IMPORTANT INFORMATION For Indiana Humanities Project Directors For any questions regarding your project, contact: Nancy Conner at 638-1500 (toll free 800-675-8897), ext. 128, or e-mail: YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES As project director, you are responsible for carrying out the terms of your Grant Agreement, which includes: a) planning and managing project activities b) documenting project expenses c) evaluating the project and submitting the final report THE GRANT AGREEMENT Two copies of the grant agreement are enclosed. Make sure both copies are signed by you as project director and by the sponsoring group official. Two different signatures are required. The sponsoring official may be the board chair, school principal, or any other person with the power to authorize the organization’s participation in the project. Colleges and universities need the signature of the appropriate office (sponsored programs, grant & contract services, etc.). Grant recipients are required to submit their organization’s DUNS (Data Universal Number System) number as part of the Grant Agreement. The following web page explains how to obtain this number, or you can contact Nancy Conner for more information: KEEP one copy of the signed grant agreement for your records and RETURN the other signed copy to Nancy Conner, Indiana Humanities, 1500 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, IN 46202. FORMS All forms and logos referenced below are available as Microsoft Word documents online: If you are unable to download these forms, contact Nancy Conner, 800-675-8897. PAYMENT OF GRANT AWARDS To receive an initial payment, you must submit: a) The signed grant agreement (1 copy only) b) A Cash Request form* c) Copies of letters to your Senators and Congressman For the initial payment, you may request up to 90% of the award provided that the funds will be disbursed within 90 days. You may submit additional cash requests as needed, up to a total of 90% of the grant award. The final 10% of the grant will be paid only after we receive and approve the final report, plus copies of printed materials, if any, as specified in your grant agreement. ACKNOWLEDGING INDIANA HUMANITIES SUPPORT You are required to acknowledge Indiana Humanities support. Use the Indiana Humanities logo, per the instructions on the Branding Guide form*, or the following text: “This program has been made possible through a matching grant from Indiana Humanities in cooperation with the National Endowment for the Humanities.” SUBMITTING THE FINAL REPORT Final reports are due within ninety (90) days after the ending date of the project, which is listed in Section III of your grant agreement. Use the Humanities Initiative Grant Final Report form*. Be sure to sign it and attach the copies of project materials. Send the final report to: Nancy Conner, Indiana Humanities, 1500 N. Delaware Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202-2419, or fax to 317.634.9503. CERTIFYING CONTRIBUTIONS Grant recipients are required to provide a percentage of the total cost of the project. This “local cost share” may consist of in-kind cost share contributions as well as cash. Documentation of cash expenditures, such as receipts, should be kept with your project files. Do not submit receipts with your final report. In addition, since all project expenses—both cash expenditures and in-kind cost share—require written receipts, we have prepared certification forms* to document in-kind contributions made to your project. Duplicate these forms and distribute them to in-kind contributors. Collect signed forms from contributors and keep them on file with other project records. Do NOT turn in certification forms or cash receipts with your final report. KEEPING RECORDS AFTER PROJECT TERMINATION Federal requirements specify that auditable records of all grant expenditures and all local cost share contributions must be kept. Fiscal records for the project should be kept for at least three years after you submit the final report. To insure the safety of these records, receipts for both grant expenditures and local cost share contributions should be kept in a single place on the premises of sponsoring organization, together with all other records from the project. * Available online in Microsoft Word: