DN24, DN24B

Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project,
the execution details and reference material
for the assignment of the bypass routes ŞTEI and ALEŞD
Activity [i]:
Ştei-Beiuş Bypass
MAY 2010
Task [ii]:
Bypass Stei
Technical Project and Execution Details
Page 1 of 16
Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the
execution details and reference material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI
Document approval page
Name of the document:
Technical Project And Execution Details
Issue no.:
Issuance date:
May 21, 2010
Handed by
Project Manager
Task [i]:
Bypass Stei
May 2010
Technical Project and Execution Details
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
1. GENERAL DATA ..............................................................................................................4
Name of the investment object ..................................................................................4
Titular holder of the investment .................................................................................4
Main authorising officer: ............................................................................................4
Beneficiary of the investment .....................................................................................4
Editor of the study ....................................................................................................4
Entity responsible with implementing the project .........................................................4
2. GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE PROJECT .........................................................4
Investment opportunity and present situation..............................................................4
Present situation .......................................................................................................5
Geology of the region ................................................................................................5
Climate ....................................................................................................................6
Seismic parameters of the emplacement .....................................................................7
Technical data of the investment ................................................................................8
Area and emplacement .............................................................................................8
Juridical status of the field to be occupied...................................................................8
Field studies .............................................................................................................9 Topographical studies................................................................................................9 Geotechnical study .................................................................................................. 11
3. PROJECTED WORK........................................................................................................ 13
Identification of the existent networks and installations .............................................. 13
Projects of relocation / protection of the technical town networks................................16
Technical regulations………........................................................................................46
Health and safety at work regulations ....................................................................... 48
Effects on the environment……………........................................................................ 49
4. ESTIMATED COSTS OF THE INVESTMENT ...................................................................... 50
Total value with detailing on the structure of the object estimate ................................ 50
Task [i]:
Bypass Stei
Technical Project and Execution Details
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
1.1. Name of the investment object
„Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution
details and reference material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI si ALESD” –
The present documentation deals with the Activity [i] – Stei Bypass of the contract.
The projected works are on the administrative territory of the Bihor county, precisely in the
incidence of Stei.
Stei, Rieni and Beius city is emplaced in the South side of Bihor county.
This locality is crossed by DN76(E79) ( Deva – Oradea) and next to Stey , from DN76 (E79)
detach DN 75 wich connect DN 76 (E79) .with Turda City.
Titular holder of the investment
The Romanian National Company of Motorways and National Roads (CNADNR).
Address: Dinicu Golescu Bld, No. 38, Sector 1, Bucharest, Postal code 010873, Romania
Main authorising oficer:
Beneficiary of the investment
The Romanian National Company of Motorways and National Roads (CNADNR).
Address: Dinicu Golescu Bld, No. 38, Sector 1, Bucharest, Postal code 010873, Romania
Editor of the study
Address: Ecaterina Teodoroiu Street, No 43d, Campina, postal code 105600, Romania
Entity responsible with implementing the project
The Romanian National Company of Motorways and National Roads
through he Direction of projects externally financed
Investment opportunity and present situation
The bypass route considered will be firstly executed in order to facilitate the transit traffic. As a
consequence, the main objective is not that of permitting faster travelling from one side of the city
to the other. To this effect, the bypass will be distinguished from other bypasses addressed to
local traffic.
The main advantage of a bypass route is the increased speed of the transit traffic. This advantage
results from using a segment of a national road, with the respective legal and medium speed,
instead of an urban segment. Also, the travel costs are reduced for the traffic which transits the
cities, which, at the moment, represents major suffocations of the traffic for passengers as well as
for transportation of goods. Last, but not least, the safety conditions of the traffic are visibly
Task [i]:
Bypass Stei
Technical Project and Execution Details
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
By realising this bypass , the following are expected:
 Excluding heavy traffic from localities;
 Increasing the circulation capacity, by increasing traffic fluency;
 Decongestion of the traffic in localities;
 Increasing comfort for the traffic participants;
 Increasing the traffic safety;
 Reduction in the number of accidents;
 Improving the cities environment through the reduction of the noxes and sound pollution.
