Soil Test Correlation and Calibration for Recommendations C.C. Mitchell, Rao Mylavarapu, and Nathan Slaton Three terms often used in soil testing circles are “correlation”, “calibration”, and “interpretation”. While these have been used and defined over the years (Brown, 1987), they continue to form the basis of our soil testing programs. The Glossary of Soil Science Terms (1996), defines these terms: Soil test correlation. The process of determining the relationship between plant nutrient uptake or yield and the amount of nutrient extracted by a particular soil test method. Soil test calibration. The process of determining the crop nutrient requirement at different soil test values. Soil test interpretation. The process of developing nutrient application recommendations from soil test concentrations, and other soil, crop, economic, environmental and climatic information. Without some correlation and calibration, interpretation would be impossible. Therefore, putting soil test values to practical use by growers involve all three processes. These processes have been described in detail in previous publications (Corey, 1987; Cope and Rouse, 1973; Eckert, 1987; Evans, 1987; Olson et al, 1987). Most soil test correlation and calibration data in the southern U.S. were collected in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s by researchers working at state agricultural experiment stations. Some states are able to continually update and re-visit their calibration through research verification trials, new soil fertility research, or long-term research. However, public support for this type of research is not readily available. Results from earlier research were often published as state experiment station or extension circulars and may be difficult to access outside of the state where it was published. Also, data were often extracted from other soil fertility research projects and may not appear simply as “soil test calibration” research. An example is J.T. Cope’s Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 561 (1984) which summarized several long-term soil fertility experiments. These experiments also provided important data for soil test calibration in Alabama but soil testing is not mentioned in the title. Also, most state laboratories have summarized their correlation and calibration research and included relevant information from adjacent states into publications or web sites summarizing their soil test calibration and interpretation. Today, most of these are on-line documentations or are part of a laboratory’s web site, e.g. Oklahoma’s web site ( This information is accessible through the SERA-6 website, Two southern cooperative series bulletins initiated by SERA-6 attempted to compile correlation, calibration and interpretation for peanuts and cotton on Coastal Plain soils (Mitchell, 1994; Mitchell, 2010). However, because of the diversity of soils, crops, and climates in the southern region and because of the autonomy of state agricultural experiment stations and state Land Grant Universities, soil test interpretations remain largely a state-by-state function. Table 1 1 (Savoy, 2009) documents soil test calibration used by public soil testing laboratories in the Southern Region. References Adams, J.F., C.C. Mitchell, and H.H. Bryant. 1994. Soil test fertilizer recommendations for Alabama crops. Agron. & Soils Dep. Ser. No. 178. Ala. Agric. Exp. Stn. Auburn University, AL. Brown, J.R. 1987. Soil testing: sampling, correlation, calibration, and interpretation. SSSA Spec. pub. No. 21. Soil Science Soc. Amer. Madison, WI. Cope, J.T., Jr. and R.D. Rouse. 