressible flow;
Compressible flow;
Natural convection;
Fan model;
Periodic domains;
Porous media;
Heat transfer;
Conjugate heat transfer;
Non-Newtonian viscosity;
Turbulence – isotropic;
Turbulence - anisotropic/RSM/LES;
Turbulence - transitional/SAS/DES;
Dynamic/moving-deforming mesh;
Flow-driven solid motion;
Internal radiation;
External radiation;
Solar radiation;
Flow pathlines (massless);
Particle tracking;
Coupled discrete phase modeling;
Acoustics - noise prediction;
Chemical reaction;
Multiphase - free surface;
Coupled solver;
psl. 10 iš 11
Segregated solver;
Parallel solving on local PC option;
Parallel solving over network.
Report generator;
Vector displays;
Isosurface displays;
Quantitative calculations;
Particle tracing;
Output (images, Excel data)
Type and amount of licenses: 24 parallel licenses
psl. 11 iš 11