Volume 12, Number 3 March 2007 The Nugget The Newsletter of the Mother Lode DX/Contest Club it is alphabetical: .Leland "Mel" Farrer, licensed for over 45 years as K6KBE, now When: Saturday, 31, March 11:30AM-2:30PM retired. de Ken, K6TA Where: Colina del Oro restaurant in Plymouth, CA. Directions; from the west, 2007 Dues are due now! take highway 16 all the way to where it So far this year we have NOT received dues joins 49. Continue straight on 49-do NOT from the following: turn right. Road will turn from east to K6BEW Brandt Woodward north. The restaurant is on the right not to AD6E Al Maenchen far past the Shenandoah Inn. From the south, AA6EG Pat Barthelow 49 all the way, bearing right at the 16/49 WB6GEF Dave Green intersection. From the north, also 49. KK6I Jeff Stai Restaurant will be on the left past the K6KM Bill Snider Pokerville Market. What: Thanks to Dick, N6TNX we have an K6QG Lyle Bradt K2RD Ira Stoler outstanding program lined up for the March N6RK Rick Karlquist MLDXCC meeting. Leland "Mel" Farrer, K6KBE N6RER Ginny Snider has agreed to come and give us an insight W6RKC Rick Casey into the founding and early days of KLM KF6T Jack Morgan Antennas. Below is a brief summary of the N6XI Rick Tavan start of KLM. Join Mel on March 31 and hear AE6Y Andy Faber the rest of the story. KLM. Basic dues are $15. It is $10 more, if you During the late 1960's a bunch of VHF/UHF hams started an association of sorts that want a paper copy of the ‘Nugget’. Donations gladly accepted. Please, pay at were concentrating on Moon bounce and meeting…next best, mail to Treasurer, experimental SSB and antenna design Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD at Box 273, projects. Among those were Ken Holladay, Somerset, CA., 95684-0273. Mike Staal and myself. We met Oliver Swan who had developed a log cell Yagi antenna for TV head end applications. He also made FROM THE PREZ a few for 2 meters and 440. Most of the Congrats!! MLDX/CC does it again!! Top CA group bought them and were very surprised at club in CQP. We had 20 logs submitted the performance. compared to 12 for our nearest During the summers, Ken, Mike, and I would competition. Thanks for getting on, making go water-skiing and camping. As the summer some Qs and sending in the logs. Special of 1970 got hotter so did the lakes get mention goes to Ira, K2RD, for setting a crowded on the weekends and skiing was not new record for El Dorado county by as much fun. We kicked the idea around that operating the heck out K6IDX and rolling if we had our own company; we could ski in up 315K+ points!! the middle of the week and work on the I hope there is not too much confusion weekends. We approached Oliver to license over the meeting facility. Originally his design for ham use and build a line of Round Table was supposed to move the end antennas for the VHF and UHF bands. He of February and was going to be closed for agreed and we started KLM in 1971 building a week or so for move, etc. Now it is VHF/UHF antennas. Naturally, we found out April. So that’s why we are meeting at that with your own company you worked 7 days Colina del Oro restaurant. a week during the early years and we never Some calls heard in last weekend's ARRL DX did enjoy skiing during the week. CW contest...K6TA, KF6T-single band 40 & Incidentally, the name KLM came from: K for W6RFF. I put in a few hours...see 3830 for Ken, L for Leland and M for Mike and besides scores & comments. For a 'hoot', look up MEETING DATE, LOCATION & PROGRAM The MLDXCC Newsletter Page 1 K5GO's report. First look at the 40 meter score, then scroll down to the station description. Dues are due!! Thanks to those that have already paid. Dick, K6LRN THE VP SEZ Not much! ……Cuz we don’t have a VP for 2007 yet! Step-up someone……… CQ CQ FD 2007 de K6AO!! It may only be March, but this is a great time to start talking about this year's MLDXCC Field Day Operating Event. That’s because Field Day weekend is a mere 12 weeks away and June 22-24 will soon be upon us. I’m pleased to serve as your Field Day Coordinator again this year. We sure did great last year! We operated in Class 2A, making 2,846 contacts and finishing with a score of 9,432, which put us in 13th place in class 2A nationwide. That was an improvement over 2005, when we scored 8,902 points, also finishing in 13th place in class 2A. The Peddler Hill location was great (as usual) and the club’s 4-element 20-meter beam and 40-meter wire beam performed well. Plus, all of the operators had a fun weekend. Fun that's really what Field Day weekend is all about, plus the fellowship that takes place among club members when we work together as a team to accomplish a goal. Over the past four years, our goal has been to simply achieve a higher overall score than the previous year. So far – we have reached our goal every year!! One of the additional highlights last year was watching several teenage boys make their first ever QSOs on our GOTA station. Every time that we go out as a club and participate in this event, we learn from the things that went well and also from the things that didn't work so well. We have improved on the things that haven’t worked so well and continue to do the things that have worked OK. That has been the secret to increasing our score each year. For those of you that are new to our club, let me say that everyone has a role to fill for Field Day and we cannot have too many participants. Even if you can only come up on Sunday morning to help a bunch of weary operators take everything down and pack it up, your participation is encouraged. Having said that, I would like to hear from club members that would like to participate in our event this year. You can e-mail me at wx6v@sbcglobal.net and let me know how much time