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เรื่ อง ข้ าว ในหมวด สิ่งบริโภคสาหรับสัตว์
(Animal feeding-stuffs)
จานวน 51 เรื่ อง
ปราโมทย์ ธรรมรัตน์และนิศากร วรวุฒยิ านันท์
หน่วยสร้ างสานึกและพัฒนาประโยชน์จาก
เอกสารสิทธิบตั รเพื่อการวิจยั และพัฒนา (สสวพ) สกว
สถาบันค้ นคว้ าและพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์อาหาร มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ 0-2942-8629 ต่อ 626, 908
1. AU6604574 - 8/28/1975
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/00
E Class: A23K1/12; A23K1/18K
Application Number:
AU19740066045D (19730307)
Priority Number: AU19730002505 (19730307)
Family: AU6604574
Abstract not available for AU6604574
2. AU770207B
- 2/19/2004
IP Class 4 Digits: A23L
IP Class:A23L1/20
E Class: A23K1/00B2; A23K1/18; A23K1/18G; A23K1/18N2; A23K3/00; A23L1/10E
Application Number:
AU20000066209 (20000803)
Priority Number: WO2000US21262 (20000803); US19990366922 (19990804)
Family: AU770207B
Abstract not available for AU770207B
3. CN1505968
- 6/23/2004
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/18; A23K1/14
E Class: A23K1/18M
Application Number:
CN20020153868 (20021206)
Priority Number: CN20020153868 (20021206)
Family: CN1505968
Abstract of CN1505968
The present invention relates to feed, and is especially one kind of Rex-rabbit feed. The Rex-rabbit
feed consists of peanut stalk powder 50-60 wt%, carrot leaf powder 5-10 wt%, vitamin additive 1-1.5
wt%, wheat or rice bran 10-15 wt%, corn powder 8-10 wt% and bean dregs 5-10 wt%. The present
invention has comprehensive nutrients and is easy to digest and absorb.
4. DE3131207
- 2/17/1983
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K; A23L; A23N
IP Class:A23L1/20; A23K1/14; A23L1/00; A23N17/00
E Class: A23K1/12; A23K1/16M; A23L1/211C; A61K35/78; C05F11/00
Application Number:
DE19813131207 (19810806)
Priority Number: DE19813131207 (19810806)
Family: DE3131207
Abstract of DE3131207
A process for producing foodstuffs, in particular animal feed, from lignocellulosic starting materials,
such as wheat straw, rice straw or maize straw, bagasse, elephant grass, sawdust and lupins is
characterised in that the starting materials are placed in a ball mill and are very finely ground or
intensively milled there with the addition of water and, possibly, acid or alkali. If the starting material
contains bitter substances, these can be removed by a washing taking place after the processing in the
ball mill. The product taken from the ball mill, and washed if necessary, can further be dried. The
finished product is characterised by a high nutritional value and a good digestibility, in particular in the
case of cattle.Description:
Description of DE3131207
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Nahrungsmitteln,
insbesondere Tierfutter Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Nahrungsmitteln,
insbesondere Tierfutter aus liqnocellulosehaltigen Ausgangsmaterialien, wie z.B. Weizen-, Reisoder
Maisstroh, Bagasse,Elefantengras, Sägemehl und Lupinen.
Zur Herstellung von leicht verdaulichem Tierfutter aus lignocellulosehaltigen, schwer oder
unverdaulichen Pflanzen- rückständen oder Abfallstoffen ist einVerfahren bekannt, demzufolge die
Ausgangsmaterialien in kleingehackter Form einer Dampfbehandlung ausgesetzt werden, wobei die
chemisch-physikalische Bindung zwischen der Cellulose, Hemicellulose und dem Lignin der
Ausgangsmaterialien zerstört wird und die Materialien damit aufgeschlossen werden.
Dieser Dampfbehandlung wird häufig noch einExtraktions- verfahren nachgeschaltet, in welchem
dasdurch die naml)f- behandlung erhaltene Fasermaterial mit Wasser oder Natronlauge ausgewaschen
wird. Hierbei entsteht neben dem ausgewaschenen Fasermaterial eine Lösung, die den grössten Teil der
Hemicellulose des hIlssangsmaterialsenthält-. Dasalls- gewaschene Fasermaterialbesteht.
hauptsächlich aus d f L4n in Dieses vorbekannte Verfahren erfordert insbesondere durch die
Dampfbehandlung einen hohen Energieaufwand. Auch ist der apparative Aufwand bei dem
vorbekannten Verfahren sehr gross.Das vorbekannte Verfahren hat ausserdem den Nachteil, dass bei
demExtraktionsprozess die an sich wertvollen Hemicellulosen aus dem Fasermaterial entfernt werden.
Die Aufgabe der Erfindung besteht in der Schaffung eines Verfahrens zur Herstellung von
Nahrungsmitteln, insbesondere Tierfutter, das einen wesentlich geringeren apparativen Aufwand und
einen wesentlich geringeren Energieeinsatz erfordert als das vorbekannte Verfahren.
Diese Aufgabe wird dadurch gelöst, dass die Ausgangsmaterialien in zerkleinerterForm in eine
Kugelmühle gegeben und dort unter Zusatz von Wasstrbearbeit,\t werden.
Je nach Ausgangsmaterial wird durch die Bearbeitung in der Kugelmühle eine Feinstmahlung der
Ausgangsmaterialien bewirkt oder es findet ein intensives Walken oder Zerschlagen der
Ausgangsmaterialien unter weitgehender Beibehaltung ihrer Faserstruktur statt. So werden z. B.
Lupinen feinstgemahlen, während Stroh unter Beibehaltung seiner Faserstruktur gewalkt wird, so dass
es zum Aufschluss derSteiiqel kommt.
DieBearbeitungsdauer in der Kugelmühle kann 2 bis 50 Stundenclauern. Die zugesetzte Wassermenge
schwankt zwischen 2 und 5 Teilen bezogen auf 1 Teil der Ausgangsmaterialien. Sowohl die
Bearbeitungsdauer als auch die zugesetzte Wassermenge hängen von den verwendeten
Ausgangsmaterialien ab. Bei Stroh beträgt dieBearbeitungs- dauer z. B. 30 Stunden, und es werden 2
Teile Wasser zugesetzt.
Es hängt auch vom Ausgangsmaterial ab,oh das durch die Bearbeitung in der Kugelmühle erhaltene
Produkt bereits das Endprodukt ist, das aus einerbreiartigen, sämtliche wertvollen Bestandteile der
Ausgangsmaterialien enthaltenden Masse besteht. Diese Masse ist ggf. sofort als Futtermittel
verwendbar und ist,insbesondere von Rindern, leicht verdaulich.
Es ist ohne weiteres erkennbar, dass im Vergleich zu dem vorbekannten Verfahren, die Investitionsund Betriebskosten für die Durchführung des erfindungsgemässen Verfahrens äusserst gering sind.
Auch erfordert das erfindungsgemässe Verfahren zu seiner Durchführung aufgrund seiner Einfachheit
kein besonders geschultes Bedienungspersonal.
Hervorzuheben ist ferner, dass die bei dem erfindungsgemässen Verfahren verwendete Kugelmühle
eine äusserst störungssichere Vorrichtung ist. Alle diese Vorzüge machen das Verfahren besonders für
den direkten Einsatz in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben, insbesondere in Entwickl!nqsländern, geeignet.
Das erfindungsgemässe Verfahren kann in der Weise fortgebildet werden, dass dem
Bearbeitungsvorgang in der Kugelmühle noch ein Trocknungsvorgang nachgeschaltet wird. Die
Trocknung des Produktes ist insbesondere dann zweckmässig, wenn bei einer längeren Lagerung des
Futtermittels eine Fermentation vermieden werden soll.
Der Aufschluss der Ausgangsmaterialien kann dadurch beschleunigt werden, dass den
Ausgangsmaterialien neben Wasser auch noch eine Säure, z. B. Schwefelsäure oder Salzsäure oder
eine Lauge wie z. B. Natronlauge, für die Bearbeitung in der Kugelmühle zugesetzt wird.
Wenn Ausgangsmaterialien verwendet werden, die Bitterstoffe enthalten, wie dies z. B. bei manchen
Arten von Lupinen der Fall ist, wird nach dem Bearbeitungsvorgang in der Kugelmühle noch ein
Waschvorgang durchgeführt, wobei vorzugsweise Wasser durch das der Kugelmühle entnommene
Produkt hindurchgedrückt wird, um die Bitterstoffe auszuwaschen. Die Trennung der Bitterstoffe von
dem in der Kugelmühle bearbeiteten Gut erfolgt vorzugsweise in einem Flachbettfilterextraktor, wie er
in unserer Patentanmeldung P 31 30 360.9 vom 31. Juli 1981 beschrieben worden ist.
Nach dem Waschen der gemahlenden Lupinen kann ebenfalls ein'IrocknungsyBrozess folqen. Das aus
den Lupinen hergestellte Produkt ist sowohl als Tierfutter als auch als Zusatz zu Mehl, z. B. für die
Brotherstellung, gut geeignet.
Nach einem bevorzugten Ausführungsbeispiel der Erfindung wird ein Teil Sägemehl unter Zusatz von
zwei Teilen Wassei und 0,5 bis 1 % Salzsäure in einer PVC-ausgekleideten Kugelmühle 24 Stunden
lang gewalkt. Das erhaltene breiartige Produkt wird anschliessend getrocknet. Das so erhaltene
Rauhfutter zeichnet sich durch eine gute Verdaulichkeit bei Rindern und durch einen hohen
Dieselben guten Eigenschaften haben die nach dem erfindungsgemässen' Verfahren hergestellten
Futtermittel aus den anderen eingangs angegebenen Ausgangsmaterialien. Die durch das
erfindungsgemässe Verfahren erhaltene Futtermittel bzw. Nahrungsmittel zeichnen sich insbesondere
auch dadurch aus, dass in ihnen die in den Ausgangsmaterialien vorhandenen und während des
Verfahrens entstehenden Zuckerarten enthalten sind.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database Worldwide
5. EP1457118
- 9/15/2004
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/18; A23K1/14
E Class: A23K1/14; A23K1/18N
Application Number:
EP20040006651 (20000222)
Priority Number: EP20000911898 (20000222); US19990121087P (19990223); US20000507066
Family: EP1457118
Cited Document(s):
WO9951108; EP0646325; FR2431862; FR2518372; XP002286477;
XP002286478; XP002286479; CN1147907; XP002053838
Abstract of EP1457118
A composition and process are provided for controlling postprandial glycemic and/or insulinemic
response in companion animals such as dogs. The pet food composition includes a source of protein, a
source of fat, and a source of carbohydrates from a grain source which excludes rice. Use of the
preferred carbohydrate sources including a blend of corn and sorghum; a blend of corn, sorghum, and
barley; a blend of corn, sorghum, and oats; and a blend of oats and barley tends to modulate the
animal's glycemic and insulinemic responses after a meal. This effect is even more marked when the
composition is fed to geriatric companion animals such as dogs.Description:
Description of EP1457118
[0001] The present invention relates to a composition and process for using it to alter and improve
glucose metabolism in companion animals, particularly aging companion animals such as dogs.
[0002] Several different conditions are associated with impaired glucose metabolism in companion
animals such as the dog and cat. These include diabetes (both insulin dependent type and non-insulin
dependent maturity onset type), obesity, geriatrics, and gestation (pregnancy). Another associated
metabolic disorder with obesity and diabetes is hyperinsulinemia. Hyperinsulinemia is the presence of
insulin at abnormally high levels in the blood. Counteracting the effects of hyperinsulinemia by
lowering insulin levels in the blood can help lessen the progression of obesity and diabetes.
[0003] Aging has been associated with a loss of glycemic control not only in humans, but in dogs as
well. Older dogs have been reported to have attenuated glycemic responses compared to their younger
counterparts. Reported causes for this glucose metabolism dysfunction in aging populations include:
increased insulin resistance from receptor and post-receptor disturbances, diminished pancreatic islet
B-cell sensitivity to glucose, and impaired peripheral glucose utilization. Age-associated increases in
body fat deposition may also play a role. In both dogs and cats, glucose tolerance is impaired with
[0004] Several studies have examined the effect of age and glucose metabolism using the minimal
model approach. Bergman's Minimal Model (Bergman et al., Am. J. Physiol, vol. 236(6), p. E-66777(1979) and Bergman et al., J. Clin. Invest., vol. 68(6), p. 1456-67 (1981)) quantifies both insulin
sensitivity and pancreatic responsiveness in an intact organism. The minimal model approach uses
computer modeling to analyze plasma glucose and insulin dynamics during an intravenous glucose
tolerance test. Using this model, it has been suggested that aging is associated with a lower glucose
disappearance rate, decreased insulin sensitivity to glucose, and a suppressed second phase B-cell
response to glucose stimulation.
[0005] Starch has been suggested as the primary dietary component most responsible for the rise in
blood glucose immediately following a meal (Milla et al., JPEN, vol. 20, p. 182-86 (1996). The term
"glycemic index" was defined as a way to comparatively rank foods based on their glycemic response.
The glycemic index and dietary content of carbohydrates have been used to explain approximately 90%
of the reason for differences in glucose and insulin responses to a meal. However, such studies have
focused on altering the amount of starch in a diet. But, in a recent study using young beagle dogs, the
source of dietary starch was reported to influence the postprandial response to a meal (Sunvold et al.,
Recent Advances in Canine and Feline Nutrition, p. 123-34 (1998)). See also, Sunvold, U.S. Patent No.
[0006] Accordingly, there remains a need in the art for a dietary composition which can alter and
improve a companion animal's glucose metabolism, particularly the glucose metabolism of an aging
companion animal.
[0007] The present invention meets that need by providing a composition and process for using the
composition to alter and improve glucose metabolism in companion animals such as dogs. In
accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a pet food composition is provided and includes a
source of protein, a source of fat, and a source of carbohydrates from a grain source which excludes
rice. It has been found that a pet food composition which uses as the carbohydrate source a blend of
corn and sorghum; a blend of corn, sorghum, and barley; a blend of corn, sorghum, and oats; or a blend
of oats and barley, tends to modulate the animal's glycemic and insulinemic responses after a meal.
This effect is even more marked when the composition is fed to geriatric companion animals such as
dogs. By "geriatric dog" it is meant any dog seven years of age or older and under 90 Ibs (40 kg) of
body weight, or any dog five years of age or older and over 90 Ibs (40 kg) of body weight (large or
giant breed).
[0008] Where the source of carbohydrates is a blend of corn and sorghum, or a blend of oats and
barley, it is preferred that these starch sources be present in the composition in a weight ratio of from
between about 1:5 to about 5:1, more preferably from about 1:3 to about 3:1, and most preferably about
1:1. Where the source of carbohydrates is a blend of corn, sorghum and barley, or corn, sorghum and
oats, it is preferred that these starch sources be present in the composition in a weight ratio of from
between about 1:1:5 to about 1:5:1 to about 5:1:1, more preferably from about 1:1:3 to about 1:3:1 to
about 3:1:1, and most preferably about 1:1:1, respectively.
[0009] Preferably, the composition comprises from about 20 to about 40% crude protein, from about
4 to about 30% fat, from about 2 to about 20% total dietary fiber, and a source of starch which excludes
rice but includes a blend of other grain sources such as corn and sorghum; com, sorghum, and barley;
corn, sorghum, and oats; or oats and barley. Typically, the carbohydrate sources in the composition of
the present invention will make up from about 35 to about 60 wt% of the composition.
[0010] The pet food composition may optionally include chromium tripicolinate and a water soluble,
cellulose ether. Additionally, the pet food composition may further include from about 1 to about 11
weight percent of supplemental total dietary fiber of fermentable fibers which have an organic matter
disappearance of 15 to 60 weight percent when fermented by fecal bacteria for a 24 hour period.
[0011] The invention also includes a process for controlling postprandial glycemic and insulinemic
responses in a companion animal comprising the step of feeding the companion animal a pet food
composition comprising a source of protein, a source of fat, and a source of carbohydrates which
excludes rice. Preferably, the carbohydrate source includes a grain source such as a blend of corn and
sorghum; a blend of corn, sorghum, and barley; a blend of corn, sorghum, and oats; or a blend of oats
and barley.
[0012] Accordingly, it is a feature of the present invention to provide a composition and process of
using it to improve glucose and/or insulin metabolism in companion animals, particularly aging
companion animals by controlling the postprandial glycemic and/or insulinemic responses in those
animals. This, and other features and advantages of the present invention, will become apparent from
the following detailed description, the accompanying drawings, and the appended claims.
Fig. 1 is a graph illustrating the effect of diet on plasma glucose curve (A) and corresponding
statistical differences (B) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 2 is a graph of the effect of diet on plasma insulin curve (A) and corresponding statistical
differences (B) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 3 is a graph of the effect of age on plasma glucose curve (A) and corresponding statistical
differences (B) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 4 is a graph of the effect of age on plasma insulin curve (A) and corresponding statistical
differences (B) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 5 is a graph of the age*diet interaction effect on plasma glucose curve (A) and corresponding
statistical differences (B) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 6 is a graph of the age*diet interaction effect on plasma insulin curve (A) and corresponding
statistical differences (B) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 7 is a graph of the effect of age and diet (A) and age*diet interactions (B) on the fractional rate
of glucose turnover (k) and half-life (T>;1/2 ;) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 8 is a graph of the effect of breed on plasma glucose levels (A) and corresponding statistical
differences (B) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 9 is a graph of the effect of breed on plasma insulin levels (A) and corresponding statistical
differences (B) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 10 is a graph of the age*breed effect on plasma glucose levels (A) and corresponding statistical
differences (B) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 11 is a graph of the age*breed effect on plasma insulin (A) and corresponding statistical
differences (B) in dogs after a meal;
Fig. 12 is a graph of the effect of age, breed, and diet on postprandial glucose in fox terriers;
Fig. 13 is a graph of the effect of age, breed, and diet on postprandial insulin in fox terriers;
Fig. 14 is a graph of the effect of age, breed, and diet on postprandial glucose in Labrador retrievers;
Fig. 15 is a graph of the effect of age, breed, and diet on postprandial insulin in Labrador retrievers;
Fig. 16 is a graph illustrating the glucose response curves for dogs consuming diets containing
different dietary starches;
Fig. 17 is a graph of incremental area under the glucose curve for dogs consuming diets containing
different dietary starches;
Fig. 18 is a graph illustrating the insulin response curves for dogs consuming diets containing
different dietary starches; and
Fig. 19 is a graph of incremental area under the insulin curve for dogs consuming diets containing
different dietary starches.
[0013] The present invention utilizes a pet food composition which excludes rice but includes a grain
source which aids in modulating a companion animal's glycemic and/or insulinemic responses such as
a blend of com and sorghum; a blend of corn, sorghum and barley; a blend of com, sorghum, and oats;
or a blend of oats and barley. In a healthy, but aged (geriatric), companion animal, the presence of rice
as a dietary starch source exacerbates the glycemic and insulinemic responses to a meal, independent of
body composition, glucose clearance, or half-life. Healthy geriatric animals will especially benefit from
being fed the composition of the present invention. For example, large breed geriatric dogs suffering
from hyperinsulinemia will especially benefit from being fed the composition of the present invention.
[0014] The pet food composition can be any suitable pet food formula which also provides adequate
nutrition for the animal. For example, a typical canine diet for use in the present invention may contain
from about 20 to about 40% crude protein (and preferably about 25 to about 35%), from about 4 to
about 30% fat (and preferably about 10 to about 18%), and from about 2 to about 20% total dietary
fiber, along with the starch source, all percentages by weight. Typically, the carbohydrate sources in
the composition of the present invention will make up from about 35 to about 60 wt%, and preferably
from about 40 to about 55 wt%, of the composition. A preferred source of corn is ground corn meal.
[0015] The composition also optionally contains other ingredients which also have the effect of
minimizing the postprandial glycemic and/or insulinemic response in an animal. The composition may
include chromium tripicolinate in an amount of from between about 10 to about 500 micrograms of
chromium per day. Chromium tripicolinate occurs in brewer's yeast, and the yeast may be added to the
pet food composition. Alternatively, the chromium tripicolinate may be added to the composition in a
substantially pure form.
[0016] The composition may also contain a water soluble cellulose ether such as, for example,
carboxymethyl cellulose or hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose ether (HPMC). If carboxymethyl cellulose
is used, it is preferably a high viscosity composition in the range of from about 5,000 to about 65,000
cps and is added to the composition in an amount of approximately 1 % by weight. If HPMC is
utilized, it is preferably also a high viscosity composition in the range of from about 10,000 to about
2,000,000 cps and is added to the composition in an amount of from about 1-2% by weight. A suitable
grade of HPMC is available from The Dow Chemical Company under the designation METHOCEL
TM K-100M. It has been found that such water soluble cellulose ethers have the effect of delaying the
postprandial rise of glucose levels in the animal's blood.
[0017] The pet food composition of the present invention may also optionally contain a source of
fermentable fibers which display certain organic matter disappearance percentages. The fermentable
fibers which may be used have an organic matter disappearance (OMD) of from about 15 to 60 percent
when fermented by fecal bacteria in vitro for a 24 hour period. That is, from about 15 to 60 percent of
the total organic matter originally present is fermented and converted by the fecal bacteria. The organic
matter disappearance of the fibers is preferably 20 to 50 percent, and most preferably is 30 to 40
[0018] Thus, in vitro OMD percentage may be calculated as follows:
{1-[(OM residue - OM blank)/OM initial]} x 100,
where OM residue is the organic matter recovered after 24 hours of fermentation, OM blank is the
organic matter recovered in corresponding blank tubes (i.e., tubes containing medium and diluted feces,
but no substrate), and OM initial is that organic matter placed into the tube prior to fermentation.
Additional details of the procedure are found in Sunvold et al, J. Anim. Sci. 1995, vol. 73:1099-1109.
[0019] The fermentable fibers may be any fiber source which intestinal bacteria present in the animal
can ferment to produce significant quantities of SCFAs. "Significant quantities" of SCFAs, for
purposes of this invention, are amounts over 0.5 mmol of total SCFAs/gram of substrate in a 24 hour
period. Preferred fibers include beet pulp, gum arabic (including gum talha), psyllium, rice bran, carob
bean gum, citrus pulp, pectin, fructooligosaccharides and inulin, mannanoligosaccharides and mixtures
of these fibers.
[0020] The fermentable fibers are used in the pet food composition in amounts from 1 to 11 weight
percent of supplemental total dietary fiber, preferably from 2 to 9 weight percent, more preferably from
3 to 7 weight percent, and most preferably from 4 to 7 weight percent.
[0021] A definition of "supplemental total dietary fiber" first requires an explanation of "total dietary
fiber". "Total dietary fiber" is defined as the residue of plant food which is resistant to hydrolysis by
animal digestive enzymes. The main components of total dietary fiber are cellulose, hemicellulose,
pectin, lignin and gums (as opposed to "crude fiber", which only contains some forms of cellulose and
lignin). "Supplemental total dietary fiber" is that dietary fiber which is added to a food product above
and beyond any dietary fiber naturally present in other components of the food product. Also, a "fiber
source" is considered such when it consists predominantly of fiber.
[0022] In order that the invention may be more readily understood, reference is made to the following
examples which are intended to illustrate the invention, but not limit the scope thereof.
Example 1
[0023] Eighteen young (0.7 +/- 0.2 years) and old (9.6 +/- 0.2 years) Labrador Retrievers (LR) and
Fox Terriers (FT) were equally divided by age and breed then randomly assigned to one of two
nutritionally complete diets (n= 18 / diet) for 90 days. The first diet contained 18.2% (w/w) ground
corn, 18.2% (w/w) brewers rice, and 18.2% (w/w) grain sorghum (CRS diet) as the starch sources; the
second diet contained 28.5% (w/w) ground com and 28.5% (w/w) grain sorghum (CS diet) as the starch
sources. See Tables 1 and 2 below. Both diets were isoenergetic, providing approximately 19.3 and
19.4 kJ / g, CS and CRS diets, respectively, and did not differ in total starch content.
>;tb;>;TABLE; Id=Table 1 - Columns=3
>;tb;Ingredient Composition of Diets
>;tb;Head Col 1:
>;tb;Head Col 2: CS' Diet (g/kg)
>;tb;Head Col 3: CRS
Diet (g/kg)
>;tb;Ground corn>;SEP;285>;SEP;182
>;tb;Grain sorghum>;SEP;285>;SEP;182
>;tb;Brewers rice>;SEP;0>;SEP;182
>;tb;Poultry by-product meal>;SEP;251>;SEP;277
>;tb;Poultry fat>;SEP;61>;SEP;60
>;tb;Beet pulp>;SEP;40>;SEP;40
>;tb;Chicken digest>;SEP;20>;SEP;20
>;tb;Dicalcium phosphate>;SEP;12>;SEP;8
>;tb;Brewers dried yeast>;SEP;10>;SEP;10
>;tb;Dried whole egg>;SEP;10>;SEP;10
>;tb;Calcium carbonate>;SEP;8>;SEP;8
>;tb;Monosodium phosphate>;SEP;4>;SEP;5
>;tb;Potassium chloride>;SEP;3>;SEP;5
>;tb;Mineral premix
>;tb;Vitamin premix
>;tb;Choline chloride>;SEP;2>;SEP;2
>;tb;Sodium chloride>;SEP;2>;SEP;1
>;1; CS = com/grain sorghum, CRS = corn/rice/grain sorghum.
>;2; Mineral premix provided the following per kg diet: 41 mg manganese, 217 mg zinc, 168 mg iron,
47 mg copper, 4 mg iodine, 80 mu g magnesium, 4.8 mg sulfur, 620 mu g selenium
>;3; Vitamin premix provided the following per kg diet: 25 KIU vitamin A, 124 IU vitamin E, 1561 IU
vitamin D3,14 mg thiamin, 59 mg riboflavin, 90 mg niacin, 32 mg d-pantothenic acid, 10 mg
pyrodoxine, 600 mu g biotin, 1.9 mg folic acid, 2 067 mg choline, 23 mg inositol, 0.31 IU vitamin
>;tb;>;TABLE; Id=Table 2 - Columns=3
>;tb;Nutritional Composition of Diets
>;tb;Head Col 1:
>;tb;Head Col 2: CS
Diet %
>;tb;Head Col 3: CRS>;2; Diet %
>;tb;Dietary starch>;SEP;43.1>;SEP;43.2
>;tb;Gross Energy (kJ / g)>;SEP;19.3>;SEP;19.4
>;1; All values except moisture are expressed on a dry matter basis.
>;2; CS = corn/grain sorghum, CRS = corn/rice/grain sorghum.
[0024] After 60 days on the CRS diet (which was fed as the basal diet), all animals underwent a
glycemic response (GR) test followed by a glucose tolerance test (GTT; described below). After a 90day consumption period on the experimental diets, animals underwent the same tests including a whole
body dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan to determine body fat, lean body mass and
mineral composition. Animals were weighed daily and feed intakes were recorded and adjusted to
minimize weight fluctuations during the study. One animal was removed from the study for health
reasons. The research protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
[0025] The GR test was conducted on all animals both before and after the 90-day feeding period.
Animals were fasted for 24 hours prior to the test. On the morning of the test, animals were fed one
half their daily meal allowance. All meals were consumed within 10 minutes of presentation. An
indwelling catheter (14-gauge 14 cm in the LR, 22-gauge, 3.2 cm in the FT) was sutured in place using
3-0 Dexon (Butler, Columbus, OH) in either the left or right jugular vein and flushed with heparinized
saline. Blood samples were collected for glucose and insulin analysis at - 10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 120,
180 and 240 minutes. The -10 and 0 min time points were averaged to yield a single baseline time
point. Data was plotted and analyzed as incremental area under the curve (IAUC) determined by the
trapezoidal method. IAUC is defined as the area under the response curve, but above the baseline.
[0026] A GTT was also conducted one week after the GR. Animals were fasted 24 hours prior to the
GTT. Prior to administration, a 14 gauge 14 cm indwelling catheter was placed in either the left or right
jugular vein in the LR and a smaller 22 gauge 3.2 cm catheter was used in the FT. Heparinized saline
was flushed through the catheters which were sutured in place using 3-0 Dexon (Butler, Columbus,
OH). Blood samples were collected for glucose and insulin analysis at -20, -10, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,
16, 19, 22, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, and 180 minutes. Glucose (50% solution;
Butler, Columbus, OH) was infused at time 0 (0.3 g glucose / kg body weight) as described by
Bergman et al.(1981) and Duysinx et al., Diabete Metab, vol. 20, p. 425-32 (1994). Insulin (Human
Insulin Novolin R, Novo Nordisk, Denmark) was infused at 20 minutes. Blood samples for glucose and
insulin analysis were collected in heparinized Vacutainer TM tubes (Becton Dickinson, Sunnyvale,
CA) and samples for hematological analysis were collected in SST Vacutainer TM tubes (BectonDickinson, Sunnyvale, CA). Plasma for glucose and insulin determinations was obtained by
centrifuging blood (1850 x g) for 8 minutes at room temperature.
[0027] Glucose was analyzed immediately by glucose oxidase and a Cobas Mira Analyzer (Roche
Diagnostics Systems, Somerville NJ) and insulin was stored at - 20 DEG C and sent to Indiana
Veterinary Diagnostics Labs (Evansville, IN) where it was analyzed using a DPC insulin coated-tube
RIA (Indiana Veterinary Diagnostics Labs, Evansville, IN). Data was plotted and analyzed by
Bergman's Minimal Model program (Version 3.0, Los Angeles, CA) to determine insulin sensitivity
(Si), glucose effectiveness (Sg), the acute insulin response to glucose (AIRg) and glucose concentration
at t=0 estimated by extrapolating the prediction of the glucose kinetics model to the moment of
injection (thus cardiovascular mixing is not included; G(0)). The fractional turnover rate of glucose (k)
and the half-life (T>;1/2 ;) of glucose were calculated by linear regression of log 10 of the glucose
concentrations between 4 and 30 minutes.
[0028] Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry was performed following intravenous sedation with 7
mg/kg propofol (Rapinovet, Mallinckrodt Veterinary, Inc.) at a concentration of 10 mg/ml. The animals
were maintained at an appropriate anesthetic plane via isoflurane and oxygen delivered by a Matrix
anesthetic machine (Butler, Columbus, OH). If necessary, a supplemental dose of propofol at 3.3
mg/kg was given to facilitate induction of anesthesia. The animals were scanned in sternal recumbency
with their front legs parallel to their sides and their back legs in a straight line with the rest of their
[0029] After the scans were completed, the animals were allowed to recover from anesthesia. Whole
body composition scans were performed using a Hologic QDR 4500 X-ray Bone Densitometer
(Waltham, MA). Scans were analyzed using Hologic Software (Version 9.03, Waltham, MA).
[0030] All statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) statistical
package (version 6.12, SAS Institute, Cary, NC). All data generated for GTT and DEXA were analyzed
using proc GLM, and significant differences were identified by one-way ANOVA. The model included
diet, age and breed and all interaction effects. Differences within individual time points for the glucose
and insulin curves were determined using least square means. Correlation coefficients between body
composition and k and T>;1/2; were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient. All data are
presented as means +/- SEM except correlation coefficients. Significant differences were identified
when p >; 0.05.
[0031] Individual animal weights did not vary throughout the study period (data not shown), by diet
(19.5 +/- 0.9 kg and 20.8 +/- 0.9 kg, CS and CRS, respectively; p = 0.31) or by age (20.3 +/- 0.9 kg and
20.1 +/- 0.9 kg, young and old animals, respectively; p = 0.86). However, significant differences in
weight did occur between breeds (31.9 +/- 0.9 kg and 8.5 +/- 0.9 kg, LR and FT, respectively; p >;
0.0001). When dietary intake was expressed as g/kg body weight, no significant differences were noted
between diets (19.3 +/- 0.7 g/kg body weight and 20.2 +/- 0.7 g/kg body weight, CS and CRS,
respectively; p = NS). As expected, age and breed both affected daily intake amounts (22.2 +/- 0.7 g/kg
body weight and 17.3 +/- 0.7 g/kg body weight, young and old animals, respectively; p >; 0.001; 15.6
+/- 0.7 g/kg body weight and 23.9 +/- 0.7 g/kg body weight, LR and FT respectively; p >; 0.001).
Glycemic response test:
[0032] The effects of diet on the glucose (Fig. 1) and insulin (Fig. 2) responses were analyzed. No
significant differences due to diet alone were seen for plasma glucose, and a weak trend was noted for
the difference in insulin response (p = 0.21) with the CRS diet eliciting a higher insulin response than
the CS diet.
[0033] Age, however did affect glucose (Fig. 3; p >; 0.001) and insulin (Fig. 4; p = 0.05) responses.
Besides significantly elevated fasting plasma glucose concentrations (4.9 +/- 0.1 mmol/L and 5.3 +/0.1 mmol/L, old and young animals, respectively; p >; 0.05; Fig. 3), younger animals exhibited a
quicker rise in plasma glucose promptly followed by a pronounced decline upon a meal challenge
compared with their older counterparts, which exhibited a continual increase in plasma glucose after
240 minutes. Postprandially, older animals exhibited exaggerated insulin secretion after 30 minutes.
Fig. 5 shows the age*diet interaction effect on glucose, and Fig. 6 illustrates insulin responses. Young
animals' plasma glucose responses to the CS and CRS diets were similar; however, CS-old animals had
significantly lower peak plasma glucose concentrations at 60 minutes than CRS-old animals (5.3 +/0.2 mmol/L and 5.8 +/- 0.2 mmol/L, CS-old dogs and CRS-old dogs, respectively; p >; 0.05). As well,
CS-old animals had significantly lower insulin responses than CRS-old animals (p >; 0.001).
[0034] Breed played a significant role regarding both glycemic and insulinemic responses. FT tended
to exhibit a quicker rise in plasma glucose followed by a marked decrease, whereas LR showed a
gradual and sustained rise in plasma glucose concentrations with significantly higher values at 120, 180
and 240 min (p >; 0.05; Fig. 8). FT showed a quicker rise in plasma insulin levels with significantly
higher values at 30 and 45 minutes compared with LR (p >; 0.05; Fig. 9). Values for both FT and LR
failed to reach baseline levels after 240 minutes.
[0035] When age*breed interaction effects were noted, large differences were seen between FT with
old FT having higher plasma glucose concentrations at 0, 10, 20, 30 and 45 minutes (p >; 0.05; Fig. 10)
than young FT. Old FT blood glucose concentrations rose quicker, peaked higher and dropped
markedly when compared to young FT, which exhibited a sustained and gradual rise in plasma glucose
concentrations (Fig. 10). LR exhibited similar glycemic responses between young and old animals.
Both displayed a gradual increase in blood glucose concentrations without significant differences at
any time points (Fig. 10).
[0036] Age-related differences in insulin responses were greatest between old and young LR (Fig.
11). Although both young and old LR showed a continual rise over time in plasma insulin, old LR had
significantly higher insulin at 45, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes compared with young LR (p >; 0.05;
Fig. 11). Both young and old FT exhibited similar gradual increases in plasma insulin; no significant
differences were seen at any time points.
[0037] Age and breed effects are illustrated by the results shown in Figs. 12-15. Figure 12 shows the
glucose response curve in Fox Terriers only, divided by age and diet effects. There data show little
effect. However, Figure 13 shows the insulin responses for the same dog. As shown, the old (geriatric)
dogs on either the CS diet (open square) or the CRS diet (closed triangle), demonstrate that the absence
of rice in the diet (CS) produced a markedly lower insulin response in these old Fox Terriers when
compared to the CRS diet.
[0038] Figures 14 and 15 illustrate the same data, only in Labrador Retrievers. Again, there is little
difference in the glucose response curve (Figure 14). However, the insulin response curve (Figure 15)
shows a remarkable effect. Old Labrador Retrievers that consumed the CRS (rice) diet (closed
triangles) had a significantly elevated insulin response compared with the old Labrador Retrievers that
consumed the CS diet (open squares). Figure 15 also illustrates that, regardless of diet, the old Labrador
Retrievers (open square and closed triangle) had elevated levels of insulin compared to the young
Labrador Retrievers (closed square and open triangle).
[0039] Summarizing what is shown by Figures 12-15, the presence of rice in the diet is detrimental to
old (geriatric) dogs with regard to their postprandial insulin responses. The data show that rice is even
more detrimental to the larger breed, Labrador Retrievers. By removing rice as a starch source from the
diet, these hyperinsulinemic responses are reduced. Although it has not been shown, prolonged
hyperinsulinemia in old dogs may result in a further deterioration in glucose metabolism by producing
eventual insulin resistance which can then lead to hyperglycemia. Thus, long term presence of rice in
such dogs' diets may be detrimental.
Incremental area under the curves (IUAC):
[0040] The IAUC was divided into three sections: acute phase (0 - 30 minutes), second phase (30 240 minutes), and total IAUC (sum of acute phase and second phase). The values for the IAUC are
presented in Table 3 below.
>;tb;>;TABLE; Id=Table 3 - Columns=7
>;tb;Incremental area under the curve for plasma glucose and insulin in dogs
>;tb;Head Col 1:
>;tb;Head Col 2: 0-30 min Glucose mmol*h/L
>;tb;Head Col 3: 30-240 min Glucose mmol*h/L
>;tb;Head Col 4: Total Glucose mmol*h/L
>;tb;Head Col 5: 0.30 min Insulin pmol*h/L
>;tb;Head Col 6: 30-240 min Insulin pmol*h/L
>;tb;Head Col 7: Total Insulin pmol*h/L
>;tb;CRS Diet>;SEP;48+/-12>;SEP;850+/-290>;SEP;890+/-300>;SEP;653t115>;SEP;23584+/2805>;SEP;4266+/-2791
>;tb;Old Dogs>;SEP;30+/-12>;a
>;tb;Young Dogs>;SEP;63+/-12>;b;>;SEP;250+/-280>;b;>;SEP;310+/-290>;b;>;SEP;596+/108>;SEP;9667+/-2683>;SEP;20291+/-2676
>;tb;Young-CRS>;SEP;53+/-17 >;ab;>;SEP;64+/-40>;c;>;SEP;110+/-410>;b;>;SEP;552+/158>;SEP;18834+/-3796>;SEP;19444+/-3781
>;1; Values expressed are x +/- SEM; n = 18 / treatment (young dogs, CS) and n = 17 / treatment (old
dogs, CRS), except interaction where n = 9 / treatment (n = 8 for old-CRS treatment group).
>;2; CS = corn/grain sorghum diet, CRS = corn/rice/grain sorghum.
>;3; Values with differing superscripts within a variable*treatment column are significantly (p >; 0.05)
[0041] Diet alone had no effect on total IAUC for plasma glucose (99 +/- 29 mmol*h/L and 89 +/-30
mmol*h/L CS and CRS, respectively; p = NS). Old animals had significantly elevated total IAUC for
plasma glucose compared with young animals (31 +/- 29 mmol*h/L and 156 +/- 30 mmol*h/L young
and old animals, respectively; p>;0.01), whereas young animals had significantly greater acute phase
IAUC for plasma glucose (6.3 +/- 1.2 mmol*h/L and 3.0 +/- 1.2 mmol*h/L, young and old animals,
respectively; p>;0.05). CRS-old had the highest glucose IAUC; however, CS-old had a total glucose
IAUC that was not significantly different from that of CS-young (p>;0.05). Although not significant,
CRS-old tended (p = 0.09) to have a higher total insulin IAUC than the other groups.
Fractional glucose turnover rate and half-life:
[0042] As would be expected, older animals had a significantly lower fractional rate of glucose
turnover (k) (5.9 +/- 0. % /minute and 4.4 +/- 0.3% /minute, young and old animals, respectively;
p>;0.01), which translated in a significantly longer T>;1/2 ; of glucose (12.9 +/-1.1 minute and 17.0 +/1.1 minute, young and old animals, respectively; p>;0.01). Diet did not affect glucose k or T>;1/2 ; (p =
NS). CS-old or CRS-old did not differ significantly in k (4.3 +/- 0.5% /minute and 4.5 +/- 0.5% minute,
CS-old and CRS-old, respectively; p=NS, Fig. 7) or T>;1/2 ; (16.9 +/- 1.6 minute and 17.2 +/- 1.6 min,
CS-old and CRS-old, respectively; p=NS, Fig. 7).
Body composition:
[0043] Age was the only variable that significantly affected percent body fat (16.8 +/- 1.1 % and 30.4
+/- 1.2%, young and old animals, respectively; p>;0.0001). Diet and breed had no effect (p = NS).
Body fat was significantly inversely correlated to k in FT, LR and CS-fed animals and significantly
correlated to T>;1/2 ; in CS- and CRS-fed animals as well as FT, and a strong positive association was
noted for LR. See Table 4 below.
>;tb;>;TABLE; Id=Table 4 - Columns=6
>;tb;Title: The effect of age, diet and breed on body composition and correlation to body fat in dogs
>;tb;Head Col 1:
>;tb;Head Col 2: % Body Fat
>;tb;Head Col 3: Correlation with k
>;tb;Head Col 4: p Value
>;tb;Head Col 5: Correlation with T>;1/2 ;
>;tb;Head Col 6: p Value
>;tb;Young Dogs>;SEP;16.8+/-1.1>;a;>;SEP;-0.04>;SEP;p=NS>;SEP;-0.10>;SEP;p=NS
>;tb;Old Dogs>;SEP;30.4+/-1.2>;b;>;SEP;-0.16>;SEP;p=NS>;SEP;0.16>;SEP;p=NS
>;tb;CS>;SEP;23.9+/-1.1>;SEP;-0.48>;SEP;p >; 0.05>;SEP;0.34>;SEP;p >; 0.2
>;tb;CRS>;SEP;23.2+/-1.1>;SEP;-0.45>;SEP;p >; 0.1>;SEP;0.40>;SEP;p >; 0.1
>;tb;FT>;SEP;23.6+/-1.1>;SEP;-0.48>;SEP;p >; 0.05>;SEP;0.53>;SEP;p >; 0.05
>;tb;LR>;SEP;23.6+/-1.1>;SEP;-0.53>;SEP;p >; 0.05>;SEP;0.42>;SEP;p >; 0.1
>;1; Values for % body fat are expressed as x +/- SEM; n = 18 / treatment (young dogs, CS, FT) and n
= 17 / treatment (old dogs, CRS, LR).
>;2; Correlation data is represented by Pearson's correlation coefficients. Values with different
superscripts are significantly different (p >; 0.05) within a treatment. k = the fractional rate of glucose
turnover, T>;1/2 ; = half-life of glucose, CS = corn/grain sorghum, CRS = corn/rice/grain sorghum, FT
Fox Terrier, LR = Labrador Retriever, NS = not significant.
[0044] Diet modification has been reported to increase longevity, improve insulin sensitivity and
glucose tolerance, thereby suggesting that diet may be at least partially related to glucose intolerance in
older animals and may play a role in the aging process. High-carbohydrate diets have been shown to
improve insulin sensitivity to glucose, increase the glucose disappearance rate, and enhance second
phase beta -cell response to glucose stimulation. While most studies to date focus on altering quantity
of carbohydrate in the diet, the experimental results suggest that source, particularly of starch, may be
equally important. Starch source modulated the glycemic response in older dogs, independent of
percent body fat and glucose kinetics. Although diet had no effect on glucose tolerance, the absence of
rice as a starch source in the diet lowered postprandial insulin secretion. Therefore, the removal of rice
(a high glycemic starch) from the diet provides a beneficial preventive nutritional strategy.
[0045] Starch source may be even more important with aging as the CRS-old dogs in the experiments
had elevated, albeit nonsignificant, IAUC for plasma glucose and significantly higher insulin IAUC
than the CS-old dogs. These responses must be due to a yet-unidentified effect independent of body
composition and glucose kinetics. The importance of the glucose kinetic data is twofold. First, it
confirms that this population of dogs is healthy without the confounding influence of disease such as
diabetes mellitus. Second, it confirms that the effect of diet on glucose and insulin in older animals is
an independent effect. The experimental results show a lower glucose IAUC for CRS-young dogs
compared with CS-young dogs. However, there were a high number of negative IAUCs for the CRSyoung group. When all negative values were excluded from analysis, glucose IAUC values clearly
became more representative of what would be expected in young dogs on the basis of previous
literature, (732 +/- 394 mmol*h/L and 1099 +/- 607 mmol*h/L for CS-young and CRS-young dogs,
respectively; p = NS).
[0046] When considering nutritional therapy for different life stages and physiologic states, nutrient
absorption and utilization must be considered. However, an altered potential for nutrient digestion
and/or absorption between young and old dogs does not explain the age-associated differences in the
glycemic responses which were observed. The effect of age on intestinal absorption of nutrients has
been previously examined in the dog; nutrient balance experiments on young and old Beagles found no
observable age-related differences in protein, fat, starch, vitamin and mineral absorption, suggesting
the gastrointestinal tract can compensate for small decreases in absorptive capacity. Indeed,
gastrointestinal adaptation has been previously demonstrated in other conditions, such as small bowel
[0047] Because absorption has not been shown to be a major factor in glucose intolerance during
aging, the GR protocol that uses one-half of each animal's daily meal allowance was chosen. Some
studies use a standard glucose load, whereas in others, a meal is offered. But because of the interest in
evaluating the glycemic response to a total diet matrix rather than the independent effects of starch
sources, the meal protocol was chosen. The animals were fed equal amounts within dietary treatment
groups on a gram feed per kg body weight basis. Although total quantities varied on an individual
basis, when expressed on a gram feed per kg body weight basis, all animals received similar amounts.
[0048] Age-related species variations may also occur with baseline glucose values. Younger dogs
exhibited higher baseline glucose values than their older counterparts, an observation previously noted
for this particular colony of dogs. Although these data are in disagreement with previous literature,
other researchers have reported no difference between young and old subjects and baseline glucose.
Indeed, when dealing with an elderly population, avoiding confounding factors such as disease states
(e.g., diabetes mellitus) is difficult.
[0049] Glucose metabolism is known to decline with aging, ultimately manifesting itself as
hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. Over time, hyperinsulinemia can lead to insulin resistance and,
eventually, glucose metabolism dysfunction. Hyperglycemia interconnects two theories of aging, the
free radical and glycosylation theories, both of which can modulate changes in gene expression that
result in the emergence of phenotypic changes of aging. These two cellular-based theories deal with the
"wear and tear" concept of aging, wherein senescence is the result of wearing down of somatic cells
following continuous use and function. Other theories are population-based (rate of living; i.e.,
development and maturation, determines longevity) or organ-based (impairment of certain organs in
the body; i.e., endocrine and immune organs, affects aging). The glycosylation and free radical theories
of aging are especially relevant.
[0050] The glycosylation theory of aging states that hyperglycemia may accelerate the aging process
by increasing the amount of glucose available to bind with proteins. Glucose adduction to lysine
residues followed by the Maillard reaction results in an important post-translational modification of
proteins, the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE). Consequences of protein
glycosylation include a reduction of protein digestibility and turnover, cross-linking resulting in
increased tissue rigidity, reduced enzymatic activity (such as Na>;+;K>;+; ATPase), altered protein
antigenicity and altered receptor-ligand interactions. Protein glycosylation secondary to hyperglycemia
has been linked to many complications including accelerated atherogenesis in persons with diabetes,
skin/joint changes and retinopathy. AGE accumulations have been related to altered nerve conduction
velocity and increased secretion of various cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-p and interleukin I - alpha
). One additional potential mechanism for tissue damage associated with glycosylation is the generation
of free radicals. Glucose, in the presence of CuS04, undergoes autooxidation thereby generating free
radicals in vitro. As well, protein glycosylation itself results in the production of free radicals and
partial degradation of proteins.
[0051] The free radical theory of aging implicates free radicals in the pathogenesis of the aging
process as well as chronic human diseases associated with aging including inflammatory diseases,
cataracts, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Certain free radicals attack vital cell
components, injure cell membranes, inactivate enzymes and damage genetic material in the cell
nucleus. Antioxidants quell free radicals, and it has been reported that treatment with antioxidants
extended the life span of mice, although other researchers could not confirm this and suggested the
study may have been confounded by calorie restriction.
[0052] Normalizing glycemic control is currently the technique used for preventing protein
glycosylation and hyperglycemia-induced free radical production. Proper selection of starch sources
helps to normalize glycemic control by lowering postprandial glucose and insulin secretion in an older
population. Therefore, proper selection of a starch source is needed when attempting to modulate
postprandial hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia through nutrition in groups at increased risk, such as
an aged population.
Example 2
[0053] The same animals and diets as described in Example 1 were used; see Tables 1 and 2. The test
procedures were as reported in Example 1. In this experiment, the effects of age on glucose metabolism
were studied.
[0054] As in Example 1, animals were fed to maintain ideal body weight. Individual animals did not
fluctuate significantly in body weight. Animal weight did not differ by diet (19.5 +/- 0.9 kg vs. 20.8 +/0.9 kg, CS and CSR respectively, p = NS) or age (20.1 +/- 0.9 kg vs. 20.3 +/- 0.9 kg, old and young
animals respectively, p = NS). However, breed did significantly affect weight (31.9 +/- 0.9 kg vs. 8.5
+/- 0.9 kg, LR and FT, respectively, p>;0.0001).
[0055] When dietary intake is expressed on a grams of feed per kg body weight basis, no effect from
diet was seen (19.3 +/- 0.7 g/kg body weight vs. 20.2 +/- 0.7 g/kg body weight, CS and CSR
respectively, p = NS). As would be expected, both age (22.2 +/- 0.7 g/kg body weight vs. 17.3 +/- 0.7
g/kg body weight, young and old animals respectively, p >; 0.001) and breed (15.6 +/- 0.7 g/kg body
weight vs 23.9 +/- 0.7 g/kg body weight, LR and FT respectively, p >; 0.001) significantly affected
dietary intakes.
[0056] Age was the only variable which significantly affected % body fat (30.4 +/- 1.2% vs. 16.8 +/1.2%, old and young animals respectively, p>;0.0001, see Table 5). No significant differences existed
within diet and breed (p = NS). Whole body fat (%; Table 5) was negatively correlated with insulin
sensitivity (-0.21, p = NS), glucose effectiveness (-0.39, p >; 0.05) and glucose effectiveness at zero
insulin (-0.39, p >; 0.05) but was positively correlated with the acute insulin response to glucose (0.37,
p >; 0.05). Significant age*diet and age*breed interaction effects were also seen as shown in Table 5.
[0057] Using Bergman's minimal model method, insulin sensitivity (Si), glucose effectiveness (Sg),
acute insulin response to glucose (AIRg), and the glucose disappearance rate (G(0)) are measured by
mathematical modeling. Sg is defined as the efficiency by which glucose can restore its own
concentration independent of any dynamic insulin response. These insulin-dependent mechanisms of
glucose restoration involve the mass action effect of glucose on peripheral utilization. This parameter
represents the fractional glucose turnover at basal insulin. Or, quantitative enhancement of glucose
disappearance due to an increase in plasma glucose concentration. G(0) is defined as the glucose
concentration at t=0 estimated by extrapolating the prediction of the glucose kinetics model to the
moment of injection. AIRg is defined as the acute insulin response to glucose. Si is defined as the
increase in fractional glucose disappearance per unit insulin concentration increase. In healthy
individuals, there is a balance between insulin secretion and sensitivity such that secretion x sensitivity
= constant.
[0058] For the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), after consumption of a meal, plasma glucose and
insulin were measured at -10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, and 240 minutes. For the intravenous
glucose tolerance test (IVGTT), the jugular vein of the animal is catheterized and 2 ml blood samples
are removed at the above time points. An advantage to an IVGTT versus an OGTT is that an IVGTT is
not complicated by differing rates of intestinal glucose absorption. At time 0, glucose (0.5 g/kg body
weight, 30% solution) was infused. At 20 minutes, human insulin (0.02 units/kg body weight) was
infused. Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were measured at all time points, and the data was
analyzed by Bergman's mathematical model for Sg, G(0), AIRg, and Si.
[0059] Diet or breed did not significantly affect any Minimal Model parameters; see Table 6.
However, there was a trend for CSR-fed animals to have an elevated G(0) (324 +/- 25 mg/dL vs. 391
+/-25 mg/dL, CS and CSR diet respectively, p = 0.09). FT tended to have a higher Sg than LR (0.09 +/0.01 min>;-1; vs. 0.07 +/- 0.01 min>;-1;, FT and LR diet respectively, p = 0.10). Age did significantly
affect Sg. Old dogs had significantly lower Sg than young animals, (0.07 +/- 0.01 min>;-1; vs. 0.09 +/0.01 min>;-1;, old and young dogs respectively, p >; 0.05), tended to have a higher AIRg (253 +/- 25
mu IU/ml vs. 198 +/- 23 mu IU/ml, old and young dogs respectively, p = 0.10) and lower G(0) (326
+/- 26 mg/dL vs. 389 +/- 24 mg/dL, old and young dogs respectively, p = 0.09). Young CSR-fed dogs
exhibited a significantly higher Sg than old-CS fed dogs (0.11 +/- 0.01 min>;-1; vs. 0.06 +/- 0.01
min>;-1;, CSR-young and CS-old dogs respectively, p >; 0.05) and G(0) (431 +/- 34 mg/dL vs. 301 +/37 mg/dL, CS and CSR diet respectively, p >; 0.05). CSR-fed FT had a significantly elevated Sg
compared to CS-fed LR (0.10 +/- 0.01 min>;-1; vs. 0.06 +/- 0.01 min>;-1;, CSR FT and CS-LR dogs
respectively, p >; 0.05). Young LR exhibited a higher Si than old LR (11.5 +/- 2.3 x10>;-4; min/ mu
IU/ml vs. 3.9 + 2.3 x10>;-4; min/ mu IU/ml, young LR and old LR dogs respectively, p >; 0.05) and
had a higher G(0) (408 +/- 34 mg/dL vs. 304 +/- 37 mg/dL, young LR and old LR respectively, p >;
0.05). Young FT had significantly higher Sg than old LR (0.10 +/- 0.01 min>;-1; vs. 0.05 +/- 0.01
min>;-1;, young FT and old LR dogs respectively, p >; 0.05).
>;tb;>;TABLE; Columns=6
>;tb;Title: Table 5 - Correlation analysis between various treatments and whole body fat (%) in dogs
>;tb;Head Col 1:
>;tb;Head Col 2:
>;tb;Head Col 3:
>;tb;Head Col 4 to 6: Correlation to % Body Fat
>;tb;SubHead Col 1: Parameter
>;tb;SubHead Col 2: % Body Fat
>;tb;SubHead Col 3: Si
>;tb;SubHead Col 4: Sg
>;tb;SubHead Col 5: AIRg
>;tb;SubHead Col 6: G(0)
>;tb;Young dogs>;SEP;16.8+/-1.1>;b;>;SEP;0.13>;SEP;-0.46>;SEP;0.23>;SEP;-0.33
>;tb;Old dogs>;SEP;30.4+/-1.2 >;a;>;SEP;-0.11>;SEP;-0.03>;SEP;0.18>;SEP;-0.30
>;tb;Young-CS>;SEP;16.6+/-1 .5>;b;>;SEP;0.06>;SEP;0.01>;SEP;0.30>;SEP;-0.07
>;tb;Old-FT>;SEP;31.2+/-1.7>;a;>;SEP;0.10>;SEP;-0.57>;SEP;0.06>;SEP;-0.71 *
[0060] Data for body fat is expressed as mean +/- SEM (n=36 total, n=18/single treatment group and
n=9/interaction treatment group; however an Old-CSR-LR was removed from the study therefore
n=35/17/8 for respective treatment groups) and data for correlation's are expressed as Pearson
Correlation coefficients. In body fat data set, values which do not share similar superscripts are
significantly different (p >; 0.05). For correlation data set, * indicates (p >; 0.05) and ** indicates (p >;
0.01). Si = insulin sensitivity, Sg = glucose effectiveness. AIRg = acute insulin response to glucose,
G(0) = glucose concentration at t=0 estimated by extrapolating the prediction of the glucose kinetics
model to the moment of injection (thus cardiovascular mixing is not included), CS = corn/grain
sorghum diet, CSR = corn/ grain sorghum/ rice diet, FT = Fox Terriers, LR Labrador Retrievers.
>;tb;>;TABLE; Id=Table 6 - Columns=5
>;tb;Bergman's Minimal Model data in dogs
>;tb;Head Col 1: Variable
>;tb;Head Col 2: Si 10>;-4; min/ mu IU/ml
>;tb;Head Col 3: Sg min>;-1;
>;tb;Head Col 4: AIRg mu IU/ml
>;tb;Head Col 5: G(0) mg/dl
>;tb;CSR>;SEP;8.1+/-1.7>;SEP;0.09+/-0.01>;SEP;227+/-24>;SEP;391 +/-25
>;tb;FT>;SEP;8.1+/-1.7>;SEP;0.09+/-0.01 *>;SEP;210+/-24>;SEP;360+/-25
>;tb;Old>;SEP;6.2+/-1.8>;SEP;0.07+/-0.01 >;a;>;SEP;253+/-25*>;SEP;326+/-26*
>;tb;Young>;SEP;9.6+/-1.6>;SEP;0.09+/-0.01 >;b;>;SEP;198+/-23>;SEP;389+/-24
>;tb;CS-Old>;SEP;5.0+/-2.5>;SEP;0.06+/-0.01 >;b;>;SEP;247+/-35>;SEP;301+/-37>;b;
>;tb;CSR-Old>;SEP;7.4+/-2.5>;SEP;0.07+/-0.01 >;ab;>;SEP;260+/-35>;SEP;351+/-37>;ab;
Values are means +/- SEM (n=18/single treatment group and n=9/interaction treatment group; however
an Old-CSR-LR was removed from the study therefore n=35/17/8 for respective treatment groups),
values with different superscripts are significantly different (p >;0.05) within a treatment. Values with
* indicate a trend (p;0.1) within a treatment. Si = insulin sensitivity, Sg = glucose effectiveness, AIRg
= acute insulin response to glucose, G(0) = glucose concentration at t=0 estimated by extrapolating the
prediction of the glucose kinetics model to the moment of injection (thus cardiovascular mixing is not
included), CS = com/grain sorghum diet, CSR = corn/ grain sorghum/ rice diet, FT = Fox Terrier, LR =
Labrador Retriever.
[0061] Similar to the human population, the segment of older companion animals is substantial as
demonstrated by recent demographic surveys conducted in the United States and the United Kingdom.
In agreement with human studies, geriatric pets require a decreased total daily energy requirement.
Inactivity alone may cause a decrease of up to 20% of the pet's total daily energy requirement. This
decrease, coupled with the natural slowing of the basal metabolic rate, can result in a total reduction in
energy needs of up to 30-40%.
[0062] Although many factors contribute to impaired glucose tolerance, two have been recognized as
playing a major role: pancreatic responsivity and insulin sensitivity. The former relates to the ability of
pancreatic beta -cells to secrete insulin in response to glucose stimuli whereas the latter is dependent
upon the capability of insulin to increase glucose uptake in muscles, liver and adipose tissue. Defects in
either or both of these factors can lead to impaired glucose tolerance, or if severe enough, to overt
diabetes mellitus. Therefore, maintaining and/or improving these factors is a primary goal in improving
glucose tolerance and preventing diabetes mellitus, especially in those groups at increased risk.
[0063] Aging is associated with deterioration in glucose tolerance which has been reported as
secondary to obesity and decreased physical activity. These age differences have been abolished by
feeding a high carbohydrate diet. However, in the veterinary spectrum, feeding companion animals a
high carbohydrate is impractical. In order for an animal to maintain weight, caloric and nutritional
needs must be derived from protein, carbohydrates and fat. If one component is increased, the other
two must be reduced in order to compensate, thereby reducing the essential nutrients derived from
these dietary sources.
[0064] This experiment demonstrated the effects of age and breed on glucose tolerance. Since body
fat remained unchanged between diets and breed, and it has been reported that carbohydrate absorption
is not changed with increasing age, an unidentified adiposity independent effect must be responsible for
the changes in glucose tolerance seen in this experiment. Differences between breeds were noted for
glucose and insulin responses during a glycemic response test. In this experiment, differences were
found between breeds for Sg.
Example 3
[0065] Twenty-one geriatric beagle dogs were studied to evaluate the glycemic response for three
different diets. The study consisted of four periods (baseline and three experimental periods). The dogs
received a standard diet during the baseline period. Following the baseline period, the dogs were
randomly assigned to three groups of seven dogs each. The groups remained consistent throughout the
experimental periods. Three test diets were evaluated during the experimental periods in a cross over
design between groups. Each diet contained corn, sorghum (also referred to as grain sorghum and milo)
and one of the following starches: barley, oats, or rice. All animals received each of the three test diets.
[0066] Each period consisted of a two week stabilization period where either the baseline diet or one
of the test diets was offered. A glycemic response test (a general term describing the glucose and
insulin response to a meal) was performed during the third week. Resulting samples were assayed for
insulin and glucose. Stool characteristics were also obtained during each period.
[0067] The dogs were weighed weekly and a glycemic response was performed at the end of each
period. Glucose and insulin levels were determined at baseline and at 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, and
240 minutes postprandial. Stool characteristics were obtained for one week during the second week of
each period.
[0068] Animals, husbandry: Twenty-one healthy geriatric Beagle dogs (Covance, Cumberland, VA)
of which 19 were female and two were male were used in this experiment. The dogs were treated
humanely and ethically during the entire study period. All the animals were current on their vaccination
and parasite prevention program. The dogs were housed individually in oversize pens and identified by
a unique ear tattoo. Fresh water was provided ad libitum during the entire study period. The average
body weight of the dogs was 12.83 kg (range: 9.93 to 18.85 kg) and the average age was 9.44 years
(range: 6.86 to 13.10 years) at the initiation of the study. The dogs were fed ad libitum for 30 minutes
each day during the experimental period. The dogs appeared to adjust very well to a limited time of
food presentation. One of the dogs was euthanized due to a cervical disc problem. Another dog became
sick and no data was collected for the last two periods of the study. Another dog was diagnosed with
diabetes and the data generated from this dog was discarded. No other animals were sick or required
medical attention during the study period.
[0069] The experiment consisted of a baseline period and a treatment period of three replicates
evaluating three dietary treatments in a cross over design. During the three-week baseline period all 21
geriatric dogs received a standard diet and the dogs were gradually trained to consume their food
within approximately 30 minutes. At the end of the baseline period, the dogs were randomized based
on body weight into three dietary treatment groups of seven dogs. Each replicate lasted three weeks and
the dog groups were assigned to a different dietary treatment during each replicate, thus, each dog
received each of the three dietary treatments during the experimental period. A glycemic response test
was performed at the end of each replicate and at the end of the baseline period. The animals were
weighed weekly throughout the study. Fecal scores were collected for one week (the second week) of
the baseline period and the second week of each replicate.
[0070] Food intake was monitored daily during the entire study and the difference in grams between
the food offered and the left over food was recorded as the amount consumed in one day for each dog.
During the baseline period, the dogs were fed to maintain body weight and were gradually trained to
consume their ad libitum meal within a 30-minute period in preparation for the glycemic challenges.
During the experimental period, the same feeding regimen was maintained and the dogs were fed at
approximately the same time each day.
[0071] The body weights of the dogs were measured weekly before feeding in the morning. Scales
with dynamic weighing mode (Mettler Toledo KB60s platform with a 1D1s Multirange indicator
[60,000g x 1g] or Mettler Toledo SM34-K scale [32,000g x 1.0g], Toledo Ohio) were used to measure
body weights. The stool characteristics of the dogs were observed for seven consecutive days during
the second week of the baseline period and each replicate of the experimental period. Fecal scores were
assigned according to Table 7.
>;tb;>;TABLE; Id=Table 7 - Columns=2
>;tb;Definition of the fecal score system.
>;tb;Head Col 1: Fecal Score
>;tb;Head Col 2: Stool Description
>;tb;0>;SEP;No stool
>;tb;1>;SEP;Liquid with or without particulate matter
>;tb;2>;SEP;Soft, shapeless
>;tb;3>;SEP;Soft, with shape
>;tb;4>;SEP;Firm, well formed
>;tb;5>;SEP;Extremely dry
[0072] Glycemic response tests were performed at the end of the baseline period and the end of each
replicate. The dogs were fasted for at least 12 hours prior to the initiation of the glycemic response test.
Two baseline samples were collected approximately ten minutes apart from the jugular vein directly
into sodium heparinized evacuated tubes (Vacutainer TM , Becton Dickinson, Sunnyvale, CA).
Immediately after the last baseline sample was collected, each dog was fed an individually
precalculated amount of food (i.e., half the daily average for the previous four days prior to the baseline
challenge) and allowed a maximum of 30 minutes to eat the experimental diets. Dogs not consuming
the experimental diet within 30 minutes were excluded from the glycemic test for that day and retested
the next day. Time 0 corresponded to the end of the food intake. Once food consumption was
terminated, the cephalic vein was catheterized aseptically. Additional blood samples were collected at
10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes after the food was consumed. The blood samples were
collected in syringes and transferred into sodium heparinized evacuated tubes. The blood samples were
centrifuged at approximately 3000 x g for 20 minutes and two plasma aliquots from each time point
were frozen. Plasma glucose concentrations (mg/dl) were determined by hexokinase enzyme method
(Cobas Mira, Roche Diagnostic System, Somerville, NJ) and insulin concentrations ( mu IU/ml) were
determined by standard radioimmunoassay method using RIA kit (DPC Diagnostic Products Corp., Los
Angeles, CA).
[0073] The ingredient compositions of the experimental diets are presented in Table 8 with nutrient
composition presented in Table 9. During the study periods, three experimental diets were evaluated.
>;tb;>;TABLE; Id=Table 8- Columns=4
>;tb;Ingredient composition of experimental diets
>;tb;Head Col 1:
>;tb;Head Col 2: RICE diet
>;tb;Head Col 3: BARLEY diet
>;tb;Head Col 4: OAT diet
>;tb;SubHead Col 1;:
>;tb;SubHead Col 2 to 4: g/kg
>;tb;Beet Pulp>;SEP;4.0>;SEP;4.0>;SEP;4.0
>;tb;Brewers dried yeast>;SEP;1.0>;SEP;1.0>;SEP;1.0
>;tb;Vitamin mix
>;tb;Dried whole egg>;SEP;1.0>;SEP;1.0>;SEP;1.0
>;tb;Poultry fat>;SEP;4.4>;SEP;5.4>;SEP;4.4
>;tb;Sodium chloride>;SEP;0.1>;SEP;0.1>;SEP;0.1
>;tb;Poultry by-product meal>;SEP;33.2>;SEP;25.4>;SEP;27.3
>;tb;Dicalcium phosphate>;SEP;0.5>;SEP;0.7>;SEP;0.6
>;tb;Calcium carbonate>;SEP;0.7>;SEP;1.0>;SEP;1.0
>;tb;Potassium chloride>;SEP;0.4>;SEP;0.6>;SEP;0.5
>;tb;Choline chloride (60%)>;SEP;0.2>;SEP;0.3>;SEP;0.2
>;tb;Monosodium phosphate>;SEP;0.4>;SEP;0.6>;SEP;0.5
>;tb;Menhaden oil>;SEP;0.5>;SEP;0.5>;SEP;0.5
>;tb;Ground flax>;SEP;1.0>;SEP;1.0>;SEP;1.0
>;tb;Mineral mix
>;tb;Ground corn>;SEP;16.5>;SEP;18.4>;SEP;18.3
>;tb;Grain sorghum>;SEP;16.5>;SEP;18.4>;SEP;18.3
>;tb;Brewers Rice>;SEP;16.5>;SEP;---->;SEP;---->;tb;Barley>;SEP;--->;SEP;18.4>;SEP;-->;tb;Oats>;SEP;----->;SEP;--->;SEP;18.3
>;1; Provides the following on a 92.5% dry matter basis: 15.6 KIU/kg vitamin A, 937 IU/kg vitamin
D, 75.4 IU/kg vitamin E, 128.7 mg/kg ascorbic acid, 11 mg/kg thiamin, 34.3 mg/kg riboflavin, 21.5
mg/kg pantothenic acid, 58.5 mg/kg niacin, 7.4 mg/kg pyrodoxine, 1.2 mg/kg folic acid, 0.4 mg/kg
biotin, 0.15 mg/kg vitamin B12.
>;2; Provides the following on a 92.5% dry matter basis: 213 mg/kg magnesium, 412 mg/kg iron, 34.5
mg/kg copper, 61.6 mg/kg manganese, 227.8 mg/kg zinc, 3.48 mg/kg iodine, 0.27 mg/kg selenium.
>;tb;>;TABLE; Id=Table 9- Columns=4
>;tb;Nutrient composition of experimental diets
>;tb;Head Col 1:
>;tb;Head Col 2: RICE diet
>;tb;Head Col 3: BARLEY diet
>;tb;Head Col 4: OAT diet
>;tb;SubHead Col 1;:
>;tb;SubHead Col 2 to 4: g/kg
>;tb;SubHead Col 1;:
>;tb;SubHead Col 2 to 4: kcal / g
>;tb;Gross Energy>;SEP;4.53>;SEP;4.52>;SEP;4.47
[0074] The data were analyzed as follows: Glucose and insulin were measured at nine different time
points as shown in Figs. 16 and 18. Time point "0" was considered as the baseline and consisted of the
average of both baseline samples. Area under the curve (Figs. 17 and 19), area above baseline, time of
peak and peak amplitude were calculated for both insulin and glucose. These variables were analyzed
using analysis of variance for randomized block design (SAS User's Guide: Statistics, Cary, NC; SAS
Institute Inc., 1989). The classification included sources for: Treatment, Replication and Error. All FTests used alpha =0.10 and LSD used alpha =0.05.
[0075] Time dependent responses were studied using a repeated measure analysis of variance and the
per-time glucose or insulin observations. The classification included sources for: Time, Treatment x
Time, Replicate within Treatment-Time combinations and Error. Treatment effects were tested using
Replicate, Treatment, Replicate x Treatment for the Error term. All F-Tests and LSD used alpha =0.05.
[0076] Results: There were no differences between diets for body weight or weekly food
consumption quantities (data not shown). There were no differences detected between the individual
time points and between the other variables evaluated (P;0.05). As shown in Fig. 16, RICE diet resulted
in a slightly higher glucose peak and a slightly elevated glucose response compared to the BARLEY
and OAT diets. Several dogs did not return to baseline glucose levels by the end of the glycemic
response test indicating a reduced ability of geriatric dogs to respond to glucose elevation. The
incremental area under the glucose curve (Fig. 17) for those dogs that consumed the RICE diet tended
to be higher (P>;0.12) compared with dogs that consumed the BARLEY diet and was only marginally
higher compared to dogs that consumed the OAT diet.
[0077] Insulin response data (Figs. 18 and 19) showed that at the 45 min-time point, OAT diet had a
significantly lower (P>;0.05) insulin level than BARLEY diet but was not different (P;0.05) than RICE
diet. The insulinemic response for the RICE and BARLEY diets had two distinct insulin peaks at
approximately at 45 to 60 min and 180 min with RICE eliciting a higher peak at both time points. OAT
diet resulted in a flatter response with a single peak. The insulin response of several dogs did not return
to baseline glucose levels by the 240-min time point. This delay may indicate a reduced capacity for
older dogs to respond to glucose elevation. In fact, one of the geriatric dogs was removed from the
study because it had an extremely high baseline and poorly compensated glucose peak which is
compatible with diabetes. The extremely variable glycemic response observed in these geriatric dogs in
combination with the large variations between replicates muffled the diet effect and demonstrated that
geriatric dogs have an erratic glycemic response. The dogs which consumed the RICE diet tended to
have an elevated incremental area under the insulin curve (P>;0.08) when compared with the OAT
diet-fed dogs and had only a marginally higher incremental area under the insulin curve when
compared with the BARLEY diet-fed dogs.
[0078] The stool scores remained normal for all dogs during the entire study and there were no
differences (P;0.05) between treatment groups (data not shown).
[0079] The RICE diet produced exaggerated glucose and insulin curves in response to a glycemic
tolerance test in dogs when compared with the BARLEY and OAT diet-fed dogs. This effect can be
quantified over the entire 240-min test as an incremental area under the curve. Although these effects
were not significantly different at a 95% confidence interval, these exaggerated responses over time
may be the first step to developing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Currently, most dog diets
in the commercial market contain rice as the starch source. This may be detrimental to the animal in the
long term, or to an animal exhibiting signs of impaired glucose tolerance by initiating and maintaining
higher glucose and insulin responses to a meal. In this experiment, the OAT diet was most effective at
lowering the insulin response to a meal whereas the BARLEY diet was most effective at lowering the
glucose response to a meal. A blend of these two starch sources would be beneficial in helping to
control the glucose response in dogs that exhibit signs of impaired glucose tolerance or as a
preventative measure for feeding long-term by lowering both the glucose and insulin responses to a
[0080] While certain representative embodiments and details have been shown for purposes of
illustrating the invention, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes in the
methods and apparatus disclosed herein may be made without departing from the scope of the
invention, which is defined in the appended claims.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database Worldwide
6. FR2608376 - 6/24/1988
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/18; A23K1/14
E Class: A23K1/14; A23K1/18L
Application Number:
FR19860018250 (19861223)
Priority Number: FR19860018250 (19861223)
Family: FR2608376
Abstract of FR2608376
Food composition for Gallinaceae. It is composed of: maize: 45%; oats: 10%; wheat: 15%; rice: 15%,
all the cereals being ground and packaged.Description:
Description of FR2608376
Cette composition alimentaire de type nouveaua pour produit de base l'association des céréales
suivantes : mais, avoine, blé, orge, auxquelles nous ajoutons le riz. Le mais reste prépondérant à 45
%,ltavoine IO , le blé 15 , l'orge 15 , le riz 15. Le tout est broyé et conditionné.
Cette composition a son avantage par un gain de temps sur le gavage traditionnel qui est de trois
semaines. Elle nous permet de gagner 5 à 6 jours Elle fait une accélération du ryth- me de
développement bio-hormonal du sujet à traiter, essentiellement les gallinacés. Ceci amène une
meilleure possibilité de commercialisation sur le marché de la viande pure (moins de graisse). Elle
réduit la graisse sécrétée par l'animald'où 1 mise en cause du gavage traditionnel basé en premier lieu
sur la production de produits gras : foie gras, confit, pâtés.
L'éllaboration du foie gras et autres dérives n'est pas mise en cause dans son principe. C'est seulement
la technique mise en oeuvre qui diffère, les mêmes produits pouvant être obtenus mais à
partird'éléments issus d'un nombre plus élevéd'indivi- dus lesquels auront reçus unealimentation plus
équilibrée et plus rationnelle. Par conséquent il y a moins de perte. Le développement des sujets est
plus harmonieux L'adaptation aux besoins et aux finalité de la nourriture humaine est meilleure.
Ceci nous amène un développement des anti-corps et un moyen de défense naturelle du corps humain.
(alimentation plus saine) donc abaissement des risques de contagion et de maladies, principalement
celles véhiculées par les plantes.
Cette composition fait l'éliminationd'un mono élément, le mais.
ceci nous amène une large possibilité d'utilisation, les régions demono-culture du mais ne sont plus les
Encas de sécheresse, l'intérêt est majeur. le mais craint la sécheresse, la chaleur, etleD plantations de
maïs sont les premières "grillées" par le soleil ( certains exemples en France,dans le Lot, laDcraogne,
leLot et Garonne). Cettecomposition élinine le risque.
Cette composition amène desintérSts de développement de l'agriculture et du gavage des galinacés
dans des régions où ce procédé estjusqu t alors peu connu ou inexistant.
Nous pouvons voir ici un intérêt pour les pays en voie de développement et une meilleure adaptation
aux exigences du monde moderne par un produit diversifié dans son éllaboration et non plus unmono6lément.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of FR2608376
Composition alimentaire pour gallinacés caractérisée en ce qu'elle comporte les céréales suivantes maïs
45 %, avoine 10 %, blé 15 %, orge 15 %, riz 15 %.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database Worldwide
7. FR2846852 - 5/14/2004
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K; A01N; A61J
IP Class:A23K1/18; A01N25/24; A61J3/07
E Class: A23K1/18K; A23K1/18; A23K1/18N; A23K1/00B; A23K1/00B3; A61K9/00M18B
Application Number:
FR20020014032 (20021108)
Priority Number: FR20020014032 (20021108)
Family: FR2846852
WO2004043427; EP1562549; AU2003290157
Abstract of FR2846852
The holder (1) for an active substance (9), especially medication to be given to an animal, is made from
an appetizing and edible material like marshmallow, a paste of rice or fruit, or cheese, and has at least
one adhesive surface (7) to which the active substance can be firmly attached. The matrix can be made,
for example with two facing adhesive surfaces that can be separated by hand to permit insertion of the
active substance, which is then enclosed by the matrix.Description:
Description of FR2846852
L'invention concerne un support appétent pour une substance active
destinée à un animal, en particulier pour les chiens, les chats, les chevaux, les
porcs et les ruminants.
L'administration de substances actives par voie orale, en particulier de 5 médicaments, aux animaux
est souvent difficile du fait du mauvais got de certaines de ces substances et du sens très développé de
l'odorat et du got de
ces animaux.
En cas de refus d'absorption, les chances de succès du traitement
vétérinaire peuvent chuter dramatiquement.
Il existe donc un besoin pour un conditionnement des substances actives apte à déjouer la vigilance
des animaux, en particulier des chiens, des chats, des
chevaux, des porcs et des ruminants..
On connaît de EP 0 320 320 un comprimé comportant un noyau, contenant les substances actives, et
une matrice appétente enrobant complètement 15 ce noyau. Un tel comprimé est coteux à fabriquer, en
particulier du fait de l'étape d'enrobage. Il n'est donc pas envisageable d'enrober extemporanément et à
des médicaments livrés dépourvus de matrice appétente.
On connaît de EP 0 574 301 une pastille constituée d'une matrice en un matériau appétent comportant
un logement de forme sensiblement complémentaire 20 à celle du comprimé à faire avaler au chien, Le
comprimé est bloqué en force dans le logement puis la pastille est présentée au chien de manière à
cacher le comprimé.
Une telle pastille présente plusieurs inconvénients.
En premier lieu, la pastille est fabriquée avec son logement. Il n'est plus 25 possible ensuite de
modifier la forme de ce dernier, en particulier pour l'adapter à
des comprimés de formes différentes.
En second lieu, si l'animal mord dans la pastille, il peut la rompre et provoquer le détachement de la
substance active. Il peut alors sentir cette
substance active et la recracher.
En dernier lieu, il est impossible avec une telle pastille d'insérer
simultanément plusieurs comprimés de même taille, ou d'insérer des gélules.
Il existe donc un besoin pour un support de substances actives ne
présentant pas les inconvénients ci-dessus.
Le but de la présente invention est de fournir un tel support.
Selon l'invention, on atteint ce but au moyen d'un support appétent pour 5 une substance active
destinée à un animal, comportant une matrice en un matériau comestible, remarquable en ce que ladite
matrice comporte au moins une surface collante suffisamment adhésive pour fixer ladite substance
active par simple
contact de ladite substance active avec ladite surface collante.
Un tel support appétent permet donc de fixer la substance active, 10 notamment un médicament, en la
disposant simplement en contact avec la surface
collante de la matrice.
Aucun procédé complexe d'enrobage n'est donc nécessaire.
De plus, la fixation par collage autorise l'utilisation du support selon l'invention pour des substances
actives préparées par exemple sous forme de 15 comprimés, de tablettes, de gélules ou de poudres,
avec des formes quelconques,
par exemple sensiblement cylindriques, sphériques ou discoidales.
Selon d'autres caractéristiques préférentielles du procédé suivant l'invention, - ladite surface collante
est suffisamment adhésive pour que ladite substance 20 active fixée ne puisse en être détachée sans
déchirement, au moins partiel, de ladite matrice; - ladite matrice comporte au moins deux surfaces
collées l'une à l'autre et conformées de manière à pouvoir être écartées l'une de l'autre, à la main,
découvrant ainsi ladite surface collante; - ladite matrice comporte au moins une masse gluante pouvant
être ouverte de manière à exposer ladite surface collante; - ladite matrice est déchirable à la main de
manière ouvrir ladite masse gluante; - ladite matrice est déformable à la main; - ladite matrice renferme
une substance appétente; - ledit support comporte une couche d'une substance appétente recouvrant, au
moins en partie, ladite matrice; - ladite substance appétente est une poudre de foie; - ladite matrice est
en une matière de type guimauve, pâte de riz, de fruit ou de fromage;
- ladite matrice est une matière appétente pour ledit animal.
L'invention concerne également un procédé de conditionnement d'une substance active destinée à un
animal au moyen d'un support appètent comportant une matrice en un matériau comestible. Ce procédé
est remarquable en ce qu'il 10 comporte une étape de collage de ladite substance active sur une surface
de ladite matrice.
Selon d'autres caractéristiques préférentielles de l'invention, préalablement audit collage, on ouvre
ladite matrice de manière à exposer ladite surface collante vers l'extérieur dudit support; - on procède à
ladite ouverture par déchirement de ladite matrice; - après ledit collage, on referme ladite matrice de
manière à recouvrir, au moins partiellement, ladite substance active;
- on referme ladite matrice de manière à retenir ladite substance active.
D'autres caractéristiques et avantages de la présente invention 20 apparaîtront à la lecture de la
description qui va suivre et à l'examen du dessin
annexé dans lequel: - les figures 1 à 3 représentent des vues en coupes transversales de supports selon
l'invention, selon différents modes de réalisation;
- les figures 4 à 8 représentent des vues en coupes transversales des supports 25 représentés sur les
figures 1 à 3, après collage d'un comprimé sur ces supports.
Sur les différentes figures, des références identiques ont été utilisées pour
désigner des objets identiques ou analogues.
Sur les figures 1 à 8, le support 1 comporte une matrice 3 enrobée au
moins en partie d'une couche 5 en un matériau appétent ou " exhausteur 30 d'appétence ".
Comme on le verra plus en détail dans la suite de la description, selon
l'invention, la matrice 3 comporte au moins une surface collante 7 destinée à fixer une substance
active préparée, par exemple, sous la forme d'un comprimé
sensiblement sphérique 9.
De préférence, la surface collante 7 est suffisamment adhésive pour que la substance active ne puisse
être détachée de la matrice 3 sans que la matrice 3 ne laisse un dépôt de matière sur la substance active.
Ce dépôt peut être par exemple un dépôt poisseux, notamment de liquide sucré, formant un film,
éventuellement discontinu. De préférence, la matrice 3 se déchire localement à l'endroit du 10
détachement de la substance active, la fraction déchirée de la matrice 3 restant
collée à la substance active détachée.
Avantageusement, en cas de dislocation de la matrice 3, par exemple si la matrice 3 est réduite en
morceaux dans la gueule de l'animal, l'effet de masquage du got de la substance active par la matrice 3
persiste donc. L'adhésivité de la 15 surface collante 7 est peut être ajustée en fonction de la nature de la
substance active 9 qu'elle est destinée à recevoir, par exemple en modifiant la composition de
la matrice 3 selon des techniques connues de l'homme du métier.
La forme de la matrice 3 est par exemple cubique, mais peut être
quelconque, pourvu qu'elle soit adaptée à l'ingestion par l'animal à qui est destiné 20 le comprimé 9.
La matrice 3 est de préférence un matière molle à température ambiante. Il
est ainsi possible de la déformer à la main pour augmenter la surface de contact entre le comprimé 9 et
la surface collante 7. De préférence, la surface de contact couvre sensiblement toute la surface
extérieure 11 du comprimé 9 de manière à 25 englober ce dernier.
La matrice 3 est de préférence une matière à déformation plastique, c'està-dire qu'elle conserve
sensiblement la forme qui lui est donnée, par exemple une
gomme ou un gel.
La matrice 3 peut être par exemple une pâte de riz ou de fruit, de fromage 30 ou une pâte de
De préférence encore, la matrice 3 est en une matière de type guimauve comportant classiquement du
sucre, du sirop de glucose et de la gélatine. De
préférence, le sucre est remplacé par des polyols ou tout autre substitut du sucre connu.
Une composition possible de la guimauve est la suivante: - Sucre: 37% Sirop de glucose: 38% Dextrose: 3,5% - Gélatine: 3,4% - Sucre inverti: 7% - Eau: 11,1% La matrice 3 peut être neutre pour
l'animal, c'est-à-dire ne présenter sensiblement aucun got. De préférence cependant, la matrice est
choisie en une matière appétente, déterminée en fonction de l'animal auquel est destiné le support 1.
L'exhausteur d'appétence peut être par exemple du foie ou un autre 15 viscère déshydraté, de la farine
de viande, de la caséine, de la levure de bière, un concentré de protéine de poisson, ou un mélange de
ces différents exhausteurs d'appétence. Pour les supports destinés aux chevaux, l'exhausteur
d'appétence est de
préférence un arôme de pomme.
L'exhausteur d'appétence peut se présenter sous la forme d'une poudre ou d'un liquide.
Quant l'exhausteur d'appétence se présente sous la forme d'une poudre, le caractère collant de la
guimauve permet avantageusement, non seulement de
fixer le comprimé 9, mais aussi de fixer la poudre de l'exhausteur d'appétence.
L'exhausteur d'appétence en poudre peut également être dispersé en
phase liquide avant son application sur la matrice 3.
Des essais ont montré que la poudre de foie était particulièrement préférable.
On pourra par exemple utiliser l'exhausteur d'appétence D'TECH 8P30 MP003 Super Prémium
commercialisé par la Société SPF (France).
L'exhausteur d'appétence peut être incorporé au sein de la matrice 3, par exemple en ajoutant une
poudre de ce facteur d'appétence lors de la fabrication de
la matrice 3.
De préférence, l'exhausteur d'appétence est disposé sous la forme d'une 5 couche 5 recouvrant au
moins en partie une surface extérieure 13 de la matrice 3.
De préférence, comme représenté sur les figures 2, 3, 6 et 7, des zones 15 non couvertes par la poudre
d'exhausteur de got sont prévues pour permettre la manipulation du support 1 sans contact des doigts
avec l'exhausteur de got. Ce
dernier peut en effet dégager une odeur désagréable pour l'homme.
Un emballage, non représenté, peut également être conçu pour faciliter la
manipulation du support 1 sans contact avec l'exhausteur de got.
On se reporte à présent aux figures 1 et 4.
Le support 1 est fourni sous la forme d'un cube sensiblement homogène
que l'utilisateur déchire en deux morceaux 20 et 22.
Le support 1 est représenté sur la figure 1 dans un état intermédiaire entre son état initial sensiblement
cubique et son état déchiré en deux morceaux 20 et 22. La matrice 3 comporte, dans cet état
intermédiaire, deux extrémités 23 et
23' reliées par une base commune 23".
La matrice 3 constitue une masse de matière gluante. En ouvrant cette masse gluante, l'utilisateur
expose donc une surface collante 7 formée des
surfaces 24 et 26 des morceaux 20 et 22, respectivement, délimitant la déchirure.
Avantageusement, la couche 5 d'exhausteur d'appétence et la forme
massive du cube protègent la matrice 3 du dessèchement. La durée de vie du 25 support 1 en est
De préférence, après avoir déchiré le support 1 et disposé le comprimé 9
sur une des surfaces collantes 24 et 26, l'utilisateur dispose les morceaux 20 et 22 du support 1 déchiré
de manière que les surfaces collantes 24 et 26 soient sensiblement l'une en face de l'autre. Il exerce
ensuite une action de manière 30 presser l'un contre l'autre ces morceaux de façon à les faire adhérer
l'un à l'autre.
Avantageusement, les surfaces collantes 24 et 26 ne servent donc pas uniquement à fixer le comprimé
9 mais servent également à reconstituer le cube initial après collage du comprimé 9. Les doigts de
l'utilisateur qui manipulent le support 1 ne sont dès lors plus exposés à aucune surface collante et
n'encourent donc plus le risque de devenir poisseux. De préférence, les surfaces collantes 24 et 26 sont
suffisamment adhésives pour que, après qu'elles ont été apposées l'une sur l'autre, elles ne se détachent
plus spontanément l'une de l'autre. Par " spontanément ", on entend " sous le seul effet de l'élasticité de
la matrice ", c'est-à-dire sans intervention de
1 0 l'utilisateur.
De préférence encore, les surfaces collantes 24 et 26 sont suffisamment adhésives pour ne pas se
détacher non plus lorsque l'utilisateur ne cherche pas à les détacher l'une de l'autre, en particulier
lorsqu'il manipule le support fermé pour
le donner à l'animal.
De préférence, comme représenté sur la figure 5, l'utilisateur ne déchire pas totalement le support 1.
Avantageusement, la disposition des surfaces 24 et 26
l'une face à l'autre en est facilitée et plus précise.
De préférence, la déchirure est suffisamment large pour permettre l'insertion complète du comprimé 9.
Avantageusement, le support 1 selon 20 l'invention permet ainsi d'encapsuler, d'enrober ou d'englober
totalement le comprimé 9 après reconstitution du cube initial. Aucune odeur répulsive ou aucun got
désagréable ne peut donc plus se dégager du comprimé 9 inséré dans le
support 1.
De préférence, comme représenté sur la figure 2, le support 1 est pourvu 25 d'une fente 32 débouchant
sur au moins trois des faces du support 1.
Avantageusement, l'ouverture du support 1 en est facilitée.
Par " ouverture ", on entend l'exposition vers l'extérieur de volumes de la
matrice 3 initialement au sein de la matrice 3.
La forme plane des surfaces 34 et 36 bordant la fente 32 améliore 30 avantageusement le contact avec
le comprimé 9 et le contact mutuel de ces
surfaces après fermeture du support 1.
Par " fermeture ", on entend l'opération de manipulation du support 1 en vue d'encapsuler ou
d'englober totalement le comprimé 9 dans la matière constituant la matrice 3, après sa fixation sur la
matrice 3. Les figures 4 à 7
représentent ainsi des supports 1 dans des positions fermées.
Dans une variante de l'invention non représentée, la fente 32 peut être remplacée par une simple
incision ne débouchant que sur une seule des faces du
support 1.
La fente 32 peut également être remplacée par une section, de part en
part, du support 1.
Comme représenté sur la figure 3, la fente 32 peut encore être remplacée par une saignée 42
comportant deux faces latérales 34 et 36, et une face 38
formant un fond. Au moins une des faces de la saignée est collante.
De préférence, les 3 faces sont collantes de manière à pouvoir fermer le
support 1 par collage des faces latérales 34 et 36 l'une sur l'autre après collage du 15 comprimé 9 au
fond de la saignée 42, comme représenté sur la figure 7.
La fermeture du support 1 est toujours optionnelle. En particulier, le médicament peut être donné à
l'animal simplement collé et caché au fond de la saignée 42, comme représenté sur la figure 8. Dans ce
cas, il n'est pas nécessaire
que la matrice 3 soit déformable.
Dans une variante de l'invention, la saignée 42 peut être remplacée par un
trou, éventuellement débouchant.
La fabrication du support 1 selon l'invention représenté sur la figure 1 est
particulièrement simple et bon marché. Pour cette fabrication, le matériel et les techniques
couramment utilisées pour la fabrication des confiseries à base de 25 guimauve peuvent être mis en
Une pâte de guimauve est découpée ou moulée en cubes, puis ces cubes sont recouverts de poudre de
foie. Cette poudre peut être pulvérisée sur la guimauve collante. La guimauve peut aussi être roulée
dans cette poudre par exemple au moyen d'une turbine ou "huileuse" ou " sucreuse ". Les cubes
peuvent 30 également être enduits d'un revêtement liquide incorporant la poudre de foie, puis
mis à sécher.
L'exhausteur d'appétence représente, de préférence, entre 1 et 10% en
poids du support.
Selon les différentes variantes décrites ci-dessus, les cubes recouverts de l'exhausteur d'appétence sont
alors fendus, percés ou rainurés de manière à 5 prédéfinir des surfaces collantes. Les fentes, incisions,
trous, et saignées peuvent également être obtenues lors de la fabrication des cubes. Il faudra alors
veiller à ce que le dépôt de l'exhausteur d'appétence n'ôte leur caractère collant aux surfaces
destinées à fixer la substance active.
De préférence, les cubes enrobés sont emballés individuellement afin de 10 limiter leur dessèchement
et faciliter leur manipulation. Dans le cas des supports pourvus d'une fente, d'une incision, d'un trou ou
d'une saignée, il est préférable que l'emballage puisse être retiré partiellement en découvrant une
surface collante 7.
Pour procéder au conditionnement du comprimé 9, l'utilisateur déballe au 15 moins partiellement un
support 1 selon l'invention.
Si la surface collante 7 n'est pas immédiatement exposée lors du déballage du support 1 (figures 1, 2,
4, 5 et 6), l'utilisateur ouvre la matrice 3 de manière à découvrir une surface collante 7. Cette ouverture
peut résulter d'un déchirement, au moins partiel de la matrice 3 (figures 1, 4 et 5) ou d'un écartement 20
de deux parties de la matrice 3 de manière à élargir une fente 32 ménagée dans le
support (figures 2 et 5).
Puis l'utilisateur dépose le comprimé 9 sur la surface collante 7. La mise en
contact du comprimé avec le comprimé 9 suffit à fixer ce dernier.
De préférence, l'utilisateur presse légèrement le comprimé 1 sur la surface 25 collante 7 pour
améliorer la qualité de la fixation.
De préférence encore, après cette mise en contact, l'utilisateur referme la
matrice 3 de manière à recouvrir, de préférence totalement, le comprimé 9.
Après déballage complet, le comprimé ainsi conditionné peut être donné à l'animal. Comme cela
apparaît clairement, le conditionnement d'une substance active au moyen d'un support selon l'invention
est très simple et peut être mis en oeuvre extemporanément, à l'unité, par le particulier lui-même. Il ne
aucun appareillage.
Avantageusement, le même procédé de conditionnement et les mêmes supports 1 peuvent être utilisés
pour des substances actives de formes très différentes. Avantageusement, l'utilisateur peut conditionner
plusieurs substances actives, se présentant éventuellement sous des formes différentes (gélule,
comprimé, etc.) au moyen d'un même support 1.
On sait que certains animaux restent marqués par la première expérience 10 d'un produit nouveau.
Ainsi, lorsqu'on propose un médicament pour la première fois à un chien, il est possible de le tromper
en enrobant un médicament au got désagréable au moyen d'une matrice appétente. Mais si, après avoir
mâché la matrice appétente, le chien ressent ce got désagréable, il refusera par la suite d'avaler le même
produit présenté de la même manière. En revanche, si le chien ne 15 ressent pas le got désagréable la
première fois qu'on lui propose le médicament enrobé, il continuera à accepter ce médicament par la
suite, même si, les fois
suivantes, il ressent le got désagréable.
Avantageusement, selon l'invention, il est possible de donner un premier support 1 sans substance
active afin de faire accepter ce support par l'animal. 20 Comme expliqué ci-dessus, cette étape
préliminaire facilitera l'acceptation
ultérieure des supports suivants contenant une substance active.
Le tableau 1 suivant démontre l'efficacité d'un support selon l'invention et l'intérêt particulier d'un
enrobage au moyen d'un exhausteur d'appétence du type
poudre de foie.
Bien entendu, la présente invention n'est pas limitée au mode de
réalisation décrit et représenté fourni à titre d'exemple illustratif et non limitatif.
Par exemple, le support selon l'invention peut présenter une surface collante 7 orientée vers l'extérieur
et recouverte, jusqu'à utilisation du support 1, d'un film protecteur, par exemple d'un film en matière
plastique ou d'un papier gras,
prévu pour n'adhérer que légèrement à la surface collante 7.
Par "légèrement" on entend que le film protecteur peut être retiré par 10 l'utilisateur sans dégradation
structurelle du support 1 ni diminution de l'adhésivité
de la surface collante 7.
En retirant le film protecteur, l'utilisateur découvre ainsi une surface
collante 7 apte à fixer la substance active 9.
Par ailleurs, l'invention concerne également un support 1 appétent pour 15 une substance active 9
destinée à un animal comportant une matrice 3 en un matériau comestible remarquable en ce que ladite
matrice 3 est déformable de
manière à permettre un assemblage de la substance active 9 et de la matrice 3.
Le collage de la substance active 9 sur la matrice 3 n'est alors plus indispensable. De préférence, la
déformabilité de la matrice 3 est plastique et l'assemblage résulte, au moins en partie, d'un
recouvrement, au moins partiel, de la
substance active 9 par la matrice 3 du support 1.
Il suffit dès lors de fermer suffisamment la matrice 3 autour de la substance
active 9 pour la retenir.
De préférence encore, la matrice 3 peut être déformée à la main.
Les figures 1 à 7, dans lesquelles la surface 7 ne serait pas nécessairement collante, représentent des
modes de réalisation possibles de tels
supports déformables plastiquement.
L'assemblage peut également être assuré, ou amélioré, si la déformabilité 30 du support 1 permet un
enfermement permanent, au moins partiel, de la substance active 9 par un collage de deux extrémités
23 et 23' du support 1, comme représenté sur les figures 5, 6 et 7. De préférence, au moins une de ces
extrémités 23 et 23' comporte une surface collante pouvant être apposée sur l'autre extrémité
de manière à enfermer, au moins partiellement, la substance active 9.
De nouveau, à la différence des modes de réalisation décrits 5 précédemment et illustrés sur les
figures 5, 6 et 7, la surface de la matrice 3 en contact avec la substance active 9 n'est alors pas
nécessairement collante.
De préférence, la matrice 3 est à la fois déformable plastiquement et
comporte au moins deux extrémités, 23 et 23', pouvant être collées l'une sur l'autre.
Le collage des deux extrémités 23 et 23' l'une sur l'autre, combiné au 10 caractère plastique de la
matrice 3, permet de retenir très efficacement la
substance active 9.
De préférence encore, la surface de la matrice 3 en contact avec la
substance active 9 est également collante. Cette propriété est indispensable si le support 1 n'est pas
déformable ou s'il est déformable mais sans permettre un 15 assemblage de la substance active 9 avec
la matrice 3.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of FR2846852
1. Support appétent (1) pour une substance active (9) destinée à un animal, notamment pour un
médicament, comportant une matrice (3) en un matériau comestible, caractérisé en ce que ladite
matrice (3) est en une matière de type guimauve, pâte de riz ou de fruit ou de fromage et comporte au
moins une surface collante
(7) pour y fixer ladite substance active (9).
2. Support selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que ladite surface collante 10 (7) est
suffisamment adhésive pour que ladite substance active (9) fixée ne puisse en être détachée sans
déchirement, au moins partiel, de ladite matrice (3).
3. Support selon l'une des revendications 1 et 2, caractérisé en ce que ladite
matrice (3) comporte au moins deux surfaces (34,36) collées l'une à l'autre et 15 conformées de
manière à pouvoir être écartées l'une de l'autre, à la main,
découvrant ainsi ladite surface collante (7).
4. Support selon l'une quelconque des revendications précédentes, caractérisé en
ce que ladite matrice (3) comporte au moins une masse gluante pouvant être
ouverte de manière à exposer ladite surface collante (7).
5. Support selon la revendication 4, caractérisé en ce que ladite matrice (3) est
déchirable à la main de manière ouvrir ladite masse gluante.
6. Support selon l'une quelconque des revendications précédentes, caractérisé en
ce que ladite matrice (3) est déformable à la main.
7. Support selon l'une quelconque des revendications précédentes, caractérisé en 25 ce que ladite
matrice(3) renferme une substance appétente.
8. Support selon l'une quelconque des revendications précédentes, caractérisé en
ce qu'il comporte une couche (5) d'une substance appétente recouvrant, au
moins en partie, ladite matrice (3).
9. Support selon l'une quelconque des revendications 7 et 8, caractérisé en ce que 30 ladite substance
appétente est une poudre de foie.
10.Support selon l'une quelconque des revendications précédentes, caractérisé en
ce que ladite matrice (3) est en une matière appétente pour ledit animal.
11.Procédé de conditionnement d'une substance active (9) destinée à un animal au moyen d'un support
appétent (1) comportant une matrice (3) en un matériau comestible, caractérisé en ce qu'il comporte
une étape de collage de ladite substance active
(9) sur une surface collante (7) de ladite matrice (3).
12. Procédé selon la revendication 11, caractérisé en ce que, préalablement audit collage, on ouvre
ladite matrice (3) de manière à exposer ladite surface 10 collante (7) vers l'extérieur (33) dudit support
13. Procédé selon la revendication 12, caractérisé en ce qu'on procède à ladite
ouverture par déchirement de ladite matrice (3).
14. Procédé selon l'une quelconque des revendications 11 à 13, caractérisé en ce que, après ledit
collage, on referme ladite matrice (3) de manière à recouvrir, 15 au moins partiellement, ladite
substance active (9).
15. Procédé selon la revendication 14, caractérisé en ce qu'on referme ladite
matrice (3) de manière à retenir ladite substance active (9).Data supplied from the esp@cenet database
- Worldwide
8. GB1030536
- 5/25/1966
E Class: A23K1/16B; A61K31/59; G01N33/02
Application Number:
GB19640036743 (19640908)
Priority Number: US19640347678 (19640227)
Family: GB1030536
US3438781; DE1492905
Abstract of GB1030536
1,030,536. Vitamin feed supplements. NOPCO CHEMICAL CO. Sept. 8, 1964 [Feb. 27, 1964], No.
36743/64. Heading A2B. A vitamin feed preparation for the sup- plementing of animal feed consists of
small, coloured, solid, flake-like particles comprising a fat-soluble vitamin material, i.e. a vitamin A,
D, E or K-bearing material e.g. vitamin A-acetate or vitamin A- palmitate, a water-soluble dextrin, an
edible anti-oxidant, e.g. propyl gallate, butylated hydroxy-anisole, butylated hydroxytoluene and a nontoxic dye. The water-soluble dextrin may be derived from starches of corn, potato, tapioca, wheat, sage,
sweet potato, rice, soybean or maize. Synergists for antioxidants such as lecithin, citric acid or alkyl
phosphates, and conventional stabilizers a number of which are listed may also be incorporated in the
Description of GB1030536
We, NoPco CHEMICAL COMPANY, a Corporation organised and existing under the Laws of the
State ofNew Jersey, United States of
America, of 60 Park Place, Newark, New
Jersey, United States of America, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may
be granted to us, and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by
the followingstatement :
This invention relates to vitamin compositions such as feed mixes, supplements and premixes, having
provision for the visual quality control of the vitamin content therein.
More particularly, this invention relates to the production of coloured vitamin compositions so that the
presence thereof can be easily detected by the human eye in compositions such as animal feeds.
The problem of detecting the presence of vitamins in animal feeds so as to provide a quality control is
of long standing. In many cases when vitamins are mixed in animal feeds, uniformity is not obtained,
i.e. one portion of the feed contains very little, if any, vitamins while another portion of the feed
contains an over-abundance of vitamins. Hence, the animal which is fed the portion of the feed which
contains an excess of vitamins gets an overdose of vitamins which can be harmful to the animal. On the
other hand, the animal which is fed the portion of the feed containing little, if any, vitamins may get a
deficiency of vitamins.
Various methods such as colouring the vitamins as disclosed in British Patent Specification No. 644,
988 and United States Patent
Specification No.2,868,644 have been suggested to detect the presence of vitamins in animal feeds.
However, these procedures have suffered from the drawback that while the vitamin particles have been
coloured, these coloured vitamin pellets are so small that they cannot be detected visually in the animal
feed. Therefore in order to determine the presence of these vitamins in a feed, a sample of the feed
must be analyzed by means such as a high powered lens or by a magnifying glass or by removing the
vitamin pellets from the feed as suggested in the said British Patent
Specification No.644,988.
In order to combat this, various methods have been prepared to increase the size of the vitamin
particles. However, workers in the field have found it almost impossible to increase the size of the
vitamin particles without increasing the effective vitamin potency cotained in each particle. The great
disadvantage of increasing the vitamin potency of an individual vitamin-containing particle is that in
order to produce the proper dose of vitamins in the feed, fewer vitamin-containing particles must be
used. By utilizing fewer vitamin-containing particles, it becomes increasingly harder to distribute and
disperse the vitamin-containing particles evenly throughout an animal feed and there is a danger of
oversupply of vitamins to some of the animals, which can be harmful.
According to one aspect of the invention a vitamin-containing composition comprises a multiplicity of
small, coloured, solid, flakelike particles comprising a fat-soluble vitamin material, a water-soluble
dextrin, an edible, non-toxic antioxidant and a non-toxic dye, these particles being discernible by the
According to another aspect of the invention a method of fortifying animal feeds with vitamins
comprising introducing into an animal feed, in an amount sufficient to provide a vitamin potency of
from 1,000I.U. to 50,000I.U. per pound of feed, a multiplicity of coloured, solid, flake-like particles
having a vitamin potency of from 1,500 U.S.P. units per gram to 900,000 U.S.P. units per gram, the
flake-like particles comprising a fat-soluble vitamin material having a potency of from 20,000 U.S.P.
units per gram to 3 million
U.S.P. units per gram and being selected from fat-soluble vitamin A-containing material, fat soluble
vitamin D-containing material, fatsoluble vitamin E-containing material, fatsoluble vitamin Kcontaining material and mixtures thereof, from 70% to 95% by weight of the articles of a water-soluble
dextrin, from 0.1% to 5% by weight of the particles of a non-toxic dye and from 0.1% to 5.0% by
weight of the particles of an edibleanti-oxidant
The invention is based upon the discovery that when a non-toxic dye is formulated in combination
with a fat-soluble vitamin, preferably vitamins A and D, a water-soluble dextrin and anon-tot ic edible
antioxidant into a product comprising a multiplicity of substantially solid particles, the coloured
particles thus produced have an enhanced vitamin stability and can easily be detected in animal feed by
the human eye without the need for removing thevitamin-containing particles from the feed or utilizing
complicated analytical techniques. Furthermore, by formulating vitamin containing particles by the
method of this invention, it is possible to produce particles having a low potency. In this manner
vitamin-fortified feeds having a given vitamin potency can be produced from a large number of
vitamin-containing particles so that it is easy to detect these particles visually in animal feeds. When
coloured vitamin-containing particles are produced in such a manner that each differently coloured
particle designates the presence of a different vitamin and these differently coloured particles are mixed
into an animal feed, the presence of these differently coloured vitamin particles can be detected in the
animal feed by the human eye without the need for removing these vitamin-containing particles from
the animal feed or without utilizing any complicated separating technique. Additionally, these particles,
when mixed into an animal feed, produce a vitamin-fortified feed in which the vitamins are more
readily available and effective biologically than are the vitamins in hithertoknown vitamin-fortified
The mechanism whereby coloured vitamincontaining particles are produced that can be detected in
animal feeds by means of the human eye without need for complicated analytical means, by
formulating a non-toxic dye, a water-soluble dextrin, a fat-soluble vitamin such asvitamin A and D,
and a nontoxic antioxidant into a particle is not completely understood; however, it is believed that the
reasonwhy the aforementioned beneficial results are achieved is that the watersoluble dextrin acts as a
matrix binder providing a plasticizing effect so that separatesmall areas of high vitamin potency are
distributed in the form of tiny platelets of high bulk density throughout each individual particle. In this
manner, a multitudinous amount of coloured vitamin-containing particles are produced in the form of
large flakes with a correspondinglylai ge surface area for each given unit ofvitamin potency, rather
than in the form of tiny spherical pellets or beads containing one individual region of vitamin potency
and density.
Furthermore, it is believed that the dextrin exerts a secondary effect by acting as a colour distributor
and brightener for a non-toxic dye so that all portions of the indiviual flakes are unifonnly dyed with a
colour which can easily be detected by the naked eye in animal feeds.
Thus, the unexpected results achieved by the viramin-containing particles of this invention are due to
the use of aE ater-soluble dextrin in combination with ar-n toxic dye.
It has been found that bylitlining other polysaccharides in place of dextrin in formulating dyed
vitamin-containingparticles, the flake-like formation of the particles of this invention is not achieved.
Instead, oneob- tains coloured particles which arespherical in shape and which cannot bereadily seen
by the human eye when present in animal feeds.
Furthermore, it has been tound that when other polysaccharides ormaterials s'jch as gelatin are utilized
to preparevitanin containing particles, the enhanced vitamin stability as well as the enhanced
biological effcctiveness and availability are not achieved.
The water-soluble dextrins are derived from starches of various materials such as corn, potato, tapioca,
wheat, sago, sweet potato, rice, soybean or maize. The starches which are derived from these sources
aretreated with acids, enzymes or alkali, or bypyrolvsis, to lower the molecularweight ot the starch so
that it goes into solution. rhese converted starch products have a dextrose equivalentgenerally within
the range 1 Y D.E. to 40%
D.E. The amount of dextrinjsed in formulating the products of this invention can be varied. Preferably
the colouredprcducts of this invention contain from70 to9t by weight of dextrin, based on the weight
of the vitamincontaining particle. Utilizing amounts of over95 /O will in some cases reduce the
potency of the final product.
In formulating the product of this invention, one may utilize any of the natural or artificially produced
fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin
A, vitamin D, vitamin E or vitamin K, or mixtures thereof as the source of the vitamins.
Thus, activated sterols,such as ergosterol or irradiated 7-dehydrocholesterol, vitamin A in alcohol
form,vitamin Awhich has been produced by syntheticmethod,, fith oils, fish liver oils and vitamine
oncen 7 ates prepared from such oils can be used. Vitamin A in ester form such as vitamin A acetate
and vitamin
A palmitate, can also be used. Moreover, precursors of vitamin A, such ascarotene, can be used in
place of vitamin A ifdesired. It is preferred that the vitamin source have a vitamin potency of from
20,000 U.S.P. units per gram to 3,000,0000 U.S.P. units per gram or higher, depending uponthe
desired final vitamin potency of the product.Generally, for good results it is best that the final
vitamincontaining particles of this invention have a vitamin potency of at least 1,500 U.S.P. units of
vitamin per gram and, preferablyI tween 100,000 and 600,000U. S. P. units of vitamin per gram.
Generally, it isseldom necessary topi-epare particles having a vitaminpotency greater than
900,000U.S.P. units per gram.
Any of the conventionaledible antioxidants may be utilized in thepraeti of this invention.
Among the many edibleantitridants that may be used are propylgallate, burylated hydroxy anisoles,
ethyoxyquin (6-ethoxy-2, 2, trimethyl- 1, 2-dihydroquinoline), butylated hydroxy toluene, gallic acid,
nondihydroguaiaretic acid andmistres thereof. However, one may use other edible antioxidants, as for
example, vitaminE., mixed tocopherols and natural antioxidants of the types disclosed in British Patent
Specifications Nos.550,983; 553,328 and 590,090 and United States Patent
Specification No.2,433,593. Natural antioxidants of the typegrhicll are produced by the processes
disclosed in United States Patent
Specifications Nos.2,396,680 and 2,396,681 as well as other similar edible antioxidants, can be
employed also. Mixtures of such antioxidants can be used, if desired. In the preferred products of the
invention a mixture of ethoxyquin and butylatedhydroxy toluene is used. One can employ the
antioxidants in admixture with compounds which act as synergists therefor, that is,vith compounds
which have little, if any, effect in and oftnemselves as antioxidants but which exert : a sergistic action
upon the antioxidant. Included among such compounds arelecithiil, citric acid and alkyl phosphates.
Furthermore only relatively small quantities of edible antioxidant need be used. While it isprefacred
toemploy from0.1% by weight ofantioxiciant based on the weight of thevitamin-containing particle,
seldom if ever, will it be necessary to incorporate more than 5.0% bywight thereof.
Any non-toxic dye can be utilized to colour the fat-soluble vitamins in accordance with this invention
to producecoJoured vitamincontaining particles which can be easily detected or discerned in the feed
by the human eye. Among the many non-toxic dyes which may be utilized are the dyes approved for
use in foods, drugs and cosmetics by the
United States Food and Drug Administration.
These dyes are commonly known as F.D. &
C. dyes, some of which are set forth in 21C.F.R., part 9 (colour certification), subpart
B. Typical F.D. & C. dyes which can be used in accordance with this invention include F.D.
& C. Green No. 1, F.D. & C. Green No.
2, F.D. & C. Red No. 2, F.D. & C. Red No 3, F.D. & C. Red No. 4, F.D. & C Yellow
No. 5, F.D. & C. Yellow No 6, F.D. & C.
Violet No. 1,F. D & C. Blue No 1 and
F.D. & C. Blue No. 2. Only small quantities of dye need be used adequately to colour the vitamincontaining particles so that the presence of these particles can be detected by the human eye. Therefore,
it is seldom necessary to employ more than 5% by weight, preferably less than 2% by weight, of the
dye based on the total weight of the vitamin-containing particles. However, it has been found that
utilizing at least0.1% by weight of the totalweight of the vitamin-containing particles of the non-toxic
dye in preparing the vitamincontaining particle is best for providing a colour that can be easily detected
in animal feeds.
The water-soluble dextrin which is utilized in preparing the product of this invention provides a
stabilizing effect. The vitamins in the product are protected almost indefinitely against oxidative
deterioration caused byaunospheric moisture and storage at elevated temperatures, without utilizing
any of the conventional stabilizers. However, if desired, any conventional stabilizers may be
incorporated into the product of this invention without deleterious effect. Typical of the many
stabilizers which may be incorpoated include ground soybean meal, corn germ meal, cottonseed meal,
linseed meal,wheat germ meal, corn meal, alfalfa leaf meal, wheat brain, oatmeal, peanut meal, bolted
rice polish, wheat flour and soya flour.
The products of the invention are readily prepared in the following manner. The watersoluble dextrin
is first dissolved in water. The fat-soluble vitamin-containing material, the edible antioxidant and
thenonqoitic dye can then be added in sequence to the dextrin solution. Where an edible stabilizer is
also employed, that ingredient is added to the dextrin solution. The order in which the ingredients are
admixed is not of critical importance. For example, rather than preparing the water solution of dextrin
first and then adding the other materials, one could first prepare a mixture of all of the ingredients of
the product except the dextrin and then add the dextrin solution to those ingredients.
The fluid mass that will be obtained by any of these procedures will contain all of the components
substantially uniformly distributed with respect to each other. While in this fluid condition at elevated
temperature, the mass is easily converted into flakes by any convenient or practical means for
evaporating the water so as to convert the fluid mass into the solid flake-like particles of this invention.
These solid particles have the dextrin, the vitamin-containing material and the edible antioxidant in
what, in general, may be termed a congealed solid phase. Where an edible stabilizer has been used, it
will be suspended as discrete particles in each of the flakes.
A typical method of producing the flakeshaped particles from thefluid mass is by beating the fluid
mass to about80 C. and thereafter passing the heated fluid mass through a conventional homogenizer.
Generally for best results3 it is preferable to utilize a homogenizer which employs high frequency
sound waves to break down the soluble vitamins to fine particles measuring front 0.5 to 1.0 microns in
diameter. The homogenized fluid material can then be dried to form the solid flake-like particles on a
double drum drier exposed to the atmosphere. In practice, the atmospheric double drier generally
consists of two steam-heated revolving metal plated drums which are supported on trunnions which
turn in heavy bearings resting on heavy box frames. In supplying the homogenized fluid to the drum
drier, it has been found best to provide end boards at both ends of each drumwhich form a reservoir
into which the homogenized fluid is fedfrom the homogenizer. Therefore, asetc drums turninward
and downward into the reservoir,they are coated with the fluid mass fromtne reservoir.
The drums are heated by means ofstar a so that boiling starts when the fluid mass contacts the drum. In
this manner water is removed from the fluid mass, leaving the dryflake4ike material in the form of a
continuous sheet on the drum. The flake-like material can be removed from the drum by any
conventional means, sch as knives which contact the outer side of the drum. As the drum rotates
against the knives, theflakeAike coating is removed from the drum. The removed lake-like material
can then beilnely granulated by any conventional method to produce a final material of a size that is
best utilizable in animal feeds. Generally, it has been found that flakes of a size thatwill pass thrcugh a
20 mesh screen (United States Standard) but will be retained by a 200 mesh screen are best suited for
animal feeds.
The vitamin-containing products of the invention may be utilized to fortify any conventional animal
feed.Typi@@l animal feeds which can be fortified with the products of this invention include feeds
for Digs, poultry of all types, horses, cows, sheep and any other domestic animal.Generally,
thevitamin-forti- fied feeds in the form supplied directly to the animal should contain a total fatsoluble vitamin potency of from1,000 I.U. (International Unit) per pound of feed to about 50,000 I.U.
per pound of feed Feeds containing a total fat-soluole vitamin potency of less than 1,000 I.U. per pound
of feed may be formulated; however, in some cases, especially when vitamin A constitutes the major
portion of the vitamin content of the feed, it becomes increasingly difficult to observe the presence of
the vitamins at these levels in the feed without removing the vitamin particles from the feed. In some
cases it has been found that feeds having a vitamin potencv of over 50,000 I.U. per pound of feed have
a deleterious effect upon the animals.
By utilizing the coloured vitamin-containing particles of this invention in animal feeds, the presence of
the vitamins within the animal feed can easily be detected or discerned by the human eye without the
need for separating the vitamin-containing particles from the animal feed or utilizing other complicated
separating techniques.Furthermere@ the number of particles per unit of vitamin potency is so much
greater than that produced by utilizing tulle hitherto known vital min-containing materials that it is
easier and simpler to disperse thevitan. ill--containing particles throughouttlle feed. Additionally, the
products of tile invention are alsoout- standing for anumber of different reasons.
In the first place, the vitamm containing preducts of this invention are highly stable against
deterioration without the need for utilizing any of the conventional stabilizers. In this manner,
thevitamins in the product are protected against the oxidation that occurs through storage at
elevatedtempera-uras. Moreover, the vitamins are provided in a form in which they are protected
against theinfluen. es of minerals with which thev are associated in the animal and poultry feed.
The followingexan ples illustrate the invention.
The following example is directed to producing coloured vitamin palmitate-containing particles having
a vitamin potency of125,000
U.S.P. units per gram.
A dextrin solution was prepared by charging under continuous agitation88. 62 grams of corn starch
dextrin (dextrin produced by the pyroconversion of corn starch, this dextrin having a D.E. of about3)
into 60 cc. of water which had been heated to800 C. Fhe corn starch dextrin quickly dissolved in the
water and the temperature of the solution was maintained at600 C. To this solution there was added
0.50 gram of F.D. & C. Dye Red
No 4. The dye dissolved in the dextrin solution at the temperature of600 C.
A vitamin A palmitate mixture was prepared by mixing 1.41 grams of ethoxyquin and 0.47 gram of
butylated hydroxy toluene with 9 grams of vitamin A palmitate(1,500,000 units of vitamin A per
gram) by agitation under a nitrogen atmosphere at a temperature of 450C. After a uniform mixture of
vitamin A palmitate had been obtained, this mixture was added to the dextrin solution while
maintaining the temperature at600 C.
The dextrin solution was thoroughly mixed with the vitamin A palmitate mixture by agitation under a
nitrogen atmosphere. After about 10 minutes, agitation was stopped and the resulting fluid was
homogenized in a blender for abouttivo minutes. The resulting homogenized material was a smooth,
red liquid. This liquid was then dried overnight on a stainless steel sheet at about 250C. The dried
material was scraped off the sheet with a spatula in the form of large curled flakes.
The flakes were then granulated through a series of United States Standard (USS) Wireflesh Sieves to
produce a material which passed through a 20 mesh screen but was r tained by a 200 mesh screen. Each
flake oft'le granulated material has a bright red colour.
The product was assayed for its vitamin Apaimitate content. The vitamin potency oft:lese particles
was about125,000 U.S.P. units per gram.
This example is directed to producing coloured vitamin A acetate-containing particles having a
potency of about 250,000 U.S.P. units per gram.
A dextrin solution was prepared by charging under agitation 85.93 grams of the same corn starch
dextrin as in Example I into 60cc. of water which had been heated to800 C. The corn starch dextrin
quickly dissolved in the water and the temperature of the solution was maintained at600 C. To this
solution, there was added 0.50 gram ofF. D. & C. dye Red
No. 4. The dye dissolved in the dextrin solution at the temperature of600 C.
A vitamin A acetate mixture was prepared by mixing 1.7 grams of ethoxyquin and 0.56 gram of
butylated hydroxy toluene with 11.31 grams of vitamin A acetate(2,387,000 units of vitamin A per
gram) by agitation under a nitrogen atmosphere at a temperature of 450C.
After a uniform vitamin A acetate mixture had been obtained, this mixturewas added to the dextrin
solution while maintaining the temperature at 600C. The dextrin solution was thoroughly mixed with
the vitamin acetate mixture by agitation under a nitrogen atmosphere. After about 10 minutes, agitation
was stopped and the resulting fluid was homogenized in a blender for about two minutes.
The resulting homogenized material was a smooth, red liquid. This liquid was then dried overnight on a
stainless steel sheet at about 250C. The dried material was scraped off the sheet with a spatula in the
form of large curled flakes. The flakes were then granulated through a series of USS Wire Mesh Sieves
to produce a material which passed through a 20 mesh screen but was retained by a 200 mesh screen.
Each flake of the granulated material had a bright red colour. The product was assayed for its vitamin
A content. The vitamin A potency of these particles was about 250,000 U.S.P. units per gram.
This example is directed to producing vitamin A palmitate-and acetate-containing particles having a
potency of about 350,000 units per gram.
A dextrin solution was prepared by charging under continuous agitation, 80.43 grams of the same corn
starch dextrin as in Example
I into 60cc. of water which had been heated to800 C. The corn starch dextrin quickly dissolved in the
water and the temperature of the solution was maintained at600 C. To this solution, there was added
0.50 gram of F.D.
& C. dye Red No. 4. The dye dissolved in the dextrin solution at600 C.
A vitamin A solution was prepared by mixing 2.26 grams of ethoxyquin and 0.50 gram of butylated
hydroxy toluene with 13.93 grams of vitamin A acetate(2,387,000 units of vitamin A per gram) and
2.38 grams of vitamin
Apalpitate (1,500,000 units of vitamin A pergram) by agitation under a nitrogen atmosphere at a
temperature of 450C. After a unform vitamin A mixture had been obtained, this mixture was addedto
the dextrin solution while maintaining the temperature at600 C.
The dextrin solution was thoroughly mixed with the vitamin A mixture by agitation under a
nitrogenatmosphere. After about 10 minutes agitation was stopped and the resulting fluid was
homogenized in a blender for about two minutes. The resulting homogenized material was a smooth,
red liquid. This liquid was then dried overnight on a stainless steel sheet at about250C. The dried
material was scraped off the sheet with a spatula in the form of large curled flakes. The flakes were
then granulated through a series of USS Wire Mesh
Sieves to produce a material which passed through a 20 mesh screen but was retained by a 200 mesh
screen. Each flake of the granulated material had a bright red colour. The product was assayed for its
vitamin A content. The vitamin A potency of these particles was about 350,000 U.S.P. units per gram.
The following example is directed to producing coloured vitaminD-containing particles having a
potency of about 200,000U. S. P. units pergram.
A dextrin solution was prepared by charging under continuous agitation, 92.05 grams of the same corn
starch dextrin as in Example
I in 60cc. of water which had been heated to800 C. The corn starch dextrin quickly dissolved in the
water and the temperature of the solution was maintained at600 C. To this solution, there was added
0.25 gram of F.D.
& C. dye Blue No. 1. The dye dissolved inthe dextrin solution at600 C.
A vitamin D mixture was prepared by mixing was homogenized in a blender for about two minutes.
The resulting homogenized material was a smooth blue liquid. The liquid was then dried on a stainless
steel sheet overnight at about250 C. The dried material was scraped off the sheet with a spatula in the
form of large curled flakes. The flakes were granulated through a series of USS Wire Mesh
Sieves to produce a material which passed through a 20 mesh screen but was retained by a 200 mesh
screen. Eash flake of the granulated material had a bright blue colour. The product was assayed for its
vitamin D content. The vitamin D content of these particles was about 200,000 U.S.P. units per gram.
The following Examples V to VII do not embody the invention and are provided for comparison.
This example is directed to producing coloured vitamin A paimitate beadlets utilizing gelatin.
300 grams of commercially available corn syrup were added to 800 m. of water. The mixture was
heated to650 C. and 372 grams of a high quality pharmaceutical grade gelatin, were added. The
mixture was stirred and heated at 750C. until a solution was obtained.
145 grams of vitamin A palmitate(1,500,000 units per gram) were then added to the solution. The
temperature at this point dropped to 650C. To the resultant mixture were added 1600 mls. of mineral
oil which had been heated to650 C. The mixture was agitated until s small suspension of globules or
droplets in the oil were obtained. When these particles were obtained agitation was continued while the
suspension in oil was cooled by means of an ice bath to100 C. To the mixture was added 2,500 mls. of
isopropanol which had previously been cooled to100 C. The mixture was stirred for 5 minutes and the
gel containing vitaminA was passed through h a Buchner funnel. The product was then added to a litre
of isopropanol at >;SEP; Active >;SEP; particle
>;tb; >;SEP; count >;SEP; per >;SEP; million
>;tb; >;SEP; units >;SEP; of >;SEP; vitamin
>;tb; Example >;SEP; Particle >;SEP; Systems >;SEP; potency
>;tb; >;SEP; I >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; palmitate >;SEP; -- >;SEP; dextrin >;SEP; 2,130,000
>;tb; >;SEP; II >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; acetate >;SEP; - >;SEP; dextrin >;SEP; 1,065,000
>;tb; >;SEP; IV >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; D >;SEP; - >;SEP; de:tttrin >;SEP;
>;tb; >;SEP; V >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; palmitate >;SEP; - >;SEP; gelatin >;SEP; 407,000
>;tb; >;SEP; VI >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; acetate >;SEP; - >;SEP; gelatin >;SEP; 407,000
>;tb; >;SEP; VII >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; D >;SEP; - >;SEP; gelatin >;SEP; 508,750
As seen from Table I, the vitamin-containing products of this invention produced by utilizing dextrin
in formulating vitamin-containing particles have, for a given vitamin potency, a greater amount of
particles than products produced by utilizing other materials such as gelatin in formulating vitamincontaining particles. This is seen by comparing the active particle count per million units of vitamin
potency of Examples I, II and IV which utilize dextrin with the results obtained in Examples V to VII
utilizing gelatin. As seen from the table, the amount of particles produced per unit of vitamin potency
by utilizing dextrin is at least about two and a half times the amount of particles perunit of vitamin
potency produced by utilizing gelatin. The greater amount of particles per unit of vitamin potency of
the product of this invention ensures the production of coloured particles which are easily visible when
mixed into feeds. Additionally, this high active particle count ensures a more uniform dispersion when
these particles are mixed into feeds, which in turn results in better and more uniform animal nutrition.
Examples IX and X are directed to comparing the ability of coloured dextrin-containing vitamin
particles to be visually detected in animal feed with the ability of coloured gelatin-containing vitamin
particles to be detected in animal feeds.
The dry determination test which was utilized in Examples IX and X was carried out in the following
manner. One-quarter pound of animal feed which had been fortified with the coloured vitamins was
screened through a 40 mesh sieve. The portion that passed through the 40 mesh sieve was rescreened
through a 60 mesh sieve. Approximately 15grams of the vitamin-containing feed was retained on the
60 mesh sieve. The portion that was retained on the 60 mesh sieve was divided into eight samples and
placed on separate circular pieces of No. 4 Whatman White Filter Paper having a diameter of about 10
inches. The paper containing the feed was then visually esamined for specks of colour. Each observed
speck of colour was counted and recorded.
In preparing the wet determination, the papercontaining the feed which was utilized for the dry
determination was folded over to form a semi-circle so that the bottom inside portion of the paper
contained the feed. The paper was then completely wetted by spraying water over the paper. When the
paper was sopping wet, it was manually pressed together so that the inside surface of the paper
contacted the coloured particles. After pressing had been completed, the filter paper was opened up to
its original shape and the paper was visually scanned for colour marks which appeared on the surface
of the paper. These colour marks were counted and recorded.
This example is directed to a visual determination of gelatin-containing hitherto known vitamin
particles in animal feed.
A 15ib. batch of a poultry feed having the followingingredients:
Ingredient Weight %
Ground milo 60.0%
Soybean oil meal,44% protein34.0%
Steamed bone meal2.00/b
Ground limestone 1.5%
Salt (NaCl)0-5 ,
Vitamin premixl 2.0%The vitamin premix which contributes 2.0% of the feed
consisted of the following ingredients: (tile amount of ingredient
is based upon 100 pounds of feed)- 200 mg.riboflavin; 500
mg. dl-calcium pantothenate; 1,200 mg. niacin; 2,000 mg.
choline chloride (100% basis); 0.5 mg. vitamin B12; 40,000
I.C.U. vitamin D3; 200 mg. procaine penicillin; and 10 mg.
magnesium sulphate. was mixed with 0.12 grams of the dyed red gelatin vitamin A palmitate particles
(potency of 250,000 U.S.P. nits per gram) prepared in Example V and 0.0375 grams of the dyed blue
vitamin D gelatin particles (potency of 200,000 units per gram) prepared in Example
VII. The final feed had a vitamin A potency of 2,000I.U. per lb. and a vitamin D potency of 500 I.U.
per lb. The vitamin particles and the feed were thoroughly mixed by mechanical agitation. After
thorough mixing, the vitamin-fortified feed was analyzed by the dry examination and the wet
examination outlined above, to detect the presence of the coloured particles in the feed. The results of
these tests appear in Table II.
Visual Determination of the Coloured Particles Present inthe Feed
by Means of Wet and Dry Examination
>;tb; >;SEP; Dry >;SEP; Examination >;SEP; Wet >;SEP; Examination
>;tb; >;SEP; Total >;SEP; Red >;SEP; Blue >;SEP; Total
>;tb; >;SEP; Red >;SEP; Blue >;SEP; Particles >;SEP; Spots >;SEP; Spots >;SEP; Spots
>;tb; >;SEP; Sample >;SEP; Particles >;SEP; Particles >;SEP; Counted >;SEP; Counted >;SEP;
Counted >;SEP; Counted
>;tb; 1 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 7 >;SEP; 4 >;SEP; 11
>;tb; >;SEP; 2 >;SEP; 1 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 1 >;SEP; 3 >;SEP; 6 >;SEP; 9
>;tb; >;SEP; 3 >;SEP; 2 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 2 >;SEP; 7 >;SEP; 3 >;SEP; 10
>;tb; >;SEP; 4 >;SEP; 1 >;SEP; 1 >;SEP; 2 >;SEP; 8 >;SEP; 9 >;SEP; 17
>;tb; >;SEP; 5 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 6 >;SEP; 5 >;SEP; 11
>;tb; >;SEP; 6 >;SEP; 1 >;SEP; 1 >;SEP; 2 >;SEP; 4 >;SEP; 2 >;SEP; 6
>;tb; >;SEP; 7 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 9 >;SEP; 8 >;SEP; 17
>;tb; >;SEP; 8 >;SEP; 3 >;SEP; 0 >;SEP; 3 >;SEP; 7 >;SEP; 9 >;SEP; 16
>;tb; >;SEP; Average >;SEP; 1.0 >;SEP; 0.25 >;SEP; 1.25 >;SEP; 6.4 >;SEP; 5.6 >;SEP; 12.0
This example is directed to a visual determination of dextrin-containing vitamin particles of this
invention in animal feed.
15lbs. of a feed having the composition stated in Example IX was mixed with 0.25 grams of the red
dextrin-containing vitamin
A palmitate particles prepared in Example
I (potency of 125,000 U.S.P. units of vitamin
A per gram) and 0.035 grams of dextrincontaining vitamin D particles prepared in
Example IV (having a vitamin potency of 200,000 U.S.P. units per gram). The final feed had a vitamin
A potency of 2,000 I.U. per lb. and a vitamin D potency of 500 I.U. per lb. The vitamin particles and
the feed were thoroughly mixed by mechanical agitation. After thorough mixing, the vitamin fortified
feed was analyzed by the dry examination and the wet examination outlined above to detect the
presence of the coloured particles in the feed. The results of these tests appear in Table III.
Visual Determination of the Coloured Particles Present in the Feed
by Means of Wet and Dry Examination
>;tb; >;SEP; Dry >;SEP; Examination >;SEP; Wet >;SEP; Examination
>;tb; >;SEP; Red >;SEP; I >;SEP; Red >;SEP; Total >;SEP; Red >;SEP; Blue >;SEP; Total
>;tb; >;SEP; Particles >;SEP; Particles >;SEP; Particles >;SEP; Sports >;SEP; Spots >;SEP; Spots
>;tb; Sample >;SEP; Counted >;SEP; Counted >;SEP; Counted >;SEP; Counted >;SEP; Counted
>;SEP; Counted
>;tb; >;SEP; 1 >;SEP; 18 >;SEP; 23 >;SEP; 41 >;SEP; 23 >;SEP; 24 >;SEP; 47
>;tb; >;SEP; 2 >;SEP; 19 >;SEP; 25 >;SEP; 44 >;SEP; 23 >;SEP; 27 >;SEP; 50
>;tb; >;SEP; 3 >;SEP; 32 >;SEP; 33 >;SEP; 65 >;SEP; 19 >;SEP; 38 >;SEP; 57
>;tb; >;SEP; 4 >;SEP; 22 >;SEP; # >;SEP; 24 >;SEP; 46 >;SEP; 27 >;SEP; 23 >;SEP; 50
>;tb; >;SEP; 5 >;SEP; 27 >;SEP; # >;SEP; 29 >;SEP; 56 >;SEP; 33 >;SEP; 26 >;SEP; 59
>;tb; >;SEP; 6 >;SEP; 21 >;SEP; # >;SEP; 26 >;SEP; 47 >;SEP; 38 >;SEP; 34 >;SEP; 72
>;tb; >;SEP; 7 >;SEP; 32 >;SEP; 30 >;SEP; 62 >;SEP; 40 >;SEP; 33 >;SEP; 73
>;tb; >;SEP; 8 >;SEP; 37 >;SEP; 36 >;SEP; 73 >;SEP; 32 >;SEP; 35 >;SEP; 67
>;tb;Average >;SEP; 26.0 >;SEP; # >;SEP; 28.3 >;SEP; 54.3 >;SEP; 29.4 >;SEP; 30.0 >;SEP; 59.4
In formulating the vitamin fortified feed prepared in Example IX, vitamin A particles were utilized
which had a potency of 250,000 U.S.P. units per gram, whereas in the feed formulated in Example X
the vitamin
A particles had a potency of 150,000 U.S.P. units per gram. However, the final feeds formulated in
both Examples IX and X had the same vitamin A potency. A vitamin A-gelatin particle having a
potency of 250,000 U.S.P. units per gram was utilized since that is the lowest potency at which vitamin
A-gelatin particles are commercially manufactured, because prior to this invention, it was extremely
difficult to manufacture low potency vitamin A particles by the then known methods. However, by
utilizing the process of this invention, low potency vitamin particles can be easily manufactured.
As seen by comparing the results of the dry examination in Tables II and III, the coloured vitamincontaining particles of this invention are about thirty times more easily detachable than are the coloured
hitherto known vitamin-containing particles. The fact that the particles of this invention are four times
as visible by a wet examination as the coloured known vitamin-containing particles emphasizes that
even by utilizing analytical means, it is still easier to detect in feeds having the same vitamin potency
the coloured vitamin-containing particles of this invention than the coloured known vitamin-containing
particles. This enormous difference in the ability to detect the colour of the vitamin in feeds makes it
possible to determine by the naked eye the presence or absence of the vitamin particles in animal feeds.
On the other hand, the coloured known vitamin-containing particles cannot be readily detected by the
naked eye in animal feeds, as seen by poor results that are obtained even when these particles are
subjected to the analytical dry and wet determination. The wet and dry determination was utilized only
to show comparative results between detecting the coloured vitamin-containing particles of this
invention and coloured known vitamin-containing particles. The use of the dry or wet determination is
unnecessary in detecting the coloured vitamin-containing particles of this invention in animal feeds.
This is shown by the fact thatwhen the vitamin-containing particles were incorporated into the feed at
the level indicated in this example, both the blue and red coloured particles were visible in the feed to
the naked eye.
This example is directed to showing the enhanced vitamin stability that is achieved by utilizing the
vitamin formulation of this invention.
A sufficient amount of the vitamin-containing particles of Example I, II, III and V were separately
placed in 1.0Ib. portions of feed having the formulation : Component , % 5 by Weight
Ground Milo 52.25
Soybean oil meal,44 h protein 30.00
Tallow 4.00
Meat and Bone Scraps 4.00
Fish Meal 3.00
Dried Whey 2.00
Distillers Solubles 2.00
Bone Meal 1.25
Limestone 1.00
Salt 0.25
Vitamin-Trace Mineral Premixl 0.25 1 Contains complete requirements for trace minerals and
except vitamin A.
Each of the vitamin feeds was divided into three equal portions. One portion was placed in an oven at
980F., the second portion was allowed to stand at room temperature for three months and the third
portion was placed in a 1140F. oven. The portion which was placed in the 980F. oven was assayed by
removing a small portion of the sample at intervals of one month, two months and three months. The
results of these assays were tabulated in Table IV. The portion which was placed in the oven at1 140F.
was assayed by removing a small sample at intervals of three weeks and six weeks. The portion that
was allowed to stand at room temperature was assayed at the end of three months. The results of these
assays are tabulated in Table IV.
Stability of Vitamin-A Palmitate in a Pelleted Broiler Feed (Theoretical Input = 25,000 I.U. Per Lb.)
Stability >;SEP; at
>;tb; Stability >;SEP; at >;SEP; 98 >;SEP; F. >;SEP; Stability >;SEP; at >;SEP; 114 >;SEP; F. >;SEP;
room >;SEP; temp.
>;tb; Sample >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; Product >;SEP; Tested >;SEP; Assay >;SEP; 1 >;SEP; mo.
>;SEP; 2 >;SEP; mos. >;SEP; 3 >;SEP; mos. >;SEP; 3 >;SEP; wks. >;SEP; 6 >;SEP; wks. >;SEP; 3
>;SEP; mos.
I >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; palmitate-Dextrin >;SEP; 24,600 >;SEP; 23,500 >;SEP; 21,400
>;SEP; 20,000 >;SEP; 23,400 >;SEP; 18,700 >;SEP; 23,700
>;tb; (81%) >;SEP; (76%) >;SEP; (96%)
>;tb; II >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; acetate-Dextrin >;SEP; 25,300 >;SEP; 23,600 >;SEP; 21,100
>;SEP; 19,400 >;SEP; 22,500 >;SEP; 18,600 >;SEP; 23,100
>;tb; (77%) >;SEP; (73%) >;SEP; (91%)
>;tb; III >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; acetate-palmitate- >;SEP; 24,400 >;SEP; 23,500 >;SEP;
22,000 >;SEP; 19,500 >;SEP; 21,900 >;SEP; 17,900 >;SEP; 22,800
>;tb; (80%) >;SEP; 73%) >;SEP; (94%)
>;tb; V >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; palmitate >;SEP; - >;SEP; Gelatin >;SEP; 23,800 >;SEP;
20,700 >;SEP; 19,800 >;SEP; 17,900 >;SEP; 20,600 >;SEP; 16,800 >;SEP; 20,500
>;tb; (75%) >;SEP; (70%) >;SEP; (86%)
>;tb; As seen from the results in Table IV, the vitamin-containing particles of this invention are more
stable than the known vitamin-containing particles utilizing gelatin and a stabilizer even though the
particles of this invention do not contain any stabilizer.
This example is directed to showing the increased biological availability of the vitamin particles of this
invention in animal feeds as compared to known vitamin products. A sufficient amount of each of the
vitamin-containing particles produced in Examples I, II and V was separately added to six feeds, each
having the composition given in Example
IX, to produce a feed having a vitamin potency of 4,800 I.U. per lb. The 4 >;SEP; week >;SEP;
Percent >;SEP; of
>;tb; feed >;SEP; liver >;SEP; ingested
>;tb; required >;SEP; Total >;SEP; storage >;SEP; vitamin
>;tb; 4 >;SEP; week >;SEP; per >;SEP; vitamin >;SEP; (IU >;SEP; per >;SEP; stored >;SEP; in
>;tb; Examples >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; Product >;SEP; Tested >;SEP; Input >;SEP; Level >;SEP; gain
>;SEP; gram >;SEP; gain >;SEP; ingested >;SEP; liver) >;SEP; liver
>;tb; I >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; palmitate >;SEP; Dextrin >;SEP; 4,000 >;SEP; IU/lb >;SEP;
434.8 >;SEP; 1.779 >;SEP; 8185 >;SEP; 3320 >;SEP; 40.6
>;tb; II >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; acetate >;SEP; Dextrin >;SEP; 4,800 >;SEP; IU/lb >;SEP;
43.2 >;SEP; 1.791 >;SEP; 8304 >;SEP; 3390 >;SEP; 40.8
>;tb; V >;SEP; Vitamin >;SEP; A >;SEP; palmitate >;SEP; gelatin >;SEP; 4,800 >;SEP; IU/lb >;SEP;
435.7 >;SEP; 1.826 >;SEP; 8419 >;SEP; 3090 >;SEP; 36.7
As seen from the results of Table V, the biological availability of vitamins from dextrin-containing
vitamin particles is greater than that from gelatin-containing vitamin particles. This is shown by the
fact that the percentage of ingested vitamin stored in the liver from dextrin-containing vitamins is much
higher than that from gelatin-containing vitamin particles. Furthermore, the amount of units of vitamin
per liver at the end of the test period was greater in the case of chickens fed with dextrin-containing
vitamin particles than with gelatin-containing vitamin particles.
This shows that a vitamin potency ingested in a chicken is greater when the vitamin is contained in a
particle formulated from dextrin than in a particle formulated from gelatin.Data supplied from the
esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1030536
1. A vitamin-containing composition comprising a multiplicity of small, coloured, solid, flake-like
particles comprising a fat-soluble vitamin material, a water-soluble dextrin, and edible, non-toxic
antioxidant and a non-toxic dye, these particles being discernible by the eye.
2. A vitamin-containing composition as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the fat-soluble vitamin material is
vitamin A acetate.
3. A vitamin-containing composition as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the fat-soluble vitamin material is
vitamin A palmitate.
4. A vitamin-containing composition as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the fat-soluble vitamin material is
vitamin D.
5. A vitamin-containing composition as claimed in any of the preceding claims wherein the fat-soluble
vitamin material has a potency of from about 20,000 U.S.P. units per gram to about 3 million U.S.P.
units per gram and the flake-like particles have a vitamin potency of from 1,500 U.S.P. units per gram
to 900,000 U.S.P. units per gram.
6. A vitamin-containing composition as claimed in any of the preceding claims wherein the particles
comprise from 70% to 95% by weight of water-soluble dextrin, from0.1% to 5% by weight of nontoxic dye and fromoil to5.0% by weight of edible antioxidant.
7. A vitamin-containing composition substantially as described in any of Examples
8. A vitamin-fortified animal feed wherein the presence of the vitamins can be detected by the eye, and
containing a sufficient amount of a vitamin-containing composition as claimed in any of the preceding
claims to provide a total vitamin potency of from 1,000I.U. to 50,000 I.U. per pound of feed.Data
supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
9. GB1068478
- 5/10/1967
E Class: A23C9/152E; A23K1/16G1; A23L1/10B; A23L1/227; A23L1/305B; C12J1/08
Application Number:
GB19640031531 (19640804)
Priority Number: JP19630032803 (19630730); JP19630037803 (19630730); JP19630043773
Family: GB1068478
Abstract of GB1068478
Ornithine aspartic salt or acid peptide are added to food products, which may be low in amino acid
content, preferably in an amount of 0.1 - 5.0% wt. Foods mentioned include vinegar.ALSO:Orrithine
aspartic salt or acid peptide are added to food products, which may be low in amino acid content,
preferably in an amount of 0.1-5.0% wt. Foods mentioned include vinegar, mayonnaise, french
dressing, sauces, soy sauce, fermented soy bean paste, seasonings, dairy products such as milk, milk
powder, condensed milk, yoghurt, and cheese, cereal products, confections such as chewing gum and
caramel candy, soy powder, bean, and the starch of Opuntia compressa, rice and animal fodder. In the
case of rice the additive is preferably added at the time of cooking in the form of a composition
comprising table salt, 10-30% wt. of the additive, and preferably also monosodium glutamate and a
binder selected from starch, milk, sugar and crystalline cellulose, made up into granules or
Description of GB1068478
T_ 4 Date of Application and filing Complete Specification: Aug. 4, 1964.
No. 31531164.
Application made In Japan (No. 32803) on July 30, 1963.
Application made in Japan (No.43773) on Aug 22, 1963.
Complete Specification Published: May 10, 1967.
Crown Copyright 1967.
Index at acceptance:-A2 B(1B, 1H, 1J, 6A, 6E, J3F2); C6 EA2 Int. Cl.:-A 23 1 1/30 // C 12 j
Page 1, Heading, Application made in Japan:
for "(No. 32803)" read "(No. 37803)" THE PATENT OFFICE 11 January 1968 by incorporating a
small quantity of an ornithine-aspartic acid salt or peptide as hereinafter defined into alimentary
products, especially brewed materials such as grape-wine vinegar, apple-wine vinegar, malt vinegar,
rice vinegar, sake-cake vinegar, alcohol vinegar, synthetic vinegar, mayonnaise, French dressing,
sauces, soysauce, seasoning-containing liquids, miso (including the dried material), seasonings per se,
dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt, milk, cereals such as wheat flour, bread crumbs, sovbean flour,
rice flour, barley flour, confections such as chewing gum, caramel candies, chocolate, food products
such as a paste made from the starch of devil's tongue or bean-curd, and fodder. In the case of rice, the
aforementioned salt or peptide is conveniently added at the time of cooking the rice, together with
conventional seasonings such as sodium glutamate, table salt or other condiments.
The aforementioned alimentary products are generally deficient in constituent amino acids, such as
ornithine and aspartic acid. However, these amino acids are important. Thus ornithine, which is to be
found in animal livers, inter alia performs the important function of producing an indispensable amino
acid, alginine. However, it cannot be found in the proteins of living bodies, except in livers. In this
regard, the additive according to the invention has a special significance. Aspartic acid not only takes
part in ammonia neutralization together with ornithine, but is also considered to produce malic acid and
to participate in the Krebs cycle to promote metabolism.
The content of ornithine and aspartic acid in natural food is extremely low, except in the case of
animal blood and in liver. It is therefore desirable to enrich food with ornithine and/or aspartic acid, but
the individual incorporation of these additament amino acids prejudices the taste of food in which they
are incorporated. This defect is obviated by the incorporation of these desirable amino acids into
alimentary products in combined form as ornithine-aspartic acid salt or peptide-as hereinafter defined.
Not [Price 4s. 6d.] PATENT S PECIFICATION NO DRAWINGS 19068478 t j A @ Date of
Application and filing Complete Specification: Aug. 4, 1964.
No. 3 1531164.
Application made in Japan (No. 32803) on July 30, 1963.
Application made in Japan (No.43773) on Aug22,1963.
Complete Specification Published: May 10, 1967.
Crown Copyright 1967.
Index at acceptance:-A2 B (1B, 1H, 1J, 6A, 6E, J3F2); C6 EA2 Int. CI.:-A 23 1 1/30 // C 12 j
Increasing Amino-Acid Content of Food We, KYOWA HAKKo KOGYO Co., LTD., a corporation
organized under the laws of Japan, of 4, Ohtemachi-1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, do hereby
declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it
is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement:- 5 The present
invention relates to foods fortified by the addition thereto of a salt or peptide of ornithine-aspartic acid
as hereinafter defined; it also relates to a composition of matter for fortifying rice.
Such alimentary materials as brewed products (fermentation products), seasonings, dairy products,
cereals, candies, paste made from the starch of devil's tongue (the prickly 10 pear Opwntia compressa)
and bean-curds, and the various kinds of fodder (food for domestic animals) generally leave much to be
desired from the standpoint of content of amino acid. Rice not only lacks amino acid but also lacks
A primary object of the present invention is to improve the quality of foods and drinks of the aboveenumerated type by the incorporation therein of an additive 15 according to this invention which not
only enhances the flavour of the treated products but also imparts thereto the property of relieving
fatigue in the individual taking such food and/or drink and of activating liver function. The thus
improved food and drink is manifestly of superior commercial value.
According to the present invention, the aforesaid object of the invention is realized 20 by
incorporating a small quantity of an ornithine-aspartic acid salt or peptide as hereinafter defined into
alimentary products, especially brewed materials such as grape-wine vinegar, apple-wine vinegar, malt
vinegar, rice vinegar, sake-cake vinegar, alcohol vinegar, synthetic vinegar, mayonnaise, French
dressing, sauces, soysauce, seasoning-containing liquids, miso (including the dried material),
seasonings per se, dairy products 25 such as cheese, yoghurt, milk, cereals such as wheat flour, bread
crumbs, sovbean flour, rice flour, barley flour, confections such as chewing gum, caramel candies,
chocolate, food products such as a paste made from the starch of devil's tongue or bean-curd, and
fodder. In the case of rice, the aforementioned salt or peptide is conveniently added at the time of
cooking the rice, together with conventional seasonings such as sodium 30 glutamate, table salt or other
The aforementioned alimentary products are generally deficient in constituent amino acids, such as
ornithine and aspartic acid. However, these amino acids are important. Thus ornithine, which is to be
found in animal livers, inter alia performs the important function of producing an indispensable amino
acid, alginine. However, it 35 cannot be found in the proteins of living bodies, except in livers. In this
regard, the additive according to the invention has a special significance. Aspartic acid not only takes
part in ammonia neutralization together with ornithine, but is also considered to produce malic acid and
to participate in the Krebs cycle to promote metabolism.
The content of ornithine and aspartic acid in natural food is extremely low, except in the case of
animal blood and in liver. It is therefore desirable to enrich food with ornithine and/or aspartic acid, but
the individual incorporation of these additament amino acids prejudices the taste of food in which they
are incorporated. This defect is obviated by the incorporation of these desirable amino acids into
alimentary products in combined form as ornithine-aspartic acid salt or peptide-as hereinafter defined.
Not 45 [Price 4s. 6d.] only does the taste of the food remain unimpaired; on the contrary, the flavour is
Throughout this specification and claims, the expression ornithine-aspartic acid salt" refers to the
substance of the formula N!Az(CHz)3 C4ClO-c 1 OOCCH2CtHCOOH I HZ and the expression
"ornithine-aspartic acid peptide" refers to the substance of the formula NH2(CH2),CHOOH NHOCCH2CHCOOH NH2 Rice is a food which is lacking in nitrogen constituents. Long continued eating
of rice sometimes results in dietary unbalance. The addition of the additive agent according to the
present invention raises the nutritive value of rice by promoting the activity of the liver. Simple mixing
with polished white rice is not suitable because the additive may be washed out during the washing of
the rice. It is therefore preferred to convert the additive agent into the form of powder or tablets or
granules, if desired. in admixture with other substances, and to add the thus-converted material to the
rice in 15 the course of the cooking of the latter.
The other substances thus admixed with the new additive may vary widely, being selected primarily
from the standpoint of convenience in use, reasonableness of price and absence of harm to the flavor of
the cooked rice. A preferred composition according to the present invention for this purpose is
constituted by a mixture of table salt, 20 sodium glutamate, and ornithine-aspartic acid salt or peptide
as herein defined together with a binder such as starch, milk sugar or crystalline cellulose whereby the
mixture may be shaped e.g. into tablet form to produce a suitable commercial product. As for the
amounts of these ingredients to be used as an additive for fortifying rice, from 10 to 30 per cent by
weight of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or peptide as herein defined relative to the table salt is preferred.
Amounts of sodium glutamate, starch, milk sugar and crystalline cellulose are minor and optional.
The additives in the preparation of fortified rice, such as sodium glutamate, table salt and starch, are
used to improve the taste of cooked rice, to promote appetite and to aide in improving the absorption of
the salt or peptide of ornithine-aspartic acid. 30 The amount of the shaped product such as tablet,
granules or the like vis-a-vis the cooked rice varies according to the content of salt or peptide of
ornithine-aspartic acid in the shaped product, but from the 0.01 to 0.5 per cent by weight of salt or
peptide of ornithine-aspartic acid vis-a-vis rice is a suitable amount. It is possible to increase or
decrease the amount as desired. The 0.01 to 0.5 per cent range is also preferred when 35 adding the
fortifying agent to any of the other alimentary products.
In order that those skilled in the art may more fully understand the nature of the present invention and
the method of carrying it out, the following illustrative Examples of presently-preferred embodiments
are given.
EXAMPLE 1 40 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 23 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid peptide are
added to 10 liters of grape-wine vinegar which was taken out of brewing vessel or tower and purified
by filtration or distillation. A superior vinegar is thus produced.
To 10 liters of rice vinegar which was filtered after maturing, 27 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt
or 25 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid peptide are added. An improved vinegar is obtained.
FEAMPiiL 3 After sugars and colorants are dissolved in synthetic vinegar prepared by diluting 50
acetic acid with water, 39 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 36 grams of ornithineaspartic acid
peptide are added per 10 liters of synthetic vinegar.
1,068,478 EXAMPLE 4
In conventionally manufacturing mayonnaise, at the final stage of the processing i.e. while stirring, 30
grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 28 grams of ornithineaspartic acid peptide are added to 10 liters
of mayonnaise to yield a fortified product.
In manufacturing sauce, 35 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 33 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid
peptide are added to 10 liters of a mature koji mash to which acetic acid had been added. A fortified
product results. (The koji mash is a concentrated fermentation broth based on solid cooked rice or
barley with substantial amounts of Aspergilli propagated on or in it; sauce may be obtained as a
filtrate). 10 EXAMPLE 6
In manufacturing soy sauce, to 10 liters of the material which was prepared by compressing brewed
and ripened koji mash, followed by filtering, there are added 36 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or
34 grams of ornithine-aspartic peptide. The product has superior properties vis-a-vis the usual soy
sauce. 15 EXAMPLE 7
Soya bean or soya bean cake is treated with hydrochloric acid, and the resulting amino acid solution is
neutralized and filtered. To 10 liters of the resulting amino acid solution, 32 grams of ornithine-aspartic
acid salt or 30 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid peptide are added, yielding a fortified product. 20
In manufacturing miso (fermented soy bean paste), at the period when koji is transferred for
homogenizing or at a subsequent step of processing, 32 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 30
grams of ornithine-aspartic acid peptide are added to 10 kg of miso. The product has enhanced flavor.
To 10 kg of dried miso, 56 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 52 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid
peptide are added to give a fortified product.
In preparing milk, 30 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 28 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid
peptide are added to 10 liters of filtered milk to yield a fortified product.
In manufacturing condensed milk, 30 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 28 grams of ornithineaspartic acid peptide are added to 10 liters of the intermediate 35 product after the filtration step.
In manufacturing powdered milk, 52 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 48 grams of ornithineaspartic acid peptide are added to 10 kg of the intermediate product at the step after the drying and
powdering process. 40 EXAMPLE 13
In manufacturing cheese, 45 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 42 grams of ornithine-aspartic
acid peptide are added to 10 kg of the product at the end of the process, i.e. at the step when salt is
added and shaping is performed.
In the manufacture of ice-cream at the step of raw material mixing, 40 grams of ornithine-aspartic
acid salt or 37 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid peptide are added per 100 liters of the total product.
To 10 kg of barley powder, soybean powder or rice powder, 50 grams of ornithineaspartic acid salt or
46 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid peptide are added for the purpose of the enrichment.
In the manufacture of chewing gum, at the mixing step before shaping, 30 grams of ornithine-aspartic
acid salt or 28 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid peptide are added 55 per 10 kg of the total weight,
together with millet jelly. A part of these additives can be used as a covering powder in the packing
1,068,478 EXAMPLE 17
In manufacturing a paste from the starch of devil's tongue, 30 grams of ornithineaspartic acid salt or
28 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid peptide are added to 10 kg of starch powder of the devil's tongue,
prepared by drying the devil's tongue and grinding it. Alternatively 24 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid
salt or 22 grams of the peptide are 5 added to 10 liters of the intermediate product at the final step i.e. at
the step in which starch powder of devil's tongue is boiled and cooled.
In manufacturing bean-curd, 31 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or 29 grams of its peptide are
added to 10 liters of the intermediate product after the step in which 10 ground bean is boiled.
At the mixing step in manufacturing mixed fodder for domestic animals, 300 grams (0.3 per cent by
weight) of ornithine-aspartic acid salt are added to 100 kg of the mixed fodder. 15 All fortified foods
prepared according to the methods from Example 1 to Example 19 exhibit superiority over the food
having no aforesaid additive.
EXAMPLE 20 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or peptide, peptide, 10 grams of sodium glutamate,
80 grams of table salt and a binder amount of starch are admixed by stir- 2C ring. Products are
produced by packing the above-mentioned mixture in moisture-proof vessels.
EXAMPLE 21 grams of ornithine-aspartic acid salt or peptide, 5 grams of sodium glutamate, 40 grams
of powdered table salt and a binder amount of starch, milk sugar, or 25 crystalline cellulose are
admixed. A small amount of water is added to the above-mentioned mixture which is then shaped into
tablets. After drying the tablets are ready to be packed for shipment.
The same raw materials as in Example 21 were admixed and after controlling the 30 moisture content
at from 10 to 15 per cent by weight, the mixture is made into granules by use of a rotary granulating
machine, followed by drying and packaging.
The symbol "kg" in lhe preceding examples stands for "kilograms".
In our co-pending Application No. 18836/64 (Serial No. 1,066,084! we describe and claim the
improvement of alcoholic beverages by incorporating therein 0.1 to 1.0 35 per cent by weight of
ornithine-aspartic acid salt or peptide as herein defined and weData supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1068478
make no claim herein to what is claimed in Application No. 18836/64 (Serial No.
WHAT WE CLAIM IS: 1. A method of fortification of food products comprising incorporating therein
40 ornithine-aspartic acid salt as hereinbefore defined or ornithine-aspartic acid peptide as hereinbefore
2. A fortified food product comprising from 0.1 per cent to 5.0 per cent by weight of ornithineaspartic acid salt as hereinbefore defined or of ornithine-aspartic acid peptide as hereinbefore defined.
45 3. A product according to claim 2 based on an alimentary product obtained by fermentation.
4. A product according to claim 2 based on a seasoning.
5. A product according to claim 2 based on a dairy product.
6. A product according to claim 2 based on a cereal. 50 7. A product according to claim 2 based on a
8. A product according to claim 2 based on animal fodder.
9. A composition of matter for fortifying rice comprising table salt and from to 30 per cent by weight
relative to the weight of the salt of ornithine-aspartic acid salt as hereinbefore defined or of ornithineaspartic acid peptide as hereinbefore defined.
J0. A composition of matter according to claim 9 also including at least one material selected from
starch, milk sugar and crystalline cellulose in an amount sufficient to enable conversion of the
composition into granule form.
11. A method of fortifying a food product with ornithine-aspartic acid salt as 60 hereinbefore defined
or ornithine-asparric acid peptide as hereinbefore defined substantially as hereinbefore described in any
of the foregoing Examples.
1,068,478 1,068,478 5 For the Applicants, CARPMAELS & RANSFORD, Chartered Patent Agents,
24, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2.
Leamington Spa: Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by the Courier Press.
-1967. Published by The Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, London, W.C.2, from which
copies may be obtained.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
10. GB1069400
- 5/17/1967
NAGASE and CO LTD (--)
E Class: A23K1/00C2; A23K1/18M1; C12N1/20; C12P1/04
Application Number:
GB19650047757 (19651110)
Priority Number: GB19650047757 (19651110)
Family: GB1069400
Abstract of GB1069400
An animal feed supplement is prepared by cultivating a micro-organism of the species Bacillus subtilis
or Bacillus natto, stopping the cultivation between the beginning and middle of the logarithmic growth
phase of the micro-organism, and heating the resulting culture at a pH of 4.0 to 8.0 and at a temperature
of 50 DEG to 80 DEG C. for 1 to 3 hours. The cultivation may be conducted as a solid culture process
or as a submerged cultivation under agitation and aeration with a starting pH of 6.0 to 8.0 and at a
temperature of 30 DEG to 40 DEG C. Constituents for the culture medium are mentioned. The growth
promoting factor is found in both the liquid and solid portions of the broth. The heat-treated culture, as
such or after concentration, may be absorbed in an animal feed such as bran. Alternatively, the heat
treated culture may be roller dried or spray dried to a powder. Examples directed to the feeding of
poultry, rats, pigs and cows with specified feed ingredients including furazolidone, rice grass and
McCollam's salt mixture (specified), demonstrate that (i) the growth promoting factor is produced in
the early stages of the logarithmic growth phase whereas a growth inhibiting factor appears in the latter
stages and (ii) the effectiveness of the growth promoting factor is increased by the heating under the
specified conditions. The heat treated culture can be used in proportions generally in the range 0.02-1%
solids by weight of the basal feed to produce an increase in the percentages of weight gain, feed
conversion and egg production of poultry, to produce an increase in the percentages of weight gain of
cows and pigs and in milk production, and for ta. c.ALSO:An animal feed supplement is prepared by
cultivating a micro-organism of the species Bacillus subtilis or Bacillus natto, stopping the cultivation
between the beginning and middle of the logarithmic growth phase of the micro-organism, and heating
the resulting culture at a pH of 4.0 to 8.0 and at a temperature of 50 DEG to 80 DEG C. for 1 to 3
hours. The cultivation may be conducted as a solid culture process or as a submerged cultivation under
agitation and aeration with a starting pH of 6.0 to 8.0 and at a temperature of 30 DEG to 40 DEG C.
Constituents for the culture medium are mentioned. The growth promoting factor is found in both the
liquid and solid portions of the broth. The heat-treated culture, as such or after concentration, may be
absorbed in an animal feed such as bran. Alternatively, the heat treated culture may be roller dried or
spray dried to a powder. Examples directed to the feeding of poultry, rats, pigs and cows with specified
feed ingredients including furazolidone, rice grass and McCollam's salt mixture (specified),
demonstrate that (i) the growth promoting factor is produced in the early stages of the logarithmic
growth phase whereas a growth inhibiting factor appears in the latter stages and (ii) the effectiveness of
the growth promoting factor is increased by the heating under the specified conditions. The heat treated
culture can be used in proportions generally in the range 0.02-1% solids by weight of the basal feed to
produce an increase in the percentages of weight gain, feed conversion and egg production of poultry,
to produce an increase in the percentages of weight gain of cows and pigs and in milk production, and
for taste.Description:
Description of GB1069400
TOSHIO YAMAZAKI and KODO OOTAKA : 5 l Date ofApplication and filing Complete
Specification: Nov. 10, 1965.
No. 47757/65.
0 4 Complete Specification Published: May 17. 967.
_O46O / gCrown Copyright 1967.
Index at acceptance:-A2 B (J3C, J3F2, J3G1, J3G3); C6 F1 Int.CI.:-i-A23 k 1/00//C12 k COMPLETE
Feed Supplement for Animals and production thereof We, NAGASE & Co. LTD., a corporation of
Japan, of 19, 1-chome, Itachibori-Minamidori, Nishi-ku, Osaka, Japan, do hereby declare the invention,
for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it is to be performed, to
be particularly described in and by the following statement: This invention relates to a feed supplement for animals and also to a process for the preparation
thereof. The invention also relates to an animal feed to which such supplement is added.
It has recently become widespread practice to add such nutrients as vitamins, amino acids, antibiotics
or enzymes or disease preventives to feeds for animals. In view of the present world-wide development
of the rearing of livestock, the development of effective feed supplements has attained a great deal of
In accordance with the present invention there is provided a process for the preparation of an animal
feed supplement which comprises cultivating a microorganism of the species Bacillus subtilis or
Bacillus natto, preferably by submerged cultivation with vigorous agitation and aeration, stopping the
cultivation between the beginning and middle of the logarithmic growth phase of the microorganism,
and heating the resulting culture at a pH of 4.0 to 8.0 and at a temperature of 500 to 800C. for 1 to 3
According to the above process there may be produced, under a high reproducibility, a highly
effective feed supplement which is stable and is useful as an additive for feeeds for poultry and
We have found, through extensive researches on the effect of fermentation products of
microorganisms on animal feeds, that a feed supplement based on a culture product of a microorganism
of the species Bacillus subtilis or Bacillus natta is not stable and its effect varies depending on the
particular [Price 4s. 6d.] method for preparing the same. Thus, in some cases, no effect at all has been
seen and even a result in which the growth of animals is inhibited has been often observed.
As a result of further investigations and researches, we have now discovered that it is important to
stop the cultivation at the particular stage described above and to heattreat the resulting cultivation
product or broth under specific conditions. For example, we have found that, in the case of
conventional microorganisms of Bacillus subtilis (such as known as Bacillus subtilis N' strain) which
are widely used in the production of amylase and protease, a substance which will promote or stimulate
the growth of animals when administered to them will be produced in the culture solution and cells
within a far shorter period than the period when an enzyme such as amylase or protease and an
antibiotic begin to be accumulated in a large amount. We have further found that, when the cultivation
is continued until the growth of the microorganism goes into the latter part of the logarithmic growth
phase, the production of the enzyme will still continue but, on the other hand, a factor which inhibits
the growth of animals will also be produced in the culture solution. That is to say, in the period from
the beginning to the middle of the logarithmic growth phase of the bacteria, a factor or substance
effective for the promotion of the growth of animals will be produced and accumulated both inside and
outside the cells (that is, in the culture filtrate), while the production of the factor which inhibits the
growth of animals will be negligible.
We have also discovered that when the culture solution or broth containing the cells obtained during
this particular period is heated under selected conditions the effectiveness of the product which
promotes the growth of animals will increase.
Microorganisms which are used in carry1 _ _ _ ing out the present invention are those belonging to
the species Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus natta. As is well known, in the strains belonging to these
species are included strains which produce amylase and protease in a large amount and are used
industrially as, for example, Bacillus subtilis N strain (Hagihara, 1958), N' strain (Boyer et al., 1960), R
strain (Hagihara, 1958), K strain (Oishi et al., 1963), H strain (Nishimura et al., 1959) and Bacillus
natta Sawamura strain and SN strain and strains which produce the above mentioned enzymes very
slightly and which are often used for genetic researches, as, for example, Marburg strains No. SB-15
(Nester et al., 1961), No. 160 (Saito et al., 1961), No. 168 (Burkholder et al., 1947), No. 30 (EphratiElizur et al., 1961) and No. W 23 (Thorne, 1962). These strains are well known to those skilled in the
art and are easily available from various public culture collections.
According to the present invention, such a microorganism may be cultivated, either by employing a
solid culture process or a submerged culture process with agitation and aeration. However, the
submerged culture process is more preferable in view of the fact that various conditions required in
working the present invention can be controlled easily and positively.
Any culture medium which is well known for the cultivation of microorganisms of Bacillus subtilis
and Bacillus natto may be employed. The source of carbon used may be starch, maize meal, dextrin,
glucose or sucrose. The nitrogen source may be not only such inorganic nitrogen sources as ammonium
chloride NH4Gl, ammonium sulphate (NH4)2SO4, ammonium phosphate (NII)2HPO. or ammonium
nitrate, NH4NO, but also organic nitrogen sources such as beans, for example, soybeans, corn steep
liquor, defatted powdered milk, casein or amino acids.
Inorganic nutrient sources are also required, for example K2HPO4 and other auxiliary salts.
Industrially preferable is a culture medium comprising 3 to 20% alkali extract or defatted soybean, 0.5
to 10% corn steep liquor, 1 to 10% starch, 1 to 8% maize meal, 1 to 5% rice bran and 1 to 5% bran with
the addition of a small amount of nutrient inorganic salts.
The starting pH of the culture medium is preferably 6.0 to 8.0 or more preferably 6.5 to 7.2. The
temperature may be 300 to 400C. or preferably 350 to 380C.
The age of the culture is very important in this invention as mentioned before. Generally the time of
the shift from one growth phase to the next one will be influenced by the particular strain, condition of
the preculture, size of the inoculum, rate of aeration, agitation, medium, pH and temperature.
However, for the strains that are used in the present invention, if the other conditions are the same, the
time of the growth phase shift will show substantially the same trend.
Therefore, an explanation will be made by taking, as an example, those microorganisms of Bacillus
subtilis used for the industrial production of amylase and protease. Under the typical culture conditions
described in Example 1, in 1.5 to 2 hours after the inoculation, the logarithmic growth phase will begin,
and after about the 6th hour, the latter part of the logarithmic growth phase will begin, and thereafter
the stationary phase will set in. It is usual that the production of extra-cellular enzymes and antibiotics
such as amylase and protease will still continue even in the stationary phase. However, in the present
invention, as described above, in order to obtain a cultivation product which is useful as a feed
supplement for animals, the cultivation must be stopped between the beginning and middle of the
logarithmic growth phase of the bacteria, that is to say, between 2 and 4 hours after the inoculation in
this example.
We have discovered that when the cultivation product or broth is used as such or as a drum-dried or
spray-dried product it will show no substantial effect as a supplement for animal feeds, but that when it
is heated under selected conditions and is then dried its effect will remarkably be increased.
That is to say the cultivation is stopped in the above described particular age, and then the pH of the
medium is adjusted to 4.0 to 8.0 as required, and the culture product is heated to 500 to 800G. for 1 to 3
If the pH is below 4.0 or above 8.0, the product resulting from the heating would not be satisfactorily
high in the effect of promoting the growth of animals. Although, the pH of the medium after the
cultivation will vary depending upon the composition of the starting culture medium and also upon the
cultivation condition. However, generally, the pH of the medium after the cultivation would be within
6.0-7.5 so that no pH adjustment would be necessary prior to conducting the heat treatment. It is
preferably to conduct this heat treatment at a temperature of 550 to 750C. for 1 to 2 hours.
When a heat-treated product or culture broth is centrifugally separated into a liquid and an insoluble
solid the effective constituent will be found in both portions. Therefore, it is not practically necessary
to separate them from each other. Therefore, the heat-treated product is absorbed on the animal feed as
such or after concentration. If desired the heat-treated culture product or broth may be dried in a drum
dryer or spray dryer without being absorbed in a solid feed. In drying, the temperature of the product is
preferably 50 to 80GC.
The feed supplement obtained by the prelCO 1,069,400 The following Examples illustrate the
A culture medium (1000 litres) at a pH of 7.0 containing 5% alkali extract of defatted soybeans, 4%
starch, 2% lactose, 1% corn steep liquor and 1% (NH4)2HPO., was charged in a cultivation tank (main
tank) having a capacity of 2000 litres.
A strain of Bacillus subtilis N' as cultured at 370C. for 5 hours with 50 litres of the same culture
medium as is mentioned above under agitation and aeration in a seed tank of a capacity of 100 litres
was used as an inoculum.
The cultivation in the main tank was carried out with agitation from an impeller at r.p.m. and by
introducing 1000 litres of sterilized air per minute, at 370C. The dimensions of the impeller were as
sent process can be used as a supplement for convention feeds used for hens, pigs, rats and cows and
other poultry and animals.
The amount of the supplement or additive of the invention to be added to an animal feed varies
depending upon the form (liquid, concentrate or dried powder) and object of the feed, but it can be used
generally in the range of 0.02 to 1% (as solid) by weight based on the basal feed.
For example, it can be used in the range of 0.02 to 0.05% to produce an increase in the percentages of
weight gain and feed conversion of poultry, 0.02 to 0.1% to produce an increase in the percentage of
egg production, 0.02 to 0.1% to produce an increase in the percentage of weight gain of cows and pigs,
0.05 to 0.2% to produce an increase in the milking percentage and 0.1 to 0.5% to produce an increase
in taste.
Length of the impeller Diameter of the tank = 0.7 The cultivation was carried out by agitation and
aeration as mentioned above for 4 hours, at the end of which time 150 litres of the resulting broth pH
6.5 were taken for each sample.
The samples (used in test pens 1 to 13 in the following Table 1) prepared by heating the cultivation
product (broth) to 550 to 1000C. for 1 to 3 hours and then drying with a drum dryer, and the sample
(used in a test pen 14) prepared by heating the same culture broth at 450C. for 2 hours after stopping
the cultivation and by drying it with a drum dryer were respectively added to basel feeds and were used
in feeding tests Width of the impeller Diameter of the tank = 0.08 in respect of 100 Rockhorn F1 male (
I) chicks (one day old) per pen for 5 weeks.
The results are shown in Table 1. In each case, the amount of the dried product added was 0.03% by
weight based on the basel feed.
The basel feed was a conventional one consisting mostly of maize meal, defatted soybean meal and
fish meal, having 980 Cal./lb.
of productive energy, and containing 22% crude protein (CP), 8% fish meal, 3% alfalfa meal, 20
gr./ton of an antibiotic and 0.01% furazolidone, which is a reasonable mixture for the nutrition of
poultry and contains all the usual growth factors.
1,069,400 1,069,400 TABLE 1
Relationship between the heat-treating conditions and the percentage weight gains of chicks Heat
Treatment Percentage of weight gain Pen No. Temperature Time in % 1 550 C. 1 103.5 2 550 C. 2
104.2 550 C.
60 C.
600 C.
600 C.
700 C.
700 C.
700 C.
800 C.
800 C.
80 C.
1000 C.
Control 105.1 106.1 107.0 106.8 105.8 105.6 105.3 105.0 104.8 104.3 104.4 101.2 EXAmPLE 2.
A strain of Bacillus subtilis K was cultivated with aeration of 250 litres/min. under agitation at 370C.
by using 250 litres of the same culture medium as in Example 1 in a culturing tank of a capacity of 500
The cultivation was continued for 3 hours, at the end of which time the temperature was elevated to
The broth or culture product (pH 6.6) was kept at that temperature for two hours, was then mixed and
absorbed in 250 kg. of bran, and air-dried at 450C. to a powder.
A test feed was prepared by adding 1% of this powder to a basal feed as mentioned below. 10 Albino
rats 3 weeks old were raised for tests. The results are shown in Table 2.
Composition of the basal feed:
Defatted soybean meal 20% Cod-liver oil 1% Bran 20% Maize meal CaHPO, Vitamin B agent (except
vitamin B12) Mineral agent NaCl McCollam's salt mixture Methionine Vitamin Bl2 550/, 1 -0 0.1%
0.1% 0.5% 2.0% 0.2% 0.1% The composition of McCollam's salt mixture is (parts by weight):NaCI
0.173 MgSO4 0.266 NaHPO4 0.347 K2HPO4 0.954 CaH4(P04)2 0.540 Ca-lactate 1.300 ferric citrate
0.118 1,069,400 TABLE 2
Effect on the weight gain of rats Male ( o) Weight gain (g) Weight gain (%) Female + Weight gain (g)
Weight gain (%) 1 Basal Feed 160.7 100 85.0 100 Control 2 Basal Feed + 180.0 112 129.3 152.1 1%
supplement EXAMPLE 3.
A strain of Bacillus subtilis N' was cultivated in the same manner as in Example 1.
50 Litres of the culture broth were taken out at each of the second hour when the logarithmic growth
phase sets in, the fourth hour which was the middle of the logarithmic growth phase, the sixth hour
which was the latter part of the logarithmic growth phase, the tenth hour when the stationary phase sets
in and the sixteenth hour, and were heated at 60CC. for 2 hours. The heat treated broth was absorbed in
50 kg. of bran and air-dried at 450C. and crushed to be an animal feed supplement. When Rockhorn F1
male chicks one day old were raised for tests for 8 weeks with the same basal feed as in Example 1, it
was found that the effect of the increase in the percentage weight gain was remarkable with feed
supplements obtained from the culture broth taken at or before the middle of the logarithmic growth
phase, but that the growth of the animals was inhibited with those obtained from the culture broth taken
thereafter. In this case, the basal feed used after the 5th week was of a productive energy of 1200
Cal./lb. and of 20% crude protein content. The addition of the feed supplement was 0.5% by weight
based on the basal feed. The results are shown in Table 3.
Pen No.
Feed TABLE 3
Effects of raising with supplements prepared at different culture ages Pen No. Supplements Weight
Gain (%) 1 week 3 week 6 week 8 week Feed Conversion 1 week 3 week 6 week 8 week 1 2nd hour's
102.0 105.1 106.0 107.0 1.59 1.89 2.46 2.82 6.8 2 4th hour's 103.0 105.3 106.2 106.8 1.59 1.81 2.40
2.72 6.6 3 6th hour's 97.0 102.0 101.5 101.8 1.57 1.83 2.42 2.79 7.2 4 10th hour's 95.0 95.3 94.6 97.1
1.61 1.84 2.45 2.80 7.3 16th hour's 94.7 95.5 96.5 99.3 1.56 1.82 2.38 2.75 7.4 6 Control 100 100 100
100 1.66 1.89 2.59 2.98 (without supplement) Note: 100 chicks per pen were tested.
Feed Conversion: Represented by feed intake/weight gain.
A strain of Bacillus subtilis Marburg No.
was cultured in the same manner as in Example 1 for 4 hours, at the end of which time the broth was
heated to 700C. at a pH of 7.0 and was kept at that temperature for 2 hours. This heat-treated broth was
very low in both amylase and protease activities. It was dried with a spray dryer to a powder. 0.05% by
weight of the powder was added to the same basel feed as in Example 3 for a test wherein 100
Rockhorn F, male chicks one day old were raised for tests in each of the pens. The results are shown in
Table 4.
pH of the resulting broth I-.
0 0\ so po 1,069,400 TABLE 4
Pens Test pen Control pen 2 Test pen Control pen 4 Test pen Control pen 6 Test pen Control pen 8 Test
pen Control pen Average weight (g) 34.4 34.4 136.2 133.2 341.4 327.1 616.8 583.0 989.4 924.6
Weight gain (%) 102.9 104.8 106.1 107.3 Feed Conversion 1.84 1.87 1.90 2.00 2.50 2.57 2.75 2.81
A strain of Bacillus subtilis N was cultured in the same manner as in Example 1 for 4 hours, at the end
of which time the broth (p11 6.4) was heated at 601C. for 2 hours.
The heat-treated broth was then dried with a spray dryer to a powder. Each of 0.1, 0.05 and 0.025%
by weight of the powder was added to a basal feed for testing. Chicks one day old for broilers were
raised for tests in each pen for 8 weeks.
The chicks one day old used in the tests Crude protein Productive energy were of F, White Cornish
male and White Rock female. 1000 Chicks consisting of 500 male and 500 female were divided into 3
test pens and one control pen each consisting of 250 chicks of equal numbers of the respective sexes.
The main contents of the basal feeds were as follows. The basal feed I was administered from birth to
the 4th week and the basal feed II was administered for the 5th to 8th week.
Other Fish animal meal materials Alfalfa meal Basal feed I 23% 1000 Cal./lb. 5% 0% 3% Basal feed II
21% 1040 Cal./lb. 4% 0% 3% Each feed further contained 0.01% furazolidone, 30 gr./t. of a
tetracycline antibiotic and 11 mg./ton of Vitamin B and was nutritionally adequate. Nothing other than
the feed and water was administered.
The tests were carried out until the end of the 8th week. The percentages of the body weight and total
feed conversion were measured every two weeks. The results are as shown in Table 5.
Weeks Start TABLE 5
Feeding tests for broilers Weeks Supplement Pen No. added % 0 2 4 6 8 1 0.1% Body weight (g) 38
147 440 980 1430 Feed conversion - 1.68 1.80 1.95 2.15 2 0.05% Body weight (g) 38 146 435 978
1425 Feed conversion - 1.68 1.81 1.96 2.16 3 0.025% Body weight (g) 38 146 430 965 1400 Feed
conversion - 1.69 1.82 2.00 2.19 Control 0% Body weight (g) 38 138 410 920 1360 Feed conversion 1.72 1.86 2.10 2.32 EXAMPLE 6.
0.047/O By weight of powdery supplement produced in the same manner as in Example 5 was added
to a basal feed and the egg production and feed conversion of egg laying hens 10 months old were
measured for 6 months. The sample hens were egg laying Crude protein Productive energy hens of a
White Leghorn series originally produced in U.S.A. and of individual capacities judged to be balanced.
1000 of them were divided into two of a test pen and a control pen each consisting of 500 hens.
The main contents of the basal feed were as follows.
Fish Calcium Phosphorus meal Alfalfa 16.5% 940 Cal/lb. 3.2% 0.65% 5% 3% The feed further
contained 0.01% furazolidone and 20 gr./ton of a tetracycline artibiotic and was nutritionally adequate.
Nothing other than the feed and water was administered. The percentages of egg production and feed
conversion per month in each pen after the start of the tests are shown in Table 6.
Tests for egg laying hens Months Egg Test pen 88 86 83 79 76 74 production (%/O) Control pen 83 81
77 74 70 65 Feed Test pen 2.23 2.28 2.37 2.48 2.58 2.66 conversion Control pen 2.37 2.43 2.56 2.66
2.81 3.03 EXAMPLE 7.
A powdered supplement produced in the same manner as in Example 5 was added to a milk replacer
for baby pigs. Baby pigs 15 days old were raised for tests for 65 days. 30 16 Baby pigs of F1 of a
Landrac breed 1,069,400 male and a Yorkshire Middle White breed female, 15 days old, of body
weights as uniform as possible and consisting of 8 baby pigs from each sow, that is, 8 male and 8
female were divided into a test pen and a control pen so that the sexes and body weights might be
A milk replacer I was administered to the pigs from the 15th day to the 30th day Total amount of
digestible Crude nutrients protein (TDN) Fish Diary meal by-products after birth and a milk replacer II
was administered from the 31st day to the 65th day after birth. In the test pen, 0.05% by weight of the
above mentioned supplement was mixed into the milk replacer I and 0.04% by weight of the same
supplement was mixed into the milk replacer II.
The main contents of the milk replacers were as follows:
Antibiotics (gr/ton) Alfalfa DehydroProcaine streptopenicillin mycin Milk replacer I 22% 78% 6% 0%
0% 10 30 40 0.2 Milk replacer II 18% 75% 4% 0% 0% 5 15 20 0.1 The acid protease was a preparation
of 1000 units/gr.
Each of the milk replacers I and II contained 0.01 furazolidone, 40 gr./t. of an antibiotic and 20
mg./ton of Vitamin B,2 and was nutritionally adequate. In each pen, nothing other than the feed and
water was administered.
The mean body weight and total percentage of feed conversion in each pen every days after the
beginning of the test were as in Table 7.
Acid Tetra- protease cycline (%) I-.
ro Cn Co T0 I TABLE 7
Feeding tests for baby pigs Days old after birth Pens 15 25 35 45 55 65 Test pen Body weight 4.3 6.0
8.8 13.2 16.1 22.0 (kg.) Feed Conversion - 1.23 1.35 1.42 1.58 1.70 Control pen Body weight 4.3 5.8
8.2 12.0 15.1 19.8 (kg.) Feed Conversion - 1.25 1.38 1.49 1.66 1.82 In the control pen, around the 35th
day, 4 baby pigs suffered from a light diarrhoea and were a little late in growing. But, in che test pen,
the baby pigs showed no diarrhoea at all and grew favourably.
Body weight Ag (kg) ye EXAMPLE 8.
A powdered supplement produced in the same manner as in Example 5 was mixed in a feed and was
administered to dairy cattle and the amount of milk and the percentage of fat were measured. The cattle
used were two cows of a Holstein breed. Their body weights and ages were as follows:
e in Number of Months since ears calves last calving Cow a 580 4 2 3-5 Cow b 650 5 3 4-6 The test
period was divided into 4 of 2 weeks each. 0.2% of the above mentioned supplement was mixed in a
feed and was administered to both cows a and b in the second and fourth periods but no supplement
was administered in the first and third periods.
In each test period, the first week was a preparatory period and the second week was a measuring
The sample feed was a formula feed for dairy cattle containing 16% crude protein and 68% TDN, and
8 kg. of it were administered to each cow per day. Each cow was freely fed with a crude feed
consisting of a total of 40 kg. of grasses and green maize (cut for feeding animals) and also with straws
of rice grass per day.
The amounts of milk and the contents of fat therein of each cow in the later half (the test period) of
the period in which the supplement was administered and in the later half (the control period) of the
period in which the supplement was not administered were comparatively measured. The results are
shown in Table 8.
1,069,400 1,069,400 TABLE 8
Test period Increase over control (%) Average Cow a 17.5 19.0 +8.6 amounts of milk Cow b 18.2 19.5
+7.1 produced (kg./day) Contents Cow a 3.70 3.81 +3.0 of fat Cow b 3.38 3.51 +3.8 The basis for the
given values of fat content are weight % (based on weight of the milk)Data supplied from the
esp@cenet database - Worldwide
11. GB1127720
- 9/18/1968
E Class: A23K1/14; A23L1/10B; A21D2/24B; A21D2/28; A23K1/22; A23L1/305A
Application Number:
GB19670035908D (19670829)
Priority Number: NL19660012379 (19660901)
Family: GB1127720
OA2499; NL6612379; ES344681; BE703216
Abstract of GB1127720
1,127,720. Increasing the ammo-acid content of grain; enriched grain. STAMI- CARBON N.V. 29
Aug., 1967 [1 Sept., 1966], No. 39508/67. Heading A2Q. The amino-acid content of grain such as
wheat, rice, rye or maize, e.g. in the form of whole or broken grains, is increased by contacting the
grain, for a period of time, with an aqueous solution of one or more amino-acids, e.g. selected from
lysine (L-lysine monohydrochloride) methionine and threonine. Contact may be effected at a
temperature between 40 and 85 C. for 15 to 45 minutes. According to Example 1, 100 m.l. of an
aqueous, 30% by weight, solution of L-lysine monohydrochloride are brought into contact with 10 g. of
whole wheat grains, already containing 0.2%, by weight, of L-lysine, for 30 minutes at 60 C. The
treated grains are then separ- ated from the solution, by filtration, washed with water and dried at 60 C.
The resulting dried and enriched grains contain 1.5%, by weight, of L-lysine mono- hydrochloride.
When broken wheat grains are similarly treated, the resulting en- riched broken grains contain 7.6%, by
weight, of L-lysine monohydrochloride.Description:
Description of GB1127720
NO, DRAWINGS N CQ11 Date of Application and filing Complete Specification: 29 Aug., 1967.
No. 35908/67.
Application made in Netherlands (No. 6612379) on I Sept., 1966.
Complete Specification Published: 18 Sept., 1968.
( Crown Copyright 1968.
Index at acceptance: -A2 Q(1, 14X, 16B2, 16D) Int. Cl.:-A 23 1 1/30 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION
D a _ _ _ _ at.L_ A A --I. _ _A rn_ lERRATUM SPECIFICATION No. 1,127,720
Page 1, Heading, Date of Application and Complete Specification: for "No. 35908/
67" read "No. 39508/67" TH PATENT OFFICE ist Yanuary 1969 iU or cereal grams, wiet.iruy mLe
aliino-counfenr thereof is increased.
It is knlown that the contents of various amino-acids in cereals, such as for example wheat, rice, rye
and maize, are too small for ensuring optimum nutrition of man and animal.
The invention provides an efficient and simple way of increasing the amino-acid content of cereals
e.g. lysine, methionine and/or threonine content which does not affect the granular character of the
material and consists of a process for increasing the aminoacid content of cereals, comprising
contacting the cereal with an aqueous solution of one or more amino-acids for a period of time.
In the process of the invention at least a proportion of the amino-acid(s) contained in the solution is
strongly absorbed by the cereal so as not to be removed by washing the cereal with water in the normal
way. The aminoacid may be present in the treating solution washing water as such or in the form of a
compound; in the case of lysine, e.g., in the form of lysine-monohydrochlonide or lysine carbonate.
Other nutritional substances, such as for example vitamins, may if desired be added to the aqueous
solution containing the amino-acid in order to be absorbed by the cereal.
The advantage of the process of the invention is that the nutrient value of the cereal can be increased
in the earliest handling stage, e.g. of its distribution and further treatment.
The cereal moreover does not lose its granular [Price -tne granular character of the cereal. This can be
achieved, for example, by subjecting the cereal grains to a slight pressure between two rollers rotating
in opposite directions.
Preferably the aqueous solution is made to act on the cereal at a temperature in the range to 850C. A
good resuilt is obtained if the action is made to take place at a temperature of about 600C.
The duration of the action of the aqueous solution containing the amino-acid(s) on the cereal may be
varied and depends for example on the type of cereal to be treated, on the amino-acid content of the
aqueous solution and on the desired amino-acid content of the cereal.
In general, a duration of from 15 to 45 minutes will suffice.
Upon completion of the action of the aqueous solution on the cereal, the latter is separated from the
solution, for example by centrifugation or filtration and the isolated cereal is washed with water. The
resulting washing water may then be added to the solution previously separated from the cereal, and the
resultant solution made up. to original strength. After the treated cereal has been washed, its outward
appearance is indistinguishable from that of non-treated cereal.
Conveniently the amount of water for washing can be such that the weight ratio of water to treated
cereal will be between 0.12 and 0.18.
Cereal treated according to the Invention may subsequently be mixed with untreated SeZE- ERRATA
SLIP ATTAOC-WE) 1s1275720 io PATENT c Pi.
NO DRAWINGS 1, 127,720 Date of Application and filing Complete Specification: 29 Aug., 1967.
No. 35908/67.
Application made in Netherlands (No. 6612379) on I Sept., 1966.
Complete Specification Published: 18 Sept., 1968.
Crown Copyright 1968.
Index at acceptance: -A2 Q(1, 14X, 16B2, 16D) Int. Cl.:-A 23 1 1/30 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION
Process For Increasing the Amino-Acid Content of Cereal Grains We, STAMICARBON N.V., a
Netherlands Limited Liability Company of 2 van der Maesenstraat, Heerlen, the Netherlands, do
hereby declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by
which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement: This invention relates to the treatment of cereal grains, whereby the amino-content thereof is
It is known that the contents of various amino-acids in cereals, such as for example wheat, rice, rye
and maize, are too small for ensuring optimum nutrition of man and animal.
The invention provides an efficient and simple way of increasing the amino-acid content of cereals
e.g. lysine, methionine and/or threonine content which does not affect ithe granular character of the
material and consists of a process for increasing the aminoacid content of cereals, comprising
contacting the cereal with an aqueous solution of one or more amino-acids for a period of time.
In the process of the invention at least a proportion of the amino-acid(s) contained in the solution is
strongly absorbed by the cereal so as not to be removed by washing the cereal with water in the normal
way. The aminoacid may be present in the treating solution washing water as such or in the form of a
compound; in the case of lysine, e.g., in the form of lysine-monohydrochloride or lysine carbonate.
Other nutritional substances, such as for example vitamins, may if desired be added to the aqueous
solution containing the amino-acid in order to be absorbed by the cereal.
The advantage of the process of the invention is that the nutrient value of the cereal can, be increased
in the earliest handling stage, e.g. of its distributioni and further treatment.
The cereal moreover does not lose its granular [Pricd character, which is of great importance in the
case of poultry feed. The amount of aminoacid absorbed by the cereal can, according to the invention,
be considerably increased if the aqueous solution containing the amino-acid(s) is made to act on broken
cereal grains. By broken cereal grains is to, be understood here cereal grains the husks of which have
been cracked with preservation of the granular character of the cereal. This can be achieved, for
example, by subjecting the cereal grains to a slight pressure between two rollers rotating in opposite
Preferably the aqueous solution is made to act on the cereal at a temperature in the range to 850C. A
good result is obtained if the action is made to take place at a temperature of about 600C.
The duration of the action of the aqueous solution containing the amineo-acid(s) on the cereal may be
varied and depends for example on the type of cereal to be treated, on the amino-acid content of the
aqueous solution and on the desired amino-acid content of the cereal.
In general, a duration of from 15 to 45 minutes will suffice.
Upon completion of the action of the aqueous solution on the cereal, the latter is separated from the
solution, for example by centrifugation or filtration and the isolated cereal is washed with water. The
resulting washing water may then be added to the solution previously separated from the cereal, and the
resultant solution made up to original strength. After the treated cereal has been washed, its outward
appearance is indistinguishable from that of non-treated cereal.
Conveniently the amount of water for washing can be such that the weight ratio of water to treated
cereal will be between 0.12 and 0.18.
Cereal treated according to the invention may subsequently be mixed with untreated SECE ERRATA
SLIP ATTACHE cereal to achieve a desired final amino-acid content of the mixture.
The following Examples of the invention are provided.
EXAMPLE 1 millilitres of an aqueous 30%,byweight L-lysine monohydrochloride solution was
contacted with 10 grammes of whole wheat grains (L-lysine content 0.2% by weight) for 30 minutes at
a temperature of 600C. The thus treated wheat grains were filtered off, washed with water, and dried at
600C. The L-lysine monohydrochloride content of the dried wheat grains was then found to be 1.5% by
If broken wheat grains are used instead of whole grains, but the other process conditions unchanged,
the L-lysine monohydrochloride content of the treated wheat was found to be 7.6% by weight.
Broken rice grains (L-lysine content 0.2% by weight) and broken maize grains (L-lysine content 0.3%
by weight), where treated with an. aqueous 30%-by-weight L-lysine monohydrochloride solution in the
same way as described in Example I. The L-lysine monohydrochloride contents of the broken rice
grains and broken maize grains thus treated were found to be 8.1 and 5.5% by weight, respectively.
An aqueous 15%-by-weight L-lysine solution was contacted with broken wheat grains and broken rice
grains in the same way as described in Example I. Upon completion of the treatment, the L-lysine
contents of the broken wheat grains and the broken rice grains were found to be 5.8 and 4.4% byweight, respectively. The L-lysine content of nontreated wheat and rice was 0.2%-by-weight.
An aqueous 5%-by-weight methionine soluiion was contacted with broken wheat grains, broken rice
grains and broken maize grains in the same way as described in Example I.
Upon completion of this treatment, the mnethionine contents of the broken wheat grains, the broken
rice grains and the broken maize -grains, was found to be 3.3, 5.9', and 2.3%-by-weight, respectively.
The methionine contents of non-treated wheat, rice and maize was 0.16, 0.17. and 0.19%-by-weight,
An aqueous 27%-by-weight L-lysine solution was contacted with' unbroken wheat grains for 30
minutes at a temperature of about 600C.
After washing the impregnated grains their Llysine content was found to be 2%-by-weight.Data
supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1127720
WHAT WE CLAIM IS: 1, A process for increasing the amino-acid content of cereal grains, comprising contacting the cereal
with an aqueous solution of one or more amino-acids for a period of time.
2. A process according to Claim 1, in which the aqueous solution is contacted with broken cereal
3. A process according to Claim 1 or Claim 2, in which the aqueous solution is contacted with the
cereal, at a temperature of from 40 to 850C.
4. A process according to Claim 3, in which the aqueous solution is contacted with the cereal, at a
temperature of about 60WC.
5. A process according to any one of claims 1 to 4, in which the aqueous solution is contacted with the
cereal for a period of time of from 15 to 45 minutes.
6. A process according to any one of Claims 1 to 5, in which the treated grain is subsequently washed
with water and a solution having the same content of the substance(s) to be absorbed by the cereal as
the original solution is prepared from the washing water, the previously used solution and an additional
quantity of the said substance(s) and re-used.
7. A process according to Claim 6, in which such an amount of water is used in the said washing
treatment that the weight ratio of water to the treated grain will be between 0.12 and 0.18.
8. A process for increasing the amino-acid content of cereals as claimed in Claim 1 substantially as
hereinbefore described.
9. Cereal grains with an increased aminoacid content obtained by a process according to any one of
the preceding claims.
HYDE & HEIDE Bishopsgate, London, E.C2.
Chartered. Patent Agents Agents for the Applicants Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office by the
Courier Press, Leamington Spa, 1968.
Published by the Patsnt Office, 25, Southamppton Buildings, London, WV.C.2, from which copies
may be obtained.
55' -V 1,127,720Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
12. GB118757
- 9/12/1918
E Class: A23K1/18G; A23K1/14
Application Number:
GB19170018235 (19171208)
Priority Number: GB19170018235 (19171208)
Family: GB118757
Abstract of GB118757
118,757. BarnabÚ, L. V., and Bozzelli, S. Dec. 8, 1917. Food for animals.-A food for horses, cattle, or
other animals consists mainly of vine prunings in admixture with other ingredients such as caroh pods
or locust beans (with or without the seeds), bran, husks of rice, broad beans, oats, chopped hay, maize
stalks, maize cob-cores, and chopped or ground horse-chestnuts. The vine prunings are washed,
chopped or minced to about the size of broad beans, and then dried. The horse-chest- nuts may be used
with or without the outer covering, and after being roasted or boiled, are chopped, ground, or pressed
Various proportions of the ingredients are indicated.
13. GB1248571
- 10/6/1971
E Class: A23K1/14; A23J1/00F2; A23K1/00C1
Application Number:
GB19670040636 (19670906)
Priority Number: GB19670040636 (19670906)
Family: GB1248571
Abstract of GB1248571
1,248,571. Animal feed-stuffs. J. WHITE. 5 Dec., 1968 [6 Sept., 1967], No. 40636/67. Heading A2B.
A process for the production of animal feed-stuffs from vegetable matter comprises applying pressure
to the vegetable matter to separate a liquid portion therefrom thus leav- ing a residue enriched in
protein content compared to the original vegetable matter, and using the liquid portion as a substrate for
the growth of micro-organisms so that the liquid portion obtains a solids content rich in protein. The
solids from the liquid portion and the protein-enriched residue may be used separately or in admixture
as an animal feed-stuff. Suitable vegetable matter is grasses (including rice), leaves, foliage, hay, straw
or carrots, preferably comprise corn. Yeast may be added to the liquid portion to cause the growth of
micro-organisms. The liquid portion may be heat treated to pasteurise the liquid and to coagulate the
protein pre- sent in the liquid portion. Materials contain- ing phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and/or
nitrogen, and sugar-containing material may be added preferably to the liquid portion, to improve the
nutritive quality of the feed-stuff. The feed-stuff may be formed into cakes, aggregates or
Description of GB1248571
(71) I, JOHN WHITE, a British Subject, of 23 Meadow Hill Road, Kings Norton,
Birmingham 30, Warwickshire, do hereby declare the invention, for which I pray that a patent may be
granted to me, and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the
followingstatement:This invention relates to animal feed-stuffs and is particularly concerned with the production of feedstuffs of enriched nutritive value from vegetable matter such as grasses, herbage or foliage.
There is at present a world shortage of protein, which is essential not only in the diet of man but also in
the diet of the domestic animals on which he relies for protein.
According to the present invention, vegetable matter, such as grasses (including rice), leaves, foliage,
hay, straw or carrots, or other vegetable matter is subjected to pressure to cause separation of a liquid
portion from the vegetable matter (i.e. "de-watering") and leave a residue enriched in protein content
compared with the original vegetable matter, and the liquid portion is used as a substrate for the growth
of micro-organisms, whereby the liquid portion attains a solids content rich in protein. The application
of pressure to the vegetable matter is preferably accompanied by the disintegration of the vegetable
Thus the vegetable matter, e.g. grasses, may be pulverized in a grinding mill or put through a mincing
machine and the resulting liquid portion separated from the residue by means of a filter press or other
suitable mechanical means.
The solids may be separated from the liquid portion and added to the initial residue. The combined
solids may be dried to give an animal fodder having an augmented protein content. Alternatively the
solids from the liquid portion and the initial residue may be used separately as animal feed-stuffs.
The liquid portion may be. initially heat treated to pasteurize the liquid and cause coagulation of
protein present in such liquid portion. Thereafter, the liquid portion, which normally contains
significant amounts of carbohydrate materials assimilable by yeasts and yeast-like organisms, may be
used as a substrate for the growth of a suitable yeast or other micro-organisms, e.g. torula utilis.
However, the liquid portion may be used for yeast growth without the initial heat treatment.
Besides adding yeast to the liquid portion, nitrogen compounds may also be added.
These may be inorganic nitrogen compounds such as ammonium sulphate or organic compounds such
as urea. If desired suitable phosphorus or sulphur or magnesium compounds may also be added. Such
substances are added in suitable amounts to produce a completely balanced substrate for the organisms
and will be more or less completely assimilated into the crop of micro-organisms ultimately produced.
Other by-product or waste materials may be added to the liquid portion to augment the carbohydrate
content of the substrate, e.g.
molasses, cane or beet juices, whey from milk or waste fruit juices from canneries.
The effect of the growth of the microorganisms on the liquid portion, with or without the stated
additions, is to produce a microbial population of high solids content rich in protein, vitamins and
mineral salts.
The fermented solution may be centrifuged to remove excess liquid and the yeast "cream" so produced
may be further concentrated by removal of excess liquid in a filter press or similar equipment. The
resulting "cake" of pressed yeast may then be mixed with the press cake material obtained from the
"de-watering" process of the original vegetable material and the mixture, which is greatly augmented in
protein content from the starting vegetable material, may be fed to animals or fish directly or may be
suitably dried to render it suitable for storage.
If desired, the residue from the "dewatering" step, with or without the other additions referred to
above, may be used as the starting material for making silage as indicated in more detail below.
In nature, in vegetable materials such as grasses, leaves etc. (see above), protein is almost always
found in association with carbohydrate-type substances. These substances are of only limited value in
animal feeding, representing no permanent value as building materials for the animal cells. On the
other hand, as is well-known, the carbohydrates may be assimilated by microorganisms (such as the
yeasts and yeast-like organisms) especially is association with certain nitrogen-containing salts (e.g.
ammonium sulphate) or organic nitrogencontaining substances (e.g. urea) and together with small
additional quantities of necessary phosphorus - and - magnesium - containing salts to produce excellent
yields of microorganisms, normally containing large amounts of good quality protein together with
amino acids, nucleic acids, mineral salts and vitamins.
The invention demonstrates how much of the carbohydrate material can be relatively easily physically
removed from various types of vegetable material and shows how this carbohydrate may, if desired, be
transformed into substance rich in proteins and other vital cell-building substances (e.g. nucleic acids).
If desired, such substance may then be mixed back with the residue of the plant substance originally
"de-watered" in order to enrich this material further in proteins and other substances vital to animal
nutrition. In this connection "animal" will include fishes because some of the feeding stuffs produced
by this method will be found especially valuable for the feeding of fish.
In the ordinary way in England and certain other countries, grass grown as an animal fodder and not
fed direct to the animal by grazing is often made into hay by drying in the sun for a period of several
days after cutting. The dried grass ("hay") is then stored, normally as "stacks" or "ricks" for periods of
several months. It is well-known that the feeding value of hay as a fodder is considerably inferior to the
grass from which it has been prepared due to considerable losses of organic matter by respiration, autofermentation and (often in the wet climates) actual leaching out of organic matter and nutrients by
rainfall and other sources of moisture. There is also a loss of nutritive value due to mould and bacterial
growth in the drying grass and in the stacked hay.
In an attempt to reduce the nutritive losses described above, many farmers dry their grass artificially as
soon after cutting as possible. Considering, however, that the average grass contains 80% of its weight
as water, the drying costs are very high. It will be appreciated that by a simple mechanical means as
indicated above, a great quantity of the water of grass (and other foliage and herbage and vegetable
materials) can be easily separated from the bulk of the cellular matter and proteins. The liquid
expressed by this method contains a great deal of the soluble carbohydrate of the vegetable matter.
If the damp residue obtained by this method is to be dried artifically considerable decrease in fuel costs
will be obtained. Also, a feed-stuff is obtained of higher relative protein content than the original
In addition to these advantages, the resulting product is much improved in appearance and odour and it
retains its colour (and, therefore, its organic pigment content) very satisfactorily, especially if
compressed into hard blocks. The material is greatly superior to hay and significantly superior to
commercially dried grass.
If the residue from the "dewatering" step and the solids obtained by using the liquid portion from the
grass (or other vegetable material) as a substrate for the growth of yeasts or other highly proteinous and
nutritious micro-organisms are mixed together, a dried final product of very much improved protein
content and general nutritive value is obtained. The resulting feed-stuff will contain a high content of
the very nutritive substances (many as yet of undefined chemical constitution) known to be present in
dried yeast and in "distillery slops", so highly prized in the animal feeding industry.These will be
produced from the carbohydrates present in the original vegetable or plant material, but this may be
supplemented, if desired, by other cheap sources of assimilable carbohydrate e.g., beet or cane juices,
whey and/or lactose from milk factories, fruit juice wastes from canneries, or molasses, as indicated
above. It is understood that the correct micro-organism must be employed in such growth procedures in
order to obtain maximum utilisation of e.g. carbohydrates present. The normally accepted and classical
methods of yeast growth will be employed as is well-known in the art, including correct nutritional
balance for mineral salt additions (see for example J.
White, "Yeast Technology", Chapman and
Hall, London. J. Wiley, New York, 1954).
By such means good quality protein is synthesised by the micro-organisms employed from the
carbohydrate supplied together with nitrogen-containing inorganic salts (e.g., ammonium sulphate) or
organic nitrogen-containing compounds (e.g. urea) with suitable additions, as necessary, of salts
containing phosphorus, magnesium and, if necessary, potassium.
Another present day form of animal feed is ensilage (silage) whereby grass or other mixture of green
plant materials is stored in a silo with the addition, normally, of an added source of sugar (often beet or
cane molasses): and sometimes a proportion of common salt, sodium chloride, is added to the mixture
to improve the produce. An auto-fermentation proceeds in the silo, whereby a considerable quantity of
lactic acid is normally produced by the lactic acid bacteria present. The lactic acid then acts as a
preservative and the resulting ensilage will normally store satisfactorily and in good condition for a
considerable time. In accordance with the method of the present invention the damp concentrated cake
obtained from the initial treatment of the green plant substances may be used to prepare the ensilage.In
this way, a great quantity of water, almost valueless to the ensilage would be discarded and a silo of a
stated volume would be able to carry a much greater weight of ensilage of improved nutritive value.
The crop of micro-organism grown from the expressed liquor may be added to the ensilage, if desired,
with resulting benefit to nutritive value. One source of raw material which may be employed as the
vegetable matter in the method of the present invention is a growing crop of, say, wheat barley, oats or
maize in the "green" condition prior to the normal condition of "ripeness" necessary for the production
of the fruits of those crops which contain the actual "seeds" (of wheat, barley, oats or maize.) In the
normal way, the crop is grown for the production and harvesting of the seeds which are then used for
the feeding of man or animals.The seeds represent only a small weight of the total growth in the field,
the remainder at harvest being baled up as
"straw" and is virtually a waste material so far as nutrition is concerned.
Employing the method of the present invention, therefore, the crop would be employed for fodder
whilst still in the "green" condition (that is significantly prior to normal "ripening"). It is possible that
the normal seeds would be largely unformed or only in the process of growth when the crop was used.
The green crop would then be subject to cutting followed by the process of the present invention. By
this means, no "straw" would be left and all (or most of) the crop would be recovered as feed for
Animal feed-stuff as prepared by the method of the present invention may be compressed by suitable
physical means (with or without the addition of "binding" agents) to form cakes or small aggregated
lumps; such pieces retain the natural green and yellow colours of the original vegetable material,
oxidation on storage being reduced to a minimum.
The natural vitamins are thus retained more successfully than by conventional means (e.g. normal grass
drying or ensilage methods).
Feed-stuff prepared by the method of the present invention and preferably further compressed into
aggregates, is valuable as feed for poultry, having superior feed properties. Superior retention of
organic pigments enables eggs to be produced which possessvery- yellow-coloured yolks (an
important property much demanded).
Feed-stuff, prepared by the method of the present invention with, or without, the addition of further
protein compounds (e.g.
fish-meal, meat offals or bone residues) and with, or without, suitable "binding" agents may be formed
into pellets with properties of natural floatation in water and valuable as food for fish. Such food is
valuable for feed for fish in commercial hatcheries and fish "farms" or for sporting purposes.
Feed-stuff, prepared by the method of the present invention will be especially valuable in providing
feed-stuff containing valuable quantities of green and yellow pigments, largely absent (or present in
much smaller amounts) in cereal grains. Feed-stuff prepared by the method of the present invention
from a growing crop of, for example, barley well before maturity and, using all the growing green crop
will yield a feed-stuff far superior in quality or quantity than would be present in the seeds harvested
from such a crop in the normal way. Fed to animals in the "green" form, the resulting meat would be
far superior to the meat obtained by the use of barley seeds in the present-day production of "barleybeef". Such improvement in flavour and quality of beef grown by intensive feeding methods will be
greatly looked for in future years by the consumers.
The liquid portion separated from the vegetable matter provides products of value in animal feeding.
(1) The sugary juice expressed from the grass, leaves or other vegetable matter containing amino
acids, mineral salts and growth factors is a splendid growth medium for a variety of micro-organisms.
By suitable growth of the necessary micro-organisms, with or without the addition of a chemical
precursor as hereinafter defined, substances vital to animal growth are prepared which, when added to
the main bulk of the feed-stuff will augment the feeding value of the whole.
For example, the content of essential amino acids would be increased in this way. The content of
methionine could be increased by suitable growth of certainorganisms-e.g.
Pseudomonas Xantha, Pseudomonas G 132 - 13, Torula lactis,Savrathia marcescens, Streptomyces
erythrus and Penicillium islandicum, employing y - methylmercapto - - hydroxybutyric acid as a
(2) In all cases, the expressed juice after the further biological treatment could be dried by spraydrying or other suitable method and added to the original leaf residue (or used separately) for a dietary
feeding supplement.
(3) The sugary leaf juice can be fermented by the addition of a suitable yeast strain with or without
addition of extra sugar or mineral salt supplement -to - produce ~ a fermented beverage similar to beer.
After suitable treatment to eliminate the yeast, the "beer" is consumed as such. The yeast is processed
to provide a feed supplement (the yeast cells must be killed by suitable heating to render the product
suitable for feeding).
4. As an alternative way of processing the fermented liquor obtained by adding yeast to the leaf juice
described in the process of 3 above, the alcoholic liquor produced is distilled to give alcohol for
production of potable spirits, liqueurs, or for use as industrial alcohol. The liquor left behind in the still
is rich in feeding value and is dried by suitable means (e.g. spray-drying) and used as a feed
The invention is illustrated by the following examples, in which all "parts" are by weight.
Example 1.
In this Example, ordinary meadow grass cut at the time of normal harvesting was employed for the
1,000 parts meadow grass was taken. This contained:
240 parts solid matter (dry solids)
(i.e. solids = 24.0%)
75 parts protein (N X 6.25)
Therefore, protein = 31.25% calculated on the dry solids present.
The grass was disintegrated by a high speed mincing machine and the wet disintegrated material was
immediately pressed dry in a filter press. In this way, 400 parts of liquid "juice" was expressed, leaving
a damp pressed cake weighing 600 parts.
600 parts contained:
200 parts solid matter (dry solids)
(i.e. solids = 33.3%)
67.5 parts protein.
Therefore. protein = 33.75% calculated on the dry solids present.
400 parts contained:
40 parts solid matter (dry solids)
(i.e. solids = 10.0%)
7.5 parts protein.
Therefore, protein =18.75% calculated on the dry solids present.
The juice also contained 5% assimilable carbohydrates.
20 parts assimilable carbohydrates were present in 400 parts juice which was heat pasteurized and
The desired nitrogen-containing salts, together with a supply of salts containing the desired amounts of
phosphate(P2O5), magnesia (MgO) and potash(K2O) were added to the juice. The amounts of such
salts were added so that the following amounts of the nutrients in question were added per 100 parts of
assimilable carbohydrate present in the fermentation:
Nitrogen (N2) added as a mixture of
ammonium sulphate and ammonium
hydroxide: 3.5 parts of N2 per 100 parts
of assimilable carbohydrate.
Phosphate(p2o5) added as disodium phos
phate: 1.5 parts ofP205 per 100 parts of
assimilable carbohydrate.
Magnesia(MgO) added as magnesium sul
phate: 0.1 parts of MgO per 100 parts of
assimilable carbohydrate.
Potash(K20) added as potassium sulphate:
1.5 parts of K2O per 100 parts of
assimilable carbohydrate.
A suitable amount of a suitable strain of yeast, e.g. torula utilis, was also added to the juice and
fermentation was carried out by the classical "incremental" food system. The amount of seed yeast used
was at the rate of 20 per cent of the assimilable carbohydrate used on a "wet organism" basis (yeast
containing 27% dry solids) or 5.4 per cent of the assimilable carbohydrate used calculated on a "dry
solids basis".
After growth of this yeast a yield was obtained of 10.8 parts yeast (dry solids). This contained 50.0%
of protein.
Protein yielded by juice (growth of yeast) = 5.4 parts. In addition to this a further 7 parts of (original)
protein were obtained from the grass "juice" by coagulation by heat pasteurisation. This was recovered
in addition to the yeast solids in the subsequent mechanical "harvesting" operations (the amount of
protein also includes protein adsorbed on to the yeast cells and nitrogenous substances also assimilated
by the yeast during its growth in the grass "juice").
Total protein obtained from the "juice" fraction = 12.4 parts.
This was added to the 600 parts initial grass press cake (200 parts solids), giving a total weight of
217.8 parts of actual solid matter containing 79.9 parts of protein (total).
The protein content of the final mixed solids was, therefore, 36.7%.
Example 2.
In a similar experiment to Example 1, all steps were identical but to the 400 parts of expressed juice
after heat pasteurisation and cooling were added 60 parts of assimilable sugar in the form of beet
molasses together with all necessary salts, containing appropriate amounts of nitrogen, phosphate,
magnesium and potassium as shown in Example 1.