Present situation
The localities Stei, Rieni si Beiusare emplaced in the Bihor County, in the South of the county.
These localities are crossed by DN76 (E79) (Deva – Oradea), and near Stei, DN75 detaches from
DN76 (E79), and connects DN76 (E79) with Turda.
Geology of the region
From a structural point of view, the Stey bypass is part of the great unit of the Pannonic
Depression. This is situated in the Western Apuseni Mountains and the neogene basins. The
foundation is made of crystalline rocks which support mezozoic and neozoic formations.
In the studied area there are neogene formations and quaternary deposits.
The neogene formations are represented by:
-Inferior Volhynian-Bassarabian (vh+bs1) – represented by conglomerates, , marine sandy
sandstones, limestones.
-Pannonian – is represented by a monotonous sequence of sands which alternate with sandy clay.
Quaternary deposits are represented by:
-Inferior Holocene (qh1). The river Crisu Negru formed a low terrace whose deposits were
attributed to the inferior Holocen by sands and gravel.
The tectonic assembly emplacement of the unit Pannonic Depression is the totalled result of more
tectogenetic phases. The sinking of the part from the Romanian territory started in the Mezozoic
and continued in the Paleogene; The installation of sea waters is almost general in the Miocene,
except for some islands from Tortonian.
The geological evolution of the region is characterised during the Sarmatian, by a considerable
widening of the seawaters, and is perfected during the Pannonian, when sediments of
considerable thickness, up to thousands of meters thickness, were deposited.
During the Quaternary, the region worked as an area of subsidence, which is concluded from the
understanding of the present water network, with many meanders and swampy surfaces.
From a geomorphologic point of view, the studied area belongs to the Oradea-Vad-Borod
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Bypass Stei
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
The Oradea-Vad-Borod Depression is affected by an inchoate to strong and excessive erosion. He
excessive erosion forms are, yet, reduced, especially in the small areas, situated North from
Borod, in some places at the right of the Cris and in some basins which drain to Barcau.
From a hydrographical point of view, the studied area is very rich, throughout Bihor county there
comes to proeminence as a surface stream the river Crisul Negru.
Crisul Negru acrorss the depression Beius, with oll his aflunets on right site – Crisu Pietros, Valea
Rosie and Sighisel
In the studied area there will be found:
- clay soils
- brown forest soils
- podzolic brown forest soils (weak and average)
- alluvial soils
From the point of view of the territorial climate, the studied area is situated in a sector with a
moderate continental climate, with a topoclimatic hill floor.
From the point of view of the atmospheric precipitations, the studied area has average annual
values between 800-1000mm, during June (the rainiest month) being registered values between
90-100 mm, while in February (the draughtiest month), being registered values between 30-40
mm. The average number of days with cloudy sky in the morning (the average annual turbidity) is
5-6/10 (less than 5-6 days out of 10), the average duration of sunshine being of 1750-2000 hours
per year.
The average temperature of January is -3oC and -0oC. The average temperature of July is between
20o and 23oC. Air temperature (average multiannual values) is 10oC and 11oc. From the point of
view of the average frequency of tropical days, the studied area is situated in the intermediary
region (10-30 tropical days). The average frequency of winter days, in which the maximum
temperature is under 0oC is of 30-40 days.
Freezing depth
According to STAS 6054-77: “Heaving ground. Maximum freezing depth. Zonation of the
Romanian territory”, maximum freezing depth is of 70-80 cm.
According to STAS 1709/1-90: “Maximum freezing depth. Zonation of the Romanian territory”,
the studied area is situated in climatic type II, with the humidity index Im =0...20. The
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
freezing index for rigid road systems is Imax30 = 600 o C x days, while for non-rigid road
systems (heavy and very heavy traffic) is Imed3/30 = 450-500o C x days.
The first day of freezing appears between 1-21 October, and the last day of freezing is registered
between 11 April and 1 May. The number of days with soil covered in snow is over 50 days. The
average annual thickness of the snow layer on the soil is of over 60 cm.
