Salvation Army Student Fellowship Charter

Salvation Army Student Fellowship Charter
Houghton College
The purpose of the organization described in this charter shall be to provide a
supportive environment, which will foster and enhance the members’ spiritual lives and
commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, to encourage Salvationist students to consider
fulfilling God’s will for their lives through active service in the Salvation Army, to
introduce non-Salvationist students to the professional opportunities in the Salvation
Army upon graduation, and to encourage in its membership a commitment to Holy living.
Article I- Title
The organization described shall be called the Salvation Army Student Fellowship
at Houghton College (hereafter referred to as the SASF).
Article II- Membership
All students, Salvationists and non-Salvationists, will be encouraged to join this
Dues may be required of every member and will be determine by the Executive
Committee and liaison officer.
Article III- Organization
The Executive Committee shall have authority over the SASF at Houghton
College. The Executive Committee shall:
- be elected to their positions.
- Consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,
and Chaplin.
- include non-elected members, such as faculty/staff advisor and
liaison officer, a divisional headquarters representative.
- strive to accurately represent the Houghton College SASF
- appoint other members of the SASF to specific committees.
- consider a quorum to equal a majority of all elected members.
Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote. The
President of the SASF (or his/her designate) shall preside over all Executive
Committee meetings. She/he shall be the head of the Houghton SASF, spiritual
leader and supervisor of all activities.
The Vice President shall have
responsibility primarily for the social activities of the Houghton SASF. He/she
shall perform the duties of an absent President and shall succeed the President in
the event of vacancy. The Secretary shall be the official recorder of all Houghton
SASF Executive Committee and Fellowship meetings. He/she shall maintain a
correspondence file. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the administration of
SASF finances in association with the liaison officer. The Chaplain shall be
responsible for the spiritual emphasis in every fellowship meeting, organize the
devotional segment of the official meetings, and plan the spiritual retreat with the
Vice President.
All committees will be chaired by a member of the Executive Committee.
The following is a list of example of the types of committees that can exist
within the SASF at Houghton College: Social Activities Committee,
Committee on Spiritual Life, Committee on Retreat Planning, Finance
Committee, etc.
Liaison Officer (THQ Representative)
This person shall be recommended by the Divisional Commander and
appointed by the Territorial Commander. He/she shall serve as a point of
contact between divisional headquarters, Territorial Education Secretary, and
the Houghton College SASF. She/he shall have full voting rights but may not
exert undue influence over the executive Committee.
Faculty/Staff Advisor (Houghton College Representative)
This person shall be selected from within the Houghton College
administration by members of the SASF Executive Committee. The
faculty/staff advisor shall serve as intermediary between the Executive
Committee and the administration of the college. The faculty/staff advisor
shall give advice to the Executive Committee and serve as a voting member.
The faculty/staff advisor will mediate matters of scheduling, use of campus
facilities and program activities.
Divisional Headquarters Representative
This person shall be appointed by the Divisional Commander. He/she shall
serve as a point of contact with the liaison officer, the Territorial Youth
Secretary, and the Houghton College SASF.
Article IV- Discipline
All SASF members are required to submit to the Responsibilities of
Community Life of Houghton College.
Article V- Removal of an Executive Committee Member
A. Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the
regular members of the SASF.
B. Requests for removal may be made by a two-thirds vote of all voting
members of the Executive Committee or a petition by 50% of the
C. If the requirement in Section B is fulfilled, the membership of the SASF
shall be informed in writing of the action no later than three days prior to
the vote for removal.
D. If the officer is removed from office, the President shall notify the member
in question with a written statement of removal immediately.
E. The faculty/staff advisor and liaison officer shall monitor all removal
Article VI- Meetings
A. The SASF shall meet at a time and place to be determined annually by the
Executive Committee.
B. The meetings’ express purpose is for the fellowship and devotions.
C. There will be a monthly business meeting for the SASF to be scheduled by
the Executive Committee.
D. The Territorial Youth Secretary of his representative will make an annual
visit to the college campus and meet with eh SASF.
Article VII- Amendments
Because of the uniqueness of this fellowship, special emphasis is placed
upon the amendment clause. As needs arise, it will be necessary to amend this
Proposed amendments should be submitted, preferably
typewritten, to any Executive Committee member. Following review by the
Executive Committee, the proposal will be present at the next fellowship
monthly meeting. Upon a three-fourths fellowship vote, the proposal may be
amended to the Houghton SASF charter and submitted by the liaison officer to
the Territorial administration for consideration.