Growth of a suitable strain of yeast was carried out in the way described in Example 1.
Total protein produced was 21.6 parts from the 43.2 parts of dry yeast solids growth together with 7.0
parts protein from the grass juice = 28.6 parts.
This was again added to the original 600 parts of grass press cake (200 parts solids) and all dried
together, yielding total dry solids of 250.2 parts.
The protein content of the final mixed solids was, therefore, 38.4%.
Summarising these Examples, therefore, it may be seen that the protein content of the dry matter of the
original grass of 31.25% was increased by successive stages to 33.75%, 36.7% and 38.4%.
In addition to the above, 400 parts of liquid were mechanically expressed from the original grass and
the total drying costs of the final products in all cases were greatly reduced, as compared with the costs
of drying the original untreated grass by a very large factor (there were 360 parts less water for the
drying process to reduce in the first phase of
Example 1 out of a total of 760 parts of water). Drying costs were only 53% of the cost of drying the
original grass.
It will be appreciated that a certain quantity of protein (as yeast) can be grown without addition of salts
containing nitrogen, phosphate or magnesium as in the foregoing
Examples. The figures for nutrient additions given in the Examples are intended to give maximum
growth of protein in the juice.
However, some growth of micro-organisms may be achieved without added nutrients, but addition of
nutrients (as found necessary) produces maximum growth of microorganisms. The amount of nutrients
found necessary varies, depending on the exact nature of the raw materials employed (e.g.
the amounts needed in the case of grass could be very different from, say, the amounts for root crops).
The expression "chemical precursor" is used above to mean a chemical substance having a molecular
configuration such that when added to a fermentation medium it is biochemically transformed into a
desired chemical substance by the metabolism of the micro-organisms existing in the medium. It
should be noted that micro-organisms can be employed to synthesise certain chemical substances
which cannot easily or economically be synthesised by purely chemical means.
1. A process for the production of animal feed-stuffs from vegetable matter, which comprises applying
pressure to the vegetable matter to cause separation of a liquid portion from the vegetable matter and
leave a residue enriched in protein content compared with the original vegetable matter, and using the
liquid portion as a substrate for the growth of micro-organisms, whereby the liquid portion attains a
solids content rich in protein.
2. A process as claimed in claim 1 in which the application of pressure is also accompanied by the
disintegration of the vegetable matter.
3. A process as claimed in claim 1 or claim 2 in which the vegetable matter is grasses (including rise),
leaves, foliage, hay, straw or carrots.
4. A process as claimed in claim 1 or claim 2 in which the vegetable matter is unripe corn.
5. A process as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 4 in which the liquid portion is heat treated to
pasteurize the liquid and cause coagulation of protein present in such liquid portion.
6. A process as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 5 in which a yeast is added to the liquid portion to
cause the growth of micro-organisms.
7. A process as claimed in claim 6 in which nitrogen compounds are also added to the liquid portion.
8. A process as claimed in claim 6 or claim 7 in which materials containing sugar are also added to the
liquid portion to augment its carbohydrate content.
9. A process as claimed in any one of claims 5 to 8 in which any solids formed in the liquid portion are
separated therefrom and mixed with the residue refereed to inData supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1248571
claim 1.
10. A process as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 9 in which the residue, with or without additions
thereto, is formed into cakes, aggregates or pellets.
11. A process as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 10 in which the residue (with or without the solids
formed in the liquid portion) is used as the starting material in a silage process.
12. A process as claimed in claim 1 or claim 2 in which micro-organisms are grown in the liquid
portion in the presence of a chemical precursor as hereinbefore defined.
13. A process as claimed in claim 1 or claim 2 in which the liquid portion, with or without further
treatment, is spray dried for use as a feed stuff.
14. A process as claimed in claim 12 or claim 13 in which the solids obtained are mixed with the
residue referred to in claim 1.
15. A process as claimed in claim 1 or claim 2 in which the liquid portion is fermented with a yeast to
give an alcoholic liquid.
16. A process as claimed in claim 15 in which the alcoholic liquid is distilled to give alcohol.
17. A process for the production of animal feed-stuffs from vegetable matter substantially as
hereinbefore described with reference to either of the Examples.
18, The solid or liquid products when prepared by the process claimed in any one of claims 1 to 11 or
19. The solid or liquid products when prepared by the process claimed in any one of claims 12 to
16.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
14. GB1249743
- 10/13/1971
E Class: A23K1/14C; A23K1/16I
Application Number:
GB19690039897 (19690808)
Priority Number: DE19681792249 (19680809)
Family: GB1249743
Abstract of GB1249743
1,249,743. Fodder. U. DREVICI-KUX. 8 Aug., 1969 [9 Aug., 1968], No. 39897/69. Head- ing A2B.
Unopened cocoa beans are laid in a preser- vative bath and wholly or partially dried before opening,
the shells so obtained being mixed with fat to give a fodder. Optional ingredients include waste water
from fish or meat factories or dairies, copra meal, rice bran, and mineral salts. The shells may be
defibred prior to mix- ing with the fat. The product may be in the form of pellets or cakes.Description:
Description of GB1249743
Rue de Mornex, Lausanne,Switzerland, a
Citizen ofSiwktzerland, do hereby declare the invention, for which I pray that a patent may be granted
to me, and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in andby the
This invention relates to a process for the preparation of an animal fodder by improving the nutritional
value, the taste, and the >;RTI eifec- tive condition of a fodder product made from the shells of cocoa
beans, and, optionally, by increasing itsIprotein content.
The extention of stock farming in tropical countries is an important part of the effort to combat and
prevent famine in the face of the enormous increase in world population in the nearfuture This
problem is met by extending the useful exploitation of land for arable farming of root-, cereal- and
other crops, and by indirect food production via animals which are richer in protein, but this represents
a waywhich is longer and more costly. In any event, the matter is so urgent that ground which has been
newlyiwon for agriculturecan- not be used for animal fodder: crops must first be grown which are
directly useful to man.Therefore in this first stage, all endeavours must be directed as far as is possible
to making the residual products from agriculture or from industrial production available in assimilable
form for stock farming. In particular, residual products from agriculturewhich are already available on
a large scale should be used as fodder products if no other way is known of exploiting their value.dn
the tropics especially, everything possible must be done in this direction, since modern veterinary
methods, immunology etc., make it possible today to keep livestock healthy for stockIfarming on a
large scale in the tropics, provilded that thefodder problem is solved.
A residual product in the tropics which is very wide-spread and also presents tiresome problems is that
of the shells of cocoa beans.
After the beans have been gathered they are opened, the beans and the whole pulp are removed and
used for fermentation,whilst the shells are thrown onto the plantations. The rich calcium content of the
shell means that the ground is enriched to a certain extent in this element. On the other hand these
rotting shells veryquickly form a centre of infection for brown rot and black rot and other micro
organisms which find afertile home on the slimy shell. The indigenous population sometimes dries the
shells and then reduces them to ash, using them as a soap substitute, just aswood ash was once used for
washing purposes.
Attempts have already been made to dry and grind the cocoa bean shells, when freshly opened and
with beans and pulp removed, and to use them as a maize andcorn-cob substitute, since, especially in
the tropics, maize has to be used for human and not animal feeding.
Since, after being opened and after removal of pulp and beans, the shells are especially attractive
formicro-organisms, a very large amount of preservative constituents are in most cases required with
this process, and this is scarcely digestible for animals. Moreover there are in the pulp a lot of glucose,
pectin and amino-acid, which would make avaluable part of an animal fodder product.
Experiments which have been made with fodders previouslyproduced from ground cocoaIbean shells,
have shown that the fodders are assimilated as nourishment 'by dairy cows, and also thatmilk was still
produced from lactating cattle. In comparison withresults obtainedwhen using cornmeal, however, it
was shown that less food was taken and less milk produced, because the fodder prepared from the
shells was less digestible and less tasty for the animals.
According to the present invention there is provided a process for preparing a fodder product from the
shells of cocoa beans,wherein the unopened cocoa beans are laid in a preservative bath and wholly or
partially dried before being opened and wherein the shells are ground and mixed with fat.
in order to increase the taste qualities and digestibility of the cocoa bean shells as fodder, and to
obtain the same or better values for food-intake and milk production as for corn meal and maize, the
cocoa bean shells are preferably treated in thefollowing way.
The cocoa beans are placed, still unopened, in a preservative bath containing, for example, sorbic acid,
sulphur dioxide, chlorine either as such or in the form of a hypochlorite or formaldehyde as the
preservative ingredient, either alone or in a suitable combination of two or more and are then subjected,
stilltiflo- pened, to a drying process. In a half or completely dried state the shells are opened and the
beans removed, while the shells are dried, chopped up and pulverised. The pulverised shells have a fat
added to them and the mixture is 'passedthrough a roller frame. This process has the advantage that a
large quantity of the pulp dries in and enters into the fodder product together with its valuable
The quantity of fat is so calculated that, in the final fodder product, it amounts to 2 to 4% by weight.
Various fats are suitable for this purpose, including tallow lard, acidified soap stock or plant oils. The
fat should however be well stabilised, and have a low water content and a low content of non-soaping
The resulting product can then be mixed with copra meal, rice bran, mineral salts or other constituents
to produce an enriched fodder, to which cattle take to much better and use better, i.e. digest it better,
than they would without these additions. If desired, the enriched fodder can be formed into pellets or
cattle cake.
The cocoa fruit shell meal prepared in this way can also be used for poultry fodder in pellet form, if
the meal is not too finely ground and the raw fibre is removed as thoroughly as possible, for example,
by sieving, before being mixed with fat.
In order to substantially increase the protein content for certain fodder purposes, the cocoa meal can be
mixed with water to give a liquid fodder, to which can be added waste water from fish factories,
dairies, abattoirs or meat product factories, after these waste waters, which contain protein in solution,
have been brought to the isoelectric point of albumen with acids. The suspension of the cocoa shell
meal effects a quick deposit of the coagulated protein which mixes especially well with the shell meal
as it settles, since the meal has a high pectin content which exercises an especially favourable
influence. The liquid floating above the deposit is then removed and the deposit dried. This gives an
especially valuable additional fodder product.
1. A process for preparing a fodder product from the shells of cocoa beans, wherein the unopened
cocoa beans are laid in a preservative bath and wholly or partially dried before being opened and
wherein the shells are ground and mixed with fat.
2. A process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein filbre is removed from the ground shells before the
addition of the fat.
3. A process as claimed in Claim 1 or 2, wherein the resulting fodder product is mixed with waste
water from a fish factory, a meat product factory or a dairy.
4. A process as claimed in any preceding
Claim, wherein the quantity of fat added is such that the final fat content is from 2 to 4% by weight.
5. A process for preparing a fodder in accordance with'Claim 1 substantially as hereinbefore described.
6. A fodder prepared by the process claimed in any preceding !Claim.
7.A fodder comprising the fodder claimed in Claim 6 mixed with copra meal, rice bran, mineral salts
and/or other fodder constituents.
8. A fodder as claimed in Claim 6 or 7 in the form of pellets or cakes.
**WARNING** end of DESC field may overlap start of CLMS **.Data supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1249743
**WARNING** start of CLMS field may overlap end of DESC **.
digestibility of the cocoa bean shells as fodder, and to obtain the same or better values for food-intake
and milk production as for corn meal and maize, the cocoa bean shells are preferably treated in
thefollowing way.
The cocoa beans are placed, still unopened, in a preservative bath containing, for example, sorbic acid,
sulphur dioxide, chlorine either as such or in the form of a hypochlorite or formaldehyde as the
preservative ingredient, either alone or in a suitable combination of two or more and are then subjected,
stilltiflo- pened, to a drying process. In a half or completely dried state the shells are opened and the
beans removed, while the shells are dried, chopped up and pulverised. The pulverised shells have a fat
added to them and the mixture is 'passedthrough a roller frame. This process has the advantage that a
large quantity of the pulp dries in and enters into the fodder product together with its valuable
The quantity of fat is so calculated that, in the final fodder product, it amounts to 2 to 4% by weight.
Various fats are suitable for this purpose, including tallow lard, acidified soap stock or plant oils. The
fat should however be well stabilised, and have a low water content and a low content of non-soaping
The resulting product can then be mixed with copra meal, rice bran, mineral salts or other constituents
to produce an enriched fodder, to which cattle take to much better and use better, i.e. digest it better,
than they would without these additions. If desired, the enriched fodder can be formed into pellets or
cattle cake.
The cocoa fruit shell meal prepared in this way can also be used for poultry fodder in pellet form, if
the meal is not too finely ground and the raw fibre is removed as thoroughly as possible, for example,
by sieving, before being mixed with fat.
In order to substantially increase the protein content for certain fodder purposes, the cocoa meal can be
mixed with water to give a liquid fodder, to which can be added waste water from fish factories,
dairies, abattoirs or meat product factories, after these waste waters, which contain protein in solution,
have been brought to the isoelectric point of albumen with acids. The suspension of the cocoa shell
meal effects a quick deposit of the coagulated protein which mixes especially well with the shell meal
as it settles, since the meal has a high pectin content which exercises an especially favourable
influence. The liquid floating above the deposit is then removed and the deposit dried. This gives an
especially valuable additional fodder product.
1. A process for preparing a fodder product from the shells of cocoa beans, wherein the unopened
cocoa beans are laid in a preservative bath and wholly or partially dried before being opened and
wherein the shells are ground and mixed with fat.
2. A process as claimed in Claim 1, wherein filbre is removed from the ground shells before the
addition of the fat.
3. A process as claimed in Claim 1 or 2, wherein the resulting fodder product is mixed with waste
water from a fish factory, a meat product factory or a dairy.
4. A process as claimed in any preceding
Claim, wherein the quantity of fat added is such that the final fat content is from 2 to 4% by weight.
5. A process for preparing a fodder in accordance with'Claim 1 substantially as hereinbefore described.
6. A fodder prepared by the process claimed in any preceding !Claim.
7.A fodder comprising the fodder claimed in Claim 6 mixed with copra meal, rice bran, mineral salts
and/or other fodder constituents.
8. A fodder as claimed in Claim 6 or 7 in the form of pellets or cakes.Data supplied from the
esp@cenet database - Worldwide
15. GB1392151
- 4/30/1975
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K; A23J
IP Class:A23K1/00; A23J1/00
E Class: A23K1/16G1; A23L1/10B; A23L1/305A; A23J3/00; A23J3/22C; A23J3/26; A23L1/38
Application Number:
GB19730024852 (19730524)
Priority Number: US19720256860 (19720525)
Family: GB1392151
US3878305; NL7307293; JP49124244; FR2185360; ES415159; DE2326444;
CH583003; BE800030; SE388113; NL177564C
Abstract of GB1392151
1392151 N-acetyl-L-methionine fortified foodstuff PROCTER & GAMBLE CO 24 May 1973 [25
May 1972] 24852/73 Heading A2B A proteinaceous foodstuff, deficient in S- containing amino acids,
is fortified with N- acetyl-L-methionine free of the corresponding D-isomer. The foodstuff may be
collagen, alfalfa, soy bean, cotton seed, peanut, sun flower, flax meal, wheat, corn, barley, oats, rice,
casein, non-fat milk solids, whey, lactalbumin and fish concentrate.Claims:
Claims of GB1392151
WHAT WE CLAIM IS:1 A proteinaceous foodstuff comprising an edible sulphur-containing amino acid deficient protein and
a nutritionally supplemental amount of N acetyl L methionine, said foodstuff being essentially free of
the corresponding D isomer.
2 A foodstuff of claim 1, where said foodstuff is derived from animal by-products, microbial cells, oil
seeds, cereal grains or plant vegetation.
3 A foodstuff of claim 1 or claim 2, wherein the foodstuff is textured vegetable protein meat
analogues, vegetable protein derived cheese analogues, beverages, nut butters, breakfast cereal
formulations, or proteinaceous snack products.
4 A foodstuff of claim 1 or claim 2, where the foodstuff is derived from the soybean.
A method of fortifying proteinaceous foodstuffs with sulphur-containing amino acids comprising
adding to said foodstuffs a nutritionally effective amount of N acetyl L methionine in the substantial
absence of the corresponding D isomer.
6 A proteinaceous foodstuff substantially as described with reference to the Examples.
For the Applicants, CARPMAELS & RANSFORD, Chartered Patent Agents, 43 Bloomsbury Square,
London, WC 1 A 2 RA.
Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by the Courier Press, Leamington Spa, 1975.
Published by The Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, London, WC 2 A l AY, from which
copies may be obtained.
JData supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
16. GB1406713
- 9/17/1975
SARNO M (--)
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/06
E Class: A23K1/00C2; A23K1/00C; A23K1/06; C12F3/06
Application Number:
GB19720043008 (19720915)
Priority Number: IT19710028956 (19710922)
Family: GB1406713
NL7212531; LU66119; FR2153369; DE2245858; CH577030; BE786638
Abstract of GB1406713
1406713 Animal food containing brewers' waste M SARNO 15 Sept 1972 [22 Sept 1971] 43008/72
Heading A2B A stable high protein product, e.g. cattle food, is made by mixing solid by-products of
beer brewing, with a minor amount based on the amount of solid by-product of a malt- containing
material or a cereal grit. The solid by-products may be waste yeast or malt pro- tein. The malt
containing material may be malt itself, malt powder, malt dust, or malt rootlets: rice grits may 'be the
cereal grit. The malt powder may be obtained from a malt mill. The product may be used in a doughy
form, or dried outdoors in ambient conditions. Examples relate to mixtures comprising 84% waste
yeasts to 16% malt powder, and 68% waste yeasts to 32% malt powder.Description:
Description of GB1406713
(71) I, MARIO SARNO, an Italian citizen, of Via Nitti 59, 74100 Taranto, Italy, do hereby declare the
invention, for which I pray that a patent may be granted to me, and the method by which it is to be
performed, to be particularly described in and by the followingstatement:This invention relates to a method of stabilizing solid by-products of brewing, more particularly, but
not exclusively, malt proteins, also called trouble or trub, and tail yeasts, in order to render them
commercially usable, more particularly as cattle fodders.
In the manufacture of beer, the barley malt and the so called rice grits are subjected to the action of
diastase, so that a wort is obtained in which the starchy substances are converted into sugars.
Upon saccharification, the wort is separated from the spent grains by filtration.
The filtrate is then passed to the wort kettle, where the wort is brought to a boil and to which hops are
added, the boiling being continued during a predetermined period of time. Due to the effect of boiling,
a complete separation of the proteins takes place and the wort is run through a hop back and then
passed into a cooling vessel where the proteins are separated by decantation.
During the course of the processing cycle, the wort is run through a surface cooler, where it is brought
to theoptimum temperature for fermenting. Yeast is then added in a preselected amount and the
fermentation reaction converts the wort extract into alcohol and carbon dioxide. The wort is thus
converted into beer. This operation takes a few days and needs to be carried out at a temperature
carefully maintained in the range from5 C to12 C.
The by-products of this processing run are thus, generally, the following:
1) malt rootlets obtained in the production of malt
2) spent hops
3) malt proteins
4) waste yeast.
Other raw materials can be employed, such as germinated wheat, for conversion into malt. Oats are
occasionally used.
The solid by-products of beer-brewing are generally discarded. Two of the byproducts, viz. malt
proteins and waste yeast, are generally fed to the sewage system. In some cases, however, the yeast is
dried and sold to the pharmaceutical industry, to the human food industry and to the cattle fodder
industry. Malt rootlets are occasionally purchased by cattle farmers.
When malt rootlets are sold for cattle fodder, they are generally still oozing wort.
Spent hops however, do not have much commercial value and are used in hot beds and compost heaps.
In fact, spent hops are tending to become less significant byproducts since hop extracts are being used
instead of hops as such.
As indicated above, malt proteins are dumped in their entirety in sewage ducts and only the fraction of
tail yeasts which is necessary for subsequent fermentation is kept, while the greater part thereof is also
dumped in sewers.
In order to understand better the problems associated with utilisation of tail yeasts, it is necessary to
consider the basic principles on which beer brewing is based.
These are biological reactions: germination of barley which is converted into malt and the fermentation
of wort which converts the sugar into alcohol.
Fermentation is achieved by adding yeast to the fermenting vessels, after carrying out a fermentation
test. Once the beer which has been produced has been filtered, the waste yeast is collected on the
bottom of the vats or as a cake in filter presses. A portion of this yeast, as outlined above, is
immediately covered with cold water, so that it can be used in a subsequent fermentation.
In order to be able to sell the waste yeast, a few breweries dry it with steam. However, such drying is
effected at temperatures which are certainly not the ideal ones for living cells which are generally
destroyed at60 C.
It is necessary, in fact, to recover the waste yeast under conditions which are favourable to these living
cells which are reproduced by cell division at temperatures in the neighbourhood of25 C.
In addition, from a chemical standpoint, these waste yeasts comprise nitrogen, generally in the form of
albumin and phosphorus-containing proteins, as well as carbohydrates, fats and minerals. Furthermore,
yeasts contain vitamins and several extraction methods have been described, especially for inositol and
It should be observed, lastly, that, as regards the composition of fresh yeast, that is yeast intended to be
used for fermentation, it consists of 75% by weight water and 25% by weight dry materials. The latter
is collected from a suspension which, initially consists of wort-yeast and beer and eventually of yeast
and beer. The physical state of the waste yeast varies according to whether it is collected from the
bottom of the fermentation vessels or as a solid cake as discharged from the filter presses. Waste yeasts
taken direct from fermentation vessels tend to contain, on average, from 15% to 20% by weight of
It is thus obvious that the discharge to the sewers of both waste yeast and malt proteins involves an
unsatisfactory wastage of substances having a high nutritional value. It is also true that, with the
exception of the cases in which said by-products are utilized as such, immediately they are withdrawn
from the beer, in close proximity to the brewery, they cannot be kept long for subsequent utilization
because of the quick onset of putrefaction and decomposition, which have required, hitherto, the
dumping of these by-products in the sewers.
According to the present invention, there is provided a method of stabilizing a solid by-product of beer
brewing, for example waste yeast or malt protein, which comprises admixing with the by-product, a
minor amount, based on the amount of said by-product of malt-containing material and/or a cereal grit.
It has been experimentally ascertained, in fact, that the tendencies towards alteration and putrefaction
of malt proteins and waste yeasts are completely suppressed, whilst these materials retain their
nutritional and other advantageous properties, if they are mixed with for example malt itself, rice grits,
malt powder or malt rootlets.
Since the principal product of malt mills is malt and the by-products of malt mills are mainly
composed of dusts and waste which are products which are unavoidably produced during the various
operations in a malt mill and which are otherwise waste material, these malt powders provide an
inexpensive alternative to the main malt product of the mill for use as brewery byproduct stabilizer.
Thus the following types of stabilized product may be obtained:
- malt proteins-malt
-wastes yeasts-malt
malt proteins-malt powder (malt wastes and/or dusts)
waste yeasts-malt powder.
Obviously the selection of the stabilizer will be made according to the subsequent final use of the
stabilized product. Also the optimum quantity of the stabilizer will be readily determined by trial and
error methods.
Another aspect of this invention which is particularly important is that the stabilized product can be
used as such upon admixture, that is, in a pasty form, or, after an appropriate drying under ambient
conditions, preferably outdoors under the action of sun heat, in a dry, powdery or granular form.
A further advantage of the present invention is that it is possible to mix stabilized malt proteins with
stabilized waste yeasts in any proportions. Hence a great variety of products can be obtained whose
composition will depend on the desired end use.
As a confirmation of this fact, two mixtures have been prepared, the first by mixing waste yeast-malt
and malt proteinsmalt previously dried under the action of the sun and screened, the second by mixing
waste yeast-malt and malt proteinsmalt in the pasty state, without any drying having been effected.
The two mixtures, individually sealed in bags formed of plastics material which were air impervious
and waterproof, were stored in a storehouse for about one month. After this period of time, the bags
were opened and it was ascertained that the products did not show any signs-of change.
Two additional tests were carried out using, as the stabilizer, a malt-mill byproduct, which can be
found in great amounts in breweries, that is, malt powder, which is formed as a consequence of the
malt ensilage and handling.
a) There were mixed:
waste yeast, in the doughy state, and
containing about 15% dry solids, and
malt powder, in the respective weight percentages of 84% waste yeast and 16%
malt powder;
b) There were mixed:
waste yeast, withdrawn as cakes from a
press and containing about 30% of dry
solids, and
malt powder, in the weight percentages of
32% malt powder and 68% waste yeast.
After a lengthy storage period, neither mixture showed signs of change.
It is important to stress the fact that, in the case of the aforesaid specific mixtures, two raw materials
whose cost is virtually nil (since they are usually discarded) are used to obtain a valuable product
having a high nutritional value.
Since in addition, the contents of dry substance of malt proteins and of waste yeasts varies both
according to the processing method and to the separation and recovery procedures, it is obvious that the
amount of the stabilizer will vary and should be the minimum one consistent with the stabilizing
function required in order to obtain the highest possible vitamin, protein and nutritional values in the
stabilized product.
Lastly, it has be-en ascertained that a stabilizing effect towards the waste yeasts and the malt proteins
is also displayed by malt root lets which have low contents of vitamins, proteins and nutritional
components and by rice grits.
1. A method of stabilizing a solid byproduct of beer brewing which comprises admixing with the said
by-product, a minor amount, based on the amount of said by-product, of a malt-containing material
and/or a cereal grit.
2. A method as claimed in Claim 1, in which the solid by-product of beer brewing is waste yeast.
3. A method as claimed in Claim 1 or 2, in which the solid by-product of beer brewing is malt protein.
4. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein the malt is mixed with the solid
by-product of beer brewing.
5. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein malt powder is mixed with the
solid by-product of beer brewing.
6. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein rice grits are mixed with the solid
by-product of beer brewing.
7. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein malt rootlets are mixed with the
solid by-product of beer brewing.
8. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein said mixture is obtained in the
form of a paste and is dried.
9. A method as claimed in Claim 8, wherein the paste is dried outdoors and at ambient air temperature.
10. A method of stabilizing a solid byproduct of beer brewing, substantially as described herein.
11. A solid by-product of beer brewing, which has been stabilized by the method claimed in any one of
the preceding claims.
12. An animal fodder which comprises a stabilized solid by-product of beer brewing as claimed in
Claim 11.
**WARNING** end of DESC field may overlap start of CLMS **.Data supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
17. GB1426106
- 2/25/1976
IP Class 4 Digits: A23L
IP Class:A23L1/195; A23L1/221; A23L1/226; A23L1/30; A23L1/27; A23L1/16
E Class: A23K1/16B; A21D2/18E; A23J7/00; A23L1/0522; A23L1/0522B; A23L1/16; A23L1/22B;
A23L1/275; A23L1/30C; A23L1/40; A23L2/56
Application Number:
GB19730005607 (19730205)
Priority Number: NL19720001502 (19720204)
Family: GB1426106
NL7201502; JP50024452; FR2170239; DE2305864
Abstract of GB1426106
1426106 Fixing lipophilic substances to starch NAARDEN INTERNATIONAL NV 5 Feb 1973 [4 Feb
1972] 5607/73 Heading A2B A lipophilic food additive is fixed to a starch or starch derivative by
mixing a polar substance having a hydrophobic group con- taining at least 5 carbon atoms (component
(2) ) with a solution of a lipophilic food addi- tive in a fat or fatty oil (component (3)) in a weight ratio
of at least 1:15 and under conditions such that the mixture is a liquid, whereafter the mixture is mixed
with a starch or starch derivative consisting at least parti- ally of amylose or an amylose derivative and
being substantially free from absorbed lipids. The mixture of (2) and (3) may be a melt or an aqueous
emulsion and component (1) may be suspended in water before mixing, or it may be dry. Suitable
starches are native corn, potato, tapioca, wheat, sorghum, sago starch, or dextrins, and ethers and esters
thereof, or pregelatinised starches. Component (2) is normally a partial ester of an aliphatic fatty acid
having 6-18 C atoms, and a poly- hydric alcohol, e.g. ethylene glycol, glycerol, and others, (which are
given in the complete spec.). Glycerol monostearate is particularly suitable, and sodium salts of higher
fatty acids or phosphatides e.g. lecithins or deriva- tives thereof may also be used. The esters may be
derived from polyethers. The lipo- philic substance may be a colouring, flavour- ing, vitamin,
pharmaceutical or pesticides, many examples of which are given. The com- position may be added to
starch containing or other food e.g. pasta, rice or biscuits. The product may additionally be used as a
baby food, diet food or animal food.Description:
Description of GB1426106
N.V., a Dutch limited liability company, having its place of business at Naarden
Bussum, the Netherlands, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may be
granted to us, and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the
The present invention relates to a method of fixing lipophilic substances to starch or starch derivatives
and to preparations wherein lipophilic substances have been fixed to starch or a starch derivative. The
invention further relates to a method of modifying foodstuffs with the aid of the afore-mentioned
preparations and to foodstuffs modified in this way.
There is a need to protect solid and liquid substances, which are added to compositions for achieving
certain effects, such as giving odour, flavour, colour, nutritive value or because of their
pharmacological properties, against evaporation, leaching and oxidation and other detrimental
influences so that said substances maintain their optimum activity until the moment the compositions
are being used.
In the food industry the problem arises e.g. that additives for foods, such as aroma substances,
flavouring agents and dyeing agents which are mixed through the food not yet prepared, are lost during
the preparation by frying or cooking as a result of evaporation or solution in the cooking liquid,
whereby the food does not acquire the desired flavour or colour.
If the cooking liquid must be removed after cooking, the additives will be lost partly or even
completely. It is known, for instance, that vermicelli, which is commercially available in yellowcoloured condition, will colour the water during cooking in water and will become almost white. In this
case water-soluble dyeing agent is concerned.
The use of a water-soluble dyeing agent meets withtecimical difficulties during the preparation.
A large number of desired additives, however, are lipophilic which means that these. substances are
soluble in fat and that they are insoluble or only slightly soluble in water.
In order to overcome these difficulties a large number of methods have been proposed which are based
mostly on the principle of enveloping or encapsulating the additive in a material suitable therefor.
However, these methods are often expensive and complicated or do not give the desired result.
U.S. Patent Specification No. 3,326,696 describes a dry composition for the preparation of puddings,
custards and baby foods.
One of the ingredients is obtained by adding an aqueous emulsion of a mono- and/or diglyceride of a
saturated higher fatty acid to an, aqueous suspension of starch, a starch derivative or a starch containing
flour or a derivative thereof, to which emulsion one or more triglycerides have been added, if required,
and by drying the whole mixture on a heated drum while the starch or starch derivative is gelatinized.
Owing to this component the dry composition dissolves in milk or other aqueous liquid without the
formation of lumps.
U.S. Patent Specification No. 2,876,160 describes a method of encapsulating waterinsoluble
substances in a film of starch derivativegelatinized.or dissolved in water and dried. Micro-capsules are
obtained in which the water-insoluble substance is enveloped and enclosed. Examples of waterinsoluble substances mentioned are, inter alia, insecticides, seasonings, medicines, and diet additives.
The starch derivative should have, interatia, no inclination to retrogradation in solution, should form a
coherent film without gummy stickiness and should be thin-boiling.
U.S. Patent Specification No. 3,514,298 describes a methodof spray-drying a -com- position
containing fat and carbohydrate.
The composition to be sprayed is an aqueous emulsion of a partial ester of a polyglycerol and a higher
fatty acid, to which a carbohydrate and a fat have been added. As the carbohydrate are mentioned, inter
alia thinboiling starch, modified starch, such as starch oxidized with hypochlorite, dextrin, sugars
obtained by hydrolysis of starch, pregelatinized starch, starch ethers and esters, and gum arabic. The
partial ester of polyglycerol is used in an amount of0.530% by weight, calculated on the fat. The
amount of fat is20-75% by weight of the sum of fat and carbohydrate.
If the additive is not enveloped but is distributed over the surface of a carrier, the additive to an
increased extent is exposed to the detrimentalinfluenceof air and light, as has been stated in column 1 of U.S.
Patent Specification No. 2,876,160 and for which, at least for the preparation of baked products, a
solution has been proposed in
German Patent Application No. 1,692,744 laid open to public inspection.
The present invention provides a method of fixing a lipophilic food additive to starch or a starch
derivative wherein at least one polar compound having a hydrophobic group containing at least 5
carbon atoms (component 2) and a solution of at least one lipophilic food additive in a fat or fatty oil
(component 3) are mixed in a weight ratio of at least 1:15 at such a temperature that a liquid mixture is
obtained, whereafter this mixture is mixed with starch or a starch derivative consisting at least partly of
amylose or an amylose derivative capable of forming an amylose-type helix, and being substantially
free of absorbed lipids (component 1).
The fixation to the starch appears inter alia from the fact that the lipophilic substances do not or almost
do not separate from the starch during the cooking in water. It is noted that for the formation of a
complex it is essential that the starch or starch derivative respectively forming the carrier for the
lipophilic substance contains amylose or an amylose derivative capable of forming an amylose-type
helix respectively. The usual types of starch such as potato, corn, tapioca, sago, rice starch consist of
two components, namely branched amylopectin molecules and not-branched amylose molecules. The
mutual ratio of the amounts of both components varies dependent on the kind of starch.Waxy starches
and derivatives thereof and materials containing waxy starch or derivatives thereof are unsuitable as
carriers with the method according to the invention, as they do not contain amylose but only
amylopectin. It is knownthat amylose molecules dispersed in water can assume a helical configuration,
but, on the other hand, amylopectin molecules can assume a helical configuration only slightly or not at
all (R. W. Kerr, " Chemistry and
Industry of Starch" (Academic Press Inc.,
New York, 2nd edition, (1950), p. 160, 170, 185, 457). It is assumed that the large hydrophobic group
of the polar substance forms a complex with the amylose molecules (cf.
V. M. Gray and T. J. Schoch, DieStärke 14,239-246 (1962)) in which the hydrophobic group is
included by the helically coiled amylose molecules, the hydrocarbonlike inner side of the helix being
adjacent to the hydrophobic group.
It is not clear in which way triglyceride molecules, which are integrated in a "physical-chemical
reaction product ", as appears from the previously cited U.S. Patent Specification No. 3,326,696, fit in
the structure afore-mentioned. It is more remarkable that the fat molecules fixed in this way maintain
their ability to dissolve lipophilic substances.
In accordance with the invention, dry starch or starch derivative may be mixed with the mixture of the
other two components provided that the mixing is done at such a temperature that the polar substance
and the solution of the lipophilic substance in a fat or fatty oil are sufficiently liquid to penetrate easily
into the starch or starch derivative or into the starch- or starch derivative-containing substance and to
disperse homogeneously therein. In this manner, a product is obtained, wherein the polar substance and
the lipophilic substance have been absorbed in the starch or starch derivative. Said product can be
indicated as an "absorbate". The polar substance and the lipophilic substance have not yet been fixed
strongly to the carbohydrate because the amylose molecules have not yet taken a helical
configuration.During the cooking in water of the absorbate the starch or starch derivative will
gelatinize, the amylose molecules will take a helical configuration and they are now able to include the
polar substance and the lipophilic substance, so that these substances are fixed stronger to the
carbohydrate than is the case in the absorbate. The product thus formed is further indicated by a"
complex ".
It is also possible to mix the three components with each other by dispersing and emulsifying them in
water. In doing so, various methods are possible. Firstly, the starch or starch derivative (further
indicated in short by component (1)) is suspended in water. The liquid mixture of the polar substance
having a hydrophobic group having at least 5 carbon atom (further indicated by component (2)) and the
lipophilic substance dissolved in oil or fat (further indicated by component (3)) is added to said
suspension. If the components (2) and (3) are miscible together it is advantageous to melt them
together beforehand.In order to have the fixing of the components (2) and (3) to the component (1) take
place as fast as possible, the suspension of the component (1) is advantageously maintained for some
time after the addition of the mixture of components (2) and (3) at an elevated temperature below the
gelatinizing temperature of the starch or starch derivative which forms the component (1). At this
elevated temperature the starch or starch derivative will swell slightly and it will then be better
accessible for the substances to be absorbed. In general, a time period of approximately 1 hour at a
temperature of10-200C below the gelatinizing temperature of the starch or starch derivative is
sufficient for the formation of an absorbate.
It is possible to process the suspension thus obtained into a dry product in various ways. In the first
place, the solid matter can be filtered off from the suspension and dried. In addition, the suspension can
be dried in a spray drier. It is also possible to mix the suspension with such an amount of component
(1) that a still moist, powdery and apparently dry product is obtained consisting of a mixture of
component (1) and the absorbate of components (1), (2) and (3). In order to obtain with this variant of
the method a desired content of components (2) and (3) in the final product, it is necessary to have a
high ratio of the components (2) and (3) to the component (1) during the preparation in suspension of
the absorbate.
It is also possible to prepare an aqueous suspension of the component (1), to add the mixture of
components (2) and (3) thereto and to heat the suspension above the gelatinizing temperature of the
starch or starch derivative present therein and dry said suspension simultaneously. The latter is carried
out usually on a heated, rotating drum.
Because of the fact that in doing so, the molecules of the starch or starch derivative have beendispersed in water for a short time at boiling temperature, the complex of the three components can be
formed. The product thus obtained can swell or dissolve in cold water. It is possible to keep and store a
mixture of the components (2) and (3) prepared beforehand in order to be used with the component (1)
with the method according to the invention of preparing an absorbate or complex.
The starch which forms the component (1) may be of any origin, provided that, as has been explained
in the above, it consists at least partly of amylose and is substantially free from absorbed lipids. Astarch
derivative forming the component (1) must be an amylose derivative capable of forming anamylose
typezhelix and must also-be substantially free from absorbed lipids.
Suitable starches are native corn, potato, tapioca, rice, wheat, sorghum, sago starch and other known
native starches. Examples of suitable starch derivatives are partially by the influence of oxidizing
agents, acids degraded or thin boiling starches obtained or enzymes; dextrins as far as they give still a
violet colour reaction with iodine; ethers and esters of native starches and of the starch derivatives
mentioned. Also pregelatinized starch products are suitable, which have been obtained by suspending
starch or a starch derivative in water and by heating and drying the suspension, e.g. on a heated rotating
drum. Naturally, such pregelatinized starch products will be mixed as component (1) in dry condition
with the mixture of components (2) and (3) because mixing in water is not sensible in view of the
swellability in water of the component (1).The complex is then formed during heating below the
gelatinizing temperature after having been mixed with water.
As the polar substance having a hydrophobic group having at least 5 carbon atoms, which is used as
component (2) with the method according to the invention, partial esters of aliphatic fatty acids and
polyhydric aliphatic alcohols are considered in the first place. The fatty acids from which the partial
esters have been derived contain preferably 6 to 18 carbon atoms in the molecule. Esters of fatty acids
with less than 6 carbon atoms are not sufficiently active, while esters of fatty acids with more than 18
carbon atoms are not interesting from a technical point of view.
Of the partial esters those of myristic acid give the most stable complexes. Examples of polyhydric
alcohols from which the partial esters may have been derived are: ethylene glycol, glycerol, tetritols
such as pentaerythritol, pentitols, hexitols, such as mannitol and sorbitol, sorbitan. The partial esters
may have been derived also from polyethers of those polyhydric alcohols which contain at least two
alcohol functions. Examples of such polyethers are diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol and higher
ethers of ethylene glycol, diglycerol, triglycerol and higher ethers of glycerol, as well as polyethers
which have been derived from various polyhydric alcohols.
Polyoxyethylene esters of higher fatty acids are also considered, as well as the sodium salts of higher
fattyadds. Glycerol monostearate (GMS) is a very suitable and readily available partial ester. Also
mixtures of e.g.
GMS and sodium stearate can be used.
Mixtures of esters containing a considerable amountof;GMS are also very useful.
In addition, phosphatides, particularlyledthins and lecithin derivatives, such as hydroxy-lecithins,
hydroxyethyl lecithins and lecithin acetates are considered as component (2).
The lipophilic substances to be used in the component (3) with the method according to the invention
can be of very- different nature. All these substances have the common property that they are soluble in
fats and fatty oils and insoluble in water.
Examples of such substances are: certain dyeing agents for foodstuffs, such as buttercolouring
(annatto), carotenoids (for instance bixin), carmine, saffron, curcuma, chlorophyll; flavouring agents
and aroma substances, such as oleoresins, ethereal and fatty oils, higher aldehydes, ketones and
lactones: substances such as vitamin A, vitamin D2 and D8 and vitamin E, increasing the nutritive
value of foods; pharmaceutical substances; pesticides. The component (3) is used as a solution in a fat
or fatty oil.
The fat or the oil must be fit for consumption if the final product is intended therefor.
The amount of lipophilic substance and polar substance which may be fixed by a certain amount of
component (1) is limited by the absorbing ability of the amylose helix: and for the most satisfactory
results, the ratio of components (2+3) to component 1 should not be greater than 1: 1 by weight. It has
been found the absorbing ability for lipophilic substances decreases with decreasing chain length of the
amylose molecule. Since the absorbates and complexes to be prepared according to the invention are
intended mainly to be added to foodstuffs and the lipophilic substance of the component (3) is the
active material, as will be described hereafter, the ratio of component (3) to component (1) in general
will be chosen as high as possible.The polar component (2) serves as an auxiliary agent for the
formation of the complex and the quantity to be used thereof is determined by the amount of solution to
be fixed of the lipophilic component (3) in a fat or fatty oil.
The weight ratio of the components (2) and (3) depends on the nature of the components and,
particularly when using GMS as component (2), amounts preferably to 1:4 to 1: 10, more in particular
to 1: 8. This ratio must not be less than 1: 15. In order to attain a good result the amountof com-.
ponent (2) should be chosen in such à manner that the component (3) is emulsified in the aqeous phase
in a sufficiently finely divided condition. The fat or oil particles will then have a diameter of no more
than 40 microns. With a ratio of GMS (70% mono ester) to the component (3) of 1:5, 8 g of such a
mixture of GMS and component (3) can be absorbed by 94 g of corn starch.
The absorbates and complexes prepared in accordance with the invention, wherein a lipophilic
substance has been fixed by means of a polar substance having a hydrophobic group having at least 5
carbon atoms to a starch or starch derivative, can be cooked in water without the complex, which is
formed only during the cooking when using an absorbate, being decomposed.
Thus, when a complex is cooked in water, said complex having a lipophilic dyeing agent, the dyeing
agent remains fixed and does not migrate into the water. Although the lipophilic, substance during
cooking of the complex in water is not loosened therefrom, when using aroma substances and
flavouring agents these substances are perceptible organoleptically after cooking.
Owing to this property of the complexes the absorbates and complexes are suitable to be added to
foods in order to improve the colour, the flavour, the aroma and/or the nutritive value thereof or to
modify them in another way. To that end, the foods or the materials to be used for the preparation
thereof are mixed with such an amount of an absorbate or complex prepared in accordance with the
invention that the desired effect is obtained. In this way it is possible to mask the somewhat unpleasant
aroma of wheat flour, the so-calledraw cereal flavour" and of foods prepared therefrom by mixing the
flour with an absorbate or complex according to the invention which contains one or more aroma
substances and/or flavouring agents.
In a similar manner it is also possible to mask the so-called deep-freeze taste of deep frozen foods, such
as potato products, by mixing the foods with a suitable aroma substance and/or flavouring agent
containing absorbate or complex before deep-freezing.
Vermicelli which loses its colour during cooking in water, as was noted before, or other farinaceous
products, such as spaghetti, macaroni and artificial rice may obtain a permanent colour, e.g. yellow,
green or red in that the flour to be used for the preparation thereof is mixed with an absorbate or
complex in accordance with the invention, which contains a lipophilic dyeing agent. It is also possible
to provide pre-cooked rice with a colour and/or flavour in accordance with the invention.
Baby or diet foods, as well as other foods can be given a higher nutritive value by mixing them with an
absorbate or complex containing one or more vitamins. The advantage of the use of such an absorbate
or complex is that it is more easy to dose and to process than a liquid vitamin containing composition
and that the activity of vitamin is retained to a greater extent. It is also possibleto. mix foods with an
absorbate or complex which contains a lipophilic medicine and in this manner to compose foods for
patients with certain states- of disease.
The absorbates and complexes prepared in accordance with the invention can be used also in fodder
for animals. Usually, this application will relate to the increase of the nutritive value. The addition of
products containing vitamin is considered in particular herewith. few possibilities of application are the
addition of absorbates or complexes to poultry food, in particular to food for chickens and to breeding
fodder for calves. Another possibility is the processing of an absorbate or complex containing a
lipophilic medicine into fodder for sick animals.
With the application of the absorbate and complexes prepared according to the invention in foods it is
a matter of course that the components to be used for the preparation thereof should be suitable and
acceptable for consumption.
The following Examples illustrate the invention.
10 g of GMS (90% mono ester) and 50 g of paprika oleoresin were melted together at a temperature of
700C. The molten mixture was added to 1 litre of water of 600C which was stirred with a high-speed
An. emulsion was formed to which 940 g of corn starch were added with rapid stirring.
After stirring for 10 minutesa - suspen- sion was obtained wherein he starch had absorbed the two
other ingredients. After cooling the suspension was sucked off and the absorbent was dried in a vacuum
drying stove at 400C and at a pressure of 500 mm of mercury. 1000 g of a starch composition were
obtained. During cooking in water the starch composition gelatinized, whereby a jelly-like redcoloured precipitate was formed. After centrifuging the upper water layer was colourless and tasteless
whereas the red, jelly-like precipitate had a more plain taste of paprika.
To 1 litre of water of 700C which was stirred with a high-speed mixer were added 50 g of curry
flavour concentrate in pea-nut oil and 10 g of GMS (70% mono ester). To the emulsion thus obtained
were added 10 g of a commercially available composition containing vitamin A and D and 10 g of
annatto extract dissolved in pea-nut oil with vigorous stirring.
While stirring 920 g of wheat starch were subsequently added and the suspension was stirred for
another 15 minutes at 600C.
After cooling the suspension was filtered on a filter of sintered glass. The absorbate was dried in a
vacuum drying stove at 400C and at a pressure of 400 mm Hg. 1000 g of starch composition were
obtained. During cooking in water the starch composition gelatinized and a jelly-like yellow-coloured
precipitate was formed. After centrifuging the upper water layer was colourless and tasteless whereas
the yellow precipitate tasted strongly of curry.
From wheat flour which was mixed with2% - by weight of the absorbate prepared according to this
example, spaghetti was prepared which after cooking appeared to have no flour flavour any longer
when con
When spaghetti was prepared from wheat flour which was mixed with 5% by weight
of the absorbate prepared according to this
example the cooked spaghetti had a strong
curry flavour and a yellowish colour. Even after cooking for 20 minutes the cooking liquid was still
colourless and did not taste of curry. In addition, it did not contain vitamin A or D.
900 g of rice starch were ground together
at 400C with a mixture of
80 g of orange oil,
18 g of sucrose monopalmitate and 2 g of a 10% solution of B-carotene in
palm kernel oil.
During cooking in water of the composition obtained the starch gelatinized and
a jelly-like, orange-yellow coloured precipit
ate was formed. After centrifuging the upper layer of water was colourless and tasteless whereas the
jelly-like precipitate had a strong orange flavour.
After drying the jelly-like precipite in a vacuum drying stove at 450C and 500 mg
Hg a complex was obtained with sound keeping qualities.
The drying process can be carried out also in a spray dryer, in a heated fluidized bed or on a conveyor
belt in an oven with
circulating, heated air.
The dry complex obtained can be used as an agent for imparting turbidity and an orange flavour to
non-alcoholic beverages.
An emulsion was prepared from 8 g ofpolyoxyethyfene monostearate (with 8 oxy
ethylene groups in the molecule) and 70 g
of corn oil which contained 15% by weight
of celery oil and 2% by weight of lycopene, calculated on the corn oil, in 1 litre of water. At a
temperature of 500C 922 g of potato starch were addedto. the emulsion and the suspension was stirred
for half an hour at a temperature of 509C.
The suspension was dried in a spray dryer whereby the temperature of.air at the inlet amounted to
1200C and the temperature of the air at the outletwas -850C. The dry
,absorbate obtained herewith. gave - after
yoking in water a- jelly-like precipitate. The
upper layer of- water was colourless and tasteless.
The absorbate obtained in the afore
mented manner can be used with the pre
paration. of soup powder
For the same object it is possible to use
parsley oil, thymeoiI, mace-oleoresin or
mixtures thereof instead of celery oil.
900 g of tapioca starch were ground inti
mately with a mixture of
60 g of vanillin
20 g of a 10% solution of citrus oil in sunflower oil and
20 g of GMS (90% mono ester) -at a temperature of700 C.
For the preparation of pudding powder
2% by weight of the absorbate obtained,
calculated on the pudding powder, were
mixed therethrough. The pudding powder
thus obtained gives even after prolonged
cooking a pudding which shows hardly any
loss in aroma and which maintains a good
880 g of pre-gelatinized corn starch were
ground together with a mixture of
50 g of GMS (50% mono ester), 50 g of soy lecithin (67-68%) and
20 g of a commercially available concentr
ate of vitamin A and D in oil
at a temperature of 600C
This composition was added in quantities
of 5 to 10% by weight with the preparation
of artificial milk powder for calves. An
artificial milk powder was obtained which
had excellent keeping qualities and which
after mixing with water gave a stablesuspension.
The composition can be used also in other
kinds of animal food.
880 g of white potato dextrin were -ground intimately with a mixture of
10g of citrus oil,
10 g of GMS (50% mono ester) and
100 g of a mixture of vegetable oil and (waxes at a temperature of 600C
For the preparation of biscuits, the absorb - ate .thus obtained was added to wheat flour
in an amount of 10% by weight. A dough
was prepared from this flour of which dough
biscuits were baked at a temperature of-2200C. The biscuits were of excellent aromastic quality in
comparison with biscuits
baked with the same aroma substances in
the usual way.
940 g of corn starch were heated to 700C
in a heatable mixer for powdery substances
while stirring. During continuous stirring a
mixture of 5 g of GMS (70% mono ester)
and 50 g of paprika oleoresin heated to 700C
was added slowly, whereupon the mixture
obtained was allowed to cool.
If desired, it is possible to add 40 g of
magnesium carbonate or a suitably chosen
amount of another agent shortly before
terminating the mixing in order to make the
composition free-flowing.
The behaviour of the composition during
cooking in water equalled the behaviour of
the composition of Example I.
WHAT WE CLAIM IS: 1. A method of fixing a lipophilic food
additive to starch or a starch derivative wherein at least one polar compound having
a hydrophobic group containing at least 5 carbon atoms (component 2) and a solu
tion of at least one lipophilic food additive
in a fat or fatty oil (component 3) are mixed in a weight ratio of at least 1:15 under conditions such
that a liquid mixture is
obtained, whereafter this mixture is mixed with starch or a starch derivative consisting
at least partly of amylose or an amylose
derivative capable of forming an amylosetype helix, and being substantially free of
absorbed lipids (component 1).
2. The method according to claim 1,
characterized in that the lipophilic food
additive dissolved in the fat or fatty oil is a
food flavouring agent.
3. The method according toclam 1,
characterized in that the lipophilic food .additive dissolved in the fat or fatty oil is a
food colouring agent.
4. The method according to claim 1,
characterized in that the lipophilic food
additive dissolved in the fat or fatty oil is a
5. The method according to any one of
claims 1 to 4, characterized in that com
ponent 1 is suspended in water, the mixture
of components 2 and 3 is mixed with this
suspension and after absorption of the com
ponents 2 and 3 by component 1 the absorb
ate consisting of the components 1, 2 and 3
is filtered off and dried,
6. The method accordingt6 any one of
claims 1 to 4, characterized in that component 1 is suspended in water, the mixture of
the components 2 and 3 is mixed with this
suspension and after absorption of the components 2 and 3 by component 1 the resulting suspension is
mixed with another
amount of component 1 to form a powderyproduct.
**WARNING** end of DESC field may overlap start of CLMS **.Data supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1426106
**WARNING** start of CLMS field may overlap end of DESC **.
,absorbate obtained herewith. gave - after
yoking in water a- jelly-like precipitate. The
upper layer of- water was colourless and tasteless.
The absorbate obtained in the afore
mented manner can be used with the pre
paration. of soup powder
For the same object it is possible to use
parsley oil, thymeoiI, mace-oleoresin or
mixtures thereof instead of celery oil.
900 g of tapioca starch were ground inti
mately with a mixture of
60 g of vanillin
20 g of a 10% solution of citrus oil in sunflower oil and
20 g of GMS (90% mono ester) -at a temperature of700 C.
For the preparation of pudding powder
2% by weight of the absorbate obtained,
calculated on the pudding powder, were
mixed therethrough. The pudding powder
thus obtained gives even after prolonged
cooking a pudding which shows hardly any
loss in aroma and which maintains a good
880 g of pre-gelatinized corn starch were
ground together with a mixture of
50 g of GMS (50% mono ester), 50 g of soy lecithin (67-68%) and
20 g of a commercially available concentr
ate of vitamin A and D in oil
at a temperature of 600C
This composition was added in quantities
of 5 to 10% by weight with the preparation
of artificial milk powder for calves. An
artificial milk powder was obtained which
had excellent keeping qualities and which
after mixing with water gave a stablesuspension.
The composition can be used also in other
kinds of animal food.
880 g of white potato dextrin were -ground intimately with a mixture of
10g of citrus oil,
10 g of GMS (50% mono ester) and
100 g of a mixture of vegetable oil and (waxes at a temperature of 600C
For the preparation of biscuits, the absorb - ate .thus obtained was added to wheat flour
in an amount of 10% by weight. A dough
was prepared from this flour of which dough
biscuits were baked at a temperature of-2200C. The biscuits were of excellent aromastic quality in
comparison with biscuits
baked with the same aroma substances in
the usual way.
940 g of corn starch were heated to 700C
in a heatable mixer for powdery substances
while stirring. During continuous stirring a
mixture of 5 g of GMS (70% mono ester)
and 50 g of paprika oleoresin heated to 700C
was added slowly, whereupon the mixture
obtained was allowed to cool.
If desired, it is possible to add 40 g of
magnesium carbonate or a suitably chosen
amount of another agent shortly before
terminating the mixing in order to make the
composition free-flowing.
The behaviour of the composition during
cooking in water equalled the behaviour of
the composition of Example I.
WHAT WE CLAIM IS: 1. A method of fixing a lipophilic food
additive to starch or a starch derivative wherein at least one polar compound having
a hydrophobic group containing at least 5 carbon atoms (component 2) and a solu
tion of at least one lipophilic food additive
in a fat or fatty oil (component 3) are mixed in a weight ratio of at least 1:15 under conditions such
that a liquid mixture is
obtained, whereafter this mixture is mixed with starch or a starch derivative consisting
at least partly of amylose or an amylose
derivative capable of forming an amylosetype helix, and being substantially free of
absorbed lipids (component 1).
2. The method according to claim 1,
characterized in that the lipophilic food
additive dissolved in the fat or fatty oil is a
food flavouring agent.
3. The method according toclam 1,
characterized in that the lipophilic food .additive dissolved in the fat or fatty oil is a
food colouring agent.
4. The method according to claim 1,
characterized in that the lipophilic food
additive dissolved in the fat or fatty oil is a
5. The method according to any one of
claims 1 to 4, characterized in that com
ponent 1 is suspended in water, the mixture
of components 2 and 3 is mixed with this
suspension and after absorption of the com
ponents 2 and 3 by component 1 the absorb
ate consisting of the components 1, 2 and 3
is filtered off and dried,
6. The method accordingt6 any one of
claims 1 to 4, characterized in that component 1 is suspended in water, the mixture of
the components 2 and 3 is mixed with this
suspension and after absorption of the components 2 and 3 by component 1 the resulting suspension is
mixed with another
amount of component 1 to form a powderyproduct.
7. The method according to any one of
claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the components 2 and 3 are mixed in a molten condition.
8. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 7, characterized in that the mixing of the
component 1 with the components 2 and 3 is carried out at an elevated temperature below the
gelatinizing temperature of the starch or starch derivative of component 1.
9. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 8, characterized in that a native starch is used as
component 1.
10. The method according to claim 9, characterized in that corn starch is used as component 1.
11. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 4, 7 and 8, characterized in that apre-gelatinized
and dried starch or starch derivative is used as component 1.
12. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that component 1 is suspended
in water, the mixture of the components 2 and 3 is mixed with this suspension and the resulting
suspension is heated and dried simultaneously on a heated surface above the gelatinizing temperature
of component 1.
13. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the components 2 and 3 are
emulsified together in water.
14. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 13, characterized in that one or more partial higher
fatty acid esters of polyhydric aliphatic alcohols or of polyethers of polyhydric aliphatic alcohols are
used as the polar substance having a hydrophobic group containing at least 5 carbon atoms.
15. The method according to claim 14, characterized in that partial esters of aliphatic fatty acids with 6
to 18 carbon atoms are used.
16. The method according to claim 15, characterized in that a substance containing at least 90% by
weight of glycerol monostearate is used as the polar substance having a hydrophobic group containing
at least 5 carbon atoms.
17. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 13, characterized in that a phosphatide is used as
the polar substance having a hydrophobic group containing at least 5 carbon atoms.
18. The method according to claim 16, characterized in that the weight ratio component 2: component
1 is 1: 4 to 1: 10.
19. The method according to claim 18, characterized in that the ratio is 1: 8.
20. The method according to claim 1, carried out substantially as described in any one of the Examples
21. A starch- or starch derivative-containing - composition whenever obtained by the method
according to any one of claims 1 to 20.
22. A method of modifying a foodstuff, characterized in that a composition according to claim 21 is
incorporated in the foodstuff.
23. A modified foodstuff, characterized in that the foodstuff comprises a composition according to
claim 21.
A TET7T n TE /rTS A orData supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
18. GB1474481
- 5/25/1977
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K; A23J; C12C; C12D
IP Class:A23K1/00; A23J1/18; C12C11/08; C12D13/06
E Class: A23K1/18N; A23J3/20; A23J3/22C2
Application Number:
GB19740035454 (19740812)
Priority Number: FR19730032380 (19730907)
Family: GB1474481
US4039687; NL7411860; JP50051872; FR2242935; DE2442557; SE7411073
Abstract of GB1474481
1474481 Pet foods COLGATE PALM- OLIVE CO 12 Aug 1974 [7 Sept 1973] 35454/74 Heading
A2B [Also in Division C6] Food for animals, especially dogs and cats, has a protein component, the
major propor- tion of which is a synthetic protein derived from the culture of a microorganism on hydrocarbon material, together with a mineral and/or vitamin supplement. The food also contains other
proteins e.g. from meat, fish, whey, soya, sodium caseinate or cereals. The microbial protein -is
obtained e.g. from the culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on paraffin gas oil, from Micrococcus
cerficans on slack wax, Achromobacter xerosis on . N-octane and tetradecane, or Candida lipolytica on
heavy gas oil. Minerals, vita- mins and surfactants may be included in the culture medium. After
removal of excess hyd- rocarbons the synthetic protein may be mixed with other ingredients and
extruded in fillet form. The final product may be low moisture (below 12%) in the form of meal or
biscuits, intermediate moisture (15-30%), or high mois- ture (canned). The synthetic protein may form
10 to 70% of the final food composition. Among other ingredients named in the ex- amples are oats,
milo, skim milk, wheat germ and middlings, corn bran and germ, fish meal, alfalfa, beet pulp, dextrose,
corn flour, sodium caseinate, chicken fat, mono- and di-glycerides, carboxymethyl cellulose, torula
yeast, bone meal, cracked barley, cod liver oil, onion powder, ground meat, beef tallow, sucrose,
sorbitol, garlic, colourings, whey, molasses, brewers grains, soya hulls, cod, corn syrup solids, ground
sheep lungs and rice and wheat flour, as well as many named inorganic and organic salts and other
Description of GB1474481
( 11) 1474481 ( 21) Application No 35454/74 ( 22) Filed 12 Aug 1974 ( 31) Convention Application
7 332 380 ( 32) Filed 7 Sept 1973 in ( 33) France (FR) ( 44) Complete Specification published 25
May 1977 ( 51) INT CL 2 A 23 K 1/00 A 23 J 1/18 /.
C 12 C 11/08 C 12 D 13/06 ( 52) Index at acceptance A 2 B 1 B IC i D i F 1 H i JY 1 K 1 L J 3 A 2 J 3
A 3 J 3 A 4 J 3 A 5 J 3 C J 3 F 1 J 3 F 2 J 3 G 11 J 3 G 12 J 3 G 1 J 3 G 2 J 3 G 3 J 3 G 5 J 3 G 7 J 3 G
COMPANY, a Corporation organized under the Laws of the State of Delaware, United States of
America, of 300 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10022, United States of America, do hereby
declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it
is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement:This invention relates to animal food compositions.
Animal foods, particularly dog and cat foods, are commonly prepared in three forms: a meal-type
food which has a dry, more-or-less cereal-like texture, and a moisture content in the range from about 5
% to about 12 %, typically about 10 %, which can also be compressed into biscuit form, an
intermediate type food which has a soft texture approaching that of dry cubed or ground cooked meat
and a moisture content between 15 % and 30 %; and a cannedtype food having a more-or-less, meatlike texture and a high moisture content in the range from about 30 % to about 80 %, typically about 75
% Due in large measure to the difference in moisture content, these three forms of animal foods have
widely divergent characteristics Such foods are generally formulated from: (i) meat and/or meat
byproducts or (ii) one or more vegetable protein sources or combinations of (i) and (ii), together with
(iii) other nutritional supplements.
Meal-type animal foods generally have a very high nutritional and caloric value, providing a complete
and balanced diet for the animal, and excellent storage characteristics, thus permitting the use of
relatively inexpensive packaging techniques Stabilization against microbial spoilage is achieved in
such a product by maintaining the moisture content below a critical level for vegetative growth of
organisms such as yeasts, moulds and bacteria However, animal acceptance of these foods is generally
not high (animals do not like them much).
The intermediate-type animal foods are 50 also characterized by a high nutritional and caloric value
Their higher level of moisture imparts to the product a softness and desirable texture, producing a semisolid, particulate and shape-retaining particle which re 55 tains its shape throughout packaging and
other product handling both prior to and during distribution Additives are utilized to enable the product
to retain its desirable attributes after package opening during a 60 normal anticipated period of use, that
is in three weeks or less.
Canned-type animal foods, which generally contain the highest percentage of animal protein of the
three types of animal foods, 65 are generally most liked by animals As dogs and cats are carnivorous
they naturally prefer the taste and texture of animal proteins to that of the cheaper vegetable proteins
This high moisture content of 70 canned-type animal foods necessitates thermal processing in sealed
containers to provide a sterile commercial product Once such a container is opened, the contents must
be quickly consumed, since the product 75 is conductive to microbiological growth and hence will
deteriorate very rapidly unless stored under refrigeration.
The animal foods presently available in the United Kingdom are believed to contain 80 only natural
animal and/or vegetable proteins as the protein component in their composition Animal proteins, which
are greatly preferred by dogs and cats for both taste and texture, are far more expensive than 85 the
nutritionally nearly equivalent vegetable proteins As the cost of animal proteins continues to rise, an
effective substitute has been sought which will provide a nutritionally complete and palatable substitute
at a 90 1474481 greatly reduced cost.
According to the present invention an animal food composition comprises a protein component which
includes as a major part thereof a synthetic protein derived from the culture of a microorganism on
hydrocarbons, and nutritional supplements selected from vitamins, minerals and mixtures thereof.
The growing or culturing of microorganisms using hydrocarbons as the sole source of carbon is known
Many of the microorganisms grown on hydrocarbons are able to synthesize useful products such as
proteins, amino acids, vitamins, lipids, and other components of value These products may be found in
the cells of the microorganisms itself, or the products may be secreted by the microorganism into the
medium in which the microorganism is growing In either case the valuable products are readily
The hydrocarbon feeds used for growing such microorganisms are cheap, and excellent high protein
products (e g up to 70-75 % protein) can be recovered therefrom.
The present invention is based on the discovery that the proteins synthesized by microorganisms
cultured on hydrocarbons, and herein designated "synthetic proteins", can be used in animal foods
which are liked by both dogs and cats These synthetic proteins have been found to be unexpectedly
similar to natural animal proteins in both taste and texture when incorporated into animal foods For this
reason, animal foods based on these synthetic proteins are extremely palatable to both dogs and cats,
and such annmal foods can be manufactured much more cheaply than animal foods based on natural
proteins, whether of animal or of vegetable origin.
The animal foods made with synthetic proteins according to the present invention may be of any of
the three traditional types of animal foods Thus, a meal-type food or a dry hard biscuit may have a
protein content based mainly on synthetic proteins.
Animals like such meal-type foods or biscuits much more than such foods based on natural proteins,
as the animal foods based mainly on synthetic proteins have a taste and texture much closer to that of
meat than do the dry animal foods based on natural proteins Intermediate-type and canned-type animal
foods with a protein content based mainly on synthetic proteins are also palatable to animals The cost
of preparing these foods using mainly synthetic proteins is much less than the cost of preparing such
foods using natural proteins, and animals prefer them Since the synthetic proteins are very concentrated
sources of protein, the protein component may be present in smaller amounts than the natural proteins.
The synthetic proteins mostly will be present in animal food compositions in amounts in the rage from
10 % to 70 %; a preferred range is from 10 % to 30 %.
The natural protein present is preferably 70 derived from meat or fish Mixing meat with the synthetic
proteins in animal food composition enhances the meaty taste of the food, thus further increasing its
palatability to animals Fish may be used in conjunc 75 tion with synthetic proteins in the animal food
compositions in order to impart a fishy flavour and aroma to the food Fish flavouring is particularly
desirable in cat food.
As already indicated, the synthetic protein 80 constitutes a major part of the protein component of the
animal food composition, e g.
up to 75 % of the protein component.
The following Examples illustrate the invention All percentages in the Examples 85 and elsewhere in
the specification are by weight EXAMPLE 1
Cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast 90 and a paraffinic gas oil are dispersed in small particles in
a continuous aqueous phase of a mineral medium having the following composition:
Monopotassium phosphate Magnesium sulphate Sodium chloride Ammonium chloride Nonionic
surfactant (oleic acid/ ethylene oxide condensation product) Water Balance to make grains/ litre 7 0.2
0.1 2.5 1 1000 M 1.
The yeast is cultivated with continuous stirring by means of a paddle stirrer operating at about 2000
rpm, to maintain continuous vortex aeration The temperature is maintained between 250 and 350 C,
and the 110 p H is maintained in the range from 3 5 to 4.5 by periodic addition of disodium hydrogen
phosphate The generation time is five hours.
The p H of the emulsion is adjusted to 8, 115 and the emulsion is centrifuged and washed with water
at 60 WC containing 0 25 parts per thousand of a nonionic surfactant (oleic acid/ethylene oxide
condensation product).
Two such washings and centrifugings give 120 yeasts free from hydrocarbons A final wash with pure
water at 60 'C is carried out to eliminate surfactant remaining in the yest.
The yeast is then dried, and is an excellent source of protein 125 An animal food in pellet form is
prepared using the following mixture of farinaceous grain material and synthetic protein as prepared by
the foregoing process as the starting material: 130 3 1474481 3 Component Percent Oats 16 13 Milo 19
03 Synthetic protein 52 37 Skim milk 7 63 Mineral premix 3 76 Vitamin premix 1 08 The components
of the above mixture are metered out in the portions stated and mixed and blended together A charge of
this mixture is screened (No 8 U S Standard Sieve screen) to remove large lumps and conveyed to a
holding bin.
From the holding bin, the mixture is fed into a volumetric feeder from which it is metered into a wet
mix conveyor The mixture travels through the conveyor at an average temperature of 150 'F in
approximately 30 seconds during which time steam and hot water are added to increase the moisture
content of the mixture to approximately 29 %.
The mixure from the conveyor is fed by gravity into the input hopper of an extruder operating at a
temperature of 320 'F and a pressure of 800 psi During extrusion the mixture is expanded and then
automatically cut into pellets of S shape, three-sixteenths inch thick and measuring half an inch by half
an inch in overall dimensions The pellets have a moisture content of approximately 24 %.
The pellets are transported from the extruder through an air system in which the temperature of the
pellets is reduced to approximately 1000 F and the moisture content to 18 % From the air system, the
pellets are deposited onto a belt and conveyed into a drying oven operating at a temperature of
approximately 245 F After fifteen minutes in the drying oven, the pellets coming out of the oven have
a temperature of approximately 145 'F and a moisture content of approximately 9 6 %.
The pellets from the oven are screened to remove fines and are then conducted to a mechanical
separator in which the pellets are divided into two streams, the first containing approximately 10 % of
the pellets.
The first stream of pellets, while hot, is fed into a spray chamber wherein hot liquid beef tallow at a
temperature of 140 'F and in the form of a mist is sprayed through nozzles onto the pellets as they fall
through the chamber The pellets from the spray chamber fall directly into a rotating drum heated by
means of infrared heating elements to raise the surface temperature of the drum to 300 'F A mixture of
corn meal and vegetable dye is metered into the drum and sprinkled onto the pellets as they are
conveyed through the drum The mixture adheres loosely to the fat coating on the surfaces of the pellets
The amount of the mixture added is about 2 % based on the weight of the pellets The pellets coming
out of the rotating drum have a temperature of 130 'F.
The second stream of pellets is fed by gravity directly into an unheated, rotating 70 drum in which a
water mist at the rate of aboout 6 %, based on the weight of the pellets, is directed onto the pellets At
the same time, a mixture of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and iron oxide (ball-milled 75 to obtain a
homogenous dispersion) is metered into the drum and adheres loosely to the moistened surfaces of the
pellets The amount of the mixture added is about 11 % based on the weight of the pellets The 80 pellets
come out of the drum at a temperature of approximately 110 'F and have a moisture content of 13 2 %.
The first and second streams of pellets are then conveyed to a rotating drum and 85 thoroughly mixed
together, and the mixture is cooled to a temperature of approximately 'F.
This product, upon the addition of moderately warm water, gives a thickened 90 aqueous mixture
palatable to both cats and dogs.
Micrococcus cerficans is grown con 95 tinuously in the following medium:
grams/ litre Slack wax 20 Phosphoric acid 5 Potassium chloride 1 100 Calcium chloride 0 5
Magnesium sulphate (Mg SO 4 7 H 20) 0 2 Manganese sulphate (Mn SO 4 4 H 20) 0 2 105 Ferrous
sulphate (Fe SO 4 7 H 20) 0 2 Sodium chloride 0 2 The above nutrients are dissolved or dispersed in
tap water to obtain the desired concentrations Concentrated ammonium 110 hydroxide is added as
needed to maintain a p H of 7.
The temperature of the reaction is maintained at 30 WC and the fermentation is carried out in a 7 5
litre New Brunswick 115 fermenter with an operating capacity of 4 litres The air flow rate and agitator
speed are varied so as to obtain aeration efficiencies of from 3 5 to 7 0 millimols 02/litre minute as
measured by the sulphite oxida 120 tion method of Copper and Fernstrom, Ind, & Eng Chem 36, 405509 ( 1944) The residence time in the fermenter is four hours.
The product cells are harvested by means of centrifugation and washed once with 125 water,
recentrifuged and washed twice with acetone and filtered.
The recovered synthetic protein is incorporated into a dog food having the following composition:
130 1 474 481 1474481 Percent Synthetic protein 32 Farinaceous charge (in the form of an equi-part
mixture of corn germ meal, corn bran, corn meal, and wheat middlings) 58 Wheat germ 3 Fish meal 3
Alfalfa 0 5 Beet pulp 1 Salt 0 5 Fat 2 Vitamin and minerals, qs.
One hundred parts by weight of the charge mixture are wetted with 10 parts of water and the mixture
placed in a Beale tube (a closed paddle mixer to which steam and hot water are added to the mass as
cooking an agitating occur) Cooking is continued for three minutes, during which time the moisture
content of the mixture rises to about 27 %o This mass of material is then passed to a screw-type
extruder from which it is extruded as small cylinders of about three-sixteenths inch diameter These
cylinders are then cut to provide a length or height of about three-sixteenths inch.
The uniformly sized cylinders are then placed into a vessel having a false bottom through which hot
air is passed The cylinders are contacted with hot air at inlet temperature of about 300 F for 30
Under these conditions, the product temperature is kept at below 190 F and the moisture content of
the cylinders is lowered to not less than 3 %.
In a second stage of drying, the moisture content is lowered to about 1 % by use of hot air at an inlet
temperature of about 300 F and an outlet temperature of about 270 F After a period of thirty minutes
the product is uniformly dark brown in colour.
The cylinders, when broken into small pieces, are found to be uniformly browned throughout.
The product (while still undergoing pyrolysis) is quenched to below 125 F by a cold air blast having a
temperature of 40 to F The product is then screened on an 8 mesh U S Standard Sieve screen to
remove fines, and then moistened to 8 % to % moisture by addition of 10 parts of water to 100 parts of
Addition of water to the product gives a moist, readily palatable animal food in which the individual
cylinders retain their discreteness.
Achronrobacter Xerosis is incubated in the following medium:
N-Octane Tetradecane Ammonium sulphate grains litre 639 grams/litre Potassium dihydrogen
phosphate 2 0 Sodium monohydrogen phosphate 3 0 70 Magnesium sulphate 0 2 Calcium chloride 0 01
Ferrous sulphate 0 005 Manganese sulphate 0 002 Sodium carbonate 0 1 75 The above nutrients are
dissolved or dispersed in tap water to obtain the desired concentrations Concentrated ammonium
hydroxide is added as needed to maintain a p H of 7 80 The temperature of the reaction mixture is
maintained at between 20 and 30 C, and the fermentation is carried out in a 7 5 litre New Brunswick
fermenter with an operating capacity of 4 litres The air flow rate and 85 agitator speed are varied so as
to obtain aeration efficiencies of from 3 5 to 7 0 millimols 02 llitre minute as measured by the sulphite
oxidation method of Cooper and Fernstrom, Ind, & Eng Chem 36, 405-509 90 ( 1944) The residence
time in the fermenter is 36 hours.
The cells are harvested by centrifuging and washing with water, then recentrifuging, washing twice
with acetone, and drying 95 The recovered synthetic protein is incorporated into a fish flavoured cat
food of the following composition.
Lbs to Produce lbs at 37 % 100 moisture Fish 18 00 Dextrose 15 50 Synthetic protein 24 50 Raw corn
flour 6 30 105 :Ground oats 6 50 :Sodium caseinate 6 30 Edible chicken fat 8 50 Emulsifier (Mono and
diglyceride) 0 33 110 Carboxymethylcellulose 1 80 Undegraded ground mercerized cellulose 1 80
Iodized salt 1 50 Phosphoric acid 1 50 115 Torula yeast 0 90 Potassium sorbate 0 50 Chloline chloride
0 4405 Vitamin supplement 0 0726 Cobalt sulphate 0 0165 120 Yellow dye 0 02 Red dye 0 01 Water
Balance to make 100 lbs.
The ingredients not denoted by an asterisk are used to prepare a slurry The fish is 125 chopped into
small pieces which are then added to a mixing cooker along with the chicken fat, emulsifiers,
phosphoric acid and salt, with water These ingredients are heated to a temperature of 212 F and main
130 1474481 tained at that temperature for an hour to effect pasteurization and produce a liquefied
slurry fish composition The slurry is then finely ground and passed through an emulsifier to convert it
to a more or less pulpy, pumpable, fiowable puree consistency The pureed form of slurry, hereinafter
referred to as the emulsion, is then placed into a steam-jacketed holding kettle operated with
continuous agitation and maintained at a temperature of from 1600-170 'F.
The hot emulsion is then proportionately blended with the remaining dry ingredients in a steamjacketed continuous cooker wherein the blend remains for a period of approximately eight minutes and
wherein it is subjected to an elevated temperature of about 250 'F while undergoing continuous
agitation, converting the blend to a hot thermoplastic extrudable mass Addition of the dry ingredients
to the emulsion in the continuous cooker effects substantial gelatinization of the starch content thereof,
sodium caseinate serving together with the oat flavour and corn flour to bind the proteinaceous
constituents derived from the fish and the synthetic protein of the emulsion into an extrudable
The hot extrudate in a substantially pasteurized condition issues from the continuous cooker at a
temperature of about 212 'F with a moisture content of about 40-47 % The hot extrudate undergoes
flash evaporation of a very minor fraction of the moisture present The product issuing from the
continuous cooker passes through a die which may be of any desired shape such as a star or cylinder,
the star shape, for instance, measuring quarter of an inch from tip to centre The extrudate is
continuously subdivided to thicknesses varying from a quarter to an eight of an inch The extruded
pellets are then immediately cooled by passing them over a cooling screen transmitting cool air ( 90 per
cent RH at 80 'F) to an ambient temperature of 80 'F, at which point the product is in a form ready to be
packaged During this cooling the gelatinized material is caused to set as well as undergoing some
moisture loss.
The above cat food compositions are extremely nutritious and have a comparatively high level of
moisture The product is of a soft texture comprising semi-sold particles which retain their shape
throughout packaging and other product handling.
Candida lipolytica yeast previously cultivated on a malt sugar medium and adapted to draw its carbon
from hydrocarbons is cultured on a heavy gas oil feedstock having the following characteristics:
Density at 150 C/40 C 0 866 Distillation, initial point 2040 C % at 250 C 2 % at 270 WC 6 % at 3570
C 82 Final point 3700 C Pour point + 90 C 70 Content of normal paraffins 18 + The mineral nutritive
medium to be used is as follows; Monopotassium phosphate Magnesium sulphate Sodium chloride
Ammonium chloride Tap water (trace elements) Yeast extract (rich in B vitamins) Made up to 1000 ml
with distilled 7 g 75 0.2 g 0.1 g 2-5 g ml 1 m 118 o water.
One litre of the mineral nutritive medium is introduced into a fermenter equipped with an aeration
system of a type which forms 85 a vortex in the mixture The p H is maintained at 4 5 throughout the
process with monopotassium phosphate.
Air injection is started up at the rate of litres/hour/litre of medium and the 90 temperature is
maintained at 30 WC Distilled water is added periodically to compensate for evaporation losses.
The fermenter is then seeded with 800 mg of Candida lipolytica, and the gas oil is 95 introduced in
four stages in quantities in an exponentially increasing series, so as to reach in all 25 mi/litre of
Incubation is stopped after four days, when the cellular density (concentration of 100 cells) remained
To recover the yeasts, 0 25 g per ml of ammonium stearyl trimethyl chloride in water is added to the
emulsion formed, and the p H is adjusted to 8 by addition of 105 caustic soda The discontinuous
centrifuging of the mixture yields:
(a) a pasty phase of yeast cells impregnated with hydrocarbons and aqueous medium, 110 (b) a phase
of aqueous mineral medium.
and (c) a wet hydrocarbon phase.
The pasty phase containing the yeast cells is then washed with water containing 115 0.25 g per ml of
ammonium stearyl trimethyl chloride and centrifuged The washing and centrifuging are repeated and
finally the yeast is washed with distilled water at 60 'C to eliminate the surfactant 120 left in the yeast,
and is once more centrifuged The synthetic protein thus obtained is dried at 80 WC to 90 VC in a rapid
current of air.
A pet food of high moisture content 125 ( 65 % -75 % moisture) is formulated using the synthetic
protein as prepared above:
Water Synthetic protein Percent 63.0 15.5 1474481 Steamed bone meal Lactic acid Phosphoric acid
Cracked barley Wheat germ Food supplements and flavouring (vitamins, cod liver oil, iron oxide,
onion powder) Percent 1.0 2.0 1.0 13.5 3.0 All of the ingredients except the grain source items (cracked
barley and wheat germ) are placed in a steam-jacketed mixer which is run for fifteen seconds The
mixer is turned off, but the ingredients are heated until the contents come to the boil The grain source
items are then added and the mixture is agitated for periods of fifteen seconds at three minute intervals
(to prevent scorching) until the temperature reaches 200 'F.
The heated product is then tightly packed into a paper container coated with a polyvinylidene chloride
film, care being taken that there are no air pockets in the container The container is then sealed There is
a small empty head space between the product and the container cover The temperature of the product
at the time of sealing is 180 'F.
The container is then inverted so that the heated product comes in contact with all of the inner
surfaces of the container, and the container and its contents are then allowed to cool to room
The resutling pet food is highly nutritious and is appealing to both dogs and cats.
The synthetic protein of Example I is used to prepare a frozen dog food from the following
Ground fresh meat Dried cereal Synthetic protein Fortifying ingredients (vitamins and minerals)
Percent The fresh meat, including a high proportion of animal organs such as stomachs, intestines and
hearts, is ground coarsely and mixed with the cereal (corn, wheat germ meal and rice bran) and the
synthetic protein These ingredients are stirred together until the cereal absorbs the free fluids of the
The mixture is then passed through a rotary grinder by which it is ground and extruded into pellets
The food issues from the grinder as vermiform pellets of about 3/8 inch in diameter which break off in
lengths of from -l inch to 1 inches The resulting pellets are immediately quick frozen at -20 F, in
which condition they may be kept until ready for use.
An intermediate-type animal food is pre 70 pared from the following ingredients:Percent Synthetic
protein of Example IV 32 1 Beef tallow 7 0 Steamed bone meal 1 0 75 Lactic acid ( 85 %) 1 4 Whey (
27 % solids, feed grade) 31 0 Molasses 3 0 Wheat germ 7 85 Rolled oats 7 0 80 Dried brewers' grains 5
G Supplements and flavouring (lecithin, vitamins, cod liver oil, iron oxide, onion powder) 4 65 All the
ingredients except the wheat 85 germ and rolled oats are placed in a covered steam-jacketed mixer and
brought to the boil with slight agitation The wheat germ and rolled oats are then added and the batch is
heated to 2000 F, with 90 sufficient intermittent mixing to prevent scorching, and held at this
temperature for fifteen minutes.
An intermediate-moisture-type animal food is prepared from the following ingredients:
Percent Water 22 0 100 Synthetic protein of Example I 38 9 Sucrose 22 0 Soya hulls 2 0 Sorbitol 2 0
Sodium chloride 1 0 105 Potassium sorbate 0 3 Propylene glycol 2 1 Garlic 0 2 Red dye 0 0075 Dried
skim milk 2 5 110 Mono and di-glycerides 1 0 Bone meal 2 0 Tallow (surface applied) 4 0 The liquid
portion of the aforementioned ingredients, i e water, sorbitol, propylene 115 glycol, mono and diglycerides, but not the tallow, is heated to the boil and the dry ingredients are added to the boiling
liquid Specifically, the liquid ingredients are heated for ten minutes in a steam 120 jacketed mixer
Thereafter, the dry ingredients are added to the boiling liquid and heated to 180 'F for ten minutes The
mixture is then cooled to 80 'F by discharging the ingredients from the mixer onto a 125 cooling pan,
the mixture being allowed to cool by room temperature air The mixture is then extruded through a meat
grinder which produced pellets inch in length.
These pellets are surface-coated with the 130 i 1474 481 tallow and packaged in a polyethylene bag.
Other such pellets are assembled as patties and packaged in a cellophane wrapper, but could be
inserted into a polyethylenecoated paper-board carton, just sufficient to offer protection against any
significant water vapour transmission from the product to the surrounding atmosphere.
An intermediate-moisture, fish-flavoured cat food is prepared from the following ingredients:
Parts by weight Synthetic protein of Example IV 58 5 Fish (whole cod and smelt) 6 0 Dry corn syrup
solids ( 42 DE) 21 4 Dry non-fat milk solids 2 5 Bone meal 2 1 Dicalcium phosphate 1 4 Propylene
glycol 2 0 Sorbitol 2 0 Tallow 2 0 Mono and di-glycerides 1 0 Sodium chloride 0 6 Potassium sorbate 0
3 Garlic 0 2 Vitamin mix 0 1 FD & C red dye Trace The fish, tallow, propylene glycol, sorbitol, and
mono and di-glycerides are heated to boiling The dry ingredients are added and the mixture heated to
1800 F.
This temperature is maintained for seven minutes The product is then allowed to cool to room
temperature The ingredients are then ground through a meat chopper so that there are no large particles
At this point, the material has a doughy consistency; this dough is rolled into a sheet about 1 inch thick
and then cut into large fish-shaped pieces The pieces have a salmon-like colour The finished product
has a moisture content of about 25 %.
A canned fish-flavoured cat food is prepared from the following ingredients:
Percent Synthetic protein of Example II 64 0 Cracked barley 20 0Fish (whole cod and smelt) 15 0
Vitamin and mineral mix 1 0 -55 The above ingredients are stirred together and heated to 170 'F until
the mixture becomes relatively homogeneous The mixture is then packaged into cans as in
conventional commercial practice and i 60 passed to a retorting operation where the product in the cans
is raised to about 250 'F where it is retained for a time sufficient to kill the enzymes initially present, in
this case, 90 minutes.
A highly palatable dog food containing natural as well as synthetic protein is prepared from the
following ingredients:
Percent 70 Synthetic protein of Example I 60 Ground sheep lungs 35 99 Steamed bone meal 1 00
Phosphoric acid 3 00 Iron oxide 0 01 75 The ground lungs and synthetic protein are introduced into a
steel-jacketed kettle.
While the kettle contents are kept agitated, the other ingredients are added to the kettle The mixture,
which has an initial 80 p H of about 3 8, is heated until the temperature is brought to 212 'F while
maintaining continuous agitation to prevent scorching The mixture is held at 212 'F for about 60
minutes During heating some 85 water was vapourized Acid reaction with the proteinaceous material
brings about a freeing of some water and some fat Fat is removed from the kettle.
Upon completion of the heating, addi 90 tional phosphoric acid is added to adjust the p H to 3 2 At
this time water is added to adjust the solids content of the product to about 35 %.
A canned fish-flavoured cat food is prepared from the following ingredients:
Percent Vitamin and mineral mix 2 0 100 Fish 20 0 Synthetic protein of Example I 68 0 Rice flour 10 0
The above ingredients are stirred together and heated to 170 'F until the mixture be 105 comes
homogeneous The mixture is then packaged into cans as in conventional commercial practice and
passed to a retorting operation where the product in the cans is raised to about 250 'F where it is
retained 110 for a time sufficient to kill the enzymes initially present, in this case, 90 minutes.Data
supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1474481
WHAT WE CLAIM IS: 1 An animal food composition corm 115 prising a protein component which includes as a major part
thereof a synthetic protein derived from the culture of a microorganism on hydrocarbons, and
nutritional supplements selected from vitamins, minerals 120 and mixtures thereof.
2 An animal food composition as claimed in Claim 1 which has a meat-like texture and a moisture
content between % and 30 % 125 3 An animal food composition as claimed in Claim 2 wherein the
protein component includes meat.
4 An animal food composition as claimed in Claim 1 which has a cereal-like 130 1 474 481 texture and
a moisture content between 5 % and 12 %.
An animal food composition as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the protein component includes fish.
6 An animal food composition as claimed in any of the preceding claims wherein the synthetic protein
constitutes from 10 % to 70 % by weight of the composition.
7 An animal food composition substantially as described in any of the Examples.
KILBURN & STRODE, Chartered Patent Agents, Agents for the Applicants.
Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office by The Tweeddale Press Ltd, Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1977.
Published at the Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, London, WC 2 A l AY, from which copies
may be obtained.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
19. GB1489592
- 10/19/1977
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/00; A23K1/04; A23K1/10
E Class: A23K1/00C1; C02F3/02; C02F3/34
Application Number:
GB19740034510 (19740806)
Priority Number: JP19730095145 (19730827)
Family: GB1489592
NL7410927; JP50040374; FR2242037; IT1051433
Abstract of GB1489592
1489592 Animal feed from waste THREE BOND CO Ltd 6 Aug 1974 [27 Aug 1973] 34510/74
Heading A2B A nutritious feed is produced from waste or waste water (i.e. cattle manure, waste from a
slaughter house, or waste water from a food factory) by adding to the waste a powder containing
fermenting microbes to ferment and decompose the waste to produce a precipitate, to which is added
water content controlling materials and additional dry powder to referment the precipitate so as to
produce a nutritious feed, said dry powder being produced by innoculating a culture medium selected
from dry malt, wheat, fat- free soybean and sake lees with microbes of Aspergillus oryzae Fujita and
one or more selected from Aspergillus oryzae, Asper- gillus niger, Streptococcus lactis, Lacto bacillus
plantarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, then drying and powdering the medium. The water content
controlling medium is preferably wheat bran and/or rice bran.Description:
Description of GB1489592
(71) We, THREE BOND CO., LTD., a joint-stock company of Japan, of 1456,
Hazama-Cho, Hachioji-Shi, Tokyo, Japan, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray that a
patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described
in and by the following statement:~
This invention relates to a method of producing feed (food for cattle) from waste or waste water by
fermenting and decomposing the same in the presence of dry powder containing therein fermenting
microorganism (microbes) which are capable of decomposing, by fermentation, the waste or waste
In many countries, such as Japan, treatment of the waste or waste water discharged from stock raising,
the food industry, or slaughter houses, is unsatisfactory, because a very complicated and unpleasant
process, which necessitates a big investment in equipment and requires a large amount of space, must
be used for satisfactory treatment.
Furthermore, the equipment used in the treatment is expensive and thus it is very difficult for minor or
smaller enterprises to prepare their own equipment for the treatment by themselves.
Accordingly, it is a general object of this invention to provide a method of producing useful products
from waste or waste water in a simplified process.
A specific object of this invention is to provide a method of producing nutritious feed from waste or
waste water, such as cattle manure, slaughter house waste, and waste water from a food factory, by
fermentation and decomposition thereof in a simplified process.
A further object of this invention is to provide a method of preventing damage to theeJlvironment
occurring from waste or waste water.
A still further object of this invention is to provide a method of developing water resources from waste
or waste water.
According to this invention, these objects are accomplished by a method of producing aromatic and
nutritious feed from waste or waste water such as cattle manure, waste from a slaughter house, or waste
water from a food factory, by fermentation, which comprises adding to said waste or waste water, a dry
powder containing fermenting microbes of Aspergillus oryzae Fujita, and one or more selected from
the group consisting of Aspergillus oryze, Aspergillus niger, Streptococcus lactis, Lactobacillus
plantarum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, said dry powder being based on a culture medium selected
from the group consisting of dry malt, wheat, fat-free soybean and sake lees, fermenting the
innoculated waste or waste water to decompose the same into water and a precipitate, separating the
precipitate from the water, and adding to the precipitate, an extending material to produce a mixture
having a lower water content than the precipitate, and additional dry powder to referment the
precipitate to produce the desired aromatic and nutritious feed.
These objects become more apparent and fully understood from the following detailed description.
The dry powder used in this invention contains therein fermenting microbes and is preferably
produced as follows.
First of all, a basic material for culture medium, which consists of dry malt, wheat, fat-free soybean or
sake lees (lees obtained from sake (Japanese whisky) -producing process) or a mixture of at least two
of these materials, is prepared.
The basic material is then boiled with water at a temperature of above1000C for an appropriate period
of time, preferably for about 1 hour. The thus boiled basic material is then cooled to a temperature of
30 to400 C. Thus, a culture medium is obtained. It is further preferable to add an appropriate amount
of vitamin C to the culture medium.
The culture medium is then inoculated with fermenting microbes capable of fermenting and
decomposing waste or waste water, and consisting of Aspergillus oryzae Fujita (Acceptance No 2575:
registered on April 16, 1974 in
Fermentation Research Institute, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology,
Japan) and one or more selected from the group consisting of Aspergillus oryzae,
Aspergillus niger, Streptococcus lactis,
Lactobacillus plantarum, and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Then, the inoculated medium is cultivated for about 160 hours with a general andwell known yeast
producing process until it begins to generate an alcoholic odour. After that, the medium is dried in air
at a temperature of400C to 450C unto the water content thereof is lowered below 5 Ós and is then
subjected to powdering.
Thus, the dry powder, which contains therein fermenting microbes capable of fermenting and
decomposing the waste or waste water, is obtained.
The dry powder thus obtained is added to the waste or waste water, such as cattle manure, slaughter
house waste, and waste water from a food factory, at a temperature of200C to40 C, preferably at a
temperature of about30 C, in an appropriate amount. Then, the waste or waste water is fermented for
an appropriate period of time, preferably for about 10 hours with stirring.
Thus, the waste or waste water is decomposed to form a clean water and a precipitate, and at the same
time, bad odour is eliminated. The clean water is efffectively utilized as washing water.
The precipitate is, on the other hand, mixed with a desirable amount of an extending material to
produce a mixture having a lower water content than the precipitate, and additional dry powder to
referment the precipitate.
The thus obtained mixture is refermented for about 24 hours to obtain an aromatic and nutritious
fermented feed.
As described above in detail, the present invention can produce aromatic and nutritious feed from
waste or waste water, such as cattle manure, slaughter house waste, and waste water from a food
factory by fermenting and decomposing the same in a simple process, and further, at the same time can
prevent damage to the environment occuring from the waste or waste water, and can contribute to the
development of waste resources.
Thus, the present invention can be easily adapted by minor or smaller enterprises for the treatment of
waste or waste water discharged therefrom.
The following examples are given by way of illustration but are not to be construed as limiting the
scope of theinvention.
Example 1
Preparation of dry powder
To 300 g of dry malt, 300 g of wheat, 100 g of fat-free soybean and 300 g of sake lees is added 1,000 g
of water. The mixture thus obtained is boiled at a temperature of
I 200C for 1 hour, and is then allowed to cool to a temperature of400 C. Then, the
cooled mixture is further mixed with 10 g of vitamin C to obtain a culture medium.
Next, the culture medium is inoculated with microbes consisting of 2 g of Aspergillus oryzae Fujita, 1
g of Aspergillus niger, 1 g of
Steptococcus lactis, I g of Lactobacillus
Plantarum, and 1 g of Sacharomyces
cervisiae. The thus obtained mixture is cultivated for 160 hours with a normal and well known yeastproducing process. As a result, spores are produced therefrom in a perfect form, and further, a strong
alcohol odour is generated therefrom. At this point, the mixture is cooled in blown air at a temperature
of400C to 450C and the water content adjusted to 5%. Then the mixture is converted into powder to
obtain a dry powder.
Production of a feed
300 g of the dry powder is inoculated into
100 g of cattle manure which is heated to a temperature of300C in winter, but is left untouched in
summer. The mixture is then fermented for about 10 hours with sufficient stirring, as a result of which
the cattle manure is decomposed and the bad odour eliminated. The thus obtained decomposition
product is separated into water and a precipitate by using a centrifuge or a filter cloth. The separated
water is stored in a water tank, and after standing in the tank for 4 or 5 hours, the water is separated
into the top clean water and the-residue.
The top clean water is utilized as a washing water for the cattle house.
The separated precipitate contains, on the other hand, about 60% of water therein.
It is mixed, for reducing of the water content, with wheat bran or rice bran in an amount of about 30%
by weight to the weight of the precipitate, and thereafter is inoculated with the dry powder in an
amount of about 0.15% by weight. The inoculated precipitate is then fermented for 24 hours to obtain
an aromatic and nutritious fermented feed. The fermented feed is generally used in a mixture with a
mixed feed in the ratio 50:50. The thus obtained feed is used for breeding pigs and chickens. The
results in terms of both fattening and egg-laying were thesagie as with mixed feed.
Example 2
To 500 g of dry malt and 500 g of sake lees is added 1,000 g of water. The mixture is boiled at a
temperature of1 100C for 1hour., and is then cooled to a temperature of420C to obtain a culture
medium. Next, the culture medium is inoculated with microbes consisting of 2 g of Aspergillus oryzae
Fujita, 2 g of Streptococcus lactis, and 1 g of Saccharomyces cervisiae.
The thus obtained mixture was processed to form a dry powder in the same manner as mentioned in
Example 1.
The dry powder thus obtained was utilized for the treatment of cattle manure in exactly the same
manner as mentioned in
Example 1. The result was also as good as that of Example 1.
Accordingly, it is apparent from the aforementioned Examples 1 and 2 that the present invention may
be employed to ferment and decompose cattle manure, waste from slaughter houses, or waste water
from a food factory, to remove the bad odour and further to clarify the waste water, thus to clean up the
environment of the cattle house, the slaughter house, and the factory. Therefore, it can be said that the
present invention contributes to the prevention of damage to the environment.
Furthermore, it is also apparent from
Examples 1 and 2 that the present invention takes a further step of refermentation of a product
(precipitate) obtained from a first fermentation treatment, whereby to produce a fermented feed which
is as good as the combined feed.
Moreover, the present invention produces clean water as evident from the aforementioned Examples 1
and 2. The clean water is re-used as washing water.
Thus, it can be said that the present invention contributes to the development
of water resources.
1. A method of producing aromatic and nutritious feed from waste or waste water such as cattle
manure, waste from a slaughter house, or waste water from a food factory, by fermentation, which
comprises adding to said waste or waste water, a dry powder containing fermenting microbes of
Aspergillus oryzae Fujita, and one or more selected from the group consisting of
Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger,
Streptococcus lactis, Lactobactillus plantarum and Saccaromyces cerevisiae, said dry powder being
based on a culture medium selected from the group consisting of dry malt, wheat, fat-free soybean and
sake lees, fermenting the inoculated waste or waste water to decompose the same into water and a
precipitate, separating the precipitate from the water, and adding to the precipitate, an extending
material to produce a mixture having a lower water content than the precipitate, and additional dry
powder to referment the precipitate to produce the desired aromatic and nutritious feed.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein vitamin C is added to the cooled culture medium.
3. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said extending material is wheat bran and/or rice bran.
4. A method of producing nutritious feed from waste or waste water according to claim 1, substantially
as hereinbefore described with reference to the examples.
5. Nutritious feed when produced by a method as claimed in any of the precedingData supplied from
the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1489592
claims.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
20. GB1493215
- 11/30/1977
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/00; A23K1/12; A23K1/20; A23K1/175
E Class: A23K1/12
Application Number:
GB19760026342 (19760624)
Priority Number: US19750592227 (19750701)
Family: GB1493215
Abstract of GB1493215
1493215 Animal feedstuffs S KATZEN 24 June 1976 [1 July 1975] 26342/76 Heading A2B To make
an animal feedstuff, cellulose-or lignin-containing material is reduced to a size of 2 inches or less e.g.
by chopping or grind- ing, and is divided into two parts: (a) 40-60% of the material is treated with HCl,
H 2 SO 4 or phosphoric acid and (b) the remainder is trea- ted with Ca(OH) 2 , NaOH, KOH or NH 4
OH; 80-120 parts of (a) is mixed with 100 parts of (b) the moisture content adjusted to 20-60% and the
resulting reaction converts the water to steam; and finally the mixture is formed into pellets, cubes or
blocks. The starting material may be straw from wheat, barley, oats or rice; stover from corn or milo;
cotton gin waste; grape pomace; sugar cane; bagasse; peanut, cocoa, rice or soybean hulls; peat;
tobacco stems; sawdust or wood shavings; or cattle or poultry manure. Mixing may be in continuous
mixers at 20-150 F. Belt, screw or pneumatic conveyors may be used.Claims:
Claims of GB1493215
WHAT I CLAIM IS:1 A process for the conversion of cellulose and/or lignin-containing organic waste material into an
animal feedstuff which comprises:
(a) reducing, if necessaray, the celluloseand/or lignin-containing organic waste material to a size of 2
inches or less; (b) dividing the material into two portions, one portion comprising 40 to 60 percent by
weight of the material, and conveying one portion to the site of step (c) and the other portion to the site
of step (d); (c) admixing an acid selected from the group consisting of phosphoric acid, hydrochloric
acid, sulfuric acid and mixtures thereof with the said one portion of said organic waste material; (d)
admixing before, after or simultaneously with step (c), a base selected from the group consisting of
calcium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide and mixtures
thereof with the other portion of said organic waste material; (e) mixing and reacting said acidified
organic waste material with said basified organic waste material, a more digestible form of said organic
waste material resulting, to 120 parts by weight of said acidified organic waste material being used per
100 parts by weight of said basified organic waste material, and water being converted to steam by the
heat of said reaction, wherein said reaction mixture contains 20 to 60 percent by weight, based on the
total weight of said reaction mixture, of water; and (f) forming the reacted mixture of step (e) into
pellets, cubes, blocks or other similar forms.
2 A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein said organic waste material is straw, stover, cotton gin
waste, animal manure, vegetable waste, wood shavings, bagasse, and corn cobs.
3 A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein said size reduction is achieved by chopping or grinding.
4 A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein said conveying is achieved by a belt, screw or pneumatic
A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein said admixing steps (c) and (d) are each achieved in a
continuous mixer.
6 A process as claimed in Claim 5 wherein step (c) is achieved in a first continuous mixer and step (d)
is achieved in a second continuous mixer.
7 A process as claimed in Claim 6 where steps (c) and (d) are achieved sequentially in a single
continuous mixer.
8 A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein said admixing steps (c) and (d) are achieved at a
temperature between 200 and 1500 F.
9 A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein all of said acids are used in step (c) and all of said bases
are used in step (d).
A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein said acidified organic waste material and said basified
organic waste material immediately after mixing in of said acid and said base are mixed together in
step (e).
11 A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein said mixing step (e) is achieved in a continuous mixer.
12 A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein step (e) is achieved at a temperature between 200 and
1500 F.
13 A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the percentage of water in step (e) is achieved by drying
the mixture of acidified and basified materials.
14 A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the percentage of water in step (e) is achieved by adding
the appropriate amount of water to the mixture of acidified and basified materials.
A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein step (f) involves pelletizing.
16 The animal feed material prepared by the process of Claim 1.
17 A process as claimed in Claim 1, substantially as hereinbefore described.
18 A process for the conversion of cellulose and/or lignin-containing organic waste material,
substantially as hereinbefore described in either of the examples.
For the Applicant:
MATTHEWS, HADDAN & CO, Chartered Patent Agents, 33 Elmfield Road, Bromley, Kent.
Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by the Courier Press, Leamington Spa, 1977 Published by
The Patent Office 25 Southampton Buildings, London, WC 2 A l AY, from which copies may be
obtained.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
21. GB1499624
- 2/1/1978
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/22
E Class: A23K1/22
Application Number:
GB19760030497 (19760722)
Priority Number: US19750610160 (19750904)
Family: GB1499624
US3988483; NL7608557; JP52046249; FR2322553; DE2634087; SE7608350;
Abstract of GB1499624
1976 [4 Sept 1975] 30497/76 Heading A2B A liquid ruminant feed is made by pre- paring an aqueous
slurry containing an ungelatinised starchy material and an NPN substance, and subjecting the slurry
under pressure to direct steam heating under tur- bulent conditions, the slurry may contain 30- 90%
water and the product 40-96% water. The ratio of starch source to NPN nitrogen is 4:0.45 to 1:1.80.
The starchy material may be corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice, millet, hay, silage, potato, yam,
cassava, arrowroot, turnip, rutabaga, or a starchy food or beverage processing liquor. The NPN
substance may be urea, uric acid, biuret, ethylene urea, propionamide, butyramide, formamide,
acetamide, dicyanodiamide, iso- butane diurea, creatinine, creatine, ammonia, or an ammonium salt
e.g. phosphate, carbo- nate, bicarbonate, carbamate, citrate, formate, acetate, propionate, lactate,
succinate, fuma- rate, malate, chloride, sulphate or diammo- nium phosphate. The starchy substance
may be ground to a size of less than 500 microns. Apparatus for making the feed comprises a cooker
into which the slurry is fed through line 22 and steam through line 26, into tubular cooking barrel 38.
The steam flow is regulated by needle valve 58 and frusto- conical collar 52 forms an annular throat 56
through which the slurry passes at an angle to the steam so that turbulent mixing takes place. Pressure
of 1 - 200p.s.i.g. is maintained in the barrel by valve 28, and the temperature is 215 - 388 F. The starch
is 50-100% gelatinised and the reacted mixture may then be passed to an intermediate holding tank
where it can be reduced to below 185 F and mixed with a food source e.g. molasses, hemicellulose
extract of wood, lignin sulphonates, food and beverage waste liquor of cheese whey; an anylose
enzyme to adjust the final viscosity to 100 - 20,000cp; and an acid e.g. sulphuric, hydrochloric, phosphoric, or benzoic, or formic, acetic propionic, butyric or sorbic acid as a mould inhibitor.Description:
Description of GB1499624
as ( 21) Application No 30497/76 ( 22) Filed 22 July 1976 Cat ( 31) Convention Application No 610
160 ( 19) @ ( 32) Filed 4 Sept 1975 in >;; ( 33) United States of America (US)
Cb ( 44) Complete Specification published 1 Feb 1978
O ( 51) INT CL 2 A 23 K 1/22 _I ( 52) Index at acceptance A 2 B J 1 J 2 J 3 C J 3 F 1 J 3 F 2 J 3 G 11
J 3 G 12 J 3 G 2 J 3 G 3 J 3 G 5 J 3 G 8 ( 54) LIQUID STARCH-UREA RUMINANT FEED AND
FOUNDATION, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Riley County, Kansas 66506, United States of
America, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Kansas, United States of
America, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and the
method by 5 which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following
statement:This invention relates to liquid ruminant feed supplements of the type including a starch-bearing food
source and a nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) substance which can be effectively utilized by a ruminant for
the production of microbial 10 protein More particularly, it is concerned with such products and a
method of producing the same wherein the supplements have highly unexpected and synergistic protein
synthesis and growth-inducing properties and are palatable and producible by low-cost methods such as
with a hydrothermal cooker using direct steam, as opposed to an expensive extrusion cooking system
conventionally used 15 in making reacted chunk-type starch-NPN products.
It is known that nonprotein nitrogenous substances such as urea may be incorporated into feed for
ruminants as a replacement for protein sources therein.
Such added urea or other NPN source is first degraded by rumen microorganisms to ammonia and a
portion of the latter is then converted to microbial protein A 20 major portion of such microbial protein
is then enzymatically degraded to amino acids in the small intestine of the ruminant, where, after being
absorbed, they are available for use by the animal As will be readily apparent, NPN supplementation of
ruminant feed is extremely attractive from an economic standpoint, since relatively inexpensive
materials such as urea can be fed in place of costlier natural 25 proteins coming from traditional
sources such as cereal grains.
In the past, attempts have been made to incorporate NPN substances into chunk-type products which
are fed directly as a primary food source to ruminants, or in liquid feed supplements which are fed as
liquids or sprayed onto more conventional feeds such as silage or hay In the case of solid products it is
known 30 that extrusion processing of a starch-bearing food source such as corn and an NPN substance
such as urea yields a reacted product which permits incorporation of the NPN substance at levels which
would be toxic if simply mixed with the starch source and fed directly See, for example, U S Patent No
It is also known to prepare sprayable liquid feed supplements which include a 35 minor amount of a
starch source such as wheat or corn in conjunction with urea.
