1. Introduction

ANGIS Extended Abstract Author Instruction
Hiroshi KATO1
Hitotsubashi University
Abstract: [around 200 words] This is a template for the extended abstract for ANGIS and CRMA Bangkok
meeting 2015. Please make your abstract following this format. The manuscript should be camera-ready paper
using MS-Word to finalize the papers.
Keywords: ANGIS, Extended abstract , Camera-ready, MS-Word, Style files
1. Introduction
Asian Network for GIS-based Historical Studies (ANGIS)
is publishing for the annual meeting proceedings. This
format is the same for the Journal of Asian Network for
GIS-based Studies (JANGIS). JANGIS adopts a portrait
A4 format and here is a template file for MS-Word. In this
manuscript, we describe usage of the template file.
The length of an extended abstract should be around 2,000
words including tables, figures, footnotes and references.
Papers should be no longer than 10 pages.
Deadline is the end of November, 2014.
Mizushima, Tsukasa. 2008. "Ecology and Society",
International Journal of Economic History, 14(5), pp.
Kasai, Fumio. 2012. "Indonesian Migrants in Kobe", in Mayama,
S. and R. Shimada (ed.), Migration in Japan, Tokyo:
Tokyo University Press, pp. 78-101.
3. Check List
2. Page Layout
2.1 Margins, Columns, and Number of characters per line
and lines per page
Use normal A4 template with 2 columns.
2.2 Font
Style: Normal
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 9 pt
2.3 Tables, Figures, and Footnotes
Tables should be digital in EXCEL file and inserted within
the main text. Figures (maps, photos, etc.) should be
submitted in EMF or JPEG file and be inserted within the
main text.
Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively in
the following way:
Table 1. Xxx of Yyy in Zzz [to be inserted in the
center above the Table]
Fig. 1. Xxx of Yyy in Zzz [to be inserted in the
center below the Figure]
Sources and Notes should follow below Tables or Figures.
Footnotes, if any, should be numbered consecutively and
be attached after the main text.
Sources of references or quotations should be indicated in
the text as follows: (Stein 1984: 185-88).
Reference List in alphabetical order should be attached at
the end of the text.
Example (Titles in Italics):
Stein, Biurton. 1984. Agrarian System of India, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
The authors should provide sufficient references in their
manuscript to insist the originality of their study.
The paper should be revised when its abstract does not
show its purpose or written in inadequate English.
The paper should be revised when symbols and
abbreviations are not popular, wordings are not adequate,
or the explanations on its pictures and tables are not
The paper should be revised when some special wordings,
which are popular only in an individual or a local group or
a small company, are used without any explanations.
The paper should be revised when its pictures or tables are
not semantically clear, or they have some mistakes.
The paper should be revised when its pictures or tables are
not visually clear.
The paper should be revised when the size or the scale of
its pictures or tables are not adequate.
4. Double submission
Double submission of the original paper is prohibited.
However, it is permitted to submit a paper accepted at an
international conference and free from copyright issues.
Do not use the same figures or charts already included in
other original papers, except citations in appropriate way.
Be careful not to have overlap between the paper and other
published articles.
5. Check by other researchers
2.4 References
Do not include self-citations too much.
Proofreading by experienced persons with many accepted
papers is strongly recommended.
6. Miscellaneous
The excellent extended abstracts will be published for
JANGIS as award.
The selection of the paper can be the first review round.
The author will write a full paper after this process for
Since JANGIS uses double-blind review system, in which
both author(s) and reviewers remain anonymous, the
authors cannot select reviewers.
7. Concluding Remarks
We hope use this guidelines as a template of the extended
abstract. Please submit by the end of November 2014. You can
submit via the website of EasyChair or email to
Stein, Biurton. 1984. Agrarian System of India, Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Mizushima, Tsukasa. 2008. "Ecology and Society",
International Journal of Economic History, 14(5), pp.
Kasai, Fumio. 2012. "Indonesian Migrants in Kobe", in Mayama,
S. and R. Shimada (ed.), Migration in Japan, Tokyo:
Tokyo University Press, pp. 78-101.