DATE: Feb. 29, 1996

May 29 2014
Board Members unable to attend May 28 Regular MVTA Board
Meeting Summary
Here is a meeting summary of the MVTA May 28, 2014 regular meeting of the MVTA Board of
Directors. Supplemental materials and meeting hand-outs are posted at
1. The meeting was called to order at 4:31 p.m. by Chair Clint Hooppaw. A quorum was present.
2. The Agenda and the Consent Agenda were approved.
3. Jane Kansier provided an update of the BlueXpress merger discussions. She noted that there was an
Elected Work Group (EWG) meeting on May 22 at which time MVTA representatives were very
clear about their position on two issues (non-starters): return of assets and service guarantees. Prior
Lake had a worksession on May 27 and reports indicate the City’s attorney accurately reflected the
discussion at the EWG meeting. Although there are some points to be clarified in the Consolidation
Agreement, Prior Lake indicated a willingness to proceed with the merger. Shakopee has a
worksession next week. A similar discussion to that at Prior Lake is anticipated in Shakopee, with the
understanding there may be some further issues of clarification. MVTA staff will alert the Board
after learning the results of the Shakopee Worksession.
4. Clint Hooppaw thanked Jane Kansier and Jen Lehmann for their leadership in the BlueXpress
Merger Effort, indicating facts and detail helps the MVTA elected Board in their decision-making
5. Jane Kansier then provided an update regarding the provider RFP. An updated memo was distributed
to Board members. She reviewed the RFP process and three three-step evaluation process: 1) Did
firms meet the mandatory elements; 2) An Evaluation Committee comprised of two MVTA staff and
TWGs Steve Albrecht of Burnsville and Troy Beam of Scott County reviewed the technical
requirements of the proposers and then reviewed the cost proposals; 3) Two firms – MV
Transportation and Schmitty and Sons Transit were selected for interviews by MVTA Chair Clint
Hooppaw, Secretary/Treasurer Jane Victorey, Executive Director Beverley Miller, Jane Kansier and
Lois Spear of the MVTA staff.
6. At this evening’s meeting, staff sought direction to begin contract negotiations with Schmitty and
Sons. There was discussion regarding the memo and attachments, with support from both Jane
Victorey and Clint Hooppaw on the process and the decision. Motion by Bill Coughlin and seconded
by Jon Ulrich to direct staff to begin contract negotiations with Schmitty and Sons Transit. Motion
carried on a unanimous roll-call vote.
7. Board members were alerted of the Strategic Planning Committee meeting on June 25 prior to the
full Board meeting and that this session will take place at the Eagan Bus Garage as part of the Grand
Re-Opening of the facility. The Strategic Planning Committee will review Strategic Priorities for
public promotion.
8. A full report on the session will be provided by Messerli & Kramer, in written form, at the June
Board meeting. Gary Hansen noted given that little was accomplished in the area of transportation
this year, next year is expected to be the “Transportation Session,” but will be subject to fall election
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9. Jon Ulrich and Gary Hansen reported that TAB did not approve a CMAQ award of funds to the
Cedar Grove Transit Station project, despite support from Dakota and Scott County representatives.
It was noted that there may be other opportunities to pursue funding for the Cedar Grove project.
10. A number of recent transit-related articles were included in the MVTA packet for review by Board
members. Further, information was included regarding upcoming conferences. Anyone wishing to
join Gary Hansen in attending the APTA conference should notify Robin Selvig as soon as possible.
Clint Hooppaw has expressed interested in attending RailVolution (program not yet released) and
Board members will also be kept apprised of the MPTA conference given its location in St. Paul this
11. Final reminder that the next Board meeting in June 25 and will take place at the Eagan Bus Garage,
and will include tours of the remodeled facilities, cake and refreshments.
12. Jen Lehmann gave a brief update of discussions regarding MVTA’s plans and work with the City of
Eagan regarding the Twin Cities Premium Outlet mall opening on August 14. The site is across the
street from the Cedar Grove Transit Station and MVTA staff has been working closely with City of
Eagan Staff as well as their traffic consultant on this project. MVTA has identified some key points
and is creating its own plan for review and discussion with Eagan. Routes will operate on detour on
opening weekend and also other specific high shopping days such as Black Friday. MVTA staff is
also working with Eagan Communications staff regarding audiences to be kept apprised of this
project. Clint Hooppaw asked that “cities to the south” also be kept apprised, given that it’s possible
for parking to take place at the Apple Valley, Burnsville or Eagan Transit Stations where there is
excellent service to the Cedar Grove Transit Station.
13. Motion by Jon Ulrich and seconded by Gary Hansen to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 p.m.
Next Meeting: Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday, June 25 at 4:30 p.m. at the EAGAN Bus Garage,
3600 Blackhawk Road, Eagan.