doITlive Mailinglist module

Mailinglist module
General Description
Content HTML
Receivers / Excluded users
Members / non Members
Non members
7.1.1 Subscribe
7.1.2 Unsubscribe
7.1.3 Non Members setup
7.2.1 Members tags
7.2.2 #subtags usage
Advanced options
1. General Description
“Mailinglist” is an additional module available for Webscape CMS systems, providing
an online interface for sending of mail direct from the CMS to a list of email
addresses or alternatively a user group, the email content can be manually created
or taken automatically from an internal DOC ID.
The system supports both HTML and plaintext formats, and if required, is integrated
with the user/group module, to facilitate bulk sending of mails to groups of users.
The system also supports Subscribe and Unsubscribe options for receiving users,
dynamic generation of recently updated document lists, and remembering user email
format preferences.
This module uses the standard email component supplied and configured.
2. Screenshot
Mailing list module supports multiple instances, so you can predefine your bulk
emails and create many lists.
Click the New to create a new Mailinglist, each is created with a new ID number.
Specify a descriptive name for your Mailinglist
Dropdown select between
Send emails in user specified format.
Checks the value HTML in the user
database and sends mail in the
corresponding format. Only works for
registered users.
Send emails in HTML format.
Send emails in Plaintext format.
Sends to this list in the HTML format
Sends to this list in Plaintext format
From Name: A Descriptive name for the “From” Field on sent mails
From Email:
The mail address the mail is sent from,
NB. Some servers require this to be a valid address.
To name:
Used for the “To:” field of outgoing emails
you can use tags: #USERNAME, #FORENAME, #SURNAME, #EMAIL
To Email:
Sets the address of outgoing emails, almost always set to:
Subject for sent mails
4. TAGS: Throughout this module you may use dynamic tags to render fields from
the user database.
Available tags for use in subject:
Additional tags for use in content:
You may also use any of the usual dynamic tags, like [%INDEX%] to generate a list
of documents from your application,
5. Content:
Content may be dynamically extracted from a CMS doc, by Setting the radio button
to DOC ID and selecting the ID number. Or content can be written manually by
selecting Custom from the radio button. All the above tags may be used, along with
any of the CMS’s usually dynamic tags.
If you are using the options to “send emails in user selected format” then you will
need to supply content for both HTML and the Plaintext fields.
There is a stylesheet dropdown, to apply a stylesheet from the stylesheet module.
Sample content may look like:
Thanks for registering for the #GROUPNAME Mailinglist. If you want to
unsubscribe at anytime you may click here: #UNSUBSCRIBE
You will need to login to view the content your username is #USERNAME and
password is #PASSWORD”
You may also use the tool bar to include any images, build tables, set links etc.
Plain text content may use the Mailinglist tags : #USERNAME, #PASSWORD,
You may also use any dynamic tags, but remember that if your tag renders elements
in HTML format they will not be shown correctly for users who have selected “Plain
email” format
6. Receivers:
This list is the list of addresses that the email will be sent out to; it supports the
name format like []
And uses “; “ as a delimiter.
Duplicates are removed when you save your Mailinglist object.
You may also select a group that has been defined in the USERS Group system using
the dropdown option. The Mailinglist will then send to all users who are members of
that selected group, along with extracting all the relevant information for the tags
like #name etc.
Always exclude:
As above, except excluded from mail outs. When a user unsubscribes they are placed
in this list and then excluded from any mail outs. It’s also possible to use the
dropdown to exclude a whole member group.
7.Members / Non Members:
There are two modes to run the Mailinglist in, Members and non members. These
can be run concurrently.
7.1 Non members
This method does not require the customer to put in any info other than their email
A simple form can be used to register email addresses in the “Receivers” list
7.1.1 Subscribe:
<form name='mailinglist' method='GET' action='default.asp'>
<input type='hidden' name='SHOW' value='FALSE'>
<input type='hidden' name='TYPE' value='MAIL'>
<input type='hidden' name='id' value='2'>
<input type='text' name='EMAIL'>
<BR>Please Enter your Email Address<BR>
<input type='submit' value='Subscribe'>
7.1.2 Unsubscribe sample form:
<form name='mailinglist' method='GET' action='default.asp'>
<input type='hidden' name='SHOW' value='FALSE'>
<input type='hidden' name='TYPE' value='MAIL'>
<input type='hidden' name='id' value='2'>
<input type='text' name='EMAIL'>
<BR>Please Enter your Email Address<BR>
<input type='submit' value='unSubscribe'>
7.1.3 Non members setup:
The non members can also Subscribe and Un-subscribe by use of simple links of the
following type:
Where the Action option is SUB or UNSUB
TYPE must always be MAIL
ID is the number of the relevant Mailinglist
EMAIL is the address of the person you want to sub/unsub
Using these options you can build any type of form you fit your solution
7.2 Members:
In this setup you may use the [%USER_NEW%] and [%USER_EDIT%] tags to make
your subscriber a member of a user group, which can then be included in the
receivers list.