1973. Interpretation of soil test results. In L.M. Walsh and J.D. Beaton (editors) Soil testing and plant analysis. Revised edition. Soil Sci. Soc. America, Madison, WI. Cope, J.T. 1984. Long-term fertility experiments on cotton, corn, soybeans, sorghum, and peanuts, 1929-1982. Ala. Agric. Exp. S Bul. 561. Auburn University, AL Corey, R.B. 1987. Soil test procedures: correlation. In J.R. Brown (editor) Soil testing: sampling, correlation, calibration, and interpretation. SSSA Spec. Pub. No 21. Soil Sci. Soc. of America. Madison, WI. Evans, C.E. 1987. Soil test calibration. In J.R. Brown (editor) Soil testing: sampling, correlation, calibration, and interpretation. SSSA Spec. Pub. No 21. Soil Sci. Soc. of America. Madison, WI. Eckert, D.J. 1987. Soil test interpretations: basic cation saturation ratios and sufficiency levels. In J.R. Brown (editor) Soil testing: sampling, correlation, calibration, and interpretation. SSSA Spec. Pub. No 21. Soil Sci. Soc. of America. Madison, WI. Glossary of Soil Science Terms. 1997. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Madison, WI. Mitchell, C.C. 1994. Research-based soil testing interpretation and fertilizer recommendations for peanuts on Coastal Plain soils. Sou. Coop. Ser. Bul. No. 380. Ala. Agric. Exp. Stn. Auburn University, AL Mitchell, C.C. 2010. Research-based soil testing interpretation and fertilizer recommendations for cotton on Coastal Plain soils. Sou. Coop. Ser. Bul. No. 410. Ala. Agric. Exp. Stn. Auburn University, AL. Olson, R.A., F.N. Anderson, K.D. Frank, P.H. Grabouski, G.W. Rehm, and C.A. Shapiro. 1987. Soil test interpretaions: sufficiency vs. build-up and maintenance. In J.R. Brown (editor) Soil testing: sampling, correlation, calibration, and interpretation. SSSA Spec. Pub. No 21. Soil Sci. Soc. of America. Madison, WI. Savoy, H.J. 2009. Procedures used by state soil testing laboratories in the southern region of the United States. Sou. Coop. Ser. Bul. 409. 2 Table 1. Soil test calibrations by extractant for phosphorus and potassium by the 13 Southern States and PR (from Savoy, 2009).. State AL Method a Mehlich 1 Soil Crop All Peanuts All Peanuts Phosphorus, lb./acre VL L M H 0-4 5-10 11-19 20-50 Soil Text. VH 51200d CEC meq/ 100g 0-9 0-4.5 4.69.0 >9.0 Lancaster All CEC< 9 All except peanuts O-12 13-25 26-50 51100 101200 All CEC 9+ All except peanuts 0-7 8-15 16-30 31-60 61-120 >9.0 All All 0-18 19-36 37-72 73144 145 >9.0 Black Belt Potassium, lb./acre b VL L M H VH 0-20 21-28 29-40 41-100 101+ 21-30 31-42 43-60 61-150 151+ 31-40 41-57 58-80 81-200 201+ 61-120 121-240 241+ 0-9.0 288 Clays Mehlich 1 Cotton, 0-4.5 0-30 0-4.5 0-20 21-40 41-80 81-160 161+ Cotton, 4.6 0-45 46-90 91-180 181-360 361+ legumes, 9.0 0-30 31-60 61-120 121-240 241+ >9.0 0-60 161120 121-240 241-280 481+ >9.0 0-40 41-80 81-160 161-320 321+ >9.0 0.80 81160 161-240 241-480 481+ >9.0 0.50 51120 121-190 191-320 321+ 181-260 261-350 > 350 legumes, and vegetables Grasses, corn, peanut, and soybean and vegetables Grasses, 4.6 corn, peanut, 9.0 and soybean Cotton, legumes, and vegetables Grasses, corn, peanut, and soybean Lan- Cotton, caster legumes, and vegetables Grasses, corn, peanut, and soybean AR Mehlich 3 All Cotton < 32 32-50 51-70 71100 > 101 < 120 121180 3 State Method a Soil AR Corn < 32 32-50 51-70 71100 > 101 < 120 121180 181-260 261-350 > 350 Soybean < 32 32-50 51-70 71100 > 101 < 120 121180 181-260 261-350 > 350 Crop Phosphorus, lb./acre VL L M Wheat < 32 32-50 51-70 Rice < 32 32-50 51-70 Grain sorghum Forages for < 32 < 32 32-50 32-50 Soil Text. H 51-70 51-70 pasture (including legumes) VH 71100 71100 71100 71 CEC Potassium, lb./acre b VL L M H VH > 101 < 120 121180 181-260 261-350 > 350 > 101 < 120 121180 181-260 261-350 > 350 121180 181-260 261-350 > 350 meq/ 100g > 101 < 120 > 101 100 Forages for pasture < 32 Turf grasses < 32 Commercial < 40 vegetables 32-50 32-50 51-70 51-70 > 350 < 120 121180 71100 71100 > 101 < 120 > 101 <42 181-260 261-350 121180 181-260 261-350 > 350 42-80 