For example, in U S Patent No 3,684,518, a method is disclosed wherein an aqueous slurry of wheat
flour and urea liquor is prepared and simply heated at atmospheric pressure in order to provide a liquid
product which is resistant to sedimentation In addition, in U S Patent No 3,653,909 a method is
described 40 wherein melamine and urea are admixed in aqueous suspension with wheat flour and
heated under atmospheric pressure to achieve a uniform consistency Other conventional feed
supplements are described in the following U S Letters Patent:
Nos 2 748 001; 2,853,385; 2,960,406; 3,165,413, 3,573,924 and 3,677,767.
Although NPN fortification of chunk-type and liquid feed supplements is 45 well-known, a number of
unresolved problems remain For example, in the case of 2 1,499,624 2 chunk-type starch-NPN
products produced in accordance with U S Patent No.
3,642,489, the cost of the necessary extrusion equipment is considerable, and this factor alone has in
some cases militated against the widespread use of this otherwise advantageous chunk product On the
other hand, merely admixing a raw S starch source and NPN substance in aqueous suspension is not a
satisfactory 5 answer because such mixtures often exhibit a number of undesirable characteristics For
example, when the NPN substance is added at commercially feasible levels, it often happens that the
simple mixture is toxic to the ruminant.
Aside from this, simple unprocessed mixtures of this type can also be unpalatable to ruminants or lead
to inefficient use of the NPN substance by the animal being 10 fed.
The most important object of the present invention is to provide liquid starchNPN ruminant feed
supplements which are characterized by enhanced protein synthesis and growth-inducing properties as
compared with conventional, substantially unprocessed and uncooked feed supplement mixtures
containing 15 an NPN substance, and which are also markedly superior to chunk-type starchNPN feeds
processed using extrusion cooking techniques, Another important object of the invention is to provide
high-protein, lowcost liquid starch-NPN feed supplements for ruminants which can be processed using
simplified techniques and relatively inexpensive equipment and are palatable and 20 highly nutritious
to the ruminant.
As a corollary to the foregoing, another object of the invention is to provide a method of quickly,
easily and inexpensively processing an aqueous slurry of a starch-bearing food source and an NPN
substance wherein respective streams of pressurized steam and the starch-NPN slurry are
simultaneously and continuously 25 directed through a cooking area presenting a zone of turbulence
for substantially instantaneously and turbulently heating, disrupting and gelatinizing under pressures
above atmospheric at least a fraction of the starch-bearing food source while the latter is in intimate
relationship with the NPN substance to thereby yield a reacted feed supplement product; this cooking is
preferably accomplished in a 30 hydrothermal cooker which serves to quickly and inexpensively
produce the liquid supplements hereof which have been found to yield highly unexpected results in
terms of derivable microbial protein levels and growth-inducing properties in ruminants.
A still further object of the invention is to provide a liquid feed supplement of 35 the type described
wherein the specific handling properties thereof can be modified at will by the addition of viscosity
altering enzymes or supplemental food sources such as molasses.
In the drawing:
Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the overall processing equipment 40 advantageously used in
the preparation of the liquid feed supplements hereof; and Fig 2 is an essentially schematic view in
vertical section of one type of hydrothermal cooker which may be used in the process of the present
Fig 1 is a schematic illustration of the preferred apparatus 10 for use in preparing the liquid feed
supplements of the invention Briefly, apparatus 10 45 includes a slurry tank 12 having a mixer 4
therein, a hydrothermal heater or "jet cooker" 16, an intermediate hold tank 18 and a final product tank
20 A slurry line 22 extends between tank 12 and jet cooker 16, and has a positive displacement pump
24 interposed therein for pumping the slurry to cooker 16 The latter includes a steam line 26 which is
important for purposes to be made clear 50 hereinafter, along with a back pressure valve 28 interposed
within the product recovery line 30 extending between cooker 16 and intermediate hold tank 18 An
additive tank 32 is also provided in apparatus 10 with a line 34 extending between tanks 32 and 18
Although only a single tank 32 is shown in Fig 1, it is to be understood that a series of such tanks may
be provided for holding quantities of 55 additives such as molasses or phosphoric acid which may
optionally be added to the supplements when they are within intermediate tank 18 Finally, a line 36
extends between tanks 18 and 20 for the purpose of conveying the final commercial product to tank 20
prior to packaging or subsequent handling thereof.
Referring now to Fig 2, preferred cooker 16 will be described in greater 60 detail In particular, cooker
16 includes an elongated tubular cooking area or barrel 38 which is coupled at the delivery end thereof
to line 30 by means of conventional coupling structure 40, and is received at the other end thereof
within a head 42 of the cooker Head 42 is a metallic member presenting an annular hollow area 44
about the adjacent end of barrel 38 and a port 46 which is adapted to 65 3 1,499,624 3 receive the end
of feed slurry line 22 as shown.
A steam inlet head 48 is secured adjacent to head structure 42 and includes a port 50 which is adapted
to receive the end of incoming steam line 26 In addition, head 48 includes an open-ended, generally
frustoconical steam outlet collar 52 which communicates the interior of barrel 38 with the hollow
interior 54 of steam 5 head 48 In this respect, it is important to note that an annular throat or
passageway 56 is provided between the end of barrel 38 and the adjacent exterior sloping side wall of
collar 52.
A threadably mounted needle valve 58 is also provided in head 48 and includes an external handle 60
connected to an elongated shaft 62 which extends to through the end of head 48 remote from steam
outlet 52 Shaft 62 terminates in a conical end 64 which is complementally configured with respect to
the internal side walls of outlet 52 As will be appreciated from a study of Fig 2, handle 60 can be
rotated for advancing or retracting conical section 64 in order to precisely meter the amount of steam
allowed to pass through the restricted opening of collar 15 52 and into barrel 38.
In use, raw feed slurry is conveyed through line 22 and enters annular space 44 and passes through
throat 56 into barrel 38 At the same time, steam through line 26 passes through space 54 and between
the adjacent surfaces of conical section 64 and collar 52 so that the respective streams of slurry and
steam come into direct 20 intersecting contact adjacent the restricted end of the collar As illustrated in
the drawing, the steam stream passes into barrel 38 in a generally axial direction while the slurry
stream is directed obliquely through throat 56 but in the same general axial direction as the stream in
order to assure adequate intersecting contact and intermingling of the two streams Thus, the area 53
immediately in 25 front of the restricted end of collar 52 in effect is a zone of turbulence wherein the
feed slurry and steam streams turbulently intersect for substantially instantaneously cooking the starchbearing material within the slurry stream Such cooking involves the turbulent heating, disrupting and
gelatinization of the starch material in the presence of the NPN substance within the slurry stream
under pres 30 sures above atmospheric in order to yield a reacted liquid supplement product As will be
demonstrated hereinafter, this type of turbulent cooking is important in producing the supplements of
the invention, as opposed to merely heating the constituents together under atmospheric pressures
Furthermore, the resultant products from the turbulent cooking are believed to act as nutritional sources
in a 35 very different manner than, for example, prior extrusion-processed chunk starchNPN products.
Following turbulent cooking with direct steam, the product passes through barrel 38 and out the end
thereof into line 30 and ultimately into intermediate holding tank 18 At this point mixing of the
supplement with molasses or other 40 energy sources can be accomplished, along with viscosity
reduction through the use of an enzyme such as amylase, whereupon the finished product can pass to
final tank 20.
As indicated above, the first step in the preferred method of the invention involves preparing an
aqueous slurry comprising water and a solids fraction which 45 includes a quantity of an edible,
substantially ungelatinized starchbearing feed material and an amount of a nonprotein nitrogenous
substance such as urea which is characterized by the property of being hydrolyzable to ammonia by
rumen microorganisms which is thereafter convertible to microbial protein In practice, the slurry
advantageously comprises from 30 to 90 percent by weight free 50 water (i e, without taking into
consideration the native water within the raw feed constituents), and correspondingly a solids fraction
of from 10 to 70 percent by weight Most preferably, the slurry is from 40 to 70 percent by weight free
water, and from 30 to 60 percent by weight solids.
An almost limitless number of starch-bearing materials can be employed to 55 good effect in the
present invention For example, food sources selected from the group consisting of corn, sorghum,
barley, oats, wheat, rice, millet, hay, silage, potatoes, yams, cassava, arrowroot, turnips, rutabagas, corn
starch, potato starch, wheat starch, starch-bearing food and beverage processing waste liquors, and
mixtures therof have particular utility in the invention, although other specific 60 starch sources may
also be used In addition, when grains such as corn are used as the starch source, the same are preferably
ground or micropulverized to an average particle size of less than about 500 microns, and preferably to
an average size from 75 to 100 microns This comminution of the starch materials is preferable in order
that water and/or steam can be brought into intimate contacting 65 relationship with the starch-bearing
material to facilitate gelatinization thereof in the presence of the NPN substance.
A wide variety of NPN substances can also be employed in the present invention including an NPN
source which is characterized by the property of being hydrolyzable to ammonia by rumen
microorganisms so that such ammonia can 5 thereafter be converted to microbial protein by the
ruminant For example, NPN substances such as urea, uric acid, biuret, ethylene urea, ammonia,
ammonium salts, propionamide, butyramide, formamide, acetamide, dicyanodiamide, isobutanediurea,
creatinine, and creatine and mixtures thereof find particular utility in the invention Specific ammonium
salts advantageously used include 10 members taken from the group consisting of ammonium
phosphate, ammonium carbonate, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium carbamate, ammonium citrate,
ammonium formate, ammonium propionate, ammonium lactate, ammonium succinate, ammonium
fumarate, ammonium malate, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, diammonium phosphate and
mixtures thereof Urea is the 15 most preferred NPN source, however, because of its relatively low cost
and high nitrogen content.
In general, the amount of NPN substance used in the present supplements will exceed to a greater or
lesser degree the amount which could be tolerated by ruminants as to toxicity and palatability if simply
mixed with a starch source and 20 fed directly It has been found that a ratio of starch source to the
nitrogen in the NPN substance is advantageously maintained within the range of from 4:045 to 1:1 80,
with the most preferred starch source-nitrogen ratio ranging from 2:0 45 to 1:0 90.
During cooking operations, sufficient quantities of steam are fed to cooker 16 25 in order to maintain
cooking temperature therewithin within the range of from 215 F to 3880 F, and most preferably from
2850 F to 315 'F This corresponds to a pressure within the jet cooker of from 1 to 200 p s i g, and
preferably from 38 to 70 p.s i g In addition, sufficient moisture and thermal conditions are maintained
during the cooking operation such that the starch-bearing food source passing 30 through the cooker is
from 50 to 100 percent gelatinized, and most preferably from to 100 percent gelatinized.
Although the ratio of NPN to starch-bearing material may be varied as dictated by price consideration,
availability of constituents, processing requirements, and ultimate end use parameters, the proportions
are advantageously 35 maintained within certain limits not only from the standpoint of operability but
also commercial feasibility For example, unless sufficient NPN is provided in the initial mixture to
warrant inclusion thereof from an economic as well as a nutritional standpoint, the cost of processing
the constituents may outweigh the benefits On the other hand, if the quantity of NPN present in the
admixture is 40 increased to a level where the final product is unpalatable even in a processed
condition because of excess NPN and the composition is completely unmanageable in use, then the
processed product has no significant utility as a ruminant feed In the latter connection, it has been
found that in the use of urea as an NPN substance, the starch/urea ratio preferably ranges from 4:1 to
1:4, and most preferably from 45 2:1 to l:2 Since urea is approximately 45 percent by weight nitrogen,
the preferred starch source/nitrogen ratios range from 4:045 to 1:1 80, and most preferably from 2:0 45
to 1:0 90 The following Table I sets forth the amount of each of the preferred NPN substances needed
to yield supplements having the broad starch source/nitrogen ratios stated above: 50 TABLE I % by Wt
to Yield 2 P E at 2 P E at NPN Compound % N 4:045 1:1 80 4:045 1:1 80 Urea 45 00 20 0 80 0 63 4
226 8 Biuret 40 77 21 6 81 5 62 1 209 4 1,499,624 1,499,624 TABLE I (Continued) NPN Compound 1
% by Wt to Yield % N 4:0 45 1:1 80 2 P.E at 2 P E at 4:0 45 1:1 80 Ethylene Urea Ammonia
Ammonium Phosphate Ammonium Bicarbonate Ammonium Chloride Ammonium Sulfate Ammonium
Carbonate Ammonium Carbamate Ammonium Citrate Ammonium Formate Ammonium Acetate
Ammonium Propionate Ammonium Lactate Ammonium Succinate Ammonium Fumarate Ammonium
Malate Diammonium Phosphate Propionamide 19 17 37 0 90 4 50 0 109 2 32.54 82.25 12.17 17.72
26.18 21.20 26.35 35.89 12.39 22.21 18.17 19.17 13.08 18.41 18.58 16.66 21.21 25.7 12.1 48.0 38.8
30.1 34.7 29.9 23.9 47.6 33.6 38.2 37.0 46.2 37.9 37.7 40.3 34.7 84.7 68.6 93.7 91.0 87.3 89.5 87.2
83.4 93.6 89.0 90.8 90.4 93.2 90.7 90.6 91.5 89.5 59.0 70.1 41.2 48.5 55.5 51.9 55.6 60.5 41.6 52.6
49.3 50.0 42.6 49.2 49.4 47.3 51.9 173 6 355 4 71.8 101 6 143 9 119 5 144 8 188 6 73.1 124 5 103 9
109 2 76.8 2 106 0 96.0 119 6 1,499,624 TABLE I (Continued) NPN Compound 1 % by Wt to Yield 2
P E at 2 P E at % N 4:045 1:1 80 4:045 1:1 80 Butyramide 16 08 41 2 91 8 46 7 93 0 Formamide 31 10
26 6 85,3 58 3 167 1 Acetamide 23 72 32 2 88 4 53 8 132 1 Creatinine 37 15 23 2 82 9 60 8 194 0
Creatine 32 05 25 98 84 9 58 7 171 4 Uric Acid 33 33 25 2 84 4 59 2 177 2 Dicyanodiamide 66 64 14 4
73 0 67 7 306 5 Isobutanediurea 32 18 25 9 84 8 58 8 171 9 1 % by weight of the NPN substance to
nitrogen ratio.
give the desired starch source/NPN 2 Protein Equivalent on dry basis of mixtures having the respective
starch source/NPN nitrogen ratios.
The protein equivalent levels given in Table I for the respective mixtures indicate that this parameter
can be varied over a wide range In preferred forms the supplements hereof have P E levels of from 15
to 150 percent and most preferably from 30 to 70 percent, however.
During passage of the feed slurry through the cooking area and zone of turbulence presented by
cooker 16, it will be appreciated that an amount of water in the form of condensed steam is picked up
In this connection it has been found that the feed product emerging from the jet cooker preferably
should comprise from 40 to 96 percent by weight water, and most preferably from 40 to 70 percent by
weight water The water fraction for a given supplement may principally depend upon the type of starch
source used; for example, with potato starch, it is generally found that higher solids contents are
possible than with wheat or corn.
As indicated above, the product emerging from cooker 16 may be altered as to energy content and
viscosity by a number of means For example, a food source selected from the group consisting of
molasses, hemicellulose extract of wood, fignin sulfonates, cheese whey, food and beverage processing
waste liquors and mixtures thereof can be added to the feed product either prior to or subsequent to the
jet cooking processing in order to enhance the total digestible nutrient (TDN) value thereof Also, in
some instances it is advantageous to add to the final feed product an acid taken from the group
consisting of sulfuric, hydrochloric,
phosphoric, propionic, acetic, sorbic, benzoic, butyric and formic acids and mixtures thereof
Propionic, acetic, butyric, sorbic and formic acids may serve principally as mold inhibitors for
increasing the storability of the liquid supplement products, while the remaining aforementioned acids
can be added as p H regulators and also as nutritive substances.
In preferred forms, the final feed product in commercial form has a viscosity within the range of from
100 to 20,000 centipoises (cps) This viscosity alteration can be effected in a number of ways For
instance, in commercial forms molasses is added to the feed product after emergence thereof from the
cooking barrel, whereupon the molasses-supplement mixture is directed to a holding tank for cool 5 ing
therein to a temperature of under 1850 F At this point a minor amount of amylase enzyme is added to
the mixture within the holding zone for lowering the viscosity thereof The amylase is allowed to act for
a period of time to lower the viscosity of the supplement to a desired level, whereupon a small amount
of acid such as phosphoric acid is added to the mixture in order to stop the action by the 10 amylase.
The final liquid feed supplement products are storable at room temperatures for relatively long
periods of time, i e, two months or more accordingly, few, if any, special precautions need be taken
during storage.
is The following examples will illustrate the production of liquid supplements in is accordance with
the invention and also test procedures involving the same However, it is to be understood that the
following examples are for purposes of illustration only and should not be taken as limitations upon the
scope of the invention In all cases the term "liquid supplement" refers to products produced in
accordance with the methods of the present invention 20 Example I.
A series of twenty liquid feed supplements in accordance with the invention were prepared, with three
variables (cooking temperature, grain-urea ratio, and percentage solids) being changed in order to
determine the effect of these variables on the final feed products 25 In more detail, each of the twenty
liquid products were processed in a jet cooker of the type illustrated in Figure 2, and the cooking
temperatures therein were varied within the range of from 2500 to 3200 F The corn used as the
starchbearing food source was micropulverized to an average particle size of about 100 microns The
corn/urea ratios studied ranged from 2 6:1 to 1:2 6 The solids con 30 tent before cooking ranged from
14 % to 46 % by weight.
The determinations made on the twenty samples included protein equivalent (Kjeldahl N x 6 25),
maltose value and in vitro protein synthesis The supplement makeup and results of this series of tests
are tabulated below:
1,499,624 2 P.E.
(Determined) 16.32 17.03 3 Mg Maltose/g 4 Protein Synthesis Sample (%) 339 154 339 125 3 266 7
533 3 3,040 1:2 263 30 87 312 118 4 266 7 533 3 3,040 1:2 307 30 21 312 118 533 3 266 7 1,040 2:1
263 36 05 285 147 6 533 3 266 7 1,040 2:1 307 36 38 285 164 266 7 266 7 400 0 400 O 577 8 533 3
533 3 400 0 400 0 222 2 1,120 1,120 1,707 1,707 1,637 1:2 1:2 1:1 1:1 2.6:1 263 307 250 320 285
65.21 65.27 37.04 38.09 23.04 278 267 276 264 226 111 116 117 121 TABLE II
Sample No.
Corn (g) 533 3 533 3 Urea (g) 266 7 266 7 Water (ml) 2,880 2,880 Corn/Urea 2:1 2:1 Cook (IF)
Temperature 263 307 0 m TABLE II (Continued) Cook (OF) 2 P E 3 Mg Maltose/g 4 Protein Synthesis
Sample No 'Corn (g) Urea (g) Water (ml) Corn/Urea Temperature (Determined) Sample (%) 12 222 2
577 8 1,777 1:2 6 285 52 64 295 116 13 400 0 400 0 4,571 1:1 285 17 69 351 150 14 400 0 400 0 835
1:1 285 56 45 252 112 400 0 400 0 1,707 1:1 285 36 60 288 137 16 400 0 400 0 1,707 1:1 285 37 59
285 137 17 400 0 400 0 1,707 1:1 285 38 59 288 122 18 400 0 400 0 1,707 1:1 285 39 03 288 131 19
400 0 400 0 1,707 1:1 285 38 59 285 134 400 0 400 0 1,707 1:1 285 38 37 292 131 The corn was
ground to an average particle size of approximately 100 microns prior to processing.
2 Determined by the Kjeldahl method (Kjeldahl N x 6 25).
Maltose value adjusted to grain dry matter is an indication of the degree of cook, with higher values
representing greater cooking.
These values are expressed in terms of percent of control, with the control for each supplement
consisting of the determined protein synthesis of an unprocessed admixture containing the same
amount of urea and raw corn as the respective supplements.
1,499,624 10 A study of the above table will demonstrate that a wide variety of processing conditions
and food source-NPN ratios can be employed in the present invention.
For example, the recorded cook temperatures within the jet cooker ranged from 2500 F to 32001 F,
and this variation did not appreciably lower the protein synthesis values determined for the respective
products 5 The maltose values recorded in Table II are a measure of the extent of cooking and
gelatinization of the corn These values are adjusted to grain dry matter and reflect the number of
milligrams of maltose per gram of dry matter.
Theoretically, a maltose value of approximately 240 represents complete cooking and gelatinization
Thus, it will be clear that all of the prepared feed products were 10 essentially completely cooked and
The protein synthesis figures given above were derived from conventional in vitro tests wherein
samples of the control (identical quantities of raw corn and urea in an unprocessed state) and test feed
products were placed in identical quantities of rumen fluid and allowed to ferment for equal periods of
time The total protein 15 levels derived from each fermentation were then measured and corrected for
the percentage of nitrogen present in each sample The synthesis levels of the twenty test samples are
expressed in terms of percent of control, wherein each control consists of equal amounts of raw
constituents which are simply admixed and tested without processing A review of these results will
confirm that in each case an 20 enhanced protein synthesis was observed for the processed product
(since all values are above 100 %), as compared with the raw constituents thereof.
The p H of all of the above samples was on the alkaline side of neutrality and ranged between 8 1 and
8 9 In addition, samples of each run were stored at room temperature for a period of 40 days to test
their storage quality Corresponding 25 samples of the respective runs were also stored for a similar
period at 40 C All of the samples stored at room temperature looked and smelled like the refrigerated
samples, and accordingly it was concluded that for reasonable storage periods, no special handling
techniques were needed.
Three feed supplements (Nos 16, 17 and 18) were treated with a'-amylase in 30 order to lower the
viscosity thereof The initial viscosity of the samples was first determined using a Brookfield LVT
viscometer at the lowest RPM and highest
RPM of the instrument and at 230 C Minor amounts of (r-amylase ( 0 04 % and 0.20 % by weight)
were added to respective samples of the feed products and allowed to digest for a period of 72 hours
Readings were taken at 24, 48 and 72 35 hours respectively at 43 C, with a final reading at 72 hours at
230 C The results of this test are set forth in the following Table III:
Initial Viscosity 24 Hrs 48 Hrs 72 Hrs 72 Hrs 2 Sample No a-amylase ( 23 C) ( 43 C) ( 43 C) ( 43
C) ( 23 C) 16 0 64,240-178,400 6,600-50,000 3,500-34,000 3,050-22,000 7,650-66,800 16 0 04 %,, ,,
31 5 29-95 29-75 30-75 16 0 20 %,, ,, 35 0 32-88 29-80 33-80 17 0 169,400-280,000 700-56,000
6,200-33,000 6,700-44,000 9,600-100,00017 0 04 %,, ,, 28 5-87 5 26-78 25-75 38-75 17 0 20 %,, ,, 39
0-107 5 39-100 30-95 35-100 18 0 150,600-230,800 7,700-66,000 8,000-63,000 6,500-44,000 15,000100, 000 18 0 04 %,, ,, 34-100 35-88 33-80 35-100 18 0 20 %,, ,, 40-100 38-110 35-113 43-125 All
viscosity readings given in centipoises (cps) 2 Sample Nos correspond to those of Table II A study of
the above table will confirm that viscosity reduction was maximum within the first twenty-four hours
and varied very little after this period In addition, there was essentially no difference between the two
levels of enzyme used in reducing the viscosity, and accordingly the smaller amount would be s
W '.
In another enzyme treatment test, three additional samples (Nos 21-23) were prepared The first
sample (No 21) served as a control, while 0 04 % by weight of ar-amylase was added to sample No 22
and 0 20 % by weight to sample No 23 All samples were incubated at 430 C for 48 hours and then jet
cooked in the manner described above at a temperature of about 283 F The samples were then cooled
to 220 C and Brookfield viscosity determinations were made These results are reported in Table IV
Final Viscosity Sample No a-Amylase (cps at 220 C) 21 0 00 % 1,030 26,000 22 0 04 % 990 22,000 23
0 20 %o 980 22,000 The results of this test show that the addition of enzyme before jet cooking had
little or no effect on viscosity However, incubation of the samples at 430 C for 48 hours prior to
cooking considerably reduced viscosity since samples with similar compositions which were processed
under identical conditions (e g, Nos.
15-20) had much higher viscosities than the incubated samples.
Example II.
In this series of tests a number of additives were admixed with several of the liquid supplements of
Example I in order to provide blends In particular, fourteen of the feed supplements produced in
Example I were admixed in varying proportions with molasses and the protein synthesis values of the
several blends was determined The results of these tests are set forth in Table V hereunder wherein the
protein synthesis values are expressed as percentages of a control comprising a conventional molassesurea blend having a protein equivalent of about 30 % ( 68 0 % molasses, 10 0 % urea, 19 0 % water, 3
0 % phosphoric acid blended together) A review of the protein synthesis data will confirm that in all
cases addition of the reacted liquid supplement product served to significantly enhance the amount of
protein derivable from the blends.
Sample No % Molasses 'Protein Synthesis 14 1 127 47 6 22 2 133 88 7 54 5 147 70 8 54 5 132 15 9
16 6 123 44 i 5 1,499,624 1,499,624 TABLE V (continued) Sample No % Molasses 'Protein Synthesis
21 2 121 79 12 42 0 126 73 14 48 4 121 79 16 7 137 25 16 18 6 125 00 17 20 2 130 10 18 19 6 136 68
19 20 1 125 90 17 9 136 68 Protein synthesis values given as a percent of 30 % P E.
molasses-urea blend control taken as 100 %.
In another series of tests other blend materials (Masonex brand hemicellulose extract of wood sold by
the Masonite Corporation of Chicago, Illinois, cheese whey, and beer-making waste liquors) were
admixed with the starch-NPN liquid supplements of the present invention, and the protein synthesis
values of the respective blends were measured In each case, the molasses and phosphoric acid were
added subsequent to cooking while the other additives (cheese whey, beermaking waste liquor,
hemicellulose extract) were admixed with the slurry prior to cooking The results of this series of tests
(yielding samples Nos 24-31) is recorded in Table VI.
A review of the results contained in Table VI will confirm that in each case substantially equivalent or
enhanced protein synthesis results from the processed product in a blend with the various food source
materials, as opposed to the unprocessed controls.
Sample % Hemicellu % Cheese % Beer % Phosphoric Protein No % Corn % Urea % Water %
Molasses lose Extract Whey Liquor Acid Synthesis 24 23,3 11 6 47 6 17 5 100 00 23 3 11 6 47 6 317 5
90 20 26 233 11 6 47 6 417 5 109 73 27 10 0 19 0 68 0 3 0 100 00 28 22 7 12 4 45 1 16 2 3 6 2133 00
29 22 9 12 5 35 2 8 2 17 6 3 6 126 50 22 9 12 5 25 8 35 2 3 6 191 50 31 21 1 11 5 15 1 48 9 3 4 126 60
synthesis values synthesis values for Nos 25 and 26 taken as a percent of control (No 24) which
consists of an unprocessed corn-urea-molasses blend.
for Nos 28-31 taken as a percent of control (No 27) which is an unprocessed urea-molasses blend.
3 Ukiah Masonex hemicellulose extract sold by the Masonite Corp of Chicago, Ill.
4 Laurel Masonex hemicellulose extract sold by the Masonite Corp of Chicago, Ill.
Example III.
A growth study was undertaken to determine the comparative growth characteristics using identical
feed rations supplemented by a liquid product of the present invention, a chunk-type starch-NPN food
source, soybean meal, and a 5 Protein 2 Protein conventional urea-molasses mixture The experiment
was designed with eight lots of cattle containing six animals per lot Each dietary treatment was fed to a
total of twelve animals.
In more detail, protein supplements were sprayed on the daily silage ration, with hay being provided
free choice and consumption being recorded to determine total ration consumption for each lot The
animals were weighed initially and at four-week intervals, and performance was evaluated over a
ninety day experimental period Weigh periods were at the end of 28 days, 56 days, 84 days and 90
The liquid supplement used in this test was prepared in a jet cooker in the manner described above,
with a cooking temperature of about 2850 F and addition of molasses and acids subsequent to cooking
The particular constituents used in this supplement are set forth in Table VII:
Constituent % by Weight Crude Protein 'TDN Corn 18 12 1 63 14 50 Urea 9 90 27 82 Molasses 12 94
0 39 8 80 Phosphoric Acid 1 00 Propionic Acid 0 50 0 80 Water 57 54 TOTALS 100 00 29 84 24 10 rfsl f-PiheAlti;ner{rvhe rrh ttl t A l U Lal Ubu JIL i',t Jl flt: 1 av Ib overall liquid supplement.
It is to be noted in this respect that Table VII lists the total digestible nutrients (TDN) for each of the
feed constituents and for the overall supplement As to the latter, the TDN value is 24 10.
Table VIII below lists the constituents and TDN values for the molassesurea test supplement In this
case the listed ingredients were simply admixed together and fed in an unprocessed condition on the
feed silage It is significant in this respect that the total TDN value for the molasses-urea supplement
amounted to 46.24.
1,499,624 11 D ll/b Ii l 1,499,624 TABLE VIII
Constituent % by Weight Crude Protein TDN Molasses 68 0 2 04 46 24 Urea 10 0 28 10 Phosphoric
Acid 3 0 Water 19 0 TOTALS 100 0 30 14 46 24 The chunk-type starch-NPN feed fed during this test
was a commercially available feed sold by Far-Mar-Co, Inc, of Hutchinson, Kansas, and had a TDN
value of 79 5 This product is a sorghum-based extruded feed processed in accordance with U S Patent
No 3,642,489, and had a P E of about 44 The soybean meal supplement fed in this test was purchased
commercially and had a TDN value of 78 0.
The respective test groups of cattle were fed measured amounts of silage, sorghum and the particular
feed supplement in order to substantially equalize the daily rations on a nitrogen and energy basis
However, by virtue of the fact that prairie hay was of necessity fed on a free choice basis, some slight
differences existed in the average daily TDN values consumed by each group of animals The average
daily ration for each group of test animals is set forth in Table IX below, along with the average daily
TDN value for each group It should be noted in this respect that the TDN value for both the soybean
meal supplement group and the chunk product group significantly exceeds that of the liquid
supplement group, while the molasses-urea group is slightly higher than the liquid supplement group.
TABLE I X -I Average Daily Amount Consumed (Ibs) Starch-NPN Liquid Group Silage 2 Prairie Hay
Sorghum Soybean Meal Chunk Product Supplement Urea-Molasses TDN SBM 5 00 9 91 0 60 0 90 6
61 Chunk Starch-NPN 5 00 9 74 0 60 0 90 6 54 Product Liquid Supplement 6 70 9 63 1 60 6 06
Molasses-Urea 5 00 9 85 1 50 6 13 Each group consisted of two lots of six animals each, and the
consumption figures are the average amount consumed by each animal in the respective groups.
2 Fed on a free choice basis to all animals, which were also supplied free choice with a conventional
vitamin and mineral supplement.
The results of this test procedure are set forth in Table X, and conclusively demonstrate the efficacy
of the present liquid supplements as opposed to those conventionally available In this connection, it is
especially noteworthy that the best overall average weight gain was recorded through the use of the
liquid supplement of this invention, notwithstanding the fact that the average TDN of this total ration
was in all cases lower than the average TDN values of the comparative rations Of course, lesser TDN
values would lead to the prediction that the growth results using the liquid supplement would likewise
be less than the other supplements Therefore, it was quite unexpected to discover that in this test the
liquid supplement synergistically enhanced growth rates as compared with the conventional
In the conversion of an NPN substance such as urea to microbial protein, it is known that the presence
of starch enhances the conversion to a greater extent than does cellulose or sugars, and that cooked
starch is more satisfactory than raw starch Therefore, it can readily be explained why the chunk starch-
NPN extruded product and the liquid supplement of the present invention were superior to the .P -4
liquid molasses-urea supplement However, the liquid supplement of the invention contained less
cooked starch material than the chunk product and yet outperformed the latter Although the reason for
this result is not fully understood, it is hypothesized that processing of starch and an NPN source in the
manner of the present invention (e g, in a jet cooker with direct turbulent steam) produces a 5
fundamentally different starch-NPN product than that produced by conventional extrusion methods of
the type described in U S Patent No 3,642,489 It is theorized that the liquid product hereof may be
metabolized differently by rumen bacteria than the product formed from extrusion cooking Moreover,
starch changes induced by the different cooking procedures may yield different types of 10 degraded
starch with the liquid form being more readily used by rumen microorganisms than the extrusion
processed form, since it is known that rumen microorganisms use different sugars and starches with
different efficiencies in synthesizing microbial protein from an NPN source Finally, it may be that the
liquid product is more uniformly distributed in the rumen and that this factor 15 serves to enhance
utilization thereof.
Of course, it is not intended that the scope of the present invention be limited in any way to specific
operational theories or explanations; therefore, the foregoing hypotheses should be construed merely as
the best explanations available at present to account for the growth-inducing activity of the liquid 20
supplements of the invention.
Growth Results Lbs Ration Average Gains Per Weigh Period (Ibs) Avg Initial Avg Final Avg Gain
Group Wt (lbs) Wt (Ibs) (Ibs) ( 90 days) Lbs Gain 0-28 Days 0-84 Days 090 Days SBM 479 00 53133
52 3 20 66 44 2 52 4 52 3 Chunk Starch-NPN 481 58 514 33 32 8 32 63 214 36 3 32 7 Product Liquid
Supplement 458 58 515 50 56 9 1826 32 0 52 1 56 9 Molasses-Urea 477 08 504 50 27 4 37 94 13 0 17
6 27 4 W, o) 4 r.
Example IV.
The objective of this experiment was to determine the protein synthesis effect of processing
conditions on identical starch-urea mixtures The constituents of the four formulae tested, along with the
respective protein synthesis results, are set forth in Table XI 5 Formula I was a liquid starch-NPN
supplement in accordance with the invention which was jet cooked in the manner described above in
connection with the supplement of Table VII at a cooking temperature of about 2850 F Formulae II and
III employed a sorghum-based chunk-type starch-NPN extrusionprocessed product sold by Far-MarCo, Inc, of Hutchinson, Kansas, having a P E of about 10 In the case of Formula II, sufficient chunk
product was utilized to give the overall mixture the equivalent of 9 90 % urea, the amount used in
Formula I.
Formula III, on the other hand, contained sufficient chunk product to yield an equivalent of 18 12 %
processed grain (the same as in Formula I), with extra urea being added to make the total urea content
of Formula III 9 90 % by weight The 15 chunk-type product employed in Formulae II and III was
pulverized to an average particle size of about 100 microns prior to the addition of water so that the
final supplements made therefrom were in the form of a slurry.
Formula IV was simply an admixture of raw, pulverized corn, urea and the remaining constituents in
an amount equalizing that used in Formula I This 20 formula was not subjected to any cooking
The above supplements were then tested for in vitro protein synthesis In particular, one-gram samples
of each supplement were weighed and placed in an incubator tube along with 20 millilitres of buffer
and 10 milliliters of strained rumen fluid The incubator tubes were fitted with stoppers containing
Bunsen 25 valves The tubes were incubated at 390 C for four hours At the end of four hours, the
samples were centrifuged and the residue remaining after centrifugation was washed with methyl
alcohol Analysis was conducted on the residue from the methyl alcohol wash, on the original feed
sample, and on the rumen fluid.
Corrections were made to account for the protein present in the rumen fluid and in 30 the supplements
The remaining protein was recorded as protein synthesis.
Duplicate samples were run using each formula The averaged protein synthesis results tabulated
indicate that the greatest protein synthesis occurs with the liquid supplement of the present invention,
while the least synthesis obtains with the raw admixture The two formulae containing extrusionprocessed, pulverized starch 35 NPN material give values intermediate to the raw and hydrothermally
jetcooked product of the invention Thus, it is clear that processing in accordance with the invention
materially affects the protein derivable from the starch-NPN compositions.
1,499,624 TABLE XI
Processed Chunk Starch Phosphoric Propionic 4 Protein Formula 'Raw Corn Corn NPN Product Urea
Molasses Acid Acid Water Synthesis I 18 12 9 90 12 94 1 00 0 50 57 54 100 0 2 II 48 29 12 94 1 00 0
50 37 27 69 6 3 11 I _ 22 79 5 228 12 94 1 00 0 50 57 542 82 3 IV 18 12 9 90 12 94 1 00 0 50 57 54 66
3 t.J C) All formula figures given in parts by weight.
2 The chunk-type starch-NPN food source used in Formula I I was used in an amount to give the
overall formula the equivalent of 9 90 % urea.
3 The amount of starch-NPN food source used in Formula III was sufficient to give the overall
formula the equivalent of 18 12 % cooked grain.
4 Protein synthesis figures for Formulas II-IV are given as a percent of the protein synthesis value of
Formula I.
Example V.
The purpose of this Example was to compare the in vitro microbial protein synthesis of the liquid
supplements of the present invention and processed and unprocessed molasses-urea supplements In
particular, the liquid supplement was identical in all respects to Formula I of Example IV, while the
molassesurea supplement contained constituents identical with the molasses-urea composition specified
in Table VIII Both the liquid supplement hereof and the processed molasses-urea mixtures were
cooked in ajet cooker of the type depicted in Fig 2 and at a temperature of about 2850 F.
In the experimental procedure, rumen fluid was obtained before the morning feeding from a rumenfistulated cow receiving twice daily four pounds grain mixture and four pounds alfalfa hay The rumen
fluid was strained through four layers of cheese cloth immediately One gram of the liquid supplement
of the invention, one gram of unprocessed molasses-urea supplement, and one gram of C 21 1,499,624
21 processed molasses-urea supplement were weighed into 50 milliliter plastic centrifuge tubes Ten
milliliters of rumen fluid inoculum and 20 milliliters of mineral buffer were added to each tube The
tubes were incubated for four hours at 39 CC After their contents were fermented, the tubes were
centrifuged for 15 minutes The supernatants were discarded, and the centrifugates were 5 resuspended
in 25 milliliters of methanol and centrifuged for 15 minutes The supernatants were again discarded, and
the centrifugates were resuspended in methanol and centrifuged as before The supernatants were again
discarded and centrifugates from each substrate were transferred to Kjeldahl flasks for macroKjeldahl
nitrogen analysis, and to tared 15-milliliter beakers for determination of 10 total dry matter remaining.
Substrate blanks and a rumen fluid blank were prepared Subtracting the blanks' values from the
methanol-washed fermentation centrifugates gave an estimate of the protein synthesis that occurred
during fermentation A blank for each substrate was prepared as previously except that each blank was
incubated in 15 milliliters of mineral buffer tor four hours at 39 CC The rumen fluid blank was
prepared as explained by direct high speed centrifugation and methanolextraction of rumen fluid
immediately after it was collected.
A second experiment was conducted wherein the substrate consisted of a basal ration consisting of 78
75 % prairie hay, 19 75 % sorghum grain, 0 6 % salt, 0 6 % 20 dicalcium phosphate, 0 05 % vitamin
supplement, and 0 025 % molasses To each 7.5 parts of basal ration was added one part of either the
liquid supplement of the invention or the unprocessed molasses-urea supplement One-gram quantities
of 2 the basal ration plus liquid supplement or basal ration plus unprocessed molassesurea supplement
were incubated with rumen fluid using the procedure described 25 above.
The quantity of microbial protein synthesized from each of the substrates is shown in Table XII It is
readily apparent that a much greater quantity of microbial protein was synthesized from the liquid
supplement hereof than from the unprocessed molasses-urea mixture In addition, hydrothermal
processing of the molasses-urea supplement in a jet cooker at 2850 F did not increase (but rather 30
decreased) microbial protein synthesis.
A study of the results of Table XII make it clear that the liquid supplements of the present invention
provide a better source of energy and have enhanced protein synthesis properties as compared with
processed or unprocessed mixtures consisting simply of molasses and urea 35 TABLE XII
Microbial Protein Substrate Quantity (g) (mg/100 ml) Liquid Supplement 1 0 96 7 Unprocessed
Molasses-Urea 1 0 48 6 Processed Molasses-Urea 1 0 30 4 Processed Molasses-Urea '13 35 7 Basal
Ration + Liquid 1 0 38 6 Supplement Basal Ration + Molasses-Urea 1 0 26 2 Since the processed
molasses-supplement contained less nitrogen, the substrate level was increased from 1 g to 1 3 g to
make it isonitrogenous with the liquid supplement and unprocessed molasses-urea supplements.
Example VI.
The purpose of this Example was to demonstrate the use of the liquid supplements of the present
invention as feed supplements for milkproducing dairy cattle and to compare the relative value of the
supplements hereof with typical molasses-urea commercial type liquid supplements 5 Two balanced
groups of cows were used in a double reversal experimental design, with sixteen cows in Group I and
seventeen cows in Group II During a preliminary period, both groups of cows were fed alfalfa hay and
a standard herd ration containing 14 % protein Both the hay and herd ration were fed ad libitum.
In balancing the two groups the milk production recorded for the last five days of 10 the preliminary
period was averaged Following the preliminary period, both groups were fed a low-protein grass hay
(prairie hay) The hay was fed ad libitum and the amount consumed by each group was recorded daily
The grain ration was also fed ad libitum and the amount fed recorded daily The grain ration contained
11 % protein on an as-fed basis The formula of the grain ration was as follows: 15 Sorghum grain, 87 3
%; wheat middlings, 5 %; soybean meal, 5 %; calcium phosphorus supplement, 1 0 %; limestone, 1 0
%; trace mineralized salt, 0 5 %; and A and D vitamin supplement, 0 2 %.
The liquid supplement used had the same constituents and was prepared exactly as described in
Example IV and the molasses-urea supplement identical 20 with that described in Table VIII above
The respective supplements were poured over the grain ration for each cow The supplements were fed
at the rate of 2 5 pounds per cow per feeding (five pounds per day).
The effects of the liquid supplement of the present invention and the conventional molasses-urea
supplement on milk prooduction are tabulated in 25 Table XIII During the first three weeks of period 1,
the average daily milk production was similar for the two supplement treatments However, during
weeks 4 and 5, the decline in milk production was greater for the molasses-urea supplement than for
the supplement of the present invention During the first three weeks of period 2, the decline in milk
production for both groups was again 30 similar However, during weeks 4 and 5 of period 2, the
decline in milk production was considerably greater for the molasses-urea supplement fed cows than
those fed the supplement of the invention The pattern was again repeated during period 3 with a lesser
decline for the liquid supplement fed group during weeks 4 and 5 35 The above pattern is significant
since each time the rations were switched in Period 1, 2 and 3 the group receiving the liquid
supplement ration declined less in milk production than the group receiving the molasses-urea
supplement This clearly demonstrates that the effect was not a group effect but was due to the
supplement of this invention 40 It is to be understood that all cows decline in milk production with
time due to the effect of advancing lactation The decline of 50 % to 6 %,' during the first three weeks in
periods I and 2 is similar to the normal decline expected due to advancing lactation (The increase in
production during the first three weeks of period 3 is ascribed to cool weather that was experienced
during this summer period Hot 45 weather is known to depress milk production) However, in periods
1, 2 and 3 the decline for the molasses-urea supplement was, respectively, 45 -%, 37 , and 63 %
greater than the decline for the supplement of the present invention This would suggest that the
molasses-urea supplement was unable to supply sufficient protein for milk production and that this
need was better met by the liquid supplement It 50 is also apparent that it took approximately three
weeks for the protein deficiency in the molasses-urea fed supplement cows to appear Thus, it is clear
that the supplement of the present invention is superior as a protein source to molassesurea mixtures for
lactating dairy cows fed low quality roughage.
1,499,624 TABLE XIII
Average Change in Milk Production Daily Milk Production From Previous Period Weeks 1-3 Weeks 45 Weeks 1-3 Weeks 4-5 Period Group No of Cows Treatment (Ibs) (Ibs) (%) (%) Preliminary I 16
Control 51 6 II 17 Control 51 6 1 I 16 Liquid Supplement 48 3 48 4 6 4 6 2 II 17 Molasses-Urea 48 3
45 8 -6 2 -11 2 2 I 16 Molasses-Urea 46 1 42 9 4 7 -11 4 II 17 Liquid Supplement 43 4 42 5 -5 2 -7 2 3
I 16 Liquid Supplement 44 5 43 4 + 3 7 -2 5 II 17 Molasses-Urea 43 5 40 5 + 2 4 6 7 t'J ta.} 24
1,499,624 24 Example VII.
A series of toxicity tests were undertaken with the liquid supplement of the present invention in order
to confirm that they can be safely fed to ruminants.
The test supplement consisted of 18 12 % pulverized corn (about 100 microns average particle size), 9
90 % urea, 12 94 % molasses, 2 91 % phosphoric acid and 56.13 % water The feed constituents were
hydrothermally cooked with direct steam in a jet cooker at a temperature of about 285 F in the manner
fully described above in connection with the supplement of Table VII.
The liquid feed supplement was fed at a rate to provide 50 grams of urea for each 100 kilograms of
body weight The material was introduced directly into the rumen of the test cattle by means of a rumen
fistula Rumen p H and ammonia levels, along with blood ammonia levels, were measured periodically
in order to determine whether the feed supplement was toxic In each of the six test cattle no symptoms
of toxicity were observed These test results are set forth in Table XIV.
Rumen Blood Cow Cow Liquid Supplement Time Rumen NH 3-N/ NH 3-N/ No Wt (Kg) Introduced
(g) (min) p H 100 ml 100 ml 1 267 1,348 0 6 80 2 71 mg 0 125 mg 7 10 28 24 0 482 7 25 75 17 0 820 7
30 81 94 0 632 7 15 92 78 0 776 7 00 81 94 0 764 240 6 85 67 72 0 582 2 276 1,393 0 7 05 2 71 0 113
7 00 29 80 0 419 7 15 45 37 0 382 7 25 60 27 0 714 7 28 65 01 0 801 7 10 59 59 0 883 240 7 10 56 88
0 782 1.499,624 1,499,624 TABLE XIV (Continued) Cow Wt (Kg) 363 Liquid Supplement Introduced
(g) 1,833 Time (min) 240 Rumen p H 6.95 6.10 6.65 6.90 7.10 7.25 7.25 Rumen NH 3-N/ ml 10.89
35.21 48.08 56.88 67.04 69.07 69.07 Blood NH 3 N/ ml 0.094 0.307 0.507 0.513 0.795 0.814 0.770 4
366 1,848 0 7 10 9 48 0 069 7 15 30 47 0 269 7 50 44 02 0 532 7 40 56 88 0 551 7 45 63 66 0 826 7 45
56 88 0 638 240 7 40 46 08 0 507 Cow No.
TABLE XIV (Continued) Rumen Blood Cow Cow Liquid Supplement Time Rumen NH 3-N/ NH 3-N/
No Wt (Kg) Introduced (g) (min) p H 100 ml 100 ml 264 1,333 0 7 1 6 09 mg 0 044 mg 7 05 40 63 0
263 7 10 56 88 0 394 7 20 62 30 0 451 7 20 58 92 0 444 7 15 58 24 0 519 240 7 10 48 08 0 378 6 265
1,338 0 7 50 2 03 0 038 7 10 29 12 0 150 7 25 46 73 0 200 7 25 55 53 0 382 7 40 62 98 0 507 7 40 85
33 0 695 240 7 35 62 98 0 620 Example VIII.
In this Example, potato and milo starch sources were used to make liquid supplements, and the
protein synthesis effectiveness thereof was measured against a cornbased liquid supplement in
accordance with the invention.
The potato starch used in this test was obtained from a waste stream for the production of potato chips
and had the composition of a fine paste On an as-is basis, the waste stream material contained 0 23 %
crude protein, 55 % moisture and % ash The corn and milo in the comparative runs were
micropulverized to an average particle size of about 100 microns In each case the six formulae were
processed in a jet cooker of the type described above at a temperature of about 285 F The constituents
of each of the test runs, along with the protein synthesis results, are set forth in Table XV.
As can be seen from a study of Table XV, use of potato starch permits 1,499,624 production of liquid
supplements having relatively high dry matter contents which in general exceed those possible with
corn or other grain sources Furthermore, it is significant that the protein synthesis data indicates that
the derivable microbial protein from potato and milo at least substantially equals and in many cases
exceeds that obtainable from corn.
3 D.M 3 D M.
Starch Urea Starch/ Molasses Phosphoric Propionic Before After Protein Formula Starch Amount (%)
Urea (%) Acid (%) H 20 (%) Acid (%) Cook Cook Synthesis 1 Potato '35 83 11 00 1 5:1 38 5 2 00 12
17 0 50 59 2 52 4 133 107 2 Potato 35 83 11 00 1 5:1 38 5 2 00 12 17 0 50 59 2 53 3 132 3 Potato 41
88 11 04 1 75:1 31 04 2 00 13 54 0 50 57 0 49 3 103 94 4 Potato 41 88 11 04 1 75:1 31 04 2 00 13 54 0
50 57 0 49 6 97 Corn 218 12 9 90 2:1 12 94 1 00 457 54 O 50 40 O 34 1 100 6 Milo 218 12 9 90 2:1 12
94 1 00 457 54 0 50 40 0 34 3 109, 143, 91 Waste stream from production of potato chips containing
45 % moisture.
2 Grain was micropulverized to an average size of about 100 microns.3 Dry matter.
In Formula e 5 and 6, the moisture figure represents that added initially to form a slurry, while in
Formulae 1-4 the absorbed water is that amount taken up in processing.
Three replicates of 1 5:1 potato base, 1 75:1 potato base, and milo base liquid supplements taken on
different days and given as a percent of the corn base control as 100.
S.o 4.r 28 1,499,624 28Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1499624
WHAT WE CLAIM IS:1 A method of preparing a liquid starch-NPN ruminant feed supplement comprising the steps of:
preparing an aqueous slurry comprising water and a solids fraction including a quantity of an edible,
substantially ungelatinized starchbearing feed material and an amount of a nonprotein nitrogeneous
substance; 5 continuously directing a stream of said slurry through a cooking area presenting a zone of
turbulence while simultaneously and continuously directing a stream of steam through said zone for
directly and turbulently heating, disrupting and gelatinizing under pressure above atmospheric at least a
fraction of the starchbearing food source in said slurry stream while the food source is admixed with
the 10 nonprotein nitrogeneous substance present in the slurry steam, to thereby yield a reacted feed
supplement product; and continuoulsy passing said feed product out of said cooking area.
2 The method of Claim 1 wherein said slurry comprises from 30 % to 90 % by weight free water, and
correspondingly a solids fraction of from 10 % to 70 % by 15 weight.
3 The method of Claim 2 wherein said slurry comprises from 40 % to 70 % by weight free water, and
correspondingly a solids fraction of from 30 % to 60 % by weight.
4 The method of Claim 1 wherein the ratio of starch-bearing food source to 20 the nitrogen in said
nonprotein nitrogeneous substance ranges from 4:045 to I:1 80.
The method of Claim 4 wherein said ratio ranges from 2:0 45 to 1:0 90.
6 The method of Claim 1 wherein said starch-bearing food source is selected from the group
consisting of corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice, millet, hay, 25 silage, potatoes, yams, cassava,
arrowroot, turnips, rutabagas, corn starch, potato starch, wheat starch, starch-bearing food and beverage
processing waste liquors, and mixtures thereof.
7 The method of Claim 1 wherein said nonprotein nitrogeneous substance is selected from the group
consisting of urea, uric acid, biuret, ethylene urea, 30 ammonia, ammonium salts, propionamide,
butyramide, formamide, acetamide, dicyanodiarnide, isobutane diurea, creatinine, and creatine and
mixtures thereof.
8 The method of Claim 7 wherein said ammonium salts are selected from the group consisting of
ammonium phosphate, ammonium carbonate, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium carbamate,
ammonium citrate, ammonium formate, 35 ammonium acetate, ammonium propionate, ammonium
lactate, ammonium succinate, ammonium fumarate, -ammonium malate, ammonium chloride,
ammonium sulfate, diammonium phosphate and mixtures thereof.
9 The method of Claim 1 wherein said starch-bearing feed material is a grain ground to an average
size of less than 500 microns 40 The method of Claim 9 wherein said starch-bearing feed material is
ground to an average size of from 75 to 100 microns.
11 The method of Claim 1 wherein the temperature within said zone is maintained at a level of from
215 'F to 3880 F.
12 The method of claim 11 wherein said temperature is from 285 F to 315 F 45 13 The method of
Claim 1 wherein said starch-bearing food source is from % to 100 % gelatinized during passage thereof
through said cooking area.
14 The method of Claim 13 wherein said starch-bearing food source is from 90/ to 100 % gelatinized
during passage thereof through said cooking area.
15 The method of Claim 1 wherein the pressure of from 1 to 200 p s i g is 50 maintained in said zone.
16 The method of Claim 15 wherein said pressure ranges from 38 to 70 p s i g.
17 The method of Claim 1 wherein said feed product has a protein equivalent of from 15 % to 150 %.
18 The method of Claim 17 wherein said protein equivalent is from 30 % to 55 %.
19 The method of Claim I wherein said slurry and steam streams are directed for intersecting contact
within said zone of turbulence.
The method of Claim 19 wherein said steam stream is directed in one direction through said zone of
turbulence, and said slurry stream is directed obli 60 quely but in the same general direction as said
steam stream in said zone for direct intersecting contact and intermingling of the respective streams.
21 The method of Claim 1, including the step of altering the viscosity of said feed product so that the
latter has a viscosity within the range of from 100 to 20,000 cps 65 s A^A {^ A 22 The method of
Claim 21, wherein is included the steps of: adding molasses to the feed product after emergence thereof
from said cooking area and directing the mixture to a holding zone and cooling the product therein to a
temperature under 1850 F; adding an amount of an amylase enzyme to said mixture within the holding
zone for lowering the viscosity thereof; and adding an amount of acid to 5 said mixture after the latter
is of a desired viscosity for stopping the action of said added enzyme.
23 The method of Claim 1, wherein said feed product comprises from 40 % to 96 '%' by weight water.
24 The method of Claim 23, wherein said feed product comprises from 40 % 10 to 70 %/ by weight
The method of Claim 1 wherein a quantity of a food source selected from a group consisting of
molasses, hemicellulose extract of wood, lignin sulfonates, food and beverage waste liquors, cheese
whey and mixtures thereof is admixed with the feed product 15 26 The method of Claim 1, wherein is
included the step of adding acid to said feed product taken from the group consisting of sulfuric,
hydrochloric, phosphoric, propionic, acetic, sorbic, benzo;c, butyric and formic acids and mixtures
27 A liquid starch-NPN ruminant feed supplement comprising: from 40 %) to 20 96 %s by weight
water; a solids fraction comprising the balance of said supplement and in substantially homogeneous
suspension in said water, said solids fraction comprising respective quantities of an initially
substantially ungeletanized edible starch-bearing feed material and a nonprotein nitrogeneous
substance which have been simultaneously treated as an aqueous slurry with direct steam under
pressure 25 above atmospheric for turbulently heating, disrupting and gelatinizing the starchbearing
feed material in the presence of said substance.
28 The supplement as set forth in Claim 27 wherein water comprises from %, to 700 % by weight
29 The supplement as set forth in Claim 27 wherein the ratio of starch 30 bearing food source to the
nitrogen in said nonprotein nitrogeneous substances ranges from 4:045 to 1:1 80.
The supplement as set forth in Claim 29 wherein said ratio ranges from 2:0 45 to 1:0 90.
31 The supplement as set forth in Claim 27 wherein said starch-bearing food 35 source is selected
from the group consisting of corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice, millet, hay silage, potatoes, yams,
cassava, arrowroot, turnips, rutabagas, corn starch, potato starch, wheat starch, starch-bearing food and
beverage processing waste liquors and mixtures thereof.
32 The supplement as set forth in Claim 27 wherein said nonprotein 40 nitrogeneous substance is
selected from the group consisting of urea, uric acid, biuret, ethylene urea, ammonia, ammonium salts,
propionamide, butyramide, formamide, acetamide, dicyanodiamide, isobutanediurea, creatinine, and
creatine and mixtures thereof.
33 The supplement as set forth in Claim 32 wherein said ammonium salts are 45 selected from the
group consisting of ammonium phosphate, ammonium carbonate, ammonium bicarbonate ammonium
carbamate, ammonium citrate, ammonium formate, ammonium acetate, ammonium propionate,
ammonium lactate, ammonium succinate, ammonium fumarate, ammonium malate, ammonium
chloride, ammonium sulfate, diammonium phosphate and mixtures 50 thereof.
34 The supplement as set forth in Claim 27 wherein said starch-bearing feed material is a grain
ground to an average size of less than 500 microns.
The supplement as set forth in Claim 34 wherein said starch-bearing feed material is ground to an
average size of from 75 to 100 microns 55 36 The supplement as set forth in Claim 27 wherein said
starch-bearing feed material is from 50 % to 1000 % gelatinized.
37 The supplement as set forth in Claim 36 wherein said starch-bearing material is from 90/ to 100 %
38 The supplement as set forth in Claim 27 wherein said feed product has a 60 protein equivalent of
from 15 % to 150 %.
39 The supplement as set forth in Claim 38 wherein said protein equivalent is from 30 %/ to 70 %.
The supplement as set forth in Claim 27 wherein said feed supplement has a viscosity within the range
of from 100 to 20,000 cps 65 1,499,624 1,499,624 30 41 The supplement as set forth in Claim 27
wherein said feed supplement also includes a quantity of molasses uniformly admixed with said water
and solids fraction.
42 The supplement as set forth in Claim 27 including a food source admixed therewith and selected
from the group consisting of molasses, hemicellulose 5 extract of wood, lignin sulfonates, food and
beverage waste liquors, cheese whey and mixtures thereof.
43 The supplement as set forth in Claim 27 including an acid selected from the group consisting of
sulfuric, hydrochloric, phosphoric, propionic, acetic, sorbic, benzoic, butyric and formic acids and
PREPARING SAME substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to the accompanying
A method of preparing a liquid starch-NPN ruminant feed supplement, according to claim I and
substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to 15 any one of the Examples.
46 A liquid starch-NPN ruminant feed supplement whenever produced by the method according to
any one of claims 1 to 26 and 45.
47 A liquid starch-NPN ruminant feed supplement, according to claim 27 and substantially as
hereinbefore described 20 FITZPATRICKS, Chartered Patent Agents, 14-18 Cadogan Street, Glasgow,
G 2 6 QW.
and Warwick House, Warwick Court, London, WC 1 R 5 DJ.
Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office by the Courier Press, Leamington Spa, 1978.
Published by the Patent Ofnice, 25 Southampton Buildings, London, WC 2 A l AY, from which
copies may be obtained.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
22. GB1504029
- 3/15/1978
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K; A61K
IP Class:A23K1/00; A61K47/00
E Class: A23K1/16F; A23K1/16F4
Application Number:
GB19750037481 (19750911)
Priority Number: US19740508056 (19740923)
Family: GB1504029
BE833441; IE41502L; IE41502
Abstract of GB1504029
1504029 Dustless animal feeds containing Quinoxaline - 1, 4 - Dioxide PFIZER INC 11 Sept 1975 [23
Sept 1974] 37481/75 Head- ing A5B [Also in Division A2] A dustless animal feed supplement premix
containing anti bacterial quinoxaline - 1, 4 - dioxide processed by (a) blending 0.5 - 2.0 wt.% of a non toxic oil with 80-95wt.% of an edible carrier (b) mixing the blend from (a) with 2-12wt.% of a
pharmaceuti- cally acceptable-quinoxaline - 1, 4 - dioxide anti-bacterial agent (c) blending the mixture
from (b) with 0.75-6.0wt.% of the said oil such that the total amount of oil added is from 1.25-8wt.%
(wt. percentages are ex- pressed in terms of the total weight of the supplement premix product). Oils
may be selected from soybean, corn or mineral oils and edible carrier from soybean mill run, rice
brans, soybean mill, soybean grits, rapeseed meal, corn meal, corn germ meal, corn gluten feed wheat
middlings, soft phos- phate rock or mixtures thereof with silicon dioxide or calcium
Description of GB1504029
(71) We, PFIZER INC. a Corporation organized under the laws of the
State of Delaware, United States of America, of 235 East 42nd Street, New York,
State of New York, United States of America, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray that a
patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described
in and by the followingstatement:This invention relates to a process for the preparation of substantially dustless quinoxaline-l,4-dioxide
animal feed supplement premixes.
Manyquinoxaline-1,4-dioxides administered to animals are effective in the control of urinary tract and
systemic infections, chronic respiratory disease in poultry and infectious sinusitis in turkeys such as
disclosed in United States Patent
Specification No. 3,371,090. Of special interest is their use in the control of swin dysentery. These antibacterial agents are useful in both prophylaxis and therapy.
By controlling or eliminating many common bacterial infections which afflict animals, these agents
also function as both growth and feed efficiency promoters.
Quinoxaline-l,4-dioxide anti-bacterial agents hereinafter referred to have the formula:
wherein each ofRl and R2 is a hydrogen atom or a lower alkyl group, R3 is a group of theformula:NH--COO-NH,
wherein R4 is a lower alkyl, phenyl or benzyl group or a hydroxyalkyl group containing 2, 3 or 4
carbon atoms, R, is a lower alkyl group a hydroxyalkyl group containing 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms or a
haloalkyl group containing 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms, R6 is a lower alkyl or phenyl group and R7 is a
hydrogen atom or a loweralkyl group.
The term "lower alkyl" as used herein means alkyl groups containing 1 to 6>;/RTI; carbon atoms and
includes branched-chain as well as straight-chain groups of those alkyl groups having three to six
carbon atoms.
A particularly preferred anti-bacterial compound is2-formyl-quinoxaline-l 4- dioxide carbomethoxyhydrazone known by the common name of carbadox.
Carbadox is supplied to the consumer as a premix which is further blended with an animal feed to
produce an ultimate product containing a pharmaceutically effective concentration of carbadox. The
composition of the premix varies depending upon the part of the world in which it is intended for
consumption. The carrier also may be varied so that the material used, usually farinaceous, is one
which is readily available in the area in which it is to be consumed. Typical carbadox premixes contain
85 to 98 percent by weight of the total weight of the premix of carrier and from 2 to 12 percent
carbadox. Up to1 wO by weight of the final premix of silicon dioxide or10 ó by weight of the final
premix of calcium carbonate may be used in addition to farinaceous materials.Also an effective amount
of calcium propionate as a preservative, usually0.2% by weight of the final premix, is sometimes
added. Examples of farinaceous carriers are rice bran, corn germ meal, soybean meal, soybean grits,
wheat middlings, corn gluten feed, soft phosphate rock, cornmeal, rapeseed meal and soybean mill run.
Because of the physical nature of carbadox crystals, a nature it shares with otherquinoxaline-l,4dioxides, difficulties are encountered in the formulation of a dustfree premix containing a uniform
amount of carbadox. Processes for producing carbadox usually yield an extremely fine crystalline
material with typically3% by weight smaller in size than 5 micrometres, 23 percent between 5 and 10
micrometres and 74 percent larger than 10 micrometres. However, this particle size distribution may be
deceiving since carbadox crystals are very friable and tend with abrasion to be reduced greatly in size.
Because of the small particle size of carbadox relative to the carrier, any dust escaping from the
blender in which the premix is formulated would be expected to be composed mostly of carbadox.
Measurements have in fact shown that such escaped dust is 93 percent carbadox. Though particles
smaller than 10 micrometres are usually regarded as respirable, this presents no problem in the current
application because all mixing is done in closed systems with dust collectors. Nevertheless, the
escaping dust does create difficulty in producing a uniform formulation. The carbadox which is trapped
in a dust collector, which in most instances is a bag, is recycled back to the mixer. However, 6 or 7
batches may be run before the collected material is removed, weighed, and recycled.As a result the
initial mixtures will tend to be low in carbadox content and the batch containing the recycled material
high in carbadox concentration. Uniformity of composition requires, therefore, that even in a closed
system the amount of dust generated in blending process be an absolute minimum.
The premix remains dusty even after it is removed from the blender and packaged for shipment. It is
believed that some carbadox may actually be lost in shipment and it is known that some is definitely
lost when the premix is formulated into a feed by the ultimate user. Again, uniformity of composition
requires a stable, that is dustless blend of carbadox and carrier. Furthermore, it is generally undesirable
to market a product which contains or generates respirable dust even though no medical hazard may be
immediately apparent.
Dustless quinoxaline-l,4-dioxide premises are also extremely desirable because of their safety. The
tendency of carbadox to explode is great. Its minimum ignition energy is extremely low and the
crystals are highly flammable and selfsustaining in the absence of air. In stable, dustless premixes these
dangers are not encountered. However, a hazard does exist whenever carbadox separates from its
carrier. Stable premixes eliminate the possibility of baghouse fires and explosions in transit. Dusty
premixes may not be shipped by air freight whereas the product of the present invention is sufficiently
safe to be shipped by any mode of transportation.
In accordance with the present invention there is provided a process for the preparation of a
substantially dustless animal feed supplement premix containing an anti-bacterialquinoxaline-l,4dioxide, which process comprises (a) blending 0.5 to 2.0 percent and preferably 1.0 to 1.25%, by
weight based on the total weight of supplement premix of a non-toxic oil, usually one with some
nutritive value, such as soybean oil, corn oil, mineral oil or a mixture thereof with 80-to 95 percent by
weight based on the total weight of supplement premix product of an edible carrier, (b) mixing the said
blend with 2 to 12% by weight based on the total weight of supplement premix product of a
pharmaceutically-acceptablequinoxaline-l,4- dioxide anti-bacterial agent, and (c) adding to and
blending into the mixture in step (b) another 0.75 to6.0%, preferably 3.0 to 3.75%, by weight based on
the total weight of supplement premix product of the said oil, so that the total amount of oil added is in
the range of 1.25 to 8%, preferably 4 to 5%, by weight of the premix.
The edible carrier is usually farinaceous in nature, such as soybean mill run, rice brans, soybean meal,
soybean grits, corn meal, corn germ meal, corn gluten feed, wheat middlings, rapeseed meal or a
mixture thereof. Soft phosphate rock may be also used as well as blends of all the above with silicon
dioxide or calcium carbonate. The non-toxic oil frequently contains an appropriate antioxidant such as
calcium propionate.
Of particular interest as an anti-bacterial agent is2-formyl-quinoxaline-1,4dioxidecarbomethoxyhydrazone.
It has been found that stable premixes of quinoxaline-l,4-dioxide antibacterial agent used as animal
feed supplements which have substantially no tendency to segregate, are free of respirable dust and are
without the flammable and explosive properties of purequinoxaline-l ,4-dioxides may be formulated
by the sequential oil addition process described above.
Particularly preferred are those premixes wherein the non-toxic oil is soybean oil or mineral oil, and
the oil contains a suitable antioxidant such as calcium propionate with soybean mill run, rapeseed meal,
rice brans or soybean meal as carrier.
The addition of oil to reduce the amount of dust in animal feed supplements is known in the art. United
States Patent Specification No. 3,468,667 describes a product containingcalcium orthophosphate
diammonium orthophosphate, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and mixtures thereof also containing
glyceryl lactopalmitate and a fatty acid or fatty acid salt wherein an oily liquid is added for the purpose
of binding the mixture. Furthermore, increasing the amount of oil in a feed supplement reduces the
amount of dust contained therein. However, the addition of large amounts of oil for this purpose may
yield a product with many undesirable properties, such as poor flowability, which makes the product
difficult to mix and package.
It has now been discovered that in the preparation of premixes, especially those
containingquinoxaline-l,4-dioxMe anti-bacterial agents, the addition of oil in two portions,
approximately 20 to 30 percent by weight of the total amount of oil added before the anti-bacterial
agent is added to the carrier and the balance of the oil after the anti-bacterial agent is added is
significantly more effective in producing a dustless feed supplement premix than the addition of oil in a
single batch either before or after the introduction of the anti-bacterial agent.In particular, it has been
found that the addition of 1.25 to 8 percent and preferably 4 to 5 percent by weight of the final premix
product of oil in such a fashion that 10 to 60, and preferably 20 to 30 percent by weight of the total
amount of oil added of the oil is coated onto the carrier before the addition of the anti-bacterial agent
and the balance after the anti-bacterial agent is added is exceptionally effective in eliminating
respirable dust from the feed supplement premix. In a similar experiment with a premix containing
10% by weight of the final premix of carbadox is was found that the addition of 0.75% by weight of the
final premix of oil before and an equal amount after the addition of carbadox was nine times more
effective than adding 1.5% by weight of the final premix of oil before the addition of the carbadox. In
one experiment with a supplement wherein the ingoing premix contained2.20ó by weight of the final
premix of carbadox, it was found that the addition of0.75 Ó by weight of the final premix of oil before
the carbadox and2.25"ó by weight of the final premix of oil after the carbadox addition was up to
forty times as effective in reducing the amount of respirable dust than the addition
of the same amount of oil before the carbadox was added. Also it can be estimated
from these experiments that the single step addition of 3 percent by weight of the
final premix of oil is up to 50 times more effective than the addition of 1.5 percent
by weight of the final premix of oil in the elimination of respirable dust.The
product containing 5 percent by weight of the final premix of oil has good flow
properties. The addition of amounts of oil in excess of 8% by weight of the final
premix reduces the flowability of the premix which makes it difficult to blend and
package. It is believed that the first increment of oil added forms a coating on the
surface of the carrier to which the carbadox adheres and that the second
increment of oil then covers the carbadox and prevents the firable crystal from
breaking down due to abrasion thus preventing segregation of the mixture.
However, the present invention is not bound by this interpretation.
The Examples I to III, V and VI illustrate the invention and the manner in
which it may be performed. Example IV is included to illustrate the influence of
increased oil addition on the dustiness and flowability of the resulring premix.
Direct Formulation of Carbadox Premix
Pre-milled soybean mill run (7,583.7Ibs) is weighed and added to a mixer.
Soybean oil (60Ibs) is added and the mixer run until the soybean mill run is
uniformly coated with oil. Feed grade carbadox (176.3Ibs) is then added and the
mixer run again to uniformly blend the carbadox into the mixture. Soybean oil (180
Ibs) is then added and the batch mixed for a pre-set time until homogeneous to
yield a carbadox premix- which is substantially dust free having a concentration of
10 grams of carbadox per pound.
This premix formulation is suitable for use in the United States of America. In
similar fashion the following carbadox premixes shown in Table 1 may be
formulated for ultimate consumption in other countries, the differences being in
typical carrier materials most available at the cheapest price in the respective
countries. Soybean oil (3% by weight of the final premix) is incorporated in each of
these with0.75% added before the carbadox and2.25 /ó after.
Premixes other than those listed in the table which containquinoxaline-l,4dioxide anti-bacterial agents may also be formulated in similar fashion.
Carbadox Amount Other
(ohO) * CarrierC) * Ingredients
1. Japan 11.0 Rice Brans 89.0 None
2. Korea 2.20 Corngerm Meal 97.8 None
3. Taiwan 11.0 Soybean Meal 89.00 None
4. Germany 4.0 Soybean Grits 96.0 None
5. France 5;00 Soybean Meal 94.0 SiO21.08*
6. Greece 10.00 Soybean Meal 89.0 SiO21.0 Xc*
7. Spain 4.00 Soybean Meal 95.0 SiO21.05*
8. Brazil 5.00 Soybean Meal 95.0 None
9. Argentina 2.10 Wheat Middlings 97.90 None 10. Canada 2.43 Corn Gluten Feed 97.57 None * The
percentages shown here are by weight of the supplement premix excluding the
amount of oil used.
Formulation of Carbadox Premix Through a Pre-Blend
Pre-milled soybean mill run (645.2Ibs) is placed in a mixer. Soybean oil (60.0
Ibs) is added and the mixer run for a pre-set time until the soybean oil
uniformly coats the soybean mill run. Feed grade carbadox (176.3libs) is
then added and the mixer run for a pre-set time until the blend is homogeneous.
This product, known as a pre-blend, is then stored until such time as it is desired to
make the premix.
To make the premix, said pre-blend (881.5 Ibs) is added to a mixer along with
pre-milled soybean mill run (6938.5Ibs) and the mixer run for a pre-set time until
the blend is homogeneous. Soybean oil (180.0Ibs) is then added and the mixer run
for a pre-set time until the oil uniformly coats the carrier and the carbadox. This
premix (8,000Ibs) is substantially dustless, contains 10 grams of carbadox per
pound and is a formulation suitable for use in the United States of America.
In similar fashion the premixes of Example I may be prepared through pre
Determnation of the Percentage of Carbadox in Dust
An apparatus was constructed consisting of a 20 gallon drum with a 6" x 4"
elliptical hole cut in one end resting in a cradle which could be rocked by an
electric motor at various rates. When the drum is charged with the carbadox
premix, this apparatus simulates the dust generated as a bag of premix is emptied.
The drum itself empties into a bin hopper similar to that used by feed
A premix (45 kilos) prepared by the method of Example II containing 10%
carbadox and no oil was placed in the drum and the cover fastened on. Three
Bendix (Registered Trade Mark) Model C115 Air Sampling Probes were placed at
a distance of 4 inches from the centre of the anticipated dust cloud. This probe
simulates human inspiration rates and velocities. The total inspiration rate is 22
litres per minute. They also separate particles less than and greater than 10
microns, those smaller than 10 microns being generally regarded as respirable. The
air sampling probes were turned on as was the rocking cradle and the sample
dumped over a 45 minute period. The dust was collected from each of the probes
weighed and the carbadox concentration determined by differential pulse
polarography. The lowest limit of easily detected carbadox in this assay procedure
is 0.1 micrograms.The results obtained are shown in Table 2.
Respirable Dust Non Respirable Dust
Carbadox Weight/Dust %* Carbadox Weight/Dust
Probe Weight Carbadox WeightCarbado)
1 No sample collected, probe obstructed
2 4.1 mg/4.3 mg95.5inc 31.' mgi33.1 mg94.3sic
3 2.8mug/2.9 mg 96.5% 26.0mug/28.4 mg 92.3%
* The percentages are byweight of the dust collected.
Effect of Oil Addition on Various Premixes
The premixes of this experiment were formulated in 100 pound batches in an
AMF Glen mixer by first adding an appropriate amount of carrier to the mixer,
blending it with the indicated amount of oil and carbadox and running the mixture
until a homogeneous blend was obtained.
The dustiness of the mixtures were determined by the method of Example III
with the Bendix air samplers placed at a distance of 4, 20 and 30 inches from the
centre of the visible dust cloud formed at the dumping site.
A plus sign indicates that a positive analytical response was obtained but that the concentration was
less than 0.1 gm. ND indicates that no analytical response whatsoever was observed.
The data indicate that the decrease in dustiness with increasing oil concentration is non-linear and that
virtually optimum results are obtained at about a 3% oil concentration. Above this percentage, the
flowability of the premix is impaired. The results are shown in Table 3.>;/RTI;
Carbadox Dust (Micrograms)
%* %* Respirable Non-Respirable
Carbadox Carrier Oil** Probe # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1% Soybean Meal 0 36 6.9 5.2 138 69 51 10% Soybean
Meal 0 30 26 5 1300 56 188 10% Soybean Meal 1.5 5.2 2.7 1.7 146 74 32 10% Soybean Meal 3.0 + +
+ 3.8 1.9 1.2 2.2% Soy Mill Run 0 .6 .4 .1 49 20 9 2.2% Soy Mill Run 0.75 + ND ND 8 2 12 2.2% Soy
Mill Run 1.5 .3 .2 .1 3.2 1.6 1.2 2.2% Soy Mill Run 3.0 + .12 + 1.5 .3 4.0 2.43% Corn Gluten 0 5.5 2.0
2.5 238 120 114 2.43% Corn Gluten 3.0 .1 .1 .1 4.2 1.3 1.1 * percentages are by weight of final premix.
** Oil is added in a single step.>;/RTI;
Effect of Incremental Oil Addition on Premixes
The dustiness of premixes formulated in 100 lb batches by the method of
Example I was measured by the method of Example IV. The results shown in Table 4 were
Carbadox Dust (Micrograms)
%* Soybean Respirable Non-Respirable
Carbadox Carrier Oil Probe # 1 2 3 1 2 3 (Comparative) 10 Soybean Meal 1.5 5.2 2.7 1.7 146 74 32 10
Soybean Meal 0.75+0.75 0.7 0.2 0.3 83 26 42 * percentages are by weight of the final premix.
The following premixes were prepared by the method of Example I. In each instance, one-fourth by
weight of the oil was added to the carrier before the carbadox and three-fourths after the addition of the
Carbadox (wet cake)* 13.33 3.33 6.67
Soybean oil 5.00 5.00 5.00
Calcium propionate 0.50 0.125 0.25
Rapeseed meal 81.17 91.54 88.08
INGREDIENT /O** %** %**
Carbadox (wet cake)* 6.67 3.33 3.33
Soybean oil 4.00 4.00 5.00
Calcium propionate 0.25 0.125 0.125
Soybean mill run 89.08 92.54 91.54
*Approximately 75% by weight carbadox; 25% by weight water. Dry carbadox
equivalent may be calculated with the following formula: grams carbadox/lb
activity = Ó carbadox wet cake x 0.75 x 454 grams.
**Percentages are by weight of the final premix.
1. A process for the preparation of a substantially dustless animal feed supplement premix containing
an anti-bacterialquinoxaline-1,4-dioxide, which process comprises (a) blending 0.5 to 2.0% by weight
based on the total weight of supplement premix product of a non-toxic oil with 80 to 95% by weight
based on the total weight of supplement premix product of an edible carrier, (b) mixing the said blend
with 2 to 12% by weight based on the total weight of supplement premix product of a
pharmaceutically-acceptable quinoxaline-l,4-dioxide anti-bacterial agent, and (c) adding to and
blending into the mixture obtained in step (b) another 0.75 to6.0 ó by weight based on the total weight
of supplement premix product of the said oil, so that the total amount of oil added is in the range of
1.25 to80 by weight of the premix.
2. A process according to claim 1, wherein the amount of oil added in step (a) is from 1.0 to1.25 ó by
weight based on the total weight of the supplement premix product.
3. A process according to either one of claims 1 to 2, wherein the amount of oil added in step (c) is
from 3.0 to3.75 Ó by weight based on the total weight of the supplement premix product.
4. A process according to any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein the anti-bacterial agent is2-formylquinoxaline-l ,4-dioxide carbomethoxy-hydrazone.
5. A process according to any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein the oil is soybean oil, corn oil, mineral oil
or a mixture thereof.
6. A process according to claim 5, wherein the oil is soybean oil.
7. A process according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the edible carrier is soybean mill
run, rice brans, soybean meal, soybean grits, rapeseed meal, corn meal, corn germ meal, corn gluten
feed, wheat middlings, soft phosphate rock or a mixture thereof with silicon dioxide or calcium
8. A process for the preparation of a substantially dustless animal feed supplement premix according to
claim 1 and substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to Examples I and II.
9. A substantially dustless animal feed supplement premix whenever prepared by a process according
to any one of the preceding claims.
**WARNING** end of DESC field may overlap start of CLMS **.Data supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1504029
**WARNING** start of CLMS field may overlap end of DESC **.
Carbadox (wet cake)* 13.33 3.33 6.67
Soybean oil 5.00 5.00 5.00
Calcium propionate 0.50 0.125 0.25
Rapeseed meal 81.17 91.54 88.08
INGREDIENT /O** %** %**
Carbadox (wet cake)* 6.67 3.33 3.33
Soybean oil 4.00 4.00 5.00
Calcium propionate 0.25 0.125 0.125
Soybean mill run 89.08 92.54 91.54
*Approximately 75% by weight carbadox; 25% by weight water. Dry carbadox
equivalent may be calculated with the following formula: grams carbadox/lb
activity = Ó carbadox wet cake x 0.75 x 454 grams.
**Percentages are by weight of the final premix.
1. A process for the preparation of a substantially dustless animal feed supplement premix containing
an anti-bacterialquinoxaline-1,4-dioxide, which process comprises (a) blending 0.5 to 2.0% by weight
based on the total weight of supplement premix product of a non-toxic oil with 80 to 95% by weight
based on the total weight of supplement premix product of an edible carrier, (b) mixing the said blend
with 2 to 12% by weight based on the total weight of supplement premix product of a
pharmaceutically-acceptable quinoxaline-l,4-dioxide anti-bacterial agent, and (c) adding to and
blending into the mixture obtained in step (b) another 0.75 to6.0 ó by weight based on the total weight
of supplement premix product of the said oil, so that the total amount of oil added is in the range of
1.25 to80 by weight of the premix.
2. A process according to claim 1, wherein the amount of oil added in step (a) is from 1.0 to1.25 ó by
weight based on the total weight of the supplement premix product.
3. A process according to either one of claims 1 to 2, wherein the amount of oil added in step (c) is
from 3.0 to3.75 Ó by weight based on the total weight of the supplement premix product.
4. A process according to any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein the anti-bacterial agent is2-formylquinoxaline-l ,4-dioxide carbomethoxy-hydrazone.
5. A process according to any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein the oil is soybean oil, corn oil, mineral oil
or a mixture thereof.
6. A process according to claim 5, wherein the oil is soybean oil.
7. A process according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the edible carrier is soybean mill
run, rice brans, soybean meal, soybean grits, rapeseed meal, corn meal, corn germ meal, corn gluten
feed, wheat middlings, soft phosphate rock or a mixture thereof with silicon dioxide or calcium
8. A process for the preparation of a substantially dustless animal feed supplement premix according to
claim 1 and substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to Examples I and II.
9. A substantially dustless animal feed supplement premix whenever prepared by a process according
to any one of the preceding claims.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
23. GB1505930
- 4/5/1978
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/22
E Class: A23K1/00B2; A23K1/22; A23K1/16I
Application Number:
GB19750037767 (19750915)
Priority Number: US19750552608 (19750224)
Family: GB1505930
NL7510902; JP51100479; FR2330329; ES441617; DE2606826; BE833256;
SE7509725; SE421991; IT1056122; IE41718L; IE41718
Abstract of GB1505930
1975 [24 Feb 1975] 37767/75 Head- ing A2B A ruminant feed is made by admixing an ungelatinised
starch bearing material selected from corn, sorghum, millet cassava, potatoes, jams, rice, corn starch,
potato starch, wheat starch, arrow root, turnip, and rutabagus with an N.P.N. substance 0.25-10% of a
lipid, based on the weight of starchy material, and a quantity of water; subjecting the mixture to heat,
pressure and shear to cause at least partial gelatinisation of the starch and reaction of the NPN substance therewith; and releasing the pressure to give an expanded product. The N.P.N. substance may be
urea, uric acid, biuret, ethy- lene urea, ammonium phosphate, bicarbonate, carbamate, citrate, formate,
acetate, propion- ate, lactate, succinate, fumarate or maleate, diammonium phosphate, propionamide,
buty- ramide, formamide, acetamide, dicyanodiam- ide, isobutane diurea, creatinine or creatine. The
lipid may be an animal fat or grease, a vegetable oil or fat, or soybean lecithin. The heat treatment may
be at 220-360 F and 300- 500 psi followed by extrusion, which causes expansion. The protein
equivalent may be 24- 125, the degree of gelatinisation 50-100%, and the final moisture content less
than 15%. The mixed ingredients may be pre-treated with steam or water before heat
Description of GB1505930
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Riley
County, Kansas, United States of America,
a corporation organised and existing under
the laws of the State of Kansas, United
States of America, do hereby declare the
invention, for which we pray that a patent
may be granted to us, and the method by
which it is to be performed, to be par
ticularly described in and by the following statement:This invention relates to a ruminant feed
and a method of producing same.
This invention relates to a reacted,
palatable, nontoxic, processed food product
for ruminant animals as well as to a process
for producing the product wherein the feed
composition contains modified, interacted
energy and protein-producing constituents
derived from a selected class of starchbearing materials and a nonprotein nitro
genous (NPN) substance respectively. It is
concerned with such products which
include a minor proportion of a lipid
material such as an animal fat which
unexpectedly serves to greatly facilitate
cooking, processing and handling of the
It is known that nonprotein nitrogenous
substances such as urea may be incor
porated into feed for ruminants as
replacement for protein sources therein.
Such added urea or other NPN source is
first degraded by rumen microorganisms to
ammonia and the latter is then converted to
microbial protein. A major portion of such
microbial or bacterial protein is then
enzymatically degraded to amino acids in
the small intestine of the ruminant where,
after being absorbed, they are available for
use by the animal. As will be readily
apparent, NPN suplementation of ruminant
feed is extremely attractive from an
economic standpoint, since relatively
inexpensive materials such as urea can be
fed in place of costlier natural proteins coming from traditional sources such for example as cereal
In practice, attempts at directly admixing raw urea and ruminant feed to supplement the protein level
of the latter have met with a number of serious obstacles which have severely limited use of
conventional NPN feeds. For example, palatability and toxicity problems inherent in the addition of
urea to cereal grains and other conventional feeds such as grasses, roughage and vegetable starches
have drastically limited the amount of NPN that can be mixed with the normalfeed ration. Generally,
no more that about 4% by weight of urea can be directly added to raw ruminant feed compositions
without undesirable results, because of toxic reactions, inefficient utilization of the urea, segregation of
the constituents, unpalatability of the feed, and the tendency of the mixture to form a solid block by
virtue of the hygroscopic nature of urea.
One extremely successful response to the problems outlined above is disclosed in
U.K. Patent No. 1,127,198. In particular this patent discloses that the amount of
NPN added to ruminant feed can be greatly increased without attendant toxicity or unpalatability by
combining NPN and a starch-bearing material such as corn and subjecting the admixture to high levels
of heat, agitation, pressure and shear in the presence of sufficient water to assure gelatinization of the
starch material. This process is advantageously carried out in an extrusion cooker and has the effect of
producing a modified, reacted feed product which is characterized by an increase in the level of
derivable bacterial protein along with a protein assimilability efficiency significantly greater than could
be obtained in any simple ungelatinized mixture of the starch-bearing material and
NPN source.Moreover, the reacted and combined constituents of the feed products of U.K. Patent No.
1,127,198 have been found to behydrolyzable within the rumen of a ruminant animal at sufficiently
similar rates to substantially increase the conversion of ammonia from the NPN constituent into
microbial protein without significant resultant toxicity. The latter is important since rapid ammonia
release in the rumen can lead to inefficient protein conversion, loss of ammonia through the elimination
processes of the animal, and an increase in the chance of toxicity to the ruminant.
Although NPN-supplemented feed products produced in accordance with the methods of U.K. Patent
No. 1,127,198 have experienced significant commercial acceptance on a worldwide basis, certain
problems inherent in the cooking, processing and handling thereof have remained, especially when
food sources such as tuber starches, waxy starch material or cereal starches with low levels of fat are
employed, or when the starch source-urea ratios of the feed are of the order of 4 or less to 1. In such
cases, the tendency of the starch-NPN admixture during extrusion cooking to surge and build up
adjacent the extrusion die can make it difficult to control processing conditions for maximum
conversion of the raw, ungelatinized starch and raw urea to a desirable starch-controlled-urea product
exhibiting enhanced levels of ammonia conversion when subjected to rumen microorganisms.
For example, a characteristic of tuber and waxy starch-urea products is that they are plastic and
adhesive and if cut at the face of the extruder die in the normal manner, the cut products will not
separate from one another but will have a tendency to adhere to a previously cut segment or segments
thus forming a continuous length of hot, plastic, sticky material that tends to foul the cutting knife and
its working parts.
As can be appreciated, this condition often results in a failure to adequately process the feed due to the
inability to efficiently handle the extruded material as it emerges from the cooker.
It will also be recognized that any attempted solution to the problems alluded to above must not
appreciably affect the amount of bacterial protein which can be synthesized by the ruminant from the
feed product. In addition, any expedient employed for solving such problems must not adversely affect
the breakdown rate of the NPN substances and carbohydrate unpalatable to ruminants such as cattle,
sheep and goats.
According to the present invention there is provided a method of producing a palatable, nontoxic
ruminant feed product comprising the steps of: admixing a predetermined quantity of an edible,
ungelatinized, starch-bearing food material selected from corn, sorghum, millet, cassava, potatoes,
yams, rice, corn starch, potato starch, wheat starch arrowroot, turnips, rutabagus and mixtures thereof, a
sufficient amount of water to permit gelatinization of at least a portion of said food material when the
latter is subjected to elevated heat and pressure, a quantity of a nonprotein nitrogenous substance
characterized by the property of being hydrolyzable to ammonia by rumen microorganisms and
thereafter convertible to microbial protein and lipid material in an amountof from 0.25 to 10% by
weight of the food material; continuously moving the admixture into and through a treatment zone
while agitating the admixture and subjecting the same to heat and high compression and shear forces
for a period of time sufficient to gelatinize at least a portion of the food material in the presence of the
water while the food material is intimately intermingled and reacted with the nonprotein nitrogenous
substance to provide a reacted composition; and suddenly releasing the pressure on said reacted
composition as it continuously leaves the treatment zone to produce an expanded and gelatinized feed
The present invention provides a cooked, gelatinized,- - palatable, nontoxic, starch
NPN ruminant feed product, and method of producing same, which is characterized by an unexpected
ease of cooking, processing and handling through the addition of a minor amount of lipid material
incorporated into the feed constituents prior to cooking thereof; the resultant feed is thereby capable of
being efficiently cut, dried, crushed, stored and fed, and the feed has been found to release ammonia
when subjected to rumen bacterial attack in a manner essentially equivalent to that of standard reacted
starch-NPN feeds, which are free of added lipid, such that the palatability, toxicity and ammonia
release characteristics of the feeds hereof is not adversely affected.
The invention can also provide a starch
NPN feed product wherein the feed contains an amount of lipid such as an animal or vegetable fat
which serves to synergistically maintain the microbial protein synthesis level of the feed when the latter
is subjected to rumen microorganisms at a level approximately equal to or even better than the protein
synthesis levels of otherwise identical products free of added lipid, even though the extent of starch
damage and gelatinization within the feed is lessened by virtue of the lipid addition; thus, the feed
products hereof are eminently suited to serve as high protein ruminant feed notwithstanding the fact
that they are much easier to cook and process than many prior feeds utilizing starchbearing sources
known to present processing difficulties.
The presence of lipid material in an amount of from 0.25 to 10% by weight based upon the starchbearing material controls the tendency of some starch-bearing materials (such as tuber starch materials,
low fat cereal starch materials and waxy starch materials) to build up adjacent the extruder die and
emerge therefrom as a hot, plastic, adhesive mass which is difficult to cut and dry or otherwise further
The present method of producing the ruminant feed product allows the feed constituents to be
extrusion cooked in the presence of greater quantities of moisture than heretofore practical with feeds
of high protein equivalent values, so that the resultant feed products exhibit unexpectedly high levels of
microbial protein synthesis while nevertheless retaining desirable handling characteristics.
The feed products of the present invention are advantageously processed in an expansion cooker such
as a cooking machine of the extruder type. For purposes of example, the following discussion will
center around commercial scale extruders of the type sold by the Wenger
Manufacturing Company. Premixed starchbearing material, water, a NPN substance and lipid material
are admixed and introduced into the elongated extrusion chamber of the cooker which is provided with
a primary extrusion head and an extruder cone terminating in an apertured extrusion die. An auger
conveyor of variable pitch is situated within the extruder so that the feed constituents are conveyed
along the length of the extruder while being subjected to high pressure, shear and compressive
forces.Heat is conventionally supplied by way of steam jackets surrounding at least the extrusion head
and cone sections of the cooker. In addition, many such extruders are provided with preconditioners
including a hopper for introducing the feed constituents into the unit and an elongated zone provided
with a central auger, discontinuous conveyor flights or paddles for moving the material towards the
communicating inlet of the primary extruder section. A further description of an exemplary extrusion
cooker suited for use in- the methods of the present invention can be found in the disclosure of U.S.
Patent No. 3,642,289. It is to be understood however, that other types of extrusion cookers, such as
those sold by the Anderson, I.B.E.C., Company can also serve the purposes of the present invention.
Feed constituents added to an extruder of the type described are continuously moved through the
machine while being subjected to agitation, heat, high compression and shear so that at least a portion
of the starchbearing food material is disrupted and allowed to intermingle and react with the
NPN source to provide the reacted ruminant feed compositions hereof. At the extrusion end of the
cooker the pressure on the product is suddenly reduced to atmospheric so that an expanded and
gelatinized feed product results.
Lipid addition has been found to make the cooked, reacted end product much easier to handle, cut and
further process as needed. In addition, it has unexpectedly been found that such lipid addition serves to
synergistically maintain the microbial protein synthesis level of the feed at levels approximately equal
to or in some cases greater than the levels of otherwise identical feeds free of added lipid. As can be
appreciated, addition of a lipid (such as an animal fat for example) would predictably have the effect of
drastically lowering both the extent of starch disruption and gelatinization, and concomitantly the
bacterial protein level of the resultant feed, since the fat should provide a "lubrication" of sorts causing
the unreacted admixture to pass through the extruder without sufficient starch disruption and
gelatinization.This should in turn result in lowered protein synthesis when the feed is subjected to
rumen microorganisms, since the extent of such synthesis is in general directly related to the degree of
starch gelatinization.
To the contrary however, actual test results have demonstrated that the predicted results do not obtain,
but rather the resultant feed in general maintains the desirable high levels of derivable microbial protein
needed for economically feasible products. Although not completely understood, it is believed that
lipid addition in some manner synergistically acts on the other feed constituents to yield the results
alluded to above. Moreover, lipid addition in some instances permits extrusion cooking of the feed
constituents in the presence of greater quantities of water than has heretofore been feasible, and this is
likewise believed beneficial in maximizing the level of protein synthesis derivable from the feed.
For example, while it has heretofore not been practical to process starch-NPN ruminant feeds
of.economically attractive protein equivalents in the presence of moisture levels greater than about
30% by weight, addition of a minor amount of a lipid to the feed constituents during extrusion cooking
allows the moisture content to be at a level of from 4 to 50% by weight, more preferably at a level of
from 10 to 35% by weight, and most preferably from 15 to 25% by weight.
Starch-bearing materials particularly adapted for use in the present invention may be selected from,
sorghum, millet, cassava (tapipca), potatoes, yams, rice, corn starch, potato starch, wheat starch,
arrowroot, turnips, rutabagus amd mixtures thereof. Although carbohydrate starchbearing materials
other than those listed above can be processed with additional lipid in accordance with the invention,
many of such other products contain sufficient natural lipid or otherwise can be handled by known
means. In addition, it will be clear that certain samples of the listed materials may need greater or lesser
quantities of added lipid depending principally upon the individual characteristics and makeup of the
samples.The starch-bearing materials are preferably in comminuted form (e.g., grain should be ground
in order to give an average particle size of about 450 microns or less) so that water and/or steam
blended with the mixture in the preconditioning or extruder zone of the extrusion cooker is brought into
intimate contact with the starch-bearing material to facilitate gelatinization thereof.
A wide variety of NPN substances can also be employed in the present invention, with the preferred
sources including urea, uric acid, biuret, ethylene urea, ammonium phosphate, ammonium bicarbonate,
ammonium carbamate, ammonium citrate, ammonium formate, ammonium acetate, ammonium
propionate, ammonium lactate, ammonium succinate, ammonium fumarate, ammonium malate,
diammonium phosphate, propionamide, butyramide, formamide, acetamide, isobutane diurea,
dicyanodiamide, creatinine and creatine.
Urea is the most preferred NPN source however, because of its relatively low cost and high nitrogen
Similarly, a wide variety of lipid materials can be utilized to good effect in the invention, but preferred
lipids are taken from the group consisting of animal fats, animal greases, vegetable fats, vegetable oils
and soybean lecithin. One particularly preferred lipid source is a mixture of animal and vegetable fat
sold under the tradename
HEF by the Procter and Gamble Company of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lipid in the form of animal and vegetable fats is preferably added in liquid form to the starch and NPN
substances prior to extrusion cooking. In this connection it has been found that a lipid addition of from
0.25 to 10% by weight meets the requirements of the present invention, and more preferably the added
lipid ranges from 0.5 to 6.0% by weight. Most preferably, the lipid addition is from 0.5 to 4% by
weight, all figures based on the weight of the starch-bearing carbohydrate substances.
Although the ratio of NPN to starchbearing material may be varied as dictated by price considerations,
availability of constituents, processing requirements, and ultimate end use parameters, the proportions
are advantageously maintained within certain limits not only from the standpoint of operability but also
commercial feasibility. For example, unless sufficient NPN is provided in the initial mixture to warrant
inclusion thereof from an economic as well as a nutritional standpoint, the cost of processing the
constituents is prohibitive. On the other hand, if the quantity of NPN present in the admixture is
increased to a level where the final product is unpalatable even in a processed condition because of
excess NPN and the composition is completely unmanageable in use, then the processed product has no
significant utility as a ruminant feed. In the latter connection, it has been found that the present
invention involving addition of lipid permits use of starch source-urea ratios on the order of 4 or less to
1, which can be a significant advantage to livestock feeders since the additional NPN serves as an
extremely inexpensive protein source.
In particular, it has been found that addition of lipid material such as animal fat permits utilization of
starch-NPN ratios yielding protein equivalent (P.E.) levels of between 24 to 125. Illustrative NPN
compounds usable in the present invention and the preferred ranges thereof in the final starch reaction
NPN product are set forth in
Table I hereunder, where the percentage of
NPN is compared with a predetermined quantity of grain sorghum: TABLE I
NPN Compound Added to Produce a Starch PE in Starch Reacted
Nitrogen Content PE1 of Reacted NPN Product NPN Product2 of NPN Compound NPN Compound
Percent by Weight Percent by Weight
NPN Compound Percent Percent Min. Max. Min. Max.
Urea 45.00 281.25 5.5 42.6 24 125
Biuret 40.77 254.81 5.6 47.2 24 125
Ethylene urea 32.54 203.38 7.7 59.6 24 125
Ammonium phosphate 12.17 76.06 22.4 173.0 24 125
Ammonium bicaronate 17.72 110.75 14.7 114.0 24 125
Ammonium chloride 26.18 163.62 9.7 75.02 24 125
Ammonium sulfate 21.20 132.50 12.1 70.8 24 125
Ammonium carbonate 26.35 164.69 9.6 74.5 24 125
Ammonium carbamate 35.89 224.31 7.0 53.9 24 125
Ammonium citrate 12.39 77.44 22.0 169.5 24 125
Ammonium formate 22.21 138.81 11.6 89.4 24 125
Ammonium acetate 18.17 113.56 14.3 110.9 24 125
Ammonium propionate 15.37 96.06 17.2 133.2 24 125
Ammonium lactate 13.08 81.75 20.6 159.5 24 125
Ammonium succinate 18.41 115.06 14.1 109.4 24 125
Ammonium fumarate 18.58 116.12 14.0 108.3 24 125
Ammonium malate 16.66 104.12 15.8 122.0 24 125 >;RTI TABLE I (Continued)
NPN Compound Added to Produce a Starch PE in Starch Reacted
PE1 of Reacted NPN Product NPN Product2
Nitrogen Content NPN Compound Percent by Weight Percent by Weight of NPN Compound
NPN Compound Percent Percent Min. Max. Min. Max.
Diammonium phosphate 21.21 132.56 12.1 93.9 24 125
Propionamide 19.17 119.81 13.5 104.7 24 125
Butyramide 16.08 100.50 16.4 126.8 24 125
Formamide 31.10 194.38 8.1 62.6 24 125
Acetamide 23.72 148.25 10.8 83.3 24 125
Creatinine 37.15 232.19 6.7 52.0 24 125
Creatine 32.05 200.31 7.8 60.6 24 125
Uric acid 33.33 208.31 7.5 58.2 24 125
Dicyanodiamide 66.64 416.50 3.7 28.5 24 125
Isobutane diurea 32.18 201.13 7.8 60.4 24 125 1 PE (Protein Equivalent) calculated by multiplying N
by 6.25.
2 Total of PE of corn or sorghum grain containing 9% protein and PE of NPN.>;/RTI;
As is apparent from the above Table, the total P.E. of the starch reactant-NPN product is preferably
maintained within the range of 24 to 125, based upon the weight of the starch material. For the listed
NPN sources, this would amount to a percentage addition range of from 3.5 (dicyandiamide) to 173
(ammonium phosphate). More preferably, the P.E. level of the feed products hereof is maintained
within the range of about 60 to 125, and most preferably in the range of from about 85 to 125.
The amount of moisture required in the mixture of starch-bearing material and NPN to assure necessary
gelatinization of the starches is variable within certain limits, but is preferably within the range of from
4 to 50% by weight based upon the weight of the starch-bearing material. Most starchbearing materials
inherently contain a certain amount of water as a part thereof and this quantity is included in the
moisture content of the admixture ready for processing. For example, dry corn may contain 12 to 14%
moisture and this quantity is taken into account in determining the amount of water to be added to the
mixture prior to processing thereof.Sufficient water must be available in the mixture of starch-bearing
material and NPN to cause at least a portion of the starch to become disrupted and thereby gelatinized
upon heating in the presence of the water to thus produce a gel structure. In preferred forms however,
the total moisture level and other relevant processing conditions are adjusted such that the
starchbearing feed material is from 50 to 100% gelatinized. More preferably, this level is from 75 to
100% gelatinization, and most preferably from 90 to 100% gelatinization.
In addition, the total moisture content is preferably in the range from 10 to 35% by weight, and most
preferably from 15 to 25% by weight.
In practice, the starch-bearing material,
NPN source, and lipid material are initially admixed by conventional means and thereafter delivered to
the inlet of an extrusion cooker for processing thereof, whereupon water is added to the mixture in the
form of steam and/or water. In certain cases, it may be advantageous to precondition the admixture in a
preconditioning zone wherein water and/or steam is blended therewith prior to the actual extrusion
treatment. In any event, the feed constituents are conveyed along the length of the extruder by means of
the central auger conveyor while the constituents are subjected to high temperature, shear, pressure and
compressive forces.The temperature of the composition is gradually increased as it approaches the end
die, so that the temperature thereof immediately prior to extrusion is preferably from 220 to360oF. The
extrusion die and auger also cause pressures to be developed within the extruder on the order of from
300 to 500psi, and such pressures are thereby maintained on the composition as it moves through the
extruder section in order to facilitate relatively quick and complete processing.
The extruded product emerging from the extruder die is in the form of elongated rods which are
preferably cut by conventional means (e.g., a variable speed knife) to a suitable size and finally dried to
a moisture level of less than 15% by weight (and preferably less than about 6% by weight). In some
instances, the dry product may be subjected to well-known crushing techniques in order to obtain a
granular product for easier handling.
The following Examples describe embodiments of the present invention but are not to be taken as a
limitation on the scope thereof.
In these tests a series of tuber starch-urea feed products were prepared in accordance with the
invention by incorporating within the normal feed constituents varying amounts of liquid fats in order
to determine the cooking and handling qualities of the end products as well as the microbial protein
synthesis levels thereof. In particular, predetermined quantities of ground potato and tapioca were
mixed with the specified levels of water, urea and fat as listed in Table II hereunder. The fat was heated
to liquid form and was the HEF product sold by the Procter and Gamble
Company. The feed constituents were thoroughly mixed in a conventional blender and subsequently
passed through a Wenger
Model X-25 extrusion cooker (or in some cases through a Brabender laboratory size cooker) without
preconditioning in order to provide the lipid-modified starch-NPN ruminant feed products of the instant
invention. In this connection, attempts at producing feed using potato and tapioca starch materials with
no added fat led to clogging of the extruder and a wholly unsatisfactory product; consequently, no data
was derivable from such runs, which emphasized the need for lipid addition in processing starch
sources in accordance with the invention. The cook temperatures referred to are those measured
immediately prior to extrusion. The results of this series of tests are summarized in the following
Cook % Water 2B.P.Bacterial Protein
Food Product Temp. F. Added % Fat % Urea % Cook (mg/100 ml) Corrected For Cook
Potato 315 14.8 1.0 15.06 90.8 56.20 61.89
Potato 250 10.0 2.0 16.02 75.4 88.41 117.25
Potato 240 12.5 4.0 16.98 76.2 70.96 93.06
Tapioca 290 10.0 2.0 18.58 79.6 69.83 87.75
Tapioca 280 14.8 4.0 19.22 78.3 113.45 144.84 1Tapioca 320 28.0 1.5 13.62 74.8 30.05 40.18
1Tapioca 332 23.0 4.0 16.82 - 46.59 1Tapioca 320 28.0 6.5 12.66 71.0 23.61 33.23 1 These runs
performed in a Brabender laboratory size extrusion cooker.
2 Average bacterial protein from in vitro rumen test.>;/RTI;
A study of the foregoing data will demonstrate that addition of from 1 to 4% fat in the starch-NPN
admixture synergistically enhances the microbial protein content derivable from the resultant feed
product. In particular, addition of fat served in every case to lower the percent cook value (a measure of
starch gelatinization) of the samples, since such fat serves as a lubrication for the extrudate and thus
lessens the amount of starch disruption and gelatinization. However, the tests also indicate that the
extent of protein synthesis was not adversely affected in any appreciable manner by lower cook values,
but in fact was substantially maintained or even increased by virtue of fat addition.
Attention is directed to the right-hand column of Table II wherein bacterial protein synthesis is
corrected for the degree of cook (B.P./% cook), thus giving a measure of the true "efficiency" of the
process as the cook values in the runs were different. This data clearly demonstrates >;RTI that
although cook values decrease with added lipid, the protein synthesis levels derived from the samples
are unexpectedly increased. Although not completely understood, it is evident that added lipid
synergistically acts with the other feed constituents to achieve the results alluded to above.
In this connectin, it will be understood the rumen fermentation in a live animal is a dynamic process
where ammonia is constantly being produced, metabolized, adsorbed or removed. The concentration of
ammonia or microbial protein in the animal at a given time can depend upon all of these factors. High
rumen microbial protein concentration may result from slower microbial protein removal from the
rumen, and therefore, not really reflect increased microbial protein synthesis. In order to obviate this
factor in vitro fermentation sutdies discussed above were undertaken to develop the microbial bacterial
protein synthesis data presented. In the in vitro fer->;/RTI; mentation, ammonia cannot leave the
"rumen" by adsorption or passage and microbial protein cannot leave by passage.
Therefore, the ammonia levels and microbial protein levels of the in vitro studies represent an easy
method for accurately determining protein synthesis.
In practice, samples of the control and test feed products were placed in identical quantities of rumen
fluid and allowed to ferment for equal periods of time. The total protein levels derived from such
fermentation were then measured, and following correction for the protein equivalent from the feed
protein and rumen fluid, the microbial protein synthesis levels were determined.
This series of tests also demonstrated that the processed feeds hereof containing lipid were much
easier to process and. handle.
Specifically, the added lipid products did not exhibit the property of adhering to the die and knife
mechanism but rather could be quite easily cut into discrete pieces to greatly facilitate further drying
and treatment.
