Received by the Graduate Council—May 5, 2008 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Seventh Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year April 14, 2008 Approved p. i of v PRESENT: B. Bond (Graduate School), D. Changnon (LAS/GEOG), G. Cosenza (VPA/MUSC), C. Gowen (BUS/MGMT), R. Marcellus (EET/ISYE), A. Rose (EDU/CAHE), C. Shaw (EDU/TLRN) ABSENT: B. Hoffman (LAS/HIST) CONSULTANT: D. Smith (Catalog Editor/Curriculum Coordinator) GUEST: S. Marsh (MGMT) APPROVAL OF AGENDA Changnon asked that two announcements be added to the agenda. Also, College of Health and Human Sciences #11 needs to be moved from minutes without graduate-level curricular attachment to minutes with graduate-level curricular attachments. The agenda was approved as amended. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Minutes from the February 11, 2008, meeting were approved electronically. 2. Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog were reported, including revisions to the Secondary Certificate in Physical Education. 3. A report of items reported for inclusion in the catalog by another standing committee of the Graduate Council: changes to the catalog received by the Graduate Council on April 7 from the Standards Committee. CONSENT AGENDA Gowen made a motion, seconded by Marcellus, TO ACCEPT THE COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MINUTES WITH NO GRADUATE-LEVEL ATTACHMENTS. Motion passed unanimously. The following minutes were so received. College of Business #7 College of Business #8 College of Engineering and Engineering Technology #8 College of Engineering and Engineering Technology #9 It was clarified that for CHHS #11, the last item should have been marked for the Graduate Catalog. For the College of Education, they are proposing a number of crosslisted courses. Cosenza made a motion, seconded by Gowen, TO ACCEPT THE COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MINUTES WITH GRADUATELEVEL ATTACHMENTS. Motion passed unanimously. The following minutes were so received. Received by the Graduate Council—May 5, 2008 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Seventh Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year April 14, 2008 Approved p. ii of v College of Business #6 College of Education #10 College of Education #11 College of Engineering and Engineering Technology #10 College of Health and Human Sciences #11 COLLEGE MINUTES FOR DISCUSSION College of Business #9 Marsh was a guest to answer any questions about new courses in Management. Changnon stated that the courses look very interesting. Changnon also noted that the department checked on nonduplication. Cosenza asked about the concerns raised by the Department of Counseling, Adult and Higher Education. Marsh responded that it was “career development” language they were concerned about, and the Department of Management revised the course descriptions to address the concerns. Gowen made a motion, seconded by Shaw, to ACCEPT THE GRADUATE LEVEL CURRICULAR ITEMS IN COLLEGE OF BUSINESS #9 (3/18/08). Motion passed unanimously. College of Education #9 Changnon noted that it was good to see the revisions made to EPS 597 and EPS 697. Smith pointed out that under course requirements for the Doctor of Education in Educational Psychology, EPF 640 had yet to be changed to EPS 745X. That change appears in the CEDU #11 (see Consent Agenda above). There was a brief discussion regarding course numbers and it was clarified that the College of Education did not change all of their 500-level numbers to the 600 level, mostly due to courses that are tied to teacher certification. Bond wondered why they were allowing students to repeat 597 and 697 up to 18 hours when only 6 hours would count toward the degree. Gowen thought that this was probably a course students could enroll in to maintain continuous enrollment. Shaw made a motion, seconded by Gowen, to ACCEPT THE GRADUATE LEVEL CURRICULAR ITEMS IN COLLEGE OF EDUCATION #9 (1/15/08). Motion passed unanimously. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences #9 These minutes are off of the consent agenda for new courses in History and Psychology. Bond noted that what History is doing with regards to the Latin American courses is breaking up their survey courses, particularly courses associated with the concentration in Latin American studies, which is one of the more popular concentrations. Regarding the Psychology courses, Gowen stated that the change is a good one; structural equation modeling (SEM) is used in all the literature now. Changnon agreed that it’s worthwhile to have in the program. Bond addressed the two course revisions in Psychology and that the department is making the language broader. Rose made a motion, seconded by Gowen, to ACCEPT THE GRADUATE LEVEL CURRICULAR ITEMS IN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES #9 (2/13/08). Motion passed unanimously. Received by the Graduate Council—May 5, 2008 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Seventh Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year April 14, 2008 Approved p. iii of v College of Liberal Arts and Sciences #10 The committee discussed the revision to CSCI 596(696). By reducing the number of hours that can be included towards the degree from 6 to 3, it’s awkward to have that sentence read “and/or CSCI 696.” Smith will contact the department to see if “and/” can be deleted from the course description. The new course ECON 643(743) was discussed, including the topics covered. It was noted that the department did receive verification of nonduplication from the Department of Finance. Gowen noted that ECON 743 is probably more theoretical than the courses that are taught in Finance. Gowen made a motion, seconded by Rose, to ACCEPT THE GRADUATE LEVEL CURRICULAR ITEMS IN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES #10 (3/26/08). Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS 1. Education #7 At the 2/10/08 GCCC meeting, the change to the comprehensive exam for the Education Specialist in Educational Administration was approved pending clarification of the new language. After a brief discussion regarding what is a specialist degree, committee members received the clarification and discussed that the requirement was clear. NEW BUSINESS 1. 2008-09 meeting dates. Smith distributed a tentative schedule of meeting dates for the 2008-09 academic year. She pointed out that a second date in November (November 17) was added due to new Graduate Catalog deadlines where anything passed by the December Graduate Council meeting would be included in the 2009-10 Graduate Catalog. The second meeting would be as needed to discuss any items tabled at the November 10 meeting. Committee members pointed out that the second Monday in March falls during Spring Break. That meeting was changed to March 16, 2009. The tentative dates for the GCCC are: October 13, 2008, November 10, 2008, November 17, 2008 (if needed to discuss any items tabled at the November 10 meeting), February 9, 2009, March 16, 2009, and April 13, 2009. 2. The GCCC unanimously elected Changnon to chair the committee for 2009-10. The meeting adjourned at 11:00. The next meeting of the Graduate Council Curriculum Committee is tentatively scheduled for October 13, 2008, Conference Room 304, Lowden Hall. Respectfully submitted, Donna M. Smith Received by the Graduate Council—May 5, 2008 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Seventh Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year April 14, 2008 Approved p. iv of v Attachment A—Revision to APPM, Section III. Item 5.A. A. Initial Offering of New Courses and Programs Effective Dates for Curricular Changes A new course may be offered or an existing course revised or deleted in the semester following the one in which it received all required approvals. A new major or other unit of instruction requiring board approval may be offered in the semester following approval by the Board of Higher Education unless a later implementation date is indicated in the program proposal. All other catalog changes will become effective when published in the next catalog (May 15 for the Graduate Catalog and fall semester for the Undergraduate Catalog), unless a later implementation date is indicated. Students may graduate under the requirements of a new program in the academic term following the one in which it appears in the appropriate catalog unless the offering department requests that students be permitted to graduate in the term following full approval of the program. No new course or program may be advertised as available until fully approved for inclusion in the appropriate catalog. Attachment B—Revision to APPM, Section III, Appendix K CALENDAR FOR CHANGES IN THE GRADUATE CURRICULUM April 17, 1995 FALL SEMESTER September – NOON, last Friday GCCC deadline for next Graduate Catalog: receipt of college curriculum committee minutes with items for CITC-CC. October -- 2nd Monday GCCC meeting: General, items left over from spring semester, priority given to CITC items, with GCCC approval contingent on revisions being made when called for and on CITC approval. Where items have been revised, CITC approval must be of the revised item. October –NOON, last Friday GCCC deadline for next Graduate Catalog: receipt of college curriculum committee minutes with all other (non-CITC) items. November -- 2nd Monday GCCC meeting: Priority given to all other (non-CITC) curriculum items and other items for inclusion in the next Graduate Catalog. Received by the Graduate Council—May 5, 2008 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Seventh Meeting/2007-08 Academic Year April 14, 2008 Approved p. v of v November – 3rd Monday GCCC meeting: Follow-up as needed on all items affecting the next Graduate Catalog. SPRING SEMESTER January 24, 25, or 26, NOON on whichever is the last day to fall Monday-Friday GCCC deadline for next Graduate Catalog: Receipt of college curriculum committee minutes with items for CITC-CC February -- 2nd Monday GCCC meeting: Priority given to CITC items, with GCCC recommendations for approval contingent on revisions being made when called for and on CITC approval. Where an item has been revised, CITC approval must be of the revised item. February -- NOON, last Friday GCCC deadline for next Graduate Catalog: Receipt of college curriculum committee minutes with all other (non-CITC) curricular items March -- 2nd or 3rd Monday depending on Spring Break GCCC meeting: Priority given to all other (non-CITC) curricular items and other items for inclusion in the next Graduate Catalog April -- 2nd Monday GCCC meeting: Follow-up as needed on all items affecting the next Graduate Catalog ________________ CITC = Committee for Initial Teacher Certification CITC-CC = Committee for Initial Teacher Certification Curriculum Committee GCCC - Graduate Council Curriculum Committee