Toxic Alcohols - CriticalCareMedicine

Chapter 153 – Toxic Alcohols
Sources: antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, carburetor fluid, sterno, glass
cleaner, paint thinner
Toxic Dose: 0.15 cc/kg of 100% methanol
Absorption: Rapidy absorbed with peak levels 30-60 minutes postingestion. Volatile at room air → inhalational toxicity
◦ Metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase to formaldehyde, which is
metabolized to formic acid by aldehyde dehydrogenase.
◦ ADH metabolism is 1st order at lower levels and zero order at
higher levels, resulting in prolonged ↑ methanol levels with larger
◦ Ethanol has higher affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase than
methanol, so metabolism is delayed
◦ Formic acid is metabolized to CO2 + H2O through a folatedependent pathway
Elimination: Small amount excreted in the lungs
Methanol → irritation of the gastric mucosa
Formic acid:
◦ Optic neuropathy: Muller cells (glial cells) in the retina metabolize
methanol to formic acid. The formic acid disrupts cellular
metabolism → calcium influx, microtubule dysfunction and
mitochrondial dysfunction.
◦ Putaminal necrosis: Postulated similar mechanism as optic
Methanol metabolism
◦ Iron binding: Formic acid binds to Fe → cytochrome dysfunction
with ↑ anaerobic respiration (↑ lactate)
◦ Non-specific cellular injury: lipid peroxidation, ↑ free radicles, ↓ antioxidant reactions
Clinical Presentation
Symptom onset: Low affinity for ADH → latent period of 12 – 24 hrs. ↑ if EtOH co-ingestion, ↓ if lg ingestions.
Early symptoms:
◦ CNS ↓ LOC, confusion, ataxia
Visual disturbances (central scotoma, snowstorm blindness), disc edema, RAPD
◦ GI
AP, vomiting
Late symptoms:
◦ CNS Seizures, coma
◦ Resp
◦ Metab
Metabolic acidosis
Ethylene Glycol
Sources: de-icing fluid, brake fluid, coolant, antifreeze
Toxic Dose: 0.2 cc/kg of 100% ethylene glycol
Absorption: Rapidly absorbed when ingested with peak levels 1-4 hrs post-ingestion
Distribution: Lg Vd (like water)
◦ 25% excreted unchanged by kidneys
Remainder is converted to glycoaldehyde, which is then converted to glycolic acid by aldehyde dehydrogenase.
Glycolic acid is metabolized to glyoxylic acid, which is then broken down into:
▪ Glycine (cofactor pyridoxine)
▪ Oxalic acid
▪ α hydroxy β ketoadipate (cofactor Mg2+ and thaimine)
Glycolic acid, glyoxylic acid and glycoaldehyde cause nephrotoxicity (ATN)
Oxalic acids forms crystals with Ca2+ → involvement of various systems:
◦ GU: Crystal nephropathy
◦ CNS: Deposition of crystals in parenchyma, BVs → punctate hemorrhage, edema and aseptic
◦ HEENT: Deposition of crystals in retina → visual changes
◦ MSK: Crystal deposition → myonecrosis
Glycolic acid → anion gap metabolic acidosis
Inhibition of citric acid cycle → ↑ lactate (mild contribution to acidosis)
Clinical Presentation
Acute Neurologic Stage (30 min – 12 hrs)
◦ CNS ataxia, confusion, nystagmus
◦ GI emesis, AP
Cardiopulmonary Stage (12-24 hrs)
◦ CVS tachycardia, myocardial depression (hypotension)
◦ Resp
tachypnea (d/t acidosis + ARDS)
◦ Metab
↓ Ca2+ d/t binding with oxalic acid
myositis → rhabodomyolysis
Renal Stage (24 – 72 hrs)
◦ GU AKI d/t ATN +/- pigment nephropathy, crystal nephropathy
Delayed Neurologic Sequelae Stage (6 – 12 days)
◦ CNS Cranial neuropathy is most common, but other abnormalities can occur (varying severity)
Osmolar Gap (Normal < 10 mmol/L)
Alcohols → freezing point depression
Calculated osmoles = Na x 2 + glucose + BUN
To estimate the contribution by ethanol, multiply the alcohol level x 1.25 – always check EtOH level.
Causes of ↑ OG:
Alcohols: ethanol, ethlyene glycol, methanol, isopropyl alcohol, propylene glycol
Sepsis & MODS
Ketotic states: AKA, DKA, SKA
Osmotic diuretics
↓'s as toxic alcohol is metabolized
Anion Gap (Normal < 14)
AG = Na – (Cl + HCO3-)
Causes of ↑ anion gap
Congenital: Inborne errors of metabolism
◦ Ketones: DKA, SKA, AKA
◦ Uremia: renal failure
◦ Lactate:
▪ ↑ lactate production: hypoperfusion, cellular toxins (Fe, CO, CN, H2S), hypermetabolic states (seizures,
hyperthermia), toluene
↓ lactate metabolism: liver disease, metformin
toxic alcohols, ASA, paradehyde
Toxic Alcohol Levels
Measures level of parent compound, not metabolite, so may be falsely low if presenting late
Presence of crystals (calcium oxalate crystals) is suggestive of ethylene glycol toxicity (occurs in < 50%)
Urinary fluorescence: Antifreeze additive may appear in urine, but high rate of false positive and false negatives
↑ QTc may be d/t hypocalcemia with ethylene glycol poisoning
ABC's: Standard ACLS. Check chemstrip (especially in children).