In order to verify and dimension the bridges, the maximum debits under the aspect of size and
emergence frequency are of interest. The hydrologic study was realised in case there was no data
in direct observation, the method used being the geographical interpolation of the characteristics
of the hydrologic regime, called the method of hydrogeologic analogy, based on the law of
geographical zonality.
Seismic parameters of the emplacement
Seismic zonation of the territory
According to the technical regulation “Seismic projection code – Part 1 – Projection regulations for
buildings” index P 100-1/2006, the distribution of field acceleration for projecting, for seismic
events having an average recurrence interval IMR = 100 years, has a value ag = 0.08 g.
The top value of the acceleration for the vertical component of the field movement avg is
computed as:avg = 0.7 ag
The control period Tc of the answer spectrum represents the border of maximum values in the
spectrum of absolute accelerations and the area of maximum values in the relative speeds
spectrum. For the studied area, the control period has the value Tc=0.7 sec.
Classification in areas of natural risk
The classification in areas of natural risk, at a macro-zone level, of the area where the studied
area is, will be made in accordance to Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei: Law no. 575/November 2001:
Law regarding the approval of the development plan of the national territory – Section V: natural
risk areas.
Risk is a mathematic forecast of the probability of human losses and material losses on a future
reference period, in a given area for a certain kid of disaster. The risk factors considered are:
earthquakes, floods and landfalls.
earthquakes: the area of seismic intensity on MSK scale is 6, with a recurrence period of
approx. 100 years;
floods: the studied area is classified in areas with precipitations quantities between 150
and 200 mm in 24 hours, with areas affected by floods because of flooding from a water stream
and the drains on torrents;
landfalls: the studied area is classified in areas with high potential of landfalls possibility
and the type of produced landfalls is reactivated.
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
Technical data of the investment
Area and emplacement
Following the field tour and consulting the local authorities, the project implementing unit and the
studies of maps and the digital model of the field, the Feasibility Study showed the following
The route detaches from DN76 (E79) at kilometer 101+100 and goes on the right side of DN76
(E79) continuing until kilometre 120+019 where it crosses DN76 (E79) and continue its track on
the left side of DN76 (E79) until kilometre 124+940 where it comes back to DN76 (E79).
Between kilometre 10 and kilometre 19 the bypass goes through the villages Tiganestii de Beius,
Belejeni, Sebis on the right and Draganesti on the left, realising an adjacency to the present track
of DN76.
The transversal profile of the bypass Stei will have the platform width of 10 m, from which:
Roadway with two lanes (one lane on each way) -– 2 x 3,50 m = 7,00 m
Road verges – 2 x 1,50 m = 3,00 m
The detailed path of the bypass is as follows:
After the detachment from DN76 (E79), the track goes on the right side of the national road,
crosses a hill, and then crosses DN75 which connects DN76 (E79) to Turda. Next, the track bypasses on the left side the locality Seghiste crossing DC256, crosses Seghiste Creek, then crosses
a hill region on the most accessible lane. Near Rieni the road crosses Valea Neagra Creek and
intersects DC254. After this crossroad the track continues North, by-passes Rieni on the right,
intersects Craiasa Creek, DJ763 and DC248 between the villages Sebis and Buntesti.
Next, the track by-passes the localities Belejeni and Tiganestii de Beius to the East, going at the
foot of Belejeni hill ; past Livada Beiusului the track turns left, crossing DN76 (E79) and going on
the left side of DN76 (E79). After intersecting DN76 (E79) the track crosses the River Crisu Negru
and DC231 and then, by a curve to the right, continues its way parallel to the national road. Next
the track intersects a railway and the river Crisul Negru and then, by a curve to the right, it goes
approximately perpendicular to return to DN76 (E79).
The length of the bypass is of 27,230 km.
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Bypass Stei
Technical Project and Execution Details
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
Identification of the existent networks and installations
Realizing the road characteristics forecasted to be executed inside this project may lead to
movement work and protection of the existent networks and installations.
For this purpose, along with the network holders from the road area, it is realized a preliminary
identification of the networks. This list must not be considered definitive.
