Royal Spring Middle - Middle Grade Forums

Royal Spring Middle School
School Statistics
Community: Suburban community in Central
Enrollment: 710
Grade Levels: 6-8
School Schedule: 7 period schedule
Student Demographics
African American
Free/Reduced Lunch
English Learners
2012 AYP: **
Designated: 2013
Royal Spring Middle School
● Scott County Public Schools, Kentucky
● Principal:
Shannon Gullett
● School Address:
332 Champion Way
Georgetown, KY 40324
● Phone:
● E-mail:
● Web site:
Click on Schools tab, Middle Schools,
then RSMS
2011 AYP: 13/10
2010 AYP: 13/10
2009 AYP: 13/11
**As a result of the waiver KY received AYP was not
reported in 2012.
African American
47% Free/Reduced Lunch
English Learners
School Characteristics and Replicable Practices
Academic Excellence
Each nine weeks students do a written reflection on their academic progress that is shared with their
Standards-based grading is being piloted in science.
All teachers are involved in the school-wide on-demand writing days.
‘I Can’ statements are posted in classrooms and teachers use them to communicate expectations to
students. The ‘I Can’ statements are aligned to the common core and state standards.
KY STW 2013
Kentucky Schools to Watch
Royal Spring Middle School
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There is a school-wide focus on literacy. During Reading and Writing Connection classes all core
teachers focus on reading and writing skills. Transactive writing is stressed in science and social studies
classes. The word of the day is displayed on the TVs in the front hall. Students have a quiz on
vocabulary words on Friday.
Student work (e.g., projects, poetry, science posters, graphs) is displayed in hallways throughout the
High academic expectations are held for all students.
Looping in the seventh and eighth grade provides for a strong curriculum transition and saves
instructional time allowing teachers to more fully teach the curriculum.
Most teachers use flashbacks, bellringers, exit slips and golden time closure.
The library media specialist assists science and social studies teachers with researching and textual
Teachers are provided time to discuss curriculum, instruction and assessment during PLC time.
Developmental Responsiveness
A variety of recognitions and celebrations (e.g., Blue/Silver/Gold Cards, Royal T Rallies, spirit stick)
are used to honor student achievements.
Royal T Rallies are a large part of the school culture as they reinforce the community concept used for
organizing students and recognize individual student achievements. Community cheers are developed
and shared at the rally and team competition is held and honored in certain areas (e.g., academics,
behavior, community service, spirit, cleanliness of community area).
The community concept has been intentionally developed and provides students with a smaller group to
identify with creating a sense of belonging. Each community is housed in a separate wing with the
name displayed and a community calendar posted in the hallway.
Looping supports and enhances building relationships between students and teachers.
There is a variety of extra-curricular activities (e.g., German, jewelry-making, environment, geography,
Movie Club) to develop talents and interests of students.
Students are comfortable talking to the adults in the school. They feel that they can express their view
points and discuss problems, when and as needed.
Students have opportunities to participate in service projects (e.g., Toys for Tots, Relay for Life, AMEN
Transition programs for coming into and leaving the middle school are conducted. Incoming students
visit the school in the spring and then during Titan Transition Camp practice switching classes and
opening lockers. Both students and parents do rotations during the camp, parents complete forms and
students get their schedules which helps promote attendance. The Youth Service Center helps with this
MoJo and the Royal T Rally have helped to build a positive school culture.
Operation Preparation and the Reality Store provide students with information about different careers
and future possibilities. The principal talks with seventh and eighth graders about EXPLORE and
people from KHEAA speak about the potential of state monies for post-secondary options.
Social Equity
High expectations are held for all students and a culture has been established to ensure all students
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Kentucky Schools to Watch
Royal Spring Middle School
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In-school suspension (AIM) is not just punitive as students complete packets on why they were assigned
in-school suspension.
A strong, supportive parent teacher organization brings volunteers into the building for various activities
and provides additional resources to the school.
Multiple businesses support the school by providing funding/donations and by being involved in school
programs (e.g., Operation Preparation, Reality Store, after school tutoring).
Red Flag identification of students needing additional support is a proactive approach for keeping
students from falling through the cracks.
The PASS program was implemented to support EBD students in making good choices and for
managing inappropriate behaviors.
The counselor spends time at the beginning of the year working with students and teachers on learning
An anti-bullying task force consists of gifted leadership students who are identified as go-to people for
other students. Administration is involved when needed.
A partnership with Georgetown College is providing after school tutoring services and transportation.
Clear and consistent expectations for behavior in all parts of the building have been established and
communicated to students, and are consistently enforced.
Organizational Structures and Processes
The process for hiring new teachers is an extensive, multiple-layer process that involves teachers.
There are content and grade level PLCs that meet to discuss teaching and learning.
The principal, assistant principal, and dean of students share leadership responsibilities and are all highly
visible in the school and classrooms.
New teachers are welcomed and supported by the staff and administration making them comfortable
seeking assistance when needed.
The building is well-maintained providing students and staff with a healthy, safe learning environment.
The principal holds high expectations for all staff, and as a result staff holds high expectations for
The leadership team is used as a vehicle for updating and sharing information among the staff.
The staff work well together and are positive about being at Royal Spring Middle.
Communities within the school can flex their schedule as needed for activities and projects as there are
no bells.
All planning is very intentional and focused on continuing to move the school forward.
KY STW 2013