Radiological Protection of Patients and Protection in Medical Exposure REGIONAL TC PROJECT Response for (Country): _________________________ Performance indicators THEMATIC SAFETY AREA III 1. Not met, actions underway, but full compliance doubtful 2. Partially met, plan in place with timescale 3. Fully met Perfor Need mance Low Indica Medium High tor Remarks (1, 2, 3) 3.1 Regulations Requirements, equivalent to BSS appendix II, are included in regulations Process and arrangements are in place to achieve compliance by licensees Implementation of the requirements is verified by the Regulatory Authority Scheme for type approval of radiation sources and radiation generating equipment for medical use exists and is practiced 3.2. Patient protection in diagnostic radiology 3.2.1 General Availability of qualified experts in radiodiagnostic physics in large X-ray departments and access to them in smaller departments Arrangements with professional societies to establish mechanisms for education and training of medical and paramedical personnel. 3.2.2 Optimization Image quality assessments and retake evaluations are implemented Arrangements for the rectification of equipment malfunctions are in place, with participation of equipment manufacturers or competent companies Protocols for quality management programmes are adopted by the professional societies Quality management programmes are practiced in Hospitals Surveys of image quality and patient doses in simple radiographic examinations; establishing and using guidance levels and comparison of doses with international standards Exercising dose reduction in conventional radiography by using rare earth intensifying screens: Motivating the hospitals in shifting to better technology of screens/ cassettes; Confirming dose reduction achieved without losing image information Perf Ind PLAIN Page 1 of 3 Performance indicators THEMATIC SAFETY AREA III 1. Not met, actions underway, but full compliance doubtful 2. Partially met, plan in place with timescale 3. Fully met Perfor Need mance Low Indica Medium High tor Remarks (1, 2, 3) Optimization in Fluoroscopy: 1. Shiftover to better technology - like use of image intensifiers and digital detectors - rather than conventional dark room technology 2. Establishing mechanisms for periodic quality control testing of equipment with certification Optimization in digital radiography: Exercising dose reduction in digital radiography by maintaining record of image deletion and retakes, use of higher exposure factors than necessary (that go undetected), use of appropriate filed size etc. Optimization in mammography: Survey of mammography practice and optimization actions in mammography facilities for patient dose and image quality as per IAEA TECDOC Optimization in computed tomography: 1. Is there awareness about high doses in CT examinations 2. Is there adoption of low dose protocols and improvement in patient doses are documented 3. Are there actions on patient dose management in pediatric CT examinations 3.3. Patient protection in interventional radiology 3.3.1 General Availability of qualified experts in radiodiagnostic physics in large X-ray departments and access to them in smaller departments Arrangements with professional societies to establish mechanisms for education and training of medical and paramedical personnel. 3.3.2 Optimization Perf Ind PLAIN 1. Is there awareness about radiation injuries 2. Mechanisms to record and report radiation injuries exist 3. Assessment of patient doses and image quality are regularly performed 4. Estimation of frequency of patients having fluoroscopic exposure > 30 min 5. Follow up of cases of higher doses is done Page 2 of 3 Performance indicators THEMATIC SAFETY AREA III 1. Not met, actions underway, but full compliance doubtful 2. Partially met, plan in place with timescale 3. Fully met Perfor Need mance Low Indica Medium High tor Remarks (1, 2, 3) 3.4. Patient protection in nuclear medicine 3.4.1 General Availability of qualified experts in nuclear medicine physics for large nuclear medicine departments and access to them in smaller departments Arrangements with professional societies to establish mechanisms for education and training of medical and paramedical personnel 3.4.2 Optimization Proven and widely accepted protocols for calibration and quality management and for quality audits adopted, in co-operation with professional societies, along with the establishment of guidance levels for administered radio pharmaceuticals Mechanism for reporting misadministration of therapeutic amounts of radio pharmaceuticals is in place Guidelines on the release of patients: Estimation of radiation dose to family members and public from the radiation exposure from the release of patients after radionuclide therapy based on current recommendations of ICRP 3.5 Patient protection in radiotherapy 3.5.1 General Availability of sufficient qualified experts in radiotherapy physics in each and every radiotherapy department Arrangements with professional societies for education and training in radiation protection for medical and paramedical personnel 3.5.2 Optimization Adequate arrangements for calibration traceability to a Standards Dosimetry Laboratory are in place and calibrations are regularly performed The adoption of proven and widely accepted protocols for calibration and quality management, including quality audits, in cooperation with professional societies is achieved and in use Investigation and prevention of accidents: A mechanism for reporting accidental medical exposures and dissemination of the lessons learned and methods for prevention is in use Disseminate the contents of the courses to national professionals Disseminate to decision makers & administrators Perf Ind PLAIN Page 3 of 3