For this, the necessary projects must be elaborated in all phases, including the execution details,
according to the specifications of each network holder in particular.
On their basis there have been set the final quantities of works to be done.
On the basis of the projects previously mentioned the necessary approvals and notes will be
obtained, during the execution period, the Entrepreneur having the obligation to insure the
specialty assistance from the holder of the respective unit.
The new designed objectives are according to NTE 003/04/00 Art.161 a) national interest
roads (including bridges and culverts as well as systematized traffic rings) which are realized
outside localities, on generally new tracks, arranged at superior vertical levels compared to
the natural ground in the area.
The approaches and the crossroads according to the kilometers in the sudy regarding the
tracks of these new roads are as follows:
- area Beiuş : km 15+ 300-700 of the road
- area Ştei : km 0+880-1+600 of the road
Air electric lines (AEL) de 110 kV affected :
- area Beiuş : LEA 110kV d.c. Vaşcău – Beiuş + Sudrigiu – Oradea Sud
- area Ştei : LEA 110kV d.c. Vaşcău – Ştei
3.2 Technical characteristics related to the air electric lines of 110 kV in the area
The air electric lines (AEL) of 110 kV affected are executed with two thriphase circuits (d.c.)
each, realized with active conductors of aluminum -steel of 185/32 mmp (each) and a single
protection conductor, type:
- Steel (OL) 50 mmp in Beiuş area
- Steel-Aluminum (Ol-Al) 95/55 mmp in Ştei area.
Due to the fact that, currently, this line is spread on usual fields tracks, they are realized for
keeping ground gauges of minimum 6,0m and generally, without protection and increased safety
Considering the apparition of new roads in the areas of safety and protection of the
above lines, it results that, in compliance with the provisions of normative NTE 003/004/00 –
Task [i]:
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
Normative for building of air lines of electric energy with tensions 1000 V, it is necessary to
accomplish the conditions provided by it regarding the AEL intersections with the roads outside
the localities.
3.3 Legislative acts underlying the documentation drafting
a) Law of electric energy, no. 13/2007, published in the Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 51 of
b) GD no. 540/7.04.2004 regarding the approval of the Regulation for granting the licenses
and the authorizations in the electric energy sector
c) Law no. 307/2006 regarding defense against;
d) Law no. 213/1998 regarding public property and its legal regime, with ulterior changes and
e) Law no. 50/1991 regarding constructions execution authorization and some measures for
accommodations realization, with ulterior changes and additions;
f) GD no. 525/1996 regarding the approval of the General Urbanism Regulation , with ulterior
changes and additions;
g) OUG no. 195/2005 regarding environment protection;
h) NTE 003/04/00 Normative for construction of air lines of electric energy with tensions over
1000 V;
i) Order ANRE no. 4 /2007 Technical norms regarding the delimitation of protection and
safety areas related to the energetic activities (Revision I)
j) Order ANRE no.49 of 29.11.2007 for change and completion of the “Technical norm
regarding the delimitation of protection and safety areas related to the energetic activities
- Revision I”
3. Climatic conditions and geo-physical characteristics
Task [i]:
Topography: areas adjacent to urban localities with a population between 20000-50000
Geology, seismology , climatic conditions:
- From a geological point of view, the area is characterized by the existence, in
general, of foundation fields for the AEL poles of reduced consistencies, which
imposes the design of eventual diversion sections of the execution of geo-technical
studies, based on drillings;
- The seismic micro-zonation according to STAS 11100/1 - 7 – is of degree „6", the
area’s characteristics do not impose taking special measures from this point of
- According to NTE 003/04/00 after which the air electric lines of 110kV are designed
and executed, the weather conditions for their dimensioning are:
- Pressure of wind at the same time with frost : 12 daN/m2
- Maximum wind pressure
30 daN/m2
- Ice coating thickness :
16 mm
- Frost specific weight :
0,75 kg/dm3
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
Air temperature
Maximum temperature :
+ 40 C
Minimum temperature :
- 30 C
Average temperature :
+ l 5° C
At frost formation:
- 5o C
3.5 Analysis of the implications of the emplacement of the the new bypass roads in
the area AEL 110 kV
The main provisions of NTE 003/04/00 which we have to consider regarding the
crossings and approaches AEL 110 kV to the national interest roads outside the localities (Art.