81-120 121-200 >200 3516000 >151 40-60 61-80 81 <122 122180 181-260 261-350 0-40 41-70 71-120 121-250 251+ 150 FL GA Mehlich 1 All All Mehlich 1 Coastal Plain All except peanut, legumes, cotton, stone fruits, nuts, 0-20 21-30 31-60 0-30 31-60 61100 101+ 0-60 61-150 151-250 251+ 0-30 31-60 61 101+ 0-70 71-170 171-275 276+ 61+ 0-30 31-75 76-125 125+ 61119 120+ lawns, ornamentals, and vegetables Coastal Cotton, legumes, Plain stone fruits, nuts, 100 and vegetables Coastal Plain Peanut 0-15 16-30 Piedmont All except peanut, legumes, cotton, stone fruits, nuts, 0-20 21-40 4175 76+ 0-100 101-200 201-350 351+ 0-20 21-40 41 76+ 0-120 121-250 251-400 401+ 35+ 0-50 51-100 101-175 175+ 201+ 0-150 151-250 251-450 451+ 3160 lawns, ornamentals, vegetables Piedmont Cotton, legumes, stone fruits,nuts, 75 vegetables Piedmont Peanut 0-10 11-20 0-50 51100 GA Mehlich 1 All Golf greens and tees, ornamentals, and flowers State Method a Soil Crop KY Mehlich 3 All Corn, soybean 2135 101200 Phosphorus, lb./acre VL L M H 0-5 6-27 28-60 61+ Soil Text. VH CEC meq/ 100g Potassium, lb./acre b VL L M H 0-99 100-190 191-300 301+ VH 4 LA Mehlich 3 All Burley tobacco 0-6 7-28 29-57 58-79 0-96 96-205 206-303 304450 451+ Mehlich 3 All Alfalfa 0-8 9-27 28-60 61+ 0-97 97-203 204-296 297447 448+ Mehlich 3 Coastal Plain All 0-10 11-40 41-80 81+ Sandy loams 4 0-90 91-136 137-227 228+ Flatwoods All 0-10 11-35 36-70 71+ VFsan 6 0-113 114-182 183-273 274+ Silt loams 8 0-136 137-227 228-318 319+ Silt loams 10 0-182 183-273 274-364 365+ Very 8 0-136 137-227 228-318 319+ Silt loams 10 0-182 183-273 274-364 365+ Clay loams 15 0-227 228-364 365-455 456+ Loamy sands 4 0-90 91-136 137-227 228+ Very 8 0-136 137-227 228-318 319+ Silt loams 10 0-182 183-273 274-364 365+ Silt loams 15 0-227 228-364 365-500 501+ Clays 20 0-318 319-454 455-682 683+ 81 + dy loams Miss. Terraces Coastal All All 0-10 0-10 11-35 11-30 36-70 31-70 71+ 71+ prairies fine sandy loams Alluvial All 0-40 41-60 61120 121+ fine sandy loams Table 7…. Continued State MS Method a Lancaster Soil All Group 1 c Crop Phosphorus, lb./acre VL L M All except rice 0-18 19-36 37-72 Rice 0-9 10-18 19-36 H 73144 3745 Soil Text. VH CEC meq/ 100g VL L <7 0-40 41-80 7-14 0-50 51-110 0-60 61-130 25+ 0-70 71-150 <8 0-50 51-110 8-14 0-60 61-140 0-70 71-160 0-80 81-180 M H VH 145+ 46+ 1525 Group 2 Potassium, lb./acre b 1525 25+ 81120 121210 211+ 111160 161280 281+ 131180 181315 316+ 151200 201350 351+ 111160 161280 281+ 141190 191335 336+ 161210 211370 371+ 181240 241420 421+ 5 Group 3 <8 0-70 71-150 8-14 0-90 91-190 15 0-120 25 25+ NCa Mehlich 3 All All 0-21 22-54 55107 108 215+ 0-150 0-34 151200 201350 351+ 191240 241420 421+ 121 241 291510 240 290 151260 35-87 - 261320 321560 88 175348 511+ 561+ 349+ 174 214 OK Mehlich 3 PR Bray P1 State 21-40 41-65 65+ 0-10 11-20 21+ <156 Bray P2 0-10 21-40 41+ <156 Olsen 0-12 13-35 36+ <156 Method a All All 0-20. All Soil Crop Phosphorus, lb./acre VL SC TN Mehlich 1 Mehlich 1 0-50 L M H Soil Text. VH CEC meq/ 100g VA a b d 156312 156312 156312 251350 351+ 313+ 313+ 313+ VL L M H VH 0-70 71-156 157-235 236+ 0-70 71-156 157-235 236+ Coastal Plain All except peanut 0-30 31-60 61-120 Piedmont All except peanut 0-20 21-40 41-80 All Peanut 0-10 11-19 20-50 50+ 0-28 29-40 41-100 100+ All All except cotton 0-18 19-30 31-120 121+ 0-90 91-160 161-320 321+ 0-140 141180 181-319 320+ 16-75 76-175 176-310 311+ Mehlich 3 Mehlich 1 151250 Potassium, lb./acre b 121240 81240 cotton TX 51-150 All All All 0-3 4-11 12-35 36-110 111+ 0-15 Extractants listed for phosphorus. Extractants listed for potassium. Groups are combinations of soil types and crops. In Alabama only this is termed Extremely High (EH) instead of Very High (VH) (for phosphorus only) to indicate that the supply of phosphorus is more than five times the critical value. 6