Decontamination: Not effective d/t rapid absorption + dangerous d/t ↓ LOC
Specific Therapy:
Sodium Bicarbonate: Toxic products are weak acids so normalization of
serum pH → ↑ ionized form of acids, which do not cross physiologic
membranes (ion trapping). Indicated when serum pH < 7.3
◦ Methanol: trapping of formate in the serum (↓ cellular uptake) +
trapping of formate in urine (↑ excretion)
◦ Ethylene glycol: trapping of glycolate in the urine (↑ excretion)
Ethanol: Competitively inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase, which a much
greater binding affinity then either methanol or ethylene glycol. ADH
blockade → very slow metabolism of toxic alcohols by other means.
◦ Dosing:
▪ Loading dose is 0.8 g/kg (For PO: Proof = percent EtOH x 2)
▪ Maintenance dose:
Non-drinker: 0.6 – 1.5 cc/kg/hr (10% EtOH)
Drinker: 1.5 – 2 cc/kg/hr
Hemodialysis: 3 – 5 cc/kg/hr
◦ Target level: Serum EtOH > 100 mg/dL
◦ Complications: hypoglycemia, volume overload, ↓ LOC
Fomepizole: Long acting competitive inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase
◦ Indications:
▪ History: Known ingestion
▪ Dosing: Given q12 h x 4 doses
Adjunctive Treatments: Goal to shunt metabolism of toxic alcohols down less
◦ Ethylene glycol: vitamin B6, thiamine
◦ Methanol: folate or folinic acid (leukovorin)
Dialysis: Indications for dialysis:
◦ Absolute levels: Methanol > 15 mmol/L or ethylene glycol > 8 mmol/L
◦ Hemodynamic instability
◦ Metabolic acidosis (pH < 7.25) that is refractory to treatment
◦ Electrolyte imbalance not responsive to conventional therapy
◦ End-organ toxicitiy:
▪ Renal impairment
▪ Coma or severe obtundation
▪ Visual abnormalities
Sources: rubbing alcohol, de-icer, solvents
Toxic Dose: 2-4 cc/kg of 100% isopropanol
Indications for Antidotal
Recent ingestion with OG > 10
Methanol level > 15 mmol/L
and ethylene glycol level > 8
Strong clinical suspicion + 2 of
pH < 7.3, HCO3- < 20, OG > 10
and/or oxlate crystals in urine
toxic pathways by providing substrate
Absorption: rapidly absorbed
◦ Hepatic metabolism to acetone by alcohol dehydrogenase. T1/2 of acetone is 20 hrs. T1/2 of isopropanol is 3-7
hrs (shorter in children)
◦ 20% excreted unchanged in the urine
Clinical Presentation
confusion, altered LOC, ataxia
gastritis (may be significant)
↓ LOC, coma
hypotension (with lg ingestions)
renal failure d/t ATN (rare)
atraumatic rhabomyolysis
Ketosis without acidosis (isopropanol → acetone)
Typical laboratory findings are an elevated osmol gap without acidosis.
False ↑ creatinine can occur b/c of cross-reactivity with acetone.
Watch for hypoglycemia, especially in children.
Generally supportive – no role for ethanol or fomepizole
IHD indicated if refractory hypotension (rare) or level > 400 mg/dL
Benzyl Alcohol
Sources: preservative in bacteriostatic NS and other IV medications
Pharmacokinetics: Metabolized to benzoic acid
Clinical Presentation: Neonates with excessive doses develop gasping baby syndrome: ↓ LOC, hypotension, metabolic
acidosis, gasping respirations, hepatic & renal failure → MODS → death
Glycol Ethers
Sources: brake fluids, solvents
Pathophysiology: May be metabolized to ethylene glycol, particularly in significant overdoses
Management: As for ethylene glycol
Propylene Glycol
Sources: dilutent for many drugs (dilantin, diazepam), anti-freeze
Pathophysiology: Metabolized to lactate and pyruvate → anion gap metabolic acidosis
Clinical Presentation: May cause hypotension (cause of hypotension with IV dilantin)
Management: Supportive
Diethylene Glycol
Sources: power steering fluid, brake fluid
Parent compound → renal failure (cortical necrosis)
Metabolized to hydroxyethoxy acetic acid, which can cause an anion gap metabolic acidosis
Management: Hemodialysis