you can commit to Field Day. Feel free The MLDXCC Newsletter to ask any and all questions about Field Day and what we will be doing over the course of the weekend. In the next month or so, I will be sending out a checklist to all of last year's participants that brought rigs, support gear, antennas, and antenna support structures. I would like to know if you plan on bringing these items up to our Field Day site again this year. That way, we can determine what items we still need and put out an appeal for them via e-mail or in “The Nugget.” I would also like to know if someone will be able to bring a travel trailer to be used as a possible rig site, inside eating area, and restroom (most important)! Concerning that last item, the club rented a “Wee Chateau” last year and the members in attendance reimbursed the cost. We may choose this route again for this year if no trailer is available. That's about it. We can discuss these things and more at our upcoming club meetings over the next several months. Hope to see you there. Jim -WX6VXF2K TAMAULIPAS STATE GROUP - NA-246 (Click on the hyperlinks within the text to view the photos) The Tamaulipas State Group of islands consists of several barrier islands in the Laguna Madre. One of the largest of the inner islands is Larga. This island was chosen because it is easy to land on and has no population. On July 30, 2006, Hector, XE2K, Jorge, XE2WWW and Mike, AB5EB, made an initial trip to Larga for a few hours and qualified it to count for NA-246 using XE2K/XF2 and XE2WWW/XF2. Planning started for a larger operation. In early 2007, equipment was being assembled at the Reynosa, Tamaulipas QTH of Jorge. Several of the antennas and masts that have been used on XF1K operations were shipped across Mexico. The required paperwork for the operation was started to obtain the licenses for the special island operation and for the operators coming down from the United States. On the 22nd of February, the team assembled in Reynosa. Hector and Norm, N6JV, flew in from California where they Page 2 were met by Jorge for the trip into Mexico. Marco, XE2S, was also picked up at the airport in Reynosa where he had flown in from Hermosillo, Sonora. Mike, AB5EB, drove to Reynosa from San Antonio, Texas. The rest of the day and evening were spent buying additional provisions and parts, assembling power cables and loading the trucks. On Friday morning, the two pickup trucks headed for the Gulf of Mexico and Laguna Madre which is about 130 km to the east. Foggy conditions resulted in a slower start to the operation. This border area is closely controlled by the Mexican Navy. It is a prime area for smuggling. A courtesy visit was made at the Navy headquarters to explain who we were and where we would be. An unusual operation like this was sure to attract the attention of the Navy patrol boats. After the Navy’s approval, negotiations with Captain Jorge Mantecas were started and an agreement was made. He would provide two boats and several helpers to load and unload the boats. The gear was quickly loaded and the boats headed off to Larga. A landing area was found that was very close to a good camping spot. The boats were quickly unloaded. Norm slipped in the mud and did a back flip and landed on his back, but there was little damage. Hector and Marco started assembling the antennas while Mike and Norm put up the tents. Jorge would join the team the next day. The main tent was near the landing area and would have two of the transmitters. A second small tent would be located down the beach as far as the power cables would reach. This tent would have a single CW station. When the TH3jr tribander was up, a station in the small tent was ready and the initial contacts on 20 meter SSB were made with an ICOM 706 Mk II. K6QG and N6AWD, our QSL manager, were the first QSOs. An IC-756 PRO and AL811 amplifier were used on SSB and a TS-2000 was the second CW rig. Other antennas included an A3WS for the WARC bands, a DX88 vertical, an F12 vertical dipole and a 60 foot top loaded vertical for the low bands. Power was supplied by a single 5 KW generator. Conditions were very good on all bands except for 15 meters and above where conditions were very poor. All three stations were active on 17 and 20, SSB and CW until near dark when 30 CW, 40 CW and 75 The MLDXCC Newsletter SSB were started and run all night. Very large pileups of Europeans and Asian stations kept everyone busy day and night. By the end of the operation on Sunday morning, 7203 QSOs had been logged with 4002 on CW and 3201 on SSB. QSOs with Europe were 1726 and 952 were with Japan. BAND SSB CW TOTAL EUROS (CW + SSB) 15 1 19 2 20 17 498 873 324 1371 701 2912 20 1672 1240 30 0 880 257 880 40 0 990 287 990 75 1030 0 155 1030 Captain Mantecas and his boats arrived back on Larga exactly as requested at noon on Sunday and they all assisted in taking down the tents and loading the boats. The sea was calm so the boats had a high speed race back to the mainland. With the trucks loaded, everyone returned to Reynosa for a barbeque dinner at Jorge’s home. Hector, Mike and Norm crossed the border and stayed near the Harlingen Airport so it would be easier to make flight schedules the next morning. The XF2K team would like to thank Ing. Moises Ramirez and his associates (COFETEL) for their assistance with the licensing. We would also like to thank the Island Radio Expedition Foundation (IREF) for their support and to individual contributors JE1DXC and JM1PXG. Jorge and his wife were excellent hosts to all the operators at their home and provided invaluable assistance while dealing with many problems. All QSLs will be handled by our manager Fred, N6AWD. We wish to thank all who worked us and made this a very successful operation from NA-246. This ends the official report. This is the rest of the story. (Norm N6JV) The weather was very good if you like high winds. The first night, both tents partially blew down in the early morning. The small tent was very light and a sun shade tarp had been wrapped around the windward side. This worked well until the second morning when a 50 mph wind came Page 3 from the opposite direction and the tarp acted as a sail. It tried to lift the tent off the ground and put it in the sea with me in it. With the wind howling, I couldn’t yell for help and managed to get out and hang on to the tent supports while attempting to untie the tarp. After several exhausting minutes, the tent collapsed and wasn’t headed to sea. I went to the main tent for help, and Jorge and I tried to drive long posts into the sand to hold it down. Not much luck, so we woke up Hector and tried again. By this time, I was not feeling well and laid down in the dirt and was content to stay there. Jorge and Hector stabilized the tent and Jorge went to get Mike. As an ER doctor they decided they needed him as Norm was still laying in the dirt. Everyone knew of my medical problems and was very concerned. I managed to crawl into the tent and onto my bed where I was comfortable. I got some sleep until dawn. In the morning, I felt well enough to sit up, so made many QSOs on 20 CW until shutting down about 10 am. I was still not very steady and worked slowly. Eventually they made me sit down and not load anything else. When we returned to the mainland, I was very tired and lay in the back seat of one of the trucks. Mike decided that they needed to get me across the border and get me checked out at a medical facility. After empting out the truck in Reynosa, Jorge and Mike drove to the border. At the border there was about a 30 minute wait, so Mike ran up to the Border Patrol people and explained that they had a sick American in the back of the truck. With a Border Patrol officer on the back of the truck, Jorge drove to the front of the line and into Texas. An ambulance was called and five ambulances responded. I don’t know which was chosen, but I was loaded in one of them and an IV and oxygen were started. They took me to the McAllen Heart Hospital while Jorge and Mike returned to Reynosa. Once in the emergency room they ran several tests on me and eventually decided that I was so dehydrated that my blood pressure would fall too low when I stood up. They started giving me fluids and poured 1500 ml of saline into my IV. About 10 pm they officially released me. Hector and Mike had loaded my gear and picked me up at the ER. We found a nice motel and we had some needed showers and a good night’s sleep. I was especially careful to clean the blister I had gotten on my heel from walking around with wet feet and shoes the first day. The MLDXCC Newsletter With flight delays, I didn’t make it home until 11:30 that night. As I was taking off my socks to go to bed, I noticed that my ankle was twice its regular size and the blister was very infected. My wife and I went to the local emergency room and they cleaned the blister and injected me with some painful antibiotic. By 3:30 am they had again released me with a prescription. Lessons learned: When on an island operation, drink as much as you would at home and probably more. Try to have an ER doctor on your team and if he is a good CW operator, all the better. Remember what your mother told you about accidents, hospitals and clean underwear. de N6JV Member news/feedback/Announcements. Hi all, from sunny Hawaii. George KI6CG and I operated the ARRL DX phone contest as multi/one and ended up with 2.8 mil. Station; Icom-7800 and FT-2000 with Commander amp and Henry 2K4. 8-element M squared LP at 75 feet and wire and verticals for 80 & 160. Aloha, Fred W6YM.......NH6P The MonstIR project had been on hold due to lack of a suitable rotator. I recently received a prop pitch rotor rebuilt by K7NV and installed it in the tower. He sure does great work. Now I am back to finishing up the self tilting mounting plate and then I can start building the MonstIR. I experimented with operating in the ARRL DX contest by remote control from Cupertino, using the Galt station. I decided that the audio delay of 1/4 to 1/2 second when sending audio over the internet was a fairly big problem in contesting. I have since installed an auto phone patch for audio over phone lines. It has virtually no delay. Recent DX of note: Spratly (DX0 and 9M4), 9U, ST, ZB2, 9K2. .Rick N6RK I still have my FT-1000D for sale. Ver 6.0, 200W, all filters & BPF. Only problem is the antennas tuner just grunts, does not tune. Was not a problem for me cuz I always use external tuners. Obtained it from a well known Caribbean contest station and was in use daily until the end of October when house stuff ended my operating (except for SS). Price is $1250. Rick, W6RKC Page 4 Yaesu FT1000-MK5, perfect condition, ~30 hours of run time. Asking $1750. email NZ6O@arrl.net, or call Ron, 530-409-7755 I have for sale a Clean Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark V, 200watts. Loaded with all CW high and Low IF filters and two SSB filters, Roofing Filter, and CW mod. $2000. Firm Contact Ted Martinez, WA6RIV at 209-601-5354 or at wa6riv@aol.com I've gotta downsize my RF/Tech accumulation of stuff, and want to list a few items : 125 ft of 7/8" Andrew COAX, with eia connectors. Cell company style connectors, would need adapters to get to N connectors... Corrugated Copper shield, and hollow center conductor, Make offer. Tek 7904 400 MHz scope with 2 plug ins Make offer Lots of other stuff... call Pat AA6EG (916) 315-9271 EDITOR’S NOTES Good news and bad new this month. I guess I will go with the bad first so that I end on a positive