In this example additional starch-bearing materials were tested in order to demonstrate the utility of
added fat in various other NPN-starch admixtures, In particular, the test proceeded exactly as described
in connection with Example I with varying levels of fat, urea, and water being processed in the Wenger
extruder. In addition, cook temperatures were varied to determine optimum operating conditions.
The data summarizing this series of tests is set forth in the following Table III: TABLE III
Bacterial Protein
Food B.P.1 Corrected For
Product Temp. F. % Fat % Urea % Water % Cooked (mg/100 ml) Degree of Cook
Tapioca 300 2.0 16.4 10.7 90.4 48.5 53.65
Tapioca 290 4.0 16.4 10.6 75.0 49.8 66.40
Tapioca 285 6.0 16.5 11.8 72.5 47.8 65.93
Potato 300 1.0 16.3 11.2 100.1 56.5 56.44
Potato 300 2.0 16.3 12.7 90.8 56.9 62.67
Potato 255 4.0 16.3 12.8 84.6 57.2 67.61
Corn 280 0.0 14.9 9.2 82.1 53.9 65.65
Corn 285 1.0 14.9 9.8 78.7 53.0 67.34
Corn 285 2.0 15.0 9.3 85.0 52.8 62.12
Sorghum 295 0.0 14.7 8.2 96.7 49.4 51.09
Sorghum 310 1.0 14.7 6.1 85.0 52.5 61.76
Sorghum 300 2.0 14.8 8.7 82.6 52.1 63.08 1 Average bacterial protein from in vitro rumen test.
An analysis of Table III will demonstrate that fat addition serves to at least substantially maintain and
in most cases actually increase the microbial protein level of the resultant feed products. In order to
demonstrate the effectiveness of lipid addition in this context, the cook values associated with each of
the runs of this example have been calculated and are presented in Table III, along with the bacterial
protein synthesis levels corrected for the degree of cook. These figures are indicative of the extent of
gelatinization of the starch-bearing material in each test, with higher magnitude numbers representing
greater gelatinization. In this connection it will be noted that in all cases >;RTI additional fat served to
substantially maintain or increase the cook-corrected protein synthesis level notwithstanding the fact
that cook values go down with such fat addition. Thus, it is evident that the lipid addition served to
synergistically enhance microbial protein synthesis.
Finally, the products of these tests were also very easy to cut, dry, handle and store and accordingly are
preferred over otherwise identical feeds of the prior art which are free of lipid addition.
In this test separate corn samples were employed as the starch-bearing material in order to
demonstrate the utility of the present invention in connection with waxy materials. In particular,
samples >;RTI 1--4 contain 8.9% protein and 14.4% moisture, whereas samples 5 and 6 contain about
8.9% protein and 15.04% moisture. In all other respects, tests of this example were identical with those
undertaken in Example
II above. A study of Table IV hereunder will again demonstrate the unexpected finding that while fat
addition lowers cook value, the protein synthesis derived from the feed is not adversely affected but
rather is increased. Moreover, the resulting feed products are very easy to process and in every way
represent commercially salable feeds.As such, the synergistic nature of lipid addition as herein set forth
is conclusively demonstrated.
Bacterial Protein
Corn CookB.P.' Corrected For
Sample Temp.OF. % Fat % Urea % Cook(mg/100 ml) Degree Of Cook
1 290 0.0 21.0 95.0 13.93 14.66
2 280 0.5 19.1 94.6 18.21 19.24
3 290 1.0 21.0 80.8 13.39 16.57
4 275 2.5 21.0 77.5 13.39 17.27
5 275 0.0 21.0 93.3 13.92 14.92
6 275 0.5 21.0 90.0 13.92 15.47
Average bacterial protein from in vitro room test.
1. A method of producing a palatable, nontoxic ruminant feed product comprising the steps of:
admixing a predetermined quantity of an edible, ungelatinized, starch-bearing food material selected
from corn, sorghum, millet, cassava, potatoes, yams, rice, corn starch, potato starch, wheat starch,
arrowroot, turnips, rutabagus and mixtures thereof, a sufficient amount of water to permit gelatinization
of at least a portion of said food material when the latter is subjected to elevated heat and pressure, a
quantity of a nonprotein nitrogenous substance characterized by the property of being hydrolyzable to
ammonia by rumen microorganisms and thereafter convertible to microbial protein, and lipid material
in an amount of from 0.25 to 10% by weight of the food material; continuously moving the admixture
into and through a treatment zone while agitating the admixture and subjecting the same to heat and
high com
pression and shear forces for a period of time sufficient to gelatinize at least a portion of the food
material in the presence of the water while the food material is intimately intermingled and reacted
with the nonprotein nitrogenous substance to provide a reacted composition; and
suddenly releasing the pressure on said
reacted composition as it continuously
leaves the treatment zone to produce an expanded and gelatinized feed product.
2. A method as claimed in Claimt wherein saidnon protein nitrogenous substance is selected from
urea, uric acid, biuret, ethylene urea, ammonium phosphate, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium
carbamate, ammonium citrate, ammonium formate, ammonium acetate, ammonium propionate,
ammonium lactate, ammonium succinate, ammonium fumarate, ammonium malate, diammonium
phosphate, propionamide, butyramide, formamide, acetamide, dicyanodiamide, isobutane diurea,
creatinine and creatine.
3. A method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the non-protein nitrogenous substance is urea.
4. A method as claimed in Claim 1,2 or 3, wherein the water content in the admixture is from 4 to 50%
by weight, based upon the quantity of food material.
5. A method as claimed in Claim 4, wherein the water content is from 10 to35 Ó by weight.
6. A method as claimed in Claim 5, wherein the water content is from 15 to 25% by weight.
7. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein the lipid material content in the
admixture is from 0.50 to 6.0% by weight.
8. A method as claimed in Claim 7, wherein the lipid material content is from 0.50 to4.0% by weight.
9. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein the temperature
**WARNING** end of DESC field may overlap start of CLMS **.Data supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1505930
**WARNING** start of CLMS field may overlap end of DESC **.
order to demonstrate the utility of the present invention in connection with waxy materials. In
particular, samples1--4 contain 8.9% protein and 14.4% moisture, whereas samples 5 and 6 contain
about 8.9% protein and 15.04% moisture. In all other respects, tests of this example were identical with
those undertaken in Example
II above. A study of Table IV hereunder will again demonstrate the unexpected finding that while fat
addition lowers cook value, the protein synthesis derived from the feed is not adversely affected but
rather is increased. Moreover, the resulting feed products are very easy to process and in every way
represent commercially salable feeds. As such, the synergistic nature of lipid addition as herein set
forth is conclusively demonstrated.
Bacterial Protein
Corn CookB.P.' Corrected For
Sample Temp.OF. % Fat % Urea % Cook(mg/100 ml) Degree Of Cook
1 290 0.0 21.0 95.0 13.93 14.66
2 280 0.5 19.1 94.6 18.21 19.24
3 290 1.0 21.0 80.8 13.39 16.57
4 275 2.5 21.0 77.5 13.39 17.27
5 275 0.0 21.0 93.3 13.92 14.92
6 275 0.5 21.0 90.0 13.92 15.47
Average bacterial protein from in vitro room test.
1. A method of producing a palatable, nontoxic ruminant feed product comprising the steps of:
admixing a predetermined quantity of an edible, ungelatinized, starch-bearing food material selected
from corn, sorghum, millet, cassava, potatoes, yams, rice, corn starch, potato starch, wheat starch,
arrowroot, turnips, rutabagus and mixtures thereof, a sufficient amount of water to permit gelatinization
of at least a portion of said food material when the latter is subjected to elevated heat and pressure, a
quantity of a nonprotein nitrogenous substance characterized by the property of being hydrolyzable to
ammonia by rumen microorganisms and thereafter convertible to microbial protein, and lipid material
in an amount of from 0.25 to 10% by weight of the food material; continuously moving the admixture
into and through a treatment zone while agitating the admixture and subjecting the same to heat and
high com
pression and shear forces for a period of time sufficient to gelatinize at least a portion of the food
material in the presence of the water while the food material is intimately intermingled and reacted
with the nonprotein nitrogenous substance to provide a reacted composition; and
suddenly releasing the pressure on said
reacted composition as it continuously
leaves the treatment zone to produce an expanded and gelatinized feed product.
2. A method as claimed in Claimt wherein saidnon protein nitrogenous substance is selected from
urea, uric acid, biuret, ethylene urea, ammonium phosphate, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium
carbamate, ammonium citrate, ammonium formate, ammonium acetate, ammonium propionate,
ammonium lactate, ammonium succinate, ammonium fumarate, ammonium malate, diammonium
phosphate, propionamide, butyramide, formamide, acetamide, dicyanodiamide, isobutane diurea,
creatinine and creatine.
3. A method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the non-protein nitrogenous substance is urea.
4. A method as claimed in Claim 1,2 or 3, wherein the water content in the admixture is from 4 to 50%
by weight, based upon the quantity of food material.
5. A method as claimed in Claim 4, wherein the water content is from 10 to35 Ó by weight.
6. A method as claimed in Claim 5, wherein the water content is from 15 to 25% by weight.
7. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein the lipid material content in the
admixture is from 0.50 to 6.0% by weight.
8. A method as claimed in Claim 7, wherein the lipid material content is from 0.50 to4.0% by weight.
9. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein the temperature
of the reacted composition immediately prior to leaving the treatment zone is from 220 to 3600F.
10. A method as claimed in Claim 9, wherein the temperature of the reacted compositionfs from 270
to3400 F.
11. A method as claimed .in Claim 10, wherein the temperature of the reacted composition is from 300
to3300 F.
12. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding Claims, wherein said nonprotein nitrogenous
substance is present in such an amount that the feed product has a protein equivalent level of from 24 to
13. A method as claimed in Claim 12, wherein the protein equivalent level is from 60 to 125.
14. A method as claimed in Claim 13, wherein the protein equivalent level is from 85 to 125.
15. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding Claims, wherein the pressure within the
treatment zone is maintained at a leveloffrom 300 to 500 p.s.i.
16. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding Claims, wherein said lipid material-is selected
from animal fats, animal greases, vegetable fats, vegetable oils and soybean lecithin.
17. A method as claimed in Claim 16, wherein said lipid material comprises a mixture of animal fat
and vegetable fats and is added to the admixture in liquid form.
18. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding Claims, which includes the steps of; advancing
the admixture through a preconditioning zone prior to introduction thereof into the treatment zone and
introducing into the preconditioning zone a fluid selected from steam and water and mixtures thereof
for blending with the admixture.
19. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding Claims, including the step of drying the
expanded and gelatinized feed product to a moisture level of less than 15% by weight, based upon the
quantity of food material.
20. A method as claimed in Claim 19, wherein said moisture level is less than 6% by weight.
21. A method as claimed in any one of the preceding Claims, which includes the step of comminuting
the expanded and gelatinized feed product.
22. A method of producing a palatable, non-toxic ruminant feed product as claimed in Claim 1
substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to any one of the
23. A palatable, non-toxic ruminant feed product whenever produced by the method claimed in any
one of the preceding claims.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
24. GB1520577
- 8/9/1978
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/18; A23K1/22; A23K1/16
E Class: A23K1/22
Application Number:
GB19760017596 (19760430)
Priority Number: ZA19750002850 (19750502)
Family: GB1520577
GB1520578; FR2332713
Abstract of GB1520577
1520577 Treatment of ruminant feed NATIONAL CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Ltd 30 April 1976 [2
May 1975] 17596/76 Head- ing A2B The digestibility and nutritional value of roughage for ruminant
feed is improved by adding urea, urease and water and allowing ammonia to be produced by hydrolysis
and to permeate the roughage. The urease may be pure or a urease-containing material, e.g. soya or
jack bean meal or the rumen con- tents of slaughtered animals, and the urea: urease weight ratio may be
1:2-3:2. Per 100 wt. parts roughage there may be added a slurry of 2-8 wt. parts urea, 2-6 wt. parts bean
meal, 20-50 wt. parts water and option- ally 0.06-0.10 wt. parts Ca(OH) 2 and/or 1-2 wt. parts NaOH to
retard the hydrolysis reaction. Additives containing a retardant form the subject-matter of Specification
1520578. The roughage may have been cut or milled to a particle size of -1 inch and, after thorough
mixing with the slurry, may be packed in an air-tight zone for 3-4 weeks. The roughage is preferably
wheat straw or maize stover, but other straws and hays as well as cotton husks, bagasse, paper,
sunflower husks, peanut shells, rice husks, wheaten bran, pollard, citrus pulp, gluten meal, sawdust and
various manures are specified.Description:
Description of GB1520577
CAL PRODUCTS LIMITED, a Company incorporated and organized under the laws of the Republic
of South
Africa, of Sentrachem Building, 47 Main
Steet, Johannesburg, Transvaal Province,
Republic of South Africa, do hereby declare the invention for which we pray that a patent may be
granted to us and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the
followingstatement:This invention relates to an animal feed material. In particular, it relates to a process for increasing the
digestibility of roughage capable of being used as a ruminant feed material, and to animal feed
materials whereever produced by process.
According to the present invention there is provided a process for improving the digestibility of
roughage capable of being used as a ruminant feed which comprises:
adding to the roughage
urea, urease, and water;
allowing the urease to react with the urea to produce ammonia; and
allowing the ammonia to permeate the roughage to increase the nutritional value thereof.
The expression "increasing the digestibility" means that ruminants fed on the product of the process
will gain weight more rapidly than when fed the same amounts of untreated roughage; or will maintain
their weight when fed a smaller amount of the product of the process than the amount of untreated
roughage required to maintain their weight.
Preferably substantially all the urea is reacted with the urease to produce ammonia. From 2 parts to 8
parts of urea, preferably from 3 parts to 6 parts, is suitably added, on a weight basis, for every 100 parts
of roughage. The ratio between the urea added and the urease added is generally from 1:2 to 3:2,
conveniently about 1:1, on a weight basis. The urease may be added as purified urease, or preferably in
the form of a ureasecontaining nutritive material. The ureasecontaining nutritive material may be the
rumen contents of freshly slaughtered animals, or preferably a suitable ureasecontaining bean meal.
The bean meal will be added in a proportion sufficient to produce the ammonia required from the urea
over a desired period, and to permit even dispersal of the urease throughout the mass of the roughage
being treated. The bean meal preferably has a particle size such that the major proportion thereof on a
weight basis will pass through a screen having circular openings of about 1/16" diameter.
The bean meal is typically soya bean meal, from 2 parts to 6 parts, preferably from 3 parts to 5 parts,
of the bean meal being added on a weight basis, for every 100 parts of the roughage.
The water is required to dissolve and disperse the urea and the urease, to permit reaction therebetween
in the roughage, to produce ammonia. From 20 parts to 50 parts, preferably from 30 parts to 40 parts,
of water is generally added on a weight basis, for every 100 parts of roughage.
The process may include the step of adding a retarder to the roughage with the urea and urease, to slow
down the reaction between the urease and the urea. The retarder may be, for example, an alkali metal
hydroxide or an alkaline earth metal hydroxide. Conveniently the retarder is calcium hydroxide, from
0.06 to 0.1 parts, preferably about 0.08 parts, of calcium hydroxide being added on a weight basis, for
every 100 parts of the roughage. Instead, the retarder may be sodium hydroxide, from 1.0 to 2.0 parts
of the sodium hydroxide being added on a weight basis, for every 100 parts of roughage. If desired,
mixtures of calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide may be used, in similar amounts.
The process may include comminution of the roughage, prior to allowing the urease to react with urea
to produce ammonia.
The comminution may comprise cutting or milling the roughage so that it all passes through a screen
having circular openings of about 1" diameter. To ensure that the product retains its quality as a
roughage material for ruminant feed purposes, the comminution should be such as to avoid an
unacceptable quantity of fines. Thus the comminution may be such that the greater proportion on a
weight basis of the roughage will pass through a screen having circular openings of about+" diameter,
but will be retained by a screen having circular openings of about+" diameter.
All the additives which are added to the roughage may be mixed together to form a slurry prior to
addition thereof to the roughage, after which the slurry is added to the roughage and is thoroughly
mixed therewith. The mixing will be so as thoroughly and evenly to disperse the water, urea, urease
and retardant throughout the mass of roughage.
Conveniently, the urea and calcium hydroxide and/or sodium hydroxide are dissolved in the water. The
bean meal may then be added to the water, to form the slurry. The constituents will then, in the form of
the slurry, be added to the roughage, the addition being folIowed by, or taking place during, the
Some examples of roughage which may be treated in accordance with the process of the invention are
straws obtained from wheat, oats or barley hays obtained from lucern, hay grazer, eragrostis, veld
grass, maize stover or sorghum; industrial offals such as cotton husks, bagasse, paper, sunflower husks,
peanut shells, rice husks, wheaten bran, pollard, citrus pulp and gluten meal; sawdust; and poultry,
broiler house, swine or cattle manure. In this specification "roughage" is to be construed broadly so as
to cover, inter alia, all the above examples, which make up a wide range of industrial and agricultural
It is contemplatedtliat the two commercially most valuable roughages in practice will be wheat straw
and maize stover.
After mixing of the constituents into the roughage, the mass of roughage may be packed in, for
example, a tower, trench, silo or bunker, where the reaction between the
urease and the urea is permitted to take place. Preferably the zone in which the roughage is packed is
reasonably airtight, to
prevent undesirable loss of ammonia. The treated roughage is left in its packed
condition, until the reaction between the
urea and the urease has substantially run to
completion, and until the ammonia has
thoroughly permeated the roughage, thereby
improving the digestibility thereof and
increasing the nutritional value thereof.
Without wishing to be limited by theory,
the applicant believes that the digestibility of the roughage is improved by degradation of the
roughage-by the ammonia. In thins regard it is believed that the lignin/cellulose bonds in the roughage
are broken down thereby releasing the cellulose, which after release is more readily available for
digestion than before release. In addition, the product of the process has its nutritional value increased,
when compared with the roughage, by having increased nitrogen biologically available for ruminant
The invention will now be described, by way of illustration only, with reference to the following nonlimiting examples.
To a 100 kg of a representative wheat straw roughage were added 6 kg of urea and 6 kg of soya bean
meal, together with 0.10 kg of calcium hydroxide. The addition was made by dissolving the urea and
calcium hydroxide in 40 kg of water the soya bean meal was dispersed in the water, to form a a slurry.
The hay was pre-milled, so that it all passed through a screen having 1" diameter openings, the greater
proportion thereof on a weight basis passing through a screen havingt" openings but being retained by
a screen having41t! openings. The soya bean meal was of a particle size such that it passed through a
screen having 1/16" openings.
After addition of the additives to the hay, thorough mixing was effected, whereby the additives were
evenly dispersed throughout the mass of milled hay.
The treated hay was packed in a silo for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, during which period the urease in the
soya bean meal reacted with urea to produce ammonia. The ammonia permeated the hay, and after the
roughage was removed from the silo it was found to have been converted into a product having
improved digestibility, when compared with the original hay. The product also had an increased
nitrogen content, which contributed to an increased nutritional value therefor.
The product was found to have a digestibility which was about30A0% greater than that of the orignal
wheat straw, in terms of the relative amounts of product and roughage required to cause specific gains
in weight of ruminants when fed thereto, or to maintain the weight of ruminants when fed thereto.
The procedure of Example 1 was repeated using 3 kg of jack bean meal instead of the soya bean meal,
the jack bean meal having a urease content which is about double that of the soya bean meal.
The same increase in digestibility in the product was observed, as was observed in
Example 1.
The procedure of Example 1 was repeated with maize stover, and the product was found to exhibit an
increased digestibility of about40%--70% when compared with the untreated roughage.
The procedure of Example 3 was repeated using jackbean meal in the proportions of Example 2
instead of soya bean meal, with results similar to those of
Example 3.
The substance for improving the
digestibility and nutritional value of
roughage capable of being used as a
ruminant feed material, which substance
comprises a mixture of:
urease, and
a retardant which slows down the rate of
urea/urease reaction in an aqueous
environment is believed to be novel and it
forms the subject of our Application No.
39222/77. Serial No. 1,520,578.
1. A process for improving the digestibility of roughage capable of being -used as a ruminant feed
material which
adding to the roughage
urease, and
allowing the urease to react with the urea
to produce ammonia; and
allowing the ammonia to permeate the
roughage to increase the nutritional value thereof
2. A process as claimed in claim 1, in
which the urease is added to the roughage
in the form of a urease-containing nutritive
3. A process as claimed in claim 2, in
which the urease is added in the form of a
urease-containing bean meal.
4. A process as claimed in claim 3, in
which bean meal has a particle size such that the major proportion thereof on a
weight basis will pass through a screen
having circular openings of about 1/16"
5. A process as claimed in any one of the
preceding claims, in which from 20 parts to
50 parts of water are added on a weight
basis, for every 100 parts of roughage.
6. A process as claimed in claim 5, in which from 30 parts to 40 parts of water are added on a weight
basis, for every 100 parts of roughage.
7. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, which includes adding a retardant to the
roughage with the urea and urease, to slow down the reaction between the urease and the urea.
8. A process as claimed in claim 7, in which the retardant is an alkali metal hydroxide or an alkaline
earth metal hydroxide.
9. A process as claimed in claim 8, in which the retardant is calcium hydroxide, and from 0.06 parts to
0.1 parts of calcium hydroxide are added on a weight basis, for every 100 parts of roughage.
10. A process as claimed in claim 9, in which about 0.08 parts of the calcium hydroxide are added on a
weight basis, for every 100 parts of roughage.
11. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, which includes comminution of the
roughage, prior to allowing the urease to react with the urea to produce ammonia.
12. A process as claimed in claim 11, in which the comminution comprises cutting or milling the
roughage so that it all passes through a screen having circular openings of about 1" diameter.
13. A process as claimed in claim 12, in which the comminution is such that the greater proportion on
a weight basis of the roughage will pass through a screen having circular openings of about 1/2"
diameter, but will be retained by a screen having circular openings of about 1/4" diameter.
14. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, in which all the additives which are
added to the roughage are mixed together to form a slurry prior to addition thereof to the roughage,
after which the slurry is added to the roughage and is thoroughly mixed therewith.
15. A process as claimed in any one of claims 3 to 14, in which the meals is soya bean meal and in
which from 2 parts to 6 parts of the meal are added on a weight basis, for every 100 parts of roughage.
16. A process as claimed in claim 15, in which from 3 parts to 5 parts of the meal are added on a
weight basis, for every 100 parts of roughage.
17. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, in which substantially all the urea is
reacted with the urease to produce ammonia.
18. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims in which from 2 parts to 8 parts of urea
are added on a weight basis, for every 100 parts of roughage.
19. A process as claimed in claim 18, in which from 3 parts to 6 parts of urea are
**WARNING** end of DESC field may overlap start of CLMS **.Data supplied from the esp@cenet
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25. GB1534615
- 12/6/1978
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/22
E Class: A23K1/12; A23K1/22
Application Number:
GB19760050359 (19761202)
Priority Number: US19750638718 (19751208)
Family: GB1534615
US4006253; NL7613423; JP52088179; FR2334307; DE2654973; BE849097
Abstract of GB1534615
1534615 NPN ruminant feeds SYNTEX (USA) Inc 2 Dec 1976 [8 Dec 1975] 50359/76 Heading A2B
NPN ruminant feeds are made by dissolv- ing a cellulose-containing material in a mix- ture of
concentrated mineral acid and urea having a pH less than 1, diluting with water and heating at elevated
temperature, e.g. 140-220 F, to hydrolyse the cellulose and cause chemical binding of at least 50% of
the amount of urea which is required to combine in a 1:1 molar ratio with the theo- retically available
monosaccharide units, and adjusting the pH to 3-8, e.g. 4-6. The acid may be HCL, H 2 SO 4 or H 3
PO 4 and the cellulose-containing material may be soy, rice, peanut, oat or cottonseed hulls (preferred)
or wheat, oat and corn straw and stalks, soybean hay, corn cobs, cottonseed trash, bagasse, molasses,
fibrous starch, beet or cane resi- dues, manure, sewage, wood chips or dust and paper. The pH may be
adjusted by adding Ca(OH) 2 , NaOH or KOH with retention or removal of any insoluble salts so
formed, or by removing volatile acids, e.g. HCl. The product may be used directly or dried,
concentrated or diluted.Description:
Description of GB1534615
( 11) 1 534 615 Application No 50359/76 ( 22) 1 Convention Application No 638718 United States of
America (US) iie( 32) Flec 8 YD 1 ( 19) ( 32) Filed 8 Dec 1975 in a:
( 44) Complete Specification Published 6 Dec 1978
A 23 K 1/22 Index at Acceptance A 2 B J 2 J 3 B J 3 C J 3 F 1 J 3 F 2 J 3 G 11 J 3 G 12 J 3 G 3 J 3 G 4
We, SYNTEX (U S A) INC, a Corporation organised under the laws of the State of Delaware, United
States of.
America, of 3401 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304, United States of America, do hereby
declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it
is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement:It is well known that
ruminant animals (for example, cattle and sheep) have the unique ability to convert non-protein
nitrogen (NPN) to animal protein This is accomplished, to a large extent, by the action of the microbial
flora in the rumen of the animal which degrades such non-protein nitrogen sources to ammonia, which
is then converted to protein.
The most widely used non-protein nitrogen source in ruminant feeds has been urea However there are
major problems with the use of urea in ruminant feeds since enzymatic breakdown of urea to ammonia
often occurs substantially faster than the microbial uptake of the liberated ammonia.
The excess ammonia thus produced can reach toxic levels in the animal which may lead to severe
disability or death and such excess ammonia is not utilized for protein synthesis resulting in an
inefficient utilization of available nitrogen Additionally, ruminant animals will noticeably discriminate
against urea in feed.
As a result, much work has been done to control the rates at which urea is broken down in the rumen
by physically mixing urea with various starch or other polysaccharide sources or molasses, or by
combining it c chemically with various monosaccharides, _polysaccharides or polysaccharide
degradation products to afford slow release urea fominulations See, for example the chapter entitled
Nonprotein Nitrogen Supplements for Ruminants in M Guicho, "Feeds for Livestock, Poultry and
Pets", Noyes Data Corp, ( 1973), U S Patent Nos 2,748 001.
3.677 767 3 873,733 and 3,873,728 and Belgian Patent No 806,971.
In the latter two U S patents is described the acid catalyzed reaction of urea with partially degraded
polysaccharides in the presence of acid (preferably about p H 5-6) to afford an NPN ruminant feed
However, none of the prior art methods describes the preparation of an NPN ruminant feed
supplement that can be economically produced on a large scale, competitive with current free urea feed
formulations or natural protein feeds such as soybean meal; that contain a relatively high percentage of
chemically bound, slowly releasable urea, relative to free urea; and that provide readily available
carbohydrates from inexpensive sources.
The present invention relates to a novel process for the preparation of NPN ruminant feed
supplements More particularly the NPN ruminant feed supplements prepared by the process of the
present invention contain a high percentage of urea which is chemically bound to a carbohydrate
molecule More particularly, the process of the present invention relates to the use of readily available
cellulose-containing materials as starting materials and their conversion, by reaction with urea in the
presence of a concentrated mineral acid, to afford a product substantially comprising urea chemically
linked to monosaccharide sugars or reaction products thereof.
As described above, the prior art discloses physical mixtures of urea with polysaccharides, and
chemically bound urea prepared by reaction with partially degraded polysaccharides in the presence of
However, in contra-distinction, the process of the present invention involves, to a large extent, the
essentially complete degradation ( 21) ( 31) ( 33) 1 f 1 gn ( 51) INT CL 2 ( 52) r.5: lrs ant 1,534,615 of
a specific polysaccharide, namely cellulose, to afford the monosaccharide, glucose, and the further
reaction of the glucose, thus formed in situ, with urea to form -glucoseurea", i e, the ureide N-/3glucopyranoside, which is described in U S 2,612,497 Concurrently, other components of the particular
cellulose-containing material, e g, hemicellulose and pentosans, produce other hexose sugars and
pentose sugars, which are believed to similarly react with urea It is further likely that the pentose
sugars also cyclize to form furfural which may then condense with urea to afford "furfural-urea",
described in U S 3,736,146 As a result of the process of the present invention, there is formed a product
consisting substantially of "glucose-urea" as well as smaller amounts of other hexose-ureas, furfuralurea and other materials such as minerals, lignin degradation products, and the like.
Additionally, the process of the present invention causes a high percentage of urea to be bound to the
carbo-hydrate Thus, based upon the monosaccharide potential (i.e ths number of units theoretically
available) from hydrolysis of the cellulosecontaining material, more than 50 % of the theoretical
amount of urea (i e the amount of urea which would bind chemically with the theoretically available
monosaccharide units, assuming a 1:1 ratio of urea:sugar) becomes chemically bound, thus being
available in a slow-release form, and reducing the amount of free urea in the product to acceptable
The process of the present invention may be more particularly described by reference to the following
manipulative steps:
A cellulose-containing material is first added to a mixture of a concentrated mineral acid and urea, the
mixture being at a p H less than 1, thereby causing a substantial dissolution of the cellulose-containing
material therein, it is believed, by solvation effects of the strong acid.
This mixture is then diluted with water and heated at an elevated temperature to cause the hydrolysis
of the cellulose (and other polysaccharades) and the chemical binding of urea to the monosaccharides
and reaction products thereof formed by the hydrolysis.
Finally, after the desired amount of urea is chemically bound, the p H of the mixture is adjusted to
between 3 and 8 to afford the final product.
As starting cellulose-containing materials that may be used in the process of the present invention
there may be mentioned a variety of readily available, inexpensive industrial and agricultural waste
products such as, for example, soy hulls, rice hulls, peanut hulls, oat hulls, cottonseed hulls, wheat
straw, oat straw, corn stalks, soybean hay, corn cobs cottonseed trash, bagasse, molasses and fiber
residue from starch, cane and beet sources, cow and horse manure, wood by-products such as chips,
dust and paper, sewage, and the like Preferred commodities are soy hulls, rice hulls, peanut hulls, oat
hulls and cottonsead hulls The mineral acids that may be employed include for example sulfuric acid,
phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid and mixtures thereof As mentioned above a concentrated mineral
acid, giving the mixture a p H less than 1 must be used to ensure substantial salvation and dissolution
of the cellulose portion of the starting commodity For this purpose there may be mentioned, for
example, sulfuric acid ( 70 % w/w or greater), phosphoric acid ( 85 % w/w or greater), and
hydrochloric acid ( 35 % w/w or greater) The choice of acid will be dictated to a certain extent by the
desired content of, for example, sulfur or phosphorus, in the final product The acid or acid mixture is
utilized in a quantity so as to give a ratio of between about 0 5 and 1 5 g.
of 100 % acid to 1 g of cellulose commodity.
A critical and unanticipated feature of the present process is that the cellulosecontaining material is
added to concentrated mineral acid which contains urea Prior art procedures for saccharide-urea
reactions involve the use of mineral acids, but at substantially higher p H than that of the present
process For example, U S 3,873,733 describes the use of an acid at about p H 5-6.
U.S 3,677,767 describes the use of an acid at a p H between about 1 5 and 3 0, and it is stated therein
that at p H values below 1 5 the breakdown or hydrolysis of urea is accelerated and such conditions are
not advisable.
Surprisingly, it has been found in the present invention that the use of concentrated mineral acids at
low p H 1, and in the presence of urea, affords superior results for the hydrolysis of the cellulose and
the binding of the resulting sugars to the urea In particular, it has been found that the presence of urea
in the initial reaction mixture greatly retards charring of the sugar formed during the hydrolysis step, a
phenomenon which normally occurs when sugars are treated with concentrated mineral acid While the
mechanism of this effect is not completely understood, it appears that the presence of urea in the initial
reaction mixture moderates the evolution of heat from the hydrolysis to a remarkable degree, thereby
practically eliminating charring as a problem.
In the present process, the cellulose commodity is added to a mixture of urea and the concentrated
mineral acid Normally, the cellulose-containing material is added por-' tionwise to allow for its
solvation and extensive dissolution in the reaction mixture An equimolar amount of urea, relative to the
1,534,615 cellulose content of the material, will normally be employed in the present process,.
although an excess of urea may be utilized.
The total quantity of urea employed will, of course, be reflected in the free urea content of the final
product The quantity of urea initially contained in the acid is between about 0 25 and 0 5 g, per gram of
concentrated acid, preferably about 0 30 to 0 35 g/g acid.
After most of the cellulose-containing mater has been dissolved in the urea-acid mixture, small
amounts of water are added, if necessary, to reduce ths viscosity of the mixture and then the remainder
of the cellulose-containing material and urea is added.
In the next step, sufficient water is added to dilute the reaction mixture to a manageable viscosity and
provide sufficient water to hydrolyze the cellulose A dilution to approximately /2 of the original
concentration is conveniently employed Then, the resulting mixture is heated at an elevated
temperature to hydrolyze the cellulose and other polysaccharides and cause the chemical reaction of the
resulting sugars with urea.
For this portion of the reaction a temperature of between 140 and 220 'F, preferably between 170 and
190 'F, is utilized The heating is continued for a sufficient period of time to bind the desired degree of
urea, which will be greater than 50 % of theoretical based upon potential monosaccharide, assuming a
1:1 ratio of monosaccharide:urea.
After the above step has been completed, the p H of the reaction mixture is adjusted to between 3 and
8, most preferably between 4 and 6 This may be accomplished by the addition of a suitable base to
neutralize the mineral acid present For example, bases such as calcium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide,
potassium hydroxide, and the like may be employed The use of sodium and potassium bases results in
the formation of soluble salts whereas the use of, e g, a calcium base, results in the formation (in the
case of calcium sulfate and calcium phosphate) of an insoluble salt, which may then be separated from
the product, if desired, by standard means such as centrifugation, filtration, and the like The type of salt
formed will thus dictate, to a certain extent, the salt content of the final product.
Alternatively, volatile acids such as hydrogen chloride, may be removed from the reaction mixture by
e g, evaporation or distillation to bring the p H of the resulting product within the desired range This
procedure minimizes the formation of salts and will be preferable in those cases where an especially
low salt content, (e g, less than 8 % w/w) measured by total ash, for the ruminant feed supplement is
The crude product resulting from the p H adjustment step may be utilized as is, or by appropriate
concentration or dilution in the form of an aqueous solution; or it may be dried by conventional
methods to afford a solid material.
Either the solid or liquid supplement can be utilized separately, or preferably in admixture with other
conventional ruminant feed components, for administration to the animal.
The products prepared by the process of the present invention have a binding of urea to theoretically
available mbnosaccharide (assuming a 1:1 ratio) of at least 50 % (as determined by resistance to
urease), the remainder of the urea remaining as unbound; and in general have a protein equivalency on
a dry basis from about 40 % to greater than 100 % The products prepared by the present process having
a low inorganic salt content, (i e, less than about 8 % w/w) as determined by total ash are palatable as
determined by taste acceptance studies in sheep on a weight maintainance regimen, and do not cause
toxicity problems which are characteristic of urea-containing supplements.
The present process may be performed on a large scale, suitable for commercial application, utilizing
a single reaction vessel with a minimum of manipulative steps, and is conveniently performed as a
batch process.
The following examples further describe the process of the present invention These examples are
given by way of illustration only and are not intended to restrict or limit the scope of the invention, as
set forth hereinabove, in any manner.
18 Kg of 93 % (w/w) sulfuric acid were placed in a 30 gallon glass-lined Pfaudler (Trade Mark)
reactor Six kg of urea were slowly added with mixing until dissolved.
The temperature of the sulfuric acid-urea mix was controlled at 110-120 'F Soy hulls were added at a
rate of 5 kg per hour until kg of the soy hulls had been introduced.
While stirring at 1200 F, 2 x 3 kg portions of water were added over a period of 15 to minutes,
followed by an additional 5 kg.
of water In a separate container, 2 kg of urea was mixed with 5 kg of water in a suspension and slowly
added to the reaction mixture Then, an additional 10 kg of soy hulls were added portionwise at 2 5 kg
per hour The temperature was then raised to 175-1850 F and held for 24 hours The reaction mixture
was then cooled to elow 100 'F.
and a 50 % (w/w) slurry of calcium hydroxide was added to bring the p H to 3 8-4 0.
The crude wet product was pumped out of the Pfaudler and roller dried to a ground powder.
Analysis of the dried material was as fol1,534,615 % (w Iw) 8.6 ( 54 % protein equivalent) 10.49 4.89
1.08 8.30 8.18 EXAMPLE 2
The crude wet product from Example 1, prior to roller drying, was diluted 3:1 with water and filtered
through a filter press The fitrate was evaporated to 61 5 % solids and was analyzed on a wet basis:
Component % (w/w) Nitrogen 12 60 ( 78 8 % protein equivalent) Bound Urea 50 00 of total urea Total
Ash 7.93 Calcium Sulfate Ammonia >; 7.00 1.70 EXAMPLE 3
To 90 G of 93 % (w/w) sulfuric acid was added 30 g of urea, and then 80 g of soy hulls were added in
small portions with mixing followed by 20 ml of water and additional soy hulls After a total of 100 g of
soy hulls had been added, 90 g of 85 % (w/w) phosphoric acid was added Additional soy hulls were
added followed by 230 ml of water and 13 g of 36 % (w/w) hydrochloric acid After a total of 250 g of
soy hulls had been added, 55 g of urea suspended in 50 ml of water was added to the reaction mixture
and the reaction mixture was heated at 195 F overnight After cooling, 200 ml of water was added and
the product was neutralized with a mixture of calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide to a p H of
about 4 30.
Analysis indicated that 66 6 % of the added nitrogen, as urea, was urease resis tant.
The procedure of Example 1 was repeated, utilizing the identical amount of rice hulls in place of soy
hulls The crude wet product was diluted 3:1 with water and filtered through a filter press The filtrate
was evaporated to 66 % solids and was analyzed on a wet basis:
Component Nitrogen Bound Urea % (w/w) 12.9 ( 81 % protein equivalent) 42.5 Total Ash 9.0
Ammonia 3.0 Ca SO 4 7.8Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB1534615
WHAT WE CLAIM IS:1 A process for the preparation of an NPN ruminant feed supplement, which process comprises: (a)
adding a cellulose-containing material to a mixture of a concentrated mineral acid and urea, said
mixture having a p H less than 1, to cause substantial dissolution of the cellulose containing material
therein; (b) diluting the above mixture with watsr and heating at an elevated temperature for a period of
time sufficient to cause substantial hydrolysis of the cellulosic material to monosaccharides and the
chemical binding of at least 50 % of theoretical of the urea, based upon the monosaccharide potential
of said cellulose-containing material and a 1:1 molar ratio of binding of urea to monsaccharide, and (c)
adjusting the p H of the mixture obtained in step (b) to between 3 and 8.
2 The process of Claim 1 wherein said cellulose-containing material is selected from the group
consisting of soy hulls, rice hulls, peanut hulls, oat hulls and cottonseed hulls.
3 The process of Claim 1 wherein said mineral acid is selected from the group consisting of sulfuric
acid, phosphoric acid and hydrochloric acid, and mixtures thereof.
4 the process of Claim 1 wherein, in step.
(b), said elevated temperature is between and 220 'F.
The process of Claim 4 wherein said temperature is between 170 and 1900 F.
6 The process of Claim 1 wherein, in step (c), said p H is between 4 and 6.
7 The process of Claim 1 wherein, in lows:
Component Nitrogen Bound Urea Unbound Urea Ammonia Sulfur Calcium 1,534,615 step (c), said p
H adjustment is effect by the addition of calcium hydroxide.
8 The process of Claim 1 wherein, in step (c), said p H adjustment is effected by the removal of a
volatile acid.
9 The process of Claim 1 wherein said feed supplemenh has a protein equivalency, on a dry basis, of
at least 40 %.
The process of Claim 1 wherein a relatively water-insoluble salt is formed in step (c).
11 The process of Claim 10 wherein said insoluble salt is selected from the group consisting of
calcium sulfate and calcium phosphate.
12 The process of Claim 10 wherein in insoluble salt formed is additionally separated from the
remaining feed supplement.
13 The process of Claim 1 wherein said feed supplement is additionally dried to afford a solid
14 A process for the preparation of an NPN ruminant feed supplement, according to the invention
substantially as described herein.
An NPN ruminant feed supplement whenever made by a process according to any one of the preceding
Chartered Patent Agents 70/72 Chancery Lane London WC 2 A 1 AD Agents for the Applicants
Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by Croydon Printing Company Limited, Croydon, Surrey,
Published by the Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, London, WC 2 A IAY, from which copies
may be obtained.
5)%Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
26. GB163628
- 5/26/1921
E Class: A23K1/14; A23K1/18M1
Application Number:
GB19200025196 (19200901)
Priority Number: GB19200025196 (19200901)
Family: GB163628
Abstract of GB163628
163,628. Hardcastle, H. M. Sept. 1, 1920. Food for animals.-A food for animals consists of hop meal
and saccharine matter, preferably molasses, mixed with one or more of the follow- ing ingredientsbarley meal, wheat meal, oat meal, rice meal, bean meal, pea meal, cotton cake meal, wheat sharps,
wheat bran, maize meal, starch meal, ground cakes such as palm nut cakes, linseed cakes, and salt.
Specifications 14124/03 and 120,166 are referred to.Description:
Description of GB163628
1 Application Date: Sept, 1, 1920. No. 25,196/20o 1 4 OComplete Accepted:; May 26, 1921.
A New or Improved Food for Animal Consumption.
39628 I, HENRY MARtMADIJEE HARIDCASTLE, Lieutenant Colonel, a subject of the King of
Great Britain, of Prylmle Street Mills, Prymie Street, Chester itoad, Manchester; in the County of
Lancaster, do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be
performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement:The
invention relates to a new or improved food for aninmal consumption.
In the Specificatioon of Letters Patent NXo. 14,124 of 1908 it was proposed to mix hop meal,
prepared from hop seeds, preferably dried, with sacchari ne matter and sometimes other meal whilst in
the Specilication of Letters Patent No.
120,166 a mixture was proposed consist2() ing of vegetable pulp, distillery meal, bran, ground oats, or
cottonseed imeal or arley mleal a11(1 Splent hop)s with a1 buitable flavouring.
- Various other processes of a similar nature have before been proposed for manufacturing foods for
animals. For example it has been proposed to grind maize stalks and the like and to dry or steam thenm
and then mould the proluct into briquettes.
An animal food for use by itself or coinbined with other food substances has been composed of yeast,
hops and commercial peat moss combined, if desired, with molasses in any suitable manner to form a
It has also been proposed to combine yeast with brewery grains, hops, distillers' grains, molasses, peat
moss, linseed cake and cotton seed cake to form an animial food.
Now the object of the present invention is to provide a food for animals of sucIh a character that it
shall be complete in itself [Price 1 1-3 so that the animal will require noiEing 46 more.
For this purpose the h6p meal and pure cane molasses, or any other suitable sweetening matter are
mixed with the following substances viz:-Barley meal, 50 wheat meal, oat meal, rice meal, bean meal,
pea ineal, cotton cake meal, wheat sharps, wheat bran, maize meal, starch meal, various ground caLes
such as palm nut cakes, linseed cakes, and salt, any 55 of which may be omitted from the mixture to
render it suitable for feeding any particular animal.
An example of a suitable mixture is as follows:- 60 Hlnr mlOal -i e- t Sugar - - Bean meal Oat meal
R1ice meal - WVheat ineal Wheat bran Cotton cake meal Pea meal - Maize meal Another example is
as follows:Hop meal Sugar Wheat meal Barley meal Wheat sharps Wheat bran Pea meal Oat meal Salt
- - 5cwtv.
- 5cwt.
-1 cwt.
- 1 cwt.
-1 cwt.
- 1lcwt.
- 2 cwt.
- 1 cwt.
- 1 cwt.
- 1., cwt cwts.
of a suitable mixture - - 5 cwt.
- - 6 cwt.
- - 2 cwt.
- - 1 cwt.
- - 2 cwt.
- - 2 cwt.
- - 1 cwt.
- - 2 cwt.
- - 2 cwt.
Ca (0, 163,628 An example of a mixture suitable for feedingo pigs is as follows:-Data supplied from
the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB163628
Claim 1 a mixture com1lprising the following ingredients, iz.:- - (i6 cwt.
- - 5cwt.
2- cwt.
- - 2 cwt.
- - Icwt.
- - 2 cwt.
- - 2 cwt.
A food composed of -the ingredients hereinbefore mentioned will comprise all the elements necessary
to satisfy aind nourish the animal and maintain it in a healthy condition and may be mixed in any
suitable mixing machine or by hand and may be made up in the form of cakes or nuggets or left in meal
The proportions above given are those which I have found to answer well in practice, but I would
have it understood that I may vary themn as circumstances require.
Having now particularlv described and ascertained the nature of my said invention and in what inalner
the same is to he performed, I declare that what I claim is:1, A food for animals comprising a mixture
of hop meal and a sweetening substance with which are mixed or combined any or all of the- following
substances, namely, barley meal, wheat meal, oat meal, rice meal, bean meal, pea umeal, cotton cake
meal, wheat sharps, wheat bran, maize meal, starch meal, various ground cakes such as palm nut cakes,
linseed cakes and salt, in or about the proportions herein set forth.
2. In a food for animals as claimed in Hop meal - Cane molasses Bean meal Oat meal Rice meal
Wheat meal Wheat bran Cotton cake meal Pea meal - Maize meal - acwt.
- 6 ewr.
-1 cwt.
- 1 cwt.
- 1 cwt.
- 1cwt.
- 2 cwt.
- 14 cwt.
- lcwt.
-] 1 cwt.
in or about the proportions stated.
3. In a food for animals as claimed in Claim 1 a mixture comprising the following ingredients,
viz:Hop meal - - - 3 cwt.
Cane molasses - - i cwt.
Wheat meal - - 2 cwt.
Barley meal - - 1 cwt. 6a AW-heat sharps - - 2 cwt.
Wheat bran - - 2 cwt.
Pea meal - - - 1 cwt.
Oat meal - - - l cwt.
Salt, - - - 1. ---t 0.
in or about the proportions stated.
4. In a food for animals as claimed in Claim 1 a mixture comprising the following, ingredients,
riz:Hop meal - - - ( cwt.
Cane molasses - -.5 cwt.
Pea meal - - - 2 cwt.
Maize meal - - 2 cwt.
Barley meal - - 1 cwt.
Wheat sharps - - 2 cwt.
Wheat bran - - 2 cwt.
in or about the proportions stated.
5. The new or improved food for animal consumption herein described.
Dated this 31st day of August, 19210. 80 For the Applicant, BARLOW, GILLETT & WHITE,
Chartered Patent Agents, 17, St. Ann's Square, Manchlester.
fRedhill: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Hop meal Sugar Pea meal Maize meal Barley meal W
Wheat sharps Wheat bran Office, by Love & Malcorns-on, Ltd-1921-Data supplied from the
esp@cenet database - Worldwide
27. GB191410328
- 9/3/1914
E Class: A23K1/14C
Application Number:
GBD191410328 (19140427)
Priority Number: GBT191410328 (19140427)
Family: GB191410328
Abstract of GB191410328
10,328. Goodwin, T. H. April 27. Food for animals.-Ground cocoa shells are mixed with cocoa waste,
dried and ground spent hops, rice meal, and fenugreek.Description:
Description of GB191410328
>;Desc/Clms Page number 1;
Improved Cattle Food.
I, '1'lionW HMjMtY GOODWIN, Commission Agent, Aston Villa, '(ttoxeter, Staffs., do hereby
declare the nature of this invention to be as follows-.- Consisting of 1.1..
Cocoa shells, ground cocoa by product, or cocoa waste, spent hops, dried, & ground rice meal,
The cocoa waste is a small powder like product which is put out, as not fit for human beings to drink,
and yet containing a large percentage of oil, up to
To be mixed 171'Ul)Ol't7pT1:1t(:ly as fo)lows.:- Cocoa, shells -@ - 56 1bs.
Cocoa by-product .0 - - - - 38 lbs.
Rice meal - - - - 56 lbs.
Hops- - - - 112 1bs.
Fenugreek - -7 lbs.
Haying now pariicularly described ; >; nd ascertajued t.he nature of my said .Iu\entio]i, and in what
málluer the same is to be pm:fol'1Jletl, I declare 'that what I claim'is : - (1) Cocoa. shells.
(2) Cocoa by-product.
(a) With l10I)S.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
28. GB191508370
- 3/2/1916
E Class: A23K1/14
Application Number:
GBD191508370 (19150605)
Priority Number: GBT191508370 (19150605)
Family: GB191508370
Abstract of GB191508370
8370. Jensen, C. A., [United States Tropical Food Co.]. June 5. Food for animals.-Consists of a food
for animals prepared by drying bananas, grinding or reducing them to fragments, and mixing with a
bulk-increasing constituent. This constituent may consist of one or more of the following: banana skins
dried and reduced, bastard cedar seeds, chopped hay, ground maize, or crushed oats. The materials are
formed into a dough moulded into the form of cakes, or grains similar to rice or barley, and
Description of GB191508370
>;Desc/Clms Page number 1;
Improvements in Food for Animals.
(A communication from aliroad from theUNITEDSTATESTROFJCAf.FOOD
OMPANT, a corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts, of Maiden,
County of Middlesex, Commonwealth of Massa-o1t.:u.sett, United States of America. )
I, r,uxs7rx,rr 4 1 JENSEN, of No. 7?', Chancery Lane, London, W.C., -Chartered Patent Agent,.do
hereby declare the nature of this invention and in
wb,at jnaMter the same is to be performed, to be particularly described andaacetrtainedinand .by the
This invention relates to a new and useful food for animals and has for its object a nutritious and
wholesome and at the same time relatively inexpensive food for animals. This food consists of the
composition of matter hereinafter described.
The basis of my composition is the bodies of bananas. These bodies are kiln dried or otherwise dried,
until practically all the moisture is evaporated. The dried bodies are then ground or otherwise reduced
to fragments. These fragEMI1.4
ments while extremely valuable as a food for animals, are too highly concen- trated ; and to overcome
this objection I mix them withsuitable ingredients to increase their bulk and at the same time impart
other nutritious properties.
The following materials may be used for this purpose in preWiAg a food for animals: First: Banana
akins, either ripe or gr;een, or a mixture ,of ripe and green skins, these being dried and reduced to small
fragments by grinding or chopping.
Secondly:Bastard cedar steeds, atropical product; the seeds being dried and ground. The bastard cedar
seeds are especially valuable for stock fattening Thirdly: Chopped hay.
Ji'.Q.W1;JilyCrashed oats.
Fifthly: GsQuud mae.
Banana bodies are obtainable in large quantities and at a wry low cost. Tjwy contain a large percentage
of starch and other ingredients useful for fattening purposes.
T-\1e..eom;pqsitiqn may be connned to the dried green banana meats and any one of the
abovementioned bulk-increasing ingredients, giving preference to the ground bastard cedar seeds. I
prefer, however, to employ all of said ingredients.
>;Desc/Clms Page number 2;
The invention may be carried out for example by producing any one of the following mixtures in about
the proportions stated.
(A) Dried green banana meats - lbs.331/3%
Dried banana skins, or ground maize, or chopped hay or
crushed oats - lbs. 66B/8%(B) Dried green banana meats - - - - - - lbs. 80% Ground bastard cedar seeds
- - - - - - lbs. 20%
(C) Dried green banana meats - - - - - - lbs. 331/9% Dried banana skins - - - - lbs. 331/s /o Ground
maize or crushed oats - - lbs. 33l,% (D) Dried green banana meats - lbs. 50%
Dried banana skins - lbs.30%
Ground bastard cedar seeds- lbs. 20% (E) Dried green banana meats- lbs. 50%
Dried banana skins - lbs. 30%
Chopped hay - - - - - - lbs.20% (F) Dried green banana meats - lbs. 25%
Dried banana skins, or ground maize- - - - lbs. 50%
Choppedhay - - - - - - lbs. 15%Ground bastard cedar seeds - - - - - - lbs. 10%
(G) Dried green banana meats - - - - - - lba. 25% Dried banana skins - - - - - - lbs.20%Chopped hay -------- - lbs. 15%
Crushed oats - ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ - - lbs. 15%Ground maize --------- - lbs. 15%
Ground bastard cedar seeds - lbs. 10%
Each mixture A, or B, or C, or D, or E, or F or G, is mixed into a dough by adding a little water and salt
to the composition or mixture, then that dough isput into a rolling machine that compresses and moulds
the composition into grains similar in size to rice or barley. These should then be dried in any suitable
manner, or these mixtures may be moulded into cakes or any other suitable form.
It has heretofore been proposed to make cattle food in the form of cakes or other suitable forms from
bananas, by mixing the meal of the peeled or unpeeled unripe dried fruit with the pulp of the ripe fruits
and forming a dough thereof which is then dried. -The present invention however is primarily
concerned .with the addition of a bulk-increasing ingredient or ingredients as above stated.Data
supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB191508370
Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of my said invention, and in what manner
the same is to be performed, I declare that what
I claimis.1. An animal food product comprising dried banana meats and dried banana skins or other bulk
increasing ingredient.
2. An animal food product comprising dried banana meats, dried 'banana skins and an ingredient such
as ground maize or crushed oats.
3. An animal food product comprising dried banana meats, dried banana skins and ground bastard
cedar seeds.
4. An animal food product comprising dried banana meats, dried banana skins and choppedhay.
5. An animal food product comprising dried banana meats, dried banana skins, bastard cedar seeds,
crushed oats, ground maize and chopped hay in the proportions substantially as hereinbefore
described.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
29. GB254388
- 7/1/1926
E Class: A23K1/00C1
Application Number:
GB19250008750 (19250401)
Priority Number: GB19250008750 (19250401)
Family: GB254388
Abstract of GB254388
254,388. Daubek, J. F., and Daubek, G. April 1, 1925. Bacteria, cultivating, and preparations for administering.- For increasing the nutritive value of human and animal foodstuffs and waste pro- ducts of
slaughter houses, residues of fish-preserv- ing factories, oleaginous fruits or their residues c., they are
treated with cultures obtained by growing yeast on pentosans in the presence of bacteria, without the
addition of sugar, the mass being absorbed by and allowed to act on the food- stuffs or waste products.
For extracting the yeast, exudations from tropical trees such as Opuntiae, Acaciae c. are rinsed in a
nutritive salt solution and placed in Pasteur flasks and sterilized extracts of substances such as olives or
bran are added; the flasks are brought to a tem- perature of 38-40 C., and at the end of about 72 hours
the yeast crop is separated. From these cultures the various species are isolated and then cultivated on
pentosans in symbiosis with the stimulating bacteria without the addition of hexose, and the best
growths obtained under these conditions are employed in the process. Suitable bacteria are obtained by
rinsing husks of Burma rice or Indian hemp seeds in a solution of sodium carbonate, and the liquid thus
obtained is used to inoculate a sterilized pentosan solution at a temperature of 38-40 C., and all the
deli- cate fine rods in chaplet form are grown separ- ately as special cultures in the presence of yeast,
the cultures being placed on shaking apparatus. The temperature of the cultures is gradually raised to
50 C. before impregnation of the food or waste products, or the temperature of the mix- ture may be
gradually raised to 50 C.Claims:
Claims of GB254388
claim is:1. A process for increasing the nutrient value of fodder and foodstuffs, characterised in that yeast is
cultivated in common with bacteria on pentosans without the addition of sugar, and the resulting mass
is absorbed by and allowed to act on the fodder or foodstuffs or on raw, intermediate and by-products.
2. A method of carrying out the process according to Claim 1, characterised in that the mass is placed
on suitable jigging apparatus and gradually warmed up to 500 C., so that there is an increased 15 yield
of physiological products.
3. A method of carrying out the process according to Claim 1, characterised in that the mass together
with the raw material is gradually warmed to 20 500 C.
Dated this 1st day of April, 1925.
ABEL & IMRAY, Agents for the Applicants.
Abingdon: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Burgess & Son.
[Wt. 51A.-25 12/1930.]Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
30. GB289289
- 4/26/1928
E Class: A23K1/18L2
Application Number:
GB19270018378 (19270711)
Priority Number: GB19270018378 (19270711)
Family: GB289289
Abstract of GB289289
289,289. Bertels, B. H. July 11, 1927. Food for poultry.-A food in granular form for poultry is
manufactured by mixing together finely- ground kinds of grain, ordinary meal and animal meal,
partially expressed oil-containing seeds, food salts and constituents containing vitamines such as cod
liver oil and dried yeast, the mixture then being pressed in a dry state into granules of the required size.
The grain may be wheat, yellow maize, rice, oats, buckwheat and barley. The oil-containing seeds may
be linseed, sun- flower seed and ground nuts, these being ex- pressed to contain about 10 per cent of
oil. As ex- amples of ordinary meals. semolina and rice meal, tapioca meal are given and meat meal is
men- tioned as a meal of animal origin. In a specific example, the food is made from the following
proportions by weight of the mentioned con- stituents : 2 per cent linseed, 10 per cent sun- flower
seeds, 4 per cent ground nuts, 5 per cent wheat, 25 per cent yellow maize, 5 per cent rice, 5 per cent
oats, 5 per cent buckwheat, 8 per cent barley, 3 per cent semolina, 8 per cent rice meal, 2 per net
tapioca meal, 1 per cent fish oil rich in vitamines, 2 per cent unextracted dried yeast, 7 per cent meat
meal, 6 per cent other meal of animal origin and 2 per cent pulverized calcium phosphate.Description:
Description of GB289289
1 ME1 1923
PATENT SPECIFICATION -Application Date:. duly/11, 1927. No. 18,'378/27.
Complete Accepted: April 26, 1928.
COMPLETE SPECIFICATI1N.X 289,289 -Bibllotheek Bur Imd Eiqendom 2 2 MEI1928
Improvements in or relating to the Preparation of a Complete - Food in Granular Form for Poultry.
I, Bit-niiw. IfEitAL BEIITELS, of 150, Weesperzijde, Amsterdam, Holland, a subject of the Queen of
Holland, do hereby declare the nature of this invention.and in what manner the same is to lie
performed, to b6 particularly described and ascertained in and by the followiing statement:
The invention relates to the preparation of a complete, food in granular form for poultry.
There are various known kinds of foods for poultry; but these are only 'suitable for use as mlorningy
food and are not aIppropriate for use as a comiplete food, inasmuch as they do not contain all the
comiponents which the potiltry requires during the whole of the day for its own nourishment and for
the production of eggs, so that; besides the morning, food, additional food, such as, for instance, corn
has to be supplied.It is also known to knead some of these kiwis of inorning food into a dough1 and 23
to manufacture granules from the dough, which gr.anlules are dried by heatin--. As is knlowsn, however, all kinds of meals whichl are first knended into a paste and thien heated and dried suiffer
detriment in respect of taste, smell and food value, so that these known processes are uneconomnical
and are of no value in practice.
The process for the production of a comlplete food in granule form for poultry according. to the present
invention is characterised by the feature that various finely ground kinds of grain, various kinds of meal
not of animal origin advarious kinds of meal of animal 40o ori-in are mixed together in definite
propiortions, and partially expressedi oil-con---ig round seeds (preferably exuressed in suchr manner as
to retain about 10Of' of oil) food salts anrd (constituents 4 onitainingl,, vitaimines (such as, for
examiple, cod liver oil and dried yeast) are added to this mixture, likewise in dlefinite proportions,
whereupon the mixture is pressed iin a dry state inito -ranules )Q of the (desired size.
This granular food contains, all the components which are required for the nourishment of the poultry
itself and for [price 11-1 the production of egg,.s and which the birds eat during the wvhole course of
the 55 day.
This, however, is not the case with the known ki-nds of food, inasmuch as the birds assimilate when
eating the morning food a relatively too large quantity of 60 protein and when eating.the necessary
additional food containing grain a relatively too large quantity of starch, which fact results in an
undesirable intestinal irritation w-hereby the production of eggs 6 is influenced disadvantageously. If
the poultry eat too much maize or corn, they become too fat, as a consequence of which the production
of eggs decreases; if, however, they eat too little maize or corn, 70 then the protein and. fat of the
morningo food, which products serve for the egg production, becomes 'ued up for the nourishment of
tihe poultry itself, in consecluence of which the production of eggs 75 likewise decreases.
Attention is also drawn to the fact that, as fowls' eyes give a-5 to 7 fold magnification, these birds
pick out for preference all the small particles of meat, so that 8Q in consequence correct feeding does
not take lplace.
If dTucks are fed with meal food, then the disadvantage arises that these birds cannot swallow the
food at once and conseq uently go immediately to the water and wrash the food down with water,
whereby howev mi a considerable amount of meal food is lost, so that this method of feeding is very
uneconomical. 90 All the axbove-ilnamed disadvantages 011( dIrawbacks are eliminated by the process
accodingto the invention, wherein the comulplete food is pressedl iii the dry state into granules. - 95
The dry pressing. has no disadvantageous influence on the good properties of the kiands of jieal
worked up into the mixtui e. Further, since the pdultry assimilates the food in granule forni it 100 is
compelled to eat the correct constituents iii the necessary proportions, with the result thlat a maximumn
number of eggs is oibtaiaed. The food granules are more easily digestible thaxi the bard grain& of 1%
orni, whrich render a large amount n - energy, i.e. a large amount of food, necessary, so that by
feceding with food granules -according; to the invention a smaller quantity of food is needed.
Finally it may be mentioned that the feeding with food granules according to the invention is so
simple and takes so little time that duck owners who have hitherto fed the ducks with fish, mussels and
meal ire able by the use of the food according to the invention to attend with ease to double the number
of ducks.
The fact that the production of egrgs is increased by the use of the food granules 15according to the
invention -is proved by numerous extensive experiments which have been made.
It was found, for example, that dlucks fed with fish, mussels and maize laid on the average 100 eggs
per year, whereas when fed with food granutles according to the invention this number was attained in
three months; this test was made, however, during the best laying months.
In a controlled test it was found that 44 ducks fed with fish and maize laid on the 21st March 1927, 34
eggs, whilst the same birds when fed exclusively on food granules according to the invention laid:
On the 28th March, 1927-40 eggs.
On the 29th March, 1927-44 eggs.
-On the 30th March, 1927-43 eggs On the 31st March, 1927--44 eggs.
A second experiment gave the result that 40 ducks fed with fish and maize laid 31 eggs per day, whilst
the same birds when fed exclusively on the food granules according to the invention after a few days
laid 40 eggs per day.
In another experiment it was found that 10.50 ducks fed with fish and maize laid 735 eggs on the lst
April, 1927.
After being- fed exclusively on the food granules according to the invention the 5same 10.50 ducks
laid as follows:
On the 12th April, 1927-877 eggs.
On the 14th April,' 1927-905 eggs.
On the 20th April, 1927-947 eggs.
On the 29th April,' 1927-954 e--ggs.
The result shows therefore an increase of about 26% after 14 days.
In addition to this it was found that as a result of the feeding, with the food granules the ducks looked
better, the eggs were on the average larger, and the flavour was much better and more delicate than was
the case when the ducks were fed on fish, maize and mussels.
-F rom. this it will be seen how extremely useful for poultry feeding this complete feed compressed
into granules is, all the more so since the lasting properties of the granules are unlimited.
The process for the preparation of tels complete poultry food in granular formi according to the
invention is as follows:
Various kinds of gbrain, such as wheat, yellow maize, rice and oats, buckwheat and barley are finely
ground up and well 70 mixed together. If desired, all these six kinds of grain can be employed after
grinding and mixing together or one or more of these kinds of grain, such as wheat, oats, buckwheat
and rice can be replaced, for example, by maize or barley. The mixture is preferably made up according
to -the prevailing, mark-et prices of the various kinds of grain. The various combinations of grain are,
however, chosen in such manner that they are always of equal value from the point of view of the
feeding process.
Independently of this mixture, oilcontaining seeds such as, for example, 85 linseed, sunflower seeds
and ground nuts, are finely ground up and, partly expressed, in such manner that the necessary oil
content remains in them.
These produets are then added to the 90 grain mixture and the whole is thoroughly mixed. To this
mixture are added various kinds of meal, such as, for example, semolina, rice meal, tapioca meal and
so forth, various kinds of meal r or animal origin, such as, for example, meat meaj and the like, the
constituents containing the necessary vitamines, suchi as, for example, unpurified Norwegian fish oil
and non-extracted dried yeast, 10 and finally the necessary food salts, such as, for example, pulverised
calcium phosphate in a fine state of subdivision.
This mixture is then pressed in the dry state in special presses into grains of the 5 desired size and is
then ready for use.
Good food granules are, for instance, obtained by making up the mixture from the following
constituents; the percentag-es of which are given by wieight:
2O/1, of linseed, 10%/, of sunflower seeds, 4%V, of ground nuts, 5 % of wheat, 23%1 of yellow
maize, &%. of rice, 5%/ of oats, 6%/, of buckwheat, 8%. of barley, 3%A of semolina, 8% of rice meal,
2?% of tapioca I meal, 1%1/, of fish oil rich ii -vitamnines, 2%/, of unextracted dried yeast, 70% of
meat meal, 6%.1 of other meal of amnial origin, and 2% of pulverised calcium phosphate.. 120 The
above-named substances, miixed in the dry condition are pressed.in special presses into granules of, for
example, 3 to 5 mm. size and are then readly for use.
The total digestible true proteins in the 125 gPranules vsary from 15-18%, the starchr value befing;75
to 80.
Hfaving 'now lparticularly described anrd ascertained the nature of my said invention and in what
mnannter thm same is 1:30 289,289 289,289 to be performed, I declare that what IData supplied from
the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
31. GB321965
- 11/25/1929
E Class: A23K1/00B2
Application Number:
GB19280015156 (19280523)
Priority Number: GB19280015156 (19280523)
Family: GB321965
Abstract of GB321965
321,965. White, A. E., (Ellis-Foster Co.). May 23, 1928. Food for animals.-To facilitate handling by
animals a biscuit is made of bar shape and is curved or shaped so as to be longitudinally rock- able. The
curved biscuit may be formed with flat faces and knobbed ends to resemble a femur bone or may take
the shape of a rib bone. The biscuit contains vitamin-supplying ingredients and is baked to form a hard
non-fissured crust to prevent deterioration of its vitamin content. As suitable ingredients wheat flour,
rice bran, malt syrup, glucose, salt, and milk are mentioned; in another composition for assisting
growth rice polishings, rice bran, malt syrup, glucose, and milk are specified, and in a third form wheat
flour, rice bran, cod liver oil, salt, malt extract, glucose, and milk are indicated. In each case the
ingredients are mixed and baked on a curved surface and then air dried' at from 30 to 50 Centrigrade
for several days or weeks. Specifi- cation 17875/08 is referred to.Description:
Description of GB321965
PATENT SPECIFICATIO-N a Application Date: May 23, 1928 No 15,166/28.
Domplete Accepted Nov 25, 1929.
Improvements relating to Animal Foods.
Communication' from ELLIS-FOSTER ComPANY, a company incorporated under the laws of the
State of New Jersey, United States of America, of City of Montclair, State of New Jersey, United States
of America.
I, ALFRED Et RNEST WHITE, C I Mech E, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, a
subject of the King of o O Great Britain, of the Firm of White, Langner, Stevens, Parry & Rollinson, of
Jessel Chambers, 88-90, Chancery I Lane, London, W C 2, Chartered ' Patent Agents, do hereby
declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly
described and ascertained in and by the following statement:The present invention relates to biscuits for dogs and other animals and has for its chief object to
provide a biscuit for dogs and other animals of such form that it can be readily and easily handled
particularly by a young animal.
A further object of the present invention is to provide a biscuit which in itself is as nearly as possible a
complete food for dogs without the necessity of supplementary feeding to furnish the necessary health
preserving and growth-promoting constituent.
With the above objects in view the present invention consists in a longitudinally rockable
substantially bar-shaped biscuit for dogs and other animals which is capable of being raised at one end
from the surface on which it rests by pressure of a dog's paw at the other end For this purpose the
biscuit may conveniently be of generally concavo-convex shape in longitudinal cross section so that
when resting on its convex face it may be easily grasped at either end and when in the reverse position
it may be readily grasped intermediate its ends The necessary florin may be imparted to the biscuit by
baking it on a curved surface and this is readily accomplished in the present day continuous baking
ovens in use.
I Previously biscuits for dogs and other animals have been made of materials containing a balanced
composition adapted to serve as a co nplete food for dogs from the lPrice 1/ l 321,965 standpoint of,
having sufficient proteid carbohydra't but the feeding of dogs with 55 these vitamine-deficient biscuits
without any supplementary foods has led to a diseased condition and in some cases death of the animal
due to scurvy, rickets and the like attributable to the orioginal lack 60 of or subsequent destruction of
the accessory food factors.
in the present invention the longitudinally rockable biscuit is made so-as to be as nearly as possible a
complete food 65 for ddgs without the necessity of supplementary feeding to furnish the necessary
health preserving and growth-promoting constituent The biscuit is accordingly enriched in so-called
vitamines and to 70 retard or prevent destruction or deterioration of the latter by air or oxygen is
preferably formed with a dense hard crust which is impervious or nearly impervious to the air In
addition the biscuit is so 75 made that fissuring thereof is reduced or in most cases eliminated The
fissuring is detrimental not only from the standpoint of mechanical perfection of the biscuit but also
due to the fact that 80 destruction or deterioration of the vitainine content though the fissures is more
rapid and complete upon storage.
The biscuiit can be prepared from ingredients which by proper baking treat 85 ment will yield a
foodstuff for dogs which minimizes the necessity of the use of supplementary feedings The desired
vitamines may be obtained from any suitable source but among other considerations cost 90 of the raw
materials must be taken Rice polishings or rice bran serve as the source of the anti-neuritic vitamine
present in the biscuit while wheat flour which has not been bleached or treated chemically 95 to whiten
it contains vitamine B or the growth-promoting food accessory Other suitable sources of vitamine A
and B are vegetables which may or may not have been desiccated If desiccated however 1 ')0
desiccation must have been carried out under conditions such as not to have injured or destroyed the
vitamine content.
Protection against scurvy is aided by the use of milk in the preparation of the 105 biscuit 'but in this
respect supplementary ii j i feeding of foods rich in vitamine C or the anitiscorbhitic vitamine is
As -gi examiple of preferred composition of biscuits the {f 6 lldwing is given, thie parts being given
by weight:
parts of wheat flour (middling grade), 100 parts of rice bran, 1 l parts of malt syrup (which may be
defined as a concentrated more or less viscid aqueous t O solution of sugar which contains malt or malt
extract as a modifying ingredient), parts of glucose, 1, parts of salt, 100 parts of water; 40 narts of milk
The above materials were mixed to form a ij stiff dough, shaped by cutting and baked on a clurved
surface at 450 F for 15 minutes The biscuit prepared in this manner became hard on standing, had a
good surface and showed no signs of fissuring.
A superior form of composition in that it contains a greater quantity of the growth-promoting
vitamines is as follows, the parts being given by weight:
100 parts of rice pohishings, 100 parts of rice bran, 11 parts of malt syrup, 14 parts of salt, 20 parts of
glucose, 40 parts of milk, 100 parts water The above material was mixed to form a stiff dough or paste
and baked at 450 F for 15 minutes The biscuits obtained were somewhat nmore moist than in the
preceding formula and required a somewhat longer time to become dry and hard but the biscuit
obtained shows no signs of fissuring and had a good surface.
An example of a somewhat shorter biscuit and one which is richer in vitamines is the following, the
parts being given by weight:
parts of wheat flour (middling grade), 100 parts of rice bran, 10 parts of cod liver oil, 1 parts of salt, 11
parts of malt extract (which may be defined as an aqueous extract of malt concentrated to the thickness
of honey and containing any added ingredients for special purposes), 20 parts glucose, 40 parts milk,
100 parts of water The cod liver oil, milk and water were first mixed and the oil emulsified by rapid
beating The solution was then added to a mixture of the dry ingredients, mixed to form a stiff dough or
paste and baked on a curved surface The biscuit obtained had a better texture than either of the above
formulas in that it was less moist and soimevhat shorter It dried more rapidly and had a somewhat more
impervious crust or surface The odor or flavot of the cod liver oil added did not detract from the
palatability of the biscuit and in fact when the three biscuits were offered to a dog he selected that
containing the cod liver oil as being the most desirable.
The curving of the biscuit, so as to make a tipping-up biscuit so that a dog, particularly a young dog,
is enabled to handle the biscuit a great deal more readily, can be accomplished in several 70 ways One
way of accomplishing this in the piesent-day continuous baking ovens is to have the pans on which the
biscuits are baked made up in a series of curved surfaces, the curves being proportional to 75 the length
of the biscuit so that the wet dough on being placed upon the pan naturally assumes the shape of the
curved surface andl is then baked hard wheil lying in this position The curve may of 80 course be of
any degree but the most desirable ctrve would be of such a degree as to make the center of the biscuit
between one-fourth and one-half of an inch above the plane of the ends of the biscuit 85 Another way
in which a tipping biscuit can be made is by pre-forming the dough so as to have the ends of the biscuit
shaped to form an angle so that by a dog merely treading on the end of the biscuit 90 the opposite end
would be raised in the air enabling the biscuit to be eaten by the dog The shaped ends could readily be
formed in a suitable mold and baked as in the foregoing 95 A biscuit in bar form is desirable as the
tipping or tilting effect is readily obtained by producing the bar in bent or slightly curved shape so that
it does not rest firmly on the floor Moreover the bar i 00 shape lends to compactness inpackagoing A
bar 6 to 8 inches long, 19 to 2 inches in width and about Rths of an inch in thickness is an appropriate
size for full grown dogs The thickness may be increased or 1 P 5 decreased as desired In general I
prefer the length of the biscuit to be substantially greater than the width A so-called puppy biscuit may
be made about 3 inches in length and 1 inch in width having a 110 thickness of perhaps l inch If desired
the biscuit may have flat faces and knobbed or enlarged ends to facilitate handling by an animal.
The bar form is produced easily in a i 11 form which affords a tilting or tipping effect It may be
curved uniformly throughout its length or may be made with irregular curves The curvature is
preferably along the flat side Another 120 method and one which is very practical to make is that of a
bar bent slightly at the middle but with straight members rather than curving ones When the apex of
this bar is resting on the floor the bar 125 may be readily tilted.
I do not wish to limit myself herein to a non-fissured biscuit but prefer the latter when the
composition contains added vitamines, that is when a biscuit enriched t 30 r 321 965 ting the latter
entirely Other changes in the proportions of the ingredients may be made as is well known to those
skilled in the art 70 The biscuits preferably are packed in containers lined with waxed paper.
Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of my said invention and in what
manner the same is to 75 be performed (as communicated to me by my foreign correspondents), I
declare thatData supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB321965
what I claim is:1 A longitudinally-rockable substantially bar-shaped biscuit for dogs and so other animals capable of
being raised at one end from the surface on which it rests by pressure of a dog's paw at the other end.
2 A substantially bar-shaped biscuit, 85 for dogs and other animals of generally concavo-convex
shape in longitudinal cross section capable when resting on its concave face of being easily grasped
intermediate its ends, and when resting on its 90 convex face, of being easily grasped at either end,
whereby said biscuit is capable of being handled readily by an animal at any time during consumption.
3 A biscuit as claimed in claim I or 95 claim 2 having fiat faces and knobbed ends whereby said
biscuit is capable of being handled readily by an animal at any time during consumption.
4 A biscuit as claimned in any of the 100 preceding claims containing vitaminneemnriched foodstuffs
and being substantially free from fissures whereby destruction of the vitamine content by air is
A biscuit as claimed in either of 105 claims 1, 2 and 3 which is produced by baking and air-drying
from a dough enriched in vitamines and yielding a substantially dense 'texture in the baked biscuit
whereby destruction or deteriora 110 tion of the vitamine content by air or oxygen is retarded.
6 A baked and air-dried biscuit as claimed in either of claims 1, 2 and 3 which is enriched in vitamines
and has a 115 dense hard crust and is substantially free from fissures whereby in view of the dense,
hard crust the destruction or deterioration of the vitamine content by air or oxygen is substantially
reduced X 7 The longitudinally rockable substantially bar-shaped biscuit for dogs and other animals
substantially as hereinbefore described.
Dated the 23rd day of May, 1928.
For A E WHITE, White, Langner, Stevens, Parry & Rollinson, Chartered Patent Agents, Jessel
Chambers, 88-90, Chancery Lane, London, W C 2, and at 17, John Street, New York, U S A.
in vitamines is to be prepared A composition which does not fissure on baking but affords a glazed
hard crust over the entire surface is beneficial in preserving the vitamine content as noted above.
The bar-shaped biscuit in some cases may be made somewhat in the form of a femur bone as set forth
in Patent Specification No 17,875 of 1908, with however the improvement of having the side of the
biscuit curved or bent at the middle in the manner indicated above to secure an effective tilting
longitudinal rocking action during the entire period of consumption 'of the biscuit Thus the rectilinear
bar indicated above may have its ends enlarged or knobbed to somewhat resemble a femur while at the
same time having a curvature resembling a rib bone or an angular bend at the middle or near either end
to accomplish the same result.
A product somewhat approximating the form of a rib bone and having the tilting qualities of a rib
bone forms a part of the present invention I do not however necessarily follow the proportions of rib
bones as a somewhat thicker or heavier product is less fragile and therefore less likely to break on
Preferably the baked biscuits of my invention are dried and cured The larger sizes after baking contain
a considerable amount of moisture In this condition if immediately packaged moulding is likely to
result This is especially true in the case of a vitamine-enriched product within the scope of the present
invention I therefore preferably subject the baked biscuits to air-drying or ageing until the moisture has
evaporated to an extent sufficient to overcome danger from moulding.
This may take several days or several weeks depending upon the curing conditions In dry weather, for
example during the winter season when the humidity is low ordinary air-drying may serve the purpose
while under humid conditions a room artificially heated and well ventilated may be used to advantage.
q During the drying operation it is desirable not to heat the biscuits too strongly but simply to subject
them to a gentle heat, say between 30 and 50 C for a sufficient period to cause gradual water
elimination to a point below which moulding or decomposition of vegetable material does not readily
The examples of compositions given above for making such biscuits or animal food, do not include
meat products, but if desired dried comminuted meat such for example as dried powdered liver may be
added Furthermore it should be noted that the illustrations given may be widely D 5 varied as for
example by reducing the content of glucose that is present or omitRedhill: Printed for His Majesty's
Stationery Office, by Love & Malcomson, Ltd -1929.
321,965 aData supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
32. GB361912
- 11/20/1931
E Class: A23K1/18N6
Application Number:
GB19300024885 (19300820)
Priority Number: GB19300024885 (19300820)
Family: GB361912
Abstract of GB361912
A process for the manufacture of animal food comprises boiling red meat and fat, grinding the meat,
mixing it with flour or other cereal to ensure cohesion of the finished product, adding sufficient liquid
thereto to reduce it to a consistency that will permit of its being forced through a commercial can filler,
adding whole, milled or cracked cereal or cereals and immediately introducing the product into a can
before the cereal or cereals have completely absorbed the water, the can being finally sealed. After
boiling, the meat may be drained and ground before adding liquid thereto. Horse meat and fat may be
used, and the added liquid may be the withdrawn meat liquor. Ground barley, broken rice, whole wheat
and traces of garlic may be used. After sealing, the cans are passed through an exhaust box at 180 DEG
F. for five minutes and then through a retort at 240 DEG F. for two hours, after which they are cooled
in running water. The food may be served in slices, or minced.Description:
Description of GB361912
=s^ 4 ^\ h e AN
Application Date: Aug. 20,1930. No. 24.885/30.
Complete Accepted: Nov. 20, 7937.
361,912 Manufacture of Animal Food.
I, WALTER GUSTAv RANSEN, a citizen of the United States of America, of South of Butte, Butte,
Montana, United States of America, do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner
the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following
statement:This invention relates to the manufac1. ture of an animial food and has for its object to provide a food
which will be highly nutritious, ecoinomical to manufacture and pleasing in appearance.
Another object of the invention is to produce an animal food upon which neither extreme heat or cold
have any injurious effect and which may be kept for years without deterioration. Another object of the
invention is to produce a food that may be sliced or minced, the food K eing in a solid or semi-solid
mass as a result of my method of producing same.
With the above objects in view the present invention consists in a process for the manufacture of
animal food consisting in boiling in water red horse meat and horse fat, draining off the water, grinding
the meat and mixing it with cereal to ensure cohesion of the finisbed product, then adding- a sufficient
quantitv of the withdrawn meat liquor to reduce the whole to a consistency that will permit of it being
forced through a com5mercial can filler, then adding one or more whole, milled or cracked cereals and
immediately introducing the product into a can and finally sealing the can.
The present invention also consists in a process of making a dog food which comprises boiling in
water a mixture of red meat and fat, draining the meat and triturating it, then mixing the meat witli
flour to act as a binder, adding a sufficient quantity of liquid to reduce the whole to a consistency that
will permit it to be forced through a can filler, then adding one or more whole, milled or cracked
cereals which will suitably absorb the excess liquid and expand, and before the expansion of the cereal
or cereals takes place inserting the mass in a can and finally sealing the can.
[Price 11-] The present invention further consists in a process for manufacturing animal 55 food
consisting in boiling portions of red meat and fat, grinding the meat and adding a sufficient quantity of
liquid to reduce the whole to a consistency that will permit of its being forced through a 60 commercial
can filler, adding enough whole, milled or cracked cereal or cereals to form a semi-solid product and
ing the product into a can before the cereal or cereals have time to completely 65 absorb the liquid and
finally sealing the can.
My animal food, which is particularly adapted as a dog food, is made principally from meat, flour,
broken rice or whole 70 wheat with a trace of garlic mixed with water.
The proportions are ordinarily about as' follows:76 pounds of red horse meat) 75 4 pounds of horse
fat) -80 pounds of meat (net weight after being boiled for twenty minutes) 80 pounds of ground barley
pounds of broken rice or pounds of whole wheat Trrace garlic.
I add to these materials, for example, 85 about 101 gallons stock or soup in which the meat has been
previously boiled. The stock or soup used in the process weighs about 8 pounds per gallon; therefore,
101 gallons approximately weighs 84 pounds. PQ An important feature of the invention is to produce a
solid or semi-solid mass in a can and still use the usual commercial can filling machinery. A further
object is to produce a food in the form of a meat 95 loaf in a can, which food has the properties of
being servable as a whole, sliced or minced.
The meat may be first drawn by boiling the same about twenty minutes and 100 be drained. This
produces a uniform amount of moisture in the meat to be used. As the raw meat varies in moisture
content this step is desirable for a uniform product. The meat is then 105 ground or triturated and
mixed with a -'61,912 ground cereal for a binder. This step in the operation assures cohesion of the
finished product. A sufficient quantity of the meat liquor or other liquid of a -5 nutritious or non
deleterious character is then added to reduce the whole to such a consistency as will permit of it being
forced through the usual commercial can fillers.
This consistency if unchanged would produce a product in the can of a watery nature. It is, therefore, of
prime imiportance that almost immediately before the introduction of the product into the can a proper
amount of whole, milled or cracked cereal or cereals be added, such for example as rice or barley or
Instead of using rice or barley, whole wheat may be used as a substitute theres2 for, but it is to be
understood thlat I may use one or other or all of said cereals together.
After the can is sealed the dry rice or barley absorbs the liquors and in so doing increases their own
volume which causes the whole to result in a solid or semi-solid mass. After the mass is put in cans I
preferably pass them through an exhaust box for about five minutes at about 1800 Fahrenheit, then pass
them through a retort for two hours at about 2400 Fahrenheit, after which the cans are cooled with
running cold water.
In accordance with my proces I am able to produce a meat loaf in a can which ensures its keeping and
upon which neither extreme heat or cold have any injurious eftect and permits me to guarantee the
product to keep for many years and which may be served in slices or minced.
Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of my said invention and in what
manner the same is toData supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB361912
be performed, I declare that what I claim
is:1. A process for the manufacture of animal food consisting in boiling in wate, red horse meat and
horse fat, cldaining oft the water, grinding the meat and mixing it with cereal to ensure cohesion of the
finished product, then adding a sufficient quantity of the withdrawn meat liquor to reduce the whole to
a consistency that will permit of it being forced through a commercial can filler, then adding one or
more whole, milled or cracked cereals and immediately introducing the product into a can and finally
sealing the can.
2. The process of making a dog food which comprises boiling in water a mixture of red meat and fat,
draining the meat and triturating it, then mixing the meat with flour to act as a binder, adding a
sufficient quantity of liquid to reduce the whole to a consistency that will permit it to be forced through
a can filler, then adding one or more whole, milled or cracked cereals which will suitablyabsorb the
excess liquid and expand, and before the expansion of the cereal or cereals takes place inserting the
mass in a can and finally sealing the can.
3. A process for manufacturing animal food consisting in boiling portions red meat and fat, grinding
the meat and adding a sufficient quantity of liquid to reduce the whole to a. consistency that will permit
of its being forced through a commercial can filler, adding enough whole, milled or cracked cereal or
cereals to form a semi-solid product and introducing the product into a can before the cereal or cereals
have time to completely absorb the liquid and finally sealing the can.
4. The improved processes for the manufacture of animal food substantially as hereinbefore described.
Dated this 20th day of August, 1930.
Redhill: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Love & Malcomson, Ltd.--1931.
11,11Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
33. GB505122
- 5/5/1939
E Class: A23K1/12
Application Number:
GB19370030641 (19371108)
Priority Number: DEX505122 (19361109)
Family: GB505122
Abstract of GB505122
505,122. Food for animals; cultivat- ing bacteria. NAHER, W. Nov. 8, 1937. No. 30641. Convention
date, Nov. 9, 1936, [Class 5 (ii)] [Also in Group VI] Fodder is produced from indigestible waste
vegetable products by subjecting them, pre- ferably after dust and flour have been removed therefrom,
to the action of dilute sulphuric and acetic acids, together or one after the other, at ordinary
temperature, and then washing the product. The product may be treated with bacteria or yeasts for
increasing the albumen content. Suitable vegetable waste products include husks, bran, and shells of
cereal grains ; straw and stalks of grains and oil fruits; chaff ; pea, bean, and lentil pods ; rice husks ;
press residues of soya beans, lupin seeds, palm kernels, cotton seed, linseed, rape seed, olives, sesame,
and copra; litter collected from woods, and turf.Description:
Description of GB505122
Convention Date (Germany): Nov. 9, 1936.
Application Date (in United Kingdom): Nov. 8, 1937.
Coinplete Specification Accepted: May 5, 1939.
Improvements in and relating I, WXILIBALD NilEn a Germian citizen, of lPlatz vor dem Neuen Tor 3,
Berlin, N.W.40, Germany, do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same
is to be -performed to be particularly described andi ascertained in andl by the following. statement:The husks and hullls of cereal grains as for example barley, oats, rye, wheat amid rice, as well as of
the fruits of oil plants, and also the stalks (straw) of these plantsconsist of raw fibres and aleuironle
These cells consist chiefly of valuable vegetable albumen which i's enclosed in a solid more or less
thick but resistant membrane which for the most part consists of cellulose. If these, husks and straws
are used alone as fodder and nass into the annual body, these aleurone cells are not split uip by the acid
of the stomach or the bacteria of the intestines or thie hormones or enzymes: they leave the bodly
tinattacked that is they (10 not afford nourishmient.
The object of thle -Present invention is a process which transforms these unattackable husks, shells,
hulls and stalks into a valuable fodder, by so swelling and weakening the membranes of the aleurone
cells that the valuable vegetable albumen contained in them can --be attacked by miechanical pressure
(chewing and swallowing) by_ the acids of the stomach and bacteria of the intestine, is decomposed
305 thereby down to the amino acids and Yields as such the( building material for formingm new body
[In addition to the above mentioned husks, shells, hulls and stalks of grains aend oil fruits, the
following also serve as raw material: straw, c-haff, waste products of the entire shelling and husking
industry, such as bean, pea and lentil podl5. and rice husks; all pDress residues of oil plants for
example of soya beans, lapin seeds, -palm kernels, cotton seed, linseed, rape seed, olives, sesame seed
and( coipra: litter collected from woods and turf canl also he treated.
The -process of the invention is carried out as folows: The dry materials, as for example straw and
bran are advantageously first freed of dust, if need be also freed of flour, then reduced in size as finely
as possible and to the Production of Fodder then treated, with a mixture of diluted Sulphuric acid and
acetic acid; according to the nature and the age of the vegetable waste products to be treated the
sulphuric acid and acetic acid canl be used together 60 or one after the other. The treatment is effected
exactly at ordinary (i.e. atmospheric.) temperature without artificial heating or boiling. After the raw
materials have been subjected to the action 65 oif the above acids for a certain time, they are removedl
and thoroughly washed with waiter; the acids separated b fr h washing are used again for treating new
raw materials. After many times of use 70 the action of the acids becomes weaker and they must be
The finally exhausted acids are not thrown away or discharged to waste, hut are used for the production
of sulphuric 75 or acetic compounds of calcium, alumninium magnesiuni and other metals. Due to thjs
utilization of the exhausted acids and to the fact that the treatment is carried out without the artificial
supply of 80 heat, the process according to the invenition is extremely economic.
The following advantages are obtained by the treatment according to the invention of husks, shells,
hulls, stalks and thle. 85 like:
1. All adherent spores, fungi and bacteria -which are often very dangerous, are destroyed:1 the fodder
produced is gernm-free. 90 2. The tough membranes of the aleurone cells are swollen and soft; they
hurst under slight external pressure and free the enclosed veg.etable albumen.
39. A --part of the indigestible raw fibre 9,5 andl a part of the cellulose, of which the mnembranes of
the ale-urone cells consist, are split off and transformed into highly digestible cellulose (oxycellulose,
digestible polysaccharides and the like). 100 EXAMPLE.
1.000 kg. of rye straw are steeped in 5000 litres of water to which 75 litres of concentrated sulphuric
acid (specific gravity 1.85) and 50 litres of concentrated 105 acetic acid (99.5%) are added. The
brothlike mass obtained is left standing at normal temperature for up to about 24 hours. The time of
treatment depends on the properties (structure) and the age of 110 505,122 No. 30641 /37.
2 505.122 the straw; in many cases a treating time of but 1-2 hours suffices. The time of termination is
determined in the usual way by tests with small quantities of the raw material, the digestibility of a test
quantity taken after each ho ur being. determined. 'After the acid treatment the treated product is
pressed and the acids thereby recovered, which can immediately be used for the next batch. The
pressed mass is then thoroughly wasbed with water-advanageusy until it no longer shows an acid
reaction-and finally dewatered or dried in the usual way by mechanical andlor heat treatment.
The air-dry product obtained (10-20% water content) is a valuable fodder, which has a digestibility of
80-90%. Obviously is can also be used as fodder in half dry condition.
if value is placed upon an albumnen fodder, albumen forming micro-organisms are cultivated in the
fodIder by usual bacteriological methods; the fodder accordingj to the invention is an extremely suitabe
nutrient substrate for such albumen forming bacteria or yeasts, and its albumen content is thereby
According to the use of the mass as a fodder for exaniple for poultry, cattle or pgit is given in reduced
g.rain size, or else it is p:ressed with suitable binders into eggs or briquettes or flat cakes to enable it
more easily to be packed and transported in large quantities.
Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of my said invention, aad in what
manner the same is to be performed, I declare that what 1Data supplied from the esp@cenet database Worldwide
Claims of GB505122
claim is:1. A process for the production of fodder from indigestible or substantially indigestible vegetable waste
products, such as straw, chaff, bran, husks and the lilke which have advantageously previously been
dedusted or de-floured and reduced in size in which the material is subjected to the action of dilute
sulphuric acd and acetic acid togethier or one after thle other at ordinary temperature, then thoroughly
washed,,and adcvantageously finally dri ed. c 2. A process according to claim 1 in which the treated
waste pnroduct is enriched with albunmen byi cultivating. upon it albumen forming bacteria or yeasts.
3. A fodder when porepared according to either -preceding claim.Dated this 8th day of November,
SEFTON-JONES, O'DELL & STEPHENS, Chartered Patent Agents, 28,5, High Holborn, London,
W.C.1, Agents for the Applicant.
Leamington Spa: Printed for His Majesty' s Stationery Offilce, by the Courier Press.-1939.Data
supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
34. GB757630
- 9/19/1956
E Class: A23K1/00C2B
Application Number:
GB19540001946 (19540122)
Priority Number: GB19540001946 (19540122)
Family: GB757630
Abstract of GB757630
A feed for animals is prepared by isolating inocculant of Bacillus Clostridium butyricum from Fabaclal
plants, cultivating the inoculant in a sterile aqueous culture medium containing materials from
vegetables, stabilizing the grown culture fluid by adsorption on an adsorbent to keep alive the bacilli,
and making up a ration with the culture on the adsorbent. The culture medium is an iron-free aqueous
medium containing extracts from soybean and wheat flour from which the gluten has been removed.
The culture medium also contains glucose, Vitamin B1, and calcium phosphate. Specified adsorbents
are wheat bran, bentonite, rice bran, barley bran, soybean oil-cake, coconut oil-cake, starch less and
soybean sauce lees. The culture medium is preferably at Ph7 and at 35-40 DEG C.Description:
Description of GB757630
I S Pl FI A T.
Inventor: TETSUO KATSUBE 757,630 Date of Application and filing Complete Specification Jan 22,
No 1946/54.
Complete Specification Published Sept 19, 1956.
Index at acceptance: -Class 5 ( 2), J( 2: 3 C), J 3 F( 1: 2), J 3 G( 3: 11).
Animal Fodder We, TETSUO KATSUBE, of 411, Motomachi, Ishioka-cho, Ibaragi-ken, Japan, and
KO Si UKE MATSUKATA, of 390, Tsurumi-cho, Tsurumiku, Yokohama, Japan, both of Japanese
nationality, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and
the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following
statement:Our invention relates to a feed for domestic animals, more particularly to a nutritive feed containing a
culture fluid of a certain nitrogenfixing bacillus and effective for promoting the growth and breeding of
animals, particularly effective for elevating the lactation and fat yield of cows and the method of
preparation of such feed.
Heretofore, several attempts have been made in the use of microorganisms for preparing nutritive
feeds for domestic animals for the purpose of promoting the growth and/or breeding of animals,
increasing the milk secretion of cows, increasing the egg production of hens, etc In most cases,
microorganisms hitherto used for such purposes belong to the group of yeast or moulds
They are cultivated on a feed by solid cultivation method and given to animals Such a feed, however,
has several disadvantages as follows:
(a) It does not meet the taste of animals (b) Large areas and cumbersome operations are required for
production in large quantity with consequent high cost (c) Formation of unsuitable feed by
contamination with wild microorganisms.
Recently, we have found that the culture of nitrogen-fixing bacillus clostridium butyricum has a
strong action to promote the growth and breeding of animals and is particularly useful for elevating the
lactation and fat yield of cows.
Commercial use of this nitrogen-fixing bacillus dclostridium butyricum for preparation of nutritive
feed for domestic animals has been attained by separating inoculant from plants belonging to the family
of Fabacea, cultivating the inoculant in an aqueous medium containing materials from vegetable
sources as essenlPrice 3 sOd l IK Ej tial ingredients, stabilizing the grown culture fluid by adsorption
on an adsorbent and 50 making up a ration with the stabilized culture fluid carried on said adsorbent.
Our feed containing the stabilized culture of nitrogen-fixing bacillus clostridium butyricum is readily
accepted by animals and possesses 55 properties that result in an increase in weight, increased lactation
and fat yield of cows, increased egg-laying of hens, in a substantial degree, and in a relatively short
period Also, the rate of conception is increased The feed 60 of our invention has further an advantage
in that it promotes the general health of animals by aiding digestion, enabling perfect absorption of
nutrient and strengthening the internal organs Generally, continued secretion of milk 65 in large
quantity is accompanied by dissipation in physical strength and loss in weight Contrary to this general
conception, when cows are fed with the feed of our invention, a large quantity of milk rich in fat is
secreted for a 70 continued period without loss but gain in weight Further, it has been found that
expensive wheat bran in the feed can be saved by the use of the feed of our invention, without affecting
the activity of the cows 75 The dose of grown culture may be varied widely In general, for animals
having a long digestion period such as a cow which keeps food in the body for about forty-eight hours,
a small dose relative to the weight of body is 80 sufficient whereas for animals having a short digesion
period such as fowl, with very short intestines, large dose relative to the weight of body is required to
yield effective results.
Thus, a dose of 350 grams of the grown cul 85 ture fluid of standard potency is mixed in a daily ration
for grown milk cows whereas 1 gram is mixed in a daily ration for grown hens.
While the above quantity is considered ordinarily to be sufficient, larger doses produce no go 90 ill
The following advantages were observed when animals were fed with feed containing a grown culture
of the nitrogen-fixing bacillus clostridium butyricum prepared according to 95 our invention.
1 Cows A herd of about 800 were fed with the feed of our invention for one year They received the
feed with good appetite and digested completely In average, lactation was increased by 10 % and fat
content percentage of milk by 0 35 % Range of increase in both items was from -8 to 25 % for the
former and from 0 2 to 0 6 % for the latter The rate of conception was increased All cows became
stronger and heavier and some cows which had indigestion before were completely cured of it.
2 Chickens Grew rapidly and commenced to lay eggs within five and a half months.
3 Hens Production of egg was increased by about 10 %.
4 Pigs Rapid growth and increased rate of conception were observed.
Other objects and advantages of our invention will be obvious from the detailed description set forth
In a series of experiments on the cultivation of yeast in various culture media, we have found that a
certain obligate anerobic bacillus having flagellum grows in the medium when extract of seeds of
plants belonging to the family of Fabacea are used in the medium.
The bacillus is relatively weak to heat and is destroyed when exposed to a temperature above 60 C
for more than thirty minutes.
But spores are strongly resistant to heat, are not destroyed by repeated heating to 100 C.
for thirty minutes, and germinate under favourable conditions A fluid containing spores of the bacillus
was heated repeatedly to C for 30 minutes until all other microorganisms were destroyed except
bacillus subtills which is not killed by such treatment By placing the fluid containing the spores of the
bacillus and bacillus subtilis under conditions excluding air, the latter which is erobic is killed and only
the former which is anaerobic survives Using the pure culture thus obtained as inoculant, pure
cultivation of this anarobic bacillus was studied in various media It was found that a medium
containing materials from vegetable sources, such as extract of corn, peanut, soybean or wheat flour, is
most favourable for this purpose Best results were obtained in an aqueous medium containing extracts
of soybean and wheat flour The bacillus has no gelatin-liquifying action.
Optimum pa H for the cultivation is 7 and optimum temperature 35-40 C This is bacillus clostridium
butyricum It causes gradual fixation of free nitrogen as protein and as also a fermenting action to
convert starch to butyric acid, the latter change being accompanied by the evolution of carbon dioxide
Iron oxide is harmful for cultivation and soft water free from iron should be used.
Microscopic study on the progress of growth of the bacillus was made Populaion of bacillus increased
and reached the maximum in about seventy-two hours, after which they decreased, became less lively
and finally were totally killed in accordance with the normal growth curve for such organisms This loss
of activity is due to bacteriolysis and the action of bacteriophage 70 It is essential that the bacilli in the
culture are in the living state at the time of administration Grown culture fluid of the azobactor is useful
only within about a week after the incubation because the bacilli, if left in the fluid 75 longer, became
destroyed by bacteriolysis or the bacteriophage Such short period of usefulness limits the commercial
use of the azobacter If carbon dioxide gas evolved is constantly removed from the culture bottle and 80
p H of the fluid maintained at 7, the bacilli can be maintained in active state as long as thirty days For
commercial purpose, however, a simpler method which does not require such rigid control and which
enables the preserva 85 tion or stabilization of the grown culture for a longer period, such as six months
or longer, is desirable We have found that when the grown culture broth is adsorbed on an adsorbent
and the adsorbent carrying the culture is kept in a 90 relatively dry atmosphere, the bacilli stop to grow
but are preserved in living state as long as six months The bacillus begins to, grow again when
favorable humidity and temperature conditions are present A portion or a 95 component of feed, such
as wheat bran, or mineral adsorbent, such as bentonite, may be used as the adsorbent Nutritious
materials in the culture fluid are also adsorbed on the adsorbent and preserved in stable state 100
Adsorbent carrying the stabilized culture may be mixed with the necessary amount of ordinary feed to
make up a ration at any time within the period of six months Since the temperature in the body of
animal is within the 105 optimum range for the growth of the azobacter, when such stabilized culture is
taken by animal the bacillus grows in the body and multiplies the advantageous effects.
Typical examples will be given below 110 PREPARATION OF INOCULANT.
Crushed soybean was mixed with distilled water and the mixture kept at atmospheric temperature for
ten hours After boiling at C for thirty minutes, the mixture was 115 filtered and the filtrate placed in a
test tube.
By such treatment all microorganisms other than the spores of bacillus clostridium butyricum and
bacillus substilis are destroyed The fluid containing the spores of bacillus clostri 120 dium butyricum
and bacillus subtilis in the test tube was covered with liquid paraffin in a thickness of 0 3 cm the test
tube plugged with sterile cotton and the whole placed in an incubator for twenty-four hours, at the end
of 125 which the fluid changed to a turbid broth By this incubation excluding air, arobic bacillus
subtilis is killed and only the anaerobic sporeforming bacillus clostridium butyricum, sur757,630 pared
as described above were sprayed on 65 thirty-seven kilograms of wheat bran using a conventional
sprayer and mixed well In another method for 200 cc of the culture fluid, 1 kilogram of bentonite was
sprayed and mixed well 70 Recently, antibiotics produced by some microorganisms have become
widely utilized for raising domestic animals In some cases, such antibiotics are also mixed with feed
and given to animals The feed of our invention is 75 clearly distinguished from such, feed mixed with
antibiotics in that while products of the microorganism are also effective constituents, the main
effective constituent of our feed is the living microorganism itself, our 80 feed does not become
ineffective on continued use and it is useful not only for growing but also for breeding whereas
antibiotics are useful only for growing and become ineffective on continued use for a relative short
period due to 85 the development of resistivity against the action of the medicine Further, in the case of
antibiotics, correct and homogenous mixing is necessary because the effect depends solely on the
concentration of the antibiotic in the por go tion of feed taken by animal, whereas in the case of the
feed of our invention such precise mixing is unnecessary because the main effective component is a
living microorganism which can grow in the body of animal 95 It is obvious that several modifications
can be made without departing from the spirit of our invention For example, in above statement, grown
culture fluid was first adsorbed on wheat bran or bentonite to make a concen 100 trate which in turn
was diluted to a ration, but other materials such as rice bran, barley bran, soybean oil-cake, cocoanut
oil-cake, starch lees, soybean sauce lees may be used as adsorbent to make such concentrate 105Data
supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB757630
What we claim is:1 A process for preparation of a nutritive feed for domestic animals which comprises isolating
inoculant of nitrogen-fixing bacillus clostridium butyricum from plants belonging 110 to the family of
Fabacem, cultivating the inoculant in a sterile aqueous culture medium containing materials from
vegetable sources as essential ingredients, stabilizing the grown culture fluid by adsorbing said fluid on
an adsor 115 ment to keep the bacilli in living state, and making up a ration with the stabilized culture
fluid carried on said adsorbent.
2 A process for preparation of a nutritive feed for domestic animals which comprises iso 120 lating
inoculant of nitrogen-fixing bacillus clostridium butyricum form the extract of seeds belonging to the
family of Fabaceae, culvating the inoculant in a sterile aqueous culture medium containing materials
from vege 125 table sources as essential ingredients, stabilizing the grown culture fluid while the
bacilli are concentrated and active by adsorbing said fluid on an adsorbent to keep the bacilli in vives in
the fluid A drop of the fluid was taken for microscopic examination and when other microorganisms
were found still to remain, above procedures were repeated until all other microorganisms than the
desired spore-forming acillus clostridium butyricum have been destroyed Fluid thus obtained was used
as inocuant.
The fluid may be adsored on an adsorbent, such as bentonite, for preservation Stabbed cutivation in a
solidified agar medium may be used to destroy the arobic bacillus subtilis in place of above described
anarobic procedure.
In such process, crushed soybean was boiled with 1000 ml of water and filtered The filtrate containing
the extract of soybean was sterilized as described below and solidified with grams of agar The fluid
containing the spores of bacillus clostridium butyricum and bacillus subtilis was injected into the
interior of the solidified agar medium and the whole was placed in an incubator for twenty-four hours
By this procedure aerobic bacillus subtilis is killed and only the anaerobic bacillus clostridium
butyricum survives The culture may be used as innoculant.
Five liters of water free from iron were added to a half kilogram of soybean, a half kilogram of
soybean flour and twenty grams of wheat flour (from which gluten has been removed) and p H of the
mixture adjusted to 7 The mixture was boiled for fifty minutes and filtered The filtrate containing the
extracts of soybean and wheat flour was sterilized by conventional method, such as Koch's fractional
sterilization, heating at high pressure or filtration through Berkesfeld filter or Chamberland's filter The
sterilized filtrate was placed in a 3 liter sterilized bottle and readjusted to p H 7 A small amount of
inoculant fluid prepared as above described was added Better results were obtained when 10 g of
vitamin Bl and 0 1 g of calcium phosphate were added to the sterilized fluid at the time of inoculation
The bottle was plugged with sterile cotton and placed in an incubator maintained at 35-40 C for
seventy-two hours The bacillus grew and the initially yellow liquid changed to a light-white turbid
broth having foam on the surface Grown culture fluid at the end of the culture had a bacillus population
of over 600 million per millilitre of fluid Bacillus concentration of 600 million in one millilitre was
taken as the standard potency and when fluid after the incubation of 72 hours was weaker than the
standard in potency, that is population of the bacillus in the fluid was less than 600 million/ ml culture
was continued until population corresponding to the standard potency was obtained.
Eighteen liters of grown culture fluid pre757,630 757,630 living state and making up a ration with the
stabilized culture fluid carried on said adsorbent.
3 A process for preparation of a nutrative feed for domestic animals which comprises cultivating
nitrogen-fixing bacillus clostridium butyricum isolated from the extract of seeds belonging to the
family of Fabacea in a sterile aqueous culture medium free from iron and containing materials from
vegetable sources as essential nutritious ingredients at a p H of substantially neutral and at a
temperature within the range from 35 to 40 C until sufficient bacilli have grown in the fluid without
contamination with other microorganisms, stabilizing the grown culture fluid, before the bacilli are
destroyed by bacteriolysis or by bacteriophage, by adsorbing said fluid on an adsorbent to keep the
bacilli in living state and making up a ration with said adsorbent carrying the culture containing
nitrogen-fixing bacillus clostridium butyricum in living state.
4 A process in accordance with the Claims 1 to 3 wherein the culture medium is an ironfree aqueous
medium containing extracts of soybean and wheat flour from which gluten has been removed.
