Supplementary Figure Legends Supplementary Figure S1. Irradiation does not induce CD133 cell surface expression in CD133- cells. CD133- cells derived from D456MG xenografts and primary glioblastoma sample T3607 were left untreated as a control or irradiated with 3 Gy of IR then assayed at 48 hours for CD133 cell surface expression by FACS analysis with an APC-conjugated anti-CD133 monoclonal antibody. CD133- populations derived from xenografts and primary human glioblastoma samples remained CD133- after irradiation, suggesting that irradiation did not alter CD133 surface expression in CD133cells. Supplementary Figure S2. Radioresistant tumour cell lines are enriched for CD133+ cells. a. Isogenic radioresistant glioma cultures (D54R3, D456R3) were derived from parental short term cultures isolated from D54MG and D456MG human glioblastoma xenografts grown in immunocompromised rodents through sequential administration of ionizing radiation (6 Gy) followed by recovery periods during which cell populations were allowed to regrow. b. The percentage of CD133+ cells was increased in radioresistant glioma cell populations. The CD133+ and CD133- cell subpopulations of isogenic radioresistant cell populations (D54R3 and D456R3) and the parental cells (D54MG and D456MG) were quantified and compared using FACS analysis after labeling with an APC-conjugated anti-CD133 specific antibody. The CD133+ fractions were significantly elevated in the radioresistant populations. Results are means ± s.d. (n=3); *, P<0.001. Supplementary Figure S3. Viable unfractionated tumour cells derived from irradiated xenografts are enriched in CD133+ tumour cells and form secondary intracranial tumours with reduced latencies. a. The percentage of CD133+ cells is increased in irradiated xenografts relative to untreated xenografts. D456MG and T3379X (a patient specimen briefly grown as a xenograft) xenografts in nude mice were untreated as a control or irradiated (3Gy). Viable tumour cells were isolated from each xenograft 48 hours after irradiation. The percentages of CD133+ populations in untreated and irradiated samples were analyzed by FACS with APC-conjugated antiCD133+ antibody. b. Viable unfractionated tumour cells derived from irradiated xenografts form secondary tumours with reduced latencies relative to untreated controls. Viable unfractionated tumour cells derived from untreated or irradiated xenografts were transplanted into nude mice brains through intracranial injection (500,000 cells/mouse, 5 mice per group). The survival time after tumour cell implantation until the development of neurological signs was recorded. Upon development of signs, mice were sacrificed and confirmation of tumour formation by gross inspection and systematic histology review was performed (representative gross images are presented). Viable unfractionated tumour cells derived from irradiated xenografts significantly reduced the latency of secondary intracranial tumour relative to matched tumour cells derived from the untreated xenografts (mean ± s.d., n=5). *, P <0.002. Supplementary Figure S4. CD133- cells isolated from glioma xenografts contain human tumour cells without significant murine cellular contamination. CD133- cells isolated from D456MG and D54MG glioma xenografts were disaggregated and immunostained with the FITC-conjugated 3B4 antibody that specifically recognizes human cells, and then analyzed by FACS. Greater than 99% of CD133- cells isolated from the glioma xenografts are human in origin, suggesting minimal contamination by normal murine cells. Supplementary Figure S5. Tumour cells isolated from primary human glioblastoma patient specimens are tumour cells as confirmed by FISH analysis. All surgical glioblastoma specimens at Duke University Medical Center undergo genetic analysis of chromosomes 7 and 10, Pten, and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as a standard protocol. To confirm that the cells derived from these tumour specimens are cancerous in origin, we studied the genetic changes that were altered in the majority of tumour cells in the clinical specimens (thus, each specimen is analyzed differentially based on the initial genetic analysis). In a representative study using the cells derived from the T3359 tumour specimen, CD133- cells were analyzed by Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) with specific chromosome centromere probes. CD133- tumour cells isolated from the T3359 specimen displayed polysomy of chromosome 10 centromere in more than 85% of cells when a specific chromosome 10 CEP probe (green) was used for FISH. The nuclear DNA was counterstained with DAPI (blue). Several representative cancer cells showing polysomy (more than two positive green spots in each cell) of chromosome 10 centromere are shown (b-e). The normal control cells contained only two positive spots