This method will allow you to collect and store much more information on your client.
When making subscribers members of groups you can also assign access rights to
these groups, hence allowing, by email registration access to restricted parts of your
It will also allow the subscribers (now users) to select whether they like to receive
HTML or plain text format email.
7.2.1 Members tags:
This tag functions as described in the tags database, at with
the additional subtag #HTMLEMAIL. Inclusion of this subtag will include a checkbox
which when checked registers that the user prefers HTML format email. Your mailing
list will need to be set to “Send emails in user specified format.”
Sample user new tag including use of subtags #USERGROUPS and #HTMLEMAIL
also java script Select all option.
Paste your tags into the /tags system to decode all the other parameters.
<TABLE width=333 border=0>
<TBODY style="width:256px">
<td style="width:123px">Forename</td>
<td style="width:10px" rowspan="8"> </td>
<td style="width:200px">#FORENAME</td>
<TD>E-mail updates
<legend>Subscribe me to:</legend>
<input name="allbox" type="checkbox" value="Check All"
onClick="CheckAll()#SEMI"> check/uncheck all<BR><BR>
#HTMLEMAIL I prefer HTML mail
are required to complete fields marked with *<BR><BR>
;Your login information for
;<P>Hello, #FORENAME #SURNAME <#EMAIL><BR><BR>You have sent a request
to obtain your password for your account at <A
href=""></A><BR><BR>Username: #USERNAME<BR>Password:
#PASSWORD<BR><BR>Please use this password the next time you log on and don't
forget that your username <BR>and password is case sensitive!. If you continue to
experience any problems, you can <BR>us at <A
ncerely,<BR> </P>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-function CheckAll()
for (var i=0;i<document.usernew.elements.length;i++)
var e = document.usernew.elements[i];
if (( != 'allbox') && ( == 'u_group') &&
e.checked = document.usernew.allbox.checked;
Already registered users can edit their profile with this tag, and can permit
registering into multiple user groups.
A full description of the tags functions and parameters are available at but here we’ll cover the part specific to a mailinglist member
Sample USER_EDIT tag including use of subtags #USERGROUPS and #HTMLEMAIL
also java script Select all option.
<TABLE width=333 border=0>
<TBODY style="width:256px">#ERRORMSG
<td style="width:123px">Forename</td>
<td style="width:10px" rowspan="8"> </td>
<td style="width:200px">#FORENAME</td>
<TD>E-mail updates
<legend>Subscribe me to:</legend>
<input name="allbox" type="checkbox" value="Check All"
onClick="CheckAll()#SEMI"> check/uncheck all<BR><BR>
#HTMLEMAIL I prefer HTML mail
in all required fields<br><br>%]
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-function CheckAll()
for (var i=0;i<document.usernew.elements.length;i++)
var e = document.usernew.elements[i];
if (( != 'allbox') && ( == 'u_group') &&
e.checked = document.usernew.allbox.checked;
7.2.2 Subtags desription and usage:
This subtag can be used to dynamically list a series of available groups to Subscribe
or Unsubscribe to.
For example #USERGROUP0010 will list group ID:10 and all children groups.
The groups must have “Allow self registration” enabled
This can be used to render available groups, as ”already selected”
As above but the checkbox’s are already ticked.
This subtag renders a Checkbox which allows the user to set preference to HTML
email or Plain text.
8. Advanced applications:
Scenario 1:
A site is designed to be an invitation to an event. We create an invitation in the
mailinglist content and send it to a list of “receivers”. In the content of the email,
the invitees are asked to visit the site, and register for the event. The USER_NEW
tag registers them as members of the “accepted” group. And by using the “Exclude
group” to exclude the “accepted” group we can resend the Invitation only to those
who have not registered already.
Scenario 2:
As the USER_EDIT tag can now be used to let the member add themselves to groups,
then this can be used to personalize the member visitors content at the website, For
example, If a visitor edits their profile to be a member of the “Search” group, then
on their next visit they can be offered the options of a “power search”, Alternatively
they could register to only show selected topics, which can then be included by use
of the group access rights.