Winford Parish Council serving Felton, Regil and Winford Date

Winford Parish Council
serving Felton, Regil and Winford
Monday 10 September 2012
7.00 pm
Councillors Present:
Margaret Murphy
Peter Longden
Simon Banks
Len Curry
Alan Sage
Also present:
Cllr Hugh Gregor (NSC)
Paul Roberts (RFO)
6 members of the public
PC Ray Bradley
Venue: Felton Village Hall, Felton
Paul Hatherell (Chair)
Peter Etheridge (Vice Chair)
Karen Bye
Gill Patch
James Webster
Glenis Shiner (Clerk)
Graham Quick, NSC
PCSO Michele Barrett
Minutes of the previous meeting: matters arising
The draft minutes of the meeting on 6 August were approved and signed by the Chair as a true
Matters arising (reference to August minutes)
7 (f) HG would contact NSC to ascertain if collection could be made on normal collection days and
where a bin could be obtained.
Action: HG
Crime and Disorder
There had been 4 reported incidents in August in Winford Parish: 1 dwelling burglary, 1 sexual assault
following a party, 1 fraud, 1 non dwelling burglary. In all four cases the police have been unable to
identify the offenders.
Residents are reminded not to leave their cars unlocked as this will not only make it easy for criminals
but will almost certainly invalidate insurance.
Thanks were given to WPC for their generous donation towards the Police Cadet scheme. Recruiting
will take place from 3rd to 23rd September. Further details are available on the Avon and Somerset
Police website.
Open Forum
Mr and Mrs Rodgman expressed concern with regard to the lack of signage warning HGVs that Upper
Strode Road is unsuitable and the bad state of the roads and the bridge in that area.
Mr and Mrs Cutland expressed concern with regard to the state of the road in the area of Upper
Strode, Lower Strode and The Street.
Mr Jones expressed concern with regard to Kingston Lane (end of Winford Heights to Barrow Lane)
People are walking in the middle of the road as the footpath is overgrown with vegetation.
Mr Parsons expressed concern with regard to the road conditions in Felton Lane.
Highways and Footpaths
Overall the overgrowth of vegetation this year had been phenomenal. There were particular
difficulties with accessing the footpath at Birds Farm, Kingdown and it was agreed that Adrian
Woollacott, NSC, should be asked to contact the owner to discuss a solution to this problem.
Action: Clerk
WPC requested JW to continue to communications relating to the PC Guide to Public Rights of Way.
Action: JW
JW distributed photographs showing 2 bridges in the area needing repair at a cost of £400. It was
agreed that this work should proceed and that there should be a separate maintenance budget set for
next year.
Action: JW/PR
It was agreed to establish whose responsibility it is to maintain bridges on footpaths that cross
Action: JW
NSC would be contacted regarding the overgrown vegetation blocking the footpath in Kingston Lane.
Action: Clerk
Mike Herbert, NSC, had sent out requests for up to date quotations for work to Market Place Steps
and would notify WPC when these had been received and the total estimated cost (including road
closures and project supervision).
John Painter, NSC, had met with District Cllr Hugh Gregor to observe the difficulties experienced in
the centre of Winford. As a result John Painter had written proposing that the installation of speed
platforms would be a way of controlling the speed of traffic in the centre of Winford and provide a
crossing point for pedestrians. It was agreed to proceed with this suggestion.
Action: Clerk
A letter had also been received from Judy Kiernan on behalf of the Wenfre Parish Plan Action Group
expressing concern with regard to traffic and pedestrian difficulties in the centre of Winford. The
Clerk would update the group with the proposed developments.
Action: Clerk
WPC were informed that NSC were investigating the siting of the Bung Inn sign.
The rubbish that had been in Gravel Hill has all been collected.
Flooding in Barrow Lane was considered to be due to a blocked drain, which needed to be thoroughly
cleared. As there are many drainage/flooding/road repair issues in the parish, WPC asked that HG
request NSC Highways’ Engineer, Pepe Sanjoro to spend half a day in the parish in order to see at first
hand the magnitude of the problem.
Action: HG
(Graham Quick, NSC, arrived at 7.50 pm)
A report on the self-seeded tree in Winford had been presented by the Tree Warden. It was agreed
that this problem was not the responsibility of WPC and the owners of properties bordering the tree
would be asked to find a solution that pleased all parties.
Action: Clerk
It was agreed that Pepe Sanjoro should also be asked to observe the problems experienced in Regil on
his site visit to the parish.
Action: HG/SB
NSC would be asked to put early warning signs for HGV’s near Walnut Tree Farm, Regil. It was
suggested that a sign signifying “Danger – Narrow bridge ahead” would be suitable wording.