for chromosome 10 centromere (a). This genetic alteration matched with that detected by the pathologist on the same primary tumour that displayed chromosome 10 centromere polysomy in more than 80% of cancer cells but not in normal cells. These data confirm that the majority of CD133- cancer cells isolated from the primary gliomas are cancer cells. Supplementary Figure S6. CD133+ cells from D456MG glioblastoma xenografts primary and T3750 glioma exhibit multi-lineage differentiation potential. CD133+ tumour cells were purified from D456MG xenografts or T3750 primary glioblastoma and maintained in the neurobasal medium with EGF/bFGF to form neurospheres. CD133+ cells from neurospheres were subjected to differentiation conditions. CD133+ cells were grown on poly-ornithine and laminin-coated coverslips in -MEM with 10% FBS for 7 days to induce differentiation. Differentiated cells derived from a single neurosphere of CD133+ tumour cells isolated from D456MG xenografts (a) or T3750 primary glioma specimen (b) were examined by immunofluorescent staining with specific antibodies against differentiation markers for astrocytes (GFAP and S100), oligodendrocytes (O4 and GalC), and neuronal progenitors (Map-2 and TUJ-1). FITC-conjugated anti-mouse IgG or anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibodies were used for detection. Nuclei of the differentiated cells were counterstained with DAPI. Differentiated cells from a single neurosphere display positive markers for astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, or neuronal progenitors suggesting capacity for multilineage differentiation. Supplementary Figure S7. CD133+ cells isolated from a primary glioblastoma tumour specimen exhibit multi-lineage differentiation potential that is maintained after irradiation with a clinical dose of IR. a. CD133+ tumour cells derived from a human patient glioblastoma surgical specimen (T3781) were subjected to differentiation conditions. CD133+ cells were grown on poly-ornithine and laminin-coated coverslips in -MEM with 10% FBS for 7 days to induce differentiation. Differentiated cells derived from a single CD133+ neurosphere were examined by immunofluorescent staining with specific monoclonal antibodies against differentiation markers for astrocytes (GFAP and S100), oligodendrocytes (O4 and GalC), and neuronal progenitors (Map-2 and TUJ1). A FITC-conjugated anti-mouse IgG or anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibody was used for detection. Nuclei of the differentiated cells were counterstained with DAPI. Differentiated cells from a single neurosphere display positive markers for astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, or neuronal progenitors, suggesting capacity for multi-lineage differentiation. b. CD133+ tumour cells irradiated with a clinical dose of IR maintain the multilineage differentiation potential in vitro. CD133+ cells isolated from the human primary glioblastoma surgical specimen were irradiated (2 Gy) and permitted to recover for 48 hours before induction of differentiation. Differentiated cells derived from the irradiated CD133+ cancer cells were examined by immunofluorescent staining with specific monoclonal antibodies against astrocytic markers (GFAP and S100), oligodendrocytic markers (O4 and GalC), and neuronal progenitor markers (Map-2 and TUJ1). A FITCconjugated anti-mouse IgG or anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibody was used for detection. Nuclei of the differentiated cells were counterstained with DAPI. Differentiated cells from a single radiated neurosphere display positive markers for astrocytes, oligodendrocytes or neuronal progenitors suggesting capacity for multi-lineage differentiation in vitro after the treatment with clinical dose IR. Supplementary Figure S8. CD133+ tumour cells display radioresistance and lower sensitivity to radiation-induced apoptosis than CD133- tumour cells dependent on checkpoint kinase activity. a. CD133+ glioma cells exhibit greater survival potential after irradiation than matched CD133- tumour cells derived from D54MG glioma xenografts. Cell survival in response to irradiation was assessed by colony formation. Identical numbers of purified matched CD133+ and CD133– cells were left untreated as a control or subjected to a dose of IR (5 Gy) alone, a specific Chk1/Chk2 low molecular weight inhibitor alone (debromohymenialdisine, DBH, 3 M), or a combination of the two treatments in NBM without EGF/bFGF for 24 hours, and then cultured in the zinc optional media with 10% FBS in 6-well plates until visible colony formation. Each treatment for each cell type from each source was performed in triplicate. Representative images of colony formation derived from all treatments of CD133+ and CD133- cells are displayed. CD133+ cells formed a greater number of colonies after IR treatment than the CD133- cells supporting increased cellular resistance. CD133- cells were minimally sensitized to ionizing radiation by checkpoint inhibition with DBH, but CD133+ cells displayed a much greater sensitization to radiation after checkpoint inhibition with DBH. b. CD133+ cells purified from in vivo irradiated xenografts also display less caspase-3 activation than the CD133- cells derived from the same irradiated xenografts. Mice bearing subcutaneous D456MG glioma xenografts were untreated or treated with a single dose of 2 Gy or 5 Gy IR. Matched CD133+ and CD133- tumour cell populations were isolated from the xenograft 24 hours after in vivo IR treatment. Whole cell lysates were collected, resolved by SDS-PAGE, and immunoblotted with an antibody specific for cleaved caspase-3 that is an apoptotic indicator. Equal loading was confirmed by tubulin immunoblot. Both doses of radiation potently induced caspase-3 cleavage in the CD133- cells, an effect that was greatly reduced in the CD133+ cells, suggesting CD133+ cells are also more resistant to the IR-induced apoptosis in vivo. CD133+ cells also demonstrated lower rates of IR-induced Annexin V staining than matched CD133- cells (Supplementary Fig. S11). Supplementary Figure S9. Survival of CD133+ and CD133- cells in neurobasal media without growth factors did not differ within a five-day period under basal conditions but differed after IR treatment (3 Gy). CD133+ and CD133- cells derived from D54MG glioma xenografts (a) and primary glioblastoma T3781 (b) were untreated or irradiated with 3 Gy IR and incubated in the neurobasal media without EGF/FGF. The fraction of surviving cells from each sample on each day (1-5 days) was analyzed in triplicate. The survival of CD133+ and CD133- cells in neurobasal media without growth factors in the first 5 days showed no significant difference in basal conditions. In contrast, after 3 Gy IR treatment, the survival of CD133+ and CD133- cells displayed a significant difference in the neurobasal medium without growth factors. The maximal difference was detected on day 3 (48 hours after IR). Results are means ± s.d. (n=3) *, P<0.002; **, P<0.001. These data demonstrate that CD133+ cells are more resistant than CD133- cells to radiation-induced cell death. Supplementary Figure S10. CD133+ cells show lower rates of apoptotic cell death after irradiation than CD133- cells regardless of media conditions. CD133+ and CD133- cells derived from T3781 primary glioblastoma were untreated or treated with 3 Gy IR and then incubated in neurobasal media with or without EGF/bFGF. 20 hours after IR, apoptosis was assessed with an Annexin-V-FITC kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Annexin-V-FITC labeled samples were analyzed by flow cytometry, and the results from three experiments were combined for statistical analysis. IR-induced apoptotic cell death in the CD133- cells is consistently greater (4-5 fold) than that in the CD133+ cells in the neurobasal media with or without EGF/bFGF, but EGF/FGF provided a modest protective benefit for both CD133- and CD133+ cells from IR-induced apoptosis. Data are means ± s.d. (n=3; *, P<0.001; **, P<0.05). Supplementary Figure S11. CD133+ cells displayed less apoptotic cell death in response to radiation than matched CD133- cells by Annexin-VFITC staining. CD133+ and CD133- cells derived from primary glioblastoma T3781 were untreated or irradiated with 3 Gy IR and incubated in neurobasal media with EGF and FGF. 20 hours after IR, cells were collected and labeled with Annexin-V-FITC according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A fraction of the Annexin-V-FITC labeled cells from each sample was fixed and counterstained with DAPI and examined using fluorescent microscopy (a). Triplicate Annexin-V-FITC labeled samples were analyzed by flow cytometry (b). These data indicate that the IR-induced apoptotic cell death in the CD133- cells is significantly greater (4-5 fold) than that in CD133+ cells, confirming that CD133+ cells are more resistant to the clinical dose radiation than CD133- population. Results are means ± s.d. (n=3; *, P<0.001; **, P>0.5). Supplementary Figure S12. CD133+ tumour cells display preferential repopulation potential after ionizing radiation. CD133+ and CD133- cells derived from D456MG xenografts were labeled with CFSE (green) and CMTRX (red) fluorescent dyes separately and mixed in defined ratios (2% CD133+). As the dyes are maintained after cell division, cells derived from CD133+ cells were green while those derived from CD133- cells were red. Triplicate parallel cultures were left untreated as a control or treated with IR (5 Gy) in NBM without EGF/bFGF for 24 hours then cultured in zinc option media with 10% FBS after recovery. The resulting growth patterns of each tumour cell population at each indicated time point was visualized using fluorescent microscopy (a) and quantified by FACS (b). c. The percentage of cells derived from CD133- and CD133+ cells at days 1, 4, and 8 under untreated or irradiated conditions was quantified (mean ± s.d., n=100 cells X 3 trials). CD133+ cells (green) demonstrated a modest repopulation advantage relative to CD133- cells (red) under the untreated control conditions, but the repopulation advantage of CD133+ cells was much greater than that of CD133- cells after IR treatment. *, P<0.002; **, P<0.001. Supplementary Figure S13. Irradiated CD133+ cells derived from xenografts and primary human glioblastoma surgical specimens are capable of initiation of brain tumours in vivo. a. Irradiated CD133+ tumour cells with a clinical IR dose (2 Gy) retain tumourigenecity in vivo. CD133+ cells were purified from D456MG xenografts and primary glioblastomas (T3359, T3379) and then left untreated or irradiated with 2 Gy IR. Viable irradiated or untreated CD133+ tumour cells were transplanted into the right frontal lobes of BalbC athymic nude mice (10,000 cells/mouse) at 48 hr after IR. The neurological status of the mice after implantation was closely monitored. Upon development of neurological signs, mice were sacrificed, and the brains were harvested. Tumour formation was confirmed by gross inspection and systematic histology of the entire brain. Descriptive statistics are displayed (mean ± s.d., n=5). No statistically significant differences in tumour latency between the group injected with irradiated CD133+ cells and the control group injected with untreated CD133+ tumour cells were noted. b. Tumour latency is not significantly different between mice injected with CD133+ cells derived from untreated or irradiated xenografts. D456MG or T3379X (derived from an uncultured patient specimen directly implanted into the flanks of athymic nude mice) xenografts were either left untreated as a control or radiated (3 Gy) in vivo. Viable CD133+ cells were purified from both control and irradiated xenografts and implanted into the brains of athymic nude mice (10,000 cells/mouse, 5 mice per group). The time until the development of neurological signs was recorded. Upon development of signs, mice were sacrificed, and confirmation of tumour formation by gross inspection and systematic histology review was performed (representative gross images are presented). Data are means ± s.d. (n=5). c. Irradiation completely inhibits the tumourigenecity of CD133- cells derived from D456MG xenografts. Untreated CD133- cells derived from D456MG xenografts formed occasional small tumours in two of five mice brains. In contrast, the matched irradiated CD133- cells (2 Gy) demonstrated no capacity to form any tumours. Representative gross images of brains from each group are displayed. Supplementary Figure S14. Preferential activation of the DNA damage checkpoint in CD133+ glioma tumour cells. a, b. CD133+ tumour cells displayed increased checkpoint activation in response to DNA damage relative to CD133- cells derived from glioma D456MG xenograft and human primary glioblastoma T3359. CD133+ and CD133- cells were isolated from malignant D456MG glioma xenograft and human primary glioblastomas after tumour dissociation, labeled with an APC-conjugated anti-CD133 antibody, and sorted. The activation state of the checkpoint response was assessed in each cell line without (-) and 1 hour after NCS (neocarzinostatin, a radiomimetic agent, 100 ng/ml) treatment (+). Whole cell lysates were prepared, resolved by SDS-PAGE, and immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies. The phosphorylation levels and total expression levels of checkpoint proteins (ATM, Rad17, Chk2 and Chk1) were examined by Western blot analysis. c. CD133+ tumour cells demonstrate increased ATM kinase activity in response to irradiation relative to CD133- cells. CD133+ and CD133- cells isolated from a human primary glioblastoma surgical specimen (T3618) were untreated or irradiated (3 Gy). Whole cell lysates were prepared one hour after IR. ATM complexes were immunoprecipitated (IP) from untreated or irradiated CD133+ and CD133- cells and incubated with a GSTRad17 substrate in an in vitro ATM kinase assay. The phosphorylation of the GST-Rad17 substrate was analyzed by immunoblotting with a phosphospecific antibody for pS645-Rad17. Equal amounts of GST-Rad17 substrate input was determined by immunoblotting with an antibody against total Rad17. The equal amount of lysate protein for ATM IP was determined by immunoblotting with anti-tubulin antibody. The increase of phosphorylated Rad17 mediated by ATM kinase from irradiated CD133+ cells is significantly higher than that from irradiated CD133- cells, indicating increased ATM kinase activity in CD133+ cells. Supplementary Figure S15. CD133+ glioma tumour cells repair radiation-induced DNA damage more efficiently than CD133- cells. a. The IR-induced DNA damage was examined using the alkaline Comet assay. In this assay, the presence of DNA damage at sequential time points after damage was assessed by single cell gel electrophoresis assay under alkaline conditions. The repair capacity of each type cell was measured by the disappearance of the comet tail after damage. Comet tails reflect damaged DNA fragments that move faster than the intact DNA under single cell electrophoresis. CD133+ and CD133- tumour cells were derived from D456MG malignant glioma xenografts. Separate cultures were exposed to a single dose of ionizing radiation (3 Gy) and permitted to recover in NBM with EGF/bFGF. a. Representative images of the single cell gel electrophoresis of CD133+ and CD133- cells at the indicated time points after IR are displayed. b. The percentage of cells with comet tails at different time points after IR in CD133+ and CD133- populations derived from a D456MG xenograft were quantified (means ± s.d., n=100 cells X 3 trials). CD133+ cells displayed a significantly lower percentage of cells with comet tails at 18 hours and 30 hours after IR than the matched CD133- populations. Thus, CD133+ cells recovered from DNA damage at a faster rate than matched CD133- cells. *, P<0.001; **, P<0.002. Supplementary Figure S16. CD133+ tumour cells resolve foci of phosphorylated H2AX after DNA damage more efficiently than CD133+ tumour cells. a. The presence of double stranded DNA breaks after IR was assessed by immunoflourescent analysis of phosphorylated H2AX foci. Matched CD133- and CD133+ tumour cell cultures were derived from D456MG xenografts and grown under control conditions or irradiated with 3 Gy then assessed at 1 and 24 hours after irradiation. Cells were permeabilized, immunoblotted with an anti-phosphorylated H2AX antibody, and visualized under a fluorescent microscope. Representative images of phosphorylated H2AX under untreated control or IR treatment conditions are shown. b. The resolution of the phosphorylated H2AX nuclear foci in CD133+ glioma cells is significantly faster than that in the matched CD133- cells after radiation. The number of cells with nuclear foci of phosphorylated H2AX at different time points after IR (3 Gy) in CD133- and CD133+ cells derived from D456MG gliomas were quantified. Descriptive statistics are graphed (mean ± s.d., n=100 cells X 4 trials). The presence of phosphorylated H2AX nuclear foci in CD133- cells is significantly higher than that in CD133+ cells at 24 hr after IR. Accelerated resolution of the phosphorylated H2AX nuclear foci in radiated CD133+ tumour cells suggests preferential repair in this tumour subpopulation *, P<0.001. Supplementary Figure S17. CD133+ tumour cells display radioresistance in vivo relative to CD133- cells dependent on checkpoint kinase activity. CD133+ and CD133- glioma tumour cells were separately labeled with CMTPX (red) and CFSE (green) fluorescent dyes, mixed in a defined ratio (1:5 CD133+:CD133-), and implanted orthotopically into the right frontal lobes of the brains of athymic nude mice (5 mice/group). Injected mice were then left untreated as a control or treated with external beam ionizing radiation (IR, 5 Gy), a checkpoint inhibitor (DBH), or a combination of the two treatments. Mice were sacrificed after 8 days and brains were assessed for the relative proportion of cells derived from the CD133+ (red) and CD133(green) populations by fluorescent microscopy of the brain section and by FACS analysis. a. The paraformadehyde (PFA)-fixed brain tumour sections from four groups of mice (untreated, IR treated, DBH treated, IR+DBH treated) were examined under a fluorescent microscope. The regions of the brains injected with the mixed cancer cells were analyzed and photographed. Tumour cells in red were derived from CD133+ cells, and tumour cells in green were derived from CD133- cells. b. Descriptive statistics of the total number of cells in each group quantified by FACS analysis from three set of animal experiments are presented (mean ± s.d., n=3). The region of the brain injected with the labeled cells from each mouse was dissected and disaggregated to isolate the total tumour population, and the cancer cells derived from CD133+ (red) and from CD133- (green) were quantified by FACS. *, P<0.001; **, P>0.01. c. The ratio of in vivo tumour cells derived from CD133+:CD133- cells demonstrated that CD133+ tumour cells have a growth advantage in vivo that is significantly augmented after IR treatment. Data are means ± s.d. (n=3; *, P<0.001 IR treated relative to the untreated control group). The relative resistance to irradiation of the CD133+ tumour cells was reversed by the combination of IR and DBH (Chk1/Chk2 inhibitor) treatments in vivo. IJ=the ratio of CD133+/CD133- cells for the initial intracranial injection.