note. Karen and I attended a memorial service (in Los Angeles the 17th) for Phil Goetz, N6ZZ. Phil was a long-time friend and well known contester, Phil died suddenly of a Brain Aneurysm. I knew Phil for over 35 years, since our day as young DXers and contester’s in the SCDXC. Last October we operated a multi-multi during the CQWW phone from Curacao as PJ2T. We were in touch via email, sharing photos, just a few of days before he died. Phil had many obstacles placed in his path during his lifetime, but he was always very positive about his life and always looked at the bright side of things. At 64, Phil was trim, active and seemed in good physical condition. He had just re-married in the fall of 2006, his wife of many years died of cancer in 2003. They had just moved into their newly constructed home 8 weeks before he died. As they say “life just ain’t fair”. So, don’t put-off what you want to do too long, cause’ tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Bob, N6TV posted some of his photos taken at the memorial gathering honoring Phil’s life. http://picasaweb.google.com/rawilson/N6ZZMem orialGathering -Orhttp://tinyurl.com/329qgx The non-hams in the audience, including Phil's son Paul (from YF #1) and stepdaughter Christine (from YF #2), seemed absolutely delighted with N6AA's light and amusing 40-zone talk, full of travelogue The MLDXCC Newsletter photos and funny Phil stories. One "new one" featured a photo of Phil leaning forward in a stare-down contest with a stone face statue on Easter Island. RIP OM, 73, until we meet again, SK. And now on to the good news, while we were in LA we had a great visit with all of our kids and Grandkids. We stayed with our daughter who just bought a new (old) home in December and it was our first visit. It’s located in Rolling Hills Estates, and at the price they paid for a “Needs some help house” you could buy 3 new homes up here in Pville. I knew there was a good reason we moved outa’ of LA, HI HI We also had our taxes prepared and I am proud to say that for the third year in a row, we are paying no Federal or State tax. Hooray!!! So, being poor retired folks sometimes has its advantages. Radio conditions were better last month and there was some interesting DX on the air. I snagged 9U0X on 30 and 17M as well as adding Spratly, 9M4SDX on 160, and J28JA on 17M. I also operated a bit in the ARRL phone contest but conditions were pretty crappy that weekend and I cut it short. I built (out of a bunch of old scrap Hygain stuff) a loaded 2 element 30M beam. It’s on an 11 foot boom, and the longest element is only 34’ long. March 22nd, Norm, N6JV and I installed it on my short tower (W-51) in less than 2 hours. That included the time it took to remove a 2M long boom yagi, and move-up my F-12 C-3. I designed it for gain on the computer using EZ-Nec, and used those dimensions for fabrication. So far it seems to play pretty good, although I need to extend the reflector, since my design compromised the F/B ratio for gain. And what I need is more F/B, so I guess I’ll eat ¾ of a dB. If ur interested in what it looks like come-on-by and see it for yourself, or email me and I will send U a digital photo. C U in the 30M pileups, with a stronger signal, I hope. Oh, I did want to comment on one more thing, our last meeting was informal, we didn’t have a speaker or a formal program. But it was a blast! Just a good-time BS and idea exchange session, I for one would encourage us to have them more often. Just my 2 cents worth. C U all the 31st de Rick W6SR Page 5 March 10, 2006: It's official: Solar minimum has arrived. Sunspots have all but vanished. Solar flares are nonexistent. The sun is utterly quiet. Like the quiet before a storm. This week researchers announced that a storm is coming--the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). "The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," she says. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958. Follow the hyperlink below for the complete story. http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2006/10ma r_stormwarning.htm opening date. Current projection by the restaurant management is May at the earliest. In the mean time, other venues will be researched and announced. The March meeting will now be held on 31 March at Colina de Oro Mexican Restaurant in Plymouth, CA. Contribution Requests. The Scarborough Reef Dxpedition, PS7H, has contacted the Club for monetary support. It was decided that members can support individually, as our Club donation goes directly to the Northern California DX Foundation. Ken, K6TA, suggested putting an extra $5 or $10 in your envelope when QSLing. MLDXCC – FINANCIAL REPORT FEBRUARY 2007 Achievements. It was announced that Jim Venneman, WX6V, had attained 5-band lowpower DXCC. Balance February 1, 2007: $682.02 Income: Dues 60.00 Refund (Round Table) 50.00 Upcoming Contests. The ARRL DX contest is 3-6 March, NAQP RTTY is this weekend and the CQ WW WPX Contest is 24-26 March. Expenses: 00.00 Balance February 28,2007: $792.02 Adjournment. Meeting was adjourned 12:46 PM. Kay Anderson, K6KO, Secretary at Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD, Treasurer MLDXCC General Meeting, 27 January 2007. General Meeting Minutes, 24 February 2007. Dick Wilson, K6LRN, President ProTem, called to order at 12:30 PM at the round Table Pizza in Martell, CA, with nine members present. Roll Call of Officers. President Pro Tem Dick, Director Ken Anderson, K6TA, Treasurer Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD and Secretary Kay Anderson, K6KO, answered the Officers’ Roll Call. Secretary’s Minutes and Treasurer’s Report. The Minutes and Treasurer’s Report of 27 January 2007 were approved as printed in last the February Nugget. Visalia 