LAMUN Ministry_of_Magic_BG

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Ministry of Magic May 9th, 2011
Ministry of Magic May 9th, 2011
L’Amoreaux C.I. Model United Nations
Ministry of Magic
Muhammad Ali
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Raagul Sriprakas
Ministry of Magic May 9th, 2011
Welcome Delegates,
My name is Muhammad Ali, and I am the chair for the Ministry of
Magic. I am a grade 12 student at L’Amoreaux C.I. and looking forward
to studying political science in my future years at University. I enjoy
spending my time reading, playing various sports, and participating in
Model United Nations.
This is my first time chairing a Ministry of Magic committee;
however I have attended and helped out at various Model United
Nations Conferences. I enjoy anything that has to do with Harry Potter
whether it is the books, the movies, the events, and anything else
associated with the franchise.
The formality of this committee is that of a crisis committee where
topics will be discussed in moderated caucuses, but a series of crisis
topics will arise. Be aware that crisis topics could have not been
mentioned in this guide but relate to ministry issues. This council will be
very exciting and a great experience for all wizards and witches alike.
Just to remind delegates, that this is just a guide as a starting point for
your research. To understand ministry topics better, a good place to look
into are books five and six as our committee takes place between these
two books, and to take your research beyond the books.
If you have any questions at all feel free to contact my Co-Chair or
myself. I wish all delegates the best of luck and I look forward to
meeting you at LAMUN.
Muhammad Ali (Chair)
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Raagul Sriprakas (Co-Chair)
Ministry of Magic May 9th, 2011
Fifteen years ago, the Dark Lord had a vast group of followers
comprised of various witches and wizards, many of whom would carry
out his violent and dark acts. His followers, the Death Eaters, loved the
sheer power, wealth, and the glee of terror they imposed when practicing
the dark arts.
The Death Eaters were known to disobey the law by performing
the Unforgivable Curses. The curses were used to penetrate and control
Ministry officials, attack innocent Muggles, torture and murder those
that opposed them. The most crucial fact for us to understand is that the
Imperius curse was used on Ministry officials to gain important
information and weaken the ministry.
After the fall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, most of the Death
Eaters were caught and sent to the prison known as Azkaban, some were
killed in resistance to Aurors, some confessed their crimes, and others
remained loose.
It is the ministry’s job to focus to be on alert for anything
involving dark magic, illegal activities, and keeping the public aware of
the situation. This meeting is held on July 1st, 1996, time is of the
essence so the council needs to move quickly to resolve the topics at
hand as many crises will arise.
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Ministry of Magic May 9th, 2011
Topic 1: Trading of Magical Objects
Due to the fact that wizards and witches are so creative and
innovative we possess a great amount of magical objects. A magical
object is defined as any item that has been created or which requires the
use of magic. In this case of thousands magical objects, many of these
may include bewitched muggle objects.
Any kind of trading of these items is handled heavily by the
Department of International Magical Cooperation, but this issue is
relevant to all departments present at this council. The Department of
International Magical Cooperation is more focused on trading with other
ministries rather than trading within Britain. In that case every member
at this committee must determine which actually objects require
regulation, which need special attention, and which objects should still
be sold.
Questions to consider:
1. Between countries, would more or less trade be beneficial to the
overall issue of the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters
2. Which magical objects must be regulated? Generally, what types
of regulation might be required for different classes of objects?
3. Should the sale of some goods be ended altogether?
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Ministry of Magic May 9th, 2011
Topic 2: Death Eater Activities
The ministry must recognize that the most pressing issue at this
time is the return of the Dark Lord and his followers, the Death Eaters,
returning to his side. The best way to deal with this problem is to attack
on every separate sub-topic such as recruitment, finding escaped
members from Azkaban, and finding those Death Eaters that were
present at the Department of Mystery a few weeks ago.
The council must focus on creating specific policies in strategic
motions to trim the support and preventing any new members towards
You-Know-Who. This may be very challenging as You-Know-Who is
an expert in recruiting witches and wizards in a convincing and
compelling matter to join his dark movement. These methods must
include ways to stop He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, promise protection
for the public, and promote the ministry’s fight against the Dark Lord
through the media.
The other portion to attack is that of what Death Eaters are
planning. In recent years, Death Eaters have been able to penetrate the
walls of Hogwarts at the Tri-Wizard Tournament, escape from Azkaban,
and enter the Ministry unnoticed. The council needs to move swiftly in
gaining information and capturing as many Death Eaters as possible
before not only the wizarding community is affected but also the muggle
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Ministry of Magic May 9th, 2011
Questions to consider:
1. What kind of policies should be made to disrupt the recruitment
process of the Dark Lord?
2. Should the ministry focus more on young recruitment at schools or
of magical creatures?
3. How should the ministry defend the public and the muggle world?
4. What course of action should the ministry take to deal with known
Death Eaters?
5. What strategy should Aurors employ to investigate suspected
Death Eaters?
6. How can the ministry defend itself and the public from infiltration
of Death Eaters?
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Ministry of Magic May 9th, 2011
Harry Potter Lexicon. (n.d.). Various Pages. Retrieved March 1-31,
2011, from Harry Potter Lexicon:
Harry Potter Wiki. (n.d.). Various Pages. Retrieved March 1-31, 2011,
from Harry Potter Wiki:
MuggleNet. (n.d.). Various Pages. Retrieved March 1-31, 2011, from
Rowling, J. (1999). Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secrets.
Vancouver, BC, Canada: Raincoast Books.
Rowling, J. (2007). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Vancouver, BC, Canada: Raincoast Books.
Rowling, J. (2000). Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Vancouver, BC, Canada: Raincoast Books.
Rowling, J. (2005). Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
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Ministry of Magic May 9th, 2011
Vancouver, BC, Canada: Raincoast Books.
Rowling, J. (2003). Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Vancouver, BC, Canada: Raincoast Canada.
Rowling, J. (1998). Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Raincoast Books.
Rowling, J. (1999). Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Vancouver, BC, Canada: Raincoast Books.
The Leaky Cauldron. (n.d.). Various Pages. Retrieved March 1-31,
2011, from The Leaky Cauldron:
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