A process in accordance with the Claims 1 to 4 wherein the culture medium also contains glucose,
vitamin Bl and calcium phos 30 phate.
6 A process in accordance with the Claims 1 to 5 wherein wheat bran is used as the adsorbent for the
grown culture fluid.
7 A process in accordance with the Claims 35 1 to 5 wherein bentonite is used as the adsorbent for the
grown culture fluid.
8 Nutritive feed containing a culture of nitrogen-fixing bacillus clostridium butyricum for domestic
animals prepared in accordance 40 with the Claims 1 to 7, which is taken by animals with good
appetite, which promotes the growth and breeding of animals which is particularly effective to elevate
the lactation and fat content of milk of cows and which is stable 45 enough to be ensiled at least six
months without losing the activity.
9 Use of nitrogen-fixing bacillus clostridium butyricum for preparation of nutritive feed for domestic
animals substantially as 50 described.
A nutritive feed for domestic animals containing a culture of nitrogen-fixing bacillus clostridium
Leamlngtoii Spa: Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by the Courier Press -19 Q,'I Published
at the Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, London, W C 2, from which copies may be
obtained.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
35. GB800935
- 9/3/1958
E Class: A23K1/06; C05B17/00; C05F5/00H2; C12F3/10
Application Number:
GB19550000824 (19550111)
Priority Number: GB19550000824 (19550111)
Family: GB800935
Abstract of GB800935
Animal food or fertilzer is prepared by mixing a powder containing not more than 20 per cent moisture
with residual liquor obtained by the distillation of alcohol from mash, before or after reducing the water
content thereof, and finally drying the mixture. The liquor may be neutralized if necessary, by the
addition of alkali, before or after reducing the water content. As dry powder there may be added for
animal food oil seed such as linseed, earth nut, soya bean, palm kernal, cocoanut, pea or bean meal,
rice, maize bran, maize malt coombes, dried maize pulp, maize cobs, distillery or brewery products
such as dried grains, peat ground straw or hay, confectionery by-products e.g. chocolate waste, waste
wafer from ice-cream factories, dried and ground vegetable substances such as potatoes, mangolds,
beet, or a mixture e.g. oil seed with calcium carbonate or cereal. The final dry mixture can be ground
into a fine meal to be used alone or as an ingredient in compounded meals. For use in a fertilzer the dry
powder may be added as bone flour and may comprise a trace element e.g. boron or iodine. Powdered
chalk, calcium salts, peat, moss, shoddy, seaweed can also be used.Description:
Description of GB800935
Date of filingq Complete Specification: April 9, 1956.
-I pplication Date: Jan 11, 1955 No 824155.
Conf Iaete Specification Published: Sept 3 1958.
Index at Acceptance:-Classes 5 ( 2), J 30, J 3 G( 1: 2: 8: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:11), and 111, B 3 (A 2: D 1: D 2:
D 6).
International Classification:-A 23 k C 05 f.
A Method of Treating Residual Liquors Obtained by the Distillation of Alcohol from Mash.
I, ROBERT ALEXANDER GRIGOR YOUNG, of Blairlogie, Stirling, Scotland, a British Subject, do
hereby declare the invention, for which I pray that a patent may be granted to me, and the method by
which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement:-
This invention relates to a method of treating residual liquors obtained by the distillation of alcohol
from mash, i e malt to which water and yeast have been added.
Liquors of the kind referred to are known by names such as "wash," "burnt ale," and other names
peculiar to the districts in which the distillery is located, and are referred to hereafter as "residual
liquors of the kind referred to " Residual liquors of the kind referred to normally contain small
proportions, up to approximately 15 % by weight, of solids, comprising constituents of the original
malt, e.g particles of the skins of barley, nitrogenous matter, hemi-cellulose and the like, sucrose,
glucose, and other organic substances and inorganic salts, which may be in solution or suspended in the
liquor, and the object of the invention is to provide a method for recovering substantially all or the
greater part of these solids in a form in which they can be profitably used, for example as animal foods
or agricultural fertilisers.
With the foregoing object in view, according to the invention the method of treating residual liquors
of the kind referred to comprises the step of mixing a dry powder with the liquor before or after
reducing the water content thereof and thereafter finally drying the mixture.
The term "dry powder" used in the present Specification and claims means a powder having a moisture
content which does not exceed 20 %.
The dry powder added to the liquor may be L of any suitable kind depending on the use to which the
end product is to be put.
If the end product is to be a food for animals the added powder will normally be a food substance If
the end product is to be used as a fertiliser the added powder will normally be an artificial fertiliser
such as bone flour, and may further comprise a trace element, e g boron or iodine Powdered chalk,
calcium salts, peat, moss, shoddy, seaweed, may also be used.
The reduction in the water content of the liquor before or after the dry powder has been added may be
effected in any suitable way, as, for example, by evaporation or by allowing the solids in suspension to
settle by gravity and syphoning or otherwise removing the overlying liquid, mainly water, the action
being assisted if desired by catalysts such as Agar or Japanese Isinglass Alternatively the liquid content
may be reduced by filtering through filter paper, Kieselguhr, closely woven fabric or the like.
The liquor may be treated before or after reducing the water content thereof with alkali to neutralise
any acid that may have formed therein and may then be forthwith used, for example as an animal food
or as a fertiliser.
Final drying of the liquor after the water content has been reduced may be effected in any suitable
way, e g by baking, spray drying, rolling, kiln drying, rotary drying, oven drying; sun drying.
The following Examples illustrate various ways in which the invention may be carried into
effect:EXAIMPLE 1.
Residual liquor of the kind referred to is collected in a large tank, in which the liquor is kept in a state
of agitation in order to keep the insoluble solids in uniform suspension in )0.935 the liquor Liquor is
pumped from this collecting tank into a large evaporating tank in which it is kept at super-atmospheric
pressure and at a temperature which is above the boiling point at the pressure employed.
After evaporation has started the liquor is pumped into a second similar evaporating tank maintained
at atmospheric pressure, and at a temperature above 212 F From this second evaporating tank the
liquor is successively passed to three other tanks or cylinders, viz, a first tank maintained at
subatmospheric pressure, a second tank maintained at a greater reduced pressure, and a third tank
maintained at a pressure which is less than that of the second tank, all three tanks being kept at
temperatures relatively to the pressures employed which will promote active evaporation, so that when
the liquor has passed through all five of the evaporating tanks approximately 50 % of the moisture
originally contained in the liquor has been eliminated.
The liquor thus concentrated is now mixed with a dry powder as above defined The amount of the
powder to be added is variable and depends on the nature of the powder used and on the end product it
is desired to produce.
In the present Example the end product is required as a food and the added dry powder comprises a
powdered oil seed from which the oil has been extracted, 50 parts by weight of the extracted powder or
meal being added to 100 parts by weight of the concentrated liquor The meal is intimately mixed with
the concentrated liquor by hand or by mechanical means and the mixture obtained is finally dried.
t O When the drying operation is completed the mixture is cooled and can be fed to animals in the
form in which it is obtained, or it may be ground into a fine meal, which can be used either alone or as
an ingredient in compounded meals for animal feeding.
This Example i;s similar to that described in Example 1 and differs only in that 25 parts of extracted
oil seed meal are added to each 100 parts of concentrated liquor.
In both Examples 1 and 2 the relative proportion of extracted meal added to the concentrated liquor
may, in practice, vary within wide limits; this proportion may be less than 25 %/, or as much as 95 %/
of the final product.
In a particular ease the relative proportions are 95 parts by weight of powder to 10 parts by weight of
the concentrated liquor.
The liquor to be treated contains 17 o of soluble and insoluble solids and is conveyed to a tank in
whiceh it is kept in a state of agitation either (a) by continual pumping of the liquor from the bottom to
the top of the tank or (b) by means of arms rotating on the 65 bottom of the tank Batches of 220 gallons
of the liquor are pumped as required into a second and smaller tank, each such batch containing
approximately 37 4 lbs of solids, whereupon 4 lbs of extracted oil seed meal 70 are added to each batch
of 220 gallons of liquor and the mixture is intimately mixed and kept in a state of agitation The mixture
is then transferred to the container of a suitable dryer, e g a roller or spray type dryer 75 in wvhich it is
dried off in the same way as milk is dried.
The amount of the extracted oil seed meal added to the liquor in Example 3 can be modified The
quantity of meal added to each 80 batch of 220 gallons of liquor may be for example 8 Ibs, 12 lbs, 16
lbs, or more up to the required amount.
In all the above Examples the oil seed used may be linseed and in all cases the oil seed 85 may be
replaced by other materials suitable for animal foods, e g earth nut, soya bean, palm kernel, cocoanut,
protein rich meal of vegetable origin such as pea meal, bean meal, rice, maize by-products such as
maize bran, 90 maize malt coombes, dried maize pulp, maize cobs, distillery or brewery by-products
such as dried grains, peat, ground straw or hay, byproducts from the manufacture of confectionery, e g
chocolate waste, waste wafer 95 from ice eream factories, waste bread, and many other substances, for
example, dried and ground vegetable substances, such as potatoes, mangolds, beet The dry powder may
comprise a single substance or it may 100 comprise a mixture of substances, e g it may comprise a
ground oil seed mixed with an inorganic salt such as calcium carbonate or with a powdered cereal The
proportion of the powder added in any particular case will 105 also be influenced by the hygroscopic
properties of the powder and by the sugar (glucose, sucrose and the like) content of the treated liquor
and of the powder, and by the percentage of the soluble solids in the treated 110 liquor It will also
depend on whether a high, medium or low content of constituents such as nitrogen or ammonia or
protein, oil (and the type of oil) fibre, mineral salts, vitamins and other constituents when these sub 115
stances are contained in the dry powder added In all cases it is advisable that the product of the
invention be ground before use as a fertiliser or feeding stuff.
The addition of a dry powder in accordance 120 with the invention increases the proportion of solid
matter in the treated liquor and also eliminates any stickiness which would otherwise be produced ir the
presence of heat by the sugary contents of the liquor; it also re 125 duces the hygroscopic properties of
the solids normally present in the liquor, and in general enables the treated liquor to be dried, stored,
and transported.
800,935 ",935Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB800935
WHAT I CLAIM IS:1 A method of treating residual liquors of the kind referred to comprising the step of mixing a dry
powder with the liquor before or after reducing the water content thereof and thereafter finally drying
the mixture.
2 Method according to Claim 1 in which the dry powder mixed with the liquor eonprises an animal
food substance.
3 Method according to Claim 1 in which the dry powder mixed with the liquor comprises an artificial
fertiliser, with or without a trace element.
4 The method according to any one of Claims 1 to 3 further consisting in concentrating the liquor by
Method according to any one of Claims 1 to 4 consisting in treating the liquor before or after the
reduction of the water content with alkali to neutralise any acid that may have formed therein.
6 The method according to any one of Claims 1 to 5 further consisting in grinding the finally dried
mixture into a meal.
7 An animal food produced by the method claimed in any one of Claims 1, 2, or 6.
8 An artificial fertiliser produced by the method claimed in Claim 1, 3, 4 or 5.
9 The herein described methods of treating residual liquors of the kind referred to.
For the Applicant:
COPE & CO, Chartered Patent Agents, Victoria Street, London, S W 1.
A Method of Treating Residual Liquors Obtained by the Distillation of Alcohol from Mash.
I, ROBERT ALEXANDER GRIGOR YOUNG, of Blairlogie, Stirling, Scotland, a British Subject, do
hereby declare this invention to be described in the following statement:This invention relates to a
method of treating residual liquors obtained by the distillation of alcohol from mash, i e malt to which
water and yeast has been added, these liquors being known by names such as "wash," "burnt ale," and
other names peculiar to the districts in which the distillery is located Such liquors are referred to
hereafter as "residual liquors of the kind referred to " Residual liquors of the kind referred to normally
contain small proportions, up to % by iieight, of solids, comprising the original malt, sucrose, glucose,
and other organic substances and inorganic salts, which may be in solution or suspended in the liquor,
and the object of the invention is to provide a method for recovering these solids in a form in which
they can be profitably used.
With the foregoing object in view, according to the invention the method of treating residual liquors
of the kind referred to comprises the step of concentrating the liquor so that the solids in the
concentrated liquor amount to 25 % or more by weight of the concentrated liquor.
The concentration of the liquor may be effected in any suitable way, for example by evaporation; by
settlement in tanks (assisted if desired by the action of catalysts such as agar and Japanese Isinglass),
by roller drying (as practised in the drying of milk and the manufacture of soap flakes); by spray drying
(as in the spray drying of milk); by filtration 70 through filter paper, filter presses, Kieselguhr, closely
woven fabric and the like; by rotary straining plant; or by kiln drying, rotary drying, oven drying: sum
drying; or by hydrolysis 75 The concentrated liquor may be treated with alkali to neutralise any acid
that may have formed therein and with an anti-acid medium to prevent any further formation of acid
and may then be forthwith used, for 80 example as an animal food or as a fertiliser.
Other substances may be added to the syrupy liquor thus produced before it is used The selection of
such added substances will depend on the use to which the syrup is to be 85 put and may comprise food
substances, if the syrup is to be used for animal foods, or artificial fertilisers, trace elements, e g boron,
iodine, and the like, if the syrup is to be used as an agricultural fertiliser 90 Alternatively, the syrupy
concentrated liquor may be partly dried, for example by adding one or more dry substances or materials
The dry substances thus added may comprise inter alia the food substances, arti 95 ficial fertilisers and
the like above referred to.
Final drying of the concentrated liquor may be effected in any suitable way, e g by baking, spray
drying or rolling When it is effected by spray drying or rolling, in order to 10 ( prevent adhesion of the
glucose and /or sucrose constituents to the walls of the spraying plant, or to the rolls, a finely ground
powder may be mixed with the liquor, or may be continuously applied to these walls or 105 rolls The
finely ground powder may be of natural or synthetic origin and of an organic a or inorganic nature
Examples of suitable powders are chalk and bone flour.
If the dried product obtained is hygroscopic, the method according to the invention may further
consist in adding thereto, preferably before external moisture can be absorbed therein, one or more
non-hygroscopic substances or materials, to enable the mixture to be stored and to remain in a drv
The non-hygroscopic material added may be ground or unground and of edible or inedible.
natural or synthetic, organic or inorganic origin and may comprise a mixture of substances or
In one way of carrying out the method of the present invention the concentration of the liquor is
effected by evaporation and is arrested when the concentrated liquor contains 250 by weight of solid
matter The concentrated liquor is of syrupy consistency.
and, if it is allowed to stand, enzymic or bacterial action will produce an acid strength approximately
equal to that of a 5 % solution of sulphuric aceid In order to prevent this the acid strength is
ascertained when the concentration is arrested and is neutralised bv the addition of a suitable quantity
of alkali.
An anti-acid medium is added, and the syrup obtained is now storable and transportable.
It mav be used for many purposes, e g as anl animal food or an additive to animal foods, as a binder
for making sand moulds for casting iron and steel, as a fertiliser, and as a suspension medium or
solvent for suitable substances normally used in suspension or solution; for example formaldehyde
solutions such as used to eradicate soil pests may be added to the syrup When the syrup'is to be used as
a fertiliser soluble fertilisers, phosphates, potash and the like can be added to provide a balanced plant
food Trace elements, such as borax, manganese, bromides, iodides, can also be added.
In another way of carrying out the method of the present invention a residual liquor of the kind
referred to is concentrated by evaporation until the proportion of moisture is reduced to between 75 %
to 4000 The vapours driven off in this concentrating stage may be collected if desired and utilised.
Drying of the concentrated liquor is now effected by subjecting the concentrated liquor to spray
drying or to the roller drying process.
During this drying operation any tendency of the solid glucose and/or sucrose constituents to adhere
to the walls of the spraying apparatus or to the rolls of the roller drying apparatus is prevented by
mixing with the concentrated liquor, or continuously applying to the walls or rolls of the drying
apparatus, finely ground chalk or bone flour The dry material thus obtained is hygroscopic and is
preferably mixed with a non-hygroscopic material before it absorbs external moisture.
When thus mixed with a non-hygroscopic 65 material the dry mixture can be stored The material thus
obtained can be subsequently used as an animal food or as a component of an animal food, or as a
In a preferred way of carrying the method 70 of the invention into effect concentration is effected by
evaporation until the weight of moisture remaining is substantially equal to the weight of the solids, i e
the proportion by weight of moisture: solids in the concentrated 75 liquor is approximately 1: 1 At this
stage the concentrated liquor is removed from the evaporating vessels and a dry material selected
according to the purpose for which the product is required is added thereto 80 This added material may
be ground or unground edible or inedible, natural or synthetic, organic or inorganic, and may consist of
a single substance or material, or a mixture of such substances or materials The amount 85 by weight of
the dry material added in this particular examinple is equal to the weight of the moisture (or of the
solids) in the liquor.
so that the amounts of moisture, solids, and added material in the mass will each be equal 90 to
approximately - rd of the weight thereof.
The mass thus obtained is in a semi-solid state and can be conveniently handled It mav be further
concentrated by removing some of the remaining moisture in any 95 suitable way, as for example by
treatment in a rotary kiln, oven or press, or by centrifugal action, sun drying or by adding more dry or
substantially dry material, to produce a dry powder which can be stored and trans 100 ported The dry
material or materials added to the concentrated liquor may be of an edible nature, e g meal or ground
bones, and the product can then be used as a food, or as a component of a food, for animals In order
105 to prevent subsequent absorption of moisture from the atmosphere oils (edible or otherwise), or
any other suitable moisture repellent substance may be incorporated in or mixed with the powder
Alternatively, the dry 110 material or materials added to the concentrated liquor may be inedible (for
example castor meal or unsterilised bone flour) and after final drying the end product may then be used
as a fertiliser In this latter case, the 115 added material or materials may include germicides, fungicides
insecticides, and /or soil conditioners.
The invention also relates to the product obtained by treating residual liquors of the 120 kind referred
to in the manner above set forth.
For the Applicant:
COPE & CO, Chartered Patent Agents, Victoria Street London, S W 1.
Abingdon: Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by Burgess & Son (Abingdon), Ltd -1958.
Published at The Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, London, W C 2, from which copies may
be obtained.
500,935Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
36. GB821761
- 10/14/1959
E Class: A23K1/14; A23L1/10M; A23L1/18C2; B02B1/00
Application Number:
GB19560004522 (19560214)
Priority Number: GB19560004522 (19560214)
Family: GB821761
Abstract of GB821761
In making cereal meals suitable for human feed and for feeding piglets, calves and poultry, whole or
cut grains of maize, wheat, rice, oats, barley or kaffir corn (Sorghum vulgare and Pennisetrum
typhoides) are, without preliminary removal of bran, skin or germ, heated in a closed vessel under a
pressure of 70-230 lb./sq. in. for 1-15 min. the pressure is released suddenly, e.g. at atmospheric
pressure, and the puffed product so produced is ground to the required fineness.ALSO:Precooked
meals are made from whole or cut grains of maize, wheat, rice, oats, barley or kaffir corn (Sorghum
vulgare and Pennisetrum typhoides), without preliminary removal of bran, skin or germ, by heating in a
closed vessel under a pressure of 70-230 lb./sq. inch for 1-15 minutes, releasing the pressure suddenly,
e.g. to atmospheric pressure, and grinding the puffed product so formed to the desired fineness. The
meals are suitable for additions to bread flours and for breakfast foods; they may be supplemented with
dried milk, malt and iodine.Description:
Description of GB821761
NO DRAWINGS 821,761 Date of filing Complete Specification (under Section 3 ( 3) of the Patents
Act 1949) Nov 13, 1956.
Application Date: Feb 14, 1956.
Application Date: Feb 14, 1956.
No 4522/56.
No 4523/56.
Complete Specification Published: Oct 14, 1959.
Index at acceptance:-Classes 5 ( 2), J( 2: 3 G 3); 49, B 1 (B: G: H); and 58, C 2.
International Classification: A 23 k, I F 26 c.
Improvements in or relating to the Production of Cereal 'Flours and 'Meals ERRATA
SFECIFICATION NO 821,761 Page 1, line 9, for "The" read n"This.
Page 2, line 30, for "Inocuous read " 1 tinnocuousi.
Page 4, line 4, for 'NX 625; I read ";X 6 25; Page 5, line 12, for "fgrindings;, read 'grinding;N.
THE PATENT OFFICE, 2 oth ';ovember, 1959 DB 28602/2 ( 25)/3875 200 1/59 R It S Iat t c 11 t aS
of its other constituents, e g substantial reduction of fibre content, which results in obtaining a product
which can be marketed as a precooked or so-called "predigested" meal for human or animal
consumption and is of notably high nutritive value The product which is obtainable and as explained
more particularly hereinafter, is not only palatable and pleasant to consume alone, and readily digested
when so consumed, but also equally palatable, pleasant to consume and digestible when combined as a
paste or otherwise with milk, water or other edible liquid, if desired with other substances such as dried
milk, malt-containing substances and iodine additions for marketing as a precooked breakfast cereal,
porridge, babyfood, readily digestible stock-feed for piglets and calves, as well as for the feeding of
porkers, baconers, cattle, poultry and other animals, where, in order to achieve maximum production
economy, it is essential that the feed be fully assimilable.
It is a further object to provide a product suitable for use in the manufacture of bread and other
confectionery, as well as for other purposes aforementioned by a process which is the pressure
suaaeniy so ab tu c Ap F tents from the vessel, the product, whereof the extent or uniformity of puffing
of the grains is of no particular importance in this invention, being in the desired pre-cooked condition
and, by its sudden expulsion from the vessel, also in substantially dry condition.
The meal-like or finer milled product is of a light and highly aerated consistency, and is without any
further preparation, of itself a palatable article with an appetising flavour.
The flavour of the product is dependent upon various conditions, such as the presence or absence
before the puffing stage of the outer skin of the grain, or of the germ, whether the grain is used whole
or cut or crushed, the extent of toasting of the material in the puffing gun or apparatus, the pressure at
which the material is released, or to which it is brought before it is released, on puffing the degree of
fineness to which the puffed product is reduced; and other properties and/ or constituents or proportions
thereof are also affected by such conditions, which are variable and adjustable so as to obtain the
desired results Suitably prepared, the product may PATENT SPECIFICATION
NO DRAWINGS 8219761 Date of filing Complete Specification (under Section 3 ( 3) of the Patents Act 1949) Nov 13, 1956.
Application Date: Feb 14, 1956.
Application Date: Feb 14, 1956.
Complete Specification Published: Oct 14, 1959.
No 4522156.
No 4523156.
Index at acceptance:-Classes 5 ( 2), J( 2: 3 G 3); 49, B 1 (B: G: H); and 58, C 2.
International Classification:-A 23 k, 1 F 26 c.
Improvements in or relating to the Production of Cereal Flours and Meals I, FRITZ GROSSMAN, a
British subject, of No 1 Penslade Flats, Stanley Avenue, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, do hereby
declare the invention, for which I pray that a patent may be granted to me and the method by which it is
to be performed to be particularly described in and by the following statement: The invention relates to
the production of a precooked edible granular, meal-like or floury product from certain cereal grains
namely, maize, wheat, rice, oats, barley, kaffir corn (sorghum vulgare (Linn)) and munga (pennisetrum
typhoides (Rich)), and provides a process or method by which such a grain is brought into a condition,
as by alteration of its fat content and the content and proportion of its other constituents, e g substantial
reduction of fibre content, which results in obtaining a product which can be marketed as a precooked
or so-called " predigested " meal for human or animal consumption and is of notably high nutritive
value The product which is obtainable and as explained more particularly hereinafter, is not only
palatable and pleasant to consume alone, and readily digested when so consumed, but also equally
palatable, pleasant to consume and digestible when combined as a paste or otherwise with milk, water
or other edible liquid, if desired with other substances such as dried milk, malt-containing substances
and iodine additions for marketing as a precooked breakfast cereal, porridge, babyfood, readily
digestible stock-feed for piglets and calves, as well as for the feeding of porkers, baconers, cattle,
poultry and other animals, where, in order to achieve maximum production economy, it is essential that
the feed be fully assimilable.
It is a further object to provide a product suitable for use in the manufacture of bread and other
confectionery, as well as for other purposes aforementioned by a process which is simple and
economical to conduct.
According to the invention cereal grains are subjected for pre-cooking to a form of puffing (as
hereinafter defined) by heating the grains in a closed pressure vessel to an elevated pressure, thereupon
releasing the pressure suddenly to a much lower value, e g to atmospheric pressure, the resultant dried
product being thereupon subjected to comminution by milling or grinding to the desired granular, meallike or finer powdered or floury condition suitable for its intended purpose The preferred conditions of
operation are set forth hereinafter.
By the term puffing, as used in this Specification, is meant a generally known process of heating
grains under elevated pressure in a closed pressure vessel or " gun " and releasing the pressure
suddenly so as to expel the contents from the vessel, the product, whereof the extent or uniformity of
puffing of the grains is of no particular importance in this invention, being in the desired pre-cooked
condition and, by its sudden expulsion from the vessel, also in substantially dry condition.
The meal-like or finer milled product is of a light and highly aerated consistency, and is without any
further preparation, of itself a palatable article with an appetising flavour.
The flavour of the product is dependent upon various conditions, such as the presence or absence
before the puffing stage of the outer skin of the grain, or of the germ, whether the grain is used whole
or cut or crushed, the extent of toasting of the material in the puffing gun or apparatus, the pressure at
which the material is released, or to which it is brought before it is released, on puffing the degree of
fineness to which the puffed product is reduced; and other properties and/ or constituents or proportions
thereof are also affected by such conditions, which are variable and adjustable so as to obtain the
desired results Suitably prepared, the product may be used in a percentage of up to about 25 % with
ordinary flours for bread or cake baking, having the property when so used not merely of improving the
quality of the bread or other baked product but enabling maize, munga and such like grains e g kaffir
corn, rice and barley to be used with ordinary wheat flour to produce a high quality bread.
The process is one which furthermore obviates expensive operations such as the milling or grinding of
the grains before cooking, a cooking stage other than is obtainable by the puffing and a further milling
or grinding of the cooked grains or a mass thereof, with one or more dehydrating stages which is/are
troublesome and relatively costly to perform.
Also the desirable relatively high degree of conversion of the starch content of the grains to sugars
(carbohydrates) as well as a substantial reduction in fibre content is obtained in the puffing, which is
the only treatment which the grain or meal requires, according to this invention, for the products to be
marketed prior to or after the milling or grinding; after which the product is in a marketable condition
for direct or indirect use in various ways as referred to already or noted below.
It is observed also that foreign bodies which commonly pollute ordinary maize meal and other cereal
meals are rendered inocuous by the process, as sterilization is thoroughly effected in the puffing stage.
When the product is used for consumption directly, it can be by simple mixing made into a paste,
cream, porridge or the like of any desired consistency with either cold or hot water, milk or other
liquid, if desired with any condiments or other flavouring additions to suit the taste.
The products of this invention have a wide variety of uses which may be summarized as follows: (a)
in the manufacture of baby and infant foods of the "instant" type (i e which require no cooking before
use); (b) in the manufacture of " instant " puddings; (c) in the sweets industry to enable the production
at lower cost of lighter sweets of greater bulk; (d) in the production of piglet, calf or other baby animal
and bird foods, so highly digestible as to be suitable for feeding immediately after birth; (e) as the main
base, or as an addition to all types of stock feeds to avoid losses associated with feeding with ordinary
foods which contain much indigestible material; (f) for the manufacture generally of products or
preparations so as to eliminate need of cooking or to improve their digestibility.
(g) for the manufacture of tomato and like sauces, if desired in dry form.
It is observed also that the products of the invention, i e the disintegrated, powdered, floury or like
product aforementioned possesses high porosity and a quite exceptional moisture absorption whereby it
may accordingly be used for the absorption of large proportions of various liquids or semi-liquids
which it may be convenient to bring into the condition of a substantially dry, and if desired freeflowing mass or mixture for various purposes.
Also, the invention renders possible the use as starting material in the preparation of products as
aforesaid, with their attractiveness as foodstuffs and high digestibility, grains which have hitherto been
rejected from such uses on account of their hardness and indigestibility.
From tests conducted upon maize grains and analyses made it is shown that the following factors have
a direct influence upon the changes in composition and/or proportions of the constituents of the final
product, namely: Moisture content prior to puffing.
Pressure attained in puffing gun.
(Temperature related to pressure aforesaid).
Time period of puffing.
The analyses given below carried out by the Southern Rhodesian Government Analytical Laboratories
hereinafter referred to as "the first given analyses," relate to the products of a series of tests conducted
with a common starting material, namely whole maize, see (a) untreated, (b) heated at a pressure of170 Ibs per square inch in a period of 13 minutes before release from the gun; (c) puffed as in (b)
subjected to steaming by passing steam through the puffed grains, which absorb a certain amount of
moisture and contract to their original size before puffing Only enough steam is applied to effect this
contraction or reconstitution, the grains remaining virtually dry, and then milled or ground.
(d) puffed as in (b) and milled or ground directly.
(e) puffed as in (b) milled or ground directly as in (d) and then subjected to steaming as in (c).
The corresponding analyses were:821,761 821,761 Example Moisture Protein Ash Fat Fibre
Carbohydrates Calorific Value (by difference) per 100 grammes (a) 13 8 7 13 1 3 4 3 1 5 71 97 351 52
(b) 9 O 8 0 0 64 4 04 0 65 77 67 371 27 (c) 9 0 8 0 1 7 3 7 3 7 73 90 297 81 (d) 7 0 7 8 1 4 2 8 1 9 79
10 371 14 (e) 8 0 7 9 1 47 1 7 2 6 78 33 315 66 From the foregoing analyses it can be seen how these
are variable, without altering the conditions of puffing, more especially for instance as to fat content
and fibre content.
The following are some specific examples using average quality Rhodesian maize grains as starting
material, and varying for instance heating pressures and times:EXAMPLE 1.
To obtain a low fat percentage suitable for feeding to pigs, the maize was heated at a pressure of 205
lbs for a period of 8 minu and ground Results were as follows:
Moisture Protein Ash Fat Fibre Carbohydrates Fibre Carbohydrates Calorific Value (by difference) (cal
/100 gins) 9.6 6 9 0 4 1 4 0 5 81 2 366 0 EXAMPLE 2.
To obtain a high fat percentage suitable for feeding to cattle the maize was heated at a pressure of 170
lbs for a period of 9 minutes and ground Results were as follows:
Moisture Protein Ash Fat Fibre Carbohydrates Calorific Value (by difference) (cal /100 gins) 6.4 7 7 0
66 5 7 1 66 77 88 389 25 EXAMPLES 3 & 4.
Variations in puffing whole maize as against cut maize, both at a pressure of 200 lbs for a period of 10
minutes were as follows (It will be noted that there is only a slight variance between the two
analyses):Cut maize 7.6 7.0 1.2 0/ Moisture % Protein % Fat Whole maize 7.4 7.0 1.5 0.2 0.3 83.7 374
0 % Fibre % Ash % Carbohydrates (by difference) Calorific Value (Cal /100 gms) 0.4 0.4 83.3 376 0
The following results were obtained when heating at the following variations in pressures and
times:821,761 Heating at 200 lbs pressure Period 10 minutes Heating at 210 lbs pressure Period 12
minutes 7.4 % Moisture 9 8 7.3 % Protein 7 2 0.32 % Ash 0 15 0.88 % Fat 0 31 0.65 % Fibre 0 60 For
the purpose of the foregoing analyses protein values were calculated at Nx 625; Fats were the ethersoluble extract values.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB821761
WHAT I CLAIM IS:( 1) The method of preparing a comminuted discrete material of high nutrient value which consists in
subjecting whole or cut cereal grains of the kind named, with or without preliminary removal of bran,
skin and/or germ, to heating in a closed pressure vessel to an elevated pressure within the range of 70
to 230 lbs per square inch, in a period of 1 to 15 minutes, thereupon releasing the pressure suddenly to
a much lower value, e g to atmospheric pressure, and milling or grinding the puffed product to a
desired degree to a meal or flour.
( 2) A method as claimed in Claim 1 conducted at a puffing pressure of approximately lbs per square
inch in a period of approximately 13 minutes, the puffed product being milled or ground, all
substantially as set forth in the foregoing description, which includes the first given analyses.
( 3) A method as claimed in Claim 1 conducted substantially in the conditions in any one of the
foregoing specific examples Nos.
I to 6.
( 4) Products suitable for various foodstuffs, feeds, additives to bread flours and the like when
prepared in accordance with any of the preceding Claims.
For the Applicant: BARLOW, GILLETT & PERCIVAL, Chartered Patent Agents, Cleveland
Buildings, 94, Market Street, Manchester 1.
PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION No 4522 A D 1956 Improvements in or relating to the Production
of Cereal Flours and Meals I, FRITZ GROSSMAN, a British Subject, of No 1, Penslade Flats, Stanley
Avenue, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, do hereby declare this invention to be described in the
following statement: This invention relates to the production of an edible meal-like or floury product
from maize or mealies, which product is palatable and pleasant to consume whether alone or mixed
into a paste or the like with milk, water or other edible liquid, if desired with other substances such as
dried milk and others, for consumption without previous cooking and/or for use in the manufacture of
bread and confectionery The invention more particularly provides a process for the production of a
product as above indicated, which is simple and economical to conduct and can be carried out in
apparatus which is already known and in use in the milling art.
According to the invention maize or mealie grains are subjected to a pre-cooking by exfoliation or
puffing with the aid of a steamcharged atmosphere at elevated pressure and/ or under vacuum
conditions, the resultant product being therewith subjected to grinding to a meal-like or finer powdered
or floury condition.
The meal-like or finer milled product is of a light and highly aerated consistency, and without any
further preparation is of itself a palatable article with an apetising flavour.
The process is one which obviates known difficulties which have attended attempts hitherto made to
convert maize or mealie grains at all, or at least in a commercially economical way, into a form which
can rival the food products obtainable from other grain cereals in their suitability for consumption
without further preparation or for use in addition, alone, or in admixture with other nutritious
substances in various ways such as those indicated at the commencement of this specification.
directly, it can by simple mixing be made into a paste, cream, porridge or the like of any desired
consistency with either cold or hot water, if desired with any condiments or other flavouring additions
to suit the taste.
Brought into doughy condition, whether alone or with other meals or flours, it may, on baking
suitably, provide a bread, pastry or the like of good quality.
Baby and invalid foods may be easily made up with the aid of the product of this invention, whether
alone or by suitably proportioned additions of it to the dried milk powders and the like which have
hitherto constituted the essential basis of such foods.
For the Applicant:
BARLOW, GILLETT & PERCIVAL, Chartered Patent Agents, 6, St Ann's Passage, King Street,
Manchester 2.
Furthermore the process obviates expensive operations such as the grinding of the grains before
cooking, a separate cooking stage and a further grinding of the cooked grains or a mass thereof, with
one or more dehydrating stages which is/are troublesome and relatively costly to perform Also the
desirable relatively high degree of conversion of the starch content of the grains to sugars is obtained in
the puffing or exfoliation which is the only treatment which grains require, according co this invention,
prior to the grindings; after which the product is in a marketable condition for direct or indirect use in
various ways as referred to already or noted below.
It is observed also that the foreign bodies which commonly pollute ordinary maize or mealie meal and
other cereal meals are rendered innocuous by the process.
When the product is used for consumption PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION No 4523 A D 1956
Improvements in or relating to the Production of Cereal, Flours and Meals I, FRITZ GROSSMAN, a
British Subject of No 1, Penslade Flats, Stanley Avenue, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, do hereby
declare this invention to be described in the following statement: This invention relates to the
production of an edible meal-like or floury product from cereal grains generally, which product is
palatable and pleasant to consume whether alone or mixed into a paste or the like with milk, water or
other edible liquid, or if desired with other substances such as dried milk and others, for consumption
without previous cooking and/or for use in the manufacture of bread and confectionery The invention
more particularly provides a process which is simple and economical to conduct and can be carried out
in apparatus which is already known and in use in the milling art.
According to the invention cereal grains are subjected to a pre-cooking by exfoliation or puffing with
the aid of a steam-charged atmosphere at elevated pressure and/or under vacuum conditions, the
resultant product being thereafter subjected to grinding a meal-like or finer powdered or floury
The meal-like or finer milled product is of a light and highly aerated consistency, and without any
further preparation is of itself a palatable article with an appetising flavour.
The process is one which obviates known difficulties which have attended attempts hitherto made to
convert certain grains at least in a commercially economical way, into a form which can rival the food
products obtainable from other grain cereals in their suitability for consumption without further
preparation or for use, in addition, alone or in admixture with other nutritious substances in various
ways such as those indicated at the commencement of this specification.
Furthermore the process obviates expensive operations such as the grinding of the grains before
cooking, a separate cooking stage and a further grinding of the cooked grains or a mass thereof, with
one or more dehydrating stages, which is/are troublesome and relatively costly to perform Also the
desirable relatively high degree of conversion of starch content of the grains to sugars is obtained in the
puffing or exfoliation which is the only treatment which the grains require, according to this invention,
prior to the grinding, after which the product is in a marketable condition for direct or indirect use in
the various ways referred to already or noted below.
It is observed also that foreign bodies which commonly pollute ordinary maize or mealie meal and
other cereal meals are destroyed or rendered innocuous by the process.
When the product is used for consumption directly, it can by simple mixing be made into a paste,
cream, porridge or the like of any desired consistancy with either cold or hot water, if desired with any
condiments or other flavouring additions to suit the taste.
Brought into doughy condition, whether alone or with other meals or flours, it may, on baking
suitably, provide a bread, pastry or the like of good quality.
Baby and invalid foods may be easily made up with the aid of the product of this invention, whether
alone or by suitably proportioned additions of it to the dried milk powders and the like which have
hitherto constituted the essential basis of such foods.
821,761 6 821,761 For the Applicant:
BARLOW, GILLETT & PERCIVAL, Chartered Patent Agents, 6, St Ann's Passage, King Street,
Manchester 2.
Leamington Spa: Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by the Courier Press -1959.
Published by The Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, London, W C 2, fromo which copies
may be obtained.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
37. GB861829
- 3/1/1961
E Class: A23K1/22
Application Number:
GB19580037945 (19581125)
Priority Number: GB19580037945 (19581125)
Family: GB861829
Abstract of GB861829
Feed supplements suitable as sources of assimilable nitrogen for protein production in the rumens of
ruminant animals are produced from fibrous material containing carbohydrate, e.g. a cereal, by heating
the material in a closed vessel under pressure in the presence of a small proportion of urea for a period
of from 1 to 7 minutes and then releasing the pressure and removing the treated material from the
vessel. Fibrous materials mentioned are maize, wheat, rice, oats, barley, kaffir corn, munga, sugar beet
pulp, oil-extracted soya bean and grasses. The urea may be employed in a proportion of 0,5% to 4,0%
by weight of the fibrous material, to the urea there may be added a small proportion of sulphur. Gauge
pressures between 30 and 220 lbs./sq. in. are suitable. In an example, kaffir corn, wheat, grass and rice
of 9,8, 9,0, 12,0 and 7,5% protein content, respectively, were each heated with 1/40th part by weight of
urea for 2 minutes at 75 lbs./sq. in. pressure followed by a drying pressure of 160 lbs./sq. in. for
approximately 10 seconds. The protein contents after this treatment were 18,1, 13,7, 68,0 and 10,2%
respectively. Other examples are directed to the treatment of maize.Description:
Description of GB861829
O I NO DRAWINGS I Inventor: FRITZ GR 055 M',N Date of Application and filing'Complete
Nov 25, 1958 No 37945/58.
Complete Specification Published: March 1, 1961.
Index at Acceptance: Class 5 ( 2), J( 2:3 F 2:3 G 3:3 G 53 G 7:3 G 83 International Classification: A
23 k.
A process for treating fibrous materials containing carbohydrates We, GROSSMAN INVENTIONS
(PRIVATE) LIMITED, of Stand 2112, Industrial Sites,: Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, a Companyorgalised under the laws of Southern Rhodesia, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray that
a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly
described in and by.
the following statement:This invention relates to a'process for treating cereals (which expression as' used herein includes
grasses) and any other fibrous material containing a carbohydrate such as sugar beet pulp, the residue
of soya bean after oil extraction, maize, wheat, rice, oats, barley, Kaffir corn lSorghum vulgare.
(Limln)l and munga lmillet, or Pennisetum typhoides (Rich)l.
According to the process of the present invention for the production of products suitable as sources of
assimilable nitrogen for protein production in the rumens of ruminant animals, a fibrous material
containing a carbohydrate, for example a cereal, is heated in a closed vessel under pressure in the
presence of a small proportion of urea for a period of from 1 to 7 minutes, whereafter the pressure is
released and the treated fibrous material removed from the vessel.
Preferably the pressure is between 30 and 220 lbs/sq in and preferably steam is introduced into the
vessel under pressure, but if desired heating may be effected without the introduction of steam or steam
may be formed from water in the vessel during heating Most preferably the material'is held under
pressure in a pressure vessel at lbs /sq in for a period of from I to 2 minutes and then the pressure is
increased to 160 lbs/sq in for a period lPrice 3 s 6 d l ?L:'% of approximately 10 seconds to remove all
moisture from the materials when the materials are released from the pressure vessel into their
The materials may be released from the pressure vessel by means of either compressed air or steam
which has the effect of blowing the moisture from the materials, thus leaving the materials in a
practically dry state.
Although the materials may'become enlarged during' this process exfoliatlon' is not necessary or
The proportion of urea employed is -preferably between 0 5 % and 4 % calculated on the weight of the
material The addition of a small proportion of sulphur also improves the results obtained.
The following Examples l Illustrate the invention:
In' the Examples the figures given as the protein content are calculated by multiplying the nitrogen
content determined by the K Jeldahl method by 6 25.
1 20 Lbs of maize having aprotein content of 7 8 % was mixed with various amounts of urea and
heated in a closed vessel-with the introduction of steam,.
using various times of heating and pressures as shown in Table I below ' The pressure was released
after the time shown and the maize removed from the vessel The protein content after treatment is also
shown in the Table.
All examples are based 'on whole grains of cereals and the times can be reduced to approximatefy i to 2
minutes cooking time by the grains of cereals being crushed.
2 20 Lbs of maize having a protein content of 7 8 % was mixed withl various amounts of urea and
heated in a closed vessel for various times at -"-S J 329,, A 861,829 TABLE I
Amount of % Protein content Time, Pressure urea (ozs) after treatment Minutes lbs /sq ln.
6 10 9 3 30 6 9 9 3 60 6 10 4 3 180 6 10 95 2 165 6 11 i 2 5 165 12 13 4 3 175 6 11 79 1 180 6 12 31 1
165 11 3 3 200 6 11 4 3 200 7 13 2 3 200 12 9 5 180 12 4 7 180 one-pressure and then at an increased
the vessel In the Table t'F" indicates pressure with the introduction of steam that the pressure was
maintained for a as shown in Table II below The fraction of a second only The pressure was released
after the total protein content after treatment is time shown and the maize removed from also shown in
the Table.
Amount of % Protein content Time, Pressure urea (ozs) after treatment Minutes lbs /sq in.
6 12 5 2 150 0.5 180 8 13 6 2 5 75 0.5 180 6 12 6 2 75 F 200 7 12 9 2 75 F 200 8 14 5 2 75 F 200 3
Example 2 was repeated but using followed by a drying pressure of 160 instead of maize various other
cereals lbs /sq in for approximately 10 seconds.
and using in each case 8 ozs of urea The initial and final protein contents per 20 lbs of cereal, a time
of 2 are shown in the following minutes and a pressure of 75 lbs /sq in Table III TABLE III % Initial
protein % Protein content Cereal content after treatment.
Kaffir corn 9 8 18 06 Wheat 9 0 13 7 Grass 12 0 68 O Rice 7 5 10 2 861,829Data supplied from the
esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB861829
1 A process for the production of products suitable as sources of assimilable nitrogen for protein
production in the rumens of ruminant animals wherein a fibrous material containing a carbohydrate, for
example a cereal, Is heated in a closed vessel under pressure in the presence of a small proportion of
urea for a period of from 1 to 7 minutes, whereafter the pressure is released and the treated material
removed from the vessel.
2 A process as claimed in Claim 1 wherein the gauge pressure is between and 220 lbs /sq in.
3 A process as claimed in Claim 1 or 2 wherein steam is introduced into the vessel under pressure.
4 A process as claimed In any one of the preceding claims wherein the fibrous material is maize.
A process as claimed In any one of the preceding claims wherein the urea is employed in a proportion
of between 0.5 % and 4 % calculated on the weight of the fibrous material.
6 A process as claimed In any one of the preceding claims wherein a small proportion of sulphur Is also
7 A process for increasing the protein content of fibrous materials containing carbohydrates
substantially as described with reference to any one of the Examples O 8 Fibrous materials containing
carbohydrates when treated by the process claimed in any one of the preceding claims.
ELKINGTON AND FIFE, Consulting Chemists and Chartered Patent Agbnts, Bank Chambers, 329
High Holborn, London, W CO 1 Agents for the Applicants.
Printed in England by Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1961.
Published at The Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, London, W C 2.
from which copies may be obtained.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
38. GB877691
- 9/20/1961
E Class: A23K1/18K
Application Number:
GB19570011539 (19570409)
Priority Number: GB19570011539 (19570409)
Family: GB877691
Abstract of GB877691
A feeding stuff for young calves based on cereal meal, preferably amounting to 40-60%, includes 210% sugar, 10-40% of a meal made from dried immature herbage such as grass meal or lucerne meal,
1-10% of a high protein-content material such as fish meal or cotton seed meal, and 5-15% of distillery
concentrate which last may be substituted in part by dried brewers yeast, dried skimmed milk or dried
whey. The total protein content of the feeding stuff should be at least 15% and the calcium content,
expressed as CaO, 1,9-2,6%, and the phosphorous content expressed as P2O5 2,0-2,5%. The feeding
stuff may include vitamins, growth factors and trace element salts and be pelletized. A feeding stuff
suitable for feeding calves within a few days from birth contains 40-60% cereal meal, 2-6% sugar, 1530% grass meal, 2-5% fish meal and 5-15% dried distillery concentrate. A follow-on feed formulation
containing barley meal, rice bran, bone meal, decorticated cotton seed meal, grass meal, molasses,
distillery concentrate, salt, vitamins, growth factors and trace element salts is also
Description of GB877691
8779 ( Inventor: NORMAN JOHN FOLL & 10 m) ': I Date of filing Complete Specification: April 3,
Application Date: April 9, 1957 No 1153 Complete Specification Published: September 20, 1961
Index at Acceptance:-Class 5 ( 2), J( 2:3 A 2: 3 A 4: 3 C: 3 D:3 F 1 3 F 2: 3 G 1: 3 G 2: 3 G 3:3 G 4: 3
G 5:3 G 7).
International Classification:-A 23 k.
NO DRAWINGS Improvements in or relating to Animal Feeding Stuffs We, JAMES & CO
(HUNGERVORD) LIMITED, a Britsh Company, of 19 High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire, do hereby
declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it
is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement:The present invention relates to feeding stuffs for feeding calves, suitable to be fed to calves during
the first few months of their lives when they would be dependent on milk in a state of nature.
It is an object of the present invention to produce a feeding stuff which is capable of I 5 being fed to
young calves and in particular to produce a feeding stuff which can be fed to them from the first few
days of their life.
It has already been proposed to feed very young calves on a dry concentrate which 0 contains a
proportion of a "broad spectrum" antibotic substance.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a concentrate for the same purpose which will
satisfactorily promote growth without added anitibiotic substance.
In the early stages of the life of a calf only one of its four stomachs operates effectively and in the
natural state this continues for several months during which time the calf -30 feeds primarily on milk.
In modern animal husbandry it is desired to wean the calf from milk or from feeding stuffs containing
a high proportion of milk solids, at as early a stage as possible.
It is therefore desirable to stimulate the rumen to early development and it is an essential feature of
the feeding stuff provided by the present invention that it shall contain one or more substances having
rqmen-stimulating qualities.
The feeding stuff of the present invention does not rely on the use of any particular additive to make it
satisfactory for feeding lPric E to very young calves, but rather depends on balancing a number of
different factors, so as 45 to provide a food which by reason of the proportioning of the different
components is assimilable by the immature digestive system of the calf and which at the same time
stimulates the development of the digestive 5 Q system, so that the calf can be weaned from milk-based
foods at an early stage.
A feeding stuff made in accordance with the present invention is based on cereal meal and is
characterised in that it contains 2-10 % 55 sugar, 10-40 % of a meal made from dried immature
herbage, such as grass meal or lucerne meal, 1-10 % of a high protein-content material, such as fish
meal or cotton seed meal, and 5-15 % of dried distillery 60 concentrate, which last may be substituted
at least in part by dried brewers' yeast, dried skimmed milk or dried whey Cereal meal itself preferably
forms 40-60 % of the whole mix 65 By the expression "dried distillery concentrate" is meant a product
composed of the dead yeast cells resulting from alcohol distillation of cereal mashes, for example, in
the production of whiskey or gin This may be 70 substituted by dried skim milk or dried whey or in
part by dried brewers' yeast or dried distillery solubles Dried distillery solubles (as ordinarily
understood) are sometimes combined with the dead yeast cells into a 75 product sold as dried distillery
solubles, in which the dead yeast cells form only about % of the whole This product can be used as
"dried distillery concentrate" in the feeding stuff of the present invention, although 8 Q preferably it is
only used to form part of the dried distillery concentrate content of the feeding stuff.
At least in the first few weeks of life the calf will need to be supplied with additional 85 vitamins to
maintain body tone and assist in 691 39/57 877,691 building up resistance to disease and to enable it to
assimilate the food it is receiving.
These additional vitamins may conveniently be added as a supplement to the feeding stuff, :5
although they may equally well be supplied to the calf in the milk food which it also receives at that
In a typical formulation for a feeding stuff for feeding a calf from three days old, when I 0 it is taken
away from its dam, to six weeks old the feeding stuff contains 50 % cereal meal, such as for example, a
mixture of barley meal and wheat meal; 74;, % of bone meal as a source of the necessary calcium and
phosphorous for bone development, although these can be provided in other suitable forms such as
about 3- % steamed bone flour and 1 % sodium choride, although this can be varied quite widely These
are fairly standard feeding stuff ingredients.
The feeding stuff contains 25 % grass meal made from immature grass This acts as a source of
assimilable fibre and assists in rumen development It also contains 2-6 % finely ground castor sugar
the finest grinding readily obtainable being desirable for the present purpose This sugar content acts as
a readily available source of energy and it is also believed to make the food palatable to the young
The figures above given are typical and are capable of a certain amount of variation, which would be
effected in accordance with the cost and availability of the materials.
Thus, the cereal meal may vary between 40 and 60 % and the grass meal from 15 to % The bone meal
may, for example, be replaced by steamed bone flour in quantities sufficient to provide the quantities of
calcium -40 and phosphorous hereafter given, whilst being of a quality assimilable by animals.
The feeding stuff also contains in a typical formulation about 2-5 % of white fish or herring meal
dried at low temperature and containing the solubles from the fish It is known that such low
temperature grades of fish meal contain certain growth stimulant factors, as well as being a source of
Fish meal can be replaced by other protein materials such as materials derived from whale meat or
soya flour, but in such event it is desirable to add an additional source of growth factors, such as
"Vigofac" (Registered Trade Mark).
-55 The total protein content of the feeding stuff, taking the protein from all the components should be
not less than 15 %.
Finally, the feeding stuff contains 5-15 % (preferably about 10 %) of dried distillery -60 concentrate
This acts as a rumen stimulant and appears to contain certain unidentified growth factors It is also
known as a potent source of the B group vitamins This concentrate could be replaced altogether by 6 S
dried skimmed milk or by dried whey, but these would be -more expensive It could also be replaced,
but only in part, by dried brewers' yeast.
The feeding stuff made up in this way is preferably pelletized to prevent separation 70 of the very
finely divided materials used in the mix and then the pellets are reduced to crumbs in a conventional
As an alternative the feeding stuff may be made up in the form of flakes by mixing the 7; ingredients
with water and drying on a roller drier, the sheet of the material thus formed being broken up into small
As explained above the feeding stuff preferably also contains additional vitamins and 81) like growth
stimulating substance and trace element salts, since these are an essential ingredient of the calves' diet
for general body health and for assimilation of the nutrient elements from its feed 85 The vitamins,
growth stimulants and trace element salts, if provided in the feeding stuff, are incorporated before
pelletization The principal vitamins and growth stimulants that it is desirable to add are Vitamins A, 90
B 2, Do and E, nicotinic acid, choline and inositol The trace elements added are preferably ferrous iron,
copper, manganese, magnesium, cobalt and iodine, in the form of assimilable salts 95 A suitable rate of
addition of vitamins and growth stimulants per ton of feeding stuff is:Vitamin A 8 million international
units Vitamin D; 3,,,, -, 101 Vitamin B 2 3 arams Vitamin E 2 grams Nicotinic Acid 4 grams Choline
130 grams Inositol 400 grams 105 Trace elements salts may be added at the following rate per ton of
feeding stuff:Potassium Iodide 3 oz.
Cobalt Sulphate 8 oz.
Magnesium Oxide 63 ozs 110 Manganese Sulphate 4 ozs.
Copper Sulphate 11 ozs.
Ferrous Sulphate 4 ozs.
In addition the calcium and phosphorous content of the whole mix should be approxi 11 I mately:
Calcium expressed as Ca O 2 5 % Phosphorous expressed as P.705 2 2 % 120 When fed on a feeding
stuff compounded as above outlined, it is found that a calf can be weaned at 3-4 weeks of age and
thereafter fed solely on concentrates made in accordance Vrith the invention until its digestive 125
system is sufficiently developed to assimilate grass, hay and commonly used feeding stuffs.
When the calf is about five weeks old, its digestive system has reached a stage where it can tolerate
coarser foods than it could 130 877,691 originally deal with and, so as to promote the continued
development of the digestive system to enable the calf to go over to the ordinary food at about four
months as well as to reduce the quantities of expensive materials used, certain changes are therefore
made in the formulation to produce a feeding stuff more suitable for the 6 weeks-4 month stage,
athough the calf will continue to make satisfactory progress on the original formulation.
At this stage it is desirable to introduce a food having a proportion of indigestible fibre, so as to fit the
calf to this component of its ordinary food To do this the whole of the fish meal and about half the
grass meal is replaced by decorticated cotton-seed meal This supplies protein and the indigestible fibre
required The white fish meal :20 growth-stimulating factor does not seem to be necessary after the
initial stage of growth.
Similarly the relatively expensive dried distillery concentrate can be somewhat reduced and the finely
ground sugar can be replaced by sugar in the form of molasses.
These variations, in addition to being desirable for the further physical development of the animal,
enable the cost of the followon feeding stuff to be reduced as compared with the initial feeding stuff.
It is particularly desirable that the vitamins and trace element salts should be incorporated in the
feeding stuff during this follow-on stage, as the animal is no longer being given a milk-food It is only
by incorporating the vitamins and trace elements in the food mix before pelletization that reasonable
certainty of feeding these factors to the animal in acceptable proportions can be achieved.
A particular formulation of a follow-on feeding stuff is given in the following example:Barley Meal 46 % Rice Bran 5 % Bone Meal 7-1 % Decorticated Cotton Seed Meal 7} O % Grass
Meal 15 % Molasses 10 % Distillery Concentrate 71 % Salt 1 % to which are added vitamins, growth
factors and trace element salts in amounts approximating to those already given in detail The 5
calcium and phosphorous contents should fall within the ranges Ca O 1 9-2 6 % and PROVISIONAL P
205 2 0-2 5 %.
The cereal meal content of the feeding stuff may be raw cereal meal as indicated in the foregoing
examples It also may consist, 60) at least in part, of a pre-digested processed cereal meal in which part
of the starch is broken down into dextrins, maltose and glucose The extent to which such pre-digested
cereal meal is employed depends on a num 65 ber of factors, principally of an economic nature
However, it may be stated that the use of up to 50 % or even more pre-digested cereal meal is
advantageous, particularly in the formula used during the early weeks of 70 the calf's life Owing to the
hygroscopic nature of pre-digested cereal meal, it presents certain difficulties in compounding and the
extent to which it can be employed will be governed to a certain extent by this factor 75Data supplied
from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of GB877691
WHAT WE CLAIM IS:1 A feeding stuff for young calves based on cereal meal and characterised by the incorporation therein
of 2-10 % sugar, 10-40 % of a meal made from dried immature herbage, 80 such as grass meal or
lucerne meal, 1-10 % of a high protein-content material, such as fish meal or cotton seed meal and 5-15
% of distillery concentrate, which last may be substituted in part by dried brewers' yeast, 85 dried
skimmed milk or dried whey.
2 A feeding stuff according to claim 1, including 40-60 % of cereal meal.
3 A feeding stuff according to claim 1 or 2, in pelletized form and including added 90 vitamins,
growth factors and trace element salts.
4 A feeding stuff according to any preceding claim, wherein the total protein content is at least 15 %
95 A feeding stuff according to any preceding claim, wherein the calcium content expressed as Ca O is
1 9-2 6 % and the phoshorus content expressed as P 20, is 2 0-2 5 %.
6 A feeding stuff according to any pre I O(I ceding claim suitable for feeding to calves within a few
days from birth comprising 40% cereal meal and containing 2-6 % sugar, 15-30 % grass meal 2-5 %
fish meal and 5% dried distillery concentrate 105 7 A feeding stuff for calves compounded
substantially as herein described.
STEVENS, LANGNER, PARRY & ROLLINSON, Chartered Patent Agents, Agents for the
SPECIFICATION Improvements in or relating to Animal Feeding Stuffs We, JAMES & Co (Hu
NGER Fo RD) LIMITED, a Britsh Company, of 19 High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire, do hereby
declare this invention to be described in the following statement:The present invention relates to
feeding stuffs for feeding calves.
It is an object of the present invention to 11,) produce a feeding stuff which is capable of being fed to
calves from the first few days of their life.
It has already been proposed to feed very 877,691 young calves on a dry concentrate which contains a
proportion of a "broad spectrum" antibiotic substance.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a concentrate for the same purpose which will
satisfactorily promote growth without added anitibiotic substance.
In the early stages of the life of a calf only one of its four stomachs operates effectively -10 and in the
natural state this continues for several months during which time the calf feeds primarily on milk.
In modern animal husbandry it is desired to wean the calf from milk or from feeding stuffs containing
a high proportion of milk solids, at as early a stage as possible.
It is therefore desirable to stimulate the rumen to early development and it is an essential feature of
the feeding stuff provided by the present invention that it shall contain one or more substances having
rumen-stimulating qualities.
The feeding stuff of the present invention does not rely on the use of any particular additive to make it
satisfactory for feeding to very young calves, but rather depends on balancing a number of different
factors, so as to provide a food which is assimilable by the immature digestive system of the calf and
which at the same time stimulates the development of the digestive system, so that the calf can be
weaned from milk-based foods at an early stage.
A feeding stuff made in accordance with the present invention is characterised in that it contains 2-10
%o sugar, 10-40 % of a meal made from dried immature herbage, such as grass meal or lucerne meal,
1-10 % of a protein-containing material such as fish meal or cotton seed meal, and 5-15 % of dried
distillery concentrate, which may be substituted at least in part by dried brewers' yeast, dried skimmed
milk or dried whey.
At least in the first few weeks of life the calf will need to be supplied with additional vitamins to
maintain body tone and assist in building up resistance to disease and to enable it to assimilate the food
it is receiving and these may conveniently be added as a supplement to the feeding stuff, although they
can equally well be supplied to the calf in the milk food which it also receives at that stage.
In a typical formualtion for a feeding stuff for feeding a calf from three days old, when it is taken
away from its dam, to six weeks old the feeding stuff contains about 50 % cereal meal, such as, for
example, a mixture of barley meal and wheat meal It also contains about 7-}% of bone meal as a source
of the necessary calcium and phosphorus for bone development, although these can be provided in
other suitable forms The feeding stuff also contains about 1 o' sodium chloride, although this can be
varied quite widely These are fairly standard feeding stuff ingredients.
The feeding stuff contains about 25 % grass meal made from immature grass This acts 7 t 1 ? as a
source of assimilabe fibre and assists in rumen development It also contains about 2-6 % finely ground
castor sugar, the finest grinding readily obtainable being desirable for the present pur 75 pose This
sugar content acts as a readily available source of energy and it is also believed to make the food
palatable to the young animal.
The feeding stuff also contains in a typical 8 ( O formulation about 2-5 % of white fish or herring
meal dried at low temperature and containing the solubles from the fish It is known that an appropriate
grade of fish meal contains certain growth stimulant factors, as 87 well as being source of protein Fish
meal can be replaced by other protein materials such as materials derived from whale meat or soya
flour, but in such event it is desirable to add an additional source of growth 90 factors, such as Vigofac
(Registered Trade Mark).
The total protein level of the feeding stuff, taking the protein from all the components should be not
less than 15 % 95 Finally, the feeding stuff contains 5-15 % of dried distillery concentrate This acts as
a rumen stimulant and appears to contain certain unidentified growth factors It is aso known as a potent
source of IOU the B group vitamins This concentrate could be replaced probably altogether by dried
skimmed milk or by dried whey, but these would be more expensive It could also be replaced, but only
in part, by dried 1)05 brewers' yeast.
The feeding stuff made up in this way is preferably pelletized to prevent separation of the very finely
divided materials used in the mix 11 ( As explained above the feeding stuff preferably also contains
additional vitamins and like growth stimulating substance and trace element salts, since these are an
essential ingredient of the calves diet for general body 115 health and for assimilation of the nutrient
elements from its food.
The vitamins, growth stimulants and trace element salts, if provided in the feeding stuff.
are incorporated before pelletization The 12 ( O principal vitamins and growth stimulants that it is
desirable to add are Vitamins A.
Ba, D) and E, nicotinic acid, choline and inositol The trace elements added are preferably ferrous iron,
copper, manganese 125 magnesium, cobalt and iodine, in the form of assimilable salts.
A suitable rate of addition of vitamins and -rowth stimulants per ton of feeding stuff is:
Vitamin A 8 million international units Vitamin D 3 3, Vitamin B 2 3 grams Vitamin E 2 grams
Nicotinic Acid 4 grams Choline 130 grams Inositol 400 grams Trace elements salts may be added at
the following rate per ton of feeding stuff:Potassium Iodide oz.
Cobalt Sulphate oz.
Magnesium Oxide 61 ozs.
Manganese Sulphate 4 ozs.
Copper Sulphate 11 ozs.
Ferrous Sulphate 4 ozs.
In addition the calcium and phosphorous content of the whole mix should be approximately:
Calcium expressed as Ca O 2 5 % Phosphorous expressed as P 205 2 2 %.
When fed on a feeding stuff compounded as above outlined, it is found that a calf can be weaned at 34 weeks of age and thereafter fed solely on concentrates made in accordance with the invention until its
digestive system is sufficiently developed to assimilate grass, hay and commonly used feeding stuffs.
When the calf is about six weeks old, its digestive system has reached a stage where it can tolerate
coarser foods than it could originally deal with and, so as to promote the continued development of the
digestive system to enable the calf to go over to the ordinary food at about four months, therefore
certain changes are made in the formulation of the feeding stuff suitable for the 6 weeks-4 month stage
as compared with the original 40 At this stage it is desirable to introduce a food having a proportion of
indigestible fibre, so as to fit the calf to this component of its ordinary food To do this the whole of the
fish meal and about half the grass 45 meal is replaced by decorticated cotton-seed meal This supplies
protein and the indigestible fibre required The white fish meal growth-stimulating factor does not seem
to be necessary after the initial stage of growth 50 Similarly the relatively expensive dried distillery
concentrate can be somewhat reduced and the finely ground sugar can be replaced by sugar in the form
of molasses.
These variations, in addition to being de 55 sirable for the further physical development of the animal,
enable the cost of the followon feeding stuff to be reduced as compared with the initial feeding stuff.
It is particularly desirable that the vita 55 mins and trace element salts should be incorporated in the
feeding stuff during this follow-on stage, as the animal is no longer being given a milk-food It is only
by incorporating the vitamins and trace elements in 60 the food mix before pelletization that reasonable
certainty of feeding these factors to the animal in acceptable proportions can be achieved.
STEVENS, LANGNER, PARRY & ROLLINSON, Chartered Patent Agents, Agents for the
Berwick-upon-Tweed: Printed for Her Majesty's Sta tionery Office, by The Tweeddale Press Ltd 1961 Published at The Patent Office 25 Southampton B uildings, London W C 2 from which copies
may be obtained.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
39. JP3151835
- 6/28/1991
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/16
E Class: A23K1/14; A23K1/00C2
Application Number:
JP19890290689 (19891108)
Priority Number: JP19890290689 (19891108)
Family: JP3151835
Abstract of JP3151835
PURPOSE:To obtain a formula feed for promoting multiplication, having excellently promoting effects
on multiplication of animal, containing Chlorella having ground cell membrane and root of
Acanthopanax senticosus Harms. CONSTITUTION:Chlorella having ground cell membrane obtained
by a method recorded in Japan patent 55-32351 is prepared. On the other hand, root of Acanthopanax
senticosus Harms ground into a proper size from a view point of digestion absorption efficiency
depending upon kinds of target animal is prepared by a means such as drying and grounding. Then, the
above-mentioned formula feed is blended with 1-10 wt.% Chlorella having ground cell membrane and
0.3-3wt.% root of Acanthopanax senticosus Harms to give a formula feed for promoting multiplication.
The formula feed can be blended with proper amounts of components such as barley, wheat flour,
maize, rice bran, fish meal, soybean cake, salt, CaCO3, glucose, various kinds of vitamins and fed to
animals in the same way as ordinary formula feed.Claims:
Claims of corresponding document: EP0427430
1. A formula feed for reproduction promotion comprising membrane-disrupted chlorella and the root of
Acanthopanax senticosus Harms.
2. A formula feed for reproduction promotion as claimed in claim 1 wherein said root of Acanthopanax
senticosus Harms is in the dry powder form.
3. A formula feed for reproduction promotion as claimed in claim 2 comprising 1 to 10% by weight
membrane-disrupted chlorella and 0.3 to 3% by weight dry powder of root of Acanthopanax senticosus
Harms.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
40. JP59073527
- 4/25/1984
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K; A61K
IP Class:A23K1/16; A61K37/02
E Class: A23K1/18M1; A23K1/17
Application Number:
JP19830170497 (19830914)
Priority Number: GB19820027513 (19820927)
Family: JP59073527
EP0104630; US4504471; ES8501210
Abstract of JP59073527
PURPOSE:To provide the titled drug containing an acylpeptide or its salt. CONSTITUTION:A
growth-promoting agent and antimycoplasmotic drug for animal can be prepared by using the
compound of formula I (R>;1; is lactoyl-alanyl, etc.; R>;2; is carboxymethylamino, etc.; R>;3; is
carboxy, etc.) or its salt (e.g. the compound of formula II) as an active component. Although the
compound can be administered directly by oral administration, it is preferable to administer as a
mixture with a carrier such as defatted rice bran, talc, etc. or by mixing said mixture with animal feed
or water. Preferable dose is 0.01-10mg/kg daily. In the case of using as an antimycoplasmotic drug,
synergistic effect can be obtained by using the drug in combination with an antibiotic substance (e.g.
tylosin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, etc.). The ratio of the compound of formula I to the antibiotic
substance is 1-50.Description:
Description of corresponding document: US4504471
1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates to a new animal growth promotant. More particularly, it relates to a new animal
feed composition which comprises an acyl peptide or its non-toxic salt as an effective ingredient, and to
methods for promoting the growth of animals and improving the rate of weight gain of animals and
improving the efficiency of feed utilization by animals, which comprises the oral administration of the
animal feed composition comprising the acyl peptide or its non-toxic salt to animals.
2. Description of the Prior Art
The acyl peptide to be used in this invention is represented by the following formula (I). ##STR1##
wherein R@1 is lactoyl-alanyl-, R@2 is carboxymethylamino, and R@3 is carboxy; or
R@1 is heptanoyl, R@2 is 1-carboxyethylamino and
R@3 is carboxy; or
R@1 is stearoyl, R@2 is 1-carboxyethylamino and
R@3 is hydrogen.
The acyl peptide (I) and its non-toxic salt to be used in this invention is the known one possessing an
enhancing activity of immune response [cf. U.S. Pat. No. 4322341].
For many years, the animal science industry has tried to provide an animal growth promotant, and
some antibiotics have been developed and used as such, including, for example, penicillins,
tetracyclines, bacitracin, enramycin, virginiamycin or the like. The antibiotics used as animal growth
promotants up to now are characterized by their strong antimicrobial activities, especially against
Gram-positive bacteria. Accordingly, it has been a matter of common knowledge in the field of animal
science that when an antibiotic is used as an animal growth promotant, the antibiotic may be preferably
selected from the ones which possess antimicrobial activities, especially against Gram-positive
However, the animal growth promotants available in the market, including such antibiotics, can not be
said to be entirely sufficient in the actual application thereof to animals due to the occurrence of
antibiotic resistant microorganisms and the like.
The acyl peptide (I) is inactive against microorganisms in vitro, although it possesses an enhancing
activity of the immune response and protective efficacy in experimental infection.
Accordingly, if the acyl peptide (I) possessing such unique pharmacological properties can effectively
be used as an animal growth promotant, an actually useful animal growth promotant which is not
accompanied with occurrence of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, can be provided.
On the basis of these facts, the inventors of this invention have studied a possibility of the effective use
of the acyl peptide (I) as an animal growth promotant for animals (e.g. chicken, pig, etc.).
The extensive studies of the inventors have successfully resulted in providing a new animal growth
promotant comprising the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt.
Accordingly, this invention provides a new animal feed composition for promoting the growth of
animals, which comprises the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt as an effective ingredient; and
methods for promoting the growth of animals, improving the rate of weight gain of animals, and
improving the efficiency of feed utilization by animals, this invention encompasses the oral
administration of the animal feed composition comprising the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt to
A non-toxic salt of the acyl peptide (I) may include a salt formed with an inorganic or organic base
such as a sodium salt, potassium salt, calcium salt, ammonium salt, ethanolamine salt, triethylamine
salt, dicyclohexylamine salt and the like, and an acid addition salt with an organic or inorganic acid
such as acetate, trifluoroacetate, lactate, maleate, fumarate, tartarate, citrate, methane sulfonate,
hydrochloride, sulfate, nitrate, phosphate and the like.
The acyl peptide (I) to be used in this invention, includes one or more stereoisomers due to the
asymmetric carbon atoms in the molecule, and all of such isomers are included within the scope of the
active ingredient of this invention.
Representative compounds of the acyl peptide (I) to be used in this invention are as follows: ##STR2##
The animal growth promotant of this invention which comprises the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic
salt as an effective ingredient is administered to animals in a conventional manner.
The animal growth promotant of this invention is usually administered orally to animals, and the active
ingredient, the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt, may be generally administered as it is or in
admixture with a suitable carrier (e.g., water, kaolin, talc, calcium carbonate, lactose, etc.) or in
admixture with an animal nutritions source, i.e., feed.
More particularly, the active ingredient, the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt, may also be
administered as drinking water in the form of an aqueous solution; or as a preparation such as tablet,
granule or capsule which comprises the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt and suitable non-toxic
carrier as exemplified above; or as a ration in the form of the composition which comprises the acyl
peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt and animal feed and sometimes the other feed additive.
In connection with the form of administering the animal feed composition of this invention as
mentioned above, the ration comprising the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt can be prepared in a
conventional manner, namely by admixing the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt with basal ration.
And, as the basal ration, natural feed and assorted feed can be used, including dry feeds, liquid feed,
pelleted feed and the like. As a preferred basal ration, it is preferably used the assorted feed which
comprises one or more conventional feeds such as corn, rice, wheat, milo, soybean meal, cottonseed
meal, wheat bran, defatted rice bran, fish meal, skim milk, dried whey, oils, fats, alfalfa meal or the like
and one or more of the conventional feed additives such as tricalcium carbonate, sodium chloride,
choline chloride, vitamin (e.g. vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6,
vitamin B12, calcium pantothenate, nicotinamide, folic acid, etc.), amino acid (e.g. lysine, methionine,
etc.), mineral source (e.g. magnesium sulfate, ferrous sulfate, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, potassium
iodide, cobalt sulfate, etc.) or the like.
The amounts of the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt in the basal rations which are fed to the animals
may be varied over a very wide range depending upon the kind, nature, growth period, etc. of the
animals, and the breeding method, breeding circumstance, breeding seasons of the animals and the like.
Levels which are construed as preferable and anticipated to yield the preferred growth are in an amount
between about 0.01 p.p.m. and about 100 p.p.m., more preferably between about 0.1 p.p.m. and about
10 p.p.m.
As to the other form of administration, the capsules can be prepared by filling the acyl peptide (I) or its
non-toxic salt. If desired, the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt is diluted with an inert powdered
diluent (e.g. sugar, starch, cellulose, etc.) in a conventional manner in order to increase its volume for
convenience in filling capsules. The tablet can be prepared in a conventional manner, for example, by
admixing the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt with a base (e.g. lactose, sugar, mannitol, starch,
sodium chloride, etc.), a disintegrator (e.g. starch, alginic acid, sodium lauryl sulfate, etc.), a binder
(e.g. gelatin, gums, starch, dextrin, etc.), a lubricant (magnesium stearate, talc, paraffin wax,
polyethylene glycol, etc.). The granules also can be prepared in a conventional manner. The drinking
water comprising the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt can be prepared by simply dissolving the acyl
peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt in water in a proper amount.
The dosage of the animal feed composition is varied depending upon the kind, nature, growth period,
etc. of the animals, and its preferred dosage may usually be selected from the range of about 0.01-10
mg/kg/day as the amount of the acyl peptide (I) or its non-toxic salt.
Further, the animal feed composition as prepared above can also include, other feed additives than
those mentioned above, for example, other antibiotics, pesticides, fungicides, coccidiostats,
antioxidants, natural pigments and the like. A preferred antibiotic to be added is exemplified by
thiopeptin, enramycin, bacitracin, mikamycin, fradiomycin, flavomycin, virginiamycin, kitasamycin,
tylosin, quebemycin and the like, which are useful as animal growth promotants and/or veterinary
drugs. Furthermore, it is usual to treat animals with a variety of growth promotants, diseasepreventatives and disease treatments throughout their lives, and such drugs are often used in
combination. Accordingly, the new methods of this invention may also be practiced in combination
with other treatments.
The animal growth promotant of this invention can be administered effectively to animals such as
poultry (e.g. chicken, turkey, duck, quail, etc.), cattle, pig, sheep, goat, rabbit, mink and the like. The
breeding of animals using the animal feed composition of this invention can be conducted in a
conventional manner.
The animal growth promotant of this invention promotes the growth of animals so that the rate of
weight gain of animal can be improved, and also improves the efficiency of feed utilization by animals.
In addition to this, the animal growth promotant of this invention is superior to other grow the
promotants in that the animal growth promotant of this invention is not accompanied by the occurrence
of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.
From the uses and advantages stated above, the animal growth promotant of this invention can be said
to be a superior animal promotant in comparison with the other known growth promotants and
therefore can be used safely for promoting the growth of animals.
The following Tests and Examples are given to illustrate this invention, but is should be understood
that they are not intended to limit this invention.
Test 1
7-Days-old male broiler chickens (Chunky) were divided into two groups, i.e. treatment group and
control group, each of which consisted of four chicks. These chicks were fed for initial 4 weeks with
Feed Composition I and for further 4 weeks Feed Composition II as listed in the table below.
The said Feed Compositions were continuously fed to the chickens, and their growth and the efficiency
of feed utilization by the chickens were observed for 8 weeks.
The results are shown in the table below.
>;tb;Feed Composition
>;tb;Ingredient Feed Composition
Feed Composition
>;tb;Soybean meal 20.00
>;tb;Fish meal
>;tb;Alfalfa meal 3.00
>;tb;Calcium carbonate
>;tb;Tricalcium phosphate
>;tb;Sodium chloride
>;tb;Vitamin A D3 E premix
>;tb;Vitamin B premix*@1
>;tb;Trace mineral 0.10
>;tb;DL-Methionine 0.20
>;tb;Compound 1 1 ppm
1 ppm
>;tb; Note:
>;tb; *@1 Vitamin B premix is composed of vitamin B1, vitamin B2,
>;tb; vitamin B6, vitamin B12, biotin, folic acid and calcium
>;tb; pantothenate.
>;tb; *@2 Trace mineral premix is composed of ferrous sulfate, manganese
>;tb; sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, cobalt sulfate and potassium
>;tb; iodide.
>;tb;Ini- Week
>;tb;tial 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8
>;tb;(1) Average body weight gain (g):
>;tb;Treat>;tb; 116 155 453 783 1143 1529 1977 2359 2784
(116) (111)
>;tb;Con- 111 134 407 729 1120 1494 1889 2238 2595
>;tb;(2) Efficiency of feed utilization*:
>;tb;Treat- 1.87 1.72 1.73 1.87 2.02 2.13 2.31 2.42
>;tb;ment (78) (90) (97) (98) (96) (97) (97) (96)
>;tb;Con- 2.39 1.91 1.78 1.91 2.10 2.20 2.38 2.51
>;tb; Values in parentheses represent an index (%) to the control group.
>;tb; *Note:
>;tb; ##STR3##
Test 2
63 Days-old piglets (LWD) were divided into two groups (i.e. treatment group and control group, each
of which consisted of four piglets. These piglets were continuously fed for initial 4 weeks with Feed
Composition I as shown in the table below and for further 4 weeks with Feed Composition II as shown
in the table below, and their growth and efficiency of feed utilization were observed for 8 weeks.
The results are shown in the following table.
>;tb;Feed Composition
Composition I
Composition II
>;tb;Ingredient (%)
>;tb;Parched bean flour
->;tb;Soybean meal 10.0
>;tb;Skim milk
->;tb;Fish meal
>;tb;Meat and bone scraps
>;tb;Tricalcium phosphate
>;tb;Calcium carbonate
->;tb;Sodium chloride
>;tb;DL-Methionine -0.05
>;tb;Lysine hydrochloride
->;tb;Limestone ground
>;tb;Vitamin AD3 E premix
>;tb;Vitamin B premix*@1
>;tb;Trace mineral premix
>;tb;Combinase (cellulase +
>;tb;Compound 1 1, 10 or 1, 10 or
100 ppm 100 ppm
>;tb; Note:
>;tb; *@1 and *@2 : See Test 1.
Treatment Group
Compound 1
Control 1 ppm 10 ppm 100 ppm
>;tb;Average Final Body
40.3 34.7 37.8
>;tb;Weight Gain (kg)
(116) (100) (109)
>;tb;Efficiency of
2.38 2.35 2.27
>;tb;Feed Utilization
(98) (97) (93)
>;tb; Values in parentheses represent an index (%) to the control group.
>;tb; Note:
>;tb; ##STR4##
Test 3
The test was conducted by the same method as that of Test 1 excepting the following conditions.
Animals to be used: 6 day-old male broiler chickens. Treatment Groups 1 and 2, and Control Group
were each consisted of five chickens.
Effective ingredient to be used in Feed Composition: Compound 2 (Treatment Group 1) and
Compound 3 (Treatment Group 2).
The test results are shown in the following table.
0-4 0-6
>;tb;(1) Average body weight gain (g):
>;tb;Treatment 92
997 1725
>;tb;Group 1
(117) (109) (104)
>;tb;Treatment 91
1006 1762
>;tb;Group 2
(110) (110) (106)
>;tb;Control 91
913 1659
(100) (100) (100)
>;tb;(2) Efficiency of feed utilization:
>;tb;Treatment 1.76
1.94 2.26
>;tb;Group 1 (93)
(80) (95)
>;tb;Treatment 2.09
2.06 2.26
>;tb;Group 2 (93)
(85) (95)
>;tb;Control 2.24
2.41 2.37
(100) (100)
>;tb; Values in parentheses represent an index (%) to the control group.
Test 4
The test was conducted by the same method as that of Test 2 excepting that the compound 2 (1 ppm)
was employed as an effective ingredient in Feed Composition instead of the compound 1.
The results are shown in the following table.
Treatment Group
>;tb;Average Final Body
28.3 29.4
>;tb;Weight Gain (kg)
(100) (104)
>;tb;Efficiency of 2.30 2.28
>;tb;Feed Utilization
(100) (99)
>;tb; Values in parentheses represent an index (%) to the control group.
601 kg
>;tb;Defatted soybean
250 kg
>;tb;Alfalfa meal
20 kg
>;tb;Fish meal
80 kg
>;tb;Plant oil
25 kg
>;tb;Calcium carbonate
10 kg
>;tb;Tricalcium phosphate 5
>;tb;Sodium chloride
3 kg
>;tb;Vitamin A D3 E premix
>;tb;Vitamin B premix*@1 3
>;tb;Trace mineral premix*@2
>;tb;Zoalene 10% preparation 1.25 kg
>;tb;(coccidiostat, trade name,
>;tb;made by Tanabe Seiyaku
>;tb;Co., Ltd.)
>;tb;Compound 1
>;tb; Note:
>;tb; *@1, *@2 : see Test 1.
The above ingredients were equally mixed to give an animal feed composition.
>;tb;Skim milk
270 kg
>;tb;Dried whey
100 kg
>;tb;Fish meal
50 kg
>;tb;Wheat flour
350 kg
50 kg
30 kg
>;tb;Dried yeast
100 kg
21 kg
>;tb;Casein sodium
10 kg
>;tb;Tricalcium phosphate 10 kg
>;tb;Sodium chloride
4 kg
500 g
>;tb;Lysine hydrochloride 1
>;tb;Vitamin A D3 E premix
>;tb;Vitamin B premix*@1
>;tb;Trace mineral premix*@2
>;tb;Compound 1
1 g
>;tb; Note:
>;tb; *@1,
>;tb; *@2 : see Test 1.
The above ingredients were equally mixed to give an animal feed composition (milk replacer).
601 kg
>;tb;Defatted soybean
250 kg
>;tb;Alfalfa meal
20 kg
>;tb;Fish meal
80 kg
>;tb;Plant oil
25 kg
>;tb;Calcium carbonate
10 kg
>;tb;Tricalcium phosphate 5
>;tb;Sodium chloride
3 kg
>;tb;Vitamin A D3 E premix
>;tb;Vitamin B premix*@1 3
>;tb;Trace mineral premix*@2
>;tb;Zoalene 10% preparation 1.25 kg
>;tb;(coccidiostat, trade name,
>;tb;made by Tanabe Seiyaku
>;tb;Co., Ltd.)
>;tb;Compounds 2 or 3
1 g
>;tb; Note:
>;tb; *@1,
>;tb; *@2 : see Test 1.
The above ingredients were equally mixed to give an animal feed composition.
>;tb;Skim milk
270 kg
>;tb;Dried whey
100 kg
>;tb;Fish meal
50 kg
>;tb;Wheat flour
350 kg
50 kg
30 kg
>;tb;Dried yeast
100 kg
21 kg
>;tb;Casein sodium
10 kg
>;tb;Tricalcium phosphate 10 kg
>;tb;Sodium chloride
4 kg
500 g
>;tb;Lysine hydrochloride 1
>;tb;Vitamin A D3 E premix
>;tb;Vitamin B premix*@1
>;tb;Trace mineral premix*@2
>;tb;Compound 2
1 g
>;tb; Note:
>;tb; *@1,
>;tb; *@2 : see Test 1.
The above ingredients were equally mixed to give an animal feed composition (milk replacer).Data
supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of corresponding document: US4504471
We claim:
1. A growth promoting composition comprising: (a) an acyl peptide of the formula or its non-toxic salt:
##STR5## wherein R@1 is lactoyl-alanyl-, R@2 is carboxymethylamino and R@3 is carboxy; R@1
is heptanoyl, R@2 is 1-carboxyethylamino and R@3 is carboxy; or R@1 is stearoyl, R@2 is 1carboxyethylamino and R@3 is hydrogen, in an amount effective for promoting animal growth; and (b)
a suitable animal feed.
2. A method of promoting the growth of animals comprising administering to said animals the acyl
peptide of claim 1.
3. A method for promoting the growth of growing animals, which comprises orally administering to
said animals the composition of claim 1.
4. A method of improving the rate of weight gain of growing animals, which comprises orally
administering to said animals the composition of claim 1.
5. A method for improving the efficiency of feed utilization by growing animals, which comprises
orally administering to said animals the composition of claim 1.
6. The composition according to claim 1, wherein the amount of the acyl peptide is 0.01 p.p.m. to 100
7. The method according to claims 2, 3, 4 or 5, wherein the amount of the acyl peptide is 0.01 p.p.m. to
100 p.p.m.
8. The composition according to claim 1, wherein said animals are poultry or pigs.
9. The composition according to claim 8, wherein said poultry are chickens.
10. The method according to claims 2, 3, 4 or 5, wherein said animals are poultry or pigs.
11. The method according to claims 2, 3, 4 or 5, wherein said poultry are chickens.
12. The composition of claim 1, wherein the animal feed is in the form of a liquid feed, a dry feed or a
pelleted feed.
13. The composition of claim 12, wherein the animal feed is selected from corn, rice, wheat, milo,
soybean meal, wheat bran, defatted rice bran, fish meal, skim milk, dried whey, oils, fats and alfalfa
14. The composition of claim 1, further comprising an additive selected from calcium carbonate,
sodium chloride, choline chloride, vitamins and amino acids; minerals selected from magnesium
sulfate, ferrous sulfate, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, potassium iodide and cobalt iodide.Data supplied
from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
41. JP60034133
- 2/21/1985
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/00
E Class: A23K1/00C1; A23K1/14C; A01G1/04
Application Number:
JP19830142827 (19830804)
Priority Number: JP19830142827 (19830804)
Family: JP60034133
Abstract of JP60034133
PURPOSE:Bean curd (TOFU) refuse is mixed with a certain amount of lignin, then the mixture is
sterilized to prepare a culture medium for white decaying fungi, and a specific edible fungus is
inoculated and cultured to convert the components unsuitable for feed into suitable substances, thus
giving a concentrated feed. CONSTITUTION:TOFU refuse is combined with a crushed substance
containing lignin such as rice or wheat husks to prepare the starting material containing 10-20% of
lignin. It is preferred, at this time, to admix a small amount of fish flour. Then, the resultant mixture is
sterilized to prepare a culture medium for white decaying fungi. A white decaying fungus is inoculated
to and cultured in the medium to convert it into concentrated feed for pigs by the action of the
microorganism. The white decaying fungi are desired to be good in mycellia formation and edible such
as SHIITAKE mushroom. The cultivation conditions are 65-70% RH, 22-24 deg.C and the cultivation
is continued under these conditions for 25-30 days to enrich the culture medium resulting in formation
of valuable feed.Description:
Description of corresponding document: US4711787
(1) Field of the Invention
This invention relates to livestock feed mainly consisting of refuse produced in the preparation of
soybean curd and soybean milk.
(2) Description of the Prior Art
The global foodstuff conditions at present and in future involve serious latent problems. Namely, recent
abnormal global atmospheric phenomena and the conversion of the green tracts of land into deserts cast
a dark outlook on the preservation of human foodstuff. This gloomy tendency is expected to continue
in the future. On the other hand, the diet of people is some quarters of the world is abundant. As a
result, there is an increasing demand for high quality delicious food and a tendency toward an
enormous consumption of meat. At present, however, difficulties are arising in the procurement of feed
for livestock utilized as meat due to the above-mentioned recent global abnormal atmospheric
Therefore, various attempts are being made to cope with the shortage of livestock feed under the
circumstances mentioned above.
For instance, it has hitherto been tried to apply the refuse derived from soybean curd and soybean milk
production as a useful feed for livestock, for example, pigs. The soybean curd and soybean milk,
foodstuff peculiar to Japan, are now widely disseminated over the world. However, the process of
effectively utilizing the above-mentioned refuse, hereafter referred to as "okara", is still regarded as
unsatisfactory. Therefore, the most of the okara is simply wasted today. Consequently, the object of
this invention is to save the precious cereal resources by utilizing "okara" as livestock feed.
Hitherto, however, okara has been applied as livestock feed in the form mixed with the other kinds of
livestock feed. However, feeding of okara intack to livestock has been accompanied with the
undermentioned drawbacks:
(1) okara is decomposed in a day or two, presenting difficulties in preservation and transportation;
(2) feeding of a large amount of okara leads to a decline in the fleshy portion of livestock, usable as
meat, though increasing the fatty content. Further, the fat tends to turn yellow, considerably
depreciating the commercial value of the meat; and
(3) Constantly feeding a great deal of okara causes the livestock to suffer from diseases such as a
gastric ulcers.
The above-listed drawbacks of okara as livestock feed are detrimental. Therefore, the utilization of
okara as livestock feed has its importance questioned and is recently beginning to be avoided.
On the other hand, the soybean curd and soybean milk are being consumed in increasingly higher
quantities. Moreover, the manufacturing of soybean products is being shifted from the house hold scale
to the large industrial scale, thereby resulting in the discharge of tremendous quantities of okara. As
mentioned above, however, a decline in the utilization of okara as livestock feed causes this soybean
refuse to be simply wasted.
The present inventors have conducted studies over many years for the solution to problems related to
the above-mentioned livestock feed. The inventors have studied the procurement of highly nutritious
livestock feed from okara with substantial success and accomplished the present invention. The object
of the invention is to provide a method of manufacturing a livestock feed which can eliminate the
drawbacks of the conventional okara when used as livestock feed.
The above-mentioned object is attained by the method of this invention which comprises the steps of:
mixing a lignin-bearing substance with okara to such extent that the mixture contains 10 to 20% of
lignin (as measured on the dry basis);
preparing a medium for white-rotting fungi by sterilizing the mixture; and
cultivating in said medium edible fungi of said white-rotting fungi having the function of forming
mycorrhiza, thereby converting the components of okara which are unsuitable as livestock feed into a
valuable substance for livestock feed.
Okara, used as a raw material in this invention, is the refuse derived from a manufacturing of soybean
curd and soybean milk. No limitation is imposed on the structural pattern of said okara. Generally,
okara is commercially supplied in the form containing 80 to 84% of water. The present invention
allows for the use of this type of okara. The chaffs of rice and wheat, that is, husks or vegetable fibers
can be mixed as a lignin-bearing substance with okara. The husks or vegetable fibers generally contain
20 to 23% of lignin and 9 to 10% of water. Such a lignin-bearing substance is crushed and mixed with
the okara, thereby preparing a raw mixture containing 10 to 20% of lignin. If desired, a small amount
of a vitamin A-bearing substance such as fish meal is added to said raw mixture.
A description may now be made of an instance of preparing the raw mixture. It is preferred to mix 100
kg of okara containing 80 to 83% of water with 26 kg of crushed chaff containing 20 to 23% of lignin
and 9 to 10% of water and 3 kg of fish meal containing 9 to 10% of water.
The raw mixture thus prepared is sterilized by the ordinary process to eliminate the contained fungi and
used as a medium for white-rotting fungi. In this case, sterilization, for instance, at 120 DEG C. for one
hour substantially destroys saprophyte.
The white-rotting fungi, cultured in the above-mentioned medium, are known as microbes which are
very important for the decomposition of substances such as lignin, which is difficult for bacteria in the
soil to decompose. This invention is intended to convert the raw mixture into a very valuable
concentrated livestock feed by the action of microbes. Therefore, the white-rotting fungi cultured in the
medium should have the function of creating mycorrhiza and being of an edible type. Agaric (Pleurotus
ostreatus), Lentinus edoes (Cortinellus shiitake) and Lyophyllum aggregatum are most preferred as the
above-mentioned white-rotting fungi.
It is preferred to cultivate the above-mentioned types of white-rotting fungi at a humidity of 60 to 75%
and temperature of 22 DEG C. to 26 DEG C. When the mushroom fungi are continuously cultivatured
for 25 to 30 days under the above-mentioned conditions, the medium is noticeably fertilized to produce
an important nutritional value as livestock feed. When the cultivation medium is kept at a humidity of
80 to 95% and a temperature of 12 DEG C. to 18 DEG C. to promote the growth of the mushroom
fungi after completing the cultivation of the aforesaid mushroom fungi, the cultivation medium from
which the mushroom fungi have been gathered can still be applicable as a livestock medium having
substantially the same efficacy as the livestock feed embodying this invention. Therefore, the present
invention offers the advantage of producing not only a concentrated livestock feed but also realizing
the growth of mushroom fungi.
The present invention further has the undermentioned merits:
(1) Ordinarily, a mixture applied as a medium for cultivating mushroom fungi must be sprinkled with
water before sterilization, depending on the kinds of the raw materials used. This is for the purpose of
allowing the mixed mass to have a water content of 60 to 70%. If otherwise, the mixed mass already
contains too much water, it is necessary to take the step of removing the excess water in order to reduce
the water content to the prescribed 60 to 70%. However, the livestock feed-manufacturing method of
this invention dispenses with the above-mentioned steps. The okara procured from the soybean curd
industry uniformly contains water of 80 to 84% as previously mentioned. If, therefore, the cereal husks
and fish meal containing 9 to 10% of water are mixed with the okara in the afore-mentioned ratio, then
the mixed mass will hold water of 65.+-.3%, a water content adapted for the production of a mushroom
fungi-cultivating medium. Therefore, the present invention eliminates the step of increasing or
decreasing the water constent of the mixed raw mass for the livestock feed, and also offers a
mushroom-cultivating medium having an optimum composition.
(2) Okara alone fails to be used as a medium for the growth of mushroom fungi. However, the abovementioned steps of the present invention enables the okara to be applied as an excellent medium for
producing mushroom fungi. In this connection, a description may be made of the merit of the present
invention. Namely, as compared with sawdust and other materials ordinarily used as a medium for the
cultivation of mushrooms, the method of the present invention ensures a mushroom yield 50 to 60%
larger, on the average.
This invention will be more apparent from the following example.
100 kg okara containing 80 to 83% of water, 26 kg of crushed cereal husks containing 20 to 23% of
lignin and 9 to 10% of water, and 3 kg of fish meal containing 9 to 10% of water were mixed and
agitated to provide a raw mixture. The mixture was sterilized at 120 DEG C. for one hour to provide a
mixed medium for the growth of mushroom fungi. Mushroom fungi (agaric: Pleurotus ostreatus) were
cultivated in the medium at a temperature of 24 DEG C. for 20 to 25 days. Analyses were made of the
various components of the raw mixture before the cultivation of the above-mentioned mushroom fungi
and the cultivation medium used as a livestock feed after the cultivation of said mushroom. The results
are presented in Table below.
>;tb;Components of Mushroom-Cultivating Medium
>;tb;Percentage content
>;tb;in 100 g of the
>;tb;medium Protein
fat substance
ash Lignin
>;tb;(dry basis)
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
>;tb;Raw cultivation
6.5 33.1 33.8
>;tb;Cultivation medium
1.0 42.5 29.9
>;tb;used as a livestock
>;tb;Change in content
+9.4 -3.4
Referring to vitamins, vitamins B2, B3, B12, D2, L, etc., which were not observed in the raw
cultivation mixture were amplified by the cultivation mixture used as a livestock feed after the
cultivation of mushroom fungi. This shows that nutritious components and vitamins were more
noticeably amplified in the mushroom-cultivating medium used as a livestock feed than in the raw
mixture, namely that the medium after the cultivation of mushroom fungi assumed a great value as a
livestock feed.
Experiments were made by feeding pigs, cattle and fowl with the above-mentioned mushroomcultivation medium used as a livestock feed. The following results were proved.
(1) The livestock feed met the dietetic taste of pigs, cattle and fowl and increased their appetite.
(2) The gastic ulcer of pigs was prevented.
(3) The fat of pigs and cattle was prevented from turning yellow.
(4) The excrements of pigs, cattle and fowl were extremely deodorized.
(5) The subject mushroom-cultivating medium proved to be effective feed for all livestock
The above-mentioned prominent merits are assumed to arise from the fact that in the mushroomcultivating medium applied as livestock feed, free amino acids such as histidine, glycine, arginine,
aspartic acid, etc., obtained as the metabolic products of mushroom fungi, are amplified, and also
vitamin A is abundant due to the addition of fish meal.
When the livestock feed obtained by the method of this invention (containing 60 to 65% of water) was
allowed to stand at room temperature while tightly sealed in a polyethylene bag, it was proved that said
livestock feed was saved from the growth of molds and prevented from being decomposed for over one
year and, therefore, has an excellent storage characteristic. This merit is assumed to arise from the fact
that white edible decayed fungi are still living in the subject livestock feed. The fact can be regarded as
a surprising characteristic of the livestock feed of this invention as compared with the single okara,
which is easily subject to the occurrence of molds and decay when allowed to stand for only two days.
As previously mentioned, the okara is accompanied with various defects when applied intact as
livestock feed, and recently has been regarded as refuse. The lignin-containing substances such as
cereal husks are also simply wasted. However, this invention enables a very efficacious livestock feed
to be manufactured from the mixture of said okara and cereal husks. Further, this invention offers a
very noticeable advantage of enabling mushroom fungi to be grown with greater profit than has been
possible in the past. Consequently, this invention bears a great importance as one of the effective
measures for resolving foodstuff problems now confronting the world, particularly difficulties
encountered in the production of livestock feed and the feeding of livestock.
As mentioned above, the livestock feed manufactured by the method of this invention can be stored
over a long period while containing 60 to 65% of water, thereby eliminating the drying step and saving
the required heating energy. If the subject livestock feed has to be transported for a long distance, it is
possible to convert the product into the dry state, e.g. powders or pellets.Data supplied from the
esp@cenet database - Worldwide
42. KR8801275 - 7/18/1988
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K; C12N
IP Class:A23K1/16; C12N1/20
E Class: A23K1/18M1; C12N1/20; A23K1/00C2B; C12R1/10
Application Number:
KR19840001623 (19840329)
Priority Number: JP19830051482 (19830329); JP19830065200 (19830415)
Family: KR8801275
GB2138023; FR2543409; DE3410771
Abstract of KR8801275
An animal feed additive contg. Bacillus licheniformis MN-001 cultures is prepd.. Thus, a preculture of
B. licheniformis MN001 is inoculated into a culture medium (pH8.0) contg. 2 molasse, 1 (NH4)2SO4,
0.1 K2HPO4, 0.05 yeast ext. and 100 parts tap water and cultivated on a shaker-flask at 20-50[not
>;==]C for 12-120 hr. The fermentate is centrifuged and the collected cell is mixed with starch (or
defatted rice bran) to provide the MN-001 prepns.. The strain extracellularly forms protease and
cellulase in high yields. The feeds are harmless to animals, but they improve the survival wt. of young
pigs, the growth rate of young cattle, they cause a general increase in animal body it.Description:
Description of corresponding document: GB2138023
Animal feed additive, feed and microorganism employed therefor (Detailed Explanation of the
The present invention relates to a novel animal feed additive and feed. More particularly, the present
invention relates to an animal feed additive and feed containing Bacillus licheniformis as available
microorganism. And the present invention further relates to a strain of Bacillus licheniformisM N-00 1,
FERM BP-266.
Using feeds for animals have been promptly changed in recent years from using mainly selfsupplying
feeds to using formula feeds produced in modern factories to result in a very high ratio of the use
amount of formula feeds to the total use amount of all feeds nowadays.
For such formula feeds, it is generally employed to use, as supplemental ingredients, various additives,
such as amino acids, minerals, vitamins, antibiotics, enzymes, living microorganism preparations etc.
with various objects, such as nutrient replenishment, improvements of digestion and absorption, growth
promotion, disease prevention etc., besides main ingredients, such as cereal grains, seed cakes, fish
meals, oils and fats etc..
However, with respect to the antibiotics, the uses thereof have now a tendency to be subject to
restriction and the scope of their use tends to be limited and reduced, because it is apprehended that the
remainings and transferrings of antibiotics into the human body may cause allergies or the change of
enteric bacterial flora.
As the enzymes, the preparation of lipase, amylase, cellulose, protease etc. and the mixture thereof
have been studied, however, it is the present conditions that the definite effect can not be expected
because they presents the irregular effects.
And as the living microorganism preparations, those of Bacillus natto, lactic acid bacteria, butyric acid
bacteria, Lactobacillus bifidus etc. have been studied, however, although they present a certain effect, it
is not yet adequate.
Accordingly, it is the present condition that the perfect animal feed additive is not available.
In consideration of the present condition described above, the present inventors et al have researched
in the wide range for seeking spontaneous microoganisms of genus Bacillus useful for creating an
animal feed additive, and as a result found unexpectedly that Bacillus licheniformis is not only
harmless but also shows various effects on animals. The present invention has completed on basis of
this discovery.
The present invention relates to an animal feed additive and feed containing Bacillus licheniformis as
useful microorganism.
Bacillus licheniformis used in the present invention belongs to the group of facultative anaerobic
bacteria belonging to the genus Bacillus. According to the present invention, not only spontaneous
strains but also artificial mutants thereof may be used effectively. Among these strains, a preferable
strain is a mutant named Bacillus licheniformis MN-001 which has been deposited with the
Fermentation Research Institute, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, under the deposition
number of FERM BP-266.
Bacillus licheniformis strain MN-001 (referred to hereinafter as strain MN-001) shows the following
microbial properties:
A.Morphological properties:
(1) Bacillus being 0.5 to0.8m wide by 2 to3m long.
(2) Gram's strain: Positive
(3) Formation of elliptical endospores.
(4) Motility: Positive
B. Cultural properties:
(1) Normal agar: Abundant growth. No production of pigment.
(2) Medium containing molasses and ammonium sulphate as the major components:
Abundant growth. No production of pigment
(3) Liquid medium containing sodium chloride:
5% salt:Growth
7% salt:Growth
10% salt:Growth
C. Physiological properties:
(1) Catalase activity: +
(2) Growth under anaerobic conditions: +
(3) VP(Voges-Proskauer) test: +
(4) Growth under high temperature conditions:
at50"C: +
at55"C: - (5) Acid formation from carbohydrates:
Glucose: +
L-Arabinose: +
D-Xylose: +
Mannitol: +
D-Tagatose: +
(6) Argininedihydrolase activity: +
(7) Lecithinase activity: +
(8) Starch hydrolysis: +
(9) Gelatin hydrolysis: +
(10) DNA hydrolysis: +
(11) Utilization of citrate: +
(12) Utilization of propionate: +
(13) Nitrate reduction: +
(14) Indole formation: +
(15) Deamination of phenylalanin: Bacillus licheniformis useful in the present invention may be cultured in either liquid medium or solid
medium by conventional fermentation techniques.
As a medium, various media, such as natural medium, semi-synthetic medium and synthetic medium,
can be widely used.
(i) As the carbon source, the following can be utilized: glucose, sucrose, dextrin, glycerol, starch,
molasses and the like.
(ii) As the nitrogen source: peptone, meat extract, yeast extract, dry yeast, soybean cake, urea,
thiourea, ammonium salts, nitrates and other organic or inorganic nitrogen-containing compounds.
(iii) As the mineral salt: phosphates, nitrates, carbonates, chlorides etc. of magnesium, manganese,
potassium, calcium, iron etc.. Besides, amino acids, vitamins, nucleic acids and the compounds related
therewith may be added to the medium. According to the conventional fermentation techniques, the
microorganism is cultured at a suitable temperature and for an adequate period, perferably, for
example, at a temperature of from20"C to50"C and for a period of from1 2 hours to 5 days.
According to the present invention, thus obtained culture liquid may be used with or without isolating
cells by repeat washing. Besides, the culture liquid, processed one thereof and isolated cells may be
subjected to a frozen drying or spray drying treatment etc. with or without additives to be formulated.
And thus obtained formulation may be used as the feed additive or feed of the present invention.
In order to prepare a general animal feed or feed additive according to the present invention, it is
enough to formulate the culture liquid directly as such or in diluted form with the following diluent
agents: wheat flour, starch, dextrin etc. and raw materials for feed, for example, cereal grains, chaffs
and brans such as deoiled rice bran, cakes of seeds rich in oil and fat, and the like.
And if desired, after isolation of cells from the culture liquid by washing, thus isolated cells may be
formulated in the same manner as described above.
Thus obtained living microorganism formulation of Bacillus licheniformis is given to animals in the
form of animal feed containing it or in the form of feed additive in an adequate amount, permitting the
increases in body weight and growth promotion. The typical examples of the animals covered by the
feed additive or the feed of the present invention are enumerated as follows: livestocks, such as beef
cattle, dairy cattle, young cattle, pigs, young pigs, sheep, goats, horses, rabbits, dogs, cats, etc.;
poultries, such as chicken, laying hens, chicken domestic fowls, seed cocks, domestic ducks, geese,
turkeys, quails, small birds etc..
In addition, since an amount of administration thereof varies according to the factors, such as the kinds
of the intended animals, the ages of the intended animals and the kinds of other feed ingredients, it is
difficult to define it without variation. Generally speaking however, the formulation of the present
invention is added to the feed with 102 to 105 cells of living Bacillus licheniformis, preferably with
104 to 1012 cells, and more preferably with 105 to 10'0 cells per 1 kg of the feed.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be illustrated in relation to Production examples and
Production example
(Production of living microorganism formulation of Bacillus licheniformis)
2 parts by weight of molasses, 1 part by weight of ammonium sulphate, 0.1 parts by weight of dibasic
potassium phosphate and 0.05 parts by weight of yeast extract were added to 100 parts by weight of tap
water to prepare nutrient solution. Thus obtained solution was regulated into a pH of 8.0 by the use of
0.1 N hydrochloric acid of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide to prepare liquid medium. One liter of liquid
medium was charged in a jar fermenter and sterilized at121"C for1 5 minutes. Thus sterilized liquid
medium was inoculated with a precultured Bacillus licheniformis strain MN-001, FERM BP-266
followed by the shaking culture for 24 hours.
Then the cells were collected by centrifuging the culture fluid. The collected cells were added with 1
kg of starch and dried to obtain the formulation of Bacillus licheniformis strain MN-001 (referred to
hereinafter as MN-001 formulation). This formulation contains 108 cells per 1 kg.
On the other hand, another formulation was also obtained in the same manner as in the operation
described above except that starch was replaced with deoiled rice bran.
Example 1
(Breeding of broilers)
120 Broilers (female: 60, male: 60) were divided into three groups respectively consisting of 40
broilers (female: 20, male: 20) and the feeding tests were carried out for 8 weeks by giving such feed
prepared by adding MN-001 formulation obtained in Production example (containing 108 cells per 1
kg of starch) to the basic feed of which composition is shown in the Table 1 below. The control group
broilers were breeded by giving such feed prepared by adding starch to the basic feed (starchcontaining group).
The results are shown in the Table 2.