2007. Jeff Stai is coordinating the Friday night Contest Dinner. Program will be presented by K3OR. To date, the Club has not been approached to provide additional help at the Convention. Change of Meeting Venue. Our current meeting place, the Round Table Pizza restaurant in Martell, will be closing out its present location on 18 March and will open again at the new location in the Amador Ridge Shopping Center in three or four months. The Secretary will check on the reThe MLDXCC Newsletter UPCOMING EVENTS 2007 VISALIA INTERNATIONAL DX CONVENTION. The 2007 International DX Convention will take place April 27th, 28th and 29th, 2007, at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center in Visalia, California. This is an ARRL sanctioned convention that is sponsored this year by the Northern California DX Club. It is expected to draw visitors from around the World and will feature programs from recent DXpeditions and contest operations. The Convention theme this year is, "Elmering New DXers is Job Number One!" Accordingly, a portion of the programming will be devoted to helping new DXers learn how to be noticed in a pile-up, snag a "new one" and get that elusive QSL card. Other Convention offerings will include: DX, Top Band and Contest Forums, technical talks, many door prizes, both Friday and Saturday evening "attitude adjustments", Saturday Barbecue Lunch, Saturday night banquet, Sunday morning "power" breakfast, Vendors Exhibits and QSL card checking. Current information and registration forms are available on the Convention web page which can be found at: http://www.dxconvention.org Additional registration information can be obtained by contacting Convention Registration Chairman, Dick Letrich, W6KM via Email at: Page 6 dlw6km@aol.com If you're interested in DXing, the Visalia DX Convention is the place to be. We hope to see you there. Old Foothill Flea Market 1st Sunday of each month at DeAnza College, intersection of I280 and State Highway 85. The flea market is going under the name "ASVARA" Livermore Swap Meet (see website for new location), 7:00 AM to noon, all year. Talk in 147.045 from the west 145.35 from the east. Check at: larkswap.com SELECTED - UP-COMING CONTESTS ARS Spartan Sprint 0100Z-0300Z, Apr 3 YLRL DX-YL to NA-YL Contest, CW 1400Z, Apr 3 to 0200Z, Apr 5 SP DX Contest 1500Z, Apr 7 to 1500Z, Apr 8 EA RTTY Contest 1600Z, Apr 7 to 1600Z, Apr 8 Missouri QSO Party 1800Z, Apr 7 to 0500Z, Apr 8 and 1800Z-2400Z, Apr 8 FeldHell Spring Sprint 1800Z, Apr 7 to 0359Z, Apr 8 and 1400Z-2359Z, Apr 8 UBA Spring Contest, SSB 0600Z-1000Z, Apr 8 SARL Hamnet 40m Simulated Emerg Contest 1200Z-1400Z, Apr 8 Low Power Spring Sprint 1400Z-2000Z, Apr 9 144 MHz Spring Sprint 1900 local - 2300 local, Apr 9 YLRL DX-YL to NA-YL Contest, SSB 1400Z, Apr 10 to 0200Z, Apr 12 JIDX CW Contest 0700Z, Apr 14 to 1300Z, Apr 15 Georgia QSO Party 1800Z, Apr 14 to 0359Z, Apr 15 and 1400Z-2359Z, Apr 15 Run for the Bacon QRP Contest 0100Z-0300Z, Apr 16 222 MHz Spring Sprint 1900 local - 2300 local, Apr 17 Holyland DX Contest 0000Z-2359Z, Apr 21 ES Open HF Championship 0500Z-0559Z, Apr 21 and 0600Z-0659Z, Apr 21 and 0700Z-0759Z, Apr 21 and 0800Z-0859Z, Apr 21 Michigan QSO Party 1600Z, Apr 21 to 0400Z, Apr 22 Ontario QSO Party 1800Z, Apr 21 to 1800Z, Apr 22 YU DX Contest 2100Z, Apr 21 to 0500Z, Apr 22 and 0900Z-1700Z, Apr 22 432 MHz Spring Sprint 1900 local - 2300 local, Apr 25 SP DX RTTY Contest 1200Z, Apr 28 to 1200Z, Apr 29 Helvetia Contest 1300Z, Apr 28 to 1259Z, Apr 29 Florida QSO Party 1600Z, Apr 28 to 0159Z, Apr 29 and 1200Z-2159Z, Apr 29 Nebraska QSO Party 1700Z, Apr 28 to 1700Z, Apr 29 The MLDXCC Newsletter The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 803 March 26, 2007 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DXAssociation, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster 3B6, AGALEGA. Team leader Witek, SP9MRO, announced on March 22nd that the Polish DXpedition to Agalega Island has been rescheduled to take place between June 618th, provided that the team can obtain permission for staying, a licence and the right ship to take them there. For updates please visit the 3B6 Web page at: http://3b6.godx.eu/ 3B8, MAURITIUS (AF-049). Starting April 5th, look for Mart, DL6UAA, to once again be active as 3B8MM for a few weeks. His activity will be mostly CW, but he will also try SSTV (on 14230 kHz). QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau. Visit his Web site at: http://www.dl6uaa.de/indexa.html 4O3/YT6, MONTENEGRO (Late WPX Announcement). There was another contest effort from Montenegro by Ranko/YT6A (on 20m) and Martti/4O3B/OH2BH (80m) during this past weekend's CQ WPX Phone Contest. The OH2BN press release stated: "They will be using many newly established stations and antenna concepts at Ranko's 'Premium Contest Resort' 600 meters above sea level near the city of Herceg Novi." ADDED NOTE: Visit Ranko's new Web site (still under construction) at: http://www.skycc.info/yt6a 7P, LESOTHO. Operators Tony/ZS1APB, Barry/ZS1FJ, Shaun/ZS1RA, Roy/ZS1ROY and Deon/ZS1ZL will be operating from the highest point in Lesotho (3000m ASL) on the north border escarpment of the Drakensburg Range between April 5-12th. The team has requested the callsign 7P8DX. Activity is planned for 80-15 meters with an emphasis on the lower bands. They plan to have three stations active simultaneously using Yagis and V-beams. A2, BOTSWANA (UPdate/Ops Stilled Needed!). Frosty, K5LBU, reports that so far they now have 3 operators beside him. He would like to find at least 2 more to join their group. The dates are still the same, July 5-21st. Frosty states, "It looks like we Page 7 might be able to do some EME and LEO work also while there." If interested, contact him via E-mail at: frosty1@pdq.net ADDED NOTE: Frosty is already thinking about next year, possibly 3DA0 or 7P8. A5, BHUTAN. Beginning in April, operator Kunio, JA8VE, is expected to be here on a two year work assignment through March 2009 as a JICA senior volunteer for Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to coach the Bhutanese telecommunications ministry. He will be active as A52VE and will be operating from the capital city of Thimphu. Activity will be on all bands including 6 meters, SSB, Digital modes and some CW. Kunio states that he will use a Yaesu and Icom radio with ONLY 100 watts(amps are prohibited) possibly using a Spider beam and Inverted VEE or DP. QSL via JF1OCQ, using the QRZ.com address. CU2, AZORES. Pedro, EA1FCH, will be active from Sao Miguel (EU-003) in the Eastern Island Group as CU2/EA1FCH, June 27th through August 5th. Activity will be on the lower bands and WARC bands, mainly CW and the Digital modes. QSL via EA1FCH, by the Bureau or direct. DXCC NEWS....................... JUST A REMINDER (DXCC Honor Roll listings due)! The deadline for the next ARRL DXCC Honor Roll listing is approaching very fast. Just under a week to go! All submissions must be "postmarked by March 31st". The Honor Roll list will appear in the 2007 August QST. There are 337 current entities on the DXCC list, so you must be at 337 for Top of the Honor Roll or within the numerical top 10 to qualify for the Honor Roll (minimum of 328 entities; deleted entities do not count toward Honor Roll). Reports indicate that the following operations are not yet approved for DXCC credit: E51PDX - North Cook Islands E51PEN - North Cook Islands. Reason given: No documentation received for either of these 2006 operations. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Branch Manager reports that the following operations are approved for DXCC credit: 1A4A - Sovereign Military Order Of Malta 2007 Operation 9M4SDX - Spratly Islands 2007 Operation 9U9Z - Burundi 2007 Operation DXØJP - Spratly Islands 2007 Operation YWØDX - Aves Island 2007 Operation ER, MOLDOVA. Andy, RW3AH, is now active as ER/RW3AH until April 12th. This is his third The MLDXCC Newsletter DXpedition to the Republic of Moldova. He plans to pay special attention to the 160/80m bands and as usual on 20 meter CW/SSB (for USA General Class above 14260 kHz and for Russian amateurs around 1415014180 kHz). Also mentioned is that Valery, RW3GW, may possibly join him as well as a second operator using the callsign ER0/R7C or ER0/NA1SA between April 8-12th. QSL direct using the address on QRZ.com. GP8, GUERNSEY (EU-114). Chris, M0DOL, will be here for 7 days and is expected to arrive during the morning of May 26th. He plans to activate castles and forts on the island. He will stay in Richmond near Vazon Bay, in sight of both Fort Richmond and Fort Hammet. Chris states that he will also be at Vale Castle on Sunday, May 27th. Look for Chris, along with Tom/2E0TSW and members of the Norhampton Radio Club, to activate the callsign GP8LED/p for the first time ever from all locations. Activity will be on all bands. A full colored double-sided QSL card will be available only direct from M0DOL (information via QRZ.com). ATTENTION CASTLE HUNTERS: A list of CASHOTA reference numbers will be available soon on the following Web page soon at: http://www.cashota.org HL, SOUTH KOREA (IOTA & LH Activity). Jean-Pierre, F5AHO, will be active as HL1/F5AHO from May 12-20th. His plans are to activate some IOTAs and Lighthouses. The following were mentioned: AS-081 (LH0304), AS-060, AS-026 (LH0686) and AS085. Activity will be SSB on 20/1715 meters using his FT857 and a wire GP. QSL via his home callsign, by the bureau or direct. INDIAN OCEAN TOUR. Gildas, TU5KG, will once again be portable maritime-mobile (/MM) around Kerguelen Island (FT5XP) and Crozet Island (FT5WL). This time Gildas will not go to Port aux Francais. He will, however, be on Reunion Island (FR/TU5KG) around May 15th. QSL via F4EFI, direct or by the bureau. No e-QSLs accepted. KH8S, SWAINS ISLAND DXPEDITION (Update). It is a little over a week to go before members of the N8S Swains Island DXpedition will hit the air between April 4-15th. Then the team will move their operations to the Independent State of Samoa (5W - formerly known as Western Samoa from 1914-1997) as 5W5AA (and Page 8 possibly other callsigns) between April 1724th. Acim, YZ1EW, announced this past week that both the N8S and 5W5AA teams will be active on 60 meters (on 5403.5 kHz), 2m EME and 6 EME with WSJT65 A,B,C (on frequencies 50.375 MHz and 144.375 MHz). He also announced that the following pilot stations for the operation are: Toma/YU1AB for Western Europe, Lee/KH6BZF for the Americas and the Pacific, and Antic/YU1AA for the YU and Eastern Europe areas. Lastly, he stated that the DXpedition team is ready to go. All donations are welcome according to the data on their Web site at: http://www.yt1ad.info/n8s/ Acim also adds (edited): "The most wanted DXCC country needs HAMSPIRIT on the frequency, and please listen carefully to the operator on the current frequency." LIGHTHOUSE ACTIVITY............... Operators Jim/KA3UNQ, Dan/KD3CQ and Al/W3REG will operate as N3L from the Point Lookout Lighthouse (ARLHS USA-628), Maryland, on April 14th, from 1400-2000z. Activity will be on 80/40/20/17 meters SSB, PSK31 and possibly CW. Certificate is available on request. QSL with SASE to KA3UNQ. Visit the Point Lookout Lighthouse's Web page at: http://www.ptlookoutlighthouse.com/ Operator Jim, KA3UNQ, will be active as a portable from some island in the IOTA NA-031 group (Aquidneck, Goat and Conanicut Islands), April 7-9th. He will also activate numerous Rhode Island lighthouses and U.S. Islands. Activity will be on 40/20/17 meters SSB. QSL with SASE to