Bone Tissue

6 PART 1
Bones and Skeletal Tissues
Location and basic structure of cartilages
Found throughout adult body
• Cartilage in the external ear
• Cartilage of the nose
• Articular cartilages and costal cartilage
• Cartilages in the larynx and trachea
• Intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, and articular discs
Surrounds cartilages
Resists outward pressure
Functions in growth and repair of cartilage
Consists primarily of water
Is a resilient tissue
Springs back to original shape
Types of Cartilage
All cartilages share some similarities
Cell type is the chondrocyte
Chondrocytes are located within lacunae
Matrix contains
• Fibers
• Jellylike ground substance
Types of Cartilage
Hyaline cartilage
Most abundant cartilage
Chondrocytes appear spherical
Collagen unit fibril is the only type of fiber in the matrix
Ground substance holds a large amount of water
Provides support through flexibility
Types of Cartilage
Elastic cartilage
Contains many elastic fibers
Able to tolerate repeated bending
Locations—epiglottis and cartilage of external ear
Resists strong compression and strong tension
An intermediate between hyaline and elastic cartilage
Locations—pubic symphysis, menisci of knee, anulus fibrosus
Growth of Cartilage
Appositional growth
Chondroblasts in surrounding perichondrium produce new cartilage
Interstitial growth
Chondrocytes within cartilage divide and secrete new matrix
Cartilage stops growing when the skeleton stops growing
Tissues in Bone
Bones contain several types of tissues
Dominated by bone connective tissue
Contain nervous tissue and blood connective tissue
Contain cartilage in articular cartilages
Contain epithelial tissue lining blood vessels
Function of Bones
Support—provide hard framework
Movement—skeletal muscles use bones as levers
Protection of underlying organs
Mineral storage—reservoir for important minerals
Blood cell formation—bone contains red marrow
Energy metabolism—osteoblasts secrete osteocalcin
Bone Tissue
Bone tissue
Organic components
• Cells, fibers, and ground substance
Inorganic components
• Mineral salts that invade bony matrix
Extracellular Matrix
Unique composition of matrix
Gives bone exceptional properties
35%—organic components
• Contribute to flexibility and tensile strength
65%—inorganic components
• Provide exceptional hardness, resist compression
Three types of cells in bone produce or maintain bone
Osteogenic cells—stem cells that differentiate into osteoblasts
Osteoblasts—actively produce and secrete bone matrix
• Bone matrix is osteoid
Osteocytes—keep bone matrix healthy
Found within bone tissue
Responsible for resorption of bone
Are derived from a line of white blood cells
Secrete hydrochloric acid and lysosomal enzymes
Classification of Bones
Long bones—longer than wide; a shaft plus ends
Short bones—roughly cube-shaped
Flat bones—thin and flattened, usually curved
Irregular bones—various shapes, do not fit into other categories
Gross Anatomy of Bones
Compact bone
Dense outer layer of bone
Spongy (cancellous) bone
Internal network of bone
• Trabeculae—little “beams” of bone
• Open spaces between trabeculae are filled with marrow
Structure of a Typical Long Bone
Diaphysis—“shaft” of a bone
Epiphyses—ends of a bone
Blood vessels—well vascularized
Medullary cavity—hollow cavity filled with yellow marrow
Periosteum, perforating collagen fiber bundles (Sharpey’s fibers), and endosteum
Structure of Short, Irregular, and Flat Bones
Flat bones, short bones, and irregular bones
Contain bone marrow but no marrow cavity
• Internal spongy bone of flat bones
Gross Anatomy of Bones
Bone design and stress
Anatomy of a bone reflects stresses
Compression and tension greatest at external surfaces
Bone Markings
Superficial surfaces of bones reflect stresses on them
There are three broad categories of bone markings:
Projections for muscle attachment
Surfaces that form joints
Depressions and openings
Microscopic Structure of Compact Bones
Compact bone
Contains passage ways for blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves
• Long cylindrical structures
• Function in support
• Structurally resemble rings of a tree in cross section