Action: Clerk
Previous applications
Consent had been refused for:
12/P/1105/F Erection of double detached garage 5 Stanshalls Lane
Consent had been granted to:
12/P/1124/0 Land between 17 and 19 Felton.
12/P/0444/F Meadows Cattery, 1 Dial Lane, Felton
New applications
12/P/1440/LDE Wedlake Fuels, Felton Common, Winford, BS40 9YN
Certificate of Lawful use for storage, preparation, sale and distribution of solid fuel and bottled gas.
No comment would be made until it could be established if the applicants had easement across the
NSC had informed WPC that Yew Tree Cottage was the subject of investigation.
01/P2107/F NSC had confirmed that the appeal against an enforcement notice regarding the use of
Ash Lodge and Hazel Lodge, Redding Pit Lane, as residential accommodation had been dismissed by
the Inspector. The landowners have 6 months in which to comply with the enforcement notice and
return the properties to use as holiday accommodation.
Parish Property
There are 5 vacant plots at the Felton site. Advertisements had been placed on all the local
noticeboards and two enquiries had been received as a result of these. One plot holder had
requested an alternative plot and it was agreed to consent to this.
Action: Clerk
There is concern with regard to the Bristol Water connection charge. It was agreed that HG and
PE would visit Head Office to try to negotiate a reduction as the construction of the allotments
was a scheme for the benefit of the community.
Action: HG/PE
A request had been received from one of the Felton plot holders (whose house adjoins the
allotment) to remove part of his boundary wall to erect a gateway for access. It was agreed to
write stating that WPC would grant concessionary access to be applied for annually. In the first
instance this will be granted until 1 January 2013 to align with the date of the annual rent
Action: Clerk
NSC to be contacted to report on progress of consideration of double yellow lines and police
parking space in the approach road to Felton allotments.
Action: Clerk
The chair proposed that WPC employ the services of a suitably qualified person to investigate and
explain the complexities of the relationship between the Commoners and WPC and to identify an
appropriate and effective way forward e.g. A management committee made up of Commoners and
members of WPC.
GP seconded this proposal and there was unanimous agreement to proceed.
Action: Chair
PL reported an incidence of anti-social behaviour on “the Barrows”. Any ideas to prevent future
occurrences would be very welcome.
It was agreed to leave the 1 Geocache on the common.
Action: Clerk
WPC had been informed that the Woodland Trust would be donating 60 trees in commemoration of
the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee year. Unfortunately it was thought that the proposed site was
unsuitable for clearance and preparation by volunteers. Carni Tipton had obtained two contractors’
quotes but WPC had not expected any associated costs with this project. It was agreed to suggest
that the Community Payback Scheme be approached for assistance in this matter.
Action: Clerk
WPC suggested that perhaps a local resident could be found to cut the grass at the junction of Regil
Lane/Chew Road.
Action: Clerk
Web site
Details of the Affordable Housing Scheme are now on the website. This will form part of the ERHA
consultation exercise. The group will meet to discuss improvements to the website
Action: Clerk
PL commented on the very good work that the Parish Councils’ Airport Association (PCAA) undertake
on behalf of Parish Councils to understand and explain the detail of Government and airport policy
documentation etc.
Flying Green is a regular newsletter received from the Aviation Environment Federation produced as a
response to the Government’s draft aviation policy. Both this national body and the PCAA are
considering noise levels; not just overhead noise but also the impact on the environment where it is
considered that transport infrastructure requires improvement.
Money received:Precept (2nd instalment)
Western Power (wayleave)
Allotment rent
Invoices received:Branching Out – grass cutting
Chew Valley Gazette
Regil Village Hall – grant request
H Gregor – paint for Felton allotments
North Somerset – footpath furniture
OCS – dog bin emptying
Clerk – stationery etc
AED Locator – defibrillator batteries
RD Heal – Felton allotment preparation work
It was agreed that these invoices should be paid. Payment to Bristol Water for a connection to Felton
allotments would be deferred pending discussions about the level of charge requested. Forms
relating to weighed compost had been received from Colin Patch and would be submitted to North
Somerset, and an invoice for work he had done at the compost site clarified.
PL volunteered to enter into discussion with regard to the defibrillator maintenance scheme.
Action: PL
Jubilee mugs were now being sold.
Action: MM
Past Meetings
MM & GP had met with NSC and ERHA to discuss findings from the recent NSC survey with regard to
Affordable Housing. There had been a 30% response which included a great demand for smaller
homes (2/3 bedrooms). There will be a complete report at next month’s WPC meeting.
Action: Clerk
Future meetings
NRCN meeting 12 September, 6.00 pm, Winford Cricket Club.
Other correspondence
Items received would be distributed for councillors’ attention.
Information and items for next Agenda
The next council meeting will be held on
Monday 1 October 2012, 7.00 pm,
at Felton Village Hall