CBA. ON50, BELGIUM. Look for special event station ON50EU to be active now through December 31st, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome (EU 50 years). QSL via ON7YX, by the Bureau or direct. OX60, GREENLAND (NA-018). Look for special event station OX60AD to be active April 130th. Activity is to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force and the 56th anniversary of the Defense Treaty between the U.S. and Denmark for the Protection of Greenland. The "AD" suffix in OX60AD stands for "America-Denmark". Activity will be on 40/20/17/15/10 meters using CW, SSB, and RTTY. QSL via OX3UR. PA50, NETHERLANDS. Members of the VERONLeiden are now active as PA50EU until April 9th to celebrate the uniting of Europe from Rome. Activity will be on 80 meters through The MLDXCC Newsletter 70cm. QSL cards can be sent via the Dutch QSL Bureau (DQB). QSL QSL QSL QSL QSL QSL QSL QSL QSL QSL QSL QSL QSL INFO AND NEWS......................... 3DA0EI via EI7CC EF8A via EA8AUW 3XM6JR via UA6JR EY3M via QRZ.com 4E1P via Bureau LX7I via LX2A D44AC via QRZ.com LX8M via LX1ER D69XC via UA9XC TA2K via TA2RC ED8D via EA8BHD by Bureau TO5A via F5VHJ The logs for the recent 9M4SDX Spratly Island DXpedition are now available online at:http://9m4sdx.dxers.net/log_search/sear ch.html PZ5A was operational this past weekend in the CQWW SSB WPX Contest. QSL DIRECT via PZ5RA (Ramon) as indicated on QRZ.COM. IMPORTANT NOTE: PZ5A was first activated in the 2003 CQWW SSB WPX Contest, and QSLs for that operation still go via W5UE (Randy). The second activation of PZ5A as a special callsign (2007 SSB WPX) goes via PZ5RA only DIRECT as indicated on QRZ.COM. U.S. POSTAL RATES GOING UP! The cost of mailing a letter will go from 39 cents to 41 cents (first ounce) for letters on May 14th. Howvever, you will be able to lock in that price - no matter how rates rise in the future by buying the new "forever" stamp. More details are available at: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070319/ap_on_ go_ot/postal_rates XT2C QSL STATUS. Bernard, F9IE, reportedly put the first batch of cards in the mail for direct requests. has QSL YX0A, YX0LIX and YX0A/MM QSL STATUS. Steve, KU9C, reports: "Folks, After returning from a long business trip, I've now sized the YX0A/YX0LIX/YX0A-MM QSLs and can provide the following status: I believe all QSLs received at my QTH by mid-February will be in the mail back to you by April 9, 2007. The only exception I see are folks that have sent cards for several calls I manage in one envelope; these will be delayed and I cannot easly predict when I'll be done with those. By the fact that you included several in one envelope, I've made the assumption that Page 9 you're not in a big hurry for these. If you've not received your card by mid-April, feel free to email me; at that time I'll be able to provide status. 73 Steve KU9C" Sorol Atoll (OC-277) and Woleai Atoll (OC132). Activity will be on CW and SSB. QSL via their home callsigns. Visit their Web page at: http://www.mdxc.org/v63 RMD SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event stations to be active from 1200z April 14th to 1200z April 15th to commemorate Radio Maritime Day. This is a CW event which will be operated from former marine coastal radio stations and possibly ships at sea. Suggested frequencies are: 1854, 3520, 7020, 14052, 21052 and 28052 kHz. Look for the following mentioned stations (or individual operators with a special/designator): Rügen Radio /DHS (MRD callsign DL2DHS) Norddeich Radio /DAN (MRD callsign DL7DAN) Boulogne Radio /FFB (MRD callsign TM1FFB) ST Lys Radio /FFL (MRD callsign TM2FFL) ST Nazaire Radio /FFO (MRD callsign TM3FFO) Napoli Radio /IQH (MRD callsign IIOIQH) La Spezia Radio /ICS (MRD callsign II1ICS) Roma Radio /IAR (MRD callsign IIOIAR) Genova Radio /ICB (MRD callsign II1ICB) Trieste Radio /IQX (MRD callsign II3IQX) San Benedetto Radio /IQP (MRD callsign IQ6SB) Portisheadradio GKA (MRD callsign MOROA) South Chatham Mass. Radio /WCC (MRD callsign WA1WCC) KPH / KSM Radio (MRD callsign K6KPH) Tuckerton Wireless /WSC (MRD callsign W2WSC) Gothenburg Radio /SAG (MRD callsign SK6SAG) Praha Radio /OLP (MRD callsign OL32OLP) See the RMD Web page for further info and updated stations at: http://www.radiomaritimeday.org PROPAGATION FORECAST Propagation Forecast Bulletin 13 ARLP013 From Tad Cook, K7RA TC0DX-YM0DX WRAP-UP. Pavel, OK1MU, informs that the TC0DX-YM0DX DXpedition team reports (edited): "In 106 hours of operating time, some 21,793 QSOs were made by the TC0DX expedition team working from the rare IOTA Gokceada Island (EU-186). Also, 6,199 QSOs were made by the YM0DX team working from the Bozcaada Island (AS-099). Please visit the following Web page for more info, details, photos, on-line logs, QSL info etc. at: http://www.okdxf.eu/ankety/tc0dx/en/tc0dx.ph p QSL Manager is OK2GZ. QSL by the Bureau, direct or by E-mail (for Bureau QSLs). We would like to thank you once again for ALL the QSOs and excellent pile-ups. 73 and GL from Ankara!" V6, MICRONESIA (IOTA Op). Operators Nando/IT9YRE, Claudio/I1SNW and Mike/K9AJ will be on from their Micronesia tour April 2-19th and be active as V63RE, V63WN and V63J respectively. They plan to activate three different IOTAs: Ngulu Atoll (OC-180), The MLDXCC Newsletter For the past ten days we've observed no sunspots at all. Periods like this, or longer, are expected at the bottom of the sunspot cycle. As mentioned in a recent bulletin, the latest projection for smoothed sunspot numbers from NOAA Space Environment Center has the solar minimum at February through April 2007, with a smoothed sunspot number of 11. You can see the table on page 10 of the Preliminary Report and Forecast at, http://tinyurl.com/yvw2ke. Another way to look at it is