Scheduling Roll Checklist for 10 - 11 (2)

Calendar Roll Checklist 2010-2011
School Year
Check the appropriate boxes of those items you wish to roll from the previous year. It is your choice to
roll as many or few as you wish, however once rolled we cannot modify. It is best to roll as much as
possible to eliminate setup and configuration each year – minimizes the setup before the scheduling
School Name: ___________________________________
Term Schedules
A Term is the division of the year, Quarters, Semesters, Trimesters, etc. These are used for the Grading
Term Start Dates/End Dates
Term Date is the start/end date of the year, Quarters, Semesters, Trimesters, etc. This is used for
Calendar Setup.
Period Schedules
Periods define the units in a student’s day for Scheduling and the number of minutes in each period.
Period start and stop times may be defined at a later time. This is where Eagle time, Titan time, Thunder
time, etc., are defined and included with your periods lists. Please attach your Period Schedule.
Courses are the classes offered at the school. This includes both inactive and active courses from the
previous year. You do not need to choose Sections to choose Courses.
Sections with schedule placement
Sections include all sections created from previous year and the period that the section was offered in
the previous year. Note you must choose courses to choose Sections.
Teacher Assignment
Teacher Assignment means that the same teacher teaching the same courses and sections. Use this
option if teacher population stays the same year to year without a a lot of movement. Note you must
roll Courses and Sections to choose this option.
Room Assignments
Rooms are optional in Infinite Campus. If the Section is taught in the same room year to year, choose to
roll Room Assignments. Note you must choose Courses and Sections to choose this option.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Calendar Roll Checklist 2010-2011
School Year
Check the appropriate boxes of those items you wish to roll from the previous year. It is your choice to
roll as many or few as you wish, however once rolled we cannot modify. It is best to roll as much as
possible to eliminate setup and configuration each year – minimizes the setup before the scheduling
Grading Tasks and Credits
Grading Tasks are used to grade throughout the year, currently used are Semester, Semester InProgress,
Quarter 1 or Quarter 2 and Eligibility (examples). Please list if you will not be using the Eligibility
Grading Task.
Scheduling Rules
Scheduling rules include same section same teacher or same period etc. Example: a scheduling rule to
allow Students Taking Algebra II first semester to have the same teacher for Algebra II second semester.
Color Day Scheduling
List the Color Day that you plan use for scheduling (Blue Day – Full)
Color Day Period Mapping
List the relationship between the Full Day Schedule and the Color Day Schedule. Example: Period 8 Full
day = Period 4 on Green Day.
Registration Days open on the Parent/Student Portal
List the days you want Student course request registration opened and closed on the Portal. Note: If
Registration will open and close multiple times, please create and attach schedule.
Date: __________________________________
Assistant Principal Signature: ______________________________________________________
Counselor Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Registrar Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Calendar Roll Checklist 2010-2011
School Year
Check the appropriate boxes of those items you wish to roll from the previous year. It is your choice to
roll as many or few as you wish, however once rolled we cannot modify. It is best to roll as much as
possible to eliminate setup and configuration each year – minimizes the setup before the scheduling
Tuesday, January 12, 2010