Microscopic Structure of Compact Bones
Osteons contain:
Central canal
Perforating canals
Microscopic Structure of Compact Bones
Spongy bone
Is less complex than compact bone
Trabeculae contain layers of lamellae and osteocytes
• Are too small to contain osteons
6 PART 2
Bones and Skeletal Tissues
Bone Development
Ossification (osteogenesis)—bone tissue formation
Membrane bones—formed directly from mesenchyme
• Intramembranous ossification
Other bones—develop initially from hyaline cartilage
• Endochondral ossification
Endochondral Ossification
All bones except some bones of the skull and clavicles
Bones are modeled in hyaline cartilage
Begins forming late in the second month of embryonic development
Continues forming until early adulthood
Anatomy of Epiphyseal Growth Areas
In epiphyseal plates of growing bones:
Cartilage is organized for quick, efficient growth
Cartilage cells form tall stacks
• Chondroblasts at the top of stacks divide quickly
Pushes the epiphysis away from the diaphysis
Lengthens entire long bone
Anatomy of Epiphyseal Growth Areas
Older chondrocytes signal surrounding matrix to calcify
Older chondrocytes then die and disintegrate
Leaves long trabeculae (spicules) of calcified cartilage on diaphysis side
Trabeculae are partly eroded by osteoclasts
Osteoblasts then cover trabeculae with bone tissue
Trabeculae finally eaten away from their tips by osteoclasts
Postnatal Growth of Endochondral Bones
During childhood and adolescence:
Bones lengthen entirely by growth of the epiphyseal plates
Cartilage is replaced with bone connective tissue as quickly as it grows
Epiphyseal plate maintains constant thickness
Whole bone lengthens
Postnatal Growth of Endochondral Bones
As adolescence draws to an end:
Chondroblasts divide less often
Epiphyseal plates become thinner
• Cartilage stops growing
• Replaced by bone tissue
Long bones stop lengthening when diaphysis and epiphysis fuse
Postnatal Growth of Endochondral Bones
Growing bones widen as they lengthen
Osteoblasts—add bone tissue to the external surface of the diaphysis
Osteoclasts—remove bone from the internal surface of the diaphysis
Appositional growth—growth of a bone by addition of bone tissue to its surface
Hormonal Regulation of Bone Growth
Growth hormone—produced by the pituitary gland
Stimulates epiphyseal plates
Thyroid hormone—ensures that the skeleton retains proper proportions
Sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone)
Promote bone growth
Later induces closure of epiphyseal plates
Bone Remodeling
Bone is a dynamic living tissue
500 mg of calcium may enter or leave the adult skeleton each day
Bone matrix and osteocytes are continually removed and replaced
Cancellous bone of the skeleton is replaced every 3–4 years
Compact bone is replaced every 10 years
Bone Remodeling
Bone deposit and removal
Occurs at periosteal and endosteal surfaces
Bone remodeling
Bone deposition—accomplished by osteoblasts
Bone reabsorption—accomplished by osteoclasts
Osteoclast—A Bone-Degrading Cell
A giant cell with many nuclei
Crawls along bone surfaces
Breaks down bone tissue
Secretes concentrated HCl
Lysosomal enzymes are released
Derived from hematopoietic stem cells
Repair of Bone Fractures
Simple and compound fractures
Treatment by reduction
Closed reduction
Open reduction
Disorders of Bones
Characterized by low bone mass
• Bone reabsorption outpaces bone deposition
• Occurs most often in women after menopause
Disorders of Bones
Occurs in adults—bones are inadequately mineralized
Occurs in children—analogous to osteomalacia
Disorders of Bones
A form of bone cancer
The Skeleton Throughout Life
Cartilage grows quickly in youth
Skeleton shows fewer chondrocytes in the elderly
Bones are a timetable
• Gives rise to embryonic mesenchyme cells
• Produces membranes and cartilage
Membranes and cartilage ossify
The Skeleton Throughout Life
Skeleton grows until the age of 18–21 years
In children and adolescents, bone formation exceeds rate of bone reabsorption
In young adults, bone formation and bone reabsorption are in balance
In old age, reabsorption predominates
Bone mass declines with age