that the minimum is projected between December 2006 and July 2007, with a smoothed sunspot number of 12 or lower. Randy Crews, W7TJ notes that the graph at http://www.dxlc.com/solar tells the story on recent trends. But reports still arrive weekly of operators working long distance, even at the bottom of the cycle. Mike Carter, K8CN of Durham, New Hampshire says he runs 50 watts CW into a wire 60 feet long and 20 feet at its highest. He's worked a lot of South Pacific DX on 40 meters from 1100-1200z, and Europe, Africa and the Caribbean on 30 meters around 2100-2300z. The lower part of the HF spectrum is a good place to operate at the bottom of the sunspot cycle. Unlike 10 or 15 meters, 160 and 80 meters won't be bothered by a low MUF (Maximum Usable Frequency), a consequence of the lack of sunspots. With less solar activity comes less problems with geomagnetic disturbances, which can be frequent toward the top of the cycle. Wednesday night about an hour after local sunset I operated 60 meters from my car, using one of those inexpensive popular single-band mobile whips mounted on the trunk. This antenna can't be very efficient, as the length is only about .045 wavelength. 60 meters is an unusual channelized band, with just 5 channels, the top at just above 5.4 MHz. Uppersideband SSB is the only permitted mode, with transmit power limited to 50 watts ERP. The atmospheric noise was high, and the static crashes probably from far-away thunderstorms. Page 10 I made contact with Frank Miller, K9HMB of Harvard, Illinois, nearly 1700 miles to the east of me, and was surprised to receive an S9 signal report. Later, a glance at his antennas at http://www.k9ns.com/ told me what kind of station was receiving K7RA so strongly. See if you can find the photo of a large commercial crane "adding a third beam to the stack." You can see more info on operating in the 60 meter band on the ARRL web site at, http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/regulations /faq-60.html. Dramatic solar images from the Japanese Hinode spacecraft prompted numerous emails this week. The messages referred to a NASA article at http://tinyurl.com/2p5ksk and a New Scientist article at, http://tinyurl.com/ypzhof. Spaceweather.com has a movie from the spacecraft at http://tinyurl.com/ysjrl4 or for today you can see it at, http://www.spaceweather.com/. Clicking on the movie URL should launch a media player on your personal computer. I found the movie better on the second viewing, because all of the content had been buffered and the motion was smooth. This weekend is the CQ World Wide WPX SSB Contest. There probably won't be any sunspots, although a few are on the way. The sunspot number will probably be 0 or 11. The higher frequencies won't be fantastic, but geomagnetic conditions are expected to be stable and quiet. The U.S. Air Force predicts a planetary A index for March 23-29 at 5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 10 and 5. Geophysical Institute Prague says that March 23 should be quiet to unsettled, March 24-25 unsettled, March 26-27 unsettled to active, March 28 unsettled, and March 29 quiet. If you would like to make a comment or have a tip for our readers, email the author at, k7ra@arrl.net. For more information concerning radio propagation, see the ARRLTechnical Information Service at, http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/propagation.htm l. For a detailed explanation of the numbers used in this bulletin see, http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/k9la-prop.html. An archive of past propagation bulletins is at, http://www.arrl.org/w1aw/prop/.Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve overseas locations are at, http://www.arrl.org/qst/propcharts/. Sunspot numbers for March 15 through 21 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0with a mean of 0. 10.7 cm flux was 69.2, 68.7, 69.3, 70.5, 70.1, 72.6, and 72.8, with a mean of 70.5. Estimated planetary A indices were 8, 10, 8, 3, 2, 2 and 2 with a mean of 5. Estimated The MLDXCC Newsletter mid-latitude A indices were 5, 11, 8, 1, 1, 1 and 1, with a mean of 4. MLDXCC 2007 Meetings 3rd Saturday (pending contest or other conflicts). Tentative Schedule below: March 31 in Plymouth. April-no meeting (Easter on 8th and Visalia on 27-28-29) May 19- venue TBD June 9 (Field Day is on 23 & 24) July 7 (IARU on 14, NAQP RTTY on 21, IOTA on 28 & 29) Aug 11 ( NAQP on 4 & 18) Sept 15 (SSB Sprint at 5 PM local) Oct 13 ( Pacificon is 20-2, RTTY Sprint starts at 5 PM local on 13) Nov 10 (In between SS weekends + last weekend is CQWW CW) No meeting in December (only 8 at meeting last year in Dec.) January 2008 ( the least congested weekend I see is 26-CQWW 160 CW is on, but no activity at noon) Membership Criteria Membership criteria may be obtained writing the Secretary/Treasurer at: MLDXCC PO Box 1073 Pine Grove, CA 95665-1073 The club website is: mldxcc.com by The MLDXCC NEWSLETTER Information may be reproduced credit is given MLDXCC. provided 2006 Officers of the MLDXCC President, Dick Wilson, K6LRN k6lrn@arrl.net Vice President, ?? Director, Richard Hill, NU6T REHill@ix.net.com Director, Ken Anderson, K6TA k6ta@arrl.net Treasurer, Carolyn Wilson, K6TKD k6tkd@arrl.net Secretary, Kay Anderson, K6KO k6ko@arrl.net Nugget Editor, Rick Samoian,W6SR samoian@directcon.net QSL Manager, Norm Regan, WA6SJQ Page 11 Qsl73@linkunet.net Publicity Chairperson, K6BEW. k6bew@yahoo.com Brandt Woodard, ARRL Awards Checkers DXCC, Gary Stillwell, KI6T & Ken Anderson, K6TA The MLDXCC Newsletter ARRL Sixth District QSL Bureau P.O. Box 970 Fairfax, CA., 94978-0970 Comments or questions on this bureau's operation may be directed to kc6awx@arrl.net See the W6 Bureau home page (http://www.kqlz.com/qslbureau6/) Page 12