161-163 şi Tab.26.a) are the following :
-highways, European national roads (E), main and secondary national roads belong to the
category „national interest roads”;
- the crossings and approaches to the roads located outside localities will be treated
according to table 26a of NTE 003/04/00, which in case LEA 110 kV and national interest roads
provides the following :
Crossings :
Increased protection (see table below)
Double isolators chains
Crossing angle of minimum 600 (67g), in exceptional cases being allowed
smaller angles with the approval of the bodies managing the road;
Short stay-pole sections (maximum 5 spans);
Minimum gauge between the inferior conductor and roadway: in normal
operation regime at maximum dip of 7,0m, and at the break of the conductor
in an adjacent span of 5,50m;
Minimum horizontal distance between the edge of the closest pole and the
national road axis 22,00m, in obliged cases and with the approval of the
managing bodies of the road, allowing smaller distances too.
Increased protection (see table below) when the distance of the axis AEL 110
kV to the national road territory is smaller than the height of the highest pole in
the approach area, increased by 3,0m;
Taking all measures imposed for crossing, less the ones referring to jointing, in
case when, with the approval of the competent bodies, there is accepted that
the horizontal distance between the extreme conductor of AEL 110 kV at
maximum diversion and the limit of the road territory is lower than 1,0m.
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
Increased protection measures of AEL 110 kV
The element to which the
increased protection measure
refers to
Increased protection measures
- Supporting poles with clenches with conductor’s retention
2. Conductors
- The section of the conductor of minimum 35 mm2 for rope
Al-Ol, alloy of aluminum-steel and alloy of aluminum and of
50 mm2 for rope Ol.
- There is forbidden to piece the conductors in span, with
the exception of the existent lines in the situation in which
the span is delimited by two supporting poles.
3. Clenches and
- Supporting clenches with the conductor retention;
- Protection reinforcements against the arc, at the isolators
4. Spans
5. Isolators chains
- Real spans at wind charges and vertical charges will not
surpass 90% of the ones of poles dimensioning.
- Multiple chains (support and strain) are checked in damage
regime, at the breaking of an arm;
- Simple chains with cape and draw bars isolators are
checked at the residual value after the breaking of an
insulating hat (partial safety coefficient equal to 1);
- The composite isolation of the simple insulating chains
must be tried piece by piece at 75% of the breakage load
guaranteed at acquisition.
This way, the change of the electric lines of 110 kV through tracks diversion, replacement of
poles, conductors and insulating chains in view of settlement, will be effected in strict compliance
with the provisions of the technical regulation previously mentioned.
Next, we will analyze the situation created by the apparition, next to AEL 110 kV of the new
road in co-existence area.
3.5.1 Beiuş area
In the area of arrangement of the new road there is AEL 110 kV d.c. Vaşcău – Beiuş +
Sudrigiu – Oradea Sud, on metallic and reinforced concrete poles, having conductors of Ol-Al
2x3x185/32mm2+1xOl 50 mm2, which are to be intersected by the track of the new by-pass road
at km 15+465 , between pole No.67 of support, of reinforced concrete SCS 1187 and pole No. 68
metallic of strain-corner.
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
Although the intersection thusly created realizes a crossing angle of 52046’, close to the
minimum one in the normative (600), being acceptable with agreement of the parties, the
crossing pole No.67 of type SCS 1187 not being a reinforced support pole, does not allow under
any circumstances the maintenance of the current situation of AEL, being necessary modification
works of AEL with the maintenance of the track, or its diversion.
See boards no. 1 and 3.
3.5.2 Ştei area
Near the town Stei, in the adjacency of the locality Lunca, there is AEL 110 kV d.c. Vaşcău
– Ştei, on metallic poles, having conductors of Ol-Al 2x3x185/32mm2+1xOl-Al 95/55 mm2, whose
track is to be adjacent, intersected and even occupied by emplacing the new by-pass road in the
area of km 0+800-1+600 , between present poles No. 9 - 13 of AEL.
