Pre-Employment/Pre-Service Health Assessment The New York State Department of Health (DOH) and/or North Shore–LIJ Health System mandates that all persons seeking employment and/or a appointment to the Medical Staff of a hospital in the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System have a current physical and recorded medical history as well as documented immunity as outlined in our infection control policy. For your convenience you can elect to have all exams and tests performed by either your personal physician or North Shore-LIJ Employee Health Services (EHS). To insure your safety and the safety of our patients, all of the following requirements must been completed prior to employment or providing services. Requirements include: 1. Have a recent physical examination and recorded medical history 2. Tuberculosis Screening: Two-step Tuberculin Skin Testing (TST/PPD) is required. This requirement may be satisfied by the following processes EHS will perform two TSTs, one week apart. Provide documentation to EHS of a negative TST within the past 12 months. That test may be utilized as the initial step in the two-step testing procedure. EHS will perform the second TST. Provide documentation to EHS of two negative TSTs performed within the past 12 months Exception: If documentation is provided with a recorded history of positive TST and a standard chest x-ray report within the past year is provided. 3. Proof of Viral Immunity: (vaccine can be administer to you in EHS if not previously done) Hepatitis B surface antigen and surface antibody results Rubella Titer Rubeola Titer Varicella Titer Mumps Titer If Rubella, Rubeola or Varicella Titers are negative, documentation of vaccination is required unless contraindicated. (Vaccination document should include the signature of the person who administered the vaccine as well as the product and date administered.) 4. Tetanus/Diphtheria or Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis Vaccination Exception: If documentation of immunization within the preceding ten years is provided 5. Urine toxicology screening 6. Color Vision testing (as required) 7. Respiratory Fit Testing (as clinically required) Required completed forms include: 1. Pre-Employment/Pre-Service Health Assessment Form 2. Medical Evaluation for Respirator Use 3. Latex Allergy Screening Please complete the forms prior to your Employee Health Services appointment and bring them with you. Pre-Employment/Pre-Service Health Assessment Today’s Date: ___________________ Part I: To be completed by Applicant. Last Name: _______________________________ First Name: ___________________________ M. I.:_______ Date of Birth: __________________ Social Security #: ___________________ Email: ___________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Home Phone #: ______________________ Cell Phone #:_____________________ Zip Sex: Male Female Name of hospital(s) that you are applying to: ________________________________________________________ Position/Job Title: __________________________________________ Phone #: ____________________ Department: _______________________________________________ Division: ____________________ Emergency Notification: Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________________ Relationship: _________________ Personal Physician: Name: _________________________________ Phone #: _____________________ HEALTH HISTORY– Check Yes or No. If Yes, please explain. Do you have any medical conditions that we should be aware of in case of a medical emergency? Yes No If Yes, please record here: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you take any medications? Yes No If Yes, please record here: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ILLNESS –Check Yes or No. If Yes, please explain and indicate year of occurrence. Have you ever had or do you have now: Any Skin Conditions___________________________ Yes No Seizure Disorder _________________________ Yes No Hearing Problems _____________________________ Yes No Diabetes _______________________________ Yes No Vision Problems(Glaucoma, cataracts, color blindness) Yes No Night Sweats ___________________________ Yes No Difficulty Breathing ___________________________ Yes No Weight Loss ____________________________ Yes No Hernias _____________________________________ Yes No Cough _________________________________ Yes No Chronic or recurring pain or limited motion associated with: (describe) Neck _______________________________________ Yes No Hand _________________________________ Yes No Arm ________________________________________ Yes No Wrist _________________________________ Yes No Back _______________________________________ Yes No Other_________________________________ Yes No ALLERGIES AND EXPOSURES – Check Yes or No. If Yes, please explain. Have you ever had a reaction, allergy and/or sensitivity to any medications, food, LATEX, plants or chemicals? If yes, please specify substance and reaction. Yes No _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Tuberculosis: Have you ever had a positive Tuberculin Skin Test? If yes, please specify date of conversion and periods of INH treatment. Yes No _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hepatitis: Have you been diagnosed with or exposed to Hepatitis B or C? Yes No Initial Health Assessment Revised 3.14.07 Page 2 of 4 Pre-Employment/Pre-Service Health Assessment Part II: To be completed by examining practitioner: Name: ___________________________________________ Date of Examination: _________________________ Age: __________ Height: __________ Weight: __________ Pulse: __________ Blood Pressure: _________ Normal Abnormal Please Specify: HEENT NECK CHEST HEART ABD EXT NEURO LYMPH Tuberculosis: For persons with a history of a negative TST, evidence of 2 negative TST’s within 12 months must be documented: TST Date: __________________________________________ Results: Negative Positive TST Date: __________________________________________ Results: Negative Positive For persons with a history of TST conversion, check all statements that apply: Exposed to TB and converted TST in __________________ (date) Never treated with INH Treated with INH for _____________________ months Symptom review: Fever Weight Loss Night Sweats Cough Hemoptysis None Date of last Chest