Table 1 (Composition of basic feed)
0-4 weeks after 5-8 weeks after
the breeding the breeding
start start
Commercially available feed for broilers for the former period 100 0(Note*)
Commercially available feed for broilers for the latter period 0 100 (Note**)
(Note) Standard feed for test made by Nippon
Haigoshiryo Co., Ltd.
SD broilers for SD broilers for
the former the latter
period period**
Crude protein2 232 19
Crude fat2 52 6
Crude fiber5 4c 4
Crude ash' 6.5I 6.5
ME(Metabolizable energy) (Kcal/Kg)23000 23100
Table 2
Body weight Body weight Increase in Feed
at start after 8 weeks body weight conversion
(g/broiler) (g/broiler) (g/broiler)
(Index) (Index)
Control(0.1% starch- 40 2280 2240 2.32 containing(100) (100) group)
MN-001 formulation-containing 40 2460 2420 2.13 group(0.1%) (108.0) (91,8)
Example 2
(Breeding of piglets)
30 weaned piglets of 25-day-old (female: 15, male:1 5) were divided into three groups respectively
consisting of 10 piglets (female: 5, male: 5) and the following feeding tests were carried out for 14
weeks: The first group i.e. control group piglets were breeded by giving such feed prepared by adding
deoiled rice bran to the basic feed to which composition is shown in the Table 3 below (deoiled rice
bran-containing group). The second group piglets were breeded by giving such feed prepared by adding
the Bacillus natto formulation "Glogen 8" (trade name for the product of Eisai Co., Ltd., containing 108
cells/g of starch) to the basic feed. The third group piglets were breeded by giving such feed prepared
by adding the MN-001 formulation obtained in Production example (using deoiled rice bran and
containing 108 cells/g) to the basic feed.
The results of these breeding tests are shown in the Table 4.
Table 3 (Composition of basic feed)
0-1 2-5 6-14
week weeks weeks
Corn 28.1 34.3 65.9
Wheat flour 20 25
Soybean cake 7 8 6.5
Fish meal 7 5 5
Skim milk 27 15
Deoiled rice bran - - 7.3
Wheat bran - - 10
Glucose 10 10
Vitamins etc. 0.9 2.7 5.3
(Parts by weight)
Table 4
Body weight Body weight Increase in Feed
at start after 14 weeks body weight conversion
(kg/piglet) (kg/piglet) (kg/piglet)
(Index) (Index)
Control (0.1% deoiled 7.3 67.9 60.6 2.80 rice bran-(100) (100) containing group)
Glogen 8containing 7.3 70.1 62.8 2.69 group(0.1%) (103.6) (96.0)Mn-001 formulation-containing 7.3
73.8 66.5 2.55 groups(0.1%) (109.7) (91.1)
From these results, it will be seen that the great increase effects in body weight, feed conversion and
digestion ratio can be obtained by adding the living microorganism of Bacillus licheniformis to an
animal feed.
Example 3
40 Female-pigs, with body weight of from1 70 Kg to1 80 Kg and being with young, were divided
into two groups respectively consisting of 20 female-pigs, and the following feeding tests were carried
out for 80 days or more (from 60 days before the delivery to 21 days after the delivery):
The control group female-pigs were breeded by giving such feed prepared by adding starch to the
Highbreed B (trade name for the feed product of Kumiai Haigoshiryo Co., Ltd., and the composition
thereof is shown in the Table 1 for reference) (starch-containing group). The test group female-pigs
were breeded by giving such feed prepared by adding the MN-001 formulation obtained in Production
example (containing starch and 108 living cells/g) to the above available feed.
The results of these feeding tests are shown in the Table 2.
Table 1
Composition of Highbreed B
Crude protein15.0% or more
Crude fat 2.0% or more
Crude fiber 10.0% or more
Crude ash 10.0% or less
Calcium 0.6% or more
Phosphorous 0.45% or more
Digestible crude protein 11-5% or more
Total amount of digestible nourishments 72.0% or more
Table 2
Control Test
group group
Feed composition:
Formula feeds for breeding female-pig(%) 100 100
Additives (%) Starch MN-001
(0.1) formulation
Number of tested femalepigs (female-pig) 20 20
Average body weight (kg/female-pig) 178.0 177.0
Number of delivered femalepigs (female-pig) 20 20
Average number of born piglets (piglets/female-pig) 9.4 9.6
Average body weight of born piglets (kg/piglet) 1.39 1.40
Average number of weaned piglets (piglets/female-pig) 7.7 8.6
Survival (%, average number of weaned piglets/average number of born piglets x 100) 81.9 89.6
Example 4
10 Young seed bulls of Holstein of 1-week-old were divided into two groups respectively consisting of
5 young bulls. On the one hand, the milk substitute for control group was prepared by adding starch to
the basic milk substitute of which composition is shown in the
Table 1, and on the other hand, that for test group was prepared by adding the MN-001 formulation
obtained in Production example (containing starch and 108 living cells/g) to the basic milk substitute.
The feeding tests were carried out as follows:
One part by weight of milk substitute for each group described above was respectively dissolved and
dispersed in 7 parts by weight of warm water to prepare respectively the feed of milk substitute for
each group. Then, each group bulls were breeded by giving respectively the feed of milk substitute
above obtained for 4 weeks.
The results of these feeding tests are shown in the Table 2.
By the way, according to the recent breeding method of young cattle in our country, it is breeded by
giving the pellet form feed (containing less protein and fat than those in the milk substitute) called
Calfstarter in combination with such milk substitute as described above, however, in this Example, in
order to examine only the effect of the milk substitute itself, the calfstarter was not used in combination
Table 1
Division Control Test
group group group group
Ingredients and Skim milk 70 70 mixing ratio in Whey 10 10 the milk Beef tallow 18 18 substitute
Premix of (parts by feed additive weight) (Note 1) 2 2
Starch 0.1 MN-0O1
formulation - 0.1
Lecithin 0.5 0.5
(Note 1)
Containing vitamins and
minerals etc.
Table 2
Control Test
group group
Average body weight (Kg/calf):
Start of feeding (1-week-old) 45.0 44.8
End of feeding (5-week-old) 72.3 74.1
Average increase in body weight (Kg/calf) 27.3 29.3
Increase index in body weight 100 107.3
Feed intake (Note 2)(kg/calf) 45.7 46.0
Feed efficiency 0.60 0.64
Outbreaking times of diarrhea (times/calf/test period):
Muddy + explosive diarrhea 5.0 2.5
Explosive diarrhea 2.5 0.3
(Note 2)
Substitute milk (values represented
by a conversion into powder form)
Example 5
Among 100 White Leghorns with 68 weeks in age, 60 hens that have shown egg-laying ratios during
the past 4 weeks were selected, and they were divided into two groups.Then the following breeding
tests were carried out for 2 weeks after the preliminary feeding period of 1 week: The control group
hens were breeded by giving such feed prepared by adding starch to the "Mylayer 17" (trade name for
the feed product for laying hen of Kumiai Haigoshiryo Co.,
Ltd., and the composition thereof is shown in the Table 1 )(starch-containing group). The test group
hens were breeded by giving such feed prepared by adding theMN-001 formulation obtained in
Production example (containing starch and 108 living cells/g) to the above available feed.
The results of these breeding tests are shown in the Table 2.
Table 1
Composition of Mylayer 17
Crude protein 17% or more
Crude fat 3.5% or more
Calcium 2.8% or more
Phosphorus 0.55% or more
Crude fiber 5.0% or less
Crude ash 13% or less
Metabolizable energy 2750 Kcal/Kg or more
Table 2
Control Test
group group
Feed composition:
Feeds for laying hen(%) 100 100
Additives (%) 0.1 0.1
Number of tested hens 30 30
Average egg-laying ratio (%) 68 75
Average egg weight 59.5 60.0
Average feed conversion 2.78 2.58 (Relative value)(100) (92.8)Data supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
43. US3259501
- 7/5/1966
E Class: A23K1/22; A23K1/14C
Application Number:
US19640375422 (19640611)
Priority Number: US19640375422 (19640611)
Family: US3259501
Abstract not available for US3259501
44. US4031250
- 6/21/1977
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K; A21D
IP Class:A23K1/18; A21D2/00
E Class: A23K1/18N; A23K1/16C; A23L1/275D; C09B61/00
Application Number:
US19740525710 (19741120)
Priority Number: US19740525710 (19741120)
Family: US4031250
Abstract of US4031250
An animal or pet food is prepared wherein a red, meaty color is imparted thereto by incorporation of an
effective amount of the pigments produced by growth of Monascus purpureus on rice or
Description of US4031250
This invention relates to animal or pet foods and more particularly to the coloring of such foods to
obtain a meaty, red color.
Animal or pet foods, whether they be of the dry; shelfstable intermediate-moisture; or canned variety
are typically formulated so as to give the appearance of real meat in both color and texture. To achieve
a meaty red color resort has been had to artificial coloring materials such as FDC Red No. 2 or more
recently FDC Red No. 40 or Red No. 3. Consumer skepticism regarding such materials has led us to
investigate other sources of raw meaty colors.
It is known in the prior art that rice acted upon by the mold Monascus purpureus becomes stained red
by the mold. See, e.g., Hesseltine, A Millennium of Fungi, Food, and Fermentation, Mycologia, Vol.
LVII, No. 2, 179-81 (1965); Lin, Isolation and Cultural Conditions of Monascus Sp. for the Production
of Pigment in a Submerged Culture, J. Ferment. Technol., Vol 51, No. 6, 407-414 (1973). See also,
U.S. Pat. No. 3,765,906. The thus stained rice has been used in the Orient for preparation of red rice
wine. The use of a corn medium has also been tried. Palo, et al., A study on Ang-kak and its
Production, Philippine J. Sci. 89: 1-22 (1961).
We have found that the pigments produced by the growth of Monascus purpureus on a material
selected from the group consisting of rice, corn and mixtures thereof when added to an animal or pet
food results in a surprisingly good raw meaty red color being imparted to the animal food. The use of
such pigments is especially beneficial in a preferred embodiment wherein the treated rice or corn is
finely-subdivided and used "as is" as the coloring material. The corn or rice thereby serves as a nutrient
for the animal as well as a colorant.
In an alternate embodiment of the invention, the pigments produced are extracted from the corn or rice
with a suitable organic solvent. Where the solvent is one having utility in pet foods such as propylene
or butylene glycol or glycerol, this embodiment is especially unique in that the pigments can be added
with the solvent to the animal food without the need for separation thereof.
The primary object of this invention, namely, to impart a red meaty color to pet food through the use of
natural coloring components is achieved in the following manner.
The basic starting material in the attainment of the natural coloring is a culture of the mold Monascus
purpureus obtainable, for example, from the Western Regional Research Laboratories of the United
States Department of Agriculture at Peoria, Ill. As obtained, the culture is typically carried on
Sabourands agar slants. Potato dextrose agar is another suitable medium.
The mold is then used to inoculate either rice or corn. Preferably, the rice or corn is heated in a pretreatment step to temperatures sufficient to inactivate or kill microorganisms possibly present.
Preferred in this respect is a simple autoclave process with temperatures typically in excess of 100
DEG C, generally 121 DEG C at 15 psi pressure for about 15 minutes. The amount of mold needed to
stain a given batch of rice or corn a deep red color is not per se critical and is easily determinable by
skilled art workers. Typically, a suspension of the mold in a liquid medium, for example water or
isotonic saline, is first formed and then a suitable amount thereof is used to inoculate the rice or corn.
By way of example, slants on which the organism has been grown are washed with about 9-10 mls. of
water insuring that an adequate amount of mold material is brought into a visually turbid suspension.
This suspension is added to a 50 gram batch of rice. As with other microorganisms, a preferred
commercial embodiment utilizes the so treated rice or corn to inoculate further batches of such
A critical parameter in the inoculation process is the moisture present in the rice or corn/mold mixture.
The preferred condition is to have water present in an amount sufficient to keep the rice or corn moist
to the eye but not such that free excess water is apparent. Excess water has the effect of facilitating the
growth of other molds and even bacteria, a particularly undesirable result. Utilization of less moisture
than above-described is not detrimental to the growth except to prolong the time needed to fully stain
the rice or corn or to inhibit the growth altogether. The presence of at least some moisture is, however,
Depending upon the amount of moisture, mold and the inoculation conditions, the thorough staining
may take anywhere from a few days to 3 weeks. The conditions of temperature are not per se believed
to be critical except insofar as affecting the rate of growth. The temperature should not be so excessive
as to substantially inhibit growth of the microorganism or so high as to completely kill it. Preferred
temperatures are in the ambient range, typically 20 DEG to 25 DEG C. The outer extremes for
temperature conditions are believed well within the skill of the art.
The moisture requirement will typically require the intermittent addition of water to the rice or
corn/mold mixture. In the initial stages of inoculation, heat-producing fermentation will be very active
resulting in evaporation of the water. Hence, care must be taken at these early stages to retain moisture
in the mix. As fermentation slows in the latter stages of inoculation, the moisture loss becomes less
When the rice or corn has been suitably stained, it is heated to temperatures sufficient to kill the mold
such temperatures typically in excess of about 100 DEG C, more typically above 120 DEG C. Again,
an autoclave procedure is particularly suitable for this process.
The process from this point may take two different routes. In one especially suitable embodiment, the
thus colored corn or rice is used as is to impart color to a pet or animal food. Thus an added advantage
herein is that the coloring material makes a nutritional contribution to the food. In order to be
compatible with the various food systems and to achieve as wide a dispersement of coloring material,
the rice or corn is finely-divided prior to incorporation into the food. Any method of sub-division such
as crushing, grinding, flaking may be used. A preferred particle size is smaller than about 40 microns
typically achieved by pulverizing the rice or corn in a mill having a 40 micron screen. The amount of
this finely-divided material is not critical and rather depends only upon the degree of color needed or
desired. A typical amount for a meat-containing animal food is about 1-5% by weight. Larger amounts
may be necessary where the animal food contains little or no meat as described hereinafter.
In an alternate embodiment, the red pigments of the rice or corn are extracted therefrom with a suitable
solvent, preferably an organic solvent such as ethanol, propylene glycol, butylene glycol and the like. It
is preferred though not essential to sub-divide the corn or rice as described above prior to extraction.
The resultant solution of pigments may then be exaporated to dryness for use in the particular food
formulation. Alternatively, where such solvents as propylene or butylene glycol are used, the pigment
solution may be added with said materials, a particularly preferred embodiment where the glycols or
other extracting material will comprise a portion of the final food product.
The present invention is applicable to the coloring of any animal food be it dry, soft-moist, or canned.
Such foods are extremely well-known in the art as exemplified by the following patents:
U.s. pat. No. 3,119,691 to Ludington et al.
U.s. pat. No. 3,365,297 to Burgess et al.
British Pat. No. 1,312,910 to Baker et al. Complete Specification published Apr. 11, 1973
U.s. pat. No. 3,202,514 to Burgess et al.
U.s. pat. No. 3,380,832 to Bone
British Pat. No. 1,290,811. Complete Specification published Sept. 27, 1972.
U.s. pat. No. 3,653,908 to Buck et al.
U.s. pat. No. 3,574,633 to Flier
The dry foods will typically have a moisture content below about 12% by weight, soft-moist or
intermediate-moisture feeds between about 15 to 60% water; canned typically above 60 to 75% water.
Various categories such as "semi-dry" or "soft-dry" have been used to describe products in the 10 to
25% moisture range.
The above-recited patents typically involve the use of meat, meat by-products or meat meal as a source
component. However, the present invention is also applicable to and indeed is particularly applicable to
products containing no meat since the coloring requirements are more pronounced in such foods.
Typical of such products are totally grain-based products or products prepared from textured vegetable
protein such as described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,488,770 to Atkinson; 3,496,858 to Jenkins.
The particular point at which the coloring material of this invention is incorporated with the animal
food is not critical nor is the particular type food itself. Typically, the coloring material will be added
as a source ingredient to the food mixture which may then be further processed such as by
extrusion/cooking, forming, and the like. Where textured vegetable protein prepared by
extrusion/expansion is used as a component of the foodstuff, it may be more desirable to add the
coloring after extrusion, e.g. by infusion of a pigment solution or coating with the pigments. Dry foods
prepared from farinaceous and proteinaceous materials are particularly suitable for use of the stained
corn or rice "as is" where a meaty color is desired as well as soft-moist or canned products desirably
containing a farinaceous ingredient.
A particularly preferred embodiment of this invention involves those foods where an organic solvent
such a glycerol, other polyhydric alcohols, propylene or butylene glycol is employed as an ingredient
thereof. In dry or semi-dry foods these solvents are particularly useful as texturizing humectants to
obtain a moist/dry appearance and texture as well as to impart shelf-stability or microbiostasis to such
products. Intermediate-moisture products make especial use of such materials as microbiostatic agents
designed to lower the Aw of such products (a measure of water availability for growth of
microorganisms) to impart or aid shelf-stability. Use is typically in the 1 to 20% by weight range.
Canned products may employ such ingredients to retain a moist texture and appearance. Textured
protein products make use of such materials to impart plasticity to the protein mix and to aid or confer
resistance to microbial contamination.
Where such products are to be colored, the stained rice or corn can be extracted with such solvents to
remove the pigments therefrom and the pigment/solvent solution with or without dilution if needed is
added as is to the particular formulation. Solvents not desirably present in the formula or not
compatible with such formulas require evaporation prior to incorporation of the pigments to a food.
The following example illustrates the best mode of practicing this invention.
A culture of Monascus purpureus (Culture No. NRRL-2897) was obtained from the USDA Lab earlier
mentioned. The culture was carried on Sabourauds agar slants (Difco). Nine mls. of water was used to
wash the slant and the suspension was used to inoculate 50 grams of autoclaved (121 DEG C) rice at
room temperature (about 23 DEG C). The rice was stained a deep red after about 16 days. This batch of
rice was used to inoculate 500 grams of rice at room temperature, 300 mls. of water being added
thereto. Water was added intermittently to keep the rice moist to the eye, yet avoiding excess water.
After about 2 weeks the red rice was autoclaved (15 psig/121 DEG C) and dried at about 100 DEG C.
The rice was pulverized in a mill with a 40 micron screen.
To an uncolored intermediate-moisture animal food made substantially in accordance with Example X
of U.S. Pat. No. 3,202,514 to Burgess et al., was added about 3% by weight of the ground powders to
color the product a meaty red color of approximately the same color and intensity as a control sample
colored using FDC colors.
In another example, 20 grams of the pulverized rice was extracted in a Soxhlet laboratory extraction
apparatus using ethanol as the solvent. When evaporated to dryness, 3 grams of pigment were obtained
having about 10% the color intensity of FDC Red No. 3.
It will be appreciated that the various examples, conditions and the like are intended for illustrative
purposes and that obvious variations and modifications may be made without departing from the scope
and spirit of the invention as defined in the appended claims.Data supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
Claims of US4031250
Having thus described our invention, what is claimed is:
1. A method for imparting a meaty red color to an animal food comprising culturing Monascus
Purpureus on a material selected from the group consisting of rice, corn, and mixtures thereof to obtain
red pigments thereon, subdividing said material containing said pigment to a finely-divided form, and
adding said finely-divided material to an animal food in an amount effective to impart a red color to
said food.
2. The method of claim 1 wherein the particle size of said finely-divided material is about 40 microns
or less.
3. The method of claim 2 wherein said animal food is an intermediate-moisture, shelf-stable animal
4. The method of claim 2 wherein said animal food has a moisture content below about 12% by weight.
5. The method of claim 2 wherein said material is added to said food in an amount between about 1 to
5% by weight.
6. A method of imparting a meaty red color to intermediate-moisture animal foods comprising
culturing Monascus Purpureus, a material selected from the group consisting of rice, corn and mixtures
thereof to obtain red pigments thereon, extracting said pigments with an organic solvent selected from
the group consisting of glycerol, proplyene glycol and butylene glycol, and adding said pigments with
said organic solvent to an animal food in an amount sufficient to impart a red color to said food.
7. The method of claim 6 wherein the amount of said solvent added with said pigments is between
about 1 to 20% by weight of said food.
8. The method of claim 7 wherein said solvent is propylene glycol.
9. A red meaty colored animal food comprised of edible nutritionally balanced ingredients selected
from the group consisting of farinaceous material, proteinaceous material, and mixtures thereof, said
farinaceous material comprising a finely-divided coloring material selected from the group consisting
of rice, corn and mixtures thereof, which has been cultured with Monascus purpureus to impart a deep
red coloration thereto, said finely-divided coloring material being present in an amount effective to
impart a meaty red color to said animal food.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
45. US4287220
- 9/1/1981
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/14
E Class: A23K1/14; A23K1/14C
Application Number:
US19800122803 (19800219)
Priority Number: US19800122803 (19800219)
Family: US4287220
Abstract of US4287220
Essentially solid, free-flowing, blended compositions are provided containing wastes or by-products
obtained in manufacturing cooked, farinaceous food products, especially snack chips, e.g., corn chips
or potato chips, and one or more of rice hulls, soybean hulls and peanut hulls. The compositions may,
in addition, contain other dietary solids, such as other cellulosic fibrous wastes. The compositions are
useful as animal feeds or as animal feed ingredients.Claims:
Claims of US4287220
It is claimed:
1. An essentially solid, blended, flowable composition comprising (a) about 40 to 80% of one or more
materials selected from the group consisting of soybean hulls, rice hulls and peanut hulls and (b) about
20 to 60% of waste products from the manufacture of cooked farinaceous food products, or mixtures of
such waste products, said percentages of (a) and (b) being based on the total of their weight, said waste
products having on a total basis about 20 to 50 percent of undissolved solids derived from said
manufacture and about 50 to 80 percent total moisture content based on the total weight of said solids
and water, and the total moisture content of said blended composition being about 20 to 50%.
2. A composition of claim 1 in which said undissolved solids comprise one or more of corn and potato
3. A composition of claim 2 in which said undissolved solids comprise at least about 10% of each of
corn and potato solids.
4. A composition of claim 3 in which said undissolved solids comprise corn solids of corn steeping
liquor and comminuted potato pieces.
5. A composition of claim 4 in which said hulls comprise soybean hulls.
6. A composition of claim 5 in which said waste products include solids separated from wash water
obtained by washing peeled whole potatoes or potato pieces.
7. A composition of claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 in which said hulls comprise at least about 40% soybean
8. An essentially solid, flowable, blended composition comprising (a) about 40 to 80% of one or more
materials selected from the group consisting of soybean hulls, rice hulls and peanut hulls, and (b) about
20 to 60% of waste products from the manufacture of fried potato or grain-derived chips, said waste
products containing about 50 to b 80% total moisture content and including undissolved solids selected
from the group consisting of corn solids of grain steeping liquor, comminuted or slivered potatoes, and
sweepings from the manufacture of fried potato or grain-derived chips, the total moisture content of
said blended composition being about 20 to 50%.
9. A composition of claim 8 in which said undissolved solids comprise one or more of corn and potato
10. A composition of claim 9 in which said undissolved solids comprise at least about 10% of each of
corn and potato solids.
11. A composition of claim 10 in which said waste products comprise corn solids of corn steeping
liquor and comminuted potato pieces.
12. A composition of claim 11 in which said waste products include solids separated from wash water
obtained by washing peeled whole potatoes or potato pieces.
13. A composition of claim 12 in which said hulls comprise soybean hulls.
14. A composition of claim 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 13 in which said hulls comprise at least about 40%
soybean hulls.
15. An animal feed or feed ingredient containing a substantial amount of the blended composition of
claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 13.
16. An animal feed or feed ingredient of claim 15 in which said blended composition is about 10 to
50% of the total composition.
17. An animal feed or feed ingredient of claim 16 in which said hulls comprise at least about 40%
soybean hulls.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
46. US4536494
- 8/20/1985
IP Class 4 Digits: A61K; C07H
IP Class:A61K31/71; C07H17/08
E Class: A23K1/17
Application Number:
US19840608796 (19840510)
Priority Number: US19840608796 (19840510); US19830552771 (19831117)
Family: US4536494
Abstract of US4536494
An animal feed composition which comprises a conventional animal feed and a feed efficiencyeffective amount of natamycin. The feed composition may comprise natamycin in a range of about
0.000055 to 0.011 weight percent. A premix for incorporation into such animal feeds preferably
comprises about 2-25 grams of natamycin admixed with about one pound of an inert carrier, such as
rice hulls or calcium carbonate. One pound of premix is added to about one ton of the conventional
animal feed.Description:
Description of US4536494
The present invention relates to feed efficiency agents and to animal feeds having these feed efficiency
agents incorporated therein. The present invention also relates to methods for producing and using such
feed efficient compositions.
It is known in the art to add various materials to animal feeds to achieve a number of purposes. One
such purpose is set forth in applicant's above-identified parent application wherein natamycin is added
to conventional animal feeds as an antifungal agent.
Numerous additives have been proposed for animal feeds as growth promoting agents. Antibiotics in
particular have been proposed as growth promoting additives. For example, Coates et al., "J. Sci. Food
Agric.", 3, pp. 43-48, January 1952, suggest procaine penicillin as an agent of this type. Coates et al.
also discuss similar effects of streptomycin, sulphasuccidine, sulphaquinoxaline, 4-hydroxy-3nitrophenylarsonic acid, aureomycin, terramycin, and polymyxin, disclosed in work by other authors.
Groschke et al., "Research Notes", pp. 616-618 (1950), discuss chick growth effects of vitamin B12,
stertomycin, and aureomycin. In "J. Sci. Food Agric.", 3, pp. 49-53, February 1952 Cuthbertson
discloses the value of vitamin B12, and antibiotic supplements such as penicillin, as chick food
additives. In an abstract by Fountaine et al., "Journal of Animal Science", Vol. 9, pp 646-647, February
1950, the use of aureomycin as a growth supplement for calves is discussed. Further, Underkofler and
Hickey, in "Industrial Fermentations" pp. 342-343 (1954), discuss the use of antibiotics such as
streptomycin as growth promoters. All of the antibiotics disclosed in these publications are
antibacterial antibiotics and are believed to be useful because the eliminate harmful bacteria or reduce
the number of microorganisms in the intestinal tract, as discussed by Underkofler and Hickey.
As disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 2,903,356, to Lampen et al. a growth promoting supplement comprising a
combination of an antibacterial antibiotic with a member of the class consisting of nystatin and
amphotericin is useful. This composition was said to accelerate the growth of animals by
administration of feedstuffs containing the growth promoting supplement. In this patent there is
discussed the need to include a sufficient amount of a factor identified as an animal protein factor in
order to promote maximum growth. Thus, as defined in this patent, the expression "growth promoting
agent" is an agent which will achieve an acceleration in the growth rate of animals superior to that
obtainable with a normal diet.
Nystatin is a member of the class of antibiotics known as polyene antibiotics. These antibiotics have
activity against yeasts and fungi, but have no significant activity against bacteria.
The present invention is also concerned with animal feed additives. However, in the present invention,
a feed efficiency agent is incorporated into the animal food, said feed efficiency agent being effective
to cause an animal to grow to its normal weight while requiring less feed than normal. Thus, the
additive of the present invention is to be distinguished from growth promotion agents as discussed, for
example, in U.S. Pat. No. 2,903,356.
It is accordingly one object of the present invention to provide a novel feed efficiency agent and feed
compositions containing the feed efficiency agent.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a method for increasing the efficiency of animal
feed compositions by the addition thereto of a feed efficiency agent comprising natamycin.
A still further object of the present invention is to provide a method for the efficient growing of
animals and poultry which comprises feeding said animals on a diet comprising conventional animal
food containing the feed efficiency agent natamycin.
Other objects and advantages of the present invention will become apparent as the description thereof
In satisfaction of the foregoing objects and advantages, the present invention provides an animal feed
composition comprising a conventional animal feed and a food-efficiency amount of natamycin. The
present invention also provides a method for treating animal feeds to improve their feed efficiency
which comprises adding thereto an effective amount of natamycin as a feed efficiency agent.
As pointed out above, the present invention is concerned with a feed efficiency agent, methods for
incorporation of the feed efficiency agent into animal feeds, and methods for growing animals by
feeding said animals a conventional animal food containing natamycin as a feed efficiency agent.
It has been found according to the present invention that natamycin is an unusually effective feed
efficiency agent for incorporation into animal feeds. Incorporation of the feed efficiency agent of this
invention will permit an animal to attain a normal weight in the conventional period of time using less
feed than normally required. The feed efficiency agent is incorporated into the animal feed at the rate
of about 10-50 grams per ton of feed. The preferred method of incorporation of the feed efficiency
agent is by dry blending since the feed efficiency agent is a solid.
The feed efficiency agent of this invention is natamycin. This material is also known as pimaricin or
tennectin. It is a known compound and was isolated in the late 1950's from the fermentation broth of a
culture of Streptomyces natalensis. (See Struyke et al., Antibiotics Annual, 1957-1958, page 876.) This
organism was discovered in a soil sample taken from near Pietermaritzburg in South Africa. Natamycin
is also produced by Streptomyces chattanoogensis.
Natamycin is a creamy white, odorless, taseteless, practically insoluble crystalline amphoteric powder.
It belongs to the polyene macrolide or macrocyclic lactone group of compounds. (See generally, Clark
et al. "Pimaricin, A New Food Fungistat", Microbial Inhibitors in Food, Food International Symposium
on Food Microbiology 1964 at the Swedish Institute for Food Preservation Research.) In low
concentrations, natamycin is a potent inhibitor of fungal microorganisms. It is reported to have been
tested in vitro on over five hundred fungal organisms with very positive effects.
Natamycin is relatively stable when in a dry state or when mixed with dry diluents. However, the
molecule is sensitive to ultraviolet light, oxygen, or extreme pH values. It is relatively insoluble in
water in which its solubiity is of the order 0.005-0.010 weight/weight percent. Additionally, even in
solution, natamycin is rather unstable. Aqueous solutions of 6 mcg/ml of natamycin become
microbiologically inactive after twenty-four hour exposure to light. Inactivation of natamycin by light,
peroxides or oxygen proceeds at the fastest rate in solution or suspension. Natamycin is also sensitive
to heavy metals, and may lose up to 75% of its effectiveness in four or five hours in their presence.
Natamycin has been used to treat several human clinical fungal infections, such as Candidiasis and
Trichomoniasis. As reported in the British National Formulary, natamycin is sold under the trade name
"Pimafucin", produced by Brocades in oral suspension, suspension for inhalation, cream and vaginal
tablet formulations. Natamycin has also been used for various epidermal fungal infections such as
corneal ulcers.
Natamycin has also been of interest in treatment of food products because it is highly active against
yeasts and molds, as opposed to bacteria. (See Morris and Hart, "Pimaricin--What Is It?", Culture Dairy
Products Journal, Vol. 13, page 22, 1978.) Reportedly, natamycin has been applied to food products in
several ways. It has been added in dry form to liquids, slurries, pastes and semisolids when adequate
mixing can be accomplished, or the pure natamycin can be mixed with one or more of the dry
ingredients and then added to a given food product. Solid foods requiring surface protection can be
dipped, misted, fogged or dusted with a solution or suspension of natamycin. Additionally, it has been
suggested that protection from yeast and molds may be achieved in solid food by incorporating
natamycin homogeneously into the food itself. (See Clark et al., cited above.)
As described in my copending application Ser. No. 552,771, filed Nov. 17, 1983, natamycin can be
added to animal feeds to achieve an antifungal effect in the food.
Natamycin has also been used to retard spoilage of dressed poltry, to protect cottage cheese, and has
been widely used in the dip-treatment of cheeses to coat them with the fungicide which is absorbed
slightly, and dries to form a solid, surface coating. Various other reports suggest that natamycin is
effective in the treatment of fresh berries, tomatoes, strawberries and raspberries. These reports indicate
that natamycin has an antiyeast activity when added to wines, and various fruit juices, such as apple
juice or orange juice. (See Morris and Hart, and Clark, cited above.) Natamycin is also used on meat
products such as sausage.
Natamycin is a member of the class of antibiotics known as polyenes, which are toxic to yeast and
fungi but not to bacteria. Nystatin, filipin, amphotericin B and candicidin are also polyene antibiotics.
The polyenes have molecular weights of approximatly 1,000. They possess large lactone rings which
contain a non-polar transconjugated double bond system and a polar polyhydroxylic portion. However,
the antibiotics differ in (1) the size of the ring, and (2) the number of conjugated double bonds. See
Holz, "Antibiotics", Vol. V, Part 2, pp. 313-315 (1979). As reported by Hockenhull, "Progress in
Industrial Microbiology", Vol. 6, pp. 3-19, at page 4, natamycin has six hydroxyl groups whereas
nystatin, for example, has thirteen hydroxyl grups.
While natamycin is a polyene antibiotic, it appears to differ substantially in structure and activity from
other members of the class. Thus, as pointed out by Lampen et al. in "Bulletin of the Research Council
of Israel", Section A, Chemistry, Proceedings of the XXXth Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society,
Vol. 11A, No. 1, pp. 286-291 (April, 1962), two distinct groups of polyenes exist, and they may be
divided into the two groups on the basis of the number of C atoms and glucolysis inhibition activity. As
shown in Table I on page 289, nystatin is a large polyene, whereas pimaricin (natamycin) is a small
Similar differences are noted by De Kruijff et al., Biochim. et Biophys. Acta, 339, pp. 30-43 (1974),
where it is pointed out that pimaricin or natamycin has significant permeability differences when
compared with the other polymers studied. Thus, pimaricin was the only polyene which was not able to
produce permeability changes in A. laidlawii cells and egg lecithin liposomes.
In a publication by Zygmunt, "Applied Microbiology", pp. 953-956 (November 1966), the polyene
antibiotics as a class were studied for their effect on growth and fate of intracellular K@+. As reported
in this publication, these antibiotics appear to exhibit growth-inhibitory activities. From this
publication, and those discussed above with respect to the mechanism of effect by the anit-bacterial
antibiotics, it would not be expected that any of the polyenes would have a growth effect.
It was therefore unexpected that the natamycin would have any effect when added to animal feeds. The
unexpectedly achieved effect is not that of a growth promoting agent, but is rather activity as a feed
extender or feed efficiency agent. The advantage realized by the addition of natamycin to an animal
feed is that less feed can be fed to raise an animal to its conventional weight in the normal period of
time. This is a substantial advantage in the commercial livestock and poultry industries.
In a composition aspect, the present invention provides an animal feed composition comprising a
conventional animal feed and a feed efficiency agent effective amount of natamycin. In a further
composition aspect, this invention relates to an animal feed comprising about 0.000055 to 0.011 weight
percent of natamycin as a feed efficiency agent in combination with a suitable inert carrier, with the
balance of the composition being a conventional animal feed. In this specification, the term "animal
feed" includes feed for poultry as well as for animals such as livestock.
A further composition aspect of the present invention relates to a premix for incorporation into a
conventional animal feed, most preferably comprising about 8 to 15 grams of natamycin admixed with
about one to three pounds of an inert carrier per ton of feed. The inert carrier may be formed of such
ingredients as rice hulls or calcium carbonate.
In a method of use aspect, the present invention relates to a method for treating animal feed,
comprising dry blending of about 0.000055 to 0.011 weight percent of natamycin combined with a
suitable premix carrier with a conventional animal feed.
In a further method aspect, this treated animal feed is fed to animals at a rate to achieve the
conventional weight gain of the animal over the normal period of time but using less total feed.
The present invention is generally directed to a feed composition that includes natamycin as a feed
efficiency agent. Animal feed is largely composed of grain and cereal products, but may also include
meat byproducts as a minor ingredient. Additionally, animal feed may include citrus pulp and grape
hulls, either or both being present at less than about 5% by weight. Animal feed an also include added
fats, minerals and vitamins such as riboflavin, and trace metals.
Animal feed for feeding poultry, which is a preferred feature of the invention, includes protein, fat,
fiber, calcium and phosphorus. A preferred feed would include corn and/or wheat, fat, meat meal,
soybean meal, minerals and vitamins.
Animal feed is generally formed by cracking or grinding grain, rather than by incorporating the intact
grain particles. These ground or cracked particles in the feed are roughly 1/100 of the original grain
size. Animal feeds are composed of many different particles, typically in a range between 1/32 of an
inch, or less, to 1/8 of an inch in diameter. Additionally, the cracking process exposes higher moisture
and different nutrient concentrations than are typically present at the surface of the grain particle,
which usually has a hull or other coating. Thus, the increased moisture content of conventional feeds
further decreases the stability of natamycin according to the literature in this art.
Feed is usually exposed to light during its manufacture. It is then typically stored in dark bins with lids
to keep out moisture. However, the moisture content of feed ranges from 10-30%. Additionally, in use,
uneaten leftover feed is thoroughly exposed to light, as it is retained in the pans which are typically
found in automated feed systems. Thus, some feed may be retained for a week or more before it is
consumed in an environment of high moisture and with exposure to ultraviolet and visible light rays.
Surprisingly, it has been found that natamycin, when added to animal feedstuffs, exhibits a significant
feed efficiency factor despite the extended presence of moisture which tends to inactivate the
compound. Natamycin, as indicated above, is quickly inactivated upon exposure to ultraviolet light of
certain wave lengths, and in the present of riboflavin, visible light also inactivates the natamycin. This
theoretically also renders natamycin relatively less stable in feed. The presence of heavy metals in trace
amounts would be expected to still reduce natamycin stability.
A surprising aspect of the present invention, as shown by the actual experiments described hereinafter,
is that when natamycin is added in the indicated amounts to the animal feedstuffs, the natamycin
appears to act to increase the efficiency of the feed. Thus, when the animals are fed a conventional diet,
normal weight can be obtained for the age of the animal while reducing the amount of feed which is
necessary to achieve the normal weight. The data set forth in the experimental portion of this
application show that feed efficiency is substantially improved in normal feeding procedures. Thus, in
twenty-one day performance data, using chicks as the animal, a significantly improved feed efficiency
was obtained without adverse effects.
Natamycin is available under the trade name Delvocid produced by the Gist Brocades company of the
Netherlands. As supplied, Delvocid contains about 50% natamycin. Natamycin may be dissolved with
stirring at room temperature for about five minutes by adding about 2-25 grams, for example, of
natamycin crystals to propylene glycol or methanol, or other solvent in which natamycin will dissolve.
Because of natamycin's limited solubility, it will not go completely into solution, but may form a
suspension. As optimal volume for suspending 2-25 grams of natamycin is approximately 30-60 ml.
Preferably, such an amount of natamycin will be added to about one pound of a conventional premix,
and will not overly wet it. The one pound of premix is then added to about one ton of feed.
Preferable premix compositions include rice hulls which are readily available from grain brokers, or
from the J. B. Hunt Company in Rodgers, Ark. Rice hulls are preferred because of their relatively low
price; however, other premix materials may be used, such as calcium carbonate (limestone), soybean
mill feed, or corn cob fractions, as examples. Other premix materials may be utilized, but they must be
inert as are the other suggested premix materials. The natamycin suspension is added to the premix
material, and then mixed for about ten minutes in a standard horizontal or vetical blender.
Alternatively, natamycin in a dry powder form could be directly blended into feed; however, more
extended mixing times would be required.
The preferred additive range of natamycin in the finished feed is about 0.000055 to 0.011 weight
percent (about 0.5 to 100 grams per ton of feed), preferably about 0.000055 to 0.0055 weight percent
(about 0.5 to 50 grams per ton), more preferably about 0.00022 to 0.0028 weight percent (about 2 to 25
grams per ton), and most preferably about 0.00088 to 0.0017 weight percent (about 8 to 15 grams per
ton). This amount of natamycin is prepared, as discussed above, by suspending it in an appropriate
carrier solvent and adding it to about one pound of a premix carrier. There is no evidence that use of
the higher amounts would cause any toxicity problems in treated animals; however, the considerations
of cost and undue wetting of the premix carrier may become significant. Because the premix will be
added to one-ton charges of feed, the correspondence between resulting concentration in the feed is
such that about one gram of natamycin added to the premix yields about a one ppm concentration of
natamycin in the feed (about 0.0001 weight percent). Thus, 10 grams of natamycin added to one pound
of premix, which in turn is added to a ton of feed, yields about a 10 ppm effective natamycin
Feed is conventionally prepared in a large bin or mixer in which the feed ingredients are added in
descending weight order according to their prevalence in the ultiate feed mixture. Thus, cracked grain
would be the primary ingredient. Minor ingredients are then added. Micro-ingredients are added last.
These include vitamins, drugs, growth promoters, antibiotics, and the natamycin. Thus, natamycin is
one of the micro-ingredients and is added to the feed in the final blending step. The feed is blended for
conventional time periods. Individual farmers can also mix a natamycin premix with feed but this
would require a small mixer such as is conventionally run by the power takeoff of a tractor. Five
minutes is usually sufficient to blend natamycin in its premix form with small batches of feed
The feed comprising the natamycin is fed to animals at standard feed dosage ranges and rates. No
changes in feeding patterns are necessitated by the inclusion of natamycin into the animal feedstuff.
Natamycin is suitable for incorporation in the feed of swine, poultry, turkeys, dairy animals, horses,
dogs, rabbits, fish and other animals which are not specifically mentioned.
The following examples illustrate the preparation of a natamycin treated premix:
In 300 ml of propylene glycol, add 100 gm of natamycin. Stir at room temperature for about five
minutes to dissolve some of the natamycin and to form a suspension with the remaining natamycin.
Then, take 4 lb of dried rice hulls and place in a small, conventional horizontal mixer. Pour the 300 ml
of natamycin solution/suspension over the rice hulls in the mixer and mix for ten minutes. By this
technique, enough natamycin-treated premix can be prepared to treat about 4 tons of feed in order to
achieve about a 25 ppm natamycin feedstuff (about 0.0028 weight percent).
In this evaluation, the natamycin additive was evaluated on male broiler performance using commercial
male broiler chicks. The broiler chicks included fifty male broiler chicks which were placed in pens to
provide a bird density of 0.7 square foot per bird. Normal vaccination and other procedures were
followed. Feed and water were given ad libertum. Reused litter was used, all pens were top dressed
with two inches of new wood shavings. The broiler diet which meets NRC recommendations is set
forth in the following Table I and shows the starter diet, the grower diet and the finisher diet. The
starter diet is for the first two weeks, and the finisher diet is for the last week. The grower diet is for the
period between start and finish. The table is as follows:
>;tb;Broiler Diets
>;tb;Formulas and Nutrient Specifications
>;tb;Percentage Starter Grower Finisher
>;tb;Corn/Wheat 59.0
64.0 69.0
>;tb;Meat Meal 5.0
5.0 5.0
>;tb;Soybean Meal
25.0 20.0
0.17 0.1
>;tb;Defl. Phos. 1.25
1.2 1.15
0.25 0.25
>;tb;Trace Minerals
0.05 0.05
>;tb;Vitamin PMX 0.15
0.15 0.15
99.88 99.82 99.7
>;tb;Protein 22.0
20.0 18.0
;3.3 3.5
>;tb;Phos., available
0.42 0.4
>;tb;Kcal (M.E.) 1420.0 1450.0 1480.0
Treatments were assigned at random with blocks of six pens. All the treatments contained flavomycin
at the rate of 1 gram per ton and Coban at the rate of 100 ppm. The feed was prepared as crumbles at 021 days and as pellets from 21-42 days. No withdrawal feed was given since all birds and unused feed
were destroyed at final weighing date. The feeds also contained the indicated amount of natamycin,
treatment 1 not containing any natamycin and thus being used as the control. Treatments 2, 3 and 4
contained 10, 20 and 50 grams per ton of natamycin. The following table sets forth the treatment data
including the additive and pen numbers together with observations.
Flavomycin Coban Notamycin
g/ton g/ton Pen Nos.
100 0 1,6,9,13,19,22
100 10 3,7,12,14,19,21
100 20 2,8,11,15,17,24
100 50 4,5,10,16,20,23
Observations and Data:
1. Weights by pen at 21 and 42 days of age.
2. Feed consumption for first 21 days and for the entire period.
3. Mortality daily and possible cause for death.
4. Gross observation was recorded for litter moisture, shank color, feathering and organic
5. All birds and unused feed were destroyed and not sold for human consumption.
The results of these experiments are set forth in the following table. In Table III each of the treatment
groups is identified by treatment number, pen number, the number of birds started, the mortality rate
and the weights of the birds, the average weight in grams and the feed efficiency. The results in Table
III are 21 day performance data and are as follows:
No. Birds Average
Pen Star- MorWeight Feed
No. ted tality
grams Efficiency
1 50 1 49 504 1.70
6 50 1 49 533 1.62
9 50 0 50 542 1.56
13 50 1 49 549 1.58
19 51 0 51 522 1.70
22 49 1 48 519 1.67
>;tb;Total and 300 4
296 528 1.64
3 49 1 48 513 1.61
7 50 0 50 540 1.52
12 49 0 49 541 1.55
14 50 0 50 506 1.55
18 47 0 47 557 1.54
21 55 1 54 509 1.67
>;tb;Total and 300 2
298 528 1.57
2 50 1 49 518 1.61
8 50 2 48 535 1.54
11 49 0 49 531 1.62
15 50 2 48 523 1.63
17 49 0 49 537 1.60
24 52 0 52 500 1.61
>;tb;Total and 300 5
295 524 1.60
4 50 0 50 522 1.58
5 50 0 50 556 1.50
10 49 0 49 522 1.50
16 55 0 55 551 1.50
20 54 1 53 530 1.60
23 49 0 49 543 1.60
307 1 306 537 1.55
As will be seen in Table III, there is a strong indication that the natamycin-treated chicks provided
better feed efficiency without adverse effects. Thus, a comparison of Treatment Group 1, whose feed
did not contain natamycin, shows that the total and average feed efficiency was 1.64. This is
substantially higher than the feed efficiency for Group 2, which is 1.57, Group 3, which is 1.60, and
Group 4, which is 1.55. A comparison of the last two columns of Table III shows comparable or greater
average weight of the chicks using less feed. This thus demonstrates the effectiveness of natamycin as a
feed efficiency agent.
The following table sets forth the 42 day performance summary of the chicks including rank by
average weight. Table IV is as follows:
>;tb;42-day Performance Summary
Average Weight
Adjusted Feed
As will be noted from Table IV, Treatment 2 had the best overall performance with the highest average
body weights and the lowest feed efficiency of 1.80.
The following table sets forth the liveability rate of the chicks during the treatment period. This rate is
from 0 to 42 days and shows that the mortality rate was comparable for the treated and untreated
chicks. In fact, the Treatment 2 group is substantially improved over the control and the Treatment 1
group. Table V is as follows:
>;tb;Liveability - 0-42 Days
No. No. Mortality
No. Started Ended Loss % Probable Cause
1 50 49 1 2.0 NGL
6 50
48 2 4.0 NGL, AR
9 50
50 0 0
13 50 48 2 4.0 NGL, AR
19 51 51 0 0
22 49 48 1 2.0 NGL, CU
>;tb;Total & Avg.
300 294 6 2.0
3 49 48 1 2.0 AR
7 50
50 0 0
12 49 49 0 0
14 50 50 0 0
18 47 47 0 0
21 55 53 2 4.0 NGL, CU
>;tb;Total & Avg.
300 297 3 1.0
2 50 49 1 2.0 AR
8 50
48 2 4.0 NGL, NGL
11 49 49 0 0
15 50 47 3 6.0 AR, AR, NGL
17 49
49 0 0
24 52 51 1 1.9 NGL
>;tb;Total & Avg.
300 293 7 2.3
4 50 48 2 4.0 NGL, AR
5 50
48 2 4.0 NGL, INJ
10 49 48 1 2.0 CU
16 55 55 0 0
20 54 53 1 1.9 CU
23 49 49 0 0
>;tb;Total & Avg.
307 307 301 6 2.0
>;tb; CODE:
>;tb; AR Aoritic Rupture
>;tb; CU Cull
>;tb; NGL No Gross Lesions
>;tb; INJ Injury
The invention has been described herein with reference to certain preferred embodiments; however, as
obvious variations thereof will become apparent to those skilled in the art, the invention is not to be
considered as limited thereto.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
47. US4735808
- 4/5/1988
IP Class 4 Digits: A21D
IP Class:A21D13/00
E Class: A23K1/18N2; A23K1/00B; A23K1/14C; A21D13/02
Application Number:
US19850723812 (19850416)
Priority Number: US19850723812 (19850416)
Family: US4735808
Abstract of US4735808
This invention discloses a low calorie dietetic dog biscuit containing vegetable hulls. The vegetable
hulls are fibrous components and reduce the overall caloric content of the biscuits to between about
320 and 330 calories per 100 grams of said biscuit. The biscuits can use a blend of proteinaceous and
farinaceous ingredients such that the overall protein content of the biscuits is reduced when compared
to standard dog biscuits. The preferred embodiment is a low calorie dog biscuit including rice
Description of US4735808
1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates to the production of dietetic dog biscuits. In particular, this invention relates to
dietetic dog biscuits containing vegetable hulls which are used to selectively balance the nutritional
composition of the biscuit and make the biscuit low in calories, low in total protein, high in essential
amino acids, high in fiber, or a combination of these.
2. Description of the Prior Art
Many pet owners are concerned with the nutritional needs of their pets. To meet nutritional
requirements, pet food formulas can be selectively altered to vary the protein content, vitamin and
mineral content, and caloric content. The altering of these ingredients when making a canned or "wet"
pet food product has little effect on the texture and flavor of the pet food. The balance of these
ingredients becomes more critical when making a dry food because a portion of the formula must be
structural ingredients such as starch containing flours which are required to form a pellet. When
making a dog biscuit pet food, the requirement that a portion of the formula be for structural
ingredients becomes even more critical. Structural ingredients or gluten and starch containing flours
form the dough matrix within a biscuit and maintain the texture and hardness of the biscuit after
baking. Altering the nutritional ingredients in a biscuit formula can have an adverse effect on a biscuit.
The alteration of these ingredients can effect the color, biscuit strength, the rise of the biscuit, and the
hardness of the biscuit.
Common dog biscuits typically contain between about 60 to about 70 percent wheat flour, 10 percent
soybean meal, 6 percent meat and bone meal, between 2 and 3 percent animal fat such as tallow, and
11 to 12 percent miscellaneous ingredients. These biscuits usually contain about 1.5 percent fiber and
about 360 to 385 calories per 100 grams of biscuit. Typically dog biscuits contain between 20 and 22
percent protein. The majority of this protein is derived from the wheat flours used to make the dog
The substitution of a portion of the wheat flour with other ingredients in a dog biscuit can be done to
accomplish a variation in the protein content or caloric content of the dog biscuit. The substitution of
wheat flour with a farinaceous flour can be useful in reducing the protein content of the dog biscuit, but
might not sufficiently reduce a caloric content of the dog biscuit. Inert ingredients can be used as
substitutes for wheat flour to reduce the caloric content of a dog biscuit. In either case, substitution of
wheat flour in a biscuit formula creates problems in the manufacturing of the dog biscuit such adverse
alterations to the texture and appearance of the final product which effect consumer acceptance of the
The problems that occur in manufacturing and baking dog biscuits with decreased wheat flour content
include texture problems, undesirable color variations, and biscuit strength problems. The texture of
dog biscuits is important to the product because biscuits are very useful in cleaning a dog's teeth. A
texture that is too soft or too brittle does not provide enough abrasive action for cleaning the animal's
teeth or does not conform to the tooth surface during chewing. It is often desirable that the texture of
dog biscuits intended for older or "senior" dogs provide a softer chew. Undesirable color variations in a
dog biscuit often do not alter the acceptability of the biscuits to the animal, but color variations are
important to the animal's owner. Acceptance of the product by the animal's owner is increased when
the biscuit has a healthy, appetizing appearance. A rich brown, but not dark, color is desirable to most
pet owners purchasing dog biscuits. A biscuit which is too light in color or white does not appear
cooked. A biscuit that is too dark in color appears "burned". Problems with biscuits are encountered
when too much gluten containing wheat flour is removed from a biscuit formula and replaced with
ingredients that do not aid in the development and strength of the biscuit dough. Such ingredients
include fish meal, corn flour, and inert fibers. A decrease in the strength of the biscuit can lead to
difficulties in the manufacturing of the biscuit, particularly during the forming of the biscuits.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,310,558 to Nahm discloses a formula to produce extruded pellets providing a balance
of protein for adult dogs. The protein is balanced by mixing proteinaceous and farinaceous grains.
Specifically, proteinaceous wheat flour is mixed with farinaceous flour such as corn flour. This patent
also uses fish meal to give a more suitable protein combination not obtained with formulas containing
only flour. The fish meal is added to increase the essential amino acids which are provided in high
enough quantities by the flours alone. This patent is concerned with extrusion cooking of pellets as
opposed to producing a biscuit.
An example of substitute ingredients for wheat flour is found in U.S. Pat. No. 3,365,297 to Burgess
which discloses a method of making animal food, in this case pellets as opposed to biscuits, in which
proteinaceous and farinaceous meals are combined. This mixture contains wheat, corn, meat, soy, and
fish meal. The object of this invention is to produce food pellets that retain their particulate character
upon hydration. The use of cold water in this patent is to effect pyrolysis of the starches. This patent
does not involve the making of a nutritionally balanced, low calorie, dietetic biscuit.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,708,306 to Appleman reveals an animal food product combining various grains with
corn flour and fish meal. Appleman is directed to the production of biscuits having a desirable color,
protein enrichment, and a softer chew. This patent, however, is primarily directed at the use of psyllium
flour in animal foods.
U.S. Pat. No. Des. 982,711 to Ellis discloses a biscuit with a stylized appearance of a bone. This patent
reveals the use of gluten flour and corn meal together with other products in the making of the biscuit.
This patent discusses the effect that this mixture has on the final color of the patent. The disclosure in
this patent is not directed to producing a low calorie dietetic biscuit.
U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,827,377 to Frost, 3,438,780 to Singer, 4,212,896 to Brown, and 4,371,556 to Pitchon
are each directed at the production of animal feed containing corn meal combined with another grain.
The Frost patent is primarily concerned with the production of improved feed for poultry. Its formula
uses corn meal with fish by-products to obtain a nutritious balance. The Singer patent is concerned with
an improved process for making animal feed in which corn and wheat meals are combined. The Brown
patent discloses numerous formulas including corn meal with other grains, all of which include
molasses. The inclusion of molasses with various cereal products yields a chewy non-crumbly
structure. The Pitchon patent includes a discussion of farinaceous and proteinaceous ingredients. This
patent is primarily concerned with the inclusion of soy products in a palatable dog food.
Less active adult and senior dogs do not usually need as many calories as do younger dogs. It is
desirable that low calorie biscuits intended for consumption by senior dogs provide a nutritionally
balanced diet. A low calorie product must satisfy the animal's appetite. To provide a biscuit which is
satisfying, but low in calories, a portion of the wheat flour used to make the biscuit must be removed
and substituted with nonfunctional ingredients which are low in calories.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,287,220 to Pappas et al. discloses an essentially solid, free-flowing, blended
composition containing cooked farinaceous food products and one or more of rice hulls or soybean
hulls and peanut hulls. Other dietary solids such as cellulose fibers can be included as an inert
ingredient. This patent concerns the preparation of an animal feed from products derived from waste
by-products in food manufacturing operations. This patent does not concern the use of rice hulls or
other waste products in the manufacturing of a biscuit. This disclosure is directed at animal feed
compositions which are mixed, blended, and the bagged.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,767,423 to Tsantir et al. discloses a low calorie bread which is prepared by replacement
of a portion of the flour used in the dough by a mixture of finely divided edible hulls of vegetable
origin. Rice hulls and soybean hulls are designated as suitable ingredients for this purpose. This
reference is concerned with the production of a bread containing a combination of hulls which are
substituted for starch ingredients and reduce the calories of the bread. The formulas and examples
disclose a bread which is smooth, light, and resilient in texture. This patent states in column 1 that the
applicants are aware of non-nutritive food substances including, among other things, rice hulls, having
been proposed for use separately, but not in conjunction with one another in making biscuits or
crackers. No specific examples are given. This disclosure does not lead one to a suitable formula or
method for incorporating rice hulls into a biscuit intended for animal consumption wherein the biscuit
is nutritionally balanced and provides a concentration of rice hulls or other hulls which reduces the
calories of the biscuit and provides a texture with teeth cleaning qualities during consumption.
U.S. Pat. No. 2,745,748 to McCashen discloses a process for making whole grained flours. The flours
can be made from numerous identified cereal grains which have hulls attached to the starch of the
flour. This patent is not concerned with the utilization of rice hulls or other vegetable hulls to reduce
the caloric content of a dog biscuit.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,431,674 to Fulger et al. discloses a process for producing an all natural, enzymesaccharide cereal derived from whole grain. This patent discusses the use of numerous cereal grains.
The claimed process involves milling the whole cereal grain, which would include portions of the hull.
Rice is identified as a cereal grain which can be used to make a cereal according to this patent. This
patent is unconcerned with producing a baked dog biscuit which is reduced in calories and nutritionally
United Kingdom Pat. No. 290 811 discloses a pet food containing a balance of farinaceous and
proteinaceous material. The pet food according to this invention contains a starch conditioner which is
used to stabilize the moisture content of the food product. This patent is unconcerned with the
production of a baked dog biscuit, but does disclose a formula containing soy hulls intended for use in
a dog food made according to the claims of this patent.
The prior art does not disclose a formula nor process to produce dietetic dog biscuits for adult or older
dogs in which the standard wheat flour content of the biscuit has been substituted in part by vegetable
hulls to alter the balance of the biscuit's protein, fiber, caloric content, or combination of these
properties. This invention provides a nutritionally balanced, dietetic dog biscuit which can be low in
calories. This invention provides a product and its process to manufacture dog biscuits that are
nutritionally balanced and contain vegetable hulls.
The invention is a baked product comprising ingredients to form a biscuit dough and a quantity of
vegetable hulls, the baked product being a biscuit. The most desirable vegetable hulls are a member
selected from the group consisting of rice hulls, barley hulls, oat hulls, soybean hulls, peanut hulls, and
mixtures of these.
The invention includes a low calorie, dietetic dog biscuit which is nutritionally balanced and has a
composition comprising a mixture of blended wheat flours and vegetable hulls. In certain embodiments
of this invention fish meal is added to achieve a dog biscuit with a high quality protein content in
conjunction with a lower caloric content. This mixture necessitates the use of lower than normal batch
water temperatures during baking to achieve a "spring" or rise in the biscuits. Tallow can be added as
an aroma enhancing ingredient to obtain better animal acceptance. A high concentration of vitamins
can be added to this biscuit. Unlike conventional biscuit formulas no salt is added in the most preferred
embodiment of this invention. The most preferred embodiments of this invention use rice hulls for the
inert ingredient.
Certain embodiments of this invention provide reduced calorie dog biscuits in which fish meal and rice
hulls are substituted for a portion of the wheat flour in the biscuit formula. This embodiment provides a
dog biscuit nutritionally balanced for senior dogs that is lower in total protein content, but higher in the
quality of protein or essential amino acids. These embodiments combine low protein containing
vegetable hulls with proteinaceous wheat flours and fish meal such that the total overall protein content
is reduced in the biscuit formula. The inclusion of a high protein containing ingredient, such as fish
meal, provides ample "quality" protein that contains essential amino acids required by an animal. The
total protein content of these embodiments can be selectively adjusted to remain below that of
conventional biscuits.
This invention is a low calorie, dietetic dog biscuit which is nutritionally balanced and has a
composition comprising a mixture of blended wheat flours and vegetable hulls. The ratio of vegetable
hulls to wheat flour in the biscuit composition of this invention can be selectively varied to alter the
caloric content, protein content, and fiber content of the dog biscuit. Other ingredients can be included
in the composition including a high concentration of vitamins, yeast culture, fish meal, farinaceous
flours, and other grain products. For purposes of this invention the term vegetable hulls includes cereal
The presence of rice hulls in the most preferred embodiments of the dog biscuits of this invention
provides an animal with a desirable dietary fiber supplement and an abrasive material that aids in
cleaning the animal's teeth. Rice hulls are compatible with a biscuit dough because they have favorable
water absorbtion characteristics when compared to other vegetable hulls and fibrous materials. Rice
hulls provide for a final product having a desirable biscuit hardness or "chew".
The wheat flour used to make a dog biscuit contains a high starch content and as such provides the dog
biscuit with a major portion of its caloric content. Replacement of from about 15 to up to about 30
percent of the wheat flour of a dog biscuit with vegetable hulls or other fibrous materials reduces the
total caloric content of the dog biscuit and leaves enough starch and gluten containing flour in a dough
to form an acceptable dough matrix in the baked biscuit. For purposes of this invention percentages of
vegetable hulls in biscuit formulas are based on the combined weight of all dry ingredients including
the vegetable hulls. In formulas having tallow, the weight of the tallow is included as part of the weight
of the dry ingredients.
The use of rice hulls in a biscuit as a fibrous ingredient which is substituted for a portion of the biscuit's
wheat flour, provides advantages over other vegetable hulls or fibrous material. Fibrous materials such
as cellulose, soy hulls, peanut hulls, and other cellulose containing products including rice hulls absorb
more water than do wheat flours.
Biscuit doughs containing rice hulls, unlike biscuit doughs containing the other fibrous materials listed
above, require less water for dough formation. This result occurs with rice hulls because rice hulls
absorb less moisture than the other listed fibrous materials. This desirable water absorbtion
characteristic of rice hulls is due at least in part to the higher starch content of the commercially
supplied rice hulls as compared to other vegetable hulls or fibrous materials. Another reason for the
low water absorbtion characteristics of rice hulls is that rice hulls contain about 2.2 percent cutin. Cutin
is a water repellent material found in the outer layers of rice hulls and other plants. Since rice hulls
absorb less water, there is less competition for the added water with the wheat flour. For this reason
rice hulls can be substituted for flour in a high concentration as a non-functional or inert substance.
Rice hulls disrupt the dough matrix of a biscuit less than other fibrous materials or vegetable hulls
because of their low bulk density and low swelling properties. Fiber present between starch and protein
molecules causes weak points in the dough structure of a biscuit which result in less cohesive bonding
between these molecules. A high fiber content in a biscuit dough produces a hard, brittle, and flat
biscuit. Rice hulls, because of their low bulk density and low swelling properties are less disruptive of a
biscuit's dough matrix or structure than is a pure cellulose or wood pulp product such as SolkaFloc.RTM., which is sold by the James River Company, Berlin-Gorham Group, Berlin, N.H. 03570.
The starch molecules in rice hulls interact with the starch and protein molecules of the other dough
ingredients to allow cohesive bonding. Table I illustrates the percent of starch content between rice
hulls and other vegetable hulls for comparative purposes.
Starch %
>;tb;Rice hull
>;tb;Barley hull 8.4
>;tb;Oat hull
>;tb;Soybean hull 5.0
>;tb;Peanut red skins
The actual starch content of rice hulls can vary depending upon the purity of the product and amount of
bran adhering to the hulls.
Table II illustrates for comparative purposes the moisture adsorbtion and retention qualities of various
vegetable hulls. As illustrated by the data in this table, rice hulls adsorb and retain water at just below
twice their weight and swell to only about one and one-half times their normal size in water. The water
adsorbtion, retention, and swelling characteristics of rice hulls are less than that encountered with many
other vegetable hulls. These favorable characteristics allow for the easy formation of a biscuit dough
containing a high percentage of rice hulls and reduces the quantity of water required to develop a
dough or the need for higher than average baking temperatures to evaporate the water. Additionally, the
resulting baked product has an acceptable dough matrix because rice hulls during baking shrink less in
size do to their low swelling properties and leave a smaller cavity in the surrounding dough than do
other vegetable hulls.
>;tb;Fiber Volume Swelling Absorbtion
of Drying
>;tb;Material ml/g %
g/g >;35 DEG
100 DEG C.
>;tb;Rice hull 2.1
1.7 1.9 1.9*
>;tb;Barley hull
2.8 160
3.2 3.5 2.6
>;tb;Oat hull 2.4
120 2.3 2.6 2.2
>;tb;Soybean hull
2.0 480 3.9 5.8 3.4
>;tb;Peanut red
4.8 140 1.2 5.0 4.8
>;tb; *moisture retention is the same through these baking and drying
>;tb; temperatures.
Rice hulls are desirable for use with this invention, but this invention is not limited to the use of rice
Rice hulls as used in the most preferred embodiments of this invention are commercially available and
provide a dietary fiber supplement for the biscuits made according to this invention. For example, a
biscuit formula wherein rice hulls comprise 15 percent of the final product's weight give the final
product approximately an 8 to 9 percent fiber content. This level of fiber content usually is deleterious
to the formation of a dough, but contrary to expectation a biscuit formula containing between 15 and 30
percent rice hulls produces an extensible dough suitable for machining. Workable dough can be made
with rice hulls or other vegetable hulls in concentrations greater than 30 percent.
It has also been discovered that rice hulls in a biscuit formula have an insignificant effect on the water
adsorption of the starch containing ingredients during the formation of dough. Rice hulls in a biscuit
dough easily release moisture during baking and permit the biscuit to "rise" during baking. Rice hulls,
unlike pure cellulose products, produce a rich, tan biscuit after baking without the addition of artificial
In the most preferred embodiment of this invention a combination of a high strength wheat flour and a
medium strength wheat flour is used. The strength of a flour refers to its gluten content. Gluten is the
protein present in a flour which adds strength to a dough made of that flour. A high gluten flour
contains approximately 12 to 15 percent total protein content. Rice hulls unlike gluten flours do not add
strength to the dough. When rice hulls are mixed with wheat flours in quantities of up to approximately
30 percent of the total weight of the dry ingredient in the formula, the strength providing protein or
gluten content of the dough is decreased. For this reason a sufficient quantity of high strength wheat
flour is desirable to include in a biscuit's formula so as to produce a machinable dough.
Varying the mixtures of proteinaceous flour and rice hulls also effects the hardness or the "chew" of the
final product. A high gluten containing biscuit results in a hard final product. A hard biscuit has a good
abrasive action against the teeth and gums. A soft final product is less abrasive, but adheres well to
tooth and gum surfaces during chewing. Selectively blending flour and vegetable hulls can result in a
vegetable biscuit which is soft in chew, but abrasive enough to be an effective tooth cleaning agent for
dogs. It is often desirable that biscuits intended to senior dogs have a soft chew to allow for easy
consumption of the biscuit by the animal.
Substituting farinaceous or low protein containing components such as flours, fibers, and other
ingredients for part of the wheat flour contained in normal dog biscuits can lead in some embodiments
of this invention to a brittle product. Brittle biscuits experience excessive breakage during handling and
packaging. To some extent breakage can be reduced by selectively increasing the amount of high
gluten flour in the wheat flour blend. The use of fibers and farinaceous flours, to form a biscuit dough
generally results in a thin biscuit. Farinaceous flours can include corn flour, corn meal, oat flour, barley
flour, potato flour and others.
Additional "spring" an be obtained in biscuits during baking by using a batch water of a lower than
normal temperature or in the range of between about 110 DEG F. and about 125 DEG F. The lower
temperature of the batch water causes the dough upon entering the oven to retain its moisture for a
longer period of time before it evaporates. As the water is heated in the oven it forms steam and
expands. The prolonged time for evaporation of the cold water in a dough formula provides additional
"spring" or an increased thickness which allows for better stacking properties and break resistance.
Replacing up to about 30 percent of the total flour content used in conventional dog biscuits with rice
hulls allows nonvegetable-source, protein-containing ingredients to be selectively added to the biscuit
formula to enhance the "quality" and balance of the protein present in the final biscuit product. Animal
derived, proteinaceous components include chicken meal, fish, fish meal, meat, and meat by-products.
The addition of these ingredients can be made in various selected concentrations for different
embodiments of dog biscuits made according to this invention. Varying concentrations can provide a
balanced, nutritious biscuit which contains the same or less "total" protein than does a conventional
wheat dog biscuits. Typically, the total protein content in dog biscuits according to this invention is
reduced to between about 18 and about 20 percent of the weight of the dog biscuit.
Quality of protein refers to the protein content that provides essential amino acids for the consuming
animal. By using various soybean or animal source, proteinaceous ingredients, the final mixture of
protein present in the dog biscuit can contain higher amounts of amino acids than found in common
wheat biscuits. For example, the protein obtained from wheat flour is low in lysine, an essential amino
acid for dogs, but fish meal and meat meal are high in lysine. By varying the proportion of ingredients
for different embodiments of this invention, biscuits can be obtained that provide a low total protein
content with a high quality of protein. A lower total protein content is desirable in biscuits intended for
consumption by older or senior dogs. These senior dogs do not metabolize protein as efficiently as do
younger dogs. Therefore, the protein level is reduced, but the quality of the protein is increased.
Other ingredients can be added to the dough of this invention to enhance the nutritional qualities of the
final product. These ingredients include vitamin additives as well as mineral supplements. Vitamins
and minerals can be selectively added in amounts higher than those established for dogs by The
National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Number 8, Nutrient Requirements of
Dogs (Rev. 1974). A higher quantity of vitamins and minerals in the dog biscuits ensures that a dog
receives an adequate amount of these ingredients to sustain good health and ensures that an adequate
amount of active vitamin remains present in the dog biscuit after prolonged storage. Vitamin
supplements used in this invention are commercially available as additives from numerous sources.
Calcium carbonate is added in the most preferred embodiments in addition to bone meal to provide
adequate calcium for the animal. Other nutrients and minerals can be selectively added.
The most desirable embodiments of this invention include tallow for a number of significant purposes.
The addition of tallow results in a final biscuit with a softer chew than can be obtained without tallow.
Tallow also enhances the aroma of the biscuit and increases the acceptability of the final product by
animals. Tallow allows the pressed dough to release easily from biscuit forming cups or molds and
other machinery. This characteristic allows for a higher pressure to be used with the molds. Higher
operating pressures for molds produce a better biscuit appearance. Tallow can be included in reduced
calorie formulations for biscuits that contain 10 percent fewer calories than standard dog biscuits. Other
fats could be used as substitutes for tallow. Tallow, however, has a proven acceptability as a flavor and
aroma enhancer in dog biscuits and has an acceptable shelf life during storage of the product at room
Salt is an ingredient frequently found in biscuits for both animal and human consumption. It is
generally used to flavor to the final product. Traditional dog biscuit formulas often contain over 1
percent salt. In certain embodiments of this invention the total amount of salt present in the biscuit is
reduced to approximately 0.25 percent of the weight of the biscuit. In these embodiments no salt is
added to the biscuit formula. The salt present in the biscuit is naturally occurring in the biscuit's
ingredients. The lower level of salt is beneficial for animals for the same reasons that it is beneficial for
humans. Excess salt can give rise to hypertension and fluid retention in dogs. In the most preferred
embodiments of this invention no salt is added to the biscuit formula.
The production of biscuits, according to this invention, begins with theblending of the minor dry
ingredients, such as soybean meal, fish meal, meat, and bone meal. The flours are then mixed in to this
blend. Mixing is continued until all dry ingredients are evenly distributed. Water is added with mixing
to begin the formation of a dough. Any fat, such as tallow, is then added to the dough and mixed to a
smooth, even consistency. The dough mass is then transferred to a suitable apparatus for forming
dough. In the most preferred embodiment, the dough is formed and shaped to resemble a stylized bone.
The shape of the dough pieces is not generally important to the final product, but can effect baking
characteristics. After shaping, the dough pieces are transferred to a convection oven.
It appears that the water absorbed by the rice hulls is not as bound as the water which is absorbed by
the wheat flour. The water absorbed by the wheat flour is used to develop gluten. This water is more
bound and does not evaporate as easily during baking. Table III illustrates this phenomenon.
Rice hull
formula formula
>;tb;water dough
>;tb;water dough
>;tb;Zone 1
450 DEG F.
440 DEG F.
>;tb;Zone 2
475 DEG F.
475 DEG F.
>;tb;Zone 3
500 DEG F.
475 DEG F.
>;tb;Zone 4
500 DEG F.
475 DEG F.
>;tb;Zone 5
400 DEG F.
375 DEG F.
>;tb;Zone 6
375 DEG F.
375 DEG F.
>;tb; @1 Percents are by weight.
>;tb; @2 The control formula is the same as the rice hull formula except
>;tb; that additional wheat flour is used to replace the rice hulls.
>;tb; @3 Total baking time was between 10 to 11 minutes.
In most embodiments of this invention a multizone oven is used in which temperatures vary between
250 DEG F. and 550 DEG F. and average about 450 DEG F. Generally, baking lasts between 6 and 14
minutes. After baking it is beneficial to further dry the biscuits by applying a lower temperature forced
air to or around the baked dough pieces. A final step of applying dielectric energy can be used to
further reduce the moisture content of the biscuit. The biscuits can then be packaged and are ready for
This invention can be further understood from the examples below, but is not limited to the examples.
This example represents the preferred embodiment of the invention. A dietetic dog biscuit is produced
which is reduced in total protein content and calories when compared to conventional wheat flour dog
biscuits. The ingredients and their weights are in Table IV.
>;tb;Hard Wheat Flour 545
>;tb;Medium Blend Flour
>;tb;Rice Hulls (20-80)@1
>;tb;Soybean Meal
>;tb;Meat and Bone Meal
>;tb;Yeast Culture 30
>;tb;Fish Meal
>;tb;Bone Meal
>;tb;Calcium Carbonate
>;tb;Vitamin Premix@2
>;tb; @1 Supplied by Riceland Foods, P.O. Box 927, Stuthgart, Arkansas
>;tb; 72160. This supplier identifies its grades of rice hulls by two numbers.
>;tb; The first number represents the standard U.S. screen mesh through which
>;tb; 100 percent of the rice hulls pass. The second number represents the
>;tb; standard U.S. screen mesh through which 100 percent of the rice hulls do
>;tb; not pass.
>;tb; @2 Suitable vetinary vitamins premixes are provided by Hoffman LaRoch
>;tb; 601 Benm, Salisbury, Maryland 21801 and Duphar Nutrition, Inc., 2 East
>;tb; Madison, Wakeegun, Illinois 60085.
The rice hulls, soybean meal, meat and bone meal, wheat meal, yeast, fish meal, bone meal, calcium
carbonate, and vitamin premix are blended together in a mixer. To this blend the hard wheat flour and
medium blend flour are added with further mixing until a dough begins to form. As the dough is
forming the tallow is added and mixing continues until the uniform homogenous dough is achieved.
The dough is then rolled and pressed into biscuit pieces, which are in turn transferred to a conveyor
belt. The conveyor belt transports the dough pieces into a multi-stage convection oven. The dough
pieces are baked at an average temperature of 450 DEG F. for 11 minutes. A post drying stage follows
the baking during which forced air at 100 DEG F. is maintained for approximately 3 minutes. The
biscuits are then conveyed to a packaging unit and are drop-packaged into sacks. Biscuits according to
this embodiment contain approximately 320 to 330 calories per 100 grams of biscuit.
This embodiment produces a dietetic dog biscuit which is not only reduced in total protein content, but
the quality of the protein is increased as compared to conventional dog biscuits in regard to the
essential amino acid content. The ingredient and their weights are in Table V.
>;tb;Hard Wheat Flour 400
>;tb;Medium Blended Flour
340 0
>;tb;Rice Hulls (20-80) 230 0
>;tb;Corn Meal
40 0
>;tb;Soybean Meal
70 0
>;tb;Fish Meal
120 0
32 0
>;tb;Meat and Bone Meal 20 0
>;tb;Calcium Carbonate 17 0
>;tb;Citric Acid
3 10
>;tb;Vitamin Premix
1 0
1 0
410 0
The process to produce this embodiment of the invention is the same as that used in Example 1. This
embodiment produces a dietetic dog biscuit low in overall protein content and reduced in caloric
content. This embodiment also has a soft chew that is desirable for feeding senior dogs and has tooth
cleaning characteristics.
This example produces a dietetic dog biscuit, which is reduced in calories and protein content and also
has a moderately increased level of essential amino acids. The ingredients and their weights are in
Table VI.
>;tb;Medium Wheat Flour 710 0
>;tb;Corn Meal
40 0
>;tb;Rice Hulls
230 0
>;tb;Soybean Meal
70 0
>;tb;Fish Meal
80 0
32 0
>;tb;Meat and Bone Meal 20 0
>;tb;Calcium Carbonate 17 0
>;tb;Citric Acid
3 10
>;tb;Vitamin Premix
1 0
1 0
435 0
This example is prepared in the same manner as that of Example 1. Baking lasts for 14 minutes.
This example produces a dietetic dog biscuit which is low in caloric content and approximately the
same in protein content as a conventional dog biscuit. The protein content of this dietetic dog biscuit is
high in quality because of its high animal protein content. The ingredients and their weights are in
Table VII.
>;tb;Hard Wheat Flour 740
>;tb;Corn Meal
>;tb;Rice Hulls
>;tb;Soybean Meal
>;tb;Meat and Bone Meal
>;tb;Fish Meal
>;tb;Calcium Carbonate
>;tb;Citric Acid
>;tb;Malted Barley Flour
>;tb;Vitamin Premix 0
The process for this example is the same as that of Example 1. The malted barley flour in this example
is a low protein containing component and introduces amylase to the biscuit dough. Amylase
hydrolyzes the starch in the dough and thereby makes the dough more "workable".
This example produces a dietetic dog biscuit, which is reduced in calories and protein content and also
has a moderately increased level of essential amino acids. The ingredients and their weights are in
Table VIII.
>;tb;Blended Wheat Flour
360 0
>;tb;Medium Flour
350 0
>;tb;Corn Meal
40 0
>;tb;Peanut Hulls
250 0
>;tb;Soybean Meal
70 0
>;tb;Fish Meal
80 0
32 0
>;tb;Meat and Bone Meal 20 0
>;tb;Calcium Carbonate 17 0
>;tb;Citric Acid
3 10
>;tb;Vitamin Premix
1 0
1 0
535 0
This example is prepared in the same manner as that of Example I except that more water is required to
form the dough. Baking lasts for 14 minutes.
This example produces a dietetic dog biscuit containing soy hulls to reduce the total caloric content of
the resultig biscuits. The ingredients and their weights are in Table IX.
>;tb;Blended Wheat Flour
360 0
>;tb;Medium Blended Flour
340 0
>;tb;Soybean Hulls
300 0
>;tb;Soybean Meal
70 0
>;tb;Fish Meal
80 0
32 0
>;tb;Meat and Bone Meal 20 0
>;tb;Calcium Carbonate 17 0
>;tb;Citric Acid
3 0
>;tb;Vitamin Premix
1 0
1 0
550 0
This example is prepared in the same manner as that of Example I except that more water is required to
form the dough.
This example produces a dietetic dog biscuit suitable for senior dogs which is low in caloric content
and approximately the same in protein content as a conventional dog biscuit. The protein content of this
dietetic dog biscuit is high in quality because of its high animal protein content. The ingredients and
their weights are in Table X.
>;tb;Hard Wheat Flour 740
>;tb;Corn Meal
>;tb;Rice Hulls
>;tb;Soy Hulls
>;tb;Soybean Meal
>;tb;Meat and Bone Meal
>;tb;Fish Meal
>;tb;Calcium Carbonate
>;tb;Citric Acid
>;tb;Malted Barley Flour
>;tb;Vitamim Premix 0
The process for this embodiment is the same as that of Example I.
This example is similar to Example VII except that a pure cellulose material, Solka-Floc.RTM., is
substituted for a portion of the soy hulls. The protein content is also reduced by decreasing the
concentration of fish meal in the formula. The ingredients and their weights are in Table XI.
>;tb;Hard Wheat Flour 740
>;tb;Rice Hulls
>;tb;Solka-Floc .RTM. 25
>;tb;Soy Hulls
>;tb;Soybean Meal 70
>;tb;Meat and Bone Meal
>;tb;Fish Meal
>;tb;Calcium Carbonate
>;tb;Citric Acid
>;tb;Malted Barley Flour
>;tb;Vitamin Premix 0
The process for this example is the same as that of Example I.Data supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
48. US4741264
- 5/3/1988
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K; A23L
IP Class:A23L1/20; A23K1/14; A23K3/00
E Class: A23K1/00B2; A23L1/10E; A23K1/14C; A23L1/015B; B30B11/24E
Application Number:
US19860859452 (19860505)
Priority Number: US19860859452 (19860505)
Family: IN169331
Abstract of US4741264
A rice bran extruder apparatus maintains a continuous flow of bran with appropriate heating to stabilize
the bran to prevent information of free fat acid and rancid oil. A supply hopper includes a rotating
paddle to stir the bulk bran for continuous gravity feed of the bran into a feed conveyor mounted
immediately beneath the hopper. The feed conveyor is aligned with the bran extruder to supply bran to
the inlet opening. The extruder includes a flighted rotor and terminates in a conical discharge nozzle.
Extrusion of the bran results in heating of the bran to stabilize the lipase, destroy bacteria and produce a
stable bran providing oil and an edible end product. The flighted rotor has closely spaced flighting and
at least 12 agitator elements secured between the flights for at least the last four flights to establish a
continuous movement of the powdery rice bran through the extruder and positively prevents blow back
of the bran. The extruder is directly connected to a universal voltage and frequency motor which
operates at 885 RPM and produces 75 horsepower with widely differing A.C. voltages and/or
frequencies. A slipping clutch is provided in the direct drive connection to prevent damage if the
extruder is overloaded.Description:
Description of US4741264
This application relates to a rice processing apparatus engineered to stablize the formation of free fatty
acids in rice bran, and thereby, permit the extraction of edible oil and the processing of the remaining
defatted rice bran into edible food products.
Rice is the most widely comsumed cereal in the world. Although rice is abundantly grown throughout
the world, the processing of the collected rice has created a vast resource which is going to waste. The
most nutritious part of the rice is polished off the grain during the milling process. One of the most
nutritious foods known to man however starts to become rancid in a matter of minutes after the milling
process, rendering it inedible to humans, and after several days, indigestible to animals. As a result, a
tremendous demand has been created for an apparatus and a technology to stablize the rice bran, thus
allowing the necessry time to: (1) extract the oil, and (2) utilize the remaining defatted rice bran as a
high protein, low fat cereal food for human consumption.
The processing method and apparatus should, of course, be such as to maintain the maximum nutrients
in the final cereal product, while permitting effective and relatively rapid processing. Further, it is
essential that the apparatus and method be adaptable for use in environments of lesser developed
countries. Optimally, the unit should be a relatively compact, self-contained unit, engineered and
constructed to allow for ease of movement to various remote processing locations. This will permit the
processing of the rice bran without the necessity for having to immediately transport the rice bran to a
central processing location for stablization and/or extraction. It is also imperative that the equipment be
simple to operate and low in cost to permit the economic stbilization of the rice bran without the
necessity of making large capital investments.
After the hull is removed from the rice, approximately 6 to 8% of the brown rice kernal is polished,
yielding white rice and a by-product, rice bran. During the milling process, lipase, a highly active
enzyme, is released. Within minutes, the lipase reacts with oil in the rice bran, resulting in a very rapid
hydrolysis of the oil into free fatty acids (F.F.A.) making the bran unfit for human consumption. Within
one day, it is no longer economically feasible to extract oil from the rice bran, and after three days, it is
no longer possible to use the bran as a feed for animals due to the rancidity of the oil.
Various methods of inhibiting the growth and stabilizing the F.F.A. level in the rice bran is found in the
literature, including the heating of the bran product and reference therefore may be made to an article
by Williams in the Journal of Oil Chem., Soc. 42, 151 (1965).
Although various bran processing systems have been suggested, the prior art has to the knowledge of
the inventor completely failed to include any teaching of an apparatus and/or method for proper
processing of rice bran to establish a suitable rice bran product which retains essentially all of the
nutrients in a practical, low-cost method and apparatus particularly for use in lesser developed
For example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,465,477 which is entitled "Apparatus for Continuously Extruding and
Drying/Cooling Cereal Bran", issued Aug. 14, 1984, discloses a large and bulky rice bran extruder for
treating of bran to stabilize the bran product, and which would be primarily usable in association only
with very large white rice processing plants.
Soybean processing equipment has also been developed for heating and processing of raw and
untreated soybeans in such a manner as to cook the soybean for removal of a heat libile growth
inhibiting material. For example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,685,429 and 3,685,430 to McBride and 3,695,891
and 3,765,319 to Fox all similarly disclose soybean processing equipment and methods specifically
directed to the treating of raw and unprocessed soybeans by an expression process in which the raw
soybean is extruded to heat the soybean. In particular, raw untreated soybeans are passed through the
extruder and the soybeans are heated as a result of the extrusion process. As the extruded soybean is
released, it emits the libile inhibiting material in the released moisture. The discharge end structure is
an adjustable extrusion cone to control termperature and pressure as the soybeans are extruded. Such
apparatus cannot be applied to rice bran processing because of different characteristics of rice bran and
the generally different considerations encountered in the processing of the products.
The present invention is particularly directed to an improved method and apparatus for heating the
milled rice bran to a high nutrient rice bran product for human consumption. Generally in accordance
with the teaching of the present invention, the extruding apparatus is specially constructed for use in
various remote locations having widely differing electrical power sources. Generally in accordance
with the teaching of the present invention, the extruder is formed generally such as taught in the
McBride patents with a rotor having a spiral flight, with the flights formed of round cross-section and
permanently affixed to a solid core. The extruder chamber terminates in a discharge cone which is
conically shaped. A hopper for receiving the rice bran is mounted above the extruder and includes a
rotating stirrer unit driven with a separate D. C. motor. The stirrer unit agitates the bulk bran and
positively prevents bridging of the material within the hopper and thereby insures the continuous
gravity feed of the bran feed into the conveyor.
A feed conveyor is mounted immediately beneath the hopper, with a feed opening at the inner end of
the extruder for controlled feeding of the rice bran to the extruder.
The flighted core extruder is specially formed with a plurality of agitator elements secured between the
flights for a substantial distance from the extruder cone. The agitator elements are specially selected
and located to establish a continuous pressurized state within the extruder acting to move the powdery
rice bran in a forward direction through the extruder and particularly the extruder discharge cone. The
extended agitator elements in particular positively prevent steam blow-back as a result of steam
pressure created with the heating and compressing the bran from the cone back into the extruder. The
inventor has discovered that the characteristics of powdery bran requires significant additional agitator
elements located throughout an extended length of the extruder to insure a pressurized feeding over and
above that affected by the simple extrusion forces. The compacted rice bran is extruded through the
conically shaped discharge cone, where the pressure and heat characteristic is such as to effectively
destroy the lipase action and all bacteria, thereby stablizing the rice bran and preventing the build up of
free fatty acid. The extruder action does not destroy the nutrients or anti-oxidants present in the rice
bran. The final product is suitable for human consumption and is of a particle size to allow efficient
extraction of the oil therefrom. The flighting and agitator elements must be specially constructed and
arranged to process the powdery bran product because of the characteristic imparted to the bran. Thus,
it has been found necessary to provide a relatively closely spaced flighting construction with the
oppositely oriented agitator elements to properly process rice bran. Although such a structure cannot be
employed with heavier moist material such as soybeans, it has been found essential to the proper
processing of rice bran.
Further, the less developed countries require special drive considerations. Thus, service must be
maintained at an essential minimum to permit effective long life operation in a system which may be
far removed from service personnel and/or parts. The apparatus should also be compact and sufficiently
low cost to economically process the available. The rice bran processor is therefor constructed with a
direct drive system using a universal voltage and frequency motor coupled directly to the extruder
rotor. In an optinum construction, the motor is constructed to operate at 885 RPM and produce 75
horsepower, with widely differing alternating current voltage and/or frequencies which are encountered
throughout the world.
The accompanying drawings illustrate the best mode presently contemplated by the inventor(s) for
carrying out the invention.
In the drawings:
FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of a rice bran processing apparatus;
FIG. 2 is a side elevational view of a feed auger, rotor and stirrer only;
FIG. 3 is an enlarged vertical section of the drive train, rotor and cylinder; and
FIG. 4 is a fragmentary enlarged view of the bran extruder rotor structure shown in FIGS. 1-3.
Referring to the drawings and particularly to FIGS. 1-3, a rice bran extruder apparatus is illustrated
which includes a supporting base structure 1 adapted to be movably mounted on a supporting floor or
other structure. The extruder 2 is mounted to the support structure 1. A multi-voltage and multifrequency A. C. (alternating current) motor 3 is secured to the structure 1 in alignment with and
coupled to drive the extruder FIG. 1. A bran supply hopper 4 is mounted in overlying relation to the
extruder and receives the rice bran 5 for controlled delivery to the extruder. A mechanical feed unit 6,
is mounted in the bottom of the hopper and is operable for controlled transfer of the rice bran to an
opening 7 between the mechanical feed unit 6 and the outside shell 2a of the extruder 2. A separate D.
C. (direct current) motor 6a is coupled to drive a feed auger 10 of the feed unit 6 and a stirrer 2 in the
hopper 4. The feed auger 10 has a large spiral blade to move the powdery bran 5 to the extruder 2. The
feed auger may be operated at 175 RPM.
The rice bran is a relatively fine powdery material having the characteristic of flour and when fed into
the hopper 4 and feeder 6 for gravity feed, a bridging effect may result within the bottom of the
mechanical feed unit 6 such that the bran no longer gravity feeds into the feed auger 2a. The multiple
bladed stirrer 2 is mounted in the hopper 4 and rotates continuously at a lower speed than the feed
auger to provide continuous stirring of the rice bran 5 during the operation of the feed unit 6 and
extruder 2 and thereby to insure continuous gravity feed of the powdery rice bran to the feed auger 2a
and thereby to the extruder 2.
In the illustrated embodiment of the invention FIG. 1, a special direct drive coupling 8 connects the
special motor 3 to directly drive the extruder 2. Coupling 8 is operable to carry and transmit all
anticipated bran extruding loads and thereby maintain an essentially rigid, direct connection of motor to
the extruder. The coupling 8 is further specially constructed with a releasable clutch unit 9 that
provides automatic slippage at a set amount of torque and thereby disconnects the motor 3 from the
extruder 2 in the event of a complete jamming thereby and preventing the motor 3 from being
destroyed by overheating.
The combination of the direct drive 8 with the multiple voltage and frequency motor 3 particularly
adapts the present construction for essentially universal application throughout the world. The structure
is particularly adapted for use in less developed countries where electrical supply is not of the
characteristic and quality found in many developed countries and the apparatus may be subject to
operation by personnel with minimal skill and knowledge of the machine operation.
The illustrated extruder of FIG. 1 generally includes a basic construction such as heretofore used for
processing of rice bran as well as other processing products such as soybeans for other purposes and
results, with special modification for more effective processing of rice bran. The illustrated
embodiment of the invention is typical of soybean apparatus which has been constructed based on the
teachings of the previously identified McBride patents with the structure specially modified as in the
construction of the extruder, the releasing drive connection, mechanical feed unit using a D. C. motor,
stirrer, hopper and discharge box for processing rice bran. The present inventor has heretofore been
involved in construction and analysis of equipment for processing soybeans and it was found tht such
apparatus would not provide appropriate processing of rice bran for purposes of stablizing the rice
More particularly as shown in FIG. 1, the extruder 2 includes a cylindrical outer casing or shell 2a
horizontally mounted to the support structure 1. The shell 2a is aligned with and extends outwardly
from the motor coupling 8 to a discharge chamber 11. The shell 2a is supported on spaced support
members 12 to rigidly support the outer shell in coaxial alignment with the motor 3 and the coupling
unit 8. The extruder rotor 13 is mounted, as a cantilevered member, within the outer tubular shell 2a
and extends therethrough. The rotor 13 is rotatably supported adjacent the motor coupling 8 in an
appropriate rotary bearing unit 14 which supports the rotor projecting outwardly concentrically through
the shell. The rotor 13 includes a special spiral flight 15 extended throughout the length of the rotor.
The rotor 13 is mounted with the flighting equally spaced between the upper wall and the lower wall of
the outer shell 10, as subsequently described.
A processor cone section 16 is attached to the end of rotor 13 in an inwardly facing inclined or conical
section located within a correspondingly shaped cup housing 17. The conical sections 16 and 17 define
an annular extrusion gap 18.
Generally, the powdery bran 5 is fed by the feed auger 10 into the extruder through opening 7. The
spiral flight 15 carries the rice bran 5 forwardly toward the discharge extruder opening 18. The bran 5
cannot move through the restricted opening at the feed rate created by the rotation of the flighted rotor
15 and as a result there is a compression and extrusion of the powdery bran 5. As is well known, this
results in heating of the bran. The effective heating of the bran, however, requires that the powdery rice
bran be progressively and continuously moved forwardly with a high degree of compression and high
force extrusion through the opening 18 in order to properly heat the bran. In the United States for
example, the United States Department of Agriculture will require treating of the bran at a temperature
of at least 130 degrees Centigrade for stabilization of the bran and the prevention of free fatty acid
build up within the bran. In particular, the heat treatment must be such as to effectively nullify the
effects of the lipase and destroy all harmful bacteria in the bran. As previously noted, this requires that
the rice bran be treated very shortly after milling the rice and at the appropriate temperature.
The present invention is particularly directed to the special construction of the extruding apparatus
including the drive system to establish appropriate feeding of the powdery rice bran to an effective and
reliable extruding apparatus.
More particularly in the illustrated embodiment of the invention, the motor 3 is a special multiple
voltage and multiple frequency motor which can be operated at all voltages and frequencies produced
by public utilities and the like throughout the world. The particular motor 3 which has been selected for
a practical world wide apparatus is a 75 horsepower motor operating at 885 revolutions per minute
(RPM) and over a wide range of voltages and/or frequencies. The motor 3 may be of any suitable
construction which will produce the necessary horsepower and related torque at the relatively low
RPM. Typically, the motor 3 should produce a maximum throuhgout horsepower in the range of 40 to
45 horsepower at a preferred RPM range of 850 to 900 RPM. The motor 3 should produce such a drive
for either 50 cycle or 60 cycle power supply and a 230/460 voltage, with the usual practical variants in
the nominal specified standards. This is in contrast to the typical prior art approach which used a
conventional 100 horsepower motor, with different motors provided for 60 cycle operation and for 50
cycle operation, and operation at 1,770 revolutions per minute. In the prior systems, a gear transmission
is connected to reduce the speed of the extruder rotor rotation and increase the torque.
The present invention uses a lower horsepower motor operating at the reduced revolutions and
producing the necessary torque to permit direct drive. The direct drive coupling 8 not only adapts the
unit to universal application, but significantly increase the efficiency of operation which is, of course,
of particular significance for use throughout the world.
The motor shaft 24 is direct coupled to the rotor shaft 41 by the coupling unit 8. The release clutch unit
9 directly connects the universal coupling 7 and the extruder rotor shaft, as more fully developed
hereinafter. The coupling 8 includes a motor-connected universal coupling 26, a splined shaft 2, rotorconnect universal coupling 27, and the release clutch 9. The universal coupling 26 includes a flanged
yoke 30 which is coupled by bolting to a hub 30a on the motor shaft. The yoke unit 30 includes a
splined hub 31 that connects to splined shaft 32.
The universal coupling 27 includes a splined hub 33, slideably mating with splined shaft 32. A yoke 35
has a flange which is bolted or otherwise directly interconnected to a rotating member of the releasable
clutch unit 9.
The releasable clutch unit includes a pair of clutch plates 37 and 38 which are located within the
rotating housing. Clutch plate 37 is secured to and rotates with housing 36. Clutch plate 38 is rigidly
secured to a rotating hub 39.
The clutch plates 37 and 38 are continuously urged into frictional engagement by a Belville spring
assembly 40 mounted within the housing 36 and acting on the bearing plates 38 to establish a high load
frictional engagement between the plates 37 and 38. The friction forces are such as to readily transmit
the large torque required in the rice bran extruder. In practical application, the static torque strength of
the shaft was equal to 22,125 inch pounds and the assembly readily transmitted torque of 443 foot
pounds with the motor rotating at 885 RPM.
The clutch unit 9 may be of any suitable construction to produce an operative disconnection in
response to a selected abnormal load on the motor. A slipping clutch design is preferred to produce an
essentially tamper proof unit. For example, a shear pin coupling could provide protection against
jamming loads. Such a coupling would require special replacement of the pin and the user could
substitute a stronger shear pin thereby effectively by passing the necessary safety feature. The highly
efficient direct drive coupling 8 with the releasably clutch unit provides a very significant advance in a
rice bran processor particularly for application in less developed countries.
The extruder rotor shaft 41 is fixed within the hub 39 by a plurality of set screws 42 and plate 38
rotates with the extruder rotor. The drive of the motor 3 is transmitted directly through the yoke units
26 and 27, with the splined connection 25, and the engaged clutch plates 37 and 38.
The rotor 13 is thus direct driven to continuously move the powdery bran material 5 through the
extruder and the extrusion gap 18. The constant speed of the rotation of the rotor 13 and the variable
size of the gap 18 affects the compression sheet pressure and thereby the heat created in the powdery
rice bran 5 at the extrusion cone.
In the illustrated embodiment of the invention, the rotor 13 is mounted for axial movement for varying
of gap 18. Referring to FIG. 3, the bearing structure 14 includes a hub 43 threaded into a
correspondingly threaded end of the extrusion shell, at 44. A double tapered roller bearing 45 is fixed
within the hub and clamped to shaft 41 as by nut 46. The axial threaded movement of the hub 43
correspondingly axially moves the rotor 13. The axial movement of the rotor 13 is accomodated by the
splined connection 25 in the direct drive coupling unit 8 as heretofore described. After proper
positioning, the hub 43 is locked in place by a mechanical worm gear box 47.
A rotaing sprocket 48 is coupled to the hub 43 at one end by a chain 49 and to a worm gear box 47 at
the other end. A hand crank connected to the worm gear box (which may have a 10-1 ratio) is used to
axially move the rotor 13 for limited adjustment of the threaded connection of 43 and 44, thereby
adjusting the length of the gap 18. The system may therefore be adjusted for proper heating of the
powdery bran by the extruder.
The stirrer unit 2 is provided for maintaining the continuous feed of the powdery bran 5 to the feed
auger 2a and thereby to the rotor 13. The stirrer unit 2 is shown as a simple paddle-type unit. The stirrer
unit 2 includes a support shaft 51 rotatably journalled in mechanical feed unit 6. The shaft 51 protrudes
out of the mechanical feed unit 6 and is coupled to the d.c. motor 6a and feed auger 2a using a chain 52
to establish and maintain a continuous and constant speed of the stirrer unit 2 with the feed unit 6. The
die motor 6a is connected in circuit to operates simultaneously with the extruder and provides
continuous stirring of the powdery bran during the entire bran process cycle. A plurality of axially and
circumferentially distributed paddles or blades 53 are secured to the shaft in alignment with the top of
the feed auger 2a. The blades 53 are flat radial blades secured preferably on one inch spacings to the
shaft 51. The blades 53 may be canted slightly as in the mounting of propeller blades of aircraft to
effectively and continuously agitate and break up the bran and thereby insure the gravity movement
downwardly into the auger. In actual practice, ten blades 53 were secured to the shaft 51
circumferentially offset and spaced on one inch centers, generally as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2.
The extruder rotor 13 has the spiral flight 15 formed with evenly-spaced spiral 180 degree flights
having a constant flight angle. The flights 15 are formed from a rod-like member spirally wound about
the rotor 13 and tack welded or otherwise firmly affixed to the core. The core may be grooved to
receive the rod-like flight member.
Because of the powdery characteristics of rice bran, normal construction of the flighted rotor 13 does
not provide the proper transfer and extrusion of the rice bran, particularly without moisture blowback.
The heating and crushing effect is created by the extrusion process on rice bran 5 reducing the bran
essentially to a slurry. Pressure builds within the extrusion gap 18 and throughout the shell 10. Further,
the moisture in the bran 5 tends to create a back pressure within the shell 10 and may create blow-back
of the powdery bran rearwardly within the shell 10 and back into the hopper 4, and thereby destroy the
processing of rice bran 5. The conventional soybean machine which produces excellent soybean
processing was found to be practically inoperative for processing rice bran. The inventor has
discovered that the problem is simply solved by closely spacing of the flights and by the addition of a
substantial number, and at least 12, reverse angled agitator bars 55 secured to the rotor 13 between the
adjacent turns of flight 15 in the outer end of the extruder 2. The previously referenced Brady patent
discloses the use of a few beater bars at the very discharge end and in one or two of the last flight
grooves. The inventor has found that the bars must be substantially extended toward the inlet opening
and that a minimum of 12 bars are necessary in the extruder when processing of powdery rice bran.
The agitator bars 55 are small square bar members which are welded to the rotor between the flights.
The agitator bars 55 are angularly oriented, and the bars in the space or grooves between adjacent
flights turns are aligned with each to form reverse or oppositely directed flighting extending in an
opposite direction and with the extruder forward flighting product capture chambers. The bars 55 are
located at essentially 30 degrees to the horizontal and extend substantially from the extrusion opening
18 rearwardly to the feed opening and in particular extend into at least the last four flight grooves as
shown in FIG. 4. In an optimum construction, the flights are spaced at substantially four inches. The
agitator bars 35 are circumferentially spaced about the rotor in each turn of flight 15, with three to four
bars located in circumferential spaced and parallel relation. The bars 55 are spaced only slightly less
than the flighting 15 from the shell 2a and serve to force the powdery and the heated bran to move
axially through the extruder cone.
The agitator bars 55 serve to appropriately increase the sealing of the heated bran slurry within the shell
10 at the gap 18 and in particular prevent the heated moisture pressure from blowing back through the
slurry and the powdery bran 5 in the back portion of the extruder. The special addition of the agitator
bars 55 in fact stabilize the relatively light, powdery rice bran prior to its movement into the high
temperature area, and assure movement thereof into the area and through the area with sufficient force
and compaction to isolate and prevent moisture blow-back.
In processing of soybeans and the like, the raw soybeans are relatively large beans providing a more or
less free flow of air and steam through the beans in the feed end of the extruder. The powdery bran and
the heated slurry effectively prevents such free flow of the pressurized constitutents and the inventor
found that such apparatus would not maintain a flow of the powdery bran. Thus, the pressurized
constitutents forced the powdery bran back into the feed system, with a resulting loss of pressure on the
slurry in the extruder cone. The present invention provides a continuous flow of the powdery bran
through the extruder 2.
The discharge box unit 11 is a simple box structure with an opening in the bottom which is secured
directly over the discharge cone of the extruder. A mounting flange 56 abuts the cone and is bolted or
otherwise fixedly secured in place. The extruded bran 5 is thus forced and injected into the discharge
box 11 and immediately transferred to a low temperature cooler, not shown, for rapid cooling of the
stablized bran.
As previously noted, the feed auger 2a is electrically driven with a D.C. motor 6a. The speed of the
feed auger 2a is controlled such as by a rheostat, not shown, for adjusting the constant speed of the feed
auger 2a. The auger 2a is driven to increase or decrease the input of bran 5 through the opening 7 into
the rotor 13.
Various modes of carrying out the invention are contemplated as being within the scope of the
following claims, particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which is regarded
as the invention.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
Claims of US4741264
I claim:
1. A rice bran extruding apparatus for extruding powdery rice bran and thereby heating said rice bran,
said heat functioning to inactivate the lipase, destroy the bacteria and stabilize the free acid in said rice
bran, comprising an extruder having a tubular shell, a rotor rotatably mounted within said tubular shell,
said rotor including a free end protruding outwardly of said shell, said shell and said rotor having
complementing spaced surfaces defining an extrusion passageway from said shell to the exterior of said
shell at said free end of said rotor, an extrusion cone secured to said shell about the free end of said
rotor and defining an extrusion passageway, said rotor having a spiral flight including a plurality in
excess of four turns and defining a spiral passageway extending backwardly from said extrusion
passageway, a plurality of at least twelve agitator bar members secured within the final four spiral turns
defined by said spiral flight, said agitator bars being angularly oriented to define a reverse flight
construction, said agitator bars being substantially at a smaller angle to the horizontal axis than said
flights to extrude the powdery rice bran, an electric motor mounted in alignment with said rotor, a
direct drive connection unit connecting said motor to said rotor and establishing a direct one-to-one
drive between said motor and said rotor, said rotor being operable to move said rice bran in a continous
manner through said shell and said extrusion cone, and a releasable connection unit in said direct drive
connection unit and operably disengaging said rotor from said motor in response to a predetermined
differential pressure across said connection unit.
2. The bran extruding apparatus of claim 1 wherein said direct drive connection unit includes a splined
shaft and a mating splined hub slideably mounted on said splined shaft, said releasable connection unit
including a clutch unit having an outer rotatable housing, a clutch plate member mounted to said
housing, a second clutch plate member in opposed relation to said first named clutch plate member and
having a mounting hub, and resilient spring means biasing said clutch plate members in frictional
3. The rice bran apparatus of claim 1 wherein said extrusion passageway emits said rice bran in an
annular stream, a discharge box unit mounted in overlying relationship to said extrusion cone and
directing said extruded stabilized rice bran downwardly thereform, a rapid cooling means coupled to
said discharge unit for receiving of said rice bran and providing essentially instantaneous cooling
4. A rice bran extruding apparatus comprising a high pressure extruder adapted to receive powdery rice
bran in one end and to progressively transfer said bran under increasing compression and extruding the
bran through a restricted extrusion cone defining an extrusion opening, said powdery rice bran being
rapidly raised in temperature to a temperature of at least approximately 130 DEG C. to completely
neutralize the lipase and reduce bacterial count to a count of the order of less than 10, a multi-voltage
and multi-frequency motor operable over a wide range of frequencies and a wide range of voltages, a
direct drive coupling between said motor and said extruder, said extruder having a flighted member
rotatably mounted and having an outwardly projected rigid shaft projecting from said extruder, said
motor having an integral rigid driven motor shaft, said direct drive coupling including a slip clutch
mechanism having a torque transmitting characteristic in excess of all normal torque created by
extrusion of bran from said extrusion cone, whereby said direct drive operates to continuously extrude
bran, said slip clutch means being responsive to abnormal loads on said flighted rotor to operatively
disengage the rotor from said motor and permit operation of the motor without rotation of said flighted
5. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein said motor produces 75 horsepower rotating at 885 revolutions per
6. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein said flighted member includes a center core having a core shaft
extending from one end, said direct drive coupling includes a splined shaft and a hub coupling mounted
on said splined shaft, said splined shaft and said splined hub each being connected to said motor shaft
and to said core shaft whereby said core shaft may be axially positioned relative to said motor shaft,
and means coupled to said rotor shaft for axially moving of said rotor and setting the size of said
extrusion opening and thereby the temperature of said rice bran, said heat functioning to inactivate the
lipase in said rice bran.