Considering that, in some areas of significant dimensions, the two tracks overlay ( an area
of approximately 120-130 m before and after No. 10, including its emplacement ) and between
poles 10 -13 the land in the area has accentuated irregularities being mostly forested or with
orchards, there is imposed a diversion of higher length, which satisfies the regulations of the coexistence norms in the conditions of reduced costs and damages.
See boards no. 2 and 5.
3.6.1 General principles considered when selecting the solutions
Modifying the air electric lines in view of regulating their co-existence with the new roads
implies, besides the generally high costs, a series of other important inconveniences regarding
definitive and temporary occupancy of new lands, production of crops, orchards, forest areas etc.
destruction, as well as increasing the maintenance volume of the electric lines, the necessity of
temporary interruption of electric energy supply through them and others. In this respect, the
solution proposed for the accomplishment of the provisions of the regulations in force regarding
the coexistence, will be based on the idea of reducing as much as possible the works volume, in
certain cases appealing to, in rational limits, the provisions regarding the exceptional or
compulsory cases provided in the norms, without them affecting the spirit of the norms in cause
or the safety of installations and persons.
When conceiving the alternatives and the elaboration of the cost estimations, it was
considered the observance of all protection and safety measures provided in NTE 003/04/00
regarding the capacity of poles, conductors, reinforcements, isolation and insuring the vertical
and horizontal distances in the special areas, especially at the new national interest roads
crossing. These can be found in the boards from the drawn part (situation plans and longitudinal
3.6.2 Alternatives of settlement analyzed and the proposal of the optimum ones Beiuş Area
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details Alternative I
Modifying AEL 110 kV d.c. Vaşcău – Beiuş + Sudrigiu – Oradea Sud (board no. 3
and 7 ) between poles No. 66-68 by emplacing a new strain-corner pole ( ICn 110262-5.3.R) No.
67N in the current alignment 66-68, at 20 m from pole No.67 (to Nr.66), keeping between poles
No.67N and 68 a crossing over the new road at km 15+465 with a crossing angle of 52046’(close
to 600). Pole No. 67 (of concrete) is demounted.
-the estimated value of works (at object estimate level and without VAT ) is of
310000 RON,
- land surface definitively occupied :
33 mp;
- land surface temporarily occupied : 1100 mp. Alternative II
Diversion of AEL 110 kV d.c. Vaşcău – Beiuş + Sudrigiu – Oradea Sud ( board no. 4)
between poles No. 66-68 by emplacing a new strain-corner pole (ICn 110262-5.3.R) No. in the
present alignment 65-66, at 20 m from pole No.66 (to Nr.65) and a new strain-corner pole (ICn
110262-5.3.R ) No. 67N at a distance of approximately 70m to the left of the present track 6667-68, realizing between poles No. 67N and 68 a crossing over the new road at km 15+477 with
a crossing angle of 600. Poles No. 66 and 67 are demounted.
- the estimated value of works (at object estimate level and without VAT ) is of
605000 RON,
- land surface definitively occupied :
66 mp;
- land surface temporarily occupied : 1700 mp. Designer’s proposal:
Considering the advantages regarding the execution and subsequently the
operation expenses, the surfaces of occupied land and the obvious execution periods, as well and
the approval of the managing body of the future road for the reduced crossing angle as compared
to the one provided in the normative, there is proposed to choose Alternative I. Ştei area Alternative I
Diversion of AEL 110 kV d.c. Vaşcău - Ştei (board no. 5 and 7) between poles No. 8-14
by emplacing a new strain-corner pole (ICn 110262-5.3.R) No. 9N in the current alignment 8-13,
at 20 m from pole No. 9 (to Nr.8), of four new poles, one pole of support. No.10N (Sn1102525.3.R), one of strain-corner No. 11N (ICn 110262-5.3.R), a terminal one with cross consoles No.