X-Ray:_____________ (Attach Results, must be in the past 12 months) Hepatitis B: Serologic Proof of Immunity Date: ________________________ (Attach Results) Varicella: Serologic Proof of Immunity Date: ________________________ (Attach Results) OR Vaccination Dates: (1) ___________________ (2) ______________________ (Attach documentation) MMR: Serologic Proof of immunity Date: ________________________ (Attach Results) OR Vaccination Dates: (1) ___________________ (2) ______________________ (Attach documentation) Tetanus/Diphtheria or Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis: Date of last vaccination: _____________________ (must be within past 10 years) To be Read and Signed by Examining Practitioner: I have personally examined the above named employee/practitioner and find him/her free from any physical/emotional impairment which is a potential risk to patients or which might interfere with the performance of employment and/or service duties, including the habituation or addiction to depressants, stimulants, narcotics, alcohol or other substances. Examining Practitioner’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Print Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ License #: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Tel #: ___________________________ Initial Health Assessment Revised 3.14.07 Page 3 of 4 Pre-Employment/Pre-Service Health Assessment To be Read and Signed by Applicant: HEPATITIS B VACCINATION DECLINATION FORM The Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) regulations mandate implementation of protective measures against bloodborne infectious diseases. The risk to health care workers who come into contact with blood and other body fluids can be significant. In an effort to maintain a safe workplace, the hospital that you are applying to in North Shore-LIJ Health System will provide the vaccine to all individuals who are employed and/or providing services. The vaccine shall be administered at no cost. In order to be in compliance, please read the following statement and sign at the bottom. I understand that due to my occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material, I may be at risk of acquiring Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections. I have been given the opportunity to be vaccinated with Hepatitis B vaccine, at no charge to myself. However, I decline Hepatitis B vaccination at this time. I understand that my declining this vaccine, I continue to be at risk of acquiring Hepatits B, a serious disease. If in the future I continue to have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials and I want to be vaccinated with Hepatitis B vaccine, I can receive the vaccination series at no charge to me. __________________________________________/__________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ Signature Print Name To be Read and Signed by Applicant: VARICELLA VACCINATION DECLINATION FORM North Shore-LIJ Health System takes protective measures against such airborne infectious diseases as Varicella. The risk to health care workers who come into contact with infected patients can be significant. In an effort to maintain a safe workplace, the hospital that you are applying to in North Shore-LIJ Health System will provide the vaccine to all individuals who are employed and/or providing services. The vaccine shall be administered at no cost. In order to be in compliance, please read the following statement and sign at the bottom. I understand that due to my occupational exposure to varicella, I may be at risk for acquiring varicella. I have been given the opportunity to receive the varicella vaccine. If I refuse the vaccine in the absence of medical contraindications, I understand that I may be ineligible for special contagion pay if I am furloughed after an exposure. If in the future, I want to be vaccinated with the varicella vaccine, I can receive the vaccine at no charge to me. __________________________________________________________/___________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ Signature Print Name To be Read and Signed by Applicant: I consent to a pre-employment/pre-service medical examination, collection of blood and/or urine, and administration of vaccination, as required by _____________________________________________________, a Hospital in the North Shore-LIJ Health System, that I will be providing services. The purpose of the examination is to insure that I am free from health impairment which might be of potential risk to patients and/or personnel or which might interfere with the performance of my duties at the institution. I understand that this is a limited examination solely for the purpose of determining fitness for employment and/or service. This exam does not purport to be a comprehensive medical examination. I further understand that this medical examination will include a drug screen and that I will not be employed or be allowed to provide services if this screen reveals the presence of an illegal drug, misuse/abuse of a controlled or other substances which might alter or impair my behavior and/or ability to function. I furthermore authorize the Employee Health Services of ______________________________________________ Hospital, its practitioners and my private medical physician (if applicable) to release any and all information obtained in the pre-service medical examination to authorized representatives of this hospital for the purpose of determining my fitness for duty and/or services. I understand that giving false or misleading information or failure to disclose requested medial information will be grounds for denying my application or for dismissal. I certify that I have disclosed all known current health conditions which might pose a risk to others or which might interfere with the performance of my duties. I understand and the Hospital has agreed that it will not use or disclose any information obtained in my pre-service medical examination except for the purposes set forth above or as required by law. ____________________________________________/_________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ Signature Print Name __________________________________________ EHS Reviewer Name Cleared Referred To: Comments: Initial Health Assessment Revised 3.14.07 Page 4 of 4