7. A rice bran extruding processor for extruding powdery rice bran and thereby heating said rice bran,
said heat functioning to inactivate the lipase, destroy the bacteria and stablize the free fatty acid in said
rice bran, comprising an extruder having a flighted rotor rotatably mounted within a tubular shell and
terminating in an extrusion nozzle, said rotor having a spiral flight including a plurality of flight turns
in excess of four and defining a spiral passageway extending backwardly from said extrusion nozzle, a
plurality of at least twelve agitator bar elements secured within the final four spiral turns defined by
said spiral flight, said agitator bars being angularly oriented to define a reverse flight construction
between said spiral turns, said agitator bars being substantially at a smaller angle to the horizontal axis
than said spiral flight to extrude the powdery rice bran.
8. The apparatus of claim 7 wherein said agitator bar elements are spaced from said shell only slightly
less than said spiral light.
9. The apparatus of claim 7 wherein said spiral flight is formed from a round rod-like element, said
extruder having a rotatable core having a spiral groove, said rod-like element being located in said
groove within the rotor core and being intimately secured to said core, said agitator bar elements being
round rod-like elements secured to the surface of said rotor core and having an outermost edge surface
located slightly within the outermost edge surface of the flighting round rod-like element.
10. The apparatus of claim 7 having a bran supply hopper for gravity feed of powdery bran, a feed
auger unit mounted between the hopper and extruding for supplying of bran to the extruder, a bran
stirrer located within said hopper, said stirrer includes a horizontal support shaft and a plurality of
stirring blades secured to said shaft, said blades being canted from a perpendicular plane through said
shaft and means to continuously rotate the bran stirrer during operation of the feed auger.
11. The rice bran apparatus of claim 7 wherein said extrusion nozzle emits said rice bran in an annular
stream, a discharge box unit mounted in overlying relationship to said nozzle and directing said
extruded stablized rice bran outwardly therefrom, a rapid cooling means coupled to said discharge unit
for receiving of said rice bran and providing essentially instantaneous cooling thereof.
12. A rice bran extruding processor for extruding powdery rice bran andthereby heating said rice bran,
said heating of said bran functioning to inactivate the lipase, destroy the bacteria and stablize the free
fatty acid in said rice bran, comprising an extruder having a flighted rotor rotatably mounted within a
tubular shell and terminating in an extrusion nozzle, said rotor having a spiral flight which with said
shell defines a spiral passageway extending backwardly from said extrusion nozzle, an electric motor
mounted in alignment with said rotor, a direct drive connection unit connecting said motor and said
rotor and establishing a direct one-to-one drive between said motor and said rotor, said rotor being
operable to move said rice bran in a continuous manner through said shell and said extrusion nozzle,
and a releasable connection unit in said direct drive connection unit and operably disengaging said
flighted rotor from said motor in response to a predetermined differential pressure across said
connection unit.
13. The bran extruding apparatus of claim 12 wherein said direct drive unit includes a splined shaft and
a mating splined hub slideably mounted on said splined shaft, said releasable connection unit including
a clutch unit having an outer rotatable housing, a clutch plate member mounted to said housing, a
second clutch plate member in opposed relation to said first named clutch plate member and having a
mounting hub, and resilient spring means biasing said clutch plate members into frictional engagement.
14. The apparatus of claim 12 wherein said spiral flight includes a number of turns substantially in
excess of four turns, and a plurality of at least 12 agitator bar elements are circumferentially distributed
within at least the last four turns defined by said spiral flight and are spaced from said shell only
slightly less than said spiral flight.
15. The apparatus of claim 14 wherein said rotor includes a core having a spiral groove, said spiral
flight is formed from said round rod-like element, said rod-like element being located in said groove
within the rotor core and being intimately secured to said core, said agitator bar elements being round
rod-like elements secured to the surface of said rotor core and having an outermost edge surface
located slightly within the outer most edge surface of the spiral flight rod-like element.
16. The apparatus of claim 14 having a bran supply hopper for gravity feed of powdery bran, a feed
auger unit mounted between the hopper and supplying bran to the extruder, a bran stirrer located within
said hopper, said stirrer includes a horizontal support shaft and a plurality of stirring blades secured to
said shaft, said blades being canted from a perpendicular plane through said shaft and means to
continuously rotate the bran stirrer during operation of the feed auger.
17. A rice bran extruding apparatus comprising a high pressure extruder adapted to receive rice bran in
one end and to progressively transfer said rice bran under increasing compression and extruding the
rice bran through a restricted opening in an extrusion cone, said rice bran being rapidly raised in
temperature to a temperature of at least approximately 130 DEG C. to completely neutralize the lipase
and reduce bacteria count to a count of the order of less than 10, a multi-voltage and multi-frequency
A.C. motor connected to operate said extruder and operable over a wide range of frequencies and a
wide range of voltages, said A.C. motor having a horsepower rating of less than 100 horsepower and a
through-put of 40 to 45 horsepower and rotating in the range of 850 to 900 RPM.
18. The apparatus of claim 17 wherein said extruder having a flighted rotor rotatably mounted and
having an outwardly projected rigid rotor shaft projecting from said flighted rotor, said motor having
an integral rigid driven motor shaft, a direct drive coupling connecting said shafts and including a slip
clutch means having a torque transmitting characteristic in excess of all normal torque created by
extrusion of bran from said extrusion cone, whereby said direct drive coupling operates to continuously
extrude bran, said slip clutch means being responsive to abnormal loads on said flighted rotor to
operatively disengage the rotor from said motor and permit operation of the motor without rotation of
said flighted rotor.
19. The apparatus of claim 17 wherein said motor produces 75 horsepower at 885 RPM.
20. The apparatus of claim 18 wherein said direct drive coupling includes a splined shaft and a hub
coupling mounted in line with said motor shaft and said flighted rotor shaft, said splined shaft and said
splined hub each being connected to said motor shaft and to said flighted rotor shaft whereby said
flighted rotor shaft may be axially positioned relative to said motor shaft, and means coupled to said
flighted rotor shaft for axially moving of said rotor and setting the size of the extrusion opening of said
extrusion cone and thereby the temperature of said rice bran, said heat functioning to neutralize the
lipase and reduce the bacterial count in said rice bran.
21. The bran extruding apparatus of claim 20 wherein said slip clutch mechanism includes an outer
rotatably housing, a clutch plate member mounted to said housing, a second clutch plate member in
opposed relation to said first named clutch plate member and having a mounting hub, and resilient
spring means biasing said clutch plate members into frictional engagement.
22. The rice bran apparatus of claim 21 having a discharge box unit mounted in overlying relationship
to said cone and directing said extruded stabilized rice bran downwardly therefrom, and a rapid cooling
means coupled to said discharge unit for receiving of said rice bran and providing essentially
instantaneous cooling thereof.Data supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
49. US6706291
- 3/16/2004
IP Class 4 Digits: A61K
IP Class:A61K35/78; A61K31/715
E Class: A23K1/14C; A23K1/18L2; A23K1/16E; A23K1/16L
Application Number:
US20010831267 (20010808)
Priority Number: WO1998JP05048 (19981109)
Family: US6706291
EP1129628; WO0027219
Abstract of US6706291
To provide a producibility improver for poultry, comprising a polymannose having a molecular weight
distribution in which a polymannose having the molecular weights ranging from 1.8x10>;3 ;to
1.8x10>;5 ;accounts for 70% or more; the producibility improver for poultry further comprising a
polyphenol compound; the producibility improver for poultry further comprising a delipidated rice
bran; and a method of improving producibility for laying hens or edible chicken, using any one of the
producibility improvers. According to the present invention, the improvement of producibility for
poultry can be made at low costs.Description:
Description of US6706291
[0002] This application is the national phase under 35 U.S.C. [section]371 of PCT International
Application No. PCT/JP98/05048 which has an International filing date of Nov. 9, 1998, which
designated the United States of America.
[0003] The present invention relates-to a producibility improver for poultry and method of improving
producibility for poultry.
[0004] To date, various means have been employed to improve producibility for poultry. For example,
there has been known a method in which an antibiotic is in used as an animal growth improver;
however, there arise such problems as the safety and economy of the eggs and chicken meat produced.
In addition, there is known a technique concerning a method of giving a specified feed for laying hens
in a specified time zone daily; however, it lacks practical applicability because enormous time and
labor are required to meet the strict nutritional control of a feed and time management of a supplying
[0005] Also, with regard to storage methods for retaining freshness and the like, there have been
known some methods, including a method of storing chicken eggs under a given temperature range; a
method of storing a rapidly frozen food under freezing in a package material of high capacity for gas
barrier; a method of using a freshness-retaining package for edible chickens, the package comprising a
particular package container; a method of preventing lowering of the freshness of shell eggs by using a
carbon dioxide-generating agent; and a method of immersing a poultry product in a particular
fermented seasoning. However, these methods are economically disadvantageous in that a storage
equipment or implementation of an apparatus for preparing a package material is necessitated. Also,
there arise other problems, including deterioration of the natural taste of poultry meat when immersed
in a fermented seasoning.
[0006] In addition, regarding the production of chicken eggs containing a highly unsaturated fatty acid,
Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Hei 5-292853 discloses a method for producing poultry eggs
containing a highly unsaturated fatty acid wherein poultry for egg collection are bred with
subcutaneously inoculating a fat and oil containing a highly unsaturated fatty acid thereto; Japanese
Patent Laid-Open No. Hei 7-227221 discloses a method of using a feed composition containing a
specified fatty acid source; Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Hei in 118-80164 discloses a method for
producing edible bird eggs comprising allowing female birds to take linseeds, thereby allowing the
female birds to lay eggs containing eicosapentaenoic acid or docosapentaenoic acid; and Japanese
Patent No. 2558050 discloses a chicken feed wherein a powder containing eicosapentaenoic acid or
docosapentaenoic acid is mixed with a feed to prevent decrease in a rate of egg production. Although
these techniques concern methods for producing chicken eggs enriched with a hCghly unsaturated fatty
acid, there arise problems in that the highly unsaturated fatty acid in chicken eggs during chicken egg
storage is unstable because the highly unsaturated fatty acids tend to be oxidized at carbon-carbon
double bonds, and have poor storage stability.
[0007] On the other hand, there have been known some techniques in which a degradation product of a
polysaccharide is added to a mammalian or bird feed. Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Hei 8-099884
reports that a degradation product of a polysaccharide, as well as in combination with tannin, has been
effective in suppressing the growth of gram-negative bacteria. Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Hei 6329548 reports that an enzymatically degraded product of guar gum is added to a livestock feed,
promoting bowel movement, thereby giving prophylactic and therapeutic effects on diarrhea and the
like. In addition, Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Hei 10-201428 discloses a mineral absorptionpromoting feed composition containing galactomannan treated to have a lower molecular weight.
However, none of these techniques are involved with improvement of the producibility of laying hens
bred for the purpose of producing chicken eggs and the producibility of edible chickens bred for the
purpose of producing chicken meat.
[0008] As a result of intensive studies, the present inventors have found that a polymannose having a
specified molecular weight distribution, a composition comprising the polymannose and the
polyphenol compound, or a compound firther comprising delipidated rice bran has an remarkable
action of improving the producibility for poultry. The present invention has been perfected thereby.
[0009] Specifically, the present invention relates to:
[0010] (1) a producibility improver for poultry, comprising a polymannose having a molecular weight
distribution in which a polymannose having the molecular weights ranging from 1.8*10>;3 ;to
1.8*10>;5 ;accounts for 70% or more;
[0011] (2) a producibility improver for poultry, comprising a polymannose having a molecular weight
distribution in which a polymannose having the molecular weights ranging from 1.8*10>;3 ;to
1.8*10>;5 ;accounts for 70% or more, and a polyphenol compound;
[0012] (3) a producibility improver for poultry, comprising a polymannose having a molecular weight
distribution in which a polymarnose having the molecular weights ranging from 1.8*10>;3 ;to
1.8*10>;5 ;accounts for 70% or more, a polyphenol compound, and a delipidated rice bran; and
[0013] (4) a method of improving producibility for laying hens or edible chicken, using the
producibility improver of any one of items (1) to (3) above.
[0014] FIG. 1 is a graph showing one example where the molecular weight distribution of the
polymannose is determined by using HPLC. This is an example of a polymannose having a molecular
weight distribution in which a ipolymannose having the molecular weights ranging from 1.8*10>;3 ;to
1.8*10>;5 ;accounts for almost 100%.
[0015] 1. Producibility Improver for Poultry
[0016] One of the great features of the producibility improver for poultry of the present invention
resides in that the producibility improver comprises a polymannose having such a molecular weight
distribution in which polymannose having the molecular weights ranging from 1.8*10>;3 ;to 1.8*10>;5
;accounts for 70% or more. In the present invention, there is exhibited an excellent effectof a
producibility-improving action for improving producibility for poultry easily, inexpensively and safely
by formulating a producibility improver comprising the above-mentioned polymannose to a feed.
[0017] There are three embodiments of the producibility improver for poultry of the present invention:
(1) a producibility improver comprising the above-mentioned polymannose (first embodiment); (2) a
producibility improver further comprising a polyphenol compound in addition to the above-mentioned
polymannose (second embodiment), and (3) a producibility improver further comprising delipidated
rice bran in addition to the above-mentioned polymannose and polyphenol compound (third
embodiment). Although a producibility-improving action is not found in the case where the polyphenol
compound or the delipidated rice bran used in the present invention is each used alone, a producibilityimproving action owned by the polymannose is surprisingly dramatically increased when used in
combination with the above-mentioned polymannose. Therefore, the second or third embodiment is
more preferred.
[0018] The term "poultry" as used in the present invention refers to chickens, home-bred chickens, silk
fowls, turkeys, wild ducks, quails, ducks, guinea fowls, pheasants, crossbreed of wild and domestic
ducks, geese, ostriches, and the like. The present invention is preferably applied to chickens, among
which it is most preferably applied to laying hens bred for the purpose of producing chicken eggs, and
to edible chickens bred for the purpose of producing chicken meat. There is no particular limitation as
to the kinds of chickens.
[0019] In the present invention, the polymannose includes, for instance, substances obtained from
polymerization of mannose; substances in which a saccharide, such as galactose, or an alcohol, such as
ethyl alcohol, is bound via ether linkage with a part or all of hydroxyl groups of the substances
obtained from polymerization of mannose; and substances in which carboxyl group, carboxymethyl
group, phosphoric acid group, suiliric acid group, or the like is bound via ester linkage with a part or all
of hydroxyl groups of the substances obtained from polymerization of mannose. Concretely, there may
be exemplified mannan, locust bean gum, tara gum, and the like. Furthermore, those obtained by
partially hydrolyzing the substances exemplified above or guar gum by using an enzyme, an acid, or
the like may be used, and are encompassed within the scope of the polymannose of the present
invention, as long as they have the molecular weight distribution falling within range mentioned above.
In the present invention, the polymannose is preferably a polygalactomannan, and most preferably a
polygalactomannan of which constituent ratio of galactose to mannose is 1 molecule of galactose to 2
molecules of mannose.
[0020] From the viewpoints of achieving of producibility improvement for poultry and preventing
hygroscopicity, the above-mentioned polymannose is a polymannose having a molecular weight
distribution in which a polymannose having the molecular weights ranging from 1.8*10>;3 ;to
1.8*10>;5 ;accounts for 70% or more, preferably polymannose having a molecular weight distribution
accounting for 80% or more. A method for determining the molecular weight distribution comprises
dissolving the polymannose in water, subjecting the solution to gel filtration through the TSKgel
G6000PW column using the TOSO 803D high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) with water
as the mobile phase, and detecting by a differential refractometer. In this operation, by taldng
measurements using straight-chain dextrins of known glucose numbers (degree of polymerization of
glucose=10, 100, 500, 1000) as indicators, a graph for the molecular weight distribution as shown in
FIG. 1 is obtained. A polymannose obtained by an actual preparation process is subjected to HPLC
determination as described above, and the graph obtained is compared with that obtained using the
indicative substances. The entire area of the molecular weight distribution and the area of a fraction
corresponding to degrees of polymerization of glucose of 10 to 1,000 units are calculated, and the ratio
(%) of the polymannose having the molecular weights ranging from 1.8*10>;3 ;to 1.8*10>;5 ;is
[0021] From the viewpoints of producibility improvement for poultry and hygroscopicity, the degree of
polymerization of the above-mentioned polymannose is preferably 4 or more, more preferably 10 or
more, and most preferably 30 or more. From the viewpoints of producibility improvement for poultry
and decrease in the feed consumption, the degree of polymerization of the above-mentioned
polymannose is preferably 190 or less, more preferably 100 or less, and most preferably 40 or less.
Therefore, the above-mentioned polymannose preferably contains a large amount of polymannose units
having a degree of polymerization of 30 to 40; concretely, those having a degree of polymerization of
30 to 40 are preferably 25% or more, and more preferably be 30% or more.
[0022] From the viewpoints of producibility improvement for poultry and reduction in the feed
consumption, the viscosity of a 5% by weight aqueous solution of the above-mentioned polymannose
at 5[deg.] C. is preferably 130 cps or less, more preferably 50 cps or less, and most preferably 20 cps or
less, when the determination is carried out by using a Brookfield viscometer (type B viscometer).
[0023] In the above-mentioned polymannose, the dietary fiber content, as determined by the AOAC
official method (Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 16th Edition, Volume II,
Chapter 32, p. 7), is preferably 60% by weight or more, more preferably 65% by weight or more, and
most preferably 75% by weight or more.
[0024] When the above-mentioned polygalactomannan is used as the polymannose, an enzymatically
degraded product of a substance selected from the group consisting of guar gum, locust bean gum and
tara gum, for example, can be used. As a polymannose exhibiting the characteristics mentioned above,
an enzymatically degraded product of guar gum obtained by enzymatically degrading guar gum is
especially preferable.
[0025] The above-mentioned enzymatically degraded product can be obtained by enzymatically
hydrolyzing the straight chain of mannose only, using [beta]-galactomannanase derived from a fungus
of the genus Aspergillus, the genus Rhizopus, or the like. As the above-mentioned enzymatically
degraded product, the degradation product having a desired molecular weight can be obtained by
changing the reaction time of the enzyme. The reaction conditions for enzymatic degradation are not
particularly limited because the reaction conditions vary depending upon the desired molecular weight
and the like. For example, in a case where [beta]-galactomannanase derived from the genus Aspergillus
is used, the reaction conditions include, conditions of a reaction pH of 2.0 to 3.5, a reaction temperature
of 35[deg.] to 50[deg.] C., and a reaction time of 20 to 30 hours.
[0026] In the producibility improver of the present invention, as a second embodiment, the
producibility for poultry can be further improved by further comprising a polyphenol compound in
addition to the above-mentioned polymannose.
[0027] The above-mentioned polyphenol compound is preferably, but is not limited to, a polyphenol
compound derived from a plant of the camellia family, cocoa, grape seeds, sweet potato or red wine.
There may be used a plant as is, an extract from a plant, or an extract residue, or a chemically
synthesized product. Extracts from a plant include hydrothermally extracted fractions, solventextracted fractions obtained by using an organic solvent, such as alcohol, ethyl acetate or a petroleum
ether, steam-distilled fractions, compression fractions, fat and oil adsorption fractions, liquefied gasextracted fractions, supercritically extracted fractions, or dry distilled fractions. From the viewpoint of
the compositional ratio of the polyphenol compound, the polyphenol compound obtained from a
hydrothermally extracted fraction of a plant of the camellia family is more preferred.
[0028] Among the plants of the camellia family, tea (Camellia sinensis L.) is preferable. Aiong them,
the polyphenol compounds are preferably extracts of green tea, oolong tea or black tea, and extracts of
green tea are especially preferable. The above-mentioned hydrothermally extracted fractions can be
prepared, for instance, by a process described in Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Hei8-103225.
[0029] Concrete examples of the above-mentioned polyphenol compounds include, for instance, (+)catechin, (+)gallocatechin, (-)-gallocatechin gallate, (-)-epicatechin, (-)-epicatechin gallate, (-)epigallocatechin, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate, free teaflavin, teaflavin monogallate A, teaflavin
monogallate B, teaflavin digallate, and the like. The above-mentioned polyphenol compounds can be
used alone or in admixture. Among the above-mentioned polyphenol compounds, at least one
polyphenol compound selected from the group consisting of (-)-gallocatechin gallate, (-)-epicatechin
gallate, and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate is preferable. Further, in the present invention, (-)epigallocatechin gallate is preferable. The one which is isolated and purified is contained as a main
component, and there may be used, for instance, an isolated and purified fraction thereof, or a
synthesized product of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate. Here, the term "main component" refers to those
which contain (-)-epigallocatechin gallate in an amount of 50% by weight or more.
[0030] When the above-mentioned polyphenol compounds are used in admixture, it is preferable that
the contents of each polyphenol compound in the polyphenol compound mixture are: (+)-catechin 0.2
to 6.5% by weight, (+)-gallocatechin 2.0 to 18.0% by weight, (-)gallocatechin gallate 1.0 to 15.0% by
weight, (-)epicatechin 0.5 to 10.0% by weight, (-)-epicatechin gallate 0.3 to 8.0% by weight, (-)epigallocatechin 2.0 to 18.0% by weight, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate 3.0 to 21.0% by weight, free
teaflavin 0 to 20.0% by weight, teaflavin monogallate A 0 to 5.0% by weight, teaflavin monogallate B
0 to 5.0% by weight, teaflavin digallate 0 to 5.0% by weight.
[0031] In this embodiment, the formulation ratio (weight ratio) of the polymannose and the polyphenol
compound, as expressed by polymannose/polyphenol compound, is preferably 10/1 to 1/10, more
preferably 5/1 to 1/5, and most preferably 2/1 to 1/2. The formulation ratio is the same in a case where
the polyphenol compound (-)-epigallocatechin gallate is used as the main component.
[0032] In the present invention, as a third embodiment, producibility for poultry can be flrther
dramatically improved by further comprising delipidated rice bran, in addition to the polymannose and
polyphenol compound.
[0033] The delipidated rice bran refers to a product obtained by drying a product obtained by collecting
oil from rice bran resulting from polishing brown rice. Also, the ingredient specification therefor
includes, for example, those which are a water content 14.0% or less, a crude protein content 16.5% or
more, a crude fiber content 9.5% or less, and a crude ash content 12.0% or less.
[0034] In this embodiment, the formulation ratios of the polymannose, the polyphenol compound and
the delipidated rice bran are preferably 3.0 to 13.0 parts by weight of the polymannose, 0.3 to 10.0
parts by weight of the polyphenol compound, and 75.0 to 95.0 parts by weight of the delipidated rice
bran, more preferably 4.5 to 10.0 parts by weight of the polymannose, 0.7 to 2.5 parts by weight of the
polyphenol compound, and 78.0 to 88.0 parts by weight of the delipidated rice bran, and most
preferably 5.5 to 8.0 parts by weight of the polymannose, 0.9 to 1.5 parts by weight of the polyphenol
compound, and 80.0 to 85.0 parts by weight of the delipidated rice bran.
[0035] Incidentally, the formulation amount of the polyphenol compound can be adjusted to a lower
level in the case where the polyphenol compound used in the producibility improver for poultry of the
present invention comprises (+)-epigallocatechin gallate as the main component. Specifically, in such
cases, the formulation ratios of the polymannose, the (-)-epigallocatechin gallate and the delipidated
rice bran is preferably 3.0 to 13.0 parts by weight of the polymannose, 0.1 to 5.0 parts by weight of the
(-)-epigallocatechin gallate, and 80.0 to 98.0 parts by weight of the delipidated rice bran, more
preferably 4.5 to 10.0 parts by weight of the polymannose, 0.25 to 2.5 parts by weight of the (-)epigallocatechin gallate, and 85.0 to 95.0 parts by weight of the delipidated rice bran, and most
preferably 5.5 to 8.0 parts by weight of the polymannose, 0.3 to 1.0 part by weight of the (-)epigallocatechin gallate, and 90.0 to 93.0 parts by weight of the delipidated rice bran.
[0036] The producibility improver for poultry of the present invention may be supplemented with an
auxiliary additive as necessary, in addition to the above-mentioned polymannose, polyphenol
compound and delipidated rice bran, as long as the auxiliary additive does not affect the effects of the
present invention.
[0037] The term "producibility-improving actions" of the producibility improver for poultry of the
present invention includes those given below, and the producibility improver of the present invention is
used for various applications accomplished by these producibility-improving actions for poultry.
[0038] (1) used for suppression of decrease in liveability, from the viewpoint of having suppressing
action in decrease in the liveability of laying hens (a ratio of a total number of laying hens at a given
breeding period to total number of laying hens at initiation of breeding);
[0039] (2) used for increase or improvement in at least any one of actions i) to v), from the viewpoints
of having i) an action of increase in each egg weight produced by laying hens (a total weight of shell
eggs/total number of eggs laid); ii) an action of increase in an amount of eggs produced per day (shell
egg weight per day per laying hen); iii) an action of increase in number of eggs produced (a total
number of eggs per day produced by laying hens bred); iv) an action of increase in a weight of
produced eggs (a total egg weight produced per day by laying hens bred); or v) an action of
improvement in the rate of egg production for laying hens (a ratio of a total number of eggs to a total
number of laying hens bred);
[0040] (3) used for suppression of decrease in Haugh unit, from the viewpoint of having a suppressing
action of decrease in Haugh unit of eggs produced by laying hens during the storage (for example, 1 to
4 weeks of storage at 2[deg.] to 10[deg.] C.);
[0041] (4) used for suppression of decrease in vitamin E content, from the viewpoint of having a
suppressing action of decrease in vitamin E content of eggs produced by laying hens during the storage
(for example, 1 to 4 weeks of storage at 2[deg.] to 10[deg.] C.);
[0042] (5) used for suppression of decrease in highly unsaturated fatty acid content, from the viewpoint
of having a suppressing action of decrease in highly unsaturated fatty acid content of eggs produced by
laying hens during the storage (for example, 1 to 4 weeks of storage at 20 to 10[deg.] C.);
[0043] (6) used for suppression of decrease in content, from the viewpoint of having a suppressing
action of decrease in content of a fatty acid selected from the group consisting of linoleic acid,
arachidonic acid, [alpha]-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid, DHA and EPA
in eggs produced by laying hens during the storage (for example, 1 to 4 weeks of storage at 20 to
10[deg.] C.);
[0044] (7) used for suppression of decrease in liveability, from the viewpoint of having a suppressing
action of decrease in liveability of edible chickens;
[0045] (8) used for improvements in a body weight gain and a weekly body weight gain, from the
viewpoint of having an action of improving a body weight gain of edible chickens, or improving a
weekly body weight gain of edible chickens;
[0046] (9) used for keeping freshness, from the viewpoint of keeping freshness of chicken meat
produced by edible chickens;
[0047] (10) used for suppression of at least any one action of i) to iii), from the viewpoints of having i)
a suppressing action of increase in K value of chicken meat of edible chickens; ii) a suppressing action
of increase in TBA value of chicken meat; and iii) a suppressing action of increase in POV value of
chicken meat; and
[0048] (11) used for lowering, from the viewpoint of having an action of lowering cholesterol content
of chicken meat produced by edible chickens.
[0049] Here, the term "Haugh unit" mentioned above refers to an index showing an extent of
deterioration of thick albumen and is defined as the numeral calculated using the equation:
[0050] Haugh unit=100 log(H-1.7W>;0.37;+7.6)
[0051] wherein H is a height (mm) of thick albumen; and W is an egg weight (g).
[0052] In addition, the highly unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) mentioned above includes fatty acids of
the [omega]-3 or [omega]-6 series having a carbon-carbon double bond, concretely including linoleic
acid, arachidonic acid, [alpha]-linolenic acid, icosapentaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid,
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
[0053] In the present invention, the expression "keeping freshness of chicken meat" refers to
suppression of an increase during storage in a numerical value, such as K value (ratio of inosine and
hypoxanthine content to the sum of ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, inosine and hypoxanthine contents in
chicken meat as expressed in percentage), VBN value (a total amount of volatile basic substances, such
as ammonia and trimethylamine, in chicken meat), TMA value (trimethylamine content in chicken
meat) and polyamine content (total amount of decarboxylated products of free amino acids, such as
putrescine, cadaverine, agmatine, histamine, tyramine, tryptamine and spermidine, in chicken meat),
metmyoglobin formation ratio (ratio of myoglobin oxidized to metmyoglobin in muscular tissue of
chicken meat), TBA value (ratio of fatty acids oxidized to fatty acids in chicken meat), POV value
(peroxide value: ratio of oil or fat oxidized in chicken meat), and bacterial cell count (number of
bacterial cells in chicken meat). In the present invention, it is preferable that at least one selected from
the group consisting of K value, TBA value and POV value is used as an index for keeping freshness of
chicken meat. Because the K value is most generally used as an index for freshness, it is more
preferable to use the K value as an index for keeping freshness of chicken meat.
[0054] 2. Method of Improving Producibility of the Present Invention
[0055] One of the great features of the method of improving producibility of the present invention
resides in the use of the producibility improver described above. In the present invention, the method is
suitable for the improvement of the producibility of poultry, especially laying hens and edible chickens.
According to the method of improving producibility of the present invention, various producibilityimproving effects are achieved by the poultry producibility-improving actions described above.
[0056] In the method of improving producibility of the present invention, in cases of laying hens, the
duration of addition of the producibility improver of the present invention to the feed is at least 4
months, preferably 8 months or more, and more preferably the entire breeding period, from the
viewpoint of full performance of the desired improving effect on producibility. Furthermore, although
the producibility improver of the present invention may be added to the feed for laying hens at any time
during the breeding period, its addition is preferably started at the time when laying hens are housed in
a poultry house. Therefore, in consideration of duration and tiring of feeding, the producibility
improver of the present invention is preferably added during a period of at least 4 months after laying
hens are housed in a poultry house, more preferably 8 months or more after laying hens are housed in a
poultry house, and especially preferably for a period from laying hen housing in a poultry house to
completion of breeding.
[0057]In the case of edible chickens, the duration of addition of the producibility improver of the
present invention to the feed is at least 2 weeks, preferably 1 month or more, more preferably 2 months
or more, and most preferably an entire breeding period, from the viewpoint of full performance of the
desired improving effect on producibility. Furthermore, the producibiity improver of the present
invention is preferably added to the feed for edible chickens during a period of at the latest 2 weeks
before completion of breeding to the time of completion of breeding, more preferably from at least 1
month before completion of breeding to the time of completion of breeding, and most preferably from
2 or more months before completion of breeding to the time of completion of breeding. Addition
timing of 2 weeks before completion of breeding to the time of completion of breeding is particularly
effective; the effect of addition can be improved, even when the duration of addition is constant by
including the addition period.
[0058] In the method of improving producibility of the present invention, the formulation amount of
each component may be selected as appropriate according to the purpose of formulation for improved
producibility. By formulating polymannose and the like in amounts very smaller than those of ordinary
feed additives, a poultry producibility-improving effect of the present invention can be obtained.
Specifically, preferable formulation ratios of each component formulated in the feed are as follows.
[0059] (i) As to the amount of the polymannose, the polymannose is added and supplied in a proportion
of preferably 0.005 to 0.1 parts by weight, more preferably 0.01 to 0.05 parts by weight, and most
preferably 0.015 to 0.03 parts by weight, based on 100 parts by weight of the supplying feed for
[0060] (ii) As to the amount of the polyphenol compound, the polyphenol compound is added and
supplied in a proportion of preferably 0.005 to 0.1 parts by weight, more preferably 0.01 to 0.05 parts
by weight, and most preferably 0.015 to 0.025 parts by weight, based on 100 parts by weight of the
supplying feed for poultry.
[0061] Especially, when a compound comprising (-)-epigallocatechin gallate as a main component is
formulated, the compound is added and supplied in a proportion of preferably 0.00001 to 0.02 parts by
weight, more preferably 0.00005 to 0.01 parts by weight, and most preferably 0.0005 to 0.005 parts by
[0062] (iii) As to the amount of the delipidated rice bran, the delipidated rice bran is added and
supplied in a proportion of preferably 0.05 to 0.5 parts by weight more preferably 0.1 to 0.4 parts by
weight, and most preferably 0.15 to 0.35 parts by weight, based on 100 parts by weight of the
supplying feed for poultry.
[0063] In addition, in the method of improving producibility of the present invention, the total
formulation amounts of the effective ingredients as the producibility improvers of the first to third
embodiments are as follows:
[0064] 1) the formulation amount of the producibility improver comprising the polymannose, which is
the first embodiment of the present invention, to the feed is such that the polymannose is preferably
0.005 to 0.1 parts by weight, more preferably 0.01 to 0.05 parts by weight, and most preferably 0.015
to 0.03 parts by weight, based on 100 parts by weight of the feed.
[0065] 2) the formulation amount of the producibility improver for poultry, the producibility improver
comprising the polymannose and the polyphenol compound, which is the second embodiment of the
present invention, to the feed s is such that the total amount of the two components mentioned above is
preferably 0.005 to 0.8 parts by weight, more preferably 0.015 to 0.5 parts by weight, and most
preferably 0.02 to 0.2 parts by weight, based on 100 parts by weight of the feed.
[0066] 3) the formulation amount of the producibility improver for poultry, the producibility improver
flirther comprising the delipidated rice bran in addition to the polymannose and the polyphenol
compound, which is the third embodiment of the present invention, to the feed is such that the total
amount of the three components mentioned above is preferably 0.05 to 0.5 parts by weight, more
preferably 0.1 to 0.4 parts by weight, and most preferably 0.15 to 0.35 parts by weight, based on 100
parts by weight of the feed.
[0067] The present invention will be described in firther detail on the basis of the following Examples
andthe like, but is not intended to be particularly limited only to Examples.
Example 1
[0068] Eight-hundred and thirty-seven parts of 0.1 M citric acid and 63 parts of 0.1 M sodium citrate
were added to 900 parts of water, to adjust the pH to 3.0. To this solution were added and mixed 1.0
part of [beta]-mannanase derived from a fungus of the genus Aspergillus (manufactured by Novo
Nordisk K.K., trade name: Viscozyne, 1000 units) and 100 parts of guar gum powder, and the resulting
mixture was reacted at 40[deg.] to 45[deg.] C. for 24 hours. After the termination of the reaction, the
enzyme was inactivated by heating the mixture at 90[deg.] C. for 15 minutes. Insoluble substances
were removed by filtration, and the resulting transparent solution was concentrated under reduced
pressure. The resulting concentrate (solid content: 20%) was spray-dried, to give 65 parts of a white
powder of a polygalactomannan.
[0069] In addition, the molecular weight distribution was determined by high performance liquid
chromatography (flow rate: 1.0 mmin, 40[deg.] C., eluent: 0.2 M BUS phosphate buffer (pH 6.9))
using G6000PW (manufactured by Tosoh Corporation). The content (%) of the polygalactomannan
having a molecular weight of from 1.8*10>;3 ;to 1.8*10>;5;, as calculated from the areal ratio, was
found to be 80.6%. In addition, the polygalactomannan was shown to contain 30.5%
polygalactomannan having mannose polymerization degree of from 30 to 40 units. Incidentally, in this
case, a linear dextrin of known degrees of glucose polymerization (glucose polymerization degree: 10,
100, 500, 1000) was used as a standard reagent for sugar chain unit.
Comparative Example 1 and Comparative Example 2
[0070] A polygalactomannan having a short, linear chain of mannose was prepared in the same manner
as in Example 1 except for changing only the reaction time to 48 hours (Comparative Example 1). The
molecular weight distribution of the resulting polygalactomannan was determined in the same manner
as in Example 1. The content (%) of the polygalactomannan, having a molecular weight of from
1.8*10>;3 ;to 1.8*10>;5;, as calculated from the areal ratio. was found to be 15.1%. In addition, the
polygalactomannan was shown to contain 2.3% polygalactomannan having mannose polymerization
degree of from 30 to 40 units, and 80% or more of the polymerization degrees of the mannose were
found to be within the range of from 2 to 20 units.
[0071] In addition, guar gum powder was used as Comparative Example 2.
[0072] Further, the viscosity and the dietary fiber content for each of the polygalactomannan obtained
in Example 1, the polygalactomannan obtained in Comparative Example 1, and the guar gum powder
of Comparative Example 2 were determined. The viscosity was determined by measuring the viscosity
of a 5% aqueous solution at 5[deg.] C. using a Brookfield viscometer, and the dietary fiber content was
determined by AOAC Official Methods. The results are shown in Table 1.
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;TABLE 1
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Example 1>;sep;Example 1>;sep;Example 2
>;tb;>;sep;Content (%) of those having a>;sep;80.6>;sep;15.1>;sep;3.4
>;tb;>;sep;molecular weight of from
>;tb;>;sep;1.8 * 10>;3 ;to 1.8 * 10>;5;
>;tb;>;sep;Content (%) of those having a>;sep;30.5>;sep; 2.3>;sep;0.03
>;tb;>;sep;polymerization degree of
>;tb;>;sep;from 30 to 40
>;tb;>;sep;Viscosity>;sep;13 cps>;sep;3 cps>;sep;100,000 cps
>;tb;>;sep;Dietary Fiber Content>;sep;75%>;sep;50%>;sep;75%
Example 2
[0073] About 500 liters of water was added to 100 kg of green tea, with agitation, and the miicte was
subjected to extraction at 80[deg.] C. for 3 hours. The extract obtained by filtering the residue was
spraydried, to give 35 kg of a polyphenol compound having 25% purity. The composition of the
ingredients of the resulting polyphenol compound was as follows: (+)catechin 1.4% by weight; (+)gallocatechin 5.8% by weight; (+)-gallocatechin gallate 4.5% by weight; (-)-epicatechin 2.7% by
weight; (-)-epicatechin gallate 1.8% by weight; (-)-epigallocatechin 5.8% by weight; and (-)epigallocatechin gallate 7.0% by weight.
Example 3
[0074] A 1.2 kg portion of the polyphenol compound obtained in Example 2 was partitioned with ethyl
acetate, to give 400 g of an ethyl acetate-soluble fraction. The fraction was sequentially subjected to
silica gel chromatography (flow rate: 100 cm/hr, 25[deg.] C., solvent: chloroform/methyl alcohol=20/1
or 10/1 (v/v)), Sephadex LH-20 (flow rate: 100 cm/hr, 25[deg.] C., solvent: methyl alcohol), and
recycle HPLC (flow rate: 3 ml/min, room temperature, LC-908, CS-320 column, manufactured by
Nippon Bunseki Kogyo, solvent: methyl alcohol), to thereby give each of the polyphenol compounds:
(+)-catechin 12 g; (+)-gallocatechin 48.8 g; (-)-gallocatechin gallate 36 g; (-)-epicatechin 20 g; (-)epicatechin gallate 15.2 g; (-)-epigallocatechin 48 g; and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate 60 g.
Example 4
[0075] Two-hundred Idlograms of extraction lees of rice bran oil produced during an extraction process
for rice bran oil was subjected to a desolvation treatment. Thereafter, the resulting desolvated product
was dried in a drum dryer, and cooled, to thereby give 180 kg of delipidated rice bran. The composition
of the ingredients of the resulting delipidated rice bran was as follows: water 12% by weight; coarse
proteins 17% by weight; coarse fiber 10% by weight; and ash content 11% by weight.
Example 5
[0076] Seven kilograms of the polygalactomannan obtained in Example 1 and 5 kg of the polyphenol
compound obtained in Example 2 were mixed with agitation in a mixer, to give 12 kg of a producibility
improver for poultry.
Example 6
[0077] Ten kilograms of the polygalactomannan obtained in Example 1 and 1 kg of (-)epigallocatechin gallate obtained in Example 3 were mixed with agitation in a mixer, to give 11 kg of a
producibility improver for poultry.
Example 7
[0078] Seven kilograms of the polygalactomannan obtained in Example 1, 5 kg of the polyphenol
compound obtained in Example 2 and 88 kg of the delipidated rice bran obtained in Example 4 were
mixed with agitation in a mixer, to give 100 kg of a producibility improver for poultry.
Example 8
[0079] The amount 7.5 kg of the polygalactomannan obtained in Example 1, 0.5 kg of (+)epigallocatechin gallate obtained in Example 3 and 92 kg of the delipidated rice bran obtained in
Example 4 were mixed with agitation in a mixer, to give 100 kg of a producibility improver for poultry.
Comparative Example 3
[0080] Seven kilograms of the polygalactomannan obtained in Comparative Example 1 and 5 kg of the
polyphenol compound obtained in Example 2 were mixed with agitation in a mixer, to give 12 kg of a
producibility improver for poultry.
Comparative Example 4
[0081] Seven kilograms of the gaar gum powder obtained in Comparative Example 2 and 5 kg of the
polyphenol compound obtained in Example 2 were mixed with agitation in a mixer, to give 12 kg of a
producibility improver for poultry.
Comparative Example 5
[0082] Seven kilograms of the polygalactomannan obtained in Comparative Example 1, 5 kg of the
polyphenol compound obtained in Example 2 and 88 kg of the delipidated rice bran obtained in
Example 4 were mixed with agitation in a mixer, to give 100 kg of a producibility improver for poultry.
Comparative Example 6
[0083] Seven kdlograms of the guar gum powder of Comparative Example 2, 5 kg of the polyphenol
compound obtained in Example 2 and 88 kg of the delipidated rice bran obtained in Example 4 were
mixed with agitation in a mixer, to give 100 kg of a producibility improver for poultry.
Comparative Example 7
[0084] Ten kilograms of the polygalactomannan obtained in Example 1 and 1 kg of (+)-catechin
obtained in Example 3 were mixed with agitation in a mixer, to give 11 kg of a producibility improver
for poultry.
Comparative Example 8
[0085] The amount 7.5 kg of the polygalactomainnan obtained in Example 1, 0.5 kg of (+)catechin
obtained in Example 3 and 92 kg of the delipidated rice bran obtained in Example 4 were mixed with
agitation in a mixer, to give 100 kg of a producibility improver for poultry.
Comparative Example 9
[0086] Eight kilograms of the polyphenol compound obtained in Example 2 and 92 kg of the
delipidated rice bran obtained in Example 4 were mixed with agitation in a mixer, to give 100 kg of a
producibility improver for poultry.
Test Example 1
[0087] White Leghorn laying hens at 121 days of age were housed in poultry houses of the windless
vertical 6-shelf cage type and bred therein for 1 year. Eighteen poultry houses A to R (30,000
hens/poultry house) were set, and a field test concerning improvement in producibility by laying hens
was carried out.
[0088] The laying hens were fed with a commercially available formula feed for laying hens, and
allowed to take water ad libitum. Table 2 shows the kinds of producibility improvers for poultry given
to the laying hens and the amounts thereof added to the feed during the entire breeding period.
[0089] As indices for the producibility, there were obtained a liveability, a rate of laying, each egg
weight and a weight of eggs produced per day, each item being at 4 months after initiation of the test,
and a total number of eggs produced and a total egg weight during the 4-month period from initiation
of the test. The same items were also determined at 8 and 12 months after initiation of the test. Table 3
shows a liveability, Table 4 a rate of egg production, Table 5 each egg weight, Table 6 a weight of eggs
produced per day, Table 7 the number of eggs produced and Table 8 a weight of produced eggs,
respectively. In the following tables, the indications "4M, 8M, 12M" stand for 4 months, 8 months, and
12 months after initiation of the test, respectively.
[0090] As shown in Tables 3 to 8, in the poultry houses A to E in comparison with the poultry houses
H to R, there were found suppression of decreases in the liveability and the rate of egg production, and
there were found increases in each egg weight, the weight of eggs produced per day, the number of
eggs produced, and the weight of produced eggs.
[0091] On the other hand, similar effects to that of the poultry house A were also found in the poultry
house F and the poultry house G, but the effects were not as great as that obtained in the poultry house
C or the poultry house E. Even when (+)-catechin was used in combination with the
polygalactomannan obtained in Example 1, only the effect of the polygalactomannan was exhibited,
and no combined effect was found. Similarly, even when (+)-catechin was used in combination with
the polygalactomannan obtained in Example 1 and the delipidated rice bran obtained in Example 4,
only the effect of the polygalactomannan was exhibited, and no combined effect was found. In
addition, it is evident from the results for the poultry houses H to J that the effects exhibited by using
each of a polyphenol compound, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate, or delipidated rice bran alone were
comparable to those obtained for the poultry house Q in which only an ordinary feed was given, and an
effect of addition of these additives was not found. In addition, it is evident from the Be results for the
poultry house R that an effect was not found when only the polyphenol compound and the delipidated
rice bran were used in combination.
[0092] Furthermore, after 4 months from initiation of the test, 20 eggs each were collected from each
poultry house. Haugh unit and vitamin E content were determined on the day of collection for 10 of the
eggs, and after 2 weeks of storage at 4[deg.] C. for the remaining 10 eggs, respectively. A change in the
Hauih units and a change in the vitamin E contents are shown in Tables 9 and 10, respectively. As
shown in Tables 9 and 10, in the poultry houses A to E in comparison with the poultry houses H to R, a
decrease in the Haugh unit and a decrease in the vitamin E content during egg storage were suppressed.
[0093] Also, similar effects to those of the poultry house A were found in the poultry house F and the
poultry house G, but the effects were not as great as that obtained in the poultry house C or the poultry
house E as described above, and no combined effect with (+)-catechin was found. In addition, no effect
was found for a case where the polyphenol compound, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate or the delipidated
rice bran was respectively used alone.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 2
for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained
in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in
>;tb;>;sep;House>;sep;Example 1>;sep;Example 2>;sep;Example 3>;sep;Example 4>;sep;Example
5>;sep;Example 6>;sep;Example 7>;sep;Example 8
>;tb;>;sep;I>;sep;>;sep;>;sep;1.40 * 10>;-3;%>;sep;
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;>;sep;>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver
for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;mannan of>;sep;Powder of>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained
in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in
>;tb;>;sep;House>;sep;Example 1>;sep;Example 2>;sep;Example 3>;sep;Example 4>;sep;Example
5>;sep;Example 6>;sep;Example 7>;sep;Example 8>;sep;Example 9
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 3
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (%)>;sep;8M (%)>;sep;12M (%)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 4
>;tb;>;sep;Rate of Egg Production
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (%)>;sep;8M (%)>;sep;12M (%)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 5
>;tb;>;sep;Each Egg Weight
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (g)>;sep;8M (g)>;sep;12M (g)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 6
>;tb;>;sep;Weight of Eggs Produced Per Day
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (g)>;sep;8M (g)>;sep;12M (g)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 7
>;tb;>;sep;Number of Eggs Produced
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (ct)>;sep;8M (ct)>;sep;12M (ct)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 8
>;tb;>;sep;Weight of Produced Eggs
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (kg)>;sep;8M (kg)>;sep;12M (kg)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 9
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Haugh Unit
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are a mean value for 5 eggs.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 10
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Vitamin E Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
Test Example 2
[0094] Isabrown laying hens were bred in poultry houses of the windless vertical 2-shelf cage type.
Seventeen poultry houses a to q (10,000 hens/poultry house) were set, and a field test concerning
suppression of a decrease in highly unsaturated fatty acid content during storage of eggs laid by laying
hens was carried out. Table 11 shows the kinds of producibility improvers for poultry of the present
invention given to the laying hens and the amounts thereof added to the feed during the entire breeding
period. In addition, the laying hens were fed with a feed prepared by adding 2 kg of a fish oil and 10 g
of vitamin E to 100 kg of a cormnercially available feed for laying hens. In addition, the laying hens
were allowed to take water ad libitum.
[0095] After 4 months from initiation of the test, 20 eggs each were collected from each poultry house.
DHA content and EPA content of the eggs, as indices for highly unsaturated fatty acid, were
determined on the day of collection for 10 of the eggs, and after 2 weeks of storage at 4[deg.] C. for the
remaining 10 eggs, respectively. Vitamin E content and Haugh unit were also determined. A change in
the DHA content, a change in the EPA content, a change in the vitamin E content, and a change in the
Haugh unit are shown in Tables 12, 13, 14 and 15, respectively.
[0096] As shown in Tables 12 and 13, in the poultry houses a to e in comparison with the poultry
houses h to q, decreases in the DHA content and in the EPA content, i.e., the highly unsaturated fatty
acid content, during egg storage were suppressed.
[0097] Further, as shown in Tables 14 and 15, in the poultry houses a to e in comparison with the
poultry houses h to q, a decrease in the vitamin E content and a decrease in Haugh unit during egg
storage were suppressed.
[0098] Also, similar effects to that of the poultry house a were found in the poultry house f and the
poultry house g, but the effects were not as great as that obtained in the poultry house c or the poultry
house e, and no combined effect with (+)catechin was found in this test, either. In addition, no effect
was found for a case where the polyphenol compound, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate or the delipidated
rice bran was respectively used alone.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 11
for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained
in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in
>;tb;>;sep;House>;sep;Example 1>;sep;Example 2>;sep;Example 3>;sep;Example 4>;sep;Example
5>;sep;Example 6>;sep;Example 7>;sep;Example 8
>;tb;>;sep;I>;sep;>;sep;>;sep;1.40 * 10>;-3;%
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;>;sep;>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver
for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;mannan of>;sep;Powder of>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained
in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in
>;tb;>;sep;House>;sep;Example 1>;sep;Example 2>;sep;Example 3>;sep;Example 4>;sep;Example
5>;sep;Example 6>;sep;Example 7>;sep;Example 8
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are the amount added to the feed.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 12
>;tb;>;sep;Change in DHA Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;b>;sep;1,494.2>;sep;1 489.2
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 13
>;tb;>;sep;Change in EPA Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 14
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Vitamin E Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 15
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Haugh Unit
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are a mean value for 5 eggs.
Test Example 3
[0099] White Cornish edible chickens were bred for 7 weeks from newly-hatched chickens. The
hatched chickens were divided into 17 groups, the groups AA to QQ of 200 chickens per group. Table
16 shows the kinds of the producibility improvers for poultry of the present invention and the amounts
thereof added to the feed. The edible chickens were fed with a commercially available formula feed for
edible chickens, and allowed to take feed and water ad libitum.
[0100] After breeding the edible chickens for 7 weeks, a liveability and a weekly body weight gain
were obtained by determining the numbers and the weights of the edible chickens. The liveability is
shown in Table 17 and the weekly body weight gain in Table 18, respectively. After breeding for
another 7 weeks, 5 edible chickens each from each poultry house were slaughtered, 50 g each of breast
meat, leg meat and chicken fat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and cholesterol contents were then
determined. In addition, 5 chickens each from each poultry house were pick up, and 50 g each of breast
meat and leg meat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and K values of the breast meat and the leg
meat after 10 days of storage at 4[deg.] C. were determined by using a kit for determining K value
manufactured by Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Furthermore, changes in the TBA value and in the
POV value of each of the breast meat, the leg meat and the chicken fat after storage were determined in
the same manner. The cholesterol content is shown in Table 19, the change in the K value after storage
in Table 20, the change in the TBA value after storage in Table 21, and the change in the POV value
after storage in Table 22, respectively.
[0101] As shown in Tables 17 and 18, in the groups AA to EE in comparison with the groups HH to
QQ, the decrease in the liveability was suppressed, and the weekly body weight gain was increased.
Furthermore, as shown in Table 19, in the groups AA to EE in comparison with the groups HH to QQ,
the cholesterol contents of breast meat, leg meat and chicken fat were decreased. In addition, in the
groups AA to EE in comparison with the groups HH to QQ, as shown in Table 20, increases in the K
values of breast meat and leg meat after 10 days of storage were suppressed. Furthermore, in the groups
AA to EE in comparison with the groups HH to QQ, as shown in Tables 21 and 22, increases in the
TBA value and the POV value of breast meat, leg meat and chicken fat were suppressed.
[0102] Also, similar effects to those of the group AA were also found in the group FF and the group
GG, but the effects were not as great as that obtained in the group CC or the group EE. In this test as
well, no combined effect with (+)-catechin was found. In addition, no effect was found for a case
where the to polyphenol compound, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate or the delipidated rice bran. was
respectively used alone.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 16
for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained
in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in
>;tb;>;sep;Group>;sep;Example 1>;sep;Example 2>;sep;Example 3>;sep;Example 4>;sep;Example
5>;sep;Example 6>;sep;Example 7>;sep;Example 8
>;tb;>;sep;II>;sep;>;sep;>;sep;1.40 * 10>;-3;%
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;>;sep;>;sep;Improver>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver
for>;sep;Improver for>;sep;Improver for
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Polygalacto->;sep;Guar Gum>;sep;for
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;mannan of>;sep;Powder of>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained
in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in>;sep;Obtained in
>;tb;>;sep;Group>;sep;Example 1>;sep;Example 2>;sep;Example 3>;sep;Example 4>;sep;Example
5>;sep;Example 6>;sep;Example 7>;sep;Example 8
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are the amount added to the feed.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 17
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 18
>;tb;>;sep;Weekly Body Weight Gain
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 19
>;tb;>;sep;Cholesterol Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of chicken meat or chicken
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 20>;sep;K Value of Chicken Meat after 10 Days of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 21
>;tb;>;sep;Change in TBA Value after 10 Days Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 22
>;tb;>;sep;Change in POV Value after 10 Days Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
Test Example 4
[0103] White Leghorn laying hens at 121 days of age were housed in poultry houses of the windowless
vertical 6-shelf cage type. A test was carried out for deterinming the effect of the producibility
improver of the present invention on the period of addition. A supplying feed was obtained by adding
the polygalactomannan obtained in Example 1 so as to be at 0.025% by weight and the polyphenol
compound obtained in Example 2 so as to be at 0.02% by weight to a commercially available formula
feed for laying hens.
[0104] Four poultry houses AAA to DDD (30,000 hens/poultry house) were set: the group fed with the
above-mentioned supplying feed for 4 months from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry
house was assigned Poultry House AAA; the group fed for 8 months was assigned Poultry House BBB;
the group fed for 12 months was assigned Poultry House CCC; and the group fed for 3 months was
assigned Poultry House DDD. Also, the laying hens were allowed to take water ad libitum. After the
termination of each period, the laying hens in each poultry house were fed with a commercially
available formula feed for laying hens.
[0105] As indices for producibility, there were determined a liveability, a rate of egg production, each
egg weight, a weight of eggs produced per day, a total number of eggs produced and a total weight of
produced eggs at 4, 8 and 12 months after the laying hens were housed in the poultry houses. The
results are shown in Tables 23 to 28.
[0106] It is shown in Tables 23 to 28 that excellent results were obtained for the poultry houses (AAA
to CCC) in which the producibility improver of the present invention was given for 4 months or more.
[0107] Furthermore, after 1 year of breeding the laying hens from the time of housing them in the
poultry houses, 20 eggs each were collected from each poultry house. Haugh unit and vitamin E
content were determined on the day of collection for 10 of the eggs, and after 2 weeks of storage at
4[deg.] C. for the remaining 10 eggs, respectively. The results are shown in Tables 29 and 30.
[0108] As shown in Tables 29 and 30, excellent results were obtained for the poultry houses (AAA to
CCC) in which the producibility improver of the present invention was given for 4 months or more.
[0109] It is suggested from these results that the longer the period of addition of the producibility
improver of the present invention is, the more enhanced are suppressive effects of decreases in the
liveability and the rate of egg production; effects of increasing each egg weight, the weight of eggs
produced per day, the number of eggs produced and the weight of produced eggs; and suppressive
effect of a decrease in the Haugh unit and suppressive effect of a decrease in the vitamin E content
during egg storage.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 23
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (%)>;sep;8M (%)>;sep;12M (%)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 24
>;tb;>;sep;Rate of Egg Production
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (%)>;sep;8M (%)>;sep;12M (%)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 25
>;tb;>;sep;Each Egg Weight
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (g)>;sep;8M (g)>;sep;12M (g)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 26
>;tb;>;sep;Weight of Eggs Produced Per Day
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (g)>;sep;8M (g)>;sep;12M (g)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 27
>;tb;>;sep;Number of Eggs Produced
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (ct)>;sep;8M (ct)>;sep;12M (ct)
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Numerical values are expressed in count.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 28
>;tb;>;sep;Weight of Produced Eggs
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (kg)>;sep;8M (kg)>;sep;12M (kg)
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Numerical values are expressed in kg.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 29
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Haugh Unit
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are a mean value for 5 eggs.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 30
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Vitamin E Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
Test Example 5
[0110] White Leghorn laying hens at 121 days of age were housed in poultry houses of the windowless
vertical 6-shelf cage type. A test was carred out for deterimining the effect of the producibility
improver of the present invention on the period of addition. A supplying feed was obtained by adding
the producibility improvers obtained in Example 7 so as to be at 0.25% by weight to a commercially
available formula feed for laying hens.
[0111] Four poultry houses EEE to HHH (30,000 hens/poultry house) were set: the group fed with the
above-mentioned supplying feed for 4 months from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry
house was assigned Poultry House EEE; the group fed for 8 months was assigned Poultry House FFF;
the group fed Ad for 12 months was assigned Poultry House GGG; and the group fed for 3 months was
assigned Poultry House HHH. Also, the laying hens were allowed to take water ad libitum. After the
termination of each period, the laying hens in each poultry house were fed with a commercially
available formula feed for laying hens.
[0112] As indices for producibility, there were determined a liveability, a rate of egg production, each
egg weight, a weight of eggs produced per day, a total number of eggs produced and a total weight of
produced eggs at 4, 8 and 12 months after the laying hens were housed in the poultry houses. The
results are shown in Tables 31 to 36.
[0113] It is shown in Tables 31 to 36 that excellent results were obtained for the poultry houses (EEE
to GGG) in which the producibility improver of the present invention was given for 4 months or more.
[0114] Furthermore, after 1 year of breeding the laying hens from the time of housing them in the
poultry houses, 20 eggs each were collected from each poultry house. Haugh unit and vitamin E
content were determined on the day of collection for 10 of the eggs, and after 2 weeks of storage at
4[deg.] C. for the remaining 10 eggs, respectively. The results are respectively shown in Tables 37 and
[0115] As shown in Tables 37 and 38, excellent results were obtained for the poultry houses (EEE to
GGG) in which the producibility improver of the present invention was given for 4 months or more.
[0116] It is suggested from these results that the longer the period of addition of the producibility
improver of the present invention is, the more enhanced are suppressive effects of decreases in the
liveability and the rate of egg production; effects of increasing each egg weight, the weight of eggs
produced per day, the number of eggs produced and the weight of produced eggs; and suppressive. tol
effect of a decrease in the Haugh unit and suppressive effect of a decrease in the vitamin E content
during egg storage.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 31
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (%)>;sep;8M (%)>;sep;12M (%)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 32
>;tb;>;sep;Rate of Egg Production
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (%)>;sep;8M (%)>;sep;12M (%)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 33
>;tb;>;sep;Each Egg Weight
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (g)>;sep;8M (g)>;sep;12M (g)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 34
>;tb;>;sep;Weight of Eggs Produced Per Day
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (g)>;sep;8M (g)>;sep;12M (g)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 35
>;tb;>;sep;Number of Eggs Produced
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (ct)>;sep;8M (ct)>;sep;12M (ct)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 36
>;tb;>;sep;Weight of Produced Eggs
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (kg)>;sep;8M (kg)>;sep;12M (kg)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 37
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Haugh Unit
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are a mean value for 5 eggs.
>;tb;>;sep; TABLE 38
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Vitamin E Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
Test Example 6
[0117] White Leghorn laying hens at 121 days of age were housed in poultry houses of the windowless
vertical 6-shelf cage type. A test was carried out for determining the effect of the producibility
improver of the present invention on timing of addition. A supplying feed was obtained by adding the
polygalactomannan obtained in Example 1 so as to be at 0.025% by weight and the polyphenol
compound obtained in Example 2 so as to be at 0.02% by weight to a commercially available formula
feed for laying hens.
[0118] Three poultry houses mII to KKK (30,000 hens/poultry house) were set: the group fed with the
above-mentioned supplying feed for 4 months from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry
house was assigned Poultry House m; the group fed for 4 months after 4 months of housing the laying
hens in the poultry house was assigned Poultry House JJJ; and the group fed for 4 months after 8
months of housing the laying hens in the poultry house was assigned Poultry House KKK. Also, the
laying hens were allowed to take water ad libitum. After the groups were fed with the above-mentioned
supplying feed for 4 months, the laying hens in each poultry house were fed with a commercially
available formula feed for laying hens.
[0119] As indices for producibility, there were determined a liveability, a rate of egg production, each
egg weight, a weight of eggs produced per day, a total number of eggs produced and a total weight of
produced eggs at 4, 8 and 12 months after the laying hens were housed in the poultry houses. The
results are shown in Tables 39 to 44.
[0120] As shown in Tables 39 to 44, more excellent results were obtained for the poultry house III in
which the producibility improver of the present invention was given from the time of housing the
laying hens in the poultry house, as compared with the other poultry houses.
[0121] Furthermore, after 1 year of breeding the laying hens from the time of housing them in the
poultry houses, 20 eggs each were collected from each poultry house. Haugh unit and vitamin E
content were determined on the day of collection for 10 of the eggs, and after 2 weeks of storage at
4[deg.] C. for the remaining 10 eggs, respectively. The results are respectively shown in Tables 45 and
[0122] As shown in Tables 45 and 46, more excellent results were obtained for the poultry house m in
which the producibility improver of the present invention was given from the time of housing the
laying hens in the poultry house, as compared with the other poultry houses.
[0123] It is suggested from these results that when the producibility improver of the present invention
is added from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry house, there are obtained suppressive
effects of decreases in the liveability and the rate of egg production; effects of increasing each egg
weight, the weight of eggs produced per day, the number of eggs produced and the weight of produced
eggs; and the suppressive effect of a decrease in the Haugh unit and suppressive effect of a decrease in
the vitamin E content during egg storage.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 39
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (%)>;sep;8M (%)>;sep;12M (%)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 40
>;tb;>;sep;Rate of Egg Production
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (%)>;sep;8M (%)>;sep;12M (%)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 41
>;tb;>;sep;Each Egg Weight
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (g)>;sep;8M (g)>;sep;12M (g)
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Numerical values are expressed in g.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 42
>;tb;>;sep;Weight of Eggs Produced Per Day
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (g)>;sep;8M (g)>;sep;12M (g)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 43
>;tb;>;sep;Number of Eggs Produced
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (ct)>;sep;8M (ct)>;sep;12M (ct)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 44
>;tb;>;sep;Weight of Produced Eggs
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (kg)>;sep;8M (kg)>;sep;12M (kg)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 45
>;tb;>;sep;Change Haugh Unit
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are a mean value for 5 eggs.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 46
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Vitamin E Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
Test ExampIe 7
[0124] White Leghorn laying hens at 121 days of age were housed in poultry houses of the windowless
vertical 6-shelf cage type. A test was carried out for determining the effect of the producibility
improver of the present invention on timing of addition. A supplying feed was obtained by adding the
producibility improver obtained in Example 7 so as to be at 0.25% by weight to a commercially
available formula feed for laying hens.
[0125] Three poultry houses LLL to NNN (30,000 hens/poultry house) were set: the group fed with the
above-mentioned supplying feed for 4 months from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry
house was assigned Poultry House LLL; the group fed for 4 months after 4 months of housing the
laying hens in the poultry house was assigned Poultry House MMM; and the group fed for 4 months
after 8 months of housing the laying hens in the poultry house was assigned Poultry House NNN. Also,
the laying hens were allowed to take water ad libitum. After the groups were fed for 4 months as
mentioned above, the laying hens in each poultry house were fed with a commercially available
formula feed for laying hens.
[0126] As indices for producibility, there were determined a liveability, a rate of egg production, each
egg weight, a weight of eggs produced per day, a total number of eggs produced and a total weight of
produced eggs at 4, 8 and 12 months after the laying hens were housed in the poultry houses. The
results are shown in Tables 47 to 52.
[0127] As shown in Tables 47 to 52, excellent results were obtained for the poultry house LLL in
which the producibility improver of the present invention was given from the time of housing the
laying hens in the poultry house, as compared with the other poultry houses.
[0128] Furthermore, after 1 year of breeding the laying hens from the time of housing them in the
poultry houses, 20 eggs each were collected from each poultry house. Haugh unit and vitamin E
content were determined on the day of collection for 10 of the eggs, and after 2 weeks of storage at
4[deg.] C. for the remaining 10 eggs, respectively. The change in Haugh unit is shown in Table 53, and
the change in the vitamin E content is shown in Table 54.
[0129] As shown in Tables 53 and 54, more excellent results were obtained for the poultry house LLL
in which the producibility improver of the present invention was given from the time of housing the
laying hens in the poultry house, as compared with the other poultry houses.
[0130] It is suggested from these results that when the producibility improver of the present invention
is added from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry house, there are obtained suppressive
effects of decreases in the liveability and the rate of egg production; effects of increasing each egg
weight, the weight of eggs produced per day, the number of eggs produced and the weight of produced
eggs; and suppressive effect of a decrease in the Haugh unit and suppressive effect of a decrease in the
vitamin E content during egg storage.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 47
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (%)>;sep;8M (%)>;sep;12M (%)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 48
>;tb;>;sep;Rate of Egg Production
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (%)>;sep;8M (%)>;sep;12M (%)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 49
>;tb;>;sep;Each Egg Weight
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (g)>;sep;8M (g)>;sep;12M (g)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 50
>;tb;>;sep;Weight of Eggs Produced Per Day
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (g)>;sep;8M (g)>;sep;12M (g)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 51
>;tb;>;sep;Number of Eggs Produced
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (ct)>;sep;8M (ct)>;sep;12M (ct)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 52
>;tb;>;sep;Weight of Produced Eggs
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;4M (kg)>;sep;8M (kg)>;sep;12M (kg)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 53
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Haugh Unit
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are a mean value for 5 eggs.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 54
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Vitamin E Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
Test Example 8
[0131] Isabrown laying hens were housed in poultry houses of the windowless vertical 2-shelf cage
type, and a field test concerning suppression of a decrease in a highly unsaturated fatty acid content
during egg storage and effects of a period of addition of the producibility improver of the present
invention on vitamin E content and Haugh unit was carried out.
[0132] A supplying feed was obtained by adding 0.025% by weight of the polygalactomannan obtained
in Example 1 and 0.02% by weight of the polyphenol compound obtained in Example 2 to a formula
feed, (a feed prepared by adding 2 kg of a fish oil and 10 g of vitamin E to 100 kg of a commercially
available feed for chicken raising).
[0133] Ah Four poultry houses aaa to ddd (10,000 hens/poultry house) were set: the group fed with the
above-mentioned supplying feed for 4 months from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry
house was assigned Poultry House ana; the group fed for 8 months was assigned Poultry House bbb;
the group fed for 12 months was assigned Poultry House ccc; and the group fed for 3 months was
assigned Poultry House ddd. Also, the laying hens were allowed to take water ad libitum. After the
termination of each period, the laying hens in each poultry house were fed with the above-mentioned
formula feed (a feed prepared by adding 2 kg of a fish oil and 10 g of vitamin E to 100 kg of a
commercially available feed for chicken raising).
[0134] After 1 year of breeding the laying hens from the time of housing them in the poultry houses, 20
eggs each were collected from each poultry house. DHA content and EPA content of the eggs, as
indices for a highly unsaturated fatty acid, were determined on the day of collection for 10 of the eggs,
and after 2 weeks of storage at 4[deg.] C. for the remaining 10 eggs, respectively. In addition, vitamin
E content and Haugh unit were determined in the same manner. The results are shown in Tables 55 to
[0135] As shown in Tables 55 to 58, excellent results were obtained for the poultry houses (aaa to ccc),
the groups of which were fed for 4 months or more.
[0136] It is suggested from these results that the longer the period of addition of the producibility
improver of the present invention is, the more enhanced are suppressive effects of decreases in the
DHA content and the EPA content, i.e., the highly unsatrrated fatty acid content during egg storage;
suppressive effect of a decrease in the vitamin E content; and suppressive effect of a decrease in the
Haugh unit.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 55
>;tb;>;sep;Change in DHA Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 56
>;tb;>;sep;Change in EPA Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;aaa>;sep;104.2>;sep; 96.1
>;tb;>;sep;bbb>;sep;103.9>;sep; 98.2
>;tb;>;sep;ddd>;sep;104.0>;sep; 83.2
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 57
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Vitamin E Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 58
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Haugh Unit
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are a mean value for 5 eggs.
Test Example 9
[0137] Isabrown laying hens were housed in poultry houses of the windowless vertical 2-shelf cage
type, and a field test concerning effect of a period of addition of the producibility improver of the
present invention on suppression of a decrease in a highly unsaturated fatty acid content during storage
of eggs laid by laying hens was carried out.
[0138] A supplying feed was obtained by adding the producibility improver obtained in Example 7 so
as to be at 0.25% by weight to a formula feed for laying hens (a feed prepared by adding 2 kg of a fish
oil and 10 g of vitamin E to 100 kg of a commercially available feed for chicken raising).
[0139] Four poultry houses eee to hhh (10,000 hens/poultry house) were set: the group fed with the
above-mentioned supplying feed for 4 months from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry
house was assigned Poultry House eee; the group fed for 8 months was assigned Poultry House fff the
group fed for 12 months was assigned Poultry House ggg; and the group fed for 3 months was assigned
Poultry House hhh. Also, the laying hens were allowed to take water ad libitum. After the termination
of each period, the laying hens in each poultry house were fed with the above-mentioned formula feed
(a feed prepared by adding 2 kg of a fish oil and 10 g of vitamin E to 100 kg of a commercially
available feed for chicken raising).
[0140] After 1 year of breeding the laying hens, 20 eggs each were collected from each poultry house.
DHA content and EPA content of the eggs, as indices for a highly unsaturated fatty acid, were
determined on the day of collection for 10 of the eggs, and after 2 weeks of storage at 4[deg.] C. for the
remaining 10 eggs, respectively. In addition, vitamin E content and Haugh unit were determined in the
same manner. The results are respectively shown in Tables 59 to 62.
[0141] As shown in Tables 59 to 62, excellent results were obtained for the poultry houses (eee to ggg),
the groups of which were fed for 4 months or more.
[0142] It is suggested from these results that the longer the period of addition of the producibility
improver of the present invention is, the more enhanced are suppressive effects of decreases in the
DHA content and the EPA content, i.e., the highly unsaturated fatty acid content during egg storage;
suppressive effect of a decrease in the vitamin E content; and suppressive effect of a decrease in the
Haugh unit.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 59
>;tb;>;sep;Change in DHA Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 60
>;tb;>;sep;Change in EPA Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;eee>;sep;104.2>;sep; 99.3
>;tb;>;sep;hhh>;sep;103.9>;sep; 83.0
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 61
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Vitamin E Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 62
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Haugh Unit
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are a mean value for 5 eggs.
Test Example 10
[0143] Isabrown laying hens were housed in poultry houses of the windowless vertical 2-shelf cage
type, and a field test concerning effect of timing of addition of the producibility improver of the present
invention on suppression of a decrease in a highly unsaturated fatty acid content during storage of eggs
laid by laying hens was carried out.
[0144] A supplying feed was obtained by adding the polygalactomannan obtained in Example 1 so as
to be at 0.025% by weight and the polyphenol compound obtained in Example 2 so as to be at 0.02%
by weight to a formula feed (a feed prepared by adding 2 kg of a fish oil and 10 g of vitamin E to 100
kg of a commercially available feed for chicken raising).
[0145] Three poultry houses iii to kkk (10,000 hens/poultry house) were set: the group fed with the
above-mentioned supplying feed for 4 months from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry
house was assigned Poultry House iii; the group fed for 4 months after 4 months of housing the laying
hens in the poultry house was assigned Poultry House jjj; and the group fed for 4 months after 8
months of housing the laying hens in the poultry house was assigned Poultry House kkk. Also, the
laying hens were allowed to take water ad libitum. After the termination of each period, the laying hens
in each poultry house were fed with the above-mentioned formula feed (a feed prepared by adding 2 kg
of a fish oil and 10 g of vitamin E to 100 kg of a commercially available feed for chicken raising).
[0146] After 4 months of giving a feed in which the producibility improver of the present invention
was added, 20 eggs each were collected from each poultry house. DHA content and EPA content of the
eggs, as indices for a highly unsaturated fatty acid, were determined on the day of collection for 10 of
the eggs, and after 2 weeks of storage at 4[deg.] C. for the remaining 10 eggs, respectively. In addition,
vitamin E content and Haugh unit were determined in the same manner. The results are shown in
Tables 63 to 66.
[0147] As shown in Tables 63 and 64, excellent results were obtained for the poultry house iii in which
the producibility improver of the present invention was given from the time of housing the laying hens
in the poultry house, as compared with the other poultry houses.
[0148] It is suggested from these results that when the producibility improver of the present invention
is added from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry house, there are obtained suppressive
effects of respective decreases in Inf the DHA content, the EPA content and the vitamin E content; and
suppressive effect of a decrease in the Haugh unit.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 63
>;tb;>;sep;Change in DHA Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 64
>;tb;>;sep;Change in EPA Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;jjj>;sep;103.0>;sep; 82.1
>;tb;>;sep;kkk>;sep;104.3>;sep; 83.5
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 65
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Vitamin E Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 66
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Haugh Unit
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are a mean value for 5 eggs.
Test Example 11
[0149] Isabrown laying hens were housed in poultry houses of the windowless vertical 2-shelf cage
type, and a field test concerning effect of timing of addition of the producibility improver of the present
invention on suppression of a decrease in a highly unsaturated fatty acid content during storage of eggs
laid by laying hens was carried out.
[0150] A supplying feed was obtained by adding 0.25% of the producibility improver obtained in
Example 7 to a formula feed for laying hens (a feed prepared by adding 2 kg of a fish oil and 10 g of
vitamin E to 100 kg of a commercially available feed for chicken raising).
[0151] Three poultry houses lll to nnn (10,000 hens/poultry house) were set: the group fed with the
above-mentioned supplying feed for 4 months from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry
house was assigned Poultry House lll; the group fed for 4 months after 4 months of housing the laying
hens in the poultry house was assigned Poultry House mmm; and the group fed for 4 months after 8
months of housing the laying hens in the poultry house was assigned Poultry House nnn. Also, the
laying hens were allowed to take water ad libitum. After the termination of each period, the laying hens
in each poultry house were fed with the above-mentioned formula feed (a feed prepared by adding 2 kg
of a fish oil and 10 g of vitamin E to 100 kg of a commercially available feed for chicken raising).
[0152] After 4 months from the time of adding the producibility improver of the present invention to
the feed, 20 eggs each were collected from each poultry house. DHA content and EPA content of the
eggs, as indices for a highly unsaturated fatty acid, were determined on the day of collection for 10 of
the eggs, and after 2 weeks of storage at 4[deg.] C. for the remaining 10 eggs, respectively. In addition,
vitamin E content and Haugh unit were determined in the same manner. The results are shown in
Tables 67 to 70.
[0153] As shown in Tables 67 to 70, excellent results were obtained for the poultry house lll in which
the producibility improver of the present invention was given from the time of housing the laying hens
in the poultry house, as compared with the other poultry houses.
[0154] It is suggested from these results that when the producibility improver of to the present
invention is added from the time of housing the laying hens in the poultry house, there are obtained
suppressive effects of respective decreases in the DHA content, the EPA content and the vitamin E
content; and suppressive effect of a decrease in the Haugh unit.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 67
>;tb;>;sep;Change in DHA Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 68
>;tb;>;sep;Change in EPA Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 69
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Vitamin E Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of egg yolk solution.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 70
>;tb;>;sep;Change in Haugh Unit
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Immediately After>;sep;After 2 Weeks
>;tb;>;sep;Poultry House>;sep;Egg Production>;sep;of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;The numerical values are a mean value for 5 eggs.
Test Example 12
[0155] White Cornish edible chickens were bred for 8 weeks from newly-hatched chickens and
marketed. The hatched chickens were divided into 4 groups, AAAA to DDDD at 200 chickens per
group, and a field test concerning the effect on the period of addition of the producibility improver of
the present invention was carried out. A supplying feed was obtained by adding the
polygalactomnannan obtained in Example 1 so as to be 0.025% by weight and the polyphenol
compound obtained in Example 2 so as to be 0.02% by weight to a commercially available formula
feed for edible chickens.
[0156] The period of addition was from 2 weeks before marketing to the time of marketing for group
AAAA, from 4 weeks before marketing to the time of marketing for group BBBB, from 8 weeks before
marketing to the time of marketing for group CCCC, and from 1 week before marketing to the time of
marketing for group DDDD. Also, the chickens were allowed to take feed and water ad libitum.
[0157] The number of edible chickens and the body weight at the time of marketing were determined to
obtain the liveability and weekly body weight gain. The results are shown in Tables 71 and 72.
[0158] Furthermore, at the time of marketing, 5 edible chickens were slaughtered from each group, 50
g each of breast meat, leg meat and chicken fat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and the cholesterol
contents were determined. In addition, at the time of marketing, 5 chickens were selected from each
group, 50 g each of breast meat and leg meat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and K values of the
breast meat and the leg meat were determined on the day they were cut out and after 10 days of storage
at 4[deg.] C., using a kit for determining K value manufactured by Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Furthermore, at the time of marketing, S chickens were selected from each group, 50 g each of breast
meat, leg meat and chicken fat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and change in TBA value and in
POV value of the breast meat, the leg meat and the chicken fat were also determined on the day they
were cut out and after 10 days of storage at 4[deg.] C. The results are shown in Tables 73 to 76.
[0159] As shown in Tables 71 to 76, excellent results were obtained for the poultry houses (AAAA to
CCCC) in which the producibility improver of the present invention was given 2 weeks or more before
[0160] It is suggested from these results that when the producibility improver of the present invention
is added 8 weeks before marketing, a suppressive effect of Ad ridecrease in liveability, an effect of
increase in weekly body weight gain, an effect of decrease in cholesterol content, and a suppressive
effect of increase in K value, and suppressive effects of increases in ThA value and in POV value are
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 71
>;tb;>;sep; TABLE 72
>;tb;>;sep;Weekly Body Weight Gain
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Numerical values were obtained by the expression of [(Body weight after 8 weeks of
breeding) - (Body weight at initiation of breeding)]/8.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 73
>;tb;>;sep;Cholesterol Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of chicken meat or chicken
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 74
>;tb;>;sep;K Value of Chicken Meat after 10 Days of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 75
>;tb;>;sep;Change in TBA Value after 10 Days Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 76
>;tb;>;sep;Change in POV Value after 10 Days Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
Test Exampe 13
[0161] White Cornish edible chickens were bred for 8 weeks from newly-hatched chickens and
marketed. The hatched chickens were divided into 4 groups, EEEE to HHHH at 200 chickens per
group, and a field test concerning the effect on the period of addition of the producibility improver of
the present invention was carried out. A supplying feed was obtained by adding the producibility
improver obtained in Example 7 so as to be at 0.25% by weight to a commercially available formula
feed for edible chickens.
[0162] The period of addition was from 2 weeks before marketing to the time of marketing for group
EEEE, from 4 weeks before marketing to the time of marketing for group FFFF, from 8 weeks before
marketing to the time of marketing for group GGGG, and from 1 week before marketing to the time of
marketing for group HHHH. Also, the chickens were allowed to take feed and water ad libitum. After
the termination of each period, the chickens in each poultry house were fed with a commercially
available formula feed for edible chickens.
[0163] The number of edible chickens and the body weight at the time of marketing were determined to
obtain the liveability and weekly body weight gain The results are shown in Tables 77 and 78.
[0164] Furthermore, at the time of marketing, 5 edible chickens were slaughtered from each group, 50
g each of breast meat, leg meat and chicken fat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and the cholesterol
contents were determined. In addition, at the time of marketing, 5 chickens were selected from each
group, 50 g each of breast meat and leg meat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and K values of the
breast meat and the leg meat were determined on the day they were cut out and after 10 days of storage
at 4[deg.] C., using a kit for determining K value manufactured by Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Furthermore, at the time of marketing, 5 chickens were selected from each group, 50 g each of breast
meat, leg meat and chicken fat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and change in TBA value and in
POV value of the breast meat, the leg meat and the chicken fat were also determined on the day they
were cut out and after 10 days of storage at 4[deg.] C. The results are shown in Tables 79 to 82.
[0165] As shown in Tables 77 to 82, excellent results were obtained for the poultry houses (EEE to
GGGG) in which the producibility improver of the present invention was given 2 weeks or more before
[0166] It is suggested from these results that when the producibility improver of the present invention
is added from 8 weeks before marketing to the time of marketing, a suppressive effect of decrease in
liveability, an effect of increase in weekly body weight gain, an effect of decrease in cholesterol
content, and a suppressive effect of increase in K value, and suppressive effects of increases in TBA
value and in POV value are obtained.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 77
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 78
>;tb;>;sep;Weekly Body Weight Gain
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Numerical values were obtained by the expression of [(Body weight after 8 weeks of
breeding) - (Body weight at initiation of breeding)]/8.(end of table)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 79
>;tb;>;sep;Cholesterol Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of chicken meat or chicken
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 80
>;tb;>;sep;K Value of Chicken Meat after 10 Days of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 81
>;tb;>;sep;Change in TBA Value after 10 Days Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 82
>;tb;>;sep;Change in POV Value after 10 Days Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
Test Example 14
[0167] White Cornish edible chickens were bred for 8 weeks from newly-hatched chickens and
marketed. The hatched chickens were divided into 3 groups, IIII to KKKK at 200 chickens per group,
and a field test concerning timing of addition of the producibility improver of the present invention was
carried out. A supplying feed was obtained by adding 0.025% of the polygalactomannan obtained in
Example 1 and 0.02% of the polyphenol compound obtained in Example 2 to a commercially available
formula feed for edible chickens.
[0168] The timing of addition was a period of 2 weeks, from 2 weeks before marketing to the time of
marketing for group HU11; a period of 2 weeks, from 4 weeks before marketing for group JJJJ; and a
period of 2 weeks, from 8 weeks before marketing for group KKKK. Also, the chickens were allowed
to take feed and water ad libitum. Afler the termination of each period, the chickensin each poultry
house were fed with a commercially available formula feed for edible chickens.
[0169] The number of edible chickens and the body weight at the time of marketing were determined to
obtain the liveability and weekly body weight gain. The results are shown in Tables 83 and 84.
[0170] Furthermore, at the time of marketing, 5 edible chickens were slaughtered from each group, 50
g each of breast meat, leg meat and chicken fat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and the cholesterol
contents were determined. In addition, at the time of marketing, 5 chickens were selected from each
group, 50 g each of breast meat and leg meat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and K values of the
breast meat and the leg meat were determined on the day they were cut out and after 10 days of storage
at 4[deg.] C., using a kit for determining K value manufactured by Daichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Furthermore, at the time of marketing, 5 chickens were selected from each group, 50 g each of breast
meat, leg meat and chicken fat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and change in TBA value and in
POV value of the breast meat, the leg meat and the chicken fat were also determined on the day they
were cut out and after 10 days of storage at 4[deg.] C. The results are shown in Tables 85 to 88.
[0171] As shown in Tables 83 to 88, more excellent results were obtained for the group IIII in which
the producibility improver of the present invention was given for 2 weeks from 2 weeks before
marketing to the time of marketing.
[0172] It is suggested from these results that when the timing of adding the producibility improver of
the present invention is 2 weeks before marketing, a suppressive effect of decrease in liveability, an
effect of increase in weekly body weight gain, an effect of decrease in cholesterol content, and a
suppressive effect of increase in K value, and suppressive effects of increases in TBA value and in
POV value are furter obtained.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 83
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 84
>;tb;>;sep;Weekly Body Weight Gain
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Numerical values were obtained by the expression of [(Body weight after 8 weeks of
breeding) - (Body weight at initiation of breeding)]/8.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 85
>;tb;>;sep;Cholesterol Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of chicken meat or chicken
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 86
>;tb;>;sep;K Value of Chicken Meat after 10 Days of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 87
>;tb;>;sep;Change in TBA Value after 10 Days Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 88
>;tb;>;sep;Change in POV Value after 10 Days Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
Test Example 15
[0173] White Cornish edible chickens were bred for 8 weeks from newly-hatched chickens and
marketed. The hatched chickens were divided into 3 groups, LLLL to NNNN at 200 chickens per
group, and a field test concerning the effect of the producibility improver of the present invention on
timing of addition was carried out. A supplying feed was obtained by adding the producibility improver
obtained in Example 7 so as to be at 0.25% by weight to a commercially available formula feed for
edible chickens.
[0174] The timing of addition was a period of 2 weeks, from 2 weeks before marketing to the time of
marketing for group LLLL; a period of 2 weeks, from 4 weeks before marketing for group MMMM;
and a period of 2 weeks, from 8 weeks before marketing for group NNNN. Also, the chickens were
allowed to take feed and water ad libitum. After the termination of each period, the chickens in each
poultry house were fed with a commercially available formula feed for edible chickens.
[0175] The number of edible chickens and the body weight at the time of marketing were determined to
obtain the liveability and weekly body weight gain The results are shown in Tables 89 and 90.
[0176] Furthermore, at the time of marketing, 5 edible chickens were slaughtered from each group, 50
g each of breast meat, leg meat and chicken fat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and the cholesterol
contents were determined. In addition, at the time of marketing, 5 chickens were selected from each
group, 50 g each of breast meat and leg meat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and K values of the
breast meat and the leg meat were determined on the day they were cut out and after 10 days of storage
at 4[deg.] C., using a Idt for determining K value manufactured by Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
[0177] In addition, at the time of marketing, 5 chickens were selected from each group, 50 g each of
breast meat, leg meat and chicken fat were cut out at 2 pieces per chicken, and change in TBA value
and in POV value of the breast meat, the leg meat and the chicken fat were also determined on the day
they were cut out and after 10 days of storage at 4[deg.] C. The results are shown in Tables 91 to 94.
[0178] As shown in Tables 89 to 94, more excellent results were obtained for the group in which the
producibility improver of the present invention was given for 2 weeks ftom 2 weeks before marketing
to the time of marketing.
[0179] It is suggested from these results that when the tiing of adding the producibility improver of the
present invention is 8 weeks before marketing, a in suppressive effect of decrease in liveability, an
effect of increase in weekly body weight gain, an effect of decrease in cholesterol content, and a
suppressive effect of increase in K value, and suppressive effects of increases in TBA value and in
POV value are further obtained.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 89
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 90
>;tb;>;sep;Weekly Body Weight Gain
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Numerical values were obtained by the expression of [(Body weight after 8 weeks of
breeding) - (Body weight at initiation of breeding)]/8.
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 91
>;tb;>;sep;Cholesterol Content
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;The numerical values are expressed in mg based on 100 g of chicken meat or chicken
fat.(end of table)
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 92
>;tb;>;sep;K Value of Chicken Meat after 10 Days of Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 93
>;tb;>;sep;Change in TBA Value after 10 Days Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
>;tb;>;sep;TABLE 94
>;tb;>;sep;Change in POV Value after 10 Days Storage
>;tb;>;sep;>;sep;Group>;sep;Breast Meat>;sep;Leg Meat>;sep;Chicken Fat
[0180] The producibility improver for poultry of the present invention has excellent characteristics that
the producibility for poultry can be improved at very low costs, without making any new equipment
investments, by breeding poultry by adding the producibility improver to the feed. In addition,
according to the method of improving producibility for poultry using the producibility improver for
poultry of the present invention, there is exhibited an excellent effect that the producibility for poultry
can be improved at very low cost, without making any new equipment investments. The polymannose
used in the present invention has a mannose residue. It is elucidated in Poultry Science, Vol. 68, 13571360 (1989) that a monosaccharide mannose exhibits an effect of hindering the colony formation of
Salmolella typhimurium. From these findings, the polymannose used in the present invention having a
mannose residue can be expected to have an effect of suppression in Salmolella infection for laying
hens and edible chickens in addition to the effects mentioned above.Data supplied from the esp@cenet
database - Worldwide
Claims of US6706291
What is claimed is:
[0181] 1. A productivity improver for poultry, comprising:(i) a polymannose having a molecular
weight distribution in which a polymannose having the molecular weights ranging from 1.8*10>;3 ;to
1.8*10>;5 ;accounts for 70% or more, the polymannose having a viscosity of 130 cps or less at 5[deg.]
C. in a 5% by weight aqueous solution as determined by Brookfield viscometer, (ii) a polyphenol
compound; and (iii) a delipidated rice bran.
[0182] 2. The productivity improver according to claim 1, wherein the polymannose contains a
polymannose having a degree of polymerization of 30 to 40 in an amount of 25% or more.
[0183] 3. The productivity improver according to claim 1, wherein the polymannose is a
[0184] 4. The productivity improver according to claim 3, wherein the polygalactomannan is an
enzymatically degraded product of a substance selected from the group consisting of guar gum, locust
bean gum and tara gum.
[0185] 5. The productivity improver according to claim 1, wherein the polyphenol compound is
obtainable from a hydrothermally extracted fraction of a plant of the camellia family.
[0186] 6. The productivity improver according to claim 5, wherein the plant of the camellia family is
[0187] 7. The productivity improver according to claim 1, wherein the polyphenol compound is
obtainable from a hydrothermally extracted fraction of green tea.
[0188] 8. The productivity improver according to claim 1, wherein the polyphenol compound is at least
one compound selected from the group consisting of (+)-catechin, (+)-gallocatechin, (-)-gallocatechin
gallate, epicatechin, (-)-epicatechin gallate, (-)-epigallocatechin, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate, free
teaflavin, teaflavin monogallate A, teaflavin monogallate B, and teaflavin digallate.
[0189] 9. The productivity improver according to claim 8, wherein the polyphenol compound
comprises (-)-epigallocatechin gallate.
[0190] 10. A method of improving productivity for hens that lay eggs or edible chicken, which
comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to hens that lay eggs or to edible chicken.
[0191] 11. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, wherein the life span of hens
that lay eggs is increased.
[0192] 12. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, which is for at least any one
of i) increasing in each egg the weight of eggs produced by hens that lay eggs; ii) increasing in an
amount of eggs produced per day; iii) increasing in number of eggs produced; iv) increasing the weight
of produced eggs; and v) improving the rate of egg production for hens that lay eggs.
[0193] 13. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, wherein decrease in Haugh
unit of eggs produced by hens that lay eggs is suppressed during storage.
[0194] 14. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, wherein decrease in vitamin E
content of eggs produced by hens that lay eggs is suppressed during storage.
[0195] 15. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, wherein decrease in highly
unsaturated fatty acid content of eggs produced by hens that lay eggs is suppressed during the storage.
[0196] 16. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, wherein decrease in content of
a fatty acid selected from the group consisting of linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, [alpha]-linolenic acid,
eicosapentaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid, DHA and EPA in eggs produced by hens that lay eggs is
suppressed during the storage.
[0197] 17. The method of improving productivity according to claim 15, wherein the eggs are produced
from a hen that lays eggs reared with a feed which allows for an increased amount of a highly
unsaturated fatty acid in the eggs.
[0198] 18. The method of improving productivity according to claim 16, wherein the eggs are produced
from a hen that lays eggs reared with a feed which allows for an increased amount of a fatty acid
selected from the group consisting of linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, [alpha]-linolenic acid,
eicosapentaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid, DHA and EPA in the eggs.
[0199] 19. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, wherein the life span of edible
chickens is increased.
[0200] 20. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, wherein a body weight gain of
edible chick/ens is improved, or a weekly body weight gain of edible chickens is improved.
[0201] 21. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, wherein freshness of chicken
meat produced by edible chickens is maintained.
[0202] 22. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, which is for at least one of i)
suppression of increase in K value of chicken meat of edible chickens; ii) suppression of increase in
TBA value of chicken meat; and iii) suppression of increase in POV value of chicken meat.
[0203] 23. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, wherein cholesterol content of
chicken meat produced by edible chickens is reduced.
[0204] 24. The method of improving productivity according to any one of claims 11 to 18, which
comprises supplying the productivity improver of claim 1 to hens that lay eggs for at least 4 months
after the hens are housed in a poultry house.
[0205] 25. The method of improving productivity according to any one of claims 19 to 23, which
comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to edible chickens no later than 2 weeks before
completion of rearing to the time of completion of rearing.
[0206] 26. The method of improving productivity according to claim 10, which comprises feeding a
mixture prepared by formulating a polymannose in an amount of 0.005 to 0.1 parts by weight and a
polyphenol compound in an amount of 0.005 to 0.1 parts by weight, and optionally 0.05 to 0.5 parts by
weight of delipidated rice bran thereto, based on 100 parts by weight of the mixture.
[0207] 27. A method for increasing the life span of hens that lay eggs, which comprises feeding the
productivity improver of claim 1 to said hens.
[0208] 28. A method for increasing the weight of an egg produced by hens that lay eggs, which
comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to said hens.
[0209] 29. A method for increasing the number of eggs produced per day by hens that lay eggs, which
comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to said hens.
[0210] 30. A method for increasing the rate of egg production by hens that lay eggs, which comprises
feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to said hens.
[0211] 31. A method for preventing a decrease in Haugh unit in eggs during storage of the eggs which
are produced by hens that lay eggs, which comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to
said hens.
[0212] 32. A method for preventing a decrease of vitamin E content in eggs during storage of the eggs
which are produced by hens that lay eggs, which comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim
1 to said hens.
[0213] 33. A method for preventing a decrease in the content of highly unsaturated fatty acid in eggs
during storage of the eggs which are produced by hens that lay eggs, which comprises feeding the
productivity improver of claim 1 to said hens.
[0214] 34. A method for preventing a decrease in the content of fatty acid in eggs during storage of the
eggs which are produced by hens that lay eggs, the fatty acid being selected from the group consisting
of linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, [alpha]-linlenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, docosapentaenoic acid,
DHA and EPA, which comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to said hens.
[0215] 35. A method for preventing a decrease in the life-span of edible chickens, which comprises
feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to edible chickens.
[0216] 36. A method for improving the body weight gain of edible chickens or improving the weekly
body weight gain of edible chickens, which comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to
said edible chickens.
[0217] 37. A method for maintaining the freshness of chicken meat produced by edible chickens, which
comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to said edible chickens.
[0218] 38. A method for preventing an increase in the K value of chicken meat of edible chickens,
which comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to said edible chickens.
[0219] 39. A method for preventing an increase in the TBA value of chicken meat of edible chickens,
which comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to said edible chickens.
[0220] 40. A method for preventing an increase in the POV value of chicken meat of edible chickens,
which comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to said edible chickens.
[0221] 41. A method for decreasing the cholesterol content of chicken meat produced by edible
chickens, which comprises feeding the productivity improver of claim 1 to said edible chickens.Data
supplied from the esp@cenet database - Worldwide
50. WO2004014145
- 2/19/2004
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K
IP Class:A23K1/00; A23K1/18; A23K1/16; A23K1/165
E Class: A23K1/14C; A23K1/16; A23K1/18S
Application Number:
WO2003JP09773 (20030801)
Priority Number: JP20020232501 (20020809)
Family: WO2004014145
CA2494945; AU2003252452
Cited Document(s):
WO9939589; EP0729708
Abstract of WO2004014145
It is intended to provide a useful animal feed material capable of enhancing the digestibility of a
vegetable protein material, which is valuable as an alternative protein source for animal protein
materials, and an animal feed produced using the same. A vegetable protein material containing a
hardly digestible carbohydrate such as soybean, defatted soybean cake, wheat, corn gluten meal, rice
bran, defatted rice bran, processed bran, rapeseed oil cake, cottonseed oil cake or potato protein is
treated with krill or an endoenzyme of krill to thereby partially digest the hardly digestible
carbohydrate. Thus, a feed material having an enhanced digestibility is provided. Also, an animal feed
with the use of the feed material is provided.
51. WO2004056198
- 7/8/2004
IP Class 4 Digits: A23K; A23L
IP Class:A23K1/18; A23L1/0522; A23L1/0534
E Class: A23K1/18N; A23K1/14C; A23L1/0522; A23K1/18N6; A23K1/16L; A23K1/18N4;
A23L1/0534; A23L1/308A; A23L1/308B
Application Number:
WO2002GB05913 (20021223)
Priority Number: WO2002GB05913 (20021223)
Family: WO2004056198
EP1589828; AU2002368480
Cited Document(s):
WO9844932; WO0053030; XP002251873; XP009015869; XP008017281;
XP009015863; XP002072351
Abstract of WO2004056198
The present invention relates to a foodstuff comprising a source of rice starch, a non-fermentable fibre
and a bulk forming fermentable fibre and, in particular, its use in improving or maintaining the
gastrointestinal health of a dog.Description:
Description of WO2004056198
>;Desc/Clms Page number 1;
Food For Gastrointestinal Health
The present invention relates to a foodstuff comprising a source of rice starch, a non-fermentable fibre
and a bulk forming fermentable fibre and its use in improving or maintaining the gastrointestinal health
of a dog. The invention further relates to a method of improving the gastrointestinal health of a dog.
It has been observed that a proportion of the dog population exhibit non-specific dietary sensitivity on a
range of foodstuffs. This dietary sensitivity can manifest as a variety of clinical symptoms such as
vomiting, diarrhoea, skin disease, respiratory disorders and disorders of the central nervous system.
The causes or dietary drivers of this dietary sensitivity remain elusive. However, common reported
allergens in dogs include cow's milk, beef, mutton, pork, chicken, rabbit, horse, some fish, eggs,
oatmeal, corn, wheat, soy, rice, potatoes and kidney beans.
Non-specific diet sensitivity is observed with all diets, however it is particularly associated with dogs
fed on wet (moisture of 70 to 90%) or semi-wet (moisture of 15 to 70%) foodstuffs. The conventional
solution to such non-specific diet sensitivity is to provide the dog with a"sensitive"product usually in
the form of a dry diet. However, such a solution is not appropriate or desirable for all dogs.
In addition, while a wet diet may exacerbate non-specific dietary sensitivity, sensitivity can also be
associated with dry diets. Non-specific dietary sensitivity involves factors such as stress, activity levels
and dietary components.
>;Desc/Clms Page number 2;
The present invention provides a foodstuff, in particular a wet or semi-wet foodstuff, which can be
used to improve and/or treat the symptoms of canine non-specific dietary sensitivity. This foodstuff
will allow dogs suffering from non-specific dietary sensitivity to be fed on a wet or semi-wet diet. This
will avoid the problems associated with changing a dogs diet from a wet to a dry diet. In addition, the
provision of a wet or semi-wet foodstuff provides more choice and flexibility to the owner.
A first aspect of the present invention provides a foodstuff comprising a source of rice starch, a source
of non-fermentable fibre and a source of bulk forming fermentable fibre. For the purposes of this
invention, the foodstuff may have a moisture content of from 15 to 90% and is preferably wet
(moisture content of 70 to 90%) or semi wet (moisture content of from 15 to 70%).
The foodstuff of the first aspect contains a source of rice starch. The source of the rice starch is not
limiting. It can be provided, for example, as rice (either whole or broken grains), ground rice or rice
flour. The foodstuff further provides a source of non-fermentable fibre. The source of non-fermentable
fibre is not limiting. It may be one or more of cellulose, wheat bran, oat bran or barley bran. The
foodstuff further contains a source of a bulk forming fermentable fibre. For the purpose of this
invention, bulk forming fibres improve faecal bulk thereby improving transit and laxation. The source
of the bulk forming fibre is not limiting. Preferably, the bulk forming fermentable fibre is one or more
of sugar beet pulp, coconut endosperm fibre, chicory pulp, citrus pulp, carob bean or gum talha.
>;Desc/Clms Page number 3;
In a preferred feature of the invention, a foodstuff is provided comprising rice starch, sugar beet pulp
(as a source of bulk forming fermentable fibre) and cellulose (as a source of non-fermentable fibre).
The sugar beet pulp is provided at a level of approximately 5% to approximately 0.1% weight/dry
weight, preferably, approximately 3% to approximately 0.5%, more preferably at a level of
approximately 1.6% or above. Cellulose is provided at a level of 5% to 0. 1% weight/dry weight,
preferably, approximately 2% to approximately 0.5%, more preferably at a level of approximately 0.
8% or above. Rice starch is provided at a level of approximately 5% to approximately 0.1% weight/dry
weight, preferably approximately 3% to approximately 0. 5%, more preferably at a level of
approximately 1.6% or above.
The levels of fibre in a foodstuff can be analysed using the Englyst method (as defined in Englyst H. N.
, and Cumming J. H. (1984), Simplified method for the measurement of total non-starch
polysaccharides by gas-liquid chromatography of constituent sugars as alditol acetates. Analyst.109,
937-942, and incorporated herein by reference). A description of the Englyst method is described in
Appendix 1. In principle, starch is removed enzymatically after solubilisation and NSP is measured as
the sum of the constituent sugars released by acid hydrolysis. The starch component of the fibre source
is gelatinised by boiling in hot water and is then removed with alph-amylase and pullulanase. Starch
and modified, or resistant starch are dispersed inDMSO. Three samples are then subjected to
complementary procedures measuring(I) total NSP (ii) water- soluble NSP and (iii) cellulose.
Components are hydrolysed in each case with sulphuric acid. The constituent sugars are converted to
alditols and are measured as their alditol acetates using gas-liquid chromatography (GLC).
Values for total dietary fibre as well as insoluble and soluble fractions can be
>;Desc/Clms Page number 4;
obtained. Cellulose can be measured separately and the non-cellulose polysaccharides are
characterised by measurement of the individual monosaccharides.
The level of fibre in any particular fibre source can be determined by identifying the amount of fibre
therein and comparing the level of fibre provided with that provided by the cellulose or sugar beet pulp
as discussed above. The amount of a particular fibre source to add to a foodstuff can then be
When the foodstuff of the first aspect of the invention is provided as a snack or treat, the levels of bulk
forming fermentable fibre, non-fermentable fibre and rice starch can be decreased. For example, a
snack food may be provided with approximately 0. 8% rice starch or above, approximately 0.4 %
cellulose or above and approximately 0.8% sugar beet pulp or above.
In a preferred feature of the first aspect, the combined levels of non-fermentable fibre and bulk forming
fermentable fibre does not exceed approximately 8% w/w, preferably the combined level does not
exceed approximately 5%w/w.
The foodstuff according to the present invention encompasses any product that a pet consumes in its
diet. Thus, the invention covers standard food products as well as pet food snacks (for example, snack
bars, biscuits and sweet products- Preferably, these snackfoods are wet or semi-wet products such as
co-extruded pet treats described in EP0647410 or W099/47000. The foodstuff is preferably a cooked
product. It may incorporate meat or animal derived material (such as beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, fish,
blood plasma, marrow bone etc or one or more
>;Desc/Clms Page number 5;
thereof). The product alternatively may be meat free (preferably including a meat substitute such as
soya, maize gluten or a soya product) in order to provide a protein source. The product may contain
additional protein sources such as soya protein concentrate, milk proteins, gluten etc. The product may
also contain an additional starch source (in addition to the source of rice starch) such as one or more
grains (e. g. corn, rice, oats, barley etc).
The foodstuff of the present invention may preferable be provided as a liquid supplement. The
supplement may be provided as an accompaniment with food or may be added to a conventional
foodstuff. Alternatively, the supplement may be provided before or after the conventional foodstuff.
The supplement may further be added to a drink such as milk or water.
The foodstuff is preferably packaged. In this way, the consumer is able to identify, from the packaging,
the ingredients in the foodstuff or food supplement and confirm that it is suitable for the particular pet
in question. The packaging may be metal (usually in the form of a tin or flexifoil), plastic, paper or
card. The amount of moisture in any product may influence the type of packaging, which can be used
or is required.
According to the present invention, dogs are any canine animal, in particular the domestic or pet dog,
Canis domesticus.
The second aspect of the invention relates to a process for the manufacture of a foodstuff of the first
aspect of the invention. The process comprises admixing a source of rice starch, a non-fermentable
fibre and a bulk forming fermentable fibre. The foodstuff can be made according to any method known
the art such
>;Desc/Clms Page number 6;
as in Waltham Book of Dog and Cat Nutrition, Ed. ATB Edney, Chapter by A.
Rainbird, entitled"A Balanced Diet"in pages 57 to 74 Pergamon Press Oxford.
All preferred features of the first aspect also apply to the second.
The third aspect of the invention relates to a foodstuff of the first aspect for use in improving and/or
maintaining the gastrointestinal health of a dog. Improving and/or maintaining the gastrointestinal
health of an animal is a long held aim in the art, particularly in dogs suffering from non-specific dietary
sensitivity. The ability to maintain and/or improve gastrointestinal tract health can be beneficial to pet
owners because it has an impact on their pet's overall health.
A dog with non-specific dietary sensitivity has sub-optimal intestinal health.
This increases the risk of the dog developing viral or bacterial infections and compromises its longterm health. The foodstuff of the invention is preferably provided for improving and/or maintaining the
gastrointestinal health of a dog with a canine non-specific dietary sensitivity.
The inventors have previously showed that dogs with a non-specific dietary sensitivity exhibit impaired
water and electrolyte absorption. Furthermore, a dog with non-specific dietary sensitivity also exhibits
a rapid whole gut transit time. These colonic abnormalities result in poor faeces. In addition, dogs with
non-specific dietary sensitivity have diarrhoea and sub-optimal intestinal health.
Without being bound by scientific theory, the foodstuff of the first aspect is believed to drive
absorption and regulate whole gut transit time in dogs with non-specific dietary sensitivity. This leads
to an improvement in the gastrointestinal health of these dogs.
>;Desc/Clms Page number 7;
By improving the gastrointestinal health of the animal, the invention seeks to promote and maintain
good quality faeces in pet animals. Good faeces quality is of two-fold importance. Firstly, it is a good
indicator of a healthy pet. It is known that good faeces quality usually reflects healthy colonic structure
and function. Secondly, it is a much-favoured practicality for pet-owners. The invention therefore
provides a foodstuff of the first aspect for improving and/or maintaining faeces quality in a dog.
Improving and/or maintaining gut health includes: improving and/or maintaining the gut motility of a
dog. The foodstuff of the first aspect improves whole gut transit time in a dog with non-specific dietary
sensitivity; improving and/or maintaining the absorption of electrolytes and colonic water in the
gastrointestinal tract of a dog. This improves faeces quality and prevents and/or reduces diarrhoea in a
dog with non-specific dietary sensitivity.
By improving the gastrointestinal health of a dog, the gastrointestinal tract is able to operate more
efficiently, leading to further improvements in the overall health of the dog.
It has been found that the foodstuff of the first aspect of the invention comprising a source of rice
starch, a source of non-fermentable fibre and a source of bulk forming fermentable fibre is more
efficient and effective than a foodstuff containing one or a combination of two of the components. It is
therefore submitted that the components, a source of rice starch, a source of non-fermentable fibre and
a source of bulk forming fermentable fibre interact to provide a synergistic result. The foodstuff
therefore provides improved benefits to a dog with non-specific dietary sensitivity.
>;Desc/Clms Page number 8;
The foodstuff of the third aspect can be administered to a dog in place of its conventional food. The
foodstuff can be administered alone or in combination with a dry food or snack. Preferably, the
foodstuff of the invention is administered to the dog daily, more preferably twice daily. Where the
foodstuff is administered as a snack or treat, the foodstuff is administered to the dog one or more times
a day, for example up to five times