12N (ITn 110244-5.3.R) and a strain-corner one No. 13N (ICn+6 110263-5.3.R) to the right of the
current track of AEL, at distances between 20-180m, with the return in AEL to the existent pole
of strain-corner No. 14. Crossing over the new road will be realized at km 1+633 with a crossing
angle of 84048’. The existent poles No. 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 are demounted.
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Technical Project and Execution Details
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Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
- the estimated value of works (at object estimate level and without VAT ) is of
1635000 RON,
- land surface definitively occupied : 172 mp;
- land surface temporarily occupied : 4600 mp. Alternative II
Diversion of AEL 110 kV d.c. Vaşcău - Ştei (board no. 6) between poles No. 8-14 by
emplacing a new strain-corner pole ( ICn 110262-5.3.R ) No. 9N in the current alignment 8-13, at
20 m of pole No.9 (to No.8), then of a pole No. 10N (ITn 110244-5.3.R), one of strain-corner No.
11N (ICn 110263-5.3.R) to the left of the current track, after crossing the new road at km 0+975
with a crossing angle of 600 . Next, there is a support pole No. 12N (Sn 110252-5.3.R) and two
strain-corner poles No. 13A (ICn 110263-5.3.R) and No.13B (ICn+6 110263-5.3.R), the last
outside the current track of AEL, in the adjacency of the current pole No. 13, with the return in
AEL at the existent pole of strain-corner No. 14. The existent poles No.9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 are
- the estimated value of works (at object estimate level and without VAT ) is of
1840000 RON,
- land surface definitively occupied :
205 mp;
- land surface temporarily occupied : 4800 mp. Designer’s proposal:
Considering the advantages regarding the execution and subsequently the operation
methods, the surfaces of occupied land and the obvious execution periods, there is proposed
the choice of Alternative I. Conclusions regarding the proposed changing alternatives
According to the above, the alternative proposed by the designer is the one named
Alternative I, being considered optimal according to the selection principles exposed at point
4.1. These, in each of the cases, are the solutions which need the lowest investment and
operation costs, works volumes, land surfaces definitively and temporarily occupied, and the
execution and interruption of operating electric installation periods.
The characteristic data of the regulated crossings for the three co-existence areas are
shown in crossing sheets No. 2 and No. 3, attached at the present.
At the elaboration of the technical-economical documentations for the settlement works of
AEL 110 kV, according to the solutions previously proposed, the following will be taken into
consideration :
Task [i]:
Bypass Stei
Technical Project and Execution Details
Page 15 of 16
Technical assistance for drawing up the feasibility study, the technical project, the execution details and reference
material for the assignment of the bypass routes STEI and ALESD
Technical Project and Execution Details
All the new poles will be metallic, zinked , and the ones adjacent to the crossing
spans of the new national interest roads will be buoyed by painting with
appropriate materials for zinked steel in the alternative colors red and white;
The new insulation chains will be with silicone insulation, the ones fitted in the
crossing span of the new roads being double;
The conductors will be of the same kind with the currently existent ones in the AEL,
The poles foundations will be dimensioned according to the maximum loads
established by the designer and the characteristics of the foundation lands
determined through geological drillings and studies;
The poles will be earthed through usual earth plates of zinked steel platband;
The works in the operating installations and their nearness, will be executed
according to the summons of establishment of the line tasks and responsibilities of
labor health and safety which will be compulsorily concluded between the
operating unit holding the installations and the executants before the works
4.2.5 Recapitulation of the expenses for the alternatives proposed by the designer
At the level of the object estimates (without VAT), these expenses are the following:
1. Beiuş area: 310.000 RON;
2. Ştei area: 1.635.000 RON;
Total object estimates: 1.945.000 RON
At the level of the general estimate, for the alternatives proposed by the designer,
there is obtained a total value (with a quotation of 15% to the values at the level of object
estimate) of: 2.236.750 RON without TVA, respectively 2.661.732 RON with VAT (in euro the total
value including VAT will be of 644.487 at an exchange rate of 4,13 RON/Euro).
Appendix 1- Lay-out sheets modified boards
Appendix 2 – Crossing sheets proposed alternatives
eng. A. Dornea
Task [i]:
Bypass Stei
Technical Project and Execution Details
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